'M 4- TELEGRAPHIC. EASTEUX STATES. I.itst ol Hut I'hrjrniirs. Foiit Itontssox, Neb., Jnu. 22. Tho Cheyenne, Inillnn campaign Iiiik cloned. On Monday Col. HviiiiH found tho reutfyul' s In rlllf (our mil nuith of the bI:io roiul. They tficPtcd thfir escape, utiil hitiwd toward Jtnl Cloud iigoiiet;, Captain Wcsstls storied on their tmll with four coiiipanitH of rnvulry, mid lit noon to-ilny hi! c.iino up with tho'ii nuiin -10 miles from thin pout. Tim worn of enpturlng thf n either ilcml or nllvi beijnn In teiil firm st Nni" Cmyi nuts, nil of Ohm wounibil, xreTf inntiiriil, '.'ll Lillid mid 17 Ulint'couul"! fi i It is i.appisid Hint Kinim dliil of lln'ir wninuls iind i.Ui'Th ruciijH'il Captain WiKNiNwiiHHliiitl) wound si: thus of Wista'Ps couiuiniid, u Heigeiiiit, farrier and olio itlviiti, killed. It It 1'lrncj? K.w York, Jnn. 211. A London dispatch riijh thrit Captain Ad.uu nt Cork reports MluhtltiK, nbout CO miles west of I 'iistnctt, n ship on 11 r i nud n steamer well iimnncd, in tlin neighborhood. On going to thu assist .nnco of thn vessel ho win warned by tho strainer to keep on his course or ho would burn too, nnd not to report what ho had set n, else, ho had Utter look out for him self on IiIh next trip. Wltnt HI. Mnrllii Hit'. W uniiton, Jnn. 2:i. - Tim cbnlrman rnllulHt. Mnrtin, whnwns i suniined ntMomo length regarding tho nllliltvil already pub' Unhid. NYitress stilted thnt how, when net ini; tin Herf-oiiiit-iit-ArniH of Hi? committee, ho lmd returned twelve, or thirleeli subpe linn wllh n n port "not found." Ho did ho on Instructions from Maddux. In nil tln.su rnHtM they wire ultni'ssrs who wire. Itipub Ik'iiiiK, orwItiii'H-iiHho itiuld not fix up to (entity riH Mnddox ilesirt d. ' .Insure In l.iiiilslitnit, .Iaixhonxiu.s.Jiiii 2.'!. Iii tlm U. H. Cir cult Court .ludi',0 Hitllo sentenced tin' lire vnrd county canvassing bonrd, c-filit ictcit for mailing fnlnu n turns of tho rleetiou for lt o roiiuty. Thn clerk was MCntenrid to threo years, Wtluhl, Johns, IhoKliorllTiiiid Justice riHiic ctivilv oiio vcur mill In thn Albany penitentiary. Leo Ik also .Statu Hetiatur from Leo county. All oilier clietion iiwm hnvn been eoutiuiied till tho Slay tirui of Court. Ui'iK'inl .Wits. IteproHi'iitntivo I'lnlny's report favnrH nbo, Iltloti of tho (lovvrmneut printing olllce. Ciinndlnn business men rail for n prolec. tivn tnrilf through thu Dominican Hoard of Trndo. t'nriillmi t'.trrllnti I'miiils. ('lUiii.KHTiis, Jnn, INI, lleforo tho Teller roinmilteo, J. S. VonnLf, n colored supervisor, (Itep.)nt thn ill iiiila hoiiiio poll, testlfliil thnt when tho ballot box was npwitil nu ox- rcHrtoCIII ballots uns found, nil of which were Di'innrr.illi) tissue, ballots. Tlin sur phiH fitim were, wlllidniwn nnd nil but flvo withdrawn went ltepuMtciiu voles. Witness aw only two Uimiih tloketH vnt.il. Vittii)n testified that tissue, tickets had be ill lined by Itepuhlli'iitiH at a prim iry election in Chnrli's ton yearn ngo. Wlmlnin' lllli;:'aornl. Window's propoiiltiim lnokiiu I" nsslstln,' thni'olorid population of llic. Kniilh to nib Hrnto to new luiiiitN in llio west, Ih favorably reclined by rcpnsentiitivu coloied turn. A tli'li-giitluu from nix .Southern Hliiles, calling on thu Kenntor yesterday, inehulliig Senator Ilruco nnd Keprcst'iitnlltt'S Cuin, KiualU nnd Uninoy, told him that the colored penplo nre not sittisllcil with their condition: nud that local clubs hnvo already begun to ugitatc. tho -ijuuHllon. Mpr Vurk Nnniliiullonii. WiNiiiNOToS, Jnn, ill. Tho Kcnntu com mitteo on nouiiiintloiiH h.H dicided to report ndmiftly to thn New York uoiuinatlon. Ne Ih MprnUH. Hhnron Hild ou pri urntiiiK 'ho rcHolutlonit of tho NuviufV b-uUlntiiru tn-dnv: "Tho , flIU couipbilli''. of bnvo fx'ntud lonu time, , Tho peoplo 1;I n il((Ut to Im protecied im lh 0erninei!t. bl nubxIdUed IIiIm toud by their money mid JaiiiU. C(iu;;re.i idiould neo tbut tho peopbAuro not imjioiied upon by llimo railroad corporation. In other otU thn creature kIioiiM nut be ullourd to rlmi nbovu Hid creator." 'I lip ChpyriiiirN, Tout UoitiN-tow, Jim. til.--Captain We sell's command nrrhrd In iaup this after-' noon bringing tlm di ad bodies nf Sergmut Tiigguil, l'rl.ilis Itiowu, Nelson nnd ) plnlse, the latter haliii dlidou the roal; nlso thu wounded nud suvi n t'hejelinu prU oners, three Kipims nnd fur ililldreu, of whom three, iiro wuuudid Of thn nine can to red n bin k nud it sipl.tw died bi fore rem h lug lieie. 'I lii-y wen- ran Hilly senrelieii inn Th..y wer, iMUfully searehed nnd ! lulu WVS...IN wound Is x.ry h..kUI. nnd tho. u .. i. ,.ii i i w ... . of Sergeant Aii.bloHPiiudl.-daiidV.ini,, u IMlt 111 IMllllll nilllt-1 riUIIII IIIMIH UK-Ill. 11,1- I Hies (In, II in Hfouti. not daiuiimt. board iiioi Is nt this pout to nun row to nilW mi liiti'tigiitlou intniliH whule altilr .illnliiu iiiir.', In ,, Ynrli. Nku Yiiiix, Jan. 21 - Tin' I'vniuiuing com iiiittto of llio Stock Eii'liiini:i' hiv olnl to phico milling stock iipoii tin ir Int. Thry ' icipilrn u snurn slnliiiiieiit of thu tluimeial1 i nndillnii of the company making the iippli-1 cilion, aim In semi nl Its ixpeii'o au expert named by the Eehuugutoexiuilue In piop- rly of thu I'uiiipitiiy. Tlie llrst mining stoek pi, iii d ujiiiu the llt i the llouu.t.ike Mining (!iimnuy of California, aluo $10,. IHSI.DIIO of the llnuiestiMil Miuin Compsll) of L'ukota. .1 ItemtM-rnllr M'lluesn. N.w Oklkins, Jan. '.'I.- -llefore tl4 TnlUr lAimniitleu, lteprentst to N. J. Cnuiuiiiic. I member of thu legislature from Nstchi- lochrs, iMtlned: Ih.. gntnl enor of lh i tesliiuouy of witiHh.es ou tho l.epubllo.iu nido is to the effect of tonsplriicy ou ihe tart of Driuocrnts in bnaU uii negro tnrt't tugs (or political etftct. Such Ustimouy is iiiniuallhVdedly fslse. There were no organ tied band such ns lllounl deseribul. Our notion Hgaliut lllouut unit others was tsktn for protection, they hating tbrc.itemd to get negroes together to bum tlm tiiwu. It was repoited tint lllouut had 10 or 11 armed negroes in his hoiue. Aftir eoiisnlutlou we concbnlod that it would not be safe to Itt him remain there. Wiluess was acting as -bicf of (Kilien. The utfalr was quietly managed und no violence couleruphited. Witness conitdered tho Uiedls wltuesi.es tho most bloodthirsty men ho etur saw. When they wero acting with the Democrats they proposed to kill thu Itepubllcau lenders. It was uaturnl enough tor us to think when they tumid m it to the other kI.Io that they would propose to kill us. The testimony of witness throughout was cbutr,idictor to llcpuhtU'iiu wituctscj, except as to lllouut, HruUs aud others being ordered to leave the parish, but witness said that that waj not political. He declined to express an opin lou as lo whether it would be safo (or UndJs to return, they having done great iujiutlcc to the whole people of the pnrwli. More Cipher llislvlii's. Wi.ntMiTos, Juu. 21. Ilutler offered the following; Hcsolti'd, That tho committee receive from Duller the cipher dispatches which he shall present to them, and that tho clerk be "T!P,?"Tt',,'MiW. sstis v nv-.- r..,.. -r-f fr'm.lOj tri;nurs:ui ,.' illrecled, In connection with somo person whom Duller Khali denlgnate, tnnko u com pletu iliveutory of Ihn dinpatches so received In duiiUcnlc. nnd certify to tho witut, ono copy to bo jlreiicreil for tho nirof tho com--mitteo 'nd one tlvtn to Ilutler; 'that' nil cipher dlxpatclicH no roctnetl snail iiopriuicil for thu conimittio; that, units bcrcAftir rithirwiso oubled. before nuy "riulnal roplcs shall be ',hoii out for publleutibU, they sllnllj ho submittid to Im chosen l'. n person wlio idiall be sworn loiniikofnithful transcription mid ih'fiiher the S'liuo nccotilln to his bent linoubdge, tJ.ill nud nbility, and that ho will not allow nny cipher diHpiitches (iven him to bu iiftewnnN plvin to nny per son or ven oi.t fur publication, nor any of thn dijiu b ' nur nny Hiippojcil translation Hitbo'i' jr , i.h nyiLnmimt obtnliud from i!jo i niiittt- to do so, mul lie will return to tb' ' :;. milt 'it all printed sheets nnd tele (rami eii'iiiiiltid to 111 in with such transla tion as ho shall make, receiving from tho comuilllio midi rcasonnbln sum for his work im llio couum'tco nhnll judge proper. Tho resolution was unanimously Bgrccd to. lb id then oflVied tho following: Wnr.ltKAH, Hewitt of Now York, in his plncu in tho House, niter alleging that Bntn uel J, Tildcu Iiah been charged with the eiphtr rtixpitchcs, hns demanded thnt Tilden hnvo an opportunity to faeo his licensers be fore n competent tribunal. Therefore, ltesolvid, That ii copy of this committee din cling t 111 -t cnmmltteu to invO'itiKato tho ilplitr illpiilihes bo heut to Tildcu, nud Hint Tilden bu nllowtd to bo represented by counsel In tin' 1'oltcr committee to day thn resolu tion of llt'prcntnliitivo Kicd providing that Tibb'ii by ulloAed to bu represented nt the Meeting of committee by (ouusel, was ta bled InMuid of neeuplid, in stilted in n form i r repoit. Thu Domocrnts nil totidto table the riKiiliitioti nnd tho ltepublicnns iigalnnt U, Ilutler being silent. lOKKHiX SV.t. (runt Hull lor luillrt. SI i.srkim.iii, Jiiri'j:!, Kx-1'rcsident Grunt nnd family shIIli! to-day in thu Trench mall sunnier haboiirdarls for Indl.i, lllali III Kilropc. Iioniiox, Jan. 23. Sevcro cold uojther preriills nud much suffering und dotltUtiuu urn reported thioiighout tho imtlro kingdom. Yloh ut iiiiiw htnrnis block thn ltossinn rail ways. Kuvvii IhoiiiMUd laborers nru opnlilug eoiiimuuicatiou betwetn Moscow and riebni topol A SoIpiiiIIIp 1'nrly In nistrrs. Tho Oolo ntinouuees that niithcntio intel ligence has been received from tho governor of Eastern Hibirla thnt Professor Nonbiusk juld's htoanier Vega is ice bound 400 miles from tho East Capo. A special reiki com iiilttrii of reindeer nnd dog sbilges has been orij.iul.ed, but it is feared that this assistance is too Into. Vir.KNA, Jan 31. Thn (Icruian nud A us trlaii deb gates ngretd to propose to thu in ternational sanitary ciiiiiiuiKslon, which meets to-day, thu Immediate adaption of tho following measures: Dispatch doctors to in ftn ted dintrlit in IIumU to study the char ii"ler, pro.rrenri nnd local oxlentlon of tho iilaiMe: tho rompkto nrohibtt.'on of impor tation of nil mi rchandiso from thn lnffctt.il region, und certain nrllcles coming from nuy pait of Itii'sln, nud tlnilly a iUarnntiuu of li uty days ut tito eastern and southeastern froutiir stations upon till persons coming from infietdl dlstlicts. Thn Austrian gov trnment intends introducing n bill In tho ride hsr.ith for meeting thu vxpi uses of pre cautionary measures against thu plague, I'.itssinn riprckuntatiru nre expected (o-ibiy to iittend thu first meeting of tho siinltary tnmmUsioii. I'AEIFIOCIIAM'. riri nl Onhlsnil. Ka Fiiancisco, Jan. 23, At half past ono this morning nflro brukoout InE. M. lllslr's I planing milt at the corner of (Irovu nud llrst strriUin t)bUuit. ,Jt spread to the Cali fornia Jirliigc unii iiniiuiiig uompauy s mill adjoining, mid both were destroyed, Loss istiiiiatiiliit.lD.IIOil. Nun I'rmirlsiii lleiu. A stiudy rain hn been falling siuco esrly list likening; wind fres from tho South und inery i nllcallou of it prolonged storm. the merchants protvctlvo nssoclallou unit tint lioanl ol trailu at meeting itenlay in ib.rsed Suuitor llooth's sul)!ilUry stiver mil nun resolved in clri'iiialo lor blgunlure n pilltiou In Cun -rum in its favor, Slrtlmuii, of tuicket shop net nitty, was held In uiiswtr to-d.ty on 10 charges of em WMleliielll. iliil, 311,000. I'rlse I'lu-lil In lrtflnin illy. t 1.... i I in... T If. .Ill ,,,T; Vu. ,,, ',.. "f. ' "? h i(v 7 ....... "..: - I Aalnilla t. ....... , '.......l fl. .I, ... ..I..I., T .. . . r ,' , ... . I., in r ,.,, T" ,'i u ..V ''i Ilalliau In la rounU ami lateil one ,, ..,. ,... .,...,, . .,, '' . Ian f.i .mil ll hiu fill- .llllin ii, ill IIiiii.iIm r.l. i'i ..i i: ",.... lll'llll'J. Il.llllltlll 11111111 IMIl 1 tllllllllUll, IMlt hi tii'iiieiidiius hitting won. He foiced tlm tight friuii thu tlrnl. Ills l.i.t blow knocked I.yuu tbriiiigh Ihe ropes. Sun t'riiiu'Ueii llein. S Er.xM'iti o. Juu. 21 - Tho Sin Eran la it titnck board to-day du'Urul it dividvud of ijliill pr sent, payabto imniediattly, ll bus In en rumored that e-SmnUry llfllimihul the Wills Eur go Mining Compa ny, who was dinchargiM Jtiuunry 2d, had nttrlsituisl thu slock of tho company to the iliumiut of 2.0.S0 shsrvs, ami had collected nn imsHsstiDiit of rU cents a sharu on thu ovirlue. Thu I'nsldeut nnd SevroUry are liKinenled toiltliisud from Hvllmsii the bal- iiiieo nf Ihnovtrlssue and tho sum of $1,010, Con.Cl Illegally ou nssessmeiits, and when MA stock nud mouey U collectbd to dispose f UI) , ,,,. t, Uv, nud to tsko ,b nrt.,.Hs4ry proceedings under the lav. to llfotv.d thu inin.tltUs atUcned thereto. Tho Hangman's Record for 1078 Nhu'ly-six nuinlorvM wero hnngeil in the 1'iiitcsl .States during the past rear, which is mi increase) of thirteen emu piinsi with tho previous yenr. All weio men; 10 sew white, A'J wero colored, two lmliins nml nuil ono ('litii:im.in;tivo weist IuuiimI for outri'g'o; four for wifo munler nml ono for lilliciile; then wero SHven donblo executions, four triple nuil two ipuivlruplc. More wero luiugeil on Vi iiluy than on nil tho other il.ivh com hineil, tho number liciiij 70, ami 'J5 wero hmiKcil in Mnn:K 'llio Southern States hail 70 per cent, of all thu hunting, anil nearly two thirds weiii negroo. In tho list of states, Tonus eomci liftt with ten, l.oiuiuna nine, South (,'nmliua eight, -MuKuna eight. Noith Carolina, eight, Vennsylv.inia six, .Mis.souri, tie, CJeor gi:i live, Aikansaa four, TunneiMteo four, t'nlifoiiil.i four, New York thnv, Ken tucky, .Montana, Dcl.iv, mv, Yirgiiitu, Ohio, Mtiryiiind, Ml.vUslppi, each two; Mii.sMtclnisett.H, Kcw Hampshire, Iudi. nua, Nevadu ami Arizona, vach one. CONOHEHSIONAL. Hnlr. WAsitwaio, Jan. 23. Morrill, from special commlttcoi, reported caucus bill nnd wilt call it up Tuesday. Durnsldo reported in favor of $ 250,000 ns n permanent fund for education of tho blind. Consular und diplomatic appropriations pused ns ngrcciljo by touftrenco commit tees. Amount 91,03'J,H3j. Aftir cixiuttvo session, Benito adjourned. ItllllSP, In comiuitti'cSl thu whol on tho bill to nppi) proiccds of public lands to popular education. l'oyc wanted to amend to secure benefits of mt to colored children in tho South. Ooodo would consent If it did not estab lish colored schools, Monroe explained that each State, boforo money could bo drawn, was to file with tho secretary of treasury tho law of Buch State accepting provisions of tho net nnd providing that the fund should bo applied to free edu cation of nil children. Townsoud, of New York said It passed pa tience to thus seo loyal States thimblo rigqod out of their interest in public lands. Amendments were proposed nud not acted ou when commlttsarose. Hewitt reported army appropriation hilt and would cull it up alter post ofllco appro priation was disposed of. Cox, of Now ork' Introduced n bill to rcg ulnto courucrco between Uulti d States and Jauada ur.d for rlciprocnl navigation. Cox also reported bill to tako the federnl ci usiin, Itynn from snruo committoe made minority report, KWKNIMl AESSIO.f. Weddell, chairman of tho comiuitteo on post nlllccH and pent roads explaiued tho bill for classification of mail tnatttr, It de vldo4 thu mall matter Into four classes: 1st, wrllliu matter; 2d, pcrlodlcnl publications under registration; 3d, lnUeellaueous printed matter; '1th, merchandise. It inakeHtho rate of postago uniform on nil periodicals, wheth er ilaily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. The bill was satlsfuctory to thu publishers of thu country. HPiintr. VAsuIN(lIos, Jan. 21 A memorial was reccliod from thoWomnu's ltights Association, for an iimendinrut to tho constitution prohibiting States from difran cbWlug iersous on ii'.count of sex; referred Sharon presented n resolution from Nova da, against unjust discrimination in railroad Intents, A bill relating to postal matters waa con sidored at length and referred to special com inittec. House. A proposition to have tho sugar bill made n sperlsl onler lor vt citucsilay luxt was oo locted to by lUnku. ! Sctiata moendmints to bill apnropriating ,00,000 lor the trnniHirtnllon of coin aud I liiiUinu, nml iIu,0U0 for miscellaneous ex' penses of thu House were concurred hi. I Fuller submitted a resolution directing tho committee on ways nnd means to consider Iho feasibility of enacting n law to equalize I the iuteruul revenue tux among theStntis; adopted. Tho House went into committee of tho I whole on prlvatu cilcmhrf. Almost nil war : claims bills wero objected to by llrugg. Tho 'committee rose nud 112 private bills leported I wero passed by the Home. II tuning presented n substltuto for thu army organization bill aud atkcel to havo it prlntcii; so ordered. Saylor presented a bill for the cxteuslou of tha pri vllegea of Cincinnati us a port of entry; lefurrcd. Tho House then took n recess till 7:30, tho evening session to bo for th.o business of ju diciary. li ' - " Marriago. .Miirriagi, or eugiigeiuentri to many, nhotild not bo nten.il into inconsiderate ly. If tho old axiom that haste makes waste is tnto iih apilieil to the ordinary utr.iii'n of life, it may he said that ituiltio haste often resultn in unspeakable mis ery in matrimonial alliances. Love is pinu'ihiiilly blind; he is more ho is willfully blind und should ho mude to open hut eyes. A little common hens" initili's ml vuntacotisly with every thing; nn f.u fiom being out of place, it is it n nbaoliito e.sienti.ii to .mfciy in alliiii-a of the heart. .Many n girl has had her whole InppiiiOHs for life destroyed he c,ius she ohstiL'iitciy chose to form her eslim ite of tho character of n Mititer ex clusively )y Un beh.ivior low.utU her, nml Ids prnfe.ihiou of love, rather than by liisioniluct tow.uxli othetS. It is a jiretty info rule that n man who.se whole life is but mi oxotuplifuution of hellish-in-ss will not timtiimo generous in tela tiou to his vife, C'hanicter is hcldom revolutionised hy marriage. There may be a slight reform temporarily; it rarely lasts long. And men miller as well as women from ill-assorted uiirriugen. Many a towering ambition hits been crushed, many a cupful of happiness hna been converted into tho dregs of hitter uctss, from tho neglect of a young nun to become thoroughly actpiaiiitesl with a girl heforu engaging himself to her. Improbable Rumors. I have just received a niece of news I should havo lieen inclined to treat with incredulity, if 1 had not obtained it from a quarter worthy of high consideration. I am informed that on the reassembling of Parliament in February tin intima tion will ho made in both Houses, that, in consequence of her recent bere.tvo. ment unit for other considerations, also of a persoal nature, the Queen luu de cided to ivlintpaish tho reins of power in favor of tho I'rinee of Wnlea as Vrinco Regent. Of course, I give ou this ex. truordinnry intelligence for wleit it is worth. I may, however, be permitted to remind you that there have already been llegenU at tho html of the r'tuj liah realm, und, although wo .should do ploix) tho day that witue.visl tho abnega tion by tho Queen of that power which she wielded with hitch bingul.tr wisdom, yet it would be tmpo.vdblc, at the Mine time, not to feci that in 1k-:u trans ferred to tho l'lincv of Wales the sover eignity had passed into hands already familiarized with the exercise of royal and national duties. London Corr. 1 Jv erpool l'oat. Traoklng Crlmetwith tho, .Mioro Boopc. . If. (!. Hyde, Piesident of tho Culffor nia Mieroscopial .Society, in n paj'er re cently read boforo tho nocicty, 6n tho huhjuct of "The Microscope In" Medical durisDrudenci)," nieiitiotiH tho following i c.ihos in wliioh tho microscotio aidtsl in 1 tho detection of the criminal : Homo years njro there wan a caso of child-murder in France. Thu child had Immi l.'ilb. 1 l.v piittitir' iiu tiirniit. nnd n ' knife uippo-ed to have been used in the commission of tho deed, was found in tho po-iStssion of tho accused. A care ful oxamiuitioti hovod what were ho Moved to ho blool htitins, in a crovico between tho bl.ido and handle, which had been overlooked in the cleansing pro cuss which tho knife had gone through, nnd the substanco was submitted to nn nhlo microscopist, who, after n thorough investigation declared that tho nui statico was huiniu blood; that it was tho blood from thu region of tho throat this fact determined by tho presenco of tho epithelial Kcales peculiar to thu fauces, nud, furthermore, there wero found frugmonU of rabbit fur. Thin ar ray of facts wan conclusive of tho uno of the knifo in cutting tho throat of the murdered child the additional circum stances being elicited that nt tho timo of tho hilling thu child had a r.ihbit-furtip tut nbout its neck. Confronted with theso discoveries, tho prisoner confessed hor guilt (thu unii'itur.tl monster was n woman), und was executed. Another case, whichl havo met some where reading but cinuot recall tho facts, wa.i wheruthe accused attempted to prove an alibi, and would havo been successful hut for thn fact that his bootn wero cov ered with a whitish mud, and it occurred to tho authorities to have this mud ox iiiniiied by n competent nucroscopist. Tho examination showed that the mud wan diatnmaceouseaith, and identical in itH contained forms with a deposit whero the crimu hud been committed. This conclusively disproved tho alibi, nt leaat bo fur ns tho nlibi is concerned. Tho general result of the ciso I hnvo for gotten. For Ntirsos to Romembor. Remember to be extremely neat in dre.s.t. To have tho hair smooth mid caps and aprons clean. A few drops of hartshorn in the 'water used for daily bathing will remove the divigrcc.ihlo odors of warmth mid perspiration. .Never hjirnk of tho .symptoms of your patient in his presence unless cpjcstioiicd liy tho doctor, whoso orders you are nit wuvh to obey implicitly. Komumbor never to bo n gossip or tat tier, and "always to hold hatred tin knowledge which, to n certain extent, you must obtain of the private ullairs of your patient ami the household in which you nurse. Try to gie as littlo trouble to tho servants ns possible, ami make them feel that you have come to help them in the extrn work that mekness always brings. Never contradict your patient or ar gue with him, nor lot him sec thnt you iiru annoyed about nuything. Never whisper in the sick loom, if your patient be well enough nud wishes you to tall; to him, speak in a low dis tinct voice on cheerful subjects. lion t relate painful hospital oxeriencc, nor give tletniti of the maladies of former ii'itieuts; und remember nuver to startle him with dreadful crimes or accidents that you hnvo read in tho newspapers. Wtito down the ordoM that the iihv- Hici in gives you as to the time for giv ing the medicines, food, etc. liivn an account of vour patient to the physician in as few words ns possi Me. Keep tho idjiii bright unless the doc tor orduiy it darkened. Let tho air be a pure ns vou can, ailing it from outside, "as windows ,iro made to open. Keej i oven thing in order, but without being fujay or bustling. Uaea of tho Potato. In Franco f.u ilia ia lurgelv used for culinary puipose.s. The famed gruvitw, sauces and soup.s of France are largely initooteu tor their exccllecnce to that source, and its bread and pastry timally ko, while a great ileal of the so called cognac, imported into F.ugland from rrauce, is the product ot the potato Throughout Oermany tho same use are common, in rohiiitl the manufacture of spirits from tho potato Ls u most ex- tensivo tnwle. "Htettm brandy, well known in commerce, Ls largely imported into England, nud is sent from thence to many of her foreign iossessions its the produce of tho grnjie, and is placed on many a table of Knghiml as the .same. while the fair ladies of our country per fume themselves with the spirit of potato under tho designation, etui de cologne. Hut thero are other uses which this es culent is turned to abroad. After extract jug tho farina tho pulp is manufactured into ornamental articles, such its picture frames, anull Ikjxcs and several descrii- tions of toys, and the water that runs from it in the process of manufacture is a most valuable scourer, tor nerfivtlv cleansing woolens and such like ai tides, it is tho liou.sewitos panacea, and it thu washerwoman happens to have chilblains sho becomes ctuxsl by the ojvration. little five-year-old daushter of one of our prominent.busines men, in offer ing up her evenius prayer recently, ut tered the folio ing: "God blew mamma, bleu apa, and make him buy mc a dog a great big one. that'll whin the devil out of all of 'em." Natural History. In Small Chunks for Small People. "Is this a hor.se V " Yen, this Ls n horse. Children cry for him." " Has he been broke 1 " No, but his ehuntcs are powerfully good. Thero won't be anything but his lieud left in four weeks from this." "How many species of Iion-eH tiro found in America I" ' Well, tie"1"' the clothe home, the s-iw horse, tie wmg hone, lior.se chrst nut, hobby hoiw nnd icvi r.il other kinds of hoiwx This i a gi eit couiitr for horses, especially for fast ones " " Does every owner of ti horse think ho can trot in 2:101" "lie does. Ho knows it as well us ho knows it is daylight. You nover saw a horso yot which was not supposed to bo very fust, even when hitched to n post." " Rut I have Keen lots of horses that couldn't irot a mile in livo minutes." " Yes, so havo I, but thero was somo excuse for it. llu didn't fort good, or thu bit was too large, or the harness tlid not set good, oi ho had bctn thinking of his childhood days and w-as had-hcnrtc.il. Thero is always tho plainest reason in thowoild why ovety horsu doesn't let himself out liko a ntiv.il: of giciuscd lightning." "They are n very useful animal are they notl" " Very. If your neighlxir has one and will lend him, you'll liud him just what you want." "Do they le.isonl" " They do. You Hdom s.-o a horsu try to Into n man behind him or kick a hostler nfier ho gets out of thu barn." At what iiiw do they dioT' "At ten. You can iind thousands of horses which aro ten years old, and havo been over sineo any ono could remember, but they never get up to twelve. Even after their teeth nro worn down to the gums nnd their sight gone, they aro suii poscd to bo nbout ten." "Ih tho Arubinn horso very beatiti f ul 1" "Ho is, as you will sop by this pic ture. If you "can get a puro-bloodod Arabian horso don't over tako a Cana dian pony." "What is a sijuar" hartn r.ieo I" "It h mi nil'air where several men get together and privately ngree that a cer tain hor.se shall win, and he always does." "What is a pool?,' "It is a spot of mini nud watr some thing similar to a mud-puddle." "What is 'pulling' a hoi so I" "Hitching ii team to a ropo around his neck." "What is tho hoin-st:etclii" "It is when tho man who has hot on tho wrong horso stretches his legs for home, knowing that his wifu will givo him fit." "What Ls meant by :i 'bad brink I " It is when a horse breaks threo of his legs." "And what is a skip 1" "It is when tho gate-keeper lights out with u pocketful of money." "What is 'scoring i'" "It is trying to got t'twiry feet ahead of the other horses in the stmt." "Why do they .ijt !c :' r.iee-tmcks as tho turf!" "Ih'causp all the turf has been care fully removed." "When is a hoi-i.0 nil" !" "When hu shoots out of tho gato and httitts for home, driving himself. That's enough tor to-day, and nlsiut enough for the horse." Detroit Fm 1'ivs.s. StonowallJaokGon'3Death Wound. (Jeuerul .Tubal A. Karl v contributes, to the December number of tlm .Southern Historical Sociotv pap- rt m. elahor.ito article on the woundiiig of Stonowall Jucksou, which will ! read with pain- till interest by eveiy t vi 'oiuetlnnite. It includes a long and phiinly written imr rative by dipt. Ii. R. Wilburn, of Mis sissippi, who wus the only oiUcci nctu ally with General .Taeksen at the timo he was wounded. In the words of Gen eral Kuily ; "His account of the wholo iifTnir show a how vey erroneous aro tho generally received accounts; and it now appears that instead of riding to tho frout to reconnoitre tho nmy iind then imprudently galLping bartc toward his own line, (5euer.il Jacki-on was slowly riding to the front, whita nuking every ellort to hurry forward the troops, when ho was tired on by a portion of his own men ou the light (south) of tho road, ami obliquely from the rear, and that then the hon of his parry that were not shot down wheeled to tho left, and ho gallojied into the woods on the left to esea(o the tire, whenlw was fired ujkhi by another body of troops on the north side of the ro.i'l." It was by thLs last tiro that General Jackson waa wounded. One ball struck him in tho left ami two inches below tho thouldor joint, shuttering the bone and severing the chief artery; a second pa.-wed through the same ami between the elbow and wrist, making its exit thiouvth tho palm of tho baud, and a third ball euteiedtho palm of his right hand, about tho mid tile, anil passing through broke two of thu bones. All the circumstances tsur rounding the wounding, a well as thoso immediately preceding and .ucceediug, aro told with graphic distiutne-sa nud picturesque detail, ami denral .Kaily'ri article, although appwuti iutended only us a reply to sciu? t-rrc ecus stato menta of General Reivn, ;u m book entitled Keel nnd Saddle, h really tx moat valuable contribution tothoniatory of tho war, Charleston (S. C.) NeWa. i ! The oldest inhabitant a circus joke Living CheBsmon. Recently thero was an entertainment gtvon at Choral Hull, Sowicloy, l which was cortainly of a unique charac' tor in this county. I hnvo just read of something somewhat similar in Ilohrj; Minturn'ii " Now Yoik to Delhi," p.lg, 110", though in that caso it was luck gammon or checker.!, instead of cluw Note to tho tournament. Choral lh was Hocuied and scits wero arranged, ascending in cm ry direction from the chessboard, o th'it .!! niiht bo able to sec th'' wholo n'l'ur. Tho squares wCtt mtiilo of ted and wli'to cloth, each some two feet square. The liguiei weio well known young jadics and gentlttntn connncted with the church and coiigi-eg- lion, dressed in npproprinto and quit, I sliowy costumes. Tho players wero R .1. Novin nnd I 'rank J. Tottcn. Tli,tse gentlemen wero ulevatetl on pinnll ph(. forms on opposite sides of tho room, each with a chessboard leforo him. (jj theso tho heralds, Mcssra. Hnny Prii and .John Tussoy, waited nnd gave w, in a distinct voico tho moves that w, to bo made. T'hesu tho pttrsuivanU, Lioutunnnt Osgood, U. H. A., Frofcstoj in tho Western University of Pcnnyl- Mima anil uoionei .;. i. isuvin, s.iwwcrt correctlv made. Soon nftorcight o'clocl ono of tho trumpeters, Alexander Inrii ill n spirited inanuer, sounded ou L, cornet a summons to tho contest. Tha was answered by Mr. .Sten.nu atltniraUj I eornct-playcr, somewhere in tlmtlisUna, Kliortly afterward the redi and wlnta, with a truinpetei in; tin if head, rnttnj thu hall and tool; their rospjctivo tkh lions in lino onler. Coinpowl ns t! wero in targo pan or boiuu vi ineprcs. est girls in this patt of thu Hlato, ij tastefully tlecorateii anil nccounnniel by their rosp.'ctive kings, kiiigli, liishojis, etc., all suitably caparisaui with sliielils, spears, tumor, lj.igs, ck, it tiiiidn ivnlly a beautitul sight. Jui Kirkjiatrick served as iiinnifiiill, andi though I cannot vouch tor tho JuiM skill ns n chess player, or his knowM; of tho gniiw, ho very gnicctuiiy, i somo c.qiitnlly played side hits, ns tin! with him, ut sumo prominent gcntleca present, introduced thu players in it contest to the multonco as at old tins at tournaments, though it was stuped! that ho drew his lore more from Iwsi mid Sir Walttr Hcott rather than frj Hiiyle. Tho contest for the lir.it move tu with tho bow mid arrow, by two of ti beautiful pawns, und t raid ted infaiotj the risk Mr. 1!. P. Nervin struciw boldly at once, und was meet br It Totlen, with equal promptness. Form hours nud over tho battle waged ri varying success with noiiio :nisul and misiiioveinents, of course, W watched, for a ountry ncighborlw with intense intcicst n number of p tlennin taking down oven moieiMt carefully, nud ninny of tho ladies wwi injr with no leoii inteivst. The pU'Ri wero ovitlcntly annoyed or startled ccS of tlieir equanimity hy mi occmikm. short, sluirii biiust or tho cornet, reman fnir the nlavur that it was titnotodedut his move. (jmlunHy tho pawns, kniU rooks nml white queen began toihsipv Mr. Neviti snerilleiii'? nn iinnortaiitiw I to get tho guiiitl of Mr. Totten's pv6 broken: but this tlone, ho seemed w w constantly ou the ngivsrtve, rcceina? s.ilutat-v hints ovei v now nitl then d his opjionent win not to he trifled rt Hut alxmt half past ten o'clock it ' evident that in threo or lour tt" "checkmate" would ring out on l!i-"i of tho whites- Very gniccfully, 'J'l iiiinllent Miiiits. Me. Totten SjM: "Rfl -------- j----- i whites mil-render; w-o have done ourlo. but in vain." Mr. Nevin rcMioadWi lcnowledgiug couiteously that, mtliefj citemeiit of tho ivc.viion, the roJ,-i icniiuders of tho tiuni eter, thu ari'?j or tuo iiuiltenct', mui mnue misuse the i.ut of tholiiii2 chfsiir.e:i, i dillicult to keen coil, aud that he go into another i:out-st with a.r. v . . ... .i with no little trepidaflon. Bayard Taylor and Marshall Mabon Tin. T.nmlisM ifiin',ijiinnileut 0 Trillium isolates tlin fnlldwill" an'l ...-.,.. .... ......- . of the late Hayunl Tuylor: On tu-- ot the 1st ot jihv ho went to --m MaeMalnm's otlieia.1 reoiMition ut fl in Paris. Ho foiiml himself Oil 8'1 absolutolv nloiie. The oiUcitd rr ments wero ho niiMgro that not so s Willi Marshal MacMshon, Mr. T had no acquaintance. In such stances most men would have IV awav. or would have mingled C51! ..till !... m.u..t Mt- T.ivlfir Ml his way to tho Marshal, introJ himself" by his name and title, ffl lilu .Inn .ji.tiiliiiwiiif nml fVliKeil W In nresnnk his wifu und tlaVtfl The 3InrnhaI, whatever his political is tiuick to recognize manly fraawl rr.. ,ij xi. Tal,,i, oiinli.itlr. ' ried otT tho party nnd presented vm to tue auciies-s, wnu, in n, .- i them with marked civility. "I tbi5l R.ibl Mr. Tavlor. in describitii: tk ' rla.,t tn !.. .iilm bn bad no choict-i wad known' that I was in Paris. acJl beer, asked to this ceremony. If l ..... tfitlinnl mnl.-l,ir l&'l known, my supposed absence woiiLsj been set down as a piep bi riuTB cfrrtes.ness. and I was detemiaw no suich chnnre shonld U" br- against a Minister or tho Americss public. We never vet heard of ever. traniD drintini' mucilatre on acftW stick Mail, But, dlil you ever 11 a Intel pocketing a watch on accw its McS' Trsrinrm