Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 31, 1879, Image 1

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    3QieT- -
OF mnnomPTioN
wi cnva tun
Willi matt o Farmer,
u-3fiHi Mfunatltclivpl.to
C3.UQ 2?T Annum.
vrp, CIUMB
$2.50 Per ItZouib
fcfoi in. h uf Mittl iliv r"n for
ti.i P.rt imu'.l ,
aa,oo rcr nseniii
Tor two Imiii.
S-",CO lci ST ci't
I',v !,. s y, -,
'or . i t i 1 1. (' . i
Local .tilvcrtlopint ti i
ltiMUhtJ ui lur..Mi' Ti ri
IV ilrin IUVnJ fTo' ill lu . ipi-ela
lenuf ; net Ion Unit) JJ.. i r i icutli lor
u eoiutmi ol Nmlv .in In.
rif " W V . Vov V i. rtW WV"fc - If flr fW W "tjV WW' " . -.3C & ,'?- - ((.- W
In answer to our dljmlfidl and posit lie nr
niinmi'iiS of the Orejjjnhui, In connection with
ltn tintnutv.iiitl.y rejrl.i of tlio ulowtmsr
l.et, utul wheat ti-anuactiouu iu tLuute, tbat
paper tan fo. P5vor.il day fiothod and fumtd
iu f. marmir llr.i.,cfal to ibi liili and ox-clu-iivo
i itUrmonj in thci Hold of juiiruJIcn
It attempt.! In nuiko harel word nnd dirty
epithets tinnier our aawrtionn of iu lit'ldclity
to tbe producer, uf Oregon and Wahiuton,
and places itself Uluw our coutempt liy tin.1
uo of Linguac tliat no uvntluiiuui with
proper R.-lf-i.ci'i'Ct, Mill in) JouniJiht with
proper respect for tho Inti-llisetico aiiJ charoa
tcr of Orcyou ami Portluut rcAdcrttcaii afford
to use. It upoakri of tho ".Mounulxuih
Fanner," with the same llippincy it oncotic-Eouuc-od
t)u tllftinguiilitil jui-Ut, who bi IT, !i.
Dtitrict diul;;o for Oregon, crdlitie; him "tlji
fl(hlictt mculiuii" known, and wo rxp-ct to
buiniliito it iH iiiucli .1 tint ilUtiuyulsliotl
gvnUciu.in ilul l fctu Srott uto dirt iioU;)i to
unlic ili rxo uitli Mm, for vu havo
trutlionour aide, run! fluOl, licforouii clou1,
gh-u t!iu ;;'lit!imfiu tlio niitbnrilivii lio i'.a
tnanilA "HnriS votih liivnlc no Ujiim, my
rimUk." Wo lenvo tlm pulllo wu w.rvn V
judo Ktuivu tlio rliMi.tt aud thU uuid-Ui
iiuUxrut of Orc,;uti jounialUm.
Wu linvc nxM'rtcil t!ikt whilo llm Orvj-onian
kj given I i jkt iiaartcr, iu) thi iiuoul.ou
for unlets frn:tt l.ivnriol for whett Jutt Iiii
K.J, or u.idy to lo !iiilK:il froji Dili costs:,
tlio iwjtunl tiurtK l.avu ranged fivm ZtU)'ir
CI r iimiUr of COO I) t for loino timu ywi.
A tUV-d in u .lu r.vKXi.l., a t!iii vt il r. :..t!y
vUortoiod Mid Ijadu.l en oi'dtr.t rvvAid :..
-trCl. Tlu.1 w.nnot only , Lut Ui.l n..
4Ch wl j (iruii.il, fornvc-i.J.1 jut clc.in.l, .
thn tlj;ujoie butter Uiau wojf.m .ill '..
On DccuiuUt 1 'ith, onlcr v. cro 1 .' for car jo u
UnJtt'd Kiiin'loiii; Doccinlwr 3d t!y wvf
4jjj Jiuiuiry -Itli tLo 1jij;1I1i marhit to i In 1
licttcia, r.inl order droi)'l to -IU not, mUS.i
oidant witbout any coimr.L'jion, in.il. In;,' i;
xniid to -1 1 Itil at Irruti January' 3-1 ordr
woro 4.111 (IdiJiu'i '.tlth tboy utro -K ltd net,
equal to -IKb I'd r iuitrtcr, Tbori'&ion of
tbe low price on January 4tb, uu tlir.t it nu
ofl'cnl for part of a carxo; more cou'.d 1iau
Un luulfura wbolo caro, laro tuU Uin.J
'l'liu Orogoniau demand our nutbority far
UiiMti tUtcinintii, rjid wu pnvui-.o even tbr.t
mllity journal will net quwtlon tlio reliabil
ity of tlio .S.-drm riuurint; MilU Company,
Uiat (jrind r. gTva.1 dc.l of v. but, and IoaiI
mkuy im! wnh Ixjtli tiour nud ubb.U.
Two yciiu a'o tbey baudlod n million tunbcU
ol i;rsln, and vritb l.indnru to iw jraonally
uid h'Ood will to tbe produccia of Oregon
witiibut n parallel, luivo for fix yean paat,
fureLOud us nitli tlio le'.iaMc nea of homo
uid forx'iu inaikvtK, i.e: tliat lia.i &!
u-ay p-u'ed it in advance of tlio Oro;;onian
aud its cibliniiuy, from wbtuvcr tourco ie
txivxd. "Mark how plain a talonball put you down."
Hero ii the Orejotii'ui convicted of pr-mmi-tiun
anl 1 MioratiCD, or of colluiion with wliJit
Uiyoni aaiunt producer!. Wo pruuuiu it
lu.1 prUo oiwnli left to urofor rather ti bt
claJxd m u huavo tliau oh a foL Tlio
Cjjrejwi bavo given abovo will not bo con
trovcrtol by any renpoctablo ihippvr In Port
land. About a wtel; nn tbo editorial columiM of
tlio Qrvgoulan contained a rcckhiu ktatcineut
that for iniuy yoara put patatow luvl bo.n
wort Ii ad .!U r .i Inuhel in tbii city, and tin:
tuiy mn cjuM got a pii:e of gnvorniucnt land
and rail j t'ltfJj tubjri, depending on tbi4
prko. Tni etraagaut itory U ad fil.o a, it
ii alianl. A lamer who raiir potatoes nt-ar
bcroauur.'fl m tbattis price br.s not aturaol
half a dollar a bualicl for tlvoytaw pst, to
ldi I.mwl.dgc, and any dealer in tbrin in tl.la
dty will CJrvdvirttJ bi ntatumeiit. This
wli'iod pabh.'it on i calculitd to diicivo
aud nu'ij vuti ni of lunut iqn who my pus
fiitU la t; it.'.o.niiiti as I cams tj U.'iu t
ruihzo t'.o n.
Tbo c iif'SasonBy tvitb whlih ths Orasuu.an
tiilUi ito.li and abata the Pxinan u wry
buuain. Tin; wounded bird tluttcm and
tao gilloJ jiic ivmi:i SoxoboJ u n.
dcut'.y batiy nu-t. T.n pbb!e froai tbo
Lrook iruy t.t kiy this Uoluh. There u .
carocpot tuiubcd or there would not bo to
niucl iuiruun0'. Tno Karvkk w abundantly
rvUo to take uire of lUell, and tbe abuso of
tlitf Onouian u wxstwl paper (ind iMjuan Url
ttfi-i. With our n.CKA) rircuUtiori, and what
natural ability we have left, armed uith f:t
arid fUtr.iiKl by the producer of Oregon, we
Lall bold our own.
Wo rviui-ot our fneod to lon thi cumber
iA tboRuMiH w thur neighbor who read
tbo 0(vo'cuian, and wo Itojw oierj- Orange
in thii Jurisdiction will rtudy the two papu
cajtiully and dicuu the facu w e ctato im
We Lave to occaiioa to reply to the tl&ng
nud UKanniKi that dbgracitUie cdlnitiit'if t!u'
0.1'oliiaii. We ,i t our newt) honcntly nud
pay lor it fairly, au I wo prow' to pulilixli it
mi full and Ci'ip!kte tlutt tln.'t"ilo of Oiv,;oii
and Wubmytui wil' p:rfr JJn- Tmimu'. I a
pap.T like t'io Oivuii an t'uit urn public
patrinaji' in the intirivt of the jk,jiIo"3 v. on.
oiiLiuiut. Hiott, it editor, uai Hk .'ai Hto
HKli-uuiLDt of lU'ii Hol!n lay, V, ben bo "iu try
ing to Monaco the polities uf O.t.-oil Ah
Ioii at Miuiall Kept bun Iu cl5n) bu :-i bin
Uijum frioud. Tvd.iy ln in woil.iug iu tlm
inteiiTt of tbu Onou Ktcaui Nain-al:ou
Compiiiy, the im. fwiuiij monopoly tluit
oxihih in tbw rt'ipoii, and no oxactioii it en
forego on a kullerin p ople ro.- ivoi a wold of
tritici.'in tit bin IuiiiiL. Tlr) prxliker- of the
uliolo l.'vliimbiu region have no rcbxin t
vfi t fair dialing fn in blm, ,ind they will
hotel-t it. We nil! hire to m.ilio thi'iu a
nmpaper, and lir.vo no doubt that uc thal'
receive ruch Mijiwit ni wu livid. Pur all thu
avumption of Him Wilful mmi, we liavy no
feaniof tin future, riixyoarnao the editor
of thin paper abandutiixl a literary rotwr that
wtoi llaturiu in ltd proiuis?, and duvotcl
hinihvlf to thu irorl; of building Ui Mi Uivmii
journal iu tbu iuUrut of sericulture. Wo
board U'.'orn wo came to l'ortlnud-and tbo
niftAi'jo camo Viry i5ir;t that thuUrvciiUn
would "give u lull if ro eaine." Wo nio
hcrr, arid so far wo think uo haven little
niuro llu bold iAr own.
A Lato Discovery.
After our uxpoap, lair, vcvk, iu tho f.vot
.iLittJin fdi-.Hil i;Uvtathi'.i tho Ure,7ulaa
I ocularly jpicn, ol oitli-m for whent, jurl
v.iiKnl or ul-vat t lj rh!piod, wciw cot
crvMtni to whoU trantacMeui inthi eity,
r.u I (.otij.'alod fro n jiriJaon-s r.ad Vf.-.rv'iciua-men
thu a:tu.il v.dae of Orvjonwhe.it, that
paper managed b) injert iu ttrt U'nunc.-i'l.vl
labium a cbitaiiu'iit that Oivmi w'lOit was
n.irtli from a nbilhnj; to oi.o fhilliii, tin penca
nnra than (.'nllfornii ul.oit. Kvou tb.-n it
ivh Mutt thu li'ure, frlait veol. 14 an
otlerod for a croo juot t-Mppod, ublbi the
Oroi.'iiiaa'd Liveqico! ipiot.i'.ni:i at tho time
w ii 1 ii. Tn.it pipjr 1..V4 U-".i all tlieco yearn
lcamlu,'a fact tint tbu r.iiUKi: hadciplaiutvl
many t.inuf, aad whilo we have (;icu ijuota
tioiuof onlcni rvcjivoj here for our Orcein
ruujd wheat, tbi autocrat ,f Orejrm Journal
mm hat beau pibliihin Odifornbv prirgii.
Uudci tbu vi return tanceJ, that paper had per
ba'naj rve!! mnovo t Califwni'i, wbrro t'l
iU coi.itituoiito, except tho 0. M. N. Coaipar.y,
ercui to ruiidc. Iu this co.in.ticu wo cbo
realnto that n ith from three to five xr cent. iul
vantao In rpiabty over ( libforohv wlut, there
lit no roaionab'.e riiuiid for any dudduddiHur
chjo in jince lotwoin whuxt .'. l'ortlvid and
at S.u l-'iancuiM. Any xtra expeme ultcud
iu i : voyage to tho L'oliiiibii Itiicr boiild
bo coinpjiitl for In grtat jurt, if not
entirely, by tnj saperior -ipaality cf our
Clop Prospoctf.
As ntar an wo can lcvn tlm rarly utwix
wheat, all through tho .State, leokn well, not
haviu re.ived any Injury from tbo hard
freeze. It may bo ctih!a tl-at on low
KruunJ, that M wet, tbo fict may have
dono injury, bat most all land rowti iu tbo
fall waj o diy ncn tbo fiieza cama that it
locehed uo b.inn, but .u proUddy U.neliU-.)
by tho Mticn of fnt. It & kiM that our
licit cropa colid utter h ml wii.tr iv, and if fo
wu aliall loae uothiuj by tliu lato void n II.
ran.-iernaie alri.dy plor, in, and sowing ani
r.i Mr. UrasKu, of ciheridan, iufonna u, and
m ho Java, nil tiiinu loch bright for tho
fanner. OltfuruU Um luvl no tutneient
ruuiM until tbu week, and California papu.-j
ny tbo kcviu fur plounn; in uuuly over.
Our .St. to caai cimparc favorably with aoy
olbor, Calilcniu. not excepted.
H.'in if Drive uliill nilo Ioa- next harvet
aid tboreafur, tbopruaeat prop:ct in tuut
wo Bkill Jiavo j Hindi Hbwt ti sJl thut
timu will lj good atul ii.iiav-y comfortably
Wj i!u)ll Ik tl"lt hew fwa our frinuds
thrauh Ore.iou nud a I ti.o (Thimbu Itntr
reiou whro o have maay traiUrv( thu eon
d.tlun of oropi u'l.l tbi pruifmai for n.xt hr
vat, its hailikKoi apparent from time to time.
All 'fb inb.rtnition, ho-evor brictly aud
eruduly cvarvyuJ, will b-j wvlioine, and will
bo int.rehnE-, i.ad even iia;ittant to general
rvadtra nd idl tu.oia ineo.
I.t vttk wu ip,ke f i.-.ut:nz Mr. U . II.
Shipley, jutrcti'.nied from the Sute, a(tr
atU-udisg tie Nat.on-,1 (rraoKe. Wo of
cour-o mvuni Mr. A. Ii. Shipliy, Matter of
the b'Uto Liraoj'e Ilavxg a mre lutimato
prnocal aciiuaiuUace with bj brother, wo
wrote Li Initial Ly nuxuko.
I.'upt.e City u. to bate a maiuiuerulc on t).e
7th of Kbniirj Po pni for Urn in
tAiawl cbarw-'tcrt will U Jivcn away.
Itmt Horso DliDaw.
SIuco L'linr'M lluixell lo.t, mtbtti n bw
ilijs, niuu tin yotm tniiim end nn.-iil vulu
r.bli! bomrii, emii'i moil Ih'M to ooitito and
t'lnlenvur to (album th.' i".uo thi'ii'or. Wo
intor !uieit revi-r.il cpi'i-latid itiVliti! jier
miii tiin tlm Hubji'Ol aud vv rtt infnniied tbnt
t!ii' mdmabi t!ni- talien oir, vironlHictiil uith
a diiii a? lilioMii ni nii'iiiir.'iti-, unhmntioii of
tho inembriii.M of tbo hiahi, a OU-kin alio
provalout in human Uinpi. Othen. think
that tlii'V li&l tho blind ila'Uv, ntid KtlU
o'.liern U'lievo that they died of mountain
fuvcr, v.hieb dr.vflopi Itnelf In dHb-mit fomu!,
owiiiit to lu-ality. Tlio pyiiiptumn cr'iu to
manifeol tlieiiMMrri co imuly iiliUi-, that it
1h hard t)r-ll the diti-mi by tin ri.li! uainc.
Tim anlmali ruftnvd to would tanl arounl
ritli drooping IumiIh, nhxkiu tbim oeearion
ally, eat n little, lii.illy unread their leg, an I
OMumt' tbo iittitudo of a taw bono, and l.t
l.t full and dla. It in a liinvriiii deith.
Tlio diifrun' ii not enntacioiiii, but in cblitly
lontnwtol by over bcutln, or by utile;
mtitty foul, upeeiilly uhv.it. Mr. llu.d!
think i it wax tho ehonxe of futJ which c.tift.x!
it. Tli- euiiu utr of lliio bunth ;:rav, and
tbrin i.eiv nit to a uta'k of wheat hi), pretty
well uiisol with fern, miJ lm tliltibi llm fern
killed them, dl i f i.hlih rcnudo Ve-ry icvan
ublu. 1'roni the head it ri mx to work down
upon tlio pin.il column after whirh il l-ruil-nb:H
thn .h..o nyiN'UL In mniln.iliri we
b'.irn of but otio ruurdy ibicb will f.v.i, if
cmp!oy.d 2m timrt. Take a njienei mid wmli
thalucl. uith luipeiitiuc frt'in the end of bo lar.uciv, 1 have rdrc'ol it u n itKilinm
laaao to tbe root uf tbo tail, tlungooMr I; 'turani wh'o'i tJ tuitiriinieatc from time to
with a Lot bxn. Onu opvratiV'i i ( Ibla kiud ti.iu too rrnultanl tny l.-.l., wiik.i iinU.nrtt
Il eJd to bo j3ieient. Aui-i:;laafritvtol wllb in; truly to araicrv tK'itici and ftock
blind tXagjtin ro itaaly ruitd by itt irj; i!i ti.oi, t'ao olijjct of w'uU'i in tii .'ntluccn
a joint ol thiirtnil, or by i..ilittiiuj it, ko tint i ti.ore uiitititls ti:etbc-l of ivilatiui; and rpay
it w.ll bho.l freely. Iu mountain fecr thu . jjjj all l.iiidn of atcek lluti br.1 hitherto Wii
aulmaU munt U' divnchesl w ith r. iipnration
Intut kuown to ett'iliiirian.', and men oxpeil
micoJ ill tbu rr.ii in;; of hunn did mulon.
l.uuk. to your animal, dr a ktlteh Iu limi
mvea uluc, vijiclally In didcvvnof iJuablu
etoj!:.- Walla WulU Watchman.
Exb'ib;t of Poultry.
For a day or two patt tbo Central Market,
Poitland, bai Uteii aeentroof nttiaet.dii, ow-
iiii; to tho diplayof u;i!try madn by brid"
i'M of fansy htoel. lhrou h tLu State, many of
whom aru (.ii.aieiiix uv ptufuw.orul 1 iwltra
ieIllu, iu thu itinity. Itiaa trci.t pltaa
tiro for any I rt cf I-vitiiLl bifdi to look at
moat e.' tin-, ion LX'iiuiue ii. cud wbilo romo
,f tho bu. r 1..-...N of fowl cannot w caJa-,1
iraiefi..oi-;-n;!ti ul. aRod judo will rwy.
i.iai tin i. 'i'iik ler tbo t .bb-. or as ivpi) -
ducrr'. Tno lho'i4 'PuikeH um ir. tgniiiceut
auimabi. Trw i'tn lUutm vounpieumu lor
ul:s isi e1" i.St.. uro "
Mr. W. .". Pi.i.iiiii3tliiiiiterpri.lugM0ier
of tbirt ixhiliit, and ma own tarivy mUk added
no litilo to itai attract; ma.
Wok:u ih'Io.v a lit ol tho oopii lriiii
di-'lVreut br..hri., anl their conta uUi
Mih. Wiu. llU'f, tiauviu'N Inland, ahown
onjtoop Peiu Dackmni two of White i;
horiitbiokuu: Mr. Iiwiii. Portland, ono C(p
B.'ot.htiamo llrasdeick e'lll.tiu; W. H. Pal
iua Poitland, one coop White l.Khom chid.,
ciii, one cf lJ.uk do., mio of 1 r.r. ltruuuU.i,
one ol Silver S.iile.l Ha uburji, two ol
creaei Ucd one 01 I'.rai.ro Iu.ijm eiht
tmmtluiuHj Pratt li.tejiob, Poruand, one
coop of Jaj-imni (cix inouthi old) c.itckemi
H. P. Uo, Kxu Portiaud, one coop Hull Co-
dim clnclvini; 1.'. C. Iiuliin, uuu coop riilir
du.wi.u l!..i.ta..i Mr. U-f, Portland two
woiii Wn.to Inborn Lbiekeim: llenj. rbom-
an, VortlaiiJ, ung oop tach f KruiiM Tur-
bcyi, Piymoiuti Kvc chi-Uei.i. Park Lea;-
horn do., Siberian (ieme; 0. 11. Whulw,
tUH4d' Mation.ru c jop. 1) Iirama .
1I0.1 .1. il. Tbompion, JUbiy, nbowa H.ak
llxnibuv, Daik liramah. rtiher lkintam,
Itltck Cochin ai.d M;.el PantAiii; II. Crocu,
1 ontanu, ituiov 1 .iiuiiir t j i$"ut i.roiui.u
Sjcinlo Poland, do. Panti-TH, lluudsiw, hil
verSpan.'hd JJsiiiuur,;a, do. I'o'.vidi, l)ar.
Ilraiiir.iii, do. Lighaiuaii Mr. lUlii, Portlaud,
livsi: St,vii.i U.-or'o Iow, lMrtland, trow
l'.vevu' Wbitl I,ichoni and Whita Polaodi '
1. .. 1 m 11. it.. .11. 1 i... - . i.i.i -!
L1thur.My1.1f. iU e 11. Aleiburj jMoke, Jwb
vir Spang . I I a n! ur ', lUack ripaciidi, Oold
im Spaiikiio lo i-b, do. llr. .ibaip. liar.. :.
horc, P.yiP'jii h U c t.umot l'.r et Aii-i'n
a 1 ia pie, ii 1. Cock t,.u Jlr. - P. .t
lanl, V n h IXirn.r 'vju. M. t' .a :,
1 . n.aad, I m ' Urn a , W j,, ti.. 1,
IVrt.iui I, P a F..wb. W. ii, Pratijtivui, Ja,i'.
Po.'tltOii, c.oi I rti ! c 1 c 10 '.
Prosi Sneritiitiii
Mr. B. U. Pi.3.19, wr.Uua; frea ShtjrlcUu,
laiiuary d, say.
MUI CroeU (iran.io, No. Ill, r.ifll., in
pjofirlujr; we have money lumesl and o.on'jj
on hoi.d. Siuc tho completion of th-i rail
road to Shondan we .-nJ olf our pnluiti t
PortUnd, and .1 in letuni our kUpp.te.
We havu in tin) Way abat twcnt)-'it y.i
cnt bo jou , Mr. riliUr, t m lt).
plcafant aid profitable to bo a Oiar.tr T
winter wueat .oaxm," tnu, not having Utii
hurt by frwiii.. Sxane formeru aro pK,w,ti I
uvi Bowine, nnt aioii,; r.vt-ryu; o;; iau
fa rorable to tbo farmer, ailwole, forward
to iext harrut witu h-e;h Lcpes.
llmofliccM ti Pa'Jai Orange, No. 10, aru t
McMiuu DaUiJi, !.; W. C. llnmii, Ij I?. T.
Miller, S.j Ooo.' lUlniirim, A. H.j J.v. llarrin,
J.:i:. I llul.wbmutt, T.tJ. C. T'rowu, S.j
Mr. S. H. I).)Jboii, (.. b.i M",. J. liint, 0,
Mr-. Kva llruvn, i',;Mn.,l. Mornrvr, P.j
Mi IVtelli lon,I. .V :..! Mr. Jan Mom
sou, O.
At a rtAii!:ir metiu of lUki r City (irnaer,
No. I .v.', P. of JI., bild ct ti.dr hallui Jr.u.
11th, ls"!l, lhofolbiwiuioRie'rnuireiiiita!liJ
by TIiomim rhnith. 1). S. JI.i W. 11. lVnthy,
M.I ('. II. I'Jrinentr, 1-t John Stewart, H.)
T. P. Tajlcr, A. S.j Willnon lU.hKk, T.; I.
1). Ilaimv, H.j William (!win, (.'. K.j Mm.
1- (.'. I'lcineut-, I. A. S.
Poiuoua (lr!lnl1, Nn. 1, of WtJki Walbi,
Iim iltict'.l tho fellowiii;; olhctrti W. M,
.Shultou, M. Coo. A. Kvaiii, O.i Ortty Hull,
Ul Harvey McGuire, S. J. M. Lamb, A. H.j
T. P. Pa.?". S-
At a ivpiltr invi-tini; of Jordnii Valliy
Grouse, tlm following ob'irvrj wro t.li'Ctl
for tbe eimuing year: T. II. (hdrr.au, M.j
P.M. Thayer, 0.) Mm. Jidii 11. Tnayrr, L.
.1. II. Trank, H.j A. J. Shilun, A !!,R (1
(VIck, f. A. C. HolIuiUilr, T. T. W.
Itry.mt, H.tH. M. Mol.vio, O K.t lliifiiia
Helton. I.'.t Mili Slicltor. P ; ISlai H.
Tni'k, P., Hiuin I'ly-.ut, I A. V.
Votcrltury Bcloncc.
libtor Wilbmetto Paiincri
Tno WitMMKrrn r.u:r.n bo:t,;tbo only
pj;i.'r publiiti! In Oregon In the interest ol
practb.v.l "iitbUcu-at r.ud bint I will My
that out vl tbo many hundred hnrMii C;i-.itol
on by mo in IB"?, unions which tibty
fourvera r!d'l!u;M, but ua Ian tiled;
iauw, bbriila,' Wn cUIm that our inetbodi
are intlroty 'ncV, t.t,d far mipcrior to all
r.tbc.'j known. ' - -
ThU sdiiue; w.vi dUcomtd by Trof. T. 0.
' Milo, bitter known ti Parmer Mile, who
tmoV fni.n fifteen to thirty thoiiiuiii'l niiba
'uaeh jc&r, and i tho sland.erd of An.crica,
and will noo i bn of tho rutiro world. Ho it
now Iu I'bi(.u.d n twh that gii at n.tion a
! loiter, M-ifii, anl m no htiiaanu i...tho.l of
icrfonuiii ojerationi that are iml.npontibhj
to tho it ..(.liojw, Ii. mty arid tracUNIity of
tJi.xtnublanimai. the horw. In a rveentton.
,.,,,,,, ,, .
, niunlca'.i ).i froii I)udoa, ho infcrii.c ine that
in tbo laat nix yearn bo ha i;eldwl over 1,'JKI
(l,lKln. bonioi, icd aiuycd over 5.1M0 lisvl
i -f "'" ' favbw' ,.tet ,,c, 'rrl tlr
tbo vitentury jouniaU of bondon, a Krt;u
sum of moil jy to any Ihili'huiiu that would
uaciu Ii ti r mitljol. I r.i'jr to th) utje
, , . ... , ., ,,..,. ,
"""'J' t cUUh Uio fa.t that tbli Iuco
nof Amurioin oHgln, aud haiUn mbjeelod
to t'io ntiltit ti-itn, nnd never found want-
j j , , U1 ftr ,t , fe w
,' ,,,.,. ,
doi.13 uw.iy w,t'i tio old bai:hcnn- ro!ai.
the b. of whiah are cruel, aud uhou'd 1j
a'landouod at 01110.
My tenn. fur ibla year will U m follow: to
,,.,, , , ,
u" "dlecWd at ouoploco, U-li l.It. ?.T lauh,
thrvo tAlliuu.i, $10 uv.di, two iIiIjUuk, C-'fi
uij,, 0J uraii or hufijv, SI i.v.h. Parmira
. f. x , f , , , ,
...,, ,
wwb that aro not fit for b-eedcM rpi..l,
they would aoii bvo lint bwvo.1, yMl
ndlUra, moiu nnney, low troubl", uid im-
, fc , fc
Wu. I.r.i', V. a., Tb lUl.j, 04-u
Resolutions of Condolence
i.tiiai j. or.u. .'i'o. 1 . 1
At a in.Jiujj of Happy Hem Jriige,
Jau. itb, 1"U, thu fellowuy io.ilcti..s aye
,,,i01,toj, 1
,.' . ,, . , . ,
hcrw, In tho natural ecunw of i. .
death baa biken from our sililoi our imU m-J
brother, doll LraUri-f, a faithful uieolior ef
thai (inn -. a i'votd Uhr tui), Mid 01 o f
O'ar brtt eiti;ui aud
IVvniVi wc, tbo taeiid n 1' !vit,.
Ibi uo 'J raai r f-il deeply tbo lar-i ) vr
t-u'nad in ino iuua! tf cur w rtuy
Irutaor, thotefoia Ut tt 1
lUuelvod, that wo tender uur banrtftlt
uJinpUby to Um Wlduxv and fi.coei if tl.i'
iUoivlioiI, in tan their in j-rauo Um, aud
woulil roccmuieiid tbiii to lbvl fer futtiivr
tO'iMibitiuii Ui a hind Hu-.viuily ltlbr, wlto
in Jf tti iiilinito iii.dr.m eviu o dirtct titat thu
fitv lirvareinsn. tiu.1 ii tint mw id br.njf
i.iK tbim into ebi.M-r . .-inuwiiteii with Haliw
And furthtrin.no lj it
Pi .1.
id tht.1 ilif" ri-fijnliir.H ln'frtud
1 1 . ' 1 f .. MiL'i, ul! r. eij
a t ..! fall.. ' t'.f ill. .Ui, Ui.il,
1 uu-.n in
1,1. it 1 n.,'ti ir ivui.tinm
' 1 lai I . .,..,. .at ' -r pollv-tKa
T PC ,
II V IXir.ri.u t nvmittae,
J it Jan ae.t
Brooki' Station.
IXlitor Wilhnutt Faiiinri
Ulookh', 0; January 23th, IS79.
l'irnt r-.iihwnl rtatlo-'a nnrth of Kalctn, in
lcatel im n a ol tiratrli-, framed like a picture
w'lhthoduik 'locri fir forest. Six fauillim
couipilc the villavo. Tho iudtiitricu iiicimb
.1 railroad station; Tain liou'o; pout olllcei
betel; bbduemith fbop; f priti Ind ni.'uiuf.io
tory; fruit dryci; and a muall utore, which,
howiwr, diHH notap.ir to amount to much,
an nuult nil tno ood eoimimod bcio uro
parcha-HHl at Oen-id. and ,.t S deu A party
who will Itip jjivdi to iwdl biri', and who
willb-coirtiMU and 1 bh'ii'X. 11 the one tiling
ui-edn.1 at ltio.iki, for whoiv t J)lo go to buy
tbrir hoiu-ehold nuppliu", they usually doaui'h
othfr liumniMi oi they rupnre, and thai it
don't b.kc lunch .vhciwi ititlunncvtoao cripple
tho trade at a iiolnt while Iu itmil iufuuej,
that iti rivaLi r-ball Like tbo lead pcrbtpH foV
iir. A neat church houv. nnd a Kbiol boil',
inwlneh forty ycuu); Or.-vuni.iim imbibo tlio
ihineiitit of futur. j'ri'attuj, under tbo ad
ministration of a i,iihiriod-ltkiii.; youn.
ladv "nibool inai-",'' e irp'ttt the ilbiii.
Tbotirri'uiidmL; u' ltmok.1 mo pli'.viant,
and in improvi'Miit it n cibipi kiepini;
paoii with thu riufitl lit larc. Still, tho
leiiiltiitii KCOibhui.Kilx-dly adiinl thita little
muiv f;o-abe.-.dntivi if would Hut hurt tliem,
yit they aril i-nnteiit to nib aloi. fm-n while
wit.'ieut a "citi KtAiiniiiitit," nr a "narniw
uunxo railroad." Ii tliey conld oven buy
their dryipKliri.d rwxnm iu their homo
torn:, tbey would I" ill pi' lit luck, S,
Colombia County, V. T.
A comrpnadit'.i if the Dastui, W
KuA'ti, willing fioin Pa.ui Hollow n.iyt 1
'll.u fanuire of tab) part 1 ' t.'io oouutry did
a food dial of plgw in tl.U fid), eoiuddniu
that mcr-t (.1 them b.'.ule.d thoir ijraiii to
Widla Walla or tii-.mn ( lit;'. Wiisii we huvo
a rmlreiad rom Ktid 1 1 l'..yt.ju, and haulm,;
j'r.'Jn more tliau .. few iij.'an 11 done nn.iy
with, tin u fanuem ran low an 1 no (rain iu
tbu f.dl, tho corivct t.mu fn" hiviI1 to iiunuo
llsttle Crvek Orange, wbichwai oramed
Iu Uec!aler, l&'ll, vut.l a fow tbiyu to
t-frwtm iu t.Liitcr to the Statu (IrxuiKi. lofciiu
ita or&nuTitloa thereby, Thn wrarM'tipip-lu
t'io wronjdlreetioa. If tho members of Hat
ilufrnk linui'tewih .u.di thoy were few iu
r.uir.l"r3 co'nivueid with tho ouUideM In thu
ileimtv, bfl Mur'v'J to'itlur an brotbvr
nnj'i'rr) meuld wcik, thiy would Imvo huc
ceiilid linaneijly r.1 i.i II ivi in a foi.iid i.'id
it Ideational poiut of vlfiv.
T. II. l.,-va wr.Us th.tf.w.0 prijtr that
Pataha Oraa o lu.i uht to I J. '. Weill Maitur,
T. Ik Iyui Krttiy, etc., an I Ki.t an in-Ic-rtt-tio
r.octuiut of tbo b-nt that followud,
i.r.d the j'x-'l tiiui- exudly u, I ixinci.illy then
t tiji-yod by alb 1 ..u.ua Orange ha.i life iu it,
and mutt Ixi tbu: ifu kI work.
Plumnicr Fruit Dryers.
Klitcr Wlliauii-tlu Parmer:
Print diyed by thu profiiei In Oroon
Haenci to bo tho only hind tliat hat a marki I
vibiu, anl tha Mptu aru adoptin' it au
oally lliraijIeiut.lio.S'.ato Tliudouiiu I nai
been 1) tjvoit that Mi. Ilummor a now en
L'avu I iu redlj; a nty liUti ta dillaiont
ludiiietuaN, an J Uivy hive already com
menuwl tba nuaiafajturo of thino iiiaehiuua
at JlayUui, Yamiiid l'-unty, Stbrn anl Ab
truiy. The lato iin'.-.ivtii'ieuUv.'ill uuiko hut
Piumly l'rytr alii' loom economical, a tin
lu.itcr w'J to hji.iriiod Uu-.t tbu Knot nud
unhvu tan umly Uj removal wlulolhu line
cliice ia in oteratioii, and aim protect thu
maohlna a-jaiimt lire, makinj; them moro no
cr.ru than an ordinary dwcllm.; bouae.
No uovchiuo iu iu infancy ewr met with
better Miccwii, 111 oer UbO of thoeo aio now in
operation, unl ha.'o met with I041 ooau'ditieM
t'lau thu namu percent, of ih-.u'lmjM.
Wo loirn thii Mr, Plummur ia meeting
w th a golden harv . it wl.i.-'i ho rivblydettrovo),
01 our fruits wire rj'.tiu tbroiihout the
uitiri (itaV), in thou Kiudaa'id U'liii of thou
lull of luti'iol. Aral oir jii.'iini loth'
,-i.iti thU y 01 f" I'll dr. J liaiCH will ki u
in vi mdorablo amouiit. A.
Good VariotlDS of Applej.
'.; '.t. ilUil-.t(fl PbniM,a
A. mo p rw,n ru-pnuta to know t-.o Uit
L'wlfl of fr nt. My 1 niwrioi.eo U In favor ol
IU liate 'I Jo on the 1-mt of all. 'Cho Rue):
1, .lulli. r, IUbiLo, Pound lippiu and llvll
t". .iirmi: aliuj ir gocl ap leA Tlio Uox
luiy IU-i.lt and Northern Spy aru the moi
UiltaUe. I li.io bpt tho Alueneab Itppii
(vertio vnjitwiv. 1 halo a lira;" Mnt-ed
U.n(,' olileh hi the Ut i.iailiu I evei
U.iiiL 1 baa a fph-y Hor
JiJ-l'lll M.1 Villi
Mi ' m-l 'I 'I J- ' 'iIm ( 1. 1
1 a ..). tt dt 1 i.jivli
j UiutUte tuHiA'i.1 m e,iu I '
1.. i..o 'lulu luu Ib.-uue. m .It to l-i watil
red, i.bo u M iu -.Lu. o.it riltul.lu tbtai it
r.O to be.
NO. 50.
All Hopo Ilaa Pled.
Johiuoii nnd Drown Munt I) In dudt:-
niFiit of tlm Circuit Court
Notwithstanding the ttn id'u-iry
ON"! timu of loun.iol, but tin iimn iluys
ri'iiiaiii for tlio ooiuli'iniuel felons, .fulin
son utul litxiwti, to ciijov lift-, tinlris tlm
Hxivutivei tdiou'd .I'M-ifivj hii premga
tivo of mercy, wliich is oxdrmm Iv iluulit
t'til. Ilipy Imvo Kvii living in li0ort of
11 now trinl muI iiiiotliu' e'liuiiui: to plcml
tlii'if rtitiHO, but tlio follow ini ilispiUe'li
to .Mu.sers, OiplcH and Mulltiy, iiwivinl
(lii.i nftoniiMjii, tlinihU tlinii into tin
low riit (li'jitln of tliinir itinl ioiiiiM'Ih
tlu'tti to pirp'in1 for tlm just punmhmriit
wlileh tin' law proviilfri for iniirdi'i':
Sall-w, Jiiil US, 1870.
.MlMHIH (.'AI'I.IM .k .Ml'LKI.Y, (ti'lltll-
incus JiiilgMU'iit uf tln low it court
iillii'iiu'il ill tin1 cim of .loliiiMm, Iti'owu,
Kul. V. II. D'Aiirv.
Mr. IV A ivy in vd-rh of tin' Supri'iiio
I'ouit, mi tin ni'w-i in ivlmlili'. In 11 fi-w
niuro ilny.s tlio clink of the Imir.nii-r utul
wtw will bi liciml, i.'uii.Unirtiu th" nruf
fold upon which tb iiiifortun.'t'.ii iiieti
must ipi;itf tlmir l-inlilii eiimi-.
Advei Users,
(.'oniHtoch .V. Plliijjer, at tl.11 (licat Amot. in
Htutv, Second Street, f'o tb-.nd, mUuitlne vv th
ui and 1I0 a L-.ro buriiiuui with eouiitiy
i-3tiin n. Von van iltbi-r eall on tin in
when in town, or nnh" I'.oodi at tbo Ii,; hvk
timed in uur market report.
Our udvertiaiu; ntlumiu rhow tint r
J, II. Couple, mi Ion,; and no well kuown 111
Portland, in tho b.'iniej uid mildlu)
trade, ii "rtiin 111 Imriiin"-.' (,t 1 c. upon
0110 of the ileniit Hew utoie.1 in .SuiIIIi'n
block, in ally optimiti! bill old utaud mid only
a few ateprf fuuth of tlic.Suil. Htre. t I'trry.
Thoiet who have Im-cii Mr. Cu.idu'u cuiloimm
for many ymm will lie fjUl to tradu with him
aaiu, and uCt cuibimrr j will iearu tho
foawmfilili.wity' disitvjil jieprJUrily tt.tlicy
call 011 Mill ih.(-rf.-fcJ-iS!t.-Tt.
Mi. II. Ibtntou, roediiiiiui and nurner
man, 1. 11 bin liuniueii Htand r. Ii tt to waj1 north
of the Htvk Stivi't IViTy. Ilo ilifontui ui
that tbo di'mnud for but.i tun'i and ln-a
.. iinnxuall) i;ool. He 1 a.i r. ibuiui'd 1 .r
tivt-i from the li-rritoi-ien a well ai tlni St.it".
nml K u jiiit Rbip'd a ebon'it lut of tic. i to
duhii W. (iilln it, tbo popular lut iu.d
vhoo 1 1 ruler nt Kilcm, nnnuuneei that bo bai
matcnilly ruilucril price to mako way for
tbu coming iprius atncli. IHk adwitim-imnt
will niK'nr in xt in-ill, but if you rail 0:1 h.i 1
you will I'uid tint tlm lodiiutiou 111 p.ku I 11
already token pl.ue.
O. W. Wullliij KHfm, Oiwty, whow a!
verti'eincnt hail novel U' n out of the Pan iii.i.
formnny yi ttu. dtunrtu a fair luareol t .uli
an iiuri'iryim u. 'I hoy have 1 tiimleii .; .u 1 i
111 cultiv.t'ion near (Uwej , and uvo.y v u ety
uf tieoH and eluulm eau bo unbrid of tin 11.
Tlufi baviiu oi-euiiiii to have ilrnt ,1 v.,-,,
p. ifin.ii.l at Si bin, i.iil tiud lb. .'.
.MoNnlitb in'Kiul to do tho nuno "' 'ki-1
uotiiu an 1 111 UHjicntifle mauiitT. Hiaolli m
in OiUwid I'h bbk-H, wlli'to hohaNpr.ittnid bin
profit-A ti iii'i-iif il y for yuam pit.
Tliu Milwaukiu N'ur'i ry, II. laiullii. A. Son,
1110 advurtixua; iu t'io I'.iKWU'. 'il 1 uur
aery in looitcd mi tbu lailroid, an I ta.y 111
aivunil, Tiiui repubitlou la well ih .Vitiiiied,
aud all ordon will lie punctuilly filled. Their
tno.1 have for many yean twl hi(.;i. 111 the
("deem of uiclianlia'a.
Busiiiubu Koiico.
Tho biialnea.1 nlllau of tho Wii-hmi-iti:
Paiiimn ii now ninuvod to I'm Hand, and tho
Unokii and account, aru kctit hen, at No. 5
Woihiiixtou atteut, 0110 bloc': fioin Ibi Si.uk
ttroet fuiry. All tiimiiiuniuatioiiH .l.ouhl
tbnrefure Iki addiuinjil to Portland.
Puroona liviiii' n.-ar Hnlem, or Iiumm. i ,
nion lo im th.'io in Imkiiu'SJ, will liuil Mi I).
V . t Y'uii at II" olil 'ilnia. Rlnl ian l.uvi .my
but in 'w tin ) 11 .y -1." iu attuiidui to by l.nu.
'1 II ' pt)0 ) III thu PAtlUI.il lat wik In it ltd
' iMu Mivv,u ' rhuuld have Uen inlitxl
y the cmiipnitor lo tbu ItKoid-b'iu.in, S.o:
oiucnto. Cab, and wna piiblinbul to eivi uu
Iwi of tbo drplurublo condition of f.iimiiig
uteriitJi I In re.
The ilaeknonville 1 1 1 i f 1 1 will i.iinniinoo
tl.n publication of u acritii of bioj;iiiphical
ketcliM next week.
A W il-a W ot.ii uXt'hanx1' Hay that the ov-
riiim nt k.h mid 011 the 1'matilli n m r'.ilnn
lid) liiui.lt lli 1.". and Si.i;a,i. ' tit
.Ii .1. 11 1 i'. 't I
1 fun .1 .'tr 1 It ttiu, C i-rv, in liait
v 1 ii at a. il 11 1 e v 1 u
1 1 tin In ti"'1 '1. p l 1; aim and a liiai vr
I I I'uji' 1 ill triat nnd .m tin 111 imti 1 ul
it "lie 1 t,v eJ ,. t 'eond ibint itvii buny oil