Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 24, 1879, Page 8, Image 8

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ft ,
iteuso mnr rn-rT it
irntisiiira miiun "sni.
h a aimiK. u. v. (iL.ut;,
Term of Mtb.erliuton.
li tcrr,ei.e ycr(5. rDtnbern U.SO
tfiK 0) j, eii ttotthf (SO tcr(it) 1.25
tut c,py, thiee mouhs 113 tcnou!) 7A
SAI.KM, rltlDAY. IA.N 24. 17".
Mi.nAf.s iik Ho.voii. The Montana
Herald piibllslie tliu Krrt i"1ibw onion
rwciitly itsueil ami presented ct that
juiFt on presentation ol tlie medals of
Jionor awarded by t onf,'r.-"s to tlio p;al
hint KcrKwuit Wil-on, of Co I, Tth r
'antry, niiel Sergeant" Jtop;n ami M
ICiion, of Co. A, of tin1 s:ini regiment,
for bravery in the Hip; Hob- hank. Au.
!lth, lh"7. riii- order w re lead b'foro
Hie companies atilre" parade. Serirennt
WllBOl), It Will be retilelllh.TfiMioio tliu
linpatch to Deer I.tnk'e, leavlnt-tlie hat-
ilo;rotin.1ntiii.'htw)iili; it wan In pm-
Nwlon of tlm Sw. t'liTi'v. The other
HOlellcrH naiinil.ili'tliiKUI'-liijilttiijmsflvcH
tiially ai innoh iluriii).' tho cnnge-incnt.
The mctlals are a broiito Hvc-polnted
tip, with u feiniilij tlgtirc, reiirenentliiK
Amerloa, with a bundle of faMccinndiho
nx in nor leu iiuiki; in Her right a nlileld
wnrdlni,' oirn man graining (JorjiwitA,
jirobably rciirHentlng war. Ttif-o llg
uri nro HtirwiiiiiltMl by aolrcloof.TJrfarH
n tho hotly of tho tar. On tho rever-u
ilc Ih engraved, "Tlm Congreh) to fioN
tlier'H name', eotmiany, nml regiment, for
bravery nt HJg Iiole, M. T., Augii't 'Uli,
IW7." Tho ntar Ih pundont fro'ii an eaglo
laplng in Km taloiH croisl eaunoii",
balw, anil u twortl the whole Mlspc'iuled
by a silk hluo field and red ami white
liarreil flag from a bar pin w'tli the ' ..
ubickl anil horni of plenty.
rhOllllliTln.s in Mai.ni . -'timeran"e
men nntl women will talie great tin our
ngcnicnt f.'om the fact i:.U"il in the brief
juragrapli below, ei)nel from un ex
rhangv: Tho enntroverHy about the vuo- :- ot
r rohibltlon In Maine ought to end. The
Jlflv. Dr. Warren, editor of the rhri'tini!
Mirror, of I'ortlrtiul, fdriilvliL" the "tnte-
jfieninor tnottovernorof tlm Mate anil
iifJkeri', originally prep.ireil for tran
iiiWnion to a coinmiltee of thu i'.rltl-ii
llotihu of I.oril. tiov. Connor 'liyn
"Ttierois now no organlrel opiMfitloti
to it (prohibition ) in tho State. I do not
think tlm people ol Mnlni wonlil fo. any
oiiMiluratioii go ba k to the old policy of
liWiiH'." Tlm present I'. u. Senatorianil
Itcprcnenlatlvei In Congreii (from Maine;
-y: "Thu law In now u eawly anil
thoroughly onforuetl ai that for tlm pr
cntloii mid piinMiment of any other
a rnl similar crlnii.H, ami wo can nintercly
iiSirm that it U a miivcix.'1
The Milch eltnng emnniunioatet r
jlan of tciting milk, which povc'-eM tho
iuerlt of hlinpliolty at least. A well
itillBhed knitting noelle It tlijipeil into a
ictp vcnicl of milk, ami immediately
withdrawn In anii)iright position, when,
it tho namo bo pure, fume of the fluid
will be found to uilln re to It; while n:h
ih not tho eae if water lian been added
fo the milk) even In the "-mallet ji:iMir
IIoivh. The reawin why fall eiiivkeri" arc io
hnnl to ralHe, Ih heeauxu the nights in
'Viiiter nro to long that the crop bo 'o in oh
ipilto vinpty long before daylight, ami
tho creature Mitl'eri from liunger. The'
ta.it feed at night hhouM be a liberal one,
i.nil loixl should b- at hand in the morn
iig aH mooii ni they tly tlnuti fror.i tho
llo who I- i)a"ionate .ml has'.y is
f encrally hotii'it. It isyourooolIKem
bllng hypooilte nl )vhom you rdionld
beware. TliereV ne il-'.ep:loii in i. Inill
Irg. It in only tho eiir that Mienl.H up
inn) blte" you wll.'ll your baek i- tlirilet'.
I'nt.itits ls!ni Monuiis Tho
vork among th.'-.i tii'liaii" i done nl
iiioetontlrely liy the woiiien, who Ktxtl
out early in the n ornnig with their
bnbOH iiHirlibi their lup, lir.Mket' bal
aiKCil on their heads ami pulling like a
ilmlnutive steam eug.iui irmn r-nmll
lay pipes. Tno walli i- o'.-n three r
lour miles, ami the wori bant, ,et u
loni; life of thix tlnah'ery seeing to rt tidt r
.1 eusy, and they make no iinproiotiifiiK
l'heir implement .un! inethoiN nro
rode, ami, lil.i true ,udiau in a n itural
Htate, they nro Init rep. i.tnui- ot their
mogemtoii. the isteim ttlmvo met.,
tloneilor eunying iiileion the hip, iii.
in'cuhar ni it I" uiuMii t'liil. Tho bmly i
t Ii row it niU'-Ii tooiie iiitc, a -n the not of
arr)ing a heavy wnglilin tlto ngi.t
IiiiihI bur iu-l.ui.i'. the 'hlhl si( nstride
he) Je!t hip. one leg daugtlllg ii) tronti
tin other behlml, an I Mip)irted by the
t ni ire ling I. ft arm. inure iinooiufort
able loiikiug method e'ntllil b.ir. ly bu
devise I, and ) el tlic , ourney to u.nl 1mm
the maiiihiKM idautatioii 1 untile in the
wiy, a ti.iliy lelug the uerlnal iitviiiii.
paiiiiuent of the Indian lnu-i'tifl.i.
v.r. . 't rcaip.eyiia. !..ie.inuo . .as.it.i
i i',t..t i bc)c.i.l the lii ay am . iitiiiix m
.... .... ...a wiil.tl.tf N'at..ile.faiieveil I'ntiou.
, ,,. V. ...?, I , ,L.l Z T i
.. lln .audry, retume I i- OrMit y t. ,
it...i. i- eiieg.ii, Mid is .ew at Atoit
A ' Miipley w.ii :..! ticnt a . . ns.it.
iitt.l, unitiii.- H. tiMial r'at.i u
Vr. flapley el.t.... v.lle ll i Ml I
.'-.. u. M . in.! il'rsrvu ii- i '
Ur o
V '
Forming in Russia.
The apimltun.! itsourcch r.f Kv.i'ia, so far
ivi tbeir detail aro coaecrncd, rr ury littlo
known to the world At larfje. There I a gen
eral knowledge that tlic r-arkit and ptriicn.
tarty thoe ol I In at l'..it m .- snpplinl with
help, till' w, W.v"lt 'to l." id. but (. tn
tb n t" t i ' i n .i tf i ' article tif
rumr r. 1 prdaa there-hm bt in a lick i.I
m'ormr.ti in, which iinotv uppltctl hi a volume
written by an Krij-hshman who jeattwo year
in tho c.v torn portion of the threat Anatic cm-
pirc. Tho action t,f the ro.ntry in which the
writer Ma-l0CMCU-a coaracienzea oy lore - .
antl plains, nithout ro.vir, w.thotit tlitihi -
ami iiothinB but npritiglciri caits M mcle
cnniyanc. in mu tia iirr.e, n un riMzing
ith trupual inti nity hoim 4m the land;
at rihght, fuif anil nthcr thirk clothing are
in rr aiy to protect the ptron a;;aint the ex
timf colli. In v inter deep nn cimr tlm
country, nml thu cold t mtcn't.
Jht farmer and other land iinnr tluru
knew nothing tif isicloKurti. lJui.ntInc to
itati am ntnply imnyinary nnk, diMihd hy
utrtr.iiif Kii'iuvnt ditptito over houmluritt
Bri'e, t fttriKcttlcd only hy hlood'hid or iiicmi- I
iliin-w. There hcin no tret -i the -.tippe, I
("r "lml v, K'n" "' A,r-,r"u l'r",n1, ,anJ') '"'"
eMnsinnnninirciry vmmrut. . ""'";
Mt I,00,M, ."' "u"Ut-
Hater And thee
ma to be ued hy man and bia! U'.iiut! Hit in
in niithing 1 1 to hu had. It i only where thu
l.indnnrc lottiul with foret that the stnanm
do tiotfail, and th"ro thtj uv rault nwnljlil"
for ilrixirie; irulli "iti which ffcch p..n of i-ioini'
.ire dri i n hy fpr rate w t'.i t Ln I
Omni; to thu rxtrcir-e crnditiuni of the th.
mate, f.iniiinj,' in he carried mi mil) bom thu
ntar i ml of April until about the find wtek in
Ortolnr. Olttn Mtd rlocunot ecrminate ewing
to thu nearoity of rain in the rpnng. It nl
doni happcui that two fnorfctle t-w follow
in mCkCinon. The writer fi) b.' "i;rtat
drought are attributed to the alw.e .of I. n.ttoo..ruIli A(l( Mo M(j tIlk of nWB
and thu tiaturu of the coil, fror.i which moiiturc
it rapidly enpoiated. Hot windi ftnm the
noiitlnat parch tliu Mill, xctJtli the ati of
v.hi;.t, arid ilentro) in n "hurt turn H.e uujk
u huh pitwmnly pntnt(d iiprrimiini;npiar
'I (if initiation of irojM in rry loenl).
An Amerik-ati farmer t.ould hav no patitncu
wi.at.wr wiwi w.e manner in uo.ng ir.inK- me.
t.v re A a crural thing crci- am eimKi.1
, - -
ltw.tl,wr,-Nt..aerta.r. eitent The ave-
in pio-lueu ..I r..p. . veryrn.are. I lie
utiat irop.ou a .. imperatively wfll-t-ontli- J
tune ii iiiroi iiir ii'ti ir nuu . itiuuiini
ll l.. . ... . 1 ... I-. . .l.l. .... tirfi
..mill, rjf niium jii i.cii-.i ill nil n-ii
IsiiiiiiN of Iiti-.i'd ir acre; und 1,1 SI imiiuIh of
n.iti i i aire. Tlic Ur'tat er p ictordtd wai
iu I.S70, when I.IWI hiui.1i Knglisli. or '.1
bustieN it r ni-rr, wcro harM.lid. It i often
,, .1 . ,i , . .1 i n it ncd to be Called, "breaking in" loiuiu
tin i; u, that thu sjuctilatnig mama te ire the '
in. rthantN and rich ik aantv, and prompt them I IU"' , , ...
to cultivate immense tract ot land, much the,, ' "' ha.e a colt to teach, ami l,Me tho
s, a . done ... the Northweat. n. portion of , ,m,"t ' MWK n'b J '"'. correct
the Umtcd htate. One rich Jrcasant whom the-' ''unc ' v lt !,i"n'- t"lt'' ""' timMi hlK'"
wnt. r met, had oxer S.N,O0n act. in wheat List l,,r,l1w, thwB ,f or" rth -WB. ""
car. T in Ku aim arAli-Mv knun .nnif. leaat
The- I!ui.iiiH scAKtly know -or at least
... . .
thusu Itttaiian in thuatcn. ortioiiof the em
pire do not what itnpiucttagririiltaral iiujile
irirnt are. An arlass, Ihey ftillitte to jiritni
tile enttomi, although Kuropean manttfactur-
im are linking effort to tihaate them to the
iiiee-sity of inoderii nullum and impU-mtiit,
Hnd have uceecilti! in a few tnstauctx in intrn-
.1., 1,1........ .....I,,.,, .
"" r-ll
Comfortable dw.lli.ig are unknown, -n,,,
iwMiiitrv are wretchedly hm.l. but the-
IhiiI.Iii!', Miclt an the) &r, md univtrs-illy
iif.it ni ri fhi'ir ttifriiif i -fiiifimv XVu Knti.
nans are greatly give., to stcam-Uthing. u..l
i'Wiv illji-ti ha itj titililia bth. 'Kn iwkAfit
would dare lo go tt. mn without without haw
mg pre victual) bathed. '
n. n t i
mi, in ltu..h. uinkr ,e. msisat .at. ni.ua..
alle-,a.h.olsK'i.tVcemtr.but.i.i! itiimh. T,.
coirriiment-anmiallv .-.-. nd abeut 4 l'JO. OoO ,
t .. agriwultun.1 edncatiori alone, 'iho nc. ut
war has tended to utard tti bvelopmcnt of
Kutaian ic-urce. and in camp the en. rgy of ; wtlt ,iut "ar "u'"r '" nJ"tciu-.I at any
lh.iuMvernrii.nt, wl.ul.-w a manifested initially ( ,m"-'' llt ,lim "'," ""' ,0,,cn " llu
dircvtiiiris. "lt.ehAr.vt.ristu of the decay ' l'.v.ir. If).mr oil . afraid ot thu
itttJ ). .-Ii Itussiur. rittilturo La.iall.u, ' sa)s ""'. w it erne- rti.tling em of the h.inies.
ll.e wr ur. "that when rcviuuo duel now l,K""' hx '""' ,W'"J " wlth uo,'' "! ''ell
.itf.irtn-hou.-. to...-wlataitules there are ' -' turns and he w.ll hhii utt.lcrstiiul
t.i Uke by wa cf .liitre.. tn ..tifa.!.on for that it will not hurt h.n. If he it me lined tu
.hum ed taw, tl.y frceiuentt) hnd n..w ' wi- "' iuu i! tlv brcechmg b.cud or any
lh.umc.stnevcif.-er)imdetncotwan:iLgwhieli,tral't"t',,",ham' or IlV- ') gently luhhiiig
:e.ryatfmliiUeitotakUsav.M aeyreb. ) tht-m .wm: thi ns.ti. pl..ie, he will .m
lutriy tuiliapensalli'. Th.')- haw l.n aeil.l fer
the ilwit-arus of life, -nd awaf ill ltasu
l.f.dilife which vorlimnioth. west c.l f.u.
rot- would cnni.li I too lo.l to- lccar. 't h.
.juestUm which ci.r.ctrnUivin i i .t .f the) are
te. work 12 hour a day or 10, net hew t.iiw-ll ,
meat t."') are to ;, but hew tLi ..rv to pro
our. tuii. I, ..lid Iliad. W, win h uui.td bo
th. ug. t uu.tet.ri 111 .it ti.t nam. in tl.cwi.t,
br.iuy i id ot bran. oi.ij very c-..t. r.wal, -ml
i half I'vetiel that sti.n-th'.iss u- ,i then .
a L . I'rairici Kr. a r
Do no: eipre' your opinii.n too freo-
ly ailtl tleeiili'illy When It ellHor-l from
tll.lt of th.)'.' iireiUlltl . Villi, ineroly for
tht) i.lkt of s.tylng what " I tlllllk,"
Wtl'Ml 110 '.'iKMl Will bo Iti'IlO.
.1 ulttli-. Cii-s.ir, the Ullglinli r.ICO hort',
h.itt to be inur.'li'.l anil bllinlfohleil be-'
fiiri) h.iltii Nliltlletl, oil lll'c'OUIlt Of his
liorrllilo temper.
, ,, , , . . .
A slip of ono'- fiut may lx roeovor-
eel, but of tho leiiigu.', perh.itH never. I
w,.,.ifc, , a,t.
& GecOe Hint.
it. m.r hjyi, of e.tuule, with il Kii.i.len '
.'" -'" ' teii.reMl.ire.- nilu, wind, and,
' nu , ii.lerii.ingUd in atiig.od.iy,
-lV' '" '-t our. Ii.l,li.;ii.fr..n,.,
nnel lel.llv an. .. Ir..;i,i... y nik.-n fmii, ,
"' "f m.isrl..1 r. el.. ..ill the ilec'l.
-..... ..... ........it. r. .... I... ..u t I....
In on r ste'1,1 of e-itituie, with ll" mtn.leti
rslll 'l!llllbll rrcill I n. .'lc.se, A HU , ,1
,,,",'1 "' ''"'' "ii k't': about j
!"i h. i i .ii.'i.odii.e uso win prevtiii I
.,., h,
,Hr.nn. .. n,., i 'i,r.' (li-ti)r'. 1
. " i
in to ur
1 s
p. , s Ir "-t
Sysep I'I It V t
l- t.l I
I't , I ' K ll-
TlfE HarSE.
Cleanliness ol Slnblcs.
We lii-qtictitly toniu acre, it munstra-icra
against kieprnt; hirnc in italilts, tlic moron
cm limine that the ammonia prevalent there i-.,, y ,,, cilmi, Me t)(u ,mi. ;L.JO, tl. v
r itn the h-ath-r ati'l soon deitto;. tiiu I pi if n. fan Jim tly liki n hint or weave a nut,
Now thin t licjtitnitig at the iirr.iy .td tu(h make-but oiii-feathc-i on iwhiti lr..il'
rimnlynn tvil. We miy talk ami imIuk, k'nn jou hmM u cell like the bee, nr un
"vear in niid j. ar out, about tin matter, nut
harnu will bo hi pt in tho rtahh m spite of
all Win re ho can the mainrlti til in'tiiilc
w,0 ,leel hinM h thvfv tl(,I)pm8,, A llc
- . ...a,, may haxo a ilot in winch thu hamvn
. j mj. m8 nM fnm vM o amwonllt nll( ,
' ,tur aancrst hut tho avcrfl:o homo .m nor
mil iiu hi jieg lichimt the team, hei auiu he
can hne no other way of dmpoiiiiig of thu Iwir
in !. Hut thu trouhle xrmild end if the iro
iluctimi ot amnioiiia wai iirointcd. h.ntci an
oidmnry utahlu at any pcrioil, hut cn.ciatly in
I the winter, when mcry crannj tlnoujjh which
the wind ran comu in tarefull.N tojicd mid
nh.it nn uffenio odor efiends the noitriN nml
imtati Hit t yc. It thi odor of ammonia,
xtront'l) alkaline and irritant mjunotii only
to th lmin-T What of tin linrsc, and the
tem1irmvtnlram.li oi the eje, the throat and
jthun.val parage! Do eu think they me
eM N ,itic Hirii nak-tamml liarnrM liathir,
will gre.istd and prccttvid ai it i! Hy no
nieaii". If tho prevalent o-Ioni injuriously af
fect thu leather, you may be uie the i)ei Mif-
fer, the tlitn.it and lungN .uc irritated and thu
na.il iw.Keii btcome inlUmcit. Then occur
the treiptcnt moon blindnii, cipMlialniui,
wtepmg of the i)i, followed hy inflammation,
white niiecks, clouded cornen, and, finally, Ion
of aightl then fnlliiw cough", hrolichitN, pneu
mourn, Ihmc", catarrh, naal ghct; and by
nuibby, when thu blood hai become poimmed
by the abinrption of dicAM'il matter from iri
llanieil mid luppurated membianen, farcy and
glamkr" dreadful and fatal to man antl hcat,
the liarrie -i and temoving it to a purer place,
the 1itat, which in worth adoen set of it, m
left to rot from thtu pi.ngtut gae without
iiuyhtl). Clean thu tahlc utnl the h.niicu
ma) hang in them mfily; and lie sure, if the
stable i in,t n lit place for the harm, it i no
place for tint horse. A barrel of planter can bu
pmcured fur alxuit ouu dollar. It it worth
iat , firtuiri ,t , ,, Mhn ,
. .i..,.,.,,. ,.i .i ,..., ., ,.. . .. .
. .,nvi "MIV vt IIIIIHItimu, Mllll IIIIIMIII 1 u
,,, , .,rt.,(.rvir t(1 tIll ho,n. lint c.,itntin
. .,,,.,, iMrnv)l, .s,,rlllUe it nnrv
,v, rP) RHl, , ,,,,, -,,, ,,.lirnv
Ktlmatlng lomii; HorM1.
I!e V. II. Murray gic, in the (iul.ltu
ltule, thu folltiwitig dircotionJfoi educating or,
." - "" - " w M...v
nn h nil ii.niint'en n ion. kiiiuiiii iu Jt utiini
habit, and hau a low, plcasaut-toned t)ioc
The trainer that )tlli, stand in tliu same
category a thu driver ii. puhliu racu who
screams and whoop liku a Cvtuancha Indian
when coming down the home-at retell thu one
sJtoiihl bu banished from thu track, and thu
either turned nut of thu gcutlema.i'a ttablei.
Ullr nnii.0.1 oi ciucaung a colt to tho liami-a
Our method of educating a colt to the harnt
-...!.. I i.i... .:....,.. i... i.,...
"b"." "" '" 'b', "i "
"'l )" cilucalion ahouhl begin ve.)
and wagon, Ii to edtic-ate
I early. When the colt i 12 or It mouth old,
be onto put thu harm em him. In a few
! wick he i i
" ,,c.u t and ready for the
' shafts. Hut in doing tht, do not bu in a
lMrr- ,!lU, f'O )ouug.tcr ti.no to get thor-
uKn.y ncuainuu win. cury kirapum nucKie,
Mil were.
I.IIUIUI ".' ClCTJHllIlg nun ilTllll
everything. The setiiea of aight, mim.11 ami
,'""' bu gr. at avenue of know ledge te.
"'" h"r "l'M" the hut two. The. car
M,J ' l4C tht "U"n- 'r,,c'" two organ
t.Ji.l. a it were, or. puke: for tho animal'
. '' lauilleniit t.. tin i... il) the time the
' 'ols " tMO ,ar "' " """1' ". h. should
jb - Ij Med M to h.-.Ht.t, th. shaft, ct her
i ''""'iJ r ' - ku. t 1, and lie- 0 .mmuhl) Iati.il
wl Vl,,!' ,1" ' rl " '' w ' '' "'1 enlmar)
r""" ,,ni '
I -
I Com. mm kivn Cia'ms. TU inllow ....
' " 'i,rs ' r.'.rt- v. tu runti-sted land
ihunur, w publnh I. r the information ci out
I -vn act to provide 'er th rmbliratiou uf no-
'tu ..: cvut.st under the hi'iite'ter..l, pre-
:. liti.iii, btui tree ruiiuie hv.s oi the I'mted
Ho it in.-.tt-l l thu senate and house of
rt - tusciit.itiviithe I'rr.tcd Mates of Allien.
incongie. - as.e-titilc.l- Tiiat thj ncttccs nl col.-
t'i nuw proM.leil nyiiw unilirTite ktiineste.i.f,
ple-'iiaptien, tlce'-.uitu.v law of ttu I'llitcil
Mates, .hall after the p.u.sage of thwnct, W
imutnl it. se'.iiencwsiiaiK'ri'riiiteduithc-cciut.ty
where the laud m contest he; and if no paper
lK' prituiM in wii ci.unt), ti.cn it. tno new-
Isr print. il in tlvountv llctist audi Ultel.
Appu..d Jum lTb.
i.....-,.. ... ..... ... i,...i .,......-,. ....
atra I g tl e liainlsci .e i.ovclttes dtsplayc
..iitoi,-M iii.ihii- '.'( iiv'.i.iii i.v.iii'ivif mi-
Liver is King.
-..-.-. D.
xtte l.lv,.r is thu ItnnerUl orirn of tin
,v,, ,,, sv-l..in. lleontn.l Ihe Hit
,, ,,,, ,,,, miIli VVIH t ,
.Inm.ua , , Vpr.,pe.- au.li.n. nil Kllui .
uuui nt-s Hro :n.. .- ch.hhI re-sult. Tint itU-
. .
in ,i-hm.l. .hi, m iruuli ill. .1. llili..H ...
hllVl., ,j,0... , f ,), ,rkij, .nj rv,.,
.yirm, ,,-eiil l. ..ire int...) .-timim) M vv.
tin, w.irl. .1. . i i 1 .i . ii r. it I .. I....UI
. I
I I, nil
ll i
k Ii I-
' ll '
e I a
1 v
iM.v iotr
Tan you make a rose or n lily- just one'
Or catch a beam of the golden unV
Can yon count tliu rain .hop as they fall
Or thu leave that lluttcr from the-tree-ton
Can )ott run hk the brook and titicr tut!
pin "
hike tlm Pirnlcr, a wi b i'i Imu and thin
Can yon lilt n uliadnw ftotii oil the giouni'
Can )oil we the wind, ot nieaiirca found'
Can on hlou a bulihle tiiat will not bin f
Can )ou talk with echo and lint xpenk lliit
Oh, my dear little li) ' y,,u are 1cm rand
And you me hi Ihi the whole da) long.
Trying at luudni a little bo) cm
To ilo big tliingt like a "grown-up" man" :
hook at me, darhtig' I tell you true,
Theru ate notnu thingi )on neNci' can do.
Mr.ry K. Knlioni, in St. Nicholas, i
The lotaiuc of thu Ihighth Patent Olhce i
gie.Uly Inereaseil at present uy tiiu munlicr ul
.ipplications for patcntt on tlectiiudight ap.
piratu. Two or thrco applicationi rue Med
nearly every day.
An I.'nglili ih)iciaii rtcuuimtiuU the juice
of celery, mixeil with honey ! run- and bai
ley water, tube lined in a garglo by thoo who
cuth-r with viri'4 mid ulcus in the throat and
rA new litcl, formid of thu residuum of
trotcum and eonl tar, mixed to thu consist
cney of molae, i eAivcted to proiliiee ','rcat
The Oulmir I.l.ilaieitl are of ton kind.
The White la for tbc heman family; tho Yellow
l or borsca, sbcep, and other animal. Tcitlmo
nlala ot Vho e fleets rmdeted by tbeair temarluhlo
1'repatatlons are wrapped around .ury bottle, and
may bo procured of any ilrunslit, or by malt from
thr OnlecorTiirCav.'TACiiCoM.'AM, W Dry yirett.
New Yort City.
Solid Merit will Tell.
Kor nil tho bitter oppoxltlon of jealoui
rival, no hotter Illustration could ho hid o
thli fact thtn tho lininenio lo already ai;
talned by tho great Throat ncl Lung ltotno
dy, Dr. Aug. halsor'n tjcrnian lCllxIr. Kor
tho euro ol CourIih nnd llronchlal Aflectloii
It in truly wonderful, oven thnsosuilurlng
from Conauniptlon In advanced stage I! mi
great relief, and number of patlonU havn
lound,lo their dollghl, not only roliof but
un).. It being porfctly hiirmioHK, iiiako
ItHionco noiuilar with inothorn. who of nil
othortt havo lull tho necenillyofaucli amodl
cine. Th'ogenultio liar tho I'riia.lan Cont
or Arm, Hhiiku umllohlgnnlurooflJr. Auir.
Kalor,and ha bin natno blown on every 75
runt bottlo. A trial alio rosy bn had at tho
Drug Storo of for2. corns.
W. A. C'ollver of Coo Hay, I inventor of a
pre for packing drud hMw, fruit and veceta-
bis of all kind that have hern properly dried
by any process, anu A. II. Collver ii now can
lasting the Willamctto Valley for thu sale of
thctii machino. 'lliey eewt J'J.' to $.1Ti, accord
ing to finish, and will pack the fruit iu two
pound package, in paper lioitcs, a faat an a
man can poMtbly weigh it out, and faster thau
tliu same force- can pack thu samo fruit in fifty.
Hiund Ikixis, and at Ir cost, a the weight of
the ktp r Imu gov in with the- weight of thu
frnit. Thto pajivr Uixei handaomely lahcled
anu pnnicti, can oeoreie rcii iroin tlm maker
at tho Kaatat a trilling coat. Kvcry man who
naa a rnimtncr urver or any other gooel drier,
should have one- of th Collver machines, Mr.
A. II. Collver travel with otu) of hi machine.
and give a practical esit.o.. of it working.
ah wno purciiaiv tnviu ran also or.icr imci ol
Mr. t'ollvir. Thu luachiue art. made and sold
at the ftirn.turu manufactory of Y. .I. Habcock,
Salem. Stscimcninf the lacked fn.it ran bu
seen at the. ollico of tliu Ulanictto i'linuer.
it or. sent Jlr. ( Oliver I eativ a.siiiL' the' east
siduof the nur, l.twccn Salem and Portland.
Tkattf?fij UUkWmM loct.Kbiv
Twenty rtaa.
Ko.1, fororditarr fiUihif .mattanif , Ar.iw.
.ISt..Ml.rCf CWl. UlAS, W JU44H. ac jy.
Sslra. J. BRioe&co.,
Mln9;C cadsiay, Ntsf.Ycik,
tU ! riUf . Mil .v1i u4 wun. ILa ytpr.
Sup eriority
ii i
I!i port of tho rorannttee apiiutnl by the
t.ilifeiiua M..to Agru-nlinrr.l Nmity. "npt.
I . .
hso, tt. Kaiiiiiiu anil nvrt i!im the lavnt oi
liltMtt itiiiits i'.Millitiil
Wc selected from i-aih of thu exhibit. u
"Av-e.-ill I hewucil JVniit,"
Imperishabltf Paint, ' and
"Pacilio UubWr 1'a.ut, '
a can if their paint, and had aaine a) plied h)
a painter under our kronil nin1'ion. I'pon
liicasuiing the aurlacv covered, we tu.d that
"1'aciiK Ilubber Paint ccicred 'Jl,2i i- i-
"AMnllCheiiiual 1T.WI " "
"Imieri.hable " ' 14,41. '. " "
All espial nuautitytif iadi paint Lmiic; hem '
us.sl. thcaUive result show, that tho I'a-thV
,,,,. , , ,.,,.,.,. ni-., i
ItuUKrratut covered nearly IUrvI l'hll
r-V'VT Mell!!-! srilVAl'K ll.iii rh.- '-Aicnll I
Chen,K'.a Pamt.and neatly PUTY 1'KR
OfiXT. MOl'.K JvL'Hr.U i: Ihan the ' In
p.-ruhsU Paint."
la new of tho lon-ing fa.tr. aad consider-
iii: the .'ase-of appltcarion of th lM.ih; Hub-
. ' P ' .1 - sin., r . ir".c in .l iu
1 . 1 - 1 . kWar w. t o
liC .
tr.trDtn or
t I1AKES flc.in.re In nflVr'nc to the Wool-Orowcr ol
L Orrson nml the ad oiclceTtrT'tori-n the chinec
to imrcliiMj TUOIIOU lUiUC!) MMilNOt, ami a.
nrlnsprtli"li.tcri. .tiiu' "iijr tm rnd will en
tlenvir Io. pcII lu' r ' ' - mi' r.fn ly and cIuunt
MUM c'HHAl'KK l(Te.- -hun fr.th can ri",tM)
ho In puitxl. Kxnli linmn nul nji arlru'i ll!iotL
ci "I ecu uCcrcd 1 1 Ilc cm-ki I nrr onllallv intl'cd.
AdiircM JOl'N MlNtO,
i-olim, orcrnn,
N. II The llra fin'. Unci I-rrabo of Ihe Ooclt car
to , r, on ttic- ISLAM) TAIIM, enjoining Salem
The Kwe rn be. frit a the Mime place, or at the
HILT. PA KM for.r and a l.all tcllca toalb of tbo clt
halcm, htucmberin. IWft
Willamette Nurserv,
i rnui'iuirreias
OsWOgO, ClttckamtXS CO., OrcgOD.
The Italian Pruuo
And Ike ess larittlrt
I'I am,
Nut and Shade Trees,
3end for Doscriptive Oataloguo.
Sdunfific nurican.
The Most Popular Scientific Paper in the
Only $.1.2.0 n Year, Incluilintr I'ostaRo.
weekly. .12 Numbers it year. -t.uOO
Iwok pages.
Tin ScnvTitK AHtaaa tin lanie I'lrsl Llm lMUr
aelrel Mvlrtn I'sce. rrlnttJ It. Ihe tnnsl Kant)
Ml sijlr, imtfuHlj WafmJiil xeltk ttftnillit name
lug, rtiirnntliii; the nret In.rntluu. and the imt
rt-nt Ailvamv. In the Arta wj Niftier; Itifliidlni ,rw
and Inljrtatltie IVtt In AirrfvullitR., Ilnrtl.-ultun, Uie
ome. HialUi. MedleiJ l-nvrr... horlsl Klince, .Nalural
lll.toij. (.toleyi, Aatrnnomy. The mo,t valiuble
I-rMtliulup.n,li' eminent urlttr. In all dritrtnicnta
nl Mtnev, .111 N- inund In tlic i.-ImiIJ(U' Ami riin:
Tranu, e.vr;ia., 41 w 11.11 .,, niuu ne.udr
LTi Vf IKsepunl lo Actrit. lnirU enle. ttn nnf,
W.ll.j all .NrwtilraUrs. Itemlt b i..,u erder to
Ml-XS . IXI. IMIIW.,s; W,k o.,V. Voi
HATRIVTQ .'" rinciii -itii iho
frs.r-.-"---" Jl 3s rnrTirieAraircs, Msmm.
Mt'.N.S 4.11.. re .vJlelier, f AinVrlran and 'lorelS
, - . . . ', . - ' , -" ..-, ii". mi, nsTv ,ne
Urvwt etl lUhmtnt In the .crld. l-atcnis arc el.ialncU
onihnlm t.t,,,., A mwI.1 nottrv I made In the
HiiM!.cAraiAsgt all Inuntlnnt itrntsl ihroueli
!. i'1'! m ' ' "h .,nc ,,,""c ""' ,",1J '' ' 'be I'atrnlie.
IllielrninmelrcuUUnitliu. tfi.n. imbllc attention
W lllmt.1 to tt. flKrlUnf tl.M nw m2. .-.I... I I
lnlro.lu.llon sli.n ,.u, rTtt, ' r
ma iiiKm .xotaiiuuK a mm uivcun or In.en
turiO. th Mnt lor rwuric ad-an en luur.tkin
Addict, lor the IV.I. r. or ,x i.tmilni- PstmU,
. VJ Ml'.V.N A. ill., ',w )(, v,H y,,v
Hn.nfhi)rft.i,(r P A Tth M. WksMi,-uii, i f
'.'I 1-utt MirrI,
.r X.ir..
Imparta a thorough and practical education
liTall eomiiinri.h.l an. I Vni.lt.1. i.,annv.Ad
Krpnoh, Ooruian, Spnnlli, Drawlnc; and
I'Rrapby. This nehool havlnc; greatei
mciiiiio, ana enjoying; a tuoro externiio
patroiUKo than any kltullnr liiHtllutlon on list
1'ackio Coast, contitiue to hnn Itaiuii.w r,.r
reo.OL-nlllon and MUrniiHuo tinon rim iwi.i
neiuo and ealiKliteooil Judgment of thopul.
UT O) 1 .1. t'LtV,
t K I Heaid.
1'. c. Woodbury.
A. II. Capp,
T. 11. Southern,
Mr. W. J. Hamilton,
I", Keregnl,
(ion Jetxiua,
A, Vauderualllen.
II. M. Merns,
W. 11. 11. Valentine,
Mr. C. Woodbury,
Mr. A. M. Hatch,
A. 1. nol'.lel,
C. P. Morel,
Tbo attention to gentlinmnly inauuerNand
correct bnslnes l.nbll, ami tho fuel, Ibat the
lluHties Kducatlon l not contlned to Hook,
keeping, Peniiiiiuip nntl Arilhuietlo, bnt
linimilH such broad oulturo a iho time now
ilemand for a high ikjuWouIu tho Mercantile
Tlio emtilovmeDt of only firt-clas Teach.
em In overy Iiupurltueni, and In smllclunl
"vvj 'viwi iniviMi mi 111 nl'IUClUIJI
nnmborH to an to glvo r""onal attention to
overy pupil, I
it coiiiplste system or
by which pupil are fitted to enter Iho Count
iiiir-uouM) enrecuy iroui ina bcuool.
Tha high atandinc of it Uraduates in the
llusiueroe Cominuuity,
Tho Pains taken to neenro positions for
Urailtutmln snod lluelnea KstHhllahmanr
inn i..iiiui.,iuu u. iniiiiiH oi coin aexcN ami ,
of any we o that you'ng tmy. aro rendered '
more manly by Iho a..oc'lat!on of the pupils!
of tl older axe. '
Til llUl-llir. Iha l..n..l ....I C... .11-. j .
... ..,,..K nu ,ni.r., illll UTS. SVUCI.iaitK
and arratiRed School room, and the larxest
v early atleueUnco of anv llualne-s Triimnn
. Shft..l In A liirtf.
The liniuedlatn no!lflctl-n of parent In I
r"'"",0' 7y,P,,l,1' ",".? Pl"
taken to keep them informed of the progress i
ud tlporliuut oflhelr aons.
Tbr Kct Ibat each Du nil bmwma sn .la. I
I It department, of Modern Language and
1 Drawing, in which each pupil can receive
K" " .u.t'u.fr. 'T""JV wwrMnllnB.
instruction rreeorcharne.
Its complete Department of Trlecrapby,
til which sludenl tire titled to enttr at once
upon Hit.tr dntleH m. Cperators.
I h-s not Issiih l.ttHscholaiships, bn' l;iyc
un rut.ti in.tri. -ii cm ai riasonaoie rate ,
1 t 1 0 ifimlimtli n fro'j. ail tiitn.-eted. !
The "c illecn Jcinrnal,' gSv'i'K full part' j.
ulr rciiarel 'cor-i of Instni-'ou, term.
"c t-iy bol'uliiU Hlicocf thoC'Oilefie 1
-I IVst strcJ", ( r by ua Irss up I
1-: P flFVID. '
Trc- lor,,4'"3eMC,,,lc.S-iilrai '--o.
np iKittta iJnii.pen.
mit 11
aLr' L9k laaaaM
aV 'HIS - taaam
llon,ii,iias.trUiii. frre el thv, sh.lh.r k tulfnt ia
1-rtilial.l) U i.l tallied. 1 wrlt.ri.- to tl-undt nimed.
WcaisoM-ndixmirllaid lwl. atoat Oie l-atrr.t Us
. , at ra. i iuui aiaia rnttr rfs, nt.ii nu
1 70.
'ir iiir
1 1 If an IK nt - -i njd n Iit-'cj-.i,-to
thr mature, a .n.- I r il I'r n hi
ii iivMcUt
1 u ille
ourtcr .'oiirnl.
Nnrilitr MnaVMr In Un-tM tun Iitw 1-nllfcuiln
ll"ttt coiitrllitit..rf; inriii-aiiv lurnikti a i -(,.' -i It !
-I ctit h i mil I v mhI o ':)vriir .. iuaht tt I't-faturr.
Wflt. I man, tMi.tio.
The r hum rf llir Vagnilne U ein w it, the uinlMjri
(it .lirwocul ISiimUr, ul n.di unr. Wl.tn tio tiino la
fpi mini II ii III Ii nrilit il that the ul rlUr wlhc
r U;lri with thi . urn 'it Ntttxil.tr
IIMUT.lis vivohzim:, nm Veu-
II Mil Ml. WTf.M..,
H 00
II Mll't'.lt I1AZMI, "
4 0IJ
ThcTIIHKHinitillalJ.!., ncir 10 00
Ai e TIM i, one star 7 is)
s mtvrlrtlen", eneer ." "4
Term. Inr larcc iluls furtil.ln.l en ai II ation
1-0.11,1' I r; tu iJI m)irilss Iti fit 1 1 td SU.t or
VCnioft.L s,t i, llistras Vinar-sr, nv i.i rlsiajt
.1. inlntne. In m.it elcilh Hml.nf, l!' l siit 17
pre, Ir. Itrlit at e)ret. ptinhaMr, lor tV VI. ,trvo.
time. Mlntle volmnrs, mail, twlJ, 3 IV I'ktli
tftus, lor Mnillny, 3s .Tni.. I.) nval, ,tisid,
Itemlllaiier. MmuM It tn-uli In 111 ItCe Mocti Or
der cr lirslt, Ion. (tilrhsnci ol fo.
VtiaHr re nctrotoi tliit fcH.trti ir.er.lKltl.unt
thaeipreionlrne Ilecrm . Itaentrsi
AiMr.M Itllll'Mt A lllH'riIlJ,i letl.
1 wro.
.v.tii-i w Tin: mix.
Itar . I. M i 'I"'
Ill-ni'no- e. t V
Hit IllCf . j . '
TlipWiilhrftii.lr.enll.. at the hea-l el UHuliat! )
pat-ers l Its fire l.tirtr. .iiii:t). u,c l.iiut) 0; Us IJpn f
ami en.i t-ut,. spnni.'neiit itr'iit luaii
Its ilftiriIfcttrsLonarf surb, andnnlre etery
sriil 1 1 s'll.Jiel utnl M stlallc ttiliuc( I.- 2L. s Utt-
hiil, llf-ten.
tlonwl. It srllt I .rleTtiNt thM Hi- nl s.rilr...h.s !
a.iMiitn.i iin I'.c ""in Kinnt aesr iu nct'pi er rus
' rdi r.
UMirn;-. mmuzim', . itr .... t .
HtlllTlla UGKKM. ' I eo
IIMU'MCS llZAK. 4 ex.
TlioTIIIIKKiiiiMiAtleii., one jur 10 ou
Iny'DVO, eno vear
M. n-ir'.iripllnn.,or.o ;ir IM t0
Trrrr.. Inr isrre ,4iiIm lurnl,l..il lii sit!!..! eat.
Tlif WeVlf u rwiiti ff.ci (or theilif rrJnttieti of
Hirrt oli!lrI rlnHiUi, atittfn fmntffiil t4tmi( ofl
h.m, irmi'lf, ltd fNr prttd.u. i'rtud l; rprtM,J
llorlicrtir. U
I in iiiinw lis r" r-tj it mi wito 4vt ur ai hi -pt
I 1 f r for .T&mijr f lArh tir 1ti m time 1 ftttiVtt,
" I
restaur Tree in til rub rlWr. In Ih. I'LitJ Sutes oe '
Cana-U 1
4 1
The Annual ehimi el lUrna WuriT. in n.ii
rloeh I'liiillnr, Kill be sent I) cvpit.". In ci eiptriM
(prorldul the Irslcht ilnrs not sx.sVd one dollu j.r toll.
IIM..V lor ? tA ssrh. A IMMllltf Hrt. MUtlTialTii- Turn. 1
le.oVolumm, sinten res l of cash at the rat ck
V I 11 rolumc, IrtlRhl at tifierM ul c-irrhutr.
t Vith (Vm lor i arh v i Jiline , auitatle lor blnulr g, ill t I
tw sent l) tnall, 'osl-pald, on reettbt ol tt (o iuIi I
ncmiliAntisaneui'i is' ..'stir ni iw uo.n meet eirj a,,
.! .. (I.l. I. ...LI tl klwfllil I.. .J 1.1"
CMinKraarenot ta.ep thUad.crtl-i'att atlhou
ineiirtoriier o. iisrin is niwiitiv,
Address IIAIIIKK A UH(iTlli:US,l.e'T
vt.ricis oi' Tin: iT,iJi
Todr... . t I-,- lo Harper's Imai viUI l th tui1
at.dan.t,W'L.. t tn. sqn.li il nvtrl. IWlci. Tru-1
s.rlpt. '
Asalalthfnl.'iri.nl. !e VI li.l Ion, and a neoi-r cl
dc.'ii.tl. i.-i.l Kl.Kt.rs.lir it rer.ls IU.out a ilwl.
llruoVlyn L;-W.
TMirarla.a.tjuliida vide pipulsriy !c r tte f
side inkoinent II artvr.1., and lisslCMine an i.e.Ltl.iuli
ai iriviii) nun ir. ij.ui , . i.imircii.1
Tl.. lolum.il tie la.r Nirln villli tl.e tjst 1. itiiUa
flip Jintin.v ill litia,. Wli.nmi tlr.a I. vtik'ftd. ll
Mil !. un.Ur!c."d Ir-T the mlKr.t.r ni.t.s to toru.j
rr.inrmtli lie S.i'r.rir it alter tie re Hit cl IJ
vrdi r
Harper's Foriodicals.
IIMIIIJlh MAIHriM-, One rar
HAKI Hit's UhnKtV, " '
iiAr.ims iiAZMt, -
Tl. Tlllllj: julUatlin., one )r-i
lu TWO, eneyeMr
sl ul-rip!..ti, cne jisr
T. rnr. lor lie,-r ciaht lurs'.bed en ojp'.lNt -e.
It.taje rrre lusll -jli-riUr. In the I'nited ,u i
Trr Vmiiul 4i.mr cl llnr.ks llusr, ir m-1 i-M!
I.iutint;, wtll imM l iire.., Ine el i)r.r iri
. tint lis,- ini,iii un-. ron rrrce ni.
i.ei'1'U..r r tuvioeu
iuii rlsir," LUesii Vol.!
n.c. .uitun -.-t t . I is. list tla ta'c ot & Jjt iiH1
Itrr; Kiia.fi l.cni.ich -si, euuit
i rcs. ..ul on rtvitjl 1 1 ra.h at lla tu'c ul i& U. (rt ..l-l1
un-r, Irttuhl at .Mom cl unlair ft,
I lcth tin. Ur ., .ft .eluuve, eu!tat..e for 1 .ta. j;, m 41.
UmhII) nut', i.itia'd, ot, rc.elpt 1 il i"i,. VJ
lrittani.s.liuji.1 K uade Iv Ksl eife al.ri etrs
Uir-r imti, tu j.i'i.isuii ei itw
ii.niaix-r. arc ri I to .-ope th.. ai'trrti-im-rv s -Lj
th. irscruirei llestiK lir..,sic.
ViWnv, IIVIIII.lt i. HhuTlir.ris, S. vtV
4 Ul
11) l. '
1 1X'l
W co I ,
rr i.i mir n t liatk. .
. UV
PlIIMCIHf i C I'ilini Sum u th tra- to' I
Vill.lwl.Hll. 1 ilMUtllJl
Uir.n lo
(1iai.re Mi. VW rteouunrnci Ptr.
etia..ics( Hisrs i .'J it.), vu l.uU!-i ..u 14.,
iniheeiv., ir llosarus Tr-i iiisi.rkis cue.
ts.) or lloicrcli Uls I'nti.Msi lu
IIV..IH, ,..,.,, VII.!, CAM , I SV f
C'liarstkis Vi.ki. Il iU, l&c.a..,liy C
), cr Oaai.rsc sufcncs., 14 fs t m." J
itkislc.- Il.c el, ,c - I 'il.
.. I, rr c
dredl unciislr.
Ksk . ct'.i.iv.s Ija.e, I'M aisl , ,.v .e,)y
s.wliO.ttnr mssii l sat Is (' to U it. 1
Church Oilerinir. ..VLiTI
ompictc st .t enchcus ajid eiMit. t'-r.ltt)
Iistlv4laml.rcusc4 trc ytAi V ".ne-1 s;.
WI. p
M1MMIM Ul .0' c WI
Tlic School
Sillier Rant. '.' k ' J
, .. ,uw., . f, ,
V. 1 I l-o. a I r e. r1- II CD " - . I
. SN
r 1
I t S, . r I S .Ir
il IS S . t s !." I . 1
-, k - M - I .
I r-
f:C0.. liostoii
llllseu .V To
'.r. llltacnA .
club aiicl kick miT my feet, and f '
I'lmlt roll boiuu titjujaus 1