PTs op HitoiuiDEiY- ZT ' , , .r 7""" lis tlu crowning virtue ur u true life; To the Fatnma of Oregon. Washington, tlint i,hriuIll begln ,a homP( ,, ,,,( nsn .aano. iUhnnld be bestowed with dl-cretion. Dcui Hwm.r-.ri. l . .vf..w ...y X ..xpitt.. , f)llr ()nK,r tlmr . ,s Inc.lll(.lltl( ,, nurt ji9ttj aittin liio n, v-ingoitii' Nitio'iti Or-. ji.-t ! -b. 'J3 .!'' '. !1 ! i.' V' ',l'' ' ' ' ! " a ' r.li1 ii I to my iliiiii i in tin diflt'H'i t v- ii'i ties; or, In cv !! civ h no doputy in Mm i.vuii. ty, to the Worthy Overseer of the Htnte (iranac, l!ro. 1). S. It. Iluick. Myrtle I'rvolt, DmujLh comity, Oregon. I Ih!j to call the attention of nit nwmhers of the Order to .1 it'-nltition of the l.ut M.tto Ciraiigo ciuluiainj; thu Wiu.amiittk Faiimm:, m.iklny; it the organ of our Onlcr ami calling upon l'.ttrom to gitc it it heatty and united support. Urethral, we nvul a paper ileote.l if thero Is a duty that, by nature, wo tothcinteic.sts of the farmer. It should nt j owc ,0 (Jod, it is 110110 the lcS illipora oucefuinwli iii an account of the ctiru-nt . .iVI, . ,,.,-f...... t. ..... ,,.,,, ..... ,,.. event, of importance, the .tito of tho h,m. m,H,'t,, .U- gnu,,,, a medium through tthich to uvch.tmr- 'utir iilcAn mill cipciiriui". v.nll urniitli uttr families n u utility reput of ik1i I Hire ami uIioIcmuiiu iiiucvliauctiu i lt'-i ;itui an ii host united to their wants. Such a ptj i re ruiivi n I trgo outlay of muati., litlui, mil talent, ami cannot Ira ftirniithed tin v itiiout kdutiati' mtjiK):t. Twut mc urge j hi. tin reforc. togitvnur own niiKiit: rtili- otriho for it, writo for it, wirk fi it, rotlutt wom.y liaven fanntr'n kt wortliy of the tt vine ami recoml to none. Fraternally youm, A. It .Siiii'Lr.t. Master Oregon State Orange. ucgo, Sept. I!.', 187fl. Stato Grango Deputies ior 1878 OUJOtl. II cur Ci. - Thonm Hmlth, DtVir CItr. arMii-A. lliMr, (Vrviilli. L'uim'iw -C. N. Wait, ChiiIi). I'ntxir -V. II. tlrn, Ymiiix'- lilitr OutcHK -I), s. It. liulck, MjrlloCrr.M J, kwt -J. M. T. Miller, Jack.onilllc lixri'iiiM! Jiwl'li IVlKk. Ului'l. Lka llu-cuu hnoA, Crt.Mctl; Allen Uml( .ii;oitt It. Mtmoi J. W. lUlullcr, llutteillle: W Jl I''i-iar Milim'Kii llrmpton Kcllarnl ltra'1 tiit-x .r fjrtUn.l. TiiLMiii J. ', tr try, TllUmiwli I'nin JiiIiii t"rrliht"ii. I'nk'ii. WtMut John llml, T i;li Vallev. U'ninnui J. A. Illih-uUrfJii, Tiulatin. . v .-j p t'44.n, o.biti'11, "uii.t. It. It Ll'.l Hn, .N'urtli Vnial l!J uiiiiKuTni TtiimrniiT ' i. imt Tiomim TlimMvll, lUytun '.h DuvM SUtnip, Vaa.inner. ' i ,m Jo'm H I'jartli, IVkln. t ti i.t V, au i W. II. Tln'tni", WiOli tv .1'. vv, i i4ti wmi. iuil:, lakiiwci'r 'ill ii. hi thiY,9iiiiintlci in 1.I11 h ii'i t)9Hiti.iii t 1 im 't.iliiU.'l iio'il.l 1n11.l1 iibllva nit liy d Hi; iMij . !"" 1 uIiaLId t ,k t In tli.M imivw-I'c A. It. Miirutr, tlM'.tr Or. .V H u 1 DZRSOTOliy. Ol'J'ICir.tNol tllo NATIONAL UKAMiti. Jrwvr-Jclui T .Inncf . Ilnrton. I'lill!lm, Arl. OriiftrJ.J, Woiidinin, 1'itw l'.iw, N.inllura., Mich Lnlirtr A. II Hmrillfjr. Trcfo. llnwirj, 1 1 tHtcirtl. J. Vniivliii, Mittii lil, Tom. Au'l SUieunl Mortlmvr Wliltih-ad iliildU'lu.b, borui'lTct, N.J. t'niilnlii . It Kill.. Kii-lupt'iri.iish, W.trrcn, O Trtiuunr I. M. Mrllotirll, Wnji'tf. Htcubcu.:,' V. VfrrMry-O, II. Kcllrr, liuUtllle. Kr. lliifh'r-i-r-(), lllimfil'llc, OrclurUdrori", Iml. !' Sir. John T. .lime. lUrmn. I'Dlllli).. Ark. Tern-sir.. tOinurl 11. triinif. Mnntkrllo, Minn. Jiu,na- Mm ll.ncjr (IimMaiiI, North (Iranby, Ct. Lxlj .UiUtjnt StiicarJ-ilUt Crollao A. Hill, Loul.tlllo, Ky, rircuTivx covxiTriK. I), Wyitt Aiken, (Cbiilrrmn.lCcikt.tmy, b C. H It, blmnk'.nd, llulmqui' lows. Dildlcr T. Clu.i', Cltrt'iiinnt, N. II. Alonru (1 .nirr, Itock Vt. Whltti.lilr, II. W. II. t'lurabcn, Oiwchrc,Uu.cll. AU, DHY OF 1MTK0N8. An aalilrcud ililivereil dy Ltrctun V It. tiog.111, livforu the nieinli.rof i'.it.iiu iir.mgc, l. of H., nt their hall in Marengo. W T . I'eo. ."1. ISH.1 Worthy Master, Sisters, and llroth- or: iso t nemo so my mliri on this occasion as tho Duty ofl'atrons. No suliject which lean recall is so important, and none, there fore, so worthy of our careful considera tion. Kevognlzing as wo tin the existence of a .Supremo Itulcr, who is tho author of our being, and tho creator of all things for our especial uo with certain tixetf ItiwH, olrudienco to which secuies us inuumcniblo and inestimable blc-n-logs while disobedience as certainly entail on us misery and woe; the Order of Patrons of Husbandry was in stituted to foster those laws, whereby our material Interest and well-being aro advanced. And our obligation re quires of us tho performance of dimply thoH" thligs which God himself in the beginning ord lined of us, and which our experience and tho accumulated wisdom of all tho centuries preceding tell us in unmlstakablo language are for our good. In brief terms, to thor oughly fulfill our duty as patrons, ac cording to the spirit us well as tho let ter, would leave us as near our goal of perfection as it is possible to attain, and though It may bo possible to reach such perfection, It is highly improba ble that many of us over will do so. However, it would cortainly bo truly oucouraglng to behold a greater num ber Striving in this direction. If thero is an end worthy of the means of its at tainment; or if thero is an object that, aljove all other?, is worih tho sacrifice of temporal ease, and If necessary our very life lUelf, that object is most cer tainly to become perfect men and wo men. Wo cannot claim for our Order tho reformatory power of the Christian church. Ours is not a divine institu tion as is tlio church, but atthe?amo timoit Is founded on tho principles of, Ing tho "bcveiith-day" theory and Christ bin I iy, ".nd so far as wo adhere concludes there Is no scriptural war to them, Just so far will wo prosper as rant for observing tho "llrit" day of an order. ChrlMi-mlty U the bulwark ' the weed; as tho S.tbl. tilt. Mr. LirLin of oar Herman nt !rr-.t , ntv. The n liruvi-s tin- -iii i-ritv ',f Lis crniii. dir..mi-- .f . ir orjir h i, fo-tcr t!i too! ' r.c.r" ttJ ail r.u b ," iuriia., alto-uli a mil worL very abu'.l ma'"n 1 hifrcnt end wtK.'.roiscrlou-ly ijiln t bin in tho tin of his of tho prodir;r, to whu t'io world Ibu'-hics. ses Its food and raiment. Wo have from divlno authority that charity aimed to It Jr i r . if;; applied A- I t" (I i.e rtv ir ! v i ,ltn r - in ' r i i , . i , . 0 hiu-i T r! .". I' ! nj,: My .1 um, ;h inidaiiy drprlve ourselves m' onrju-t right to tho-o things which the God of naturo Intended for our uo ami enjoy ineiit as it Is to rub our neighbor, while at the fame time we should ex-crcl-io due caro tiiat selfishness lie not allowed to creep into our lives under the authority 1 have quoted, and thus secure control of our better nature. ,,,,,,, ,,, obp0 0f the patrol.. Ifholo , n ,,uty .,,,,,, b , ' ... . . ,, ,: . . . nru iiiuicriiDiiirntiousiopcriorm tnwnru our fellowinan, that duty has become doubly Imperative slnco we liave solemnly invoiced heaven and eartii to witness our vows. If it wcro ever a duty to lend aid when needed in de fense ot our country, wo should cor- talnly feel a thou-and fulii more per ,....,. II. ).. 11... .....!..!. f .1...1 ...... I , r,z. ,r:: .. . .. :.. r r ; ...... ..... vhmw nu il.1IIIIW llttlllrll., Hut narrowing down to a morollmltetl sphere of the subject, lot us inquire what id our simplest duty as patrons? And aro wo performing that duty aright'. I pause for 11 reply but no answer comes! While all ot us may truthfully claim that, In ntneastirc, wo have tried more or less 'when it was convenient, or when wo happened to think of It to do fcomo ono or more of the thousand and one things required at our hands, none, I dare niv, will enturo to assert that ho has eoiiio ful ly up to the standard of duty. Ac knowledging we have made com mendable Improvement In many wayi it Is still to be feared that many have tao little beetled the wisdom from time to time imparted for our Instruction and guidance. Jomu have failed to comprehend the imoort of the obliga tion assumed, or they have seemingly forgotten it, and though the praises of charity are m often sounded In oar hearing, yet there seems to bo room for great Improvement. Thero is music in line speech, but most charity comes from action, not wortl. luivo no faith whatever In those prayers that depend 011 sound alone; if from the heart they will be accompanied by suitable action. Let us cease finding fault witli our brothers and sister.-, thev cannot entirely overcome their peculiarities, hot u look to ourselves. Thero is 110 chanty in continually magnifying the faults ot the brethren. No benefit will accrue to any one from sacli 11 course. An explanation when proper, or a mild rebuke in season, is uniformly beneficial, but we too often advance too far In this direction and the results aro most grievous. With us tho grange Is a school; It iitl'ords the best means at our disposal to acquire the lessons of practical life. In order to mako satisfactory advancement-, however, wo must bo punctual In at tendance of the same. Tardy puplts never made satisfactory progress. The 1 pursuit and acquirement of knowledge nU'ord them no pleasure. If we would reap tho full benefit of tho grango wo must not only be punctual in attend ance but wo iiiu-t be prompt in tho di-chargo of such duties as may be re quired of lis at any aim all time.-. It now remains with u- to say how much of this good we shall reap tor ourselves; how much wo will scatter for the bene fit of others; and how much impplucvi we will disseminate. Si iters and Brothers, are we willing to try? will Ing to sacrifice a little for tne 'accom plishment of tho most laudable objects In tho world'.' Did 1 Niy sucrlfico'.' No! I did not mean it. It l no sacri fice t exchange mi article of lessor moment for one of Inconceivable value. I'o-olbly tho time may come when tho-o who ospousu our cause will not meet under the grange organization. Tho grange may die, but our cause, thank Ood, can never die, .so long as the immutable prlnclplo of Justice reigns in the heart of man, tho cause will live, and when that reign shall be triumphant, victory will suroly crown the patrons' warfate. Then would you llvo a truly useful and honored life, and when tho arena of action shall end in death, leave a memory Indelibly engraven on tho tablots of the human heart'.' If so, I would entreat you with all the earnestness and eloquence at my command, violate not your obligi tlon token at tho sacred altar of our Order, but do your duty, your whole duty, and the proud laurels of the victor will bo yours ovo- and over. Mr". O. Dickinson, of Salem, publish- es a letter In the OreyonUm, advocar- t by timing up his . d btoro on ; WILLAMETTE FARMER. Brovitloo. Mm. iluraetl t-dls a baby an indi vidual. WorkinauV sphere moaao is wo run n'h fi'iir. liu fllOO w:vp-i of IheKingofHlnm lev in Hi r ono roif 1 ''"V'tn i i;i'', pk!I'm alort whilo lie- ! r ! u.v own tip to it. Tin? enemy that sow tears while nion flcnp their wives. 1'dwin M. iStnntoii's daughter is a clerk In tho Wnr Dcpartineiit. Custom compels an Icelander to kiss every woman he meets A true woman loveth Ho wen tho kind tho now honuets are trimmed with. Maud Orubb, the Cincinnati singer, may yet develop into a prima doiinii butterfly. It required a certain culture to dross well a rellned perception of tho eter nal fitness of thing. A base and irreclaimable philosopher bus Mild: "Woman is a clock that runs slow after flvc-uiui-twenty." Hold having come down to par, the l girl with p.ilr of brass bracelets H' "-" ,.! .. to PUt on ra many li Irs. Miss Ilosmcr'.s Idea of heaven h a placo where the Inventor of a new motor has an unquestioned titlo to the Invention. An Yaukeo has doscribod ladles' lips as "tho glowing gateways of beans, pork, sauerkraut and pota toes" Housekeepers should learn of tho railroad companies, which always lock tho car atovos, so that tho fires can't go out, you know. Wo no longer question the propriety of considorlug vessels in tho feminine gender. They run eacli other down almost every day in tho KhjjIMi Civ.ui net. ".John," said n hen-pccl:od wife, "I wish it was (lie fashion to trade hus bands oh it is to trudo horses." "Why s;V" "I'd client somebody before night." Iiovo may bo blind, an lliey wiy, but it can lie noticed that in all the records of tho ages it luu never kissed the girl's mother by mistake wliou it reached after the girl. Itronsou Alcott is In his eightieth year. IIo is arranging for .1 "summer school of philosophy" at his orchard house at Concord. Harry Sulll v.iii will play "Iam!ot" at tho dedication ceremonies of tho ShakoApenroan momorial at .Stratford-on-Avoii next April. It is proposed to erect by subscrip tion, in (ho Court of the Louvre, at i'arls, n statue of Admiral Coligny,1 nsar tho spot where ho fell during tho mas-acre of St. Dartholomcw. The authorities of KielT University have Just discovered that tho Vladimir collection of ancient Slavonic works, which are of priceless value, has Ikjoii roblHxl to tho extent of 7i)0 volumes. Tho Eastern papers contain many notices of the wonderful Ooodalo chil dren, tho tirst edition of whoso hook of poems was nlmoit Instantly exhausted. The sinters are 16 and It yean, of age respectively. "Human opinion has so many diadcs that it it ram (0 find two people's that agree." Unman hair lias thu name dlv -jlty of shades, as uomau dis covers when sho goci to buy a switch. There is nothing which fills tho soul of a young man with consternation no mu-h im to take his best girl to prayer meeting, and have the pastor call upon "our stranger friend for 11 few rotuurku and u prayer." Thero was a wedding at.Nowtown (Conn.) tho other day, after a vigorous courtship of fifteen years, Tho stars and were hoisted on tho hotel, undiiuuluto of 100 gun was fired at tho hour of tho ceremony. "Women aro normally Jolly," nay a writer May bo ho, but wnen tho church is in trouble, and they put on lugubrious loolu and go about solicit ing contributions for a fair, you'll find tho fair sox jK'nsivo. Thero is much sens in tho following excerpt; "Practical farming is In no way incompatible with hcientlllc knowledge, as thoie who fling the epithets kld-glovo farming,' 'flidownlk farming,' 'aristocratic farming.' and 'scientific farming," would have ua ha believe; but tbo practical fnrmor avails hlm-elf of ovory fact and improvement which tho plodding farmer deipises. IIo takes u g od paper, which intelli gently discusses the groat subjects of agriculture, which interest tho great inuM 0: trio population or nearly every country. Tho reading fnrmor, who laruvs1 In tho broadest B'-nso, imparts Ids knowledge to other as freely hs ho ha. neeiv.'il it, that tho b( no At he on j ys may I o cnjicI by til wli- f m !',r Pu vUro or f,r I""''' I. f-. I, 'i.e. gtlitr Hit lOlJIUr "J wbl 0 .ulti u 'til nto tl" univcrd tn tiitrii'"'d of i.r'i rorniecf us 'livct'i tsl'inrc'f LORD UM.IN'3 UAllOUTRIt. (Front O.l t'tty IWnck J A chieftain, to the Highlands bound, cries, "Uoatman, do not tarry, and I'll give to thpoti dollar nnd a. half o row u.-" a-rosB the ! ike." "Now, Whu ' 0 0 !. M.!i J k 1., 1 ii i;ed t.ip '. f'ir.i"i, voV 1 t-i V ,n.' 1 '''.'' v 1 It ni'ii'ii ciin- osity. " Wlrit Is that to you, you bald-head, ed snipe of the valley'.'" replied the chleftnlu, growing pale about tho gills. "If I pay you a good round sum for your services, it appears to me your Interest in the matter would cud there. Do you lequlre the petllgreo of every man, woman and child you lako across In your Infernal scow? If It wasn't that I'm In a hurry, I'd smack vvur jaws for your impudence, but as it is," displaying a handful of coin, "as it is, I'm the Chief of Tlva's Isle, and this Lord Willi's daughter. His horse men hard behind us ride, and should they overtake us here In tlio glen, t woutdgohard with ik" A XUlT-f-AUA l'Ki:. Out spoke the haidy Highland wight, while he unlocked bis akiirniitl told them to cot In, "I'll go, my chief, I'm ready; but, considering tho terri ble storm, I hope you will make it Si, although, as 11 matter of fact, I do not venture forth fur 11 more money con sideration, but for your wInomo ladj. 1 have been there to sonio oxtont my self, and can nppreciato tho situation: so, by my word, tho bonny bird in danger shall not tarry. Hit a lllllo more in the middle, to trim the beat, please, and here we go." Ily this time tho storm grew loud apace, the water- wntith was shrieking, ami tilings look ed most almighty dark, wlldorgrew tho Morni, and as tho night grew drearer, udown tho gleu rodent leu-t a dozen men with old Ulllti at (he head, on a cream colored mule. "Oli, haste thee, haMo'" the lady tries; "though tempests round us gather, I'll meet th raging nftbo storm, hut not my ungry pa." Ho on they rowed amid tho nur of waters fast prevailing, and when Lord Ullm reached the shine Ills wratli was dread ful to behold. Anil no Wonder. Nor, sore dismayed, through nlorn: mid shade, ho di-eovored his daughter out there In tho boat, with a imlle on her lip and salt spray in her eye, and both her nrniH around her lover. I'tir a while it seemed that ho would take it out of his hired men and (he cream colored mule, as ho declared lie would have tho former beheaded as mxhi a ho got home, and thu latter ho a hammering over tho ears with a club. I'resontly ho took enother "Come bieklcotno backl" ho cried in grief, "aero the stormy water, ami I'll for glvo your Highlaud boy, my daughter, oh, my daughter! and nlso nettle the bill with the ferryman." TIti: l)M MAN llAlTI.I'.)). Hut tho yomg lady could not be caught ho easily. Neither could the young man, who told tho ferryman to press on. ami then turning around in tho boat, Mill keeping one arm about his aweotlieart to prevent Iter falling out, called to tho old gentleman. "Much obliged for your kind invita tion, my dear sir, hut wo will not come back at present. Von can oxpect us, however, In the course of a week or ten days. Till then, adletil" Lord Ullin called again. 'Twits vain; tho loud waves la.shed tho blioro, re turn, they wouldn't think of it. In fifteen minutes they were on thooth or Hide; tho ferryman was wondering what ho would do with a twonty-dol- liar gold piece, aud tho young couple were Inquiring tho way to (he nearest Justlco of the 1'eace. PERSONAL. Charlotte Bronte 'u plane-Ls advertis ed tor private sale iu Hngbind. A brother of George 1). PrcnUco Is a clerk in tho Navy Department. Mrs. Kcott-Hlddons h beginning to realize that she can't always bo young. W. O. Jones of Knglnud has given J.175,000 for Anglican miasiou work in India. liayard Taylor and Thackeray be came fast and famous friends from their first mooting. "Hndo Hilly Moody," tho first white child born iu Cincinnati, died a fow day.i ago in his eighty-eighth year. Tho Khoro All who translated "Itob insou Crusoe" into Persian, is not tin Shero All of presout European fame Neuvlllo, the Nrench painter or bat tie ncoucea, is a man of middle age. IIo fought and sketched through the Kanco-Germitn war. Tlie Ino'ics of Loulu Napoleon niiil Queen Victoria aro laid on tho bhclf, and who knows anything about the poems of I'redorlck tho Groat? Tim ccltthrated UumsIhii novelist, Turgo-iifl, in In bis Cfhliiar. His r.. . ii i f 11 . . ! nr, wi'h .;, 1 . .v- , . 1 1 tilt) 1 ,t 1. , ' ( 111 I r r ii 1 I i' 1 nr 1 llun Hit p1- Iier " li- old , ;i IU - face i florid wi'b ji.'.i l'ul icts, BCIKNTlflC. Hmall bflVfl ptonlng tho telegraph wires cost Knglanil 5l),00O last year. Tho older umory p,ipor Is, tho more llhiubcoii used, tho hotter it will be ior line imIIhIi Ing. A roat-.i.'; of ,tiilo glu'H n'! t-to'i'. 1 I ' 1 s . I I il , l.iu'. ' K " .It., f. Inipt rv.ons to 1 oal g.13. Seal-brown plush in u new ami warm looking material, which In texturo re sembles seal fur. There has been scarcely ono clear day in the Penobscot Vallov in Maine since tho last of October. Professor Gorini Is building cremato ry 01 the site belonging to tho Crema tion Society of London, Mas-aehusctts officials have observed that home-sickness is a frequent cause of insanity among Immigrants. American paper manufacturers aro Inlying all the poplar wood they can find iu tho Canadian eastern town ships. If Texas had as many people to tho square mlleasMasiachusetlHshe would have a population of 72,000,000. Arsenic In tho grcen-leathor lining of the hobnobs worn by .some Holdlers at Konlgsberg caused troublesome eruptions. llomx sonp Is recommended as tho best substance for removing grease from beakers, test-tubes and other ves-i-ls in the laboratory. Sir W. Armstrong uses tho electric light In the picture gallery of his resi dence at Cralgslde, nbout 18 miles from Newciwtle-on-Tyne. Lead has boon found bySchulzen berger in 11 new imtl renmrkablo con dition, and ho cites this as anothor ox ample of allotropism by electrolysis. lMrds build their nests In tho soa weed which grows ami tioat.s with tho tlulf .Stream, and in many instances are found 1,000 miles from any land. At the annual meetlngof tho Ameri can Social Science Association, held 011 :he Mb Instant, David A. Wells re tired from tito Presidency, which ho hns held for throe years. An old Turk named Pnvanovie, Is living nt Ullialr, Croatia, at tho ago of 'J". lie preserves all his faculties, and m still cany a sack ot wheat weigh ing I'lo pounds to market. A German paper asserts that prusslo aiiti onlv causes sii.miniisliin nl'Hfit nt l first, and that ono who takes it can bo I restored to animation by the pouring of acetate of potash and salt, dissolved in water, on the bead and spine. Hl.vvv Hupi'out. An exchange re lates the experience of an editor who presented to 1111 "old subscriber" a bill for eight years back subscription. Tho 0. s. was first amazed ami then indig nant. He put 011 his spectacles, scru tinized the hill, mid after assuring him bclf that It was genuine, ho exclaimed: "I'vobeen .supportlu' tin, yore paper nigh onto eight years, but I never hail 110 audi thing as this flung nt mo bo fore. I'll stop Hupportln' it." Ho not only withdrew ids valuable support, but 11I-0 fallsd to pay the bill. Thero are lots of this nrt of people In tho world. Tlioy will enthusiastically and cheerfully support a nowspapor, or a school, so long as it doesn't cost them anything, but when they aro asked to pay a cent their Interest and zeal aro gone at once. Du;i On Thursday mwnlng, Jan. liitli, at Salem, Mrs. John Hitcklomiin, aged Hi years, 0 months, and 1M days. Kho was ! daughter of Androw Co wan, of Linn county, and for Homo years had been allllctoit with, consumption. Last week hho began tilling rapidly, ind she- requested Mutt tho marriage of lior daughter, which had been po-itoaod In consequonco of tho mo ther's illness, mlglit tttko place Imme diately. Accordingly, on Wednesday evouing, Jan. 15th,. Miss Nellie Hack Icmiui was united in marriage (0 Mr. John I), Holt, by bjiltrr H. C. Adams. A few lioury aftorwaril tho spirit o; Mrs. Hitcklemau passed away peace fully to rest. Rome time ago tho emperor of Ilus sia granted it charter to the university for women, and the ituselan minister of war hua now officially taken up tho subject of training lady doctors for nrmy practice. This measure has leon decided upon in consequence of the proof glvon In the late war of tho utter inability of tho regular medical stair to copo with the enormous number of sick and wounded. Clas-e.s for the In struction of femiilo medical studoutH, tu eventually become iuemlors of tho army iccdicnl slall', will soon bo form til tit St. Petersburg. A Wyoming cortoapondent of tho Chicago nt'T'Orron fomi'M forward with a Htn blank ii.ntr.nliitlou of tho reports that women suffrage has fallud in that Territory. Ho nay a that largo numbers of tho Iwitti r :la.s.)iof ,i)inou vi.itiho ! ils, thit tln-y are not (Ji d I ; th. v.,!l K, th it tin Ir in-11 .1, . .. ; Iu. 1 I it 11 ,n;!.iy 1 . r i. . ', . , i. i i u 11. 1 . 1 1, ii 'I I m t- ,t .v . i. 4,, fr in. Uduuation. Ono of tho groatost pleasures of II fo is conversation, aud tho pleasured of conversation nro of course enhanced by ovory Increaso or knowledge; not that wo should meet together to talk of alkalies and angles, or t udd to our s'oA -r hls.ory or phi- , tl.o r;ll I 11 11- 1. tt00 thllltrs ! . I, .1 i ..;: du'it! 1. 1 conversation; hit It-', 1 r - (.tiljeit be what it may, there is alw iy.1 a prodlgioiu dliruroneo botwocti the conversation of those who have been well educated, and of thoso who have not enjoyed this ad vantage. Kducation gives focundity of thought, copiousnosa of illustration, quickness, vigor, fancy, wordn, im ages, ami illustration, it decoratea ov- iry common tiling, ami gives tho power of trilling without being undig nified ami absurd. Tho mibjocts thorn selves may not bo wanted, upon which tho talents of an educated mat. have been exercised; but thoro is nlwnya a demand for tlio.H) talents which lib ed ucation has rendered strong mid quick. Now, really, nothing can bo further from our Intention than (0 say any thing rudo and unpleasant, but wo must ho excused for observing that It, is 11 very common thing to bo interest ed by the variety and extent of fomalo knowledge, bat it is 11 very common thing to lament that tho finest faculties In tho world have Imou confined to tnlles utterly unworthy of thoir rich ness aud their strength. "M.miuy Hkh Knar." -Miiuy yc.irj au-o, in wlut ia now a flourishing city, livcl a flldlwart hl.'uJcinulh, fuml of his pipo ami hin joke. Ho mm.iImi fonil of hU lilooiniiig tlatightor, whoso uriwivt 1 1 nil cimiin'il tho nffcctioiui of a yuiuic priiilcr Tho coniilc, after a aoAon of hilling and ciMinj;, "cngsgcil tlictit.vjlvca," Mid linthiiig hut tho coinwtit of tho yotiug laily'sT partnU pruvi'tittid their union To oliUia thiJ .111 intorviow wa.i arr.innuil, and tho typo pre J 1'ircil a little Hpcorti to ailmjnlnh and convlncil tho old man, ttlni mI enjoying his pipo la (ivrl fivtiviutont. 'I'ho tyiKt ilihted ou tho fact ol tlu-ir long frii'iul ilnp, their 1ut1tu.1l atttclj iiiniitM, their Lope.t for tho future, nnd till Liiic.i; 'ltd t-i'-iiij; tho diiughter by tho ham! ho iuid, "I am now,, tita.k your pcnnli)ici tn tr.imjiUr.l thin lovtily (lower from itn iron Iwd" hut fu.f fwlnics oerr.inut him and h fiii4t tho riTiaimUir of IiIm ornUinml Oourial lihihod, iiLiiuinertsI, ami finally wound u with "from itt pnvnUil hod into my own. I Tho father keenly rolUhod thin dijcomlituro l liia miitor, mid roniovinj; lii.i jiijm and lilowin a clmitl, rejilied "Well, young man, f doul Itnotv a,i I liavn any olijteliiii, ii-otiilinjj yil marry tliei j-irl ami." There is nothing no tuvoot as to tl loved, except loving, lly lovo, moan, of course, tho true, pure iov which Ls not 11 thing of tlio 'souses, b of the noul love thatis the outgrow of goodness. What will not ono do win or keop mich tondornoi-Hl Wh will not ono daro, or risk, or foraal for Itf Is any journey long that husl lovo-klss ut the end of it? any dul hard that commits tlio liond botwcl two- loving hearts? q'o bo truly love Is tho reward that life offers. any one who has a heart, and doou i mind allowing it, who put aall "clll.sliuoss and bo true to others, win love. To have people temporarl in love with you, needa only bcnul 'lobe beloved, 0110 must have trul tentlerness, constancy, and rujponaii neas. no good, and do good, ami. Hpltu all that is bald about thin worll ingratitiido, Homo ono will lovoyou.l A KicNTUUiiY 'I'KAciiuiv. Ovord wiLi one of tho most disreputable ni 111 Kll.iibethtown, Kentucky. U a common thing for iilm to whip luj who nirenued him, aud lie prided I self 011 keeping all his prom lays ofl venge. Craig was a qulot, luofTea man, but he unmehow offondod On ton, who said, " I will kill him, In sure as I livel" Overton repeated! threat publicly, and Craig wan iafol ed of it. Craig fully bellovod tbt was moilo in earnest, and resolve oficctually protect himself by kllll Overton. Ho armed himself will gun aud a knife, nought out tho pcrado, shot him through the ltd and cut his throat. "There Is a oral feeling of relief at Overt death," tho local iiowspnjwr suys, 1 Craig lias not been arrested. Tho Now York Hun agree that it to J gnr snobbery toaildru tlio Presldeil tho Uniteil Htatt-s as HIh Kxcelloil ('ungresi once tlechiol that point. iuuhiiii luumgos in hint aruator el bcry by thu tisuof military titles for wlio ant not In the military service. (Illustration of tho absurdity of thlal tmii occurrisi iu Washington a four yl ago. 'Hie occitsbm wits a hocioty n lion, ami the Hum was Into at ulgl Ono was Mis. U. H. Grant " Havo Hfcii Mr. (iiant'.'" lulil the letter, ' liuvoyiiu Hot'ii the OuucralV" was aswcr. And the (Iciicra!, In Ibis c siitli'iioiniiiatcil by biHovn loving hj --was .1 uliiety-ilny liMgitillcr, with 1 ord Unit iihowod him to liu tho ruvci a here. Tho Ilirl and Counte of 1) irlml Imvo for yt'iir. ftet up it it c mo'ry "tr IJirinliigiiani, for lliti lji;;.ier . 'i'HI t'f i, 111 d II 1,1 r )W 0 t .1 lr I it; 1 . , u gul ' 1 Ii" I, mil iiiiiustri tl it Iiuol for lsv'Hi d gul.. I ire to by trained f jr s rvlw. I