"l ' 'I" '' tilfamf tit Jtarnur. IRSUKtl KVHIV MU1HV, HV 3Xjjfvn.3can at onAio, I'l'llLHIIIItS AMI I'ltOI HIHOIIS. Terms r inlprlilloii: xopy otiojtar (Fiimnil-rJ, lii atlnnii' .. X oil iy sis iiniiilln(a imiiiUn) l Vl- Ipy tlina) month (1.1 nuniUr) 7fl 1 II not nold vtlthln sit luwitris t will lurirwl lio)ea,r's subscription PORTI,AM, JAN. 21, 1870. ketch of a Pioneer, llUTimilk, I he. 'J I, 1373 KVIIIainttto larmir tens, thomuiilicrsof lliittetillellruiige, that it in justly duo to tin' tin mnry mnl i of tliu latu William Whitney, ns :tn Incer of Oregon Tiintury nml iiiciiiWr I Grunge, that some of tliu hading inui- In tliu lifn of our deiensnl hrothtr buresertoi in nil niirojiriatu fonii, : liii', Idttd, 'Hut tint following shilch of our I i'il brolhi r, iiiutiiliiiti'il liy i jik nt. of rnnge, Ihi tiauiuiilli il tu thu (alitor ol tlttll.lt, with .1 lupitsl tint tliu Minn Ii in 1 u plaic in its columns, inn W'liltiiuy, who deputed this lifn nt Ivillu Jmiu 1st, IH7H, was born lit Mutely Imlciishlre, Kuglniul, in I SOS, li.-iv in cmi- I ntly reached tlm nllotttd Urm of tlinu years nml tun. At tliu i.irly ngu of I 'J Inrrud Ktittilieth Tnylor, of Bourn, I.lu- ithirc, with whom Iiii liViil for IS yenra, having pitteded liiin tu tint Bjtirit latnl M. 1375. Of tlii'in it iiiiivIiu trulv mill. oiiilu wum out luoru happily mated tr. wiiitnuy is-nig iii'puiiili'iil iihiii his labor for tint aut'iiorl of his fainilv. nml prig neither triulu nor i l licit ion to assist , tipiiitf mi iroMot of nimiiriuu n lioiuii I ruannn-ihlit iiiikiH'inli'iii'i) whilu rriinin. lin Ills natllu land, thcrefnio iln bind to Kt hi" wifu nml thihl with their fin-mis, nek fur ni'iro nronitloiia surroundnm in .United .Slates, Act nrdnigly liu cmluirlii J IJjl V liu I'lllli ml mrly in S'uw York, wlium lui nrm I KM). rthcut-u to Nutv .leraoy, liu n in lily foiitul itiiuiit, mnl In ilno tiiuit suit for It in luin. iltuuy rejoined her huahaml in Ih.'l'.', liu iiilalurtiinu tu Imo Hit ir only I, who was drowned just prior to ug lor Amuiicn. Alii r hm niliiig sot 'ft In IVlilinylnlilii, liu migrated to tliu n-ginii of Nortlntrii 1111111111-1, where lui n-ginn in ixittniirii .1 I.iikI, nml in ii fit (with nil tliu iico fun years surmuiulcil ecssary conilnita ol ffin scttlim; of tint Orci-oii laiiiiiilnry 111115- hi, nml tliu much tnlki'il of land ilumition to tilers, revived tliu Hilut of emigration in u western .States, intini! addition il induce- nii-nts tu suttlu on tliu distant shore of tliu IVHllc. Mr. Wliituuy, uirtiikiuu of tliu ut vilililli incitement, sultl filrt f.irm. mnl uith his ( wifu nml six children proceeded early in IS 17 to tliu I luliau frontier, mIici n liu joined (iiu, 1'itlmur's train of ciuiraiitrt After having endiirttl tho nsunt jitt,itiiiiin, dinccrs and hardship cnuunnn to tliu nwr- , land uiiiurmiU of llumu ilnva, liu n-ai-linl I rn'iu'li I'rnirtu Intu in tliu follouiiii' fall, lliru r 1... ..r1-. i. ...1 1 1 ..1-1 1.1 1. v.. t 1 iiu iiuii.iiiiti n iiiini ui.iiiii, nnibii 1111 iiuoiiixii nml culthati-il uitli luoru tlinu iimi il miui-io for n ijiuuti-r of a n ntury 111 tliu full nf IhtS. 111 ounlLiiiv uitli ii mull urty nHiiHil of marly nil tliu Amur lin nuttli-m tlii'ii luiiiK in tliu noitlii'in mil of Climiiioi-( County, lion- Minimi, Int iiimlu tliu ovt'rlmiil juiirui'y to ('nliforuiii, 111 innnt of golil, Notwitlmtaiiiliiij,' liu uirt ltli tliu uaiul mict-iaa of tin inotHrii'in'cil iinm-ra of tlumu tnrly ilnja, lie 11111.111111I Imt a aliort tiliiu in tliu lulliea, ratln-r IWcrrln,; liomr, with plow In hatul, Tiiiiiluituir Iho . illl U11.I III tlm Hprnit of ISIU Mr. Wlntiu'y h.moiiu of n 1-iiinJi.iiiy of tliri-u mIio nii'Uiil, In aoniu Kittlit, tliu nllimit iliiK'liitnililu Inittolli l.iinla, invtiug tliu llmt nulla iimi tlu alto hIhti Auroni iiuw aUmla In InVJ lie n lult-ri'il ury I'llicii'iit aurliu 111 ninatiiiK to form tliu llmt aeliiNil iliatrict orniiiol in M.trioii Cimii ty, nml ma for uimiy jiurn mi netlu.uul I1I1 ttrm utroii 01 tint acluKii lliiiu I'lultiri'il for u umutlia tlm i-miiit-Ion lianlnlilpa iui'iilint to iiliUiii tliu jouinuy fniui IiiiIiiiiia tn Orrpui in IM" liy ot tinin, Mr nml Mra Wliituuy, 111 tint uiii; of ll7l, after Iiiiij acttli'il tin ir cliililnn iihii hI fjriua III tliu wi'imty of tliu 0I1I liomrati'.nl, ilutoruiini'il to try tlio tlit-n imit'l i-oiitrat .if ri'Cnminx tint i-nntinrnt liy tlm morn aiuftly ulnliiig train ilr.iwn Ii) tliu iron Iioih, ulik'li, til tlll'ir llillllit.lt lull, l. lll.lllltl) mvoiii. illalui After aHiiilm annrn limit 11ll1 flu lulu in tliu AllnutIO Matea, tln unit ill teriullii'il In gratify 11 lun clienalieil niali to iiin.it tin ir iiatiiu limit tin n-.ii-liiiij; tin ir oM liomu in KiikIaii.1 nfter nil iiliiemu of futt) )enia, tliuy fniiiul tlmt nearly 11 iiliolu ueuer.ttiou vvlintn limy liml left in tliu full i-tijiiy iiu-tit of iuiiMIk lifu went iniH ailuit in ili-atli, ululo tlm reniaunn naa toi.itea of tlieir yoiitliful yi.ira I1.11I riwu Kra) 111 tliu aeriiett of tlm iiiniit faimeil fuu, iimiii ulioiii tlieyuen p'tieralU ili ii.liitt for tliu common coiuloita ol Die liu loiunl tlioatt oM niilu luilt'll li' luforuiiil IIhiii the allium of tliu uorlil lHyoiul tlm iitrmn lliuita of tlnlr olmenatluu tliau Im li.nl eniKvteil, )it njti.inully i'ouIuiIihI, nml 11ll1 Inn ikoeo tloiia alill lino lH'lieera in tin- oM ilinn li)anl miKtrtitiiiua, faiiy tali a of am lent iniuea nml riiiutsl i'intli'a. After tliu eiijoyiueiit of n loiijj iait, tliey Initio n Uat fnrviM'll til tliu en.li-ailllj; anliea of erly life, u turning tu tliu (iiv.it lti'iililic In t tur lle.iaeil in inery ivajieet Willi tliu niimtr) tliau wlien linliliiiu' mlieii to tlnir elnl.ln 11 nml kiloiitutl Inline in Uiepm Tliuy iliuil n the ii.ul lueil, ieiKvteil ly nil Mini Limit-tin 111. . II. II. J. V IllllllHIHI, J Mitt. M. A tiKk.11, ' t'limiuittee II. Ii KliKllllillli, ) Good ilone Booki. lMos. Or., Jan. I, !;!. FMitor Will.uuettu r.irmer To "Ite.nler of tliu I'tiiMKu'I tiouM Ilv omuieiiil tliu Aiiierienn Itifoiiuiil lli'Uo ItooW, liy J'rof. O. 11 HuiUl, iiii .' ,orSteinrt Ainorican l'ariinr lliiiutt lUil, .1 (K). I'nli l.alm.1 liy Oiuiijjo Jmlil .V t'u., '.'IA llroailwa), Now V01U, ,S II, .SlONK, Siumi,, J j 11. tU I !:. From Grant County. (JN) ClTV, .Inn. 10, IS7P. Klitor Willnmutto Knrmrr: Vtry littlu anow tliin wititur tlma far. Tliu groutnl lots la-i 11 frot-n aoliil for about moiitli, nml tliu runJi in tliu fitiuat condition until n fiu ilny h aince, wln.11 uu I1.11I a allow fall of nlxiitt tliri-D im Iili. To il ly n fuw 1 lit-ti-ri urn out with tliu merry jiuylo of thu ln-lla, hut it I'imiot hit LiniHi.li.ri il ghiling .monthly n't r tliu gl.i-y miow, for oft thu bnrc Mrtli grnten hmhly nn the mr, nml thcrchy tnnra 111 n gnat tni.iMiru the plcvitro of tlm party. Mercury hm lifun ni low- ,11 cm but omit or twin-thin wiuttr, uiunlly imiginy fioin 10 to VI' iihot u. Mock without for.iu or slidtur h.itu n hanl tiniu 111 tliu ialli-y, 114 thu niiio ii nliuoat turn uxcept thu yruen graan w tilth aturtuil in MitiinlHr, lull now annul with hiiow. Cnpt. Wiutiln of Camp llainit), with 11 train of lifty wngnna, two compaiiiei of nohliera, nml tanrly thu uliobt triliu of SunUu or I'tntu Imliiiui left Cnuyon City to-ilny for The llallei Wililli-lnlli'ra's html la illclllili-il 111 tint uxHilition, nnkini! in nil itlHiut WX) ItiitiMia on tint ininli lliaiiha tln-'o, thetit n- ipiito a tiuiiiliur iitHnitil to be 111 theiu numutniiiH hintiha whu Hour aum mlerol themii'ltt'H na piioni'in of wiir, nml linyhu conaiiloiuil ii-n I) for hoatilttlii hh anon an Hpring om-iii Chief Wlniit iiiii(-.-.i in on ntiaitnt Camp MuDermit, nml will uu ilouht Im aetit through hy thu miiithurn routu. How- mi onkr incluiling Chiif Wiiini-iiiiu.i-a nml hia liaml with thu I111I1.111 priaotiura loiiIiI juitly be ilii-tati-il by the 1I1 iartini'iit, we are lltuhlu to I'oneuite. 'Ilnie liiillillia ulut lineil from taking nny put 111 thu hi ly nml l.iat aiunniiT, euil.iiigeitil their own Iim-.h hy ri-fiia 1115 to Join the luntilea, nml for their loyalty to the lioiLTlimilit Mi re nlluuril nt the 1 line of thu war to il! iiu their mini, jaiuiea, 1 te.i ami H'runlteil to leave ami return nt ple.-iauru to tin ir einip nt ll-ieiioy, Tlm onlur haa taken tin in hy aiirpriau, nml if it uiiy he ton aijereil .1 preieilout, Mill no ilnilht protit ilitt rimiiitiil to thu future loynlty of Indiana nn 1I1 r aiuular eiruuiuatimea. We Into hi en 1 rnlihly iuforuiiil that none of theiu IihIiiiih ileaireil to litaie thu M itheiir lleaurntiou. They aid bitterly nppmuil to thu tr.Mnfer, nml threaten to return nt thu tirat favorablo opNirtuuity. With the rotmg luiliam in them iiiount.iiua, earrjin with them thu moat improtuil lire iron nml rinmuably eountiug on ai ceaiioua fioiii llunu now helil ai priaouera of war, together tilth auriouiuliug lunula, Camp Harney eaniiot Ihi nbninlniiiil with aifnty to the many fuluilim lutuiH meil thtoiighout nil tin au iniiiiutaiii tallejM. Our eitii 111 liniu linnet eaaanly bun inuiilireil in thu ptat; wit 111k for aeeiiiit) ill the future. l. II. II. Caro and Management of Poultry. Al.liKH (Iiiiivk, Jan. I.', IS7'J. IMitor W'lll.iniiltn rnrmt-r: A gtent man) thiuganrit r.ml, from time to tlinu about tint ililliunt taintna of fane) pnilltl), III Mhii.1l thu U-ghoMH aielll to 1h the ilinieit with iilinoat eir)oiie. In Vitpm nml biitiliug fotila I have foiiml that it la 11 ,1 Altogether III thu unity or bueil tint ia kept, but luont 111 the liiau.igi Hunt nml i.ire of the fowla. In talking with iiiauy H'roua, I Inn! that t lit 1 r la'gliorua Jul imt Ii) at nil during tint mid ttt-.ither Not Uiug iiupi.iiutisl with thu White or lliintu la-glium. I i.iuuot aay mi) thing iilauil them I make a aa.ei.tlty 111 bnt'illlig lloml.uia, nml I feel Mtlalleil tilth them na being gixal eg priHlueera. The) bat u Ik 1 11 la)iug all through the mid weather III thu put two moiitha. Thu tieatnient la but 11 aiuall matter to imluiti the llouilaua to liy. (ilto theiu plilily of 111 uu to 11111, na they nut imt n la) fowl; fenl them pleiit) of wheat, nml iHvaMoii.illy 11 ti.inu bieakfaat or aupptrof IhiiIihI meat mueil with bran or meal of an) kind, putting a little egg fo.nl or KpH-r lit it, nml gnu them n gnn place to allot III, iibo phut) of loom liilooat, ami the) Hill piihluitt egga tilth mi) fotila in the world. The llomlina hate pinM-d theiuaeltea to Ik a Iiunl) fowl, a fowl of i.irly maturity, of ipnet Ii tints but giaul forager 1 they bear con. lilieiuent na well na mi) fowl, nml pmdmo na mail) egga when in chu ipiartem. They are aUn e .itcragu in aie, mnl as line .1 table fowl 11a can Ihi laii.d. The) aim make .1 Hue cmaa when bud with other fowla, chhi lall) the Cochin. In Apill, sTs. two of in) llomlni lima laiil from the lat of A pill to tlm t'lith, forty- aeteii egga. Ileing Iroin luunu (oraix il.i)a, no luvoiint tiaa kept until Ma) .'1.1. At that time two more lima tine put 111 the aaiim)anl, and 1111 nccoiliit of four ttaa kt pt. lYoni Mil) :i until Juno II, nuking tlinty one ill) a, thu four heua prmlmeil ll'.l egga, iii.tkiug a Inaa of only lite tin) a for ouu hen rnou.liiue Ith to Jul) lid the mine In-inlaid 107 egga After thla time the) went turned out Willi the nthira, ami no account could In kept. The four In na nml one naiiter went kept in .1 ).int bull riala lung b) two rmta wide ilurilig the time a bote miutiuiieil. Thlaaiaaon I Mill kicp .111 ai'iount of (he Hiiinkrnf egga lilil b) ten of 111) pivinuini llomlaii (una fiom Jan. I to Auguat I, nt the iinl of tihuh time 1 will nuke public nuution of the ivaulta through the uewapipera. If .111) crnn or pi-numa know ail) thing central) tu the nUite mcutiuneil ipiatitica of thu llomlaua, mo hiiM like to hi nr from tlum 111 regtnl to the matter 1'iaring that 1 nut) 1-e ihi length), I ter) na (fully aiibuut thla tu the critlcum of )our rwulem. Wiiiiim tiiiiiii. Answer to Queries. IMitor Willamette Knrtner: In your isnio of Jmiuary 3 la n coinimuilca tirui nigtieil "An Immigrant." lie ak nliout how to tunko thu moat of thu manure lie is thu Unit one to my knowledge that hai nikeJ about thu manlier of applying manure 1 mn glad to In. ir it, for it Ii tliu M-ry thing that w ill make fanner iiulcpvmti nt. Ily tliu prop er use of manure tliu fariutr can nilie from 'JO to .'10 r cent, more gmiu than when he imcs none nf thu fertiliser thnt mo nll.iw to go to M-ito I lento you nco that there is "iicli a thing na a farmer la nig iniltpemlent. Ily thii I mtan that .1 farmi r will have pltntyitli.it ho Mill not liat e'to run to the banks to borrow mom-) to carry 011 the farm. We want to learn to satu all thu imiiiiiru that is nude on the farm, ami it must It- sattd right, or elite it la of no iitcolllit must bu cnlnioitiil. Iinmigraiita will gnin nt Itnat ffl iur out by putting maliuie on their meadows. Iln ititiliattly uftcr you ilUtrihuto thu tiiuuiiro us el only as you tan, thtn harrow nml emu-harrow; thin loll, nml you will feel glad when 1 you tut )our iiiiaihitt. I Ai for fniit titea, it ileH mla on whit kind of land, ll.it or rolling. If rolling, I would mine l-irl) ll.ine-t nml Iinl Aatraeui for aiiiiimer, ami for fill I would plant (iratm- aline, Pall I'lpj Noitheni Spy, ll.ililtt in, llliodo lil.iml (In tiling. 1'or winter ue, the Villow Nuittottu I'tppiii, American Pippin, Iteil Clink, mnl nlmiit half adoen l.uly Ap phi. l.imtisK. t'l.tl KAMta Cut MV, Or., Jllll. 14, '7'J. Now FrtilU. t.lltur Wlllalilltte I'liriuer: I hatr In en nailing with n great ileit of in lnri.it thu uontroversy on thu origin of thu 1'eath Plum, ami 11I10 thu control cisy in ru Hinl to thu so-catleil Siltur Prune, nml I up kisi that fruit growi-rti all oe our Ntnlo tuul Waslingtoii Territory halo liHUt as much in-lert-tteil ia it as ni)(elf, in aarertaiuing tliu fx'ta. Hut alio, ufttr hearing the cuniluaiou of thu tiIioIh matter, e nru still in the ilatk anil aru naturally lull tn our own opnuou. Ami tiov, Mr. lulitir, 1 hojiu you will, through your pttju.r, urgu the fruit growera, fanneni ami othtrs to orgaitizu n I'oimilugical Socitty, au that any liuw fruit can bu uihih iteil, ami in their ao.non be jiaasuil ujion by comimtt-nt Judges U-funt being iutroiluccil as sumu iisk ami rare fruit, ami thereby jiruvont mg fiuit growors ami othela from It ing im- (K0il tIJHIII, I hatu two setilliug tliurrns ami our seed ling ajiplo that I comliler extra, but 1 lime uot yet iiitrndui.cd thoin, as I know full Melt that w u ma nil apt tu bu a little ouu-aidcil w lieu ilollarsaic nt atnku. Hence, I would Iku for someone not intensteil to 'pats judgment nyoa tin m. I ImjIuiwi in lhu iliHtrino "honor tu ttlioin honor is duo " and if any honor it cnniNCtad with it, I want it. Wu luivo a gooatberry cnllctl tliu Champion, mi excellent hurry, an Oregon sjullii;g Now, no s.i.r.t to know thu origin of it, Thcro aru but few Hint know its history. Thu originator should katii thu trtillt, nml not another. II. lllSnON', Kiat Portland Nillaery. Resolutions of Condolence. The following etidently uinii-a from Mt., Ple.n.int, Linn Co. Oregon: Wlicic.li, it hath plcitid our Heavenly rather to take from this world the soul of our beloteil slater nml lalairi r Jnnu Potter. Whcieiia, her ileath waa tery amldeii, and nttimlnl with tirciltnatiilicia null na xcr) gie.itlytu iinpien oiiriniiula witli the uncur taint) of human life, nml tlm tanity of 1 art li ly In t a-1. It ia tin ii font lleanltiil, I'irat, that tt e lain tt ith chastened spurts 111 humble MibmiMion to this in 1 rotable jiiiitnlciice of Almighty liisl, know ing that he tloith all things will. Iiiaolte.1, that ill the allilileu ilcntll of our alatir Potter, Munic mluiouiaheil of thu great iinpoitaiue of bcin,'eter leady to cloe iiur laUua hi imthly lielils, to enter ii"Ui thu re wind of the just. III the biightir liebla in the prnMileine of (iinl. 1 tool in I, that 111 tlm iliathof aiitir Pot ter our lir.ingu sual.iiua the Io of 11 ttoitli) ineintHT, mnl thu community thu loaa of a gmv.1 iitim, ami hi r family thu loss of mi iillct Inmate mnl In lot id wife nml mother. Iteaoltcil, thit our .Ventary Ik- dint ted to fiirniah nccitilicil mp) hereof to the In-rcaiitl faiml), mnl n copt to the Win ttitrni: I'm. tun for publication. 1. I. IIUaK. 1 l.ti 1. A. r'uiiM, .it 111 Ik 'I'imiii. Coinuiittie Qrlst Mill Wantod. A suUcrilKT writing from Wist I'liion, liiiilir il ito of Jan, 17, aa)s: 1 wish to gnu notuu that we want a llonr ing null hero; wo aru in uiy great necil of one, and hau been for yi.irs. Now tint tho Cviitertille Mills mid tliu lloston Mills aru no loru, that disaster leaves us in dnublu trouble. Wo hate a mill site on HiK-k Creek, 011 thu Clrucoc ami Portland ro.nl, tweltc miles from Portland. Hie Ut lecomnicuiUtion is a sight of tlm situation ami of thu siitroumliiig country. 1 Into examined thu fall-sottn whi.it since the thaw, ami liud it not injund in the least. All or nearly nil looks ir) well. S. A. 11. To Those in Arroars. If mu hail what It duo us wo could inmusl lately nliote oiirsche of nil jxvtnitary liabil ities ami carry out a plau mu hate 111 prusjHs,t (or issuing a svptratu news sheet that will make thu Kmum mors acccjitable to tint pro. ducers of tliu Pacitio Northwest thau an) other luiK-r. VaiVw oitio to Portlaud to .loubt about iloiug it ORANGE OFFICERS FOR 1B70. I'mpijun (irnngf, I)oiiglns County, haa elttttil thu following olhtera: O. W. Jonea, M. I'. Cooper, 0. T. llealc, l,. S. Chap jk.1I, h. I'. I'etirs, C.i II. Conn, r., T.j J. J. I'. Iiiilii.ui, See.; C. Smith, A. S.j Mrs. Conn, I'omoni; Mn. N. Ownta, Cirt-ai Mra. I.i ley II. Omiuaii, I'lon; Mm. I.. (I lamry, I.. A. S. Tlm ollictra of Miiltiiomnli lirntige, lliat I'ortlaiul, me: A. F. Miller, M. fi. K. I'tny, O ; .1. i:. Stnnabeir), S; K. I'irc, A. Ss Mrs. L. II. Claris, C.s lnistafT I'ttumon, I..-, IMwanl Long, T.; Knoch Turner, Stu.j K. WooilUrry, II. K.; Mrr. Jtnnit Milltr, C: Mrs, M. .ll Wumlherry. I'.s Mi-a. Il.i.h.l I'nt tjiiiiui, I'.i Mn. L'. .I. I'tlif, I A. S; Mm. Surah I'ttry, II. Ollictra of KMiung Star (irmige, Kut Put t l.iuil: Jiivoli Jiiltiiaoii, M.; William Johuion, I O.t Mra. i:. A. Kt-llv. I..-, ritmoiit l.uit. S.: II. J. Ciab. A. .i.i I'ljmjitoti Ktlly, C.j t). I'. I.tnt, T.J. .1. .IiiliiiHim, S.; !'. Itouitt, (I. K.t Mrs. Mnrth.i I.tlit, C.t Mrs. Mnry Wills, l'.j Mrs. Ilottit, I'.i Mm. Mnry Walker, L A. 'I lot nlhters of Hound I'iniiiu (itniige, No, I (Hi, uiu: Olin-r IIhih, M.i .1. W. liiat), O ; Mrs. A. II. Iloilge, I. i W. M. Iliibbanl, A. S i W. M. Colhinl, C.s A. II. Dnilge, T.j . C. Hubbard, S.; O. It. Iliibbanl, Ii. K.j Mrs. lliirm, l'. HehliM . Iliihbiril, P. Mt. HillU) lil.iuui-. No. 107 Ills the follow. ing ollieim: .loieth Mclean, M.j John Mc Lean, (.; II. liailfunl, U; It. Siinmoni, ,S, j Perry IMinoustoii. A. S. j.loliii Itogart, C; lltrsey Polly, T.jT. J. Himtou, S.T. Cole, (l. Mis. John Cogswell, C.i Miss l.llcy Cole, I'.I Mrs. Niniey Ikitis, I". Anna Polly, L .S.; T. J. Duntoii, .v-erttmy. Tho Plowing Soason. Tin1 sinson for winter plowing for Mhmt is nlauitgone, nml, fnrWHiit of tain, wry little Jtlowing hia Im-dii ilone. Mnny fnriuera, no ilouht, iiitenileil to jnit ill tonsiilcrublu mole wheat than they had summer fallowed for, but unless tliu rains coniu soon will bo coin pcllfd to nbamloii ibsug so, or w ill hatu to put it in lory lato 111 nc.iKin. 1-ljpciicnce has Drotetl that whtntsowii later than Jnnuaiy tines nut on nil atcragu pay exjieitses mnl jirollt. Under thu rirvuiustiiucts, it U-couus a iilcstion with farmers so situated whether it Mill not Iki butter to let thu hunt rest this year and summer-fallow It. This course will most likely exchange nn uncertainty this )ear for n t-ertaiaty next. In pl.i -u of 11 jioor crop or iionu nt all this )car, sin.li farmers can, by auiuinir-ali)wing thtir laiul, luako n aiiruty of a g'MHl crop nuxt year. Our dry scisuiis hntu herutoforu jirott-tl a iKiiiuilt rather than a 1lia.11ltm1t.1gu to Cnlifonii.i whc.it-growiis. Hut for thu iK-curriiit-u of thu dry seasons of iMlil nml I Mi I nml l.s;:i, winter plowing mnl sotting would havo still been thu rule, ami suiuuitr-fallowing thu exception. Tluso sea sons tnuuht the fanners thnt to make w lit at growing a tertainty nml a pa) ing biisiuusa thy must tliunge their 1110.I0 of cidtitatiuu. .Siiiutiiur-fallowiil fields of wheat hatu uuti-r Ih-i-ii 11 failuru In this Statu. Uveti in Ibfil, thu ilr)i-st year Me latu had siucu wheat gniwing lias ln-cn practicid here, thu sumiiiur fallow eil groin ntornged from 'M to t'.'i buthela tu tliu acre. This is more than thu average of winter-sow 11 wheat in the favorablo seasons. Whither thu jtresent season shall prote dry or shall turn out 11s last season Jul, theru is no ilouht tint thu belter plan wilt bo fur wheat grower to suminer-fiiltow their lands, instead of jtlowing nml sotting them so latu na they ttilt hate to this scisoii. S.urmutiito Hoc-onl-l'uion. Advertisers, Messis, Coinitotk nml Plluger of Second Mnet, Poitlaml, Utwnn Mornsnii ami Yum lull, gciiiral ilealeis, udtertisu in thu l'.inu:it this tuek. Their Immune cst.ihlishiiiiut is .1 ilejait of nil things wearable, t.itnblu or usable, isKciall) mlajiteil to the country trade, i they ilesiru our finders to know. As they hate limit rt.ikin to let ie our market rtjsirts, farmers tan, b) reading them, ham what jtriris the) can get for their products, nml wiiai ineir sujijiiies miii cmt. they give Uith jobbing ami n tail rates, ami tan sell by anl or pieie, jhiiiiuI or jkicknge. Btinneu Notice. Thu business ollicu of tho Wll.l.iMr.nt: Kaiimkii is how rviuotcJ to Poitlaml, nml thu Usiks nml accounts aru kept here, at No. A Washington strict, unit block from the Stark sticct fctra,. All (omiiiuiiicatluus should therefore be adtlrcsscil to Portland. Persons lit mg near Salun, or hating occa sion to go thcie 011 business, Mill tind Mr. I. W. Craig at the old ullice, ami can hatu any biisniiss tliuy liny desire nttenditl to by luin. Employment Office. Hawkins A Cokir, of Poitlaml, bat cojH-iicd an iinplntniilit otlitu ns will Ihi seiu by their ad. tlsewheiv. Antone wanting farm hands, domestic, sort ants Mould do will to call upon tlinu or addn.s them. They are luglil) nvouteuileil, mnl will 110 Isjuht do Un fair thing b) all. Curious Ideas of Children. During one of theses ere ihunder modus recently, little M.tv, a light haired jjirl about four years old, wine running to her mamma and said: "Mamma, does God keep a gun?" Her mother, somewhat surprised at the curious question, an swercd, "Why do you ask that, Ma." "Because, if he doesn't keep a gun, what does he break the sky with when il thun ders? ' This reminds us of another true story. Some years ai;o a littte daughter of Mr. Coddington, a noted New York auction eer, ran out of the door and saw a beau- "JtMltjful lainbotv for the first time in her jViA-niomeut in awe lyci Stato and Territorial. Tliu Coast Itnngi' is lovcred with HIIOW. Wiillit W11II11 ii tnlkinj; iiliinit n tttivt-t ruiluat. I 'oiil iiiiiii'i-s nn-w.iiiH-il tit Xittioit Coos L-oiiiily. Two limit I'ltliniiior fiuit ilryom luiti K0110 to Olyiiiii:i. Ciittlu mnl htock iiih hllll't'liiiK ftfvotolv in rinnttllii foimty. TltPrr-nio 100 tons of M'lirnt fttoipil it (inui'n City, V, T. A jjuml liriilo 11m In1 built out tin L'liintlii tor 6.ri,0UU. Iluy is SIIO ti ton nt Hoist- City, liiolt or tlinu lor 10 yi'im. Iw was iiM' iiiclics tliit-k on tin1 (V itniiiimiit tin- I 'alios. .M. Ilukor, cilitoi of tin Li inutile (Jiiuttc, lias bt't'ii ill. TIil'I-o is to be it Mtt'iilii ft'iry liotwirn tho Dalles nml Itooklami. Tin- Slii'lill of .lai-lihiiii count v lias tolli-i-ti-il $10,000 lo ilato. l'lucor mining is ijoiiifj 011 m.ui- .M nn ily'n fciry, on Siiukf lin-r. ( 'Inn ley IIIooiiiit loiiio.s llnUoit, V. '1'., for 11 isit to tlio .Stall's. Tin' l.ewistou 'I't'lli'i' Miys Nickiit'.sspii--mils in that uut of lilalio. Xt'Mlnii-y, Cliupnian .t Co.'.s aejent was I'lvutiii"; 11 itaii'liotisi) at Cut fit x. Mnuli hiiom' in Malio mountains a d good hlt'igliing on Camas 1'niiiic. SiuHuw pooplo intonil oponiii'' a 111.nl down that htivain to tlio coast. Tho Wilton troiiio phtyi-il to a slim Iioiimi at llillsboio, on tlm loth. Setprt ili''ii-ss nbovo no is tlio lottoM tiiiiKiiittii noted at lloiso City. S.iniiii'l Antli'i-Min lost 11 valitalili) niiiii', drottned in tho L'matillu livi-r. Tlm ii-osiottn of tlio Atlanta tiinos, at .Miihllo liter, nn- mu to be tiit rati'. Tho Tacoiiiii Ili-mlil s:ih Hill llnr inun iiiovi-iI from .Sti-ilut-oum to Colfiu. Mi'ivury was nt'iirrro at Colfax, but Ki-tllci-s fiom .Miniicsota Hay it isn't rohl. Ioiioas county hits ti.iid into tho Stato tivastuy $.1,000 of its $1 1,000 Sti ta.. Jim I'mkor, says tho liulepeiuli'iit, foil 011 thu it-o at I'l'iulli-ton and liroki'im aim. Xotv discuM'iii'S of iild ami hiIvit on I tuft lit it, n tributary of tlm Sieikit lixi'r. Out) .MiClniii, ii'i-cntlv inovi-tl to t'u- lotlSoloSt.'IO llOIM'Hjtllillkh tlll'V WlTOplUN- oiiimI, Tiiconn llenihl cays hanlttood liim lior is in ilciii.iiul for sliipinciit to C'uli- loiiinu Tlm lii-st installiiiL'iit of ".riiul-htimos hits lii'on sliippctl from tlm ijimiry to Siuittli'. Qimit, hiiiiosimI tu contain both sil ver ami j.'olil, is found uithiir.'O miles of Clllf.lN. D.i id Miller, a icligioiis fuuatit', at I'tigoni' City, will bo acnt to tlm iiisitui asyluni, Tho County court of Douglas county jiays its Si-koul Snpiiiiulent $100 jicr aiiniuii. A ilauahtiT of Andrctf .MtC.illy, nt "NVhIIj Witllu mih M'liotisly hint ivhilu slfililiiir. Illack .lack niinc, .Silver City, I. T., lately hout ?10,HOO woith of Inillion at one time. Kighty-livo iimrtgup's tcic ti ! I in lucksou county dining tliu month ot December. Diphtheria juuwiils at Tualatin, anil J. I). Fleck's little yiil mms Mivtui'ly buineil theiv. Ihe little kohooncr Industry, loade. I with cotl trom .Nauaiino, Mas Micekcd near utorm. .Mrs. Wallace, who left Coos liny with Fronchy for thu black hills, ciimuiitteil miicidu their. A sou of Date Taylor Was thrown out of a sleigh, near Peudletou, and had tt leg broken. Tens of thousands of bushels of po tutocs air being sent from tho Sound to San Fnincisoo, l-'lte elk and two deer resulted from one hunt in tinunlo ltoudu alley ; so says tho (I'azette. John Xation, foinierly of this city, is connected ith the Puget Sound Iron Woiksat Seattle. The Seattle Post says Justice Scott has lioeu appointed Commissioner of Deeds for Oregon. A Cnited States laud patent has bi-cn filed in Jackson county. The !irt with It. II. II.' signature. A jmssablv rich uu.uU ledge has bis'ii discotered on 11 spur of mountains in llrmide Hondo alley. A sou of Sheritl Hall of Polk county, died a week ago. He. accidentally shot himself November 10, Lett is Fortu, insane, set tiro to the old county jail building, at Walla Walhi, and it was burned down. Mr. Warren, of 'Wisconsin, has the contract for eairying the mails lietutfii UaM'buiy and Empire city. Tliu Idaho Statesman gives tlio duiies sious of the now Capital builniiig 1110- jKi-Msi to no uuiii nt noi.so uity. Joseph CoiH-laiul, of CalaHH)iaJ kted two dtvr at ono shot ono day lu-s iiek. tip, at lPMslyrjyiie Uoii"qg U.,1.iw.ii. Tolucco is nr.ld to ouip all tho ills of l'uynlliip fanners even the nervous ili'prcHsioiiasciiiisL'd liy the low price, of hops. The i'ost Miys that to the ninth of Seattle the Winter has been tptitosevrie, considei-nble snow, and ice tour inches lb itk. Wilson ,v Co., recently from Califor nia, hale eompli-ti-tl a lloutiui; mill nt Covdiml, W'liitlby IkIhikI, that toat $10,0ui). 'J'he Rnvcrnment mill at the Umatilla res ,-e tas accidiutally burnt down Inst m ok. Some think tho Indians did it for leteligo. A foot nice, flee for nil, for 11 purse of -7-IU Wl'l UIKU pilICO III UllKlllllll on .tt- urtlay next. ICutrnlice, $.1;ilistauceonu hliliilied tnlils. A telegraph line is to be constructed between DuUoli, Y, T., nml LeM-istoli, Idaho. .Soldieis nml Kovviiiiiiunt teains at it at totk on it. Tlm l'nlotlxe (iuuttr says a liiu Do eeinbi'i k'Oth tlestioyed the b.illi of .Mr. .Inliies Iloss, lour 1'ulousn lit el, niitl contelilii, with Mitgou, etc. Air. l'liee, Iryinej to foul the fJIaiii taler at l.owistoli, theie the ice Mtei iiiuuiiig, ciiuie near losing his wugoii Mhich MiLscairied down stieum. The Daily llcrnld, Xew Tneoniu, has Mitspemled with thu cuinplateut icmark that 'J.10 liumiiiers who hu o road bor rowed iiowh will now j,'o without, Soiiiii voting fellow tiied to tlmw $100 from tlm Xatioiial llauk, Walla Wtillil, but sot seined nml left tlm forged cheek without getting tlm inonev. Parties distill bed a public jilaeu of worship at Canyonville, Tho Inw got $1-1 from each oHi-nder, (iood way to keep 0111-houses of Moi-Hhiji from being: defiled. Wheat, (iO cents a bushel at Pendle ton; o.its, '2 cents per pound; bailey, 2 cents; potatoes, .'I cents; onions, .1 cents; apples, (! to 7 cents; butter, .10 cents; eggs, .10 cents. .Mr. Clms. Ilnssi'11 lost eleven line mules and siv horses dining tho past tcck, says the Walla Walla Statesman. Thu disease in mippovil to be the blind Htaggors. Theie lieing no probabilities of any distill bailee at the Umatilla leserte, tlm troops temporarily stationed their, un der .Major Jackson, Mill irtiirn early tlm ensuing week, The ICast Orcgouiuu h.ivs Ciit-nioutli John Mould not sliiiku huinlr with tint condemned Indians hcfoiu they swimg oil', for ho was 11 friend to thu Hustons, mid not to them. Tlm propoMsl cliungu in tho mail be tween Astoria and Poitlnud .ill..ulh)tv.. passengers leaving Astoi ia to ix-nch In coma, on Puget Sound, or Salem and Al bany tlm name day. Claims of creditors of tlm Dlympia and Teiiiuo mill oud are to be consolidu tisl nml moi tuges given 011 the ro.-itl for tho Mine. Captain lllilili has been he lected to hold the niortnges. Dick Xyos horsu fell with him near Pendleton, M-iioiisly hint; Hi too day Will l-'iirnihh had his foot ciuslasl tindei' it ho I'm 1 that fell, and Tuesday his mother fell on thu ice and liroku her 111 111. Thu Democratic Times, of Jackson county, says thoro is piobubly home fouuilatiou for tho rumor that thu O. A' C. It. Jt. will bu extended miiihi miles south of Hosebiirg, as tvo leant that ties for thai purjuisu mu now being luilliufactuied. Tho Racket Above Citieii II.aiis occujiies lower rooms in a Iioiim' on Autoiim street. There's 110 un ,,ul ,llM.,f ,, wif nll, w,Jl u.lliw. WMM Mu ,lt ni,lt uilul lu()alw roulul lho blcs hu t)VVli t0 vm out on ouch wno of the stove, tuul smoke his big pipe mid full into n, pleasant irxerio. An.l tu ilrtum ..I tin lil!l...f lllii.'iu. UI1I1I1 .l.'io In Uiu llliir llliliiv. o( eating Ills .ntt.l In Hamburg Ait.l Urlnklii tlm moi tiut.li ulin. All this Mould ho erv nice, but for th? family with sot en children up stairs. When dusky shadows gather, tliu chil dren play "pull-aMay" aeioss the floor. When tiled of that they jilny circus and other games, and citieu Hans is inter liiptisl in his reverie and knocks Ids: left knee against the hot stove and cries: out: "Py ilundeis ! I moot' omit of tits house so fjut-ek us makes sonicpody's head hi-hwim:" I -1st night Ntheu the racket mus at its heighth Citien Hans lushed up stairs and Mailed through thu entire family. After recoM'iing from their surpriso they rallied on the left center and pitilnd llaiisdoMii btairs into the street, ami he was throwing mud and lighting like it Kim mil! Mhen arrested. "1 osvt dut 1 schall go home and intwf oudt right away," ho explainnl, Mhen the ollicer hail tiuuhtsl. "Vou will tlo that, will you," asked the com t. "Ily Shorge ! 1 vhill ! Den, en dent hhilders makes all dot unisu soiuepotly won't hear it, un tleii fun will ull pi gone." "If toil agree to move out I'll let vou go. "I schall bu oudt likesomu lightning! Shudge, I schall got some room 011 dr top tloor of to,me odder house, und a night long I bchall jioitnil on tier ibv mit it club and kick mit my feet, and r" HV'luill roll some titiuiuiia I