Will Protoonto. Tlio bellow h nuker, Svvctt, tnfoi ine1 US J rstciilav tliut In- ll.nl ti lrgtiipluil to San KiiineiiL'o fm thctniest of liis 11111 iivvtvy wife nml her funnel husband, lie will ptosecutu them to the bittei cud ami siah he can prove bigamy, fnigeiy and rther ciimcs on Hicknid, 01 Riellv. 1'Jic latter has a wife in Onlifoi inn whom liu munied since Ins thvoue fiom Mis. Swett. lilt Ul tt.Ut LilUll Ciis In the suit luniight by Chus. Manning vs Hen Havdeit, foi iceoveiy of land, tl fit llltllll II III! II j it. t Lt fl It LI it I 111 I iiillitl back, the com t this moiuinu' gave VcuIiU tol the pliiilit i IT. It seems thai mime enfH u'o lliivihu Imuglil in u tat m, sold on execution, for a small tig l lie, on the pleteuse that he bid it 111 for the old folks who vteiu its foimei owucis II. Dove and wife, near 1'ohi, Polk count, lie lieu I tinned 'lie pinpuit) out, howcvoi, and this suit pioves the fuels and holds him li.i ble for the alue of the piopt ty with all its rents to this date, said to amount to fJO.UUO. Ilatitcii is good for it. Fruit Dryer Bumml On Sutuiihiv the fiuit diyer owned and operated by .Mr. Me.Musivy at lliooks, was ipstiocd bv lire, the loss lieinij about i?'IU0. Sometimes this but u ing of fiuit ill vi'i-K is the leNult of cine lessuess, though no doubt they can be built so as to be less liable to destine tion, and the lepented epeiiente wo have had in Hitch losses should cause inoi e eaio to 1c used in their consti ac tion. The business of diving mid pre- setting fruit in our State willginw in impoitiitieo and should be cilllinl on with as ninth security against liieus possible. A Slunillonut Fact. A motley tlnollg peopled the hulls of jllstho, piosidcd over by .ludj,'e Sieains, this aftei noon. The attiiictiou was the I'Miiuiiiatiou of u number of Chines; for keeping opium deus, and six or hcncii otinj men who weie caught in hilling the ill tig at thine noxious ivxnits, The interest taken in these cases is u HigliiticauL pioof that the dives me hugely patloliled by u teltaili class of .voting men and women The accused were piiucipally ,ouths whose gniceH weiv just iM'giiiniug to show minks of dissipation mid the liiviures made bv constant tanioeiiiiL' with the poisonous lompoitml, mid being the lii t olleiise, His Honor imposed n light tine, but it is hoped their net appearance will not meet with such leniency. Wo are pleased to note tho Ntlillgeut dibits of the ollicerM to en forcu the ordiiiHiiee in the case, and feel eei lain the public will echo the wish that every one of the foul dens may Ih demised ellettually of the pieseilt busi ness. Friuhifiil Aootitout. .lueob,titdelidaus,nOcilua!i,wliolics four miles fiom town on the went side railroad, was wending his way towards Home lliursiliiy aveiung, about (io clock, . ... i i . usi. iiiier iiiiik. ii w us it stonily even ing, end with wind and rain driving in his tace, the piuir fellow uiaungcil to I tioss till the other budges until he came to biidge Xo. 10, where the daikliess and the stoim caused him to miss his footing and fall into the ravine below, a distance of .ri7 feet. His left in in was broken, his spine mid bieast sevendy luiiisisl, and then) he lay in the dnik giilch with the wind and storm beating upon him tin ougli the live long night, mid long hours after daylight enabled tin) dre.niiifss of the stoim to Ihi scenes well as felt. What a night .atcli that must have liei'ii ami how he must have longed for human help ami sympathy ' About ten o'tlock, us the loadmaster went over tho mute with a hand car, he lienrtl tliegrouiiiii of tho sullcrcr, and with the help of two Chinese, who wvio on tlio luiiiii car with mm, brought Inni to his own home. Di. Chapman was suit lor, wiio liiul linn ruiunvisl to the house of Mi. Uvaltumn, imother (.er-1 limn, in this cit), wheie it uM that he will sui vive under the skillful medi cal tliMtlilent he will ittcive, but h' lie in a vi'iv tiitical loeditioiu Muntnr'n Penalty Phsin-irros, Jan. 17I879 i via W.vi.uv Waim, 18ib. i A is, the iciuuiniiif J4'nn vlio was convicted of toiuplxity is tboia:rdciof whites here last suiiiuirr, wm hiii;cd to day. The Mini) piecautton were taken to prevent nnv tiouble, A number of whites and Indians attended the execu tion. Several iiiomiueiit Indians ml ilicssed the whites and Indians, usstiiing them of peace in the futuie. Twohouis l'fou the exetiltion Aps bid faiewidl to Ills iK'Ople. Ho saiil lie (licit us an in niKfiit uni u , ho had killed no one. He solemnly abjutvd his ople to profit by his fate; to always icmain steadfas't friends to the whites, and no harlxir ill feeling toward them. Ill n iuteiviuw with the princi)al chiefs, all dipb)tsl gieat anxiety to have it understood that they had no iuteutious.to retaliate , but would remain jteaeeful. They ask for even jtiitice, and that the wholes.il-; plundering of their horses by lawless w hites be stop-Kit. Jtega. riling" C'omiiiis ' "''I J1'" J,ry Are full justitksl in io doner Haves' recominendarion to iemovHituVu"g enhctas charged in tho in them to another locality, tho Indians 'xprvs.s partial w-illingness, but desire . ... . nu opjiortuiiity to visit ashprgton q Inanno. deo. lling-uini'istc'i, floluThe Dulles, adjudged insane, m ii oil last evening in custody of Slii'i ill ( 'iiisscn, ami was uiln milted to tin' 1'i't l'oitluml asvlitm. Finn Iuoienmiil Tin- fait! heme to Han l'l-micKeo un tin; ldilio lias been iiicicused to $' for e'ubin ) iss ii, and S8 stecrnjie. Hereto toie it tivetv. was ?. .i0 ami J-' till roipec- HOI... Killnd A valuable, hoise, the piupeitv of Mi. b'lank Joliuoii. was l.illtd It) the south- a11;1", unuA !!!,'"' t,?m1BSl,-,,,,',. ' Jcllen.nii. The uliimal was valued at nboiil -l."0, but us it was in no ptivnle enulosi tile 110 tluiiiugts can be iitoveied hot. i the nulio.id coinpuli). Potninitm Hie following poMiii-uer-j ha- been appoinlrd: John h Ilubbtr I, Lauju tc, Vninhill tounty: 1. N Sargent, White hall, Wasco coantv; J II. Tipton, I'at tenons Mills, Douglas counts , Charles V. Knovvl:) Riverside, Columbia county; Thomas G. Gillihan, Sauvic's Island, Multnomah count) ; l'luud Simmons, Sweet Home, I. inn county; M II. Skin tier. Will ttnette Forks, Line county. Fiiro Inortinnnrl. As mav be seen bv ivfereiue to our iidveitisiug colttmus, the fine to San I'mueisco pel ste.tiuei llhler has been in ci cased to ?!' for upper saloon, main saloon, ."?IJ, and steerage ?ll. These llgllies me veiy lensonable, and if not still fuither incie.isel, will giw sntisf ac tion. A Drujioruto Airrny. Sii)N the Itosebtiig Star: On hist, duck I'ppersoti, foiiucily 1'iidav of this cit), got into an alteivatiou with a hotel keeper mimed Thomas, at (Suvserv ille, (Jul., in which the latter was killed bv a shot from it Winchester title in the hands of I'ppfrsou. In his attempt to escape, I'pperson liicd four or live shots 'it the constable, who ill lettllli tired in 1'pper soli, the shot taking ellett ill the leg. On Sunday. I. Dppeison, the vmingiiian's father, ii'ceivisl a trlegram in this tity that it hud bi en liecensarv to iiuiiiutiito .luck's leg, and it was thought that he would not sin vive. Mr. Lppei-sous p mints live in this cit), and are highly respeited and have liiiiuy fiieuds who NVinpiithle with them in this dl.tless. j1 "'l-oitoil that .lack luel been diiiu iug haiil for sex end davs iiievioiiN to the coiiimissioii of his ilcnpcratt' int. Indlnu fur Ynkluit. Captain Wiuteis, with two companies of the First Cuvaliy, airivisl in John Day valley on the 8th iust., with .'100 l'illte Indian pi isonerH mid liftv wagoux. Ho was awaiting tho iiiiivai of ''.i0 liiiiio when he would pitKecd diiiut to Vukiiiia. Captain Winteiit uxpictnl to make Tho Dalles with his circus in thiiteen days. When he stinted from llainev he had only the hostllcs under Mils chaige, but oiderx came while en 'unite, tor Inni t tuki up all the Indians', . I, , i , was issued to he In liaus, but they an still stilleiliig tenililv. i ome deaths ami biiths have t ikeli place on the line of travtl W. . Malesuiali, A Shnrj) Houuo. The otlier day W. I'. Owviis, liiamig er of the (iralige warehouse, leteiveil a letter fiom F. M. (iablsut, of Myitle tieek, stating that .1. Wilson had two wagons, loaded with wool, appro idling Hoseburg. John came in shoitly after the letter aimed, ami told Mr. Oiv ens ho would sell to tint Orange store. He said, however, ho wanted to hum home and that he wished to lay in a lot of supplies at an eaily hour that he might not be dulavcd. Ml, Owens took John to C'aro brothers, where he vouched for John's honesty and the latter had the I'll in named, pink up merchandise to the ....m.t.i .if 21 I l II.. .j.l ....., ..fl.... tli w.ll0at Nwiid. ho put on, and ,,,, .,,, NViMm mi ' llllhW,.r. fd to loll cull, the shciill iiiunot llnd him John was a iiiscul. He inisicp ivsented to Mr. (iubU'it, he iievinica tid with Ow-eiix, and hi lied about the wool. Hilt lie got tlie lung Independent. oveico.it. ISosc- Orant'i Death Wurraut. Jackson Grant, the last of thedooiucd, apjieared at the Statu Cucuit com t for seliteliiu this moiiiilig at 'J.UO o'clock. He was culm ami collectisl, without that stoitinin so chaiitctetistie of the Indian nice. When usked by His lloimi if he hud an) thing to s.iy whv sentence of death should not l-o jnououiiteil, (tiinit, assuiniug a semi n ligious tone, leplied "I have hid u fair tnal, and Ixfii abK deli nded, and notwithstanding the cloud ot witnesses that have apcaifd ugaiust me, 1 am innocent, m the one gieat witness, Alinightv (Soil c-.m attest." He icpcat id thuso worils, then resuined his sent and listcneil an Jiulue Ilellingcr remarkisl substantially us follows "The testimony against joh, although riiciiiiist.intial, taken in connection with your ow n confessions, wa-s conclusive and Established v our guilt Wyond a doubt, i 11 .tir..i i i litV'uent, ii men iH'cumo Jim unp'fii.s mtlduty to pronouiict)-1ytncoof death, " IT '" '- Kia ".Lsj, Wet Sldo Road. Steel tails and tin lolling stock and motive power foi tlie extension of the West Side load have been coutiiidcil for in New Voik. The mils weie eoniple ted at the lolling mills nt Philadelphia on the "J 1st iiiKt , and will be shipped to l'oitlaud inunediatelv. Lrc Brolicn At the depot in Kojcburh' last Thurs da) evening Mr. Moore, section fotcinan of the C). A (' K U in alichlinsr from .1 dray Mcppcd into a hole in the sidewalk mm nrokc ins leu ncir tlie ankle. A pbjsician was proinpily summoned and the fractured limb attended to. The wound is quite pliiiful but not dangerous. We hope to see lilin out soon. llnnvjr MortititKc The largest tniing u,e ever recorded in the count ttai nut on record at the ami- itor's ollice vesterdt). sts the Seattle In- telhgcnccr, from the S & W. K U Co to I I. Dinglcy, J. J Mckiiinou and W. J. Adams, trusters, of Sin r'rancico. The mortgage ii for $;oo.ooo, the com pany borrowed and h) pothccaicd $joo, ooo of their bonds, secured on real and personal estates of the comptuy. Murtinrnit M. M, Droulllard, (oitnerly known as French Mose, ihe ccpics messenger, and who was shcrifl of Missouli county, M T., w u shot in jail about the loth of last month, from which uoon I he died in a few nours. The verdict of (he coronet's jury was tint, in their opinion, lie came to his dealt) from a pistol shot made by hi wile, Mary A. l-ironlhard. The wile wis nrrctcd on a charge of murder. DrouiliarM was specch'ess afer he was shot l.ewislon Teller. Foot Trornw A eouple of weeks ago, a lililll b) the name of Daniel l'etl), mh the Wullu Walla I'liioii, who has been living at D. .1. Woodward's plate, on the Siiuiiuer ville ro id over tho llltie mountains, went out hunting. He wounded u deer itiul followed it so persistently that nit-lit ov'eitook him. lie laid out Uo nights Ih'I'oiii he was able to lviicli'linmiyiud Ii'h feet well) so badly froen in the infini tum) that pint of tin m had to be aliipu tated. It is feu led that mine seiiouspe suits may follow. How Htruuun. I. Madden, u disehaiged soldier from Co. ''(" '.'d Infantiy, beeaiuo suddenly siik last wed;, and was taken into the hospital at the (iaiiison. On Saturday moiiiilig while several of his comiades stood about him, laughing and chatting, ho suddenly tin nisi over in his lied, look ed intently ut tho clock, and said ; "Hoys, in ten minutes moiti I'm a 'tinn er.' " They thought, of totirsc, he was only jesting with them, for ho was not considered dangerously sick at all, but there was something so earnest and strange in his looks, that the) could not help watdiiug the clock, when the ten minutes were up, they sjMtkn to him but t lieu' came no lenlv. lie was dead v..ii.. u.n. u.. ',.. vv ana vv iiiia vv aitniiiaii. Ai tides ii f Iucnrxiorntloii Articles of association of the Hogue Kiner Iljdraulic Gold Mining Company, Jocphine county, State of Oregon. The purpose for which said corporation i io be organized is to do business in Joseph inc. county, State of Ore-gnu, as a hy draulic and gravel mining com piny, and to buy and sell and dil generally m real and pergonal estate as mav he nec essary to the successful prosecution of said business. Principal oflice ol busi ness is at Canvouville, Doiglas county. Capital stock, $t;ooooo, to be divided into shares of 250,000 at $2 eich In corporators: Wm. F llriggs, 11 Hamp ton, K. A. Jones, J. N Muncy, G. N. Yocuin, George Ross, II, W. Stevenson, G. N. FawcM, George W. Weidler. Tho Klfsotn of Opium. The inllueiici) of opium vanes with the individuals who use it. Some nie stiis lied and fnlckciesl even by a small dose, while iithil's piss into a Ix'Htllic State of mind and fill get all un tidy tiou ble. The .11 ions pieparutious of opium ditlir in their ellects. The pioiiiinciit sv uiitoius of opium poisoning me diep coma, with Hushed or j ale and ghastl) fate, contracted pupils, slow, steitoiotis breathing, and slow full pulse. Death occurs from stoppage of bieathiugthixiugh mralysis of tho "lospniitoi) center" in the bruin. The inllueiito of bodily state and habits upon the clhctsof thediilg is verv ivuuikuble. Iii seveiu pain eiioiiuous doses may be taken with slight ell'ect. The same icsult follows the hubitiial taking of opium, couliiiiiul opium eaters ottell taking in a da) enough to kill ten 01 twentv indium) moic The elluct of opium on the brum is to stimulate the llitellu tuul fac ulties and parulvo the volition. No othc-l drunkard is so utteily incapable of self control as the opium iliuiikaid mid the pains of opium suipass oven tho honocb of delirium tremens. When Selh Green wants to raise money he puts fbhes in Ins spawn shop There is a good story current on the streets. A man was goin? across a fie d. when suddenly he saw a bull with head down and feet pawing the grass. TlieJ man went lor the "iSiidip" a ne reach t1 Stipromo Court. I'MK.' 1 1 tusus. Mosnu, .Ihii. 'JO, 1879. On motion of C. A. Soldbrcde, .lames W. Howe was admitted to piactice as attorney on eeititieiito of I'ltlted St ites Distiict Ooutt. T M. Heed, npH'llant, vs. S. .M.(!m tiy et til., icsponileiits. opinion bv l'nni, .(.; ilecrco of eotut below tot pi toil. S A HeileiiRor et nl., nnnolhnts, vs lTnion county, respondents, ib'cico ot lcou,rt 1)cl(,"' ll" niccl Samuel Itidi, apiiellant, vs. 1'. 1. Palmer, icspondeiit, opinion bv lloise, J. iVII.VIil s. ' 1st. A bond for a deed executed to land conditioned that the makeiswill evirate a deed to the Intid when heshill obtain 11 patent willcouvev to tlieobliu'ee 1111 eipiituble title to the laud desciibed III the bond. I'd. luiuilei to it-deem I mil sold for ihlimpient taxes, no notice of intention to ivdeetn is necess.nv. .'Id. When land sold foi taves is 11' deemed the ledemption luoiiev niiiv be piid to thn Shciill, 1 1 It. When u 1 1 111 1 of In 1 11 1 belong ing to sevenil persons is sold for taes assessed against the A'hole tnut and the laud is sold in otto parcel, either of the owners may redeem the whole trait, and where after such redemption the Shciill wrongfully pves 11 deed to the puiehus er, the person so iisleemiug tuny biing 11 suit in cpuity ami have the entile dcid cancelled. Decree of the coin t below iilliimed. State of Oiegon, appellant, vs Litir eneii O'Xeil and lludget O'Ncil, lespoml cuts Opinion by Kelly, J. Held that laud held as a homestead is not subject to 11 lieu of a judgment for costs in 11 criminal action. Decice of till) coin t below alliiuieil Statu of Oregon, respondent, vs.las. Johnson tuul All hie lliiiwn, uppclleiits AppeaDfroiii .Miiltiioiiiah count). Cause 011 tiial. Couil ailjoiiiuisl until toinoniiw at U A. M. Tri'xnvv, Jan. I'l. Stale of (lif-jiui, iijiH'lliiut, vs Win. .Vlllllil el ill, respond! Ills ; opinion lit Kellv, C. J. SV 1. 1. Mils. Held that in ctiliiinal eases a judg nielit for costs should show the iimoiilit of nits and until sudi amounts do appear 011 the lien docket, the same is Hot a lieu on the propeit) of the ilefeti hint. Costs should be tiixtd in a reasonable time and it will not Is- in a reasonable time if not done until alter the uet tcllil of the emu t after lelulitioli of the judgment of conviction. Jiiilmeut ot the colli I below is af li I liifi I. Abner W, Smith, nu infant, by .1. II. I Ian is, guardian, appellant, s John Ilauis, respondent. Opinion bv lloise J. SVII.AIII s. Wherein an action by 1111 infant, ilaiutiir against one with whom he has ived and was under obliiations to Heat him us a ireiit, tho plaiiitiU'slious ciuel and inhuman assaults and battenes, and a general lolirse of violent ami eliirl treatmelil it is competent for defendant to show to lubut tills evuleliie that his general tlvatniciit of the plaintill' was kind mid cousidenite and that ilefeiiilaut iiuifoiuily had ivgtird for the Ust w el faro of his ward. Judgment of theioillt 1-clnw is af lilllied. Statu of Oiegou, lesiolidelit, vs. . lames Johnson and Aidiiu lliviwn, appellants, appeal fiom Multnomah uiuiit); aigu luellt coiielmled ami uisii submitted. Com t adjoin mil till nine A. M. I'd day. To Cure a Cold A bid cold, like measles 01 mumps, in hiimUi iiiliueuts, will tun its loursoof about tin ihi)s, in spito of what mav be .Ion. for it, unless lemi dial .... ails an. einpo)cil within toil) eight hotii-s of its !...!...!,... i..,.. .,.r..i 1 1 sp.ilisl to be incio.isili'dv llsi fill, bv i lit '""I".'"". ' ". "V ''" "'! Hug a 1 old shott oil, in the following safe mid siiupl. manner. On the lirst da) of taking a told, theio is a veiy iiliplcns llllt si li-atlon of dtillilies.s. The tlioin iseivo this, go to )our niolii ami Slav tin 1 e. keep 11 in siti.it a temp eratilio us will eutiiely piuvent this chill) fieling, oven if it icipiitcs n him dnsl deglies of I'nhlcliheit. In addi tion, put voill feet ill wutoi, half a It"' ileen. us hot us v. 111 11.11 Ih-iii it. 111I1I11." hotter wnt.T fiom till... ti. In..., t',,i i.iculis Hist, ml of SN M u llcliuhllimi enlii if HlHi.tei of III! l.oui. so that the vvate. I -,,,,, , , . sliall 1st liotte. when )i.u take )i.lll fii-l out then when ) 011 put them in, then di) thorn thoiiiiilily, inni put 011 tlmk Will III wisileli Stockings, even it It In Siiliimei, lor Siiiuinei colds me the most iliiugeioiis and loi twintvfout hours eat not m. atom of food, but ill ink us hugely as vou desiie of nnv kind ot win in teas, and at tho end of that time, if not sooiti r, tho cold will bo ellictu.ill) broken, without any kind ot iiiciliinio whatever Klllcient as the nlsive iiiisius ,ue, Hot one in it tlioiis.mil willati.d to tin lit. led 011 us men uto b) the hope that a' co 1 will iiass oil llsi f iievirthe It ss 1 this nrticlii w ill now mid then ilss under the uvu of a wii u'j'.'kise COMillKSKlOXAI.. Si mile, WlslllMlTON, Jllll. -0. 'II,. !.., ,l..,l I..I.I I..I I.u ', , "i"iv ."u -v i .. 1. ... ...,..m- lira iiuin inu "tyuarj in ar iiii'lusinu httits (rein Oins 8lnililaii Shu- 1111111 111111 it'ir.v, rcKiaiinciiiiiiij' I lie appropri ation of sil'J'i.Utm for the iriitinii e( nillitniv iiiiiiiiiiarti'rs 11 1 i.iti mii iiuiu I lie see irtnrv i.itnitrs in the niuiiiiiii inliilteii n fined llriii'e (rota the lotntnittco mi pense ns re imriril a lull uranliui; Dr 5Inrv 1'. nlkir iinliiciriisi of pulsion to ) n uioiith, plueul on the rah ndnr. OixUnll iutrodiii'id a liill n. movlile 11 ,f ,f , , 11 iilfenii iialiiiiial . ttr.i ne) to n tire the iiuUh of the nuttoiiii liankH nml i.irvuit tin lr in iDipurutluii inni lluit Issue n( liotis, to mil i7i silvir inni sllvir loin nml pioviili fur tin . . .. n Issue nf coin mil I.11III1111 c.rlillc'iiles. Io T.'i i.f ,1l,','"l,"""10' l"' '"'"' '"'' of tin I nitiil MntiH inni issu. of l-uiicNliiur- ............ nice 01 imi.isc nun toproviiie for the expiiiisi.ui im.l icititMctli'ti of pnpir illtrclic) to lent thi tiiisituss and mints of tlio count v , mid n tin. table at tin in-uist ,. j... .,,... u.n..w. . ........l icuiuihs ... iixu. ... iuv in. ..sun. -Mingiin Hiiluiiliti .1 .1 sal.stitiiti ,., , , upon in lite in mm mile 1 mi. us- lei tin l.diniiials icsoliiliiiiicuiiciliilimHiilliiiKii ami liilcr con- Illlllt.ili.il .iln.ili.llii. 11 j 1..1.I ..i. tl... I. .1.1.. .. .....,. the followiiii; me the iisuhitli.iis lliselvid, As the jililuii'lit ot the Soiui'i that the 1,1, 1 1, and lfi, mai liilnii tils to tli,. I'oiiMltiitliiiicif the Uiiltcil. Stat. Nntc ns valid nml Mliilliiijiw any iitlur imrl of the e.u.Mi- tiiill, that the pio hi of riilti-il Mttishnvc a 101111111.il inn 11 st in inn 1 tui.rci nu ut or tin whole i--iiiHttiitl..ii In 1 ury .Stiite- 1111.I tin lerriieri.s 01 uie 1 iiiie.i ssui.h, iiii.i 11 Is alike the rhuil nml lilt) o lit.' I it ti.l .Slutis uu fan nu linen v li.u 1, .11 .1. I...i,il..1 .,. i. ..-..,....-. ........ ...... ........... H..., ... ...,., lit 1 tifiii.1.1 u.il.l 111.1. mini. uIj .iii.I l.i ..!.. t ' h liivri I - mini it tils, iniiiii inn ill ill 111 'I ltl 1 V 1 vim .Illin in ixuilsu of all rii-hls tlnul.) si Hired. ltisolviil, 'Unit the c,ocrnnit nt of the Utiitnl Stall h inni com inuii uts of the sevu- al Mali s me distinct, and cm h litis 1 tileits of its oun vhu owe it alleuiiiui'i', ami whose r whts within its juiiKilictiiiii it iiiiist prut., t, tlita lliiiKiivi rimi.iit of the I'lill.d Stalls Is one of .Ii I. .-iit 11 power iilnm . Its ntilhoiil.v ; iHil.Hii.il nml llmind l.v fiitistliiitiuii, mid allpouirs not man ul hvllul liislrniin m Hot proliilillul to it l.v the Slutis, nre tiseri- ed 1 1) Ihe Statis respi clliel) or to tint peo ple, nlnlthiit 110 riKliteaii lie m.piiiid under Ihe iiiiistitutinn or si 1 mid through the laws ot tlie lillttiil Mules exi'. pt sinli lis the e..v 1 man nt of the I'nllid Stntes has ntithority to unmt ot H.'ciiii . Kisnlvi.l, 'Hint the 1 uiiHtlltiliim of the l'hlti.1 Huti n Iiiin mil 11111fe1r.1l IherlL-hl of siillnii;.' iipnii mivoiii', tuul the Unllul Muds i.i.ee uu 1..1. in 01 1.11 ir ..nu i r. ii.: "i in lite si..i... 1...1 ii... 1 ah !..., ,.r.i ..n,, i,.iil,,.i,,i,iiil.l,jii'iiisiij with 11 mw eiutstitiitiimiil tinUt, whleh lse. ilnptlon ft out I'lsiriitiiiiiitiiiuiii tlieikiiiise oIlI.eil.ttlvel.mii'lilH.. on iit'i mill of rnie. eiiliir or 1111 villus en nl I on nf serv Itiil.'. nml Itlswill.ln lb.' J11ns.ll. lion of the Unlt.d hliilis, which Coiiiiiihsiiiii) evett liy propi r leuishitiiin, to pnviut tlie.luil d or nliriili - laihtl.yu htiiteof tho right of iidtleii tiilKl..,. M.,f,H,., the Mcivoivpiofoutilli'is votewl.iiisui'h .l.iiinlor iil.ii.lKm.iit ",, , , MWhrtM,i af in count ol rm c, 1 olor or previous condition . 1 ' 1 1, 1 .1 . of hi rv itn.lt. iif the votir. Itesolviil, 'Unit sinli ihihtliiviiteisiliuliil or iihridi'eil I.) lliu coiidiiil of 11 pirmm who suns.. .....iK... iiiuui.niy iihi imiiiiiu.. , tlmt .Mists Julia Cillllli of this eitV tothe lines of 11 Mum Hut jntlsdli lion lulllin.,K ,Mmiilll,llllMK. . .1, ,( ,,f kv, laiitUh sad. .'.m.liict is liitlii.hl.it..Kjvirii.l"1"" ,,,I"II1,""'H Ih' into ot wtv, uu lit, mid it Is not In the Kit mini nt of Ihe iit.v-li winds a minute, lltt)iriTi.W llltitiil Stntis. Consldi nitliin on hill to .inn ltd pitutt laws was riHimti.l. The n liiiiuy ipiesllon 1 ini on the nun lid itiLitt of Davis, ol lllliinis.lhiit it sh.ill not Ihi lawful to grunt any n Usui, nf any puteitl for any ini iilion exupt the Inventor whi.lt vas iialiruii.l in th" original put. ul, nlli r l.rii f ilisi-iiHsliiu it was iiluciiI Id v. as.'..', tiajs none. HllllSI. I'ott.r uskiil leave to oil. r a r.Miliitliin fiillmriliiK the iuveittiiitiim of tlie 1 iphi r ilispntihis mi.l to have it 1ul1.pt. .1 under hiip. Hsiim ol rules, lait lltttl. r liiivlii) nli jiiti.l, nil the I'roUl.il Hint he wish.. I to tie- liatn tin. r. soliitioii, il wns n(jruil that I'ntti r sluiilld ripoit it lo-iiiorriivv ultir the renilitiii of tlie Journal. linns. l.ilUlntro.lii.i.liiii.lr.f.iie.1 lb "riultt (of l'ciitiH)viiniii) Io pro - vent the iidiiltiiiiti..u of nitidis nf food '.nil drink. Jl) DiiiIiiiiii To n pud nil laws in ntjiird to tin iippi.iutiiii ut nml j 1.1 of stipirviHius ..fd.ci..li.ilidlheiriil.ls. it) 11. ..a. 1.1 i.iiiiii 1 ne .niircis 011 ..' . . " I'nlliiiiin i.nliii'i and otln r sliiiiiu ears. Ily llriKht iiiukiiig tl .nit. itiul .Mexican dull us lit-iil tuul. r lly Ahlriih '! lunlii. ships, inn nml otln r v. ssi Is i ttijiii'i d 111 i .111111. 1... Iiilw.en I lie Hill. I. lit Mai. s, or l tut. 11 lite Illltnl ht,it.s.ii.dfi.r.i.ii..ui.tries. Ii.il.le for. I. Ms ci.iilrniti.l l.v thill i.vviursnr uKiitts It V III tin in 1 1 I ti I'titiilllMt nil ur I- n liilivit to the pii.tiiiptiiui of ptihhi I iiiils. mid ..Uo (,,, ll.- s.nv. j d hi.I. of ,a.l.li. Hittds. ' ' yWt In rnliui. tin. ioo ..I pith- ili IiimI. within nuliimil I11111U. K,.it. ,.ir,.,i, of ll.i, luJluluiv ...in. inltti e, rtpoitml 11 usolutiuu li .:clru llio iijHltsisof Ihe Davi npoil cd Ntudult 11. viHiiLiiti..iiH, .idojitid. 'I lie House tit. 11 w. ut into colllllillleii.il tin. whole 011 tlie lull lopiivnlu fur s. ttlu- limit ol till otilstiiiidiiiK iliiiius nnuiiist tho D.hUi.t o' Col11111l.u1 mid ...iifirr..iK the jar- imIIiIii.i. lln riof mi tin .unit of hums Sprini r iiitr.idiiiid i.lall tus. i-ii.i.i.m v. ry Stat.. 11 jti.t riplisi i.tiit.ii... rifirrul. He JiiiisiIiIi.I, in Loiimii'.o.. with his lull, 11 stnti 1111 nt slmmm that itiidi r it tin ri would liav.i I... .1 1 1. 1 tnl ut tin lust Nov. tiil.fr ih e- tiou fro... tin So 11 tin tn Slutis 'J 1 It. i.ttlili- ",!'" " 1'"-' would hue. ,,,.l,.,t . K'l,,i 111 iu .101.11, 11.1.1 in. iii.r.t. n- Hiill would I-iivii li.iu the Hinnu, hut Hint tho It, it, tllill, ul, ,,,.,, ar.lv nt lln -vii.lli ui.talil Inn. I.. .1. fnll.v ripriH.iiti.l 111 .'oiihiiH ami t' ut lln fo.iriiiillii.iis.il L.ih.ri.l pop11lnlp.11 1011I1I now control Hie . lei linn ul 'Jj in. in- h.rs 111 Hie fulluwim; hliilis Alnl.iiiuu, .'I, Arii'iiiM. I. (i.oriii. 3. i-i-uIk-iuiu, 2. MUsUippi, J, North C..11.1I11... :i, South Curollini. 'J, 'i 1 iiiiessi e, 'i, 'lixas, 'i and Virgiiiiu, 'J Aiijoiiriu.l S,T,.. ..iiis.iiiis. J.ni Jl hoiii.li iiiiiumttii 011 lliii.niu iipuilid without uiui'iKiiui ut tlio bill pussi.l 1.) ih.. House to facilitate rcfilllililiK of tin 11 ltn.11.il klit Chiilku liitroiliKid risolatliiii illriitltiL cuiuv'-iit.u 01 0110 umi two. . f J '"P l'rov.bJ ! ecrdril to answer tho elmrao tlinTl itiosiil to Hinli luvcntii'iitiou inftiltiT Oouucr of JllclilBaii. lie denied that lio(l riiiuu cliiilrtnnu of this comnilttio thong K'"" . """ """-.""' t ."" l.iw....t.. t.tll. fl... n.n.H Til, Int. no ....... J - i.iko, (I iii nut know 111111 no wns io lie mid i ci,mnilim ,! m,l no uiulerstniiulng rclatf 1(t, Iltttlir said Coniiross linil no Itirisdlctlol ovir nrlv ite eorrrsnoiuli'iico nml ollernil tL riHiilutlnii llule favored it wanted tut iuvrHttgntioii of all sneli chnrgoi us nlo di loiiRi'r Ihe ifholuilnn passed )ftv injs, I'M. 11... 1 1 Nni.l,. WasntNOTost, .Inn. 21 V'llllllllM ll'lll Iir.llllllUWI i,llul, ,bmilUcl a uiliioritv report ,illlhl r MiUnir.ilmn togitherwitl fiom the iiiumiittiu 011 ! oil tnet titer Willi nl pliulnj; all iliiiinnuts to the l'n 111 .iiiiiiiiiiiii 111 iiii'vi'iiii 01 1 "H tlKht of iipneal to the supritao coWfl the tiiMn. the hill tuul report to h J -n,,, ,m,0 1,111 rorti., from tho cl lit liihinrtiiu in Iheiiiurt of 1 ,,, lnii.'e Vcsteiilnv to fiu'llltiitu f,,,,,!!,,., llf .1.,, .mil,,,,,! .1..I.1 iuialiiliiciUHl i:dus l.iov.nl to tnko up his res ,1,.1'laritig vnlid the Utli, lltli ni.il tlllll'lldlllClltH , l , ,, ,, , ,, s , , . cu ,,,, (lf , ,, ll,,,u,.,intiuii bill v Hmm,i ninine hiiciiMiik ill favor . ... n mnciiiiiiii'iit of vestcrd.iv lions i.tii ,... .1 ,,... Hie ti,uip.irtiiti..n of mill ami l.ullloJ mm for .hIhc. Ihuieeiis espclises 1 House, p, Um ,., Vl.(( m,,nt nmKl.,. ,y (j, cinwl.ni Im.t siihsl,,,l, ChuliiierH rishiL t,rix , ,lK, t1 .puMion, sniil Hint ho ll H,llol. ,u, tl.limrK,, lll( ,.. ,1,,, KCI,,, . ... .. ..' . ." ,t(lll( vjK,.,h w.ieiliree ynt li in ... . . . . J Mtii Npe'iiki r tttfnriiii'd him Hint thnt lint a ipiistinti of privlli')e, hut in iluoccJ of time he would have nu opportunity o pl'liu,'. I'liiti, said Chilian rs I will lililo my tl 'llielliiiiHi.th.il prui'eiiliil to thn roil eriiiinn of resolutions In honor ol tho mil rv 1)f , lllu ll( u ry )imnH r,.prc ,,,, fr()m irKt,i. Kiiln-JleH wire ,., , w,rrt ,llb,.rM. ltmolut adept, ,,ni.'l tho lloUH..n,1J..nrn.'.l. A Now Typo-Sottor Jiiuies (I. Clephane of this city just i.'Iiii 111 l lituu Chicago, vvltcj has lns'ii to stipei intend the little of the Hew piiutilig Ultiehlllit is asseited, is to entirely till p(. scttiii". The imithllie i . , . ...t . 1 .1 J Iieeii t.il,en to l hiitigo, is a lilluii' 111 icliiiie. but 1111 mine of tlmlcliJ I will be built, m the stcrentypinl chine, whiih will be liinlv for f Oil M.x, w,,,k (n(Xn H,HHVMH '. ... ' .. . . . . ' " ol West l.glliui Is (In gnl , l''"lU,I ami ho and O. .Me)fllthiin 1 (of Haiti .V Co.) of llaltnuoio liavu i 0110 1111 1 iiniiiciii genius It is xaid that all eviicit operator will pi hit fiom lift V , to sit words a minute 011 the madiilic, it is luitlier aveireil, pilntH witl- all hies of tl... i..'.shmI e Vpe, does away with lor numerous .iihi h; ' .1. ..:.i. ,1... ...1 1... .......I ...s.-..n.-n ..e. ...e ...ni. 10..1....1 of t)pe, "jiistilies" more iiijiidlv than the punier, uiiicitx mistakes with more case, inni leads and on pits pi oof mote leadtlv. Tho gieat speed ot tho Hiilihitie is secured, it is staled, thiollgh theabilltv ol the opelatoi, owing (11 a peculiar 1 oiistl lictioli of the llistiuiuellt, ' to pi nit tit olio htt.ike mi) vvonl whole till) lelleni ihi ill' 111 iilplialietical on lei. I'm instance, the w mils ' llrst," "know," "not," "il," "is," and hunilicds of otheis, mo pillitid at 0110 stroke, tho 'operator having simply to plain his ! i1iiith upon im Ii kov foiunngii wonl 1 h:llllli, ... ' llKi. 1, ' , I..ii,a..l iiimlK. h""" '"" '".KS ' " 'hillneil, llltall) tli.it (lie entile wot k ot 1 onipositloli 011 a newspaper 11111 bo done 111 a small sic.l pinlol, the niiidillie Hot being linger lit III 11 sewing III lehllie, I. 11 .1 . .1 1 . 1 . ,1 . 1.. I ll III U ,HI, Idlllll 111 III I 1,1 I Ol 111 , at iitlirsi' It will lovollltlollle the III I of v t)pe setting, ImiL. hi view of the fallllln ol the veiy ingenious t)pe setting iiuehiues heietoloie luveuteil to wink ..... .. 1 . 'ielleall), then- will be some iIoiiiiIh l"ll "1 ivguld to the abllitv ol (hi pies ili( uliit tn itn hunt nt nniii tiilfitln pnnid'H alt ll is iiiuloiihteillv how ((, Htibstltut. that has vet .....,.,. ,1 ...... ...11 ... 1.1...I- I, i. en iiiveniiii, ami win vet) ni.ei) 1.0 Iilotlt-ht lilt.) Use III llliinvl.lllilso limit nig, if it is not 11. the newspaper woik Vitslilj.'toii Stal. , .. A Youny Uirl'H Olitusonon.i. A voting 111,11. nml Ins fiivoiiti unit patiloli nit I1e.11 the flout of lltiiilelte s in tun tlm ot l.ii evening. When (he Haul. ')e man had p.st I'mishitl ion vtilsim; Ins heat eis with 1111 ii.ioiint of a vo. lilt ot. th's lirst slntvili' eiiiouutei with a bei, the )oting iiiiiii leninl over tuul wluspiied ''lat's ... l,f, 11111 tell von " "How .1111 )im ti II meC iH.piiinl Jus nl' "Howl he n.lieil in 11 whisper, "wl.v, that's the wit) 1 tell when 1 lllst ,,ui kuivii." , un ,iiu, .,,.,,,., , ' h. lieloi.. I iinsnl mv iimustuilie, ' heixplud "What moustaehe I" she ipleiied, ft Iittli siiipnsi.l. " Miat Hioiistadie do you Mlppo-ie t" In said, turning it il " Why. Chut lie, ' wlnspensl tho girl, " 1 lievet saw ail) moustache, Dn )OII incut! ... r. l!