' ' l( r r n b it o t 4 s. t ll ' M h't t l H ti ti Hlstn'nM -tuit 'hKitu i TELEGRAPHIC. i:asit:kn states. John I.obiiii'i J'lKlit. Cltlf (no, .(mi. 15. rin- Mtn itm'lal tunl si N itu n afciiw; In ''1111 tv- l'"tf' 'i'1" " very thorough org mi itum. mid ns tbo inn dlliic liuli'l'i iiiicMriti.il, and 11-. ben, tbicit ,iln,r fiittirn ri'W Hill mill T'llliishlOCIltl, 1i:h iiomiiiritlnii in euucus on i rulay lilHht ik ooked for. Mill iih Hhti In utmost t urtmii to lio ii 'will If lie in nriiuiU'tU'il the fli. it ro suit Is in il'iiiU. Itpllll'H ' I'llll. It ! churned !' tin fni nil- nf Mn! r I'"tio Hint x -li-rilix i .i'i m 1 fi i I' i ii. hi ' iiiq'm x i llii.'n I . ' Willi' if shun tli i. Mnjiii-'ll ii" ' "i! I '. il ' x Ii '' 'I Ii' ii" ' of tin Hltirtnisliin ; ... ni tl pfilitui 1. -iilpleil, whin, iih it will lio otti'iiiitiil I" ho proved liy sulwcquent xiilnias"s, hu Hhuulil hiixn taken ii hutiil in llii' Unlit. 4'nlurxilt KIci'Dt n .Senntnr. Dknxhi, .Iiiti. 1C K. W. I'ilkln was inau gitrutcd Ooveruor it'stirday. Ills uu-shu-to was devoted entirely to Htiito affairs. K. I. Hill, Mumper of thu lloston ami Colorado Hmcltluf,' Works, wan clcctvil fulled Htatos Senator, receivinjj over txvo-thlrds xoto iu liotli branches of the legislature. Tho JJctn. ocratlc votes were enst for W. A. Id l.ove.. land, (aliens Nomlnrr. IUlkioii, .Inn. 1" Tho Dcniocratlo lei-is. latlve caucus to.ninut nominated Governor Vunco United Status Htnutor bv ucclamiitlon. 'he-rennt Iillnn Mc pp. Four Hoiiinson (Neb. i, Jim. 1C Tho In dians In the bed of Indian creek. Hiclm? no nvonuo of escape, determined to retain thoir present vantage (round. In anticipation of a laoro vigorous iittHck on tho part of tho troops thoy strenutlieneil their position by making rillo pits during tho tillijjt. A num. bcr of slwlls mill Holid shot xveru thrown as ncur us-possible to tho position occupied by tho Indians, but apparently with no effect. On Tuesday morning, on muling a recon naissance of thu ground held by thu Indians on thu previous diiy, Il officers were in formed, to their dlsuisy, thut thu Indians had escaped during tho nlftht. Owlnj to thu troojm having no provisions on hand, Wcs wlls found it impnicticablu to follow their trail. flrmorrnlM ill Cniirnn. Wahiiinciiok, Jiiii. 15 .Thu Democratic Kcnntorsi hold n caucus this morning to con sider their course ou Ihe texalutluri recently submitted by Kdniuuds, declaring thu luitt tureu nniundmeiitit iluiy rnttlleil, uuil tuut thu Iawm iilready cimctid for their enforce ment Hhmild bo faithfully (Accutcil, nnd that UoiiKrenH Hliould iiirther irnMiIlor tlietren. forcement by ndditioiml leiiiHl'ition. After Homo llctiHnioti the nubjeet win referred to ii comtiillli-i' ot Hex en, lieuileil liy luiirmuli, to report to future raucus. A eotiiiiilttve of three, with Ketiator Mor Ljan an (!li ilriu in, M'as nppollilml to repoit vvIihI further nellon, if uiiy, hliould bo tul.mi to xei'iiru the ri'peul of Imlli hieliutiH of thu lUVlned Mtatlltct lllcil'll r.'lllliri tllll ti'.lt UlltllS for jurorH in th I'niti d Slati rmiit- K,d liiuili are iitmiilieri of Ihei iiiiui.itti'. mi I'd iiiiiiiiIm leniliitiou: HrmlniH Tliiir'.unii, Ka tun, MeDnmilii, (tiirduu. HiiiImImiij, Mni-gin anil llarila. Miiiithfirn Kiel lltuiN. .'i:w ()iii,rN , .'.iu. I.'.. At a iiieelui "f (hu Teller I'liinnull. . tn-ilay t 'l. an lit I.. Walker, an ulturury nf New Oili'ilia, ti'hli. Hid eunrerniti;; th leetinti in thin eit.l. Jlo I'luirgetl ttiii-i.illy Unit them ur.' IrreKit biril lea mid Irauln iu tin ronduetof thuelie llim Hint H.iid: "I Ii.im' im inn HtiiteuiiiutK of p.utleH ilio v.llnis friiuli. The ('llieim jiarlyWns ilellied alepli'ienUtixe at thepnlU on tliu ;riniliil that It uaa im! u ptlly but a lai noil. 1 o jiliIKi' iriun tlie i lioiii nl men up poiuleil iin coiMininsli.ui in by the Demueriitie parly, a fair return of the Mito wai not -peeled. The eoiiutitiit of the M)to at I lie JioIIh Miri in tuoHt itiat.iuceri liludn ill Hectft or by men ili'lii'iniiiiillo eket thuDemoiiatte lluket. AhIiIh fioiii tint fuNlty of iiiudu up retiirini, llli'ji.il Mitin were cant, tlieru lielu ii ureut ileal of retciilini. The (Jouierxa. tivti party win oii;anieil for thu purpoioi of puillli) renpecliililo men in omce. Not) Lull. (JllKYKNNK, .Inn. lfi. -A paHieller Oil il eoach from thu north to-day reportM that on TuiKiliiy o purly id H.ililirrn found the bodies of tuo unknown men near the I'nrt I.M iiiie nml l'o it MeKiniiey road. It U HtippoKid they Mem borne or eattlo thieviK banned by riinohmeii. ,ianurl Neiiillonililp. JriiKiioiN Cirv, .Inn. HI. -The llenioerati in eauciH to-nii'lit iiotmuated lieiieral.l.itiiex HhiibU fur the Seii.iturl.il xhort tirm oer David 11. Ariiiitrou. The oln mik tii tu 117 lli'venlK liilerlireni e. MoMuoMi.ia ( Ma. , Jan. Hi The Senate ymtiTil ly iidiipte.l tin' folloMilij;: WilU'.i.'vi, IntufiD'iiiii ly nl'.U'etH of the United Statm in ipul.ir I'li'etl.niH is jilly ii'ganli'il 'iy tli" ' upli' nl tUw Mate a oil evil of Kri at iiitiiitudi , nml WiiKHtut, Ti. piup , ..f mu'li jnteifir eiii'e, in pirt at I .iM, i ! uillm r.er and I'lllltrill I'll' III tl '! It '11' M III' III kl'.', Illly; cleulor. f it Pi.'. ! .it iinl v n . .l'ri'kidi lit ul the DiiU- 1 Mil ., ..'refiiie ltejuli.il rii.il t!. i Diimi.tt, .' i"i hi'd, r d lulntiuUH i iisiriuttit tu iiwimrt- lulu tin expediency "f pruM.lm lx Ihm for the niliv tinii of t'Uvtorn fui I. . nleiit uinl X iei-l'ri'i-tluul by the Irelierut A'.ti'llllil), until the act of I'oiiijrMx autltr.iiii ititufiruicc lix fid era I iniilioriti .ire ri'iili'd. Tin lli'iiu I'rlal. Cutrvo, Jan. W. -l.Hllleuaut Wallace xi.ih cui-rt-'Xauiiuil. Thu teatituuuy xx.it only u ilovslopin.'iit nf thut h'ixen xcterd.i . lio leUtcd lioxx, ofter 'i tlni'iiiu nl runt r' t'omtuimd, Col. iU'ittnii xunt t the lift, Mr.Jjr Itcno cr... it the n renin mid llclleral 'it iter lemuli.id mi tho light bauli. huxx- the two latter il'S i-'.unenu forinul u Juuetluii jy Ui'iui recroi u.nj oboiit twelve miU". Ik low, and how the Imttli x.. Iluully foUKht The only amiiiuult'ou in thvlitimUof lien . force Him tin --.jiplii -. ut (lit ir hinlillci.. It xx at lined up iu half mi hour. To luxe u uiained xmhiI.I b'Xi iiiiierllleil lixei nt the m hull) IkmIx l iji r Miiiii't eonduel xx,. br.ixo undpiu'.-i wurthx. Dunn,; the (clival ticnty-lhc mill xv ire hilled i.ud tcxiii cr' Mouuded. iirliiiiH'rliliiii, Wjimiiimiton, Jan. Ill A ili'lcithiu ot tho xoi'U'ty of I'rinuU of rcnimj Ix.inl.i called at tho I'.xivutixe iu.iui.inu today. The l'ri'. ilmt indicated that he did not think it ut nil probable (hat the control of tho Indian xxould bo turned oxer to tho army. Ki-Soeriitar) ltobeoii xxns "beforo the llouhc. N.tval Committee thii lnoruiii, mid liude.lHtnteimnt in explanation of lit courxe in relation to the eouiphtion of the double turret" Ironclad monitorx. Seiuitor Jonc of Nevada xeim tod.ix warmly congratulated by his fellow Senatoi of Kith lurties upon iwipt ot defluito new or bis re-election. Urrirun hruittoro tlroxfr tonltiy4utmduotl a. bill to rumoxo tho iioliticol dlsnbilltle of Win. T Welcker, uf Laliforula, incurred by reason of partici pation iu thu rebellion. Mltcuell introduced a bill to establish u post route from Jncknorvllle, xin Storting n il Unlontoxx-ii, to Wright'Hor Mig Applegnte, Oregon. Jlltcludl to-dny ro.ido nn argnniont beforo the Heiinte commitleu ou Imiliin nirairH in ndi'ocicyof tho bill to opeu tho I'miitill.i reii-rvntlnn In m ttlemeiit by rimoxinj; th Iiidinnu. lie oppoii,iil (Jominissiontr lloyt'd proiioxitioii for their rrtnmnl. Xln'tllinnton Terllor.T, V.l..illli.mu .1..,. If! 't't. Mi.ti.ilr. l.f.u ,0nirm, d Koisii S. (r en iih chief liiaticv of thi' nuprini' c'ltiil nf WuHhliutun Territory; .loliu IV Hojt, ii'.iotint,' jun'lee of the Ml-pi- mi omul of Wiothiniitoti Tirritory; (Im. Ili.d, Sieietarj of Dal.otii Ttrrltoiy, nml l.i'wii 1.. I' ii i V.r,;iu! i, io I', o. Atlm i..; f..l V . . .1 'i 1 A li I) in mil, ' i'i i .i i ill;, i iti.'nil"d . ii.it It v.ill ii ulri CiO.UOO OlM to cany out tho pioliioiiH of tho bill for tho payment of urreura of pin hlOllH, On Ihfl Trull. Komt Mohinson, Neb., Jan. IB. Yettterdny nt uoon Captain daw Hon, commanding Co. K, lid cavalry, htarted in purHUlt of the 111 o Iiir hiixuci'h, xtho nru Hnld to be mnkiiig a do tour iu thu diroctlou of tho l'iuu ridgo or KohcouiI itutinn cmnpa. llie proxpectH of their rcncliliii! tho xtioxxaniH of their Hvrtipn. thi.ing red brethcru lire greatly iu their favor, deHpitu thu H.iugulnu hopes of tho military to cuptiiru them ero they reach there. Tho HiivngeH have u (tood 'M hourn Mart of thu troopn, nml Muould they HUcceed In atenling horMCH enough to mount themselvm, which U not improbable, their ecape la certain, nnd will bo thu mciina of getting tho young warrior of tho powerful Hloux nations to dig up thu hnchet nnd uvengu their xvrongn. Foiit IiAUAiiiE, Jan. 11!. Capt. Johnson'a coimnaud cnnipxd to-ulght at Bilver Spring, 10 inllirt north of here, on tho old Dendwood atagu road. Ho reported tho Cbeyunnim when Hion IhhI night wero hIi milea from lllutl Htiitloiiou tho Clieyeuno nnd Deadwood Htugu road, iibou', .10 nillea ujrthwcit of lied Cloud. Thu lirrat 11 null I r Hand CotalUK Nonth, Vanktok, Jan. 10. A Cheyenne agency Hpeclal miyH: dust night runnera from the hoHtilo camp held a council with tho agent nt which council they bilked very Independ ently, Haying that it mnkea their hiarta Had to hoc thilr friend here deprived of their gutit mid liorntH. On Saturday they held n council with tho commnuder of tho pout, Cod Wood, n". which council they wero very mctik nnd said that all they wnnted wna to come iu nml they would give np their gun nnd iionim. They must do Homuihlua hooii. mi tho buffalo nru moving and thoy will have In follow them. Kro thin thu ontiro hontllo rnnip, of not Iihh than l!3,0U0 people firo on Atnuricmi wiil unit working Houth. Thu run. liern will wait hero ut Ited Shirt'ri camp 11! dnya to hear from Wimhingtou. Trio Teller t'liiiiuilllec. Nr.w OiiM-XNt, Jim. Hi. IKfore the Teller committed! to-day A. J. llrxant, u colored Snliiitor of TeiiHai, tcKtlllcil thut no I!cHilil. call tick 1 1 w in nominated bccatlM' uf tlircats of the xvhiti h, who mild tin y xxould conldi r iiileh action n declaration of war Tin night beforo th" i In ti 'li ii paitx of v hitiu iliilud iiig lluchtier ii'id llutidiJi'iro, ciinic tu my Iioiimc, tuck luc out in my night el ith'-a. nr rleil tin il il. alter nf il Mile aliil tlllc.iti In'd luc, wi;. Iih: I hail Mild out to thu Ulind pir tv. I ib'li.i'il this, mid Htati'il that I had not Km II nliV nf the Illalld Unity Tin b t luc in, aflci iii'iimikiug to e.iiuc to th ihiIN m t il.iy mid xnli the rigulnr IKinociatic ticket. I i'oiniU"i Willi my pruiuii.u. the part) had ii rujie with them, nnd haid if they xxele sat if lied I had hold out to thu Ulaiid party they Mould put me through. 4iener.ll liitxxli'' Dcfcnl. Cllti'Min, Jan. 17. Thu Jouru.il'ri Waih- ini'tim iipceiiil Kiiyi the defeat of (ielieral Ilaxtley in tho lteiiubllenii heimtmial rniictin ut llartfoid, ('nun., I.mt night, mid Ihe num. Illation uf (l. II. l'Jitttn tlie Mlicciuir of Siniitur llainum, neeuioii great HtirpiUo hern alaon llaulex'ri frlendt who Inivc been xcry I'uiilldciit that bo would 1'ull through. It ban l cc u no sci ret that the administration xviih desirous of llnxvley'ri nominal! in, al though taking im iictixo putt in thu contest, nor attempting to liillueiiie the meiubera of the legislature, l'l.itt, tho nominee, is said bi ii Ciiniiectliut representative to bu u very nolo man mid one wlm will stand up boldly for Itepublieun principles. inlel Nelllril. Iliiuiiniit'iii, I'll., Jan, 17.- TheCiinernor'H procbiuiiitlou, iiuiioiiiu'iug thu n utiles of members nf t.'oiiKrcss cliosen ut tho lute i lection, ItieludiH the iiiimo of Hubert IxloU, Dciiioeriit, from the llth dlstriit. Tho ilia triet has been ilispuleil hillierlo by (icncral Alluight, lEepiibhemi llireel.lrls Hlllcil, II xiiTloiin, Colin., Jan. 17. The ld.utlug fu.c factory of lliicl.ford A' Co., ut lnns buig. xmt blown up xesiirdny, mid diic Wall, i.id UO. Ann Wull, nged 17, Nillie McNulty, 17, xx. re kill.. I. Mrs. AliMimlei Ken .tint I 'iter D.d.tu xx ere slightly Injun id Thu iiecidciit uu caused by tic iietluii nf mm 1)1 net ,v I'nl.x Km, inn, ,i,irrliii;e. Wtiii.sK;. is. Jan. 17. A di legation ! run lb.. ....iii.iii'shiiOi.u'. ..on cut nm mn miitid .1 Ileal iih; c. the Itmii.. jii.lul.iiy cujiiiittio lilddl Ic.aldlU,; li It ci tit dci n-loll of the HU- iir.'i"n eiiiirt mi polygauuiui iiiariUgiH. XI ib. W.lls and ilia. Williams, of l uli, and Mrs. Spcuctr, nf N .isliiuntmi, xxeie the spcuUin.. They pi ay. 1 1 for lc'n. itioin.liich will pi. iicet ttinne imxv lixiug in polygamy, on the ground tint if 111 ims. nt InisUiuds were t'nuiptllnl to snireii.l. r their surplus MIX e.i, tli.iitti nUtlldolHil Mould be utthollt lUt'dlia of -lippoil mid neatly diolitiui. l.oita i'h leliir.x, hfiiM.uiti.'i, Juu. 17. The bru'itnrinl contest xihleh lUlii.uutnl 111 ollli'e lo-nijht h.ia been most i xcllinn mid iiersuii.il. Hon. C. II. I 'am i II, nf Chicago, lias tu.ulc direct iHstte upon thu UcpuhhciuiMU uf (iunial l.Ojjan, ehanting that he couiniitte.l the parly in by elctliiig a Demoerntie tsumtor, Daxis", to the I', tv Ih'IiiiIk, two cius itgo.whoii, had he iciiluilhil steiidfukt to tin Itepilblt. can ehnlcf, the llepubllcatu xioulil liaxe i betid then mm, Login's funxns lnis been xigiltint nnd iuu'cain,i. Tin unll-di)-gun faction coi'.eentiate.l on I'xlc.ibx, and the xotc stood, dog in, hi), llglesb'y, iti. I.oiviu was thiufnic dicl.iu.l the cuiuiu liomitue. It will iii.piue 111. I xoti to tlett. llctnre llie 'let Ice I'miiiiiiilcc. NVxx Oiiii.'tN.i, Jmi 17 it fore the Teller counnittic Abnitu Thomas, c.ilorcil, of IIIim, iil.iiitation, Tentni parish, Ic.titUd that duv. ing the Into election In not a bodv of uriiied white nu n who ch.ucd htm th.it night. Tho same men cauio and tiHik Chathx llelhel. ii colored mini, out of hit house, shot him ami cut his throat. x Uncus dim t know who tho turtle- were, lie wua frightened away and is now working on uie rixtr. J liosa Stexxnrt, n proumieiit colored poll t,tlal ,im, ,i,rci8 o( totcuoo prevented tho lu-iiublicati from uoinin.iting n ticket. At ,ll0 i)0,o0ratlo couxentioii Col. lteexts ileum nun ii im mot r oi ino Legislature, tc mado ii speech, saying that hu xxould make i)i) tnicats, nut mat wtilto men had deter mined to carry tho ticket. All opposition would be quietly renioxcd, aud thu ticket ... -..... .....,..., WHM Mv ..m. would bo carried if they had to go through I luc, Tho next day u coaiu-ltU of threo enmo to my houso and told J(ryint Nnely nnd roysolf that any opposition on our part would bo looked upon us n iliclnr.itlon nf rrar. I nuked protection of Judge Conlall. nd he told m.' thut he Mas uiibafo lo tho parish hliDHilf. I bellexedhlm. Tw day n after ward, two d.iyi prior to the 1" m :i, 1 oxer In irdJuuVi- Cordell snj that tl, i Mhiti men hid only to go around with tdioli r t on th"li nlioulileis .ni'l .ill nrilinn-. ic -n . xiould l frightetii-il, but Mich men' at M' -a t wolilil liuvo to be killed. I got warn. n.;, nnd my xvifo hemd thut nn tho ldghl befi r ehetlon 1 una to be hung. I i.t (nice left the hntnu nnd Hid in or thu lexee; hmr.l my do bin!. lug, ntu'i looking nxtr th-I'X'i e saw tl i ln-i -i i! t it -!!.(.-! ! n nt . . ! 1 wint ,i x. i a . . of ..ft :i , i i i. n mi ... .1. A Hill', Ciltruuo, Jan. 17, A the ut (ituinlx Cell- tro, Iowa, tills morning destroyed tight husi- uoss house, including two b.inks nnd tho post ofucu. The loss is estimated ut$lU,00U, Hnliruiut Acciitriil. Omaha, Jan l'J. Honry Ilafner, a brak o man, on n wuat bound Union Pacific freight train, wan instantly killed at Fremont tills morning. While coupling cara hu slipped nnd fell on the track and an engine ran over n:s noaa. Ten Year In Jnll. John Cd Cumpton, ei-postmaskr of Co lumba, Nob., haa been aentinced to ten your' iinprUanment for tho robbery of four registered niouvy letters. l"J!!U?J The TexiM I'nrlOr. CnicAoo.Jun. 19. A memorial to CongTOss ia buiug 1'itenslvoly nlguud hero by leading merchant and manufacturer asking early and favorable action on tho Texas l'aclfic railroad bill. Trlna; lo Urine Them Vp. It is understood that nu arrangement haa buu made between the friend of thu Tuxai Pacific and of thu Northern Pacific- railroad bill to combinu their force in the House, of Itcprosoutativea to-morroxr in tho support of oue or taoro motion to auspeud thu rnlej and securo un early date for tho considera tion of both measures which are otherwise not likely to bo reached in tluio for final no. tion this session, One motion will probably bo to tnko tho Northern 1'acltlo from the spenkor'a table and refer it lo a committee on Pacific railroad, nnd another to assign n particular day for action on any business ro portud from that committeo which will of courso include both measures. Whether an opportunity can be obtained to make, these motions In tho faco of Kandull'a opposition, ond In vluw of tho fact thut at 'J o'clock to morrow being tho aecond Monday of the month, thu Houso must by standing rule da voto tho rest of thu day to District of Co lumbia business, i very doubtful; but stren uous Harts arc infprogress to-night to mako thu iirrnuBcuioiit successful by additional combinations. Women nml 'hllilren. W.XHtiti.jTii,Jiili. 10.- Theciiptlvo xxomotl and children at Port Ilobltison will bo re linsi'il.ut the icipiest of It d Cloud, tin (,( nl.illiii earnestly desiring that the widow mid orphans who nru their nhitlxet bo turn- nt ov.r to tin-in ns t!u ir natural protecters: In take tin in to thilr home-, met litre fur llii m. It I'i btliexed that the adoption nf this ini.rse xxill seric to,.lliv nil i xeitenieut nnd really attach tho Kid I bud 1 uiltuti- to the gnxi riiiuetit. 'fill' Arin.l nt till' I'ltliitifi'liiinl. lien. Shcridnu, President nf thesoeietx f the Army nf the Cimilx'il.uul, makes (he fiilliixxiug btnttmetit. Thu regular meeting of thu society uinjl.o pnsttomd until thu completion of the cyicstrhm statue of Major (iiucr.il (ieo. Id Thulu.fs nt Wii..hiiigtoli, lite urlist, Mr. Ward, bus gix'en pusllixe as suimiee tint the statue will bu eomplitul curly iu June of this your. The soeiity xvill be jiresont mid participate in the ceremon ies iitlenillng the itiixilliug nf this monu ment to tlielr old commander. Sliould any eoiisldcrublu number of members, howexii, Indicate by letter u desire to hold tho re un ion sooner, the rrtpicst xvill icocixe iluucou sldcration mul the miuouticeraeut of tho time nf luci ting be lilude. Itiulilt mill I.llierllrs. dincolu hall was crowded last uight to hear Chief Joseph and other IudUlis speak for the right and lilurtle of their rare. Tlit'.Vei YnrKt'lrr. Nkw nitx, Juu. 18. -Tho lire last night ill Worth nod Thomas street destroyed threo building oictipiid by wholesale dry goods and clothing tlrius. Tho lo nppruxiimitis two and u half miliums, Thu block Iu which tho tire occurred xtn a xultrible iu good stored iht re, us anx single block iu the city. Oue ttfict nf lust night's tire is to advance tho rate uf IliMlianoc. All policies expiring tu-d.iy mi' charged higher pn niluuit and the companies are gttttug mi udxuucc without nlijictlnll. roKKiift .nv.i. 'I'tio Aiin.ira ?Xoxi muni. dnsiinN, Jim. 15. -A enrr. ipotid.'tit at Tashkent! telegraph-. ttuiUr late of Jmiuarx l:lth, thut (liticr.il Kntlfiuali li.i imitcd the Auici r In mine t" 'I.ishkeiul. The Amur' cannot iitrtxi tin:. Uforo Kibii.nix '.th. i Crcdtblti ml. i llldlcuti that uiSnoli Ixllilll Mill iHlnll u-'. rp tuo tur 'IU nf Cab'i!. C'hiwikI Ue Saxril, l-ighl.x yauls ..t the roof nf the Diuiu After a long dtxnt- llnr'hur: oficred un mine, nt the shall, his fallen ine. the tx-j unit uduitnt that tn lien of the certificates plosion nnd titopjied ventilation. Employes p-oxidcd the secretary ahull. If deslrwl. ruter I'iiuuot enter the initio, and there is no hope on the books of th tre.wury to the credit of uf ii'tiv for the sixtx uii'ii iiitombeil. i any out prraeutiuj; or forwarding It to the sitxi-r iiet. it Kite. treusury any sum not lc thnu 1 and tho The rise In tin price nf Mixer lo .'.0 uit-1 interest thereon, aud vTiHi;t the same .pur per ounce yesttrdiy. xx.is the eoiiatqiu net nf i terlx nt the nto of :i pti tent per annum, tho iletumitl for lu.li.i .mil Ihe further ud- and shall establish rules utid regr.kttioru. lor x.utet' in Imliiiii nnd Chlu'i i''liaiiges. Uer i I'i withdrawal on pax mint of such driioslt many is not otttitiig of its itiH'U ot silxtr at i pi cent prices IVriieli AIT.iIrt Pxr.it, Jan. 15. Tho Si rule has clictcd at President I.ouU Joseph Marled uvuil liuteil by the deft. President Mm Mahon has sigui d a decree pardoning l.MHl C'nmmuiiisti-. Iieiii ii I'.illllCM. Vkiuiiis, Jan. 10. In the t'hamlxr ..f Deputies this afternnon De Murcire, Minis ter uf the Ititcri.ii'. read :i imi.isteriiil decla ration. It sax the Senatorial editions un ii striking indication o( the ndlusiou of the people to Ihe rt publican policy, -ind alludes faxoi.iolx to theworl. nf the lterliu congress, mid hopefully to it. execution mid then-suits of tbo llerlin tnaty. A Paris dispatch k.iys tho delt have fully dctcimunsl to haxe the luinistin. and to ic iiinxo all but lit publtcaus from ntuce. mid to carry nut the with of tho rlntoral body, es pecially us regards the Minister of War.'tii u. I'nrre, xxlm was p.)jHM'd by Dufaure, xxns nominated fur Minuter, but President Mc Mahon rvluscd to auction hu appointment, and thread netl to rcsiu'u if it wu insisted nu M I'Ufauie yielded, and Lamented to tht iippoiutiutut cf (icn lirrssflcy. Aiistni.Tiirklsli Allitlrt. CnNsrxvriNoi'U', Jan. IC TTie Aiutro Turkey couxeutiou will In? .igued shnrlly. It will Icaxo Austii "free to udmiuUtcr Has. tl HM.I ,,r(.rU,,.lll lUUItUUU tlltftl.M Ul- mlul.tratiou ud tstablUh mixed occupation of Nol llazar. ula aud HerzegAviua, continue Turkish ad- Illnner in Urnnl. At ft ih'nnrr given nt Place d'KIjsoc, the residenco of McMahon, in honor of Grant, among the invited gui sts were M. Wadding ton nnd wife, fieri. Noyei nnd wife, Miss King, M1m Hltphens, inMiilicM of the Chd uso embassy, nprescntativea of S.in Stlxu dor, H'liuos Axres, Chili, (luatemnln, Peru, Co! uuMn .ifd t riiguiy. and n number nf I'i Tuiiii u r d and Adtnir ,ls. Attempt In I'limitpr. Cxi'.rrrx Jm. 17 An IUei.il dispatch Hiythnt Kohistntilehi'-f- .ittcmptul toeronte u dUturl'Mm- mid plunder Cubul, but Yu l:oob Kiiliu induced them to withdr.ixv. (ihilni ehuti en nr.'ilg Ynttmb Knhti to ii. 'i! i f-i .Tllll ' ' I ' 'oitish. Af. Inn tie iM.in nf but the !i- t ', .1: i ii . .ri . li'.l Li- I Iron I'nllnre. doNDOK, Jan. 17. Thoinn W. Hooker it Co., (Jhitnorgnnshire, iron masters, haxo failed. Thoy owe tho llrlstol and West of dngland Mank 000,000. Vetel Anhore. The U. 8. milling ship Constitution went nshore enrly this morning on Holland point, near Swunage, England. A steam tug has been sent to her assistance. Tho ship was on her way from Ilnvre to New York. Her Majesty's ship Warrior has gono to her as slstauce, HaNiieinlrtt, BrocxitoLM, Jan, 10. A branch office here of tho (Jottcnburger commercial company ibs suspended payment. freueb Hevenneo. I'AxrH, Jan, 18. -French revenues for tho year ending Dec. 31, 1H78, show that indlr.ct taxes yielded U.025,770.000 francs, au In- creaso of 75,672,100 franc. To be Kxpelled. HsnLW, Jan. 18. Tho journals stnto un der reserro that n soon a the Socialsts Democratic deputies coruo to tho opening of the reiohstag they will bo eipelled, in virtue of the exlstuncu of r petty statu of siege, Wllllna; lo NnrrenUer. Capk Town, Dec. 3d The Zulu king has expressed n willingness to surrender somu prrsons demanded by tbo Uritlsh ultimatum, and pay a flue. Ho would nlao consider other demands if timo was allowed. Kir Mar tlo i'rere replied that the word of the English government cannot be nltercd. Tho term for Cettywayo's reply expire on the 1st of January. Tho llrltish troops nro being massed. Lantloa Hems. London, Jan. 1H. The Mlddlcboro, ltoso daluiiud Ferry Hill iron Company hat failed: liabilities CibO.QOI). Tho U. B. ship Constitution is making 3 inches of water per hour. Diver will cxnm. ino her hull Monday. C0XUKKSSI0.NAL. McllMle. Wasiiimto!i, Jim. 15. Voorhe s .itibmltti d u resolution Instruct ing the fommisMnuci' of Irullun Affuira to lii'iulr" Into the I'lrcuinstaucu which led to the lecint tiM'iipi' of the Chixenue Indians from Fort Sill. Tcw. uud tLclr alai'jfhtcr liy I . .. foi'n's: iireeil r. Allison, from thu l oiifcreac ( ommiitee on thu Military Aiiitb-iny Appropriation bill, submitted a repoit which xtus agreed to, the llotive huxiiij u'.'rii'd tu reji.xrt yistenlaj. The bill Unix goes to tin Pr iidulit. Hills on the culeudir Dot objected to Were roiixtilcivd ui'dir the tix'u minute rule. The Housubtll reported fmm the Commit teo ott Wiix.t n;id Menus for thu issue of eer tille.tti'i of deposit of the ilenoininntlon nf $10, Inuring interest at U per cent, mideou. xirttble nt any time into 1 per tent bonds, was taken till mid discussed. The House bill for the piyrutiit t the uf Hi er mid men uf tin Mexican xu,r of threo months extra pay. provided for bx thu act uf July l'J, IN IN, led ton lougdisctlislon. ddiimmW submitted mi amendment to luuke tho net apply to thoo who served In the late wnr tur the prt-scrxutiou of the I'nlon. The bill wn laid aside without action. Thu bill to amend the patent liws was then taken up. House. Woods, ch.tirnriu of the xvax nnd meaus eouimlttte, rejiorted buk u bill uuthorUiiig the secretary ot the treasury to Uue iu ex chungu for Itwful money, I'. S cerlltlcnte of deposit of the denomination of $10, bearing interest ut the rate cf U pfr ceut, ami con vertlblu nt anytime with uccured interest Into I per ceut lionds, nuthorizid to be is-hin-d mid dincts that the money so receixed shall be applied only to thu puxment of S-'JO bund-. Kelley subrjitted an nuicndmeut o as to lu.iki the certttlcates convertible with ae. I'uii'd iuterrst after l month, in t.ixxful uiouex nml nt a time into t permit bomU. Plillijo de-ired to otb-r an amendment ; r i. 'idllig for Ihe dipusit ,11 aux poat I'tilee xvhlch i a money nrdsr (&v of imx iituouut tint Icsn thall - cents to be forxxiirdeti to thu ! C S. trtnirj'. uud an iieioiinl ketit with tht dipi'sitor who hill ree. li inti r t at tl.. Mtf i f Iptr. nl pir nr nn.! tUnt when the .lUM'mt thai! nmoiii.t to $i it .hall bu I'lilixirtiil into i ".'tllh ti I .'jVlded ! r in , thi lull. ' Wood dull!. .it In It 1 1 tu an .mriuli.ii.iit. proxubd thit wlun tin miw uf 510 shall lu .v aceiimu'.ute 1 1 thi crtnilt of auv person I per cent bunds slull be iiUt-d iu tlltt hargw aud payment of it. Tho prvvi j qu t:on w ru sccoiule.1 m.d tht muinqtiettiou ordered: yea. !ai. unsiiy i A llrst ow was takeu on the !ellt I utiwuduictit that certiucat" h:ill be eouxer". tlhle after i ir.ontht into lawful money, und at nuy time tut 1 per cent bonds. Tht . amrtidiueut w.i . jetted ! The next xote xx;t tafcm oa Durchnrds stibstltuto, and A was defeated. xta C7, nays 1-1-. Springtr moxtd to lay the bill en the table. lluudx moveil to adjourn, and ycii uud tiay s ordtrrd, yen 77, uiys lit). House at l:K) tovk a tec. a till 7.30. Xi.MMi SK-.I0N. House resumed consideration of the bill nuthoriiug the iue of certiticate.. of depos. it. the nrt xntt Wiu.on motion of Springer to l.ix tho bill ou the table; defeated, xeastl", nays 106. The bill thiujid. yeas lu", nnvs 7'.'. Wood, chairman of the lommittee oc wnvs and means, reported a lull making l' s notes receixablc tor dutis. on imports (inrtleld ollered an mnendment proxidtng that suih notes should be receivable so long as they wire eqmvaleut ta coin. Wood y ieluVi) to the introduction of the amendment nud tho prexiou questiouwas onlerctlj amendment defeated, vcas 73, nays 125. Girald moved to lay the bill on the table; tho Uonso rt fused to lay tho bill on tho tabic yea? 11, nays 155. Thoblllthon pass ed nnjs 151, iiaxs 12. Nennlo. WAsmsaroN, Jnn. 1G. Windnm submilled the following: l'exolved, Tlu.twitb n viexv to tho peace ful adjustment -f all questions relating to suffrages and to the i ffectuii enforciment of enixtittlti'tinl mid tutioUiil right mid the liromotloii of the hot interests of this wholi t'outitry by the i litutimtion of sectionalism from partus, n eomi-iittsv of 8"vn Si union be appointed b) the chair and charged with the ilntx of ''I'l'imii ,' as to the tpediuex Mid i wicti ibi.itx of i in o.irng:i),nnd promo- ti, ' j II pna I '11. i 11 t I I. t lll.l-l. tin J- iitiul in l it i d i i . s fni! , tin -i M it. i .'id ' n,;r i - K..1 ili-tint xihcnthiX im 'tot nlluxvid t) fieih una piiieefully txercise mid i-tijoj tlielr coiistlttt. tional rights ns American citizen into such as may desiro to tecelxo them uud will pro tect them in said rights, or into such territo ries of tho United States ns may bo provided for their usa ond occupation; and If such committee deem such migration expedient and practicable, that thoy report by bill or otherwise what in their judgment is thu most cffectlvo method of accomplishing that object, und that the committeo have leave to sit dur ing recess. Laid ou tho tnblu for tho pres ent nt tho request of Wlndotu, nnd ho gavo nollco that ho would call it up soon and sub mlt somu remarks. Dorsey submitted a resolution calling upon the secretary ot the treasury for a statement of nil appropriations nnd expenditure from tho national treasury for tho purpose of pay iug tbo expenses of tho Indian department from July 1, 1700, to Juuo 30, 187a; agreed to, Tha House bill providing for tho payment ot arrears of pensions was taken up on mo tion of Ingalls, Tho bill was then read the third timo nnd passed; yeas li, nays 4. Not havlug been amended by the Senate, it now goes to tho president for his signature. Saunders sont to tho clerk's desk nnd had read a letter from tho commissioner of In dian affairs in regard to his remark in debate iu the Bcnato on Nez l'orccs Indians have been removed in violation of laxv. Tho com missioner states that thoy wero removed in accordance, with the provision of the Indlau appropriation net for that year. The Senate took a recess till 7:15 P.M. for tho purpose of attending thu Prof. Henry memorial scrvico iu tho Houso ut 8 o'clock. KVICNtNO MWStOtf, Upon reassembling nl 7:15, on motlou of Edmunds, the vico president was directed to adjourn thu Senate until 12 o'clock to-morrow, upon the return of that body from tho ceremonies in tho House, nud thu Senate at 7:00, preceded by tho officers, repaired to the hall of tho House. At thu conclusion of tho ceremonies tho Heunti returned to its chamber, nud in accordance with previous ordir, adjourned, llmise, The speaker aunotincd t'.. regular order tu bu th consideration of u bill reported l.nt night from thu committee ou xenxa mul mentis to facilitate the n funding uf the in- tional debt, nud pending the quiHtloii, .Miles iishetl Wood to x ield for ii'i n.ni udun nt. subjecting nil bonds heruiftir Issiitd to tu:.. utlou. Wood ilci'liui.l to yield for the p.'.r pose, nnd the bill passed xvithout division The Hoiisu xriut into committee of th xvholc on Ihe bill for the Improvement of ;hu MNsissiptil lexves The House then went into committee of Ihe xvhulu on the Mistippl river Improve ment commission, mid ptoxlding for the im proxcimnt nf that river ixud the protection of itHulluxial lauds Au appropriation .f S'iSu.OOO is tundo for thu payment of h.ilar. it, nud the committee w tilth reported the bill bus an nmciidtmnt added, u section u pmpriutlng 3,871,000 for htrviigthetiiiig the the Mississippi lex eei. (libson gavo notice ho would, if he had an opportunity, oiler ns u nubstlluto mi amend ment appropriating 3-,fiUl,00'i for thu Im provemeiit of the MiUsippl river from the head pa.scs of that river to the mouth of the Illinois rixtr. KolicrNon, nf Illinois, spoko lit favor of the bill. The origin of the late scourge which had traversed tho South might bo traced to the overllow of the MUsUnippi, fod low cd by ii hot .Summer. Ellis submitted as au iimendturut n sub stitute, appropriating $I.HoU,0U0 for thu liursose of ruimiriii2 tho levees of the Ml.s. isslpp! uuJ improviug thu navigation ot that rix lei-t ,?i,,eTi, b "Pcnilr.1 npou tfav , rectiou of ihu chief engineer of the uriux. . The previous qiustiou xvat then seconded, , di nud thu votes will be taken oil Tlmrsdiy. .teiriTe. WA-sttiN.-xTO!. Jan. 17 NiuMmry submitted u resolution calling vp;n the btcrctary of the trmsiiry fur iufor-. uttlon us t the nmrutit nf cuwa.issiou mul i.t.er eompensutlou paid 1 -.iiL r, . bfew. nrms, cnrupaiiies, Hxnik'.ite or iml Viduuls, tor strxieei in negotlutittg ..lies J.f V S. bomU or -.etftirttiik fiom IsCi tu th.' present ' time. , 1". ,A C str.s nid.l)i.!l d . , a 1 t II tur i..a.. ..,,,r.i.H,.i,' to-ipoaiu a in;; !.. ,...", "'. "". r. ,", ""- uria- tb' tu .imnnrrl.xst iiiiti.oriiuj tbi ski!, und otl..rf:r be.,r.n'.' i.ul. ..,H w. luals iu Alast.ii 'I he credential of !i itator Itoustoc bi Ala bama were pn seutrd At the conclusion of the morning bulne. the (senate restiuied enisititrulloit uf tht. bill to itmetid tho (latent I.1X". . lioiirkubmitted thu f ''.lowing umjiidnitnt, 'And n henex. r ii patent is issued to txo nr moreiieraoas. Juintlv. Ueseribluj o.-reprrsej. tiugthf matter xvhtch xv ts the invention of only one of thtin und for which the 'n. xrntorther of might have tike a i patent to himself, fciini inreiitioii may be stcured to the lirst inventor tlureof by a reissue vt the uiteut so Jointly U.ucd upon proceeding hud ns in the other cases ef reifsue nuxl xxjth the consent In writing of the totwlguet. i if any j of such original patent to such reissuu, to inure to thebenollt of nllpei-sonsclalmitg under the origicul patent as if their claims hud arisen under n patent so liud -scent us prnxided In the Cth seitlon. After xoiue dltlle-ilty in tludlug a quorum tho onieudi.it nt of Hjar was Qj-rveil to -vea ja, nuys b Wallace said Unit he ar J the Senator from Delexxnre (Itayaitl. desirtsl to bo muisul from further svrxlce on tho Ttller spuiul committee to investigate reft t.t dictions. A call of the Senate was crder.-d and a quorum hax iug ,risjonded Wallace sail he made tne ruotiou to be txciue.l bcciune the geutlemeu who represented the minority of tho Senate ou the Telltr committee xur. uoxv ubont startlug north from Nexv Orleaus nud others were going to CLarhston to cou tiuuc the iuvestigatiou. It was tmpossibU for him (Wallace1 to go to -'hsrleston, nnd the Senator from DeUwai. i Buy aril; i )u',d not go a he i iu Texas Hoar hoiitd the requ. st xxould lie over f ,r the present, and iu explanation thereof said mere luci uetu some tall about htmself and McMillan, who were members of the com mittee, going to Charleston, but that they had concluded not to go If tha Democratic members should all be there, they would be iu thu majority, Wallaco said nithlng Of the kind was contemplated. Hoar replied that ho was hnllsGed of that fact. It was finally agreed that tho matter should bo arranged between thiHoxcral mini hers of the committee, and the request of Wnllnco to excuse himself nnd lluyard was granted, the vice president nppoiniing Man dolph nud McDonald to fill thi vacancy, lloii'ie. On motion of Ontitiier, ihaitmnn of the committee on private lalideliuiui. the Kinate bill win passed defining the m.iiiiit'i In which certain land scrip may be imlgncd and loent ul by actual Hittler. The Houso Went iutn the e..!ii'i"t'.i ( i f tht whole on thu privntu cilend.it llmise, W.UtltM.l . ,, ,., ,- Tho Ucuumi uxvnnl bill was lakcu up as tho regular ordir of business. Aftir somu discussion tho previous ques tion was Kccondod and tho maid quostiun ordered, tho undorstandiug being that Mut ler should bo allowed 1G minutes, nnd Knott ns much timo ns ho desired beforo ihe voto should bo tnkeu, Theso gentlemen will speak, the former against thu claims of thu Insurnnco comport ies and tho latter ngnlnt class legislation, advocating tho speediest distribution of the remainder of tho fund among those legally entitled to it. It was moved to lay tho bill aud amendments ou tho tablo; rejected t2 in tho affirmative, negatives not counted. Foyo's amendment to the majority bill was then agreed to ou standing vole. Ayes, 135; nays, CO. It provides that no claim by or in behalf of any insurauco company shall bo admitted or nllowcd by tho court of claims, unless such claimant shall show that tho sua of its losses iu respect to war risks exceeded its premiums or gsins, aud thou ihe allow nnce shall not be jrroHtor than such excess. No claim is to bu udmlssiblo In favor of any "" tuiuiianr mat was noi lu wittily ex isting at thu timo of loss uuder laws of tho United States. Cannon moved to hiy the bill on tho table: defeated yeas, 00; nays, 121. Tho question was taken on tho substitute reported by a minority of tho Judiciary committee, and it was adopted on a standing volt) of 112 to 73. It rovivej and continues tho court of commissioners of the Alabama claims, fixes tho number ot judges nt three, requires thu court to convene nnd organizo us soon ns practicable in Washing tun nud limits its existence to 18 mouths. Tho first class of clilms is to bo thoso de scribed iu Hoction 11 of tho former oct and claims for damages directly dono by confed erate cruisers ou tho high neus, although within four miles of shore. In cases of whaling vessula 10 per cent, ndditlonul Is to ho ullowcd In lieu of frclgnt, mid tho same nlloxvnnco is to be made, with six per cent, interest ou Judgments herutoforo rendered iu favor of xvhuliug vessels. Thu second class of claims Is to bo for two per cent, nil ililioiuil intcicst on former judgnuutH. On nil Judgments to bo licrnafter tendered the interest allowed Is to be six per ceut. The third class of claim i Is to bo for the payment of premiums for x.ur links, deditc tioulo be tiiado of any sum paid buck iu dim iniitioii of uc!i premium, s ik it uny th. acini loss suull In' allowed. The s.eiet.irx cf tho tuasiny N directed tu pax, without further uilj idte.ilion by mix tou.t. ten pir e.nt iijioii xvhaling xcsslI'. ruid their mittlt with su pir cent lulerct on .u.ards hirctn fnro mutte, mul nl.li) to pay tun per cm ad ditional luti rist on all jui!gtni'Uis heretofore made. Judgments lendenil iu the llr.it ehis.. nro to bu first paid, mul if tho money be not sufficient to pay all Jiidgtuont of tho second class, tho7 nro tu bu .aid pro rat'i. A like rulu is ulso to apply to JuduMnt iu the thiid I'lasi. Nu fuiilgu bom pcruoti is to l excluded, if suilinj under thu U. S. llag. Tho mt Is not to bo construed us renewing or continuing uiiy of tho commls-ious of tlio judges. Thu bill then paswl--yeat 113, nays H3, Smith reported from the appropriation committee Seunta amendment to thu pension nppropriution bill, mul they weiu ciinciirrcil iu. Adjourned. English Women in Ollice. Kight liiintlreil voting vtomwt .it work, nil in ono i-ooin, nil lookiiig i-oiiifoitulilc, most of tliuiu looking pivtty, wirntne; fair wiigfH nt city work xvork lit for xxDiuuii 10 no ; xxoi'K ui wniili thov e-ni it nm. rent nml not lj rMiv,ilha i . i . , , , . ,. '; . .V1!!'" " V""'.1 ""'' " Il,,t ll"''"' " tho iiiiiiuii oi mo uiy, wint ii'iimot iiiwiiiv twmioiit. hiopp:i-ii oi jmy i-xcry your, V"' ,l oztm' l01' hickiif.i.s tiii-l u .oii-ion 0' '1' "" C01' lt' i'in woiiii-h ti Mm ' roll rotiiiil xvill Is'ioiim old), with onlv eight lioiiis of work, inner K-forc s in 'thu moriiiii-.uwl novvr uft-r n ut ,.:..i , ...:.i ,- i - . . , M1,,,,1' wl,h !?ln.,,, "I"- -""I-'t-. ami '"' -'1,uiii'o ot riMii" to In- u tiniii t.-ml fiit ojii'tt to iniM-y il. This isufiu - .. itt i-ntiiii'lll Otltii', lllulel I lll I'lMtlK ii ' ill'im.v, mul ll this Im i ito . I lalt'lli-t- Ulll'lll'.' till' Mil I'lglll i .ll't. jnttcitil I'ostollico is in St. Aluiti ttiiiiiil, iu'.ii St. I'uiiI'n, mul thii now two j-irut I'ostolliw.s III the Tim .sin in nm' jiuif, t.icii.j; oni'li olhor, tm i hi. . otu iinviii'' heeu t'ouiul iiltut'utlii'i Iimj -mall 'lui'i laoiiij; oni'li olhor, tlu i hi for the jmiiono riijtiiiisl, ulthou-'h whin it wtw lirnt ojiviiLtl, ulxiut forty -livoypiir 1IJO, it XV.lt, MIJI-HI--t.il to 1)0 lll)-llxllv luin for uny jKivsidlo 1-ivjtiiivini'nts which thu country could Iiiim for such u dtlilllill. TllOSU XX'llO JIIl-W llolll ( llMJI -,'nlv into Ncxvg.ito htfct't lifter tlm "anil.-, luiio Illicit Iighthil, ui.iy iilncrx.-, i) "ook itit up, thut tho xvholc to llour nf thin. new Intililtti;,' is illttmiiiiitcil. It is hern thai tho SOU vouns xi'otiicii ins' u work mul tin if Inisiucs.sismsi.sts in tin- i.-ccipt und ilisj.Mch of tclcgrujih i i.-s-ait.t. At'terditcoxciinjjthtit nt least "UUxtonu-ii can l.'fi'p a hecret (sccivcy is CNs"iiti.d there), 1 asked : " lloxx niatiy disiiii-iMls did you have tliirii-j; last year 1" lor I hud ktioxvn iniicli of tho civil foil vico lux oelf, uud hud Ihvii sixvatii tjjut in deal ii.-,' with l.irj,'ij Itodics of men, tho exer cisers of dincijilinu liuixt havo rccourso to that fii.st means of declaring thut o1m dieiieo and order urn iitdispcnsublf. ' Dihiuivs," h.u'd my friend, "yes, wo h.ixo had n, ili.s;uis.sa!. Jliss was dismissed. Hat it m-cius to mo it xxiii u Ion- timo ago. I'll ejet tho liooks." Tho books xxoixi ju-oduced, und it ni lvaiTtl thut tho unfortunate ono naimtl hud lceit bent awuy ut somo tuno iu 1S73. From ti hody of public seryant.s as largo m a ivgiiuent thero had been no tlUiniuuils in four ye.u-b. Anthonv Tiol lojie. Kr-"Titxv ays he tlocati't iixx-car. 1 .-"., .