(it. ,1 ' Dion il.b Mi .... t J til 'fern A'Ik W' .'at. "latl I lucl rU ltIay dr. Iy tw- ir ii - t J. ,. out)-'rti- era ... 0(1 Iwl rmtb I 1 jrcr rj.;i ult i,y " ni,' AL' lfJ .fy .00 1. - i CI' ?J .1 S jl1 l VUin 1 jf '1 o '1 f V' Hi r 1 n IV tl 1 n u r 1 i 1 i fTKlvipr 111 n to Hill Wat Supreme Court. Wnn.vr.-Dty, Jan. 8, 1P70. T. M. Kcwl, npp'dlent, n ,S. M. (Jon trv, (t nl, lespoiidents .Motion filed to dfsiiiisi thf nppenl. N. A. Iitovvn, icepomletit, mi I lurv iljrd, appellant I'ln-ed at tho foot f doikot for tliu Third District, us i stipulation of uttuwju. J Initio Jones, respondent, vs I!. Doe, nii"lluiit Appeal from Itxntriii eotliiH. TilMO extended ten days ill which to til'1 tnitiSTipt. II I' JoV'S, 1 spntu'ent, vs II. !,., Appellant- Hntii". Hie afternoon si,-io'i was taken up in tlio examination of applicants for ml mission to tlio liar, nil of whom passed mtv crulitnblu 'Mtiriinutioris mill will rcceiv e their i ertificutts on to-morrow. There weie iuit' a iniinlicT of spcttu- (..". tors incscnt who siemoil to manifest tonsidcrublo intciest in the examination. Judeo Piiin first examined the clnss in regard to contractu, followed liy Judge UoIhu on I.11W and Heal I'state Chief Justice Kelly concluded tho examination on rieailingH and Jiviilence. And alter a nhort consultation with his iiKsociates announced that each and every appli cant would be admitted upon taking the UMinl oath of oflice before the clerk. Tin itsiiw, Jan. 9, 1S79. T. M. Ite il, nipellant, vh. S. M. Clen try, respondent; motion to dismiss tho npN-al; indued and deniisl. .Strtte of Oilmen, leHjioudent, 8. John ). Whitnc, appellant; motion to com pleto the trnuxcript, with certifm! copy of the eluire of tlio court U tlio jury; aisled and MthmtttMl. C.W Moon-, iipiM-llnnt, vh. t K. .Mill er, renjiondent; ajipeal from Wasco coun ty; time extended ten days for filing transcript. K. Wohultr, respondent, vh. Tlio Dalles Mllltar' Ilond Company; khiiio as above. 1'rcd. Nordiiio et at, ajipellantH, vs. .1, H. Shirley, ri'hjKintlent, cnun aigued und hubmitted. AIri:ilNOOV MHION. J. N. Dolph, ieMinilent, s. II, liar nov, iijipellaut; inntidato from tho Su jpii'ino Court of the Cnitisl State entei d of lecoid, ntul mnndato ordered fiom tliin cotiit to the 1 ourt below. Andeioti Kdwanhi, iiiHllant, vn. It. .S. 1'erkinn, redjionileiit; e. parte motion to completo the transcript liled and al low. .State of (Ireon vn. John I). Whitney, t.pM'Haut; motion to completo tho tnin ncript, with a certified copy of the judi'Vi ch.irge to the jun. allow tsl; opinion by Ho'lHe, J. H. A. Jleilncr V Co., appellants, nk. Cnion countvipondent; caiiHe urgued and hiiliiiiitteil. lieu. Ilolladay it .!, ii'spondentx, . S. (i. I'lliott et all, appelliintH; apHil fiom Million county; e. p.ute motion to comiilete the trnnseiiiit filed and allowed without ariinieut. Adjourned till 9 A. M. to-morrow. , I'r'iiav, January 18, 1871;. V.. A. Hecs, respondent, s George Rocs, appellant; appeal (rom Umatilla county; motion to dismiss, and cross motion to perfect appeal; argued and ( submitted. K. II. Dean A- Co., anrcllants, vs L l.awbornc clal, respondent; appeal fiom (11 Coos county; cause argued and submitted. Adjourned till 1 130 r. M, AJTIK.VOOS srSSION, State of Oregon, appellant, s William Munscy, et al, respondents; cause argued and submitted. C. W. Mcvoc, appellant, vs C.S. Miller, iCf.jojidiiit apncal from Wakco county, cause dockcird. I'.. Schulti, rcfpoiident, vs The Dalles Military. Roait Company, appellant; ap k eil'lion AVJsai cooiUv; causij docketed. - ' Adjourf.ed lilt i t'clock, Monday, .January it ' . . . . . IJll Vi-Jfcfil.lYMhD court ilrulnt n ilini ddi ilm ;i'Jonl lehrt.tiset of the SUtc k Uil-gpn; lli'I M .lUonn t'- liuncr.'WliCijL will ue q ...I tnlIJUl l,.t ill... a... fd.41I.1n in l... C..a ,-. i.'ii.fVM'.M ,iy i,t.,109IVI III lim llVf ,inf ieci,tor) isp71.tnnt1.1ty asjlollows: 1 i 'oiiMON itv uoisr. 1. f' ' Tins'.!, nidtiorr bHhe Stote.for a lul'o on the clerk ul the Court belpw; icciii:. - in. Idin tu s'nd up toih!sCoutt.MAiait t ui the lMiiCf!pL.-!ittein, a cortlOcA te pony, PI ln5 wrm,cn4tu,e)i tne uqurt to li 'jurjf in hlt.cHsen.saiiJ Court. The bin. of exccptiips (ontains 'dcached juris of the clufce. snli the defendant Whitney seeks to roeire the judgment of the Court below on allrgtd errors in said iharge. The State through its counsel claims ih; chaige should ttc taken as a whole and iidt in urts. cs set foith in the bill of x ceptioiH, an 1 ask that, ini'nuch as the ihatge 's on lac in the cleik clfice it should lv (Oitf.cd up as a part iA the , itrord Cuuu-a! ki di'lcndant chin that it is not ;aii of the judgment 10I ..oil thrnlore huu.d not be sent up a ,1 I rt of tho tMu-Oipt Hut e think tiut iiiAMrch as . n in wriin.g and on file ftm th utt! ct utt Hi")' vMiuins nnl a ' rlli'ii ul lli k..'i.iri!i .1 ii ii lli.n uin iimlei i f chuee m (t ; hive a lenileniv to ts I iiin or imvn'y tPr inns nitd in Hie I lit ol cco i oi. .mi ,lu whole clunje m.iv be un.i,dciel .v pan ol ttie lull ol cfp liot.s and tiiuu; Kforc thi Court tot tiiiinitio. I "ue ii. n.onwll le alliucil I. 1 i r.i'iivy an.) v .Vi'e, and J A M. K iinsvv for i'toti 1 .1 il (snc. Mumiav Jn, t ilc Sile uf (r.i, ictpoiuUiv. v II. L ml i. y tlviMj'i, r. fl 1 n'; spiN-il Ion DuiyUs. iinnv Mntion to tti. iiiu t!u aj.p ..', ,H)ui,V.eJ ivithout aru inert t-tatec' O e ip, a p ;'-, j U- V,t t an I I nvrc 4? t s ,'. r 4 .ftkr ,r-' V ed in I Ml 1 t i I ., . . w I V . 1, l I Toksdav, Jnnuury 1 1. Tess" Dodje, appellant, vs. David Maiden and li. A. Knott, respondents, appeal from Jtickon county; diciceof (Oiul below afllrrued with rosls; opinion I y linw, J State of Uiegoll, respondent, vs. II. I., it ". I'. IIuns"ii, nppullnlitR, appeal from Douglas county; uppe.nl ilKiiiisscd. ('. V. Moore, HMHllatit, h. ('. K. Mil. i, n spondeiit, appeal fioiii Wusco county; set for h"iinrii,'.Jtimmrv I fth. 11. SJni't, lepoiulent. v. The Dalles .Military I.oitil ( ouiunv. u elliiiits, up pfiil from Vi'uh'o count; Iino p-iinteil t tile tun iiitilei taking on iiiieal, mid eiitt-.e set for hfviriiii,' January '1 Ith. )'i. motion of It. F lionhali), Messrs. T. I ilnckhmnii mid 1. T. Howes wore admitted to pinctiee as attorneys!, on cer tificates of Supreme ami District Courts of tho State of Michigan. Samuel Rich, aipellant, s. P. P. Palmer, respondent, opptal fio.n Doug Ian county; cause aipied and submitted. A. w. nmitli,nppellnnt, h. Jiitm Jlnr- Hm, respondent, appeal fiom lletiton county; cauhn taken up. 1 Adjourned till 9 A. M. to-morrow. THE HlXVXn DOLLAR. Oold and currency ate on 11 financial , level but theio weins to bo no place for I the itimbiotis siher dollar of our fath lent, maniifuctiired by go eminent Npccu- lutiori out of silver. It is desirable to utiiio th products of th rich silver mines of Nevada, which belong to our nation, us well ax tho bonun11 kings, and we fee) a natural disjiositiou to make the most of homo productions, of course, anil silver brings 10m into the country as much lis tanned salmon, wheat and wool. Kilter has itis uses in nrts ns well as in tlio vaults of tho money changers, rather moro so, in fact, for ci ruined nations are discarding the double standard and in the gieat maHH of tnidu siImi-is found too cumbrous for these times that call steam tuid lightning to do tin ir work and have the telejihono and tho electriu light to full back ujKiii. The world moves, and it seems to have mowd away fiom silver, which has been too slow to keep up with the times, and eoplo who icpresciit tho nineteenth cenluiy cannot make beasts of burden of themseves to transpoit metal enough to make a classic statue of, for tho purpose of doing tho family marketing. If wo are to utilize all the metals that have been coined into money, where shall wo cnill Copper was piecious enough to pass cimeut once, and brass was a favorite means of exchange epoii a time, while we lead that iron w lis 'iiioue miiio thousands of years ago. l.vcn gold is found more suitiible for 11 icscrvo fund than to bring to thefiont for evciy day me, and we may look for the time to come speedily when the most piecious 61 idl'lnt'tids will bo considera bly deprotiatisl from curient (notations, ns indeed it has been depreciating all the years we have history for, as in the times of the CicirarH iilthy lucri of that color and weight would purchase many times more of life's essentials than at present. Resumption is hardly attained when wo hear that tlio hoarded gold is fast being deposited and quneney drawn in iihuo of it. If tu).iiix'chh goes on, is simply shows thatli-iso pice of busiiiexs, people do not cam to cayry 111111.wss.11y weight, thaL while L'olil niiiv bo convenient in 11 leserxe deposit to inake giKid the go eminent of'iSllt, and iM-oiile inav iim small nirVfiritV''of it for dails " uses. Still iijKvJ'lrirreijey, basisl on a cnslit such ns 11-gmit iifitltm likeours caugisc, will unwww'All'tlibllfisls of the peojile and be liKirt) Jccptnhle than the most proMous? uiethl. ; llliiviiii soiiiii pei fou anient ly wish thp.' , t)niWn:l ,iviuv)ioy would iiud its wiisjto UiIiii,o.Ht, wo viiiinut but wonder ,wial )inh limy nnuit next. Shall we i,iepui.iisyr juiiii' mm ami sciences nilil keen tlo'lAliniity Dollar" of our fatlivrS W'.V '' ryiKVJib'niiicel It looks ver iiiiNi,(Iiiit hv. nnilVbihi we may 1ijep til tt Stjpply'for jMX-liet iluinge, umi u i eoinrti down to 7n c'ots on the dollar in iivtunl iirul intr..sio Milne, it is Vertmn slnee rflser' dollars havu be come ir depnvhlted nnil jiTvdeein.iblo (jinelicy they lmvu not tho elastic force of a govtfnrm'iitjinmiisd to lend horH for tlni tulurO, and it they am to st coimsl at their ai'tuid sulue none of us will be able to own many of them ut a time, unle we liuvo aults to store them in, or p.wl" triuus to nunc them aUmt. And still the uwless coin luvumulates and depns lates, a satiiv uhiii tinamt' and a buileMiim imkui cui renew Will the Coup ro that p.iSKt'd the silser bill U- Have eiiouph to letir.ct, or r.hall we have this .oin.ipi kept up until the IWmccI; lode ih plaved out I -1'oithinil ' I'CV. DmJ. Mr. Jiiiui's .smith. r. well known mcr- l l '' ' 'al.!aud, ami 'uroUiti'-inl.iw to i liOci:iil t II.UlHIiii, liiisl lit li.a ItiMiii'llCe at uVlikh WisIjh-mI.iv mirlit. The frn o( Micr.fl Ha', hvipg ,u Dillas, dud Utt Juiulav evening, liwtl! bj renuinliered that mention was made I his .'ccidint '.ly ih'ctity h:ir.t!f on tiioinjli: that ho vvnu'd lutvjvi. I ut hs tiii.iav. .ov. 10111. 1 01 a wiuie it was uvl. he leg.iu to grow nOIr, until death put an cud to Ida tutToi.u, at the time U'Ciuiune I. 1 1 c P. I li fi 11111 l .; .. . .v-.iiii cf s 1 trv v.tiiri 1 1 ly 0 v u iv -run hey fil or : ,;nnd toiir-s, vou 1 on ihe N'-thws int itt-itt,t- State and Territorial. Wheat is S3 cents at Pcrrydale. There are eight saloons at Lugcnc city. Seattle is going to have a cigar factory. Revival meeting at Ilillsboro still con tinue. The wood and bark trade is important to uiympii. W, 11. Clarke, ol Cole's alley, i, put . If"? up ice it r ti. t t, m. M. I'.tney and Miss N. LuhneU, I arc married lim i.omsiocii nas remosca r.is saw built up, m:il to Lathcm. Sixty-five thousand dollars worth of sa!- 'I he Territorial university 2t Olympia mon WCIe canned and salt-J on the Suis Jias 132 scholars. ' aw rjver ,1,1, j,ast y.-ar. Good lor Lane Mr. U. Tucker, of licavcr'.on, lies at j county, the point of death. fj,e 0SC Captain Drown, arrived at lix.Gov. Chadwick has visited his old 1 the Coquillc in eight days from San home at Roscburg. The New Year's masquerade at Olym pia was a gand affair. Orvln Wood, near Ames' Chapel, died of diphiheiia, aged 17, S. W. Hall of Seattle has been attested for larceny and forgery. The Statesman says Mrs. Costcllo died at Salem last Sunday. i'uyallup farmers intend to cultivate tobacco fur a change. The 1'ugcl Sound country was ten days without mail from Portland. Salem boys arc on stilts, packing through the mud like cranes. The Coast Mail is the name ot a new paper at Marshficld, Coos Co. Rev. Father Llanchet has gone to Jos ephine county on a pastoral visit. Contract (or nail service between Ccos Hay and Roscburg has not been let. The County Clerk's office at Ilillsboro has new cases for the county records. Sailing vessels arc reaching Seattle In eight or nine days from San Francisco, The Jacksonville Times has scarce an equal as a Rood local paper in this State. The Dalles Iltmiztr has changed its publication day from Saturday to Friday. R. 1). Wilmot, of Deaverton, lost a fine horse by being run over by a rallioad train. Comparatively a small area of grain in Southern Oregon has been put in to this ditc. The body of Michael Fox, who wa drowned in Rogue river, has been re covered. There were issued out of the Eugene post office 1,568 postal orders during the past year. The Phoenix telegraph office Is nearly ready for business. Miss Sargent will manage it. George A. Steel, Esq, Postal Aucnt. passed through Jacksonville en route for the South. It Is reported that Gaston lias sold the narrow gauge road to the wide gauge companies. The property known as the City Hall, Walla Walla, was lately sold to 1. Stahl for l7,ooo. The election of the Justice of the Peace at Fall city was a tic and was de cided by lot. The Blue Ribbon Club of Eugene City numbers 626 members; and only eight saloons there. Action is brought asainst the Oakland Hoard of Trustees for having impounded some horses. The Chinese wash houses in Hoisc City have been raided, and windows weie smashed, etc. Mrs. llailcy, of Eden precinct, Jackson coumy, was thrown from a carriage and crcrclv injured. The Storm King secured a charter at Astoria will sail for Callaowith lumber, u llurraid Inlet, Fnn the Coos Day News: Duncan's cannery, on the Siuslaw is to mote five miles up the rivci. School will commence January 13th, at Cornelius Academy, with Mr. Hoop enearm as teacher. Elder C.U. Reed, formerly of Eugene, has accepted the pastorate of the llanlist church at the Dallrs. SThos. T. McKei -ie, of the F.ureka ills, Jac'.son count), killed a hog that weighed 5C8 pound. Some fellow nameJ Leonard has been colleciins" accounts for the Murtury and s'uppeJ wi.h the coin. There i a Welch settlement five miles onto! tcw.i on the road to Mollalla called ' Cymii or hen Wiid." Two brothers on I!ayne' slou-h put head 011 each other and a Justice of trie Peace tended to the case. A man named Gravdon, ol Stayton, is in Marion county Jul, accustd of owning too many boots. Stole 'em. A lill .lixr-l.,.. .1 II T I.... .... w ii.wiiivi ui liilM i.airic), near Ivisebntg, caught file iiona hot chimney and was badly burned. The machin-ry for tunning the pottery at Urtgon tin 1, nearly c iinpleted. It wilt b worked bv v.atcr power. The Steamer Josephine was frozen up o;i the bkagit one night and by lively work broke looe next morning. Tiie f.rm ot S.valucher llros. A Co., of teatile, proenttd the r clerks with fjfti tn co n on New Ye.u' Day. Hon. A. F Cimpbe'i had a grand re ception given him and liu bride at the residence 01 .Mr. Strunip, lit week. Clia Schni.-dci, m the l.eonaid Mill, silwr C tv, Idaho, hail an arm anrf hand tniih.l in 'he quar.i mil machinery. 1 U 1 11 s iovs of Ieats mat Ie slnde nw in Salum ate m d to look lone.oire -' hometc!; m Wi-iter cosume, which a 'icr t nil ir i. 1 y wca.'rr. T). Lowenburg and A. lienson, while riding through a canyon near Lewlston, Idaho, were upset an J the former badly hurt. A little daujhter of ?. Hinks, while plajing on the 3d init , had the misfor tune to fall and Lreak her arm in two places. I Mr? S. 1 dwanis. of Monroe, Lane .county, last Saturday l:ll and uroise ner - arm. incawueui w serious as sne is 1 till. 11 imuci. vi .'mi-inn,- u. 13 u-in. - , . cf for ,,. s,n rranclsco mu. T. 'M.:..,... A( ATn.Kt,IJ .'. Kwr' soil It i eMO"c:d .1 lr.n.'c trade u:!! be Francisco, with 80 tons of assorted mer chandise. One week ago yesterday a child three years old, son of Mr. Daker, of Victoria, fell into a tub of boiling water. It died in an hour, Ttphoid fever has made his debut in Clackamas county, a man named Hart is down with it in the country, a few miles from town. It is saiil that a man named Warren, has the mail contract from Roscbur? to Coos Day, and service would commence in ten days. The tri-wcckly overland mall, in ad dition to the present daily service, from Keuuing to Koseuurg, will be placed en the route soon. The Roseburg Star says that Judge Watson and family were lately favored with a surprise, and dancing was kept up till the wee, sma' hours. Hunters at Lewisville, Polk county had a trial of skill lastSunday. C. W. Paine, captain, reported 2,059 points; W. W. Williams, 1,000 points. Langlois brothers, of Curry county, made one shipment of seventy barrels of beef to California. First shipment of the kind from Coos county. Jacksonville was ciowded Saturnay, January 4th, with citizens from various portions of the county, who came to at tend thefrallroad meeting. Christmas Eve, Col. John Lane and Miss llatlic Sherratd were married in Coos county. Col. Lane is a son of General Jo Lane no doubt. Should the winter yet turn out a hard one in Jackson county a considerable amount of slock will perish. There arc many poor cattle on the range. Sixty-five thousand dollars worth of salmon were canned and salted on the Siu.law last season. The amount could have been doubled if they had been pre pared for it. The people of Jackson county annear to be laboring in good earnest towards constructing the Rogue River Valley and Coast Range narrow guage railroad. It would be a great blessing for that section. In addition to granting an injunction, Judge Ilauna also rendered a verdict for $7,000 and costs in favor of the Douglas County Road company in its suit against the Lanyonville and Galestille Road company. The Siusliw is navigable for twenty five miles from its mouth and the coun tiy is rapidly settling up. Plenty of claims yet to be had, but a hundred set tlers on the river have no mail facilities, the nearest office being Gardner. Never in the htstoiy of scientific min ing have the mines of Southern Oregon ueen in nciter stiapc lor mining opera- tions. Kvery miner is now ready and I his claim is rigged up with a view ol' doing the most work in the least time. J r,,. c , . , . ' .t, i i, 1 ", t -"Sl"1 "i ;'-" 01 he Lev. Mr. Lichydaon 0 Salem has lost two daughters of typhoid lever and. ibe mother and eight remaining children nf oni if" ???' Ut, ,h ,hV,XCCp"" n wTect 4"' " bC'nd "' C The creditors of Messrs. Ray A Doty. ' of hpla 1, have closed them up. ltissta-, led tint the) hold 7,030 bushels of wheat lor the larmcrs in that locality, and a Portland firm claimed 1 j.ooo, while there are only q.oco in the warehouie. Know ing the parties to have alwajs sustained a good chatacter, we think the matter will be fully explained. Last Monday Miss Mary Datey, aged about fifteen, livinc, near Aumsville, met with & severe and perhaps fatal accident. She went out. climbed upon the fence and was looking down the road, lost her bal ance and trll over backward, striking her head on the hard frozen ground She was carried into the house and lay tor a long time insensible, but was finally ie tored. Sheridan is to have a daily mail. Hex iv al meetings nio living held nt Albany. Salem is to have a marked ball on tho 2-d of Febt u.iry if ii comes otl. James Flkius, of Alluuij, lus had a ci ions attack of ivinittent lever. Linn county taxes nio lomiii in M'fy lii, .1,000 paid in i day and a half. lliileev public school for fall teim had 9 J enrolled, lout 00 tie:iij;e attend once. Many of the leading law-jer-, of tl St tto nro ftttendinvj tho Suj.uiue Coiut nt Salem. So-ip t'reck has lsjtn jirojixui and had 11 Happy JvTew Yi.tr. Whvrw is Soap l'rt ek I Hon. Jau'es K. Kw'y w.u eleetisl Chief Juv'u-o tt tho Mij lei ' t ourt ci Jlon.lay last, j T'.o i ei an F-x '-ivoat A5Van is I novr"' th" Itn.rjer'i'iS n s l.ei ' by J. t.M I I -t- V "f WW liTMtt Tho iiverae;o little boy isn't good the ' Morci.iy has found it out t Wnsnt o when he was a boy. 1 Jin. JI. A. Rinrhnit. wife of I'. M. I Rineliait of Mi"dil, diiil January 1, of I consumption, njred Ai. I The fri-n.ls of W. i K.-ads kindly supplied litlii and his with wooden wine I on the fittli iiunneruiH. Auins II1 was to v !o e '.ailruiiu nil 'iliir i" 1 iibscr!'"' stoi ! fni the '1 1 and Ni!ri','ti"'!,l mid. Tl," M. r"t! m-.h fie ti I.!- liniitrllt' 1- "t -, I,,!!, " .nt in in. imiii't! Pints i'e I.' "i. ..s hull' 1 yillo.i 0 us '',. tiity ladies of Albany publish .in itmext protest uiri.iiist drain drinking unil the j.lace.i wheie they thin!: them, 1 Jlr. .lolm JIcCov. of Linn count v. had his l'liinilner Diver take flit) on ith, I li. j.mii i.i damaged about fr.JO, nnil then jmi out. Hon. David MtC'ullv, of Salem, has'.i returned ftoni ftivinil Hondo valley, Union count, where he has a stocjj niiich, S. F. JIatliewR, of the Chcmekota ho tel, Salem, put up 27 tons of ice, and others put up much more, ils much as 1.10 tons. Uuel CiiHtur was inan-ied to Jlrs. Jlar Karettn Day at Albany, and the States Jdglitu Lieuiociat makes tcurtul puns on the names. DuiiriK the lecent ficoze Albany folks' put up (jU toim of ice, but it is thought they can't put up with that little. They want a "hie; thing on ice." Price, of Salem, has put on n daily line from McJIitinvillc to Grand Hondo via Sheridan, and connects his Salem and McJIiunillo route therewith. Jlrs. Wilson fell into the Yamhill tho othir meniiur, arid was rescued with difficulty as it wan sho losta hand valise containitie; several hundred dollarx. Lebanon is incorjioriitetl nnd her city fathers aro V. II. jlontague, Mayor; S. II. Clayton, Recorder; J. D. Oilmoro, Murshal; It. I Creed, Treasurer; with Aldermen ax follows s A. Krviu, V. U. Donncn, C. A. Ilalston, A. A. Keys. POLYGAMY DOOMED- The Mormon leaders arc much exer cised over the decision of the Supreme Court sustaining the act passed by Con gress in 1862, prohibiting pol) gamy. The dispatches say a case was hrouaht before the Supreme Court o( the United States by appeal from the Supreme Louit ol the Territory of Utah. Mr. Iliddlc of Phila delphia, who appeared with two lawyers from Utah, held that th act was aimed at a religious institution, and in conse quence was in violation of the first aim of the Constitution, which declares that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise ol religion. Hut the Supreme Court decides that the plea of religious convictions is not a valid dc fense, and tha polygamous marriages in the Mormon church arc not protected by constitutional provisions. This Is a death blow to polygamy, as there is no further appeal, and persons convicted of bigamy In Utah must suffer fine or imprisonment, or both. The Chief Justice dciircs to rcviie the decision before it is published. It is understood to receive the endorse ment of the full bench, although Judge Field dissented as to the admissibility of certain evidence. It is to be hoped that the last appeal having been taken, and the law against polvnamy sustaincJ, that law will now be vigorously enforced, and tho foul blot on our national character no longer e.ist. Portland lice. r OPEN THE COLUMBIA Wo ,,rt' K111'1 to ' t,wt j'nutor Jlitchcll hns made a vigorous eli'ort to M-eiiro fromCoiiL'ivss material aid for tho CimHtruction of railnwl pottages on ,,, VomMlL ThU proposition de- hmt., llUt,ltioil tt, it itetesw the pio- lucer.sof a vast region, ,u.d some such pessary to their p,o, iutiit 1 liat 11 it whittl lil lull riiuli tr. Coiniotition, for tho lights and need of (l ..,vnt and trrowing region should not ho long nt tliu disposal of any corpora tion, but should bo seemed by full and free commercial privileges, and eouijHiti tion in tinnHnrtatioii as well us in trade, is absolutely iwsentul to n coun try's iirogrct. The Senator seems to h.ivo set forth tho great pivsont and greater future of tho region interested and the urgent needs of its people, and if tho General Government has any in teivst in this vast and beautiful area dr.iinetl bv the Columbia and its tribu taries, the' sum of $200,000 asked for can lie well appropriated to satisy pres ent needs, until tho water course cm be made navigiblo by the projected removal of obstructions, that caunot bo consuui mated for wars to come. Portland Bee. A RAILROAD FORROQDE RIVER Tho Jacksonville papers sjveak of a milioad meeting held thete litely, to take steps to fonvard the building of a nuiTow track ntilro.ul from Jacksonville to tide water ut tho mouth of Rogue river, which is made more than ever nevevwrv since it is known that naviga tion of itogue river can never be made possible. A eommitteo was appointed to solicit subscriptions, and nearly 8t)00 wiis sub.crilvl in a few minute-, towards paying for n preliminary survey of tho route. The money for this purpose will 1 10 liberally furnUhed, and it is to be hopil that 'tho roud can to built, ns it will greatly inciease the'VAlue und im poruneo in nil respects of a very Ihwi tifnl rvgion, that is cut oil' so completely ft-CM outlet tliat its value cannot lo kr.ow n, as no sutiieient milucenient ex it for development tutd iniprovement. -PcrtLndllv, MARKET REPORTS, WII.!.Ml.TTI. I'AllUCn OITItt:, mi n, Ml, I'7l J 1' IM, K,) Til Kunir MnliMSd, .1 IM Ihl II Oi. li lAltl t I ill n fur sil.' run, ci it in- f,iir !! Mill ill r 1 r.iltb ul, In. Ipi;, CI', mill Utii2 il' illnilthi lnir.U , 'latent IJ JJ pr rin 1 ci iip In Sji S. url.. J2oine I'tottiicc niut'Uct. TV t'l 11, v riTicHHt huki'e r.it-i tpm nrylu- t.r-: h.iinl .I II -In JuMiliiff lo' it..iil.in! I'tomli. f. r 1 I'inruU 4 .'. 4 7;,, i;,trtn t.-l :! ., l.'lt .1 -t tijwl tlfei (, r i iili,'.'. din !, I nT Wiil. VMtaliii- ul l .li,l i V I o Is . l ii i.iillt II I INl - .1 jU k. f jr ' t".. .'I i. I I V ' 1- It VI'-,- IT t I !! I . !..! .r uiU. l - tormJlln.- 1 I.V n r.t, .. iMiltk' , Ititi, ., Iiuiii, I ilii ml in L,-v. Hem u. In iln. 1U Ust more. .m to I. ITiril ft quiw iti.lv ,1.1 i r.t .ts,rt;,,. T.k.. iii.I. .Tfij c. iiJ.iui,, Uils IOil l.'IKIIt. i lin.si: rinim.i, IHtiti:.: lallfomu. lev Ji 'S ,i l7,JlI...(,''rib".'. ,s"'ur. t"y. yii -Vlon "llln'i ".;; iw ITiiik l"lil,'ii,.uirjWli Siip,rnniO. Init'. Vlio. w,,Tf.- 'I ).. otm! te jotUi,Kt.eiit.niiit0i,.. flfrffflk.il ftltllllfV llll.ul 'ItuL . Ulllt.ll lltl ITS AlUllM. Un lllM. a.f 4. . inirl.l,,. iltltil, VilUv lVll", luHrhllK Jrlfil. Sirtflc. I'lunia. maililno ilrlcl, lfriiax; plltnl, Uitllci with .Iti, no ' K(.ns-sio. ii'ii.uu ini'Krn, jouiik, CJ.iil (Al T UOZ! 01J, .! Tfi.rt 4 :s. Oni', "'. mid t (O. llucki, &4 U) inj Mi. Tiiiki.Mi, 1 ami til c(. V II'. IKKIS iri-.,0, 6c; on fuot 4c. 111:1:1- Lli otlnht 1 ami il ct. (or (hole. Mli:Er Uh- v,ilkhl l) ana 2 tin. Illilin- Ouiitalj'i' at It cU. tot all oicr 10 B., cue tlilnl nil lor untlir Uiat; alw our third off lor cull. Ti I.I.OW oiiotaUe at C ami OJ i u. HAY Tlimtl.y, Inlul, bnjlnf at (12 iuJ 13 V ton. General McrcluiiuliNc. IIK i; (li'.na. S'u. 1. ncinp 1 (liliu. Nn. " ill ) Japan, 7 ct; Samlkri l.lan.l-, 't. TUAS .la.ui. In floiTi-d l.oi, SO and AS il; La i;tiiTiil ljm, ii aii.I HV, ilsr, 30 and 37 jo. lOfFI.K-l'ixU lllra, M and 19o j Jun, S.V; Wo, nim (luaUinala, IS and l(c. srilAlls Market ill tupiiUnl; Cnuhol A, UJ: tlncciu-hiil, 11J. luU lie. i:tr C, IU; tloidn C, O'c. Sandl-lil.'anit, 81 and He. SMll'1'.s SIJc In liUiiOOr. In hi", and lie In li-lf". OANIiMlS Lnwry, 121c; Mrt, and Shoul lc; Hark-m-. SOC! (Itant lr; Wax, Vic. Y1HST ISIWDUl Konnillj, 10 and SOo . V rtchm; 1'ra.toTi A, Jlrrrlll !lc T pw, OIL8 Ordinary bruml ol coal, 44 j IiIltI) Itiadm, )onrrt.Civ.37iiiid42'ci lk.Ui-1 l.lnv-r-1, K; Haw IJnwl. UO-; lMre Urd, tl Vt undil 40; Ov-tor, II n and 1 40; Tur)snUnir, OU and M (tint. Sub FrnncUco Market. Sas rr.kM.XKO, Jon. 13. WTirat- yolci SaturAiy ol Salt I..I10 inllllnjf, iholr to i!m iiulll , at el 751 and tl 7SJ Nrw York tiwktl trunir at I (i and 1 13 V lu. Ilarlry Small mIm ol (rol at OS crnU. Com All inarkrti dull ou-ln? in rolUftloa diy. 1 lour OrrL-otl and Vl 1U Walla (.tmUnt brand. l c;j and Hi r.'. I'nwvn iwun m cauiornui iu to itopr rental Chlcniro .Market. Cmcuw, Jonuan 13. Wliiat- 6I. V lu 1'ilriuy dcllnry. IIccrbotuu'M Wlicnt market. tlDO". JinuiM 1.1. nnat!ni;rari.-onutit. Carvor on paxa-and lor ahlpmrnt, qultt .Mark Iwuir, f.rmcr. yuutatioiii ot (,-iwd rariK'", off nvut, M !. ata lama,-i! lor illir account, lim uual ?' pr m.t. iid inlMliin. Mid , (Ii nr Mil, 3(H ul and 40 ; lUxl W Intrr, 4; falllunila, 4 1" Oil. (loml uhli'i'lnu fulllomla on mmiw. rwr f-00 IU. ..... .i. .. ..- . .- ..- iurcnii n lor :or order. lut frhitid or to b tiromn hlrr-cil. 41c; m arli duo. 45' loir atrroi.- Iti or Mil (or hlpinint durliur the prr-rnt uumlh aiidrilloliiiccnr, V 4MI tt". on Auiirlran trnii", 37" and 37 0 d. I.ujll-h i-outilrj nuukit., utrad). rrruili niuiilr.i nurktt. quiet, 1 luril Win at, xit itionir. UuriilUrtihoUvMpplm.' (lub ir rtnto), 0" M and (' ed, Calllornla, N Id and P" 4d; lied Atuerlcaii SpiliV, .So J tu So. i, U ii and s SJ. Tho Wheat Market Wluat rttnainn unchanged In figure, $1.70 per cental living naked en the wharf, nnd 81.7 free on Isianl, though it is probaUo tluvt $1.74 woald Iw ncocptiil. Tlinunrotho flfori" for round lota. Kin.ill lota would lio a triflo tow er. During tho wnk Uvcrpool onlcra for im mediate rliljunint to tliu Unltvd Kingdom ad vanceil ix jn-nce, to " CI pr quarter, but dropped hack to 4.1s on Wedneadaj. Tills leaves innttcnt luro the mono as on Isat Ttiurs Uy. During tho week tlio ship Hannah Laudlcs wa chartered nt Antoria for tho United King dom nt :tj. A charter nt that price to load nt Attnria lor the United Kingdom shows the frugal market even weaker than heretofore. The !iip Alliv'iaucc, chartered to arrive, met wit.'i a niinhnp nud (Intention at Attoria, n'ld haii not armed in time to till her cliarter, which will thtii'furu I canceled. O.its and hay are quoted in our regular lilt. Bltcharcei. Wilson, Wngnerand Ithinehiu-d, taken to Albany ehartjeil with hoi-so stealing, had a prcliiidni.i v examination yester day and the latter was held to answer. The two former were discharged front custody. hew Church. The people of Silvcrton are going to have a church. A meeting was held last Monday evening and the Initiatory steps taken. A committee ot six was appointed to get up plans and specifications, and a committee of three to draw up articles of incorporation. 1 o 1 CoBTiotod, John Freshour, formerly of Chimnev Rock precinct, arrested In Jackson coun ty some months ago on a chsrge of stealing ca'tle in Tulare coonly, Cal., was recently convicted on two indict ments and sentenced to eight rears im prisonment in the California penitentiary on one and three years on the other. The trial ol his brother, on a similar ehtrge, was continued. ImproTlng Hit Farai W". S. Lndd, Esq,, is improving his propei ty in Hist Portland and vicinity at gieut expense. His farm adjacent to tho Asylum Springs begins to assume nn entirely ditlerent appearance, A I.irso force of men is employed eon-. . ."..!.. .- i:.... ii. i.,;i .l .,....., ii SltlllWV 111 (Jlliuuilljj UIU IU.UI IUI.I Ulllll- Q iiienting it ill a Uud.vlilo manner, hear that Mr. Ladd intends to put liundivd Angora goats 011 tho tuna. OllOlfcj' Sentence Comntnt.il. v. R. Morris, convicted in Wasco cour.ry of stealing sheep and sentenced to the p:r.iteniiary, arrived overlaiol from The Dalles yesterday. A petition was presented to the Governor containing many signature?, including the i'ry wtt tried the prisoner, askin for corvmuta tion of sentence. In view of ihee fic:$ the executive reduced the sentence la n fine ot $!C9, v.hicli vvw paid, and Morris departed a happier man I III" 1114 -