Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 17, 1879, Image 6

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Last Yoar's Crop.
tlt the request of "' 1-oIf. I'. S. Com-
' fIoiier of Agriculture, .Mr. itoniei uaris
'-"Jilsliedft statement, which uotomlinao, as
'r-btsi Tlio estimate ns to yield auil jlice
" J made Dee. I, 1S7S-
' 'IJom :!0 bushels per acre; at craKe pric, 81.
cl.Vhcat 17 bushclsi price, S3 cents.
Ryu 23 till' heist n :c, ".
v)n( 'in Iniklii In nrn'p. I.V.
h Marloy 33 bushels; p."!"', Mc.
Ii 3uckwlic.it "0 imiiicwi prices i"-.
Sl-l - w1 1 .. Iul liMi'n ...t'
. 'ni .1 1 1 in s.i nuBiiviai ! -- -
I. lay- Ono and a Iialf tons; juice, SI'.
!" . ... . - ..II !!..! I.. II.
A .lotirnallsl anil Ills Trials.
An honest funiior from Auburn drove
Into Iliiynmrket Mjuaro a fov days
since nml was ruol by u veteran Jot key
lying In wait to s-c whom ho might '
devour, "tiood morning, Mr. F.," .
Mtystho Jockey; "you'vn got a idee
Current Notos.
Mr. W illard A. ( obb, himself n journalist,
in an address At I-cl.iort ten days ago, lolil
his nudioiice what sonic of tlia trials of the
niust-ftpir cditois i.re. Ho cmiiiKr.itid tlio
fnllnuitiL- "The nlaenhtv vitliMlm.li corres
pondents unto upon botli mips of the sheet, , looking bent there," "Ye," replied
thus setting all the compositors to liio.iV.itif; the bonest I'.," "lie's full of Kinder!"
Tliinl Commanibni'iit; tl.u nxKAranc in the " 1 lint -Jll'd the kind of hor-io 1 want."
sane turn of tho man who has n griciaucLi the So they Mvappcd. Tliu next morning i
firf-cnn. . iA (he (ii nil who eai ries auiv the ' tliu Iri'.lMie fniiiwl I1I4 umit lv.,.i 1....1
j.. .......... ... ..- - - -, ,....,.,.....,, .. ..,..,. ... 11-11 ui;uab lion
best exchange": the coming ill of tliu nun with bcell glutted Willi ginger to Mlbduo tllO
the latest news --one of thoto characters irho wind, Itosill.lllte lind tlio he.'tvfn m
Jr. Clarkosajsi "I liavo litcd in this State , has an idea that when hu Koes wost the tast .badly that when HllO heaved a sigh the
years, and think I never knew as littlt- rain I tij-n up, and vice ima." Mr. Cobb mtRht quntlruptjd nltll03t took tlio Hllln;les oir
nave auncu io u.av . o.aueo n " , tllO barnl-rLewlstOtl JoUrtllll.
comes to the editor a private room to ask what
is the news) also the man who has come in for Correspondents not unfrcquontly in-
"a little talk." .Stories of ludicrous typo- sort nulls of seed, stock, machlnory,
hull's n: ati: i.
Tl I.-
it Till. Plil.-
all from Auril 1st to October 1st as fell this
I1 "ir In that time. The spring was oik.ii and
,c'j. and tho area of grain sown was lvo in
--' ' .innK. Another lulnitiL' rautu was. the
1 " p of tho preceding year sold fur a good price,
";ouraging and enabling farmers to clear ami
'" r lirnih lands, of which there is very con-
" 'crablo In this county, and of tho best quail.
"'of wheat loud. Tho straw, both of wheat
1 1 1 .l. ii.Ailn a fair trrnutli. nnd the fttraw nf
. v., ..... - 0- -
wheat was very heavy, but on examination
11 rai found that in most cases there was only
' ) rows of grain (111 each side of tho head in
sentence "W'c idiall all be changed in the
twinkling of an eye," transformed into "We
shall all be banged in the twinkling of an
A poet who wrote "See (he pale martyr in a
ad of from threo to five, ttippOMil to be tho sheet of fire," was startled to see his line
ult of extreme drouth in May, June, and changed into "See the pale martyr with his
' v. hni the head and train wero forminc." , ''b-t on fire." Mr. Cobb isquite right in think-
''"'flu) Commissioner also aikedi "What is the , " "di transgressions aro as pardonable as
ALrroductof jour county this year (IJ.78) I tl10 WuMlcrs sometime made in other jirofes-
t' nnared with the totnl nioduet of last year? "io1". '"1 u" UC tury " ,uo '"""Mr who
l"f k vmir .murr l.n in tho fnmi ..f n ourcinlni.n l was asked to read the following notice: "A
'cl06rciirciciitiii.! last year's crt-ii."
"ro which Mr. Clark replied
l.-orn, 100; wheat, 12." rye, lb; oats, fiO;
l''l... tA. 1 I...L..I Lfl. .....! n. I
llCi CTU( IIUtKHDVut) Oyij Ulllll 'P, UVJ IMJ ,
Corn is not cxtcnaively cultivated in this
''..1.. ....1 ....1.. ...... ... . ........ ..r. 1. ....:....
"'' i'i ... ii 1..,. ..i..." If ft tallow candle be placed in n gun and
c . 1 1 1 11 1 ii hi ' 11 , shot at a door, it will go through without sus-
it In t )nu' I tlnliU R t 111 tiv ni. null Hu o o
, ,vv. .- ..." - ,j - i.l-l.... I..I...... ...I 11 . l...i I .11 I. .!..
11 . , .... . . ,aM 1 1 liiuiiik iiijui , 111111 11 ii iiiunn.e'1-liuil ou Mlue
.ycropiroduced. hett, in IS77, was short . , ., . , ,1.1 , , ,
r ' '. , , , . , ,, .. uito the wattr. it will not only rubui.d. but
. accoum 01 an rximuriy wee lan, wimcr . .... . ,, ,, , ,, , -
tl . ., ,, . bullathned. 11 llrcil through a pano of class
dinnng, preventing fuding on very Hat ' .,.,.... ... ... ,h ....... ., ...,.
. id, lutthu siimmir was fca.onnblc, so that I . , , ,, , , , , ' .
r',yiel,I ,r aero was fair. ,ay 'JO to M 1"' 1cr,n ,h 'K,ft'"! '' ,U0 K iMptiid.
,Lu cf 4l.e.t. Jije, but little is grown . I 'J1 ' B tt, l "'" maU "" '' rencc, and
n. ,. , . , 1 1 ,r 1 the thread will not even uhrate. Cork, if
fAiintl rttta iifi trind ri.il 1I1.1. tutu n Itt '
t ,., . .,,, . ,. sunk two hundred fet t.ndir water, will nit
.wage this year and last, ami tlio suurui . , , . '
' .1 .1 I . 1 .1 ...w ml MllVllllll. ill I'lVllllU lil IIIU HAlCli 111
nouthof tins summer shortened tlio nop. , . . ' , .,
' 1 .. 11. , -..- 1 ..1. 1.1 'the Arctic rrgions, when tho temperature is
inry. iiii n no. n e-incnii eroii; uiiekniuiu , , .,
I ' w Iml.M. Mill n.f.Alll -(... t.l. .... ....... !.... .
W....T V1', .V.B.'.ia V..U 1U.II.I.U ...... .1 .iiw.. n
graphical blunders arc legions in summer, and ' medicines, etc , in their contributions
Mr. Cobb recalled several good ones, lly the 1 to these COIUini.9. botliotlmcs tlioy do
dropping out of a single letter, tho Hook of this Innocently und ore surprised not
Common 1'rayer once went to press with tho to find what they liavo said in regard
' "A cclebraloil c.tse" The iirinter'".
A visible ine.ms of wiipport Tlie
nun j,'in id's 1100-e.
Vmt ennnot art the liver o'i lire with
n 11 rowing ni.itih.
, A delirnto preel A yottiiK l.idy
" ' ' WMpped Up in herielf.
. ivi'cht Wlin t w.is the iiiiHt honest bet that
Lsusulls. u'ih ..h nrilli.'.' Tim nliilinliot.
' r .iiitinkj '
.i-hrM nil, in th- lorWrui hvt n ril!uitn , AlWiiy- pllt Up MMUUtllhl for II r.llliy
I-tof ofitr.1.1 tor-- m.nleHMdnj futnUh 1U hb.Um wi'hlu.iy .IU Ulllbrolla. for Ill8t.ll.L'e
Ni.nmni irn t . inu j w:. nur k t,iia'i vi ttivriiiitn-
at fm vi, lluftcjii.
t ui 1
V iw m ii .' iti.f 't n
.! J til bontt 11 "itat iltr
I ) 1. -W imt1'. .11 t' t.
6BBAT ffliWITY !
11 k
The oluii'.i-cl the Mkulnc lftn lth the Numlitm
for June snd ItcvemUr. vl caeh )car. Whennotlmv 11
nKtllleJ, It nlll he uii'lirstnoil Oat the tulwtrlUr wUhct
to txgn wlUi the eurrcnt umlnr.
man having gone to sea, his wifo desires tho
prayers of the church 1'' and by the misplacing
of n comma in reading it gratcly told the
congregation that "a man having gono to see
bis wife, dt sired the prayers of the e Lurch."
liulo diitaut from each other.
-Christian Ob-
.only raited in mallpuntities. Potato aru
, 0 not raited in this county for importation,
. ily fur domiutio me. Tobacco. Innate- not
ell adapted 1 ither to ti&oco or cotton, liny,1 A fanner wanted to honow a pin mm r.
', some oitlons of Huh enmity, timothy, neighbor to kill somu i How Unix in Ins field
"tiws luxuriantly of wheat, wbieh wiro eating tliu grain. Mia
Itinay lm prj'ier for mo In y tlmt tlio ht- ' iit'mlilMir deelined tn lend tho gun, for be
' ntagc ln.fYor of this liar is l.ot thulimU of thoiiglit tho blldi useful, hi order to satisfy
..ore buhelser acre) 114 1 li.no indicated, 1 ut bis curiosity ho fhotimuof them, opening its
.1 incrvasonf aeriauc. 'Dm acreage is jncrra- craw and found in it '.'00 we'Oiils and four
ig faster, and will inert are mom in this couu fer.iuiM of whiut, and tlieso four giaius tho
; probably tliau in any county in this valley, wieiil had burrowed. 'Ibis was a most in-
HI It Will prnlhtliiy leeouiu tliu lineal Wlieal- irsnn iraiuii, mm norm inu niu 01 inu poor
tiling county In this 1 alley if not in the .Statu, bird, valuable though it was.
,1 account of Its large iiUMititynf lollinJfliin.U. j ()ll ,10 r,tl f OcU.ler, IMI, Mr. (Jcorge T.
HIMII. ll.tlll.. I IVnllci p. i,f Sni.1,1 fl.ir l'l ,..,, M, Will.
- 1 p,".-.... .....
S'aJcin, Mt.r.on eouuty, Or., . Ian. I.
1 lam Hood a note", secured by n mortgage, for
?l,h.'0 at six niontbs; inteiest at the rate of 3
to llieso mntters in print. They should
remember that puffa and advertise
ments belong to another department
of the paper und can not bo admitted
In tlio reading columns.
A good old farmer found himself
ono day with his boy at tho further
end of tlio row when tho dinner-bell
sounded. Anxious to make every step
count, ho commenced to hoe his way
back, saying to tlio boy as ho did 10,
"Thomas, do you over think about
dying'.'" "Yes," said Tom, "I think;
I shall die pretty soou lfl don't have
iome dinner."
J. A. White, Lebanon, Or., writes
us as follows: "I was preiunt and saw
J. J). Constat) weigh his largo hog. Its
weight was 180 pounds net; Its slock,
Chester Whlto and llorkshlro."
The reason why you don't lift your
self by tho straps of your boois 19 be
cause there Is u law against II. Thank
heaven, wo aro 11 law abiding people,
after all. Kearney, go homo.
A Bcmorkablo Result
It iimkoi no (llircrenco bow many 1'hyn'c
lain, or how inurli mcillelnoyon liavo tried,
ll In new iin ihtalilMit'il laot Hint Cormin
Syrup In tho only rimieily which ban given
foinplf'to NittlKfticllnti In xouirn nihosof .linn
IilhCHnei, It In trtiiilbern aro yot thoilNiiids
orptirtintiM i lionrn predisposed in Tlironl and
I.tini; 11 tltctlr.iiB, Consumption. Iloinorrliaiif
Aliiiiinlrt?vijritrmiMNMii (in ;:i. irrs-.-i,
l'nniiuionlii, WiirnpuiK imiitr., .to., i;lio
Imyo no persouitl Kiiowliilgn of l!(ni:li-o'x
flermnn Sprup. To niivIi hu would oay that
MI,(XX) itn.tu noroHoId lust jiutr without nru
complaint. ConaiinipllvoH try lust ono hot
tlo. Ilegularslr.o't'uouU bold rj Vl2ttsc
glatH In Amirlun, ' '
V. A. Collier of Coos Iiay, is uit-iitor of a
press for lucking dried nope, fruit and Vcgct.v
hbui of idl kinds that liavo been properly dried
by any proevas, aim A. II. Collver is now can
lassiieg the Willamette Valley for the sale of
these mailiines. They eot i'i'i to S'iS, aceord
ing to llnith, and will jiack the fruit in two
iwmiil packages, in jiajier lsixea, ns fat iui a
ll.Uiri.1lS MAOAZINC, One Year 14 00
JIAm'Kil'H WKEKLV, " " 4(0
HAItl'Kll'S I1AZAI!, " " 4(0
TheTllllKKrutllcatlotn, cntje.-ir 10 (O
An TW'O.cr.e tar 7 (O
SIX iiibKrli'UoiK, oneicu St) 00
Tirtm lor Utgv ctuhi furnlihtil en npi'Ilmtlon.
I'otUvc t'rtc to all rutKrlbri la Uie I'nltt J Mates or
A Complete lit of ItAsrfS's Msiisusr, no romi rl-lnp
(7 leileiiiies, In mat elolh t lodmir, IH Iw Hiit hy tx
.ro., frilk'ht at exKMH of purchver, lor ii U per vt.
uinc tlriirlo volume-, by mall, ltpIJ, 3 10. Cloth
tixm, (nr hlmUnir, 3 ernu, hy mall, lpalJ.
ItrmltUnocs ihwil.l l mfli' hv I'unt Otllee Money Or.
ileror Unit, tostolilrhsntcet (c.i.
.Veapers arc not to e-eip) this atlteitlwincnt without
ine-tprcsoriieribi lliariK .1 uhotiiis.
M)Ti( US Of tiii: I Ul.
TheWrtkl) remain, cnrlty at tlio hrail of Illustrated
paicrhy lu fine literary iiiallt), the Uaut) of Its t)pr
111,1 KUU-KUUI PnJTICIU uepuiiiiraii
lt plrtnrlol sttroetlon are mi rli. ami enihra teery
tariet) ui futjuiann 01 anniio iriuumm.-iiotn hit
ul.l, lktu
Tho Wwkl. It a intent a.-'nry for tho illxcmlnatlon ef
eoirect polltl '.1 pimiljili.-, ami a kihi;I il ipHmiit of
inaii... irsu'if.
anil tiln prtteii'Tf. I.tenistr Kxpre.f,
Illl-AlilAs I.iw ami IlKilun.- Among the , pt.r lent, ikt mouth, to lw comiKmnded and
rital and iiermonent interests of tlio .Mite-, addcil to the prineiiial if not uiid nt the end of
,ow iu an imbryii and unsettled condition, tneli mouth. Mr. Wnllecr went to Mexico bo-
.hero are few if allV lllliro illlliortullt tll.lll tll.lt fnrothu until r.inin ,lin nml ulirn In. r..tnni,-.l
- . .--.- ,. ........................
ivolved'ln riparian lights ami ir.uleg.s. f,,v weeks ago his ere-ditor sued linn and not ".M" b"'""") wt,e" ''". "''' l.ute-r ion
i. 1. .....i i.i i.... 1 .11... i.. 1 1... 1.1 1, ,. ..,. , Hie n.iinenon-o eieii ii.ieK inn same mill III lllty-
in. -in.iiuii iii.f.ii. iinii. mill inijuniKi ..j jiiiiiueiik lor c.'.ennesni.
'gisUtioa, iittlioabreucoof niiyroustitutioiui . . . . -: r "
. 1.1 iii. .1 .. 11 n..,. 111111 in., i.ivii inn i.iiii nut, iiimiiinK
rjvisiuu mi thu suhji-e-ti biitas it liasnot li'e'ii, . , , , , , . ,.
lifuifrt 1111.I .Iriiil mil 11 b .1 1 suit unsi !..
.11 tiitt iisi I" J '', Miiuiiii't. Mini 1 a iv rn sllfll
WloVdhi-ff. or n!iOUitl ilovuho. utmii the ( on ..... n
1.. ,. . , . ' , uvioru tho har. Hint m thu tfamiJiiiiif hill. I
tituUon.il Cuiurntioii a try rravo ninl lain . . . . . , n A ,
' . , a . - . it I a il "" "Nil ltIIIIIK stfJilllltV il tiHUIt ininiii llllll,
f iimriiWiI Viti i fCsil. f Ii at. isi Untile it Hut n n 1 I
- l"vv ' " ''- " ......
,uty or wtlltin tlio pioviuoo of th.it hody to
lyniLfin tho uttiit aihl l.vt. I mm liini laul m
ltI UI WIUIIH tliu 1 'I ' f III. It 111 tllilV inrilT F t 1
, , . , ,, , . 1, . . 11 drunkard h grnio.
loptauy arbitrary and irrrvwablo system nf 1 r
isposing'uf and covenung tho piiblio waters A dispatch 111 the Paris .IouiiimI des Herat.
nd water sourtVH of Ihn iState', but it ihould ' reotts that Miinuel I'ardo, wvpre.ide'iit of
icoriMiraio in tln now Constitution 11 tersul I'ciu, haibeeii iiMaxiu-tted.
id simplo, proviiioii that will eifictiiully and
oroi 1 r restrain lu.budu.danr roriwidii bexlies " woud avert tin- nens.lty of lueaking
rom i.ppropiutiiia tlw waters ed tho .Mtato to ,,n fr""' tl!,, l,',"t dunking. el.i not form it.
mate uses; to ll.v iiijiiiyeif the pulilV, eir to I If )ou would surely and e lU'ctually nioid
lie limitation of tm lights mid prmb-xes of druukeumsi, do not dunk.
II or any t-ther piruou. 'Io elo this, it i not 1 , hlti,. drop has bun nuuV a miti'niuin.
iti't'siary tint tho ( iiistitiituiub.i ete turn lie ,. ,,., , .ii, . , ,
,.... ,. , ,, ,1.' I.iy drunkard UyaiLwitlia single eh
that tli U$it latino ibrdl or may sin, but '
imply wh.it u iliill i.ul do in relation to
iparian ,l.i- nu.l iiijht. UilitW) iodd,
Ikiek tho ami' fruit in hftv
iHiund boxes, mid at Una 01. t. as tho weiL'ht of
the i.ih r Ihivci gne's 111 with the wi'ighted tho
fruit. Tlie"i' p.iR'r Imi- hatidsoiiiely latele-d
mid priuteil, e'au Ik ordere'd from the linker
at the' I -1 tut it trilling cost. Kur) man who
I1.14 it I'luiiiiui'r elryer or any ntlur gosul elrier,
should hu 0 oiic ol th ('olfveT machine. Mr.
A. II. CulliiT tiaii'U with one of his iii.uliuies,
and gili'Kii praetieal i'p.i.iltlnn of its working.
All who pureh.t-i' the in e-au nbo oide 1- Uues of
Mr. ( 'oilier. Tho iiuehiiii-s an- undo and wld
at tho furuituiei iiuiiufaetory of I'. .1. PaUock,
Salem. Spt'citiu us of the' ikteked fnut 1..11 K-st-ell
at tho nllie-e of the Wlll.itm-ttf I'.iiimiT.
t prcre'iit Mr Collve-i is i'aiiMi.ini; 1 1 1.- eat
iidi of the ruer, iK'tueen .lliln .Hid l'.r.Urid.
The Volumes of the Meekly Uk-ln with the flrt Nuin
Urlur Juiiiaiy uf eieli ler. When no tune t 111111
II01111I, it Mill U' limliT.WI Unt the mili.-rllwrtilhis to
iviiiiiitt.ii-ulth tlv Suii.urr neitsltrr thcrelt ef till
llir.lKIlN ItlOAZtM: um Vear tt W
iiaui'KK's i i:i:ki.v, 400
ii.itri:ii.i i.AZAi:. " 4(0
TheTIIUKUpuMliutione.omi esr 10 00
Any TWO, one )cor 7 00
SIX uoHrlptlonf,anei )ear SO 00
Trnm tjr Urjre eluhi furnUheil on application.
IW.ve I'nc to.L'jbwrlUni In the t'nltiil 'it&tet or
TheAniiiul Vnliiinii nf llisrik's M'ipstr, In neat
cloth Uii.tlni;, llll Mi.t b rpre, fre-e e.1 expinw
(pruelileil tho frelk'ht eli' nil txtreiloiie' ilILirer ibl-
inne7. lor ii e.i ia.M. a iiiTiit'u jm;i, etiiiipnuni; ewen
11 two Volume, wnt on Uilpt of edili at the rato of
A growing evil That clothing won't
grow with tliu grower.
There was only one man not spoiled
by being Ilonhed. His namo was
" Hero Is jour writ of attachment,"
Bald a county clerk, ns ho handed a
lover 11 marriage license.
Sho returned his love, hut oven then
he wasn't satisfied. Khe said alio did
not want It.
A wovon book has been mnnufac-
fltriwt nf T.t.l.M.) Ilinll'lmliinr ll.i, I.iII.ih.
iiiiii 111 ..jijii.--, iiiu iiiiinuui tiiei lueie 1 - 1
press being executed in silken thread.
.Sec here, girls; why not call n spoon
ey young man " italu-water'".' ltalu-
water Is soft, you know.
Tho bashful man who asked his girl ' ONJ STORE LESS .
If her favorilo boverago wasn't "pop," , WX CT X vr xi;-i xjuoo
was reiurren 10 ner pojipcr.
A Xow York papor speaks of "an
American young lady of 18 springs."
Probably her namo is Sofy.
A romantic younc man snvs that n
young woman's heart Is like Iho moon
it changes continually, hut always
nas a mail 111 11.
Why do tho recriminations of mar
rlcd couples resemble tlio sound of
waves on the siiorov Jiecauso they nro
murmurs of the tied.
First of March !
If not, there will be
Ixn. Salem!
It tuolopj
;.i Siini
pr oluuu-, Inlil.tat eKT!M) il pureha.er
Hi'th Caivs fore ult 1 1! line, suitable fur blniKn, ulll
u-Kiitb nun, pui ktn, on riniptoi si toi-ii,.
IMiiltUna'tliouM Iwmalii l loitdlCi-o )lone tir
ilir er 1'r.Ut, j teiulil 1 lianiv if V
Nili)r.ar not (.nop) UiUkelicrtlHiiitiit mliliout
uieex re. oruer 01 im-urie c i.keirura..
Aililnw IIAIII'Mt bUnTIIKI.S. Nim Ymk
lowmbur IMli
A 5o(uit fdoiid The baby.
A mien 111111 The photographer.
A u I llilngi In all pc-uplo Cobblers.
(loitf.of tho x'iimiii Kill overcoats.
Aii old march Tho march of time.
A lilvt-,you;ig girl In liysterlcs.
Nlilw whUhers Milled tails liulv
It IS IMpillUsI tillll t.tf Ititee .' j'.lrtltlttlt lit
Vl.rl.llijtoi lias me. :, leviiie.l 'lifulliutli.il
mm (iriftt brita n iu lip iet i.t.. ns itaiutt
ho sbliitnuiit Of Ana nan enti.to'iKtie'lr.iid
indrrtho ii-jm Itx 1.1 i.nt . 1 . r. i.s in-
eircil. ''I fie foiiu.t i.iim file that 0.11.111' n- 1
tiictio:afA 1 1 tlio ii'ip nlilieii. int.. Kiii;!i.b I '
Vini'rie'.iAi cattiv liall ie iramud its are un-
oieil with utHet t" t' 0 i:ne rtiiUii.i tl lint I
. ... ... ....
Ji ealtjj iiiio tin I i.ueil M.eteii t'..it .'. the 'pimp
a'llvsMr.l V ) x-tej-l iu Iftiej n tl te .... ,,
isle. t'.fr Miiinr... !iN t h..iii " mmkii w nny sim mo mining
hit iiinure-mi u.ll take- 1..1I,. lu.iMiiit lor.,iXi '
Ihi'Bhiji'.Ci.t'cl eaMk. tl'finMU'W jwssl.b ' "I'Ver Ml.V liy" 10 1. WOlllllll M llli
VettrliiMX ipe ii 11M te npiieiiiteit as u-' T
kn'ctorfl This we.i.Id seem to l.o LOM.IU-! , A until who h.li plenty of lliynu
PiiidertRJ'cviiutiitn 1 up th.V. tbe'nrili..ji ,11 "" is.iriieiier.
eloil sjumld iiit.v jiii idu'ii.u, n.'ti t.ts- 1 ro- TllO WlMorie Witi HOW f.lll bivaiuv
kuiiWil ha kuort -ui.. .Utitl..ui'. at nil uis- I'l.ili-ll.'.liig llio li'lliule m'.
Twenty rus.
Va. 1 I AMhturv SiSIn. en.1l f.mfc ftc Mf.
Si..li.li4n.' lh, uiuA, niluk.f.lU. ftc 7)1.
Mill., 19; Cldn.lr. Nlw-Tcik,
si4 at e'.i.rM I imM ..ium w4 ib.bu. it.. p.,.
11 1 a
An nncleuc ylhUn-OW Pat her PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT,
A 1 k -.
ialsr Ji.lle livil we 11 luil.V
olall ll,e t.i.M'tr, I t,t tl.i.-e
to V.liKt till)' J.I J di;ivit,i i".
' JMillInjr a husbivndN1,h,iIr and leav
ing him unprotected at the pull b
ehtti.is U- kiitiwii to jurists as uIlmiiiv.
t(.r W f t iiolmilf .. 111 nut,.,. ., ,,M .,. MM...
4 Is I I l,lkV VIII' V.ltVM Ii I Will till It till
, .1..T ...- .-. t --...-...,. i.h. iriiiiiiit isa in it'i 11 'ii .ll'lllll iii;ii ins
rin-Ubury nf tho sb-h uaV) im (jti-iyio- uuiijl Wild c.iilgtit Ills lhj.tr.
tiiiuelrOi.ac-e;H,.. t:ef. to bi.wu.ti l.i,.ai.el. ,., .. .,, kUs 1.1... fllr ,..,. ,.ln,i,f.i ,
11 mle i- ewUiy 1.. h .1 11.1. ti ftsiHTirihttiii..Mikiii wldi ofnniiv afiilrurl.
tin ui uiis u
.1. nal?i!iVbis;ory, nml 1 1 I lo.iyl't luuk n...u ' luitf I111W lew Inn 1 ever W.'
laie-.ijwlj ie..ijee ..n.., wh k 1 ,. w. ibvidi air) fur he-r fu.la'r.
11 stUn. .)lin if t
L.t le-nr tillll- in tli
I 111 title1 -!, Ili'U Mi'
ui.isi.-w: b.-f Hint bor
II ail t.at s"".'
iHiuoiijflu .nsi'i.M 11I Mii.Mi.im, v"i itUa. t)utt of tllO slddeit and most vex.i-
I mi. I t. Ku j1 ii'- lie nis.it. th..t le-nr tliill-In il-. Unit iviuex lo it irirl whe'll
I w.io tUi iiehtii..vit is. J n !...) s in n (Lc sb) in.tifle'4 N that "die has loiliH'hiirgo
U..)fof;,nfti.H.r.u,IV.'i.teX.J...iu..u sm: ii'ro'Wii'ianii uepeuti Km a lilrtil
Iimniia r, r.ml tue. j i.t,.i'
eaptnivd .1 hii.-idit.!.
iie.rwtil 1
f). lit f ill
Ie ill.
I tell ui iiiiH-1 '
Never "cold the emik In comiunv.
If ,iiii wi-li to kIw her.t"gixxl uloiv
e, n't- up" 1. 1 her build thu lire ultb ker-
HevT tf tho committee oppoinsn! . Uo
C'nbforuln btato AgricttltHml Sovitty, 'e.t.
Is'S, !n e. amino nod wrsvit upon tjio t tot'ti ui
uiivixl piuijti vlaliuili
We .elected from v.wh of the txhib.tl v,'.,
"Aie-rdl C1.ikiuKl r...nt,"
"l.i.vr.liMs I'a.iit," m.d ,
1'iw.flo ltubKr llavt,"
a 1.111 ft their p.iiuU, and had same apt bed I y
.1 p..'.utcr iinditr our peKvii.il u rvi.ii.ii. L'tcn
'iuasurii.; the sjtf.uc eoiervd, wo titid that
T.ieirio IliitUr Pu.ti: cviertJ SI.STGm. in.
"Aifitll t'hvmti.vi" " ' IT,$:!1 " "
lmpi.'ill.ablo" " ,Hi " "
An eje.al .punt.ty of each punt bating W'cn
und, the rbovv leiult i-hus tha, the- Pacific
Itr.bUrlV.ut eovtnd ut-atly TWKNTY J'fclt
l K.ST MUKi: .SUIlKAiK than tlie "Aicnll
Ihemic-U lU.ut, .ir.d l.e-r.r!y PlrTY I'rUt
t-'KNT MOW: SiVhrViT. than the "In-
'iithaUu I'aiut. '
In view of tho fvivini; ficts, and ef uuilcr.
NOTKTrt r Till: PISIjS,
Tinlri-iaicuriilii.'ti. Ib.riHr'. larulll lo tie 4.1.1
vi.t3iiib,tiuu of the v..nuii. vt AtLtrkit. IknUn '1141.
4 f ilthful thn ulu'n 1 f u.l kin, nml a i'tirtr ef
.'..im-tlvt.n.1 .I.I.J 1l.4r.tl1r 11 ranks kltbuut 4 liial
l.ruvkltn ll.i.ii'.
TI1I1 iuir ln.uigutrula .j lwniUllt) fur the ftn
.M. erijiii--.nt It aT'itil-, 411U tin. Ive.iiiio an e.taUl.leit
n.,-.l..j:i'0 null tl.oUain. N I ln.lli-IV.U
The lotuti ei a the I ajui iai t.itii tile Hnt N uuUi
fur ."ini.4i .4 ..It -.in.. Mh tiii. liiiietl .Hvtt4il it
v 111 It i.dei'e el Ui.it en. 411!:? ttl-lie. lo no
t. . . nikii t .k ium 1. 1 l 1' . it. Ui.- re.-kt.it .: '
4 ler.
Hrtrpcr's Periodicals.
uvui'uit'ij, ;i--.iv'". 7 inn
ll.UU'Kl.'s llriAIA, " 4 i-i
UMIIKIi'-4 lASAIt, " , in
Th-.TIII.l.T. pvl.i '!.i.,.. t' ... , ....le-ij
Any TWO. cflejiBT 7 ui
M .ub-i'iliittoniiOOujui' ,.,.. ui
Titn.-i for tene d iW runUlj u-i 4kails'i.
I'iMiVS Itte I kT-iu. irt'j.-. In tl. I'tuttd sn.li. u
An observing man lias di-covercd n
similarity between n young Indies'
scmin try and a sugar factory, as both
rollno what is already sweet.
Tho carnlnirs for tho Anirlo-Amerl-
can ca'do company for tho lid day of
.iue;iiiueir 11111 luiiuuiiiuil 1(1 JI'.iiUU, mill
for iho .'Id of November to $i!,8W.
Ladles aro like watches pretty
onough to look ut; sweet faces and
delicate hands; but somewhat dllllcult
to " regulate " after they are onco set
It Is melancholy, says "Ouida," in
her latest novel, to seo how largo tho
proportion is of young ladles who
marry solely to get rid of their moth
ers. "A hog's head," he began. Hut sho
Interrupted him. Said she, "No mat
ter what a hog sold." Sho thought ho
wis speaking of his neighbor.
As soon as 11 young man can tnako
his girl beliovo that rolled plate Jewel
ry iirotects tlio wearer from lightning,
he Is nil O. K. fur Christmas.
Inslead of leaving flowers nnd
le-riintlw nti thn i.piiv.i4 nfiln.ul tvtnvulo
"- " - p,-.--v.. u. ..-.in. luiinn.
custom expects tho people of .Madrid
io leave visiting cards.
rV Westchoster county VMuss.) wom
an recently coiooraied ner ono hun
dredth birthday, at which alio danced
a Jig with mlmlrablo life and gusto.
Olvo tho nvorngo American girl her
choice between going to Heaven anil
marrying Into tlm nobility, and seo
how Aiw charms Heaven has for her.
Itohert Nlxion, tho llr.st conduclor of
tin Ilr.it nillio.ul ever built i 1 Amur!
en, running from Albiny toSclieuecta
dy, is a resident of Truckoe, C'al., and
Is 7.1 ye.trs ef age.
"Do not inarrv 11 widower." said nn
old l.idy; ".1 rcady-niudo family Is like
a plato or cold potatoes." "Oh, I'll
-oon warm them over," replied the
(lamn'i, mm sno (iui.
Myntcry still surrounds (ho desecra
tion nf .Mr. A. T. Stowari's trrave. Xn
clew that eems of tho slightest value
is loit unexamined, but till ell'orts huvo
tlllli far filled to (INcovir tho robbers
of the body which was t-tolon.
l sJM'-tW Hit I MMIBMMIitl
A man who fainted at a .amp-meet-
'ing was sadly disappointed. Ho e.
'peeled that a dozen men would rui-di
'up, pull whiskey. Hints out of their
,pO!.'ket, and give him 11 drink to re
I vlve him. Tho ll.tsks wero lortli
ji'omlng, but lliey didn't contiln
'enough liquor to mol-len his lips. n0
, fainted tiobtto 111 the day.
may bo Interested to
Selenlhic men
know tlmt Dr. Ilniwn.Seiiuiir.l. inn
l.i'.it letter to iho rieneli lilolo.-ical
Swiety, i-fiiti'i that milk mo-.leratelv
Witruied, if injecled -lowly Into a hu
umn artery, will revive 11 dying pa-tlc-nt
unite as much as liiiretlonsnf
I blood. Hu cites several ca-es In which
V x -am! v.-: ise,f 11 isrsav I'tMs.tuiiMit .vtLli'-1 In successfully tried the experl-
Uli-Jl.'.,, U1 ,k MIA l) - 1l", le el etyel.-e irii I HlOllt.
1141-4 llu faivliW-iwtn-roiln.iiMlit ir iclj'i. , .
ka.U..u,' IlewasalmoM undrosed when his
uiM. .1.1,-it -.t. .-.ii-i-t 1 .n4i-r father caught him, but the defenso
ivrh I u.-f.4 n. i l 11 1. tlilKtle I f Kiutln., ,M ,. ... i, , ,.
u-iiiW ii4.il. iw,v.a ... i,-tm..i ji tod, . .was convincing: "I didn't want to go
1 V.l.","!l ' y ' " ',1 rW",,mInpr wl,1 't-'iiM I only wanted
111 -if mo iwti ituio ixiys who go In
lWiinining 'on Sunday get drowned."
JltM'-tA! -r- .li-il...! 14 .-a.
iM vr limit 1 ..' 4.I
Ni-4.s..k .r m -. ..p; t'i'.i . tr-iiMuii' 1
1.11 e-iprt! .ruir ot IIikita ,-. Iu uni...
AaJreK lUltlll; a. lle.Tlllll--. Si. ir
Holiday Music Books!
CIIKISTMAn' cauols.
n. U the 1 lus t.
l-eutii til 1 ru t.i
Ckiiries 3i We r-ii.i u e-nl 1'ri -Hr.
I'llklilk ni,lil.i (,l .-t-xX A Ue.0tttlJ wnt C4)
AiUiilui, r Itu.MilS Til 1 eniv m l t iw.i, i$i
itsO or ltn-iaii. Lie... e 1. 1-.1.-.- ( iko, i;-v
it... r iiii-. 1. 1. -1. ON elve IM'iirii.V.i
lUtilbi) ' Hill-is.. iiiiiviN (I pir lim
iltiJ) iv uii'i..- Iie li'nC W-Sl I i.liulk.
U lilii'Ml 4 I kiiU, I'M 41 ,NlK. lVttt'
iJ j ICk) oOitr ie .JiV"eoi il to W l.J
WBUltU VuClias. hjumu-i ,tekmMuk l.o
I 11
,uit- M sU IU
A ftn Ikh.Ii,
11 will 1 IrU Hit Ol I'ltAe Ji c
)t.(ii;anur .v. ort'.k. J1..T
Ii) Mitimi, ll'.eXi, 11 Cusi.ikut
lilt A I II til ll.
k.kk4lT I. Ul (Vltb
The Fclrool Jons Book
r tf
The Undentablu Truth.
Yr.u liptrrrotokutti-r, and if you load a
111 .r4lil-, iiii-itlkfnitory lifn In this beautl
ful mlil, It Ui-ntlii-ly jour own fault and
uier is only into hxcu-m for ou, your un
rH nstdeprfj idlevmnd kkc lm ii, whlcb
bss kltl-llliiiisrtods, l'erinsl kuowlrli;e
tiU -eiutipotn-Dn reason mi; will .(Hiuabow
ynu that (irt-Hi's Ausasl Flower IH cuie
y;a ot I.lrer Complaint, or Dyr-r-li with
ill tin tntvrrabts f.nMB, such at, sick liruutacbr
tl pil stlc 11 of thuljeurt, sour stoinacb, ha
bluial cos'.lvennw, dizziness of Wh bead,
Dfrvoni prostratlou, low spirits Ac, It
wlrs now rescb ery trwn on tbe Western
Continent and not a Ilrue;rist but will tell jou
of In wonderful caiit, Yoa can buy Ssm.
pi llottlB lor 10 oeuu. Tbrtttdose nlll re
10 you,
This is the longest time granted S. Friedman
to raise the almie amount or ho will be closed
out by bis creditors, mid during thu time he is
not allowed to sell goods on credit, but posi
tively for cash only, and not to use over fifty
dollars per mouth for himself until thu amount
of eleven thousand eight hundred and seventy
nine elollaia and forty-one cents claimed by bis
creditors is liquidated, nnd they have alto in
structed their drummers to tell no more goods
to iS. Friedman until nil hi accounts are bal
anced with them.
Therefore. S. Friedman
Makes the following proclamation to tho well
disponed and unnaturalized citizens of thin
(toil's country, where no limn has ever been
known to starve so long ns be works for him
self and his fellow men.
Nun, tint 1 am otll.-til tn rnl-a mom) to ;;o Into lliiu!
lintl'iti with. I lll Mil in) leitT4pe.tr llruwel. Carpet
st 11.V tier J aril
M V. CirpetV, orth il IS. at Die tr nl,
Oootl I114T1J11 Carpets from Ult&oo r rJ.
(SikmI llunpCHrt from ls":,'4! K-r atJ.
(11 Vlirnetto Malr Cernt from a.Viifie 4.r jsnl. Kfi,
(loral lloor enl Cloth, 01 tli 7w I tv,ier )nl, front
Table Oil Cloth I will Mil st Mr.
liuplive I him Matting, whlto ami colored, fur Kc
per) aril.
io liuur JUU t 1 ou a pleer.
I will cll (looil Illojdii.l Tablo l.tnen from W.jTU
eeortli 7Ce"Hel ir jord.
Cnbli-aiheil Tut.lo Until from 3T'i'ej0c.
Craihfrom lo.r-.Mi-.
Nspklni. I haivatrooil AMKirtn-.ent, all llneu, t rom C H
l'oektt llinJktrc)i!l(, mtulln, fH'lKV.
" ' lliien, from eniSue.
" " kllk, S4..ISI 1st,
IrMi Unrii J5 toSV per anl, north U to 1 e),
Itie.oabU ktoek 01 pl.ture e-ord In OMKirtcil colors
uorthablt, I will .ell forte aear.l.
f4l luxe. Hook, and Kje", f nlll nil atone bit a box.
tlill.lrun i button kid tlolr. koiUi il fO a tr. 1
ulll Mil at 7re
Uilbt 2 button Kid el t'i a ia!r.
t'urKt. frot-e f4 hpI .'O.
HuihNi; h 1 1 26 11 nts ir srd.
l4uva 1 1.1 lu.-, north 11 lo JA.
Ijnbn l.l.ibi ft to Mv vortli fey? t 1'. to.
;l,i Mm Hit. ut 7i.' t(.V." IM.
'.'asllkllat.st.l Ui.
amiLoj. 11,-iuatMi mti -4.1.
'M I.11H1M lieu and Pruuiis ucrtul, '449 to t On.
I'luiuo. and llovurilrom atj l;;e-, uoith'J&loil
loo (VnrMi Comtu at e, tu -.tk.-,
l.lrtl Kino Coinbi at 1 1 1 e
lWdiblvl.itlutflv.'loSl 10,
(',iJ plircl teliet ribbon, &e tn 1 f 0 0' leec.
l.roa pdeid rlLlwn '.'.'o tn 41 n plcic.
f ui rd. .eli rlblivn st fl worth I.
:i bu.l.tl Jiuili;. to be -ilJ ii2-4ie.Tes of rct.
Us) bolts ii,nr t;r 1 tj l esih.
Tobacco at Rcaionalile Fijrnrej.
Tea spnons srd Ti.1 'e njwoni ftr i'fo' a wt.
I.iiue.an! KuiU.tjr.I ta sj! (0Ari
ttod bUektnrf bniiht.at Uet,
MaMn'. I.hiklnr at v )nr W,
S.iki bjt lir wms A
feeii.in i-oIUr. iibueke
i'D I mbrtllae a
lie) I mln rl! 11 at SI' o
fOTrnieb.iv lU.kil. at lOe to
Prill btitUin. uri Ion.
;l ludli. lluk. iron tt to J.
3.UU 1 ants v( Watcirrocf at 7io tJ 1 Capereanl,
uo.iur.l.itlnit elotliMi ln'U pt-r.e&rd.
UK' 4iilil'4l.nilli', H7K' to 1 U.
1 Ine lillc. itreMi l.:4i k C41I.1
mere: I UI till fcrseV.
Wurtlil :Aaura.
The Urt IU1.-4 Chinere aid iTott'c Orreu fir t)l,
(1.1 vanl. pUik Aliwi frcm xbt t.i;fcir)arJ.
.'"ijjrJi uiwleil die-M kovds frem 1P tvtUcrcr
a..vl j ard TUnni 1 ilo to Wc ptr j ard.
71o ) itiU Clieikril el.lrtln.' from lu to iCe per J Jid
t,iisiearil'lillnat t)eirjard,
li-ipili. 11.1'Ji ealf klioe.atsl 10.
MI.-kV .-,11 .hi, bran Kreneil, frost Jl to Ut
isilr. Uiiici' , 1 tb to Vi 00
ll.i. C J no.it. at ft 23 a ralrr
outh. I...! Ikuu u i w to a W a rir.
Men.' iood I'lLVid b-uu st t)3 Ik).
Men. rirewt-d lioou 3 50 to i es) a pair.
Men.' I'ijvd llrrinn at 1 1 SS a pair,
Uml Cu.wu Mo-Ie Kftse-d l.rn.'as. r.'Me Ur.
Oookl heaiy I'l.tcrs from fi to jleTa plocv.
Onod eiiert from tt to tj'A) a t-Ieee.
i) ulu Men.' ilelliing from HO to iJ a piece.
MO 1 .air. ekhn ere panti from ii to 7 a pair.
100 lk.i)' .it., ito 110.
C.tso luir euttou and viooitn ix'.i from JctoIOe'lVr
llttrjthrnjiiUl be wld as adiert.'krd eseept iroodi e
tuppxii to elvM oe.1 whleb eannot be ni lend.
Itoldes the InJuoinjqti efferrd I will al-o uute tuo
aiktloni a week eouu:ebc'Uia'eeir
At 10 o'clock a. h , at W hlih time toodi U1 bo eSered to
thehL-heit bidder, the owner res. no, the rik-httorai
an) articiw Ult does iioibrias haittta t slue and durint;
ene auction ai tno- ueuniif ki rcuc wui piewM waie
tlllthswiieaareoeer. Jiobvjr under Crteeajeuscf tfo
wiU t- odluitted ilurlr- le,
Furniture Sale Day Saturday
r own latere.! well ye-4 will attend
ion J eeerv Tuelav, Thurmliy and
If )nuitu