Q, anr t a -a lit.-r Ki W Ut Lift! Itr ,1 If) n. h Itu in Imil I- 1 :ci tii Ml fm I he .). J, I. It t.-v "J N a r.t n I'lc : r. '. a lit l-vl I'll A iri l.i Inj It lit 111 I ll !, I'.H I llo I t H t i' ' illsratttt jfarmtr. itifi.li i:vi:uy n-.invv, v OIjAHKin S OHAIG-, nniwn.iu ash i-nnrt-n-Tont Term ul Mutiatrlpllnm OnOttip! om-)i-ir (f.2 unlit r), In attan. .. ..2 "0 One rep l months CJH tinm' mi 1 'i!i Onci'P. throa , ninths f II luimW.) 75 jjr If not )uld wltMn lx nwnt'i, ! v.:i I- i'aiy"l Mr one ear's s.ibs. rlpti. I'OltTI.ANJi, JAN. :t. 1;. Interesting to All. Wr Iinvo linny ivint-lits tii n.n'.;i I lit IV. l January, nml v deptud iikhi Hum in nrcrart for tlio lnnm-y. If on nill Mint on liat in tlno HMti to tho Jirciciit time, wu sli ill b.-in-ilcjitiiilt'nt, nml wui.li.ill in-vor nrt"l it more than now. Sumu ouo tu over n jenr, titul .such accounts vn-sr li'i pniil tip. Northwestern Indtntrial Asjoclatlon. The mtmbern of tin! r.lniri' iissocutiwi :in-t on Monday Inat - ' Ivuit I'nitl.mil, whin tliu situ vihiro tlie mini fair in tn !! held vim dicuMil ill j.no length. On ininlitl'ili tlmt a nillivii-iit amount ruiiM l,u mim-iI, it w.it ilctlilnl to iiirrlin.t n tr.u-t of land tlmt lies on tliu boundary lino ln-twecti Multnomah ami t'lnrknm.is touiitles, just In-low Milunu Uc. A cfiininittrij imisisting of Messrs. Miller, b-nt ami llrjiuit mi-mi nppuliitcil tii tollict MiliicriptwiH. Tin- olijt't'ti of thin Hoeltty, M nt.ittd in tin' constitution, Imvo a tcndciry towards tliu best inton-sta of tin' Statu. "It iilmll lo tliu object of tlie Society to t-iii-'itiragu tliu tultivation of tliu o, ninl the gitiernl duvclojimeiit of nil tliu miiti'thl rcsourcta nf tliu tonutty. I'o Insttrt-vtry lirancli of inoclinnicnl nml linuseliiild mtt cal culated to Im-rinso tliu hiijijiinctt of lintim life. I'o txti'inl nml facilitate tliu vmiuiM branches of milling nml mining interest-..' Tliu objects nru tliu boat Hint i-nitM liu nlim-d at, nml it i our humble cijiinion tli.it tin) Ih:ii eh'ta tlmt Mill nitur.illy nccruu to tliu fanners of ClneKninnn County from tliu auceosiful op urutlntia nf tliu Ililuitii.il Association, ap poala with doublo fnrcii to thctu for nhl ami aaaittnnc,-, Tliu immense ipmiitity of uncnl tivAtcil IaiiiI tli.'it lien iitlii in Clackamas Co'in ty will, dy tliu animal gathering of tliu farm ing inttreata of thu Htnto in our iinmcdiiito neighborhood, bu brought tu tliu notice of thousands of t'liplo who nt prowut am igno rant of tliu pimluctitu riuhni'M nf our mil, and thu KU'nt fncilitlua of triuiap'irt.itioii tint tho cmiiity imii'tun, Outniilu of t lint, the iruhcnt Inml uinlor ciiltitntiun will Ui en liant'uil in vnluu yi-nrly .m thu nH?rnt una of the nm'K.'iutlmi will A'lil inoru tuaturiil lienulit to the i-ouu'ic witliiti ita iiiixnlmti' juriwliu timi tlmn nuy otlii'M. U'u Hiutiruly trust that thu laint nwiion utnl f.imi'ir giniT.-illy in thu county will tnku nu rnrlynml artiu Inter nt in thu well Ikmii of thu AJtisnointioii, Mt'xra. J, I'. Ann.Tin, ( V, llry.int ami AHnil I.iiullicK of thii county, liavu already takvn Aiinctivoi.irt in Irntniii); tliu runatitu Hon. Tliu inuutiiiiiuii iluuil.iy ailjuurnnl at the call of t'lu prraiik-nt, -Kutcrprito. Bsilroid Proipecti. TIk- liniw im illo AitvvrtUiT IxlifViK tii it tliu pnwpivta fi'r t'm nnrmu'-jjiujpj from tliat city Ui Kilt m am inh1. Tliu conip.iny propiMil ti Iniilil thu rnul orij;iiu'.ly fnim a ioiut in Line (iimity, tliiinij;li UrowniMlIu to thin city, lint xi nur jH-oplii took no iuturf'Mt in tliu mail (tint in, ili'l not feci like fiinmiliiiii' tliu Amount of nmiuy ,iakiil ai lmn liy tliu conioiiy fur Imil'liiiX tliu rn.ul), tliu route Ku Ucn rlinj;iil,auil .Nilcui will Ixitliu 'int. Actitr wurifwill iliiillillinK at'i'tiri tin- ii'Vcimirj ailli acriptiulia, tllll nevt him-mmi w illnv iii.iii;urnt.i tlio criit inik of ImiMiii a nirmu piu' miln'ny t)irnuj,'!i the '" it irtiuiH if l.inn t'oimty. 'Hie (h-nplii line Iniii; (leirvi iiiiu inrnntnf tniiiirtiiih' thilr j;riln uii'l other prixluco tu iniirket uthiT tli.iti l nMn runln, uml whilo llivy woulil iitl) prvft-r Allnii) an a limrket, yit if AHiwi) refuvM to aiil tliem in M'cutiiiniii'li triii"iirtatuii, they mutt tik the In t Imut eh.iuie. Wi .ire Mirry to turn' tin) truilu ui III It rti.in nf the N.il'.ej, Imt tiiiili them enry mieei in tluir r.iilwaj cu tcrpii'e, in v Tthel.-iii. M'mij It 3 a er. Open the Columbia. Suitor Mitchell liu 111trn.l110.vl lull ju I'tiniiriaii a.nio' fur .'IV),IV)i) uli,ily for aouiu company that will I.111M innow-tiatk rt-ac-ro.vN arouml the rapl.N in the I'lilunilua Itlvrr. It i tu Im liupi-il tii it null rvlirf uill Im gian'.cil fei the lituetit of the nrnwin popiilation of thu upper iouutr', an many yrara muat eSipiu licfuie removal pf nl'ntnic. tiima caii ii elUctiil liy (ioicrnmcnt, ami HUMiitime the pnple them ncl ami ilu'i-i to hnvo couiK'titioii fur triniHrtatioii ami tiacl. Buiineu Notice. Thu luiaineta otliou of tlu WlLl.lMKrtK r'.vMlKH U now remnveil to lVrtluiil, ainl tile lnik iiml account am kept hero, at No. A U'Mliinjjtoii atreut, n Mock from the Srk atnit leny. All commiinu'.itiona khouM tin u fine Ihi .vlilres.cl to I'urtlinil. I'cntona living near .Vilein, or li.i in, ivca nicii to go them on ImaliieM, will tiixl Mr. D. W. Crai' at tha olil otlico, an. I can luve any iKniiurat tliey may ileaim uttemleit to liy him. l'omologlcal Society. In thu imiu we puliluh ,1 isimnitiulMtion (mint! V. Wallins', favnrin tho formation ,f a State lmioloj;icAl SK-uty or inrrhajw a Horticultural Society Mill Ihi a Mter inmo lor thu ,.vi.Uioii, When ijuiMtiunt ante, at At lrcniit, ua to thu iilentityof alu.i1'le fruita, it woihl ho an advantage to lino audi ijuck tioua ilnidcd ujin their mcrita 1) comjK-tciit authority. Tho inihjevt it one that liny l itiici-.w-ul to giKHl .vlv.int.ijjo lij the fniit gmw. cr nf Oregon and WttJiliiutoii, and there am many of them. J A .Sketch of a pioneer, tho decixwetl Wil liam Wlutney, late i( French lVairie, Mill ap pearliest itk, Northwostorn Industrial Aieoclatlon. IMitor Wl'lainctto Farmer) Your re.nlcra are alre.nly aicaro of tho or (iiiiz.itiiiii of n Society for thu nirjioau of holiliog Fain near l'ortlaod. TI11.T0 hat litcn a growing nentiment in tho iniinli of the peo ple fu" tevcrnl ycirt that n Kur to Ik.- held near Cortland would lie an arcommndntlon to a great iii'mlicr of jitrionn who cannot, or do not, nt It-a-t, attr-ml the .Stnt Fair at ''alt-in. Hjri-, no dnulit. ia the i!it f'ir tli'i jmojilu of the nortln-rii pnrt of tiilt vallej, for Wntco and other onstt-'l' i-'iuiitlna. -.lid 11N0 f 11 tin 10 it'.viMtvrn part o.' U'u ,mxV" 'lii-ntorv to It lil tlii-n it -at .in 1 a' vatli- ;-ig. I'd . ' Iui'IIh ng th i-i -trojn ut 01 lh Nwtnvnii, I ami tin-e. ntri m .1 lai-- liit.ii' rr.Ii.it inturally draw 1 iiion- unjili to thin mtiit tlnn nny other jilati- 111 Oregon 01 Wathiiis ton. Ileru the niiommoduiioiit for thu o largo g.ithi-ringt 1.1 nnijilu in t-xury Jiartii til ir. Il-ilu it thu u liter of all thu gruat highwayn of tmel, and hern it wheru thu v.unlth and thu t'ointneriu of the Nortlivt-tt oontt-ntratt-t. Tint an Annual Fair here, when nntu atirti-d, would ho a aiictt-nH, no one for .1 mo ment will dmiht: nml aUo that Cortland will lutp the llnaiitial hcm-flta from thenu Fnirt it alto true. And the ttadu tint thu atnica, hotuN, unrt, tteaiiihoatn, nt.ihlui and all other hiitnii iit-i-ujiatiiiiit will aei nr- hy tho An nual Fairt will liu 0'itniduraiil" every )enr, and will in' d.imi nt thu t-o-jutr' gmwt nml nt tin Society iueiennut their itiiprovt-meiitn nml iiiductiiit'iitt for ienilu to conic. Then- niu humlrtdi of fnmllit-i nil ovtr thit valley and ICitteru On-yon who would touiu at tint tiinuou n-iouut of redtucil firm, who tivviir loini- to i'ortl.uid now. They then would 1 oini) .mil mnki- a trip of plenturu ami jirotit of it nt tlm a!nt- time Mniyn one vmiiiIiI savu llfty 01 a li'imlrt-d dollartortnnre, toajH-ud in I'ortltud it tint time. Now, hiitiiutt 111-11 of I'ortluiid, wo look to )ou for lucking in thii lauilnhlu undertaking. It t.iAi't inniiny t'i 'tart tlilt tiling, and if you w'nh to riaji thu hrrvint, givo hhuratly whi.ti you nru called iijioii. Thii it 1.0 money-making thing for thu iiKorjioraton, hut wiU hu an iniproveuuiit for thu country, .iinl l'ortland in itirlteiilnr. Thu Society it org iiiiod 0:1 an nttociation plan th-! name n.t ihurchun And other ch inta hhi nml hcniivolent inttitutionn, iw that thrro Am no atockholdcrt to get rieh nut of it. Tho Society hnn nccund nn lino a pieco of Lind aa could ponaihly lit' w lulled fur the purjow-, on the railroad. 011 thu river, and A good county n.id running through it. l'h-nty of thu fluent of ajinng wat)r, uml ht-autiful gruvet for riiinjiiiii, A. F, M. FROM THE PAL0U3E. L"iiovtiiwn, V, T. i)c. en. IS7. Kditor Willamettu Farmt-ri Winter it iijxn i:t, The aurfaco nf all thmo littlu hilli in thu f'aloutu country iiicov- urttl with now. Many .1 lonly frnutiemnan in hin littlu i.ihin tht-at! long eyt-ninga linven ovor hin acauty lire, and if not quite per miailed that thuru would li muaic in tho tat ter of .1 Wohfoot rain, hu would aurcly enjoy a hatketful of yiair red Applet. Timber and fruit, of which you have plenty and to inrc, arc mlntvil hy Wehfootjra here. Sinco I wrote tu jou Liat, theru h.m liocn a great c I-at go in thii country. Then I told jou of tho VAtt area of unclaimed land that ajiread nut on all aide. Now I hare to ny tint I know of lint ouo claim to Imi taken in t.-ti iiiih-t of unintorrii tMl lilhtl land which uktciula cut, went, north and Miutli of me, I am told, however, that there nru phnty o' I.ii.mI claimt to It- taken in wn.ie partn nf tho I'aliiuiio country, and on w hat ia cnlh-d the I'otlatih. Thu I'otlatch ia a fork of the Clearwater. The region which it attracting the most attention ia mirth of the Ncr. I'crcu Indian ItcM-rv-ation, and almut twenty mi let .vlmve l,itou. It it an t-itontivo Insly of laud, ami nt good .it any other Kirtion of thia Very gmhl country. All that n necca-iary la for thu land hunter to go ,1 littlu further than ollura hivo gone. Thuactthra 011 thu I'ot latch havo ndvant.igea over other part of tint M-otiou. Wiaiil it general!) convenient, Thu liiil.au ipiettion iiitinnt.t nil of u. Whither ihey are tr.iiitf.-rred to thu War l,-,i t iici't or not, It it evident from j'n-teiit AppcarauiTH tint tlie aaaiHtaacv ot the military will he necearary ajjitn 111 thu spring to couvinco tht olitusu aavago that hu thould aulunit to robin ry, and atnrvo or frevru that thu "liulhiu Uureaii" may faro aumjituouily from the lunger njipiojiriatiuii. Tho jn-oplo hem all favor thu tiautfer. A veto w.w taVt-n at thu Ner IV.-au Agniey, mid they wiro iiuauim.iualy .11 favor of being nihil by the military dejiartment. Tliu rectitrenoo of Indian trouhUx from )ear toycar 11 .1 great drawback to thia coun try. Thu outlook la not vary good for tho linniedMlv future. If any grrnt iliiruvga ia done, it will In- U-cauae thero ia ximvthiug vvrou. 111 thu uunagviurnt. Them will lie aniilc time to iriam for any emergency, audit it ianot duiiu, why not? Wo want nil thu linlivu movksl on to 1 few largo rviH-rv.v tiom Mvi propel ly guanlcd. J Nkw wt II111H.1. Loiter from Mr. Walling. Otvvistio, Jan. II, ISTS, l-Mitor Willamette Fanner- Tin. re h u Ven for aome time a new Mjvr ivntrovimy oiugon in thu On-goiiiau in rv lition to curtain fruit cl limed to K- new, among whnli n the ao i.illed .Silver l'rnne of Mr. r1ctt.vm.111, and without jvirticularimg aa to ceitain nt.iteu.tntt made hj tint gentle mm, which I hem nay au fale, I will add that 1 ilo not ace- that a toiitimuticu of the control era) 111 a newajvijH-r will tvcr nettle tliu vexed ipuMion, or ever aatmfy tho jx-o-ple. If it ia I call) a new variitv of fruit, it hhoultl 1h known to the luiblic. If it it an old variety now K-mg aohl under anew nam , t ia an impition 011 tho public, no m.itui how good the fruit in ly U and that it it a nui.t t-wclliiit fruit there ia no ipicataon. To tho I'liblic 111 general, mid to thu fruit grovvcr,thia ia a nutter of imjMrtatice, and to Mr. l'lottyinan of tho iitmoit imjortaiice that it thould be settled, and 1 supgeat that a meeting of horticulturnllats be held at Port land, that they ajijioint A committco of ex perienced pomologiaU to tako tentimony and docido who ii right without fear or favor. I ahall wait and mo if thoc interested in the matter t'mally vi ith myself w ill not move in "line manner to Invo tho ir.itter settled. (.. W. WVI.LIM.. Notes From tho Upper Country. Hvm.vvWOu.k, Di"). '.'-", IS7S. Ixlitor Willamette Farim-i : The Indiaiit aro now thte.it-ning to giva ut trouble in lh.- Kjiok me 1 nuni v nml 1 11 t'u I oliimliu. We do 11 . kn wlniv in ill t'.i futu."'.- f-ir nn. nt we ,ir.- . nt jirojK-rlj arncl to il- tin m iiintii'o If thev do brink o.it, but wo hojw for tho liovt. I have taken tho Fvl-vtKli rvi r tinco it wat 1 pap-.r, and do not with to atop it now. Wu havu a bright jironpett ahoid if the Indiant will let tin .Mono and the railroad will come toii.t, at wo have the riclie.it aoil in the l.'nited Statea. The irufent jimnjicct it that thu trouble will center in thu ttrritoryth.it Mocnocciiiutand SjHikann. Tlieiu aroi-noiigh men tii hern to defend tlieinaclv t if jirnierly arini-d, hut wu havo ao far failed to get ni.nt. If hoatilltiui begin up here, I w.ll kteji you Jiotted, at I ahall bu in It. Wu have a ( urn puny of 1 1'.' mtu in thia vicinity, and If ncc citir can ha raited to I'O. Wu aro having a ji1c.in.mt winter. Thu miow felt two iiiehea dteji two wecka ago. It hat been old enough to hold the snow on the north rlojict, Imt on tho south it it oil', m stock do jutt nt well nn if thero wai no nnow. Wo am doing some sleih-nding, but wu havo to frequently shut our eyet ami imngino theiu It ami A' to make it clay nu ourtcama. I'. Ii. Korso Fnrrlcr's Book Wanted, Win.wurrri: Fihik, LinuCo., Jan. I, ISTt). Kdit r illainott Farmer: I -uk Information in thu coliimut of thu F.viiviki- with regal d to thu best liorau doctor hook publithud 111 tho L'nited States, at thtru aru many diteast-a among hornet in Oregon. Wli.b theru am many iMiuka of thu kind, I would ImiiiiiicIi obliged, and so would many othera if some man experienced in thia nutter would ad via j which onu he jirefcra to uw, and jnitt mutt conlldelicu in. Ucviiri! okF.i:mkii. Saw Mai. and Hour Mill. Mrcliiiiury ia of fered for aalu by FrauU V.. ,. u Co,, I'ort Uml. See their advertisement tlauwhsrc. Aitonuhing Saoet-ss. It it tha duty of uvcry jiersou who h.ia lined Ikw lltK'.tOuivtVN' Svia-i-to 1. 1 ita woudut ful ijualltios Ih; known to their friuuli in cur ing LViuaumjitiou, tovt-ru Coughs, ('ruiip, Asthma, I'nuuiuouia, and in fact nil throat and lung iltaoaaet. No jh-ihjii can use it without immediato relief. Three done will rcliuvt- any cam, and wu voiitider it thu duty of alt druggUts to rut-omnium I it to thu jnxir, dying consunijit'vu, At least to try onu laittle, aa -IU,OIX) dueii bottlca vvum sold laat you, and 110 onu caw where it failed vnw rvorU-d. Such u nnilicino aa thu Ukum.v.v Sviu-r can not bo too widely known. Mi jour Drug gut alxmt it. Sample bolt ha to try, lOct-nU. Kegular 4Ue, 73 ct-nta. Bnjoyljf. What a truly beautiful world wo livu inl N.iturw givt-a ua granduur of moiiiitaina, glena tut ovt-ans, and tliuiwauila of mcana for en jnymeiit. Wo can desire no batter u hen in jit-rfect health! but how often do the majority of jieojilu feel liku giving it iiji diihcArtuncd, diacoiingeil and won id I out with diaeaau, when them ia no occoaIoii for thia feeling, as every aullervr can easily obtain satisfactory proof that (irecn'a August Flower will mako them at free from disca-to a.t when liorn, Uyspupnia and I.ivrr Ctimplaint ia thu direct c.iusu 01 seventy-live .er cent. 01 hucii mala t.ija as Hiliousuesa, Indigestion, Sick Head alie, t'twtiveneitt, Nervous Prostration, Dii rinesa of tho Ko.nl, I'alintation of the Heart. and other distressing ay mjitoma. 'Ilirtcd.ci of August Fiowt-r will i.riivu ita wondeiful vlfi-ct. Samjilubottha, 10 cents, Try it. Scott's Barbed Feuco Wiro. Mii.ri. Newbury, Oh.ipinan A Co., of I'ott l.uul, are agents on thu Northwest Coast for N-orr'.s 1'atk.m Foi-n 1'oi.ntko Sri'i-t. IUiiiui Fkiv. Wiki;, for which aujK-riority is eliime.l, ai follow at It ia plaited instead of being tw is' ed, theru hy jireserv nig thu grain of thu metal. The wiro ia made by nuchiitcry, and is uui.orm. It it I'lvtcd by jiateut pmtviu, and ia v, rath er pnxif. It it four-pointed, I'J.S jsiinti to thu rod, Tho win) is wound on utroug ajiools, ami 1 an lie ahipjied any distance. It takes :IC0 jioiiuda ainglo st'and, for one mile, and hali aa many post aa Iwurd fene- Thosu neixling functvi and obliged to trans jort k'g iliatinct-s, will U- mtreJttl in tho iliiTervnco of cvt It-tween batb wiro nud luin tier. And even where timber ia abundant, many niay prefer to u thia light and durable material. Jnl?-lm Eaat Portland Poultry Yard. A. F.MILLER, PROPRIETOR. AtttrVeorvir) 1,1 i'J till or .Win for iiririi 01 ths folVrativ va iMIoset lot. I. Whlto Loghorns, Brown LoghoruB. Light tirahinas, Dark Brahma b, Goldon Seabright Bantams X G-tSs-aS, ; foraSeltlnsof 13 two Settings for Ji.'i.OO. Al, cwutintl) on ruivj, EGG F01D AND GE9MAN RAMPPILLS Address, A. F. MILLER, KiiNt I'ortluiiil. mil 3m HAWKINS&COKER'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Corner First and II Street. Portland, - Oregon. All ItiikU of Help Furnished. Farm Hands A sjHvialty. janlTtf w FOR SALE. 640 Aores of r. m& o.v Tun lisj: or Tin; Mt. Jefferson Paaa Hoad. M'Jntilonrf.ll n'.-o Mrbaii-1, u- " irinn I'liintj, ,VMvm ui Ii - "i - ' II If 1 1 r- I v."'l v it-"!, aiii.i Imp-1 1. fu n-, imt 1 p -rt, -r i-i .iltii ill 11l! II I K f I ii- I I' ' -I I 'to Mo intaint ut lni-' I-.". It . 1 ' -1- '.til' J, it 1 1 it r' Ii -t ' .'i i.ticiu .11 It I- . 1. 11. I ' .1 let 1- ..I r - . ' ) il.N li.e h. r. ij .!...- " .-In Hi. 1 I'.-l ".1 ! ut il. U-ii.nfi. j't,-jil iK',.il"r- a. I nivi ii-flitiiv n.iin i-mii'-i t Imn! Nhoolli ih- .t : rr.. f-..m th line a -Hi ii- lor .!'. nn;. mil lnimln-l. r a ten ot I111.I that i in It 1 Ivun.l i..r I at at a cost ot fiatiwr.- Thl 1, a tnorali! n irtunlt,t fur a mi 'a met iktlr omit (in. Uii'l tlie ti-! hiiilniwptiit,.ltf', or for itiolont 1.1 tlint-nr tour tnillli-t of i,i-nn.iin. Tin-re a-i- imii) Otmann teltltil III thi vl lull), in 1 thi-v lAo 1'irt nt tlio imrili-c prlcr. '. i .111 arr, mi n pJl'l Ii r i term ot jt-art in inreivl In tjlnu-nti, at h rate ot InUn-t. rJlmior write to 1 A ILARSK. 1'nrnn.r Oil1. -, Nn. 5 W ihlnitton 't., I'ortlaii'I, Onan Or II VV CHAM, Nili m WOODLANDS FARM. (KUht nvllct no,! el 1'nrtlaiil I PILKINGTON BROS, IMIlll'.TLIM ASH IllllIKIIKliS UK l'l ItK UKKIi Poland China, and Berkshire Figs. Our flrtp-lfr, ira Imm tlie hot limit In lh t'nltil .tt.it.- i-ulni.l I'lilni pilrt ur am inn nrvl. In April f.irrr"n.!i-tiii iv.lli-lt.-l .Vlilrn 1 1'II.MMITii.S limit lojin It IVrilui 1. I'rtnn STALLIONSFOR SALE. IOKKKIl FOIt SAf.K. AT MY FAItM NKAIt nerval, Minimi County, lliu following tin scribed valuable liorsesi MnuOrsyK'nIIIoii.fooryr'iirsoiilnPXthiprlne, wi-ljlit ltjouiti.alruit by Wnlte Prince. One three yearn oM next Sptlnj, alreil by S (i. ItieU's C'l)tlrattale home. Onatvso years oltl nextsprlns, nlrcttby l'rltle of lVrolir. All of thfi alovr are likely unit , f itrue aire, nut ot h tins, liirxe l.lonlieiirt mate, owned by me, that It h vriy Onu urre.lsr. HAMUKI. HROWN, Ocn-nls, January .1, htv. "m Ounrdinn'H Salo. NOTKX IS IIKIIRIIV IIIVKN THT IIT VIIOTK of a tlvnM snnti'.l to niu by tha fount Co-irt nt thsSUU-ot On-TMi. lor tlir munt) U M'llttioniih, on ths sill ilty nl Jnu.irj, ltTO, I v 111 k.1I At pvit.lU sikIIuii, lu Iruntof thuOi'iit lluii...irlii ntl.litiunl), ON TIIK tMil II W OK KKlllltAllV, lsT, ut H o'elo'k, v. M ot U ilit. Hi.- tuiloitlni; ilterilnl pleet of bn.l, UlondnK ' J -n.- .1 nutaln, an lnuie Itwn, sltu.iU-1 In Multiiisikdi -ounl), Mtatii( Orivwi. ill H-ctfoil tx III) ot TinlKhlininv, MUttl ot IVuljr tu, l:X.t ot the VVULunttte Mtri.Uali. Thi tune Ulnj; a pin i4 th" IVrry l'rttt)iukn iloiullou fUlni, ui,.l boundttlasr.iD'rat lk'Ktuiilni,-at a twi at tin toulli wetteurnrr of the lioini-t.a.1 ; m. stone I, tourtrt 11 rhilnt iui.I thlnr.Kitti Unk north nmi thltt) nine elivln. and Brtrllin-e Units wt ot the auuthtwt eornrr of nl I l-nll)iinn' (Lilni, nmnin.- thi-im north three 1l.4rt-.-n and nitnn mluuttvi ut.t, tui,it)-.me rlkilnt and ality-Mrrii links to it stako In lh nilddlsof thu county roud llw nv north rlfhty-i-ljht .tofrm. fort) nln tuluutot vaNt mg tivt nildJlsof Ml.l road, tlvx thaln. and forty-cUl.t links to a vtnt I thtiice Muthrrl) uimll Ui Was it line twenti -Mie rhalns and srvtuty links tu a point lu th smith Ium of ths iiamwtatd j tlienn-aotith etxht) nine ilitrniti ltrn nUnutrt wnt, tits ctviuu fiirtyiUhl links to thvplvaiof Uirtnnliy, nintulnlJij rlsten and rlht Dins wis huiidi-.rJth, IU.TW. Jn IV. K. aiKaTV, OtLirJUn. balo of Roal Bstate. Administrator's Notioo, Notice Is hereby iclven llml ths iiudernliiPeil, ii.lmliil.trHliir nf (lie e-ontiinl Kilwln I. Qul.l-.r, drcriiaeil, will niiHniiircluy.tlin IMtiilnyui Keli rimry, A, ll HTD, nl the front door of the Cniiit llouso of Miilln mull Couuly, Oiei.-oQ.Ht ten o'cl'Ck 111 tint 'oreunon nfaslil ibi), sell I lie ful lowlm; tlr.crlbril rent vslnte, atiiiKtu In sunt nmn ynmlHliitv, lo w tl Tin) imrtli liuirol tlio north lutir ot sec Inn six, In li.wuaiilp one, smillior rm(i. Iliri'i-etit,liitlieiii.trirtiit lanilt subj'cl load nt I in rum I'll v, Ureifou, eonliiln lint onu liiiudrixl nii'l sixty ncie mid ililriy-Mx liiinlreilllit nt n Heie, ilentlhet tu patent for lliHsiimi. loiio tu the Mild iln.-t-H.itl by tli (Invt-rnmvnlnrilio t'nlleil HtHtesiind rrcuriK-il In the reeoiilst.r ri-ls In nl. i-iinil v nn His lOlliiliiyof Auaut, IMS, Imnk ,!of ili-dt, ut piiK0ll1.nl liiilillcaueiloii, In the lildii-st bid ili-r inr os.li, ts ltd cum. Tun per com iitllie purelisM' price imyiihlt, at Itir llinenl ,ili-; l, . iiucoiiMin coiitlrmiiilon ut sail and lu tier of uet. ... , 'M, ll, HKl K, AiliK.nl.lralnr. Wixklu-Hrd . Vv'ii.nlwmil, Altornejs'ur Almln.a'rninr. Jan .vwi'. LOOK OUT! Mr, W. P. Leonard ia no longer until. irirvd to receipt for ua, or to solicit aubscrijitious, Alan a nan namctl Sullivan, who, we tititlor stand, is collecting for the F.vhvihi. An) one (dicing money in their hauda do so at their own peril. Tho only Liv:r ami Kiunkv Uemedy that will have a gootl elTi-ct in thia malarious climate ia I'funder'a Oregon lllootl I'liiitier. rmtH M TU Facr thosu nut thiijt M'Sm tnm bajron bloo.1. Tliu great purifier ll - OrtsjM Bloo.1 1'uriti.r. Wohkn in I'ltniSVNiv will bo greatly ro tieved from nausea and vomiting by using small dosed of the Otvgon Hloo.1 Purii'ier, TllK OiikiioN IImhiii I'l-ltlHkli is a purely Vegetable Kemcdy. It la manufactured from Oregn lUnits, Herbs ami 1 larks. Cheapest Flaco to Buy Boots. Ths rht-apwt liU-o to bu) tour lUvjti, or t ;tt a tulr of gou.1 BOOTS MADE TO ORDER And Utulrin; Niotl) (Vn, It at :nt. xxaas', OpptviU I'tunuktrU Hotel, lt Ortk-s UI,ks, ?tlm. Al HIGHEST PRICE PAID for HIDFS and FURS. ikx-j; ml WOODBURN NURSERY, VtOOIDTK MAIilO.V CU, OI'.KliON J. H. SKTTLEMIKH, Proprietor. 8 0 0. 0 o o Fruit, Shade Ornamental, and Nut Troos, and Vines and Shrubbery, In ths abot Numry, for Jo, at EK LOW Kll.ritKS. Cbolcc Trct'N, ti."i ctaj. each: tOr.fUSrUt llbSDKKR Ottlltui ; II, stTTLiailKlt. SAW AND FLOURING- MILL MAOHmERY. FRANK BROS., Agts., C. & G, COOPER & CO,, MT, VERNON, OHIO, MV.M VAITUIEIIS W Saw Mills, Portable' itnd Statioimry Engines Planers, Flouring Mills. Shinu'lu Maohinoa. Lncr Rollers, IMill Stones, Pulloys, 1. irlnjtlittlr.jiinl MIlfMaihln-rt of -v-rj ilimriitlon llnli Jlsiiiifwturtrtof 1 ji-tl-it tevrrlltvl Jl',.,k "I it Ml I irt Ir-i.iin in I ITI r Lltt- Wc -111 -i.l (nrtlra Uilnkln-nl inmliain.r, 1A1IH 01 ii ffi-rtnf lo . il Vl.:tn. rnrih'U, tuH-lctrraui l''MK IlKDTIIl.l'.s, lol mi.l im (r mi - IVttbn I, Or-.ro" 1 nJ ion Tr. IiHntlo's Ncphroticum Wnrl.t W'1-.iIip. In di i iet ot lb t. y. Ilnj,l.t Ii-m-.'s- Ki.ln. , , Dlniiir .u ' . - uv f '.iinp'i nt, or llctetiti.iu i L'iiiii-. -i-.- t'ltvil b) tin-Xephrctiiiim. Feii.alu eakiu-ti, lint, el, )i.ibute, ji.uu ill tin- back, aidu umt Imn aro cured, vi hen all other niedieinot h ive failed. Set- what the draughts of I'oitlaiid and Sill Francisco cay about Dr. Mintie's Niphreticum and Hngliih Dunllio:i l'dlt: "Wo ov iclJ lirgo .inmi.it of Dr. Min tie's i.-.o.'.ltb.e, i',M Kughth Damlehou 1'ilNt also thu famed Nejihi'ttit-um, nud in nil rams highly reeommetiiled, .film A. Child, drag gitt, Sjtfcnd street, I'urtltnd, tJrecont (Ml, Woodard Ii Co., druggist-,, tor. Firtt and Alder, l'ortlanil, Oa-goiii Mcsiia. Abranu & Cnrrnll, drintgisti, Not, 3 ami ." Front, S,m Fr.mcitt-o. V rt-gnd Neplirutit'i'tn nv thu best Kidney and lH.nhb-r remedy hutore the jiuhlic." All driiggitta keep them. For all deratigemeiitaof the I.iver, Use Dr. Mintica Fnlith Dandelion 1'ilk For llilinutni-ss nud I)yaH.-jni.v, L'sc Dr. Mintit-N Knglish Dandelion Fil'-v. I't-r Fever and Ague, L'ro Dr. Mintiu'a Kngliah Dandelion I'd's. Kv cry family should not fail to kt-.-ji Dandelion Pills on hand. the To Whom It may Concern. This it to certify tint I havu hoen affected for the l.i-t thrco years with dironic itiitimma tion of tho hl.uldsr nud totpid liver. Having ajient a Htnill fortune with thu licrt medical talutit I could obtain in -Sin Francisco and visit ed thu various spring! in California, hoping to llml relief. Having found noiio I g.ivo up nil bono of lteitnr cured ami drniitieil all medicitiel and doctors. While rending one of tins daily jsviit-ra I B.IW- an udvcrtlscmunt of a medicino called Ncjihrcticum, a jia'pamtion jirejurcd hy Dr. Mintio Co., of Salt Francisco. I was twraunded hy my w ife to tty it, and I went and iKiiight a bottle. Having taken that onu bottle I found much relief, nil jviitia ceasing and foul ing much lietter I took two more bottles and I nm now tierfcctly restored to kealth and atrvtigth, thank (.oil, for the nujierinr skill of Dr. Mintio & Co. Any one who may doubt thin statement can call to my residence and sec me. J. F. Mooitf. It!; Fifth Streot, I'artbnd, Oregon. SoptcniDer II, 137N. Dlt. A. K. MlMli: i Co. -flent-i: I volun teer to say your Knglish Dandelion i'llls uijuaU and oven siirikiat all on claim "from my ex jierienco in their use. Fancy they hivo no tijiail for Dytjiejisia nml I.iver troubles, J. A. SrllOVVIIKllKIK, First Street, I-.ithur Merchant, l'ortland Sept. I", l7s. Seovihittht druggists of l'ortland and Pan Francisco nay nlwut Dr. Miutid'a Nuphrt-ticum and Knglish Dandelion Fills. Wu havu sold a large Amount of Dr. Mintie'a medicines The Knglish Dandelion Fills, also thu famed Ncphroticum and in nil casea highly recommended! John A. ChlLls, Druggiit, .Second street, l'ortland. C. II. Woodward A Co.. Druggist,, corner First and Alder atrcot, l'ortland. Mt-atra. Ahrnmt A Carroll, Wholewlo Drug gitU. Nos. II nnd H Front Jttvot, S. F Wu regard tho Nujihrt-ticuinat thu licit Kid ney nml Bladder rein-.-ily In-furu th.. public. All druggists keep them. Dr. Miotic & Co. truat nil rtimnic nml SieCial Discnoa w ith ivu z.t No I. V" Second Street. Cor. Morrison. l'oun.VMi. Omk.i.on. 1870. PRICE REDUOEP. Sl.50 THE NURSERY, A .Monthly Jlasazlne Tor Younsf st Readers. hl'1'Kltni.V U.U STIUTKI). .filiwnts) lion, and Kit Iv.t numlit-r of tlil vnr mm 8011 1 ID cents f r a v;l iiitnrvit and I'nuilum LUt J L. Shore?, 36 firomlleld St. Boston, Ma3s. ii.iitii PIANOAk;r.!':l,';"jr,n:ic:;,;,ORGAN I'JA. MiiHrli linnd s-iuir- l1iao,.it tl.lUllonli 'US. Ut-.-uit l'l'ilflit ruii.m.ittsHIMI. mil) SIS4. .N tilo tpriiflil l-iai. ill.'. A Oictns Wa, Or vuk, Ii ti, rtS.50. I Ivin-t, Onriiii, IJ tin, Jll, Out) slli Kltvmt f.175 Mirror t ji llr,-4iit, only Slav. 1 ruin.uj i.j. .u-rl.l.t) t i.lw our irrtnt st.k, luiDiriise .Nc miji.i l-i:tjf) tin t Iw crocte.l .St.tir ulth ni'l.'li inf jnnstliin Ik-j .vm I'Unu and tlr.iinKNT YUKK. I1m) a.llrMi' UA.Mia V. II KITTY. notOu-1 ivuthincvm, N J RArLSOAD LANDS. Xltriil Tornm! LOW l'RICKM LO.NU Tinst WW IMTKRR.HT Tne Orrfion and Vallfornla and Orcron Central lUliruad t'timpanlea OFKKIttbslr Lands fur raleupoa th fu.lne lib rsl taunt; One tsnth uf ilia jirtr la csib; lotemt 00 tne balance at lbs rate of snven i cent, one yeas sflrr M; smt rch fiillovrliu; year cue Irnlh of the prlucli-al and InUrwt on tha balanee at tba rats of wvn p.r cent per annq ,,. Uotb pnoclpsl and Inter. 1st psjabla In U. d. L'nrrsncy. A discount of ten psr emt. will allnvsd fur easb CSB-" l.,tlr,. m .. IiWi ... f. wf-i.rn vu . ... Agent (I. a v. It. ll.. Portland, Orriion, ' ' OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. ltKOi'LAK LINK Between Portland and San Francisco. TIIIIOI'OII TICKKTS Can be purchased at the ciinclpal Stations of tha 0 AC It It , at Iloduood IlAtoa. Steamers leave both I'orilind and San Kranclsco about Every Pivo Days, tflCLl TVnKTn a'"1 Flaleht at tt-o LOWMT " T.?.t. I',1 ,h "'!f "" rsn In.' the V b. M.MU, and WKI.LS. f.VltliO CO '3 KXl'HEoi. Th Steara.blps of this Company ,e raltd A , aud are uew, elegant aud templet In every partltuUr. and consist of the State of Oregon, iXcw s.uu tens butden, George W Elder, ilTto tout City of Chester, U) tons Ajax . (iua toas,) Tor frelsht or rasaw. aoolr at urn Comusnv'a nt. Acd, enrntr i. torntr Y and front sUecte, VonriaKD, no:u GEO. W WKUILKK, Acent, Salem Flouring MUI3, U33T FAHIbY TLOUlt, llAKIUt'S KXTItA, XXS. HUPFHFINR AND (lltAItAM. MIDDLUNOa, 11IIAN, AND MlOitTt,' OoiiHttiixtl- oti Iltiiid. XIi(rliOMfb Prloo In CASH Paid for Wheat ATA1L TIME3. n. c. KtNNEr, Aitont B. P. M. Co Bopt IStf JOHN GllAV, Formerly In Darbln'a Illnclt. lias Just opened a Istn and complete Htoikot uTrrTrni C-arpets, Oilcloilis, Mailings, SKI, 1 Houbo - Furnishing Goods. Next to Dnlrymplo ,V Hrown, .Vr.VIIKKV'.S II LOCK, - N.lLK.If. OH. WlIlCIl Wll.t. RE SOt.II AT Lowest Cash Rates! SCP21M 7T IMv AmmmhI raflj.H .., I. .t.L. ..I Klawsr Mtnl f.ir 1S7H. rtfh In rnL-tlmi trill lu. m.I, ih Jsniurjr, and sr nt I'ltKK, to nil who s.pl 1 Cu.tmiirt of list srasonnced not writ fur It. I uffi-r one nl ths nretl eoUn tlons of iritiUt.lj mxh! rr itit nut In- any B..A.I hflil t In t.n.l... m I.... ..Ilu. .J ul.l.L. . tnisn on ni) sis ti-rd fsrmt. (tinted dim tlons for oil u.Hii.iii wn ,-iM-n sv-sii7, aii seen ttirinie-i w i win frmli Itn.l (..Irt Irt mm.. u Ii. ,)... bl.n..l I 1. - ...... .... ..uw ... .H....V , m-r ... ...v .1 (',.., ,, I'lV.n ollirralw, I will Oil Ilia ordi r irnill". Tlie orljlnvl Intn ilucvri.r the llulilard n-iiluIi, llilnnsv s Mi'.on, MirMt. head (iibt.ik-rt, Mt-tloau Corn, and -iir,t(if other tir' l.tl.lfl. I lntltth.t IwlPrMit ...a, nil uhn.M O.ltlA., ,A have tht-lr mid directly from Uie crotter, frth. tru, an 1 f ths trrj best strain. .Nmr Vr.irrssLrs l smivur JAUIM J. II. IIIIMinitr, Dee. m, Snv M.trblahsa.1, Ms. CliEARANCE SALE ! Between (his and the Holidays, AT TIIK IVBLL-KSOW.V IIDWK Or" Breyman Bros Salem, Oregon, Of Our Xarge and W-lI-As3crtea toclt of Mens' and Boys' Clothing i p.rvniTi.Aiu.y ULSTERS, OVERCOATS, AM) CAS3IMERE SUITS! Wo offer J'K'i.'ial indiiuciuents to the tnwl, aa wo havo rodutcd jiricos to San l'rancia coat, in order to malic room for our tyring Opening, Also inclutivo a largo stock of LADIES' CLOAKS! which wn orran at SAN FRANCISCO PRrCES SPECIAL NOTICE ! To Our Farmer Friends ! Aa theru acema to bo an imjireation tint goIs can bo bought much chcnpcr in 1'ortUnil at resent, owing to the circulation of catalogues with prices, sent out by I'ortUnd houses, we invito all who have received such catalogue to bring them to ua and wo Jiroiniso to aoll yo-i neither damaged nor auction Roods, KOR CASH, as low- aa therein named. You will save thereby freight, raiIro.nl, ateamboat and hotel bills, and keoji your money at home. BREYMAN BROS. SALEM, OREGON. dcl3un POTATOES FOR SALE. aamllEtiajnrjyaw "iiuniiAMc j-txjnor.iNO" lOTATOKSAT il J'UR IHTtllEI.. MACIiED I anddellveiod.iin enrsnrlioivt Utlisr van tlle of tiouitost at niHrkel prices. Send cant lor uliat you want and I will nil prlc . CaiU ts accompany all orders. A. V. allLI.EK. Jan 32iii Kat Portland. II KAKINCTlflWTOIiKU, Oreat Invention by t.ue who vtss deaf for 31 years, t rod staion fnr par tlcntars. Ysrj-.T A lUr.i rn, lock Dvi to, Msdlsoc. Icdltoa. anU 1