Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 17, 1879, Page 3, Image 3

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    JFQ1S Op -iJsnDif.
o the Patrons of Oregon, Washington,
nn Idaho.
'ieui Hni'tiM In.if'W daj I npu t to
rt I!t '. ntt n 1 tl ii iittnifof tliu Nntiun.il
U"gC. IM'l i ,i t" I' llll-l lit fllllll tin
, ndiition n i t m . i' y t'll nf
at ikon I I i ,1 . ( I , I i
ilrrn i t i , ii h l niiic-wniniii-
,i; or, i w o tliiv s tn di-pbty lii tlnJcAun-
. . I 1 IP
,, to tli Wrfu .. Ii after of tlio "-tide
range, l'.io. 1. S It. Uiticli, Myrtle Crick,
luugla county, Oregon.
I beg'to tall the Attention of Ml members of
lioOnlcr to ft lcsolutiuu of tlio last Statu
ngo endorsing the iLUMF.rri: I akmi.ii,
IfakliiK it tlio organ of our Older ami calling
11011 Patronito give it a luarty ftiul united
uptwrt. llrethrcn, wo need a paper ticioicu
to tlio intocsts of the farmer. It should at
oneo furnish us an account of tlio current
cunts of imiiortance, the state of the crups,
markets, Kc, give us a muluim through which
to exchange our ideas anil cxiicricncci, ami
furnish our families a weekly recast of siiclt
pure" and wholesome miscellaneous literature as
is best imitcil to their wants. Such n paper re
mires a large outlay of mians, labor, ami
talent, ami cannot ho furnished us without
adequate support. Lit mo urge you, therefore,
to give our own paper a ionli.il Biipjiortj sub
scribe for it, writo for it, work for it, o that
we may have a fanner's paper worthy of tho
name ami second to none.
fraternally jours,
Matter Ongon Stato Orange.
Oswego, Sept. 2. 1673.
Stato Orange Depmtioi for 1878
llAKm C). ThoinM Smith, Etfsr City.
IIenton A Holder, ClITalila.
Ilaik' C .N Wait, ttnliy.
I'timor- W ll.(lra, ounira lllicr.
1MULA-I H. II liulck, lrllil'ftik.
Jaishoi-J .V T NliUr,JafkMilli.
Jiwurinin-Jo-ctJi iollik. Ia.Iiii1
Lms-Kowiw Knot, c'rivn'.l; Allm Homl. I.-ectnu
"iiiiiioi-J. W. Ilathillir, llcttriillc; W. )l llllltar),
MilTsoAll-l1jinitoilKill and Jamb Julinwn, KM
Portland. . . , ,,, .
TitUMOo-J C llcli),Til!iiiMuk.
INloy-JohtiCrvlalitnii, I liloii.
Wasco John Knil, Tj (! l'i.
Wuiiimitos J A llliiunltwi, Tiia!'lii; J. w. !nP
i Inirton, luton ..... .. .. , ...
VAViiLb-IS. It. UusUIn, Xoifi U'l.l.l.l.
WAIU10TJ1 TtnUtl'SY.
Coll l III TllOTlM'nif'witl, IUIUIII.
Cussr-Kaild Stamp, antotim.'
C'o.Utl -John H. Uoiuilli, rceln.
Waui W Alt.1 W. II. Tliinii, "! '"
iirriu i -M lllli'ii Mn., I'aloufu Ctt
i........ i.. .i..v-.,,.,,!. . in HtJfli iii liipullvi liaic
ten uriK'liitcJ '! ni'i'li nU'B iu llnalnr
uwmtKiuioii'i ''"""', .. ,,
A It. Miiurt. JttirOr . uraii'c,
Mdrtir-Jolin T .Time. Barton, Phillips. Ark-Ocrr-0.J.
Womlinsu, 1'aw l'w, snllutcn,
M(rnrcr-A. II. Smcdlejr. Crtfo, llonsrJ, Is.
UUieartl-A.J. Vancbu, McnuiWs.TjBD.
Komenci, .J
BSIiialii-b.n eiii. R"'y;?ronbi,w!v,'I,w0v
6crfiir-0. I. Kratr. l.oomiiic. nr.
wiK.Ar-0. liliiwdlille, orchtra '.o". Inft
tVr-Mr.JohnT .lontj. JUrlon.l'lil UArlc.
itfmona. Mrs llstver (HlJrJ, North Urubr. C.
.i27y. UihUnt 4(,ifarJ-Mlf Crollne A. IUU,
D. Wytt Aiken. (Cbslrman. Cokubnry, 8. C.
K. 1(. Bhink'soii. Dubuque- lo.
Unitler T. Chile. CIrin.t.N. II.
Alonw Older. Ituek VMt, Wbltf W. II
W, II. Cttmbert, Oielie. Hantll. Alt.
The Urange.
Komo l'atrons seem to think, or at
least their actions would lead us to bo
Hove, tho (irniiKO Is simply meeting at
stated times in a certain room, koIiir
through certain formalities, tlolnjr o
mucli routlno work nnd then boIiib
homu; locking uptlielrCSnuiBO thoiiRlits
and principles when they turn tho key
in tho donr of tho hull, only to be
oponed und aired when next meetliiK
day conies around. They speak of tho
Grange as a place, or as an oritnIr.i
tion n body of men and women, not as
tho exponent of great and living prln
el.li'). They tpiuk of the body, not
tho soul; of the church, not the re
...llglon of tho ichonj, not tho education.
Of what use is tho church without the
bettor life? tho school without tho
knowledge gained'.' or of tho Urango
without the practical nnpliiatlon of its
principles in our dally lives and btisi.
ncsi? $01110 members of tlio Order
, would bo surprised If wo .should tell
them that there nro to-day farmers
who havo never been Initiated as
members of any Orange, that are bet
tor l'atrons th in some who have taken
aU tho degree-', yet such is tho case.
Tho Writ aro believers iu, auJ act in
tho principles taught by tho Grange;
tlio others, like eomo church members
Christians only -.o far us tho form of
going to church is concerned attend
the meetings, and when outsldo they
know it not, Judgl.ig by their acts.
h v If n your buMiws na 11 farmer you
Sarp not using " brains than former
lyf Ifjou are not buying nnd Helling
' through Grange channel'', and on tho
co-opeatlvo plan; if you and 'your
family are not more social than before;
if you havo not made, your homo
b'rightei nnd more altracllve, within
ami.without to your children: if you
rtro not a better citizen und looking to
your duties moro closely as a cltuen;
it you do not icel a greater interest
In your neighbor; if you aro ngtsrjv
Ingfor a higher and better life; if, In
ftlcA j'ou nro not fin-.ncially, mentally,
riiorallyand socially a better man or
woman, better to your neighbor, your
country, ana your uou, tno urungo is
tuntly fur rpfurtiH in tliu National and
.'Inti- urMiz'i v.li If'i wore iicces.iry
fortSliV niid ti!.!l!ty. I5.it tliciillK
itii'liy liuil tl c li-iviT tml th piirii' In
llii'Ir li.mil. niiil tlio itult U tu
villi!i'cvi i.vwhorf. llnvl i ilmii- tun
tlutv v,v Ji'ilrui' kiiim Ictuu e'enr, hut
nurtrii ', r t,i .. rci U n' tin' order a id
t'li-! i df i.i it . . ) : : i mn !
iii tin . -i. ; ..i i .. .t i.. . : .v a i.i
iti iiiAi I in ii In I"" ordi-r a'l1 now
I'l.imuiin: f.a u fniiii. 'lli' Nutloiitil
lir.itif iiat'ts at ItlcliiiKind., Vn., n
tlio tliiid Wcdni'sdiiy In November,
but it ii not jirnluble tliut Iowa will be
represented tit this or any other future
seshlons or the National grange. And
as our Statu grange will bu delinquent
for two or three years' dues, It Is not
presumed our ollleers will again re
ceive the unntial 1 W. So that the
end draweth nigh. And this Is the re
miltol having di-hone-t, celllih, and
tyrannk'id niters in high mi1iIoii.
Tlicy have .strutted their brief day.
Illled their poeltcts with ill-gotten
gain:?, and ha o retired to the ob-etirity
which they should never havo drawn
from. Iks Molina IttflltUr.
OonfidonfTarmor. in Each
Ono cf the moitujefnl features of tl.o gtango
mux mentis its timlnicy to produce eotitl
ilinee anicng fanners! that In, conliJinie in
each other. The average farzei is too apt to
look upon his iuijthuor in tho light of a com
jietitor, as a sort of lusineis inetny nhoonly
nantxaii oipotttiuity to take ailiantago of
him. lhis state of fielmg pi obahly grows out
of tlio ifolateil lifts it on the farm, ami t!i. in
frequeiuj of i.Ual tr liusmist relations be
twriii faiinin. l'arn.eis eiy seldom hie
de.illngi with i ach other, ami liutcn tliero Iim
naturally grnvwi tip a distrust of ono another.
The grange movement brings the larnurs as a
doss tfgi-ll.i.r, ti.il by intcrelionge of Ideas
conicriiiiist tluir ngiu-ultural opitatiuis and
calcubtionr. by a ril.Uicn of ihur successes
and failmei', b r. moro thorough uiu'.irstaud
iniil'raili othoi'o feilirgs, tluir hopes and
fcai. u tiiut'it.l jnjtliy wv up and mutual
confidence it iiutnatid. Mimlurs of the
fringe aro led by dtgrefs to regard each other
t-.nru in tliu Ugh: of brothers, as they tall oaili
otlm in tl.o gruigj Utiguag.', and tho old
iiotloa that each f.uir.ir Is a sort of iMni.titcr
soon mars a-i ay. Whentl.no i!.arG.s Laro
taken idace, tin road n open to tliat i.u-iira.
tii a io dmirahie r.:mlg far-i in, lutoiiljlo
flu lUliittitu f tliii In'i Mil theiinproie
mint if their agricultural kuiulcihju and
lira;tnx, but in the salo of their producs and
the putiliMi' if nuppliei. . 1'. bulletin.
Hot Sprinfj aritnje.
What few members U'long to this
grange aro Mill Iu t'oml -plrltr, al
though members keep filling oil'.
Just think for ti moment that Ifnll ol
tho granges die how kmiii we would
have to pay twice as miii'h for any ar
ticle u wo (In now, although members
say the grnnge lias never done them a
dollar's worth of good. We all know
that if it had not been for tho grange
orgiinhiitlon that the laboring cla-s of
people could not to-day cloth them
(elves decently, oven if witli eheap
material. There Is one man at Kurt
Dldwoll who does not belong to tho
grange and never did, says that Miieo
tho grange was organized there that
ho bus Mived ono hundred dollars clear
cash, und vet It docs not pay. Olllcers
elected for the ensuing year: M., It.
It. Tandy; O., T. W. Cololn; U I). 1J.
Ilarer; ., W. S. Tandy; A. ., ri. I).
Powers; C, aev. .lames Ilarer; Tresis.,
E. Loner; Kcc'y, -V. K. Uoiso; O. K.,
S. Powers; Ceres, Mr. M. i:. J.opcr;
Pomona, M. Vincent; Klora, L. A.
Colvlu; StewaideBi, M. 11. Power..
A. K. UoVni:, Hce'y.
January 1. 1S7S.
JIuation. The following is u Hit of
otllccrt elected by JJallie, Orange, No.
(il, P. of II., at their meeting on tho
'Jlst, to serve during the ensuing year:
Mater, McMInn lod?un; Ovorneer,
Juun!- Morriiiin; Lecturer, W4 C.
Hrown; Steward. II. T. Miller; AssNt
ant Steward, Oorge aulliiiou; C'lup
lulu, James Harris; Triuourer, K. L.
Dt'Laihmult: Hccretao, John (J.
Drown; (Jate Keeper, Mr-. S. II. Dod
son; Ceres, Mr-. J. (J 1st; Flora, Mrs.
Eva Drown; Pomona, Mrs. J. Morri
son; L-tdy Assistant Steward, .Miss
Esttlla Long. At tlio next regular
meeting of the Orange, which will be
held on the lSlli of January, the grand
hurvett feast will tuke place.
At a leguhr meeting of Tualatin
Orange, No. Ill, held Dec. US 1878, the
following olllcers were elected to serve
tho ensuing years Mrs. L. A. Carter,
M.;T. L. Turner, O; II. K. Hayes,
L.; It. S. .Shufer, S.; MoxSchulpIes, A.
S.;Oeo. Ellig-on, C; Fred Elllgien,
T.; K. M. Krue, Sec; Oeo. Evono, O.
K.jMary l Turner, Cere-; Anna I
Kru-o, Pomona; Aiimt M. Dunns,
KIomj LilHe hhort, L. A. S.
Jus. Dak-tow, ft'ec'y.
'Xb tvnlaur rjnlmciil e ol lo k'tdi.
TU Wliltf Is fur tb Lcmin rami!) tU Yrllou
ts or tor, alierv, 1L1 'htr snlmslf. Tcitlmo-
. J..fcl , .Kh, Mn. rUAhl
111 111,
Holbrook & Ludlow's
Ladies,' Misses,' and
' " ' "Ul ,rtt"
tiny nourcM
- A0
tiu: iiit F.nim .ltAs, m:v ami
The altcntloti of nicriluwU l linltcl til tnj Uriteami will 'Ortf.l jtiiik of ifioxlj
nf tliealiirlctli. I time thW )iar lni..rUil from kiiytiiul. Iliut l"" ''
htiitifnrllMillriiiil'eM.sllllicisi.bvaiHlliEsr ir.n tr UMo u.e. I liu
lira tlvto.li istUtliii, iblih I lll w.11 ! tuirrliJiiti III such quintltlm Uwj ny
nit fur tlnlr nittciincn, ffl iMiiihU awl "er, ar hiiiiimsu i-sk. or, If tlir) lri
to like m .!, on.l xnr. AUtir on nmuwiixi. I lll ml l ell n , o ixiun At
nsr. llulllll'UAMTr.uii) iimusAMi' UKruniT iiM.wtxn tsiir A ii
dciirouf liatllurear-., I nuy r.f.T to kiio.U m rutunr hi (HKioy (V
rur tlio li.t ljlit )1" Iv hi nniMil n nil kvU I r an) imira limiw li l"i
iM nvxU for mo The iwiilt w, tlnre i.irc no lil .iii". in I r yltli tlio II'""'.
t . turn aai liH trwlc Inn he -I I u'i' nw llli m; sn.l I eot (l; it"" V '
No niaik bin n-itilt, llii tlK.r uas. I ""il I'"''" "" l"A' '" ?. ""' ,".V .
north of i-itd-. Iwt )ir lU irn i lmJ ktu-mi M I,W In (his on. It. in, anil tliat
tiMliilliolwenl "iiilitl'liiiIUiUuriUMi(Ur ,tonlii tliu ilfj.all k Unit
CJIfonila il Tlio kjimk ol M tnml.atit I lll wire t t.v n lio wMiis w
urlf) thsw .tatciiwnf MyKivU aw hum muls.imt ui'ln ""J. lAStmoiin
h-ivui. ni,liiiinli.iit.twtol tliuiounlliii-iHifill noul.l il rll U .nml lor
mv,, or nuke uriluti at imec, Uforo lli rtrr fnun our,
ua-il J (rim l-ottlm il hltli tl ti fall toiV. if f(Ji.
I lincsMsi-omUtivkof Tiintviii'tliifroliilric,ni! rul
mrnniilntltt'i-, f r invmi. iliMi I nwiwll ' " aj m . vt.(
Ko Kim'ile iml.'ht fonnml l.iflm- I oiiM y U itntirrKiiN . i
linn. ii,itiouniiiluiiiiotriiiiioralltloiinkri
inn.il I.i niVaLU.iit.er lurl'IIKIIUV. I l.l'U. I'llI'M:. I'l. U. V.'.'.'.IVH
IKMSIIICiUlllM, IILl'MlhKUH3(. IIAhriltltllUH, irn.1 MI.AWIH Mill S i !
oalAtllueilmat 'rnWUiani liil'j iloviii tu nar4 lliu, m1 l..il. iau
nol inn to ui .nil ar r ronniini iv m-v,
I ...u,ll,iir.Mlri,IJatij.1iiiKr HK. uliuli are
Tlicl rooxKtTiiliri!fii:lil.Sii"'ltriri,i.verriJat4
Tlie Urct per ccnlliv kS'tn fvr mlllni; tUo aUoio naiuiil
Allluecincr iknii ii.oi'vn. r"i' .-. ..v.
liovimJ AillrtM O. UlfKIMKU.N. (mImii, Onifuii.
4 TRU rr.r.i u v
i. " i
1 . hfti., ii.. fur .uvriai nionllis h-cn III full
ii.. lli u uisnufAcmrli e- mm nor ami lujpnl
nrtl.Jo whlili I si.i Wo I offer to His trade of
Iypr n,t IniU la rill" riot tutillilrs rasnufAC-tnr-il
l tl.lv I'ollcry for Ce ir i n-l. sii-l Is iqual
In U,t tarllni.Hart. fjr finnilli aid iluiab'.Utj
I Ciim i-ii ii tcu MilUliicUon.
(!ii"i.orriUffjr Ufurmallonaa In jrlec lUt,
ai ulil bu af.diuirrJ to
A. Iff. SMITH,
UaetaM.ti.An'. ai-lf I'ruorlHor.
Guns! Guns!
Hivloilt. OlM'tfOlla
rr s i.'.hoi: wroe i i' ' in .M'
Military Breccli-loaClDe R'fifs
'Kliao tho M'r-S'l hit. MIMII'K, I.KMIMJTO.N. awl
WINl mXN.II Mm, a full awrtiiu nl el
SIliTT-l.t NS a-i.1 iihil.TIM. UI1U3. if a.1 .taiuUrJ
utiVn full line of
I'. m llel Cut Irn. Knlir, ItQZHra, aid
bl'hyj:s,iilrect Iron, l.niUnil .Mo I'lalillii: Taikle
1 111 cll aloM-n ail) toil ' e:
If l,lpl. orl. m fir l'rlnlliiir. at Wait' Meam ITlnt
I nir lliiotu.. alm. 1 t.t laelllti- f r ilia brat an!
traoMutli.nolnrlialiwrai U-.l !'
f l.rilll. 111. INK ii lti Mac l.illlinu a!
anrin fjr eimii. n.-inir. rr iw aiu ju.u-i
'.'uUril. SlLIM 1,'li.llllJllHl.lii. Al'ini
i:. 31. IV . its:.
Nil nm Printer noil Hfxi-I.linlrr,
rcrar'n Illoc Siai nrret, filLKM, iiJSKMjS.
Willamette University.
1 i.rtmM. will lliiMil.j-.l-l S. Irtsllt
tliafi'luwiua' Ira'reiKira I' l Oaten rfl1el.l
(it.ii.nr; II. nuirn MailmainK ! hfitrcr-.
Ciitu J I'luaasiiLi'r. I'iru,u-rt, i, Ju-ilii
Iiilmn, AfkdiulialliiariaiUt, il IJ-I-a .M nV-
Kit ful" Ir.f urnatliu iddnra It e VtiU ''s
Jnne Si. 1-T If A.'tni. ha.nu, urtk'OD,
ell Drilling, Boring,
IIwUt awmiU Ml t.nirLUit xbitiiuwi, rva nt
falilf Laoalid. Addl-. VU Bf I. W f I.LI.XI .1
VA10U tX).. i'JK Kim A 1 Ul.dcliJ.ia. I'ri.n
TiVhS, HiVI.NO J'lRCllAEMi TIIE'sj P. JOHN8ON1 AftlStilono cud' ?or t'i te-yo us omi more cash sub
csz&j&i 'fir IiH3
Superior Grade of
Children's Shoes.
wUICh ' cou''c"u
old v.iniKTir.s
anl lie t'liin wt
rul t! a" II r
il i4 a i
v rr 1
inats - l - .. . . l tv I1W
nlcu vn'l U tr
lit Iii.'1!, at irooir
iiftl or tint.
Stubborn Couphs and Cold 5 yioia
promptly to tlio lunllnK im'l turr.
tlvo proportion of Dr. Jaj nr'n S'.f
pccturanl. It looicns ittul proiuotivi
tho oxjicctoratlon of Irrltutlir; urn
tor, inltlgntos much pain t.u.1 (IN
tress, anil checks Inflmni.t'itlon.
Asthma, Bronchitis, and Tliror.t
Troubles nro nt onto rl!ncd by
lr. Jnjnc'H EsjMrfruiil. It ro
moves coiwtrlctlon of tlio Uroncliliil
tubes, loosens phlcsjni, hmi bet nml
hcnlM tin. mucous nieiiibruni'.b'riMt
nuy fuvorUh tcnduuny, Mid blips to
fomnril a gradual euro.
Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lunn
Affections uro gtiierall) tontrolltd
und ameliorated by Ur. Jujuv'h i:
IHCtiinwit. It tavts tbo hilii ff''i
inueh Irritation and ilhtrunn, by r
llovlfiR tbem of tho Irritating' in uters
liy which tboy nro ilorb'tsl, It also
lupprtHse Inflammctlon cud gives
tbo uflcctcd parts u cliar.co to heal.
Wlioopintj Couph.Croup and Hoareo-
neS3 nro elllcaclously treated by lr.
Jiijiie'n Kxpecloi-niii. It removes
dllllctilty of lireatlilfiK anil opprcs
flon In tho throat or lunpt, promotes
tho ojeellim of minus und nuMues
tliu ilolcneo of tbOMi lomplalnts at
tl.o outHit. It Is u Hafo 1'ainlly Cura
tive, of long-chUbllslied repuUtlon,
and iibcro promptly admlnUteTixl,
has nalilwl many to etcape erlou
Lung AlTectloua.
11000 . IIA'VIS A CO.. Wholesale Airet,t. 1'iirt-U-.
,0ri-ifiiii. lUtt
mi it uv iiiimki' mill M 'Hi (.!.
I imi, ii-i), l bn.ua ! o i tin .iwul&r t IU, an Uu
lutlii. i a ,nbiL kaiJ lrfi) kit Ii J I mn, U'" "'"
uuUiki.i ' iii'I),im l. tli il ociiiur. Ist A
liUruriKiiil ll Uylualrliis i-Ijiu, m u s. ,) Ii,
unuiitii rr4 Likiuivl.Kf -I.1-
ai I I Ml'
Aim N'f 8'-. lt; Ji.l"l
m-'l mm
i ssHss
-i '' -
f P. &iL MASONS, ii
a ' .---i.,." I, r.l''-i l
BT?rrJiTr"o.i.ci .-iieu i"j,.c.'iL?!iil
H.k.i.UIOtir. I fi-ua.a fliiTJlcil
H KK..C AOLM l(.l.aakracjfca
Vl llllM OCCItpy 8 JHUlttMII III till' tl. Ill rl
ji'iira.iliim tthiro .i' are ahle to fumiili the
fm mi m nf the N'ui tlnu'it a nc niaiii'i ill intnl
to their mteivsti mhI lirge cnniit'li tn ntTi r.l
uwi f ii icry tnpw whieli thej inn im'i t
hale urn. iim-ut. When e puriliaM.il the
WiiAi'TTrr KiiiMiMi, it ami u I alf i -.riri.
it n ii' t our ii ii tl it the I itit u
Mi Inn 'i.(iilil) i ilai, I ami i i, n,i it i ,
til it i" neumil hii'j t'i tV 1T1.H1 Mi'" Ii-
t,m jinini.il puliimhis" iturtliiif N.n 1'iaii imi
TMV "t MIMIIt' till IKI1LK lot UN II.
The people of tliu region iliacrvc to hale a
iicuapiiier of their on, ami tlni ii the onlj
one that ca'i be cillul to All otlunaie eita
nan or p.itttiii to n degree that preientii tluir
being accepteil as cNponuiU of the prineiples
uc (hoiitil all htild in common, or ailiocatis of
the iiitcrcits of the iK-oplccollectiiely. It is
liutorioim thit the papem that monopolize the
news atid so most completely occupy the lle'd itusn0M, Kducntlon Is not conllncil to Hook
of journalism, nic controlled and directed iu ' kenplug, i'entnanslilp anil Arillimetlo, bat
tlie intenst of Portland capitalists, Mlie.it
speciilaturs ami politicians, while the grasping
ainrico of the most intolerable monopoly tliat
IsknoMii to the Pacific Nortlnust, only re-
cciui (mm it wnnls of iDtmiii'iiilation.
With tliu spue nt our command at tliu
present time Me shall bo able to lour a more
extiinli'il field than luntofure. We shall give
the molt trnjHirtant iicms of each week, state,
national and foreign, so that a nadir of tlie
Kaiimi it can have no exuiie for living ignorant
of all important emits that transpire at homo
or abroad. It shall lie a tiuusptjur, and a
pteplia wh.i in ivery imjiortaiit aensv.
Tlii; 1'iliMHi is nut only fiitargi'd but it
mars a new dress, our tj jmliehig MM, so that
the print is plain to the oldist ejes. Vt'v lmpu
to make the matter published in its columns
eorieslKiiiilMith itssirc ami general appeaninie.
urn riismo.'..
Our iditorinl minimis Mill disiuss popular
quistious on their intrvniic mints, staiiibug on
the bruail platform of right and morabtj,
M here, unfortunately, political and siitartaii
jouniahsiii can sildom lu found, pi rhaps In.
cause it ih so wide and their Meat orilfih
and iiarruw, they Mould bo lost upon it.
fllllllKSI II.MIKM K M.'ll.Hl.
Our eiirrisiKinde-iiee fnun tho people hat si
Mttjs Km interesting, and uitli more room at
eoinmaiid and the gnatir circulation Me are
aujuinng Mith the groMth of the State imputa
tion, Mucin reason ibly ixn;et that itMintiust
ill iiicruiv. Wi-iiiMte all hitensted iu the
tiulil occupation of ninrleiiltuiv and rtiK'k-raii
ing to scud lis tlio le'tilts of tlu-ir cxh rifiiic,
or to mike I.iuimii tlu-ir Mants nr sviul inipiint s
or ingestions to our loluuuis, so to draw out
tliu iM.rii!iic of otlum for the public good.
Tin: "riitMiii" iiiiimu. iiikiw.
We hoiu to maku the I'lliMll: r.ccc ptuliln to
tho graugu by furnmhiiig hums of thu prurenH
of that gnat order in our omii rigion and ilwj.
Mhen-, and Mc- ah ill le glml to rueuiie cornnui
uications showing tliu progress of its jirmciplis
ami the fixxl ncuompbahe-d by its working
liieinliers. We encount' r, even among farmirs,
euiisidi'rablu opposition to tliu grange, and fn
fluent objection to tlio publication of grange
matter, but wu iutiud to hau room m tliu
1' iliMr.lt for all, and all the good ohjuts of tliu
O.dircf Patrons of llusUmdry l.aiu our tain
est symjiathy and diauriu all tliu siijHirt mv
can giu tluni. It is to l u-grittid that a
mulct)' that shout I l.ao foi Its objiit the
social, Intellectual nml mitiiiil adi aim mint
of the Mhole fanning isipulatioii, cannot lu o
loi.ducted in to eoinmaiid tho support ami It
sntt of oei) (annr in tliu l.iud. Prolnbly
there is n gnat dial of human natiiru luth in
aida r.iul itsiilu o tho or-li r.
uu: :ai.i;i-in,
Wu hive fiicihtius. through thu moct uliablu
iriintcsQuriis. for gmiio' tho ii.et iicun of
thu wheat uiirl.its in Nm Pianusm mid l.nir
jkrj Iroeilied up to thu licur if going to prc,
Wu can statu tliu amount of tonnage at com
mand ft r ) our use, and hI-iiM i.iitili all nutter."
that tll.ltuto tliu plicu 01 piicluiu nml thu prim
puts of thu MnrkuU in mUauiu in tl.u mti mt
of oar n-adei. Wlnlowo busit.i'.o t'igiiu en
eouiageinint to too llatteiiny Iiohm mu n-ittr
hesitatu to giu tM rib ib!u f.uls to tho people,
fiom whom our ujiport em.vi ai.d wtio-i ios-
er.ty is thu uicattirc of our om n
nil it we suit I HI I1MI.
In Mldit.on to Ha), original and cii.triliiit
id, relating to .igncultiiru and atbcl.-rn.sliig-1
'tho I'ftcilu N'orthwist, mo ali.ill maku win.
tious fion thu agiicultural joiinuli and atoik
pabluatious mu tecelie from all auctions of thu
Union, with thu eudiaior to toit-r all ground
iiicisfary for tho iufuniutinii of homo pro
ducers and tlio advancmuit of homu agniub
A certtin ainoiint of mi.elIi.neous and
scitntltiu junbng Mill be fomul in cur) issue,
with toucheti of thu humorous occiHioually and
sometimes a story of mti rest, suited to our
columns. Our Home Cirelu is combated by a
Ivly Mhouexn nee and literary tuitukccius
toipuahfy hertspeiiully fur that deparlimtit,
m!iiIu many yiars cxjieneiitu as a farmer's wife
maku it jwsuhlo for her to loniprehi ml ami
iiiiuuttr to thu social wants of a farmirs1
It is hardly nifessary to say to our regular
r'-adir that the r'tliMilt will always preserve
the best moral touo und iiiJuivor U carry the
beat and purett iiillueuies to thu family circle
Wu hav no b.'tUrness to rent, no angry wtrili
tobuidy will) any, no personal jntcru.it to d
vniuu at the expeiifcu o! tho general good, and
if mi 'iau anv inemles wu do not caru to know
i', ami cannot afford to puhliali It wo proio$
tfi lnvu none, at lea-ft among the peffjile, and
wo caru to havo no frietids, at their u-use,
aillotig their oppressors.
People of Oregon ' this is your nowspnpor,
and we .-H,d cily )our suj.srt to make it all
eoutaii d'.sirs, Can .e haiu it" Williach
J I foal Sired,
Stit Kmtnft
Imparts a lliorouli ninl pracllral Filueatlon
!i nl: commercial nml Kii;;1IhIi tiraiiclioi.
1'roncli, (leriiun, HpAimli, l)awlK and
TiicKrapliy. 'I lil leluvl liavinj (iiealer
faeilltlej, nml ciijny'nis n moro pxteimlvo
tmlrotuKi tli iu any laiilnr Institution on tin
l'licri Ci i r'Hitlnm to bico Hm-lalim for
nc ninl I" n in l patrniiii).t' 1 1 ' : ' 'ho rooiI
irt -) And onllf;htt-ncil JuiiKiiioiitof the pub
LIST 01' I'Arri.TV.
K I'. Uoalil,
II. M.Miiarns,
W. ll.H.Valmitlno,
Mrn.C. Woodbury,
Mrx. A. M. Hatch.
A. 1', Dulllel,
C. K. Morel,
V. l. Woodbury,
A. II. t'app,
T. n.Knutliern,
Mrn.W. J. llauillton,
T, Serepnl,
Uoo Juboni,
A. Vaudoroalllpn,
AI) vantages.
attention tOKcntl6iiianly m itinera and
. 1 I.. t.-l.l... ....I .1.. r... il.. w&
liiilinrui-1 piieu orunu vuiiuitr n-i iiiu nun's uun
ileuinnd fur a high position la tho Mercantile
Cntntnunltv. Tbo euiploymont of rnly llrt-clm Toaoh
nrH in overy Doparlineiit, ami In w'Mclont
nnmherHhoas to glvo rcfsotml attention to
uiory pupil.
Hh complete syntem of
by which piiplUarollltod loenterllioOount-Imc-IlntiKO
directly fiont tlio ol.rol.
The hitch HtatidlnK of Iu UtiuluuKm In th
UiiHlneHH Coiuuiunity.
Tlinl'altin takon to aootirn positions for
Qradtutmln (iwiil llUMlne KiliiblliliinonU,
Tlio aibulininu of ptipl!n ot Loth sexes and
of any nito, mo ibat young bnyn aro rpnderod
mom iniiiiiy by tho HNoulHtlun of tbo puplla
of an older aid'.
In having the lawt and best ventilated
and arrt.'Ki'd Schiwl room, nnd tho largeM
yearly Htlenilritu'o of any IlunliitHn Training
Sclioul In America,
The iinimidlatu nolincatlnn of parenta In
caso of aluiiirflof any pupil, nml the palna
taken to kroj) lliotn liifoimed of tho progreM
anil ilnixirtniMitoriliclr-.mil.
Tlio V'tiet that xsoti pupil Ikwiiiios an ele
gant iiiiPiinenri I'enuiHii uoforn (irtiiuatinic.
IIn ilojinrtiiifiitiiif Moilnrn I.niiguagoa and
I)rawlfi,in which cauli pupil can rccolvp
liiHlruetloiiH frcoofcliarifo.
Hh ootiiplctii Doparliuuiit of Telegraphy,
In whlrli Htuitiuila nrn fltliil to enter at ones
upon tbnlr illitlt h ax Opern'nrH,
I ).)( not Iiiuii UfuNclinlnmliliiM, Imtglvoa
tliiiroliuli itistriiction at reiiwiimbto rates,
Inilli'H eaniiilnnlltin from nil Interestod.
'I ho "('nllegfi .Tmun.il," kIvIiik full parllo
uIhm roKanllnt.' eourm nriiiitrtiuilon, terms,
o'o , may lie luil attheOlMro or tho College,
'.'4 l'oit Ntrool, or by Dddri't-nlnK
k i' iij.ai.I).
Scientific American.
TltlltlVM'Ot'UTII YK.lll.
Ttc Moj! Popular Ssieilifl Paper in tie
Only SO.'JO u Yt-iir, Incluillni; Postnpo.
Wi'UKiy. ia .MiinutTS a yi-ur. -i,uou
hook puce's.
TliktiiKtilie AursKas Ualarfc-D I I(t I U.f Wnllr
tnaiourof Slitnii Cairrs. nrlutwl In tin, imal Uull.
I nl uitr, imifif'y Ulmtralid allK rJtnillJ tugrav
tff, riprmlilliiir Ilia licMrt llilrlitlniia artil Ihs fno.t
reiriu Ainanft in mc Aria aim muiKta, iiiiniiiii ir nair
anil liitiri.tlnluu In Airilru'.tuiu, MurtliiUturr, Hit
llfiinc, Itiallli, Vnllral Invii'k', Soilal tvlmiiT, Natural
lllito', (li-'lu.'i, A'triHiuin 11a ni't taliiaUs
pia'-tlij a. r. by riiiluviit wiltcrs li all ilrrtuteol4
ef K.tiKx.Mill In to-ni'l in IlioSlrhllll. Auirflvni
Ttriii., fi iir i, sitAj ibtii ,i , aniiiit i.u.lfs
lu.ti.rc lliwtniiit to Aifinta Mnlo iviIm4. t.iitvnU.
htilil Iii a I raa.lalcr. Itmlt ly MtaJ urilrr o
Ml'NN1 ,V I tl I'uli'.l.l.fii, S7 I urk II... Srw ..rk
J 1 'I'lViV'I'k '" u'iioii villi Uis
J I IJll I ri, SviiMini kasKix, Mrurs.
Ill NN K ti ar. S.I lima cf iii,rittoti anil lurrLni
I'rftitit', luii l.u'1 I nfim ih rmu-a, slut iiu LaisUia
lar.-i.t -ti.' I dm. 1 1 In I In v .ifl.f I'uUi.u aro oLlaluMt
uiitlifbol Mm- i .ih.ial intiui I. nuiia In Ui
K.O Ml. i Ivikiiim.1 lII Imeit.iiiM Uiiltil tliruuuti
tM. Atrii i, Itli II. I Jino ami ri i, n . of , l-atrliltw.
Iij Hi ii iimiiM unuljUiii 111 ii. ,i in, .uUlo alluitlon
Uillrt-iuil to Or tinrilf ol ll.a u.u intuit, anil aalna ur
liitn.l Ml. ii tilltii la-il,, ifrU'U
Au .iou altu In, i unit? a i,ea 0,. our) er ln,rn
tln'i, iuuaftiitM.u, trif if ili.-m , nl,t;thr n Hilrut ca
.n.j,ll, U ileuiii.l. 1 uiitltiK tj the unJiraliniail,
tVp olu x'li.l fur our Man, I lloul aUiut tlm Patent haws,
1'aUiit., I'nit, Traili Maiku, llnlrii.tx, ainl liow pro
iiiml, vltli Imil.fur irmiirliu s'humei on I iiuiUwu.
Ail Ire, lor tin 1'uiir, or iuri.tfi,ltiir putfotf,
llt'.N.N en , SI i,K t .vcw aA,
llrui- Ii Olt i . ( i r I THi M , tt k.lili k'U.ii, Il l.'
iiiitr.urii ur
rilMd.rl iilismin lit .r rtrir tolht , u' Oruwcrsnl
I. Jiiuiisiiilliieui'Ji.lhini-'l. f(n,r.' itu ebsnee
In imirksMi 'lllulldl HllllllPII MfJtlNOS, and aa
uiliiKpulli Irliifiliil tMl Hif) ran, mil will an.
ilrsw.r in, ill Ma. ii of iliu mmi' uusllty aril valaeat
Mlflll ( IlKAI'CIt HAThH luan .urli mu poaalblr
r! Iiii i.rinl. hiauileailou and couiarpi u wliboUi
rrH if-puirri'id Iu lit' markii i r.. ofillnllv llnlu-d.
halt in, Orrt-ou
N. II The l!nm ami Itin lambs of U.u flock eaa
htiririiuii lliii 1-LANH I'AIIll edjolnlri; haltm.
1 no l!wia ran h !. at ir mite nlace, or at lbs
IIII.I, KAItM fuur ami stall n i ., cult efUodt
ha'em, heotuubfr III Hill
i:sT,iui.iMiiiii itas,
Willamette Nnrserv,
Oswego, Olackamas co.( Oregon.
Tlio ftulliipi li'un
Ai,d th uv' fsrlitlis
I'liini, .. .,,
I'iuiic, Vr'
I'fiii 'i,
Kmi auk H