WIJJLAMETTE FARMER iitol I Vl tie ,ir.i Hi o i r. In . Iti.i mi Inui I ice tci tit cit ml lie .111 t Ji In t.i .... if lit i.; n Ic I, n r. : u it hi ill T. fl 1.1 PI I I' t II r, ,1 !. u ii la I l'ii It t ir u IJ8BBD ETEBr mtDAr, DT OLAK1CI0 S-. OltAIG, rtniMf nxna and rr.iimtiTom. ft. A. cr.Ai.KI.. Ii. Y. ICAHi. Tcrtiin or Siilihcrlptlim. One copy,ot;oyiar (53 number) !t.l0 0a copy, lx month (36 nan-.ber) la'25 One copy, thrne month (13 nnmher") TS SAI.K.U, KM DAY, .IA.V 17, I87!. oxtont, ut lumt, ofclt'iiinlnj and ptirl fyingtho political utmniplipru of tlio country. (Vhh Hun J'urinrr. Farmers and Hers. rarraen and Consrcsi. That tho Agricultural community U t length beginning to nsscrt Itnolf, and that it is beginning to apprcciato that it must act as a body to induco legisla tors, both stain ,md national, to look a little more to its IntorcstK, Is bocomlng quite evident. Tho Prairie Knrmor, without entering Into (wilt leal (IIhcuh sions, or printing columns of neml political clap-trap often Indulged in for Mnsational purposes by cortain agricul tural papers claiming to bo edited by "practical farmers," has pershtcutly advised that If farmers aro over to mako tliomsulvoH and their wants felt, it must bo done by keeping themselves posted on current nmttorn, by action In convention, and especially Iil-MIuk. with members of the legislature and congrosH, both orally and by letter, that their Just wants whall bo attended to. That they aro beginning to appreciate thl.-, wo say Is evident. A. straw, in Hliowlng something of the benellts of this mode of action, will bo found in tho preamble and resolutions Intro, duced by Senator D.ivls, nl" West Vir ginia, In congress a few days ago. It would bo well tlmtngrlculliiral enliven tlonH and individuals l.'eep tills con utnntly in mind In this day ofMih'Idy conventloni, many of which go by mi other imiiie and only sIkiw tluuloven hoof closely covered. Tin dotumeiit Is as follows: Whereas, Agriculture Is lb.) ft titiilit tlou of nearly all our wealth, and ills mainly through tho iNportation ofit.s products Hint wo aro paying nil" our largo indebtedness, foreign and domes tic, and have the pieseul large ImI.uico of trade In our favor; and, Whereas, Although about one-half of the people of this country aro en gaged in agricultural Hi nil Its, and all other Interests aro dependent upon thu, our leading and most Important Interest, commercial and otherwise, yet but little has been done by the gen eral government tj promote agricul ture, while other lass general and Im portant Interests have been largely aided; therefore, Uesolvcd by tho Senate (the House of Iteprcsentatlves concurring,) That tho committees on agriculture of tho respective houses be, and they are hereby, Instructed to consldor gener ally tho subject of agriculture, and re port, by bill or otherwise, what can or ought to be done by the general gov ernment to butter advance, encourage and foster agricultural Interests; and that "aid committees mIiiiII have tho power to send for portions and papers. J.vorythlng In bee-keeping doo.i not depend upon location, Tho manner In I which many farmers keep their bee-, I nlmo'-t force one tu en. ludi that they are .illlier urn it.i o'eni or ignorant to keep them successfully, and that in reality they should not mako any at tempt. I will enumerate tho kind of farmers who can keep bees, at least enough to supply themselves with honey sufficient for tho wants of their own families. Tho farmer who has Hiilllclont sense to plant corn at the right time, and energy to eradlcuto tho weeds and stir tho soil to Insure u good crop, can keep bees. Tho man that adorns his homo with shrubs and flow ers, raises delicious fruits for his table, ami desires tho education of his chil dren in every useful art that agricnt turo and homo affords, will keep them. On tho other hand tho nno who has not tho Interost or energy to do nil theso things, need not expect to got olther money or honey from boe-eul turo. .Some of tho requisites to care, oven for n few .stock of bees, are, first, a lovo for tho bees. No one succeeds well who keeps beos with only large profits) In view, for In this business "lie who maketli hastu to bo rich," will surely rail into u snare. Second, knowledge and energy to do tho right tiling at tlio right time. This can bo attained by reading ami observation, and tlmo nud money thus expended will prove a g-ucl Invistment. Third, faith that beos will pay If rightfully ko, I. A like IHIth Is t.eces-ary in this vocation as that which tho farmer ex-orcl-es In all his farm matters, Cl. W. Xlehardt, in lieu KcepmV (iulde. IHsiMlon In the Horse. SJrface. Light lands, however, should ' have a Hat furrow; wo wish In mako I such lands more compact." Xew lock World. I JHCMlCt a J Goods! The failu.u of the negot'iitlons be tween Mgr. Ma-ellu end I'rlnce His marck recalls the mnl of Nlcbuhr. ! "There ure two "nvU of negotiations with the Roman curia," Mild In-; "iho-e which it common clerk could conduit to tin end, and tlio-e which the Arch angel (fabriel couldn't.." Strayed, From tho rcaiikncc of tlio uniluraigncil, in South Salem, alinriuculttli.it Hill bo tvto yvara Jit next stiring. Hu i very dark color, nml will bo dar. brown or bayi ia medium size, nml well put up. Hiw no white marks. Supposed to have followed oil some other horses on Tuesday, Dec. 31st, or Wednesday, Jan. 1st. A reasonable price will be aid for informa tion, or his return. S. A. Clakke. EVERYBODY GOES TO OPPOSITE CHEMEKETA HOTEL, AND FIRST DOOR SOUTH CF POST OFFICE, FOR . Kwukt Potato Vink. Tills re.lly desirable vine, nays tho American Car' den, for tho hou-o, is a rapid grower and Is inirh morn delicato in appear, unco under Iioumi culture thin when grown out of doors. .Select (tlio earlier tho better) a welbrlpeued tuber of the lted Niiiseiuouil variety s ibl to bu a mo-t vigorous grower eight or ten inches long and lour or live Indies in diameter. A dark-colored hyacinth glass Is a suitable an-! pretty holder fur the potato, but a common glass fruit can or biuall uarllieii J.ir will do. I'll I tho vessel with rain water and .'laud the potato in tho mouth of it, ulluu lug only two or three inches of the potato to go down lulu thu water. .Set in a warm, bright place to .sprout, tilling up the holder with water a-, last as It evaporates. rVolitbly a great many sprouts win sum at once in iui-k mic-eei-slou; break otl'all but tlne.i or four of these, as your vino will, by mi doing, bo much longer anil morn luxuriant. Nothing will no.v be needed fur the perfection of the vine, except to keep the vessel tilled with rain water. Thero aro ipie.stloii", political in their nature, constantly mining up before our notice, demanding our Immediate and earnest attention! iiucstloiis ell'ct. Tlio horse's stomach has a capacity of only about sixteen ipiart-, whllo that of tlio o lias two hundred and fifty. In tho Intestines tills proportion is rcvo's oil, tho hor.se having u capacity of one hundred mnl ninety itiuit, against one hundred of tho ox. Tlio ox and most other aniiiiils have a gall-bladder for the retention of it part of tho bile secreted during digestion; the hor.-e has none, and tho bile tlow.s directly Into the intestine us fast as secreted. This construction of tho digestive up paratus Indicates that tlio horse was iiiriiieii in eai hiowiy ami ingest coi tlnually bulky and Innutritions food. When fuil on hay it passes very rapid ly through the stomach into the Intes tine. Tlio horse can oat but ubout llvo pounds of hay In nu hour, which is charged, during mastication, with four tlmos Its weight of mllv.i. Now tho stomach, to digest well, will contain but alHjut tun quarts, and when the animal eats one-third ef his dally ration, or seven pounds, lnonoaiidnne half hours, hu has swallowed, at least, two stomachfulH of hay and saliva, one of these having pushed to tho in testine. Observation hits shown that the food Is passed to the Intestine by the stomach in tho ordur in which It Is received. IT wo feed uhoraorilx quart of oats It will Just till his .stomacu,'and If, as soon as he tlnlshcs this, wo feed him tho abovu ration of seven pounds of hay, lie will eat sufficient In three quarters oHm hour to liuvo forced the oats entirely out of Ills utomach Into lit Intestine. As it is the office of the stomach to digest the nitrogenous parts of the food, and as a stomachful of oar contains four or live limes us much of tliese as the .anus amount ofbay.lt Is certain that either thu stomach must secrete the gastric Juice llvo times us fast, which Is hardly possible, or It must retain this food llvo tlmos as long. Hy feeding the oats tlrst, It can only lit retained long enough for tho proper digestion of hay, consequently It seems logical, wliuu feeding a con centrated food like oats, with a bulky oao like hay, to feed the latter tlrst, gll.:glho grain I bo whole time be tween tho repasts to be digested. IWcin. English BERKSHIRE FIGS I P":keo rios at Tin: ust statu FAin- ontl l'lsr.. 1 ii . loo HmiiiM fur h,t Mttcr. aUi (or tw.t liour i tho irrounib, laklnjtljhlwn rUcni mr mtrlci o wi mrnun ihikkdi.vo SOWS, ntin liod hai Kt .iMrm JOHN WEST, New Mmi SlMkit. NtMt.si, or. ..... ... . .. order. Ali. chnioi rmuiir liOAIls. m iil hr..l u ,,. Jllfl THE D1NGEE&G0NARD GO'S nnALTiKui. r.vnit-iii.ooMi.Vd WfM ROSES TMl I1I7QT IIJ T ivrrlSl HE WORLD, l'lun(.iiiii'oV(yiir(nt- fln(lll((l'jnin.liril...vii...ll.n,nir.tn.,..wnj.u 5 "t,'.,-l,I vrletir. r.-our rhiirr. nil 'nljtlnl fur 4 1 l'J for C'J in r... c I 7.lfor8lOloor..reia. ' an f(,r s 1 1 :n firvii ,tnnll.Htll....nH i Vr!l,v,nK",",,",r,,,","if Oifr linillll- nttT t?i nS 'Jt"'"""" new ooide to nosn Mini rlmn.c frnni n-rr Soil flnr.t tort. tiii: i)i.cii:i: u. o.vaiiii c o., Boia-Oreworf, Wcit Orovo, Clutter Cj., Ti gsfeiFTlVtoicBOi-ijj 11 m ! i i riBL.tiiirMW i . MTOiLf.SMJ J- .'T'! iMlvAm.wrr tuiiiwi mrKi. ftil art ll'Htti. UJ I Ml Mt. (Urtmrtl hal I Vt .-. k.I .! j.. .... irtMB kBlrtllM-rllnfi tat hlk.llx , iV.-i fUlHlM f V1,U ftil U. t M- tlllll, IlW, til lartluiUt !- til n f.f it. Aiirvt D. M. FEimY U CO. Dstrolt Mloh. THEY HAVE THE NEATEST STUCK, LATST STYLES, AND LOWEST PRICES I Goods 3vr,rl5.oc3. lzx Xl.lxx Figures, and Soi3 Why can Ailccn & Farnlmm sell Goods so low? Answer: Firat. Because they .sell for cash. Second. Because they buy for cash. Third. Beeatise Mr. Fuiiiluuu remains in San Franciisco, and i.scoiiMtnn(ly on tho look-out for U,"rJ gains, utul buys goods i'licaier tnan tne t'tieajiest. Fourth. BueniiMC their expenses are low, they hire no book keener, etc. Fifth. Because they have no disposition to rob the publi'' Tlxoir Ui'lt ii U&Eo-tto is, IjI"7"E3 h.JSrX XjEST XiZttES!" OU. K. V. OlIANK, BHBVKT I.t.Col., llS-irKW)'i U.S. Volncterr, llfllr.i. IinrMit' I'lnrk. mi uir. '"H DO NOT FAIL fnftll ftirniir tnfiiliiKi,. ic rontiitii- tirlrrM L iililr-rrlinlii,, r i, I'm rrry nrllrl,. Ill urn. .''.ll ..a.il..il Id jniiiiiiiii-in ,v ri:imo. ,'iiiiir,i,.iiii. .K .- ,-,. i, r ... ,,,,j ,,r,ii',,- ' I-.,'. mini. Ian, ll r .Igrlrolltinil ,.,. Iln hntr ilnn ii Inrsr lutilr- iln-iuini i'iiiin In llin rriiioip ,i-rl iirilii- Tt-i illnrlr-, mil lint r, w lili Irti --r,lliia, rtrriMl. ',1 hi rtprdiilloii'i i,r ii,i. tuifrltiiarr. iniiiiv rliiitiiliix In hnr mini." n itilnir l ill in oil ii, ! rrt. tit. nmll t; HT,ll.Illlll,' TO ASIV AIIIMI.4, fiti:i:. i !.' ..-i's.ii ,ni.. n,.ril i ll r six, ,U in nil iimiililnil in tl,iilriln In lira In iioiinilllr to t . Itrli-rriicc. Hal .Nlllllllllll IlllllU.I'lllriiau, MOHIBBMERr WARD ACQ., Inlllill Ul-nimn Hiliply lion.,., i'17a -IIU U'nbiialiAi-.,'ilriiEi,, III. J. W. GILBERT PayH Oiirxh lv Hides, Furs, fc Pelts, w'Jt roiniiicicliil M,, SAM'.M. iy CliewiiiiToliacco wirll AjW pi-r (NrttrrinUl l.tixnltmu for Jit thii 7tNfi, Arcl ttUt tint 'tlj ei'-a-fff rtHmii0 no I rwj T'i !"' ti.. 'j r mf vnt hiti fclrlri trtit. M4rh In !-Mf mlutrst on Ibfctitr ro-li r mJilMii V.f n "n ry Dinar Hot I bj tt At ! I f r ! I s frtf, w C. .V. Jacijoi k Co., ltn., rierbjfrf, V. I A K rrlhrhifcr. A.t. ?!. I'fti.ciuo Railroad Nurse..1 sgg;5Sy:...a i $12 WATCHES For Only S3 Each. A BANKRUPT STOCK OF WATCHES. H J Warranted for One Year. PS . TJ!1" fc-nkropt tlock erWttrhri mutlb'lnM out 12JI?iV1,"",Wfr "tror Uirtr WmrlaM J" !r00 Ihtr r llvrreil ca nu opn tnottmtnu of mhrh hln mii L.mn . I.i'.. forilnlrnnydnuh. Tbty urutA on railroad- oi mbaau.krro Mr-ralt lima la rquird, utid iv,luiiAteUan. Ihlnkoril.aMUU Watch for onii.(w,uafa-Tanls4 on jrnr fnrtlmr. WIKC1NNATI. O..OClOUf lit. I71. ....!! wll-imrortlnir cu. It o oll nitbllilml ami .k 'L '"b, aou, anil n cbf'rrullr rrcommtnii . i: .L . - . tINCINHATI ItMT. AfiAr Ih -Iai,. nf a.l m ,kl. h.nk..l ...iL.i atebej, whlcli will rontinu 9a ilari from ,UI oflhu i PAIfr.naonlrr will U mini l Itu ilnllliiiiurii:ii ) if ml your orrtrr i nnr, Wllh racli Vich we iiiiiiiumir ap-riai Kamalr for our rar for arrural llm. Wa will fnrw.r.t n,. vi-.V,T.,7....;. !S?JZmS.'.Blr"f!.0' ' -"J "" If cuitoru, la ,M "nil uvea awrt'unu 10 KLU HritMlfT. (IWr-IUUil Vm .Sr.T.?.iM575 "rK'AT?.-" ' W c.ll nartlcuVr r,;.i.,.,..-V.."""' "-"-. mrj M ,,. NEW HUD KASPUHHllY. ItmrMla, lkrrl "' n t,. ... ! . i i.r irt lilir r'utt rUutiti; lll kli-rrt,-, I'urrant.. Ilrni.-a . (In.-ilmlri'v ll. II .'. J. II IIM.h. ..i null T'.nuki. ( ov. ll PAINTING. H. W. PRETTY WAN, FRUIT TREES on Iu-hI for Ihia Intr I ., : :-, coniWInj n Apple, Pear, Peach, An 1 .1 1 ir.-o qnilltlt if i "l IU!i:lV , At. V ' i thnilttllil liwa of till) tl siLVjun -hphtjistod. lit' HIM!) Ulllt till, Ih'.I tll.l.lMI .ll tM.I, .... .,... !.. SII.p IS...... "" '"" -u,,ur ,V J. M. FORSYTHE, CJTATK HTltKET. OlTOSlTK HACK Jt DRAY U rn.-a Mlile, riAKM (III. tr tlrat-rlaaa lltlllrn. tvurk itiuir. on ahnrl Muyll-lf O-fW Iht Adrrtl., rradlly at frumlllui f Out. nf-i.i.Tiu.ii.imiuviiuiiaM afiiM.-i BO OJDISTa CIUUH HICBOSCOrE. CMUrtJT IN TIU WORLD UarllM tw Una, KnalU aartruWlMlfvMal. ., 4 ay bmU. psatfaU. II atala. J. RID! at CO., ttl Bra4af, R Tart. Nr lUaatntot Clmlar l MttlUlNtna. GRASS SEED and SBEDGBA1N tt DIAM IN SOLID GOLDMli ONEDOLLARtiJ US J si. O?.. -c' fL W" Zz m.ogy'rt NDS IOUNTING S. ONE DOLLAR lion to I'ionj-li. Ufaira lla, at. halafauda,!. lib. ahahl MaJ. 1. L.r..'ro L.r I.-.. .1 ' THE ONLY PERFECT FAC-SIMILE OF THE REAL DIAMOND IN THE WORLD. I ronounc.il by Int Ac.Jrmyof Franca Ihil .V Tr, Lu mll.rtt.umrJarttf.-Mllrtittn.tJjmtnf Tto llTn Hlull. ail vlt TlnIl .!!..il.Jirl.! W! 1,,-ll. " rrllnhl c-ni ilirnwUr. Sv-iL'!. -s!2,-i-sris. rax r.sr:i urrrsi ruscits, Tmv.ji tjeirttJutitj.i'-'tst.mr. nN'RaTnClDT nc nucr nnii ad u.nn.-n.irrn. in- ur....,.., m.,, ,., .... ...i.i,. to Q w w 03 FI OWER Hid QARDEN FEEDS. AT MY SREI) BTOrtG, IVRTI.AN'I), NK lit bTAItK HTltKET KEltUY. Trees, Plants, Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Shrub bory, Roses and Vines. KAST AT TIIB I'OKTLAM) MT.SKKT. fnrr. I'mii (inpMi, tlK)l, Uitiiwr Jlth, Wi. j Wr, llio unrirnlnnl, ti-rrliy l,li(i Ihut a litvc et. amlnnl llio fruit ol tin- Mlur I'runj In a irrwii Ut alo, ilrliil liy tho 1'linn.lur prmoji. W lute olw t' .mlnnl Ihoroiulil) thu LNw'a (IiJJvii linii. Hum. ati.l flml thebllrrr I'runolarauinrlor tolt In ttry rmfecL 7'": -v ""'7 i-iivij, iiu . rwviiiiiiviii u w ut$ nui.Kiu-i'iiiii irrifon aan auimnor liruiir. hota la a grttiiaiiilitr)' tUtr. CIM. AT THE hTOKP Olt AcJr. II, II INJtil.V, tail 1'otlUud, ti-. I)ce 1, is:s. im AJ UKII 11. CII.I.VIH JUr-liHrM, Cui county, Onv0"- W, S. I'LUJIMKIt. Fruit lrjr. A. P. tlDIlKItTCO.V. WhTOtlainl, VamhlU cvunl)-, Ois. , , , . WJI, I'KIICV, Trotculonal I'runtr ami OrclutnlUt, Salcra, OfiL tiTitni for tttalofU" anj lxUt LUUtl H. W. PRETTYMAN, ' l-roprlclor of llallrood .Vuraur) , Kut rortUnJ, 0.-n. nov Ml Buggies, Carriages, Hacks O.V IIA.D. AXI MAJE TO OKDKR. Ah0, Alt TcIiIcIcn nopiircd on fibort Notice. IP YOU WANT TO ItUY 80MRTUIXC .MCB and now, orliavoacrrt,- mvlJuit lu oor bo Hod, etre u . .11, ant yoa alutll tuve lot! watt )ou want. If tho cirrlaco jrou hare arid rcpaltll. wocauiloltlnsood rbai.a. KNIGHT & LYNCH. Halom.Oct.Ctltf .. .7 ... "7.7!' ". ... ' ."r,. w-.t-ii in inuri.. ,'lllipr nrllfl a itUnn rtiri.nlr.1 K,. ui, iM.inuin.iv- wild iiiustrntloiijiif artln IMnnuiinl Jrrlr in a...i ill It.' uoi.i; mlii irw. mir Our Profa-vtr HttK'klirlilKi1, In mi i'.iy ou ilmii;lilii);iv.iil liffiiiv tlio I'liiini'i'tii'Ut .statu Itii.inl of Axrk-iiltiiro, stlil Unit tlu-ro ara two kinds of .-oil on uiory limn'!. IViiin-tho iiriitilttiral Mill null tin- suti-viil. "I'lio iirliHiltur.il Mill m.iy Ik two liiflu'i ili'i-ji, or Itiunvlio iiiiic, lint Ii It not twi-iity fii'i. it I- no liiK' onr wit I fiiro as a i-lu-s, mnl wlilili tlitnrtli.in lliiitirfiiiiiiiutr.iti. If tlio wo should liu roady lo i;r;ipih) ullh :i;rit'iiltunil U too shallow it ni:iy 1h , liko ini'ii, hut whkli wohliall novor ho i Kr.uliially lituiuil hy lifting an inch ithli' to do until wo nhako oil' till-, .spirit i of tho miIk-oII at oai-li iilotiL'liiui; hrint;-' of Indoli'iu'o or want ofcontldi'iifi' in . in,- It up to tho air mid ontlfliintrit ' I atMa it I IM la nvTltt .f i , till, the, ki-.rlt ., T wa4rtM Ua-i r. in ail I'll. Inn .h l.riNt .4 la. la..,. Ili.m bt. . Ik tm lurMil, ... s l U. ,' I HI ll ,k '..I t lb. Uh,rIUaM,M4a. l-riMWuiMriMIt Hi u.l , ill . ii, r rrult) r.'fim I the m r.114-1-1. hula.rrai i ml .lili. M,t U MH1.KI1 tl-'M. alllINf .MlJ. HI fl ). 'i I la !M 1 1 ! i .Ii mm, ..tun. n V k I , 1,, .... nir.. ,ui..i... -,111.1. ..f U I .1 .lUivl a'l Jwl.i f taaru.ul r.K4iM.lwa l Ik lr Ol.Uivut.-. I j-' Ik T.a.. llri'u.alHU fcllltiiv ai.B.A.1 r.mm mi Jw.lar tut I aia (l.t allb Uta 1...4', aiu it . ...U...Iikl.pi.r.l., II I, rr.-tr tk,tal llaaUr ,aU.f4.'U., i.i.ik. Ik.- .laaVra l r.,m.r, f Hal (rni Jaaratl .r Vir tlun.lrrrul IrfVvri l'uni.ili.lif..r Ono llnllur Ii,Ih inou,itl in ..ll.l rSnl.l. ny ifflHimluiiaiilUniitiiry, AiUrca all ordrra ta th ...-..., AMKKICAX JK.VK1.KY COMPANY, 5 Ana.le. CIXCIXNATL 0. 1U ia.lkaaJlrj tMraaUariaiilul:.ultvwM, ' -rirwrr3f ?SIftV TV. JSaano Jrnw1n-VCiipSili -jiiaiiariaMoi.. i' a" l T is t ria, Ai.l Inn (i1 an.! mi.r..lMi.l.li..R.. a, I, a nrlia tiiaii njrri'i r lliyiii-aaa.r'.. 11.1 . Onn't tio uiiii.!. .1 iy ,ri'avniH nji nfirur-ra of Infrtnalnir mi : ift.raihi, nunh-t rli II ll It rc.ti nr, uiura li'rnffiXxjrri-llin ' n1nti'itnor orihli iin-ic. . Ad.lre. P. K. DCliIIU'.OKi CO..Ala.cy.:r. T OUECO.V INDIAN WAISS OK lSSI, 'Hand '.W. All rwraona xlia renitcnil wrttis or din i.'ul mmilici or tnn)iart4tlon In tlio alutv win, ur the lid', uf uii licrain.. ,tn oht-vfn .atuiWa Infuniiaiuin 'o aitlrea-lni? M.I.IN lllTll...troillUto M AuJiiir I S Trr4.ur), Allorneir anj lmn.lliir 41 la, .ti t.rint 1U. t4-.li in.ton, ll I" J u.Bj T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... Plinx'sxiaolotrv, I'aUoa'a Block, State rlrcct, Salem, Oitfoa. PARTICULAIt ATTKNTIOS fMVKK TO TRK crlBtloua, .uit all order by null orepn 4-M promptly .Dd .ccnj-.tcly, PhTilcUm and Country De.lera will nr monay by .!.".." -?f .'HI"' or P.owlK our price., b. for. I'Hi.aiifiH, irviiivrv, ItOiO EBVOLVER PBSB ,:5,2S?r.KSL,ft! U4nJ.IK)WN.kU.S,LVIUI v.4 i I' n.t,,-; !. " STALLIONS FOB SALE." wiisinrsE VALUABLE INVENTION, THE WORLD KENOWHE.O mm .ii oursolvo.s, udiii'iito nud cnliL'litoii our iiilnil, and holdly as.siuiu our rights, utul ntrlvo to is'ii.taiu Itluim w itli a diK nily ooiiiiiitiUMirittu with our Import aiuc. If tho ..raiif.) would noloot m)iiio of Its mo.it IntolllKunt, Miinllilo iuoii, to invostlKtitii tho loadiii' tjuivstious com prising our polltloul .sy.stom, not us partisans, hut us lionost moil, In liono.it duty, roportlnc tho results of tholr In vi.stlratli)ii, it would tend uiiioli to aitroiiKthuii tliouclit nud huitilry lituuiigat us, ami bo tho moans to boiuo with iii.inuri'. l)ur at-rloiilturil -ooloty , loniiulttoos, hy tholr premiums fori Miiooth .shiny tl.it furrows, h.no tlouo ' tlio community t;roat harm. Such its j oftonost tukoa tho proiiilumiU tho vory I pooroat kind of pli)tijIilnj. Tho soil Is host ploiiKhod ivhiMi It is most thor oughly crushed, twisted and brokfti with tho mxI well oovorod. On somo I.tllll4 nf Ufll I Vl'i.xlil llil... II... A. ..... .....i. ... .. a ....villi ll.l.' IIV IMIAlMta i lajipotl an itioh, as tho Canadian farm ors ploiich. Let the air and water liavo u I'huuco to circulate boueatli the In workmnnsl.lp is equal to a Chronomotor Watch, and no olognntly flnlohcd as a first-class Piano. It roeoivod tho hlghost awards at tho Vlonnn and Conionnlal Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than othor machinos. Its capacity is unlimited. Thoro aro more WILSON MACHINES sold in tho United States than tho combinod salos of all tho othors. Tho WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT for dolnp. all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with oach maohina. w",'VTo'.! WiLiiON SEWING MACHINE ?.l 827 & 82D Broadway, New York; Now Orleans, La.?v Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago. Ills.; and San rranclseo. C' 13. FOHBTNKk, GuuBmitb, A gout, salcm, ur. I tla-f.1 U? nVVIVl MOISK :.TJ I '. TUN . f Will .tlloilu ur to u( t i. I ... n '.. .. Mm YOU.G K.f;l.v;.ij. Sire il li) 01 1 Kn.-hn J, Jam I V i - .r -ba,(.lij i;thif Aril. ls:. '! luiil. h. l,t0 njuna. l)4rk K). blai ....u Ili:i.MOT J4JIK, P4W In Ij-J, Jfj tur.li h'il .', ' l kvl!.r.!,,..lSI,l.'. h-ria 4,i .tin ,i u. . 1 1 Martin r'TLavii'. ik-,i, i Jl4. ,. li ll.hu nit. i.u . .IciriL.-.l i ,,,,. 'i Tn. iu .in.- hur.,, a, 1 Iroli t , turnou OXTAKIO CI2ta.lIl'En.V, I !. ijtltti. I ')JiiUl (Ml .' !) ru ! '. -' about l.uw j. it, j, uuurtnl dm, i -Mi) JOHN UKOWuMi. .4AaM.)l Jl UmhuHIu. Or Ji-vM Ml, i: I i Mil J. B. WLKSiGToN, JI, I)., LMo rrofi;or of DIcai nf the Eve and Ear la tb tUlom (Ort-f an) JleJlcal Colleec, Ofllre. Uclniin'a Hloclt, I'ortlmid, or, AU Surnlc-I Operstloa furDlfniw ol Hi 3Sye, LESJEfcar, NOSE, AND THROAT Slil.-,I!.'U,T .X1,OBMin OAT.in.irT riincltiS. anil fltOSrt iKS uralchttfciiil. .irltlltlal Kje Uua aticrttccut cf ttu bc.i Knuch mauaf-ctuie, w nana. nrafnc", nl U illicbarye. font tie Eir, end Vi, il Calanh, pajilcuUrly irctlyj. f.-lr U-llll I ll lo .Ur'. S!TTTI1IH REMFDY FOR BUONESS. .'Ift II JIT, IPa llMnMnnFrael-aa'nua ervatb ol Hair, u liUa.pa r ali..bah. u actual an, 4.-AI 6u.in a. CV., 3 custcu rivoa, Kcvr T;ri. NEW JERSEY NURSESIEB, Woodbury, U". J, GIBSON & BENNETT. HUNDRED TlIOfS.VM. TKLTO-N'S I1VT.LY lYoLflcani Reikis lliwUrrr. S.i.fi.0 Mnd.nlLi and lit.nr.tal Mraolvrrj rUnU, Oirvct (rum the orlg. nal.uU. .MUliocad other l"UcTr4,U.',, itc, .Sea Dc'ni'Jn.faruiti!. TraalMaV. 0c.l3i'Ct 0s?, RUPTlTKE I I'ae no mora 7IKTAI. TltlsSES. No roori, nifferict (roni Iron hoop, er iteel rprl:c IMeri'r' I-nlrut 7Iasiitlo i:iuatr Truaa I worn irlth 4ia an J crmfort VlnilT ar.l IIIV ,., i.llltir. form radical core when all nttra fall. Bftder, If ropiurui, try one. and you Mill nsi t-r if.Tf t It .'Sid fir lllo.tratcd llooli and file Mat. MAOSEriO tt.sT10 TltL'SS COMlitSV. (Inn S.i.rmnlpii'. "N FUANCISCO, C'AL. Zi, tcut t- null toRt' j"? 1 1 . ii.ini J7 part of tbviorlJ ,Tj Rictt:' ji tiS For Saie. mWKVTY HEAD OP OKLDIXfiS.TnnKG AXI JL (onr jear old. at Iit dollsra n hiad. Alu lifiv American drood man.. c. o. 1'OKCl. lilt IIilie Acs 16 1S7S. It I.UCJZU3 T.T1T.T,, BaccejiortoJ. M. KzzLtn Co., S Ltbcrtr t., - . NKW YOHK, CommtajHion Atsotxt nwrt BDvmo and poRWARnrjja fkom J.' hew aork Tit Ithmc, I'iclUc lUlltcud. and CjM Horn, all tlnda of Htrccandlie, and for the aato of lrodacu froo tee PtclCc ccat, for the collectloa of moM-r, Ac oelStX , i-t """M WWat.waaa., i naj'i