OMlMMMMWWMMMMWMlMMiMgaMWHWWWHlWllWWBWaiMHaBaiWWBWWIWgBM""1WWWWWM WMtS OF SUDSOHIPTION ADmTIMNB RATES, S2.30?or XVEoath I r 11 1 1 '1 c.( ail rrtWDjj hjkkm, for 1 !'( tllllitll, E-5,00 Tcr mouth I r tw 1 1 I vi $.-,,00 Set Month tr 1 . ttf., 1 ith rensnti'vl'le tr-nnt 'r ' tmii' .el'elb"Ctlient. Lrunl Aettertlsetiicnt I'hI'II.IimI mi I'mumMc Tinm iiiimxkss ?n:. lk'lrlnc literal vict!IU hue iiwcUl turns; not le than !j riuonth fiit aeolunmot tMrnty luclir. wUS fTTH lTO'4 --"Or ver. (jUlh tils Willamstie Farmer, Winn lld In wli alio at th lew I kt nl 82,00 Scr isnusn. ernitithe ..Wue-: f hliiiohi II nl i Hue! I. i I w tl .1 ;. pa; 'nu.' i' It t1 u i CUT 00,00.1: lren.'(trourlnaiUUc tli.iiKcnlUle $2,50 in avncor $3,00 after SU monlhs, ' And we prefer tohxe rn) Inudunco, Y VOL. X. TELEGRAPHIC. EAhTKKN STATES. A HiiIiImt Arrestee!. Omaha, Jan. 12,- To-day nil olllccr pnsscel through Ouiuhn en louto (or I.nrumle, Wy baring in charge it prlsoutr named .John Vnssar, arrested nt Magnoltcta, In,, who in sold to have klUesl three men during n brief on leer of lawlessness on the western frontier, nnd hai bad more or lens connection with rtago robber h nud roiul agent. Ho wus ar rested nt the instance of tuo Union 1'iicifia Company ,who havu sorlous charges ngidnst lilin. nail Il.proval irt'IlemiiuptltMi. A long and Important taucaa was hold by publican Senator thin afternoon, e otcil to the discussion mode by Kelniunds, Hint u commlttco Hhonld b appointed to draw a resolution expressing the approval of tho Benito at specie payment), and a determina tion to preserve the present currency system untouched and unchanged. It wu rbpro tented in caucus that the law tiling tho date for resumption originated in n ltepubllcitu Senate, nnd now that n record should bo mado upon tho subject. A comtnltto com posed of Edmunds nnd four other Senator were appointed to draft the resolution which will, it ii understood, express approval of national batiks, nnd la certain to lead to uu extended debate, PiMlnl l'liHuicr. Wasiiixotow, Jan, 18.--The following pos tnl ohanges have been tunda during the past week: Offices established - St. Joseph, Yamhill, county, Ogn., 1J. W. Dunn pout master; Malheur, linker Co., Ogu., .Samuel 1. Woods postmaster, l'ataku Jity, Colum bia Co., Washington Ttrrltory, Chas. 1". H tiles poBtmruUr. rotwaKterrt appointed Mra. T. It. Knnaii, Clnckaiuui, Clnckn mua Co.. Ogn; Mm. Mary Duuhiun, Coalt da, Coon Co., Ogn; K. h. Seueve, ("oqulllo, Coos Co., Ogn; .lolm 1'. Hubbard, Liilujcttu Yamhill Co., Ogu; .! N. Sargent. Mitchtll, Wbkco Co.. Ogn; J. II. Tipton, 1'atlirKon'K Mill, Dongla Co,, Ogu; Chni. F. Knowleit lliertide, Columbia Co., (Ogn; T. H. Civile hon, HaiiTle'H Inland, Multnomah Co., Ogu; Kdward Klmoun, Hwect Home, Linn Co., Ogu; M. II. Hklnuor, Wllametlo Korkn, Lana Co., Ogn; Jan, Horry, Chchalla, LswU Co., Wahington Territory. Aiiullaer Denlb. liepreienUtie Schleicher died lait night. 'A'mectlng of mambeni of both Houiea of Cougreaa from Texan, nnd other friend of deceased, will bo held tomorrow to take Iiroper action concerning tho dinpodtiou of ii remain. ClieyrniM Iiidlnni Hllleil. Kos from Chicago January 11th, states that tho Cheyenne attempted tocacupe from l'ort Itobiukoii, nnd wiro followwl and our taken by the troojH In tho night, who fired volloy after volley into them, kllUug many. Some reiUtance wat mado uud two soldiers were killed. Tho Timea correnpoudent lil ted the placu uliuu the deid bvdiva wue collected, awaiting burial nt noon to-duy. Tho pile con.Utod of 20 buck, 8 npiawit and 2 papooaea. Their grinning iingeii, U4 they lay there on the mow in death a cold m brace nnd nearly naked, presented n Night that beggitrn description. Tho 'Imiea leurnn that tho Cheyennea who revolted nie tho Indians v bono removal to tie Indian Territory bus been deferred for months in coiunpieuce of the failure of thu Indian department to provide them with enough clothlug to cover their nakedueaa. On yesterday the secretary of war telegranhed General Sheridan that ConimUsiouer Ilojt had Anally given order for issue to these redskin $500 north of clothing. Thero aro about 148 prisoners in the bands, nnd ns none of them are encumbered with anything heavier than a breech clout, tho $500 dis bursed by tho commissioner will lust about buy a pair of soiks far each of them, Four imt Ctsla Wautl. New Yon. Jan. 13. One of the national banks sold $7,000,000 i per cents to-day. CooU fur Mexican TrOMlr. General Fritble, formerly of California, is nbout establishing a bsuk in the City of Mexico, aud nlx contemplates organizing a transportation und banking company there, enabling American manufacturers to com pete with French and others who deal with foreigu countries through the medium of their banker. Examlulus; Kens. Cutcioo, Jan, 13. A military court of In quiry into the responsibility of Major Iteuo for the Custer massacre, convened here to day with open door, but reporter were not allowed to take note of the proceedings, Irou I'rudiirtleiu. FuitaDEiriiM, Jim. 12. A report of the condition of the American tradu of the pa.t jettrhr.jut been completed, It state that the production of pig iron in the United States in lb"7 was 2.311,595 tons iu lb"b J,3V3,0t!0 tons. Knrlliiiinkt'. Jackosvji.i.k, Fla., Jan 13. A Kiero thockof earthiiui.keas felt last night at nbout 11 '45. It Listed nbout 3d secouds und had r sontheait to uorthwest motion. The buildings were vioKutlv, shaken crockery rattled ami doors thrown open. The chock was felt ht St. Augutiue and the gulf e.ut from Vuuta Rosa to St. Morks, o.veill ns over the Interior portion of the State. Noth iug of the kind was ever experienced hero before. Comfort lor (.rant. Jfevr Yobe, Jan. 13. Tne Unitid States steumcr Uichmoud, uhich left the navy jard Saturdav to join th Asiatic njuadron, has ner cawns nuet staterooms elegsntiy ir- : uUhed for the comfoit of General Urai.t and I hi son. Tho latter is tn.vWng ns aide. Jfw aud tlabrtte curj. ta and furniture havo been added to the cjibln nnd ward room, nnd tho interior tlltlligH gieo it n pa latial appearauce. The admiral's cabin iiaa bivu titled up iu u suiujituotiH uninrer for tho expie-H iicconunoilatioti of Oiatit aud Hiiltc, Tho oUlcem wetu selected lor this Hpteialetuise. Siiunr Tnrlir. WAMJitUTUN, Jim. 13. The committee on way una uicieu to-dny. after further dis cuwilou en the ktigar tuilir iuestlou, ngrecd by u uto of 0 to i to submit to the house n bill tiling rates us follows: On all sugars, syrups, etc., not abovo So. 13, Dutch stand ard, 2 40-100 cents per 100 pounds. Oa til sugars, rups, etc, above No. 18 all mot above No. 10, Dutch sUndord, 9 Tl-lOOlbs cents jier 10U pouuds, nnd on til lagarit above No. 10, Dutch standard, 4 oat per 100 pounds. Orriroil Atrlr- Mltctirll to day pre Hinted n memorial of Win. Ualllck, pt living for reimbursement of the cost of supplies furnished ut tho Neah Hay Indian ngenrj. Washington Territory. Also n bill fur a post routu from llridge creek to Waldroli, Ulegou. drover presented it memorial of tho legis lature of Oregon, asking Congress to iuiiko annppropilHtiun fur the permanent Improve ment of thu Lower Willamette nnd Columbia rheis. Also n memorial from thu sumo leg islature asking Congress to throw open the Umatilla Indian reservation to public settle ment on the ground that Indian are deter iorating by contact with the whites. The Teller 'niiiinlllr nt Work. Nkw Ohi.eans, Jan, 11, O. It, M, New. man (colored), clerk of one of tho district courts iu St. Mary's parish, testltled belore tho Teller committee concerning the destruc tion of ballot boxes, nnd t Holts by Demo crats to gut possession of duplicate returns in his i' issession. An attack was mado on his house ut night, etc, stilmtiintiidly con-1 nrnnng newspaper accounts juibusuiei ui me time, V. 11. Nenl (colored', deimty sheriff, tes-, tilled concerning the Caledonian ullulr, cor- ei.. . . .....l l.. .1... ! l. -..l l..i.... V,,upw mnviim mcininm ..i.uj """' ""'"f, .".-." ... ""'-" uy tUepie.liliiutot tliuellet. It .a nominally found a eloreu stand en ktws in .team ' llfIll(,1 ut SocinM ,nMv, f, ibo law heiuiw. Ho publLhcd n sUtement to the ivmUl to appllesl or misapplied to any ob ellect that twenty m-emir iu all Were killed. I i.ii.,.i.i. ,.,iui ti... iii ,.j uiw.llt. Vn.ii iWi.I'j I. kilmiHt lilt k j ,u" w,l.r; .. . , . ., , . I tlonul I-lbends but they will probably re- David Wise of Texas, trstillnl that the c()UciIo theiuselres to It before it come to clcctlou vviis epiletand jeaeuble. Mis gill ut(, iu the diet house was burned by uefre.e. folle.wli.g. f) 1 ,:rorPr.,. Don t know the renson. liu nntr gvo ... , , ., n them aDy cause. . Haw-amesl coloresl i"" Dnnkcr, ex-wcml-rr of tho aermnn marching through Watirproof the day 1 ruUn iiur Ismvul. has been prosej.d fore hi gin house was l.univd. Saw HOO of p"10 IVus-lan minis ry for writiurfun ar them. The next eluy another ciowd of nrm-' " J 'e I,oll,H,dJuu11I"l , ,r,,A o( eel negroes camo into town. made. i deal of August criticising tho Socialist bill, nnd ha noise, uud crieel that they wero going to burn a fl',t, -" ''ks. the town. The negroes dispersed when the Nointel Uoelrlno lrn llio 1'npr. sheritr of St. Joseph arrived. They also Hour, Jan. 11. Tho l'ope's encyclical heurd that white men from Mississippi were t letter occupies seven columns of the Osserv comiug. I don't think there was moro thau ntoru Koumano. Thu l'opo inveighs against 20 white men iu Waterproof; we were vi-ry locial am, commuuisui uud nihilism, which much frightened, for the negroes threatened militate no loiigr secretly, but openly, to kill children and outrage vi omen. jugiiiust thu civil state, rupturing tho matri- (.iniTiimrnt heirvrjs. j iiioulul tie, ignoring tho lights of property, V.-asiiinoton, January 13.-The plan for claiming uverj thing. however legally or hon govtrumeut burvey proposed by the Nu-, ,-" "emiired, nnd uttewptiug evtu tho tlonnl Academy of Scunces. to consolidate " UK surveys in tho west and idaco them under I hlirrs All In Uiiln. tho Coast Survey, meets with strong or.iioi. St. I'l.TCMiiurui, Jan, II. Tne journal tionfroni tho War Department. Geo. Hum-, deSt.retemburgsavsthattheAmierenteled phreys, Chief of Lnlueers, write concern- Itusslan territory, not Iu couseijui nee of the lug ft, that tho Academy of Scleuces vxpect-! success of the, but to invoke the eel Its authority ; that scores of year must mediation ol Itussin. Tho Ameei will re elapse uud hundreds of million dollar bo ceive sympathetic lKipularity, but the Idea expended before such survey could be com- of uieiiiHOon la uu illusion, upon the clear pitted, whilo under the plan nowcarile-d en , lug up of which will probably depend the by the war Uepartment the survey win ikj compltte-el iu teu to utttcn years, ut not to exceed 2,000,000 cost. UiMiltion hi Hie Army Hill e.,u,.nTnu T,.nr.n ii t, I. .m..u.i - ! tho llurusidebill to reorgouUe tho army can-1 not pass. It is claimed that it subordinates ..,.. im., in ii,u r.M..r.i nf n,. nnnr Umi. reseutatlve Atkin. under udvice of urmy of- Ami liu nrmn,iHl n KiilMtiiut. uli eh ilif. fer in methods raid details, which accom plishes the some general object. He-duc- tiou are to bo made by the slower operation of uaturalluws; vacoucits to bo left uutllled, regimeuU to be consolidated as their strength decreases ; the whole army allowed to shrink to the desired limits; the retired list to be us large as necessities may require; supply of new olUcers from West l'oint to be cut on"; urmy to to be under the supreme control of tho Secretary of War, snbiect to the Presi dent na Commander-in-Chief. C. h. Hcnator. Nkw OnuEAKs, Jan. 13. Tho Democratic cnucus to-night ballote-d unsuccessfully for U. S. Senator, The last hallo' resulted Keiiner, 25; Eutls, 23; Jonas, 18; Hirrou, 10, aud thu bul.mce scattering. Tlie Itriiei Iuiulr)'. Ciucaoo, Jan. U.-Thfl military court of iuciuiry into Msjor lttuo's conduct ut the ' Cu.ter massacre re.umed it session tin morning. Major Iteuo appeared iu full uui-' form, aceonipauwd by bl counsellor. Lyman, It fSilUrt. It uui ili-M.l.,l of tho court should (list bring his ulleg.ilions and present the ca.e, to be follow erd bv thu accused with the r. butting testimony, This is the reverse of the order which Major Iteuo desired should be observed, The rtrt wit ness called was Kdwiu Mugnire, of the en gineering corps, who mi the ground suc ceeding the inussacre. He simply gave a de scription of tho topography of the scene. Tm Ijile. Maccii Ciu'xc, Jan. II. 10: le A. M. Thu drop hai jut fullri:, and It is thought that the necks of Sharpu and McDonnel have been broken. A leleyraphic repiievu has jus, arnveel, but about one minute too late. tlitn llse covenior reprieve armeei at the jail tU morning a scene of Intense ex- citernent c-urrtd, bjt ilthcugh th- cnlrnu had cay Itiit bsntcT j ftw moment j, there vatiitf i viGinttoTi rl tattlt'jthm etjwn PORTLAND, OREGON, JANUARY 17, Tho telegraph tmasengi-r reached the jail door bifoio Hie diop fell, but no heed whs taken of his knocking mid ringing, the wife of one culpiit haIng previously betn ex tremely violent outside. When the drop fell, the knocking uud ringing continued, aud the shei ill' sent out n man to airest the parties whom he imagined to be creating a disturbance, It was then found to be u lei-e-griip messenger with the reprieve. A brother of McDonnel who had been kneeling by the scaflold arose nnd ticetedly charged the sheriff uud bystanders with the murder of his bi other. Thnw at tttf tssl. From Cincinnati and Kentucky we have news of thu breaking up of ice iu the Ohio river, and consiMjutnt ilaiuugn to bout and bililcc At Soiiic'ixcl, Kentucky, the liver rose 55 fed, and lots of laud was ovcrtloweil und barges sunk, with heavy destruction ev- eiywliere from tlood unit lee. t'lnieiieiiit inietler. Nkw Youk, Jan. 14,Thu immense sub scription to thu 4 per oent loan have Impart ed u general feidlug of contldcucciu flunucinl circles. ThesubHcripiious to-day were 41C, 080,000. Iteller IIiiiii OulU. Waihvooj, Jan. 14. At n cabinet meet ing to-day, Si-eretary Shermati again called attention to llnanclal matters, especially to tho success attending thu resumption of spe rle pnyiirnls. He read letters from assistant treasurel stating that more gold is coming in than goiug em, nnd showing a prbfe rente by the ptople for greenbacks. FOKKHiTt XKUS. A u mil. Lommv, Jan. II.- A correspondmt nt I'eiliu siivs of thn proposed bill utl'ecting the ruichstugl that it )iructlcally abolUhes nil guaniLteo of frceslom of debate. With thu bill, It is in thu power of the majority to turn any otlVuding number over to thu courts. It makis it ii penal eilfelile for the press to iiubllsh uny speech which ha been censured 1 fitlit11i1i. IllullOwl TI... 111 UfJ uIiIiIIl iv L ."...-' " " .: niiexnecteel. and se-emi to nlunn even Na- continuation el til Journey CoxsTAKTikom:, January 13 l'riuce Ln banoh", ltussian Ambassador, has accepted nil the articles of tho definite treaty of lieace. as asreesl to by tue 1'orte, but clause ...... ... '-' relative to Ilussla1 aumrvlsion ovrr the execution. of the treaty of Uerliu. i'Aius. .lauuary la. me itmii annouii' "s that (Jen. ltorel hai reaigued the Miul- ry ui nur, nun umi uw, rureuiciuo win succeed him. freatch I'alllles. Vmuuillkh, Jan. 14, The Chamber rewes sembled today, aud the Deputies re-electtsl M. Orevy President ulmot unanimously. Three of the Vice-1'reahleut are Itepubli caua and one is a Conservative, The Senate will elect a President to-morrow. The Left have noroinated M. Martel against M. Dun difred l'asiiuier. 1'abis, Jan. 14. Theaipolutment of Gen, Oresley as Minister of War is grtted. General liorel ha been apjiolntiHl comman der of the nnny coqis. Illmunrek's Ijvst., Jan. 14 The parliamentary pun ishment bill continue- thu chief topic of conversation in all olitiral circles. I'Liro It more oiiiio.ition in the chancellor's scheme, than in Germany. Many persons 'o W ", Hismunk v.ill ult uiately succeed iu carrying the measure, with but 'ew chaug-s. The lluwlnn 1 li.vue. Si. l'ETia.EUM), Jull. 14. Uu!'I.U report state that there have belli -."J.' eases ol the ldigue. of which 212 were, u. the Ml- lage of Wettiualiks, upteithe tth of J.muaiv Iteiiltl III it Coul I'll. Calmct, Jan. II. -An explo.ioii occurred in D111.1 collier), KhondJ.t v.iil.-y, i.i.t nifbt, It is said there ulu Hi lne.U In tun pit. itit explosion was very violent, uml it .. fi-ured K ..4 .1.. ...... ... ,1 V Ii t ut'.eini.t at re-ue can b i i.le jet. r.ltli'K'L'MbJ. Triij Ile fjiivlfte I. Sat; Fra-scjito, Jan. 11. 1 h tnal of Tity Dve- x-iiubliv udaiinislrut'.r of Kae-r.uuti w cuuly. I r the in ilder of A ii T'tii ., wa-. ccn'lud d early tn.s iljikii.,; ut jiy, aftr 1 u. e.u .J m-niiii-s, luuu ! i. , t ufra-r.-r.-i . U. Mlnlns; Acrldeiil. VihiiiNtA Cur, Jan. 11. At one o'clock this morning the shaft of tho main engine of thu Cou. Virginia works broke, nnd beforu tho engine could bo got uuder coutrol, n tremendous amount of damage vvas done, fragments of tho machinery llew In all di rections, almost demolishing the interior of the building. The ulr compressor nt the rear was broken in two, timbers nnd rnfters reduced to kindling wood, nnd a piece of the engine weighing MH1 pounds was sent clear through tho roofs, smashing up n cottage COO feet nvray. Workmen were nil thu morning clearing away tho debris, uad by noon to-day the damage was estimated at $10,000,,', New tunchlnory was telegraphed for at once. No one was huit. lilnlio l.ciclalnlurr. llcisn City, Jauuory 13.--Tho Territorial Legislature met to-dny. The council failed tuelTect n temporary organization, owing to refusal of the chief dcrx of the previous ses sion to recogulzu the credential of member which were ctrtltlciitca from county boards snd the Territorial Secretary, and adjourned till to-morrow. The council stands act en Republicans to six Democrats. Tho Ite pub lican and Democratic! members assembled nud elicited n separate tenijiorary organiza tion. Neither party has n quorum, standing twehu mch, besides two contestant from Oneida county, Tlii Net ml n Kruntor. Sam Flykcihco, Jan. 14. The Nevada leg islature to-day elected John I'. Jones U.S. Senator by the following vote: Senate, Tout, ID, Hlllhnuse, Dem., CI; assembly, Junes, 41, Hillhousc, K. Nletelt Kxtlirtiigp i:iPetlou. Tho l'nclllo Stock Kichrvugo yesterdny elected thu following olUcers; 1'resideut, ('. L. Weller; Vlco I'tesidont, II. 1'. Wood; Secretary, A. J. Moulder; Chairman, Jos. Tilden; Treasurer, Thomu Whltely; Assist nnt Secretary, W, T. Atnocsl; Executive Committee, A. 15, Flupps, N. Doyly nud W. M. Kdwurds. t l.iirlirj House Kle-cflnii. The K til Fmnriscu elearlng house elected ollleers tiwlny us follows: President, A, McKlnlay; Sucre tary, James H. llutchlnsou; Executive CommittHe, A. McKlnlay, of thu Hank of llritish North America, Thomas Drown, of the Itauk of California. Jrme-s II. Hutchinson, of Salher A' Co., II. W, Oleiiuy. of tho Nevada Dank nnd D, Colin, of Lazard Freres, flip WvntHer at Kan Francisco. Wratlipr, i kVnW that the storm which prevailed over the northern and ceu tial portion of tho Slate last night is this morning extending southward over tho whole State, It is clear and cold here to-day with north wind, , l'onitrr Work II to mi up. Sav Francisco, Jan, 1C Jhe giant pow dir works of Ilandinan, Neilsen ,t CO,, situ ated about half u mile south and west of tho keeper's lodge of tho Golden Oato Park, blew up with it terrifto explosion about 2,30 this afternoon. Tho mills are located iu the heart of tho sand hill. This explosion is the third that ha occurred siuco tho works wero started. Tho value of thu property de strovod was $50,000. It is now ascertained that tbreu white men nnd one Chinaman were killed, one (uinumun dangerously in jured, and many moro, IkjIIi white uud Chi nese, more or less hurt. The names of the whitemeu killej iiro'OscurCarlseii, a Swede, and Eivvard Mortis and Samuel Thayer. IIikIIi niurs. Tin following mines located at llodle min ing district have compromised with thu hold ers of Statu titles, viz.: South llulwer, Hill wer, Standard, Noonday, North Noonday nnd Concordia. Thu terms nre not stated but it is understood to be an open secret that the object of Hill Lent's visit Kast is to pre sent the rase to the U. S. authorities nt Washington, CONOKKHSIONAL. a.iint. Wahiiinotox, Jan, 13, Cooke, llayard and Hamilton were ap pointed a committee to arrange for the funer al of ItepreaeuUtivu Schleicher aud to ac company the remains to Texas. A bill paused without discusslou appropri ating S250.OO0 for u tiru proof building for a national museum. It was then voted to attend the funeral of Mr. Schleicher, and a rees was taken. Iogall from the pension committee, re ported, without amendment, house bill relating to soldiers while iu the service of thu United State, and placed on the calen dar. It provides for the payment of their pensions to any persons who wero deprived thereof during any Mjrtiou e' :1h lime from thu 30th of March, 1M;5, to thu Clh of June, by tcitsou of their being iu me civil service U the United States. The Sebutu pioeeeded iu a body to the hull of the House to iittind the upon returning tu thu chamber adjourned. llllllKt, The iliutli of Uepreseiitatite Sehltielir , is i.m.. mined, and (jid.lings. Shelley , Me. Keu-ier, Mm Her, Luring, llreutuund 1'uaii. send npjMiiUted it toimiiltteu to liecol.ipl.nj l)i, i IbIii.iiiij. t.i S.m Alit.ilil i. 'I ho House tLe.i adjuurmd as u fuitlur mark of respect. I no lejinii ii iue e.imiuilli o ll loreign ill fairs reti'imxeiidilig the p.ijt'lint ot the le lu.i.nder if the tKry of the lt'" P.pieen t.itiie rtjhlen her us l l(i. n.b. r o! the 4 'til Congress Ij h.s faiiilly, and ie ;ae.taig 'hi liext Cul.'le-s Iu luitkn a s.ln.. .1 apple plla Hull e: his salary as u lueul'ti '.' til' s'.ih, Congress, whs uiihuIi:io..1) (.ne-itu Thl inn rl servn-es la'.o plue i. j h: h Uui a lee A .IS tun- II i.'j1 Ii lure tile UiVJlli tie P U. . V e. tj.ili It w rt' .,," 1 . J . i . ,,' i 1 sua- thu - c j ' 1S75). preiue court judge entered tho hall and soon ofterwurd the body of Mr. Schleicher was borno in and the funeral services were read by thu chaplains of tho House and Sen ate. At tho conclusion of the funeral services, nt wixlcn tne I'reslelent ami cabinet were present, tho remains were removed from thu hall by the committee aud escorted to tho eletHit, wlieuco they will be sent to San All' totiiu by this enulug's train. fcptuttp. Washington, Jan. 14, It was agreed to cousidir on Frid.y next tno tuns on tne cuieneiar not ohlecteil to. Duller submitted rt resolution directing thu secretary ot tho Interior to inquire and report what railroad company Individual or liulivieiuais nre imiieling n railroad .urns the public domain in Arizona, und by what uuthority the road is being constructed; agreed to. The vice president laid before the Senate tho proceetliugs of a convention held in Chi cago in November last, for tho promotion of American commerce That part referring to ommcrce was referred to tho committee on commerce, nud that ,urt referring to railroads to the committee em railroads, Tho Seuute then resumed consideration of unfinished buslniss, Wing n bill to amend tho patent laws, and Matthews stated nt leuigth his objections to the bill. The amend ment submitted by Morgau sevcrid days ngo, provided that "whenever the court shall be of tho opinion that the suit of plalutitl or the defense of defendant, was vexatious or mali cious, or tho Infilugi ment was willful, the court may uward against the party utility of such vexatious nud malicious conduct, or said infringement, such sum, by way of counsel lee nun expe uses eil the suit, us It shall deem just nud reasonable;" ngrecd to. Thn bill was then laid aside ns uiitlnltlied business, nd join ui'd, 1 1 else. Hy a vote of yeas 112, nay 105, tho Gene va award bill was poslpuuiel, anil tlu House went into committeu of the whole on thu bill for payment of pensions to survivors of the Mexican uud other w.ns. The House iu committeu of thu whole ua elided thu Mexlcau war bill, so us to in clude within Its piovisiou all survivor of the union urmy iu the late wur against thu rebclllou. The committee rose without Hind action uud the House adjourned ufter mak ing Willis' bill to restrict Chinese Immigra tion n special order for the 'i'JIh lost. Goodo moved to embrace iu the laments bill, officer and privates if themtrii) ser vice; neioptcd. Siuueckson offered nu iBeseUueit fram ing jH'Ubloii to soldiers vbo nerve ! Cy days in thu military or naval unioe of t 9 United States in the war of lb'il fcr the an;jressoii oi tne rebellion, Williams, of Oregon Jiicvej to aacud the the amendment , so ns to luclucli mivivors of the Oiegon and Washington Indian wars of JN3& (l; mloptiel oil it standing Vote On Klniicokson's amendment the yeas were 87, and tho nays 79, und Teller's amend ment was agreed to on u vote of Uli to 8. Hewitt, of AlaUimu, moved to strike out of the bill tho porliou gtiaruntee iug pi usiiuis to survivors ol thu Indian wars, nnd also the ameliduieut just adopted iu motiou of Slu mcksou, llurclianl offered us n substitute an amend ment striking out of the llrst section every thing but thu direction to thu see I clary of tho interior to place on the pension rolls he inline s of surviving soldiers, luclu.liug mil itia and voluuticis, of the military and naval services uf thu United States, tithont specifying any particular war Halo offered nu umendment to substitute, so as to leave simply the ami mime nt adopted iu relut on to the late war. Ilurchard accepted tho nuiendmint. The vote was then taken on the sulitltute by Tellf r, and re suited 07 to ''7. Chidruiau Ddeu last hi vote iu the negative, uud the substitute was defeated. Cheap Labor not Desirable. mm Npcsth f Hon. Jso. V. MUltr la Catlf.tstla CailltntUaal Cnveatloa Tlio ijuetion hcru is not inoivly uu to tlio ecxiiioinios of litlsur, hut what is tliei t'iTect of this iiimiigrution ujton tlm in create: uuel tlistrilititioti of tint human nicei in thin country? Our civilization Jiah linxl our jivojilo to it certain htylt" of life-, wJiicli to (,'ivei iiji i next to ileutli. Tho American toulel not, if ho would, in centuries U-coiuu hucIi ii matt ie-s tho (')ii liitiiutli,ulil la-iiven forbid tli.'it hu ihoulil. If tlio Cliiiiuiniui coiueii nnil occujii'-n tln lielils of Iitbor now os'ii Ut tlio vvlntu man, it operates in n stiuint uf m.uiiact niiinii tlio wliite-H, umi htops w)iit- iiu mi'iiitinii. fuci-ivhoof ul,itc jxijiulutiiiii is thereby stojijifil, for the jinnli nt, in ti'liigi'iil, syste'iiiatic white mail will not Ini'i",' iiiiio-e'iit Is-iii's into th woilil tu he-i tl.i'iu hufii'l' and htiu'Vit bofoiei Ilia iyi' . Ho woulil tilth' I ilio without tliu lioji" of jHtstt'fit.v h that. IIe will nut nun ry uiiIuoh Iid cim sit n ii'.-isona-li!n ciinm.0 of maiiiuei.',' witu us well a L'liihlivn, I iviHMt, tiieiclyii', tliat to iiMi'intt unliuiittsl I'hiwmi imuiigr.itiou in to tjusUtuto (Jhinnincji (i,r ttjiito jiojm lutijji. It must i'Mti!t .i far im it pms It !nt so iesu!t ' .". in. .it It l,,is ' .i I. 'ms v .. I- .. ,-,.!,. .', : ' i- V.' ' ,:, net' , . .. ,. ' . ' , NO. 48. Iiounili'il nnil tiiiulilril li'innniil Maiuling on tlio hlimv of tlie' 1'iioilio jieusively, sJiUy lookinj; out upon the In-oael t-x-jmiim) townnl tlio M'ttinjjMin. We lutvo loft tho Iiulinn nothing, nnil nothing of him hcitrei'iy remains Imt his sail, doleful history, it history of outnigo nnil vtioug. No iiiuik is writtt'ii umiii the jjnivo of liis nice hut tluit nut'iil, ciut'l vvoitl, "l-'ute." He is gone ilovvn iiinlcr this siiine rileiitli'ss litw, the Mirvivul of the littvHt, uuel now tlierei nie those who would supinely yield to thn hl.'inil, cun niiij,', hALli Cliinuiiiuti nil that wn linvii wivtetisl from tlio Indinn, nnd writo over the huriiil 1iom's of our nation; over thu touili of the Anglo-Snxoii civilisation; over the wpulclitiriMif rt'imlilicmi liberty, that Kitiiiu fentful vvoitl, 1'ittel Ami till this for tlio Nike of OliiiHtiimiring the heathen; nil this ls'cuiis" of tlio brother liorxl of man. They woulil Mongol! this land in n vain missionary elliirt to lii'iug thu (''liinaniati to it kiiowlcelge of tho truo f!oil. Ho Im.s li is gods, whom liu will not ilesttoy. Jin cnii'H for neither the niinsionnrv nor the inissionnry'H Coil. They tell ns tlmt that the emtli is the iiilieritauie of all men; for nil men lire brother, ami e.iclt limn has u liglit to any juirt of the inlieiitance ho may choose. They miibi it Mougonist of St. l'uiil, nnd titoti lim mitlioiity for the fact tlmt of otto blood nil tlio liiitious of tlm eat th wero maile. What eliil St. l'.ttil say I Ho KiuM that "Clod hath iniiilo of one lilooil all nations of men for to ilvvill on the fiii'n of the earth, ami liutli ile'tei'inini'il the: times before appointed ami the lammls of their habitation." !oil inmlo men into natioiiN, anil dot"'! mined tho IkiiiiiiIh of their liabitntions. We take thu world of men us we liml it. They nru eliviileil into viirietioH umi liighly (lilleii'iitiiiti'd tyten, I'licli with tlm bemniis of liin habitation lixcd. It is ceitainly light that it should lie so, or it woiihl be otherwise. It is in tint econ omy of piovidi'iici) that men hhall exist in natiniialities, umi that they ahull liu iliviilcel by tlio antiiutliies. of nice. Why thin should Lo ho it is not for us to imuiii' ; that it is so, is enough for us to know, mill the history of mnn sIiuvvn that in whatever age, whatever time or dime nil attempt lias boon iiiailei to luiinlgaiiiatn two or morn distinct r.iei's oi types of men, tho result lias been e'lll.llilitoilH to both, lillt morn ml'. tii'iilarly elisastrotis to the superior nice. I need not dwell upon thin tlieiuu all l.notv the gieiit fact. In this I'lauitry theie cai no exist with safety to the leiillblit) V it iiu the jurivlii'tioii of tho government uny con- Miler.tbln ioiuhition who are not citi wiik. They bi'i'oiue, for ono causo or uuotlier, a ilistuibing cleiiient, und sooner or later must Ixiini'oriMirateil into the nation to prevent collisions or a tutul eli'jirivutioii to hiicli M'oplu of nil human rights. Tho Cliinesi) must, if th'y re main, bee.ome eitieiiH or hIiimm. It is a i ehtik inevitable. If wo iniiKt lutvo im migration, let ns c'lioosii it f i oin thu An-glo-.Sa.Min nice, or kindieil vurietiea of men who will build home.", umi lovo lib erty; who aiireciatn ieitililienn institll tiotis anil the gruiuleur of western civil ization, anil w lioKo iutelligencit ami toy itlty to the piincijiIt-Kof our government lender them worthy of the. greeit juivi lego of American citizenship. An Indecent Donee. Society just no that is, tho jut) gressivej socioty of Washington is vory much inti'iisted ami just it hIiiuId Nliockcel hy u new wultz thatis just luonght from New York. Thin wait is calleel tlio " Wave," anil it is oxix-ite-el will aup plant thu Kiitilar " Itoston." "Thu Wave " is it most gniu'ful elaiice. It is mado of liopi instead of glides, itml the vigoious hojiH iie('es.i-y to tlio mjcc-oxhIii! ii'inlitliui ol thlu wait;', piealiito uu iiu- ai'hi,ioii mi tlio minds of npectutoi-a that' utvoiTi it little of inilweiioy, "Tlm Wave," with its violent exercise) uuel ee eentrie moti'n, is constaiilly li'iiigin tlm liodies of t!.D il, Ulcers into (ilntiict, mid if Olio mil judge fiolu tlio blnr.ill'' ifil esili.r of bei'.h otrtnei's after, wtvviul moment t of this iluiice, tlio U'ot of this constant instlii' in istsli otlinr'.s urius It ii.ythiiig Imt moiiil. A tliixhiug blondo young vvoiiiati fi'.i.i . ,'tovv,iXi'tV '"w. uitru.iuj-vl thts eh.i.u', (VhJcLyiirimiirJV) gily uU- .,i iJ.vtWvf!wIl''' Ai . L . .' . , i .. " . -i. i ... . r.'WVw ivii'i'Uti ' Uu.ti" in t)' ' J'lllf