titor t l w, 1 ,H ir r, I f - a , -x lit lli;r a if; linn ( miic Imfng It is Jl 1 ecu I teds tiit cinil tort) uli : lie i 3 cm Vfti J'-K lln r .' tc i.n.1 1.1.11 111 liar 1 I of tli .nl lr.ii nor I I i.o t , Mil r.i!l : mil ilo ivlit UliU til Ifiiw it)- ItljKI till l till lllgi ", liCc uii otl !, fri at ni IILi t,I it I'-i It ii.. ti !.( m ,,!: ..-il ri II, , Tli ;1 Mm 1 II l" U I M; -i iv I'll) ut Ml La t 1 tli ' l' it lui v l 3 n ili c. I. I'll : 'r '.. . QL1. 1 tf w nin-trat-iio il JIOW HE WON A GHOfr. "It was 'inii iii-. "Jt vat tlllllllt i. ' "It wns a ru'im I ! ctl The tin'" iiji'Mki-iH l.i ''i-ij three divcim nj iiiiorm c nrouii'l n dipniy to.'t if i, . eery st'Jin of it i'i. ;..'! 1; h SI' I ,U' l.'.t '"I'l IM.'- Tho tini" w:.s over ''J y the night n. li-i. li'.'il ( i chilly, in Nov, ul... '.y olll citixillH, ii..' I'V T' I. "K" 111 I ' 1, ' II Ioun, b'lt (fustiiji, wl eiinnge thu ti".-H 'You w-ll .1 , l.rl hit ttll't Jlfr holy v.v,' trtroot, tiint It w.i. I ii.'. "Of course, '.'.rsoti, of (oi.-e, ' homo hi h ih'liiiui.i," intii'KH I ft t I'' Deacon. "D-d-d-ilon't go too fnMt!" wiiil t anon, stuttering with wruth at l,'ing inter ruiteil. "I ain't got through, lt-r hands: went blooly, mi' there wan ii . ut in hur nrt'k. A hi How's that?" "Fell down mid limt lifiwlf, Tim', was proven. Ynii kimw that UN lliii coroner's verdict," iimiw-ieil tli" f'"in")n, turning tint to ('in tin end tlm u yt to (tlTjMhlll'illl, V. Iiollllii ('.' IlllOll fur li.Mlltt'l. "iMil 1 .!u:i't I'.i'nw noihlnif o'"pit ilni tVovm -. In. lii" to i; at, KIIi".i (latcmi'.ii uu'i ii in ili ml. Set i l!:iv!i I known 1 iliuk '. U Im'.u it .r.,. luit llt I'iil. SI." I.ill-.liu .'.!! .' ami 1 1...1... !. II .... I...il. I ...1. ! . ri iMmift .III 11' "l ,11' j,jiii i. (ii'in in i.itini- Kitioii to any Io.-u!j!,i ui'i;iiiii(.it ui i-'." rontnu'. "It Willi Mli'.'illl, ffinjI.lH, Hll'l I'l it, i I why k'io iln.i't !'.n htill i'i 'arjci-nw-,"HiM Mr. L'nihon, in a Holcmu, la;! i-iMHtitv; vok'o. "JJliu'ii the ghu.t 'f l.-itintt btiid!.' "KtiJ-r cti'iil tlm lita no Milch thing km IioiU "Hnf you !t"ii 'lui, ilot crii'il (.Ihi'mIii'Im. "It'H th" t.ilk of l!i" : . Hi, "Ti.l'll'l vol n.ii i, ' ii!"' , ," wi;'H 'i, bill). "Hut you!" t'xi.'ltii:.!i! ! ii- cchiij..i ii.,in at uucc. "Vw, I wiw Imt Ir.. n.'j'lii," i.-,"liiil Ciiroii, hit.'hinu J i in i)ii:ii' I'liji.-r to tin two, ninl (l.'i.cj.in-j ,h m,:c.' nlin.: toiv t j.,ftl. ,i 1..1.I t'nt-, mi.l voi.iK to wliiti,oi- iiH.ioiin ..ii'ivi'i', n Mu-it ) oniw.'i'. The yoi'iip m 11 wcr.' iilmo.t Mw, cmi lii i'i Inu to tar jLW.it ".( . I i.inilvfc.l liv tin- nil n. t '-11. M. iwr wiw "It wit liv mo ln-.vly, ii;;l.t nr.jN tliuj t,yij. u jV,((), ,m f(1(l. tI.,(,.tt, UinMiiry wc.j fii.sn lilliol'.'H, whi-'i tli" IhhI.v v..w.,,,llil,iv,.jl,fj n,,!,,,,,,,,, J,!,,',, JJi,j;,. fonm). Jt jmt Jloitiil iili'tii,' (!u'ii thu fn Hmj,., !V .. wmtlii.it l i.iom- Mrr.'t, 1,1.(1, -,.l...i it t in Jr. !'. ..! " inciii they tl'it w tj.c H'h nhiitw apiia it put it lia-uli tiij,tii- ;, :'i if i-ivyinj;. v, v .,. U':ut, i.'k'. t'.- n, ft-: 'i" f ;. . to T''f fc ,".'.:; J'J'cii 1 .t". . '.'",i.lth'iii',.u 1 t., ,lw ,,,,1,.,;,.,, ,. im, .t". . -.'", i.l th'ii!j,u 1 (j,,.,,! ,,WII (i!,ii,(,..;i..g If (4 U ''" I, .l M w - i M r k. ... 1 - n- tii f. 1 - . imtaiii jvhv ii nai in. i- " -" ' I V 1 1-....J . .... i . . I u ttf I, .1 uli ui hvijtli mul 1 1'.' with - J vri : in tlo wnHl, uuil i-'mt 111 ' : .. I lilcli I iluuttt," n. v., .1 .1m .' i'Ts-.-i, now nmnwl thin uj,iiiii, in a w ul, t!'.'roji.:j..-, ".Inry .'. 1 i utih-.l it. It wab nobml;,' iuouihL" ituv'r iiiimnHl ih'.i. iu;r mlxi'iitnro '1'J like to Hwi Unit ti'nM it niy iu.u t!, uiyHti'tv i'i t :.,n fir wockn, t;htt," rciiiarkrtl yuiiHK Minr. "IVi W1,i tm city puperi n r: up tin Rn-.t pin linvn liirn Uill.inji ulmatluH Uiinj,;' oxu,,,, m th m.,ht ...i.lri'ful ntjlu of t'ura foHnigliU It mnywiiv olu wai'imi I uutruili. Wlmt h- . w nf tlm jthir t w runt rbiMri'ii, tMtt no ii.,ni oijgl t m " ' mwjfht 1 !!! . iimtotlm wimlow 1 nfrnfil." Kru tlmt wenum m ".'" i.wu roiiipinj.' )at' ht," wihl (Irii'-hcliii, pi.:-!,' with ih I'hihluii.'l Ii'h Mr. .Mom-rl inaly. "tJllwi, !w viut 1. j.'i'ut tii, n.il iji 1,nrtalt in. i-.'i ..!mi tlm ahmt v ahTcwpit In n Mtrty graf, if 1 m at k.luMl." j jrt.,.y um j. a.lf;ht il ut nixl.t; mul 'tiuiviUk'," wild 'uiiniii. 1 ,1 u.ility noo.l apu :-. Jh-h J.i'ii. i yi! "Nutninl tliwth," n'lnmim tlm IW on. Mha kiiown nil i'.l-' it," mvn Miner. "I Tb"y nil lft tin ir isJuu . HU& u your tcxth." wipR-uu Miwr, with a kiugi). "Ah for 1..", "t'u till' ItlliKl I'i, I itft"U'." Ftr tlm imxt tv.ti "i):n the i'nj" w.ih Rtitiitivl liy t..H. cf th!-. Mjiirit if IvIImi Itut '111111'. it v.-ih v 1 it Iy 11 'l 'u H'r.4iiiH if yon lii'iii'l tlp'ii' st.nivt. Olio iiiulit 1; ivoulii (.'lull' down (li.'htimt ittM'i't likii 11 fi'in if liKht; ninl ui.othfi tinw il tvittthl on ir. 1:iim fimit t'i; 111. 1 niriiii, it ni'i'Hi "i to I. 'n,i,iy iiill iuwlf in vlie litt'tt p.itk on the iim Biilf, iiUvnyii n,4 .iri js in whit" pu ini'iitu lik" t!.on in Vihiih ulic liuil Lii'ii biirii'il. In :ifi tlm tf.rl I1.1l Ix-.i 11 Irttitly, well ivlmvisl l.mn, Itcli.vtil .y nil Mho Uii'-w hiv, hi'i- ih-atk lieiiii: ..uhwI by iijkptmuii', mIiii Imvinj; I'wMpml fimii hoi' Imuw ilnriiy 11 tli'ltriuiii, ui.il wan- ilwwl iiiouml in thoriuii for tlm jjoati'i' mrt of the uiKht. It wiw i'iioii"li to Itlll 11 MroiiK iinum, li t nloiie u poor L'lii uimh.'iii'ii oy u iim hii iiiiiiw Whi'ti ln-r I'oty win vmiinl, nit."' mmm of hnuvli, tiliH w.w 1'iimtliiiiu her a.t. Out of lliit fate wiih Imrii tlm uti'iy ui uw i'lliwt. John Mt'isvi' was in (ui'iiiKt win 1 ho mIi! ho wonhl liko tu AH" t that "li.vit. Ill) iliil nut U limt' in the Miperi.utuiul. lie liinl l.ueun Miui U,it'Iil,iii, mul il'iiee whlto hli.ulow w.im lluntinK up iitnl ilown the Mi 1 i't he wonhl li.,e to 1 iii'ountiT it. 'i'hi'li'foix' tie niiiile it 11 iiuitteriif euiiat ity to miuvIi for tlm apparition; to be out at nil tiiiiea of thu ui"ln nml to iit nil poititH whi'ie it iih likely to pioei.t it M'lf. llirt etroitt wero UM'lesi'. t Itlier pi'iiplu iuij:ht 'ce the i.pntrr, but hia unroll hiul been ill Miiu, atiil he finally I'uiuii to I'liuti'li'i' the htory 11 fahiinitioii bv M'opln who were iullueiu'iil by ilieir team of the MiptTiiatuuil. Ill the eml, howi'M'i', hiii'iroriN ii'Milt eil in the t'liptuii' "f 11 lin-'t. lie anil Iuh frieitil, ili'iiy lii'iiiiiMin, h.iiui; pinv 11I the eveninj,' with an m'tpiaiutuni'c, wei-e letUl'ililiK Inline There ' thiik uiiht ami the ni"ht n.w ihuk, the htivet luiiipH lookint; like caiulh'K A Kirtiiin of thoii journey was uloe" tlu.t k)i tiou of the htrei't which hail come to Im known us the "tihost.K Walk." They were l.tiujliiuK ami fiuiversiiij; iiIkiiu the phantom, li'lu'tihii;; the iiba of MH'li a tiling ut a i-pst'tre, when aluail of ami uppro.-u'hiii; them wan mvii atipueull in white. Mi-iwr put ins huml mt his eomp.iiiion'M arm. "Now we hive It, Ji-i'iy," he whm )N'ivd. "Tl.iw th thu hjui it, what will you ilo 1" " .... II 1 . 1 T "NtioK ov ou .iivcK, aiiawenii iierry. . ... j v -i.-1 .. va wg'LAjLlW tll) i.. i i',',: mgii: ., :i:,Ii'. A- . ., ij, in. Ii !'"it if v., iib'li. .!; not I ' '"1 ili' 'ii , ut it'. it j ".). i , . ,; fclloiv, ' :.v, .i . "V (,'l ' ' ,. n, v.. T'ui .. in ii. i j . i , ii! t, .vial" ' . ,i.i l":"t. Wt n It i i . ,, I . ,l I'i ','l u.-i-l. .. it I; : ' . ! i.nuiit tli 't', .' I.i i .1 ui.-i iii why W"ll, I in j ;, v fi'.'t nioi" tlaili itic fo" u'.i.' coiii,'i" ." "Abwitir"b-in :i'j I'd. lly t!i!n tiiiif tiio ),j;ari' in uliitc was I'losc, iijiuii tlifin. "li-y i'iiiiM mm i its outline, anil lieu.1 It tn , ut n ii.--kliiiir noit, us it vt'(iilu'. i. i.j.nii ili.-tn, Ilni llooil r,t' tlifMci'j.L' ..en L'n-tt riotoiw. A Hin'iipii ami I,, filnrtl'il Ihciii i.ti'i not, il.iitil no', i of Ml . VII tlm ";l i, A ijuVl: uiiivi ,. : rtll'i ,li Kjil I't". Mr.' i. .pi i.i, pr.., utv '. Illicit , I'i" ". hi...' '.. . no: ('..lit. !. I,i HOIlllI IltlVC Tlicv 1'iitilil the v.iiiliniK I "'.v., "ii thciii. ., jn.'i i' ciii'li l-.i'cr.i'-ji. It i.i; ( : lit". It r-'in'i-: i- iic.i II. I 'I' ii'h'. in . J,..'i. ,f.-w. I'O'.I li 1 I'l' I I ' .mv.'v, i il John of .. : u'o li"'.yi i1 fjl' ttnottl ll" 1". I'-VU Of I. VI - ' C '! 1 I tl.C Jllil' . .ii f l;i,u!iir-. fc 1 ' ,' , ,IJ.Ilt lllilllW - ;i,,(v.",.,,' n t.-J '..! 1 1 c,i h (lining n 1. 1 lit n iliitnlii,'. ,,tf'iril tlic nitll.l U I). In .: iimlAiit li" tiotl. Klin V.is .' jI". LIHIitf lioll,'' I'lW.I II T fl'l'MlIV I.i II.". )) fc.'t I.IViV t'rolu ill r own lu'li. . I tie niyht licinj.' iIiiiiiii m'id lm:l iml.t'il ),!! wiiilc hltirt O.ll' il .' lil'lll, c. '. ', . V V.Il.t" jittli-oiit l,''.iiv. (it tl"' '..! '. ): iiijmiiiiiI all w!i!ti a ijlifiit. '.Vl.ili' Slt-riiT i-mul lliii I'liKl'i', tlm ;i.' in: titiinl to u-y out r.tul to Htrilto nt ! . . j v.rH Tlic iicitili lioi'lii'l wan i'.u..,ril. l.t uti'in , licsrnii I ft. uii lihc d.'fr 11.. 1 niiii ' .I'll 1 1. 1 "Jf i.'Iiw,h:jt k.i . ; s i. 1. wiiot, nmit i.itiinl im t u i.ipI tolil lnr tim ' t,..,., Uilj;ll., i.",i , V.ll..M;rHil.r j vlln!!in( '. Ut Im in- n. i.:ii," Sviminfng tho rrorae. '!'!. fi'lloniiiK In.. ill . Ilillllt illlllMl.sIl" lis lo till' lillllllllT 1 ii- trfkcii ilnii.i"li 11 i'.','.iiu iimv If to nl w.li.uUu. "It in ,utvl, (,',,, i( ww ;,,, imnlv im nlx, u, v,.tn,.iui. .. ,iw'.p IIHlMt llll'll p water on I.o.i.ci ai'k, Ainu,, r-111,111 hi" 1m' nyi'iivn in k lu'imy nitl'im i.iitiii lull oi'r.niion to cf. nipt mviiniiiir.j; 11 liin", Imi hear ini; it i.'Aikmi of iih a tvillinu nmtici', he fittit'ii"! il itinii'tu'' u.anii.llv ut a homo ,.. ,;,,, wi.i, ., ,..., .. i,!M i..!. fts n ji, ol.!f,,u,)i. 0,1 tlm coutiury, not t :lmi'Ho 01 thiw hirm. in Iiuii- ,,j ,.ni. ttuiy a , Mv mi,Ptt ,.j.,. j,,.,,,,,,, 0f imy i ith, ninl im' !' ,,,, WX11 tu. 11. rv., .oolm-hH uinf picH- ,.,. ol- m, to l..-a l.owe tilone n:..I t i,,,,, BWjhli A i,,,.. XvitJi u i.uhih wniB'!r. o'i bin bm ,it.n.t!!y oiukb ei'y il'tp in the water, ,n. ! many horses !' I'mw il.., iitii'iupt Hwimn !, kivp fe. ! im; tin' bottom wi;!i 'heir himl !.';; lj'iilt"s a 1111111 it ,'t.instiimeil to hwiin iniiij.' a iioNL', ho (,'pui iMnout, b'jjiie. pnllinj,' at tlm iiuiw, a'. 'i ilu'ii it is nil up .llii l.iiu. The lioinu tf'tn frijtht e:i"l, r.lli ovi'i u:i bit Mile, or comes tijjtt over b.u'kuiiN, mill jiuitt ub! uiu'siiisiiili'i-ii lu.'ktlint put.tiineiiii to till bis clniiu'es of j.'i'ttiiis iikIioiv. In mi opit.iuii 110 man hi onlil go into tlcep w liter of iiuy wkltlt who cannot swim, ami a uimuier hleuil take oli' hih duties, put them in tit ut of the khMIi', uiibiul le iiis iviiih, then he it. icmly for mi I'liierjji'iii'y. The neglect of this killer pi'uiution ji'in'iiilly iliowux the ;.j!r, as !. p'tit hit, fi'.t c.uilit in the lirnlli'. I line, however, mvh u man loulil not swim p't Nifely ucivMHii rier U .lii in" bis lioini' ami citchiuj; I10M 01 I is tail. si oi' Irr. It is statctl ly i.sp'.uii,' ot wluib'ii. now- 111 pott, that prior to their iltuii tmv fiom the Aivtic icchiiih ii. the titter juirt of Dctobor, tht't wen- toM by some natives that a liussian 11..111 of war was blivkeil in in tlebij-ht i.bovo liut ('u)H'. llioiui; lately vU'cii informal that 110 war esel ot that mitioii was in that region, they liiive coucli'.tietl the ship m tpiestiou to l-o the laj;ii of the Swedish Hilnr ex itlitiou, The reitort at a u'ttleiueut on N'pti uiU'i' "Al, of the 1-oiin, tlm wiuillrr osi'l, tliut liiT compiiiiion ship had pioctriled as;w.nl teiuU to btrengtlifii fl 1 ....!..... O... t e iii'ieiusioii.- 31111 riwucisco Im'.mIiumm. .. .u.. ' ....uln :' moth nil c '. to ml 'a ir i we it. "i:.i in".-, 'n in, '! . ..ir .., iVm. An American Girl's Shame. ( nrrf f"iiiliii'.n 'in. K.ni,",fi ( n.l. l.l'lioS. ' I ' I'l T ii. unity m ii..iiii n Vni"'i i.n , iii ! A v, :!!( in,ly '. ip 't.'ll ,'!ll ' "V f " ' '-! !.(" I. Ii . . "i- K't. , , , , - -t' of 'J A t... ' tlii ,iv i iin ! in thu I.'j.Mi'.on this Mlr. l'li!li.'l"iihiii, ' tin ,. tiir.ii en, ", .('pi , ii ty Ji'-i. , n, i utiw t with the ,i Vium? "cntli man : , ' . i ,.ni' l'.. S Mlill T'j Ih-J I'O'U'tilH,' tin- !p !i 'In1 : tT :it!i".i of nil '11 . 1 b Mil,' pl,"ojr,lp.s p 1, ,il ' 1 is "xj ' "il in ', ih'V ili-' w ,111 'j i-.iik ut V i ... , tin in. fn., t., F ... vi.e a iiiubmcii,, ui. Imr- t-1 i'i ', '.lie h.iiniiiiitii.ii 1 if th" Alncri .1111 fill 0:1 Mi-it,:; l.ir own photo graph pxposttl tliorc ninoiii.' the othem, but in th" most iiiiinzin.' shape it in iov hible to ioiicfie. Ier hcnil, hw face, the iiiriiiigcmctit of ii.'r hair, the turn of h"r neck, it was iniiosstlIc to mistake; mul yet, there she. wan, iilinost as im ilrajiiil as the Venus ite.Midici in fact, jjiit up in thjlitd mid tleshingH and label ed "Mii7cjii.i"' Shy rnbbiil her eyes In1 claiti"il her foiehend, tliinkiiiL' her vision was failiut.' her or her mind Voiny; y.'t there cotilii be no mintiiKi'. St-ii'e us she wi uld, fii' nut tiil the ktiowhdife that her own bewitching hnMiii'ss was then deiii'-tei!. "Wlu.t eaii tliin ir.ian ?" he erieil to tin I'ldi rly laiiy, her lips l.lnm hed with xlniiiie I'.nii t"rr'r. "I renlly cannot te.l "U,'' rcjlird I jmI v Iis(l,iin, with MtV-hnnl eve mid Ili'V oiie. ''You jK'i'lutm etui tell 11 whother on ur.y oi-cnsioii, in Atnericu, you were in tho habit of np)tc..riii,' in thin dii'v, 1" "t Ih, what do yon min to inm'nu.itor uttcnil the ior fir. "Uoyou think I c-.er sIomI rs MaztniNt ? Oh, how cniul of you to think to. ' "It is ei'itnitily your poitiMit," nddeil the other Ir.dy. Ilv this Time 0110 or two l'vst.iiiders hud dinwn up to tho window, mid notic iii' tliu liki'iii'M., were nudging inch other "It is some coincidence of courau it cannot bo iiiii.iit for me. "V011 I11.1l better take a c.il and go home, and tell your father nbuut it," mill the huh, still with frigid manner. "My daughter and J have sumo mils to uinke. In n Inilf-ilar.'d stut" cf mind the young I'hilnih'lphitm drove home and toM he.' father what had Imppenvd. To get back to that hIioji, to have that pho tugmph out of tho wiudiiA', to demand nn ONpltiiiiiiiuit of tho stutiniiir, ma not tho woi k ut n.f.iiy ii.iiiMtfi, ft ,- tho on 1 timcU itttiivr. Hut tlmugh it va ensy enougli to de mand im exphinution, it WiW not bo easy to '.t't one. Tlm photograph boro uo Im print 'wlintevcr, and tho stationer eonll only refer to Urn person who had Mild it to him ft dtfthr in photographs by wholesale, not a phutugnipher hitumilf. And ko impiiiy went 011 iti'd nobody could discovir who untile the photograph. Iliose who Mild them wem ipiite ItlllO- ceut, mid ro.illy nupKniil it to b n pic ture of itoiim actresiipliiying "Muwpiiiu" Of couise It i h cooked piv'tnr'; only tho head and n . k if the American lady's iho.'ogini'li, the rest tiui: of Home i-:m cIm', anil tojfethi r the picture ii'pre Kent one of tin 1 .m beautiful won. en it in pOMtible to ti I., five. lhH lis Upon doi'iiH w-ii' tm.ii'1 mi.'.v for ii,.li', i., ilealem frullki) s'l.t.sl thu the J l.o. u had Mild eiiam,i.UkI tiltiiMiy. The loiulou tin., win tisik the ptctur' wliicli furiiihl.e.', tii" le ml wcr iiu-d and flmrgeii wuii selling :1m picture, but th "y wen- ind ,'i!K:.t nt tlm iimlnuftuou to "the iKHip'.e .f their npectability and HtRituiiirr, Ai.11 tnlkiti of suing for libel. Suspicion now ti lis upon the Eervnnta in tho house, ("to of whom might cnsliy abstrncted u photo eu: of the package u: them which has liorii kept lutheito 111 tin unlocked i'.ruer f the yo.i'ig holy's wi-itillg desk. Of lUUiiie all phvul illl'.o Hiit, ai.d mi' r-aiiy to tu'.e their ontli upon theii mi 11s! v. ei.ls 1.1' honor; but tin futlu" .,vh ' ui.i v'iii.iiand oaths eitoll),ll of !.i 'A , pp.. I the Imsine., j .Hid us for tie i'l I'0.,'ir, MUTlHlol' pi-of.iue, he dmi't ink" m.ich Mock in thi'in. . goo'l 1 "til J liiteit's! clusters ills ;it the ui.ltte in regunl to the atti tude the s'.rty ef tlm other party. He called ituiuisittiti'ly, und nidtsl the father in milking mi,!"!!'-; bu iapa says th. 'ittle in.itt r 1 ht.'i not go a su-p tariher until the mother i.ud sister make i foriiiul apoloyy for the ruili'iiess tu his daughter ut the time th disvmry wiw ui.ide. A Vnluablu Soporlfio. A lV.ris pliV'ticiaii 1ms tliscoxeivd 11 soporitic which he declaies to be iiiiio.'ii oils, ami which has thexiltueot being liiuitalil'.' in the dtirnliou ef its etlects i.t one's plc.isuif. The time which a given dose will tpcrntp can t calculated to within ten minutes of the actual figure. Thus 11 trawler with two hours and a half journey 1 eforo him might feel Jt-r-I'ectly s,ife 111 taking a two hours dose, or I'M'ii a two hours ami twenty minutes, though the Lis; might l a little danger Otis. The inventor, who throughout his cpirimcuts had railway traveling 111 his mini), arranges the doses in unlet, or rather kilometers. Of course its 'Mius)sitiou is a secret. It has already lni'11 trietl by 11 iiiiiiiUt of thu physician's patients, who allow wl thomsflvis to Is' e.piiimentisl on. They prommmo it agns'ablo to thu taste, having somctLii.g of tho flavor of chart n use. Altout the least wxtisfactory wetlding ring a womnii can receive is to have her iturjejirsj, Tho Iiis don Zitixunr Trnl3t It isestiinnTciltl.fi' ("." '1 1. Iiilucf u ..I . :; I'i ,1 1,1 ". . ' InetrojHill- It ',ii v ',' , ' y v Oi etei.d 1'") I. . . .V i, '' he ff.iiuls 1 ., s- .. 1 ihi.s').1, ;n v :.; i 1 11 u'' iiiuct'.-ii , , i . ,i w..; ,1 or mori 1 oi.or l'ipi. 'I Imi' nigra ajel -'urii s bli the, fn c. n wiii, 1 , , , ' ill. HCS," VI' -. ,.l o'll'. . . . i'"' . im 1 IV g . (jii.idy you ii ''i. !". .'."d to nii, 1 1 "fui'.ish i...(,: n: ii .!.. ueiMt;"li-. : '.oA'-.vd.y u- iw:,i r 11 . and Is .e ,s . n.iji .. y.-si In jkuvv i.t tli" work. 1 '.. 1.1 i " foro'nti. 1 i..g " '"'! , !! '' ' ' ' ,,J (jivut it in tin' " i'y of 'l'"W 1." -V total ab-taiu'i- is i,u!t" 11 v',r.ii.i.i'., drink, woiatu d.i.k, ilil'.'i d.i. 1.. The jioon-st mmi must hiivo 1 is ""! ;o his dinner and s'ipp'r 'i- none (,f tlm agricultural counties thy tnke bcev to brriilffnstl. 'I'lui wurs 'V.ituni of the liquor tratlie in this eowntry is its n la tum to thu family Search England through mid I will guatnutvu that in liinetv-iiiiie cases out of eveiv lui: d.'.'d you will linil it a regular tuntoni to kc"p wine or iicci in mrger 01 Hiiiai.')i'ij'.i,iuii ties. It ist.tkni tmlii. !.-i. to luiii."(i mid s'.'.ppi r, njually in tli" lowest rs i.i tho highest eiic'cs. To n..k 1. ina 1 '.. your hmiv, n..d :,ot o""i 1 ii. drink in som" form, is to be ro'isidered rt o '' its inn' K.hijKl'i'.fililc, Alcohol in tie balm of li.'cnd used to soothe tin 1 .'. lltsl sjiirits of em mien, tho cenu" t 1 of friendships, the hphI njKin bn.'viir s, i!. form of gi'.itnity to "cabby" who drivh your Hn.or, or th" nmn who ilrlivirtt vottr ootil, a:'-1 the ir..weu I01 .1'' the ills thut llesh is heir to. Some years ago, in the i!ief that it would lessen thu enormous amount of public iliinkin:.', an net was passed mi thuiizing giovin to bp!1 bcei, winifi and Miiiits in iiimititicn i.ot less than i vvhoie bottle, o'i condition that thu liipior wan not 1I11111I: "ii the premises. This may have lessened thu (pmntity drunk in public, but it is complained that, it lias given an opportunity to women und others, for nrivnto timiliiiL'. who would otheiwiie be flee fioiii tho temptation. I. Moris Have alo ixeii imutu lo reiluce the evil by contracting the hours) where in drink might Is) legally (stld. A glowing party, rcprescnti'il in l'nilia incut by Sir Wilfrid l.nwsnn, are in favor of pursing n local jmriiiissive oill; but such lei.'is)atinii is rcifliiilcd with great jculuuny mi an infringement of the liberty of tho tubjoet. ami it ia vcy itn likeiv 10 litvoiim 11 law so Ion" as 11 govt inn. fnt vrith such NtiMiig "miii'iiul" Iissv.l.ctii us i.o:' 1 iieiiv.u!i'!!i in 1 is in olli ". Hindco,Iucrriaf;eo. A l.'.nuiw of llii.doo yuitiiH iaivo lotuly nn'.tisl in r.u e.qirossion of opin ion which young AmerLxuis might aibipt with great lienelit to tlumiKolves and the raw. Tlicxa boy, a!l Ktudeiit" at ''iilcutw, having noted the elicits of mnrniuge at the very curly ago nt which it is allowed in hidm, hu.o iiubliciy do I'lurrd their intention to defer the con meting of Matrimonial ielntiiinn until iimtmity. If theyoniigiaenof Amei-icu were to nir.ke a siiuilur decliimtion tli" ijui'stis.a would hang upon vviiateve" ,sui stitutfh mntuiity, nml on thin fulject tlli'iv in is 'Mill fur euii-iiV.'ublo clmngp in the accepttM utasuUxril. Mutuut-y cei tuinly impli''n th" povHessii-n i if ei.iiiiiioi. witist'. bm how iiiucli Ki'iutu is t!.' iv in the htt'uit, H'eaiiui' to the young peopl' ill America inor.' than a.tyv.liere cs,, nt liiarrving wwhoitt imy provmio'i f.,r the future! I'uliy uinu-tentliK our imwv nmrrioil co.iplen as ilepeniHit ui'ii -nl-nrietl Ksitions whicli ;.:ay li itKt at uny moment or upon ti-uik wh;cn nay year limy brcomo as Inuguid its inr.ny iitlmi are at ti iireeeut time. As for savings, nvfiiintiliitioiis of pivhcnt earnings, um which to live in uiko of loss of employ ment m of sU'knuK, eur young people knots siinfely a'lything about them. l,ovi in a iHttii"' is itunbtlens very d lightfiil ti.it stuniug in a guiivt uiipj.id for is not, and this latter is what a givnt many loving but rashly nun id coiip'on nt" doing at present, uctsmli.ig to tin vitiloi'it of the lKJor, and, worse 'Till, their lot is U'iug nluui by rome heljs lent little U'ini's who hive 1,0 urt in the original blu'.dei'. S.U'h ill-considered unions uro "J.iid inuii ingi'i" in th" worat m'Um' of the ton. 1, for ye.iis nml statKiv nre not thu tr.m htiutdnnis of maturity. Hcc-.'.usc the law, dcip.iiii: g gcnerr.lly of regulatii.g the lelatitiis of the so.et., impcM's no material ivhtiic tiiniH ujkjii unrriage of mlult age it tlm's not follow that tho contracting jwities have a light to cast prudeiico to thu winds mul make mere inclination the ex cuse for bringing wretche.lnrss upon tlmiiiselves and their olfspring, and im Kising p.uie:i, vulgar or genteel, upon society. I'n iti:ms Am. 'Hot M. "Are you the s,ileswomaii of whom I Uiught this handkotvhb'f yestetilay afternoon I " ask'sl a purchaser at one of our dry ;;ood stores. "I am tho sah'siady who served you, u.iid.im,'' resivoutlisl the re duced empress in Kinged Iriir, long watch chain and ringed fingers, who pre sidisl at the counter. "Well, said the customer, "I w ill take a doen moiv, ami ,i 1 wish to give thviu to my washer lady at once, I will get you to bend them to my e.irriagu around the corner, My coa;h'geut!emau contiot get to the door just now, for the curt of tho ash gentleman." "What's tho matter with your eye Tommy 1" "Oh, it's only teen going through an o'leratiuu at thu 1 ivn.U of an kuockulist; that'ti all. -wlf'e Fattonlnj Africa. in .''rci'c 'ctnalicd in Kara-tc for a month, h'j! (jiivu 'v.i detained thcie by Lcrious. illneis un.il tin.' f fitmj of lfl'-J, when he I'jOiiicI Iim cuin'idc at Uganda. Due inB' :!icir ,:ay at ii . iiiiiki neither ol the explorers mw I't ; th.tnge the titst op:e- liin .hfv l""'d folCi'd o lllJt chlflta l'"s per' in., cli.itat i' r, I e; more intuii.:-icisOiJ-i w li lorn sliotved thai hi h I ri.v ' ..r.in 8 rid stipci".r,iou t'C'ir1-. and sn uifed in pr.itncc'; u.c tec -js- ! tlvi.lzcJ. One of tlicUtt'T. vvhiJi 'ccni', ;n liae s'.nick Spckc most tni.lcai in'.v. was the fa;'.fniut: ol the women ui 'lie court to uch an ex'.en'. tint ihet r':uul no: 'and uptighi. Scarcely able to crcJi. the rcnotu he heard cf ibis pecuiutuv in the royal females, the L11g.li.sl1 leader ob tained' an interview with the King's eldest brother and his wile. On entcting the hut, he found the old man and his chief wife sittins side bv side on a bench of j earth strewed over with grass, and par 1 titioncd like stalls for sleeping apartment. The wife could not rise, and so large were her arm tint between the joints the flesh hung don like large loose stuffed puddings. '1 he result, the Imiband tri umfihantly informed bis guests, had hern obtained bv mi'.;, and milk alone, "i ro'n eirly touth upward." he said, pointing to two rows o! milk oovls on ihegrnund, "we keep tiiesc pots to our women mouths. Ileioes oi South African li covtrv. Kleptomaniac Eratno. The Louisville Courier-Journal says: Since it has been discovered that Dion Doucicanlt borrowed his version of " Clar iisa iiarlowc ' from a play produced in London in 1846 a perfect avalanche of criticism and blame has descended upon the prolific author of "aoopbys." It is just uo.v discovered that 59: ol these plays ar; "out ami out" plagiarisms. If he had only gathered up old iron from the roadside and converted it into useful ami beautiful articles, no one would have made an outcry, bm to sctub up already "beautiful anil useful articles," slightly discolored by time, and palm them olf for his own invention, is a lilt!" too much. Many of Shakcsreire'o plajs arc founded upon an llnnlish monk's rendition of the French monk's rendition of the "Ucsta Homanorum," an assoitmcnt of Oriental and German talcs, come down from, heaven only knos where. The fact is, authors copy each other fifteen or twenty deep, until there is no tracing the idei to its faraway, orig inal fountain head. Charles Hcailc was accused by Mm. isouihworth of copying her 1 lot in "l-'ou! Play." A story of Thomas Hood's tailed tho ""Sicilian Lov ers" includes the whole plot from which it is likely both of these writers obtained the framework of their stories. The Origin of Josh Eillings. About 1858 Mr Shaw, having two daughters 10 educate, went to Pnughltccp tie, New V01 It, for that purrosc, where lie engaged in the auction tmsmes'. At this 1 riod of Iim life he wai forty-five ycais old, and he states that he had writ ten nothing tlir.; had appeared in print. I J at a friend of hi, connected with a newspaper, divining the .tuff tint wai in him, encouraged linn to write shoit pieces lor the pn:3. The f.rst thing lis wrote wis an ncioun: cf the irui'e, in which thu highly rcspcttablc party was carka turc.i and his merits set fotth in r. few original dailies of the pin. The descrip tion was caught up and wen: the rootii'.-. It came, back, .11.it bcin somewhat re vised anil c!cii;a;cd, it was set up ar.,1 went the rounds in ts ne dress. Some font or five years cfter his f.rst veutuie. Mr. Shaw hai got so deep in his work that he was uimuhr.cd to keep on, and, finding it nccesaiy 10 adopt a fir: iuius ! character, selected osh Hillings a his nom dc plume, mul ever since then the mule story has gone under the sanction of the well known signature. President Hayes1 Indian Sleclal. In accordancewi.il a ci:s:om which , every Pie-idci, ha observe.!, of present ing the friend, v Itnian chiefs with a "peace miihl," PietiJcnt Hayes has caused 10 be designed such a medal by Dr. Lindermau. Director of the Mint It is to be ol brons. the mijor axis 01 di) meter to be about four inches and the minor about lo and a half. On the obverse side will be a medallion head 0! the President, around win h will run the words " Rutherford 11. Hayes, President o( the United States." On the other side the words "Peace" and date " 1677 " will be above a cut of civilizuion. To the left of the cut will be a frontiersman's cottage and a man plowing; 10 the right a farmer wji extend to sn Indian in war feathers an invitation to come and plant, too. Ilrlow me cut will be emblems ol (car: a ciossed pijte and tomahawk. Of Course He'll Come. We are requested by a pale, sad-spirited father to insert the following. "Johnny P . All is forgiven. Come home. Father is recovering from the explosion and bought a new pipe. The miuister has forgiven you (or placing that bucket ol water over the door. Your sister Annie longs to see you, and says you may keep the gold pen if vou will restore her leeth. The des? is still living, but its hair is all singed off; the cat is get ting along nicely, and the cook is con vinced you meant no harm when you put pepper on the stove." Johnny, jou bad better come home; the country can't spare ny of its encigetic and promising boys. Keokuk Constitution. A hot-house is a paneful sight. Milk Dlct- The American Flag The history, or rather tho origin ot our flag, must be of interest to the yot h of our laud. We have collated from original sources the following facts: A icsolution was introduced hi the Ameri can Congress, June 13. '7, "Tint the Flag of the thirteen I'ni.e-l Si.ve.s he thirteen stripes, nlternait ly i- 1 ac I tt'n'e, that the Union be ir.itt. :. !(, ss lii ,n a t'l.ie field, represemit a rc. m.t. 11a f.on. ' There is ,1 , ..ris I'unc.il 11, e het.toc'i tin: tleig'i .' v: ' 'n.l 1 : .irnu o 'icneia! Wanhii..;, nn, .l,lk.: coi'-i.i-'cd of ,hree stars in the uppi r p. r'.ioe, ind threi! t'ar; running airo . the (. cutchecn Jt i thought by son,' tii.-.t the Hag was derived Irom this litra'd c deign. History informs us that several I'ags were used by the Vankeci before the present national one war. adopted. In March, 1775, a Union llag, with a red field, was hoisted in New York, bearing the inscription on one side of "Oeorge Hex and the liberties of America,'' and upon the reverse, " No Popery." Gen. Israel Putnam raised on Prospect Hill, July iS, 1775, a llag bearing on one iitle the' motto of the Commonwealth cf MassraciiUici'.'," and on the ether, " An appeal lo Heaven." In'Mober, 177;. the floating batteries of L'.jston bore a . flag with the latter motto, with the Mai . achust'.ts emblem. Some of the colonic j ucd in 1775 a llag with 1 ra,:'eiii.i,.e coiled ai it about to ttnUe, ,11. d the motto, " Don't tread on me." On Jan uary iS. 177ft. tlm grand Union llag of stata and stripes was raised on the heights near Poston, and it is t-aid that some of the regulais made the great mistak" oi supposing that it was a token tf surj miiision to the king, who-e sjAiccn had just been sent to imj AtnciiiiiH. The llntish Kectslcr ol 1770 siyf, " they (the rebel!) burnt the king's speech and changed Kicir cdors from :i jilain ltd ground to a llag with thirteen suipci. as a symbol ol the number ami union ol the colonics." A letter from liiMori, pub lished in the Penneylvania Gazci.e, in 1776, says, "the Union llag was laised 4 on tlic 21I, a compliment to tlic United Colonies." These variouslligs, the Pine-Tree, the Rattlesnake and the Snipes were u-td according to the tastes ol the pattioti until July, 1777, when the blue union of die .stars was added for each new- State, but the llig became too large and Con gress reduced the stripes to the original imriccn, and now the start, are made 10 correspond fn number with the States. fso one who lives under the protection ol the Stars and Snipes will deny thai " the American flag i thu mo;t beautiful that floats upon anv land or sea " Its pi '-por tions are perfect when it is 1 r 'p.'rly made one-half as broad ts it h long. The firt sttipc at the top is ml, the ne.u white, and these cmors alternate, making', the last stripe red. The blue field for the stars is the width and (uatc it the first seven ttiicc, viz., lour red and mice white. The colors of tli AtticniNn 1a arc in beautiful relief, and : Is altogcitier a splendid national emblem, 1.0:13 may it waie untarnished 1 Homo Drc-33 Same persons take especial care 1 ap pear wed drcsacd eviryv.hcic bm ti home. This is a great mutti-i- the homo should be a pleasant puc, a-J .'.) r.urac.to'iK should it be inarrc i h a wan. of politeness 111 manners or by slovenlineti in dress. Our garments should he always cubed 10 our v. oik, but when our employments d:i imt require it, we should lay sid: the homely ami rough clothing, and aiumc that wmen carries with it more pleasing impressions Ke spes't lor o.r own iii'luence among the member: ui our oun family, ium;s .icatness ai.d luiinfss at home as well .V ahroid. When me joung ladits of a hou ehold appear habitnalb in the prei en.e ol fa'her and brother, m rtirtv and unbecoming att'.'c, vvi.h unbruhed hair, unhooked dieis or unlaced thocs, they ' need not com; lain of the coarse manners and uncivil addits of iK-male rncmbcis cf the fjmiiv. To b polite only in lires- cucc of visitors, is a poor compiiment to inose wnom we iioum respec ami grainy at home. It is nit difficult nor dues it if ar.e ions lor one to wasr. conui ir dress fit to appear before the household guests or to go to work. A calico dresi, properly made, and neatly fined co'lir and cuIpj, and a white apion, make a nice suit; and of course a woman fec! more like she was fit 'o do something; her house will be always clean and acat an.1 everything in its place. Woman's Love for Man. Mrs. Roberts, in the Washington Cap ital, very truthfully remarks: "Marryirj a man 10 reform him is like being meas ured for an umbrella, 1: may or may not be satisfactory; but vou might as well ' try to make a politician honest as to talk to a woman who loves a man. io matter how worthless he may be, she will brave everything for him; and 1 wouldn't f,ie a map tor her if she didn'i. Recently, on the avenue, 1 saw a man, respectable looking, in a helpless state ot intoxica& and a policeman on each side of him ' ing him to the station house; behind hi was Ins wife, a young, nice-looting, well- dressed woman. She paid no attent'on to the rabble fallowing, or the won looks of the pas-ers-by, but stuck by him, trying to pacify and quiet him. I could not help thinking how little a man ould stand by a woman. Man is of the 'noblei' sex and a superior being, but he will "' a woman in trouble and than leave tier to j get out as best she can." The only unfavorable report tboat Grandfather's vc.us on tick. Clock ia that it went 90