. fbc fjowc jtrclc. (.'umliictcl l Mrs. Iliirrlot T. I'lurke, AKIKIl ALL. Tip .ii jili' ai'' ripe m the nr i:i ' Hi- AorU of tliu reaper is iliMi . Ami fir j'uiden ttnndltiril teddo'i In I ho blood oi t'io it) my inn At th'. cottage door th sratulurt1 HiU, pale, in liis eiy ili.tir, hile n g ntlu tvmd nt twilight I'la, i tilth Iim silver hair. A unman is kneeling beaide him; A '.ii r young head is prei-wl In the t!rt wild pttnliiu nf Mjrrow, Against hit aged brr.ut. And fm from over the distanto The f.tttuniii; echoc.t come, Of the tljing bhst f trurnirat Ami the rattling rull of dram. Thci. the grand lire peaka in n hispcr "The eiul mi man can neo; Uut no give him to his country. Ami we givo our prajers to Thoe. ' The violuU tar the meadow n, 'Hio rose-buds fringe the door, Ami over thu gr.wy orchard The pink-white blossoms pour. Hut the giandslro'3 chair in einity. Ami ti.e cottage is il.uk uud rtdl, There's ii nnmi'le grito ou th luttlodleld And a lieu one under the nil). And ft pallid, leaH'-n woman lly tile (.old health nits, alone; And tint old clwk in thu corner Tii.1. on with a itcad) drone. - Willi vn Winlei. SJiILK WSIKXKYKK VOL' CAN. Whin tiling" don't go to Milt yon. And the world uecius upside down, Don't waste your tnnu in fretting, Hut drive away that truwn; f luce life I nft poiplexing, Tut imirii thu Mill's', plan 7M Lear nil tri.ili bravely, And mnilo whene'er you can. hy iihould you dre.ul to-morrow And thin despoil to-il.ij! For when joii borrow trouble, You always hat o to pay. it i a good old mixiin, Which iliutilil he often piMclicil Don't cross the bridge huoru )ou I'ntil thu bridge, ii reached. The llns-Plckcr ami Her Donkey. It was hi front of the Hotumln, and ulnu o'clock in thu morning. The ciin hunt; I" tli'' fojf H!v u aliibf of tiro, hut rn-t forth no bcninf. The wind vu cruel to the pnnr world. A fviniile ruK-plcker, pale nail fuml.h ed, led by tin' bridle ti pom little donkey, whloh newtted u hundred vc:iii old, mid drugged it little cart 'nil of rubbish ot Uictilrvvl mb, luoken bottles torn pu yarn, unm-out .-klllet.s, ertist.s of bread, the thou-und iintlilngn which arc the for tuno of rug-piek"ri. The woiniin linil done good work .since midnight, lut tin donkey wiih u-ndy to drop, lie stopped fdiorl, .11 if he li nil iiiude up libs ml ml to l,'i) mi further. Illn legs trcinlilt'd, iiud threatened it full. He Initio' hi head witti resignation, !M If UWIlltillK tin tdiokuof dentil. The sight touched unit urreatcd me. A muu would liuve eur.'cd mid beaten the poor benst to rnimu lilm; the woman looked at lilm with tin eye of motherly pity. Thu donkey returned her look tit If allying, "Von bee It in it 1 1 over. I have done my tcxt for you, night after night, hecnure I aw your mli-cry a greater than mine, "ion have treuttd me well, idiarlngyour hiend with me, but I ntn tltlniriit limt." The woman loohul tit him and tald gently, "Come, loiiic, dear I'lerrnl, do not letivi' me lure." f-lie ilslitenid Hie loud ly taking out it Inisl.rt of broken liottles. "Come, i.ow," tlio huld, tin if tiilklng to uehll'l. '.von eau get uloug nicely now." .-he put her fchnulilcr t the win el. but the loui;ey did not move. lie knew Unit he htnl not t lie strength to walk to .St. Uuen, hln wretehttl home. .She still co'ued him. ''How do you think wu can get un thl way, I'lerrotV To bemire, I lould lirag the curt; but 1 can't put you In it, mid you would be iuhatued to be drugged nfter it." The donkey lultcd hit eun, but no move. I wan uning to puk to her, when hc tau to thu utitrcHt wluc-hhop. The don key follow ed her with unxloun cyii; he fceeuicd tcitrftil that he would die without Illn ailstrut.i. He wint o little yon would have tiiken lilm ut u dlntutice fur n P.vie. uceau dog He tiad grown gray in the liartiiHj. A few tutth of gray hair re mained here and thereon his tmnthittd body. He looko! like it mountain bunud bate in u.uny plueei1. HIh re .lgtiid air hliowed n inuui Irtefiiu from wondly unltii'-. Ho tus far past the itge wluro ci.ttitiikcs uttltudtB. Ho wiu itluK'i't uuiibj nitiit In hla leanings'. lint illn fiiv. ui.,-. nil thu more eprcfblvc. It hudu n.tilili.g r.imott liuuinii in ii-i In-telllL- i co mill 'joodues. Tin- lag-plcJ.ersooti returned, bringng a itie ot bleed mid it pieeo of Migar. I'liiii t turiitd iiiiddiowtd hid lot lb, like old pi.uio.keyn. lint although it a Ula iuea.-i.iiK-, he hud no more btreiigth in n un- .th thitu iu 1.1b iega. Mie gne Jum t. . Btignr. liu look U ( it to oblige lur. I .'. iirtipjiod it u(jilu. n I id the wttuu With :..e I read. 'iv!.' muu pln! What fchull r do?" f.ii ti.e irjj jilekcr. tibo ttiousht ta uiim ,. Ik r cart. Mm wti full of a n sic tv for her friend IHeirrot. "I'ierrot:" she . r.i'l iia'.i'ii). Two greut tears euntV to her e cs. cliu took hi head In her sinna and IttDifj him like it child. Thu cureie i.J wl.ttt tiothiitg i!s-could do. The an .ni.il ra.sid Itimbulf and bra.sr I as in k.a bet -u.s I feared ll Wj:s.iu!y his .wall B-yy I l l. S'-il. U 4i'iJl !(.( eul IQ ilu Mcmiti , i JJ tueiil Ij lie III trc- jle. ' ' Ou' z cwl, ciyu g, ".' i Utv.w how I love thlH beast. I saved lilm from thu butcher four years ago. T have rnloed "Vi :i i hlldren. The fntlo r i gone 'ind one other, and my eulet daughter wn.i tiik-n away u fortnight ago. My wont grief wan that I hud to Ukeoiie (o the Koutidllngit-I had elev en In nil four of tbciii dlwiut thelireut Thiii lll'li" il-1 key ha- been my consola tion, lie w i letter inmp'iny thnti my hlKbit'.id. He tievr '. drunk, uud nev er ben nw 'ii'd 1 i..-cr beat h. in, did I. Pierrot?' The poor leant appeared to iharo in the conversation, lie half raided his e.trn mid aijented. One of my friend pasted by and usked nie what I wn do ing. "I inn maklnga new friend. Here, do you want to help me In a work of charity?" "With all my heart." "Very well. Let u buy thli donkey uud put lilm ou the retired Hit. This good wonniu will takecnteof him." The rag-picker looked ut us severely, fcurluO we were laughlui; ut her. 11 tit when hIic Haw the Milne of thu Ioui.tl'or, die smiled. "How much did I'ierrot cost?" "Ten francs." "Well, you go back to theabattolr and buy another, and take good care of tlil one." I gave my card to this woman and aid good-bye. That evening the poor woman came to me In tear- I umlcMoud at once. "Alt, sir, lie Ih gone'" "Poor Ph-rrol?" "Ye, sirs wo got to St. Ouen oneway or another. Hut when hu came In fight of our hut he fell on liN knee. I tried to rulM lilm, hut this time it was all over. My children came run, dug and crying. They talked to lilm and klsid lilm. He looked tit them ho nudly ns to break our heartn. I tell you there ore lotn of people In the world net worth half x) much a.t poor Pierrot. Think nf It; ho wanted to die at home, after tin lulling In- day's work!" The rag-picker opened her hand and I aw the money 1 had glvuu her in the morning. Here aru your hundred frnnci. clr." I do not know whether I most admired the donkey, who did hit duty to death, or the woman, more eel lento than our charity. New York Tribune. Tliu U'c-Ceni I'llff-D'aillcn. (if lute, V.own over the plttltih, come .itorlet of strange newly-discovered cities of the fir .Siuthwesl: plcture.-iito piles of inu.-onry, of mi tige unknown to tradition, l'he.-e ruins mark tin cm nmotig uulhpiiirlans. Tlie mynterlntis iiiotind-huihlurs fade Into comparative Inlgnlllciinco before the grnndeur mid nioro iiiiclent cllfr-dwellur.H, whoso castles lift their towers amid the miiiiN of Atlzonti and crown the terraced tdope.s of the Itlo Mancos and the llov enweop (pronounced Hov-on-weep.) A ruin accidentally discovered hy A. I). Wilson of the lluyden Mirvey sev eral ye trsugo, while he wus pumulug his 'ahorrt us chief of the topographical corps In Southern Colorado, is described to me by Mr. WIImmi as a stone build ing, alOiit tlio td.u of the patent nlllce. It stood upon the hank of the Anluin-, in the Han .Hum country, and contained perhaps live hundred rooms. The roof and pott Ions of the wall had fallen, but the pirt Mantling Indicated u height of four stories. A number of wonts were fairly preserved, hud smull loop hole windows, hut no outer doors The building had tloulitle-- been entered originally by menus of ladder rotting on niches, ami drawn In after the iKcupnnts. The floors were of cedar, each log as large around us u man's head, the spaces lilted neatly by smaller pies anil towigs, covered hy a carpet of cedar-hark. Theemlsof tlie timber wore hrulsjtl anil frayed, as If .severed hy a dull Instrument; In the vicinity were 'stone hatchets, and aw.s made nf sand-stono slivers ttliout two feet long, worn to a (-month edge. A few hundred yards from the ni'immoth building was a t.econd large house In ruin", and between the two stronghold mvvs of small dwotllngi, built of cobMe- dtoties laid In udono, and arranged along the streets, tifior the stylo of t'jo ' vllligcs of to-day. Tlio smaller house were In u more advanced ntato of ruin ! on ace. not of the niund htoucs Udng inoio readily ili-lnteg.ute'J by the el"- monts limn mo navy misuiry. me stroet-i n:id nomos of this dovrtcd town t.ro o-ergr)vu hy Juniper nod pinion the latteru dwarf whlo-nproiul- lue; pine which bear.- beneath the scule of Its cones delicious, nr.il nutneiou.' n:N. From thu siao of the dead, a-1 woll n- the living, treei. nnd from thtir iii-llion on the h.Mps of erutn'l'ti loue, Mr. V:isimiiMcliiUtfstituturrtt j l.Tiicl of ttiitoha- elapsed uliuo li.t, liulblltiii" ii-d. Hew inuoy hundred j.ir-. they .tortl after desertion Mow ' ;.'! hit!' ; to thu innmdj ut tlnti cuti not ! be eert.tl.'llv known. I 'Ilie prooiice o. ccami wood In tl.e hri;sed's not ot nsldo thplr untl ijulty. In thodry puronlrof Culormlo, wo.id ftdrly protected will laid for cen- ur'es. I:i A-Ii cedar-wood ha. If cu I't . I r th '.ii.'l i- !-, mJ ut l'g' ,, ; '.ii.ii.i !.iU.' tit-" .ii i rf i t-r .frtuiKtiitri tbuv-sKiiI yt-.irs .i.to" , it tft tli f.res. 'ft.c vdars thr.u,:n-i cui'h? trr" orlts of the S a;nw :do I WILLAMETTE FARMER. not rot, oven In the groves. Thoy die, f QoMESTIC EcOfJOMY unit stittd creel, "olid ami s.i plea. I ' .. ' ' f The wlnd.t nttd whirling stuitN carve I iti10 r. 0f Cooltiag. thoI:iU trfo-i fnt'i JuriJi'i of I'limmtic hctuity, drill holi'i through the tuitik, It ' .in art to conk -ell, uud tin tut tind pltiylngat hldt-nnd-go-Metl; l:i thoj that should hecu'dlvitcd, ttml It I ju-t perfomtcd liniln until, ttTter ngcof re-l;u necci-.ir.v to hiipplm'S" ih any .d;lll iittnie. they literally blow away .nto'ed lulnr, uf;:ig pirtlcu. r! into wo- ntoms of fine, i lean dust. On the UioSnii .lu.in, tthottt twenty- live miles distance from the city of the Allium", Mr. WIl.-ou discovered the bodily frame, or, by had cooking, the following evening a f-lmllur pile, enervnte anil tils irrange the whole ill loomht; solemnly in the twilight near gestlvc .system, laying foundation for their camping place. The scene as all the Ills that lleslt Is heir to. Thl described was weird In the extreme. ' Is saying a good deal, but If the body As the moon arose, the siindows of Is not in healthy action or working out thu phantom buildings were thrown its functions In a natural manner, the tlarkly neross the silver plain. The mind is so closely allied to the mind blaze of camp-fires, the tiny tents, the and brain that It. sympathizes with the negro cook, the men in buckskin body and developes in the shape of lr hunting garb, and the picketed mules, rltabillty, crossness, and general Ill made a strange picture ou the sum- health. While so much Is depending tner's night, with background of upon what we eat, It should be the moonlit desert and crumbling ruliu, study of women to cook palatably, on whose ramparts towered dead, 'lieulthfully.nnd economically whatever gaunt cedars, lifting their bleached comes In season. All of this Is not In skeletons like sheeted ghosts within consistent with the highest culture of the silent watch-towers of the murky mind nnd tine social tictpilrements. past. A'cribncr'j Monthly. ,Many of our llucst authors are excel- , . ' lent housekeepers, knowing what Is in Di vouch t.s Otiii:k Lasix. An the pantiy, ned directing with per Arab may divorce ills wife on the sonul supervision the little details of slightest occasion. .So easy and co tlio kitchen. Iu Kngliind and Cier common Is the pr.ictlco that Ilttrk- many there are .schools for houekeep- htirdt assures us th nit ho litis hucn forty-five years Arabi not moro than ofngo who were known to have hod fifty wives, yet they rarely have more find it possible to give Ihelr girls pmc than one ut n time. Ulcal teaching for this reason. (Juccu Hy the Mohammedan law a man Victoria sent till of her daughters, one may divorce his wife orally and with- by one, to niudest homes, where they out any ceremony; he pays her a por- might learn from dilly experience tlio tlon, generally one-third of her dowry, knowledge of economical, practical Ho may divorce her twice nnd take housekeeping. Ladies of nobility In her again without her consent, hut if a. I the old countries pride themselves ho put her away by a triple divorce upon being good houHkeepr.s. How conveyed In thu same sentence, he much more necessary Is it for Amerl- ctiunot receive her again until she has fan girls to be taught economy, hero, been marrktl and divorced by another where the ups and downs of life come husband. to every on, nnd where, too often, I'.y the .lewlsh law it appears that n dire tirces-lty rulcsj the household. wife tould not divorce her husband; There Is no class of people who could but under the Mohammedan code, for live us well as the farmers if the wo cruelly and some other causes she may ihoii would only study the art of cook divorce li I in. lug. I'verylhlng nut groceries can be Among the Hindoo, and a!.-o among prodmed ou the f.irm, and yet, as a the Chinese, a husband may divorce general thing, little attention is paid Ids wlfu upon the Mlghto.st ground, or to getting up a variety of whole.-ome, even without assigning any reason, palatable food, while n Utile thrift and She is under thu absolute control of trouble would accomplish it, adding to her liu-band. the happlaesi anil good nature of all The Ihw of France, belore the revol- concerned. e say gm.d nature, for utlon, following the Judgment of the anyone feels good nature i after a nice Catholic church, made marriage indts- dinner, especially n hum. soluble, but during the early revolt:- Cine gets tired of fried meat, bread, titulary period divorce was permitted uttd coll'ee, day after day, without va- ut the pleasure of the parties when lu rlety in the ways of serving it up. It compatibility of temper was alleged. The code Napoleon restricted this lib erty. On the restoration of the Dour hones a law was promulgited, May 8th, lfilU, declaring divorce to be abolished; tlint all soils then pending cook, go twice us far toward feeding n for divorce by mutual consent should family, and then there would bo pleas be void, and such is now the law of "' '' satisfaction In eating good France. .Ubuny l.air Journal. food. Tim host cooks are tho-o who . ttiko agricultural jiapers and read the Life Is made up i.f little things; nnd recipes. Tho-e who attend Ihettrange, since little occurrences compose the compare notes with, and eat tholr great web of life, we .-hould see well neighbors' cooking, soon develop into to It that though ipilte simple nnd un. good cooks. The grange has done Important as they may be In them- much toward this object. Americans selves, our every diyucts -litaild re- have too plenty, and tire too wasteful, tloiintl to the abiding good to the The rod test of good cooking .should great viorlil as w.ll us tooursolve". A be to bo able to get up a palatable word Is n little thing hut Is wuudbr-' meal without much of anything ou fully potent, either for gootl or evil. A hand to get It out or. A clem cloth, smile, even, has been known to turn uud clear, shining dishes, go u great tlie scale-In the life of a young person, way toward making food relish. The Nny, a look of approbation houlil bo good dishes that can he made from a enough to win a forward child Into pig are many; first, thero are the spare the pleasant piths of rectitude and ribs and tenderloin, then head -cheese, pence. .souse, and plg'.s feet, that are positive Ocorgeri.tisjustongal'od him-1 luxiirli-i when properly cleaned and selftotbo girl of his heat t, liro.ilMtlio,!roo,,l,',i !ht'" """"" "u'1r ' "'' happy news to his friend Jack, who! mi'"n' lm,l,-' ,,ml Mi'klwl irk. thut has been married sometime. ,rlirk lu'll'i t seti-on mi many other dishes. "Ah, well, my dear fellow, marriage n'"" wo Kl Ur'1 '" l,ortt'" ',l(' nu Is tlio best thing In the lng run, untl I .,nl fr' doughnuts In-all giving var -cm assure you that after a year or e, '" Ul" l,m "r n,rt'' "'l'1 !,ru m,", two a mangots ti,od to It, and frv with but llttb trouble. Wo know, for In.t as lo'lv ns if In. Iiovor nmrrloil 'it all." Wl.VlKK THI.tT.MKNT Of Pofl.TltV. A ciirresptiiiilent, on addressing its mi this Mibjoi-t, sty lo brief that each fowl ought to iirwiuee liiil eggs a year; th it in tuu winter warmth Is ludls- HU UHl W)Vur VvUh cold vut r. Cook pn.Titriej that the fowls must Imvo 6imly until vcrv ti'iider, taking irtin some ot the food they find at other Bl.u, ,w ;i ry ,t T.iit, up tho cbl.ki :. .fdMin-. when ut Lugo; tl.ut they must nd boll tho llimordown tu u nipful, , have plpuiity of tuom in their lioitu', remove ull tho Umes. and ph-k, i ! , and It and the laying hoses koj it clean; chop, tlio meat in small piece. Se - thuttheynim.t tje fed with corn, Ui.-Iey, fe vvlili wilt, pepper, stvei t b.ri.., ' oils, have a box or siintl, oyster or a-nj, f tho ihlcketi U riot '.it ...Id t clam oll- pountiod up. or old iimrt.tr, u tablonpoonfii! i.f butter. Miv in'1. ur bones dried and pounded fill-; Hint the gravy nnd put Intou iiintild, w. ' inasiivil boiled po'.atoes und corn-men! bntteredj sot in cool pine for iwelv- ire excellent that fatty mutter of uny, imura or until irfwtly I'.riu. i.t . kind, .resli Uof, cr port: scraps, etc, in 8uot, for the i.v'de. It l -! --- o must ;'. rm a portion of their dlot; thrt muke it the day hofore It Is ..-.. t. d bens .ne fund of vegetable matter dur- fur ut.. ; it.c; winter ui.d will cut cubbage, etc;' tfsww"'w" and that they must bo kept free from ' T, mind allKthin U"lf li Idl.i -vnrriiin, which nearly always follow ttnj hbis to wlmt evt-r Is t.isy : . rle inline-. Incase, however, vermin ib,,N.,ni. 'jia. huja :,lv, is i!n , till inuko their tijipearatue, there is iintiiiiix hi eiioi'iivu in removniK, them as ruM.lux the top of the lie.ul, ii.tl.-r the tt tot's in. iiiioti tb ttiti;;s in. iiioti tin. ' 1 t.i t hUJI'"-tl"I. . v I -v. 1. rd lie t hUJl"-ti"i. . v u '1 ' i.i nt d (i;;'u ai.-t Iin mi t ' i i ' tt, tll.tl all ttlu) Ui in rl te r t.--, .11 d ufciorse .n fatiurv j i t f-i to puultry-r. islnp, m.i t adopt, man's province. The average family limit .-It down thive tltro a day ton i meal that -hall help and -strengthen ling, for the henellt of the daughter of rich people, who, having u retinue of servants iu the family home, do not Is not necessary that good living should ho expensive living. A poor, slovenly cook is always the most ex travagant, and what such a one wastes would, In the hands of an lutelllrent w ";,vu '""" " "" !""" ll ,,,"l """ all tlio other litres of hired men nnd , little children, and no help. j At .st lii.rr .. Cur? AUK Ciihiwe. Tako a i ,i;i hi n, ,. m,,i ulwiv. lay In n iuii-.m.i , -- - - ", . , !"' "Vfr yt taken tho polo 1 1 -nl and cYpnul b: ii.it.d to l i " I of i i t lp. ' II ' A s 1, i r V. hi w i: ii r a s "t nwi.un i riiii'-iot;, 'i U'i to lu-i.i tbr to cen. in ol n i's to iu-i.. pOr ftE GrfH.DrEJ. n;ic Mini Siionllattc. I.itt! -n i1il.(MMtne to tovi. All It.s.i.; i i Ii -r hrnndnew ijown, And null nit ' luVi'il as ftvsi, niul fan A 'if. v - im.'iVi", I dii'liire lint , J ' tnl lienivpped. lie-.' ill t' iv.t of h 't Iftinily kepk .s rioe riMi'toor m '! eon wnn.i. In i 'a l'i - L r i ln fliiow-ntorra Hut 1 ttl M .tinwlnha couldn't tt.tit. And -lc1 v .vi' t. .1 t i nine in "rcatcr utat-c. Tor ui.. tli'iui,' Lb.it het fn'mity would nt'er he kill tin It h" i iiiii 'it 1 1 rowd so nho caitiff abne. All at un' trotn the ero.it hlitu sky Where e!..ud vonels went neinliliu,.? hy. With aailt ill et, on their way to moot The larger ship of the miony fleet. She w.i. vol J tuvil, hut couldn't "lop un call i mm n npiru or cliiuiuey top; ' All the vt ly trotn her bright iifiode ll.mii 1 1 thj dint of a country road! I There ill . i.-it.-il all out of breath, And th 'tv she H'Mwlily met her death, And nolm l eo'ald exactly toll mo sp.il wicre nine .Mlsv Mnowllal.0 roll, .'oi'lniio I'ulLinl hi tlio Christian L'ttion. Witvr s.mii::ix(i Doks" roit llovs. A certain doctor, Jsiruck with the large number of boys under fifteen years of age whom he observed smok ing was led to Inquire Into the effect the habit had upon their general health. Ik took for his purpose thirty eight 5 toys, aged from nine to fifteen years, ami carefully examined them; .iiil in twenty-seven of them he ills covered Injiirioti'i traces of (he habit. Iu twenty-two there were various ills, oniei'v of the ciculutlou anil digestion, palpitation of the heart, and more or le is marked taste for slrontrdrlnk. In twelve there was frequent bleeding of the nose; ten hail disturbed sleep, and twelve had 'slight ulceration of tlio muccus meiubrmo of the mouth, whiili disappeared on ceasing from the Use of tobacco for some days. Medical treatment wtei of little use till the smoking win discontinued, when health anil strength were soon re stored. This Is no "old wile's talk." The facts are given under authority of Hi-It; J: M.-I.vol Jwr.ul. Plain Tali: to v (l:::r. Vntu evory-d.ty toilet Is i part of yot r ciitir-. ie. A girl who lo.ikM like a ' fur;, " or a sloven In the morning Is not ti !e trusted however llnely she may i.u.k In the evening. No matter how Intiu'ile your room may be, there are eight thing) It -hould contain: a mirror, -.mji, water, towel, comb, hair, u-td nnd tooth liriisht". Thev are Ju-t i. eu'.iiil as your breakfast, lie- lor.' wnicii you idiotibl make good and free use of them. !'.nens who full t. provide their cl.il. I." -u with such appliu'ces not only inti.ve a great iiil-tn.( but commit a sin of omission, Link tidy Iu the niarnlng; uud after the dinner work is o r improve your toilet. M ike I? a rule of your dally life to "dress tin" in tlio after noon Your dress m .y ! nothing h. t er ih in a calico, hot with a ribbon or ll iyr or some bit of ornament, ynu can liuve an til.- ot ..olf.rei.nect wlil-li invariably irnes with being well ilre-seil. .Iwcr. (. liiirul Ifouu DWY tiiiiKi: ami .ii i un cons. T.i' hi n :ii!iju. ,;.. .". -. i iIij Attii-ri- cm tmtiti.ttf Hal!, j s .t i.'is-tiog placo t" it. Ies,i .'liI-'m i '-.tor ticru pr..i'ii" 'uri y '1I i . i i ,,i tlia uveniii. til." tl'lIKtdll ivb..'.- .-is'-ll ;1 pti'MlllO if .t,(i'0 .Mtrnbiia l'i V irt,T . fnl.lt of hn.t i n.' ."u'li tad ttiUi .' !lci.!i nultsr u lelilted it thu Lutida-i ft- lum ( 18731 ii Kiii'pl) .,i lli-c .iii'i'.e- ," ii N.irtnniidy hittt.'i m nie in vr i..ii' . .f'.!li'.ii. t Hiinqiln if irliiii-i u.' r.irk ' ill' v i.'. t. Ireland l.titO'ile. i . . i butter. fei.ii li 'iiud, ,i pi 't oyitiuii r d 'ork .h'bited and n '. l.if ,..n it of pi .iy vi i. p i 'I butt". . .un i. .e tt . 1.I..I .'i I , p. . ' ti . . 'i CIO'4 B!17DE35LX5r5 c'0,aa?. w-n r m SILVERWARE &. K 1LWM OFFER M iiii i nmwiwMiimiiWTirin H !'. ,-' ' U- i I... .k. '' ' 7V I '. I . . ' F I ' I ' ' ' ' ' ,Yii ml t mn . '.s i-i v . t . ' . :' 'la vit e'" ' ..!.. i , ' . .Jo J. jjwll it' i . i . i , i , . .i . . " 'Lvtt ,f'V,' "i . .w..'...mmwc ,MMMiiww.riiNH, .w.f,.,.i-..rt- -s-.vyi&JiJ K"''- cyrU1' i1S !'-',f1itii-'"e ' '' I ..'MW WiW $ It :t not fipjsar J4 Hiii I'-P'i" a' 'f wV MW.ftifflfiV i...iwv.ti-i.r.i't.fi'.." ';!. V.1?' '". thv "trill ' E2ffQf '"' ."".i-'m'-i ,u" "' 'u-'' snfjri'A 'A I r--WrKl Uo . at UMnfiffttltV 1 . 3 ' '- I. V. c?7 W, -lv rimi-..m ii . j.wMtiM Mimiiaini'nTfmmTrirLt r"""" 'tn'.Ti ,m a,. ' i e. f rttjj!'lyHit'i . fl. .' .-yllsHlf l 1" l)Mf ,jr i'iM i . i iirt' .1 1 T I, I- MT Wil' I iiyj)'" -nil ! It n . f ' MTl.f. .... ?ih.i a. t i t)M !. n.K 1U'.M. I- il. '! t T HO tli. l Im rmtrnKx: tt.ia mado hyUiclt.tnl Colly, of Tylfour, Wok) iil. A iro.iti-ory, with .til the moJorti tippli.inci fit niYkltictnil butter, ha.t liocn ctUhlnhcd ilioi-i ftetory ras In full operation TiiMilty nut th.' tiroiett of ch-ouo-iniking wtu walchu liy hundred who had never before seen it 1'iiirw.ieii woiih milk imtcid of incaiuring it, and io. intend of v eetttiti nuirher of gtillotii. 1.00(1 ( mis of milk were poti-ed inlii a huge ili.s-.' v it .Vint 20 feet long h " broad and 'J deep l'i th.Kt-it. by invfiti' a st-iuii-pipm Iwnetth it, tlujuilk wan he.itcil to HO I'.ihrcn- heit. It ts then made to auMttno tho tint of rich cream lit thu addition and thorough stir ring in of a few drops of yelloti coloring mat ter, uud illicitly after the rennet wan stirrod in. In about !. mittutos tho coagulation of the milk begin and in it fow minutes moro it as thoroughly curdled. la thi.i ntato it was cut iith a iii.itiv-lil.ided ciird-kiitfo, and at tho ime fine w.u cradutlly heated to tMl to 98 , t Thin took nhout two hours, at tho end o( J which time the tthoy mid the curd wcro thoroughly nep-ti.iledt and tho latter resembled i kernels of ojtti. Tho cuid had also bocomo cooked, and asaoouas it had attained a cer tain degree of acidity, the whey was drawn off and the e ird tr.tnnfiirr.id to tho cunl-ink. Hero the t hey tv.-ta further drained off, nnd tho curd salted, about '."j pottndi of nalt bolng aided to 101) pimml of curd. After BUnJing in tliin iituu tor Itilt an liour tlio cum wan ready to Iu put in round iron cIiccso-Ikixch, Inviug Mifor.itcd bottotiiit, and tratufeirod to the puweiful gmg press, tvhertj it tvnj tr.tnn foraied into el'.eevi. A'tcr rvliiiinilig in tho prevt mer night tliu iheesen will bo sot in t i iirin,"roniu tt here they must remain for Uirco or four w cekt hefoi-o lieittg ready for market. Th? hIiow of milch lotta at llio fair, though Atuill, i very line, and en.uprises ninio noted intuiili. Oiip of them is the .Jersey cow lojjpY.uo It., a hiuo'y, faw lecolorud niilin.il, luting a wnall t,i: on her forehead. SVe was mred hy lie tcnu Cuiiu't, dam ImiwrtedJoscpli- iue, nnd wai Kim iu April, ISTI. Hhe took tho lint prUe. for cows nt thu NV.v York Stato I'.ur of thiii ytar, nnd it valued .it 910,000. Another beautiful Jers"V enw Is Hello Hinnian, w hich took a pri.13 nt tlio IVuteuiua! is tho best J-yeirciM, liU mut'i.T 1 1 Uli-n, e 3-year-old cow, ot nil. cr f.v.tn colcr, vd'' fell black point, bred by t S. t-irj-'tit, of L'rookline, M.tM. Ai.viaa tlni Atrthirca a.-' I'lora XII,, Amy, and Mynlu II., vrit'i en ..t.cr-sj, from Hi; 'in of y. M. U. Wei's, v "cifleW, to.". Muntoftli.t Hu'sti.i'n.1 i..!.i M'd tvcio) i .'.;x,rtt.l from llollaud iu Angn. i , thin year hy Mr. .'ntniM NuiImiu, an I ncotig th"tii aro th. '. iw Iri., Moi.l:.I, lloiter, nnd wr.rtltop, tl.v heifer Dikkcrt, tno (;rMt bull Ta-i.tw, tho liull.luhtti.il', mid the hull-calf Ink Three beautiful Dovoiin fat, ideek, a. id dark ted, tvitlriiit a upol-are thu com 3 I'r.,ry XXVI., ti.irti.i, ind Kaiiy Wil. tio.'nuf hit ti novelty to thi i Huetion nf country in exhibited by (lit hert !'. T.iher, id l'.lttersti, l't.tnam county, .'. V., i:i tno ivd Norfolk foiled cattle, or "nioobiy entt'4." .Iiiaio.1 A. Iljatt, of I'atter sin, inhibit! Hcvurul line AldcrnoyH, tuuoiig whieli aro tho I)uvlias of C'rulun, l'o;e.'tte, nnd tl.e bull IMey Int-iui. Sol oral Otieriuny cat t'.e, and a ttumher of uatl'u cow ti j n!oo uk hilitteil. Churn SIonlj. A littl.i n. ild in the ti'.iinntig mi StiMwl murrily unigiiig mid thuining "Oh, li i I hi.'Ii tint ImttT him done. Then oil to tlu lioMi I'd Ih turning I" so "li j hurried thu il.i!u r up mid down Till the far.itjj'ci.iuil, with a half -iiimle frown, "(.'hum nlowly I Don't ply tko d.t.Iu'i4, m fast, my dear, It's lint ho good toi the liuttir. An I will ui.ilai v.i.1.' anus ache, iw, I fear; Ami nut vim all in a lltittcr -roe this t.i ,t rule, ttlurrvc r wn turn, Hunt Im in liaiW .i.tiiuuter von elntru Churn lonlyl "If you'd into yo i 'nitter voiuo men and uwout il.m't ilium .lh t ne vims Jerking, Hut ply Mm 'i.iii.';' ilnwlyiiiiil ue.it Von II hanl'j ..'i that you'iii working; And ulto.i the in'.' -r li.i.iuoiiui, you'll ,iiy, 'Vui, tin i (j 4ii ! ti. tury lnvit wuy' Cl'.uni (lowly 1" Now, hit) i,.i i. '.i )'i i think that you A Ihsoou oi i tit.. i .li butter? Don't Ik- hi it li u'.". h.itmer you do. Or git jimr-j!f n i 1'itteij Aiiilwtu.ut.il' -'.i.i.i 'i hf. , gnat churn, Im'. thu f.i:i "i . ' i- tu y iim ruturn, "thin n slowlyl" -arali Ki.ihlui Hunt. Tin' young nw ' '-ou Ae.idetny who jjo out liettt inn ,!.-, n'.i.i'; go nut for an (lKjnt glati A Itottlitu "o young ltd mien for du.ag toll i tl. ' i:ii and willgivu tho pro- . .,..t ', , kU - 9 PRE IS FOR AU .I1..JIJ1 J ilr' ' . U .j'it i V, ..' i , t '- " l l '1 I f U J i - .. . ----, i jy, ri v Var ' "$ t '',"- " r "r 'TiTfrTiiJL