Suprome Court Calendar. Following is a list oi casrs filed for hearing this term: Samuel Uanuah ct al plaintiiTiand app., s J. L. Sliirlcv, delendent and res.; ap. pcil fiom Union county. K. H l).ad A Co . plaintiff and app , a L. I.-imjhorn et nl, dclcndui.ts and 103,; appeal from Cos toutif. Stall' of Oregon, plaintiff .mlapp,. -, Wm Mindi uud T. . Heal, dJtndints and res.; appeal from county. State of u.i'gon, p'aintiffand rcsv's L. O'Neil ct al, and rea.; appeal from I'otislm county. Samuel itich, plainttil' and app., vs P. P. Palmer, defendant and res ; appeal from DjiijIis county. A. V. Smith, by John D. Ilines. guar dian, plaintiff anJ app., vs John Harris, defendant and rci.; appeal Irom Douglas county. T. M. Head, app., vs S. M. Gentry and Jolin Coppin, ics. Win D. ilenshaw, app., vs J. Nash et al, rc3. Jos. II. Ileatty, rc., vs Henry Max veil; appeal from Lane county. State of Oregon, res, vs J. I). Whitney and S. A. Iiibtrt, app.; appeal from Ma--rion county. Charles Sweglc, app, vs. R. P. Wells, res ; appeal from Polk countv N A. llroun, res, vs. .Mary Lord ctal, app.; appeal from WhIiiII county. Wm. R. Gilmore. gua.dian, res, is It C litirch, atp,; appeal lioui Vamliill county. Jsliti Mmto, res., v William Delaney, app.; appeal from Marion county. Ladil & Ilibli, apps., va C. M. Cart wright, res ; appeal from Marion county Hen Iloluday ctal, res, vs S. G. Kill ott ct al; appeal from Marion county. V., A. i-arkcr, res., I). U. Montcith, app.; appeal Irom Linn county. J. V.. Ucntley, app,, vs Rebecca V. Jones et a , res. Gusepc Motascc, res., vs George II. Hughes, app.; appeal from Linn countv. Wm. Uarr, res., vs C. S. Silver ct al, app; appeal fiotn Multnomah county. Ann R. Wilson ct al. res., vs W. L. McKwan et al, appeal from Clatsop couuiy, Anderson Edwards, app. vs R. S. Per kins.res; appeal from Washington county. Jas. W. Welsh ct al. res. vs James Taylor ct al, app; appeal from Clatsop county. State of Oregon re, vs P. J. Hingjcn, app; ai'tiral from Clackamas county. C. II. MiCormick et al. app. vs C. M. Iilan:haid, res.; appeal from Washington C3UMV. J. C. Trullingcr, res. s N. Kofocd ct al, app; appeal from Clatsop county J. C. Trulllngcr, res. vs N. Kofocd ct al, app, (No. 2); appeal from Clatsop county. Peier Runey, res. V3 Geo. W. Rea, app; appeal fiom Clatsop county. J. W, (Jreenwood et al, app. vs Mary Clinc ct al, re.; appeal from Clackamas county. Hiram Drown et al, res. s Maty O. liroswi ct al, app,; appeal from Clatsop coaniy. l 'J. Davis, app. vs II. V. Smith, res.; appeal from Multnomah countv. Jas. M. Moore, app. vs The W. T. & L. Co. tes ; appeal from Clackamas couuiy. State of Oregon res. vs II. L.and Cltas. 1'. Hanson, app.; appeal from Douglas county Ladd A Hush app. vs Thomas Smith res.; appeal from Marion coun.y. Jas. D. Walker ct al, app. vs U. Go'd smith et al, res.r appeal from Marion countv. Geo. F. Tribou ft al, res. s J. M. .Strou bridge app.; appeal from Multno mah count). John C. Doshcer app. vs N. Veistecq ctal re..; appeal from Multnomah county. A. P. Ankeny et al res. vs Charles A. .Illackiston et al reps.; appeal from Mult nomah countv. L. M. Starr res. vs Henj. Stark et at app?.; appeal from Multnomah county C. G Caples ct al apps. vs William ' Steel, res., appeal from Multnomah county. Slate of Oregon res vs James Jolttnon app., appeal from Multnomah coun y. T. Louis ct al resps. vs S. II. Drown i ct al apps.; appeal from Multnomah countv. City of Portland res. vs J. li Garrison ' ct al apps ; appeal from Multnomah county. Siatc of Oregon res. vs Archie Ilrown ct al apps,, appeal from Multnomah' ciunty. Slate of Oregon res. vs Chas. Craufoid, app.; appeal from Multnomah cuuuiv. Van II D.-Lashniut el al, app. vs W. R. Kvc.son ct al, rev; appeal irom Wash inqton count) K R. Merriman, app. i Joseph S , Morgan, res.; appeal from Multnomali countv. j H. V.. Steeples, res. vs Klhs Newton, app., appeal from Multnomah county. , Smr.h uro., rej. vj W.bimmonsetal, pp. Levi Este3, adm'r, app. vs Jas. Knott et al. res. ; appeal from Multnomah county. Din ol Ilritish Columbia, res. vi W. I "W. Pj(j et al, app.; appeal frcm Multno-1 roah county, i Siatv ol Oregon, res. vs Thos. I arris et al, app.; appeal from Multnomah countv J&u app. vs David Marden ' ctal, rv., appeal from Jacks-i county. DIco Ullfcjn Club. 1 Dr. J. W. WutU lectured fivo ntjrliU t'. ) Court house in Eugene to lnrg? oiowda, diwint; ou Sund&y night, the Sth Inst A Blue Ribbon Cub watt oran uii there with rii member Thu is the largsit Blue Ribbon Club in Oregon. To-sigUt and to-morrow night he will leoiure in Ciwawull; and ou Wednesday a::J Thursday nights in Cottage Gtovi. At tho Fronch Hoipttal. Mr M.iun Orcenwu1 1, a'ci fir Jlihi Augusta L, O.ircon. liiw .langer ot. si;, t' at tin1 From' If 'M' Sir. Kiunetici'. Brsiwiitit: Up. The $o't iPinptMture of last ni-Utt ar.d 10 day epencd a large chinucl ihmu,h I the ue in the river and if tho tlnw holds 1 out. .he ice will break up in another 1? or mo, Sli'Sfiirlnc- Tir . . N ( ,1. nrvtilriii of tliolr mifforviiip, t!" 1 if ; .nl' il't-i.' hti5iHii'-ii'!'. tfpaiti t .vhorp.v- r.ivigir! n ti ti lioatit, .lor .!?i ni'i'.li'd. Moro Convict. John Hacklcson, J. W. Truelt and Pat rick Sacc nleadcd cutllv to larccnv to-dav !, ih.. Hirc-iiit Tmirt nnri were, r','l each to one ) ear's imprisonment in the penitentiary. A Proipiiroiu Town. Dayton, Yamhill county, is ?aid to be making decided improvement in the shape of new residences and new stores. It is the head of navigation on the Yamhill river and the Stirling point of the west side narrow gauge road and is b uud to go attend. Patt Ilancor. Mrs. 1'. C. Harper, daughter of Dr. U'catherford, wlioie condition was con sidered hopeless bv the physicians of Al bany, is improving rapidly under her father's treatment, and hopes arc now en tertained tint in a few week- she will be past all dinger. U.S. SUIppla.'t Couimlntonor'i Rxport. The rcpoit of the U. S. Shipping Com missioner, II. L. Ilou, for this port, filed this morning in the U. S. Circuit Court, shous the following business done for the year 187s: Number of seamen shipped, 104, at S; each, j33; discharged. 312, at 50 cents each, SijO; total fees col lected, $544. - .- . Tlis ZiA-jm anil Journals. Etc Mr. H. M. Wuiti', tho contractor, fin ished thu printing of the laws uud .Sen utii iiml llotihs journals yostcnlay, and hut tltu bcliool luw: in type for tin jrvs, "i,000 copicn of the latter will Ih priutiHl. Thu report of tln Iiivcstig-iting Com mittpi', itiiikiiig miiiio "iOO pagiM of inin useript, will be coiiiiiioiic.I the hitter part of thia w!. About otti'-diir.l of thu mtiuuseript is tabular work. Dlimtrons Firo lit CoutorviJlo. The (louring and lumber mills ouned by J. C. Trullinger. atCenterville, Wash ington county, burned down last Saturday. Tne cause of the fire i unknown. Thu property was valuable and the damage cannot be less than 810,000, on which there was $(,ouo Insurance. Mr. Tiul linger used to live at Oswego and now IUe at Astoria, where he owns the large lumber mill below town. He also has owned thu properly ai Conicrville, as we are informed, and owns it still unless sold' wiimn uircc inonuu. How nt tba Jou Homo. A general row amongst the Chinese at the Joss House on Second street, this af tcrnoon. was about the only event that disiurbeJ the citv'3 monotony. It seems thtttlie Celestials hive a vile g milling den in that edifice, where Lucifer is wor shipped equally with Joss, and where cheating and swindling are carried on with civilized proficiency. A few of the patrons of the game supposing thv were li:in,' robbed, rebel ed and were proluse in thrir abuse of the thieves. The latter combined and droic the malcontents from the premises One of lhc atter was fearfully beaten over the head with a billet of wood and the scalp and face cut in a brutal manner. An immense crowd gathered in the vicinity, supposing that another asiassinaiiou ws being committed. The butchered pant entered complaint at the po ice office and a member of the force was immcdi.uelv dispatched to secure the offender. ---3- Oro until Selected. The Northwestern Industrial Associa tion met at Grange Hall, F.ast Portland, Monday afternoon, and coniidered the question of location and purchase ol grounds for holding their annual fairs. Yarious places wt-re proposed; one being owned bv W. S Lidd, close to Kist Port land; anotner owned by P Kelly, near the car shops, two miles distant, and land owned by Jud.'e Marqtnm, to and one half miles distant, ueir Columrii s'.ouli. The f.nal decision was r.sac'e in favor of ::oacrcof land thii m le of Milwuu l:ee, on the nvcr. and ii-ar the railroad, well w.ueij.l, with a vounty rnjd running through it, a s cunboa. lauding bemtf uu die river, and the difnce Ivs than fo'ir uulm from Portland. The latd i very beauufu ly tituated, lias great natural beauty and can be made as attractive as heart' can wish and money can perfect. The ::o acres will cost, the owner bring Rev. Mr. Set wool, who many jeu ago purchd tni Ian I, and mil reap a httniome re ward for so doinvr. Tue neu ilmij i 10 raise $10 coo to improve the groun 1 for tne purpose intended, clear enough for occupancy nnj rcci me necessary uuiu- j ku ingj. roruan. u eipecieu to raise a tin eral propumon of ihi.itum and people of the coumty in tins and Clackamas and o'her counties will subscribe liberally and take many memberships. The purcluse is made on accommodating terms and moit cf it can remain on 10 per Cent, in terest, and that no: to commence until next fall. 1 Inn, '( of riv North v. I'lTPmlicr dot c b t'hi. .w "vl) veiv jrulibiiw l'.'"-l' '; f.Hi'c old ' ij . i:id x t Tlu-v !iiiiit !. 1 . ,m 1 iti r. :. ., Xlitinrncil to A'orin The neatntr Orerson came ip last night three miles this fide of la!ama. but a siror.ij v-itid and heavy ice in ihe river compelled her to return to Astoria at which place, a diipat.h informs us, she arrived ni 0:45 this a. . Snould obsta- cles be ren.ovi-il me s'.i' will come to Poiiland, oilt-itte she w.ii sa.'. from Astoria, Kurd oji Them- Merchants complain ol dull times, for the temporary closing of all tl.e rivers to ' sieamboat navigation reduces trade to a minimum, but most of them mil cct their tradr. in course of time, while the busi-1 ness that is lost Is chiefly that of lite hotels j whose customers do not put in an ap-1 pearatico Travelers arc scarce and the ' laansieut trade carries the profit w'oruTcIdlnc. t-, . . .. . I The channel of the river shows so1 , , ... . ,, . . . ,, much change that wc are told that a wh.vf 1 lately nutit is now in liltv Ice: ot water, The question is asked: if our front is cov ered with wharves reaching out too far, tiul into gtcat der-th of water, will not the effect bo to set the current lurihcr cist, or in reality to drive tt to the other side, and make dredging necessary along the city front ' (Juien s.ibe? Solo of Cauutr Iltchts W. S. Plumnier has disposed ol the county rights for his ftuit drier in this State as follows: For the courtly of Yam - 11111,10 a. 1.. Alderman, ot Uayton anU Henry Warren, of McMinnville; for the. county of Polk, to J. W. Crawlord, of I China Rati!. T'ir Rppor'.pr siys the ilr V 'tai. Mcrchm Vai ihi.I, vns rued tM JO, Hiipiiosed to !i:iv liecn fa, M,ri ;, P r ' r ? llwn V,- h" llJl '""'Mte enter MnJS? i.u ?VJ . u- r CinC lUinmenttliathas given great pleasure to Howell pra tie. and J. W. Crawlord, of , large audience. Salem and J. J. Cooper, of Salem. ,,,,, ,. . ,..,, OrvRon Mori-''T7iinnm Summnniin." Several months ago Mrs. Summers, .'""VtT.,.. . . who is considerable of a bo:anist, found. r (S' ?t g1, ''" nTl. ,l"-' , , , -, ,,, Lucky tjticcn mine for a year. He is an a short d. nance from McMinnvil!e,:imoss'Cjq)e,jenccj Nevada miner. for which kite could find no appropriate From the Coos IJav News : Jamc name. She forwarded it to Piof. D. O. Hamilton will apply it the (anuaiy term haton ol ale ( ollegc, who was as much 0f Supreme court for admisiion. at a loss to find a name (or it os Mrs.. .r. ..inn .1 Summers. Prof. Kuon sent it to Dr. ,J.,e. ; m" i"?.'1 a" 0.Muum' m Schimtier. of Slrasboimr. C-rminv. tlml 1 w - - - n - --" --.-p best living bniamst, who, after puzaltng hh brain over it for some time, returned it after having christened it "Tinnum Sjinmersac " alter the tinder, who i,as the largest and lies: collection of plants in thi section, having J.sCO different sncci mens. And still Yamhill is in the lead. Reporter 1 ,' o.ioElo. Bulnc. At the money order department of the rns'.omcc in I'orliana the loilowing Is a is a recipliulatiou of the businesj done during the pait year: ltKCAIMTUI.Tla.X. ")tl oiinii.rro: orJir l'ti.,(i.:i; Vl.ini.-J f T.iiit' inn Mint or t'" 1, 41 ai mil iiuinl.rr nl 11 .Itr. .H'.i,ilini . ... )(iimi ,M T.1I11I numtieri.r onlnrn irn.l, li..... I,'.iii Ml Ti.IhI .1111. unit i.r "ppi.-.n r'i I I'M, 1 1 (U Tot it inn. nun liirniliil '.UiMlHr '.i.'l I Ui li.Mlrtiu'ltli. In U. . Lupo-it.iry.. . d;,7cuuii There were aLo issued for Postniuters halluces, 2,259 certificates of deposit and 1 .01 6 Cinvl .in iulernatinnol orders cer tified. The number of orders tuid dur ing 1878 was double iht-f 1877, ard the ai.ount was aim double that of the neci-diiig year The I'limlier of orders sued f.hnws an increise of about 700 over 1877 and amounts issued in coin SiH.oco over last year Su promo Court. Wkp.sesiui, Jan. 3. 1879. State cf Oregon, vs Archin Iirown, ap- pe-lin'.; set In' hearing January 20ih. Siaie of Oregon respondent, vs James ' Johnson appellant; sei (or heuinr. Jan-' uaiv 20. Ii. I .1 u.o ion of Judge Snauuck, R. M. unc t ltn..tiil t,i iinMi . u liiie.iti' from supreme court ol thu district ol LOlLMIllll.l. Jes-c Dudge appellant, vs Daid Mar den ct al; argued and sub' miited. Tlii 'Allowing applicint for.iJmissinn will he examined at 1:10 i- i. io..iiv In . o i'. i. lo-dav in open court: Chas H. Cnlield. Alex, Meaclum, Cha-. A. Cogswell. Geo. S. Washburn, II. C. Humphrey. G. W. Hell, Heiry S1.1t. s, Jis. W. Hamilton, J. M. Ill.ishom. r. Clarno, II. li. Crojj. Fred V. Ilolman. - Kullar's Vill. The will oi Holler, the magician. 13 a cur 1, ins document. We give the follow- 11M clause: "i hereby direct my eaecu-, ins. hcreiiisfter named, and under ihoj direction a:.d fiuiervwiouof HaiJeu Mci , let, 10 destroy, brca up 01.1l beat out of shape all the sreret op;aratuj. arrange-! . . - 1 i.ieu'4. aiHimecnamcaioeviCMlicrtatning,;,,,,, ,Jlith4,,1 tnM teiut w .;r in my w.iy uflecting or connectea t , , nA touw , charge oi w:.!i my Hi.inew, ko that no one may (4 ta t) ,.19,fc, Tte li luv. th? icntfit ol my brains after roy I ,t.,,t.,. .mi. 11 , ui.uerMoou mat .Mr. rjci ;;; 01 his dt ah bed rokH thta order, 1 and d'ftftteU that his conjnrg appartu I h -i:!d t ciit 10 Hnt nu offered for f A C.Ticmiuiitfiii "fixed her mouth like the top of a rubber tobacco pouch, ami he tmoothid it out with Ills tongue;" and that made a Cincinnati kiss, accord ng to th: Breakfast Table. Ode to a 5-oosial sun cloak '-Thou ar. io dear ard yet xo fur." 1 Stato News, i Wheat was 83 cents at Hucna Vfsta, A 0,lckyard is to be started at Dallas. The epizootic is verv fatal to horses in ' Lake county. Mining is ai a s:a;id still in Jackson coun too cold The Satiliue, wh. .1 -an on a naj md sunk, ins been cot ot!. The road Ijcl -nn Aihland and Link villi ;s dusty in J tnuary. T. V. Flood hna become a toitit rr Vtlvt3t of llie Kebu-g Star Jackwnvil ln no public hall lari- enough for pubU. nuetiiitjs. Tnerc is not an empty store-room or residence in Jackson county. Work on tne nw M. h. Church at Work '"i ttl11 socm commence, Jacob, "h hM .1;il.Ied tw. sw!"1 l,tal it(.iUU fUU 'iIIU9 UtUdSL'U. , l .w" '". ln lV"Mle arc m 8fMt IIU1,J' "t0 got there, A charge of iminoralily will soon bo tried in the church at Marshlield. A scries of revival meetings am being hc.d at the Methodist church, Albany. T,hrC ar. ')UI,.i's '" "'? ,Ah,,'ln(l academy and the district sc too s full. .... . 0 , , , heat was 84 cents at Independence, and but ,,,,, romaitu.,,.n lhc wirch(JlwWi Ncwcome raised IC3 busheii of oils to the acre in Tillamook county last sea son. The Itcmlzer savs the Dillas Musical Union has given a succcsjiu! enteitain mcut. Fie thousand one li'indrcd do'lirs taxc called to January 3, in jsekeoti 1 couniv. Isadora Rice, ol Oakland, beat Cozad, ' the celebrated fooi racer, a: Oakland on 1 the id. John blnmbrook killed i treese and wounded 5 in one shot at the Umpiiu Icrry recently. a Independence had a unsoucradc bill J on New Year's. Klegant costumes uud ""''"""" ru'-u". """F " ing 60 inches in circumference LaCrcole Academy resumed studies 1 J-?nuV 0,M t'roi. Kamiici as-tsted by umiss rarnicnier ami iIiv. .u:gnn, The PhilriinMlifin j , . . (.W.W,..(H.. cmertaiiimcnt at . ' Mnnmnillh rl.rUll in rrtlli.M ttit. .itt.Mh... I pleasant matter that is well spoken of. ' ''" w... , w...nv ..M UIIUIlll Twenty-nine deeiN, ten moittages and I two chittcl mortgages were filed in the I Douglas County Clerk's oflice during 1 December. Charles Walters, w hile looking for a dun ate on the North Umpqua lound the remains of u human being, tuppnscd 10 be an Indian. Mr. J. Wiliams. of Roseburg, while at a parly at Looking Glass, lost his speech and has only been able to converse .11 greu intervals. From lhc Times, Jacksonvi.le, Philip Kl ppcll, brother of Hon. II. Klippeli. comes to look at the county with a dis position to remain. The Alka Society, of Salem, on the id settle.) the question whether or no ' the case of the Indians shoulJ be trans- ferred 10 the War Department. ATrachcr's Institute for the Secoml Judicial District will t-held at Rosebuic Douglas commencing January 1(1 18711, and continuing three days. Mr. II. C. Humphrey and George Washliurne 01 F.ugene will go to Salcn. next Monday for the ptirpo.-c of .tamliu. an fx.uninatioii for admission 10 the tar Drother Hull, ol Oregon City is one 01 the bet corr spotidcuts the Uapnst Mea fun luu I I msciidlHL limn qml cum ,.,. .,, .,-, 0 a (Jib,,er a. , nlo!tt. ,- Cooj county is said to be reasoua' 1 prosperous; with two steamers and twentt silling vessels running rrgu'arly to ha Francisco, nut money is less pienu wm. live j ears ago ' W. Ilrldwell an enterprising I'oll. .county farmer bail 150 acre, ol I.11.. j cleared off last year, ami u j clear off 1 . year. lie his in ide a m. j f:"" "'"' 'b land. j Ki.'lu marriage hceti.i's were grantei j in UovvUi count) lat wed; Sprint hiiav Lc the IUII4 for buds 10 mate. b. I mm and women in tJregon appe.11 . 1 prder the ci.1 Oct W. Hunsaker's liruse 'I ner .Siaii'in, was robbed 01. .'.' - Uay t.l ?.;i 53 in, ..ikun b ii.tulouu pocUt, in r. rooia uh-i i.rv four ioui.u men acfp . .L.0. Kvar.ii was up w L-. ... , j. D Lve, ci.e ol the i.-.o-. ; t sil 11 en IVigo a lis ci t re- I. i. l-auui!;. detailed 10 make u sur in of Roguo river, secured the services of Mr. A. W, l'rtssly, a good Lca:u'ati, ml t'liem; led the survey, b 1: w. over to ..v.l in the rij.'Ji un-1 1 .. :n. t;.r.d..ied. Tlis U Jw-Lifr ts 1 ,e tr- tin V.f. l.tud OltiCe At i,u;'.v;,.-; pit . hoitsstaU Diriee, u; !' ' I.U: en'riws, 14; dooIio c.-r; u.v.;., emriw, vs cempriji ig 633 .r;,, applications, 2. f c :t. LOOK OUT! Mr P r-.n.i-'l It no loj . rl or,-ctl to r -i Miit f i ! ' iilii ir ,, AUo a hm 11 w is '.'.i u , I . .mli" ttaiiil, i.i onll.'ii 1 noi'AI!" 1 iV ) oiiB p.m-.i ; inn, , ti.tU di. p ,: tlioir Ml llv, TI. .. .' .1 i.tuNti .'. 1 -1-nt il! In 1. . ' Mtbimii. nttv .a .1 ' 1 , . ' A II 1 .l.llj! "I. J"- ' . . 'I ' ' "' ' 'i' .'-' i'-it I ..... V' . . v will ' ." -'..v re- li'i-" ' .i-iil vk. 'Hi. . '.sii:;j mi.. .1 . . ' jm illrti". 'i: . Til. .!. '.'l tun . .. r. ; -rrly V.'jt t.i' 1 I. 1. ' ' .s masM.f.. '. ,; nom Ori'gui I ir-n .. i.'rf l'nrl 13is.:.!, Willows S il.1- :. ; M'e iw: .! . letter fiTin 1 'lit iclatii.' t :!. 'citl- timi:o-i '' . . . . willow, t i-r. hut th h uu. :il 1 . ii ( p-iuM-mI for '.' 1' ting, di ! iti: i. ...' ,. vi oiiii-y ro piil. I:m!i any thin.'.' "-- j li .'. -Mt nt U1.1t -1. in-. T.'ic liwt mi'i . 1 .! ti'iibli naii'f vhi'-t in th'it '. '' v , out tin; 1 n w5 ioh luuv 1 p : t .it tUli r.t tisiM 'r- Mill!. Vfii.i '..- :. .s'wifu'.lv li.tiss l,..t'il it for in.m :i :. 1 ;.; puni.M. Kii-li-ai oi'i.T w"'' .-'lii- in bruk. : iidt-r .it li km" ; i.'l. (V.irx ,.i;. Im plutit.! ., ii'T iiu;i.,4 ! r inr uud it.- r.. . iMi'wl, i'ii:i ".'i .'.Iv ''i' font mi'! ". : '.'.. min. v Nn tivi wi'' i. .' " eof.'li . . '. i'..:i Tli' ..i- .; ' .w.!-iiim- x.1 '.' "i. t'i whie'i ' v. 1 -..-.iiIj. jr; ) u!," .c tim oil.'i .. . i. v ,'u nuid-. :l 1" '.Hri incut nn .i .! 1. '!" .:. I 'lllil ').' ; v i,:v.i ni vim w . . 'v,-.' ftfor iinj .itlivr cisjp, pi !.; .. I r li'jht im j-od-ibl". -'. '.'1 1 . !, "'luu'-l ! '. in t!n Sj.riii . .H'foiv i.ii.l ilariiu tim mi. i . : I thin by . ttti'i; iil-out t'ijjlii i:i. . 11 . Tln irrt-tiii-l Miotilil ln l.ii. .. ...i low a.. t. 'i-iiniJ of n!ti '1 ., . Tho r.i. h'lotilit Im nlKittf ... .'. .quirt, ii..l th pi.i'tti nbiiii iH.-.' r I'Hirt In th'1 n. ui- tiv.ii" 1 tlim '! rli: iw, : ml iv 4 m:ii 1 i!t".' uf -'fi"S. Do th. M..M.. ', .. .rid j'Kir .'t. I. .'.1 ."II !h yW'1"-! 'i ml y.M!' t 1 1 1 . coti'ri ' -.tilii 'i ;.-ir-timi 11 .!. -i' I. ... It ! ' .! Wf!'. ' i. . III' vri l. t . 1! .i :' '.iv ! einl 1 '. .' n'4-.inl-.i . !!.:. i.'ly ptsij.i . i wh.i 'i"- It', tier put : . '. it li-i.' win oir'.'n of ; .tlcmb-M 'ii :i " ii'.iui, 'I'b! ' '. firaoti kit.:- " io (in.. s . ' 1 ,' mill i 'In- i.'.Iiim I'lllllj't 1 ' Ii'MUm.'! M MV !1I' ;u. ' i! tt. ! ' :n of 1 js - j miiinir .tiiiil-. 'i :, 'itr nil c . . is;yi' -'Ik'. if '..tilt t'u' .1 . ' . nuiisK.." ' "a n i-aii Piouriuff Mill MaoMnory. Frank Bros., Agents, on - - J Cooper and Co., Mount Vernon, Ohio. iii 1 lis, . M I ' ) t ' I tl . . n , 4i ,m 1 ii (UK II.klM'JIKitl, Ml PORTLAND, OHEGON. OUor for Salo nt tho Lowont Fo33iblo Prices. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL A'ammoiBMi Consist! hk n W$ HARROWS & Uk We have been particular!) careful to as arc really the "ntflus ullin" of their cheapest but safest to both to consumer nulicd on application, and we sell no eooUi that we arc afraid to guarantee. Wd would call especial attention to the Deere Sulky h Over J, 000 Sold In Oregon oir W. T. In tho last 3 yuan. Tin wril!ir irriiiJtmet.t cl II. 1 iinnviO I lnii.tcuunt nevll only 10 Uj imii In I v i,.r cliU.l At your i.eUlitnr uliat 1 tii.nki iboullc .S'a com.llcUuii ol Icurj A 1"'V an nunut It, inl do oolUir work It. .u 4 11 an will. wiliilnjj ilu. till tolca Urn r-Jii'liy Irdi We luvt I'lll (.ttK-cti) rt-nr.1 tu tlid mpruvemci.l ol our Iu1phin0i.l1 nut w- In,. inrt k 1, li 11 litva ll.n i.rv lilr.t ir,ri",,vu monUiul Uit Hjlci Ai our lino I. w gxit.ul'J to DEERE'S MOURE PLOWS, Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deere's Sod Pto XrScH.o CScxxf; 2?loTC-Jr DEEUE'S CULTIVATORS, Farm, Grist and Vocd Nil'. 1, Sciw tiler Farm, Freight and Spring lVagot With tho Now TIUJILK:;G;:il JV.t. Bur uc.l: No khooi tu woze tlrui, liacklnr; or Kotnt; foruriiril. wo ivc nJna .MM 1.1W H l K.WW.fH n TV fcj-J.- U UliiiZiXZuiMX. JU &.aJHZ3. VI ft Fslsn". Pfl ' Fnl loo U knowo tu tiiod comment. Svml 'or Circular ind I'rlce Listxl fT Rtpnrtorlnl Zonl. "1 c sad new h 1 (.hips from Paris of tho il u'l of W Itr ttti tho kinr: of AtniT- 1 .1 r j 'N, v ' ccu'ii or eight ' , Pi 'li'i'MiicH sayii ' 1 en ilmu ilig ;i full- lie of the Ki'c.'it 'J ho Ititiiclttcd V. i"ii(l tho dolhifH of ' tvlv liirntliecnee, . . with nil th" po- li'liiitii'iiof Jvji'ope, a w itli lUtcnr.y, mill wr.rn nt' tlic Old rti'titi'iui ; tn or . to i'rin.v (iiii'tM , 11 mil.)!, to I'ifi rvii-mi, to tho Con -i jiliotngnipltr-r ho -u.ipift.i di.''d nn l ,1 .i IM' U 1 it; Le Figaro ii -tnstie faiary fnui Atiuu'ieaii (Kilici. Rcnto'ii nrffn.M I'.i.H 'Olll'l.i . .til 1 wits 1.11 intiiii itc i' lltirul mi'i ir iifiu; pllkl' r-:i' I ., ,t, ai- i;. I nr cil V.'l-.l.l MS II v . , He g.i:tr-d, l'.in!iil'i"x pllHI'lll. iiuit'iI.'A .vs a ilii 1 fi'.'ft uf Hl'f Ml us hud (roue to Uoy.11 11 waiter, mill to lluvnl burials ns a cof fiii-lieiiirr; in 1M7 lie muiie tht'iifipuiin taiu'i uf Mil.'. rU'liii'-i.lcr in the tolt of a H.,i'i!iin diui.iuti.i miller, whtli dining tlic Fi.iiii'O-Pi'Uii:.'!!! wm' l.c figured na 11 T'ltiii (bliiekor than !:ic), 11 Xnunvi', or 11 L'hliin, iii'eoi'diii;.' ,'.s the cxigi'iieles of tlic r.ituntioti (li'U'iiinli'.l. Tho itccotn plishi'il jotirn'ilisr. abotit three weoka ngo in ti great t .cu'"iti ilty, whero tho Hi'iiK'itiiiu of tin' tt 11,. whs n troup of truiuiil l'l'ars 'Pi-. . wi'tv ri cf tliL'in, iiml they wvnt tit. uugli tlii'ii' drills unit i.thi'i' pfi:'ori:'iiiiri'. with hiicIi Htultling rcgtilatitj it w I'g.'tn'rally mispceted that tlti'V wen-ii'it Immi-m, but men din g -ixeil in bur iki'i.c W. I'.eiitoti thi'tvuHu iuwti'i.ii! tlicji'-urniilihtn in tit city to iliuiii'!, .. .'iit'd tliein Unit till tilt' bi'-im wcr.i 1 mil, nii.l invit.'d t!i"ttt to It- piir : 11: tli'" (iftirnooii ppi'foruitiiiiv lu'.'.t ' iv, I'licii hi' iiiU'itded to uttiniiik rli.'hi'iiil' i.'. II iving bribed nit ctnpltiyc n; .!.. t.i.'iini lie, lienton, .!iM';t:i,iisl iu u b .1 , 1 ntcri'd tin cugi1. ''IHr live iiimp'ii.i. i. hen .ed fi.tioiudy I'.'.iitiil, but lie nitii'.ittcil tl'i-s to tlmif ilwiiv to fi'tnlod' h..spiiioi. The public 11pl1l.nnl.1l uiu'it I'litliiiMiattictilly. It wit.i then tlml tl.i" tiiiiinipy being, deidf otiM of I'liryiti;; 01 1 his phut, ttniied to ward the press b.i .. ft iiiovcil his Iiciu'h Iii-iiI. iiml Ifiwc I p'utti'ly. A trcmt'iid otts roar of lauglitii I'l.siifd, fi'lowed Vy 1111 niimt'iim) Miiti'i. of ti'rmr. 1 lit bi'tii-M, on iitviii'j 1 1 it- lii'iium fsii'i jurrip itntisl t.'ii'tnsi'Iyi's upon tli itufortutiiito 111 in. llffoiu the t.itni'iii could kivc him, tin lvportiT, frightfully, inutilnleil hail liriiithi'd hiri 1 int. Thus prrihhi'd this pmir W. I'i'utiiii, wlii.i cilit'ir iiccliii'f t.i'k inin!'' . tin. u tit to i-plne. liitu." "Wo xl-nii, iip-ii'.' Unit trro. Tliin cr; .:it'-," .vi .!n Ib'inliu;; Huglc, "ItMiu t'lr.ili. 'I iim,ii nil over tills hind. Our'r is ji'ttinjr kcurv. Itaili'jti-li ni'.'i':::ii .'i,n()U,(iiU tnn cvrry ytiir. Tlmf 11 npitlcnt to 7.".",000, (11)0 fi'it of unit IiiiuIh'I', board lumber, ornitotit rl'M.OOD oiml'i of wood. Thin is ispial tn the produit of ii'sittt 7,fi00 iieiiti, of t -vi'lvc h.piuri) inilt'M o hi'tiviiy-timbris'il bind, uud it ,goe:i on 1 i'.ir';. for r.iilio nhi iiliinc. Tin ilill'i'rc - ii'tii'un n hill and a pill is tli. 1' liti 1. : in h'vrd taget up uud tlic pill in i to 'i't down. t list 1 iiirMa itk hlii tim.irv I'.tijiui's, 1'lniniri. lltlj.'lit .lllu'lllMH Log ltolhini, i'lilbivM unil (il'.'li'lll'r M-'lftHI.', ir-rii( 4 i.-fr- I. vi-r lli-iil ''I nil Silt Kri.l l,.r 1,'lrcu - 1 "t i"- - 11 ft 111 t'i - 1 vi isiii rrni ir i,uvu "i iiimit hiiiiii n,'n i'n hi 1111 it ir trigni vw l iiml I'M uiit hlrici, Ijrl1miil Ortfftn. I "toipramtiiiOTa. in part of recommend no implements save such class, believini' the best are not only the and dealer. Our price lists will be furl lar'.tuijrt;, i ou!J mil itlcr.tlon to tin fotlonlnj 1:1 Randall's Rolling: Culler Hanoi Biiolioyo Pcjod Dxilla CHAMPION FAIfiriNO MILT Wuoct - vorklng Mnchtnory; BolthJ nitAKK. tho Imtoit itovlcot No Dm wlUholiln vnf.on nuywhuro irJ bolo i;nnti for M1 "T.V M If,.. b . . m .. r?;li tJSfc.lfJ-irVJ!l 1IAWL12Y, DODD ,0 '.. .".'.f "."TV. ,, .. ,,., "ixr - . ' ' J r