nwnuiwim uim iwubwij t fSillaiiMtt farmer. i ,j i 1 1 mi I I III l-lll l' V" I'l.'M'. .! i"l : 'XVriiit il' MiIimtIi Ion tn '' ' Ml'' -it " Iin mn "I! ' ' '-' USmtffi i t i ii - T ,V V I ' 'I I I I "I . ' ttSMv ! '.' i" """ f'nini.ANH. .i.n :.. i .' Interesting to All. Urba.ii l.tnw I'aMM'iil t ii.nl i. I- " .fattier). ml ili'inml !,,i t!i- i mi. SsrlS mii'iij. If Jim Mill mill -n lint . Kwm i.; In fii' ru'itiii til'.' !' ' '"' iStyitntcilt, llllll Hliliull lli'MT n I.' !'" ii'jricpw. N'lii'i t umiir n i .. n.iil i' '' rs-mts v.t i !) wiil ! TJIt I'JsCSl'tT FOR lSV.h 01 cotii'B lliu 1.K' cultural p osjn tin .imemost to do with "iu irn.s crii) of a ircwntn In 1S7H l.ad a dry spiing wi very ioor cn, at a c onsucjuctitf. Ihr tmount of fall miaii wheat bfins less tihrc usual and spring o iiR proved to !lr a partial or tottl failure in all il rcc JUnctf. To add to lliu haidship ol the Ml vaiWtt the pricu sitiiu hatvc.l Iih been m.tl!Otih with good jh'lil tlic fann.rs in-ffsJil liavc been in average circninst.iti u.v, tut the rfMill I1.11 be 11 to inakutnai j ax Attn boiroiwr, and we leaf 11 thai the "Setixh coinpany, of tMs til), have made onoie loaiu in the ut six mouth than tst nude in iiceul veins before, dvrimr, ilut fanneri am Imtowini; to xm mi present cperations and piy up :iU Kincs. Vrom ptcs'iit appiMraucf. they will 'hue belter times tlio)arlo come, ai .-rrjiaL Iroui all parts ol the country tlxiic that more land is already plowed Ulna as put iu wheat in 1878. A ureal 'drxl ul it was sown and up iianilioincly in November, and no sunll amount of :kws simmer fallow. Most of ihc ground !ot was not sowed ii to be plowed be ifcrrsowiiiR in l'ebrury. and iwilv plow "mj of old grouu I is thought fj be nearly writ! to a Miininor fallow. IFall o.vn wheat ilul well, f n last jywt, but tlisrc wti little sown only on iaj7.wint of the excessive iain., uhdo Hie .Rtfl of 1878 was so laorable that plow.-, writ Kept running .steadily through Octu- Jk-i Novcmlur, and December, anil the ,x. done eiveo led -.I1.1l of any former jru. From rcstnt ii.dications there 1D he an immense area m,wii to wheat. andwiwn veiy early, to 1l1.1t we may ca- (i-oiAtt on an iih rc.ued yield er acre as writ it. upon incieise of acreage. Farm- T3 wy llal lie pienent dry freeze has Ae no injury to the wheat plant and ii ,d;j oil with a watui rain no injury can ana. Also, intelligent observers aseil Xu the best crops i-f wheat have always v-tro harvested after the cvere winters. Srawns that have been very open have art proved mi favorable to wheat rais'ng nlhoic that have icon the iiound liocn Sua length of tunc, and a good mow fall wu an advantage. Much ground is jjlimcd and waiting for February Miwing, .ad thin fieczing weather will put it in csirable condition, a the frost will kill mfceii snirel, (cm root, and much thai unobjectionable, while itselTict is to mel- :b the Riound and prepare it more tlior .uqhJy for bunging a tiood harvel Undor DlUloauU We were unable t-g t the Fakviru id o ii mails Friday morning I.M weik, as afce press muilly ot to work Fttdtv Bioining, anl .matter, coatee! w.tli k vac not in goo. I order au.l did not 'ink to pe'leciiou no llui alter working .!ihI until ,t o'clock Saturday morning, t were obhgeil to bend out a baaly piinird ktiect Of course our icadeis rUt jiticeive the nut o.'Mln'iiy of havirg m(tnuei) put 111 peifrct v.(ukiii,' order t villi blunt notice, but e are happvto ul tint taller ihc skillful haudl.iu; of an itsjittieuced pressman 11 has since been An'u, good work, and uc hope hcrcafcr -iti luinult our readers vith a leauttfui'y jiiulcil bin-el, and t have n unil.-ti 1 n titf niornig bO that 11 lan llnd its wav Situitli) to all I' it UK' inuii tmnotc pot QifcCts on our list. New AJvortljomrutt. Mr. Sim Drown who lives near Ger mi, in Maucn county, oirers for' sale sine line Malli ins, ami stallion's colt?, ttV-r ClyiesiUlc or I'eielicronj 11 part of tic sire, ami all foiled by a tenurkablv nt and lave I.touheait marc, uvvned by '!, that breeds well. This aliords a hue .(jjtjoitunity for men who desire to mi jjiTure their breeds of heavy draft lursts. JVlr A. F. Miller, who lives nm lr'ui Hxsi i'oittautl, one of the most etucin-.. ntf farmer-) ol Mutiunuli count), has a-m client seed potatoes and ailveriis.es D'.n:n 111 the Fakmi.k It Is a good thing Ukunw where to buy the ucst tmprovcu I'ilkingtonHro3.,who live west of l'ort lanJ, at WoodUnl's farm, advertise as impore-s and breedes of pure-bred I'o land Ciua and IJoikilure pii. anl can fill orders (or the same as stated iu their idveitiicmon', which appears in 1 hi- if iiie Thr iiiu '''ntj rf hiv flock de.-er.e' nc'iiraS'imert imtn i 1 intcrrtmi, as th'j best Ri'Oil of proilurers i 3 in maltiu; the beit ptiboibie produc-. THE rtlTCUIun TOWK3. A- 'i'l. i'.:t- n-.i 0 tfi'iiury fil 1:0 w i. ai. iv p'oluc -t the i.aturnl rci't't ii I'j oudd uuand extend the trade of iliei.ucl comrrercMl point, more or lei at the expense ol interior towns. Our whole sale merchanti with im reased trade carry heavier Mocks and belter assortments and can sell at cheaper laics, and il.c in crease of facilities for travel induces welt pi do pcojM' in make one or two trips a yeir, Irom the farm to the city, to bu supplies in quandty at the lowest price possible. Thus both the whoesale and retad trade of the ceufal point grows with vigor while the conntrv towns torn plain ol ilullne.j Tticn aijain, as rail road facility e.xteud, there sluing up trading points at every stat'on along the loads, where the farmers get their mails and their weekly jupphis of groceries and staple goods each Siturdiv. Tim works against the grotviii of tin.' larger towtw, which may and will hold their own ami Improve gra !u illv, bii' do not realue iho great ex- peciiiiiJin ul ih'.-ir niercliaiili and cut- .ens, vim look villi won.ler, and nitur- illv with a ir.uti of nvy, upon the gnat anil intrcniiug grow.li ol Portland, huf :h. nkuig that something M '"roiig, and ih it t'ii; um 't are .sadly out of joint when ilif t.m s'ndtfs with giant steps tO'ianls metrotiotiiaii gramiciir, while ihc interior towns languish. I r.e titr.n ha, come when ihc rapd development 01 an ine vast rrgiou norm of California and Nevada, leachbg to llrtish Columbia on the north and to the Rocky MoiiuMiiis 011 ihc cast, requires a central commrciil point. I'ortlaud is that point, and its growth and prosperity form 110 legidmate cause of jealousy or distrust, bi.l for cot gratulatiou and pride, for l'orthnd r-prc.v nis llie great region we luve describt'd and is an index m its present piospirity and fiiture power and grandeur It will continue to grow, and will do more and more towards piling taxes to support the State (ioverniuent. Its wraith Mill be an inducement for ihc c instruction of riilrouU to connect us wiili the Fist, for it will Miow tint we luvu .1 iTiMt commerce lint iiiedi over l.mJ connection, Abo, increase o! trade will uiablc I'ortlind mere hauls to com pete on inou hbeial tertiM for the trade of ih" interior, and the country will iuci deiilallv profit in every ay bv the month ami prosperi y ol a city when it is founded on healihv buduess rehtion. Most touns in the interior, etp'chlly Silem and Albanv, hive fine and easily controlled w.vcr powers, and one ol the ui'i t desirable results will be attained when uiaiiuficiures can be introduced jiinl"il.ilil) to make these powers available mil build up a working population tint mist Ik fed and clothed. This time must and will come, and the interior will ben elil gret l by the success of manufactur ing enterprises The lime must also coinr uh-n the valley towns will require and liberally lay for a good portion ol the good, that tint U'llhniftte valley tons can uianulacturc I he future ol the ursrru valleys o( Oregon ii to become the New Fiuland of the Pacific, and when ih 11 result is attained the city of Portland will tcip us portion of the bar test, for our merchiuts will sell the man ufacturcd uood as well as supplies to the perativiy, l itlanil Ilee. IN U IAN AFFAIRS. Wur P(Mtpoad ami Pence Ininreit. Si'iiici. in i'.iifiti Oregon and Wash ington hive ,ic,ain a rospect ol peaceful tunes and their inliul are being iliue ed down bom the state of aiprchensiou and .ilanil that h.u existed fot imiuihs. The lull .us, a . well, 11a e l.a I tln-ir seison ol apnrchciis'ou and are no doubt satisfied iti.tt the tili'i. wiinout govripnuiii aid. rre cipab'.e of di fending iliemselvei and niaMng a v gorous and olleusive war All the Imlini riiiN have been 'i.strous Inlurci. Iiuetili'a bind of Nci Percts was at last overcome and what ire led ul them are exiles from home. The 11 in nock rml was .111 ignominious failure Jinl us proiectois are scattered and drsirovcd. At the present time Moe suppoed to be the he.ul aint Irom ol ilKUIection among the Co'iimbia river lnili.in, funis hiniseb in iiuianc vile and though well treated by his 1 vp:oi. I111.I1 110 iie.ut or s'.ouuch for .u'gr. 9ve wai. The harily and bnve teiio o' die settlements, .la- sist'-d bv ilie wilom anl courage of Fat'ic UT.bur am! hia Indian tKiluc Irom Vakima te rv it.ou, maichi'd tit on Mo tes' quj'..i an I uia.l.' a captive ! him, u the gu-a .i-tiiilmn.ni ul Miiscs him sell ai d ti!- iii' i rpiiss of the I'lincd States ntt'Cii-o I. is widi soiucvhat of niiiusem.'i' v-e rent how, when tne woik wti dvv u, d peace secured by ibis imlepei,J.-:r. and courageous .tu lion, thoe who mk patt in 11 were met In an order from Auoinct-iiencral Dev ens, tt.at all persons should be pro-vCut?d who made war upon peaceful Indian:-. This movement ol the settlers may like Ivsave the liovetnuient the expense ;! another Indian war, nnd also save Itvrs ol peonl and muili private property tli.11 such a war would surely saerulce No doubi the Indians can be made to see the necessity of removal to some suit able reservation where they will be inoie remote from our aggressive civilization Prompt a tioti is necessary on the pait of the Government at this juncture. The rights of Induns should be respected, and they should be treated with such kindness and liberality that their condition will not be a standing reproach to our honor and integrity as a nation, lor it is undeniable tint Indian affairs arc ill managed. Iidian iifii ii.i-lj krpt and that Hdinoiii 1 r 1 . . ar '.'i ) 1 I ti Ih" rcu', "f d 1' m ,,i l,nir,"i,: o' in... .'.(iiil.iiioui, or il.-'.;i.j-s .nij.ci-i'ioiijj 1 tjc 1 i"d on tin- uil.rs airwar' It u one to our 011 1 eopli 1 -.r t .Mf ;!, " .'i r coiim.'v liia I'.iJnri ml '(ul i.ouirl tie no iomrer I -rir to 1 lien: aii-l a thrra' ! il -I l.i i.i.mi .mil iiinv.su... I'l.ilii- '.hoi;. t uttiou and nias-an". I- i uti" i In lulu, th'trseve--, 11 at tiity be :r:eJ hi.-! 11 i.l arid hive nu re.nti iwlc c.-Use for discontent. There never was a better time than now 10 make terms with thwc In Inns, so that ihcy and we can erijov liM!i' pece. Portland Hee. KLrcniCLiaitr vs. gas. Mr. Sharon has lately had the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, lighted up in gicat (Hit with electric light, the cost bc ing estimated at S3 per night fir illuini nattng tint has co-t 50 per nijht when made w'ith gas. The tunc seems close at hand when cities will be lighted a great deal cheaper nnd a great deal btt cr than at present. The power required is fur rushed the Palace Hotel by means of a llnish machine, and the expense of fur furnishing p-iwcr and all appliances for twetry lamps with the photometric pow er ol 2000 gas burners, $1 to an hour against a cost of from $S to 13 for ihc ga.-. I'.lpctric light Ins been tried sue ct'isfu'ly in lighting up the I'oulevards of Paris, and such gru; establishment as il.c Times ollicc-, tu London, are now making con-tant us- of the new illumi nating princi.-l", which is beihg improved and pert'Ctcd by great scientists and In veniors both in Kmopc and America, including the last and greatest man of American genius Thomas A. Kdison U'e may therefore soon hope to see our houses, business places, hotels, pub lic halls, am! as well the streets ol all ci. ics. even made as light as day with the pure ami beautiful electric light. The sooner the better, especially if it can tie had so much cheaper. Portland ltcc. Tao Wheat Market Tim wheat innrkut remains unchanged, tlmiigh pjrli.ins a tnllti tlniitr than l.vrut'f furu. I.it wi'nk SI. 7i H.'r m1t.1l, frt'o nu li'iinl was.isl.ftl, nml l.7-i littered, hut now the Ii4.!n'r llguru hooms tu Im ivcuptisl. On Tiiunl.1 urtlcru fnini Mvorpmil, fiiriiiituediitu hlupiiii'iit, wi'r.' I.Vt to t'nrli for iliuieo Orciui v!i.'.it, nn mi'iii"!iitinl. nml uu tin.' strintli of this th iro.i .dilp C1itltn.l1 w.u it. 11 liwl fur 1 rrk hi tho L'niU'tl Kiii-iluin. nt It"", wlin-li is.i'iiu cheaper than any i barter cvir iM'fnro untie, :i being tlio lu et fir an m 11 ship .'i.'iet tu lavorint. This Inakua tliu priii'iit omiihtiiin mom f.vvorahlj tu liultUr, though tli pruo of HjHit wheat in I.iverptwl is, if anything, iluprcmetl, while ntnekn tn hand Jaipur) I , vvitj at Ir.ut 010 third Icu lhau fur tliu i'orretK'iidilig datu a year nfto, tint l.nnH leilgu of man) cirgoeii mi the way mul tu Hhurtly arrive, kuung tint liarkit ipuet Tlieru Is nut iiiueh upovulatiDii proln Me 111 (milling on to wheat, an any prospect of inlv.uiic, for 11 month to come, liny Im coini tcrli.il.incttl by a rino of IreigliU. I'.ilifurnia will retain hvr biiriliii, huwuvvr, until null: eient rainfall giviM asaiiramu of auotlier erop, hut if .ihiinilaiit 1. linn ioiiio to them, shins will Iu 111 latter lU'iuauil, ami freight i ii-.iy ntlv.iuce. Btuineis Notice. The utiiiiut otlijo of tin) VlU..vu::ru: I'lKMKit i.s uiiir rvniovisl to l'oitlaud, ami the biHika ainl .K't'tmnU lire kept here, at No, .' W.uhinjjtt'H utrt'ot, tmo block frnm the .St irk utrivt lerif. All coiiuiiiiuie.itioiu uliuuld thrri'ftire ho ,iltln'ieil to l'urtlatitl. IVnims liwng m'.ir sialvui, or having ik-oj. iun tu a tlit'iM 011 liimiut'iis, will liiul .Mr. Ih W. I'raig at tl u old ollico, ami can hivu any huaini'si 1 1 H-) n-.iy ileairv attvntlrtl to by lihu. Tin1 California wooilppckcr'h habit of di'0ipiiig iieoriis mill other nuts into knot holt'.-, mid hollow tnv.s 11, s u suuivi of futuri1 "uppl.v is well known, mid uu ingenious N'np.1 fiiimi'i' ha.s tuiiieil it to got I account bv knocking out 11 knot in his li.ii'ii .nnl plieiug 11 ti-ough umler Heath Asth" biisls drop their nuiui.i in, hia hogN M'i;i them, mid 11 if thus fit tents! nt 110 i'K'ii-.f to himself. Miiiiv 11 limn divads throwing uwny his Hie at once, who (.brinks, not from throw in it n w by pieivnii'ul. WOODLANDS FARM. iii.it it'iV vt.t v. IVtrtUnJ r PILKIN6T0N BROS, rviisitiTi as asp i;i!t.KHi:u ok laits: 1.11m Poland Ohiua. and Borlcsliiro Figs. I r I ' thr t Inuii 'I'' Ut licrii. i.i lii I i P vl Pa'.- p ' .ii 1 1 I. . 1 kit- ni.i 11 .tin ina -.ii i.a Vil liv . ell l.lM.Ti'S I'lltss I Jll . Isin.u. 1 urik-'i ali) of Heal Estato. Ailmtnl.strator'H Notice. Niillro I licr.'tn islvunili.it the iiii'tei-ianivl, ulli.llil-l'iiliir i.f llie n-.iliil hlilo 1. ((Ulilur, .1. tin. I-1, will mi --.T orl iv, Itui tMli'iilvoi t-Vli iiMr,.. Ii s"). HI llie fnini iloor of tllolMtirl lliii.ii ul Mti'iu limit i' imly. Ou-zoii.iit li-ii I i.vu en in i' sin-ilium or .in uii acn hid ini ! Inwini! iK'er'li-l rent i.-nif, aitii.in In aunl mil jr un.l Mul. I. v Ti.ii"nli liallol llie -u.r Ii lull ul xvlit.i ai. In li'iiiKlilp in,(i, I i'i')ini n.ii.'t'tlin'- H'.i, la I liv .1 .ni.-l o, laiula i ail j I'lna I .ul Unemi l'll,Oicnn,oiiiiiiiii I iiw in c Im ii. r(i,l u:. Mtv .ii-i (). viiil III lrt ln I I l It I'i'.t ll.nl .11 Ml-U . llt.iUltHi 111 li.llt.lll I I -!.' v.l.i ti. II ' till ill- .rll.lil I.J. It i It. net lil'tlt i Illv' I'lltlflt JSllW HUvl 1.1'imlvJ I ' . .i-i'lil. --f -J III a,l, lliu V mi the iti -i ii tn;iut ls., 4kik nt i -Ua, ul (ik 'I i. I'ul i run. M III" l.la' c' lil dtr uc I't.li, i;it.l iMlu Tun i'-rc ji nfilio puteliiao vne i I' y '.blit itioiiniaiiinue; lui. unci Uhjii eounimall.m of tJlJ urn! tender of Ut1"l, W.M, il. linriC, Ailiu niatrutor. Woo-lvvanl A Von4wnitl, AtlorurT ur Aeuiluutrator. Jan &-w5: Dr. Hlntle'3 Ncphreticam Works wonders. In all t.isaa (if Dropdy linelit .1 1'ih up. Ktiliii'V, illailder .mil Cnt.-vrj Liimn'ttint", in- ltetcnti'M "' L'rino, .iro 1 i-ri'.i by ill" Nvphri tifiin. IVmle 'iVoakiK-si, 1 frm ol. Din'.K-ti' . I't.n :n tin liacl:, mile mul linn ,iri 'in 1. !': i'.i ithonti" ticii.eiliavc f.nl'n1 ,-. 1 '. 1I..1 :'.4.ii. " "ortj.-f.i t.-1 .1 F.-.riiii .1 ..i'li.it lr, Mtiii.o . !J.;i!, t. I. .1 ..I '.;(! I. )ar 1h1 , 11 Pil'.ii: ' '. la " ill .1 liiic 11WU t r' Tl . Mil. i i"if in-, tiw .".iiiji ui I'.wiii'iiin ri;. . , tl.j i'a !( X. i!-rt'ti 11m, nnl 'i .ill 'hi, 1 rn-:-! . ..M.'i A fUbU. -'i-; -' - '' '' "" I'..-(l.vi.l. Oruoiia. .! -! ! ".-.. i'or. t'lr t iv! Alil.-r. ( 'a-.- ' it! ' "civ M- T-i. i"n iim A t :i .ui'i 5 Fiimt, ;'fti Mfii .Ni.ii' i"t:'ip 1 , lUv Ii K.'.'iti. - Vw I v.. Kiilniv Mul lll.vll. r nn'iilv lit ."1 the mlili . ' All iir. iMti k'- n tin in I'or all tli'r.ing' nifiitt.if tli.' I,er Urn- Dr. .Miotic' Kiigli'li lUmlvlioii I'Mla. Vnr llilimii'lios.s and I)ysiapji.i, L'fo I)-. Minti-V llnalinh U.ilulalion Pills. I'ur I'Vier atnl Atu. Uru Dr. Mintio's lluglisli D.imlrlloit 1'ilU. Kvury family rlimilit nut fail t'i keeji tha D.iiiiklioii Pills on liaml. To Whom it may Concern. I'll u H to c-.Ttify that Ilmvu Ihjcii atTettHil for t'li1 last tlirro years with clironlr iiitl.iitirn.i ti'iit of tlio lilatlilur nml torpid liver, Having aji'.'iit a miiall fortune with tliu bot nititllcal talent I could obtain in "vm Francisco. mil visit, ed tliu various iprings 111 California, hoping to lluil rtltcf. Having found noia-I cavu up all li'ijw of beiiijf i-'irftl ami drop('d nil incilieiiit's iml tloctor. While issviling our of the daily pi'ivrx I anvi nn mb'i'rtUuniciit of a tni'dieiiiB 1 illfil N'ei'iri't't"in. a piiaratioti preparetl by Dr. MintH'A Co.. if ,in l'raii'li,u. I wan jxTjiiatlid' liv in) vi'i-1" try it, nnd I wrnt ami li'iuj'l't a Ii i'.tl .' HaMiu taki'ii tint one lni'.tlf I foiiinl uuii'li rt liv', all muni leading ami f'.fl in,; ti'.iiih ln'tti'1' I t'Kil( two iiiiirf b-ittles ami I atn 1,'ivv in'rfii tly rcatored t'i hfilth ami ttieiuitli, tliank lio'l, for the stijwrior skill of !r. Miutii) & Co. Ay unu vhn may doubt tins itt'ittfiix'tit c 111 vnV. to my resilience ami see mi-. .1. I'. .Mooiir. 127 I'lfth Street. l'ortlauil, Oregon. Scptetnbir II, IST.S. Urt. A. K. Mistii: .t Co. -(mitm I volun teer to n.iy your llnglith Diiulelion Pills iipul ami oven miriiass 1111 you eiauii "iront my in MriiMice in their UAe. ' Fancy thuy have no etpi.d for Dyiipepiia and Uver troubles, .1. A. SriiiiwiiKiiini'. Firnt Street, U-ather .Mertliaut. Portlaml Sept. IT. 1STS. Seo what thr drttfighU of I'urtlnml ami San Fraueiuo Kiy nlniut Dr. .Mintiu'.i Nephretieiuit nml Kiigliiih I.iiiilt)liiii Pills. Wo have Hold .1 l.irKi' atnoutlt of Dr. Mintie'.s mctlieiiies: The Kuglmli Diutleliou l'illi, also the finusl NeplirutiLiuu ami in all c.1101 highly r..'eiiiiiiuiilcil: Iiilui A. 1'liil'N. Ir.i;';it, Sceotul utriet, l'ortl iml. C. II. Wmslxtinl ,': Cn,, )rui,'its, corner Fir.it ami Abler rtru.'t. Portlaml. Musirs, AtirniiH .v Cirmll, VIui1im!c Drug gists, N'os. !l and .t I'nint street, S. K. We I'o.irtl the iN'ephii tieiun n the bet h'i I ncy nml lll.vtl'ler rvin-i-ly l fow the pubhu. All llntggKta kl''l tlium. Dr. M nit - & Co. tr.Mt nil Chmuie and Sp-M-ial I'ihwisos with "i"'t I n. N 1, l"i S."'onil .Street. Cor. Morrison, I'tii'.rt.vsn, Oio.'.ns 1870. PRICE RT5DUCED. Sl.50 THE NURSERY, A. Monthly Magazine nr Voungfst Keadcr.s. SI'I'KI'.IIIA II.M'HTII.VTKP. Nillia-rilMll'ra.Uilitat Ut iniinln'r ul Uil 1 wr isr. Kvo.l 10 .viiU fir ! I nun i.i' ami IViiiinin Uu J L. bhorey, 30 Bromflold St. Bojton, Mass. iiiUUl PIANOK'SLt'lTSinl'SfiOHQAN rl'iS. Mniirti llrjinllviiiiriJ liuiin,nt 1,1 WO out)" -Ji. Ilkvitnt I'ltri.-lit lliiiiuiTMtHllll.u,il)-15S .N alvlo I ri:lit IS-ii'w. -Ilt.'i. Or-uts xtv Or iruw, ii ioi, ,iMi. ctiunli Orcin. la atui". " ism, enl Ills. Itlivmt W7i Jllirur lop Oru-nin, oiilj HIDJ. Trviiiiinl'iiumrliliiiliv il.mi our nn-'iit t-lt lllinii'liae N MMin IVturv mn V lw ertfl ,S.r UIi ninth liiljnuatlt'ii .iImiui ctt Ilium '! OrniuMKVr I'llKK. IIauj l Irvat' IIA.MIil, H IIKTrV. n ivvhnl vv i.l.liut'iii, J RAILR0AD LANDS, IUtOt'lil ftM'IUMt LOU' I'HICKS! Iill.NII T1.S1K! LOW inTltllXNT Tne Uri'son anil California nnd Oregon Cent nil Itallroad Cunipanles OKKKIt tlialr Unit) f.ir mi, upon lliu (nil Ine llhe ril u na: One truth of llie price In rat b; lolf rit-i no tti haUnruat thu istn nl n:fii pr crDt. una imi 4mr aalr; aii'l rscli lolloulni; year crelrnlh til thf principal anil Interaal on thu balance at llie rate ol nn p-ircml per itnnu it. IMtti prliiclpal anj Inter i.l payjbtolu (J. H. Currmcj. A ilmt'liiliil nf lull iHTl'ellt will "Oalloo 1 fur fU lr Lell.r la be ailtlrevaisl tu P M'hl'l ZK, Lan Am nl D. .!' It, II.. I'tirilaii I Orrunn Salem Flouring Hills. IIKST FAMILY f LOUK, llAKKIt'8 SXT11A, XXX. BUPKHl'IrrB AND (1IU1IAM, MIUULINOH, lliWN, AND ttttOHTt Oonwtiiiitly 011 XXiiikI. Ilitrhoxt Prion lu CASH Paid for Wheat AT A2.X. TS1VISS. R. c. Kixxsy, few t3l( Afisnl S Y M. Cr OREGON STEAMSHIP CO. 1IBIU Ult 1-1NK Iletwa'n l'ortliiml uim San rrancisco. lrcitoriiii ti'ki;t.s Can bi) oimtiKCil si Hie nrlactpsl Maliun. of tha 0 A l' It It , ai Iloclucoct llntoo. Meaaioi. Iwu1 bulk Pjrtland and S 111 Pram tco about Evory Tivc Dayn, cirrvlnj l'aaail'Sera act Virljht til On f.0WKT UVTK'. It l.thi-iMilv lloci'iliiF'li" I . Jt.MLh ami Wr.LL'S. f.Mtl.'i .t fil '.s IAPKKS-. 1 im M.-a'ti.iiip. or 0... 11 iu;uny tie rsliU A I, aril ari lew. ehtMia 011J crj;.i'.n in miv partwuiir, iil.tiMi'it.l e( lliu State of Oregon, Sea i.Wt Mt buijcn, Ceorge W. EJdcr, '"'S)lu.l.l City of Chester, Ajax, i.'ji For IrcUh tor pa iK-;o, apply at trio tompjDy ol. flc", rv. cunicr ai.u r n n rwv iv. 1 uiitiami CQ2U OEO, W . WBWmt, Aat, Agriciuiur ai 3?3 3,,LEilIiG3.''B, M OVWK. WH3.TEWATKR 1 (,) van:; ViV Emtr5ins many now and valuable) "iniprovomontfl uc7';r bofore soen on tho facillu uoavt Thtoy aro fully warranted. Exucninw, and bo convinced, The Whitewater 3-spring Express aad Platform -WWj&.&-&TS2&9 JERSEY AND CONCdllD BUGGIES, All first clu, nml nt ru;i"oiinhlo prices. Wo also linvo T23L VTliliJlo "'Wason-Ould.e Tlitit cnri be na('il on Wniroti". Hciiimt'S. Thresher, Seederx, and nil furtn machinery-Til H KAUM nil's KltlKNI), mul the friend of hN teuin, tu It relieves the tongue of nil .utruln, mnltlnt; the wtijron ptill ly the iixle.-t, und Invuluuhle to till toatnater.-. 5" ? ms: Tho Morrison Bros.' Walking Plowa, wood and stcol beams', and their Bossomor-Bteol beam Sulky Plows. These .StecMieum I'lous are ono third tlshter than unv in iic, nml n.-e eiully iitljiiitid utiil oicrateil. The I MOST PLOWS IX AMKIIK'A. nml 1111 entirely new tiling on thl.s fti.it. The Ssterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator. TJ10 XSomt of tmt Olnnin, .Something entirely new III Oreuon; absolutely foree-feed; no clianifp.ililo trenr- in,'; Miiistniiiiiii unu iie.sirnoie. took protiuuui at tne Ueiitennhil. CHAMPION RAILROAD "AND GARDEN BARROWS;. Unlike niiyllilnj; over .-een In this market, and fur .superior. i- A S'nll t,lji of'.STi;i:ii CJOOOS, cmlirnclnir Railrad ?-Jid Mining Shovels and Picks,' ANH t.l. OTIIKIt KAIlWASIl II.VIIPK.V TOOL'S. 0J3Cl1U33.xxia,l Buggy Tops; I t, in anJ ili'.lrnlile nr!l(l, ulili Ii can Iw mt tm ai') wa,on BELLE Of THE WEST A nnc u, pm .jut miii mi w uni iii-aii A full line of t.T ! ikTitl nnj Io'i.h il v ill j'lct. u-Miv NEWBUiiY, .'HAP3IAN. & CO, I l'h. ail &.a;: t'rtml m . I'Oltl't.tM; Ojiera House Ctl'll. S a.j,v.I omca WOODBURN NURSBRY, VO.I01II .IN y.VtKIM l I . 'llttvlON .1.11. ,Si:TTlii:?lIi:tt, IM-opi lelor. 300.00 Fruit, Shado. Omamontal, and Nut Trees, and Viuoa and Fhrubbory III Ih.'SViiB.Min'r.foraita, alVIUll LOW KKll l!l Choice Trot'M, a 5 oIn vtu-li; lir n .iii iif I'l.nrip rMiimj J il hitti.i:i:iwi. .JOHN GRAY, Formerly In Dnrblh'a llltwV ha- Ju-1 n i-i til atari sutl ciimiiK-iu mix I. n Carpets, Oilcloths. Mutilngs, Ml H0U80 - FurnislilnR Goods Next to Dnlrjmple A llniwn,' stahkuvs iiiiiKic. - s.n.Kn. on, WlllCll UII.L DK HlLtl AT Lowest Cash Rates! tlKlltf Cheapest Plsico ta liuy Hoots. Thit cluijiott (itaiv 1 1 'uv tiiui llviit..!!'' ii fctaptlr BOOTS MADF TO ORDER .Vint Itupairin 1 ..rill. ) mii', m : rvj. ssvvss-, Opi.itnOu'lll'SUU II''vl, Po. ll'l" . . ., VI..I.I 1 .Mm. I HIGHEST PRICE PAID for HlOFSand FURS. iirr mi My Aiillllill t Hliili.'iili' 1'im.r it- Ii ' - ' mr hi 1 .I l.t .VII III II rit " 1 . t ii. it. ii. 11 .11.1 !) Ill i.l .i.i. r. 1 ..ntv4'u I l.le .11-J t.uiiM. in V 1 . . ' .rnw 11 on ui fix 1 1 fnii 1' , ' ".'?.' L.i',i ll Uon mi . !i ;. a i.-f V. .. . iii-..nJ tu U hith tnh an I tri 10 mini , u ur, l.t tm.UI II lirom .nn.iri), 1 1 ill I'll ilif ,.r,i 1 .rj,'. 1 T. n.iii-i' liitiw- i!S5r.li.i,,-slrS,.Ti:-H .W- V-: "!?'. uv.i-a, 1 innu .. 1. ir.nu,,v 4 oi.. . -u. to .1.. ..MM .WW. .. t II-...I II. .'-I " IIH.', llllll I t'i vv-. Iatatruln Nr i Vr v . am iLtv. .'AJllia . ."'i" v II- M in... e a - r tw TiA- o v t -i STAk'jIOS FOR SALS, T OKKIatWOHHALH .VTMVKIIM SIJll i i.rrvma, Mnilrn loiiily.i:i fi.tlowins il ' aeritJ raUablo liurt: i-r.'Orrva'Atll.in,'. iitrtnii ors' Spring. ii,lilltfib,!rvl l uii P.luw. One iiirec jeuraul I next yua a.iJ hs S. ' tui iwniOjreoM utx.i-i.ii , .iredbi PrlJo ol ' rt-1 .. .VI cr ts n ovn nr llic.y untl i r trge jiio, ounii ii ii..e uma LioDueirt mare, owuedby uimiii't. nnnit'y. (lr,l lanno.. II-V "w " V ,..., .in laipi'oirccl WAGONS, vr standa sd.) s iJW ps-P' wj iw jiuiiu-i a itKaiM IUit tOl'X w . op iIr Wood-handles. C3-x-taa.rr3. CfiAltAWCE SALE Between this ami the Holidays, ; AT TIIK WKI.1, U'.OW S .1 H H.: OK Breyman Bros Salem, Oregon, Of Our Xarjo and W.ill-Asscrtod Stock of Mens' and Boys' Clothing ! ' I'AllTHTL.tlll.Y ULSTERS, OVERCOATS, AND CASSIMERE SUtTS! We offer 3jK-ci.il inilucemur.ti to H15 trails, n wo luvo rt'ilm-ctl priew to .Sim Kruicmci) enat, in ortler to inaliu num for our Sirinj DlK'iiina. AIo inclusive a largo Block 0! LADIES' CLOAKS! wur it wk orrat at -- SAN FRANCISCO PRICES SPECIAL NOTION ! To Our Farmer Friends , there teems t.i he an ir.iinvajion tluit J"U v;ui I10 liondit tnui.li iJiciptr in I'lirtl t I'Waent, omitotli9tirniltiou ol ut t?ies I v i tit pncea, sunt out by 1'ortlai.il liou ' . ',,,. . . . ..i. wo "" '" " "" novo retviveti em.ii i....v . to .'oil fc)R lTUHtL.mtou.uu.1 wi.ron.ue to . , neither ilaw.rjoil ni.v auct.oii gooi.j I ". ... , . . . . . . ... V .i.ii. aa iuiv us i.ivii..! i...i..v... . -nil wvo thereby Irciyht. r.iilroa.1, etoamU jtd I hotel bilU, ?nil Kit-p yo'ir money ntfi-- f ! BREY5IAN, fSim i f SALEM, OR.5.'GOf liCvllltll potatoes For-i- eT. c TjOrATO'-s 7 '.' P'lli! -l".! I ant tlni.i-i.' I. mi i" r "i ' ''' " 1CKD firl. ....... . 1 ! ..It.n .1 tll.tlk ' l I -' I4 1 1 III 'tl ..rwi ii v ii v ".' hi. t : i j r'1' I ItiaceouiP't) o- I .ria. it. Jan i :i l-a rf''. .,, .-...v,.' ,f i-v-ii'rir i.rrat 151 bv i .in,, u hn m, i1l-i uu i. i ii ra. iiiu ii.w.ar. iiuewno a mil ''"''; .,.,..,,; ll I WW t I--I jLCi,ni, 1