Petted, Treacherous and Blood thirsty Thloven. Their Cnrwr fur Vartu Vtmra, Hoisr. City (Io), Dec. 6, 187O. The future of the Umatilla Indian? is a subject which interests the entire north ern coutrry. Our people have been blamed to n great citent for all previou' contests with these Indians, and a liny arc expected to go on he war patn soon, some information concerning the past may pro 'c of intctcst. The Indians oc cupying the L'mntilU reservation are J.v yuse, Walla Walla, Columbia and Lina dlla tribes. The Cayusc forty years ago vj'.te quite numcrout,, and occupied the countty from Mill creek In the Walla Wlla valley, along the foot ol the Illuc mountains west to John Day's river. The Walla Wallas were not to numerous, but more warlike and wealthy, and occupied 'he lower portion cf the Walla Walla val Mcv The Umatillas were a small band "of" Indians who formerly lived on the tea coast, but who otuigratcd eastward aciois the mountains and drove the Ca ynscs from the Lower 1'iimiiHa valley, and finally settled there, and have 6incc Income recognized by their neighbor! with whom they arc on very fricndlj terms The Columbians were a fishing tribe, living so.i'" on lisli, and Ii- ing mi mediately along ttie river ot the fisheries. These tribes have been distinguishable, .doting the last forty years, only by their dulcet, as they have been so friendly and intermixed. When the treaties were made with these tribes by General Pal imer and Governoi Stevens in June, 1855, they aokl nil their lands to the Govern meat except a reserve tract of the F1KST M.klCULTVKAL LAND Thst on be found in all the Northwest, bout ten milts w.oe and thirty miles long, nd an additional tract about as Urge, consisting equally of timber and grtiing land, or a total tract twenty miles tiy thirty miles in size, which they selected themselves. The Government stipu'aled to give each head chief the sum of 1750 and the sub-chiefs $500 annually for twenty years, and to furnish wagons, plows, horses, and all kinds of grain, seed and mills, ami also farmeis, agent', mil lers, school teachers and other civllizcrs for n like period. Now all these Mipnl.i lions hac been punctually complied with. Theie h. not been the least com plaint, and to more fully show the jealous i jtc that has been shown on the part of the agents to comply with every demand ol the Indians, pasturage rent hns been collected fiotn the tcttleri who have al lowed their stock to craze upon the reser vation lands. As an instance 1 will cite the one of Swageit A' Co., who, upon complaint of the Agent on behalf of the Indians, were sued and compelled to pay $ 1 00 at one time. Government farm ers, or men employed by the Agent, have grain and supplied these Indians with flour and vegetables, while the Indians lave for twenty-three ) ears herded their horses and cattle upon the fine arable lands adjoining, from year to year selling the Government beef to be issued to thcmselvc, and telling the Government horses to be used in plowing and raising their own (,rain. In fict, everything lus been done for the Indians. Now let us look at the result. 'JUL wiims iiavb sum 1:11 I1 iron the adjoining lands. Their horses and cattle hae fieiuvntly lcen stolen by tile Indians but no saiislutioii could evet be had M.ui) fine hois?', have been re covered from the N.' I nces, whuh they s;y wei bought ! the I', ami others hate been found with the I'manl las, whan tlit-y t,iv wete Umght of the NV: i eiccs. It lus been tho nrnctuc to Mt.u liom the settlers neat both icscrva.ious and run the stock oil and sell it to another tube. These two tubes arc located about 140 miles and are Urgciv lutctm.uncd, and are constantly paving back and forth with stock and trading with each oilier. All this was borne with patience until last season, when the ltauuocks and l'nitci went upon the wai-path in .Sjuihciu Idv ho and stpl aioun I into southeastern Oregon, a dutaucu of six huudied or seven hundred miles devastating oveii thing in then course, and finally ap punched ttie 1'inaiilU leseivatiuu. It gave an oppoiiuuii) lor these cowatdly and punpercd utuidcieis to luin loose, and the) a. mice atiacU'd and murdried many fiei.'h crs and tiavclkn tluoiuth their i-siatioi, ami iputc a luge mini tier ol idem j.iuilt) uiiiie.l the hiiiiilc. null ((tih,,t l'i :tif in onidiy. but tho nest J and whose stock has been wantonly muti lated or killed, be restrained from re- I venge ? Is there .1 community in all New r.ngland, or any of the fcastcrn fata! es that could be restrained from revenge under the circumstances which I luxe briefly sketched i Is there a member ol Con gress who would hesitate to vote to re move the-: tribes to the Indian Territory, 01 some otlirr more secure locality, raihei .hail maintain the cNpensc of the continual Indian war on .lie 'vestcrn sloper In the preceding I ha.e not at-'riupu-.l to give all the aggravating cir cumttaiiccs connected with the history of these Indians ihtir trcatheiy tu Dr. Whitman, the bet friend they ever had; the violation of the treaty of 1F55, within 110 pictu.-eu to tnmvell trio Jiliur ami Tus;ulutii, HonKo's villa nnd the '-'-si-lienor of ( iecro, At last, after 1 'ong jourtuy n cirni'gn (foi rdirtui'-s were not though ot fit that day), h.'i il-.vor wt Jinn ilowi in this hollow of a sVloy saving .'1 ho Pnlfird-.a Ln7- ...... i.., 1 01LU ji , j.i -; 1 aim. ' A ;i '-') 1 Ii'il" '! tlilstl1- iitirl 1 riers th .'. .-. rep ism !iii'iiiii lin.v air, wiv picking fit tne vel Kiv . . 1 gro gnisii. A iimmust l.o stood null With astound merit nnd oliMtnnn- tiun, 'at ii 1.. to i h-arty li.agL 1 ml 1 ij-l. v. , (HI111 dn-d, uiiihliti" tu tin? ill iiothini,' iii'v nv vvhi-i-n. -x-;id Vhit'- h-n '-rlit , Mt;. 11 A Boy's Life. 1 A . .1.... !..'.. .. I !...... !.. .- . 1 i.iit't-i 1 Diif ' ;iiii' . u r- n.rrii n iu -. ii.- r ik ... -i .i v. -- 1 - - ----- ..--.-. -.-.- . ... .. long and bloody war that followed, which , f 1Wt . ., cost he Government $Slcoo,ooo and he I .K . U,n, . . ,n .. . .., Ml riaAMa. V iM. MAM. k. m ... --..-. m. w . .v m...... ......... LJCUUIC Ul VlUUUll illU.IJ.VAJV lllUlf, UUi have only attempted to show the present condition of things as they actually exist between the whites and Indians. I hey stand ucc to race to-day. it is over twcntyfiv)) years that I have lived beside these people, and I know of whit 1 write. San Francisco Chronicle. A DiuasLrous Slaze. Vnil r.ttnmlvt' Umlrii'lluii of Vulunkjlr f'ruiTl)a A destructive lire occurred about 8:30 o'clock on Tuesday night last which de stroyed property valued at $,ooo. It originated in the Minnesota Houie, cor ner of V. and Third streets, and destroyed that building completely, besides Fay Si Manning's store and stock and some small dwellings. The blaze was fanned by a fierce wind which it was almost im possible to combat. The losses are as follows: Mr. Charles Catdinel, five buildings, ft 0,000, insured in London, Liverpool and Globe, $3000; I.McCabc, lessee of hotel. $1500, insurance, (1000; damage to Mohard s building, on I bird street. $1000. no insurance: Tohn Car son, $1000, fally insured in Home Mu tual; P. Fay, $iooj Mr. Campbell, $800, on furniture, fully insured, ray A Man ning, 5000; insured in New Zealand, fjooo. Mr, Mclntyrc, of the Wisconsin Hotel, idea; no insurance. There are other lossts by removal and damage to furniture, which will reach f 1000 more, including the rcildcncc of Dr. Hatch, occupied by Mrs.Tuttlc.whirh is damaged to the extent of 300, and furniture 9500 additional. Mess is. Marshall nnd Rob inson alto claim a low of $500 each by removal. A great deal o! in cJ I ess des truction of protcrty was caused by a gang of thieves and rowdies who accompanied the firemen and conducted themselves in .1 reckless, shameless manner, unceremon iously breaking into private residences and ransacking the premises on the look out for plunder. These fellows threx' valuable furniture from the windows and broke mirrors and lace curtains by the dozen. One cent eman who essaved to keep ihetn out of his boose with a pointed pistol was thrown down and mercilessly beaten and his house gutted in a few minutes. It is the doty of the police to be present on such occasion and prevent the recurrence of these outrages, the perpetrators ol which de servi the severest punishment Hnlotu Items. N' .'i Dvy was celebrated in a livelv and hoipitablc style at the capital citv.. .Many lailics received calls and entettatn'd their gucs's with the dauticst ol fare, and tin? gentleman, 111 grotipo of oil au.l vuung, ripilj the circuit of the town '.liiou.jh tin' alurnoon and evening Some o. the turnouts were styinh, and the 1 'onl.ry club, in full tr-; cost jinc. with white plug hair, and imintcubte kids tie' arjumi behind .1 very svhIi equip a;c . ..Thusi! who liked winter sportv ficqueu rd the ice on the longh, half a mile souili, where hunJieds made tl.e frozen surlace ling with the crash of sharp steel, lel.eved by the occasional fill, on the stipperv Mtifacc, of some awkward human, ijuitu a number of the S.lcm la.iies . veiy yracclul on skates, having had prat, ice in previous winters nail was givi'n by ihe Capital Guiuls im New eats Hve that called out a larije company and proved vcrv cno)able. . . . It was -.bought Hut a much laiger num ber ot gentleman than ever before im proved the day fot social purposes, and the )ounct ones, "just coming on the stage,' 1 ut m a large appearance. diit'!y. Paris Illustration. Ql L1.N VlCTOIlIA TO PlllXCUttJ LOLIM- IWhups tit 11 finest, certainly tho brief est, piotu of writing which has tomu of tin ('auiulian reception wah tho tclngiam sent to tin) PrincesH from Winsor t 'astle, December 1, which was im follown: "De. lighted nt, ivri'iitioti. V-iy so Tin; tri:i;:." Tho linnovjian Jmiihc, ns it is ir.bnlined in liistnry, hns . o' lien iu mrtt'lciii' for miit rnal or filial aMvetion. I'iirt or limt, wo believe that old 'lmr liittc n iinelli-d with nil h"i .'hiiilreii. Ah tc- tho disputes of th" kingi- xiitrl ln'ii-1 aiipiireiit, havi they not l-n ;nil- less1' Tbn (iieen regiinnt nf England hns not received, of Ifttc jenw, nuiny iiiiir.ifcutioiiH of direction fitim liersiil jcetH at home; nnd it nmy well Jiavc touelieil Iwr heart, so ofUm hiu'ratcsl by cruel go!.!, to find her daughter, the wife of Imj- reiircwriUitivu in 11 fur off colony, received with 1111 outburat of iopuliir riitiiuuiwni, KigniucAtit to some extent of the stability of Uie Britiiih Ktupini. Tempcranee Lecture n Kail. "Twenty year ago," naid tho pAteicn grr with the red ribbon in hix button bolo, "1 knew that man whom you saw get off at the lust station. Ho wan n young tunn of mro protniMe, a rollego gnuluut4, n man of brilliant intellectual and shrewd mercantile, ability. J.ife dawned before him in nil thn glowing colorn of fuir promise. JIo hwl some inniiey when he left college. Ho in vested it 111 b usinesH anil hi huhinecK piopi'is-d. I In iimtTidl n beautiful V tii.g gill, vv ho b0111hi.1i beiiuti ii.l ehildien " 'I ', hd looking piiKsenger s tting on tin v.ood Ikix: "All at oil" tune1 'I Im red ribbon pftsheiiger. "No, iu biei.uiiil iiiHtnllmentH of one. No one dimmed that thu poor I ouso would ever bi their home, liut in nn evil hour the young man yielded to tho tempter. He began to drink beer. Ho liked it nnd dinul: 111011'. Ho drank and encouraged othci-H to drink. That wuh only M ywiru ngo, and ho wan a pi os porous and wealthy mini. v'heit is he to-layl" Tho clergyman in tin front seat, sol emnly: "A sot and 11 lieggnr." Tho nil rihlioii man, diHConsolutely: "Oh, no, ho in a member of Congiessand owiih 11 limwery worth $fiO,000." 'SnnftiincH it linj'priw thut way." V urcdoto (r M. I.p d'ciiernl (rant. 'r,. I'arin Figaro, n '.nten the follow in. ii'ietdotc uf M. Io (-mnt-II' wii'i pivsei.t at a gieat isuupiet in Iti ,111 Hire. A vast sjitcnirM' of 1 eople iMtlu rcl iiioutiil him. Tin v ikinl iiim ti liniik, mid e t miuii) toast, .i-id make u khi-.Il He did 1 h tifHt at unn ami l u.g pi'itoiiil ti p;iy foi' it with e -jhw h he sjKiko iw follnwi: "If iher-iiiiint lu ll .Si 1 tli ami, no inuili tin worse. Tli"..1 tJi.tll Ik.-! Wowiilbiouk no re-Kiititui-', and treat u niptivt thimti who In. not li't'ii 0111 frleiid.s." At thU iiioiiieut 11 telegram win handed thu 01-.1 tor, signed by mit' of tho imt inline!! tin'. Senntors, Mr. il H , which siitl. "A eoneilutoi-y ml ley ts imlibpeii Ktble." Mr. (Smut wiim wit ilitroncvrtH but giniieiug at th toli-graiu rontimte.l "We will Mvit us ciitiven (Iium) who have not 1-eou our fiieiuu ! YeK, gen tleui'ti, that in t Im biligiiago attributed to iiv. by our ailveiiifs. liut our mis m.iii i: .1 h.ippiiir one. Oui is abovi :dl, a p.U'tv of and hurmouy, and, tiii-,le:M(K .' Tho (ji'iieral took another drink niul 11 eigar. weie ii,.invi 10 iciti'ii iv .111 oner in immui 1 v 'nen nnd .1 large icwnril 111 inirv, and t'floie letuiuutu they iimi ''' the 1 .11 v . . to lowt. llilliys .1.' 1. Hl'Ka'l ii seltlcmen vcf) in 1 s. vi i,k .' () 'Mg Tliee 1 guai on Hal i M. irid -'i an o 1 and 1 thllllln ' 10 be ml iii! jnev .a 'V-.'il tl'I'.'M 1! 1 1 1 .. LurJ-jre I be rv -1 CM l I . . ! u'id Kinl lhev le.vdi'l ol 111. ,tuu kt-veiitveu el lll . viii tec whvt kind ol :.. due trait of coitntiy, ien tie-it of the '.4tvr, Oregou, in lite ' laiett -HOHl':li IlKllltiKli i.J V.vsu.i5toi Tciritivv. . 4K k) titu.tcd thai me ! Ill'l . lotl'-l V to it til VlU'llllltll (if :7 John Jauln. .41 It.ili'iu "rount," who wiu I, iiiueliiihsl to put nun 11 at ot lua nt tho Hi m:,m;. 1'nliiM.uuii l.iaaiu.L the titl- u. mini well, and the ti. ke:.. miKi ut 1 v each. To lid hiiuw'f 01 the .-!;. ;,i.lii of Ug.nits, of fb.ili l.e wiu th uijH( ouo evening iu tlii foy.-i of the I h 1.1 ' '. UliiJUi', .Iiile (litliiu tiiuk niin, i..';ijt to hiiiis.'lt: "l'l i t'k". in wortli ulwut ns luueb . tuo I ,A of a '1-UmI onb." S. 1 :i th ,.tt r tlw drawing took p'u , .11. 1 ni.u 'i.onuii,; 111 tho Jtuv i'our : h it svam ..iiuonuvwl 011 the bul- .ii tmrtfi Irmn llitt (Jdil :.'id in the Ca union Kiver, i-nn 01 t." .'oa.tiiil u lMu thut it . :J .: io.'i .tti'l sftwdinif ' ' ''" J'lti wtv' 't" IW-, .ree'i.'.miii of tiecon ' :" !"' 'n-"' ' :.v. "' i. Ii.l llillkt li.1k IWl.A T ' ...ds !' . 1. 11 not iMi'i ow uih a . it 1 if ali'Mnt cio ' 'v' ': ' Wm wiiti tlire ,iice i s' l es tbev ri iciuovul. v.iua t . iiiHhtio.. of :luiii exist io 'I ' - -. Votk i llluiou! Cm ': i.i w.u4vu Corfi'ins. thu h'-- j and i!i..'t' ' otlveis. t. .; 1 H ec4ivj; thi ii.'!ir- , -V c..t' th"ii 04 ' 'a1' ' :. it.:.. .- V'. ''ill i,-.- :mu-, UU hi'ilil full ol l' if U S'Ullii' li' COllU.l , ilk n lit the .- " M'V be- '. A'j.s- H" K I ' In ' As IsiiU'ihitiov- Tho following is a copy of tho iuKv'i'ip'.iou leiuitlv iojiiel tivm tho t.ilih'l I'vov llie ivinr.iiiB of Mr. .I.ukimii, v.tiV oi I'lo.iilmit Aiulii'sv Jiukiwu, 110.U' iho Hi'i'initiige in Tenuis Ml'. lli'iv !i 1I10 jvnuiinn of ?Ir. R.nhe! iLi.', wife, uf l'rosulent Aodivw la -ks in, w ho died th 2.M of PtHi-uibt r. I l-S. a'ivl ill. Uor :ai w..h fur, hrr iH'iM.m i-hsuiiis.'. In r ItiuijM'r ijuir.W hei heart kuitl; sh" deligliul iu rviitsjing th vv.iftt it lier follow en-otur-s, nnd I'llUiv.ittMi that divine pimiMiro by the tho iuot and tlliprvteudiug luf th uU; to the poor stu' Mil a luMiefii.'lor. U the 1 k-h a t xoaaple; to tint wnudieil u ivmforM, to the pisiH'rouii mi ornii-im-nt. hi'i pii'iy i'!t: hund in hand with hi lv:.i'V0i:i-e, ! ih'- u. :nl oil !.. "u iitm for beuij; kiuhi!s1 ti do 1 n. V Ih.'.iS "o Kfiitk' uml vJn:niN k!.iili-r ijiiiUt wnuiid iut n.i: ituj.'.ui'ir. V. en deal! , uln it tMjv l.w ttmtu the .iiie of her U'visbtintt. conil bat U !.:. piTl Ih" Ki t'.e b'Vvm ol Ki-r lusi, f'HAI'iniC J. "IT 8 A cov. Hih wis wit is herald) d in the 1 net' but a ron g srnt'-iiee jtist ti loted. No matter what hopes have h-vn iniltilged coneuminfr girl babioj), whiit lisis ol names suiu.'lxl over to calih the most musiuil and euphonimiH onex, there ii soiii,jthi..g "i the 1 it!.' it'i lOU'iceineiit. "It is n bov," which dispels nil t'ani-iful ill-i'.n.j" nnd "s everybody n juose liairi. II. si'i v oic, 11s it utti'rsi i de auiiimpti' tli" giind army of liu iii.,:t , '"Is t! -tc!-y to ejicrii'ii'-eil venrs. T'd v isioim nt a ilhinty girl dnr 1 ng sou . .iiiibh bi'foie tin- iiositive I""-' oJ uos", who kici:s lis stuidy Leels tlu-iiugh the delicate pink 'ocks in tended for his sister, anil grows as red an a turkey cock'1) head nt 'Ilionksgiving times when ie is exp)-cted to show oil to ti good .advantage before callers. He persists in an abnormal development of nose and n puiliiiesH ulmut the eyes, along with several othr little tricks known only to interested parties. Par ents and nurses become reconciled and noopt him on trust, seeing no other al ternative. Ho emerges from his puffy and rosy obstinacy to ti rolv poly, wide, awake thing of beauty, which is a .joy fully oii)-lialf of the iine. Theie is n pro.-es.s fnjiii infancy to little bov hood, n sweet time, when th luaiK-hild is half kiv, half angel. In the lent' !i pths of Ins iriiioectit '-yes is a world of trust niul hope 111.1l love. J lis white hrow is fair as n ttishly ojii'ned lily, and his lips as sweet ns iicniiosA iose. Ho i most witching at his age, for the peculiarities which mat It tho enfant terrible iiiij yet ituilov eloped. He is an armful of love and beauty and iromisi and dread and hone. Jxivu him wliilii vet there is no Jgiiilo on the tender b'jm, no sin in the unwritten soul, no tuucli of thu world s breath ujKiti God's unfinuhed work. (JIAlTKR II. "OIT UP OLD IIOIIBEV." J "Mercy, what a noisel Look at that choir, with a string tied on the hitjih and made fast to the writing desk and flow it stiuid, all to bo driven tandem by that young im in kilt skirt and fancy but and shoes' Who upset tliat work basket! and, good gracious! vvluvt work hns U'vu miule with my wool nnd thread! ThereV tlui last newspajier torn to scraps and stuffed in the cuspidor with my Hcrow driver, that I lost a wi-ek ago. What is ho doing with tho cat) and dear niul if ho hasn't thrown grnii(lnia'n shc tacles into the grate!" Whi'H'M JInrryl Hun ii. tl.e kitchen and see. Alt tlw 'ggs m broken in the I isl;et 1 f clothex, and the milk for pudding has been fed to tl ' ml niul dog. Krnlget Lntiitigau is 111 n towering rage and ni, "I'hat's thu way of shlaviu' to kapc claiio vvitl such n young divil for uinst ve.'' Miss i'rigulitv Pussbuneh calls, and is horitied by K'ing niniestisl to "Im- a liorsc and let Harry rule strad dlo to lioston." Sho is questioned also, on many delicate itoints, and asked how many boys she has, and whether she hill seen his blue monkey that performs on a yellow stick, and his "rooster that erow'H if you just blow in liehind." H get voiy cloNo to hei ami asks what that white stutl 011 her fact) is, and wlint makes her wear such a funny little hut. A few veins of tliiH juvenile, terror and thei. apnarri nnother stage of the hoy. He gets a tiivi r only aiijiensiil by mai'bb"'. It is uscleK to head oil' this phase; if it in -hot nil" in out- (Unction it breaks out more violently in some othi mother's, nnd life begins to look real to thein. The world is full of homes vvheic thr 'e pictuii'swill be recogimcd nnd hung up ns family portiaits -homes wheie then- til)- no sounds of young voices low. They 'luw away into tin. world so soon, niul vvo jmt away the nnmelesi feeliii'.' i-f ile-olntion as we do tlw eait otl'tnys of their childhood, niul when the evening of life iippm.ieh' tie- hemt goi bii-1: nlonir th- i.j tin and b o!i.-ii in itli tie ' hi! !:! .1 :ii t'.t ii'mr obi bun: fig". FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. ... T11 rrfit Vte. 11. 1ST9. O.iMin Nw lurk to-iij loni l urrriwi liu) mat (kiJ liimn i in 1'iirtl.iui yi-, a slllnir Vli'iiir r vine- l,u, 1'iir Skill" ' -lillim IJiS- Sllur iiivili l'ra.. .. ti 'i l-m.tii. l-N. wIIIiil. A Bride. Kvery otii- will ii-eoguizo the pouiait of theovirail'ivtiotiati' biidi', wlio makes love in public, nml whose delight in her now found felicity cannot bo repressed even at a tabic d'hote, or in n thronged railway carriage. Hanging on his aim, mid gaing forever into hi face, squeez ing linndH under the table, with sly em braces where thrv think themselves safe, it is easy to see that these two young people aro like spendthrifts living on their capital, and thut they will e.xhnust j their lovo betimes by dint of lnvishiiess. A littlo more reticence would be so much bett'-r! : Nome employment in the evening after thev have dime their sight seeing some Iiool: to tend, some bit of wink to do would be wiser in the long run than sit ting close together mi the sofa, talking love and destioying their future solid friendship bv tho sweet extravagances of their jucM'tit lint ti lies. .Sometimes, if the husband is lev.'ived, urisentiuieii tal, cold, and tho bridge lust the teverse. she hns all the love making to herself, and pours out in unstinted measure thu fondness which maidenly modesty for bade her to show while yet unmarried, Poor child, she is whetting the knife for her own thront! If her husband en dure it all in the beginning, partly from courtosy and jiuily from gratitude, and boouUNu his marriage is m yet young, and he is not lufucieritry accustomed to her to repulse her, she may be sure tluit ho will not fear it long; and that thn moment will come when he will turn uwav from her, and miiko her under stand that she boics him, and that nil this folly might have been very well when they were first uiniricd, but now it is absurd, and she must 1 reasonable and like other women. And can any young wife sutler a deeper wound than this!- a wound that hurta her pride nnd her love iu one, but the pain of which she has brought on hi-iu'lf by her follv of i ce. Kven b'idca would do well to I'einemliei' it is better for their liapniiiesH to be sought than repuhed, and that husbands no more than bachel ors appreciate Wing nmdo love to. To Ih met is one, and n tiKasant thing; to bo overpassed is nnother, and to some men unbearable. Milium ilolUtt Trull ileitun IViln i-x .ni Kraii V u. .?lmniM?i'Xi)uticu fi.l i hxiMi v-r .'it St V!ll L'. Ihiiili I l.i ti er.tu.'l i" n-i i u'itii...i i l. i.i.l, .U'.iiur.l tiHuwt)!. -Ilvrlnri, r..t sr.l; ." C .t Ii-alti I'ailir. itiiu, .' i m- .W. iW .Isifc .'-iiiu'ii,.'. Intucl 'lirm ..tli4 nn i , - -n n ..! n, in, t-f ... , id" th ,l'.1 .an.) ,'. ar . lilt rt- . 1IU i-j lifn n;jl -;J Cum or'irlt.i In . I ir ui.t i.r Iteliill I'iiiiiIIj Mlirliet. i "nwr.i', r cti Irlwir I'nuntrj triuiil., .r lmrri-1 ... "IninUrJ, r liairil Cnn.inil, i r .iuml.. lUtintiO, Vr i-junii lYultn- Aiil, ilrlisl. r pu'iml tiucStne ilriw I'lAiliia, ilrii-U, r uii'J .... I'liimi, r .iuiiil ,..., 1'iM.hra ..... , L'ntmwl iruUnifn ...... CantHil ttlfwktirririi....M ('ntiniil I'mn.. H t'amiiil SuirArConi. . .... l'lUlinlnlls - Luril, In tln krir-i i I'l'i, - r uuicn Hutu r i.r i-uiimI I'oUtiK., Hi lui-lul ... . OtilntiV .r Imihcl Itmiii, )kT .iiiihI Siilitiiiii. xr ki l.i.rt iirniiiiil. ir '. II. k-tuii.... .... . .. .'ai.i I'ni-lml IMIm rltnl Villiin.e. s I ullMil l.'.aml...M sjnli- liiini . ., II. Uvlclui, r i-kli.n.... . ... Ti- V. It , iirjwuiiil Jui. .. IlUlk M.M.M M lk-rt CulIli-mU, r .und... ., Ortirtm .- KIlh, r lwi... ,-... sluiui, r vunj. .., Kiuch sr . !'rlMi Tupivn , S.p, ).T Uii.. CMlUt r uiuiiJ Vnwt pntiltr, V. k M., rr !.. inii. louiiiry. . M Mb 4 10 . 4 t a S CO t 55 11 t W ll ,... 70 7&. ... 1 &'. a 1 I 11 il ,.. C W nlO ls t a V I II a IS a MS u .Vli SSI a Slja SO a l!l II a 40 n , run , sa" . !!7 a . If V in 1 IV 1.VM.I.(T.,.,tH,. M......MM. .r-J.l4.l-. Kami, niuntrj. uorurtd ...m. .mm.. ........ SltvuUltra, UaarH.iu-rU....M II.-. Ulnl . U.44.RMIWM m...m:. tlcr, tliol hi !uul, r C.m... .... 1 00 . -0 a CS. ... U a 1 00 ,... 10 a HO .... lila IS ... S 00 a i CO .. iO 12 .M. If. .. 10 .. It( . 10 ... 7S a 2 00- ... IS a ... 00 t t ... 1J. It' ... II a 10. .. 14 a . ma . . 10 ...11 00 al3 ..It 00 ... I a 1) lluBe VrtHlmr Martt. mioinair rsun (taassr. Ilcur, ailli f ilinuirui. stoiiiliiril.. . , jj IVunlry 4 M a 5 00 urfinr 4 do a 4 a Whrat, ai-tlu-ilruianil . ... I 17 a 1 71) iiitu, r lu.ini 40 a 4 llA.nn, phlm )vr .'Uiiil . II a . . 7 a lUllli lit s II II II 4'-4 x IS Basket Willows. Some tlmo ago wo received a letter from n correspondent relative to the cul tivation of basket willow, or osier, but the season having passed for planting, did not deem it necessary to publish any thing further nbout it at that time. Tho best and most profitable osier to plant is that from Finiiee, cutting! of which iniiv be procured iu this tit v from per sons who have sui-ces.fully introduced it for basket making juiriiOM-h. First-class oisers sell readily to tasket inakeis at ii in ku- 10 a In ttu. , .. .. , lu a IVv, 40 a llullir, ilii.linlilry as a lli.ll In l.rlni- is a In kin is a I'lilikrtK.i.U, l-irilnz .. , .1 W .1 W - N"!"' -J7No'J7i urtiuj, ir iwiiiii). ... .10 li - L'lii4t (ii.ltu!I Xuiruln Until ultiil. Dry ilnr iklm . . ,,,, Tallow Wil- VVIIUmclK 10 a iJunrtiOrrinm is a brli.1 r-rulbi- l'lutninrilrirlaiIt Pa Sun ilrlnl pilt 4 a llama Is a 14 0 ( 11 10 a "St 1.1 .ents ih-e iKiliml. Oi-ieiM iiatv be It goes through n period of si or M'vvn plaiiteil at iinv time dering Nov ember I ........ .1 : :..... i..i I'.i i. . . t . . ' . : i i- . i.. i - tf -. . thn im. ' w. ,ta to i- 'in i :.-, tii -i. ' ,i tl. "at netl :t yiui-i uud oust nn:-'). iu .itiitty. broken w.iidiiw paiiisi .ml luortituil pride. He is ..'Ci-ted with intx, pigiMiih and other lKlli, .rii'ii'j,:.,.M, sv-ltioh ins- Imrudi-ss, but .it.uoyiia'. I(i iiriugit iu six dirty tee! tM v i iiium' his sii'l: sister, who grow, worse iniiler it, ..i.d in bin solici tiuli' he strupi his legs fast to si feet of stilth and ttooii to i-uti r tho door of hei room, to the hurroi .iinl disiimy of his mother. Ho brim:s littlo notes home from K-hooI, vihicl. he tries to e.vplmiiin a tax untitle light, but fails to convince his puniutti it was "only bei-an-i-I '.ill WiUjn dropped his shiio on AIm lletit'gnu'H toes and made him laugh.' He curves his awkward initials on old Mrs. Williams' n'llr.i' door, and .lu llilvateliH his arieot. He goes to sis "llumpty Duuipty," uud ciinies home .mil thi'ilwx real brii-klsits i.t his mint, .mil llridgit is met with a Kitterin blow from his head iu the region of tin li.tihr.igui when ahe in bringing in tin Ho makes life a burden, Ii mit- u srtnri' mid u delusion. Ho tears the comKntd in .i.urv vi.iys thi.n one, .md slits the ) iiloi. uiscs to match them. Wi'.iiluiillv In- li-.ivt-H oil' his huilv burlv life nntl VinK'!Tptilly glide.'- into iMAPTI'll'tZI " ' llfM.'s H lill'U tic I" "YVjiero u tho bh.i'king brush ? I am j tttjr to a itttle mirprie, mid won t K in.iuo till after eloveu. vvisli voud nidk'i ipy (S'llaru stuJitr. 1 don't llmiik uuo ouv fur throw lug my corn down and getting it "II wn.ikltxl up. How do yuu liko my lu'.t t Think it looks botu r th.ui my sott one i ' Yon will rind tho uigi'iiu bov ull 1W1 twl about this jtertoil; not a rat trap cumbers the luokyartl. Th- vvoUhil thMtrieib .tit all i!.(ll. tho btilU are put uvvuy, tin Uitw toigutt4"ii: wimlovv gloss U m IH-rfoit unfcty. Mi. Williams' ifl'iv dour, titil there i mi unlnvitiHl tpiiet oil fcjwitl t!n LotiM. I'lmirh -uiy in tbvir plrcA ftd pantaiixms v.iH no lougv'C Mt4uil euittus ovw tor tht- loy. flu iM them uow mt out ot new utl' nml muihor' "cut" wu. u-t satisfy hiw. Hiv u ma in U.e war uow, ami tnerw is a heavy tvaiu iu tlJ motker1 breast, as hi will noyiw tttvMi hf ur wmn worn. Tlw Innnoatit cys iwve a itwpar avma iE in thorn now 'IVy hav Ukea into thiir rtitica a et vou-uru than nnd Deceinbi r: inueiil, immeilintelv b fori' niul during the mill) seni-oi:. Xn tivii willow in in' mo i-ouiiiii rciiil value. The following cnuiteiit-fN the facts vvbi.-h farmer i:.te:i(ii..i; to ultivat" liu osiei need know to i ::der th-ir .peii uifiit Mtivosful : 1. The pimtnl chiiiid bopnuiroil as vou vvoultl pivin it for any other crop, plowed anil made liclit as posit Io. '.'. The planting should be done iu tho Spring or just b-foio nnd dining thu riiinr season, niul this by cutting about eight inches lung. The ground should be low, but not so low ns to admit of standing water. Tho rows should bo ibout threo feet apait, and tlu- plants .ibout three fed apui in t.'. io.. Cul tivate two or thivo times the llrst vear, .ml keep the ground clear of weed". Iio the same the second year. Ik Ilnottsh will boyieliUsl the seconil year to siv a vei-y eoii.itlerablu propor tion ot tho oxpeiiM'. Tin: Wool Intit.iist or C'es'TIial i:HTKlis Onto. Of thi.U.oOO.OOl sheep in tho State of Ohio this year, l.CO.'i, 0iii3, or nioiv than twisllfihs of tho whole, aro ill twelve counties, each uf which, ami tho only ones in rim State, lias over 100,000 haul, as follows: liar itsun, Licking, fiu-rnsi'v, Muskingum, ikiiox, Helnoiu, ( ViliiiubiiiRii, ('irroll, .It'.'U'itii.ii, IVshoctou, Moitfiv i.nd lohi ware. This teiTttory i- jirincijMlly what is known as the hill louutics i: eastern Ohio, nnd sis uf the counties uro wholly or in part in tho Muhkinguin vulley. T!i combined aron of tho twelve- coun ties is in the ueigliboihootl of 0,000 ujuntx' iiiittss, or Hither !r-w than one sixth of the eutiiv State, and weiosl.ccp kept iu the sinnc pros.i'tiouiti number tlilougliuut the Stale, Ohio lould lioast of lu.00O.0ik) iiikteml of 1,000,0011. Wool i. aiul hi been for vears. the fhu'( suiiIt! piiuluit of thu hilly sh'c- tlon or country, a;J ilmibtletss our t.u mors, rinding it nioiv regularly profita ble than any otlor crop, wfll'oontinue to incieftso the prwluciion, SUuben viile tiiuette. 1Vr araover ;t),000 men in New York who cannot writs. A goad many cf thorn r.iv i-tiitont, but thtvy aw light- : tug who., '.x o'"t to shoan. M is 10 10 t, vo Uriivrnl HrrrhnuUlar. ItlClV-t'hlr.a, .No. I, nun. China, .Vo. 1!, ec; Jaaii, To S41.1WM1 1.UuiJ, 7c. T!1AS-Jaii In flirnxl Inixm, 30-i3ic; InlicjUfnil lin, 41k(W; tr, JiaTJc COFFi:&-CuaU liu-, leJtlUi Jata, ZSc; IUo, norwj llualtuula, Ifillt-Jc. SL'tlAKS-CYuihixl A, ltlci Fine fnlil.iil, Ke; inami- lalixl. lilc, CVito, Ur. Kilt C, lOJc; OuMi-ii V, UV Saiulnlch nianil. rlntlOo 6YIIL I'M (jiii.ulltt at ciilg In Urnii; U'c In til lam I.; ai.ii HM 111 ati.-.. CANULKS-Uii, liVilSl rnti. liramllci: llos, l.'ilf-; Hint, lb'il ', ilnmlisU ax, s.'!'.'l; um- Sue, :jUi2.V Vl.VST IsiWUKU ISit.Mlii. li,i:K n.r t-roM; ls Io'.. Sttiitb.. I'nli. d Vlirrt'l. J4i sVltil.Mi tiiurttrb., rl do. half I nun, ttjv'1. SI'llllTS J. II. I'litt.-r .. U.wl-11 wl.l.lij-. -J aftid'. M. M Jlirttuil, luiitu .;. , 1. othtr LmluU Iruin tl !.' 7S Ixu.l-'Xt. IjilitiUi-r. tiu i.llcl.ij. t OILS UnlltMtv Imuiil. . t .-.. :.-. . liLiln-r imiili'i, .riil'.'J; Vuli.l l.-i-v. 'xi . nv ll'iv-iil, sV ; Ii1 Ijrij, tl H'- '1 4". u.U r. si !i(l 11), turlil- tl.,iixmv- i:ntfllsli Win-ill .xitr!ic(, l.c.MMiN, Doc. 31.--1 1- tbig inrgoes, rather cnnicr; earKocs on'o nml for slilp- uitut, urglft-ti'il; uo business doing. Qtlututious of food C'lrgm s, oil cosst, per I Ml Pjk scii tbuiiitgo for n-lKr's account, less UNtial .j per cent, couiuiisslon; Med. (Hi. or Mil. wheat, 33s Oil(.ilO.'. lied Winter, -HiiOjtJsCd; Cidiforuiii, -1.V Uood sblpjiiug Culiforuiii wheat, on psss ngc, pir TjOO ttm, Queeustowu for orders, just sliippid, or to bo proiuptly shipped, 4 is Oil; ueurly due, -i3s Oil; fair avt ruge, L'U. ur Mil., for slilpiaviit dtiriin; pri'M ut mouth nntl foi louiug one, per 1&0 ftiH, Am. Unas, !17(53" IM. I'uglUh country markets, quiet. Trench country markets, quiet. I.iv Ei.rooL, Dec. 31. Wlieiit spot, rather aur. Quotations per cental' Tnir to cholco shipping iltib, pir t-in till, tin rn(u,0s M; fall to chulco slitpiuug California, per cental, Us lilfciu -tdi red Am. hprinir, shipping club, No. 3 to No. 'J, 7s (id (.1 Ss 4d. ' Ihu Wheat Mnrlcot. The movements of wheat have been dull for two weeks, during which no car goes have been sold, though two vessels luve been chaitered by pirtits here who own wheat and think there is more profit in sluppii.g at 35 freight to Liverpool linn to sell at cnr.cnt rales. We learn tint $1 7i per cental is offered for wheat free on boird snip, but bolJers ask ft 75 and no transactions. Orders from Liverpool re main as heretofore if there arc any, say 44s jd but spot wruat is coming down u Liverpool. Holders may realize some advance when a reaction t?kes place, and one is likely to occur soon after so long a depression, but it will be tafe to sell whentver the advance comes. Most of the wheat up the valley isdispoicd of, and wliai ts no; is held for a rte. Now is iho timu to gutter skates. A nuin miiy luve vw,kti"bse of clmr acter and yet bo great' but no man can In- trrewt who ha any littleness of mind. To ! kept from wrongdoing ujj faw of vxiwauro w not vy exaltd virtue, Ut an far as it gee? It it brnefl ial to kovl-tv. I.V aa 1 's?' I .11 m .. . -.-.miwii. ufimiinw W yc ,. T,...e,m, arDiJ w.iKets.a.ucV""-- .TJ. FOKbTXJBjtogJJ Tl 10 10 10 !S 0 36 3i ai !5 IS. 13 4f. 40- M