Bei amt mitclt. Conducted by Mrs. Harriot T. Clarke. My Eh p at Sea. How many ships I'vo svnt to ra Buoyant with hope ami Pi: of luc, Uuw fn' returned to i .' Ships tint l'w freigliM.I wu my nil l)i .Itcil .IV .1. 'n-oiirl r. . I.i. .ititrti i''l i-. i .till !,i m! di l ,." if How oft. Kith nilt uli a i .1 i bright With sunlight -the h.tvo i.,imci1 from sight, While from the sfioro have I Kept wtch with eager ey, Until my ahip had Hoit-xl by: Until with a ills all proudly aet, fust whcro the eartli with beaten met. They TAiiisKotl while I lingered yet. But atoms will como, and wimtiuJU blor My ihipj are driven to anil fro And aomii go down at nca! And tome mere wrecks, from out the put Mcro bull, anil spar and broken niast, With all their treasures crercast, float v:'i to me. Ami then I s'sth o'er u . t T -e lot: Weep o'er tty life no tot' ps. tuU So cheerless- will .v dn V "Whv trust fr.iil birU ni.'t. the v.1? What lirhiv; they huh bit: m ..t' to ins : Ilut grief, .Hid piin and r '... To rend t , soul .t! ''-i. ' Thuij oli.i't 'O'tl v .n.' 't i" .id -ei t'nts en t'.i- .hove to t irt .i "t.e Aim filial with tdi.mtt'f - ilr.-jd ! I'liaiituninif all I'vr lot ."f'ro C If hop.1- atitl lot, dent if ti.v jurv; ( If hop.". Jinl Iovim th ii woi. ' tut mores And with tl.'M? tloitl fru.. It d.noMIl shw, ('tunc oth ! .lead to mil;" r uv- 'I ho rri'd, lkiLgiloi.. 1 Hut still, fonjcttinc id. . uun. Mv bni-!; 1 Ittiiielt iiih :.. nam. ' To .roi th'.1 !im ing '. . . Ilniiiiuftliit liui itllt-i!i .'..ropfi, , .sumo Kinii". pjrt J II re . .'. i t.'j To tiud v. I'll jo.1. ...ill ! . ' '.t, My aliio. nu':i!iui4 t PUT T0 7HZTEST. I'AtT nRXT. "Hut itipiMiso he id.ould recognize mo, after all, HelenV" "Not bit of danger ol that, Muy; you are too well 'got up," thanks to your humble servant." "Well, let me take :i long, lust, linger ing look at myself, and I'm oiT'-aud ' he ttvpped to the glass and survoyod j Hint herself. She gave n little laugh "Ugh! how my toeth gleam through my clunky complexion. Wo muit remedy that. Clo down and get mo ome uiilnut.Julco.' The desired fluid was brought, and enough partaken of to bring tho gleam In.. ..ll. Inn r.lnr nf M.nnn Ivnlilv ' . . I observable through contrast with tho i general appearance of tho person. tiTlwtni vmi nin. T.fni'.tin I numffirninil vour own father wouldn't recognko . ... . . you. Complexion utterly eiiimgeu, eyebrows blackened, hair tucked outjT1,m' J" niuetlilns familiar abiut of-pight under a widow's cap, seedy black dre., mid wo.-n cotton glove. Who wojild 1'iok fortl.e 'rich tlatteixd helre-. lutlil.-gulM'.' Here, let mead Jut your ell. Thi-n. you'll do now for a poor widow of .. I think." "Well, Helen. I i.ope we may find that Henry Smith liileeu-landercd," was tin rejoinder: 'lot I could never pinml-i- to marry bliu with iiuli a doubt 'iiiMilved." "'.'. Iiuli-ed, Mny. ilut go. my ble:'h g". will follow ; .u," she added, laughing. llnu.itlm I I.-stolr. sti.lo tin. niitnt. poverty-tthken looking little woman, treau:o nilne.'" and ."lining the street by a back alley. NS "'' lilnfiil diitlnctne, ever.v Dniwitig her ru-t - vijll clo-ely word or theaus ver -mo'e on his etr. down over her lice. he Mowly walked "- k'tr! I wi-h bt-.-g trs e:ild be along till he reached the door willed "holl-hcd by .statute." bore the name "Henry Smith. Solid- ,u' "i'cned his eye,. mil stared at her tor." Ah-c tiding the stairs, she stood t,,e" tl,u trutl wemed in burst upon at the olllco door nnd tapped t.'mldly. ','ln' "Como In," was the rejoinder from "M,v: Ml" UiHey!" ginp.'.i ho. within. ;"Wl.atlsthUr' Timidly and trembling Muv pushed "Ht'dly, sir, your story Is wvll got up, open the oiiicodoorof tho man who'but )" frtr ,w - " concjrned, no beg had but the day previously besought , 8"" ,,L't'' llly." her to become his wife. ' etching up Ids hat, Henry Smith Henry Smith sat tit n tablo which ' k'ft iUo '"'l"e hurriedly that the ws strewn with law topers, with his ' "" lH'f ilmnted. If he did not guia feet thrown over the arm of a chair' tlie I'i'Iress nnd her money, let ui hope and a htUr-consumed cigar In his teeth. ,,e Bll In wisdom mid charity. Casting a gl.mce ut tho meekdooklng Vel(' ' Vv. little figure before him, which glitnco Meeincd to nssuro him there was no WasI'-waictko Wdmkn If the call fur politenesson dispart, ho leaned truth lie fairly tinted, women have -k In his chulr and remarked: j many excu-es Tor their Infatutitioii re sell, madam, what do you wish?" garding miiiiII waist-. It H Jlrs. lit this Ik? the exquMte Mr. HaueN who sty-: "The reason whv - ,ii, who Is so very courteous to ie iu MuietyV ' thought slie. Hut sild, liiu vnli-e which trembled from -upines-cd evelttment, "Will you p oi-e let me Is- -cited a moment, sir'.' I am not iri... a::d th" stairs liavo taken my bri .'t:.." "Ch.ilr-over by the window there," was fie repl : but In never luAorcd his feet from the " eou wliiilt they 1 Cited, or l.tld imlde ihf ciar. After it-ell enfs p.u;M', hi which the slve p'oportluii-. A fw et-iituilc, uo i tieorn'e mid Itcbeei-u keeping each oth ptile, da ik womttii -..ciiied tneillc-ct wotiiinli I not take a -eientille view i er fn o fnun their cominoii enemy, the bieatl inai e'imposure, she saul, draw- ot thing-, -fid fell Into dulu-iuii which I Hy. Rebeei'ii wiM ntiuiil by iho'heelc ing a ptipi r fiinii i'(il;e: In thl- .t-je tiro a tn tin ex. of (It-nrg.1, whisking her tall arouiul "Ifyuti ple.i. ftalled tit see you for Theykn.-w nothlngofaa ifmny, of the ' hi- kg-, and he will .-.wing his heavy charity. My hu-bual was killed lx 11W ,,f pntportiu.i or the curve of .-ill about flor IkmIv. iierf.irmlnt' tho uiumiis ,tj;ii i' ti .u.i ui,n .. .v.i...ii, and left me penniless I worked, nnd earned ;i meager support for myself and little bj np.- Ing, until I was no bnger able to get wen that to do. .l. I..... r.ll n o l.,ill,ll., Jlclugill with overwork nnd an.Iet., I could nn Icng.r support my little faniil;. a'tt my (rjUir" nave wen . .. .. for them have helped me a little, and so I hnvo been savod from going there too. If I can succeed in keeping along for a feu days, until I have u little more strength, 1 hope to obtain work, and bo able to tuko care of myself again. Here Is n paper with tho names ol those who know me. and that I nm not an Impostor, and who hive helped me In my illness- and poverty." Not a word from Henry .smith nil the while, but he coolly pulled the elgar. "Will you help mo n little from your abundant mentis?" pleaded the poor woman. "O dear!" yawned he: "I wish leg gurs could bo abolished by statute." Then to tho woman, "llcnlly, madam, your story is well got up; but, no far as I am concerned, no lieggarn need Ap ply. If you can't support yourself, why, go to tho lKtorhouse. That's tho place for such as you." "Hut, sir " "Aiydear woman, there's the door. 1 can't bo Imthered any longer." Slowly and sadly the poor woman wended her way down the stair, and down the street until tho corner shut her from sight, and then fairly llew until she reached the residence of otio of the wealthiest gentlemen In the city. Here she ru-dicd In at the f out door unit titiieroiuonlously up Mnlr in to tho pretty room Mio hod shortly lie- fore left. Tearing on' the widow' fr.ifitwmlu klin Hfiu c.rt,i rkiiiKii.Ait f.t ? nt i r i i ... ., ,. ,1 telling her friend Helen the re-tilt oM hoi- mlision. 1 "ItVjU't as you told nie, Helen. j llejiry Smith lini no mote heart than a block of wood, and po'more polite I nets" nnd her theeki burned as she i thought of lier rudoncM. "And to I think he tiould come here, and be no. I very devoted and polite to me, when ' It Is all false to hi true nature! Thank heaven! I've found him out In time." ! Helen laughed feoflly, anil nld ! "What answer shall you give him 1 this evening'."' , "' "" evening, ami see,-was ,ll "'l'1'' M4" wc"t on with her be- "Willi until evening, and see," was VUIIIIII iuiivii Meanwhile Henry Smith, after men tally condemning all beggars to tor. ture, slowly betook hlmseir to his lodgings, nnd arrayed himself scrupu lously for tho purpose of calling to re ceive tho young lady of his affections; "ul " ,,,u "ill 111" UlUIIL'lllIf Ol lier, Iktlt In lli tl.i .f 1 1. .. ll. .... I. .. .. t,,e ,1,,,I f ie clurk little widow would intrude herself. "Confound that creature!" solllo- al'l lie nei Stlllll. H. 'ILlinnliui. nearcd the m in- "v..,.... out of my mind. her, in If I had known her sometime, JJut, pihaw! who n:i any synii:itliy for I eggarsV I shall lie one my-olf if I don't get thl girl of old ttalleyX with her f'lilhei'n ca-h." Hinging the hell, tin. erv.,i,t showed him i.ilo a brilliantly lighted dniwlng room, where. In Mlk nnd J'-woN. hone the f.ilr young git I whom Ii3 had asked to le hi- !f. She nt-e to meet lihii, nnd he eager ly '-eg hi: "Ii'.tr4st M.iy, for yi.ur answer. I'm u'A liiipiHfucc !)n't keep me In moment, I- the i"U-pf:t-( aiio'.liei' am.ill waist hn beiut.v Is becau-e, when It U natiird, It gue-. together with the p'.vullar lltheness ami activity or tt sUMiderly-built tlgure. All the bones nn m ill, the hudder and arms petite, anil the general look I dainty and y. utl.ful." Ii. uther word-, it miiiiII w .i-t lialyii benny when It i In projoitittii l. the rt ol the l.j:::c. Tht'cnui'ii'iii mlsttikii ik it, coiislikr- Ing it bfinity in it large mi in of at.ii- beauty, and they misimder-twal tiio i .-uuio kindly service of driving the angunge of admiration. The latter I , illes away; they iu thl. way for u-j)cet to Ije the rtott f the wliolemat-' lioiir.-, keejilng each olher very coul ter, l'octs are eetiuat.iii, praising fortable. small wai-ts nnd wmnen fell into the May Kn-ign, also brown, Is tho error of Mippodng that a small wulat was, lu tho ab-tract, a beauty and an at'r.tctiou .(uitroft,ji Manic, ...- i WHAMETTE FARMER. foiV TH CrlLDilH BABY'S COMFLADIT. I'm tossed and I'm trotted from morning tilt nlRht. One would think, I am sure, 'twas my greatest ilelighti I am shaken ami squeezed tilt I'm sick and I'm son1, And tt henever i cry, nurse hut troti me the iTinrt I . Ill -U.ltt tid 1 in hot hi mkots and piniicit up so I , an , aiiv tin Ji.ulit! i inj Iiniln, tho I try with my The man I'm nhuscit I do tliiulc is a sin. How I hato the tlrst man who invented a pin t , Sometimes I scream "murder" for overall hour, Out of spite or from passion, to show them my power! They say it s the colic, ami warm catnip ta Is voted tho very best cordial for me. With cup and with teaspoon, nurso comes to f-Jiny aid, On cup ami on teaspoon I mako a fierco raid, Then tha nauseous tloso trickles all down my, whltuilreni, An I 1 laugh in'niy sleeve at herlookofdistrcu. ''Naughty hahy I" nurso says, ami site quickly gets inoict Thli tune she hai hotter suecesn than before, '1 hough I doiibtu my and luako it wry laco Ami strangle it down with a very bad grace. When company comet, I am put in my crib, 'I ho' I'd ratln-r bu drest in best tucker anil bib, iMiil f! iltiwn In tun parlor to heir them nil su 'Whntiisietlittloboylho'oldishf,prayrV When iiiiim! thinks I'm .islcflt ami I lie it idilt sihu triiitduwit the gait then I crc.iui uitlt n mil, Ainl 1 keep Ue awake as hum I can. Ami think nf tho titiio'uheu I'll be u hi'' man. Tlii." I'm full thrvu months uli!, et I never h.ivu been Tua turt, nml imotlivr li.diles liavo ti'i i if, ..ifir i..,....,.i i ....i.i en; . ...,,,. ..IMIK IV 1t IUIIII tl jUll Ami nl.tits nil iiMintiduvd, smd ilivm-s tin - l'l.' " And n nip with thti tlaiuiluat bit nf a feather, Vet I nutcr i;o tint in thii jii-na'itest v.i.tther, u in over n i a i ir n sua ami loi-loui; l'o u tiiihiltvil tinivs vidtvd I'll nctct'bccii I , in! 1!. V. S In New York Ttibiine. WHO DIU IT? Who Iracki'd the mud ucroM the ll'tor, Ami through thu hall and up the stair? Ami left it clinging to the chair! Whotj Hngur-prints iltucc tha door! Whose crumlM beneath tho tablo lio! Who smeared tho butter mi tho cloth! Who spilled the gravy, slopped tho broth, And dropped u picklu In the plu! Who milled tho curtain with a jerk, And left it hangiug all askew, Autt broka tho cord! 'twas nearly now; I M-oador if 'twas mothn's work! Whoso knife is this, with handle stained, And ojwn blade with rust so marred! Twm found this morning in the yard, Upon tho grass last night it rained. lust now I slipped and noarly fell A marblo rolled a roil or mow, Ami then I crushed an iippIo-cnrr-- " Who was it, mother! Can you tell! Face downward on tha slab, a hook '' l.les nH'U, leaves tlog-earcd and thumbetl. And iitar, u Iiamlkcrchief, begumntcil Anil still v. ith tally only look! l.'on it door kniih lungs a hat -'I'm passing Strang.) it hang at all; And in the ojiuit is a ball. Ami on tho sof.i rests n lut. - I n.iiscd the luminal ywtt'nlnj s '1 ho hntciiet 'uu.hutl hut',' .t'u: All uiutir. iiinli'iii"ath iIiumiu-. IK'hin the lnn.iv' thu ltuwl lay. V. ho ..a. it. littlf.Ioliitin Hell? h tin '.iu :n:nl to hti' wi thro. Ami l!uh fi'ot'i t'hiu to lor, I, em I tan? i think yn'i I n u the i-.dpr't tuitl. !Mr I!. 1 1. Kwidii'l iiAu' W At'. CWE rt'OriDHK T;l IvmES. Ill la i.i. Mr-. I. fct.iit ii Ki'iili.lmi ti wt I I.I....I. ... i , for her, but with 'liis-ructlons not to bring any one that w,. over fort v Inch' esiiiiilgh'. After lx months, ho re- tunitd. witn I.ucv. Itebecca. .Mav Kn. sign, and Jesile; he laid bought n le; lie had bought n ilftti, which died on the but it was thought very fortunate that he wa-: able to get four to America; they are rarely transported safely, tho change in fats! Iming mi great. Tills man, however, wisely brought enough of their own food to get them safely to Aiiiericn without any change being necessary. The fond was dried fish 'the chicken; lay it In h tin steamer, set and sea-wood! This Heems strange It over a t.ot ot boiling water mid steNm food for horses; but tliete ponies utter-' (covered cloiely) from na and a hair ly scorned grain, grass, or hay, until to two hours according to hikc; tlien they found they could luivu no more i rosst a nice brown, basting freiueutly flshtoeut. with hot water uud butter. One half I.ufy, the eldest, is a black pony, so hour in a good oven is sullleient. Jtoil old tlmt her head is gray and so gentle the glzKurd, liver, nnti heart in a sauce that no'hlng can startle her, and she Is, pan; when done chop them line, and always p.'itdy to Isi driven or ridden by add them with the witter 1 1 which children. Kobcceu, a brown, Is often they were dolled to the gravy In tho called grandmother: she is so verv liaklii-'-nau: thicken with it littlu ntalil and correct that sin noer will stray uw.iy, no mutter how many gates nru open, and will even virtuously puss by the gate ot tho kitchen garden If it happen to be open a temptation that the other never try to resist. Helec. en has a great i.flW'tion f.tra wry huge family Itui'-e iniiiieil (;v, am), dur ing the suiuliiel, it is one ot the sights of the pluce to go to the ntabli atitl ee wiftcnt jmny In the collection; and these hiit mentioned ponie.s, I.uey. He- - ... dark ltao from MMtae) to tall, and is smaller than the othors, being not quite thirty-eight inches high. Here also wo find the twin brothers, Henry Ward lioochcr and Charley, only thlr-ty-slx inches high; they are so crfect ly matched that you cannot tell them upart. They came to Buffalo four or Ave years ago, with a drove of cheep from .Scotland; the drover brought them w ith him, i. tvning to tnl:o them est; but, upon reaching Uuffaio, he found them so emaciated that In- lean d uumpn.l(i woods where it, puniipal to take them further, and sold them urtkloof alot,theCV(o;irnw,f';i, tongentlemnnlnthe city, who after-1 or reindeer llclieti, abounds, to the word sold them to tholr presont mis-jn,Bhe3t mountain fastnesses; thon tress. They ure Justly considered one'aBnm"9 hocold nights give warning of the most curious sights of the place, I of tho chauglng season, descending to and, whon their mistress appears in thc I,la'ns. the park with the twins, as leaders in I,orn3 are common lo both soxos, but her "four-In-hund," do you wonder t,,e ,lorn3 ol tho uuck1 a"? soldom car thut tho children think that there nev- rll'd ,ntor thnn h ("" of Uoioml)er, or .was such a wonderful equipage seen wh,,e tho docH cu"y thbireall winter, befontl Tho grown people think so, l,nd UH0 tnom ,0 defend tho fawns too, Judging by tho great number that Kln9t th attacks of the bucks. Hoth invariably follow her us slio sits In iier 3t,:tM uso thc'lr hmh ,0 clear away the little carrutKC (made, in London, to. aI'"w ,tl scorching for mosH's on the suit the size of the smallest tmnie. nnd drives along, sometimes with a child beside her, of whom, perhaps, .-Ik. does not even know the name, but who " wan ts to wide," and with her groom sitting behind tier in the rum ble, Ilut we have not yet mentioned the three ponies which are eon-ldered by her mMrc s her "gem-." On lxu'on miles in extent, and miiikcil thetape-meiisuretlndthirty-tuii lni'h-Ml,n wll-tlellned trail-, over which e.s; that Is the hlglittif a line little bav,,m' !II1"14 v.ere eoiistniilly iia-sng pony, IV.i nk Tracy. ' Now, loo!; at iliw!!,na re-passing, here and there spend beauty, Agnes Kthcl, the most t-i r.-s t '"" " 'y "here the lichens afforded ' little ii ii 1 1 tin 1 , and only thirty'R00'1 "vil'J.'i then away again on their !il''h! and at this iillwr r,.llnu. rsi-.r-i. Washington (,o named, because it v;t " ' ---.--., , , r, ii Centenivlnl colt), of tho .same bight i Agues Ktliel, thirty inches. Hues it fcein poi-lble that such ponies tire in dully use In n prosaic, matter r.i-r,nt country like otir.s'.' liut they really are, onil many strangers go to see them; and, I pre-ume, some of you children may have heard of them before; and any of you can see them, If you like, and ever come to the good city ot Hut tao..fofri)fihie A'oi'hiuii, In M. Xic'i olan. Domestic Ecofsopy. f'AIll.. liv Mn.l nf ..... ,... ,t. ,i" VL. i. ...'. "Show tne u housekeeper broo, I'll tell you what the Is." Jam ro- nin,t..i r ii. f..r,... ..f ii. .....i ... ..... vs ... .W..W f. ,,v "",. .'.. when I see the too common tnKu-iiol' that very necessary article. There are "'b" ' meir on housekeepers who never have any p. r.;,l,t' ,,,"i"s or 0,J ,,,e l,,lh' WHCW ,l tlculur Place for their brooms, but leave M",1rcar,b?u ril to rear their young, them where they were ti-uil last, while , lu '"' '"fc'ny lurking near, ready to ..n...... .i i. pounce on itn.v strain er. or Ifltmuill. luiuuir, ii.-u me ntiiuu iitiittiii mr I'liriin iiiud kitchen, mid when worn out they ! remain liidelh.ltely. .Sane tne m1 'c ""odl.iud carilM.ii I, wry w in, the habit or re-tlng heavily on the,:""1 Ul""' .'f '" -,'l"' -' ''1' I"!" broom whllo .stoiu.liiL' to tih-k tin nit... ' l",r,lK'r! M " u " l,", winging .thread, etc., which one lludn while .sweeping. The re-ult of lhl Is, , the splinters me boot upward" and hiokeu and the broom soon bccotiit-. worthies-. hen a new liromii I-1 ur-jch'.i-cd, provide a wiiy for tiiii;li. it up in id!- vim: With tt nu!1 g.'m'!.'. I lire a hide thmtili (lit Ii, italic ,I.ul Till I til fl'llll! tilt till. lll.MU' III .'l III , ,. 1 . . . ' ( Almti". un?:i il 'nine. Imi'r v it'll lilt In it i-ml knur It. fun. ii '"I' Hi lour Inche, lofg '1'f.onn be dipped iu tletui, hot -t:ds I "ce every week and tlryipilckly, th;y , will last twice 'is long. When too ,,,llt'1, wor" "'' the hoiie, they will juniuer for a time at the barn. When '" "I'1 tuiweep with nt all, take off t t,IB H,ro r"r '"!"" "'J cut the handle ' ln, I"IHK material; pull Hp.trt the IHriw',i "ml l",,, gradually to tho lire, rulJ VU uro rI,l " " useless urllcle for ' ".-!,ntl '" Hoast Ciiickkn. Dr ss and stuff corn starch, and seawiu to taste. I have cooked chickens iu this way for years and they are delicious, 'i he toughest old fowl has to i.ii' to this kind ot iitiitiiii'iii. An ohl turkey in the .ii::n w.iy is just h- leudera-a youngoii1'. Iu nte.tii.iog a t .. V. v take a tin w 'sh boiler ami tuver the bultoiu wild w iter, itiveit a I true tin liaslu ami lay tho turkey on th it, t iking circ that tlio water d ; not reach lite ftiwi. Meiim two hoiiis.uiti ro,ixt ii. i itf'tir To Hi'.vruot Vi.itnix. I toil fc.ifie bits t.t' ilium In n pint of u.iter, mid wash over the si, its oT the S.Mtto. i'.tris greei in tlt cnr.iers of the beds ami on the !,its, and you need never fear tho reproach of harboring bedbugs, 'lo drive it u.t nil ati'l blink ants, obtain a large piei. of I alk, ami rub it on thl- edges i f . our sl.i Ives tne top-of Uiriels of Migr, ot o- tir. in-., uud it will prove a lialth i to tde lirgfst army of auts. K-oten -nuT will flATJV aHd Sciifiei. THE AKKBJCAH BJtlHDKBl, (The artist, Mr. C. C. Ward, ha a ppcr in the December Scribnor on "Caribou-Hunting," from which wc quote as follows: The animal Is very compact in form, possessed of great speed and endurance and is n very Lshmaellte In its wander. tig habits; changing, as the pest of .lU-iilraws near, irom the iow-iyiug ll):,rrcn-'' In t,l0,r I'lcimiul migrations, they form welbdellned tracks or paths, along which the berth tr-tvel In iudi.iu tile. I have often .studied their habits on the extensive caribou barrens be tween New Jtlver and the head of Lake Utopia, in C'hurlotto County, New ltrunswlck. Thoe barrens are about -.. ! never-ending waudtilngi. . . . , . frientl of cine, who vbltcd New. fotiiiditiud on nu eAiilorlng-exntslItion; luforiiii me that there (he caribou hold-almost exclusive domain overall unbroken wilderness of ivarly thirty thousand square mlies, in a country wotiderlully adapted to his habits, and bountifully supplied with his r.tvorite the reindeer lichen. The caribou Is ossoised of much curiosity, and does not readily take alarm at what he sees. Where his haunts have been unmolested, ho will unconcernedly trot up within range of the rllle. I am Inclined to believe that a great deal of this apparent fearless. MfuJ til film in ltC,xt f .. aal..f..u ff a all.. I ""' '""" h.icicvii MSIOI1. It litis iJ,)SO l'ls compensated by having a J?:?!!:.. " . ., i J , ..-. ym Wt'H for tho caribou Unit ho is thus ' f, gifted. Tho wolf IoIIowh the herds , ' ' i,,,i'"1 ""'"rs-ti, boldly attack the trot, which he perai.iiis with hi' 1'iett mul scut up, mul Utcre animal of Die (Iter ttilc th it : better spoil ,.c nunc iit!iiU' hfad i no ff ils ftArti vilifiinipluretl. The wandering habit 'ofthecarll'ou inul.e it cry tn.tert.i.'ti 1 wl.vri' otic wl'l f-tl! !u '! his aifti,,t tiud , V'.ll! Uzt ' 1 Wlekt, haunts When ouu-started, th , K tir. Ill I.I, U ln.i.r ,,, .....I I. ....! i --" n ..-. .inn i-.viui. ,,u "' ' '" "". urn. a;. ....IIS"..! I.. - s - lTun1' T7 y1 l,1l'r(l; l"1'. ",wr' ,,'" "lr"u ,!' trl.'sto Head them oil, or at ouee ttro- iccds by the shortest way In .oiue oilier barren in hopes of Hading lite:, there. The caribou is very road of the wa ler, Is a capital swimmer, and in Jump, ing ho is more Hunt the equal ot any other deer. His adventurous dispo-i. tlon, no doubt, In niuio degroo in'lu etr.'cs the gtsigruphical dlstrllxitloti or tho species. In the month of Hot em- ler, 1877, a turlbou wits discovered floating out to sou on a dike of Ico near D.tlhousle, on the itestlgoucho Itiver iu New ltrunswlck, and was captured ullvu by some men who put oil' to iiim in it Ixut. It Is said lint iu very severe seasons, largo tiumbrs of curllKiu cns.s fnun Labrador to Newiotindlautt on tho he. His admirably cmistrucU-d htil', with Us sbttrp. shelblll.e cutting edges, en. aides him to eras- the he Ibies; when trawling in decp-r.ow, iti l.iler.i.'e, pau-aai prevents itl.u IVoin spiklu;. ,i 'Id ,- a 'i u i I.i , i.i. I. hi.. . t; i "or,! t' nuu' '.:. Mlil , fr.'iti a tire. i iti- d i iim- v I .t'l I.I Ot Hilt ,t,l '.. vl . ' ' !''' .I. at i to. t t I '' -11 11.1 k ll .1 I , ' ,t ,. ;.i i fi' e 4 est , . .:..,. a. iils. . ; 0. -41' Ul 4 t-l', SWd the .liglittdt u nt ;'ii.'' ol light in tl'i v Iw at i. tii-S it ti I I It.1! ' i t lllft. t U m no electrician,' s4 aktdl not attpt to give a technical' dessriptlon of th aprrtu employed, but it ttccmod to possets great aim plicify. M. ltapieff say i he can burn ten lighU in one circuit; that his carbons will bum for ten hours; that they can tic easily renewed, and without extinguishing thc lights.- Jft further estimates itj comparative coit with gas as leas, th in a third. His statements may bo taken'.' for v lut they oro vorth; but, judging from l.iil i. 'iii'l- otv tin1 Timet office, I .-di" i . - ." iki-Im, holders begin to 'li'. . j ' i n. i i'it ( 1 1 ! -tr. bglit alinrcH tliu yflSCEI.LrEOlJs. Goon Bukkdikh, Much as wo hope for from tho future, what Just now Jeojards our public and social welfare Is not old but young America. Halt a century ago there was among ua n real respect for nged people, outside of the circle of near kinship. Hoys .and girls on the roadside were not ashamed to "mako tholr manners" to tholr elders," who, In turn, hail tho (Kilitoncss to re turn their courteous thanks for this youth rul civility. That was a good symptom of the social sentiment. Ilut tho movement of the spirit of tho ngo has left this mostly behind; and with this respectful feeling for those whoso years mid position entitle them to nn, honorable regard litis gone, to a perilous c!otit, the rectenceof ninny for thu tiithut'lty of (lie parental rule, for tho ttithorlty al-o of the State and tho statute book, it is very difficult to break dmui a pVoper habit of esteem air one object ai'itl not Involve u weak ening of respect for others. It is very dltiieult to bring up that hid itito u trusty, law-abiding citizen who dn.s cultivated the vice or a contemptuous disregard for Ids clden and his betters. Sometimes theie has been a servile deference to these, which H the leaning; over of it virtue to thu other Bide. That Is not our danger. Now nnd then ii passion for the antique Is the fashion, and tho hunt becomes ludicrous In itsj eagerness after almost anything which has an undent look and odor. That Is not be laughed at as u folly except in Its excess Hut If whllo we are polishing up and ami restoring the relics of our father's furniture and wardrobe with 6 much zest we would revive, nt the same time, and re-enthrono Home of their sound und righteous principles of honor to whom honor Is duo, our dwellings and iicraons would not only receive adornment, hut our land would be toned up with n return or stable, healthful public sentiment much need-' ed to allay the fever 'and to purge off the Impureness of our general social and civil IlfV. 01 U 11IMK TtllliK. -u il.ttft f.'t' i. -j ii MiM ct ( iirtmai 'I '. nr)i ii as t.vij! ,'liifly lUn-lrated "Thu Mi' ( tub' it the leulinx (irt.ile, niiil it in : -tiktiitf t tin- o! niitiitus uml nnti .puied tim-i. f-il, n al.l lioui-d and ..IsfitV.r.l.. trc.'.. . Tl. f. rt ,lf a i!lj,ui!. n;nti.i.itt,it to tl -lU'ittist "Tim tn mil' i'ii ti f.i Mi- t'jtcu: I .,v V st-iii I c just n.'ll tu:i". mm!, lit,,. t ,u ,,' ,,, "u. Iiijitiii in Tli l4V ill-, tt.! ' i.j ,r. ti. whit M-,ily It. I t' H-ht i' ri.ii. i, t '-v I- ' '' tUi.i, n'.,.,' vj-1 i. if ... ?, j i .4.-1 f.,'... ". "i Ii .!.! ; tt!. l..-tur. : . .. . ... 1 " u'i if ncr I.llil;t 'mt lit' lM Vcar. 'J tells of n LTi'it ii.ii. r icnmi, air! it, v.utlay woikiitjrt. iiMi.tai.i-, iuu.:'.ie.l, B:.i.. :,i,antt Wetvof '- v- -' ipvii ' t!iK.l?w rlirru ','i mi'u l.itij vA'4 i.fil,,v..rltUw .n.-uil ami cared 'or, putsibly iiut getting tis .itMrt Itiriiijj i tiv of ii it vthor'a thotifihlful a-t i, hut getting l.ief trCat'lfi-iit tltanlf atnt out Moat iij iati tlii woild, subject to tho c:v;irices ot cui'ice ho::us. "Half a denn ltiii4se.'.iujK.'M" it piiik-il, n-id baa aQoiilati at ueui ol iny in tne heart ol Iho young leader. in mar. mi, g.j is Mil aucitagotMl timo rtssUj kvrn.nit ItoUM ltd i iskii.Mllo-'e, Vkk'u Mtiii'My for H;ti ,..,., j U11 entre. y !!: lorn, ti thu to.-e,- ciiinoa nut i nt lal turn aiii.l t.T. .. . A i i ...... .. 'I..1.I. ,i 11' ctouji it jMit-ij, tu.iimi to n.iniilAlu luture, frm the (ml ng.! i.f th i very fxitllrnl wu Knry luirer ,( fltjw.-r. shoul I hivo th's iimiIIi. ',4ii: i.i lull of hi.tnti.tioa in u-gant In riunuuiuri.i'111 niirtiii.iiuu. Mr Vi I; lu il.i' tli ti-j p,ir tit. Hit, i ., ei.iiitv. Kim i,:ttii' .,1011 1'ntvtpriut. Tb (Vjuit Is tluc " i '. i i, hotufl.tml yon. '. -it iiU'ito .i u mm thod.iyii; .j.i . ,i-;-, .i.r. v... , vil,y ,l0, . 1..11M.1.11 .to .;,.- oJJ . .. t'lmirsaihd (..f.'Vi e. 4t' il i .it. i u Mult'l; tl gi' ' . ctlb' (.( 1 tdl i'o.i '.i.i,, . f.w. i ;m"i i .i : -it H , - V- .' . 4 . tf.'uj ;.. ! ' "v ii-' V' j iit Ct .i. .. " ! ' . '. Hit-i ' . .'tt fnrf.., a-.. ' .1 "In , .'Olli I, ;. 4ir -itr ,aWli in i.f rt lll.Ms.lll. i.'iiti ,t tl , mui?' .. i.,. i iiu,. nr i .) vx. i io. i el tt .1 W'l i 'i Ml'.. i I W .... . i. i t nuti i tn I it . i i itial ,t!n