Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 03, 1879, Page 6, Image 6

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Letter from Turner.
TcHsrr, Dec. 25th, '78.
Editor Willamette Kurnicrt
The Christmas Tree f stlval hilrt In tho llnp
tut Church in thin placn wan a decided ruccosa.
The house wn lillcil full, oi-n to the Available
standing room. I would halo said "fillul to
OYwflowiiifl," but m tho night hmijuIU cold,
tb overflow would hale been neeesaitaled to
go home or frette, nd no they all pockni them
elvet iato the bout.
The jouag fir troni ao abuadant in Oregon
Are especially adapted to use a Chriatmae
Tree, and the one used on thleoccMion wan 10
overloaded with pri'senta that It became necti
aary to trim ofl" nearly all tho foliage. Then
there woe an organ and a choir, and oppropri
ate ong wero sung. I diem it but simple jus
tire to make -ptcial mention of this jiart of the
intertammuit, an it yascxreiilmnly well dime.
The aiiu'irinud onanists acipiitttd thcinnlwi-
witrigiiatui'dit. They chow, d iui appioein-
tion of inniir not p.nndi' and muse, not dnp-
tiaptogn'iitlii! applaiuc oi tin irnwd, but
tindcrcd tin ir pint i with a I'ltisnal under
Uiidiiu,', pathoi, and nlir.rmniiii.uii I luidiii;; of
parts si Idomi 11111111 diuiwh. u. 'I liu urRii, iih
l ao unusual in liku .i.sts, whs rnillnwul in
tone, and did not maraud s.pual and ilu.wii '
the mien of the finger, but lilt on tin- happy ,
medium to aninty. It in to seldom, at tutu-
taiumuit" 01 tins Mini, uir.t ones oars nrijriau I
well tickled by thu intinii:. that prain- in tmlv
the nimplu duu of tliote who no l.irgtl) lonltib
ilUd to thu enjoyment on tho ocmion under
Kantal'laiii wan on time, but eoiimiU rubly
worried and lotiitw hot put out, on coming to
I'ortUnd by nUanur ho wan too late for the
tram (ho enii't u hm rlcigh and reindeer here,
a wu havu no mow, and he ia alto of Into )earr
taking to iiiodtru methmln of traxeling), and
Uie comtnitUo of arrangimentn ntglit-ttd to
atnd even o mule for him. Hut lie wan il ter
ininud that the eliildriu rhould not Ih dimp
pointed, and ro he eaine up by Wade fc Walk
er' indqiuiili nt lino, lint ho i out of hu
mor, mid tuvingid liiiiim If on thu gronn-up
imrtion of Inn uiidn ni-o by i nly nanig two fun
ny thingn dm 11114 tho 1 utiru 1 1 n.lig,
A ti'iiiiieiaiieu mhii;, in ilmuuWr. wi.n mil
lilido.id. A deilauiatum hy '1 mti; l.ul,
naxublv. and r. iniiii; uuitKmiiii tnnul a
deilamation, the Hulijut-iu.itti r of wliuli, li
inguutllileil to hin ntjle, wax of lourru n lull
lire. 1 am iiorry to ray thin 1 it, but the )ouui;
(Miitlimon wan uufortuiiati' 111 bin choice of ma
terial. "Faithful aro thu words of a friend, but tho
kifMi of an tin my aru duceitful."
The dintributlon of pnaentn wan well con
ducted, and everyone got hi own Mime very
The "guod.nie.ht" Ming wan then remit rid by
the ibotr, and we all departed. !'.
ILrthiay Colebrmtkm.
Hn. Clark Ilarzce lately eeltbraUd hir4tith
birthday at her home In thu Salmi Hilln. A
pli-aalng programme won tarried out, and in the
course thtreof the following remarkn were
nude. Mr. J. ('. Hohinoon fiad the following
In tnere not an ii'iio in iiiom- iwoiiiiiu worn 1
that hindti tho In ml" of fiuiiil) ntfi 1 tioi.it '1 oro
.km. t...ii..i.. ... utiiri .. ui. fnnn. limn u 11 I
.1.1.. ..( ..t., ... ... .,.!, .,il..r
.. . ., , . ,v .. ..
thiougb thu imiltiini l ili Ah,jtn,.nn
,. ' . 11 , . .... .1.
tlau win-nil till, hut not rioti than wo w.11
mi iHimniv ......., w ..... .-- ...... -. . ... -
ftt'l of'.ir wo h.ivo 11 i.mli inl fio. 1
pitern.il unit ninl "i" rl.itti! n i n
own 11 hiii.I il.l . v .nltir it
nilud htridi-H lit 1 'i l.u .ie 1 f i
.Ml' r t!io
1 It" I 'I O.ll
. f
liini.l-4 wa uli . v 1 1' ..fit il Wi i,igattllin
Of III. II' til III"!- t 1 .t 11 ! H.fJl 111" '. It'. Ill'
g ttiii: thai s. .1 1 1 1 1 ur m .. hi 1 1 1 '! I41 -lly
ilm-r tint i v'l li.ml tl .1 .pi t iMi
aliu ot Jul t!i" i.tiiiiu !.!.-.
An 1111 wi ui), .iltu tln ii.udtrut'iHi c'
nlalne -u u Mkv lin mi'.i.lgul in, wnl 41'
uie nn .lit ! : 'in.ui;ii i nut rrot .m 11 1 101 m
ait.nii .i' '" le, ..in! I11 tin 1 1'Ji' t of tli 1 'mil-ill).-
1 v 1 1. ! luldilif I iip IlIi'M In tl mm. Iiiiiii
t In . .'
b 1'. Im
W '.. 1
I.' lit. k 1 1.
'iielUi ill Una, bin lorty-itb
he 1 ho l... ir.'fillj a nl .'iiulviiily
1 ptil'iifH .u life v.!i 1 'Ii a fiflli j;
niMiinlj Mtli'i mi I 4e I'm
I hi
Cluldii'ii t;it" oM to ifi'b .liT,
1. .1 1 .1 . . . .. .t - ..s .. It
r, " -Ii
I111,. 1.. 1.114 UlC U! 11 rtt roil I'll -
1 ti.! ti.vm.on, t'i p.". t.tki of llul hm
1 . in inlilv pi.i'. it's, ! v t'Vvr immi
V '.'
.1 iilitit.i,t.t nil to Him ultu d.utll nil
N- kilvK ur vr in iturttii'.
M'J mi I .t tb. ibs'K of )U 1 fi It)
1 .11 tli" o .1. 1 1 1 .'ii.it )inr in
: ,'i -tin 1 Ubo in tU'ildt'-i
. i.t Ol'lt Uli! ti.
Mltl't I- l 111 I
(WJW! ' !
nt witn ti.i n :otsiii.iiijjfcii, bom, l'i.rgiuiiMmvdl i . tJ i.r r:zfx..
IV-'Ti'-".:1'1 ' r!'.'--"1 r-Vi'.t .Hot u.alil e.;w Uii. ililfi-l
"., . . ',"1 i'.!... ii linal.tdi. I had pri'Muimly uuniilUd tuij'ioi.s
tl at voenu fetl nud j rvV.uti tl.o , , . , . . ,
, , , ',! ,, ., . I. ami p hyn .,vi, not iieidectiiii; tho pills, .
( t.,iittti littie wii-.a "At IIopi' , ' .. , .1.1. 1.
,. , ,, . ii..t t-. 11 i ,. lv'! tv tocuc rl.?U!'iatkt.t1-t bit null-Hi
4 .
604 IUtjtiit Strum",
aji jiiAitiirtiu, i,i., i
Ieccinber SKI, lo7. )
Kditor W'lllvnette 'armeri
I am rctiui-skd by tbo Oregon Kmigration
.Agint litre, Mr. Shepherd, to write jott an
article on flat culture for tin information of the
farmer! of your district.
1st, l'Icw Uie laud well when dry and no
danger of front. Harrow and roll, then how
good, clean teed, from 100 to li!0 pounds to the
statute acre. Harrow both length and crow
wine with a attd harrow; then roll again. If
rain falla alter the aoed i town, ao mnch the
better; it cmsn the teed to all sprout at once,
and the flax, when ready for pulling, in of a
uniform length.
If these Instructions aro properly attended
to the flax, when matured (I nitan the straw),
should be from thric to Cue fut long if sown
oil suitable land.
I am now tirqiareil to buy, and will lie for
.. ,xt tudvo month, any quantity of lla
utltr , tiu ,trawor ftutclml, if it N amlabl.,
w t w)iui hnmilid thriii fat or moio lon.
, nni) fflL ,jf inlici, Hmnihcd fla m w I
t . i mw, 1(v,i , u ra ninpl(i il llna
puliI1 ( , nirtnin ,t J ftm mTri to ni) it i
kj(I1Si mudy finm twilu-to twit t)-n.m
,,,,, ,m nlli iJiVi)y ,r,ui,i,i. Thin wni
ev,.,t dtrHtnml, by the ground i ..t li.i.
1)g Ul ,,,,,, y ,,IV rind, and u b '"
)pull(iH M,,i Win,, sown to tho i-i IS
..m,,, the pro.r ipiautity of net!, tlit-ie w !!
bo doiihlu the nuaiititv of mil r. Mil
good rrop of lint, which ia wotjli doul.lv fit
pn.o of md riiiM.il. If poriMhli, I w.ll fft u
liiiin factory put in oierutii 11 111 coitie part or
Oregon. 1 will bv hapjiy In Ui v 1 ji icatc w .tb
any mon who wantn infoii 1.V.11 n n tie . !
All Ongon papein pleau r'py.
Yourt Hi fp" tf Hy,
At. tiMi Hi fi n:h'.
1'. S. At a futuiu time I will f.i o 1 tin
pioctfinnf nil!iii;, vntinut', " U.
The tablo dni-l.i lH : I tf .1 malti ol
ILiynnrinjIiir, 111 1'dlm, 'j .1 ii"i V- 'I1' nt
1 r-nunN iniii'li nni t, 1" 1 'v wanint ol Ai.ieri-
, - m i-ivat iiiiiiiIm, .mil mn hihimiiImu- tin
I'tntid Statin tui diniit'i to tl !fi"i.n I'm-
pile, lie wan I'lltt il.itii Kitt, .nni r.-tan.-.tin'. 11
of trtnili in fan o .t. tin wotM 1 .. I J'im? ft
uilti au.oiii; the t.un. 11 ti p't 1 1 join lin
ing thiough that ti it'.';
Thu month ol NomiiiIki i!k 11 oiu tlm
diathof biuin A ihkIi, vto lor otr foit
yearn pubbahtd (.inley r L.uly'n Ikml. in I'hil.t
dolphin -a Wink th.it lian luen lor j.".mnullior
ity on all inattem of good tatt-, unit m ry
generally found 011 the labhn of oar i.i'l)
Thu aame niontli hromclt the 1I11.H1 of
fieorge Henry Lew en ,11 Faiglaud, who won the
aithorof many acuntitio and liiMoricul workn,
alno waa u lontnbutor to the Klinbuig Kvmcw
anil many other ii.'Killaiifi. Hut he w m U nt
known aa the hntband of the gifted woman,
llrorge Kliot.
Tlie Queen of Knglarnl ban tht uttun.ed the
tlrnt great norrow in lit r family eirilo ciiko
the dtatli of th'j lVinrc C nmrt, by the dt mine,
at D.iriuntiult, of 1tu l'r.M.ii Aliu-, l.nind
, I)in:limn of !iw, 'lln dr'eivieil Udy wan
Inirn 011 tho'J.'thil Api.l, 1K-I", and inirntd
I'll the lit of Jul).
IMVJ. She in ti-e lunt'iT of
I .... . . 1 ...n..
n-i rai 1111 itfii, nt 1 in wi 0111 w.11 uv-iut ninny
' , .
'kilh.il by a 'all lien tlf i.iaf) winilnw nt
i'ariuiia4ib n low t.irn .t. m.iuw .111.
uu a i;i.u 1 tntinti' 11 Kuglaud. .md w.i
mnl ti !- m 1 n j.il uo'.linr'n ua.ntn) and
tuintortti 11 '.' rftrl,, ilu. of 11 r widow hood
Her ft ij.n 1 .1 ol Ik-'tliC .st'nlliiM 1 the
liinitud ,'!' e ol I.e. ittlft'fi' .in f' t. .m-l
dliru . e. it . .m.oiibl wit to Kny iuii sl.u na
i..i.ral'l t.i'l it v ved. tutei V . Inn.i i
hern. I'' ri .r.tj uiirrll. l)iiibtlt-st :l'f t'tutli
ot lid )A.iittf lUi''litti mid ijiiit'itn
1 1 11 ml n II 1 iB-.hta.') t.jK'ii Ii. 1 '....! .urn
nui, n( nlj npi.i! iitwilitv.
My Cure for P.heutr.atliin.
I el out I bo inj;i.iti fid to iisl ui'i 1 nil tl
li 1 to Hit MO'tanaii I'nuso if I did ii"t 1 pi
t, v -til, I ti-tliii 4 f. r tltt .tltmis .1. la -tllii-JS 1. '
, ai t.i;;t i I..4M net mil !iu adopt n up
! Urmn pruivipti-H 'Jwehi1 inoutlis a;o 1 tut'
I nl iiis'i tlui new life, .1 ir.nrtr to ihvui ,tu'
....-i 11.. ... I.....1 n. .1. ,. t...
in ill 1 ImJ.o itu. i.m.ti inau -ti... n't
HuUiir.oiUlii.ind I luo mt l.iul on" att..k
of i-i'i.t I Drown bttAil, i;nti maile tut 1 1 d
diiiy, eflt. 11 with milk, intii't, (1, . 1 m, .md
ollui i,:et.Vd.'M havi Invii ni da I', .lift, .unl
nit Ii.mIUi nlwltn .it l tli in It In ti Ut 11 for
thu patt III) Jr-"
(I. tllt, III ll.vt. tic 111
nl im r.
I'.s.it.vMi Wikimi I' i". 'Iliero u uiiit'l.
t-iiuiiu ut 111 iouiiiifiei.il titvlis iia'ii tl.i- t!i
vii.iii' ol tho i-Nptirtn fiom limit Unl 1111 tu tin
k'llttU I M.'..'i I id th.' ;ll-lt llllTl'.l.-.- of Ih
Aiiurii-.iii ixport tr.ido. 'I ho i'uk'' fi tin
mf (U'.il jear lri .in im , as. ut t. .."hi,l tv
lliv oHHtn fiutii Ik t'l.ms Ui.l 11. 1
.if Tl.'.'.'IU '.' .11 .In imp-
. d Da 11. .' tsf tllK ' 1
-; iW Ut"-! I 1
A Dog m Doctor.
A correcpondenl of tho Ixutlon Onoc a Veek
writeni I do not know whether you will
think tho following tufiiciently intentlng fcr
ft place in your column. I have a little biowu
dog of a mongrel breed, and, at the namu time.
and interesting-looking littlu fellow, a t;euerul
favorite with every one, and to intelligent and
artful in hi way that be . known a "The
Potlgrr." I had intended that ho ahould be
my only canine companion, having lont no
many well-bred and valuable dog during trn
year' reaidence in the auburb of nriattm. I
felt he would I aafe from the dog-atealiog
fraUrnity, bring of do value in the market. I
wm, however, ticrauwded, aome alx inootha
aince, to accept a young fox-terrier dog, and
Hpot ' intruaion was at firat naenU-d to auch
an extent by "The Dodger" that, niter neveral
aharp nkirmlhe, they appeared to mutually
agree on a pitcked battle, in which both got
badly punished. I am unablo to say winch
wan thu victor, but certain it in that they hac
ntr nince been tho best of friend.
...........,, ,,., ii.ll..iran.c
um Lin, uiniuc corner in -iimji m eje, ami grailual
ly incrtnniil to tho aiu of .1 horno-bcan, and n
it uxtiudcd partly oier the ojc-, it wan, no
doubt tiry painful, and riMiureu of much an
iisjain o to him. As noon u "tho Dodger'' naw
tlurc wan noinething ncriounly wrong, ho wan
much concerned, and inadu 11 good deal more
nomu and fuss almut it than the patient him
aclf. Dut he-not only piti"d, he aim relieved
for he net to work and licked it from day to
day, and it ha now almost entirely disap
peared. Hi moat amusing to ste him follow ,Sot
about the lirat tiling in the tnoming to put him
through thu otK.ratit.ii, and will even place hi
liawn on hi liea.1 to keep him quiet. I reinem
ber when a child, being troubled with warts,
and the remedy wan to wet them eTery morn
il:g fasting with saliva. Ia it Ksnihte that in
itinot induced tk dog to attend upon the
i.thci iu thin way, knowing that the wart waa
in A part where the other could not attend on
biniM'lf I
I real nttt ntinn in now being paid hy tho In
habit.'.ntti of tho Argentiuu IiepuUic, South
AinctK'ii, to the cultivation of whiat along thu
river 1'I.it.i. Theru is uery reason to bclicva
that in u fuw yciirn that region will ho one of
the r.iol cMinsun grnin-pioiliicing luenlitiu in
thu world. Many Itnli.in, I'rtiuli, Hiissiann
and othi" Mttlcm aro now breaking fresh
gioiinil theru.
'I in cMjudiiin ia a farcu suing man.
In driwitg a lieu a woman la rlow but slum
ber. The vh apcat way to settle back rent iato
buy an ulster.
It is the tin UisiniM which is the moct liable
to a jian-ic.
A profane upstart Tho man who ait down
on a U ut plo.
It takt a two proierly to culoy a caura-back
duck. I. ou. ?. The dnck.
It' all very well to say "take thing a they
inme," but auppoae they don't come J
The man who wa kicked out of the Iioum
by an irate parent didn't laugh Iu hi leave.
"I'cllow ritiien." said a North Carolina can.
didktc, "tin re aro three topic that now agitato
me state gririiliacKs, tetin aim the peiiiun
itintiary. I shall parn oir tlm lirnt two wry
brieltv. an my nentiiiicutn aro well kuuwn. anil
I'omi' to the niiitntiary, while I shall dwell
or ntv iiiiir.
"Di)ou know Ulun tlu'Sw.lIon Homo
wniil HyV ' (udol.i ji.iuij.; iii.in of hi "m.
aiiiir.it.i, ' .-. hi It intd over the puuo-fnrte.
1 (If fount- I tin," she replinl, in ft viucuo far
luiitiiv a U-itb-i'n comb. Hitv tlv home
1 when tin want tliitr gruh. Vint tht-li fhe
lii'uii t" Kin),', " nltl I wi 1 l.r 1 !.
A kin! hwi writtt ,.
1 1 it o' l..upty I!. -J .
is not an I ..11 1 as twi
Inn 1. tiun'' Yon i.i.i.l I
K-i.l, )i.t an inp'.t )..in I '
f'lli I-tuijjru! h w.it !..ti
t.ii 1 Hi' lilt. I ' Hie
llu. ..'i t mptj lijiitl
'!.. I i II pHi.t
lit , '1 1 It m ii two
. . M ti '.p: mi 1.1 1.
,.!t . 1.1 .. 'wt.iillv
t iindi mMlli! 1! It
it'! wi k'u.n I
jm.iv.' IP. in, uud 111 ii ni t
I'l.lJ Im u t pllt'l lllfls.!i
Ths lITitp ltit W'wtl foi trtlch.1--
rweiity ruu.
tik 1, ar rHiatrv C J liy.wuallsw, Jt t-.ur.
Na s.lwiltvs Mli,suU.,lul. ulsac u
S-lt7rJl. J. BRIOS A CO.,
miii ia; cdi, NiwYoik,
llj ft rUkl ff kU lltlll!i hfaA UtM4l 1L4 ,ta
1 R O O F
r 1 ir
LI Till
llt"irt of tin' ctuii'iiitu .ippimtisl i thu
(.'.tlifiuni.1 Statu Ai;iK'iiUiiiT.l Nut). Sop;.
Itt'S, to ox.iiuiiiK nml liMt iixni tin mint' uf
uuxitl puiiit I'xlnbiti'd.
Wi nt'liiUil fiim isvh of tho i'hiliUiz.,
"A 1 rill Chi nni M l'.unt,"
"Illtpill.lubU' l'jlllt," illd
"I'aiMlio KnbUr I'aiut,"
4 i'aii of tluir pjuuta, and IimI lauit' jipplnil by
.1 (rtiuttr iiiidor our Tstiiul siiimsiiiii. l'in
iiH'.Kiiiin tliu surfait) I'otrntl, wt lind that
"I'-oiiU Itiiblvr 1'aint itiii-iisl SI.'.'TiivH- ''
Aiirillflifiiiunl ' IT.Ml " "
liiU-.ili.iblf 1 1.4 1.1 " "
.V.x i-pi.il ipiiutity of i'.vli p-iiut Iiiiij; Uvii
usitl. ilu- liu usiilt slums tint tho l'jciiic
llublur I'.iiiil iMiiml iitMrlj TWT.STY PIT.
filN.". MOUi: .I'ltKACK than tin-"AMiid
I'liyn.jid l'.unt," .ui. I iif.irl FI1TY I'Kll
." MDIir. M'liFAfi: thin tho "Im
..Mo Paint."
jw of tho inrt'jiiu' fiu-'s, aril txiiisidtr
. 1 tH.o of .ipplic.-ition of th I'uillo Hull.
ut, ami its suporn-r itninii ipi.ditii'.
1 it jutl) cutitUtl tii the .nurd of thi'
1 I'.M I'lMllilllil,
I A m
A. f. t'llISMA.V,
Harper's Mnt-azlnc ii U.e Alntrlvui .Vofuzlnc alike
Iftrruturc arid urt !kton Trutdler.
Tho n.wt populaf Monlhlj In the world - V
V ob
to the mature, a mjImo (or dnlinlorf ift. LoJlsulfe
Coruier Jmirnal,
No othtr MeatlJy In thtoortduvi ikww t.rillluta
lUtor cwtrilnitom; nor domanf htraMillortodtni llh
o utrax tantt- Mid m tuptnor a qmr.ij iiHrraiurc.
The tolumM ol Uit Mfilii b-irln with the Nuiokr
tor June and Dmuiber, ot run Jfivr. hn no llm h
nwelneil, K will ! undunlood Uat th tuUirlUr lhn
to ivin 1in uie eurreni nwtnuir.
II VJll'iaiH WKI.M.Y, " "
Iltlll'rni') IIVMH. " "
4 w
1 10
10 00
.ij 10
tnj TWll.wie )enr (
bl nut.crltloii, or.o tnr
Tirim for lirp' ilnlm tiirnlilml en apillratlon.
fti.liil.-e Trie to nil itiliirrlli n In Hie I'nltiil Matcn t.r
Cotniilitr ti-t nf II irm M lauinn, now romprl.lri;
STiolunitn, In neat tlolh Miitllnjf. wtl' l wnl h e
resi, frilitMalinii.! nirLhaM-r, for n! "i pir n..
u-nt. MnnliMolu'iiK, If mall, ilikil J, I '. I loin
itmn, lor blntliritf, M ttliu, l' inau, t.nu.
llcuiiUanira should he inail b fut Otfice Mone) Or
der or limit, to aiold rMrno ot lo.
Siln rs are not to flip) Uihiailtfrllininnit without
tiiueiriMiirdriof IImiikk & Hkotiitjis.
A.ldrr-t IIAlllTK k UWiTllhrtS, New York.
1 H"M.
MrTIQ.S (' Till! 1 IUAM.
TheWnkl) n n.-ilti. 1 a.'.ly at the head ( llltiittattd
nT.h lis line lit. ran nuslll), llichtauty t.t Itn l)ni
iuhI aim.1 euU. .ihritld HcniMliii.
II. t,l(t..r'l altruetlon uie siinih, and einhraiti ftiry
. ' . 1, . ll ..null. .-... VI. ...'-II..
Vlnil 111 UI;ill IU 01 imi-.ir ii.viii.-iii. m."ii.
aid, Ids-tnll.
TheMirkl) lit pitcnt arcnoi for th'tli.s.ielnatlnn nt
rorrrttisilltlial .iIikI, ami niiownfii! oi-nint nl
lianin, Iraudt, aiid fjli .rcttmi. I renlKg K'rt,
liotiii -ur.
The VelumM of theMrtkl) Ucln with Ihi Urn Nnni
1 r r. . Jainur of f aiIi titr. Whrii fin time I inrn
lluintl, II will f iiiiUirstoisI Hut the miI r!U-r.iViM 10
voiuiiuiiiev tli thi N intiUr lit vtatkr tin luf l of Ms
IIAIII'Ctl'H MMIAZISi; One rr W fo
llAKI'tlt'il WKI.KJ.Y, " " 4 CO
ItMtl'KHa IIAZAIC " 4 00
ThttTJlKKIlimbliottlons, en jiar 10 CO
A117 TWO, out ;oar 7 VO
IX subnirlptlons.one fmt i 00
Tsrms for Uj dubs fumWitd n s Icut'oo.
l'itat'rstokUt4lriUriln tbsl'ulttd 8nlm r
TtiaArnual Volmnes of llaaris' Wsisir. la nwt
iloUibliidlnff, wIIIIm sunt by rstnn, frt of esrniiso
(MIIJ UK Ileum UUM 1101 trttwtl OIK UOSU r IN
utntjl. for V7 00 ra.h. A ronndvtd rWt. eoiuerUlnir Tmtnv
tr-two Vejunim, M-ot on rcerit tf cash at tho rate ot
U ti rnr loliimr, frtlcht at eiixnim of mrtrur.
tlolh Car Im o Ii tnluin, sultiUt for Muilin.', will
u- snnt I') inau, usi (aui, on rmi.i in ci vi iaii,
rUuilttanfihiniMIiiiiadihy I'lt-Kim-o Moiuj'Or
dcr or ili, to aiol I iluntm of k.
.N'iwi'vinrs arc nut In tui thli atltsrtlKtnt nt MlOiout
int- rirtrtrurr w iitnun c iinum.
.Ur.. It Milr'lt K lllIONirnn, NiwWrk
MiTU'i ur Tin: i iimi
Toilni ti)iiilii,-lo HariHr'- I'drsrwlll K ttv aim
ojil jiutitluti of III tvumiii if AiLrrkti llu.tun Trail
afiltlihil(lintiltlt ct (i-l.li.li. ami a urv-tnitr if
ilniv.tli'Oli llnl tluui'tfr It unks .thuut a llial.
Unuiiiii r.i,-;..
Tlilipor luatTii,iiila Mj iiliili,i for tin-f.n-.lilf
nil iiiiitiit it .uffiiU, ai.U !U.Uih.ii c nil 1 UlIMiirtl
.iltl.i'ill) ultli tl.o li.lio.. ,N, 1. Cm hin.- lt.
Il.o i.ltni'taif tin raicrUvm "li Itic llrl S.in.Kr
fi.r.'miiuii tl i-uilotar. Wluuun tlinrl. .i--lr'.iil. It
will l,i.iiitrii.-tl Out tin1 i.iilMrlUr mMu-j. ti ttim
iiitiiti wltii tlm NumUr ittt attir tlw r.i.lt ot II.
Harper's I'oricdlcals.
ii.tm ni'si ivi:i.i.i.v, " " ifi
llllll'KUV IIU.MI, " " IW
Tl.sTIIIII'.KimUliatUiK, tvitfiiar IU 10
Ait Two. Hiti)tur !W
' M -.iitM rl: tl-UK. Mwjtrar SO tO
Ti niw l-ir Urvo fl'il" furi.t.l.t'il 1 11 li lli.ul 'it.
It..tu li Uill ui'iU-r. la tt.fl'rlVtJ sutos or
tin Ai.iiiu.l.4iiiii-l llioiwts I'uas, III unit rii'lli
MikIii ir, III I m 1 1 I'J ixi'if... luv t'l in.t- t'nu
tlii.il llu luU'it ili.ii-1 1 nsl wiw tMlif i iiIuiih),
fvrrtuii4.lt S tviii.ttfMt, rui.iUii; Until !
bllk-s, lit il IYrtlittl nt.liat tliin.U it So li fur llj
uuh, frtl-i.t at 1 ! ft pi.ifliatr
tlili tus f r ta Ii t. limit, u!4llj i.t I .mliti-. ttlll
lltmltt.im-4 JiouHU iita.li I) Iwiu-nc Briii) ur
Jjr.ii lintll. t4it4.liltuiivf I
(w.llllr.arc ii.-t tiiit'i) 01. ttirlwui.i t t.ltljt t
lliiiii'ti..rilir if lltsriK I ki.msis
A.l.!rv.. lUIII'IU 4. HKOIIUKi. Set Vila
Holiday Music Books!
t'l.K.ST.U 1'AHOiS. .".r.ru.v
foaisTHU ill. a w,. nt'ii iihii.I !n.ir
llir.i.ivi. IMHts. PI ft-). J" Ivanlllul ail4 ta.)
.MittH.ni. ir II ! 1l I1iil.ri.ia t'latiU. KtJ
it. I wr lli4iU- ImiilnwiriM fa..i. iw
rl. v 11 I HUM it- 'M., iIj ll. lilnl.l.)
Wal.it'iiri .-r filsi.tJii. jUMnit, (I w nuu
itnOi euulal mig Mti tlwifJ iott iJuwt
I. .J. I. tlPi.rm. til u. t'tl a.M .S"v. (!..
alJliOuiliriMMiii t ii.'K.IjIjWi" I
r nrnh llir.irln.r 1 '" l" '- l' I'smstts. las
I lirtll I'llOlllls:. 1, 1 iiri.luiv. Milium., ui U U.
a tMtui'.ttt t tt AhUkiiu au.1 tlutht,. iui ill tt v
I clUal. anj Mlliv. i'l tl 1 )tar tins Unl
V'.. ..I
I'J MIM tllti, llll. t. i Onutlll.
lilt IIIUIH.
i'i'' iltl(illi.
PI... ...Ln.lt l Am l.il.ll- (l- l-k tjr I'
i 1.1' 1 win . un. nur t.nt. is ii, tutl-i
..,li...k.Kri.iri. Iiijii -' .i..ri.uii .vn... .. 1 r
f MUM ll" .i, l. . . " .. -" -"-
l.ulK.n 1.1 .. .iii.-r t... 1 .ir. -tM.it 141 uv I) -T4.M.
..-.i'l;. lUNt'liil.ll. IMIlSli.-, trJ.v t.i
1.JMUJ.I ill ill .an
. . An) l.'k iiuiUr-l, ).t friv. Utr t'w ali prwi t.
ii. I H ON & (., Hilton.
IIHa.tll A I'l' ,
It iui HI,
J. 11. )llluii A 1 11 ,
'Jit Im I'UUl ai . t. 4
Fkaudulent Land Waiuiants.
A friend asked U1 to 'caution Immi-
Brontrt coinlne into Oregon, and others.
niminut huvlnir tho land warrants
known nH the soltUen'addltlonnlhome.
stead land dnlmx. Many of theso now
on the market aro fraiuluh'iit, liutfttre
Bolten up with such care that Ihey are
not detected In tho district land oftlces,
and it is only after waitltiL' hIx tnontha
or a year for a pntont to arrive from
Wanhlnirton that the npplicant is in
formetl that the claim in invalid, and
no patent will be taued. It In not neces
sary for an immigrant to buy their
claim to locnto on lands In ortler to get
landH here, for we have tiftcn told our
rentiers how to locate lands untler tho
tlmlier culture act, tho pre-emption
and homestead laws, which aro far
moro preferable. But If In addition
to this you wish to buy ntiy soldier'
claims, there Is only one safe way to
do It, and th.it Is to depo-ltyour pur
chase money in the haul: with Instruc
tions that it 'hall be paid over only
tin receipt of tlm Hilled States patent
from Wtislilnirton city. This will bo
best, no mutter who the party may bo
that Is sclllnir It to you. Asloriun.
Jtosi: Si.t is. Never cut ii lateral
shoot from a roso bush, If you wUh to
propitgato it, but break It nfT quickly
with n downward motion. It will then
retain n minute portion of the older
branch; the fracture will lie rough and
send out rootlets more readily. Make
your still very wet, like thick mud, and
keep It ko. Your roso slips planted in
this way should root In threo weeks.
Rural Xew Yorktr,
An Incident Illustrating (Jen. Grant's
roteiitlveneis of memory Is told.
Hoveral yearn ago when ho win Presi
dent it letter was received at tho White
House from an Ohio florist, aklng font
certain rare plant, for willed tho
writer had totiirht in vain far and near.
The President's private secretary re
turned a reply tiiat It was not to be
found iu this country. I.ust winter
the llorlst received n p.iclcugo from
Europe containing the long desired
plant, "With the compliments of U. ii.
Alr.Ti:oit. Last Thursday a meteor
fell in DoiiL'tiid county, utrlkltii; u hay
.stack. Thu meteor exploded as It fell,
and the hay bolnc set on lire, the en
tire atack wtw ilestroyetl. ThU is tho
first Instance of tho kind we have ever
heart! of taking place In Oregon.
Elder David llrower expects to hold
wrvlccs at the usual places in Marlon
eounty, viz: First Hunduy in January,
at the Hazel Green wheel-house; rr
and Sunday, at tho Hlmmons school
houtei third tiunday. nt tho new Lib
erty .school-house.
London Court Journa.lt "Xut jtarwc shall
hae not only cheap breatl, but also cheap
cheese. Tho American, who atnd iih far finer
cattlo than wc can bned at home, and who aro
still improving tluir heitls by l'iivn nt al
most any price, the finest nt our liiiidinjj
stock, disiour the ion iiinki ihne for the
world, nnd they promise u n 'int ijuality of
(iiii)iru for tliiee-pt.iiev a ound. 'Ihey will
U .it (liiddi.r with r. bute" t'!...ltli.r: t.ml ns to
I'lieiliui', the AiMi-iiuii ilnl .10 will haw no
in.. I. They Imri' 111 1, ni'.inn I .-an umltr
sta'id, prttli'.iid 1.11 "iH ifiltm. hut that is .1
a work ot tiri: 1101 ni-o thij ttic lam
cift-., liki'l'aiiit'in'o-t and lto.'ii.il-..t. Theo
wc shall luw i.ticn the ilaui .'.'ijjli'-ll ihiisen
haw till Ikiii beaten mi: of mail it. lii.od
AmeiitMii t'htisuat tlu-cu-pin-v n pxuutl, nud
mote of it than wowft'it, W a tin; p.tsjitit.'
'Hie pubii: s.'iiwl ni Aurora clood last
Witlnesiliiy v.iUi llfty-nre pupU nirollnl.
Awrajj iV.t--iul.iim, toit)-.eciii i.u'ul.er of
uuca ol tanbiiiM, olio.
ltoi' u ' lid villi.
Aurora Ke'l. ",i.. ' 1 ;,
Amaila HiMibiaut,
A'.UIIl.. .!',
Iluiry Miller,
Amelia Kiisy,
Aniiiti JCi'iglir,
Hoclta Will,
WiSUiii. Ki-il,
Klir.i Will.
I.jdlt llainr,
Minnie .Vuft,
Loui.i, Kill.
IUtwl-Sli Will,
.'.'.it'iist.'. lie.y.
Clifistun Xiti;ler,
Iv.Im.ui1 IV.-1'k,
David Kid,
Henry ii'iIit,
Julius liliisy,
Jt'liuuy (iiify,
Tu I.i'.iitMi Srii-u.tin:. Om-..e. mtatf at
I.tliauoii arc in i;rvat I'oiifusiot., tioiu lousis wo
raiuint av.iid. tlur prciiit tuuiiut r.a'ii.t, Mr.
H. M. I'o'tin, It ilniit; I'M bet to s:r.tiB'h:in
them . unl wo hau u.ado m.tny lunvctionsat
his bU).'geitiiu, and shall .ill iijc'j" ninl.t all
itli.it r pioii. ri'tmtr ft'o-l l-.--i' kiiit
iiiiiraivnunta so inoiiiy uiii inise iiruri aiv
tho it.utt.
Thiro wouldn't ban K'tn any milk in the
ciH'tunut 11 simiuof our tlairnieu had bad the
ori(,'iiial tuiistiiietlou of it
Ihey All Take It.
IVIimi tlixi.Mi.iii I-. run ilii'vn to that X
tflit t'it Mm pii Hifpl iiilililH,art nerv
011 sii.l Irr'Hiiiti. li.iii fi iimiy f.ribitlli'c-,
Hour (.'uiii on, -I k li-u'ltpliti mid tii oil
'oni'ii", dn tun mi-. ill ,vnir it- lik'n piiiAlt
iu tlm rsr liiuk, 11 i..nr ti.-iier.il ll-lnli'v,l.ii
C'.n.r up .mil ire I'm e's I'mirio 1'lnAei
Im liri-ut l.lior I'lmi"-.!, ivnv for mo in
in pit ill v mnl town nil i!im Comlm im. Nt.
iiihIIi'Iiio tutir uiiinrt 11111I...I It In t limMiof
f.irilK. tint of l)Vl-i:-l t Mid l.lVKIl
I'DMl'I.XlN P 1 Inn. 11 i.t iiln powi-r in
ih liver, -ntl In I'urlnp tho llvi t, Hroii
isii.nid ill 'inr ii.i-ii.. Hris.t'u- In
ltt-.,'. Hritii'i: ln.iil I1,
M,.l 1 1 -.fig i -.I'lifU' I lit lc-4 1I
.n;,( ,,,,,. , ; V,,TH ,tl WH,
, i'aii'
!-. '
,a , ,. ,.,, fc l,naa Ur
l4 l.- tvn llTr.
i aac.sir.vai' s .TMfavmxnxx'mjmrlaTti
t. miuitii;.,
tu-y nt La w,
O' I'f.O
-Vi ' tii" uVr-etl Hrvrr
First of March!
If not, there tv 111 be
This ii the longest time grnntwl . rritdman
to tmsu thu nbou ninouut oi hi will Ikj cIom.J
out by Iris cri'ditorn, and dur.ng ;ho time he io
not ftllowrd to wll gootl on credit, but ii
tifly for crtsh only, nnd tiot to usoocr fifty
dollnra k.t month for hiinstlf until the ftincunt
of tlvMii thousand tight hundrnl and soventj
ninc dollars nnd forty-ona tcnta ckiinirtl by hiH
cri'ttitnrri is liiuidatid, and lhty laivc also in
structed thvir drumineis to rdl no moro gooctit
to H, Fritilinan until all bin tvcoutits arc bal
anced with thtin.
Therefore. S. Friedman
Makes, thu following nclamation to tho will
diaposid and iiii:ntin-,iliil utizriia of tint
tiotl'n louutry, where no man ho etcr Utn
known tostut-vuso long m ho w 01 kit for him
self and Iih fellow men.
N'im. that I am nMl.rv.1 to rulMt rr.tnr to in lnt.i llrt.
tlatlun with, I will sll m; U-.tTui'isti) llru.wls Can:
atliV-iir )arJ.
All Wih.I earrwts, crth ft '. at V-: ptt yard.
tiwu inirr un uiqsm iruiu h&u.k h r ) am.
O00.I llcmp Cavbt frnm luirt.'.j r jiutl.
Uootl Vlk-nttto htalr ttarit I rut 11 UsrMJc r )nl. It.',",
(kaul lluur Oil Cloth, aortli ,hiiil 00, ir ysrO, frtn
Tall Oil Cloth I will aril at Ur.
lOOblrctN China lattlnr, hlu and mkirnl, for lit)
isr J-arJ. a
W Uvur MaU at tl Ol) lcre.
I UI sell Uonrf HlsacbsJ TU1 Uncn frvtn MajTk
north 71vsl oa rr rwtl.
L'nUuschctl Tatls Llntn from I'ctS).-.
Cradi fruru KMluc.
Napkins. I hair a fund axirUntlit, a! I limn, fmn &
l"o.Vtt llandlu-rchtcfs, iiiiulln, f-.lli'.
" " ISitn. fruiu kiUc.
" " tllk, I4.i on.
Irish Untn U to Wc per )aril, avrtli Uy Ut f 1 f.
I h a IpIlt sltxk ol Utur ojnl In iMirtJcotrs
orth a Ml, I tt III sll fur 4c a aril.
bUlsiklllliuksMld K)i-s, f 111 Mil ston.-l.l at-.
I lilMitn's S liutton kid fluni t. 1.1th It CI 4 l.'r. I
lAjln'l4itlni Kll.t (Oaiulr
il.rxtslriiiiiiwMi'I Ut.
Itutlilnf n t.i S4 unt r srJ.
jural lnl'V, MurtllOtuJtt.
KjhI p.l.l. rli U tu fss nnrlli ,'4' to '. V).
J.iMI )lt 11 ILL ut ;5i ti.J'J 011.
.'JMIk llat.al.l U
lll.ia llut.uty tus i.
:to l.'idl, . lUt.anil rraiiii4..rtid, ft'TtiiM -X
I'liiint-iiiiil lluMtr.froiii 3 In is; -, .i(tll t'. t.'tl.
M.i I mr.1' t "iiiiib. ut 1. 1 1 '.ti'.
l.i Inv fmiiU at t.i.'K.
l.-si,ti. liUk iclitlMn turn '.
.'.'I'liiVsiilnt ill.Un, JVIml Marilcre
l..'"i j litv. lll.bini 'i t.il 11 (.!.
,'li taolt u-li rlMivn ut Ur V..1II1 1)
SJ lli.litls Ji-Milrt tt Im si II nvliT" of Wt.
ji I.m lifin it.r 1 1 1 ti in I.
Tobacco ai HeasoiiaMe I'lKiiros.
Tin, k,ii ami T.t'lr simui. tor '..'iMm a lit.
Unite. an.l IVrk.f..rel to;l Mitrnl,
i.i.l Mat kin.- Inn l.w .it U u.
Va-n s IiUt klu,; ut m i r Ika.
a.tt.iUii;ur i..'ir a
.'jiii.iiii) mllar. 1 1'u u
ar4i t'uil.ri IU. n
li.irnil.rilli.nl ! n
in 11 jirliiii- lla.ktu at .Tv to
1'i.ul l.ull"ii. tir' loti.
.so laillt.' nml.. l.-iii ei to W.
a.itl).irdil Ualinif utT.V t-tl i'MT)4ru.
si tsriUMtlntt tlulh Mil ia'h r Juril.
9si)anl.tiliiiun, rt'c Mil .'".
IIiwIsuIIk'iIiva 1.1 it V Ca.l I'uri; I will nil furtOc,
W'.irlli M So n )urJ.
Tin Ik.i Uli a t'a.li.n.'re a'i'l lltt'lo ilriMi f -r el,
M,l,.rl Mali. Al.it" Iri'i.i ;.'- tuTfi r tiinl.
ft.i)4riit uL.-rtvU tlnw. euu.1. fruii lis. tu'V'tir
3,.'AI)artU naiilul tV tof.Vr'rianl
7.HI 4rtL I'tict lt.1 h'llrtin; Iruiu hi tsi' jar )4rJ
fi,l..i)4ri!.tVlkoa' I (. -r J trtl
li.i nll. Hill 1. tall .till at et !'
M1.H.. tulf .Ii a-., 1 mv nrvtiJ, trcm cl lui.'lO
jlir Lailu. , l :il 00
U.K lit. I ll.10t.ut 'l Mapatrr
,.uiii ..! I.jt.alt: uiMi-J PJar-ilr. v
Mm. in.I 1'itn.l I-..I. it t3 01. '
lui. vr.Mtil 1.. 1. fi .iij.i uiaiir
Mitt.' IV.vtil liri-w in ut tl Si a tulr.
I.fl UnO'ii. !.vli Mrcaul llro.'ar.s 1 i ', a piir.
On...' heat) I'l.ltr Iomii n to 0 1 pi.i
I.im.1 inrrtiaiu Insii f. tu ri a ir.
Jut) .tilt. Min. iMIiiii; fnan tio M fi:- 4 iiiiv.
fsu iwlr. I u.ttiurri vn.U frmn TJ to rt a j.tir.
imlk.). ulu, ri In no.
i.CnOalr ivitt4iaiul vifuliii sucks fruit .'-. tufAVivr
t.ttr.ttliln;illlw wU as a.tt-rtlMil int fuliae
hat tn to ls out ahUh iuiiim.! W rtpUtt.l
U.lik- i.u liiiluiiiiuiit tiff, nil I tt ill si o nake
au liuti. a utik ii'iiiuii.iiiiiii;ettiv
1 1
. it'i'iiil.ki 11 ,at WIiIiIiUmW jo-jiI. uillla, il)tnslto
liu I Ju.l 1 ij.. tiuuauir rtxini. Hit ri.l.t In i
.1. wi' . -11 r i. ..- lu'i onii; i.aii it. 4i". 11 .1 itunrc
iluutii'l 11 ml.. 1 ni ilmlrti,.' to.iuu.i tiill.isiM.-alt
ti 1 tli . tic 4rt vi.r i)l.) tuiJtr r.ttiv-11 t.ar. i-f .,1 .
vill U siiu'itct ililir.. ij.
Furniture Sale Day Saturday
If oiM.ul) )-a.r osu Intirc.t h.
n.lf.li.'i N i.u Ik n K inr.' Tjo.1
t.iu 1. ill ai'mvi
. TlltU44t uzt.
isttiiriuii till .anli i'
In iu. 1.1-0 mII! Kilo, iu .i.tT.i'4 ti 1 1 1 .it... Liiir.
aiul 1 noil.r Mlrft uui.iile
1.1U1CU bir tilt M.jtl tfllt MuTl t. f ..l t4..l IMll)
t0 . W
t 6
mf InU.tj
fi-itul l fi " W wv "1 l'Jr,