Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 03, 1879, Image 5

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Itlntithnotr 'ujicgret ntnl mature de
liberation that weauxcr the business relations
that for bii many ) s Live bound ui tooio
lilacc, to remove to another, but time has
brought great tlnuues, and with the natural
development that has ntt'tnlcil the l'aciti.
tforthwost, W 111
i! u ci j ri'iinni- re
!l t. Mi.in.'a: -, a n
' w f .xjritiilti !".
l'i t-f, U.iu "IUJ-
' '''I '.I'll llf Ml (
' n'ui "boa W. i'
giiii griming "l i'"
rtljn that ! llu
nnd xvliwm pi I" t
nou'i cirlul(
xillejft Tim tnw l
moreo of tin v.t
greater in. n-m "
vciuctit point fii
"ijwr. im.tt otcorr.' 1. .
11.' d l' t! ' ) Mi lull-
.11 1 .rsi 't. nr.'l that
1 thi con.'uci re c( the
lllillt It III t
Columbia nuil W1.hi1.ettd uvurs, thu tit if
Portland, 11 point wheiu ocun commerco meets
the railroads ftuil the mer atcimtrt, that con
iiect the wide interior with the world hujnud.
livery business tint hopes to supply the xcants
of thin w nit-spread legion, and in not mviely
local in its cluracter, trust locate there, and m
the W'iluimkttk l-'.x.'ixti.it 11 not a mere local
journal, but in the representative of agriculture
through nil this wide N'orthwcst, and lool.s for
mipport fiom all thu nuns of the Mill, whose
product, in varied fonn, cemtitutn the hulk of
Oiegon up its vc f".'l tlm i.uecsit) (oftm
xiiHcduponus bj ti'timt fr tndsof ,mr Jm timl.
of beiiijj situated vli'i" wo tan establish the
clo-iest coliiiitiior's vt' h our nation, and give
tlicin tlio 1nn.1t r rli' . '.tr of mreivit and
.the Hint uthbl .- p .it ' ! tin- markets
More than txxvaf. ib ye-irs ago the vrlter
o' ll'ls bluutflit ' ' 'ki" of ) J'l'hfiil 1 o;ws
to ilull, Imttl' ijf tl r V.tir Irte, itlu;littLi
f ir iiivevm with r ivd furtuttes, nrd rl'id
irg nt last a coiii.i't, inttamr m on ft the
P'lbliihcmi'f the ''u 1 1 .. a Journal that do
litd itlirae upon the prndtieciM of thin roou
for it Mipport, asi I -it. nods licemijn- It ha now
the'r conlhb tice tl at t l t! dr fri nil. the ullj
nf their bcit InlircV 1 and tb. ot'tspoken id-
oc tto of the'r 1. " Ipl'ts
To bu molt ffllj V"brl;lt. do their (food
norviir, xrr tt ar aw 1 tl-. that tan never bo
ic-plactsli that luv i ri'iei.fil with our grey
luiix, nnd have ir ! n.rr i vc hate .cell.
xeu' by year. Hi '
nx i) to Join the r : . .
nf Hit ai i-itrrNil
14' !e thimig who lite
Ii tho l.tiealt-r.
To businoss nun l'.. thin. 01 burner 1 are
kuprc'iiic, and roctagnu.' g our depeiidei.ee upon
and duty tow.uiU the public we nertc, we
loitu meru ipieitiom of enjoy nieiit out of ijw-,
and aasunie thu NMit on tint wiins naturally
niiiijiied us In .w o,' the pruviit growth and
future prosjiects of on State nud region. Hero
ii the biiiinvsi ndtertit'iig that U of interest
to nil our rcadcro, and to tho buiineioi that can
affonl to adtettiso vc mint look for a great
lortion of the auppoit, and all the profit to be
made in nutvspncr publication. 'J "he mails
Iwe hero fur nil ptrts of Oregon anil Wash
ington Territory, and this is the only point
from which the 111 till cm lie punctually served,
and that atonu lonititutc a necessity for the
locirion of thu l'unii:n at this point.
I'rom this ioiiit tli; mrlets can lie 1vst uu
dcrrftood, and impirtaut facts ' made known,
and if the 1'altHXi' is to do good Jcrtice to the
gruat prmlin.in' int.-resta, it nnut be aitualeit
wheto it can tl.iiulit t'j iiijtie liuiid.ltes of
oin:ntivu nt the iwlu-it possible moment.
'u tnovu to l'ort! 'i I to take ndvnut.v,''? of
all that i'.iii bu lit 1 done, -.ml all that cm liv
bore lran.ed for t! .'.dvMi'.uiiuiit of the farm
lug hit 1 rt. j' II, :. f. ma now, as wo alv iij
I s0 btcn, vi. .t pi iItic tmii has to (ear and
feCIi flbuit t.attl. i.ain.t thu diin nud
gucvDaUituvi't of ."ual and mouopi.ly. In
no leapoet h;.!l t e v . v mv down tho ktntv to
Im1, or wur-hi .In ;,V.eu talf. We ! v
been prrl nri.ut s-.. 1 aiflneucds m th.' putt,
and shall rtt 1 mi 1 In the fiittirj.
DimnVfM r. Ma- . . IVf. Tin;ljv.
of Ashury l''iiwiit .Vulltsa, h, a cunlii j
to .'ocelli intiu:i.:.uii, irMtvted thu prvLIeni of
niatlicinutit . . h ui lily at to Lave diKot
ered prit.cip'. 1 h.thuito uukiiowii. The St.
Iiuain Wus.tiu Cl:i.l:no AdfiH-ato, (poakitiy
of tlu net. I.e.t. i..t,a 'Wu r.lo I10J a'ltllonv I
t'l ditulu ti .v..!, iit'.rrti of thu dbeo.vn.
but bo eiai'io t. it .: 11 i.vm ine, nud of kuih a
iiitiiru that r..l, ". iniailv nil, oxut.ii t-xtl
Kka nit :m. 11 in itics will leoimu roiition,
lie sajii the ikv iiatlumr.titswill lo freid I
trom all ot those tall hum wltiiti lux'o t p'l
xlcd tho wits of tluc'iovj atiidelits of thu ci
ciice. It yites meaning and tomiinlicmiibili'v
to things xxhhb havo heretofore) b.-cii me.xn'ng
less or iin.i,Miiiry. Mi -cuter, the discovery
renders the ntudy of iiiathem ttiis leu lalmri-
ous to tlm beginner hypiiciug 111 his 1 inch a
now key whtretvith to unlock nomu of its In ISM or IsM I procured from thu Kochvs.
darker or more linlili.11 1 handlers j aluo by plac- ter nuney, Now York, a lot of scions of X'nri
iug in his hands n m. lies of objects ami charts ous kinds. Among them weru wn.e labeled
that nt unco attract thu ntteiitiou ami bring and sunt to m as Coe'a Golden Drop, which
hitherto abstruse things doxru to thu level of they eventually proved to 1. I propagated
things plain and easily understood. The ills- them at my nursery uear Oswego, 0rr4")ii
covery has a wide application in it relation to Thu trees grow well and did well in evert
applied inatheii.atka. The mechanics of the Mrticnlar. and I raised fruit from the trees si
heavens teste I by it demonstrate th it some- propagated and had others in tlu nursery,
thing is wioiij villi Newton's great law of. In Is7l or Is;-., I tilled an order of Mr. A
gravitation. , I., Alderman, and 111 that order suit by in)
Seedt anti Fruit Trees.
Mr. il. Haiuoi, Lcscrymau and ece.l.ir.in,
of Vortland. I.a !.u innual niinouncuiren: in I
the Kxi'.xiKV. Id. Mri!eni and nurseries aro !
boated near llit I'i rttand, and are cultivated
with gieateat care lusides x.luch hu impurts
from thu K.nt ill .lesirablo seeds that can 1
procured, suiti-l 1 1 i.r coil and climate. We ,
lax 0 xi.ited M-. Hamuli's gro uids, which aie I
oxtensne. Jle i. ei.ipliatically TIIK eeclsr.iaii 1
of I'ort'and. the )..iil.irnit.r for tlm bus.nest '
t-f tho l'.u.!iw Viirtliw.-.t, and all ir.trchaiit. I
and othei. wli) tiit thu metropolis will I'n.l
liim coiivciiieiitly lo.-Atnl cm Krout Street, just
K'tow the uev It -built drug warehouses of
Hodge, Daxij :. I ii . close to tlu .Itark .street
Henry III, oi r.aii'..', had a most unaccout
able aversion to cats, and if onu tittered his
presence, he would actually scream until It
wi4 removed.
The artificial fecundation of fish is one of the
most profitable and growing imsustnes of
I'raace, and isnr.d;rthe apocial protection of
the government,
Iaternational Dairy Fair.
The New York Times, in n rcjiort of the In
ternational Dairy K-iir,litcly held in that city,
has the following: , .
riijfinture of the ctcmnit nt the f.!r was
11 sdilre,. bt 1 -. i;..i amiii 1 llutler In .t
lieut ''Hi til t togitli-r of an Ii'ttt
iiaciiinnl Hair, l-'.iii i'i this Metiopohtnii I itj
" tiio l'iuii-1 states wuulel bt.t a few y cam
i' t lut . Ik 1 1 djenieil i ' the obseit 01 t') ! e n
1 -til i it :! cm ii,vi utiii a 'iiinllut cla 01
iji t'd'-.w! 'Mi' strii . Hit so t(U it ha t-n '
t'l .1 't 1 Inpii. 1 1 .' tl - p. odt 1 1 '. nr th t..t. I
.ts well f,-ho . nsi.pipt-i'i a foi sjit
ti -. that th: 'itert ba roi-i- to take it 1
pliee niiotiu tie largr.s nf thoe ludustlies
Tri.e. tho l-nusewifo fn every one of car fami
lies where tl.crj ia a. pretension to cvciiiioie
thin ohllinr) style of living would have told ,
in that uu expended very much more for the j
butter we use with our food than for the bread
we eat: but wu itart with amazement to learn 1
the fact tint nearly tXO.OOO.CXXI "orth of
butter and cheese hate been produced in this
country within thu past year, or cine-net cnth
mure than the aluo of the wheat crop of the
count j, and ouu-third moru than the cotton
crop, and that it takes one milch row to etery
lite Inhibitants to supply tho demand for thesu
artlib'j. to at) n ithing of the mjria Is tl at
rang- nt lirge oxer the phiiu of the Par West.
Th- nnli'mrv thoi'ght of our people hv Ui-ii
llrt tlu industry n (i-irrd of those whota'.riid
it mi tlu- ixtnunhip of lar 1 ,tent of hud, so
that tl.e lointnon idea of a "dtiry firm ' U '.he
p.-opn torsl.ip f .1 o iki!ii s hlch iiiKumje
would heal nu t 1 ptiiicipalitt . (In the con
trary. 1 propose to call sour attention to xrltnl
smi.i-tv mu to In a demonstration that tin
lair, like all otl w kgrktiltural inlustiic-.
ny I ' iniut prol.taldt utrticd cm by thoe
wl mc land , (xrx o tV Hunt bunted oxUut and
the in.-Ht highly culttt ttud. The .igrkultum)
laud of tt'ew ''.iiijliUid, Nw V'rk.mid theoldcr
St.-t-t th- Wed !., lvmailii'd sll1AtUitia'.l
1 ml t id.'d. These !ai' f inns mniiot In- jir illt
alily or properly xrarbnl. ami 1,1 a fr yv.s
tl" nmst I si-ImIIviiIviI ard rotilled nn iiev
ulwn. Thrre 1 sn In- 10 inor- Uniting iilu.tin
tion of this than t.iat vhlt'i ho. ixtiiirtd with
in tin 1. et nt ii ! '.1 I ' AH 11 ivtiiem! -r
wlirn thu'tfl'iisw 'atl-, m N'ew Vork, u
plird not only iU ui-11 inliabilauu, but id! New
Mnglaml w ith tin- tiuer b'.ai'.ds of ilour. The
liciu-s.'c brand of '.lour xtn thu unit ime mlled
for in its day. and we oldei men can rememher
thu glowing a 'counts we lead of the produc
tiveness of the New Vork hinds in w heat and
their richness in breadstuiri. Next we hear of
St. Louis tlouri then wu read of Minnesota
Ilour. Hut the fact which most v xidly
portrays the rapid exhauiton of laud in this
country is, that whoat from California, raised
on a gold bisis, applause, was brought in
hips 1 .-i.OOO miles, in ISclH, around Cape Horn,
car nud by rallrnsd and cans.1 to the (icucses
Valley, and in the lloc.1 ester mills ground to
supply tho wants of its Inhabitant!, ions of
thoto father xx h supplied all New Knghtid,
within a generation, with their surplus Hour.'
The General then givo statistics show in.;
how irolitahlo farmiiig was In r'raiue. where
two-tliirilt of the cjuntry was under cultiva.
tioi. and di' i.lid into small freeholds. He
closed by Mjilig: "llnwexer. i Meliitohiir
iMUilu one of t!.o cnthusiattic iiinuagcunf this
Intel tiatloii.il Iiiiry I'nir s , ing to lu:ti.'lf, hU
coi.ttcs.X to the ipt.al.er prut 11:, tin'.' h's iijieais
iug aloud )-. tho 'ghts. rclu.it iuy all that ha.
li.-iM iaid to l true, in fimr of (milium inn
gcnoml xva m. ,u all fnru's, luw i'.ik'i ,t ap
poar that su.'i ,1 1 . jt nil uf Uatd is fatorabli
to Hi pr uli.tt. in of Imtur a-.d thwst? I
p.-n;. Uavc to give '.He fast In imu.' to tlat.
hjigu.i 1 : th Ust lountiy that cttl'er Krai v
r tlu L'liit.'i' tatus l.f i"." tl.o.a artM.'s. ri 1
in t'lvyear "'A. x bkh are ll last reluiblt
it.xtl tics uhbh I ,j, ie, rtu. vhiih I liixe
Iwv.i ijiio.iii, Kni;l.ui'' lxili' 1 1 1 ur bet'er
$..1) x orthjai.dcf on clue.,- jl'J.Mt.
(Ki x irth. cr mi tttT kTiU' if Imth artiel
' t.i di ..ib well A-ou.e the pu.le of tint I nlttd
Utw, of IJ.rol.tf) vlul 4 Kllbiul boudh: o.
Hi.' ;e t!.e sfti'W jt-nr I'.(I72,OsJO worth of bl t-t-r.
Vca wil: 1 '.r.e th.it 1 tAynctllng tif
tl e '.!:ot.". t':at I'm. a'A to K!i;;Lind, ff r the
IV.'iieh farmers nro far to practical to bJIjxx
their oiwHt to brnit ardiind Imro pnitiiiu
lll,t'1 t!lur "11! : i'1' '" butter, but dun.
a'cne; .vnl, lc.ml.'s, IVmio enti not of lut
thn.se herjvli '
Tho Silver Prune.
G. W. Wuliing Ins tlu fo'dowiu to six
about ixlut hu knows of tlu I Silver l'runii
brother.!. K. Walhu of Yamhill county, lfro'11
who'ii I revived tin onluri one hundred 01.1
year old trees of tlu variety known ax IW,
"olleli Diop, propagated frc.j.i tl.e snmu stoel.
t!u: ' ul'1 received irom Kochester Nursery,
t. V. Ihcsu tretM weru duly delivered to Mr.
Al lcrai.111 III Vnml ill county who et tluu: out
111 hw orchard slid thu tiers nil di I well. ,a
m04t oi t!l9 frult ,liat '-as U-en urinated 11.
Ks!and cIk-j i Mr. I'rvttjiinu ha. told the
r"6t ' ,ho bl.tory himself. From tint ICO
rujl Mr' I'f-ttynian clipped the scions, ami
i,M l'mn ,ta "lm '-a called (Mr. l. gaxe
the .nniei The Nicer i'rane. I have hut .
Ireds of trees ill my nursery cf thu iam kind,
to Ins oxeiy nursery man 111 Oregon and Wash
ington terntory Tint the fruit is onu and the
taints thing there can U- not a shadow of doubt.
That the fruit is thu best, sweetest and finest
dried fruit cvur raised in Oregon, a majority oi
uiople admit; and there is no fraud in selling
thu trees to the public &4 an excellent and
superior fruit. But ther is fraud in asserting
thst it u a nrw variety, and there is a fraud ui
charging from 40 cents to .V) cents apiece fur
trees (under the name of Silver I'm no) which
can be bought from any nurseryman iu tho
country for 10 cents to 20 cent c-idi under lis
true namclCoos Golden Drop.)
It would be xcry strange Indeed 1 I hsd
propagated one bundled trees of x newarictx,
and sold thi'iri all w ithout knowing it. to Mr.
Ablem n, fir "Mr. Vrnttvmsii. no I im in-
f . i
ul ,
tie .
I in,
Aldeif 111. v
Mi AH-nii.il
1 a'l tl- tin
e seen
ul I -lid
-il 11
Ancient Plasties of leaih-
k lett'i that -1
inaitl 111 til
'" ti 1 '1 i.rt 'tu. : ti r
lo Mo'iammedai. country i'urata, Tuikia
tni Mini 11 end Southern Mjt In -whose in
11 'tut .1 t flier v'.iv idista.. -d from prk and
mtuMuatuig lirnil.u. In tl, llyz.xutine Umpire,
llus'la, (Icmianx, Northctti spxln (inlnblted
by tho Christian Visigoths) ami ttaly, l.tHH).
000 died Iietvteen l.lT.i nud IS"i, but the n.f II
ajtei let of tho stricter orders and the frugal
peasants of Calabria and Sicily enjoyed their
mini health J which they, of course, ascribed
to the fax or of their tutelar aliits)i but among
tlu titles which sulfercd most weru Kircelon.i,
Lyons, Florence and Mocovi, the first three
situat'-d on rooky iiiouutnlii-slopes. with 110
lael. 0 draiiiao and pure water, while tho
atppes of thu L'pper Volga bk- g"iiemlly dry
and salubr.ous
Th.' pustil -nee 0' 1720 swept nvax iV.'.OfH),
or iiio'i-tl -11 tvcHtl.irJsiif tlir ",iV.O iulinbi
tan'.iof Mar-'il!e in le-s than tite w-paka;
but id th 'S.tH n'ntiiuoii 'inlrsbi that In
habit' I the "ub3l'Hof the I atalal-.v only MO
died, or l"s than four percent
Tl 1 unst diiiv.ruetlx-i ipbleiiiii. P-c "doet In
antl' 'ifi listoiyxxna th" four yev'i' plague
that . f.iitni'iiutil at A'.eMUmi.a, Ktjit, .'11 a. t,.
.14!!. a'i'l ragcil through th ilan inicsns uf t ho
mis tl.e .r !. th.' llyiantute Knipir-. t.ortlf
cm Afri a ami lovtl western liurop". It coin
n.iiu"! It' r"nojK', sjirr-ad tothcerst ,er",x;
mi, I'. i- v 1. id tho Iniiieii, ml ji-iit.atvd t"
tlu t st aloli the toast i Afr:. a uliii t ei the
c.'tit" . t f K"'.-'ic Asia ,Hn' xti:h itnple-
il. 1 .- 1 aiu-t&iiti.i ;iK'. ii"i Italy 1
mil hr-itii" urte"nl fearfnllv: p.itire j isvai.is j
-re al r,' bit.-I itiedil "Ut ..n.l M. x.ni '
1 11 ict ' .r nan ars.aud ilui'ugtl.ixe m n.tl' 1
'Mil 11.J at latt ID.O-ii pel .ous ii"d at t.'oi
stint ii.i-.Ii- e.nh daj' 'I :blnm . "I'ntory.'i
rt'il llu total niinilier iif sltllli.s in flu three
eontiiienta is xnriouly estlmatiil at li.'in 73.
Ihfci tM) to 'j0.000,0is. Il'itlii "icily, Mctroo
eofliid Albinii the disc." wax couliiiud ton
few seaport towns and the Cauonjus and Ala
bia ucipe'il untircly.
This druadful pi xgus ii.ade it. first apn'.ar
ancuiu Alexandrii, F.g.xpt, then a liaunoui
city ot hDO.OX) inhabitants, and i'auhis Diaco
ii'is, a c?ntcniiorary historian, speaks of the
"reeklcsi gluttony by which the iuhabitanta of
the great capital incurred yearly fevers and
dangerou indigestions; and at last brought
this terrible judgment upon themselves and
their Innocent neighbors." Alexandria lost
.lOO.iJOO of her inhabitants in .".'. and tU),(MX)
in thu following year, and for n.ilcx n round thu
eitj the lle'.ds were coxcrcd with tiubaricd
cnrps.M: but the monks of tlu N'trisn dusert
Wh of them had cletoted theiiurlvcs to th
t.vseof coil" tlugii'id luryiti(t tl.e el.'.v1.; lust
only lifty S tlwir frat-rtnty. who, w t'l fi"
os'cptinns, o:ife sid tla' t'uy lud tt'tietly
lohtcil :i ncotte rtiles of their or! r To!
PJ. . :t is Tr:i:.r. IL' N'cx Vo.LTitr
snu 'il.'.'j itiir:sitQ tUi o'j.l.i iu Uie
way f t ".'ll'jtlu trut iif IWUirV lb
f.Kil'i.' n;i.i'jition oi tltif British gvt'n..-.i.'u:
t th' .:p.i! itl.Hi 1. Uu'ea.i ..d l!auuei..
n- 1 ih b' V.-eii Jr m!v t e
an 1 .. dally li'fi liiii t : . -r
tMiMitHI :i ..or!', o! t"
n 'r t t!- r:t a ! 1
! -. s . t A''r'tiil 1 1
s 'ill" 'le-l t It r..f '. il. I. .
if t....wllO!lll HI I,
, Rtt ip '. ;t te
ll. '. : v p-'el tn
1 ' i" K'
1' . 1 :'!
1 .. I. 'l' -l
1 t il" tr a y
'. -l.;"til'i l.'..'!l ..!!!
.1 s i 1 1 1 rx .' t .. 1 i- I '.'i ,tv
11 j ." r i" !"c rt'i-r i',i;ri'n Mtary ..,1 .' ii.ei t
1 th ''i"li." . ?!es. all ie t .e ii'ijf'es U.ll
ru;i'.j of i'ij Tt,rl'b!i tr-sn'iry nscuixja ru
IlllliSritiuli III t..J r.unoii einant ttiat .'
rjvutni.'of tlu omp.r ii l!0'),003 Turil'
ii.. ml h y J.'l'.OUOOCO. V it!i an orjrfll
nro tu incut df proleibly twr.a tlm auiotnt,
it mov d mt tluit thu cinpi.w is fn a very lit
:.i.i lit: in tj b'J ph.-alii tit? i'ldi of a r.'-
..r.M::: in as: M iii. Tlu Inlaii.
" ';lroyi: "James Co-ik'i trill for ui'ird.T
of lluirj L'raijj nn thu iiigth of thu Ut of
Deoimber w.h tonimeuced 111 th- circuit court
.1:1 Thursliy, n'ld twudi)s .ipuutiu uuiei!u'l
.11 jury, lions. L. II. Isou mil 11. U'lutt-ii
represonttil the stitu, while tho prisoner w.es
J.'friuUd by (ieorjj 11. (lurhtui, of l'ortlnud.
1'hu gr at rulfhii sst calmly during thu trial,
Hid t ra) nf hope lit up his facu at luirham ,-at
Iniiu afttr as elocjucnt and nwiiig prayer foi
increv aawa-iuvur put forth by an .tdxocito.
ilu jury went out after 1 l.t iff chan:i bv
fiidgs McAuthur, and weru absent only forty
niliiiitjs when thiy retiirnud .1 xtr.liet ot
'(iiiil'y of murd.'r in the tirst dugree.' Yesti
diy at 10 A. M. tin tlm c lurtroom was crow did
o h.'.i.' (VA icceivu h.s sentence' He w.v
Kiiiteuue I to be luni5- 0.1 i'j'ir.i.ir 7th. Hi
v.'ived Ins seutur.tu ecsi'iy si d witl.on! .-
iiiii '
T.i'i ,rotoiitlu;i to ruii.o'.'u thu Indians of the
tuiito tit niuv rusurvatiuiu, fj tuu o win. I.
t is il-ii.-vd thu Indian a; Jvil itiiath Lake
hall iiiha'iit. will no doubt ciutt a reli-IIhn,
n Kal 11 nth I.aku county, as ;he In linns cheru,
jvj thu VMl.aJ01111.nl, vcill eivnUully ticto
.hu x.a.'ptth rather than yiibmlt to unli i
l.niije. 'Ihn removal of the Indians lp.11
heir intn u abodes, seems thu sanu as death
to tiuii.. and xtas thu auso of tho Mod,i
ijhtui.'. If hiieh ntt.on is intended, it wilIU
iecs.ary for tin (iovuruiiicnt to Ui prepared
sit.'i a strong forte to carry out such purn.)
C'ti lioon I. v.Mjrxuii. Wo a lusu all yoeny
peo;du to acquire in early bfe thu habit nt
using g 1 language both in speaking and
writing, and also to abandon thu use ol lu,y
words and phrases. Tlie longer they live the
iiuredithiult the acquisition of gjj.1 language
will bu: and if thu uoldun at'e of vouth. tin
proper time fur tho acquisition of language U
passed in abuse, tho unfortunate victim of
neglected education is xory probxlily doomed
to tnlk atang for life Monoy is not tiei etvxry
to procure this education Kvery per.mn has
.it in lis power. Ho has to use the language
which l.c re idi instead of thoblvn; which he
hears, to f irm taxto from theflic it np"aker and
poet- 1' He i-l- ti txia'U'c 1 . ht 1.
ph. a- eia-iy mil Inuituit iiim-Ii
to t'. v ' 11 1' a uldltig at tli 0 111 Mo til tl i
I etliw ' ii'iicin il'i' noinhist. w .1 1 ,xi
ri"'i "1 r. c of im auil it' 1 " "i
p'l '1. . l.t I'd II ftUlll Inllli1
A in X- ' IT1sliri-
x- rrsvxsiin- nntnr it : 1 i
cum of rinding ilmn' 011.1 0
.tlli 1 1. t'dlltlKI Cllf t 'll ..Cllr. SI. . Irt.Whl
ln,m . levlnr. tnWir,lll.. r W ,.f llP hut
pntrrv when ho xvas on tho point 01 kiiitoii
dcniM to tho French. He 1 nuasd thi tin to
Iu pl.u d in racks nud 1 .rued ton piac" near
I'lirt-ait-l'mit'O in tin ec wagons guirdedbv tfii
soldiers. Hu ordered ten men to dig tho hole
for their reception, and, after coxuring them,
In rMt,ip,t Itiimi.iliafnK- u idi ft.,, vi i,..ii ,t, ,1
" ., 7. v " ." N
escort .xuer me worx imi Ikwi nccomplisni 11
sa-wiv atav. u. noils 11 lit I n.-, Ol iSVtvull II3III II
thenartv returned, but w , lire,! on f.ivn, ...
ambush by a battalion of wldiorx under the' )e(o": Judc H-mna, and a xerdict of
comiinnd of Toussaint himself All weru!',"0 alul e pOiM'Sfioil of the above
killed, nud tin. secielof tho iteaiiim's locat on "", " rendered in favor ot Fink and
v.is loxt with I mil aunts tient.Ii An oitii'i r
connect) 1 with the batta'inu hit reecite'd
iiitiinations nf the it. tended Imrml, hvto'.t lined
no know .eilj. of th apot Tins ! 111-iaitt
x se-tation of the t tipim .pcolilj c sve-i-eil it.
f(i.fc Ultlt Tuili silttit ttnnli At. nttdn r
fill i'inus iif a'l ti'o I oy !' (. . ox e .
10 en v ,: iu,
.nN the. itnt limes ft
1 t.i ' 1 1 1 tain th it t' ex
t . f l.,. c'tiiim :
'! n i- p., ii '
''' an, fin .i, 11 1 t
l.lper -it ,f tl..i
be 1 'e ti' ' pi 'id
til" pr. i,h 1 1 1. ,
(JO' Whim I, 1 ahum
ard o 01 r
Dnattx ui J. U, Ilirnr-
Mr. J Ii. Ilin h, brother of Iloti. Sol
Hi'tch. 3tmtor from iMnltnoinab, mid
lior lid Ilirs;h, State 'J'teaiuter died
yetiieiday nt:e:nutxn about s o'clock, at
his reudonee in Sal m. The ilcce-i-'l
xxa for fanr vcars in htisliioss vwl: hu
bioihcrs in tint cay but lor n lone "mr
pvt I'.xs been in ill health, suffering (nun
.utl.T.a, and for some) tlni? been c n
fincd to hu lioutc. lie vvai cMimablf n
character, lionoralile in all Ins dealing",
and highly respected in -Salem, v.liero ik
had resided tor about twenty years. The
stoic of Mpssis. Flcischinan, Mayer A Co .
cf wheh Mr. Sol. Hirsch is a partner, is
closed on this account The deceased
Icavcia wiicand children to nnurti In.
Sodclon Dent'i.
Oliver P. Hatch, a gentleman who iiv
resided in Portland lor several rears and
occupied many positions of responsib.li:;.
died suddenly about S o'clock this morn
at his rooms in the residence o( Mrs. J
A. Cair, corner First and Salmon streets.
Deceased was discovered in Ids nil.i
clothes in a djiug condition, ii .in?
on the floor, wren the la!.,!..';
entered hi !0 re udjust lii c!t - ' "
she imncdia'.sly gav.Mbc alarm and m.
mo:.ed three .hjaioatij, bu: tli-.u u :
efl;t were utatai,ii;,a:i-l.isM,t!!''. '
i'i;.' !ld "Isear blv teninuni. Mr I.
was '. o'n ii U'Xston, ' tin .:
:?r:, ni tr.'.iraicd to CiliMn.n . -iir.y
d .tr, and joi ie i Cipi. :n..jU' c ii
jian! 'f Ol.fo.'i h Vo'rcitfcr at V., . i. .
Amv'ox ccuaiv. l"h c p. '
ia- . to K." N" -ihi!! '
ll.. :.t,o if.'. Afur li
ie tv "( sjixii.1' li? ii . !) lb ' . !
' t.uir.i Mr : f ;:'. l.nlia.' v.
v i 1 1 ftom Ii.p ti t M ' ui I 1 1
.i.'Pllif 411.1 .! t .i,.Ki'V Of'C . '
Ji-psiy t-h -r If if i.r i'i un'ii
t" vsd s.urnj: t '-. , xn 1 ',-
JWSjPsrtil l, il ,! i- S ll l"
li.i' it winch tj.'tm.l ' .11. : ti:.v !.' i . .
now i: e.lir.1 In- i-'s.ff ' ii in- .!c;iil, I
Kir.Aitll-IllV'e b-vti tit c-m e ul I
tho Odd Kiillcwi ami Ki.ih of l ill.
of whithrocictus .liii'lvd w0n kipo.
ber. I'lincral loinf.r.riA
Tli.a is to cj. tify that wo h'.vo no vent
inu.vu Su'.'.iva.i, ami l.:iuv. no .-tic's 'rin:i. and
-.0 rjcli pcrion is nt'ihoiizi'il to tal.o ai.y oili-'
s:riptinus for this pajier. J"ueh 11 pvi-son, xv.
!.:ar, was o.ljrh.g to null the Kami 11. at liittt
villo, nt ? a ya.tr. The KxIixiki. is -luvir sold
at has than C-J TO under any eiit';i.istiiitus.
No onu living gets it for less. 1
Wonlxo rotoko thu authority of W' I1
Leonard to act as our agent after this date, be- J
cause ha has too much other business to attend
to to jieniiit him to do our work to .idvanti.-j
V know nothiu to his chsadv intage, and not
knowing where a letter will reach him we give
this public notice. He will pleasu return our I
list and statement of doings, n!s' remit for j
inontty collected. j
Haul Hats! Hat I
Until after tho holiday wo will sell nr 1111
n.tnsostotk of ti 11 11.nl I nts and bomn a
VKtremely low prices, (all and l' eouviiii'i! '
that wu 111 evu whit '. iv I''.iih N iti',i
and Unit I try goods u'.u ut grill i iuet. i'is ut
Wii Milleau's, next d .ir t tiitym 111 I'i". , 1
I'omiuxrcijl atrott. 10 ' v 1. I -t I O.
Tin Oru.un C1.1101.
Ve,"tab!o Itemed. I
Oru.'sa Roots, u, ,
.s a pi.rtly
: ii.ti.rcil f: mi
' ittlk-
Tunis 05 tat K.f -
:i! Ifua l-rptro Id .'
It sOcigoa HI011I 1'i.ru .1
-ut; tl.i'i
jitat purill 1
Woims j 1'iin.sv.ii , ' , ensiMy re
hevml from inus-v .11 I .uii'tv; by v.tti
snail diMes of the O-e-'ii. Ill'-1 "urilier
Mr . I'. Leonard 11 no !oinr authoried
to receipt for n, or to vvli. it -duvriptions
Also s aiau named Sulhvin, who, uu under
stand, is collecting for the I'vi wm. Any onu
placing money in tin ir hinds do o at their
ow n jieril
Ths only Livkk isii KiliKi Itemedy that
u pj
havo a gool etlrtt in tlusiu'vUribus climate
'funder'a Oregon Wood IV tir.
Froieu Ore v.
The river oppcsilc the city was frojit
oxer this morning and covered with ice
half an inch thick
'I :iet ' Idcr steamed down .lie Willatr
eii and Columbia rivrri ;. crday. la
noic tiio condii.oti of these two strctms
ami rclurncd .n the aftctnoon.
Too Mao'i Poxx-clur-
, A )outh, tnc J os.'.x'.tfr . 1
IRun, cspcrictii el the c.tpl-
ii o il -Jim
xc power ol
n . ' h hki
I over charnc of poxsil.-r
vwtenlav. I'lccrsnl the run . e iliive'n
I oxer loovruds nwij', xvrin? 'ic ooy h.
'ii ihe tee ritlibiug the lie- .'j part ol
ln's .itMicmx.
In the District court held at Jackson-
Vilhi a
few weeks ago, th somewhat
. . I I t
. otl Canyon road case lad a heating
I lil.t
Noiich' 11 Wrei!;.
A luxe iIjjs since as the tinacrtT liavij,
wia be 113 lowed .o mm oxer '-he L'm tia
1 . she nuiim,' too l.ir n ouiii and
.i'i. upon a split which . .iied her tn
a f-iy bitlv. li.lc vt.i "nallx m xn!
nf ''n iliy lor reptii". 1 ' itusir full,
ot -.-il bt inriititnt't'.
Xinitil -crvlcc
The Columbia nvcr is blocked, in con-
I'dernrui ol xv bivh mc. i'oital Arjcnt
to.'!e lelcRraphtd to thy to :he ilcpait-
ment at Waslitnstoii for ir.strucioii nml
tu.hoiiiy to put on land serticc if nccea
1 tin I'i'txvccn totdand nnd ;. n.u on the
, it; r and lower rr.eis.
I Mlldor tVrixthor
The il paichec s' i tint it xus rainin;;
m Monday ':i liouihctn Ctlifomii, on
I'iIimIi)' in the notlheru ju:t of tli.1t
t'.i -. and the storm coniiiij; in .. norih
erly direction, so thai vvc miv e.pecl a
cliingc of weather in a few clays. It U
:lnii.lini! up ti nt in tin vicinitx, anl in
dications arc favorable for :...n and mild
cr weather.
Lnruo Atton 'naoa.
Since the beginning of ;hc current
ichool year, September 3. tF:3, at ihe
Williiaetic University, there have been 'n
iltcndincc 1:1 nnlcs and 101 femaei;
total, 211. Arrange.! in department! tlm
tttendance ii an follow!.: Medical ilepitl
ment (I'ortlsnd), 25: cilhgiate classical,
tSj collegiate scientific, n. preptratory,
3; j academic, 53; mu teal, if.
A- O.U- W. Elnotloa.
At a regular nicciir cf r:ds!i:x I.o lt
No. I, Iteld in l'.it Port tnd. Christina?
evening, the billow .n,; o:: .er vc-re
eb'cted: W. IVmIioiIv Ma:er U'ur!ti.aii;
N. II. Crane, (ienma. '.'.lreinai.. !!. I!
Vh'pple, Over.er; I." po'.d ."..' . !
.artier: U. K Nulla I'.tci.vcr; A V.
utt, I'lnatitii". 1 '.. ".si
'. $. l'aytie. I.ui.l '' . --
'ikurn, Out i ! 'A v 1 m .
oC Kstm initio !' -si
Vnirii tit Jr'
Annio M. ?
I ng, Sea U'.ii', ' n l
.t bciiLce. s . '.
AaMvxuter, i'1,1 1
,Vnicniujl, Mi
Own Ihx, . 1 ' 1
M '..
, N t
OfTor for Sale .it tho Lowoat Po3iblo Pricoa. I
H Consisting in part of
9W5 HARROWS & Seeders.
We have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save such
as are really the "nt plus ultra" of their -class, believing the best arc not only tha
cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be fur
nished on application, and wo sell no goods that we arc afraid to guarantee. Wo
would call especial attention to the
Deere My Plow,
Ouor 1,000 Sold in Oiegon ami
W. T. In the last a years.
Ttis nsctilltr mrrvusinriX "' Hi I unfti i'-iI
Imiiltfiiisnt in.iU niilv 1 1 i-i Mn In ' -tr
,,.i-'i n j.,.. ... .- .
sljujt It N (" 1 1i ssi.
e-sri nuiufi ll s ij ijii in .
uiih m'kln .'.i am '
,r Js W's lis iii I -i
Iiiprovtnifciit ol njr liiii'
lniif,tt sich scluis tin '
Instils stil Lstt s'.ls Ac r
' it l. el
Mil r , l..y
ir X'. in s n sii
1 iisi.ntjr
ii r vi-1 t, lis
i, 11 I ... i.nly
t. c ll l.t ...1
ui .. i.J.l
Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deere's Sod Plows
J&li-.o Gans PlQ-oo-a, B olxoro Soad Sxillap
Farm, Grist nnd FoaJ MilU, Wood-working Maohinory; Doltlng,
Schuttlor Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
With th Now TRULLENOER Put. BRAKE, thst Itt davlco! No Brssk
Bar sued! No hixs to vetar out tlroa, will hold a svncioa aaywasrs ftroaa
b-o-tn or -olni torwrcL We ssreaUo Sola Aganta fop , ,
STTJDIBAER. WAGONS, With Plbl Holltt Enk
Too U Unowr. v wil ciamc-it. q Send for Circular ami Vricn Lit:
York, Hannah Landlcs, Brodick Bav,
Strathcarn, Sabrina, Rival, Lutterworth,
Orient and Isle of Erin. Of the numbec
but si:: are American ships. s
Ttic colored citizens of Salem have
determined to hat e.t celebration on the
anniversary of the emancipation of the
colored people, and have invited their
fitr-nds from Albany, xvho will come down
and min in the festivities of the occasion,
at liaxuis' hotive, on 1'ieiy Hill. The
tnainKcrs ol the nifair have .spared no
pains to make the tflcbiauoii pass oil' in
good little 'I heic wnl bo a dance, sup
per, and of course tasts xxiil be read and
responded to with the happiness that such
occa.-ious engender.
Mnrder itt Oroas Island-
A letter just rctcived by the Bellingham
Day Mad from a citizen of Orcas states
that George Phillips was shot and killed
at the lime kiln at tint place on last Tues
day, the 24th ins;., by his wife, an Indian
wo'man. The cause of the deed is not
stated, but as poor George is generally
known throughout thu Sound as a pretty
"hard case," no doubt the woman lud
some provocation. She Is under arrest
and awauini; trial. We axxait further de
velopments in the case.
Now Vein's Xlomtttix.
Another interesting reratta 'vas run
jcjter.i.iy on the rivcf at this pom over
the old course, to Kivh Island and return.
Weien (oiiMiired i;igs. one Irom each of
theiollowiui; vcwcls laiiicipaiing Sou
tirina Ctihow hires., Si:.tihc.iru (Jbait
Hiv Print. Am idea. Nairnshire, Kuropa,
l.uiterxvonh and Hamuli Landless.
Judges, x.'aptains Phillips and Cowman,
ami r.'fcrce. Laptain II unman. The
Olnn Hay won Ihe first prue, a music
bot tniUtifiocoin;Cad.:oxv l'or"t second,
lio and Niimxhirc. third, fjij.
A UcintruMo Looalttj
TheSkajju liiver valley. V. f., is fast
looui'.iu op as . sirabli 'ocality for
itcx" set. lets, cltlcmcntl e.tnJ some
to or "0 miles above the mouth of that
noble stream, which is only sreond in
volume and current to the majestic Co
lumbia. This valley has now a saw mill
and five or six logging camps; is rich in
mineral resources and will probably ere
long have gold and silver mines in suc
cessful operation, as both have been dis
covered and there are fair prospects, Tho
agricultural, mineral and timber resource,
of that vast region will eventually become
a source of admiration and wonder to
this, our northwestern commonwealth.
- - -Fonud
Last week the Use announced tint
Mr. John Doming, an old -nan about 60
veais of age, had been mhsing from his
ii.iiii.. In Independence since Christmas
h The citizens ol that place became,
uneasy about hint and instituted vlgoroul
seirth, tc inning the neighborhood for a
tni'.e 01 a- .irutnul, but coald find ncth-
ins iifluni and axe up. ..tippoHiig that
I he had torn; lo .'inulliuin Oiegon, where
I his son 1 live Saturday a in tu came front
11 hunt an I report.' I nil he had lound
the uiissin, ma-. and that l.e was ilettlj
I, appi'irs. that Mr. I) w.v. somewlnt un-
' dcr ihi mlhii'iri' ' U -r and IimI xvan
Jilfresl o! lu.o lo li-ii-b and briars,
1 thr. n;;li tK- x'.pr.as ina fjtt and 'gi
, wtr? hpi. 'rut In I 't'.tvn and chilled to
tl-iib. Hi- m.'jU'a niiist have beeutcr
r li!'. i. g'i'it ion'! v..'o dii t out wuh
lis ', mil -it x'i in 1. ilu- to ihe
, 1 . .ui 1 1. it " iv iir 1'ieir humane
, ', . l 1 1 1 "1,1 11 In- tihtTf.l''Ollls
tx :-
- j
farti' u.sUi-v, w ouU ') utter thn to tiio folio I nj $
Randall's Rolling Culler Harrow.
7v r7tv-7.:-iTv
f M If VUJ.S
iz -.. y wuimAf:v:wm:,