Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 03, 1879, Image 4

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tilfamctie 'jftmtur.
Trrini ornli,'rliHni
Ctp" i-i" ij'iii'i"-', 'mil it
1 hrofi i "li '1 '" i'r
I 'Iii
Ctti t.ir' f."U"("i tiiimVr , '
" "til I' mil nlil -ulln,l- nnntti Nl ''! ' Wi'-p'i
Jbonf r mm fli.li,i
I'd'ri'' ! . I N " "" '""
. C
Interesting to All, (
We h.i o licit y ihiwiieittn to n uki tin- In f
Jjrttiitry, ami n l- iltji-li.l iijhui tliuw. i'i 'ii'rew '
iortlic iimiiiy. If nu will f-vlul u vtli.t', i
due ui up li the irom.'iit tii.ic, vtniilinll li in
eVictiili.'nt, nii'l tee ulnill tii'tur ii"s It moil'
tVan now. Some (imp ui over a ji-.ir, iiml mn.li
acooimtii lll'tr lm paid up
When l'nhntl undertook to chutist
flic Amccr ' Afghanistan for Ut inso
lencutotui; Kmprcsi cf the Inili;, tvtsi
men predicted tint Rtusi.t would espouse
the ciiisc of the Atni.-cr, mid that ihujjrcnt
battle bivii'cn Knglaml and Ittibii.t would
be long! t in Central Aii Wiser nun
Hid that llusvi.t vim loo jioor in ioih-wencc.-
'.nth a i 'inti'st tint t !- vide
iprcil influence n Socialismi in th Mil.
covllf empire, th'' clurii iMtdl h.ltr -il f
NilnliMii lo dc-potis::), showii tin' i (
Lies ti. vu'll ns )c.isini.i were busy f'linurit
iiij; lntr-d to the ('mi's Kovitninent
ii.iiik' it il.ii'geioiu for the (.'air to fiijiii;,
in Mich i war it the preterit time.
I'.ni;l:ind, ion, wis in in cotiilitinti fur
a j;nit u ir her commercial U iimai'
ban;: Ihre.iiein.'.l by American impcti
Ikiii, mil her millions of i.ptrdiuv tjinj
out nf itnplo) merit to :i ic-it-r eMen
than has been Known hr many yrar
Jiul I nglbli MitcMiicn re.iluod tli.it Itu
lia vi h even less able for such n u.it th in
tlicnisc vri, niul m) the It'iiMi troopc
matched (or tin northern passes, have
coniucrcd die Khauitc, driven the Amct i
into exile, and very possibly llritish rule
will be permanently sustained at Cabul.
Kuim lus lifted no hand to make good
tier implied protnise ol assistance and
lapjiori. 'ltie deposed ruler may go to
St. I'ttcburg and live upon Muscovite
charity, but there is no prospect' o war
England holds her own foully, haviu
dirt d and done all she cimaifed to do
while Russia remains pacific under c i
cumstioces that must be very tr)ingi'
her rulers and her people.
At the rtlc of progress iii.ikini; at tht
present limu in Oregon, tlie increase o
our State in vveiltli aul population, '.he
(jiowili ci piudiictiiiu an. i eu. in ol
jommi'ice in nif present' ami the rn.li
yroin ji&. .lis- iulurc, then! ihs not
wi-iii i be uv reason ii li.u il. i u
4I1.1., li ia It o ill conucituin unli th.
All i S;.i i, oi that (ui.li cniiiiLilmii
mil tm a loii'j time in retelling uv
The ifpuit lli.U (he Korihcrn I'acifa
r.ntioid i nut to be built ilonn iho south
side il the t'. Iiiml ia liver ami is not t
ton., l.i I'.nilaud is pumbl) 'irnu, .mil
yet T ii.ni'l and (Jrcgouiiiiiyomlivc such
a (.ui and may run thivc and prospn
vithoiu l-t or hmdiiiuce. Ships mII
(lime up hi.h r bum the sr.i and the
Koitlu'iii I'acifu' radioad cannot prevent
them Steamboats will run on our
.y lively K) bum.' ijovtn die nroducts of
vie -
'N ICtsti'rn and Western va!le! in Olegon,
vvsU',l(ni.ii)ii and Idaho, and if c can
sice M-inre tnat the rapids in theColum-
i'U-x kh ill be unproved with canals and
olo'cki., ti-cii we can defy competition in
fhc earning traJe of the interior with
any'i uroad company. It u much
.Airaiiar to tun suivc)s and carry uu a
ktA0i,Dt of bin II than to scale the
gknuAilh : Hank I'uijft Sound on the
rtOil set the iron horse to wm! llieie
VJwft aell loiintrucicd railway. There
K.& V1iVia&.-i.i.t ill it ..nrli A runt (Vlll tic
vfibir(lV" 'cw )'" ,0 come, and
vuiiii f buh and completed to a
UliJWh tVwction with nini! bettn
ktli, there can no city grow
tto dispute the commcr-
jiiunce u( l'oitlaiiil.whu'li mean
iiutist and will glow with rapid
ure is puistiea b
hat haio we, es
e have the means
lo nvak
th such a road if
certainty that a
road to Salt I-ake will be built
i all the connection we need
uvcdMlXertatniy on ask lor n
VlW JmurvlW our Ste,nl a inaguili-
tup,yc e facl ,lul
SyHtrvvJl, anatlctsomcwiMiuwii ivm wu
urtfttttulftolds tW'Vwio commercial
. .cV . .l . jV;.iV
that while " Urag is a good dog Holdfast
is a better," to do as they have always
promised, build this road down the Co
lumbia and so exact a good toll of the
road tint is sure to come hero from Salt
L,ik, as vclljas c'mni i hi . nliaro of it.e
ir.itlx from tin. poun
The uianasi'rs of tlii- ti. P. K. K Co
cannot li'.' mi b'nid as not id re.ilue, al ,
that il i oj',itv : topi.' off this mattu
'.on I'irii?; ih'it pro:ri!liaii!iOn .il pat thfc
rn arury ol i.onnr.sn , tlial tnu it:, si
ilii'-i. ;!i ' i; a li '.: by ;!ic Cuiilnilil.i
U'', in il.o I. in I. ui .'Jin': cotipcr.n.j
company tint wi.l c.uu .oil uf ilium, ut
else dnte tiism to cunaruc. their mud.
talked of mad acros 'he Cascade ranij'; n.
I'uget Sound whether they will or no.
I'ortltnd represents Oregon, and oui
Stale is growing into power and wealth sn
rapidly mat we cm soon laugh at the
schenu s of any single corporation to leave
ut out in the cold. St'.ll it is true thai
liming pinned so much faith on tin.
Northern Pacific roid and invested s
many good wishes and ardent hopes in
that great enterprise, the people of Oregon
will regret to find its management mini
t.ai id .i.iiir mi ri'i.
Pfcicin'jst uid &tcahri3
'l 'i ftj' . ui
lor dim !u.i 1
1 .m m I'.iiMile't'd th "1
i.o-i . -II ts'.on lia cri;
J . . .1 .in 1 ill r.M i the 11111-11..
African r.niar!.cd on die ga.lows Uot
'Kiii I'rinscripi.
I) C'irver, tlii: celvbrali' I maritMiiai'
disce, 1 I 1 lit n"il 1.1 ih Tcn.;!'. o
Aim '.uiii.ton lit 1 a'.d.
No man cicr wjrsh'piietl a Imi'i
IHI..I' w!i" hi I hi. t! u...'J with a in
t.'-iifan e .11 .r si I.'.uis ."-.pir.t.
" I If t.u'i e. iim". sai I the be ird 'r i
in imp1 rii'fiit msimi'.'V'T, "li. po I .
Hid wh'ii 1": i !? is Jo'i li rtlp ' l'.i,
doi.'i ton ial. 1 r; ami "i ne'er
" 'ou ;itil;lu ' i'i il.tnk " says a fni.ii''
"sec how it mi;.' s win Magcr when jm
iv in w.ili. " I'luz an, i.ts tli
trtttii. " I ossciii t't to walk, that vvli:.i
th- matter "
In a foreign letter pi. til -it in a New
Vork weckl) piper the correponpeni
iiates that Tnulotiie is a large town, con
taining fio.ooo inhabi ants built entirely o
brick, Haltunore News,
"Father," said an inquisitive boy,"whi
11 meant by close rclat.ons ?" '"Close re
li ions, my son," replied the father, "are
relations that never give you a cent,"
I'lie buy cant the old man, then, was the
,'clossest" relation he'd got.
"Hi , Hie, Iloorawl" is the regulation
cheer for Grant.--Washington Post.
Then the Democrats should have no dif
ficulty in cheering, for Grant though
"Hie, Hie," is about as far as many ol
them can get. Noiristown Herald,
"Talk about serving God," slid old
Mr. Slaughdecl;er.''i some men serve
God as lliry do the balance of (heir ac
pu hi ini.i .. their prospects won't be
urn improved by a removal from then
' nis.iijii) , (mure one Chicago
Tin' iMiglinh lanj.nro ts wonderful for
its .iptnest uf cxreiiii.u When n iiiiin
her of in'iu nt.d vtoincu et together and
00k tit each ''her from tin siih's of a
rontii iliat'ii ci'ilul a iiiriablu. When 1:
iKingiv niMtil 1 ill upon a poo: mimsU'r
nid 1.1' lam i' "i liu'.-o and home-
It it it inllctl a itonation part). - Turner "i
Palls Keprtur.
A uniinrr.i onh I'oi the koldifio of the
vaiiiiiii Cti 1 an contingents is now being
lad.t'd ot at lu.ilitiiru!n. At iimsi'iit tin.
Pnixsiati Miiii.u sweat allegiance to the
Kng of i'uiuti, ilin Alstcc-I.orraiiieisto
tne German r.mperor mid all otlieis to
titer icMj'livo (ioveieigus und ilie
tii irii.tn Ivnpir-.
" llow tiiiich shall voti cli.uge for a
bologna sausage that will reach from one
ol tny etrsio ttu other .'"adted a .soldier
111 Hv'ilui nl a ilea rr. ' Piliy kreuueis,"
n,s the ri'ply. " I ttl.e the olf r.' r
pi et the soldier, " one of my cars wa
wi.l oil ui tiatii.' a thousand miles from
hue. ' There w.is.t tomprotnise.
' t.'t u. prav " said reverently a Cali
orma MiMhodi't ilenjjman, who had
iiecu vaunt that his auditors, in a ie
mote m men cm, were pmiane and rough,
uid is he sin! so he I ml iwo revolvers on
die dens iilm.li serttd him as a pulpit.
Never bid he piciehed lo to attentive
and .stli-itt a eongregglion.
" lt(i," said the man, holding an in
verted tuau'li in oui; tun I, and a cigar in
die tiiliu, " never acquire the pernicious
habit I miioMii 1 am a slave lo i
nut and i I lute t I never see a ci
i;ar bu I want in bum it up." And then,
itith t'Mirme riifactnn, he burned up
.he one he IMd in Ills hind Hawkev;
lti lep'ine I ol the lite lr. Peter
(iianu ih 1 niii"! Hi'l'tn, ihe rdt)r of the
Geographic 1! Y ir Pi ok, wat marritd
liet.iiis. 1 ,-... ill'tl uerMiitili to make
lor a itnl.iiiig pM'suH 1 globe in servo a
.1 I ulior dull. I he uppoi lull vv t a cov
er. l;'ii .ii' ii'''.ie .1 map of ail the
ear th u i tire. ' riig'ived, the iltaiiu-ti-r
oi in.' iiiii 1 t-iiii; atioui lout mclir
To en!, i UiViijo ut the 1 lea tin
rout.' wiiu n iii m un couple would lake
on their welding lour wa carefu'lv n't
down, and the names ol the places en
graved wheic ihey were to tarry.
The taxable property ol I.ane countv is
8j,5;;,oijri. The Stue has levied a u
of seven mill, three mills of which it to
pav omstitiding warrmts and the remain
ing lour mills for general fund. Lane
county wtl pay the State $74,555 is her
share for the ear 187s
A galling gun and neces-ary ammuni
tion was shipped from the arsenal in Van
couver last Monday, to Umatilla landing.
lo be used in cae ot attempted rescue' of
the Indian murJerers to be executed at
Pendleton on the tth of January
The Madison steamers Ruby and Po
liikofsky were offered at public sale yes
tcrday at 1 1 o'clock. The only bid for
the Ruby was Siooo- $3000 being the
onlv offer for the 1'olitkofiky. The sale
as poi(nned until 1 p m No further
ir being 11. ide, tie sale was postponed
U'ntl nest S11urd.1v.
Jiol-onvilb. T.mcs' Tj suri?r;ing
iii:v w'.iich v 'tit out ;o uin a lin'u ol
lieu from S.ate crec1; iosom' prnvei de
ia11 , on I'.one 'iver. retii'n" J I . t c?!t
'.ivin, cotrpMcd .11 la., d The Mir
f) in ikes 11. e drch about :i nulls in
:li!i ! ) (. n- -11, 1 :m. t uulu reri'iirc
a J.i'ge 1 i'' iv of capital, bu when n
cuiid-r ilie diggucs ilia, tiwillcoi'i
arc some of the richest on the coast, the
success ot the cntcrpiisc is not at all im
The volunteers of Yakima have Moses
in the Yakima Jail, and ara after others ol
the Indian cluei?. They seem dttc niinttl
to secure the murderers of the Perkins
family, ani unless the Goverr.mcat car
ries out Us threat of punishment to these
people for taking incisures to protect
their familits, their vigor in purging
these Indint murderers while the snow
is on the ground will pmublv present u
massacre arid and an I ulian war in the
spring. And then the Government con
tractor will mourn
The ked of .1 htt'c steamer las been
l.vd at Centreville 10 run on tin: Cheha
lis river
Kalama it n hav.- a new depo build
ing that w ill be 1 rredr to the n boad
lompani and ..n crnnicnt to ilie i!are.
Tliit improvement m nsma'l lit' 0 In
lien nnnli'il vi-rv ir..i h. and wilt tc an
object of interes md comfort to the irav-.-ling
1 ubhc
A Klllluniitro oi' Mltsloimrjs
It niatui-. uneit hat whether a )iung
lidy's uncle is 1 ui.lionairc or n nii-inn
iry if her lo er "s c Jintancy is in q.i-stt u
German 1 I'i e: who w issufl 'ring Irom
lound- rcc: v--d 11 the war with Prance,
van noeiulv tc-i.t a illagu in tli- Swiss
an 011 ol Cm I 10 recruit h tr-iith
There h.: imulc
.icipiaint'.'iic ; ' I 11
.ounglid) who-i- parent- luiided in tin
.line tihag", aid the louplc bccuiiC rn
(jged. (Jwmg 10 ihj mildness ol tm
.lima e the hero soon regained his heal h
mil before long an order arrived Irom
itmy headquirters desiring him to report
himself within a week at llcrlin. At lir.s!
hit letters were filled with protest ilions ol
the enduring nature of his love, but grail
11 a ly, as lime wore on, II ey became lcs
f'equent and much colder in tone. Six
weeks had elapsed since he hid Us:
written, when, instead of a letter full ol
reproaches, the Lieutenant received a
telegram from his dear Muie, in the
follovvlig words: "Dear Fritz I have
just received a letter inlorming me that
my uncle, who was a millionaire, at
Prankbar, in the Hast Indies. i
dead, and that I am his sole heiress."
ihe Lieutenant lost no time. He set
out for the village. The young lady was
overwhelmed with Jov on seeing her lov
er once more, but reproached him for his
long absence. ' Don 1 lit us talk of il,
dear Marie," he n'plied; "there is now
no obstacle to our union. The unexpect
ed good fortune which Providence hast
sun uj, has removed the objections of
my (Lin-inn to our mairiage, for a lonuue
so great, so colossal ." At these wonls
Marit, iak iif I. it hand, said, " lrit,
dun 1 make (tin of me " Tuc lover drew
out i'i Ins' nock't lie telegram, atkirg
tne toting lad whether she had 1101 wrn
on ihf words, " M) iinole hid just died
a mi. I him ire ai Fiaiikiwi?' I leily at
1. 11. I'll. d, Mine dropped Ins huul, and,
li r I'ti-s 1I1I11 e; wih le-iri. o.laimed,
" De.n h'n , ihiTi- is a mistake 111 tli-: .0
I'graui Whu 1 wn'o was ' My unci
bis just died, a miss entire 111 tne 1'. it
liiitics, ui.d 1 in.- aiiio'itit he has ii'K 1110 1
tijfi !i tno, 1; oi-" line-.' "
MDMIII.'l VV'I.AI'lfltU UI'.I'DltT.
Vi'.r I 1 .-irtiii"ii. li,,li-.-iiriliil'lilff Mlii'iiil 1 ir
is rr, I'll 1. lull ui t'-l.-vr IIIij mill Itl'lnlll- I'm
ill" ti.Mir'l 11 1 ' iiiiik'Ii'ii nini Aurli'iilmri'.
Mi'irrmli u nl Miiiitniiiy 1'ir Ilin niuiilli ut
ii.m--iiim ', ss .11' i, tsif.iumi, ,,r 'tf'in.
c- -' a-' 'd z
si 51 If H 2
VM,: R! C fl ft Z.
j; i- 'S3 2?. i
i J? 7 it 32
IVtSl I "ll -si I I".' Is l''s
-.' .H.ss, a I i ' VI 7 H .1.1
I 11 ll'i .-tl'.' III. I HK .1.1
' I t 171 I l'. HI I N linn
s '."i'ji Krt 71.7 NW ID
- H H'lti; .'till I M.I H It
" 7 U I 11 l. I -ti.7 MV .117
" ."'."iJ tT 'I 1 10 h avi
'I .-Vll' 4 L' Ml HVt' ,iH
' l .Ie st II V ll H .V!
'.a-J I'. I til 0 HV JO
- 1' 'VI 1 .'Jt.l 7..7 H ,ll
M anlil l.i 7i.7 NW .9)
"It sy III tW W.'i N -O)
IA &IH a'. I 7.l NW M
Iil i-.-i -11 J 7.l NW .
u .n in as hi. 1 n .11
" It i.l"7 Mtil M N .ui
' i'i ii 111 ar.' too hk .01
;M II 1.7 ID Hi' NB S)
" '.'I 11 lJ .1.7 I'll) N .Ui
- ..' I .i.si ,la i. I NW .ut
" ;'l ) l.'s it 11 7V.il K ."I
' -.'i I iu .W t 71.7 MS i
' -.' 1 ai'l .wu net N .ii
-ti 11 -in ...'? r.1 1 sw ,10
" i'i 11 -iV II 1 KIO NK tti
: . 1 ti i ;u 1 Ki. 1 N vv a
' .' , '. mil .sit iicO H .ui
" I' ' I .1 l ,1s A7 t I! .111
'I ' . 7 ll.J I 117 Nl". .ui
St ,'itii- m. 1 11 I ,iiS I T7l I i- 1 I li
IlKSKHtl II M. -Iluliit liirooii'iiT, .Sl.ilsl.
11 ih Itlli. Imi.-i I liiriiuiliU'lrr. .0. I'll uu llio
0 li
IIUl"'-- i.'iiiiir-'i-ti, jlilea jl; Invvetl leiu
I'lTniiiri. ti'i'C ertli.
I'rtt ii. In j ih ii-ti 'ii of ulnil.NW; mi'iUkt
i I.. -iiv ui iini'i VI inlli-t i"T hour Miiilli on
'H li; I..I il i iinili.Tui mlii"",.l.!ijit
NuiiiIi-i i.ii' eirit.i.v, III iiiinilieri'loii'ly iln,
'I, I I Mill, I il.l) nil ullll-ll lllllllimilim' Ih l, II.
1'iiiiiii.trirlii-iMiiliri.iltir', l"7l,lsii; Isri tl.nu:
lil. i" : s7i, i:il, IsTt lTi;lsTtf, tusijls;?, mo;
IsTs lt.ni
i iniiiiiriiiltK lr-i.iilliit'on. Is7l. Sil.' tiirhi'i:
Is?.'. 11 'I. I7I I'.. is7l,5.-.'l, IVTVUIIi IsTil, II) Mj
is77.us7; ls7s, 5.iil.
I'orii'l Uleiiil t'oriii. V. X
tlf s riviirosl Mi KHAN-Junnair t
llmr .l.l-in"ii i f hrlila'a partniu, l-i Monll-erll-i,
W . ' Hv rt. I). Krl. KlU lUiilluc
Ion hhiI V. O VrKiiin.of ISiriUiiil.
Mtilll . V-W'hKNY In lhl city, on th
si'lh oil . hv Vhiv llev. J. P. Pursuit, V. U.,
Juhii MillrtwHiiil I'lioom Hciijf.
ii iMki.-MMivt.l.lil In tint city, bylhs
ina, NovJ. Ilmuet na Mmrl Aud Mo-
Dr. Mlntio'i Nephreticom
Work.i wontlcrt. In all cases of Dropsy,
H.iylitVDiicise, Kiibioy, Ulaildi r and L'runry
fomptaintu, or Kctcntiou of Urine, arc cured
by tin- N'cphrctlruni. Female Wmknt't 1, f,rtt
1 1, linlxjtns. piin ill the back, mid and l"in
ui" (. r-il. vilii'ii all ntlivrnuilii'ii iMlrm-.i.lil
l li '-.It tl" .llULVIttt " IMrtl.11 '1 Jll'I "-in
.u.'ia'.c .-.! ilHiut Or. .Mii.t.c j Npli-.-cticuiii
in. I KiutlMi l)nilolrn IMI11:
" 1 .in k,I 1 lui-ij' in 'ii " 'i' I" Mil-in-.
-1I1 ine, tl.i- Ktiifl- . ;ii:.ii-j'iii I'dlhi
.' . tn ' i:i. ' V'lir- ti .in, .i.nl i' .ill n.'
I .nl.lv .vciiiii.iimii I Julia A l.hh'l-, 'true
li 't. '"'ci ml utr 't. I'ur'kiiit, Orrrtmi: t'.H.
t1 1 I111I ,' ('11 " ii'K ttii 1 !-r t .11 -I
A' ui 1' ; .i.ul. Oi irfom '! -.". t'.'r.ir.i ':
i'i. "i'i. dti'Kjrii'tt. NiHt H -nl ' Kn-ii. "ita
F 11 ,111 tl, i-ivanl N 'pliiutKuti is tlic
li -t Kiibioy and liladib-r reinwly botoro the
pit' lie. All ilrugiri'tn Ki-eji them.
I : .ill lii'iaii'f uii-iitfti.f th" l.itiT.
L's" Pr. Miutiv it i:n,-lili Dflii'li'hoii I'dU.
l-'oi liilioustixtt niul DytK'pia.
I'ti' I)r MintiiM Kugli'li Uaiidehou T1IK1.
Per Kever niul Ajiie,
L'-".' I'r. Mintiu's Kiii-IhIi D.iinU'liiin I'tlN.
Kiory family rlniul'l nut tall to keep Hie
llin.li'hon Till 1 on hand.
x To Whom It may Concern.
Tint It to c-rtify tint I liavs U'cn alTi-cted
for tliv last tins' i apt with i lironi'- Inllninir.i
tioii of the lil.ulil"f' i.ti'l t'lnml li.t-r. Iliiviu
t tit n small futtniii' vuth the l'it nn'ilii-iil
tnl.'iit 1 ooiil'l olit.nin 111 tn Pnuu 1 01ml viit
iil tin t.iriotis tiriiij in ( nltfnniia, hoping to
thi'l rult"i. llav ui fo in I noli' It;.i''' i'1'.'iit
hojio of hoing rilf'-il nii'l ilioin"l .ill im."Iii hum
niul d'Ktrir . In! ri'iibtiji im- i.f tli' 'Inly
(inlr.'is I an ultoitituiiiciit of u inciiiciue
. nil ! S'l-jilnvt 1.11. n pr.'p.irnti.'ii pni..itst 1
lr Mmtii'i" '. of "tin I'rtiiiivo I tra
it iimli-il In u.v i: in it -mil I v i:t in I
lm ,'t n Ivittl - M nmt tak' 1. t'.it 1. if Uittl.
i t'liuiil 1: ".' li ruiiol, nil lain. 1 eAiiiiK ii.'l '. '
in mifli I'.'tter 1 took two hioim l..,ul- ..' I
ui 1 im in'itVit!) r-t'i.-il t.' Iivnltli nM
ttr.'tiirtli, .liniik oil. f'tr tlti Bi.tioHur skill i.f
Ir. M.i.t.u 1 11. Aits on- it '" iii.r il 11 lit
tht 1 itnXluoti c ui i'ill to liiv !! 1.' -nl
.tie iiv. .
.1 v. M'..'i. ::r nfthMr .
Iv-ikii. 1 Ur'"
Xi'iitt'idf.r II. lfT .
lit- A. K. Misrir. ( 'i.'nt- I -olini-ti-r
: us j mr Mmjlith iHwidini I'dli j'"il
ainl i-v.'ii iiiVim all vm 'aitn "fi'Ttn "1; ts
ti:i, e in tfii't ' li""'' l'uif thct M, n
eiprd for l, ipi'ji'ia ui'l I.i.'i tM,til.l.-
I. A .SfOtt ItllttM.t-
Tint stp.'t. I'itli'T M-r. !. .ut
r.rtlunl .ept. IT. InT1.
what tli' druggist of I'ortliunl uid .in
Pruiiclseii m,v alHiut Ir. Miutie'ii Neplirettclilii
uml Kii)liiili'l)iuileilou I'illt.
V. h.ive aM a Lire iimoiuit of Dr. Miutio'a
nusheiiieit: The Kiixlith D.viuli'hoti I'lllx. alto
thu f.umil Nqilirtticiini anil ill nit eatet highly
Juhii A. C'tiil 1hv Druggist, .Voouil street,
1'ortLtiHl. '
C. II. Wtxxlwanl A Co., Druggittt, comer
Pint-ami Alder treet, Portland.
iK'nT. Ahnuin A Carroll, Whulenalu DriiL'-
KtU, Noa. .'I mil !i Pront Htrvut, .S. P.
tt.. 1 .t.. v....i..-:.. -- .c. I CM.
itu n-jftni tnu ,11'i'iiicfciciiiiii. iiiv i-fc '.
ney ami lll.vtiler remedy beforv the tnililic. All
druj.'h'ii'U keep them.
Dr. Mintiu &. Co. treat all Chronic and
StH-cial DiM-ai' w ith Ht'i ff.s. No. I iU ,'sccond
Street, Cor. Morrison. I'oiiruvMii. Onrdtts.
1870. PRICE REDUCED. $1.50
A Monthly Mitgailno tor YouriRfst Hfadors.
i! IiIiiiiNt " till vwir H'' Jk 10 tt tvr u l'w.1
imt. ivi an J ln ii"in I i
J L.Shorey, 33Brorsifi3ttl3t.Bcston, Mass,
.Nriitp.ticr in ilii him it ml ti il u i.nt
tun... ...... S i, mi li
iirvji -sKNT rtlKh II. nl.ln-
o.v.'s jt-.i, i' -:vi'i"
i .. i . . v i. ii i.i i . s, j
IllM-i'lil 'JTiti-iitrs:
i, ti v i'iiici;:
i,iim; ti ii it;
i.uvv T:ltl:T
Tne Ori'son und ( alllnmla uml Orrson
tinlr.il Itiillruiid liimtiaiiles
ilKKItlltliulr ltnil fur title iiiii ihu Ml'ivtlnclINt
Hiirrni-i line It rait of Ihu inlre In ch: lnirrt on
'ho I'ltltueeat Ihu M'u l rutt-n per ci'lil. nue jrer
iDt-r tl; mi't mdi Mlnvtlni; )rnr I'lielrnlh nltbt
rlurlpl sii'l inlrri-'t on thu tmlunce at llio rlu ol
eii iir it lit i'r muni n, I loth prlnclpul a nit luler
i .)Mf In II. S t'urrrnry.
A iltfi'rt ml ol Nn sr Mil, wilt tllnweit f.ir ctth
M" Lttlrrt to tm .lJrM to 1. hCllULZB, Un
ticriit I) (1. It, h.. rnitUml. Ormon
Salem Flouring Mills.
Gonwtmitly ou Hand.
IIItfhoNt Prloo In OA8H
Paid for Wheat
AKent 8. F. M. 00
Kept utr
118(11 I.AK LINK
lletween PorlhinJ aud San Francisco.
TllllDl'dll TICKETS
l'u b i'UKhiiil il the iirliiniul Mitlon, of th
l) A C It It , t
Xlotiuooct HtOIBI.
!ti-mfr tveboth 1'oriUinl n,l Sso Fruclcoboat
Every Fivo Says,
rtirtln rn-n.f r tmt FllM l Ihe LOWEST
HVTKt. Il l thw inilr lliicri)lnjlhe l' . MAILb
The HirmMp uf lhi Company io rated A 1, and
am ', ei-k-ia ana coaipiti iu ettirjr paiuiuiai.
sud ruatUl or the
State of Oregon,
(Ne ) S.Oill toua bunlin,
George W. Elder,
ItlV iuuv.i
of Chester,
IIUO toot.)
laX, 0W ton.J
Por Irtljibt 01 pit, apply at tun Comviaay't o
ace, toratr r aoa rrunt iu, romuiu,
"lli.i 1'lls-ll' Imii'l s,iii.-. I'Iiiii. '..si -LIMIIoli'v
-i,"A M-trmt I prtiln liti i- o.i Miill. "ill -l.'iA.
S- i I.- I it'kIi Uj". tlli'i mi i- '
i;s. 1 i ii. 7i 'i i liunli iinrti''. 1" l 'I" " I
-ti. is.lv ll.i Hli.-iiil 'I7 Slllfir t . "-.. .. "i b
.li. TrLiiii,i,l..'l. v rlll.s. ! il.r ,.,- ii. -in' -I," V
.. - .... ...i
...I ." M HI i
Agr icultur al
((,0 1'JiJtSJfJi.W tfTAXDAGlD,)
mbraoing many now and valuable Tmprovcuienta never
beforo soou on tho tfaoiiio Coat. Tnoy aro fully
warrantott. Jixamino, ana do convincea,
The Whitewater 3-spring Express and Platform
All first cliisx, nini nt ren&otmlilo prices. "c ulnn have
Tlmtenn x um-iI on Wnirnnt. Hi'tippr", Tltroshcr-, .SucdiT-, und nil fitrm mn-
cltlnory-TIIK FAllMKIl'S FUIKNI), nit-1 Hit' frk-nil of ItN twini,
in It rnlli'Vi's tlif tonkin' of till strain, innlcltic tlu wntrou
puil by Hit' nU", iintl Invitltiable to till ti'itntiton.
Tho Morrison Bros.' Walking Plows, wood and r tool boarn,
and thoir Bnssouior-steol bcum bulky Pii.-ri,
Thcso Mi'fl-bt'iiin flows un' otic Hilrd liyliti' tli in nnv ;. ) ,i i.v (,,-.
ndjiisU'iliiiiilopiTii'dl. 'ilie KKST 1'I.OW.s IN AMl-.f.KA
mid Mil I'litiivl.v tii'W tiling on (his cnii-i.
The Ssterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator,
S'lio 23o.yt of its OIv.mih.
Suii.i'tliliiiTt'nllnd.v now l.i op yon: tili-oluti'ly ftin-fffcil: : hnngonWc :;oar-
Injj; -itlistiintisil mid il-lialili'. Took H'ii.i:iin at tht t" nti'iinlal.
Vnlll.e iuivliiii,' I'vi-r -I'l-n In this uicikct, ami tar nporlnr.
ViiU hjik' ui stj;i:j- r;o:;s. ctniirtitlsK
Railra? ad Miaing Sliovels tuid Picks,
Ill il i VI'
4 nsiw iii i ( im i
V His! 'i-t, r'i;ht .mil " ilV . tu uliuli tan
A full line of Wood-handles.
XT IValirt iKvilrln JulibfiV prltcs Ut iluuj aiMmt
OIUcoN, JGI A. J3 Front Nt., PORTLAND; Open IIounc Ill'k, MALE!
J. n. 8KTTLKMII:R, Proprlater.
3 0 0. O 0 o
Fruit, Shado. Ornaraontal, and
Nut Trcos, and Vino3
and Rhrubbory
,i tl-i1niKurwrt. (trail a(Vf.l l.'t'.V rinilttW.
Choice Tri'in, "i." vts t-li;
llf. W t'Ett lit MU'Si,
ii nini .' ii rri vti.i'
I'urm-r m I'o n II ' ' ' 'i i Ifjt
Jlt'i .'Mlv! .s -it i.
o?L3Nsa?p35L3Z3fijells, and Boys' Clothing !
( anu't 01 c o;lis. Mailing, i J u
Houso - Furniah'np Goods.
Isoxt to IMlrjmpIu.t' Urnwn,'.
Vr.WUil.Vs 1II.IM K. - s.M.Uil, OH.
iIi' ii inn jr. ..-n at
Lowest Cash Rates!
Chonpest Placo t.) liuy Boots
Tlie ihea.icit iliis- tu but ,'J'ir 11 ib ir Iii i?tttutr
Of rf'"l
Ant Hi'iulrln; Nwily Inn-. 1, a
Ol'pn.llo t-hi'ni;kU lbti.1, l'o-t Oitiv illoo't, t-Jii.i.
Xtf Y nmml rmmgim of t-cf uM nj
ni'r Srtnt (or i$. rUh in rn,-T4Wii;, will U- rwvh In
Jmiar, aii kn-lit r'HKK, H VI whn apjOv Oiitomer
M t rvn iusliwt nt" tor It I uiTi-r oiw uf lh
ari,it vvllcvtioitvuf ix'tthl wi e r ciit ut h an
v4 houv' In Anitrtai. 4 xr irtijn ol uhhli were
,'tju mi im l vjr fdnn Print"! illrv on ftrul
I nation tm vuih vuki U. oM warrintM (o V Uith
ijxI an4 true to i.4nw fir tint IiuM it yrow
'r.uniio, I ill fill the rUr tfrt Tit, .n.ti.H (ntn
iliu-rf tne Ilul'Wrvj tuh, ri'iunw M ;ui, Sluble
hivl lilit;r, MevUnii torn, a:ut vn. ii otlur ctit
tabls', I iimt. th; HtriiVsT of all h.tv .utiotj to
fii thrir vl iirv tlr fnm th .rn4r, frY inic, amt
(thcuT lK't truu. Np rixrti, w.mlt
J.Mt-: J 11 t.KMiiU:.
IK m Slirt'ivhtutl U
irvl. Mii'ii V'minly, lll rltnwinK ito
aurlUM Milaalilo liuisr-i
huh (lry t'liin, 'nn ymnoW nxt Hprlns,
wtUtit louo tt. tlr 1 by U'ult I'rlnr.
One Ihrff )pio, iimI Hptlof, atreit by fl.
(), llftU't C'l)ilvilal tiorae.
On two yean olJ next Hrrloir. alreJ by 1'ilJ
ol I'rrvlie.
All of Ihe tove ere likely ana if large alze.
out or a nne, lam Llonlifart mare, owned by
ue, thatu 11 very flue trdr.
UerTla,Janus;j, U7 im
DE3"0.?s:y TOPS;
I' ' " li u,
etUitSL Potato-DiffKer:
lm it.j.livl a I'utilo-ll.-, -, M. ra... or 11-j
Udween this am tlie Holidays,
at r:n: wkli. known- nons op
Salom, Orfjon,
!Of Our Z,argo jad VWi4l-Aus rial
fitt.ch of
' n.Tr ; i.i", in in- i nti t tii.' tiwle.
nt vtv luve iviliui"! ;irit.. tu Sm Kmniit'ii
loat, 111 nrilor ti h.aUj rmiin fur imr Sjirintj
0Kiiiii. Alin tui-U iivv k largiJ atiwk iif
To Our Farmer Friends !
A there sttnia to lw an inipiv.ioii tint rooU
can In; b-juglit much iht'.tir in l'ortlainl at
irt-t'r.t, uMiiii; to the crvtt!.;tii.u of catatoupa
viitli iir.iea, Mint out liy I'oitlami hoiidia, via
hivitt) ill whi have recciw-il anch cttalogur to
limi); thvm tu us nini i.olTOUiiso to aeli you
neither il.vn.aBil nor nuct'ou goo.U, FOR
I'AftH, a luu At thervin niiaeJ. You viill
nvetlwrt.il freight, railruait, ktvambo.it aud
liutvl ln'.U, an 1 lice) your nuuey nt hcuiu.
1 ami iMIrH 1, ,m o-nnr lt. Other tart
lies ot pi ln4i mrki nrli. HuJ cant
or whtl rnu w tut Mint I will aenil prlck. Cat n
I. Kcoiupary -.1 .. ,,,,
in.13in EMlfortlaod.
lllKMlM HKNTttMKlt. Orr.1 Inienlloo by
twa tt lj Heal lot i rear, irnu timpi"i i-
n nun. vzuvi a unrn, iKtaiiiv, ,
ia. tww
rm aaaav
.t.n W
s V
1. .-..ntr-m.mmg
V- ." ..' .?--