Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 03, 1879, Page 3, Image 3

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PTWof Hd"4!iY
To the Patron of Oregon, Wuhiagton,
and Idaho.
Dr. in nncTiinrM In a fw days I expect to
start Hut to attend tlio meeting of tho National
Orange, and proioso to bo absent from the
jurisdiction nbout ten weeks. Questions of
law or usage Brining during my alwence may lie
referred to my deputies in the different coun
tics; or, in case then; is no deputy in tbc coun
ty, to the Worthy Otcrscer of the State
Grange, Uro, V. S, K. llulok, Myrtle Creek,
Douglas county, Oregon.
I beg to call the attention of all mr niticra of
tlio Order to a resolution of the last .State
Orange endorsing the Willamette Kahmf.k,
making it tlio organ of our Order ami calling
nion Patrons to give it a hearty anil united
support, llrithreii, wo need a twier devoted
to the Interests of thu fanner. It should at
once furnish us ft'i account of the current
mints of importance, thu statu nf the crops,
mr.vlicts, Ac, give lit n medium through winch
to evehango our ideai and experiences, and i
fum-Mi our families a wiofcly rapist of cttcli
.aire Mid wholesome in;a.cliu:ieous htcratnru us
' 1 ....'.. 1 ... !...! . U...I. - .......... ... '
is uesi mmcu m mcir niim. .-uui t jh.jh.-i iu
i,uirei a largo outlay of mean, laW, and
trJcnt, and cannot bo furnished us without
ndvmiatu supjiort. Let mu mge you, therefore,
to givu our own tupcr a ioutial support) sub
ssribe for it, wiitu for it, work for it, so that
we may haic a farmer's paper worthy of the
name and second to none.
Frnti.ri.nlly yoM,
A. 15. SnirLr.v,
Master Oregon Slate (Irntigo.
Oswego, Sept. '.'.'I, 1878.
State Orange DcymtlM far 178
Thk Nationai, GnANOK. Nearly
alt the states were represented in tho
National gnuigo lntely in session.
Urother Kelley, who has held tho
office of secretary slneo the order first
came Into existence, resigned on ne
count of hit other business. J5ro. Win.
M. Ireland, another of the founders
of the order, was elected and instilled
secretary of tho Xutloi.nl grange for
tho unexpired year of tho term. No
better ecvlcctloti could hnvo been
BM Tr-
Fou.nii. Last week It wasnnnnunced
that Mr. John Deinlng. an old man
iilxiut l years of .ge, had been missing
from his home In Independence since
phristinns day. Thu cithens of that
nliiL'o hecamo uiicuhv alxiuthlmand In-
Mlttitetl a vigorous r-currh, t-canning
the neighborhood for a mllo or so
around, but could llnd nothing nf him
and gave up, supposing th.it hu had
gone to Southern Oregon, where his
.sons live. K.iturtiiiy a iinui nimo In
from u hunt and reported that ho had
found the inlying man, and that he
was dead. It appears that Mr. 1). was
1 smiowh it illicit r the Itilhicni'c of liquor
1 and had wandered oil' Into tho brush
I and briar, through tho water, as his
feet and legs were wet, and laid down
nnd ch'lled to death. Ills struggles
1 must hnvo been lerrlble, n great lioles
were tiuir out witu ills leei nnu nemi.
Credit Is duo to thu cltUous of In
deneudcuco for their huuuu afortt
toacertnln his whortaicsti. ttatn-man.
; J. W. Sj-
r.AKm Ou.-Thoi.ias Smith, Baas' Cat.
l.pvrui. A. llul.Ixr. rnrvallla.
Cucuamis O. N. Wait, ewrt.).
fuiTmr-W II. tin), Yuuiifn Itlvcr.
I Nil uls I . S. II, lliil'k, l rtle Crtsk.
Jdk-iK J. .V T. Mlllrr, Jtw-k-imllk.
Ju-m-iiiss -Jowrlt I1"11' v M.'"'"', . ,.
LMi-llocui Kiiux, CrcsMills AlUn llon.l, l.ujrtno
".Ukios-J. W. lUvlielUr. IlutUilUc; W. M. Miliary,
Tu"r. .... . . ... ,. .
MilTXWUI -lljiiipbRi lll) and J"ob Johnoii, lut
I'crlU'iiL . .. .
TllHiiift J. . Illy. Tltlainof-li.
I htt.w JKil lf.ltlLiII. rilloll.
Vmi Ji.h-i t:i..I,Tith Vallf).
V(tnviio I. . Ill.lurdiii, Tualntlii!
' v'UiU, (,-.-
(.viiiiu It l: UiirYln, North WinMU.
Co i -j.1 M - TIi'im ThrTrl1, 1 i.v) leu.
unxr Iiil'l -l.in:p, aiiininrr.
lutlt. J.'hti Itiuilth, 1'ikln.
W.L wu . U TIioiiui, all Nlu.
WiiiiA w U'Um l.lnir, I'ilou-c City.
I'atnwi!titlio'.'iii,ittn I.I olilcli i H'tl hc
liii&ilntl t.inll imiili oUltfo mo li) dfliratliif
l.ruUnr-.uitil.lo lOJ-t In Uat luiocll) ,
A. II, HiiiilM.Ma.Kr Or. St. flrait'.
JfoJ-Ji'hn T. June. Ihrum. inillllp. Art
Ovttht-J. J. Woudman, l'aw raw. Van Bans,
iMturrr A. . m&'.tj.Ctft; Howard, U.
SUmirJ-A. J. Vaiichn. "'"'TttiB.
Au't iMnl-liiMlfor Wbltehtad, MldUb,
vMnii7 H. II BHIi. tirlniioreik, Waawn, O.
Tniturrr-V. . McDowell, War, liikB,N.l
'9t' . .". - ".... ....
ru-Kt. John T. Jon. Harton. itju ijx. a.
VmIU LiMilatllltf. xr.
Oalt-K-TTO. Dlnwlddk, Orchard rmt. lad.
AwrWdry-O. II.
tnAK.w i1,miii.v iitimj. Hontlcclk). lltDO.
i. Mra llarvrrOodiUrd. North Oraitky. Ct,
Jjt.lt AtiltUirit .lUiearJ-MU Carolina A. II
Loulivulf , Ky.
micunta OOMMITTII.
D. Wrait Alkcn. (Chairman Coktlmry, B. C
K. 1(. rhiikland. Ilulmque. Iowa.
Dadlrr T. CIum, CUrnnont. N. II.
Alonrb Oldrr. Kirfk fall. Wbllcrldr. III.
W. II. Chamber. 0wcbrc, !ull. Ala,
or TUF.
Holbrook & Ludlow's Superior Grade of
Ladies,' Misses,' ' and Ciiildren's Shoes.
ill ol ulilcli will lc noIiI nt prices which rtcly compctlllou from
tiny Hourccs whntevcr.
Till Oltnwixi Oiianii Of courno
it Is not to he expected that every sub
ordinate grange- in tho land is prosper
ours; but from tho purposes tho order
seeks to accomplish and tho material I ,,.., i,,,,,,,,,,.,, mP1,,.mf n,,, mu
with which it has to work, It ought to , hUh1w1 nilllN llt ,ot.k j;,,,,,,,, , " lir
ne everywnvro iu. ni iiu-ivnmi .n.i tompieieii. i ne power is trausmiiieii
Tin: Dkatji I'kxai.tt. At prsor.t,
says tho Orryoiitun, there are ten men
under sentence of death in this state
four Indians tit Pendleton for tho mur
der of tleo. Coggans last summer;
James Johnson and Archie llrown, for
tho murder of thu bid Louis Joseph In
this city; Charley and Ah Leu for tho
murder of the Chinese lad some time
ago In thu Joss houso in I'ortLud; J.
D. Whitney, for tho murder of Oliver
Illiiert, near .Sllverton; James Cook,
for tho murder of George Craig In the
county Jail at tho Dalles. Jacob
Swards Is under ludltemeut, for mur
der in tho llrst degree, charged with
being engaged In tho robbery ofO'Shea
and the killing of Louis Joseph and
will be tried In n few days.
Tin; Cahp.ok Mi:iicr.u. Lust week,
before Judge liellluger, nt Portland, J.
K. Mercer, who killed Mactlonald last
September, was tried. After fourteen
hours' deliberation tho Jury returned,
Tuesday morning, with a verdict of
murder In the second degree. One nf
the Jurymen, however, reported him
self not HMtlsfled with the verdict,
whereupon the Jury retired again.
During their retirement the oounsel
for the defendant Informed the Judge
that his client, Mercer, was willing to
withdraw ids plea of not guilty nnd
auhtitltute a plea of guilty of man
slaughter. Tho Judge consented to tho
proposition. The jury was called anil
(Uncharged. On Saturday Judgo Bel
linger sontonced Mercer to llfteen
years nt hard labor In the penitentiary,
thu full extent of tho law, besides a
lino nfono hundred dollars and costs of
Tho government wroki for iitlll.Ing
I?IJT11 m T7I V..J 4-7! M t CI CI U W. 'W7' Tt J
JL' JL JL Jk Jh JL. A' JRIt W MM iai3!9 19 MT JU Ml F7,i
The atunt'un l m ri.li.vit. I Invited to n.r Urn tnJ will aiwrlnl ttnek rl L-nxh
cl Oivntiotr farlrtlv. 1 haiv thl jMr Iint.nul from 1 tiUtid, tlut irlniT t
land for llti') Urmi fivi, alt the v.KMJk a.l M.r r'A rt for Utile ur. I hae
imwflit.'viiiarlitl'-, hlth I U mII M lurtlur.t In til h ijimnlltlra a thry mf
v.mt f.ir ttit ir i-Li-t.tni. tn. ii.TJinNandutr. ttr iii)L-ui ihkm. ur. If thry wUh
l'lM1. in) R.t.t", Atlil HIHR AUltl' Mtt,ll(mn.,J, I hUIhIii! Mill Mrf, MMHMjII am
i i ur, that I III m imvii-Ktuuii ilimiruli; iiuviirAiiitimisii tkaiik. A. ri
lUiiiuiif what I litivu-rrt, 1 11.1 rfr 1 1 me f tn rtMomer In ONrnoY I'iri
I'or th U-l ilht inilir fm rWiiMtl UimIImi.I. f. r ' i.tiiih hnnv v.hlle he
. M vc.iNfor inn The refill .i.. lhru t imiIivImI-, ni'Hi t'lMilth thephnl,
tut irtiiiway LI-.tn.iK- iVhm he -.1.1 im.c ,n lutli im and I pit the rullt vl a
Mu. nun. tiuiii'irt, in.-iik-t it m.a. I nn.i nun in; i.m., in1 ..Mimi) s'li.xi
i,.iiili ol mi.1: lil M-.ir I'.. IrjJt IlkI i;iiili tortlH.'Ja l'i I:..' .m Itun.nml that
tin In UicftMof i'iniKtltlni lllil i.rililit ..tln-r ititi.lu l!,.. Mt.ull x-llltii;
rallliirnUMiil'. TIm. want tl.Iinr.lant I unlcli'c ! j one o l.hiM
urlfj tiiintat.-tnrnti. M) Sl aiv ww -lv, n up In M (T, I'AnntiuMii
Inh., itiitl rii'rir.AMiwt nf the iiHiuntilinmNK-irl A'ikl il.i toi,l l m-ii.1 for
ItHV.nr inaVpiirilrmitnim, Ufore the riur lnu .vrr, nd Ian thtm fur
. uwiii iii'iii iMriuiu mm ii.tir lull turn, ti it'i"n.
I I a alo rood Uk of TUkiirr (nina'.h irnmlnc trtiM. and nhrulo cf all tha
aioruTtl varirtiii., for Onvun, whkh I iftti rll m I . any nn hu ili4 mm
hotiorahle utrmltfht fonh-ard hi4ntM, I miM iu)'w rn.ranU wlio ut rKnlnc
titw. that yvu tnn wad to ma fir an or all th unaninii raritk cf aiil Uiva
ii.uunl In sir otukvua. for CHKKHY, I'Ll'M, I'KI'KI; l-KACniV. Ct'hltNTS,
)ou ruUI hat Uhiu at r-rkwr whkh an fully duwn to luvd Un-( and hi th tan
riot fall to U aua auy rwwinaU rim.
I un atll atnd U I jr oW at 1M rr IU0: wMcli an rtlx wall rootnl Un.
Ttiry an- a to taaaa fart hfcrh; and tn, I ynn old J to 6 fnrt high, at (a.uu r
iv All mm mm imww. iwnni iw.i-iruofM nvm.
Ilia laryml r tvntof flii for aallina; tha aUrrt nanwl -.M or trvaa.'
BICpiNfMN. ktaUtn, Ornion.
I'm.- lU'MM
iirotRiitlnir n Ixinofleunt work, Wo
havo n.i fear or su-plc'ous that the
gr.tngo will fall. Very far from it.
Tho fanner, whether ho bo a member
of the order or not, cannot nlnnd to let
It die. It iiiiiliitcnanco underlies tho
prosperity of tho individual the pros
perity of tin' agricultural class under
lie tho national prosperity. Tho drllt
of tho thought leads us tocon-ldor the
importance of agriculture and tlio rela
tion of the agriculturist to tho common
wealth. We eonio back to tho llrst
thought of tho value of u pro-perous
grango to tho progress of tho farmer.
This proposition rightly understood
will not bo questioned. Wo ought
therefore, to expect an enthusiasm on
tho pirt of tlio membership, nnd a con
tinual growth both In numbers and In
fluence. Circumstances nnd surround
ings may, and most probably often do,
retard or destroy nr.ny a .subordinate
grange that would be otherwise eili-.-lent.
lint oven hero there ought to
i (enthusiasm. Thesurprisu is that in
i many instances, wnero tnero is la
diligence, smre enthusiasm and ni
abiding faith In tho result, the grange
hi come to a .standstill, and considers
itself foiiunatc If it has been able to
hold the memhers who olued when
the order was on it high tide. Let
the worthy master, overseer und
lecturer, with any other efficient mem
hers they may csll to their nelp, ntudy
tho peculiarities of their grange, and
work up faithfully to that. I: may ho
a HkMiil cupper, K'lllng m-IiooI, an
intere' In music, literary performances
the .tudy of mine science allied to
agrhlutiire, a debating club, or a p'an
to ikivo or turn an honest penny; any
or all nflht-f aro worthy candid and
careful consideration, and whatever Is
tho bent of the neighbourhood, not in
hostility to thu purposes of tho order,
should be kept prominently forward,
without excluding its great purposes
und objects, and making them tributary
thereto, that I-, to the development
of a higher agriculture and a true man
hood. hscliamjc.
to thu arsenal, nearly one mile. It Is
mo most extensive system or water
power In tlio country, and has boon
live years In building. It will be of
L'ODO-hor.so power, and cost ulxiut SIOO,
A fiirt -".""".'a tail nu fail.ir.'
W. .. C'olUir nf t'oiw Ilav, it, iiauntnr of
jnx-.j for ucki!rt' rflrlul ins.", fruit ami wgete
Mist -A nil lamia tli.ii mu Iriii Ti'jtiy ilnxl
liy amy jiriH-uM. aim A. II. ( nlrtri t now can
viuinig tlio Williimtlc Vulli-y fur tliu aalunf
thunu niocliinvii. They cot SA'i to ..'l.", acconl
in' to lli!i, aiul will pnek t!.. fnut intMo
K)iiml jnclvajji'n, in pajuT Uiii, u fiut aa a
nun can jHi.mlily wi-ih it nut, ami f.mti-r tliun
tliu -.lulu furoo cm Hiuk tlio aiuv limit in fifty
I Mini. I Iio.ih, aiul at It' cnt, m thu weight nf
tin' uiivr liuw (,'im.h in vtitli tliu urilit ni tliu
fruit. Thvau pajwr luu- li.-iiHlmicly lain K-.l
aiul imuU'il, can 1m nnlennl fnuii tliu liuki-r
at tliu lhtnt a trilhng cunt. Kvvry in.'ii ulio
lim a I'lunnncr dryvr nr any otlitr l'1 ilrir,
ulumlil liao hiiu ill tli C'ullver macliini. )r
A. II. Collvcr trawl with nnu of hi ni.vhiiii'x,
ami givt a practical oxiiitiiui nf, it wurUin
Ml uho purvliaM thrm can alau unltr liui nf
Mr ( ' illt vr. Thu midline aru niivlu ami mM
at thu timiitiiro mamifactiiry nf V. J, li.ih.-o. h,
sin'eiii. Sjuciiueiu of thu tAckeil fnnt can 1j
iiiiittiio niheu or. thu ViU.uin-tt rainier.
At jm-sent Mr. Collvcr i tan.wint: thu iat
lilu of thu niT, letwetll Salem lul PnrtltllJ.
:o-u.exxct "7"lait
AFTnu . ri:nnn ok vit.kmks. itiikhb
wo kulnveiiow (or Mtrrrat nirniha h-eii lb Wll
ii,.tfllon Muinnfuciiirlin; ,iinilur and linpr- ed
article which 1 am able to ctftr to thu traCo u of
33-lvit Qxn.lfr.
Mvprmr-i.t nlU l n.pi rlnr toaniihlni; niarnhic
Inr-dal III" I'liinry fur rli- nr-l. and latiial
in utri i-iiiuriiM4iu lur ireu),i ni.u uurauuny
I c;uar;iitlf!o MilNtiictloa
CnlT. nr ri-i,ni i f.-r infjiuul lunar tu tirtca llt.
iLuuld In) afidirrrcd In
A. Iff. SMITH,
Ilmiia Vl.ia, Ail.-. Dd if rmurlttor.
T 'titanr I.lnlntruta are nf two kltda.
Tho Wklto l lur the hhniaii lamily; thu Yrllow
) nr h'.rref. rhefi, an I nlhtr aiilmal. Trtlmi.
Iilalr nf thu rrTvcl- proluol hy lhr rrrnarkabk)
I'reiiaratloii ar ried aruiiid rtrry Uitll. and
may M rodirri nf any ilryjt'l.t. nr hy mall frum
thu OIHcc cifTlia CasTACii tuarak), ii ! elliet,
New VurK Clij
A Remarkable Result
It make tin rlliren I r how many I'hMi'r
Isiin, or how iiiiicli n.txlleliib )i,n tua - Iriil,
it in now an imhuiimihi iac-1 lliat Utruin
(-.vrup I Ihonuly runt-Uy whirli ha ivtu
wiinplfto Mllufarllnn In Miii.e of J,un?
liwHKm, Jt la tiiinlbt-m are M-l Ihr niiinl.
if K-r"iia ihoarHir-iU'-''-i m Tl.rni' Mini
I.uritf utTrittlcnx, oiuiiiitloii. IleinnrrhNvi
Alliin, svnrnOnliU kaum
I I'nruuiiiiiu, wnropirs .u..s, ...., .(m
rhavrt no rniiH knnwlKfn nf iUi-t-U i '
lii-rma'l -iru Ji. In alien n noul I s,y r J'
,V),000 (1(1-11 u no r,i at Kr wt nu. i l
ciminUIni Cniinui)ilvns try t.jat m ., I,
tla, Ittiiulara'zv;1 M-nit s' I
ll iu Auitrlcu,
Guns! Guns!
Hiilom. Of;rii.
Military Bretch-Iflini! Riflfs
ii.lia. the MDNChll Ml ltl I. Ill .IIMTuX. anil
n i.-u iirsii.u, tiu, a iiuiuw.riii.iiii ur
MIOT 01 h and M1HITIM1 lllfl.l. if all .Undurd
I'k.., full ll-ii- ul
I'nikrl :iilli'ry, Knlvea, Itnzura, avd
M'IMIIIt:..Mrr. t (rum IjijUmI. Mm I'lalilug Ta.klc
Will aril a low na on) Ixuly. .:tt
HhUli fl.. I.r I'rlir'hj, ( M lt.-. mcsiii I'rlni-1
U hoolli', Mik-lu, I .T) larllil, f,t IIh. I.. f ii-1
'-! i--ni"ii'i w.i. ni tow ril-.. lj.rt-l .urn
I I.NIM. III.NK n l.r sta'r, l.t I l-IIIIJ ll
k .rn. f..r fNraii.l. Ilonitfr. I.uIm.Im lI J...IIAV.I
.. - . . . - : ' -.--.""-. r-'- - "
mAtm. rs-iuivr f..ni.iraui rrt I.l-t. A'lirr.n,
;. si. w ir r:.
fit. ami Prinlrr ni-.l UonMUIuJvr.
(iia" in-.k mi.'.ii.-.-i,.sm.i:ji, n;i;r.'iN,
WiHamette University.
rwlinrbt will lrln MalK.ay, hit i(, Irts. 0,
Ihr f.iMiiwiu.. i i run.irr: - M. (Uirii 1'ri.Hii.l;
i.Miaur H. I nikitii Mull ra.allii. ai C .Sji hcirnct
Vll I I'llKHti ill. I''ii.ir...; Mu-. Ju-nii
lim wax, AiaUtuliiti I). anmenl; ai.dl'ILA M i.t
IKh, a ulr
fur falllnf irmatuiiar!dii, Ur l'rrldi-M i-r
J A Mil A I TON,
June !, lf's if Ajrt-nt. .ka tui, t.Kvf.r..
Drilling, Bonncj.
tittle at awaiu ai inui nun i.al.i . oh s i; . ,
KUiilalutaluffLaand iric-lit,li.-i . f.nt.. i
'Mi jr duy truaranUnl. Rnul. l.ii.'ii'.r, .i.i i
ruily l.m.lUd. AddrtM, rihllf i. IV H.I. J'..V .t
VA10II CO., iM Km Ate JtiouJi .l.u. 1. ...
Stubborn Coughs antl Colds yield
promptly to tho healing unit ''ira
tlvo prnpcrllisi ol" Ur. JiiyncN Kt.
IM'rlontiif. It Ioom'iii rnul j.rniiK.ti-1
thu nxpcotorn'.iou of Irrltntlnt; m.ii-tcr,-inlllKnt('H
mm It pain ami tils.
trots1, and cheviot Inllatmniitlnii.
flstlima, Bronchitis, and Throat
Troubles uro iit unco mlli-vol y
Ir. Jaync'i. i:nMiiurnni. It rc-
movcH rnnktrlL'tlou nf tho llromhlal
tulics. looscni' plllcflll, n Ikh llt.ll
hoals Hit mucous uu'uil.rtuio.iirrn-'ts
auy fovi nslt tnuiloucy, aiul In l" to
forward n (raduiU euro.
Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung
AffOCtion8 aro Kcurrally roiitrtillml
tint auiollonitf ! liy r, Jujih-'h i:.
;-clonui. It nnvos thu lillis from
iMifh Irritation anil illstrcks, hy ro
JitvliiK thrui of tho Irritating iiuilUrs
hy which thoy aro cluKKod, It also
ojirt-h-si-M Iiillaiuuiatlou and k'vih
lot Lirovtcd parts a (hanco to lnuil.
Whoopinrj Cough.Croup and Hoarse
ness uro cincaWotiHly trcatotl liy r.
Jnfliu'u lUtM-rforullf. It rcmovrH
U.l.iciilty of hrcalliinn' and ojijirns-
nu jo thu throat nr IniiK1, promotcH
I la ijistl'io of muiiiH anil huIkIuci
i!.'- t'li.leiii'U (if thcNO I'OiupIalnU at
tl.fr o Um t. II In a Hafe I'umlly (,'uru
iin, of jno(,'.CKUlill"hfd reputation,
ami whoro promptly ailmlnlsUnred,
h.v inulihil many to t-BCHjH) Ht-rtouM
iiliK Alhictloiis.
IIOIIil '. IIA Is A. I li.. Wrll.'rr e Al'elila. Tort
I llH-i'.Hl. isJCnil
I'.Kll'il.V IOllo.
2 l'ott fitrtrr.
N.r Rttray, '
JH Vnarl4, Cmt.
Imparts it thorough and practical education
In all commercial and JBnglUh branched.
French, German, Spanleb, Drawing and
Telegraphy. Thin acbool having graltr
facilities, and enjoying a mora ex ten I vo
Rtronaae than any alinllar Initllutloaottlhrr
cine OoMt, contlnuoa to base Itaclalian for
recognlilou and patronage upon tbe good
eeoee and enlightened Judgment of Ue pub
R. P. Haald.
U. M.fitearn,
W. U.U.Valentine,
Mm. 0. Woodbury,
Mr. A. M. Hatch,
A. I. Dulllef,
0. K, Morel,
F. V. Woodbury,
A. B. Capp,
T, K. Noutbera,
Mra, W. J. Hamilton,
I', Beregnl,
Ooo, Jebene,
A, Vandernalllen.
The attention to RcnlUmanly manners and
We now occupy a ).ioitin in the field of
journaliam where wo are ahlo to fumWi the
fnrmim of the Northwest a iiownpaper devoted
to their interests ftmt largo itiough to nffnnl
apace for every topic which they can with to
have discussed. When wo purchiwied the
Willamktti'. Kauvkk, six nnd a half years ago,
it was nut over one-third the present sine, and
we hare qfoodily inlarxvil and improved it un
til it is aecoud only to the grenrcat metmioll
tu journal puhliahnt north of San Krnrjcisco.
Tlio people of this region descne to have a
newapnier of their own, and this is the only
one that can be called so, All others are sccta
lian or (lartisan to a degree that pavetits their
being accepted as exponents of tho principUs
we should all hold in common, or adto'ate of
the interests of the people collectively. It is
llntnlinll.l tli.tt ihn Ii.llr4 tlmf nuitmlirilln thn
news and an n,o,t completely occupy .he ,kM I ffja'a.tirf
of journalism, aro controlled nnd dircctc I m keeping, Poninsnshlp nnd Antbmotlo, hut
the interest of Portland capitalists, lunt Imparu snoli broml oulturo as thn llinee now
. i .- - ii .i oomnnd lor a hlKh position In tho MercaMllo
speculators mid pil.tici.ius, while tlicgi.tping Coiiiiininltv. '"""" ...o.no.vo ...
avarice of tlio most ii.tnhr.Oilo uieunil,v thut Tho employmont of only llrst-clasa Tenon-
is Known to the Piii-iilo Nuitlm est, iii.l, . o" in every nopariinoiti, anil in enn otoni
.... , , ,, iiiiuiuuin i,, us iu uivu i.urauuni niieuiiuii 11
eclves fmui it Monls of eiiiuniilidatiuii. nvnrv niiiill
lot complete syslem of
I ll wlltrll Ollfltla an. Illln.1 InAt.ln. lltn IVlinl.
iircseitt time We shall 1,0 nhlo to cou-r n itmn , lon-llouso dlrpctlv from llm School.
extinded livid than hetetofnre. Wo fhall pe ' .Tho high eundhig of lis Qrailuales In tho
the most tiiHHirtant news of each wee. tat. . I Tbo lns taken to ecnre position! for
national and foreign, so that a reader of the Graduates In good lluslnesii Establishment)..
inn niiuission or pupils or both sextsanit
nf auy aue, sn I list young bora are rendered
more manly by ihe association ol tbe pupils
of an older huh.
In driving the largest and beat ventilated
and arranged Hchnol rooms, and tha largest
yearly attendance of any Huslnoss Training
School In America.
Tbo Immediate notification of parents In"
cane nf absence of any impll, and tbe palnn
taken to keep them lurnimed of tbe progress
and deportment of their sons.
The Fact that each pupil becomes an ele
gant Dualnese Penman before Graduating.
Its departments of Modern Languigea and
Drawing, In which each pupil can recclrti
Instructions free or charge.
Its complete Department nf Telegraphy,
In which students are titled to tinier at onoo
j uwm their duties as Operators,
noes n oi issue liiiosouniaisnips, mil glrev
thorough Instruction at leasonahlo rales.
Invites examination from all Inlerestod.
Tho "CollegH Journal," giving full partic
ulars ri'acarillnir course nf lustriiutlnn. lennu.
o'n . may bo Imd at the Olllcn of tho College,
U Post streot, ur by addressing
!;. i'. iii;ai,i.
President Huslnoss CollpacSmiFranclli-o.
nfis isiii.oi:mi:t.
With the suico nt our command i .
lltMlll can have no excuse for being Iguni.vit
of all important e nits that tmnrpire r.l hi.mt
or ahi-ooil. It shall lie a iicwu.r, ami a
x.iiile8 paier ill every Impuitant sense.
The P tHMK.lt Is not only enlarged hut it
wears a new dress, our type living new, mi that
the print is plain to the oldest ryes. We hotn
to niakethu inntttr published in? its columns
correspond xith its size and general nppiaranct.
om rosiiioN.
Our editorial columns will discuss jiopular
questions on their intrinsic merits, standing nn
tho broad platform of right and morality,
where, iitifm-tuiiately, pulitical nnd so t.omn
journalism can seldom lie found, js'ihajis Is
caiiM' it is i w ido and thiir idins nel'li
and narrow, the) wnuhl Ik Inst ujioii it.
i filllll-sl'ilMil.M I! lilslUMi.
Our coirvrpuiideiicc from the jsnph l.i.s o'
wa)s Ik-iii nitireatiug, and with lni.iv ns.ii at
command and tho gie.iter circulation .' i.ro
acipilruig Milh the growth of thu State H).'iln
tiou, uo can reasonably cutset that its iutenst
will increase. Weiutito all interested n the
nuhlu oocuvtioti of agriculture and sto. l.-rnia-ing
to send ua the rtsults of their cxvrii lice,
or to make known their wauts or send inquirii s
or suggestions to our columns, so to di aw out
tho experience of others for tho nihlio good,
We hopo to make the Fahmmk acccpublc to
tbe grange by fumiahing news of tho progress
of that grtt onltr In our own region aad Ue-
where, and we shall be glad to receive roouno
nications showing the progrtws of tit irinciplN
and the good ftccnidihd by He working
inemlicni. We encounter, even among farmers,
considerable ojipositlon to thu grange, and frv
riuimt ohjectinn to tho publication of grnngu
matter; 'but we inUud to hsvn nm ir thu
Kaumkk for all, and all thu gml nbjects of the
Onler of Patrons nf Husbandry lave nur mm
est sympithy and dessrvu all thu supsdl we
can give them. It is to lio regretted that a
society thnt should havo fnr its object tie
wieinl, iiiUllecluul and material ndviun- i.ient
of the whnlu fanning pipulatinu, cain.nl Is wo
loiidiicteil .is tu iiMiiinai.il tin. siiimit mill re
KTt n( en ly f.irin-r in thu land. I'.i u.bly
tin re is n great di al nf hli lu.iri n.ituii U.-.h m
sidu and oi.t.iih' thu onlir.
tun Mwii.ri.
Wu have f.iuilitiVs. through tho mint rWialiln
nn.'ito Niurms. fnr giving thu i-uoIicuhiiI
tho he.it ui.irl.its in .san I'rai.iiiTii und I.ivci
ki 'ri'c.ivisl up tu thu hour of gning In pnss
We cm statu thu aiun.int nf tnnu.ige i.t mm.
iiiuiid lur jniii' iiu, ii'nl hnll unti'li nil nu.ttt m
that nlatoto thu j.iicu nf unilucu and tin pmr
H-cts nf thu niail.its in mtvaiicu in thu tiib lift
nl our Iradira. While ue liesltiitu to pivi en
niii.igi ment to tisi tlittiiing hi.s'S Me iievi r
hesitatn to gin nil uliabln he la to llm 4'iplo,
from whom nur xipimil isiini's iiinl mIkim jum
j . r i t y is tin. iinasiiie of oiiroun,
mi wi. snii.i. I'omisM.
In wlditioii to i r-nyt, nilgln;.l and (outiihn'
id, ulatiiij; tongrii'idtiirii and stink-michi
the I'aeitlc Nnithunst, uo (hall n.al.o
tin. .s tmiu lliu i.','if'illtiiral jiiilinitli a
piiblicitinim mu lui-iiu fi (mi all hmt
I'liicn, with tho" i iidi,im to cor
nn' -ssaiy for thy inforf.intlo'i
da--. and tl.n nilw.ncmu.t
A nitain niiioiut
rcii'iitillu leitdliig will ' t
with tniiihis nt thu
soii.utiiui'sa t-iry
(iiliiiiun. Our '
lady wliosjn
toipialify I
uhllu llli
inakn i
citntific Hmtrican.
TUc Most Popolar Scientific Pajertot.s
Only (D.20 a Year, IncludlnaT Pqatagc.
Wetikly. .V2 NumbeM it yeHf. 000
uwa wgor.
TVsfkismiic Asaacis batana Hrat-CUai WaaklT
rlstod In lbs mast UsalaU
if vll ntUhUlit Ar3s
t Urn tnmm Inrcnllant and Ui saaal.
n. .. i.1.4 u. i. 1...1..J1 --.
Horn., lli.Hh, Mtslliwl l-mimss, r-orfal Helrnra, Walural
iiiuj), ., AaUunwBf. Tl.t inwt (aluakle
ura. Ural l.nsn. tr Miilnrnl wrltan In all ilmarlmrnl
cl s Icm. will li fisin.1 In Uir bs IrDtlfl.- Amrrlnvni
Kissicacwr uf kliUan ISvm.
ful ;le, pnfuMl Uimilraltil vli tfUhtiitt
to. srMwamUna tha ns( InvrnlUafe anJ i
rrr.nl AHraiioa) in tfw Aria sail rVlram; Including JCaVr
anJlnUrwUsir facta In Acrlvultun, llortltultun , liis
Tim. , .is-r i-t, (i.nj iii.il m , miiiuh nr.i'4ui
t.fr. lilKutint tu Acrnts. rOiinle roplca, Un itiiU.
sM l alt NrwMlmlrrs. lUiult liy ismUu nrtlsr 10
. .. a , .... miiwurfi, itt iwii.iim,,ici lura.
1sTI?MllU 'i oiiiiintUm sill. Um
iV J. Juls A IJ. -iir stiric Avthicas, Mi.
M. N A M. urn M.1IUII1.1. uf Amrrliiui anil lunlcn
Iktints, l.i.( l.a.1 3 ji-ur. 'Kllis, ui.il now lue Um
k.iysti-sli.l,IUIiiiirnalii thu snrl.1, I'ntihtinrunlilaliiisi
ii lliu i i it nu. , issliil iintit-e Is mir.Ui II. II
Smimiih wihi, is nl all liiitiitliii.s ikilii.i.a i......
ti s !. .-lllitli.'lilil'AI.l,,tU.aTmsssUi4sai
In tin liiihiiim.ilriiila;.Hiiliii, jl,,.,,, i,i,r,iit If,
.s i. n.tt-il I., tlirluiill.nl u iivw luti-nt. and
nlriiu.lliiiiiltillilli iitnlnl. ."
r lll MIkiIii.IihuIi. a illuutin
la. ean a rfaln. Iimi ..f rlnrm, u hi liar
ii.i-.II. I. i.I.liImi.I. la wrllhi,. in il.
'i. .....ii.riinir llmi.l 1 1. A sUi.it li
1..I1 I. l4.ist, 'I ru.lv Uiki, tliririsi
ni.1. Hitli l.u t f,.r rirfiiiitiir sijimi
si.i.n- ii r tin llai-r, nr nuns rtiliii
Ml .SNA II).. 37 1
Irv.i ntli .Mor. I'A Till !.. tt
fiVMii:s .i. nsi
u. iiricniisn
to runl.SMi '
denvnr In
Ik) lmK
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rr. .'-.,! . . 1 1. "-. s.it & l.n.i. ti.in i dl
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