Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 03, 1879, Image 1

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    ' ,. .C . I
01 'IIAStK
S2.ao;rcr Month ,
,1 or .ii imhi. iuliint!i'i,i;air,.'orUu.f.sj
S4.00 Per month
. .!;'
55,00 6r Month tf '
MZ3D '' "
I or km- n m, i th ir.tonaMe, lrvllmt
nlntH-tnu it h iMrj; Icrif I iit tot...
SPfif3Sf.AJML ( .JfsS tK 9 V KM IV A "rWJJST '"'-- ,r. - '
WILLAMETTE FABMKR. l&$kjF- It IWI. I a 1 -I IS JP 1 Wk &&tmA
v- 47 .B jF--wtA B Wsm H H &. flP-" - f ,- - ULnr w Mil r1 sfky Ivan xviV "50 v'
-,.au verium. 4 A fiWJKirA ' IV M. I- CrSVr-flCT . f -:": . '- Mr ""-. JM, M Bi CffiW rWSsiSV KorlolmhcM
Lrcnl Adterll.emriita
PiiMMiciI on (overall? Term
IVlrlig literal Vir villi hate tprcUl fan.
not Icvt thdn t li ftt month (or a r1mai
turnty tntties, '
.1 JtllM StlHt'lU'i'.
Cnif eoo, Dee 20. The tmil of Mr- Ma
linda Muclc, ltuUcteil t JancHillc, Wi., to
. (ether witU Trim; Dickprson. for the tnunlcr
it( bi r hunbaml !ntt July, clcnul lo-iliiy, tho
jury brought iu n erJtct of K1'"''- Shown
Hcntccccil to thu htnto prlon (or life, Ihc
limit of the law iu WiftcouiJii. Dickurxon,
who toraid Btute'B evidence, fllll bn Iridl
later. IIIh evidence uuh to tho itfect Hint
she did the Lilting ith n stick of lire v.ood,
and that he moisted In con eying tho loJy
to the (.table, w here they backed u home over
it several timet to gie it the RneAriuicc of
huving Ucn klckl to deth. Illicit inU
bmoy eilitd belwora Dickcnton uud Mrtt.
Mist, .eeordlng to the latter', teilituuny, for
Mver&l moolha.
Wambicotok, Dee. 86. -It In poiitively n
, nouBcttl, m oomlDg from friend. Mid udmir-
1 r of rknator B.jmiI. that he in a oandldato
I for lh prMne7 with ttrong mnurance of
1 fM&eU) bekitiR from Mew York, which
I " they exptct to crry witn Connecticut ud
1 New JcrMy, ving with the nolid Sooth, the
t rnnlnt m.loritv in the elMtornl colleue.
I, Ul friendi re vnryMngulne of the mcce.i
V of the Drotxwed aUlnnco of tho Houth with
(the eont on a hard money platform.
Mwmhp Land Drvtnlou.
Rri-rlnrr Kcburz ha. officially denied the
application tuudu by Senutor Orocr, that
ceruiu latuH nrnunn l.iiiiu nminaui i-ukc uc
certitled to thu Stulo of Oregon nSBwump
landii. Tho nonrotary directs the gcutrul
land office to proceed undrr rulrn already h.
tabljuht'd for the adjustment of tho Oregon
ouaiup land grant which hu kim will protvet
all purtitH iuti rested, vrht'.hir pre-emption
I hi I turn or cminmm uuner Mtnto lino.
'Ir tfiittliiir fnuitrrt IT..
" Ntw Your, Die. 20. FruncU Murphy tl.o
tempt rauce lecturer, in fioitii; Went. I.ukI
. night huhoid ho had nceivedau imitation
, I from the clctgy of California to coinc to that
I State aud lecture, and he looked forward
, with pleasure to the vlit.
Another Blc Kobberjr.
New Yoke. Dtc. 27. The rcirular meHwn.
' Etrot the Importer & Trader.' Hank being
ulent to-day, a new man wai lent with the
usual connignment to tho clearing bouw.
lie wa. accompanied by the bank defectire
, fond carried $100,1)00 clearing hou.o ccrtltl
catc. of legul tenders deponlted in tho U. K.
trea.ury, l'J,t00 in U. 8. gold certitlcatcH,
$0,7CS 3i iu currency andu7 in gold. Tho
nictfteugcr on arriving at the clearing Iioiiro,
d!scovtred that all the moiuy wan gouti uud
cuuld not aecocut for it. dUuoncaruiico. lie
;Hu returned to tho bank and payment of
tun rieunuu liuute ctrtincaiea waa kiii(.u ni
tho Jreariury. J.'aymcnt of tho gold ctrtil
vJca'.CH could not no kioppni, an tiioy aro pay.
(ulilo to benii.r Tito olUcerH of the Imuk
Jotl'ir J500 rewiirdfor tU ittv.m of tUu c.T-
j .1 Humor.
It Ih r.nu''-il that a conttact has ben
nnil.t frt i.rm1!! niul lnr thf htffl triii.1: 10(i
i nilU for ihw Norihiru r.tcifle at SlO.OOOpir
T mile.
IIIMPNK III .'lllrilUMMl1.
The lUriild Kitjg to-day thut thoprobltin
of ChitiCHtt labor it bring MtcCCRifully ioled
ot hhou znauufucturing nt North Adams,
Mam. Tho opirlmi-nt whiih livgaii M-ural
j ears r;o, uud whlih led to labor couijiliou
tioim nml dintutbauctH. has ucctedid b(.
1 jotul tho hopiH of tho mint indent support-
r ovu fltt.mi.il u.ii.ili .til uiillr th,. etr.w Ik littli
n, W.....V11W I IW j'.Vt i H " w n. .. i..h
jih much freedom a auy citizen. Their
foreman, Ah biug. married a Virginia girl u
khort time ago The work shops are tilled
with au equal number of American vorkimn
and Chiuisv, all working for thu same pu.
Quito ti largo number of ChiuibO propose ap
plying for (itizensliip, mauyof them being
tilucuted, aud nuue of them joined tho
Will Union tlinnre.
WAhUtNOTON, Dec. 27. Tilden 'vill be one
the Hi t Mitnesxci called lieloro the J'otter
louimltteti when tho houso iuiitructH it to in-
vixtlgato tho cipher tilcsramx.
A Drlnullrr.
0'jwci0, Die 27. Tho board of hupervi
foiH rrpoit a ditfrcpaucv of $55,1'J7 in tho
account, of tho lute icuuty tnastuer, Luther
I Coutliiig
uilt' nml llniikfo hueit Ann,
Nnv York, Dec. 27. A report from Ior.
"au r&U H.jtl, kojn that mauy prions and
honiei-kipt away b tho rivtr, which
changed Hi ciire and crossed tho town
S: L mil Dtl Norde, about thieo mllei from
j'ott au AaiSi is rep.ud entirely detroy.il.
Ik' i;hmo l'lit'liirv lliirne I.
BcsTON, Dse 2'J The limerou piano
couipu fattory iik binned to-uigbt.
Lom. MOO.WO lusunil Eight -tio mtu
are thrown out of iiiiplojmeut.
liicu iiiiu out.
Hniiircs. D T . De.- CO. Lieut. Harry
Titlam. ot tht 11th iufautiy, at Tort l uter.
who receutly dihirUd uhilu atten'.ing u
curt tnur'iul nt tort heugu, was lrieti to
Itlliat kttp. as-erlwl, by u tbreuteutil di-
i.uto u( o l r'eii pay ueironui ujh iu i'i
Bnk, and tut jaocied lot bj him hi faro.
LifluiiY is u uetihiw cf Oeucral Juo Johuton
and the h ikbanJ of MUs lUmtt. of Ili.lti-
I more, mIi in he elundtiutr in imed .it tho
1'uliue h iu e m L hi'-Kgf liit htptumtwr.
I f n order Us u arrest tit out.
t. iU Lllfv J'lil.
Mcw.k. Di JO - FUld V Jorai . brot.
h, if. r a i - uid of 9S.LO0 for th. i rr.t of
i irL i w ii ! miued Hull, who they
llut.io i ji t itlusi tliUaifrupAiuof ;S0,000
t ,-! i i tr mm. U. ki connon IkmicU.
I: t-iKi n. m Hull armasw TLunday f.-nr '
I 0 p ,u;.'u -' tC UOSCW SHU I94U UUM
for them, llelug known, they wtro deliv
ered to him by tho cash.er. Ho counted
them, pluud them Ih his pocket and lift,
remnrkiim that he wonld step to the corner
and get n c rtlticd iheck for tho amount ut
bN 1 iik He has nut been seen nhire.
O'L-nrj Sllll finiiiiilmi.
Niw Yor.r, Dec. 29.- O'Lcary made 400
l-'.l tuik'H. Cnmpnim x'.oppid at 10:10 and
voieil tXM'i miles. Tho former appeared
quite fienh utid ailo while the latter was ut-tiilyini-d
up. Tho gate nouiy, it is said,
uill amount to J20,000, tlitun hundred of
Mhlih goea to Cumpuua, and the nmaindcr,
after expetiHea, to U'Lttiry.
O'Learj' WMf lUtnak two djjs, IhN.
bourn, ten cUftlkt. ttlj ikirty-tWe moosI.
altogether. GtMpuu, day, tw.ntythr.
bourn, thirty mlailM .! forty tecond.
CumtHina, iu an addra to the cro d, charged
the trainer ho had in the early part of tho
week with pAmbiing him, and Mid if he had
hi. prevent trainer at the beginning, h.
ouhl hm e won by at least (HI milt., He
concluded by onVing to ran any man in
EagUnd or America a twelve day. match
for $10,000.
WuinmaTOK, Dec. 29. l'oUl ohange. on
the r.cltlc Count tluriiig the but week are a.
follows: Established Novelty, King Co.,
W. T (leorgo )). lloyce, lf. M. Nome
ebaugrd Willow Forks, Umatilla County,
Oregon to 1'cttysTille. Fostmaster ploint
isl -Dntid Bommem, Bmnmervllle, Union
Couuty, Oregon; Joseph, Zich, Clackamas
County On gon.
Clerk. Illnehnriceil
About lull riiilwiiv tol nftlce clerks, route
agetils nlid 1'ieal agentanill bo dUclifirgi.il,
anil the pay ol irioso rcmnluiu-j tie retiuioti
to bring ixpuiditureH within appropriatl mis.
Jlnrc Crave IIoMiIiik-
CnirAi.o, Dec. !I0 'onulderablo ixcite.
mint has bem liiuuifeHt among Ibu llilhe
minus siuco last Saturday night, Mhiu they
dlM'ovircd that their ceuutery hud hem
vlol.itid and tho umainsof ntutHcjenr
old girl inmed Mathilda Stublng taken from
n vault The police to-night dlscoveied tho
body iu the rooms of the Chicago Medical
Colli ge, but nothiug is known us to the pro
pctrators of the outrage.
Nmrlet l'cver.
Nkw York, Dec. 30.--Oue hundred and
eighty dtntlis occurred during the pat etk
of scarlet fever; au increase of bO uitou the
pruvious wcik impels tho board of health to
lake uctlou.
Nlrnnier Heard I'roin.
Thn steamer Glamorgan, from China aud
Japan for this port, aud reported mtsiug,
has been heatil from. She, arrived at IUr
mundii on Dec. 10, and cleared the samoduy
for her destination.
YWlow Ir.
New OitL&iK, Dec. 30. Tie ellow fever
coiiiiiilttoo hao iinivtil (rum asluugtnu,
uud tho sti.te iisse'iubly coiumlttet havo
heard tho lermt ol tb- eiperts who iuos.i
gated tho subject ilunug the Full.
Itesllliiillini till) '
The secretary of the treasury lauclis at
aiiuoiiucimeuts that lio will be in Now York
City ou Thursday to iitues tho enVeU of
sjieeiu ictuiiiitiuu. "Why," ho said, "a
good many persons think there vill bo some
Woluit ouiumiillein ou th it iln, 1 huo no
doubt that I", will bo one of the UKint quiet
days New Yo'k has i-ierexpiriiucid. 'Iliero
miiy bo homo few peuous attiacted by curl
ohlty, uud otlnntii ebt.iln a little coin for
tilth- nntiH, buttheie willbouo excitement."
Winn business closed .it tho tri usury depart
ment tii-d..y Iho available coin baluuce was
220.0UO,UUO, of which $200,000,000 is gold.
Tho currency babiuio wus $12,ri00,000.
There win. ?SU3,2b9 pild out to-day iu cur
leuey to persons preferring legal tender
notes to gold.
An Insane Wile.
NfcWLVliloitT, Mass., Dec. 31. At South
Ihtleld last lilght Jomi II. t'alduell, uged
15, w lulu kneeling iu family )rucr was iu
btantly killtd by his insane wife, who uplit
hU head open with au UU.
lleolriielMx I'lrr.
IIiiLrsi:, Ark., Dee. 31. A fire this morn
ing dcKtrojul inueh valuable pioperty in the
buplnens pait of tin city. Loss, 90,000;
insurance, $02,01)0.
A l'nlnl Urror,
CfiiPiMLir, Ky.,De9. 31. Last Saturday
uiL'ht Mis. DlcLersou, iu atteuiptiug to iildu
tiio which sho hud kindled, seueda kegeou
t..iullig koiuo blasting powder and threw a
haudlul on tho lire. Tho dash reuehed the
keg ami a tremendous cxplotion followed,
inn loping l.er iu u sheet of tlnme. She was
so b.ull,v bullied that she died this uiomiug.
Three of l.ir ehildieii who were it. the room
ut Hie time of the cxploiou who i.Uuveiy
b idly burned. 'Iwo ol them urc not expect
l tu Inc.
Ilio Ami) 11,11.
Wauinoto.n, Dec. 31. Opiiositiou to cer
tain features of the at my bill incieases, al
though thtro uro many ptovisious which
meet wtlh geuttu! approval. Its enlarge
imutof the nnntir piwer i.t the cimt of
civil uutliority exults wide entieum, r.nd
the tiut iii.uii) i. iimer.il Miernmn iih
i tTit.int l!.i'line nlld li-lkliup l.te ll'-'
cullril to the prt-judiio f the tueamire. The I
uOiidgUicnt of thu iii'itr i'f the pre-ldent in
the miMpiiaii-n: of .t.tit ullieers, uanlug hint
ilrjieniKi.: npun the f.nnrof th" r,cnrnl of
tho army meets with tlisdoor. uu 1 Is helv
to bo stm-lt u fruui thi. bill. The pnU-bif. i
Itles lirtlut bulb lb. hell .le ilUU hollil.l
lit. I-It I lit v tl I.. 1 Utll IkA .ll.UJ ..1 -
wr.'o the powrr uf the ouif tuilitary com.
t:iaudr iu u time of imacu by liuiUmg th.
powers of th president, vvho is th CobdilQ
tiounl eamm-ader-in-eliiel.
lisulite rolaaatn?.
Jtocwies, Cons.. Dec. 31. Th VKsaat
ecnm ojMsced tbi a-oivlug (wlht trt-J at.
' '
lvnti) Cobb and Weidoy W. lllsliop, charged
with tho double poisouiug of llishop's wife
aud .Mrs. Cobb's husbsiid, It vns dicideil
to try tho caso of Mr. Cobb first. The Jury
was imjianelcd, and tho taking ot tvide ui e
mas 'cmincnciil
rouKius. .r.ws.
Dkiius, Dec. 20.-Tho eaptoiu and" ofll
cers of tho Foinerania havo bt en acquittetll
Inquiry decided thnt human clTort did nl
that wiu possiblo to avoid a coltitlou and
loss UU.
Oasuaell vt Genes a.
OlIIHttDu, U6. Tho great council ol
Qamtta bsslasMpted the principle of separa
tist! u lekmrch aud State, and bus appointed
m oomraittM to examine a separation till.
arlM. DLmMr,
London, Dtc. 20, It ii feared that the
State of Loaisiansi, on a rock in Lorn. Loch,
will bo lost with much of her cargo. f
('a-Usuae-d s Death.
Miuunj. Deo. 20. The supreme court jo
lie ha. finally condemned to death Juan
Monoasi, who att(initid to assasainat. tho
king on tho 26th ot October.
Mawrta-r Arraaa-txt.
The Impartial annonncrs that a marriage
bos been arranged between Infanta Filar,
sister ot the king, and I'rince Dc Joiuville'k
oldist sou.
A Terrible Htory.
I.io Jankiiio, Di c. B. A tetegrAm from
Ceiilii, iu Ninth llruzil, leports that deaths
In tho capital from smallpox number 000
dull). Tho distress in tho interior of the
prnUticu isappidllug. The people nrr ile
counug carriou and tho coipscs of the dead.
.si.-xli'Mii lliililier..
Citv or Mkxico, Dec. 20.- ltobbers at
lackid n trnlu for Yeiu Cruz, near l'neblo,
nu tho 11th, killed tho baggage muster,
mutinied tho conductor, aud esruped with
j20,lHK) in sih'er.
A I'alnee lleMriiynl.
Caii.o, Deo. 27.-bdm palace, the Win
ter lesldeuco of tho kheJhe, was half de
stroyed by flro yesterday.
I'aaad Urate ne-il.
London, Der. 27.-Slr William Hsyter,
formerly n well known Uberul member of
parliament aud at one time secretary of the
treasury, has been found drowned iu nlake
on his estate in llerkshire,
4'Htliollr I'osrr,
Iloxrv, Dec 27. A special convention with
the object of organizing the Catholic hier
archy in Ilosuia aud Herzegovina, will short
ly bo signed by thu Votlcau and Austria. It
is ktutettbat twehn new cardinals will soon
bo appointed, thrto of whom will be fotelen
. tairlleo i:mlel-
London, Dee. 29 Tin) Oldham cotton i p-
piriuucs klriKo IiMrtuully enileel.
A l.nrKK I. mill.
MaMiIP. Die. 29 'Iho Senate has pnM.d
tiiuillj it bill iiti.'ulliug the coutiiu't fui a
loan of I-!5,OUU.lM:i pinatis . .Hi the r-p.in-i'h
(.ulonlul I mil;, and ml ptnlab.il authui-
Iziug a niiv luu:i guuiiiitiiil I'.v tiuuniy
bunds. Tho liin sirft id th" deci v ui elv.
mg the . often.
No Ai'xii,
It is rejiorted tliu: u Anal npp al cf Men
cist's obuiise! hits i.tcn ii ji t.tc '.
Itiiiiiiilur il ci'i'i'i.
CoNSTAKTiNotii, Dee. 29. (iieece has ix
piesncil to the powers her satisfaction at tho
iiiitiitiio tnkin by the porta in appointing
eoiumihsiom rs to negotiate upon thu frontiir
question. Orei co intends to come to uu un
ite rstuudiug with Turkey without the media
tion of the pouus,
Ilmln sml Turliej.
It is expictcil that a me mil uigotlatlnn in
tho iliscu.siun relutho to n deiluitiwi treaty
with ItilHMU will bo appointed. Negotlu
tiuns will begin liumtdlutel ltasilu, it is
aid, will lint enact immediate settlement of
indiumity, but will accept n piomUe of tu
tuiourruugcmtut. As boo ii us the treaty is
ktgnid, thu eucualion ot Tuikish turnery
b the Itasniftus begins.
Men Seliiiol lln.M.
London, Dec. 30 An account of the riot
of th students of the University of Kelt!,
I'ussla, says thut thu students, iu u meeting
outn.do ths town, decided to piotest against
tho closing nt the utiiwrni.y, A number of
well iirnml proceeded tu Hu utiiwrity, foi"
ing then uy in nftir iliturmiiig tho poliio,
uu 1 lui'd nu a liiiiel.biiurd an u rgetU' r
lest ugniuit thi iirlfitiuryproonling.tif tue
iiuthontiri.. '1 nu companies nf loi.il i..ilitii.
tri.il tu ilipere Iho student'. iullinu
i.iud Mil persons With killed and
Wi.liudcd. A e.iMiliy folio t'.nitliy eleaud
the squiiiolll flotit nl the mmer-.it . him.e
snub uts wen nireited. himtl.ir r.uts mm
btialler i-c.uk b.-onf on: iii otln r uu;-. i-r-ity
t)Wiin. It li l,e lid that tin. If is an inten
tion of prpcl.uiiiiug it statu of niic iii Kiill
and r.l.i.ikut).
Trinililt' Alieml.
LOUDON. Deu. 3(1 The Auieir of Afghan
lit.Ui Das 11 or 17 legliuelits at Ilellit. urid if
he can letiiiu lin hi)il nexr tbeiii uud muni
taut his s'lprcniiuy tu Afghan '1 i.iki!mi, ho
may .t.ll uer foriuidable npiMisiltou to w
koli Khkli orwlititovtr tu ol i.ngland sets
up in iioutlitin Afgluuibtau. 'lbs Aiuiir
leieuseil Yukiuib l.tillcr IUcs.uro fl 'i th
(lllilsttl ehifs, uh'i would til iillurf i. ui tu
lui.vu Ci.bul witb-at uppu.iu.ug his i, iet
ur. .'. I rcue'.i :iunl,
1'iri , D-.' 3J - la v .n qu- nee of aury
it..dson MatunUy Uv.-n liurou lUvuut,
a ilipluibait.' atl4ilii, si.i c'oaot lV-uU, a
forvVtn otU.er, . duri itu sisunlb a b-ug).'
yiwt'id iy, The Count nee.rvd tu ve.uti'
one. tt-ttoa..
Thy Oennnn Torlfl.
Dmr, f. 80.1ii aH-abaorbluf
' tlK 4tWtfiai itoatiw. Xli.i.!'
uioAow 'is silting in tho buudsrath, when the
hnncellor's lettu on the customs taritl will
be cousidfied, is awaited with tho greatest
interest. Free traders intend calling a hugu
lueelit:!' in this city iooii for tbo purjinse of
pirtcsilug against llismr.rrl. s policy.
IhnrcHl With Trr-iMMi.
llrioi.ecr, Doc .10. The Official Journal
publishes uu indictment for high treason
against the pretender Karageorgew itch. The
indictment alleges that he formed a plot tu
assassinate Prince Milan ut Seiueiulria lust
November. Tho Prince, howcicr, btiug
named, disembarked at Dnbrovitza.
KttKland'N ludastrlrti.
Loveox, Dec. 31, The Times, in a finan
cial summary for 1878, says tho industries
have ben disorganized, credit shaken, and
failure, multiplied on every hand. The fail
ure will bo nearly five thousand more than
last year. Not only have wages been reduced
nd many thousand of artisans thrown out
employment, but many Ihooaaodt above
the artisan class are either in actual want or
on the confines of it; that increasing num
bers, are driven to grant bills of sale on their
effect, i atae aigra of what I going on In the
ranks nf tke lower and middle clss.ee.
aapa.le-a Kavataata.
IIombat, Dec. 31, The govsrnroent of
Candohar has ordered a levy of tho whole
mole population to resist the Dritish. The
people have responded heartily.
RwiM Hoauan 'alhollr.
OkNkna, Dec. al.-Hwiss Iloman Cathol
ics, bnin;i receded permission from their
siiHiriiUHto xoteat elcclloiisot parish prli sts
instead of lefirint; the old Catholic a monop
oly of this prjvllere, hao just carried by -140
to 22 the nomination of n Ilomun Catholla
prlist at fialgrller, in Herucse Jura.
A Ntrnnii Death.
San FnAJlcisoo, Deo. 20. At nu early hour
yi stt rthty morning Louisa Willlamsou, n na
tive of (iermsny, 41 yearn of age, died sud
denh at ."to. 221 Facitla stre-ni. Shortly be
fore her death the, according to n statement
made liy her husband, utid that on last Hun
day nljhtiifco was knocked down, beaten
and kicikeUs cna John C. Keith. It was
thought thsT'ner death was the result ot in
juries nm-mM. Accordingly otllccrs or.
rested KwrV)n a charge of murder. Yea
terday afternoon an uutopsy won held and it
was discoveiY'l that Mrs. Williamson died
from Mriouv apoplexy. Keith states that
ho had seme trouble with Williamson on
Sunday night, but did not havo any with
Mrs. WiUjamson and did not strike hir.
.".Arrltleulal Dealh.
. l.iik:otiy Taluk..
hiM FnAjeciso., Jun. 2,tColoueI Mosby
iiniri'd in this city last night aud is stoppiug
at the l'alace Hotel. He was iutenlewed
anlho says that Grunt will bo thu next pres
lib tit. nml thut two or thrio nf the Southern
States will gt tor hit. He leaws for Churn
on Sa'.uidny.
SIiiiiiii CiintnieiH,
Tin nu i.iorln! thi Lnstrrn ship owners
aim uurciiauts to cjuugrt'M lor a Mil to ri-g
ulate itltei-Stiiti ennuiitrte, utttaets consul
libit utteiitioii here 1. is feared that tho re
cent Atlantic r.nd I'm Hie fr ight monopoly
cmitiucts liuee siriously Injuud th uiireau
til' and agricultui.il lutein! of California
uud Oieuoii.
smliteii Ilenlli.
Caiitiilu Halts, of licilitli v. uci.il !M ears.
dli d ut the l'uliiCK Hottl last night of heart
ilisiase. Ho bus l..i go business iutirestaiu
i:rinn I'orll.iiiili
CotiHtab'o Hull, of San Jose, arrii'il from
1'ortlanil ytsteulay, with Thomas Moore,
charged with burning 00,000 feet of lumber
a; n.iriitogn, e m,
i:iiiieneli. t.ll Ily.
Tho colored people of California celebrated
emancipation iluy nt Oakland yesterday, by
a grand provehilnn, readings, orations, i tc
There wus nu imuiem-i ciowd jiiisent.
YllotMA, Dtc. 20. - short time before
di) light this morning, Vndnw Hourgansen
weut to thu Oonlil und r.rry dump niur his
hotiKO, to gather wood loich nils run out of
tho uilut) with t'jo dobns.. Ho enmo to tho
hocsd with ai. nnnfii und wi nt back for a
second, but was so long gone that his wito
became uticasv uud went to. to what wus tho
matter. Sh found him deod besldo the
ilnuqi, with thu light sidii of his foreheud
iiimpletely crushed in Near the body lay a
piece nl inn by HCiiliting six feet long
with blood on ono cud. It is supposed that
iloi.lgisieii was stru.k nu the head by the
i ml niul corner of this stick, which probably
fell mill ll.u tinmway ouio 40 feet above.
A cariiiuu n uv minis nun u. ut a ear load
f dniiip i.bo t tti.it timi.ln.t (-..iv no one
aid kiijun i.otlilng of tin maiil.ir in which
the uuidcnt o t nml.
fn.t.i- I.e ii Ii.
VlciuMA Di-c. i'll. tin r-tu.tiiship Call
foir.iu air.M'i..t Liiiiuid Inlet nn Sunday
fiom I'oit H ai ,ej and Ntku. Mie brings
word of n i'. idful munlei i.t th fnnucr
place ou tho )3th u,kt . u man u mid 'nhu
iiovl h.MUg shot uinl lilted uuo Tlioiuu
O'liiieii aitb i t thi il.iilltot pruvooutl'in
'Iho eitiz'i.s t" H thu Jaw iiilu their iwn
buiiil" all I ir.,. I tho liir.nle'nr before a jUI)
.eleetrd bj I i (. He was foaud g'Hty
..u,'. huu.'rtl the ICtJi in the prtntklire nf
iiu l.id...i. ki... au uriuid sejud of i) cm
Cus, "
k'.oj;io4C J),ti!,
linry W i,-:.j,it, m, Ut 1 years has
. ,t u i..-k lt' nu Itle i-'i.ner ol Tnird and
tisiu Mit.lt. Juki uu tit ilrnftt) d. id
i U. ... ia(ruMti( the U,'. lU
till v r o( ay.
-ksstl foveUaat4ag.
. 4o. f.-The wbwl In
w4n to o clo. k
prepared and mailed the questions, and that
ho knew nothing about them, hhe could
not itnngiiie1 how they got out. Moore, who
was so str, ugl) impllcAteil, is charged with
per;i rj and ca'nuot bo fonu 1.
Tim IN utitnr Ni lelile.
Pe'din Siliuac, n Perulatl n fugr, com
mitlid suicide .Mftirday at the Ilurtlitt
House, Oakland He lift n lcttir to a for
mir landlady, thanking hir fur her kimluiss
to him and bidding hei good-bye.
llislronl liy lire.
Mr. lUthbuue's residence ut Menlo Park
was dietroycil by lire. Thu building with
Its eutlie contents was tmrnril to the ground.
The origin of the flro is assigned to au Im
perfect duo. Tha family are all in Paris.
Loss, $40,000; fully insured.
Too MmcJ. Turkey.
San FftAKOHCO, Dec, 87. Tho. Warren,
r native of 'Mary land, aged 48, -and an in
mate of the coanty alraafcoaa. was anflfeealcd
oft Chrlsfsa by a turkey bone which lodged
In hi IhK-at.
ISMtKus HanctMl.
Bah Dnsoo, DecT 2T.Je Luis Osuna, a
half-breed Indian, waa )MBftd in th jail
Jard this morning at 10 JO for the innrdsr of
oha Jndklna near Baa Diegnito last sum
mtr. The Sheriffs arrangementa were com
plete, and tho whole was over within eight
minutes from the time the prisoner was
brought out of his cell. His neck was broken
by the fall and death was instantaneous.
Sapimwd Nulelde.
Monti nrr, Dec 27. Lewis Little, rigid
01, n forty-ulni r, aud a wealthy merchuti
nf this place, was found .touting in tho bay
this morning by n t'lfhormun. Tho suppo
sition is that he committed suicide. Ho left
his house about 8 o'clock last evening, leav
ing a largo sum ui uiurnyaud other r.lu
able. Iu his room.
Iliniielt's I'oliir :smiIIIIhi.
Sin Fi.anoio, Die. 27. -Tho Jiunet e,
Jamin Gordon Ileum It's yacht, which is to
mako an expulition to thu Arctic Sea by w.-y
of llehrings Stralls, arriicd this afternoon,
105 tlnys from Huwo. She will be tilted out
In this port for hir Arctic voyage in the Po
lar Sra.
Drowned H'lille Nkallnrr.
ScsAhMU-L', Dec. 20. -T. P. Askbrook, a
school t.schtr, while skating ou Honey Lake
lust Friday, fell into an air hole and was
drowned. The body was recovered yester
day. Tho thermometer stood two degree.
uboe zeio thtH niorulug.
i'undiielur Injured.
Maiivsmiam', Dec. 29. -Conductor Janus
Welch, nl an nccomotutlon train on the C.
A-O. II. It., bad bis left leg fractured two
places bolow tho knee while his train was
coinlig north aud whs crossing the Yubu
river bridge; by n railroad tio cMn.! dis
jiluci'd, striking tbo briilfe and imiielliug it
ugidnst his leg. Tho wouudid .nun was
takeii to Sairaiuinto by the uiorinui' train.
U Utii., I liy Unit-.
Millie U," el.l.st s.i. o' W L M-'l'..),
wus stMrtlyui' ml 1 ,. fr.n tiou iiiub to
iln niily a n mli ..co it yoiini-'ti brothr
uf Hie lad . ! .tally ny ml by th UiK of
u In nt
Oitiiiui il,
Ka-, Tu i :-1 . Dot. 29. t iibo.it noon
to-ila). Henry iliutoi. hotter kiiown tuln
mn nil is of Hu Ocean limine r.nd Lukn Mer
uit us "Harry, the 'oa'.imn ' wus instantly
ktllotl by Hu iiccidiutul elisiharvv n u gnu.
Harry wusiiUiut to take a eoiiplo of sprntt,
nit u out uu tho luki- in his bout. As ho wus
sti pplng into th boat, holding ono uf tin n
guns by tbo lirnl,H Wt.i discharged, the
loud ticking ilbet in his buwils, iiiiiktng u
frightful wound Ho Ml buck with au tx
clamatlon ami dud lliKtalitly. llecniHtd
was a (lirmaii, ucmI :!e, und wus iiiiieh likul
and isteeiiied ly u lurgi urcieof uiqi.uin
taiuis Kllltsl liy ii lull.
(lirn.nouN, Cul , Die. aVI. A liiitii
uuiuid Alilnti (I !raos, will known in this
county. Ml fm.ii u tiistlo nt tho Volcano
m. in, VulcniiuMlle, SitiinUy, the 2Mh He
iii.nl was u Mttlwi ot Mum u'husi tts, S2
ye nis of i.go
A Mlnnllutr Srriiie.
hA Amii.kah, Deo. 30 In the shooting
si i a o lit ru this aftiruouu betwien .lohu
llliijkburn uud a Freuhmau, Frank Dis
ilmu, with Colt's revolvers, tho lattir wus
killed and lllackburu was slightly wounded
In the shoulder, 'Iho ilisturbuucu grew out
ol ii ilikpute conci ruing somo frogs.
I lr lit IteilHouil I'll.
ICrnwooii Citt, Cab, Dec. 39. -'IhoAmer
nun Iiur.se, the lilgist hotel iu this county,
wus buriuil this im ijuug ut 2 o clock. File
is supposed to hue o ..uiijjlit from ik ilefei tivo
ehimiiey, us when Hint diai.'oM n d thu entire
uttio was ou flro. A puition of the louteiits
of the l.utel weru hu tl. I.O.S about $22,000,
insured fol I'JIOfl'ou hnvso and $2,000 on
" Tim Meiillier.
San Hi ksaW.muu, Dici'OU A splendid
rmii is fulling i.t intervals sitico 0 o'clock lust
opening. Iho wind is suulliimit.
Till' lilirtlllll 'hp,
Yistenlay noun, wlulo nulkiug across the
jinl, prtuuir ('liurcuiil Ml seiiMis on thu
llour His pbysn i.m. on being suiuuiuuiil,
stati I thut th intlaiitiiintory iheuuiatisiii,
from whiih In had salkud, bud ntloctcil Ins
bra III. At Hits wilting hu is Mill luseiulble,
although uppuronlly stiuger. In court this
in -ruing Mr il.tymotul stutul thut ho wus
',' igd tu b" iu h icruuientu uu the nib iiwt ,
and tiskrd thut lhu c k.o go oui. (u utyii'
II i nf the pruMfOUtion tho court i.deil that
'. 1.,'niuud s shutting dnl nut aftoid suftki.ul
i CM) ior etiiitn.u u. ii, Th dints, of
i luieblli i. then UlHd, uud lb" eonri
iputicuuitl luru phvai'.iuu to ctiicoiuu L.
i judlUun. A rtoei wa. tbeii tiki n uutil J
i'. H. Tue j rem-'cntiiiii tb hind t 1 1'.'
UIIV " "-- I Ma' '
NO. 46,
Iho i itleuro of the physicians, decided Hut
it was iiniiussililii to try Cbmchill ot present,
and put tho case nvir until the first Tuesday
in Mm i'Ii. Ml othir innnlrr cans also stand
potpiitii'd to the March turn of coutt.
r.lllf I rrnin Hie I'liMJ.
S FiUM-ts'-o. Dec, .10. At n meeting
held at the sand lots yesterday Kearney in
limlncid a resolution .pilling Dr. 6. O.
O'Donnill from tint Workljigmi n'n purly,
Tho ib legates to tho Cousllintiniiul Converf
tlou wero requested to solo for his expulsion
from the Coiiseution,
iilillshra n Card.
Mrs. Carr is out in a column letter luto
iluy'n Chronicle, defending the State School
Hoard and coring Muun, city superintend,
tut of Public Schools.
Notable Death.
Captain Henry J. Johnston, for mauy
yearn commander of the steamship prlzaba,
died on Hatnrday night after -a short HU
lies.. Be wssoneof the most popeilsr of onr
coaut cptaina,, and was to take h'ffnj
of the now teamakip State of California now
building in Philadelphia and bring her to
this port. AU' the flag on the ahlpplng or
at half mast in respect to hit memory.
AeeMeatally Boat,
John lUrkhorn, aged 19, was killed yea
terday In Stockton by the euNlese uaetf a
shot gun in tho hands of George Hpeckman,
aged 14,
A Mr. Lynn, while walking on Montgom
ery street last night, was robbed by footpad
of a gold watch ami chain, which tiny grabbed
from bis po 'kit. Hti pursued Hum, but they
ilroppisl tho watch and escaped.
The Keciilnr Kiile-lito.
Has FntKitMo, Dee. 31, An old man
nuincdJohn II. t'oorr, who urrlieil hero Jrnm
Portland on the lust trip of thu Great 11.
Illlblil'. I'Ollimltti'd Sllli'iilo lartWMknt N'n.
ij'it) Foutlh street, by hanging hiuimlf to a
gas p nui'iii iu tun room. ,o cuuso is kmiwa
fur thu act. ,
Truelii'i. Illkiul.sed.
.lohu A. Moore, Mrs. Cleiy, Koto Nugla,
Miss Little, Miss Ctouin, Mrs. Gamble, Miss'
McFutluii and Miss Hiiulon havo been dis
missed by tho School Hoard as unworthy to
hold positions in thn department.
Great excltiimcnt was crinted ou Capp and
Eighteenth yreets, in Ibis elty this morning
by an nttetff)t of Otto Linden to .iIhIucI his
child Irmik of an nuut, recently upiminted
guardian by tho eouit. Tho child was res
cind aud ri turned tu then uut.
Murder niid Nulelile.
Thomas Cooky, a shoemaker living at
954 Howard street, last night shot niul cut
his wifu horribly. She soaped from him.
aud breaVirqf thrc3ti thn slum window to
tho sunt was found Try polko uftlceis, wliu
took lmi to thn hosiiitul in a rrlllral loudl
liuu Hi r liusband was found In n luck
ruiim qnitu ib ml, wild his tluo..t fill from
i 'ir m mi, with his iiwuhiiuil knife. A bubo
ti n uiuiitlis nltl t.iis hoping quietly uu the
Die I ri'iirli iriinli.
A uniting uf llo huus il pii-ilnrH was
bold luxl night, nml n i-oIiiIioih i.pii'snii;
loutlili'li'ii in lliei.iiiiagiuiiiit wiro udiijiti'il.
Tin iiiiistigatiuiii'uiiiiiilltio Miy they will be
ublo Iu puy 00 ptr ii lit.
iiIiiiiiiiiiii lliirnitl in litiiili,
San 1'inN.ivti, ! t 31. An nlnriii uf dm
nt 11 '0 to-day, was tniisul by au uxplimiuu
in ii t'liuu so uiutili fuettiry ut thn curuerof
Fourtitiilli uud Shotwill struts, A lurgn
liuu nf phosphorus, sulphur nml other com
bustibles ixpliuhil niul Hirlumdy biiruisl
thriuChliiumiii. Liquid llio lluw in all ill
iiitiuus uud lighting on ihn clothing nf the
unfortunate wiukmii', initlopul tiniii in
lli.iiiis. Il took but a fiw minutes to ottlu
guish thu lire, but ti.u uf tho nun weru dun
gi re usly und nun f dally burin d. Thu dam.
itgn wus otht iwlst tiitliug.
A .Men l.lllle I'lul.
San IlfVAViMfiiA Die 31. -Shortly af
tir noon todij .Jcsm M. Innts, priucipul
wituisH fur the pruMCiitimi nf thu iiiuriler
eiis. uliiut.iiily wuit Ih fore It. ('. Carlton,
ii notary public, und uuin in uu utll lavit In
hisnuii handwriting, about us follows: Tli.it
hu ui'ir taw thn uiniilir conimitlml, nor
bund nf it 111! noon next day, having iiih.ii
the night iu Pub' I iiiynu, that two ilitie'
tivis, It, II Hill ami Joniillmu Joins, told
him thut thu .Mon s could get Spaniards to
swear to liny tiling, uud thut either by jaw or
through u mob, lit. would bo hung If hu
didn't till, niul thut dt tu the Joikh prom
1st d him S'iliO cash, aud $1,0IHI iu two wuks
tu tell his story, and Hint, In III ting ha would
bo huuged if ho ilnlii I du so, luudu up his
tory Iriiiii othir nuiliuie. '1'hu nllldatit
got s imihiiiirulily Into ilit.ul, but Huso urn
thu wilii nt limn! turns cniitaiiiiil in it. 'Iu
tniivcrsutioii, Jniits suns Hut ho dues not
tun whut tho priiMciitlnii dots tu hlui, uud
that bu will not ugiin linatliw i vnUucu
fl;uiiist ihn prisunirs
hAN 1 iiANi iti ti, ,J.,n. j, Thostt.uutr Anj.
tluliu, lioin Sytluey brings tlates tu lhcem
her Mb 'i'lu minister of public work bus
loio'iiiiitiiikil nu impoH.inl t xtiusiou tu (lt
railwuy systim nf thu euluny, liivna.iii!
Iheiii by from MJU to l,U90 units.
1 In suite uf hcuuu n in tin t iiiploy uf Hi9
A. h. N I'o. eoiituiut-K Proposals imvo
bet ii kuiniiiiii it i, i , ii id ..mi rviiH-ti j 0j
thesiitvul th n u liny h4i eft Uikiulwl
that tho tolnjil.y tiihptiun w,li ;, i , mxg
in Ui ir . uplo,, , wiiilo til' i j.up.ny U4V0
ib il.ued to outer in n.iy iii.-tiuiin. i ,r t.
tkiiii ut of qitttuiis . luting l. lh 1 11. 0 . OB.
liieul of i'aiur- , mini ila m. u tt . t
duly nu l.o.id ihir fctsuui'is, e..c j
wiJ: bu wiluu,: to "-hiuii ih mutt
I '
I .