THe H06 Circle. Conducted by Mm. llAtinioT T. Cliuki. Tho Truo Statesman. Tlic tnAn vlioc jiuroo lies within la's will Kikihp tlint success conies not liy elianccbut ckill: Set tint tlio pits which ffirtiint! enn hestow Mny lie tho mils or traps of friend or fool Tiitoted tiy patience, u.iit" till he is sure That lie means will make success secure, And having chosen te him is best, Trusts his courage will nclucc the rot. The timely jeiit which liafllcs it strikes, Sculls nt the wisdom which a mob tlUIiltct, Ailniitly turns a truth to an oHense, Anil slyly mnkes n butt o( cuiiimun sonsc, Succeeds, because tho licrson it assails, Though ho bo honest, in discretion fulls. The fact which makes tho most of little things, Tho wit which of ten mocks, but rarely stings) The art which never satires needless pain, Hut meets unguarded censure with disdain, AVhieh rarely wills to volunteer a blow, Which never lets men seo it shirks n foe, 'Which flirts no opiortutiity away, Which can bo serious and which can be gays Thu prudence which is never led to feel Untimely earnestness or misplaced zeal; Thu cautions jiolicy which gains its ends, Hut never seeming to neglect its friends; The skill which makes its party feel it must Meet constant faithfulness with constant trust; This is thu wisdom which, nt least in part, U.iu statesman needs, ns parcel of his nrt, If ho were only iblo to discern What is tho lesson ho needs must team, And having lennit it, wholly cast nsido Thudieams which fn'cnds dcpluru and foes deride; Simla-off the dread which makes him stand nghat At tho poor phantoms of a ixiwcrlcss past, Which, like thu shadows of thu dying day, (Jrow vast and vaster as they fado away; Could turn from dull logomachies to deeds, Study a nation'i) dangers and its needs; Could catch some, little knowledgo of tho nrt Which, whilo it claims tho reason, chains tho heart: Kind what tho problem Is of social life, Kirmivi! tho ceaseless impulses of strife; Lend nil his powers to Justly arbitrate lletueen tho honest interests of thu state; Check thu crtidu Insolence of rank and wealth, And civu tho people lioiie, contentment, health Soothed by tho iicus, I'd mutter, in my bed, Cassandra Ureg may screech of "Hocks ahead." I'rom Temple liar. SHE ANSWERED NO. JlV MILS. II. J. II. - They stood at tho altar; tho one at his tide All blushing and trembling would soon be his bride; Kind friends gathered 'round them, tho young and tho fair, A priest In the robes of his office was there. How holy, how solemn, tho vows to bo given, An ongcl was waiting to bear them to heaven; The priest bade bcr answer for weal or for woe In faltering accents tho answered him no. She spoke, to her lover in tones fraught with jiain Your promiso is broken, to trust you is vain; 'When breathing your vows on this altar diviuo Was wafted to me a strong odor of wine. To-day wo were plighted; you promised me then Your honor j on never would tasto it again. All vainly they pleaded, she still answered no; Wedding a tippler briugs misery and woo. Yuu may lay nil tho wialth of worlds at my fcit, And ml: untold pleasures my joy to compute; Hring earth's rarest jewels encircling my brow, All fail in u balance with one broken vow. Lit tlioi-o who would censure her look oil lUGllIIll, Seo victims of rti'ii everywhere to bo found; Sio wius brokeiidieartcd, hear widows' tad w ail, And thouraudt of orphan lepcat their sad talc. Oh mini sad destroyer, thy withering breath Kills our lieautiful world with shadows of death. 1'iir worse than the night whiu on Mldian's plain, The pride of tho nation in auger was slain. (icmiK.N, Or., Nov. SO, Itt'b. A BACHELbR,SDiNNER. "Aleck," Ud Mrs. Iln-tlng-?, with u troubled look on licr f.iee, "do you think you could get your own dinner to-day? Uildfjet lias koiio to spend the day with her hick cousin, while Nelllo mid I nro obliged to go down to Mr.. .Soiumer'."', ns It Is her livt day tit Ueakgrove. It Is a long drive, und we ahull not bo homo until evening. I don't like to leave tho houo entirely alone, or 1 would rather you would dine nt the restaurant. "Don't worry, mother," ho s.ilil, gilly, "I prefer getting my own din ner, and I fancy I can do It in such u manner as would make Bridget bltiili for hor calling. I'll manage, never fear. Why it Is Just tho easiest thing in tho world. All you have to do Is to consult a reelpo book, and work by rule." With n doubtful smile, Mr. Hast ings left tho room, and It was not long ere ho heard them drlvo away. "Alone, am IV" he t-oliloriulsed. "I supposo I might as well comiienee, then. What o'clock? Well, allowing for my inexperlonce, 1 mn have It all 1.. I... 1.1 nl..l...l. T.,i,itr " IVUUy LJ I- ll"Cl ' vv........ Rummaging tho pantry, hn found tho iccipo book, and It was at lea-1 half an hour beforo ho could make up his mlud what to have, "I'll Imvo warm hi ult for one thing; cuess I'll make them Art;" and, "Flour," ho said, reading from tho book. "Thero it Is. Clotting rather low, I guess," ho muttered, ns his head disappeared In tho barrel. When It emerged he looked as though twenty years had been added to his life. "Saleratus," ho added scanning the book "What Is that? 'ltmuit bo that whitu f-tuirin the bottle. 1 will put In a double doo of It so us to have them extra light; for Urldgot's biscuits are always h trlllo too heavy." They were soon ready and placed In ' to the oven. "I'll get everything ready first, nnd then build such a 11 ro as will cook it In a short time," priding himself on his forethought. "What next." At this momont it little lwy appeared at the kitchen door. "Hero is a Ibh that was ordered ycriterday," said the grinning urchin. "Is It fresh?" nsked Aleck. "Yes, caught this morning," replied the boy, running oil. i "This Is an unexpected nddltlon," he murmured. "I'll fry It," and dash ' Ing water upon it, ho placed it in u I pan with a liugo lump of butter, and I put It on tho stove! "That is ready. i 'mt' T aittiitnart T mitut hiti'it n ttiiili 1 1 tirv of 80ino kind. Hero is one rlco pud ding. That looks easy, and I remem ber now that I upset u paper of rlco while searching for the saleratus. Two cups of rlco," he read slowly. "Hut where is tiio uso in measuring; there is not much more tlinn that in the paper; I'll put It right In," and suiting the action to tho word, ho soon con coted a peculiar looking mixture, un der tho head of "rlco pudding." "I don't care for a variety to-day," he remarked, and proceeded to build a fire. "Now," ho exclaimed, "I'll ar range tho tablo for dinner." Ho was Just instituting a vigorous search for tho tablecloth which ho was startled by n ring nt tho door-bell. Forgetting his appearance he opened the door and encountered n young lady whoso bluo eyes wcro sparkling with mirth. Entering unceremoniously, she said, "I am Mary Carroll, and lmvo come to make Nellie Hastings n visit, and thought I would surprlso her. Are you not her brother Aleck?" she asked, and finding It iniotslbte to con trol hor mirth, she. burst into a ringing laugh, in which Aleck was forced to Join, for ho had caught a gllmpso of himself In tho Iooklngglass as ho ushered her Into tho family sitting room. Tho sheet, extending from his neck to tho tips of his boots; his vener able looking head; all was enough to excite laughter, and, having recovered from his sudden surprlso, he soon in formed her of tho whole stato or ntr.iirs. "I will assist you," sho said, still laughing. "I will arrango tho tablo whllo you look after tho dinner and make yourself preventable." Aleck, after laying asldo the sheet, and brushing the Hour from his hair, went out lo seo how his dinner was progressing. An unavory odor as sailed him as ho entered tho room "What does this mean?" lie exclaimed, und May, who had followed him to iiM'ortitlu tho whereabouts of some needed article, stood gazing on tho M-eiie. Tho Move win covered with a curiou mixture, which ho at once rcognled as his pudding; the IMi was burned to a crisp. Making a drive for tho kettle, he hucceeded in grasping it, but, dropping it as Middenly, It rolled on tho tloor, 1 whilo ho executed a war danco nround It occasioned by tho pain in his hand. Iteturnlng to tho sitting-room, May proceeded to dress tho injured hand, anil .succeeded In allaying tho pain. "1 have Mime blscuts In tho oven," he Mild. "I think they must be done by thin time." "Lie down on the sofa, and I will co about them," ho mid. Sho foon returned, bearing on u plate .-omothlng that roicmliltd lump of putty. Ureal; lug one of them open and tasting it, he made it wry face. "You forgot to put the -aler.itu.s In, dld'nt you?" "No," ho -aid, "I put lots in nearly half of the bottle." Till."" .1,1. Mk'-I.ll ,,.,,!.,.. II,,. I...l - ..w ink..) ujtui, lltV UTIl' tie and lusting It. "Yes." "It Is ere mi tartar," tho replied, laughing. "Never mind, perhaps I cinllnd Miinothlng that wo can eat;" and disappearing, sho .soon returned, bringing sundry dishes of cold edi bles. "I tho thh entirely spoiled?" asked Aleck. "I think It is. Was It alive when you put it in the pan? I tee tho scales were not moved." "Da rice-puddings always boil over?" he asked, e ailing an answer. "They never do If tho rJco has been prevIouIy cooked," -he replied. Aleck's tplrit eomed depressed. His dinner was an entiro failure, but May soon c-au-cd lilni lo forget It, and v hen Nellie anil her mother retimed tlry were enjoying thcm-lvo r.iid rh tttlir; as If ;U V id fct:n ac'uaiatJd for j,irs. WILLAMETTE FARMER. lly, as May tried to describe his ap pearance at the door. "I thought nt first It was it ghost, but caught n glimpse of his patent leather boots, nnd this convinced mo of my error, and I boldly entered." Years lrivo passed since then, nnd Hay has been Aleck's happy wife, but sho often laughs nt the rememberancc of Aleck's dinner. i Oar Contributors. It Is gratifying and encouraging to know of the interest our lady readers ,'tako In the Homo Circle. This Interest , Is noparcnt in tho frequent contribu tions lo Its columns of matter that Is I really Interesting. Whatever Is writ I ton by our friends, acquaintances, or ! neighbors, is always rcatl with satisfac tion, more so than If it came from thu pen of n stranger. In looking over tho many agricultural exchanges that como to our table, wo frequently compare tho woman's department In these Jour nals with our own, nnd we are free to say that tho contributions to tho Wn. i.ami:tti: Fahmiiu nro equal, and oft en are superior, to articles in papers printed east of tho Hocky Mountain". The FAitMini has no tiso for a waste basket. Occasionally pieces come to us that possess merit, but tho length pre vents their uo. Now that the burden ami heat of harvest Is over, wo hope that our lady friends nro having a little rest und leisure, and that they will find tlmo to discuss, In tho HomoClr clo, whatever most Interests the indi vidual, and tho Interest will bo mu tual. Ff.oitAt. Xotim. Calla blossoms aro said to bo Increased as follows: As soon as tho first flower Is cut or begins to wither, pull the stalk down through tho open sheath clear to tho bottom. At tho bottom will bo found, .standing close to the stalk, another bud, enclosed In a delicate covering; cut the old stalk away as closoasiosslble, without Injur ing the bud, and If It bus not been kept back too long It will grow up quickly. An English contemporary, The Gar- den, In relation to tho colcus, speaking of tho old sorts, says, thoy would seem al most to have nad their day, consider ing tho now nnd attractive kinds which have been raised from time to time, nnd adds: ".Mr. Hull has now, In his nursery, several entirely distinct spe cies, which, will, when crossed with other kinds, no doubt, bo tho menns of bringing out an entirely now and dis tinct raco of these useful and easily cultivated plants. Hl'i.iis. We find requests for bulbs coming In so fast that wo are afraid they won't "go nround," so wo will only send as many as will weigh twelve cents' ootago, and will return thu remaining stamps with tho bulbs, If thero should be more than that amount sent. Wo did not mark tho bulbs when taken up, for wo had not then thought of vending them to our friends, hut we will endeavor to send a variety by guessing. We had twenty varieties of tulips, but, attempting to take them up, wo found that mhiio busy Httlo gophers had laKon them, leaving a tunneled way that Identified the thieves. Oatmeal and water is coming Into genera! use as a drink during the hot weather for men and hoives, too, on Canadian farms. Experience lias shown that It Isa grateful and strength ening beverage. ....... ..p.1... I....,,., . , Domestic Ecooy. CHOICE RECIPES. Fju:nti! Ca i; i- ine cupful of ugnr, ono-qunrlorcif a cupful oi hujtcr, one half u cupful of milk, two eggs well beaten, one and a halfeupfuls of Hour, one leasjioiiiful of m-am-hutur, one half teiifpoonful of soda, one cupful of .into currants, dr a few slices of citron aiida teio-poon fill of mace. I;ikf in ti thin sheet, fro-t and cut in Miuare slices. ; (ini.n ticj;.One.hnlf cupful of but- i ter, one cupful of sugar, two cupfuls or J Hour sifted, one-half cupful of sweet milk. Ihi, vrill:.. at fi .nt- ...... .j ..,.. ..... spoonful of .-ode. tho butter and I sugar lo u cream; buit the yolks live ur i -Ix minute-, mid add to the mixture, DIv-olvu thu soda In a tablo-poonf j! oi hulling water, and lurn Into the milk; stir In half of tho Hour in v.lilch the cream-tartar has Icon mixed; pour in thu milk; add the test of tho flour, and beat well for ten minutes. Hake In shallow pans. Flavor with bitter al mond essence. I)j:i.icati: C'aIvj:. Two .small cup fuls of white sugar, ono-half ciipftil of butter, ono cupful of milk, tho while I of four eggs, oticj teiisiiouiifu! i.f cream-1 tartar, ono-h.ilf tcuspoonful of soda, and j three and a half cupful of slfiud llutir. stir the u;.vr and butter toiMhcr, "dd ' tho milk, ilissulv-- i.'h- -ii l,i .n.i i!,tb (silling water, , it tin- nhitis , -Hilly, an 1 'ir lbii i in , u i.n, tl.r 11 t'lt, iftl I ,.J ' i , tjr Ji't . , . . f , i , ,i I-t. ,flJ " ' . . I flrel It .wt" 1 ti'u I OUR BOOK TABLE. The December number of Scribner's contains more than the usual amount of interest. "Ilawortlr" and "rnleonberg" nro continued. Thu illustrated article on "lhrd Architecture" is charming. The "fliir Dwellers," showing by drawings the niickut homes of pioplo who once wire liumemus us tho lower part of Cali fornia, but of whose hi'tory there is no record. "Nut row linage lluilmads ' is n topic of tl i day, abl discumii. Dr. Holland has many good articles. Sr. Nicholas for this mouth is jut the mag azine for young people. It is full of lino illus trations, and replete w ith good reading. The numbers should be preserved and bound, and would prove a source of pleasuro for the rising generation. (totil'.vV r.Aliv's Hook has a eoloicd fashion plate that shows tho latest styles, besides mi nute directions in regard to making up chesses. There aro several continued stories, and the usual amount of household hints, that make this magazine n desirable addition to tho month ly reading. Tin: IIlijvlh llr.l'K is the title of a book written by John Allen, which is u-ry neatly gotten up, und as its title indicates, is ull about tho busy honey makers. It is u lit ten in u gus sippy style, and is thovxpiricnio of an ama teur, and, to any one engaged in that business, it would bo of much atuo, ns it contains many useful hints iti tho management of an apiary. A VENERABLE CONSOLER. 1IS.V, 1UI, TALMAllE. Take an ogid mother seveuty yeais of age, and sho is almost omnipotent in comfort. Why? She has been through it all. At seven o'clock in tho morning she goes over to comfort a young mother who has just lent her balie. (hand mother knows all about that trouble. Fifty years ago sho felt it. At Ii! o'clock that day she goes over to comfort a widowed soul. She knows all alniut that. Sho has bcctl walking in that dark alley twenty years. At four o'clock In thu afternoon some ono knocks at tho door wanting bread, She knows all about that. Two or three times In her life sho came to her last loaf. At 10 o'clock that night she goes over to sit up with some ono soverely sick, Sho knows all about it. Sho knows all about favers and pleurisies and broken bones, She has been doctoring all her lifo spreading plus tors and pouring out littlo drops, and shaking up hot pillows, and contriving things to tempt h Kor appetite. Drs. Ahcrncthy and Itush ami Hosack and Harvey wcro great doctors; but tho greatest doctor tho world ccr saw is an aged woman. Dear me! do wo not remem ber her about the room w lieu wo were sick in our boyhood! Was thero any ono who could ever su touch a sore without hurting it? And when she lifted her sjiectaclcs against her wrinkled forehead, ro sho could look close at tho wound, it was three-fourths healed. Poikjuy. Something for Beginners. Tho fall of the year- is tho best time for be giuneis to commence tho business of fow brais ing, for tho reason that thoy can at no other tune in tho year find matured joung stock to operate with, and because tho pullets that aro now turning toward ku-ii or light month, of ao will shortly begin to-day. lioo-I Cochin or llrahmas wi'l oidinanly coiiiuimicc to lay in l)o.emler or January. It terj't.rly listened, they will produce a "lay ing ' in the fall, jiurhap lx-foro this time. ISut, as a rule, t!.o pullets gotten out in Apiilond Muy previuiiily will not lay niuili till early in tbu stKc-cvdutg ytur; and tho cockerels aio nut fit for good scrvicu until January or February, as bice-Jem. l'lyinouth Itocksiuid leghorn fowlj lay well from January to July. Tl.o Asiatics comiuencu in Decciibci, January or I'oliruary, and lay steadily (when not tijing to sit) aw uy into September and October freiueutlj, if well fed and wired for. Chicks of tho prior spring, of any of thuto wuetics, matuio at almut Christ II wu w,u.t liyeis, tho pullets of uuy bleed mti. bo IiaUhcd early in thu season. fso, tu bcgiuiurt, wo my that this and thu next month arc tho projsrr ouoi to procure thu stock that juu ;y cl.o to commence tiuu with. Jn t. tjiritig inonthi everybody I w ho lis. w iuur.l a Hock f young fow Is pm- " """ "'l" "' "'" "'" urtwimnj iui- Iul uiilusM I, ,-uu gut lti,'hur jirfcon foi III bird than at tl,i .-ttu. i'oultry World. Smai.i. FniiTrt in 0'.itiif'..v. Hut f'f.v people -eeiu to know the value of small fnilu to a fjinlly, when grown In tholr own gut'ilcns. You commeuco with stmu berries: they continue abuut u month. ,.Yoii pick, perhaps, from six to twelve iuarh u day. You havo them on the table as a dc-si-rl, If, you pleae, at noon, mid vour tua table is loaded with them nt livening, and you want but littleelso than your bread and butter. Your famllv c.nsi.,,.,.. In i - i ono way und another, about eight quarts a ilny, and whllo they la-l, no meillcines fur bmllly ailment mu ro- ijulred, us a uurl or strawberries dally will generally dlsjolnl! ordinary ills that aro not Mittlod pertiianenily In the f-jstem. Afler utrawbcrrlc, ra-jibfrrlescontiiiueaboiif three vueks; then we have bluckbir.ies when the elliimti- Is nit ti did for cultivated variellej inea tho currants ilnon. whli-h rmiiain until the early gropes iii.ilurcjniiil t..' invfihe stM-,i'i ibrough, ! fniidy .:t! ii iff a r-i,f I ir,. ,n a i ii r . ii ' I iral n ti. I ii, ,( i ' tfu . .l .! fi" r,i ,,c i 1 i i f i i t' i;-yrft- ., . v I ' ' I I til i, . f . i i, i' i : . i.- Foc TrfE CtyLOrEt. The Falso Oracle. liY IIIY AI.MIK UK VKIIK. She picked a little daisy llower With fringe of snow mid heart of gold: All pine without, and waim witlna, And stood to haw hei foituno told. "He loe me," low sho mining said, And plucked tho border leaf bv leaf: "A little -too much not at nil Ith truest In ait beyond belief.'1 "A little too much not at all" -So rang the changes o'er and o'erj The tiny leallcts fluttered down, And strewed tho meadow's grassy floor. "A little too much not at all -With truest heart"- oh, magic brief! Ah. foolish tatk, to incisure out Love's value on a daisy leaf I Kor as sho pulled the latest left With "not at all," I heard her s.iv, "Ah, much jim know, you silly llower, He'll love me till his dying day." Sciihner for September. Tun l'Ai'i'.n I)i. mi:. It was collec tion day, and Will had forgotten his contribution. There was the good superintendent with the hat In his hand, coming strait to their class, mid he hadn't a penny in Ills pocket. "Here, tnko this," said Tom Ulder, thrusting into Ills hand what .seemed to be a silver dime. Will was very grateful o grate ful that ho did not see tho kno'vlug look in Tom Hitler's eyes. "It's real clever of Tom," he said to himself, as he dropped the supposed money into the hat. "I'll take a dime to M'hool to-morrow and return It to him." Afler school, however, Tom il.Ink Ing it too good a Joke to keep, told him that he was "sold," that what seemed to be a dime, was nothing but a round bit of paste-board, such us hunters us-o In loading guns. Will was Indignant; but thu echo of his teacher's voice was still In his heart, mid putting his hands behind him, ho hurried uwa without a word. Not long after, tho superintendent was surpnsd to seo 'Will walk in to tho room and lay n silver dime upon tho dusk. "I wan nfrald you'd think you lind some mighty mean boy In scbool," ho said, us ho made tho explanation, but ho did not tell who tho "mean boy" was. "CJod bless you for your honesty," said tho Huporlutondutit, when Will had finished. And tho next Sunday, nt tho close of tho usual exercises, ho told tho school tho story of thu paper dime. It seemed a trilling thing, ho said; but tho boy who would cheat in such n way, would bo very llkoly, by and by, to commit larger und more serious fraud, whilo ho who was honest In such a small matter would surely makumi honest man. Thero were no names mentioned, but Tom Hlder'ri sheepish faco told plainly I) """?' "" '"" ""'K"?' ml" j lerfelt, and so thorough was hi enough who was the giver of the conn- s re pentance, that no ono ever heard of his doing tho like again. TFE l-J0rSE. Walking Homes. IJvcrjbiHly (oiie-edes that tlir-ni is no gait Mhichui greatly adds to tho nctiial value of th horsu ns ii fast walk, and Jt t it in notorious that thero is no gait to littlo cultivated. Dion our agricultural so.-ieties, that aro supposed to oupe-ci.illy foster tho iiupmc uncut of our do uioitic animal in all uufu ipi.-ditics, K-rsUt-untly ignore this, till lahuhlo of all gnits in tho horso. A prumium for thu f.vttcst wall. ing horku is very rarely nllercd, and when tl er is such .i thins, tho amount is o insignificant as to attract no nttt-ntiitiit uliil.. l,iiilM,l., n.,.l , nny co.t .,, 0u , ll(Jar)( mn (rmiI f lt lnwk ,,, .,.,, o: th() ttuU)r ,, , 1(ufl) m,, -, u lo. tH it , ,,,,, W(J ,avo f tt,:iaUliW oil ., the country which oiler .iioi-iiious Hirses foi trotting ami ruiimug, thus fuiiiisliiii abunduM ktiiiiii! u Ir im;irocomunt in fit it direction, nnd it is thuusjiucialjituvision oi our agricultural tocietics to jtimul.Uo in. provcimiit in thu iiorsu that ii leally thu most i.ihmblu for .igricultuial iiirjsitis, ami in that got which i best adnjitixl to the usu to which Ik u put. Tho walk is tho gait which tho horw must nmiiuu when dinning thu jilow, thu harrow, tho roajuug maelnnu, or when iwrform "US0 "'S Joumoy on thu ruadi and horo the uIririty of a jmir of fast walkum otr those of n ,"1""' "-''k t?a.t i. A u.r "'l' U,B w,alk cir''!' ,,", roiu' at tl,u1r''"0 "' IWv """" "r "u,,r' '. rn.-j-ouaingiy rajwi guit when hariiewwil to tho jilnw or hairnu, is trasuru to n farmer! jet such Iiorsu niu moiu raru than 'JiIUl tiottcr. Theio ii no reason whj tin should bu thu case. Thu trouble is not so much fiom lack of capacity for fait . .dking in most of oik hurc-s as it is from a fuilura to cultivate that gait. Thu lau anion,; the boj 4,stabu luuds, and uvea staid and soUr f.irin,ir, is for sjKuxfi iiud as suon ait tho oolt i) hi il. i n, h Im mad to trot. Hum t nijlit at unco to undcmUud that tho walk is i. ysit to 1 rortod to only when timu is a maU"' "' " noiuuc. wl Uiun many a l,-'-r'" '' ""' ,'11' ""' '"" uwi.neiy il. .. i ( r im m-, T. C. SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... XXitrax.n.oi.mtm , l'sttoa's Mock, Ststo street, Hslcia, Oreiron. ATTr-NTIOX (HVBS TO PUK L rrriiitUino, sml sll unlets liy mall urexproif nllcd irooint)- ami accurately. riirflcims snJ Coiuitry Dealer will rscc money by examining cur Ho-k. ur pruiutli.g our prices, hrforo tiurcussln clseoherit no5-tf, THE FARMERS' Account Book. COMPLETE SYSTEM or BOOK-KEEPING run Farmers, Planters, and Gardeners, UV A, I.. t'AMI'KIKLD. IVKIIY (INK S1KIII.I) I'.l' A STI1ICT AC J roan in ill liu.ln,.. tisti.srtlun, nnd tlirrtby rRMih ni-tlus. Hi, Irclilldrrnoflortlicm, much Itoiili'c Hint rumps i.i iM-eli-rt. This Is n p'sln, l'rsc-tl-nl i-jr-li-lii of II," k-kt-eltuir. cs.lly uiidtrrlsoet, sjid i.h-cI illy Ispiiil tntlnMkiitsnr ilio Ksrmer. Fill! liolmctlniis liirnrh tuiuk. Can lip csrrlMlnRU ordl illnarjf v et: IM,ntfs. Iimitiil In shfcp-sklu, l'.l 75 ee-iilx. Xti i sll orders to this inner. nittirnr. For Sale. mwnvrv iikuiok hkldin'om. tjiiibr and X lour )e-ir olil. st sixty dullsrs per hi-sil. Also liny Mixilisii lirood iiisii-. :. O. VOIICK. 'lur. llAiirs An.: HI lb;.-1. tl IiUOIUa BBLX., Hnccc-f.or to J. M. Kcitcn Co., 95 Libert)- !., . KNW YOHK, OoillllltHMloil AjfOIit FOH lll'VINU AN!) ruitWAItniNd PJIOK Srw otk vl l.tlrotlf, l'scldc HsIllMd, and Up Horn, sH kinds of Mercbsudlse, Slid fur tbe sla of I'rodarls from the I'srlflc eosst, fur tho collMtlou of IIIOICS. ,c octStf m 4.eF , I t;ii, e.netpfl.1 n 1, nrl I. A,l innM H'ntrk r. f, Bf-IVtnU. Aiii Ad Jrw, A. Covltsji A Co., CWcSM. NORTH SALEM STORE, M. L. WADE, AT TI1K UltICK HTUItE. HAH JL'ST IIHCU. c nl slull Hesnrtmentof Q-onoral Morohandige, Dry GoodSg Grooenes, Boots &, Shoes, Hardware, Clothing Oslrautad for tba Cltysnd Connlry'l rsds. Bouht M tow, tod will bo sold st ss UMAJ, A J'ROPTr, thoss who BKI.J, AT COST. HWOoods dcUTered to osrl nl tan r lt trr of rhsnro. Nott Ague mixture Chllla and FeVCr nro pprmancntly curl by Ir. Jtiyiic'N Anne Mix tare. With a littlo euro on tho jmrt of thu patient to avoid exposure, niul tlm oi'ciuiloiiiil iinu of Jaynk'h Sana tivi: rii.l.M,tlil reiniHly will l)o roaml lalai oortiiln In ItH ojioratloii, and rnU ii-ul In IIh (iflVclH. Jn many Ht-ctioiiH of tlio country Hiiljoct to Akiio niul (itlicr iniiliirlal iIIm-iiki'm, IHi.ihiiii cs tiilillHlioil i liiiriii-tcr us a jinjnilnr hjh 'lllc for tli(o liiirriisNliiLri-oinpliiliitN, anil tho iHiiulior of lohtliiioiilaU re col voi 1 kIiow thiit Hit ropuliitluu U (-oiihluully Iiion-nsliii,'. Intermittent and Rcmlttont Fovcra nriiC'II'octiiiillyiiiri'illiyIir.Jiymi' Akiih Mixture. In IIicho ckiiii. Iilulntx earn mIujiiM Ihi tiila-u to follow tho (llrcclliiiiH cloholy, anil fxpcclul iiltoiitlmi L-lvcn to thu liver, wlilcli hlioulil ho usslHtcil In iorforinliiK Iti fiiiicllonn liy Jin. J a vmi'hHanativk 1'ii.i.h. llOfir)", DAVIS A CO,. WholcsloAi:cia. Port. Une, Onriiu. 'i.Sc:S THE WALTER FRUIT DRYER MAM'I'Ai'Tl'IIINd sud TKMIINH CO CAfirAZi STOCK, $100,000, Are now Preii.iro.1 to I'urnlsli tLo WALTER iDRYER , low pilira, lioni jaSO lo 70U. FRUIT GSOWS, TAKE NOTICE TiiuiZt, i.hsu a 'iiiii:iiur nmi i,u!( t;, SrsoMlilt A ;oillililij , Sun l'rsu- 'li ii, iriilloiiiic "Slio WA3dTZ3rk tho bost dryor now in use." km l 'id cr-lrlf boi" . CtAI.I, lit our (r.':ico IX Ciilllnriila . Han rriuit li, niul ,m Ilio littunl .i iron urii'ii ii) iiic wiilln urjrr.