i i i i i i i i c 1 'f I ( 1 ,i t i I I d I 1 n J ( n H II r H t c II ii ii i h H 0 1 II V u I) H (I it K I l'i -I fl t Hi tl HI T it l tl n It il in t) 01 h it II T , Ir. at i ' m m th or, i. 1SI I 6 WILLAMETTE FARMER. pliscEUfJEaUs Tub GitANi) Canal op China. For hIx or olghl hundred yours tho Grand Ciinal, criming tho grunt plain of Northern China, from I'okln, In thu north, to Ilitiigclinu', in thu .south, lui heen tho chief lino of coniintiiiieiitlon and commerci' hclwccn tin tho Mnithcrn porlioni ol tin- ( hliit' By Telegraph. EASTERN. hffUf'i I'lnn. CJlirt Ann, Dee. 1 In tlio afternoon spj. nirni tlii.ro was n pretty dccidul drop, ami cash closed nt 8nj. Itiirqiiirtnltli.it Krcnu liai given out , , iniu no mum ooh minimi, in carry more iipltitl tllKlii,,,,,, ti,,,,!,,., , rr.,r,l to. and that h- be- h- u ' it 1'iMiiut In' ni-id lur tin! iimni-v now l.inliirc. Tlio i-iiiml proper h iimrc """" t - nrmir-. im.i tn.it in mw of tnc ' , , i i ii i i ' ilmiitv ol login r prum when navigation than bundled mill- lung, and, ,,n n; ,.,t , J.,,,,,,,),,, tlit-..,nal r,r. Willi its bralll'lll'i, it lid to -supply two I t only ol u u in nil loinippmi war III thu m-ir ilwiiniul inlliw f unti.r.u.iv mill the! futuie. In- will hold his pun linne until next int'iini fur irrigating "d ri'i'lulining many tlioii-and Miiiuri' mllci of Ihlcl.ly pi- iplcd country. During ruccnt ycurn however, tho vast Minis appioprhitcd fur tho iiiiiiuigennjiit and repair of the Grand Canal Imvu been so largely ah miiiiiiii r r until In. i .in in. ike laty vr cent. Ilir Inns I'.iilllr l.nilnrM'it Xi l)inisi, llui .1 'llio coniintri-i.it r invention l-lidiilstd tllu Ti'X.ls Paclllu mil road, ami rt'utuiinunliil congress to pjss tlio lull now bofoiu it to irniiruntcu intenst mi I tliu bonds of tlio coinpmy. Itiiirlr.l ltn.1 iimiil tuiiln curbed hy ill-jlimicst olllcials that tlio T,,m'M'' '''' '"?: r'' 'i"" v,u"1,'r . ., ,...;, ...,., i, ...i, ,,, ,. pool, a half-breed Indian, who lives iu tin (.-mini I. in iiul-.hiiu ni.uiti.,.j ...in .... u,nty, claims to havo Chsulcy Koss ill III cointnerco lu many pans; winio tno estimate cost of putting it In good eon dltion is .so hopolosily beyond tho en p.iolly of an omplro Impoverished hy war, famine, mid olllehil rapacity, that tho Imperial Government are seriously conilderlng tho propriety of nb union In? tho canal entirely. For tho llrnt time hIiico thu canal was built tho food supplies from thu south for tho support of thu capital (lllld for thu relief of tlio of our iiiinistcri to CMIi nml Peru, from 'i no inn oiling nny pro ... .. . . tniwn ii v ' iiiiiimtvin ivor bim nml west) luivu tun your neon lorwani- jm n,i u,0 Nutlicrlnmli, or for tlio ch.iro ed by sea II much Speedier unit llioro , l nllnira t Denmark ami hultzcrlaml. oi.iiMiiiiiliMil rnntn. no ilmilit- still, furl Thr ITmlilcnl l I Intl. --" - i .., .... . thu ureat plain ami lbs inilllons of in-1 luibitantH, tliucanall.su practical neccss iiii'ocimkiii iliriitl.ni . Knui arriNoil iroiu I'liilailolplii.i last nijjlit ami left tliis niorii iii in voiupiny with Vamlurpool for Inn pbie, nine links illit.uit, to iiivvnliti'. slim In :i,lllilihiiilli-XiiliirJi' WvsiiiMiius, Di'c. Ti. Tho consular nml diplomatic apjiroprintion lull ai preienteil in thu Inline, propoxcj to reduce tliu aalanes of our Ininistern to (Jrcit llritaiu, I'Miice, Her many and Itusnia from SJ17.WK) to .l."i,()0O per annuuit tliou of lulunitern to .Sniiii, Austria. Italy, llr.id, Mexico, Japan and Cliiua, from tfl'.'.UOO to f 10,000, nml tlionu r...,i.,i...,i i-l..l,.. -....I,.,.-, i.. !,,. .....II. 9IU.UUU IOM.IIW. lililiniiui-niiiMui h;Bi,iim iu uiu n.,1111 . . ., ,i,.,,. r,.ll . l. Itv. and. to let it lm to further destrui tlou, will .seriously undaii?ur their prosperity, if not their lives. Heresy, or "liotorodoxy," l.s ever at tractive, us it strikes an independent chord of human Hoiitliuent. For tho Mine reasons It is apt to ho eotibi?loiis, New .lerney lias recently proM.'iilod Nuveral markeil illustrations of these factH. Tliu Itov. .Mr. Seo wan "chiireh ud" for permitting a woiiiaii to preali In his pulpit, and immediately ho had a hoHlof wymp.itlilyerH and beeamo fa mous. Tho Itov. John Miller utteied doctrines at variance with tlio Presby terian creed, and wasdeposed from tho ministry; but be lias .slnco attracted largo Hiidluucex, and his book, explain ing his theories and vindicating ids position, has had extensive circulation. Thu latent caso is tnat of tlio Uev. N. M. llagenmn, recently located In llrooklyn, but now engMged In evan Kcltciil work In Now Jersey. List Sunday night ho preached to a large audience In Park Hall, Newark, on "Tho right and duty of uvery man to think for himself." Ho (-aid ho "did not helluvo in tlio proiunt Hystoni of making ministers; creeds ntul theolo gies liavo hecemo hhlehotiud, ami Hemlnarlos graduated ministers Ilku a machine." lie duiioiiuced tho want of Independence among the clergy, anil dotinted w'hetlier tho A,.ostlo Paul would lio permitted to preach now-a-days In any regular pulpit, llo i-ald It was "tlio duty of uvery man to do and think for himself, to assert tlio In dividuality of one's soul and to avoid sectarianism. It win slavery." Ci.ovi.it ah llriiAN Koou. Accoru lug to Hon. John .Stanton Gould, clover has been used as human food for generations by tliu Indians of tho plains. Tho Digger Indians of Califor nia eat It raw, and al.o cook it by plnclnga thick layer of tho green clover between stones that had boon previous ly heated. When young onions or chives and grasshoppers are mingled with the clover, tho dish Is considered a great luxury. The Apaches mingle together clover, pigweed and dande lions in a vessel, wlch is then tilled with water. Stones that have been heated In the lire are then thrown in, and when they have linpirted their surplus heat to tlio water, they uro taken out and lepl.iccd by hotter ones, until the mass is siitllcleutly co.iked. Wasiiimitiiv. Dec. !.- Kuitrilii(f Archi tect Hill ai thin afternoon tuapcuilcil liy peremptory order of tho prcMilcnt, pending trial on indictments found in l'hica"o. .Sec retary I'.vartx ai acru to thu action, hut thu priaiduit Han linn that an Indicted mill nliould not h.ivoacci.is to and ch.irijo of tliu rci urdi on . Inclt hli guilt depended. Wmlr Hamilton mil nT tliumrr. I'nvato diMnteliCHntatu that Wiulollamji ton ii4 out of danger, and Mill rapidly re cover. Tin-Vital liiroirliilliiu (till. 5VMilsiins, Dec. r. 'Ihuiiar.il appro priatiuii lull provide fur tho appointment of initorn to tho naval academy an matter ot law, Instead of custom nml ihil;ii ai hereto fore. It total in ahoiit IJ.'i.OlM) Urn than that appropriated for tho current iur. Ilir IHiiloniallr nml Consular lllll. 'I hu iliplotn.it its and conrul.ir appropriation lull nn reported froui tho i-oinmittco H an ex act topy of lastietiMon'i hill nn it limt.MLil the liouiie. The ilian 'ei Irom existing law n.iiu propimcd Ia. thu lo'iiuutteu conrintn mainly of tidiictnmi tu mlane.i of liiuher Iji.ideiof f.mign luinintirs nml tliu ilineou- tlliuauco ol tuuilry small cniisiilitcs. llio total Mvin proMised it nlHiut II.IMX). 1lir1limil.sor.1rii Orlrans. N'l.w Oiii.i vss, Dec. I!. A main uiocting, eoniposiil mainly of iiillui'iitinl vitizeun, uas held hero to-uiut nml adopted resolutions uxptunniug in thu most eloquent and em pliatia manner thu gratitudu of thu city for thu aid extended liy thu uriom sections iluriii tlio prevalence of jcllow fever, nml denouncing thoau wicked men who would n.iiu for cllluli ends nrouio clamora of nej lional ilitconl which thin generous overllovv lim tclldiil to allay ft.coe.n Tli . !..... "Wu iliclaru nn our iiiinuiuioui "ontiinout with thu uuairicted sincerity of grateful heart', that mi diUVrenco of lmlitical creed rill weaken, ami no uvili of diisiiiing iiuli tieiann never tho tic which bind ill by luott s.icred nml tender mcmoricH in liomla of n national lirothcrliuod, one and indisiolu-hie." Ilir I'limmrrrlul onvriilluii. Nl.vv Oiiu:.ns, Dec. 11. Tlio conimerci.il louviutioii met thin morning. 11. 11 bench tu, of Iowa, olUreil n solutions lor tku liuprovo incut of thoiiiH-r Misaisjippi liygovcrinueiit oppropn.ition. I '.me, of 'IVxas, ollcrtsl .1 rosolutlun to mo iiinr.ahn tonresi tint thu nilvir doll ir lio iiiiTi-ated to full value and Is) received as ligil tendcrsi referrrd. lieu, laigeuo t'liderwood read a ri'ort from thu comuuttcu on n.iv lotion of thu Mississippi river, whuli w.n adopted, It recommends vigorous action for acciiriug levees and improviment of thu clnunel no an to render commercu rkwtihlu even at thu low est w nter, declares thu jetties a great siicicss nml ures their completion, .lelVerson Davis nudo a soeeeli and vias fniiieiitly loudly applauded, llo simply en. doraed thu re.oliitnins ami predicted a great futuro for New Orleans. Within a few weeks provision ha been made by the Po-t-olllco Depart ment for the '-ending through the malls of articles not heretofore- mailable. Simples ot tin boxes, made In u pecu liar manner, are now famished the Various olllces, b, the ti-i of which perishable articles and artlcles.otlier' who objectionable, If mailed in ordinary way, may be sent with safety. Tho boxes mtit be made at tho -coder's opeiio, thoM sent to the differ- krrur'n Ural Ciiicviio, Dcc't. The Kcenc crowd .rem to havo little inlluiiiro on 'ihatigi. .inco Mr Keeiio came from New York prices havo icicded n littlu i.vch di), and there has lieeu no cxciteiuint. To-day it was riirted Hut Inn hrokora werti illiiig in roiiaulcruMo chunks for January deliver), but thu rrovvil of ki.vlHni,iisually awavnl easily li) rumors, did not fall into the current and sell also. Had the) done so, it is unite hkily that tho foiiiliuialiou vi mild havo taken heart, and would haw pimuil their f.utli to tlio cir Unit) of n ntriuic; i.i.irkit in .l.inuir), lined on Iiimv.v overnlliug of the inirki t. 'Ihero is acarctly a ripplu on Miuigo to da, and I he general sentiment in tint Kuue ma), if he iliimsis, Imy all tho gram that comes in, and )it not injure anvlmdy on 'thaugi1. Keeue is still here, and no far as known, his uiado no further luovcn on the Milwaukee markit. I. n. Mrliulli' liivi-.llxullon, Private New Orhaus advices state that (),,.' tio. Nichulls is visiting all hulldoAd p.ir- i.ius t imiij: iiniiiKCi hi irtini, wiiii intent lo punish t thu limit of law all emit) ol lorruptiug, iiittmiditiiij; or uiunKitug ilntora. .loiir llo) a Inn ul. It is stated that lieu. Thus Kivimj and orunt Po-t ollUvsheingmoiely for them to pattern Irolll. Tills HOW order of uutor Jones, of Nev.idi, have punhised things has not yet begun to "take" to, u j.hiim lliw rami ivauiwiucuiai m ir any extent among tho ptiblle, probably , K"IU' iirmu's iur. Ik'C.IU-o It lm-, not become generally , A private letter from lien, (.rant statin gllOWH, tli xt In) still liiUinU lit travel eastvvanl I through ludiv and I'liuii, and thencu lioniu A prominent leak on a great many '" tli 1'acitio to San Kraunsco in ahout a farms U found lu the careless manner ' l,,r- Mlinor , ,,f xlrMn omrrr, 111 Which the owner allows Ills stock, Uvuik l'.vvs, Dec. n. 'icner.il Truvino. . t3 destroy hut h tho erow in? and ma. ' M uuau ciuunuiuicr, Msitcd tort Dun- turetl crops, and it is no uncommon thing wheru this kind of a leak is al lowed on a farm to Hud. the farmer flrst-ratu in helping to drain his neigh bor's farm In the s.miio way. In England during King Kthclred's time A. I). St'al, thu following prices voro lixed by law; A limn or Muve, $5; horse, $7,ft0; u muro, f.'Sj mi us or iiitilo $il; it cow, $1.25 uu o, $l.fl)j awl ue, :!0 cents ouch; sheep, 25 cunts can thin aftirnooii, and vva nccivoil at the river liy a company of cavalry and iscort ed to tlio (Kist with music ami sahos of ar tillery. Marine llltntlrr. Mvcinvs, Mo., )ec. li. Tho schooner Calu lonu went ashoro on l.thhy Iil.ind'liia. day morning. The captain and crew (.1) all lost. Han Ulllril, l'M-mNTON, Pec li. -YcstenUy Hubert Davis cvnio into town and gavo himself over to tliu ollicem, statin,; that lio had killl a man iituusl Jo Donnelly in tho mouiitaiun a'jout 1'.' miles south of this elace. Tlio of- ticcni, accompanied hy Davis, went after the tatcd. Tho body was brought to town and an Inquest was held to-diy. Tho jury hrought in a verdict of justifiable homicide. It seems that Donnelly hid just served a term in tho penitentiary for theft, for which service ho tilimvd Davis, as Davis was in strumental in procuring Ids arrest at that time. A charge of murder is now prefirnd against Davis. Ho will have shearing to. morrow. Till- llrsiimiilluii ,,r hpe, r li infill-. N'rw oim. Nov. 7. Tht -I'listmn.f the iii-iimplioii ol spitiu pavineiits is attracting moro attention us the tiino iImvk near fur this importnnt ivmt in tho l.i-t r m lie ii'iiiilij Thin-Inn grow in i ir in tlu 1 uhlii mind tlmt n sumption will not lw m -co.iiplnlud n. smoothly n was l ik rally n pe. Ud si.iou tiino since. Thin ,iii iiiiiloiibt dl) loiittiiKincien tlmt inn) nn- tunluig t" disturli moiietnr) nllairs in tl inlioii of settlement the same an if ho had settled under tho pre-emption laws. Tho lull also provides that lands originally entered under tho homestead laws, but not in good faith, and lands abindoncd heforo tho tlnil entrv. shall he subject to either homestead or pro1 .ttrrllax r I'nrllnmrnl. I.OVDOV, Dec. H. Parliament convened to-iliy. The Queen's speech, read in tlio House of f.ords, was unusually short. Her majesty regrets being compelled to summon parliament earlier than usual, but the action tmrr.ih'' Aty '. i be xpcted thu -artereooa or -to-morrow. fcJw-f.r?i:it ft-s-nr w , t pissing from a iuj or to n gold ln.is, mid thuiu is no iiicrc-asini.' disiioKitnui nmontf nil classes to pursliu a very tonserv itivu policy (uiuhtig tlio solution of tlili grnt llnaiiciil jii-oiilcm. '1 Inn is purticillnrlv the msu with tliuKi thnrouulily couversatit with tlio liu.ui ces of lire.it llntain, wheru the cllorts of thu It ink of Knjil.md to ri-sinnu were not success ful until nftcr lln.uioi.il ilistress and pmio had ensued. '1 hu antagonistic eiitiiin of tho Now Yosk city banks im thu silver nucs. tion has produced an unfavorable impression on the mimls of many who, previous to the anion oi mo clearing House, suppnscil tint resumption would hu an easy matter, 'llio treasury now has nbout SKIs.OOO.OOO m gold for resumption, with legal tenders outstand ing to tho amount of nbout S'HS.OtXI.OOO. Thu ninouiit of gold for resumption will bo reduced by tho payment of interest on bonds iiuo .January 1st, hy aiiout S'JI.OOO.OOO. Thin would Icavo nbout SI 13,O00,l00 in gold for resumption. Should tho amount of cur rent preenhacks bu reduced to this amount it would, of course, havo an uuf.nor.ihlo ef fect on business transactions. To Ilir Miiiiiii ur I'nnsrrs.. N'uvv Yoiik, Doc. S IIiisiIii'm is ajrcc.1. bly ilisaptiointtd by thu lint week of con gress, and its failure to prcciwtitr wild schemes, threatening commercial .mil finan cial intervals. It si ems e vid( nt that thu recent elections nru bavin:.' a dcciib-dlv con scrvntivu intliiencc. Thcro is no longer any ilangur of senoun attempts nt interference with thu resumption act. .Many congress men who nro opposed to resumption wntu to friends that to attempt to throw obstacles in tho wny of tho experiment now would be fallacious and indefensible. Srnsllilr Irnilrnr) mi Ilir sllsrr lur. lion. (.'ongrcasioii.il viows on tho nlver ipicstiou nru nlso materially moditlcd. The operation of the silver bill has disappointed maiiv of us original irieiuis, wuo need .enitor .loots sadly to stillcu their backs. Others begin to fi el thu silver dollar should bu mule sub atiutinlly of ciiiinl vnluo with thu gold did lir, nud tint if this leads to silver exporta tion, thu uvil will soon right itself, and meautiiiiu silver will havo found n protitihlu foreign markrt thu samu an wheat and other Aim ricnu productions. Others admit that wu can't miiiitain n doiiblu standard, now (hat thu International conference has failed to bring us in accord with foreign countries as to tho relative valuations of silver and gold in coinage. Tliu talk of lighting the banks for refusing silver except ns special deposits has llattelied out, becauso it in seen that congress cannot logically object, unless it lirat compels thu treasury to redeem silver legal tenders in gold, thu samu on greenbacks, Itesides, Democrats iinil that they cinnot lie united in such an attack, slorr Talk .tlioul Ilir I'rrslilrnrj. NV.w Yoiik, Dec. 8. -Democratic presi dent makers for ISsO now suggest tlio pro priety of tilling their cimlidates from impor- UlllW .IumIlImI W.IUCS, -BIHw.mImm IIUhO.1 I out, became Indiana is counted sum for tlio Democracy, and Thu r man comes to the front again because Ohio is hu uncertain. It also leads to talk of Wallace, of Pennsylvania, and revives tho holies of Tildon'a friends that if bo fails to get thu 'Irst ilL v the ticket I'larkson N. Potter, or sJjo Mlur Now Y 'riiiirmaii .enitor llruco (colortsli thinks that ( 1 rant's iiamu is such a tower of strength among the southern blacks h it they will be ne.irlv I'liaiaiuoiis fur him in the next na tional convention. Maine is thu only man probably that could divide that voto with 1 1 rant. Tlio World forcibly argues that if OSraiit is thu Iti'imblicau nominee, tho Democracy can win by nominating lliyanl on a sound bird money platform, by c.iir)ing Connect! nit. Now York and Now Jcrtey with tho solid south, , J Thr ,urllirrn llnllrtNKts. Nr.w York, Dec. 7. Montreal papers stito that cousiderablo intereit U.'felt thcro in a movement for the union of the Grand Trunk mid aliasli railrovls, as it makes Montreal thu outlet for an immense trade which now limit an outlet at New York or llaltimorc. Hy tho construction of a lino from the pres. cut terminus of the Wabash at Toledo to the (I rand Trunk junction at Detroit, and thence to Port Huron, a total distance of I It) miles, Montre.vlobt.iins a contfuuoun lino to Knnici fit) and control of tho route for the purpotcs of grain trade. It is stated that tho I i rand Trunk hopes in this way to discount Vander hilt's victory in thu acquisition of tho Mlchi p. in Central and his cutting oil the Grand Trunk from Chicago, 'I he Wabash, instead of working for, wiifiuiw cumiK'to with tho line, N. . Central, (5re.1t Western and ('amid i .Southern for tho through trafllc Cmler the management of (larrison, whu i also presideutof the .Missouri Paeitlc railroid, tu ii of w hosu associates are directors of thu St. laiuis, Kansas Northern road, the WaUish will not only tiht tlio Chicago A. Alton rovl, now building a competitive lino to Kansas city, but extend Its present lino from Decatur, Illinois, to Cliicngo, and try to get possession of the Hamuli il A St. .lose ph. Pl.tnnif.l onirliils. YtNKriiv, Da. IK'o. 7 -Tho li rand jury ilisihurgcd to-da) found fort) -four uidiit incuts ngaliist l.ivmgstoiie and otlier lndiin ajients and goviriiment tiuploves. Living stone, lcl.iiie, lllclurdsou and Itussell were orr.uugucil to-da) on oue joint indictment and will plead on the 'J.U. J-al 'l.ieun. Nkh Oni.r.vs-, Decs. -Private dispatches report tho itestrictioii of llfty lioutts in the business portion of tho tuwn of Macon, Miss. I.os, two hundred thousand tlollirs; uitur- auce, $10.I,t00. Ihr thlur.r famine. Utters from Cliiui statu that during tlio nvcut famine seven millions ot jHSHile died, live millions in the smiIo province ot hauil. Tho amount of contributions from the eastern states to NovemWr last was &.'J,ti70, which was distributed judiciously, so reports say. urisimuToi ity l tiuaU lllll rr Hiinrtlrd Srlllf rs. W.isuiMiros-, Dec. S. A bill intiwluced b) Senator Hooth for the relief of honicstead settlers, provides that any citizen who has settled, or may hereafter scttU on public, lands, either surve)cd or utiiutvejcd. with thu intention of claiming the tract inulor the homestead laws, shall be allowed tho same time to tile his homestead application and lwrfect his oricinil entrv in the laud oihco as is allowed to settler under pre-emption laws, to put their claim on record, nud that etnptionrntr) hy the first settler who has I of the amter of Afghanistiu compelled thu siiiuo, or sii.ui iiierc.uier sonic upon incmj ' willing ot nil cxpcilition Into Ills termor), provided, that within siv months from the ami the earliest opportunity h.no lieen taken dnlei.T rttliment he nhnll t il.i- tho noces- to call pirlnmcnt toother and nuking to it sarv steps to bin the .unl uiuomiiktcd I loiiiliumieitioii ronuired bv law I'.nitrson rnnerlli-il, nml shall piv i thr subje, t will bu l.u I before Iniliunont. Assiinnci- fr l.u all foreign iwers nri frii-inllv, ami l'im i iviiv i i mi I i In lo Mi III it ;iir;iii. in. lit. f i tin piiiliatuu of liiripi, inadi I';, tin- tnat) i. II llio. will Ik itntisfaetoiilv iinndiut. A! lei full delibrrntloim I oi.i. ointti r- vvlinh have led hull i-stinil entrv tu l.u d ol!n "hit in the coutist l.'einllille in I l()lirr-. J' i l iiu) in t' i-th it Pnltir (ouiinit t i In v.- nun- ii In r ili'.iti' i-s sent li ll-i pul'Ii in -n-iti'ii; nt ,i hid,,,, in houisiaiia l!i puMii ins m-lit tl' it ln -i iliipati In n-fi ool in the lining i i,iiirt'M Hi leuisnnd vv In-tin r lb publicans i wouiii iHi.irtli" uxH-nse. I In- llollilnv Here.. The sK'il:rr nnd other prominent north ern li.iii'icr.it. nru l.i)iug pi ins for a long holid i leiess to Iijkiii iu latlynsthe I'.lth or 'Jiith inst , nud to lut until tho lith of -tauuary. Ilnilrriniin WtsniMiinv, Dec. I). -I.imlcrmiii's iom. ihision exiuris to-morrow and it is doubtful if his commission will bo renewed, Hu is l)iug very ill hero nud ltl doubtful whether lio recover. To Ilir Point 1'ojtinistcr lieneral Koy to-day directed n letter to bo iircpirid for transmission to thu sneaker of tlio house of representatives fore shadowing tho discontinuance of tho Histal car servitu in nil pirtn of tho country on tho 1st of Jatunry next, unless congress shall in tho meantime tn.iko an nptiroiiriitiou to (.oiitiuii'iit. Tlir Srvsnril Iminlry. WvsiiiMnns, Dec. 7. -Thu invcstigiting committeu of lleprcscntntivo .springer to ex .iininu cliargn against (Icn. K. .Soward, U.S. minister to Hiin.i, has determined to maku public in ndvancoof tho crosn-uximinatiou of lIx-ConsuKlcnoraKl. Wiley Wella, tho content of a dejmsition received from Dr. McCartie, staling tho purport of conversa tions at his house with Soward and Bradford. 'I he joint commission considering tlio transfer of thu Indian bureau from tlio civil to tho military dcpirtmcut, to-day heard tliu views of Col. A. H, Mcichain. Hu holds that thu only solution of thu Indian problem is iu thu civilizing nml educating thu Indians that thoy may siipiort themselves In tho past 'Jo) ears ho Ins not knoivnu rnso where disturbances between whites nml Indium hue occurred, except through tho breaking of treaties by the former. Ilir frep.ireil trim lllll Can .viio, Dec. 7. -ATnhiino Wnshinaton dispatch savs that the joint army ininmissiun lias iiociiicii on me army loll, vvlilcn does not maternll) clnugu tho lighting force but tliu stair only, I'iisIiiI I liniiftrs WtNfiTov, Dec. 8. -Postollices citab-Inhc-1: Cascade Icks, Wasco county, Or., Ashley II. Hill, luistinasUr: Milton, King count), W. T., Wnltor 1). Cotton, postmas ter. Discontinued- D.irdn lelles, .I.icksun loiintv, Or.; ht. doaeph, Yamhill enmity, Or. rostma-iters nppoiutedi Henry C. Cor, Hood Iliver. Wasco county, Or.; N. Albert Vlieelcr, Aljiown, Columbia county, W. T.j Krcd. W. Wilson, Cuv eland, Island county, W. T. Thrtlilnrsr (lursllan Wv-.lll.Miri)v, Dec. C li.-prcsentative Horace Davis ns tho result of continued re llectinn and further iniuiry concerning the fueling of congressmen on the subject, has arrived at thu conclusion that it would bo a wiso policy for tho Pacific coist delegation to procure nt the hands of thu house com- iiioMiucation oftiio bin" cunccrntfitt'tft'in'tio tmmigrntion which they havo agreed to ro Kirt to tlio liniitu for action when reached in the regular call. Tlio lommittee bill an i( now standi, prescribes penalties of titic. im- - . . - r i. .. !.... .!. rin.i-imvni, loruiiurc, eic, .-lu.iuirv sou lorii Cranbrotik, secretary of stato for India, declared that ho ncccptcd the entire responsibility from his dispatch and would not withdrawn single sentence Ho tnado n detailed statement in its justification nml particularly pointed out that Lord (Ir.iiivlllo in IST.'I declined to hitltnato to ltussia that any agression of Afghanistan would meet with British resistence. l.'nrl (lie) moved an amendment to thn idilrrss expressing regret that pirliament was not summoned ns tiinii as possible ivfter war lie. one piob.iblc, Di k "f siiuilm-rait rnnlinll) stipiairtuil th-- piom iittoii of tho vim. M ir.jiu- ill saulsbury, soeretiry of state i rilie t ii.i't, ibpirtniciit, npilliil person il mug' in. ii nu n.oi iieccivcti parliaiuciit, liy i.iti In - reti-r "-""eioiniiin i pi,i -'lain r- w nn n nave- leu niu i. in.ii nu o.oi iieccivcti parjiaiiicur, liy n New dr. '" tliu onrly inn to g ,.i piiliniu-nt, nml , den) ing tin to had been nil) ehniij.e of policy n tlio north after suit iblu nee-, p.irliuneiit should pro- toward Atgl.aiustaii. Ik- said that they eeed to thu iniisiderntion f iiii-nsurr fur ' wvn-hmnglit forward hy I.oid lirauvillu to tin-.' linn '.in; or Iaudiii2 f mora than l,i Monco- ,'orl.r .oav LeVVhe aeeend . la o with ' '"'' ou"v.s.el. and Davis think, hirmv V K ' witU .tho same ofijeet of ihscournsing and practl- oily preventing tlio lullux ol (.iiincsccan bo effected without those iennl pruvitioii whlc!i in his opinion nro likely to prejudice many eastern nieiiilicr against tlio wholo mnvement. Srlnir on Ilir Imll.in flnrsllun Wasiiimiiov, Dec. 11. The joint commis sion (oniidcnug the transfer of the Indian bureau to thu military department heard Secretary .Schurc to-day. Ho disclaimed any personal desiro to retain control of the Indian nerv ice under tho interior department No branch of the department buciuesn is so troublesome midtliankkss. Ho thought the Indians entitled to humane treatment, and that this could only be tendered through civilization, education and kind treatment. Tlio military were not tit to I for this work. Tho secretary quoted from tho report of the Sioux coinmission.sigued by (iens. Sherman, Terry, Augur and oilier, setting forth in ef fect that if peace with Indians was required, tho management of their affair should lie placed under the civil department of the government. Now I agree with toco gen tlemen on this point. There are a great man) ollicrra of tho army who have excel lent ideas alxmt Indian attain, but it is an other thing to brine ideas into practical ef fect. Tlui military arm of the government he did not consider gifted with patient hbor required to phco (lie hoc in the Indian' h vml and teach him how to use it. He de nied very emphatically the red tape sv stein of reporting ludiiu outbreaks winch had neiu asserteil was res,uirel uniicr me pres ent administration of Indian atfain. FOREIGN. Tlit l'prnr of lUr tfulinn Mar In the houss of commons this afternoon tin under seen t.iry of stato for 1 ndii gave notice that he would, on Monday next, sub. nut a motion tint the evpenses of the Af ghan war lodef raved from tlio Indian rev enue, and Henry Pawcett, liberal, give notue that lie would oppose the motion. Ouitaril lo laluil laiMHVs, Dec. S. The London Daily New ..). To the column of which lien. Itobertnis cominaudcr has Ih-ch committed the task of forcing tho Piew ail pass. This is tliu central pan of the three by which the llntlsh army is inarching upon Cabul, Can bah ir and Herat. Urow lie's force has pen etratcd be)ond dellalalud, and has tent hngaiie lor lorage ami to reconnoitre iiirougn Ihitlt thcgreitaud little Kh)bcr pass, o that lie virtuilly has now no nluUclc.be twcc'ii him and Cabul. The forvo of (len. iladdulpli may Is) callol the left wing of tho army that is inarching through tho (juettah pus towaM (.aiitianar, inruuijn a compare tivelv friendly country. The uniiortaiit vie tory of dener.il Kobcrt onens up the mtire countr) oi v. aim 1 10 mo uriiisu. iu vil lages of Peiwar Kottlaud, Shutar and Cur dan are situated southeast from Cabul and are on the line ot one of tho route leading from the ameer' capital into llutish India. The battld fought by Gi. Keborts wo evi dently conducted on (scientific principle, considering his own small loss of less than HHI iu 'ii, and comparing it with that ot his oppi ueuts, from whom he also captured 1.1 cauuou. (leu. Prow no is doubtless waitiug for the tupport of Oeu, Iloberts' force before making push direct for the capital by the better known Kliybcr pa. public benefit, which will then Im laid I loto it. 'en. Itiilierl's lliiiriiirnts LiiNlios, Dec. .". A dupatcli from t.v horu says Hull. Ilohertn intended to ntta. it Pelvvnr Pass by n turning movement. Tho Afghans vvcro too strongly posted to nttael. in mmt. . Ilrlllsh tlrlnrj. I.tllniiK, Dec..", -lien. Iloberts Ins itiined ' .1 I'flllllllitrit t ii'fiifU fil'rtm tin. ntsts ...j t ..., " (-.w. .., j w.vs siij iiiuiii a n'lsW' "( capturing Pelwir, Khotal nml nil tho Afg han caution. Thu enemv's loss is he.iv); llritish loss, Ml killed nud wounded. C.ipt. Kelso, of tho artillery, nml C.ipt. Anderson, Piutitir', ii ru among tho killed. t Itnniiir. P.vitH, Dec, fl. A rumor on thu bourse si)n another coiiventinu between Kiigl.iml mid Turkey cedos to Kngland Aiexandretta, thu caiurt of North Syria. t llnjiil Itrrpllnii Hkiilin, Dec. .", - Tho cmiieror mid em press rLnchcd tho inlaco in this city to-day. 1'ho routu from the riilwny station was densely crowded with people, who give them nu enthusiastic reception. Trades, so cieties ninl public bodies generally paraded past tho tialacn. Their majesties appeared on tho balcony of tho palace, niuid thu nc climntiou of thu multitude llorils Irom l.ariti.ilill. London-, Dec, 5. A illspitrli from Paris siyn that (InriUildi writes to a Sn.ili.iu cor respondent as follows- "The future of tliu world is republican; say so openlvto Hieilinn young men. I or tho present it behooves us to support thu C.iirohn miiil.try," , t III. Imp lie. lull.. The bishop of Durham his resigned nn ac count of ill licalli. I I'rnlnn (iiiiiIiie. I.OMHIV. Dec. 3. Thu IVnlan convict Tii-rney, alias O'Connor, has been lelejscd nml placed on boird tho steamer City of .Hester lor iSuw ork. .tnnllirr llniili I'll 1 1 lire. , fit iu.nu. II. .tMl... i'..l...l..ll ''ink has toiiludeil to go into limiid if" '!' c!"": .ohl,ugsomoof-''u,'V; '" y of (ilas2ov . DeM".l" -'""" Its paid tip capital it to a " """ ', iiuincu oi lis lioliliug uiu t il y oi ui.uzow. tliu result of tlio fit- ul 'lw!'V "n liiiuidatioti. , ' 1l.nrm.ll I" enlr.il t.ln. I.timiiF, l " AU 'loi''1 ' Kliybcr piss, A rrciinuoissancu ha lauin inadu a laras Peshlndak. Thuninecr is collecting luvies near Cabul. (Ion. lludilolpli ban mb vauced many miles northeast of Qucttali. Tho advance m easy and thu native ore frwmlly. ....,, snips-rnr iihhhhi. ..rniiH, Item iv. Dec. 0. Kinpcror William, in alighting from tho railway station, was met liy tlio assemuicu iciisiamrs aim umstn m the government. Ho made a siieech thank ing them for their ajmpatliy iu hi groat of. Illction. and insisting that unhealthy spots the strong hand of the law. In the parade which passed thu palace there appeared n lirgu minibcr of American bearing tlio star and stripes. Decrees have been promul gated announcing that tho empeior resumes government from to-day, and thaukii.g the crown prince for his successful nud tie votod performance of the imperial functions, and lii diligent observance of tho principles laid down by thu emperor. VI or Vlnllrrs In I'urllaiiirnl. Lovpov, Dei. .1. Ill tho liouso of com mons this afternoon, Vliltbrcad (Liberal) gavo notice that hu would olfer resolutions disapproving tho Afghan war, and asked for the appointment of a day for it discussion. The chancellor of the oxcheijuer said that he could not jioitpono tlio discussion of thu government resolution tlxed for Monday next. Ujion this announcement Hnrtington ap pealed to the government to givo place to Whitbread's resolution. (iludstouo supported Lord Hartingtou's appeal, but .Sir MalTord Northcoto stating that tho government' motion did not nee essarily mean to charge nil the costs of the war to India, hu consented to adjourn dis cussion. Chamberlain (Itadical) gave notice of an addition to Whitbread's motion attacking thu alleged unconstitutionality ot the gov ernment' proceedings relative to Afghanis tan. .tiir.trla ilun't llkr Ihr rvr Turkish i'nlil nrl Vienna, Dec. 0, -Tho 'ministerial crisis at Constantinople ha produced uvery un favorable impression here. Khrirdidam Pasha, tho new grand viier, is one of Aus tria' bitterest adversaries, He urged tho suit in to forcibly resist the Austrian occu pation of Turkish territory, and ho is rrginl ed hero a an unscrupulous scjicmer, capable of hastening Turkey to her ' ruin. The chmge of ministers, it is belie veil, is mainly attributable to ltussi.ui intrigue. A Hrn.llilr Slsu. Home, Deo. 0. In the chamber of depu ties vesterd.iy tho minuter of tho interior combattcil the accusation against the gov ment. He refused to fetter tliu prr and allowed tho iisilessucs of suppreaiing clubs, llrtialr In rnrllauirnl J.OMiov, Dec. Ik- Iu the house of lords, an address iu repl) to thu roy.il speech was moved, and tlelkito began. FUrl ( i ran v die complained of several amis sion iu the ipiccit' speech, particularly the aWnco of any mention of the war m Nmtli .tnc.i, which was vicvveii wungrt.i;atixiety by those best ncipniiitcd with the colony. He said he did nut intend to move any ameiHlmeut to the address, liceau.o of the lateness of the publication of the correspond, tnco concerning Central Asia. It could not make any ditleruicu tu parliament whether it met now or next l'cbruary, as far a any intlueuco it could exercise on the war, which has already Wen commenced. Nobody doubts tho absoluto prerogative of the crown to make war or peacei but it was perfectly certain that the continued recurrence of such surprise will seriously weaken the founda tions oi tno prerogative, lie repeated tns accusations that Lord Cranbrcok' dispatch misrepresented the conduct of the Gladstone government, and that Lord Lytton' com munication to the ameer of Afghanistan were harsh and indiscreet. He concluded sj fol lows; " However unnecessary war may havo been, and however much we tnay be convinced tlutjyou have completely played iuto the hands of our great rival, we urge this house to co-oiierate lu the srongest man- uer with the bouso of commous to nuke most ample provision for the sake of our gal. (ant troop. We trust the government ha not made fsiUciou estimates, under rating the expenditure oi the Abyssinian war." Infract the lountrvs attention from thu fact that his most attached political friend were siding with tliu mciiius of tlic.tr coun try. Lord Itic'oiisllcliltlictinddrcjscd tho house, llecritluscd the attitude of thu opposition in raising personal iUestions, mid challenged tliitu to attack directly tho justicu mid poll, ey of the war. Hu stated that thu iusiec tlou of Cvprtm by bin colleagues showed that the island surpassed nil thu govern muni's expectations and would soon bu rec ognized as otiu of thu most influential posi tiims in the llritish dominions. Ho express ed the opinion that tho result of tlio vtcto rv of (ictier.il Iloberts In Afghanistan would bu speedy nud satisfactory, llubclicvcdtho worst ol thu commercial depression wasovcr mid e.Xieeted that III a year tho position of nllairs vv otlld Im diirereiit. i lo ndded in ref. erencu to business prospects, that tho recent vrordn of tliu president of thu United Stntrn. coming from such a quarter on such a sub ject, cannot bo treated with too much col sider.ition. llnterpriso in America ro-a on that of l.nglaiiil. I look forward . miicii vouiiiiciicu to thuliillucnco of Ale can industry and enterprise shortly juow ing mure favorable result than woo ustunito. nt WM , In conclusion ho said tho govcfln mw. tirepared to meet parliament individual ever it might allect tliu luiniiulu decide to ly, but hu hoped tho luuic saiictiotia poll. maintain tho empire, mul for vviwlom, cy wbieh mistakes tiiu, t,y Pari druv was riioaineiidincntJVe ndopted wi'thout rejected, and tho division. f)l tl0 n,l,lrt.M i;t,0 house In thu delijj Mnriiuiinf Hntringtoniii.idu "'""'""IfiimlUrtntliat of l.rd (Iran niii ', "l'l,cr house, of thu intention of villo irnlllj J,,, fntnd not to liimicr the ""Irnmcnt in the conduct of thu war by KV attumiit to opposo the granting of nup- plies. Ilusaidthat tho war having 1 en commenced, if necessary for tho security of India It should bu conducted vigorously. (iladstoiiu spoke liriclly, expressing n hope that thu houso would havo more information beforu a vote of credit was asked. Jlllllnrv .sin v rnirn t Itiimors Lmioiik, Dec. 8, lien. Ilobcrtn is erecting but in Peiwar pass for a portion of bin troops. It In rumored that mi ndvanco on .IcllulaKul had been ordered, and that thu ntneer of Af ghanistan has fled toTiirUiat-iu. Liver is King. ti, r.lrAr U tlio lniriprlal nrsan of thn wlmln human nystom.BH UcontrolH tho lllft, lieallli anil bapplnes ol man. Wben It In ill.itutbed In lm proper action, all kinds or alliiionta aro tbo natuaal result. The illgoa. lion of food, tho movomenUof tho heart and blood, tho action of tho brain and uervoint syHtotii.aroall Imuiodlatoly ronnoctod witU the working of llio Liver. It baa beon hiio orsufully provod tbatOfeen'aAiiKuatK lower , ,,iiviri.iiM.s s..ii)c ! fs. noun ammtesi with Dymirpnla or Liver Complaint, anil all tho numerous Bpinptons that ronult from an unliualtliy unudltlon of tho Liver and btoin ach. Hninplo bottlea to tiy, 10 cents, 1'tw tlvoly aold in all towns on tho Western Con tinent. 'I bron dune will prove that It la juat what you want. HEALS' BUSINESS COLLEGE, lit JVf Mrrrt, .., KMrsr. iU. IV.K1M, IV. Impart a thorough and practical oducatlon in all commercial and Kngllsh brancbea, French, German, apanlsli, Drawing and Telegraphy. Tlila acbool having greater faolllttoa, and enjoying a moro extenstva n.itronnKO than any almilar Institution on tho 1'aclllo Coast, continue to bs-so It claim for recognlilon anil patronage upon the good houso and enlightened Judgment of the pub llo. Mar qe jAACUMT. K. P. Heald, II. M.Htearna, W. II. II. Valentine, Mm. C. Woodbury, Mr. A. M. Hatch, A. I. Dulllel, 0. F. Morol, F. u. Wocdbury, a. n. uapp, T. H. .Southern, Mm. V. J. Hamilton, I', Serrgnf, Geo. Jtbeiit, A. VauUernalllen. ITS SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. Tho attention to gentlemanly manners anil correct business habits, and tho fact that tba Ituslnena 11 ucnt Ion la not contlped to llonk koeplng, Penmanship und Arithmetic, but Impart nucb braad culture s the times now demand tor a high position lu tho Mercantile Community. The employment of only flrst-clasa Tesch era In ovory Uoparlmenl, and In antiinlent niiinbofssoas to give jversotial attention lo -ovory pupil. Ita com plate ayatem of ACTUAL HUSINESS hl.ACTICK. bv which pupils are tilted to enter the Count-' liiK-Houso directly from the School. The high standing of Its Graduates in tbe lHisliu-xs Community. The Pains taken to secure positions for Grdutlmln kooiI lluslnesa EstablUhmenta, The Dibulasloii of puplla or both f exta and of any aue, so that young boys are rend erect moro manly by tho association of the puplla of an older hub. In hnvlnc the lament and best ventilated and arranged Scbool.rooma, and the largest vcarly attmidanco or any Itiuiness Training School In Amerlci. Tbe immediate notification of parents In cae of absencu or any pupil, and the pain) taken to keep Ihem Informed of the progress) and deportment of their ion. Tba Wot that each pupil becomes an ele gant llutiness Penman before Graduating, Ita departments of Modern Languages and Drawing, In which each pupil can receive Instructions free-of charge. Ita complete Department of Telegraphy, In which students are lltteu to enter at one upon their duties aa Operators. Does not Issue Life Scbolaisblps, but give thorough Instruction at reasonable rales. Invite examination from all Interested. Tbe "College Journal," giving full partic ulars regarding course of Instruction, terms, etc, may be bad at tbe Office or tbe College. 21 Post street, or by addressing E. P. HEALD. President Duslnesa Colleire.Ssn Francisco, J. A. STRATTO.V, Attorney at Law, SAL.KM, OREGON. Mo on Stat Street, opposite tie Bennett Bogm