Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 13, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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By Telegraph.
Archill ALiHrr In I'nrllnmeat
liOKnoi. 1'ic. 7. In tlio Iioiiko nf com
mon", Nnrthiolt agin 1 In pixtimno tho rr
jiott on I' c it nil i i til Mi ni'm . ! n i!
i!i lio lliu lint rubi. 1 1 to I"- ilia' i ml ".. it
in ii i
.. . - ...
.tvVn n 'I i'. im i
111 III i
nt t'i,
1 1
1 i .
1 ii
I .1
ii it
n ..i in-
i. i ' ' i i i
K'l 'at I i.' tl Ku . f . v
ulna, ion! lri.lv b t . nl
l in rll
I in ' ip ' .v,: in-
I r I
.1 n tl'i Kn -1
iiiiiiiuii of tho'neefoy m tu lliu pmbahlu
remit n! the nincft'a policy. 1 hern wn mi
ground fnriuippoim;; tliat It leli-rnM to cuy
ilncct ur formal proiiof.il.
l-i.ti'iii .llnltrr.
Austria has contented to iiul.o .milieu
liun relative to Novi lluwr niipliciblu tu
llomia. 'flu iKiit, however, ileellmH tho
Auitiiau demand tu nnl.o oivulml iv.iuu
tinu dependent m Ttiihoy's pijinglhc coit
of occupition. I-iyin", lirilisli nihbiaador,
h.ii received Information emit! iilictlng ri-
port ol n in.ijK.ncro in .ileum. .lHlr.it.
llir Itrltl.li llii-ro)
LoviMiy, Dec. 7. -A Uilioru cnm'Spuml-
cut myi that (Ji'i Huberts will pmliably
Ymternii tliu IielgliM inst nl r. ir pias.
j litory dot.i.'l.tn :;:,(IJII inn . t n lux
nJulmoti fium tliu tiiuui r'n u .t Ii. rity.
Vurdtug t private iuforuiati in tin 'i Muv
Wi nru already rending levi tutu tliu
fall camp, It ! n pitted that l.houid
lhtibii nro only l.ipt from d. -eiting
IniNer by tlio prvwnci' of tio.i Two
nf lV wutu Men among tlm l l. ihIith
lit Iiin An Afghan cnu'ial lus pnnont-
nt l'luwar.
Cunkt' 'J,,clil' TiirJ.
Vl.-IlT, KJiJ'IK. Ilw- " 'I'1'" " " KM"l
ur.ul.iii,.li,,,lia l'aihii, Iiin ilr.ifti livli
IvIiulriiMiii.ri'! ,"'"l,ll'l'ml ifU'itfihility.
Iiuiriddiii,rcj iniiii.ieriiii iciMimijiiiiy.
in Arttieniaii iKH l"1'10 l"oulratu' itl"h f
tlum in dnlici'iveli. ilf"'l iri.l llmt In nil
liiiiulitmvl lu'pirtiual Justice wwild lw
niliuliili'.i i-in.1 iiri
iHinli wuiihl Iw lillmlMulall foM.riiiiii.nt
ivllioii. In i'ouiliinioli'1'imt lit. nmo to
pr.iy tu lliu Ramo (iml wu N"l. "W. all
in iliurcliM." 'in , , jou
AnnlUir tinirr Itcjinri
Ltltiinr, I)iv.7. - A littor vtlnrli .
ruyof Iudh rocfiu-d on tin. '.', in'
iiouiit'oj that Mnl.ir I'i.i.il'ii-ih I, ..l .. . ,M'-
from theWuro All Inn annHirti. tl... if,
mj ulthiiitiim. It n.iicliiilin i.nl, tl j ,lrt.
hMtiou th.it ho iiitiTl.tlim im niniiiy (0.
ward tlio Ilrilinh tjmoniiiioiit, tfmt lu ilu.
MriM to rtMiimi) furiiivrfriomlly ie! iti ,,, ami
ll not iviUt a tint o.' a Untmh imion to
liirlil.li I'ullr).
It in Ktatnl that Mnhmouil 1) iiiiu.1 l'.ulia
im iiviii nppoiiituliinuni iiiatcriif attillcrv.
Tho nulLin Iim docLirnl tint tl.o iiiNitut.
iiiviitof Cnr.itlu'olDri l'.uhaai mlimur nf
furvtgn nirulri, iiuplivn tliu iiiti'iitinn nf cir
ryni); out tliu treaty of IScrlin, ami that tho
uuw riuniatry was formi-il to natmfy I'.ti
roK ainl to attinipt au iuti-rtul riiiruaiiiu.
A tlrturj but nut a Triumph
ikss.x, IXic. 8. Tim pniniwul luntiuti in
tho Aimtria ctelcy.ition nt ',tli fur it voto
ot coutMoucu in Count AmlrauyV miiiUtry,
hui Uh'u quietly dropped. Count Amlrnuy'ii
victory in conlincd to tliu nijectlou of tliu
rjport of tho budjjet caiiiinlttito.
Anothrr MloUirrlal lliunr.
1'auw, Doc 8. A U-lccram from St. IV.
Unburff tatc that (Jen. TemacheU; niinli.
lr ot mo tutvitun nu rv.iyui, uu tnu
apimiutment cf Count SchouvaloQ" m lib)
uooeuor U oonilderod probable.
Tke Coiutilalltnal CantrullitB oo ItirTrx.
u fnctile BUI.
Sax I'hawct.hoo, I)c. 0. Tho corutitu.
tkuul oonvtutlos tablnl a rnol'jtiou re
iwting California K-nitor aud ntpnwnta.
tiym to aupiwrt Congreuinvn .Slfphrim' bill
(jrautiug a ulidy to tlm Toiaa lVtflc.
A Clilaaniau Uaaord.
&t5 Viuxcuun, Doc. C A II0.U0 dhi.
tutoli My that Chou Yow, a Cbiuamau, wan
Ii4niud at nridgvport to-lay for tlw niunlir
o( Ah Tow in lieuton county tait May.
Ttwt aacraoirato Trot.
fUcJUMKNTO. Roc. 0. The wi-atlur wa
thraatnui tbia inoruinp, but the afternoon
proved cUar and pleaant and thu attnnd
wice at the iiark waa Rood. Tho half mile
ruonlos raco between .Sam llraouan, Win.
ttra' Tilly, Ilob Iufemoll and Champion waa
won by tho former iu two (treiht heaU in
62 muloS.
Tim trottinK race for the 2:20 porno waa
postponed until to-morrow, when alio Karua
and Hwoetzer will vonteat for a purne of one
ttiMuand dollar. The track. U in Hue con
dition. EASTERN.
rPnt Anajr Urarpuiliallan.
WaxUIHOTUX, Dec. 8. Iteforing to a di.
jrttch concerning the joint rou,;riIoual
i.mnuilttivi on armv rvorjuiization. the fob
lowiug atlditiooal atatwnenta cau Ut mile on
very reliable authorityi The majority of
the committee aouie time ago agreed to rrc
unamend aa the main fiatoiv nf tbeir rtrt
that tho total number of rank and tile of the
acmy be limited to 22,000 men, and that a
ayetcm of ioterchaiiK of ability of line and
UiT officer beaubmitteJ fur the proant
Hyetem of regular atan'departmruta, exoept"
lug the engineer depaituieut. Theae feature
wro agreed to, though w ith aoraa beiiutiou,
by rlonator lluruaide and UenneeutativM
Vhite and Strait, three of tbo lour Kepubli.
un membera of tho joint committee. .Sena,
tor Plumb, the ltt Itepublican member,
did not attond any of the n.eetiuga until
yeaterday. Meanwhile mauy othir Itepubh.
nan aenators auu repn'viiuiii.ri. itwi.mK
private lufonnatioii of thcao uuvxptcU-d con.
ixijaioua made by Uurmide, White and Strait
to tbo demand of their Deiuucrstio cob
liviguM ou the committee ha.1 Iwguu to pro.
teat erj'ttrongly and reinfonrd thia pre,
new with the emphatic declaration that 110
Kuch extremely radical measure ihnuM U
oouie law if itrenuouj vpimntioii rouj.l
prevent it. .Senator I'lunb, at h Mealing
to-day, tuok aimilar ground, and Misars.
lljnikide, Wiight and Strut ar.. under
etootl to have expressed an iatuci m tu with
draw thoirproiioui a-iient to iei.r.1 imKir-
avriiping characU-r Thin tho w i-i Hjl.jit
ua.sA.'.iiKJBO.l. An i'lharnouiou. o-i en-1
. ..,, ..r. iiitna
01 1110 mini' liaitiaiuit
eawl 11.J r5ult caani. at preoo..; wv. asoer-1
tained.lutlUMini t lw ..art un that lufhnl
cgrcement was nchl t"-diy. au 1 that j
tiithiu Htiitiio v.Il U- ki;j..n concerning,
the forthcoming hill uot 1 is 11 prewiiUd to
coocreu. Thero U fc-u t tol-J ciiiderahle '
..7r 1:... 1 ... .1... ,!, , mitiirii n? .
taineil liatltajsmi to lw jart un that iu liml ! tion diilued the fa t tbit hu had U.-n shit
' .. 1 ..J .... I .1. -.'.! ...1. .1, ,1... 1... ,.l 'l'lu. i.i.ti.l ... 1,11 .1.
Iiai:iii vu-iiiy, an um
iimllaiiilitv. husK-rsr. tiittin maijniy of ,
thocju.nitteo "illarA luC" p. mn'oona
totalof tueat.-twoort.TBity trtt!icuaaud
iiwu for tho m't an J I'.i . tiu arm), aid
that material und ' u In taido vi
the nroviaicuj coiir r luijt'cit.'t c irp so ,
ra to pmvide. auon otusr th."i:, that no
vacant is shall Le coated lu thrm except by
death or by court-martial coa-ictions of
military o.Tcux.. It shoj Id bo understood.
mitteu (fill not, liy any incitis, necisiai l'y
iimtru Ilia iriactmcutiif tliclr till. It is
nun hdieud by most will informed persons
in Washington IliU a majority il the hoiim
i.f riprisoiitatui", iiiil'idiiiu tlin Tex u, (VI
Ol.llln, Nchl.l'k-I It'll r.ll'ltlC CtVl't IlKllllli'rf,
mil ii.it cvi ! t tit any rcduitioti of t!i
an. i, 1 1 'dm t ii present maximum i f '.'"i.uOO
tin ., ...I iut.u nf t!u uiu cu. 1 iui
u ' ' ' iii ; ah ri.. i f liitti ! i ... i iic
i ' ' i IiMi-m ,. mt' In' ftfpi.i', tlu'c
i t i i t ' ' ' " '
" i.
t 11.1 . I tv
1 1 1 .ipo" 1 1 1 ii1! r
'. 1 i'.I. : 11 ! ' - In uko
1 1
it i-i mi tliu pttmen'. iV.ult 1 1,. 11 t.-it. m,
til t Ii.im n.jt n'll 1 ron 11 .t .ui'ilary elh
initi liming ro mars oari cf t.irl.l.ut li.u
ilu.., Hi many t-itiiilar viMirvi'ticiea, iktiiun
Mratiil iti KiifK"!(iii of ctlicnciuuo pirou.il
nml loi-ifil iiillueiici) tu olilain in thu upper
hiaiu.li nl I'onrets just cmisidcratiuti.
I ('.iiiiini'rrljl .Mla.loii.
WAsiiiNornv, l'c 7. -Tho piirpoo of
Ciimtniiiloiu SihifohltV inlMinii 011 tho Unit-
ul Htitci Kteamer Tiiomleroga, which tilled
rum Hiiiiiptinii llo.uii to-ilay ur tlm west
iv.it of Alrii'.i, Ii to lirbcced theme tlitoiiRli
the I111lir.11 oeeaii, mid up tho vat eont of
Sum and Cliini tod tjiuii nml ('urea ai an
1'iiiliUH.ulor to iiroinotu thu luinim ixhl in-te-UMtN
of tliu United St.iten. A iHitirniMiloii
from .Seen tary KvnrU eniifers on him is.ti.i
nriliiniy i'.nri to lomludo (oiiniieriiil
cmiwntioini with iiumiroua nutndu pelly
unveiiiiiHiiU during Id i'iuii'. l-pleii-
1 1 lit. l.r.uit, it U rporttd mi whit M'l'in
tiiiul milliiiritv, hat ln iispiciiilly iuviled by
JiiN'rutarv I'mrUi and Nei-rvlary'I Imiiidauii to
jnln thcYicomliropi at tho ti.o;ith of tlo
('.iiij-ii tlT, mi tho wet e kij. of Afn 1,0m!
I aiui.vptid the i'lMtatioii. It ii b bund
that '..iiium lure S'.li.ifcliK will tlud I1.1i w.iy
Into that lutlii'ito neiled ri'iuii, L'mri, and
pom 1 lily i.ticied ill (ilit.uiiinu C0liiuiirel.1l
pritil ."! tu mum) extent. Ill tiurponu i to
lit thu Coren lapltal, if poaiiiile, u fent
hltheilc inner aowxjiUifcsa by Kutopciiix.
Ilefiiru bin lu i thU oit7, Cccamodoro .''.L.'i
fiMl announced it as hiicrctittimitana'b
Sin I'r uieiivo 11 few df.ys alter ll.e preideii
ti.il ilutioii in ISM).
li rlllU ul' Clgir Ituiirtx.
( 'im tun, Ptct). -Aiueetiiiijof cii;arinaii-1
nf.ietun'in wai livid 111 tuti city to-day, nl
nhHliriwiliitioLiiwi.ro n'lopV'd vinliuaitii;
tho actum of tlm New Verlt makcM mid ad
loo.itini; the tiiiiinent liouti) ytitn. It U
piuHted to nuke the iKtiou (,itivral tlituuijh
out thu I'nuiitry.
I lieTrmlr Di.lUr In ( I1I1111.
New Yum., Dee. 11. -Apptvheuiun Invo
,hii iixprunted tint tho ikhujuo id tho Uw
" 1. .. .' . 1 . .1 .11 1 ...1 .... 1-- 1.1 ..
bo a liiKtiJii
I "',,",". ' (t 11 practico cf fhiuio
Ur.oi,reeui. ; (ufl . ,,
rtilunu itj ial,i ,,,. tfc,, lmlrk, A
t. mi it. A .-.nu u. . '. . ...
chop ,, ,t. A com av.,,! wwlM ,;oti
.Mlmtth(ruaruoi,ly Mi.ii ...jiJ,, JJ
"niio!ioiMt"triKlo dollara tlure, ,u,d thu
opinion u uxnrvaiHiI that Hut uf tlm w mm .
IWO to JiO.OOO.OOO tradu dollar ixportid tu
v.. .ma in uiu iui 11 no ycar, all Uot ouoor
two million hae btx.u i-huinu..!. nml il, ....
font under ailVvhaimu of lawa eaiuwit mini.
iutu our eurruiiy,
i.rtaV I'rubalile tlorrnirnN.
WAfliilMmiM, Uec V. Tlieru U ofllcial
authority for the ataU'inc nt that ex-Kreaidiut
(Ir.wit will not taltu paaiage in tho Ticoude
na and lMoniHadiim-pnf finitiin.1,ih.i:Mi...
trial 111 ina lOTDilf uTI'lolnatVC liiualuii, nor
take tiaaaage In that veaavl for any iiunioae.
The lUchmoud, which ia Lelnir littd out to
be the uag hip of Hear Admiral l'atteraou,
oommaudiiiir the Aaiatio itatiou, will koou
aail from that country, and It U the cxihm.
tatiou that lieu, (irant will join ber at villa
Kranea and proceed therein tu llongkoug
via. rjuex cauxl. Au invitation luu beeu ex
tended to Ueu. Orant to make thia trip, and
hla reply waa a thankful acknowleJcemeut
theroof with au cxpreaaiou of a' probability
nf acceptance. Ilia viait to Aaia will have
no diplomatic, nignilicaiice.
The Arir.Trcalr wlUi Japan,
Wamiiimituk, Dec U. Thu commercial
trraty with Japan, aoou tu bu communicated
to the aeuato by tho prvaideut fur ratillra
tion, conUiniJate an iniortant aihlitiou to
the ureattiit treaty, havimr iu view the in-
1 re ax and deielopmiut of the coinincrvo of
both oountrieu.
Tke In ilia u Tnuufrr.
Tho Indian commlaaion to-day heard ex
.Senator Morrill in oppoaition to tliotrauafrr.
lie alvocated railical changi'a 111 the existing
law, aud (aid that tlm Indiana should be lo
cated and proMrly i-ducated to bo preparnl
to meet the coming emergency of delivenug
their lauda to the laat increasing w liito spec
ulator. T..I... W.,.,.. .,unt .. l, III..L I'..-. 1..
diaua of Montana, said that they Were moat" I
y 04ol to the traualer.
Oppoalag Maleaweai frwlrrnlae. I
Va.suimito.v. Dec U. Tlm dinner but
Slight to John McCullough waa a marked af.
fair, lteiiort aai that thero was somn re-
uiarkable fraterniung between Mditical
chief Ulus of opposing partioa. About M
cuesta were iireaent, amoiiK thrm .Secretary
hhennan and Un..Sbennan the Litbirmeaid-
ing and making the preliminary addrvaa. Ilu
said tliey uaa lomu luere to uniimberguns
and nru away witnout nwtraint, ami oolect
ed to a ueapaier rexrU-r taking uotita uf
sptvchit. It is said that Ilbune and other
couiireaamen wire very cordial in mutual 00
preciations uf nMwt. Iilaiueia rejurted to
bavu luspeti iiucknuru a band acroa ttvo
tatlit aiuid locjfcriusrheenug The feativl
tiu weru irutractl until near daybreak.
fall for Honda.
Wa.'tiUr.aroN, Dec 9, -The secretary of
the treasury to-day iaaiied tho 7th call for
tho rtdcmptioii of fi 20 bonds of IrUVi and
couaiJs ot IMi5. Ou March Hth uext, iufcr
eat will Ceaae.
for lb.. Urltrroriallrarnla.
In the house t-day luvu introdic-d .1
bill to rvimburiMi Callnrnia fir exj-ejii-ra in
cuned iu Iudlan wars.
t follre uvtrrr Klllirt,
.Sl.'IllMKOo, Di. S. Itvgular imliio
oihier Jua.'ph .-iolt, uiu funi.d dt.ol on tho
id.iU iiiiHoiutt.eiiti stn.it liolwuvli 1
and J and tho mouth uf an a!ly
oMucfc thuiioruliir'. 'I he body r
about 1
j o unci; wn iiuriiuv'. 1 ue iwiy ra-i rvinov
I id t tho luiunur'a u.!;i.e, and til oxaimia
id tu thu lunmsr odji, aim ,
tion di-ilued the fa t that hu h
through tuo Iwad. Jhuputol 1
ilosv that it buriml bu c.Jti
man hr.v j ben arn.tut oa w.p
wen i.iru wen loiUiriu ia t!,w v
iMi - Miii I. vinj i.Lar who baur.1 a
ti.iw.pi wm .''-.., .. i...w. r,. Uw, . n.
....Up. .M(U.
ptnon. I'oar
vij.ni ty ijy n
Imiwhi l.viny l.isr wlm lHaPl a piatol alint
alii ni n r.u' ' 1 utt y a.'er I; 1 I,
li-.e-l t'.o n to n.it .It.rtb n.utt, and
on t vil j t. at bu ui nuivi ot bin t-.
as arr-t,
.Nevada as J Orrsuu Awe I to r-i.t)ieraU'
SiC'-lUd-CO. D- U. Hu constitutional
conveiiUun to-dsy aj pled .1 n-soiulioii r
onustiug fie chair to appjiut a committee t
tlliou 10 me ;;ovirnor 01 ure: ou
nill f,g iniuu uoiiitrn n-yti ii-nii.-i nwtiiu 11
tlil ' 't" thlity iiulhuna fioui China, mid 111
,',,, 'vyn-ntlv liiiruaao thu iuIjiiiu if cur
IVIIC. 1 11. , - . . , 1 .,. ..... 1 ... .
1 aMiieii iiv iiicreiiii'iiH neiu iu
their iopeotiv State, for a module ttton '
the Iliiihugaiiie treaty,
t luml' Itdu.ul.
In tln I'Jlli ilutnet roiirt to-ilay 111 llir
11 "itt. r 1 f tho relustl nt ,1 (.'. I'lood t" tu
tif; Ii' imi 11 ti in th iiKont llurl i i
I luml it ii, .'i. i.i II ipiti-ld il !. I
t'.V I .jnd 1 ) il 1 iml b rninpdltd to lu.ti v
1 I're.i.ttiptoniHtirrin".
tln rnTKur 1 11 luml 9 Ii J '
"tni. In . tu iU I. f '. 'ii1 '. 1 f 'i 10
! lu im.' I . ill li 1 1 I 1! 1 J.ir' ' t . . i
eo .11 Im . 1.
llir V iv Itirin'c f..!nl l e
Iu (.1 1 ly in. n.t 1 rr! ti .. thi
ell i.:u ; libel p"' Itrrnl by C ('. O li unell
a.aiin"t C! ar,. . wnl Miolu.il iViYoung v.n
i't fur triitl on the Ut.
Hi.- Mijtlin lu t'allliirnla
Silt Kill M' I mil, Dec. 'J. - It commenced
r.iliiiui; liehtlv hero at about d,i)lii;ht, with
HFOitlierly wind, rotitiiuiiui; till 10 o'elocl.,
when the wind nhiftwl tu tlm Wit. It la
now ilear, with nu futthcr proapect of rain.
It ia Mining heavily at Sh.iHi nud it 10I1I
oiul iluiidy with iudieatinua nf rain through
out tho Sacramento ally. 1 1 ii raining iu
the mouutaiiia on lliu lino of thu Ce11t1.1l
I'avillc nml ii anowiiii; at tho auiuimt. It
rained lintly in thu counties lying north of
Sm l'r.iiiucohiy thU inornitii', but clean d
up by 110 U is raining nt UUialt, Meinlo-
t-iiio iTiiuty, and raining nt Sm .Iim.) with
iudii'.itiniia ot ui t weather fur'.tiir tip tin
iiillry, n id n luht rdii with proijMi'.a fur
inoiv 111 ;i 1 1 C'ru. and Monti icy umtitie.
At Nloil.tun it m.m mining nt noon, nud nil
Meet from all pirti of the l'.v.i Joaipilu al
ley aim J. lam pniUililc. No iu ot rain ut
llalitutlild, hut flight iiidicatmni nt Io
AligJei and Santa I'.irbati.
t'lirlliiiu.itii' In I'lilil'nriilii
Sv KiUM'iiiixi, Dee. Ul -A heavy ihoek
nt iiirthipiilto m Mt at Chico and lied
lllull tlm morniiig.
I lie rrm. or lliutinn llri.rcntleu.
Uimiov, Dec. II. -A corrcfimmloiit nt
Kiath saa tho new 'i'uikish iuiuitry ha n--auino.l
iiegotutiom with lli.M.i ulatlietu
nileUnativu coiikontioii nt a point where
they were tr.ippil with their pledeiemor.
Ciuiditio.ia of uiacuationniu nlomiiiimettliKl,
but Knglaiid Iim mggi'sted a achetuu wiiili
aim hai adiimd the porto to accept mid ti
wlin.li liuisia I111 already nented.
InlliiM' ul' 1 nullil Haul..
'Ilic Wont ot Kiial.iud ntnl South Wulm
! D.aliut liuiU h.i t (J branchoi. Its liibili-
tie nru vlT.ritKI.UCOj ui lit ttated nt same
.1 linlilit, but lis they ciiunlltnf local bill
which im not mgotlablo in IjihIoii, thu
ltitik of Kngla id iifimil tuodvanuo 1111111
thei'i. Tho run upon tho haul; foi tho list
feuilnjalius boon o uTiiitent that the
craih on hand i I'timated nt only n nulli' 11
nml n ijuartir dollar. Slnrehnldera nuuiber
2,00U and thur liability ii uullinito.1.
I Ills riului I rout ttuxla
I'lllI-UI'l-OIDLIS DlC. II Thv ltlli.1IIS
ham daiinid from thu iuturu.itional cotiimia
aioii 2:1,000,(100 franca for thu vxpeUM. of
iiim, Tlir ttu.tUn fulilncl.
Sr. IV.TKlMUCr.il, Dec. U. Thu nalguation
of (leu. Tinuchuir, inluintcrof tho iuteiior,
waa 011 account of ill health. SlaUeoM' will
aucctvd him toinHirarlly, Count 'I'alstw,
luiiiliUr of publiu instruition, will probably
n-aigii(,u account of unaatufactory u.lmiitra
tiou. Dileviu, grand uiaitor of cereinoniea,
succecila him.
The Hut lo be rroee(ed t lib User.
A voireapondrnt at lhoru aayt that tho
iiSKt .iSttFWlwAudfc (MWWti ii lib0.
The govimineut waa consequently awaro
thereof vhnti it opened parliament. Aa the
letter expresses uo williugueas to chmply
with the viceroy' apocltic demauda, opera
tions will proceed if pouiblo more actively
iu conjeouenco uf the ainouVi irrwilotioni
so a to acquire as much ai poasiblo before
he submit. The continuation of Hrowfi's
advance 011 Jellalabad is certain. It is re.
iwrtod that the ameer has lied becatui of a
revolution in CabuJ,
Ttve UrltUli Mtfry,
LoNbON, Dec II. A sixtcial from HuU
ays the Ilritiah killed at I'ciwar ia uow ra-
uuialod at twenty. Vast aupilies wbirb the
Afuhana bait accumulated for whiter In tlm
villages aruuud 1'etwar greatly relieve thu
A cornapoiideiit at LaJioro slatea that
high otiiriala aay tliat thu last letter of the
ameer of Afghauistaii I as uufnendly us bis
former unu.
Kvjallr i Hlrk.
IuxiK), Due. tf A DarinstaiU dlstch
says that tlm graud duchtas, I'hiiceaa Alice
is aeriuualy ill of diphtheria. I'riucca
Alice la Urn aocoud daughter uf Quecu Vic
toria. TUe tuierr'a I'usull.
Sr. I'eriaiMa'iiu, Dec 10. InUlllgejiie
ha been receive.! that tlie family of the
WUM'T o( Argbaulstau has taktu relugu iu
Kiualan Turkutau,
TUe forle'i I'Utorrn.
CoNarAMTI.MofLC, Dec 0. Theaultau haa
iisaiiiut Couut eehy. Auatro-IIuugarian
aiubaaiador to Constantinople, of tho iHirto'a
intention to adhere to the treaty of IWrliu,
and cxpreaaea great anxiety to arnte at uu
uiidutUudiug with Austria.
Wasiuhoton, Dec 8.
1 4Uiitron submitted a reanlutlou rwuratin
the pri-alduit of the Uutod .Statu to fumlah
the aenaUi with ropie of reort of Unite.1
State marabal or other ottievra, and so oh
other lorivapouiUnce aa he may havu nlativo
tu the ruce4it eloctiona iu South Cot nliu.1 aud
IauUiaua; agreed o.
A meaugu uu ructived from thu houte
a'uiouuciug the jiaaue of a bill to lorrect
an ouiuaiou iu tliu anndr)' appropriation bill
of last anatiou, in regard tu the lot Spring
IKtiiy aaktsl it prrauatcouiidt ratlin. but
on motion of JilmauU Uie bill u uidertd
At the uxpiiatiou of (ho morning hour, a
bill was intrtl'icei to itinend Uiu retiM.1
ttatJto rrbitiiv to pre.iiler.tial i-livtiuna, and
to proiidu lor and regulate tlm ruuutini; of
votn lor prvjidtut ajd vivo pnit.di.ut, and
thu d-ii.iou cf ibieitioi3 aridrg. 11
muiiil addrcvcd the tiuatu tu faior f thu
Aiuoiu I'i-'s iutro.luit.il during the mini
m hour w t. i.-ii. In umiHl bank tu n-tine
dii'il.tl ..Ivor dullara m .11 njnv.il ut .11
v: jt, 1 1 yi 1 1 c i . nt l'.n I'll tul Ii'Ut.-J. .in. I
due. 1 1 g i 1 r tary ,.f th tMtiiry tu u
tho l. u 1 nl. 1 .ri dollar 1.' al t..nKf i hi-id
fjr 1 . .It mp imi f r frt ot.al iur.-m cy
1 1 piu.iut id tl a. afibuiil ol bv teiity
Lt. il
ilivit', uf 1 .v Yj-kji trodne d a ti'I to
iuit. .i.cji- sta.uttttl dllljl. WUi .hvUuaLio
v.i"'i j- U
'1 ( 'ir .in-
It. 1 01
a J
' I t a l.a
. .1 l ' d I
1 1; In i t. . ;u fin:;!
J," tit .tblarl n.ir Jj'uri,
I V j. PS, iav. ill. uttui-j.
f I
ia i, au 1
t ic.r r x
Vilsd -fea
i'ary tu t'.irds.
tion of coniular nlluiri iu t'lilni bv oom
inetieiiig 11 croia-i'nuiluatio:i of (,. Willij
Well, who reiterated the penei il ptirnurt nf
Ins pitiioiH i itlllioliy III rei'iril to Iiinhiij-
win 11 In nsiltni'd clinr-e uf tin iilllee if
till 1: 'ii 'nl nt Slianghii. tliat iIikiiii . 1 k Im I
In oil nliatriciu.l nud lei rd
vV.lbml.'el that tie ilmk
h nl Ihi" ip-
p 1 1 nf n bnti' 1 1 lionK, v
ill. 1 rVw-afrt ixi-it ' r. 111 1' 1
nf i .
"II it
r.' I 1
! 1 11 nii'l Welii, will
ti , r r jui u' 1- '! . ''1 1 1 . ; '
1 r vnnl wnaon t' i- ).i 1 ' 1
I t' 1 rin itteo pi v 11. .I 1 t. - ( 11,
ip v V . tneu ) ' 'in d u 1 1 ur
I'nt nulla ha cotil. t lo priti t- I i.t 1
committee from tneli mnullmg intrri ipte "
1 1- iniHt phitcit lilnmll. I'iiu tnwrt'.i
lii.itiuii vv us tluli contiuueil.
(irritJii ul Hit' t'nri t.iuIIUn
10 III CXVULLUUV, . W. 1MMI I', 1.11V 1 1.
till Uf IHIHiOV.
Sill: Having born appointed bv )onr re
'I'tvior in tho guberiiitori.il el.uir na e 'ii
niiraioiivr fur thu atlte uf Oregon to tliv' I'nr s
cxHHiticn, 1 desire trt it port, for public; in
formation, tho suceeu which Ina irovwcil
the exhibition uf tho prodiifig of Ur.gun.
jfaiiiig on my arrival in Now url., neir
tainid that 1111 mom waa icsirn-d 111 the
nt 'iiiitlup di tailed to inuvey thu prndiuta '
uf the auieral states for tl u nrlieh'i deal . ml
tu the c!ii1 itiou by Uii'nni3ii, 1 nt 1 1
Kiiured thur transhipment t tlu !( m 'l.m
C mid 1, l"V whull liin'l they Wen im vi il
ly tu i'arm. U11 arrival in r.ir 1 I
thu siliufnctioii of lej'ortin; tint Onxnu w n
the only alate ul tliu Uutu.l that h.nl 11 m pa
rate diipt.1v of products iu nno oompiii't f inn.
It Win a gtvat anurvo of gratification N Un
to lilnl, upon upemiig thu gnihla ehlip. I
from Oregon, that liny who hi aiiih excel
lent condition, and I feel that mitWi crei'ii
initio to II. D. Sanborn, V. uf tlm city.
lortliuliKilant supervision whn Ii Ii.' oei-ni
ed HI tho iiiauuf.icttile ul thu eci lleut atalid
fur tliu display uf tliu rrtioln, and n!' i i ,
the caro with w huh tlm articlot tin iiim lv. i
wero packed. Tho ii-teale, Wut.l, elutii.
blankets, fruit mid ei.iry other nrti.li i.um '
at fresh from tho cues In I'.nn na wh. u
they weru p.icki.l m l'ortlnud. I u eiip). I
thu time fro.n my arrival in I 'an. tod.it' ul
the opining uf thu exoiithiti in priuiiiu.' '
tho exhibit, H.ins tu preieut i'iry pruduet I
of thu at.ituin iti iniist favor.ibl Mitiun.
I ulo trannlitcd the review of Win. Ilu 1,1
It,, of thW city 1111 tho rtunircci of Oregon '
ami Washington tcititory into tliu I run. h. 1
(iiriuiiinnd Kli'iuuli hiixunei, mid I hid
rovir.il tiuiiistml copies priuled, which were
iiflurw'.irds distribjtad iluriuj thu runtiuui-
tl.ni uf tho cxpoiition. 'Iho pamphliti
created ( re.it lutereit niuou; thu lliuuauid'i
whii purused tlieui. Of courao thu people uf
Oregon w ill naturally Imi anxious to Icirn
what iuipriiaaioii the display uf tho prudiictn
of this statu left upon tlm luitidof thoso who
lilted thooxioitlJU. Our display uf cereals
aloiiu was greaUir than that contributed
by all tho other state. Our wheat
aud uaU weru thu wonder and admiration uf
all who beheld thiui, whilst our fruit ex
cited tho oucoiniinnj of coniioiascur iu lo
inology. Our exhibit of wood was thu larg
est nud thu most varied in thu exposition
audit was cxaminol with great iutereat by
persons moit directly aciuaiutcd with tho
uaturu of W00.I rcpjired iu thu maiiufacturo
ef iruamiital ami. tliun-ajU -"'leli-a. Mr.
lo liernan, impoctor of forests fur tlm
French government, who Is one of tho most
skilled foriatiirg iu France, was so ftvorably
imprcMed with thu'sainplva uf Oregon wool
on exhibition, that he loluntarily informed
uie that in hi p plnfjn the time was not far
distant when ordeaarfor exjiort would bo re
ceived ill Oregon for tlm uurtioseof iutroduo.
ing our timber iutu in iny markets where it
ha hitherto beeu uuknowu, ThU gentle,
man has vast experieuce Iu the nature and
uualitira of the tlimrrot varietlu of tlniber,
and Uiu uw to which particular varieties
can lo applied, and I would suggest to any
citlxeu of Oregon wliodesirus to enter into
tho exportation of Oregon timber to ojwn
communication with bun. Thorn aro also
othar erona, resident in Fruiicu, (iennauy,
Ilollind aud Ikljium, who aro skilletl in
this branch of industry, whose uaiui-a and
aildruMia 1 will cLueriuUy furnish to all who
desire to cormajiuud witli them ou this sub
ject. ,SMimens of Orrguu wood were left
with Uioho gentleuiNi lor the pulpoM of
drawing their attention to the valuable pro-
Ik rties of On gon timber. The sahnuu exhl
ut furnished by Measr. A. Itoou & Co. and
.unaarH. UvoU X Co. riaultml III
uuuung it
us market fur this prulitl pruluct of our
tuaic iiitnorto ins sale ot our ailruou Iml
Uvn eoufliied to Oruat Ilritalu, very httlo of
it being tiitnuluwj into Urn Krrucn uarkit,
but during my sojourn in furia I riiUrod in
to neguuauwi witli twoul tlm largv.t Iui port
ing houiu-, with a pfonvt uf rrratiug a
laiife dctnand in the future for Oregon sal-
moil a soou u iu uienU becauu knowu tu
tho Kreoch jieople. Our wool oihihit was
uot aavxtrjuiieu the meritj of Origuu
wuol.doiHvvril, Hut few aiinplo weru fur
ulahed, ainl tl.ey were not Ui a lajiiditiou tu
rxciUi the a.bniratioa of oonuoiMcur iu
this staple. So far as I board the opin
ion of judge, liowi'Yrr, 1 could learn that
they uere favorably iniprraaed, and if Ore
gou euuhl have lioeji fully rrpnaur.le-1 in
dilfureut grsdia of this article, I fori cun.
viucetj th statu w.uiduave roftejvo.1 a gold
medal Vbrreou. Our tlax altrai'ted the atten
tion of Uie tbtx growers of Kurcpo.wbi re tho
pmduc4Iou of Ibl urticla has been brought
to great perfucUou. All who iusprctcd the
raw cUUrial fumUhe.1 by Orugou wjru a
touished at it great leugth.and the U naiious
qualityof tho libre. It was remarked, how.
ever, that tho Oregon artlclu waa uot lnin.ll.-d
akillfully, tbowiug lliat we wert-auiateuia aa
vit in tbiai;real and lirutitaUe branch of in
dustry. Thu oats, ryn and barley sent from
thij state tu tho eition weru oxauiliud
with gnat iutrrr.it, but whtu I informed
thuott who ii.iiiv.Uvl it of Uiu liumler of
biiahela of ejich rai".l iilmii iiVr of land
iu Oregon, they appiuubt uilirely inrriilul
om. Tiny ruuld not rvonii!o inj atite.
mi ut with t''i.i;n ultuml "titl.tii-i nf II i
rnp..,aiii many erto scould not bu nducml
to Ulivve thai 1 uai tolling the truth. In
l'raucj thu var'ety known is hit '. aiU u
..iu 1 ..uiu.'.aiui at unr priucipu uxiuuii was
tlm w Iutu Mud. Mil. lie liitirv.t did Hit mi
ii.uru a concuuraio unou it
Ojrrvn was nf I ing
thu vthiti. vari-te, whilst tho 1 I it mostly I
''y j
, ',' 1
CO. I V.itCl III J.jr.llK', a'..I 1 U.i J lull '1 4 .11
aril Iu c!ai'td nur it. vthuut. Oi b.
did ii .. 1 c 1 1. .t 1 ... ! .Ud lni vural i..b.i
1. i ... . . ... .' 1..- .. . .
idlhitliuapaeu 11wr rved within thm v- ('. T. Ill tllO IClSt 3 IJtilirS. ftvl''.yWflvl)
puitioii bnlldiiig w her. in to jaI.iI t tl , 11ia ,, , ,lf ,,, unrl, -- feiVilaj -TrTSTeSw
produeU o( thia ktato. iiiilea tliu ill p' 1. Imiilnnent needs only to U seen to l swrv. r IttVf W t?l rfVS. I . ;ii?W
cunld bo merged into that of ot erst il ...ml lU.l AU jour uclslibor what ho llifnKs ' .tft. ViV: IVi 'L.ki'wt'i'MfM'iiVX4!
tl.erebv U its individuality. Alter ,'i it H. Ko eeiii.IUtl.n ollevera AK? W " ' Vit8 M ffifJt
. . l.l..,. ,...1 11 1 11 . lan Bianiije II, n.l tlo Utter work than a mail " . 'NVWlvr. u 'Tlli e4ifl
enerlion mid tlmmuli tho lull ueneo ul m uh a wilklnijiito. and twlco tho quantity - . - ' V&W.iKi -?.
fiuiida iu Karii, lauicu'ihd 111 Menu ga irthr- Weliavs U cipcclat trend lo Ui V-,','i 'vJniJwiFtf'
mo!, eli Jiblo altu In tho xxhlbithm, an I luuv hiiroiemcnt cl four liiiioiiienli and ii only - Wt-mii.w,T. v ' 'V.sliV?C f -rJ"1
rJui.wi ol t!. . . r al 11 1... a-. J too jisn -r 1 rua . 1 MJ ,. 1U1 Ui- vy ught ul the
nu, in fir...-, 1.1 . . m 1: r ...t.. .. limit- Ib.au lApoi bus j i. luiu ia .u . . b.luli.1
brai h i,f .. I ,..., i..,tv..u-.i I J ,., i ! and
1 11 u nf
,' au, a,
,1- t tiUl-i J. id ioig l IIJJIOI.4'0
' "in 1 .rj., I v'.i.'i 1. in j pit
.nt 11 it;.ui 1 ,. 1
inu asm
I tt I. ,ii
. . -. ,t.. . it,
ii I t
T, 1 tf"
a' ,,.' - ,
'- I I ' np i'li
' 1
r ,
r 1
in ro.!u
.' o. 1 r Jj. 1 1 .1 t.
a. J t.a- .!.' I.'r
siii'ifishiii' -"hn 1 -it
r ai. iui li.'i.j.f 0
1 Mi
1 '
i'jii in li 'i it -'I
.1 ...m uf brut k'l.i", t
If I
Ci It tin
MMi .trjIUMuhi
the I nnlmlii.il of Ilu
Offer for (3nlc at (lie LovrcDt i?osslblo Pricoa.
fS(Q Consistl it, In part of
We have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save such
as arc really the "lie us uia" of their class, believing the best arc not only the
cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be fur
nished on application, and we sell no goods that wc arc afraid to guarantee. We
would call especial attention to the
Mflmto y ;t h
mvtH MlKiH' iigwi
u .. r .:iiv: - i
iiiMt- J nnn cl,l '.. l-.. ... ..ti inr i-'is.
an vvvi i.vvy oum ,11 uiuuuu unu - .Il41fi ..Unr-tV? Jilfa
Imiturt Slilll .ItAtal thai attf
htot Improve
idcuU utJ but .t j ft. Ai uur lino U too cxttuJcO to
Buckeye Broad Cast Seedors, Deere's Sod Plows
Farm, Grist and Feed Milla, Wood-worklnu Mnchinory; Bolting,
Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
With tho Now TnULIiENGER Put. BllAKE, tho Latest dovlcel No Ilralto
Bar tisoil; No shoos to ivonr out tires will hold 11 wiikou iinywlitro Ihna
bncklna or Rolur; forward. Wo nro nlso Solo Ajjcntn fur
Too well known to need oouuuuit. , Sautj'ur Circular and l'rlce I.I fit .
I'd iry tui-c ".'iillv, til l Inn "' I rr '.
'and II. 11 in I In in" Ki.imuhit mtiulir
()ri'goll, huvv -li-e, piu.ira.ui t' ' 11 1 1 al t.l'e
.of mill, iv in Ii i.if'm 4 iiium m.i.'.
chirinu imtl'T into tln l U, nud tlicr.. is
no country in tlm wml 1 whtru the miuufac
turn ul In vt auuir 1 until bicirriel on mum
pmtltably I luvnin my piu'eailon stalls
ticainiiceniing tin.- gmwthatid aen-aK iv
iiiirrd to jinilmu 11 given iiiiintity uf K'lti,
tlm coit of pmdiictiuu iu Ivirupu. and nlju
thu co.t uf m w linierv fur thu inauufactum nt
lx'et an jar, nud shall Imi uiuat hippy tu im
part thia information to nil who have tlm ru
ipilsiti. rklll ami capital to enter upon this
much heeded nud prullUblu lleld of enter
prise, U'ltig fully aisured from what 1 learn
ed In llnrop,', th it Oregon will ot rival thu
sugar pru-hiciu.; i.limU uf Uie Atlantic, ami
Pacillu iu prmtuctioiia of augir from tn.-eU.
Ii. . U Iui. imilng inlcaiii that In liiroi
tho rental paid pur aero for liml upon which
to raise beoU U inomt'im ibail.lu the pur
chaao nricu of eiuulir land iu Oreguii, whilst
our soil is moru prolitie, yet thuro they aro
able to compote with sugir iuiorU-d from
Cuba, Java, aud other sugar growing dis
trict, aud alaii rualire iiiHrly si sty por cent,
upon thur capital luvixte.L I.ibor U cIlmiht
there than iu Oregon, but Uii will be more
thau olbuit by tho ditlurenen iu reiitiug and
owning tho laud, nud alto in tho product per
acre. Knuu rsl.ttilatiuu which I have, based
upon KuruMun stiUatic, I ani aituliil that
Oregon cau pmduiM sugar at a cost not to
excred two-tliinla uf thu actual iwt of mar
kuUug sugar rauul in nuy of tlm Cuiiutrio
of tho KiimpiMii cun tin en t. As your II'imJ
lenoy is N-rhsH idmly nwam, Oregmi luu
been awanle.1 gold, ailvor uud brouie luribibi
lor lur ilillcrvul uiH.nor uxliilnta. These
medals am uxmtl liore iK'fom long, and ai
soon as tlmy nrrivti I will forward them to
Uiuso ptrti. fur whom they weru iuU-ndod.
hofom iliMiug thii leport 1 duslru to mforui
your Kscelleney that whilst nt theexio.i
boil I iitiluuiged Urn wheat ut by Oregon
fur a v.uK'ly uf thu bet sikciiuni of wlu-.it
uu exhlliiti'.ii fniui u'.hu- lountriea, and lial
it ahipaid tu New York by hailing veiwd,
As souii it arnvra luru 'twill uotily all
uitereato.) 111 .iiuru any of thu groiu by
unaus 01 ii.'iv.iiM-r pn., and wifl dutrib
ute it to .ill wli4 deMm t'i M-curu ajnph--i
tin n of,
All of tthuh li n.jnotfnlly antiaiitteil,
J, Va.i Ili-.UUIlK.t,
iMtt (,'iMiiiiuii 1M1T fruiu Ong'iu to 1'artn
M.....II llltlWtIW.WM
Mr 4 il 1 irl l,io im ju IMidou in.air
iu fur n j.in.-u ',1 Uiu Ui4, iDtonding to go
as far at K.'ypt, and in hei travels will do
(irvi.'r an I ' 'iiii..Ujtitiu. I ,
llm s'enluur IJnluifiila aro of tnu kludi.
Tho While la for tiwiiuuun fsmil, the Vrllosv
I for lirM, rheot, and oilier auhaals, Toil lino
ulala uf ll.t. Ulorli protlqt-rd bjr Ibo.u n uiarltaiih)
I'rrparullona itre wrsiirtl anaiid rirrr I.. llir, and
mar lu pniiM. nf any ilmnlrl, or l.jr mall fruiu
Ihr nrit'eol I na '.'tiiTaiiiiLuiii'ani, t'i lie liUnl,
Near "ink filj
FBoir.?iiCKi.o aAtunEs.
W. A !illvi, if i'.m Hi, 4 iiii'iitiir of
J iim fur jn.'l.uig''li il i(,, fun', and vi-guta-bUi
of all knli, tJ.it liivu li.ii piujir'y ilrud
I' Ri pi-vi, liid A. il loll tu tii .-.li-v.nuiii,'
Hi WilluKtlu Viltuy fur tho mIh of
tlm 4 1 111 1. 'i.i. . Ii 1 1 M. t!fl to ;(", iiciinl-
tu imwij, it,.l wi.IpAJ. Uu fruit in two-
aiiiiiil u.i)'ia.vi, m pa4'i- ImcJ, Ml fn,s Xl J
111111 cm pii4ili1y vi'iigh u out, ind fast.-.- thin
lUtl l. UO f J-J) 1.1
1 Mii. tho m -a trait 1 list
liun I Ikmou, and
it lis Oust, II Uiu WLU'lll uf
"iwui wn i "''in 1 irua iui n. -1.01s
t'.u IStsta'. a tr.ili ig imi. Kntj I Ilu who
printed, tan lu or.Io 1. 1 frna tui n.-tms
bin I'l'ii nner il y or 1 iy of'
I ll
'in' I I,
t I 1 J r
i :iv
11 . 1
I I-
'. 1 "
1 11 .
- Ill I
fill ( r n 1 -
''l - i ,',- 1
,ait t'i
1 tl Al II J 0 .IC4
Ot ill j
At prcoj t Idr. Cu en u 1 unu ; t.i 1 i.
! tAU
jrttculirliv. wo wcuM call ftlttntton to tlio fcllonlrf Utl
Randall's Rolling Cutler Harrow.
lIiiitlr'H Ugi-lablc .Voplircllfuni.
II 1 IRK Alt.
l' '-1. . in i f li.iiif. ur ilnt IC lil lira'
' ttl.t Jilcr '('ul. urval 'It 11 .iiihiII' '
v i' 1 I 11, 1 1 . 11 11 isi 1 r a id I! r- r.. hiiu 1
taking 11 hi ih nidi smnrii reuu illal iu-i i.i lo this
rMiiitry. Plot ll.rim-u II I. l.mil.i Hl'MJMl.l.Y for
KIUiii l" kii.I Hlndilor uiii'M'ili, tie OUrenl
tnviiilniit-rf vthlili 11 lsruiiinird nrili 1. I'M-J .Int.
1 upon Ilu" '.'iifiultr ami luiirnus rnuta tif llun- or-
f:in. rMii., 1 Iik rt.iiiMiull.in Is the lu.ult of
aii;.iikpt I'lieeaiilranfU rluitv, both nf the ur.
siwk m llelr ill-i's't- Tlilnl. The ImfI man rials
(tvlilrliare tnrrly ve.etiihli) ant rileilel ainl und
ui It niiii.ii aciurr, In aniiu linUnnisllun of lb
Kliliiiyaur It's hlir, pain and liravlnrs. lu Ilu- dael
anll in wllh i!io.lnr.. an I r.tHnx ul lininuar.
Ilia (Vrplirrlleuiii will nltu Imintillato relief, and
a friru.ua pcnt-el ture, by strictly folio v luu ulree.
Ilona. nice. (I.'JS,
II r. .-Tltiillrta Knullsli Daudellou Pill.
In Tlitty-sreliiirnitMl lor Ulsvans that ruaallfmra
M.lsrlal Polruasiel a Dtninyed l.lfvr.
Hmpto'ii uf a ili'ileml liter Dnll pain In the
rlli-ant about Ur. lira cf anpe tie. .rnalr 1 louiue.
msileti IiiimiU, lc lusilst-.r, dnw.lmrr, wlht
lu the sloiosch, o Hu aclln- with scltllljr ami beirb-lea-upuf
wlutl, lo rplil s, loa of tnerj, uusorla
bllltjr, ami fi.itjUallJKi. uf uttl.
iKIay la ttiiiKt-nnis
Many of llm IcjuIImi tltltens of 1'srllsn.l, frun at.
prilrnee. wld vmth aa in the suprrlor slime and
Tsliicoilbr.etw.yclallli-., IMee, 'J2 cents iMirbos.
- To bu oblsltiid if all diurci'tl
To Whom it may Concern.
Thin la to certify that 1 have Wu n (looted
for tlm but thron yiwr with ehronio inllionina
tion of the bladdi'i arid lorpid livoi1. Having
x-nt a n.dl foslunr with thu Uwt mutliciii
talent I could obtain iu San Fmncisou and vjsit
ed tho varvius apiuigs in California, hoping tu
liud rcflof. Having found iiouu I cave up all
hoiaiof bciii.M mini nn-l ilroiimsl all inctllcine
and iluctnni. Wlulo na-ling one of thu dally
M4n'ii, I K..W an ath-ertinoincut of a uudicluv
chJIiiI Neihn ticiiln, a liroluiiatiuii MvlMurd by
Dr. Miiitm i. (' uf Sau Kraticutu. 1 wit
laiaiiadcd by my wife tu try it, and 1 wwit and
houvjai 11 Uittlu. llaviiiK tulieii tluit 0110 Imttle
I found lunch mliof. all lsiiu iiaaiuu and feel.
in; much bilt-u I touk two muru Uittlra uud I
am r.ow iarfi Uy inatorinl to luvilth aud
streugtb, tluuik lio.1, for tho auK'tor nklll of
Dr. .Miiitiu 4. Co. Any uuo who may douU
till. statciu'Ut can lull to my rvaidiVre si.d
aij iu.t.
J. V. Mimuk, I-J7 HWiiixi.t,
I'oillaiid, Oigou.
hVuiiilsiw II, i7j.
D11. A. V.. Mintih K (ii. -OuiUi I lolun
Ut Ui say your KuiHuJi Ikindelinu I'ill lajnabi
and oven 4uiii.tw all you Jabu "from my ea
ix'sioneo 111 thur um, l'iuicy thev hate no
i.(ta1 for )yawpsta and liver troublLs.
J A. .tliiiiW-lilillaut,
First Slnxt, lAatlwr Mirrhftiit.
l'ortland ifelit. 17, IS7S.
Hon what tlm draggtata of l'ortL'uul und Soji
KrancU-o aay Uiut lir. MinUo'a Neplinticum
iuuI I'oglull Djlubiian I'llla.
Wn have wild a hu-u aiiiouut of Dr, Mintlu's
lllU.Ulllll'4' 'llm llgllkh DrUldldilOi I'lUs, (duo
tliu f iiui.l cfitJireticum and iu all uuua highly
n.comin -iitlr.1
.John A. I'h. I In, Druggiat, Kccond atreut.
(J. If W ilwurd t i., DrueiUM, Winuv
I'ir.t and Alder atrect, l'urtlund
Mitruri Abriuu & Carmll, Wliulenalii Drug.
gisti, Um .'I in. I 1 1'iuit Htm. t, S. I',
Wu r.'i:4iil tin Niiphn.tii'Uiuas tbo liott Kid
uuy an I HI id l.r reni.ujy U'foru tho public. All
trugritti .1 ii t'l'im.
Dr. Miiitm ,',. ( v. tiv.U all (.'hnuun ami
.-ji".'iil Ili.i. wl. wit.'i lioii'r.si. il'j. I.Vi KkjiuI
' lri.it. ''in Mm iij.it,. I'.iiiu.i.-tii, Oiiklii.'I,
Kll"t V t .
'K IIMi'K llilliBK IMI.'lt ilMIH 01.11 IHIU
. - rutin 1 o
ruuo I u rl: 1. Im 1 1. on thu iJi'KilJ.'r t.lll. .n Im
ii 'I a ;.r n mvi uu.t l 11 my urn
M .J a :
thltu lutVn
" 11I11I1
Lit, ui
j m,i 04 ,Ni.inl,r, nTy, a
. - I '. 1. j 1, m; tu li y j
v r. i.A'. in j,
bi .. iu r-i- ..0,
Ult, H01.H, TJ
NW ItEu'itASi'UEIlitY.
lUasrsAls, llo" ; 1 j; h.-i vaa'l MoUwrisrlv
U ,1 1'al 1 r-uai r H44t.4lrriui, IJurruiw, (hap.ii
'. 1v.ikr.fiai (J !' , i II lA.Ji,h. 1 1,04.
sti 'iear,CuKa 41
Don't Buy Hy Note!
l 1 wll no . n 11" In
I 1 1 Ij.1 Ira II l-'l l I ( 1 lo L o
!.- I 1. !' i Ulil I .- t O.JUI
I il 7 I I 1,11 ill? not.; I Id r - 1'u.ir
iol. 11" in i-r him o.iy, andU,
ift.!.. ',.''.!,
t-'iit- 111 . sour