; ;1 a. ! 1 ?&ls F HsHoY' -j Patrons of Oregon, Washington, i and Idaho. hah lliu:ritiiKNt In n few ilaya I cxiied to ft Ili.'t to attend tho meeting of the National .tuge, mill t'liiinw to lio nlr-ent from the urisdiuioti nlmut ten weeks. Questions of (aw or u.ii;c :irisiiif during my absence tray I referred to my deputies in tin- ilnlcivnt u'imii- tics; or, in can- titer' is no d'puty in the iinin ty. to the Wnrtliy Oicrscer of tl'c Male liningc, llro. H. . I!. Ituuli, MyitluCi il., I'ouglits coiintv. Dn-goii. I bejj to c.dl tlic attention of all iiii'IiiUts i f tin- Onln ti .1 resolution of the list Mate (ir.uigu endorsing tliu Wri.i.Mirrr. l'lii'ini. making it tliu orgnu of our Unlet-nnd tailing uiioii 1 'at roil i to give it a licnity and united miiHrt. Hi ethrcii, vo need .i (ni'i' deotcd to tlm lutereits of tliu fanner. It should at! onco furnish tii an account of tliu cm rent events of iinportaiici', tliu statu of tliu crops, market, Ac, give in a medium through which to exchange our ideas ami experiences, ami furnish our families a wiekly repast of such puro ami wholesome, iniscullaneous literature ns i nest milted to their want, hueli a piper re nuiresa largo outlay of meain, law, ami talent, ami cannot ho furnished tn without idoiiuatc supiport. Let me urge you, therefore, to give our own paper a cordial suportt sub. wrihe for it, write for it, work for it, so that we may have a farmer's paoer uurthy of tho name and second to none. Fraternally yours, A. It. Smi'l.KV, Master Oregon Htato (Irungo. Oswego, Sept. !M, I8TS. Ml :State Grange Dopatiea for 1878 ouoox. Iimum Co -Tliomu Smith, Haiii Cry. Ilrrn A. Ilul.lcr, t'onulls. rncK-IJ. N. Wsit, U.inliy. :i.ttiir IV. II. lira, ouiitfit lllur Diuaxi II. S. It. lluUk. M)rtleCrik JiCswiH J. N. T. Miller, J.klllo. JmRriiem Jiwi.Ii INill.x-k, UUn.l. I.isr-K.wow Knox, Crcsmi'.li Allen lkni.1, Kujtn mo J. W. Ikulitlhr, lluttovllle; W. II. Illllucirj, Turner. )ti'ITinnMI PI) mitii K.ll i n J J ub Johmon, lint 1'orHtn.l. TlU.iil J. I". Iteoli-jr, TUUtil'). 1'xiov John CruUlit.n. t'nlun Wi.cn JiJiii Kiiil.Tyifh alloy. Waoiisotci J. A. HUlunlKiii, TuiUUn, J W Hip nlrubin, Oat.)ii. YmuiLi. -It. It. tauiitilln, North Vnmhllt. Vflll1HT0N TrSSITllST. (iUMtH ThAiiusTlihH'wll, lnn I'tiiKKr Hull sump, sniMiiii'r. I'nirUM Jllll S. IHurth, IVkln. Wall Wjiil -V. II. TImid u, WalU Wal'.s. Wiilimi W'lllUm hloj, I'iloiKO (It) I'ltron In llio.o coitntlw In wlilcli ni lit-pntlM huvs Ihwii r.Klntol 0'iW iiiikIi oMI,'o mil by Jljinlln.' llnUicn mlUlilo t.) ut In that ntiurlt) A. It. Hinrtr.r, ltrr Or St. Onuiiro. DIRBOTORY. OFFICK'JtNofllie NATIONAL GHANUI.'. JtmUrJohn T. .Tones, llarlon. Phillips, Ark. Orirmr-J. J. WoodintD, l'sw l'aw, Va llarcn, tscttTtr. II. Hmnllcy. Crfito, Ilowsnl, It, SttuanlX. J. Vsiiisha, Jlemiihls.Tcuo. An't tfrinir.(-Morlimcr Wbltclicsil, MlJJlcbuib, -Somertct, N.J. , , . , Trtiuunr-V. St. McDuwdl. Wsyne. Htrubcn.N.V. Rterttnry-O. II. Keller. Lojlsdlle. Kr. n.iti.k'Mrti. lilnwritcllt.. Orchard (Irorr). Ind. Cnaplaln S II. Bllll. npriDgnorongn, narrcn.vr. (Vni-Mn.JohiiT. .loucs. Ilitlnn.Phlllltis.Ark. Lr... l u.mti.l K AiUmi. Sfontlfello. Minn yvmonn-Mr. Harvey OiKlilard, North (Irsnby. Ct. It 111 Militant SttiearJ Miss Caroling A. Halt, lioilsvllle, Ky. KIKtUTOK VUHH.I.MB. D. Wystt Aiken, (Chairman,) M If. MhnVtacfl. Ilubnnue. Io )Cokcbary, B.C. TlmltAw T f'ltaa (1rmfint. X. II. lows Alnnxo (Mr. lluck falls, Whiteside, III W. II. Chsmrxrs, Uisrecebciiillusttll. Ala, Afjrlcultnral Newipapers. now Tiir.v ii:ni:i'it tiii: kaiimku. It will bo found on examination that most of tho largo products In husbandry aro obtained by farmors who aro ncius tomed to read and think, nud who aro not only wlso enough to profit by read ing but who select the best part of their material fiom books and papera do vol--od to tholr Interests, and In which they find recorded tho facts and ox iporlonco of successful men. Lot not tho tlllorsor tho soil, (bore foro, blindly Imaglno that phyolcal devoloimient alone Is sufllclcnt to Be- euro iiuixlnium crops and u margin of profit. Lot thorn boar In mind that a still higher poworhas its boat In tho brain, from which physical develop ment derives all Its value; that tho silent onergy of thought Is quietly do Ing Its work over tho continent, from weok to week and from year to year, and that this freo, earnest and un-eltlsh thought, whllo continually achieving growl results, Is also continually put ting thorn on record for tho benellt of all. Thus It Is that whllo vo discover on ono handa grand army of thoughtful workers every whoro Intent on dovel oplngnownnd original facts awl now fruits of experience, wo may also llnd in tho background of tho picture an other army of workers, who aro also thinkers of the highest type a count less army of vigorous awl enterprising journals, alwayfa ready and eager to sol.e and appropriate, to expound and Improve, theso now and va'.uablo re sults of practical farming, and then to scatter them broadcast through tho land to shed light In dark places and ipour uew fertility Into sterllo soIU. So cearly and palpably have tho Journals of this class demonstrated their valuo that It Is often posslblo In passing through a rural district, to discover by no unmistakublo signs, tho farms nt which such papers -aro taken and whero they have found a welcome homo, and It Is easy to see that In tho pretenco of theso sheets of useful knowledge, the wholo aspect of tho farm Is changed awl all tho results improved. Manures and fertilizers aro ruoro etllclont, as well as more abun dant, tho latest and best methods aro .adopted, n now Impulso is given to vegetation, the very roots of the crop striko tkoncr and spread wldor than before, anil even tlic nicntlows nssumu a brighter shade of green and llio corral grains a deeper Hugo of goltl. And finally, as a crowning evidence of what N hero claimed for the Inlluonco of the pret, along with this new vigor of vegetation aud more abundant yield we alo llnd n redni'tlon of eot that U ! -'vn ll",lt' Important than all the rest. It would be cn-y to refer by name, If It were not invlillon, to a "core of Mich p.tpori, In either of whVli a i-ingle nuiiibiri. uld he pointed out which, fur Intiltislc aluc, h worth to a -hreud farmer the Miib-crlption of a lifetime. Kvimi single pa'nagei could be leforred to in vurlmiMjmmiiiU, In which the fact- COinjirNcd Ilia few lines are Wiltllj more 10 ail iutilligeut, practical mail, that! a toil of guano Oil all acre of land, ! for the acre of laud Is confined to one j unchaiiL'liiL' .spot and the ton of uimno admits of only one application. Hut the great facts of experience In farm "I Ing aro riot hounded by an aero and do not expire In one application. On the contrary, tuoy are (icvclnpcd ny use and grow by repetition. They spread , and multiply from farm (o farm and i from year to year, until a continent Is ( matlo richer by them and posterity Img thctll OS tl trcilSltro. Tho timidity shown by some In np plying a sum so ridiculous as $'J or $0 to obtain thoprlcclosskunulcdgoon which depend tho whole valuo and Until pro lit of their business Is moro than surpris ing. Tho trilling sums often lavished without a thought m objects compara tively of no value, If applied to Mich a purpose as this would bo Milllclent to supply n variety of Journals and valu able books that would at onco create a new atmosphere of thought In tho house, ami while (litis rounding nut the etiiicaiioii oi ino lamiiy, would ais enlarge tho yield and the prollt of har vests to come. Does It not then, farmers, clearly de volve on you to oncourago and sustain tho generous elforts ofn press that Is everywhere working in our Interest and lighting up our future with the experience of the past? I know that many ol you so regartl it. Hut what shall wo Miy to thoso who excuse them selves by (lulling fault with tho dofects of (ho press, aud who allege that, amid so munv Imperfections, they do not know what paper (o tako? To all Hiich, let mo frankly siy that this Is not a reason, but simply an eva sion. You do not expect perfection in anything human; then why oxact it In tho caso of n farmer's paper? If you could (lwl an Ideal Journal absolutely faultless and perfect, it would bo cheap at $10 a year, whllo tho prosont rango of prices Is from $1 to S'-J.oO; and it is safo to say that, taking (hem as wo now ilntl them, thoro Is hardly ono in tho wholo number that Is not worth many times Its cost, If rightly used. It would bo easy to show that If tho suggestion of Jlr. Dodgo wero carried out by doubling tho total product of our farms, If even ouo-half that Increase were attained, the result would be suf ficient to support tho population of tho globo for an entire year. It will bo an Immense stride In this direction whom ever tho farmers of the country shall rally to sustain, tho pres. which is tho vory Illo blood of their prosperity, and glvo to lis circulation such an In crcaso ns its importance demands. Uonrud Wilton. Woman tjurntAGi:. Tho experi ence of tho Patrons of Husbandry In tho work of their granges, to which women aro admitted, has convert ed ulno-tonths of tho grangers In to advocates of woman suffrage In tho language of a resolution unanimously adopted by the Btato grange of Califor nia at Its last session, thoy bellovo that tho social, moral and financial standing of tho peoplo would bo greatly bone (It ted by oxtondlng tho right of fran chUo to women. Cortttlnly; why not? Women have as high a souse of honor nsmen, as much lovo of country, and moro regard for home, which Is tho foundation of all good government. Whorever the family is considered tho most Miered of institutions, wherover home lllo Is reserved, nud real, not sham, mnrrlagesls esteemed tho high eat and holiest of all human relations, thoro U Invariably tho best and purest government. A very close connection exists between tho degeneracy of men In public llfo during tho last twonty years awl the decay of homo llfo. That marrlago has becomo year by year less respected aud moro frequent ly avoided by tho young men of America Is ono of tho worst signs of the times. Women are tho natural preservers of the family relation tho high priestesses In tho sacred temple of homo; thoy purify and onnoblo every relation of llfo which their Intluenco Is allowed to reach; they aro tho pillars of the church, tho promoters of educa tion, the teachers of tho rising men and If they aro fit to mould tho charac ters of those who becomo voters, why nro they not fit to voto themselves? Would thoy not purify politics and promote honesty and efficiency In tho public service? .Wo bellovo they would, Sacramento Jlee. Crimped hair Is old-fashioned. WTLLAMETTE FARMER IN MEMORIAM. Tho following Resolutions were passed by Santiam Cringe, No. .1", 1. of It. Whereas by dispensation of our Heavenly Master, another link in our fraternal chain has Wen sovoreil by the death of our Hrother, 11. t H Ilainei. ami Ikii-jh, it Is lint just that a mti'i'i of his virtue bii showu. titl ni? rceotf it ltt'oihvd. hy Saiti.im (Irangij No. JIT. I" of II . that while wo how with hnnililc siilini,ssiin tj the will of our Heavenly father, wi do in I tii.- I" mourn for our beloved liMtlier who lias l vu taken from us. Kciuihuil, that in our sorrow for the Im of a brother, wa llnd conciliation in tliu belief that our 1ms Ii his eternal gain. ltcsnlved, that tho heartfelt sympathies of this tlr.inga he extended to the parents and relative of tho deceaicd In their great sorrow a1"' "Hh'tlon. I ""'"""'i. " our (.range, Hail ho iiraiic.i in mourning fur thirty days, ami that tho above preamble and resolutions bo spread upon tliu rocordi of this (irangu, ami a copy ho sent to the 1'mimku for publication. H.Mtiiv Skitiis, I.. W. I'llMKIIIIY, .1. II. 1'KKSV, Committee. Fanners In our country nro tho great conservative class. Tho man who owns his farm Is, to a certain extent, real estate, and overy bouldor ho re moves, every rod of drain ho lays, ovory tree ho plants, ovory building or fonco ho builds or adorns, hutstrongth- ens tho ties which bird him to mother earth, nud his Interests tend more nud moro strongly to developo his patriot Ism awl his loyalty, and In all emer gencies thoy aro tho class to bo depend ed upon, not only for propelling force, but for conservative influence. Ex- I'llUlltJC. TrE Wool fflXEtES7. CONCERNING SHEEP. The San Francisco Journal of Com merce estimates the number of sheep In tho world to be about GOO.OOO.OOO. Of these, tho United States has about JKi.OOO.OOO, and Great Ilrltnln the same iiumbor. Tho produce of wool In tho United 3tales, from n very small beginning enrly In llio present century, has reach ed about 1100,000,000 pounds of un secured wool, an average of about four I ounds to tho llcece, tho yield being mostly from Merino sheep, of which tiono at all aro bred in Great Britain. California produces about ono-fourth of this quantity, and tho Paclllc slopo al most one-third. Tho interior of (ho continent is favorably adapted for sheep raising of tho Spanish Merinos, that do not requiro so much care ns the British long wools. Not only California, but Oregon nnd Washington, Now Mexico Arizonn, Moulaua, Idaho, Wyoming nnd Dako ta territories aro all well adapted for sheep, awl nothing hut tho hostility of cattle herders prevents them from in creasing very rapidly there. The total wool clip of tho world in 1877 was estimated at about 1,197,600.- 000 pounds, worth $150,000,000. This when scoured, would yield about 852,- 000,000 pounds of clean wool. Tho lleccooftho Merino sheep, the breed most raised in tho United .States, is of viuious qualities, according to its locu tion on tho body of the animals nnd Is adapted to vory wldelyidlirerent pur poses. Thoso porsons whoso business It is to sort out tho various sorts of wool in a fleece, aro known to tho trado as staplers. Theso men pull tho llecco to plocos awl sort it out in tho following proportions forsovon differ- out qualltloi of wools! (l.) Super for coarso flannels, blankots, etc., 1 o..; (2.) nvey, for coarso army, navy nnd prison cioth, loz.; (').) gray tegg, for hats and heavy cloths, 2J oz.; (I.) prlmo white, for cloths generally and shawls, 0 oz.; (O.)plck tegg, for lino tweeds. bhawls, blankets, 1 Ih. 7oz.; (O.)sjpor tegg fringe, for lioslciy, yarns awl crewels, (i oz.; (7.) hng tegg, for fringes, shawls, olc. it lbs. 6 oz.: total, C lbs. l." oz. Those products como from a tegg llceco weighing (j nn, oz. Sheop-breedlug has decreased very rapidly In tho Northwest, whllo hogs have very largely Incroasod. Now (hut hog cholera Is so prevalent, and so vory destructive and apparently In- curauie, wnno mo price or nog pro ducts havo declined so much that hog breeding Is now a very projarlous busi ness, It is likely that sheep will com mawl moro nttontion than thoy havo for tho past llfteon years. Every good, careful farmer should diversify his pro ducts as fur as they can bo properly adapted to climate awl soil. Thoro aro probably very few farms among the millions north of tho Ohio river nnd west of Luke Erio that could not profit ably support a flock of ono hundred or moro sheep. For locations near cities, where flesh food Is In demand, tho long wools will probably bo most profitable. Ono breeder In Canada has bred Cots wold wethers weighing considerably moro than 300 pounds, whllo tho Mer inos scarcely avorago 80 pounds. SMBBSl i m DR. K. V. ClIABK. TORBVXT Lt.Co!., UteSirgeoo UJ. VolutMn. - 0HC4. DoxUn's block, w lUln. Mir Nvi"dHE Md Science. Eatimi Customs ov Indians. Tho C'ocapah Indians of Arizona will not eat pork j though they have ncciuired a taste for wilt beef. They are very fond of llsh and will eat them at anytime. ..iTIio Mono lake Indians of California Therefore, lw uat otip made of angle worms thick lened with gras -ted Hour. They iiIm ga.' er bats from eaves and nu-t them In lint Urdu", without removing either feathers or entraiN. Wap m-di nro Ma-tetl and eaten; the more they con tain the letter tluy sue relished. The young Indians capture a wa-p, place a .-draw in the abdomen, light It and let tho insect go; they watch Its flight follow it and -ecure the nest. Tho Miami yellow meat. Inches Indians are very fowl of tho lily (Llllum cauadense) with In tho fall the roots, often two In diameter, aro gathered. They tasto very much like green com. Theso Indians also eat otto oil cooked in soup, and consider it very nutritious. Tho Clieyennes and Arrapahoes con sider dog meat a superb dish, awl when they wish to honor a guest especially they kill tho fattest dog and roast It; great olfenso Is given II tho guest trat not bountifully of the choson dish. Thoy also eat poisoned wolves In tho bull'alo country. Tho white men kill the buffaloes for their hides, (allow, tongtio awl some of the best portions of their meat. Tho tongues bring a high price. Tho rest of tho carcass Is then poisoned with strychnine. The wolves eat the meat, aud their intestines become lullamed, producing death. The Indians re move tho viscera and eat tho remain Ing portions of tho wolf. On Crow creek, In Kansas, In lSfw, I saw the carcasses of hundreds that had been eaten. Tho Wichita nnd Comancho Indians will not eat fish that have scales, but aro fond of those that havo no scales; they catch both kinds, and sell those they do not like to the whiles. TOILET llAHITH OK ANTS. ItOV. H. C. M'Coolc of Philadelphia eulogists tho neatness of tho agricultural nnt, as observed In confinement. The most mlnuto particles of dirt nro carefully removed, and the wholo body Is fre quently anil thoroughly cleansed, es pecially after eating aud sleeping. Thoy nsslst each other lu the general cleansing, and the attitude of (he ant under operation is ono of Intenso satis faction. Mr. M'Cook has seen an nnt kneeling down before another and thrust forward tho head under tho face of tho other and Ho motionless, ox- pressing quite plainly tho desire to bo cleaned; (ho other nnt understood this nnd weit to work. Sometimes this Is combined with acrobatic feats, In which ants excel, Jumping about mid clinging to blades of grass lit a remarkablo fash Ion. Sometimes tho cleaning ant hangs downward from the grass; and to her tho nnt operated upon clings, reach ing over nnd up with great aglllly to submit to her friend's olllces. Evi dently molsturo from tho mouth is used for washing. Mr. M'Cook has observed most minutely tho wholo of tho processes, which aro recorded In tho "Philadelphia Academy's Pro ceedings" for this year. Tho nnnual congress of tho lonelier of the Belgian primary schools, which Is held this year at Bruges, voted that tho progammo of primary Instructions ought to ho composed of 1, (ho elo incuts of natural nclonce, 2 tho ele ments or mathematics, Intuitive geom etry Included; :i, thonatlvo ianguago; 1, drawing; fl, writing, but not callg raphy; 0, gymnastics; 7, singing; 8, geography; !, tho National history, Tho tendency of (ho congress Is to simplify the educational programme as much as possible, In order to make tho teaching moro thorough. Petticoats aro flounced to tho waist. Don't Forget it. If you are troubled wlia norvoiunoix, hio illnlimrleiiml, llrulof llle. feardfrttli or fc-ol oatof NorliH tlio Haying t, yon iniy mloly concludu that you havo llio !)pcpsla or Liver C'ompkFnt, Tlio llvor Is ry upl to tin. conio torpid tl)Ub(aon i f tlio jtir hs oN. onu arMiiK from Magnum uutiir or ilocty Ing vegetation hio moro iiumontis mid nro through liilialHttnii taken into tliu litood' l.'nltfiH llio llvor Uhlroiigm.il ncilv,unil Mr nlihcha miiinlv ot Iresh unil niirs blind to drive out tlio Inipu rltl -, thunlion mimlion. od yiiiftoiiisnureIy follow, uu 1 If not linod ml. nnd In moro lorrlbla (Iisojmu nml death. VVIiHii's I'ralrle I'lowcr proves Hi. t-If tlio Uiet I. nor l'diiftrea. Its action on llio liver Is illll'orunt from any medicine (vorcomtioiiiid- tlml. ItH curt'a nro truly wondorfiil, Try it, I'rlra twenty.fivj cenis ami hbvonty-lho coins. A GenUe Hint In our Mtylo of olltnato, with Un midden oIiupl'k of temperature rain, wind, arid vunvuinooueninuirmiiigitu in a miKleiuy, It la no wonder that our cbllUrm, friend and rtdatlvos aro no frf riuently taken from us by neglectful colds, half tho iIoh'Iin reuniting directly from thin cause, A bot tle of ItQHCbue'a German Hyrup kept about your homo for Immediate uo will prevent serious alekneai, a largo doctor' bill, and (terUaps Uaalb, by the uhs of tbrto or four doaei, For curing Consumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, bevere Coughs, Croup or auy dlweano of the Throat or Lungs, Its auccens la almply wonderful, and wo nnd only your support to ni.iki. it all village on this continent. Hample bottles lor one endeavor to wuure us one moru c.wh ul trial, JOo.i regular tUe 75o. j i,cr If you will, we can go on pioi.rou. ionn"u"""''P''" 2sV I Jr .i,m. r....MiUi1i.,. Q louU rcvrzLZAXw ADDRESS TO OUR READERS. V) a uow oecupy a position In tho field of Journalism whero e aro able, to furnish tho farmers of the Northwest a newspaper devoted to their iutcrvsts and tvrgu enough to afford sp tee for every topic which they can wish to hue ihsi'tlMed, When we purchased the Wit i.miti-k KuiHfr., six and a half years .igo. it wis not ocr one-third the present size, and sc hue tc.idil enlarged and improved it un til it is vond onl) to the grearest mctruMi. t.tti pMiin ii pi Itiished north of San 1'rain'is o hi '(vwru Tin rKoi'i r. - lot i n i Tin' p ip!" nf tlrs region deserve to hi e ,i iu'Ui.iHr i' their own, and tins l the nnlj one that ..in be mlli'il so. All others are s.v ti- run or pirti-.in t a degrvo tint iirutuuts then being ae.vpted in uxpniteut of the prilii'lplm ue should all hold hi common, or a lvoeatei of the interests of tho people enlleetively. It is notorious that the pipers tli.it luouopohe the new an I s.i limit completely occupy the field of Joiirnilisni, aro controlled and directed in the interest of Portland capitalists, wheat speculators and politic! ins, while thugraspuig avarice of the most intolerable monopoly tli.it is known to the 1'aciilc Northwest, only ro cenes from it words of commendation. Iirtl KM.MIIIKMKNr. With tins spice at our commnul at tho present time wu shall lu ahlo to cover .i more extended lletd than heretofore. Wo slnlt give the most Important news of each week, state, ii.itiun il and foreign, so tint a reader of tho Kaiimku can have no excuse for being ignorant of all itnort.uit events that transpire at homo orahroid. It shall lni a newspaper, and ,t peoples paper in overy important sense, Tho FuntKU is not only enlarged but it wears a new dress, our typoheiiij; new, so Hut tho print is pi tin to the oldest eyes, Wu hojio to nuke th matter published in its columns orreipindwi'.h itssiie and general appearance. turn pinmo".. Our I'ditont column. will iliseiiss popular ipiestions on their intrvnsic merits, standing on the broad phtfornt of right nnd morality, where, unfortunately, politlcat aud sectarian journalism cut seldom lo found, (wrliaps be cause it i so wide and their ideas ho selllsh and inrrow, the) would be lust upon il. luiMiKsrowir.M'i: dk-siiikd. Our correspondence front tho people hn al ways been interesting, nnd with moro room at coimtiind and tho greater circulation wo aro acquiring with the growth of tho .State popula tion, we can reasonably expect tint its interest will Incre.ii'i. Wu invito all interested m the nnlilo oceiipitiou of agriculture and slock-tais-ing to scud us tho results of their iMiicricurc, or to make known their wants or si ml inquiries or Bilggestious to our columns, so to draw out the uxposicncu of others for tho public good. Tin: "K.uniKu" a iiiiamik oiumn. Wo Iiojmi to make tho Paiimxh acceptahlo to tho grange by furnishing news of tho progress of that great order in our own region and else when, and wo shall lw glad to receive commu nications showing tlm progress of its principles and tho go-id accomplished by it working members, Wo encounter, even among farmers, considerable opposition to tliu grange, and fro ipiunt objection to the publication of grange matter, but wo intend to liae room ni tho KAIOtr.lt for all, and .ill tlio good objects of tho Order of Patr-jus of Husluudry hau swreorn CHt sjmpntliy and deserto all the support wo can givo them. It is to lie regretted that n society that rhoiild havo for its object the social, intellei til al and material advancement of tho whole farming population, vatmnt lie mi conducted tv to command tho support and re npect of ovory f.irmsr iiitheluid. Probably thoro is it great deal of human nature both in side ami outbids of tho order. TIIK iMIlKKr. Wo havo facilities, through the Host reliable private sources, for giving tho exact news of tho wheat markets in San Krancisco and Liver pool received up to the hour of going to press. V e cm state the amount of tonnage at com mand for your use, and shall watch all nutters that rolaUto the price of produce and tho pros pects of the markets in advance in tho mtsTcst of our readers. While wo hesitate to give en courageiuriit to too (Uttering hope wo never heisitato to give all reliable ficU to the pi-ople, from whom our supjHirt cony s nud ho-w pros inty is tliu iticaiiije of our own. wu vr w t: hiiai.i. rem i.n. In addition toess.iys, original and coiitnhut ed, reUting to agrn.ulturu nud Mook-ruisiii in tliu l'actlic Northwiwt, wo shall make si-lei'-tious from tho agricultural jouiuili uud sbs-k publications wu receive from all aectioiis of the (Inioii, with tho endeavor to cover all ground necessary for tho inhumation of liouu pro duovrs uud tho advaiicimiit of l.omu u.;ri' ul lure A t'ertnin a-uouut of luiKctLincous an I cieiititii' reading will bo fijutid ill nvrry issii-, with toiuhuj of tho liiimorous oociuoually and Ho'uutiiot'j a story of interust, eultod to our loliiii.ni. l;ur Homo I irelo is euiiiluetcil by a lady whouiixpencnco nud literary fulois- in. to ipialify her csjitcintly foi that deartiiieut, whdi in toy yuira oxpmeiio a a f.irnwrs wife make it pomblu for her to comprehend aud minister to tho nocial waut4 of a farmers' family. HUHM.10SK. It is hardly nccossary to a to our regular rudcro that the Kaiimku will ulways proavrve the h-nt moral tonu and nideavor to carry the liejt and purest inllueiues to tho f inuly cm le. Wo hav no Intterneas to vent, no angry words to baud) with any, no srsouul interest Ui ad vauco it tho cj.iij of tho gtueral gool, and if wo havo any enemies wu do ii'.t catu Ui know It, uud cannot ailord to publish it wo pro;o to havo none, at lex-t uimnig the popple, and wu care to have no frmidi, at their cxpiiuw, among their oppressors. reoplu ol urejjon I tins is your new jpi.r, I ly uud do ou good utrwio Kvrn with Oiimi iv'Ti1 tmtt t",itt,", ""uteoihtto ilouhloour list, and ho hono to do it with ' Ki hd,.. J TXIB Scientific Smtricfrtr TIIIIlTY-FOtlHTII YKAn. The Mo3t Popnlar Sciontiflc Paper in the World. Only SH.20 a Year, Including Postage. Weekly, fill Numbers a year. 4,009 book pages. "iissiasrine Am.ti i Is alarms Klmt-rlisi Weekly . .iiwi'of Ktri'M l'.'., ii-lnteil In Iho tnist IhmhiI. i il Bivi... invfifr'y II, i.imlt I with iJiiiiIhI tngrav .. r'i"ii,.Hil'u iiim ii. .....I Inii-niliiis roil tho nmst i- AM v.i, i in thi rfs,tnl rVlciicos, Inctiullni; Nevr u I Inii-r. .in,. i I- hi Url' .ilhiri', llortlciiltiiru, ILo II ii .- Ili'slth. Mi.ll .1 I'r.. t. ... -s Mill HJenoe, Natiiml .li.lirv, iiiinii, Aiiniu n The most valuililo I'" li.-it piiH-rs l.v .'iiiiiu'iit writers 111 nit Uepittul2hU n u ii v, uni nt- roiirm in imp .-vic-nune .mrnun; I'. mis, ft jiiht i'u, m lull joAr, which Incliulas p i-i.i.' Iiisiimnt in i ntj. Hlnjlo copies, ten cunts. S"H I7 all No-ssiloilcrs llinilt li imsuI ortlcr to Mt'NN A I'D , I'ulill.lu.rs, 37 Park llow, New Vnrk. Pi'lMOXTTC ,n ci""'tlon with tlio 1 iVl.lJl.sXij Kcissrifio Aiskbicah, Messrs. Ml NN I'd in Hiillrltiiri nl Aniorlcan ami I'ornlirn Pit 'tits, hive hv, .11 years experience, aihI now liavo Uiti I ir.l estililisliiiirnt In His unrlil I'utonts are obUlnol un tlio iH'st tonus A spivlsl notlco Is mul In O10 ."iisMiii. AVKSiivsol nil Invcntlnns pitentnl lliroiiuli this Aifeiu), with thoniimtiiml roMcm-a of llMl'atentw. Il thol'iiiiK'iisei'lniilitliin thus iflvril, public attctiUon Is .llns l.'.l !o Uu inorllsol Ilia now intent, an J satos or liithlui'tKinolU'ns'isllr rffiiteil Any srsim slvihs ma, l it now illsooiory or ln.cn Hon, e.ui ascertain, (nt) nl rhirye. whether a intent can iinil.ilil lw oliUliif.1, lijr wrlllnir tsi the lunlenLined. a lis.) ,'ii,l frt our II.1111I lluok rtliout tho Patent Uw, I'vtvnts, t!liTil.s,Triil Mirks, Ihslr costs, anil how pro uunl, with hints fur prra-urlinr iiilranais on IntoiiUvns, AJ lws lor U10 Pus r. or rsinrrnilmr 1'nUiits. MI'.NN k CO., 37 Park Uow, Nsw llrui h OiIW, for V A 7th His , Wanhlnton, D. O. York. Administrator's Sale. Nntliwls harvhy irlren Unit by virtu of un onlsr of U10 OniiiitylViurtiif Mirlmi Ooiinti', HUtsi ol Omron, ilul ms-ls on tho loth ilij nl Non-niWr, A. ., 1H78, tllltiliirlllnjailit IlLfllisliiir iiirtastliii,vlit AjlmlnMnitr nr the oslito ill l.llMirtr Mii.mk, ilitraum, to Mil, In Uir nunnrr iiruv IiIaI liy I vu, 11 uirl or tho wholo of tho Unas innrr iiruviil rolnilUT ill- liw,a ui , Ui ohls horvlnilUTilwrlhs.1, U10I1UI11 fnn.ls with which to fmy tlio ilchts nl stl.l estate nml the iupcnws nf mlmlnlstortnir On-Mine, I will, nssuih nilniliilstrntnr. nt U10 court hilllssiilmirln Illililty nf Hl'.'ni. In .il,l Mnrtnii nviiiilv. imMilimliy tho'isili ill nf Drmnlier, A. II., I37S, ivt the hniirof Unn'il.Kk p. in of mI.I ilsy, sell, nt piibllu niitlUin, to the hlithi'st hi l.lrr, far It H. irutil mln, to Im iuiiiii ujym nue, inoiuiinwitiiiicnorlli.il lAnJs Iwliwux- 11 III KliJcatltsl. Iiriulllillrll Uiiriinl. nil Ilia imrlh.Mi,! thcn-if, as nny Isi necessary to uhuln Ittnils wllti which tioy IIijiWiU uulcltltiia ailnat nidi I-.UW, nml Uin ukiisisoI mliiiliilslerlnir thsstini.. In wit: A rartnf tho iI'Miillon ,in I 1UI111 nf II J. Ziiinwi.lt nml wtfo, In l.iwn.l,li mm. 1 1) miiiIIi, rinro ono II) eiwtuf tho VVII Uintttu in.'rl.ll.iii. In kUtl.m nullity, HUto of Omroti, ami wmii.lol ,u (ollims to wit llt'iitiiiilni' nt His N. K. cnrner ul Mil .Uliu mil nirtnlinr thrnea Kiiitli (It 07 chillis, Uirnrw west Jin chsPis; thence mirth 111.071 clultis, IIkhi-u (m.1 LlilllJ ilulns tn tlm plieoof lieuln- , v.,.,i..iiitii4 .'. in ni'in. nr li'w. NiiromVr l, IS7S- I Ailinliilitrntor. 'iVOODBURN NURSERY, HIUIUIl'ltN, HAUION CO, OIIDKW. .1. II. SCTTLIMIICR, rropriotor. : o 0 . o o 0 Fruit.'Shado. Ornamontal, and Nut TrooB, and Vinos and Bhrubbory. In tho aboyg Huriry, for silo, nt VEIIY UWt KIIIUIUH. Choice 'I'rccN, 'J5 cIn. cncli; X.-U.Or, flO I'CIt IIUNDUKII. IMIIin. J II, HKTrl.KMIKR. PAINTING. J. M. FORSYTHE. STATK HTIIKET. Ol'I'OHlTB U4CK A DUAT fl 'i.-s Mutilo. Hai.ih Oil. fl rr" l'lrt-cUs work done, on nhort M wrii-ir rOHMiUstUM A.ClWITsCHfcCa r.i isiMrsiniuus.ssfc s.sitf rtn tow ii.-.i. Ilftlil ni frlsl .nl MiM.lul.ku.u .. !. . msiisnynilirr llinri-s sis Kilt i,r 11,1 ails linn't U iwiinlk t fiy Irrr.pon.llilo msnufscturers of lofrtnulnsr insrt iie...iliiintirchs.erl lliihle. It ro.t 11 u mora v ffiie)'! tin." Ilntl sn Inferior or wnrthlr. ono. AillrvM. ' 1- K iJl.lifCUll'IC A.l)..AItiiy,K.r j. n. piLKiNGTON, ar, i Ule I'rufrs.or of Dltoa.es nf Hit Kjo and Ksr In th hniem lOrrmui) Medical Cullrzr. llll 10. UckuniU llloek, lorllantl, or, AIIHurulc.il Operation, fur ni.earc.pniu) JES3TO, Ear, NOSE, AND THROAT Sllll.rl'I.LT I'Stiriiituiii. (!ATAHArrr ..i...ia and OltONH KYKs .IralKliteneil. Artificial Kim 1 ran ne.uriiiienioi -jio lien much manufacture, ui lleafow... .ml all .ll.cliaRf from tho Ear, and Na tal t'atanh, fsitlculsrly trnliil ' ' jeir "THE EAOLB OLAW" TM Ul Trip Is tl. WorU In csklUr' "FISH, ANIMAL3 & OAMC Oo.unrjiuKji Twonty TWi. 1 Ml.f,WAII.Am.S.t.lH.V aallA. A Iwslsrn ftk(UiuiI,H.ud..u,dic iZl "I"!. J. NIDKAOO.. v" Mill,, j); UfO.dx.y, N.w.Yorfc. J nst Cj.Ur- f -r.l s..iU 4 --'r-i iu. m. ii'iioviii, 'riioKoi-'uiiuiiKu Essen Swine l'r lu.rlil SIO.-V of 11 purctt i(nilrii. -,s Allll.lr .Uiils.t tins hti.of my Keril. wliltll cl I. iu, . ..!, i.ctiiuiu ui.ti.KhUh! rlr In lk-t.iUriii.tt. h. K (Oil 111.1: liyrrcs..l..lco.llit,s, A'Mnss, (.AMI 111, lllllt.tli.S. "'"I ' ut, AtiJ.lll ?.., (irtvos ron SINGING GLASSES. ONWARD! ,..m T50 (ril'.wn'. ! htajn)i, uu'I t.iUio is ht isiiniiluil'iii f.irNit -1 t. in., ultioiikiiit nun !.., aid 4 4l 'pintlt ' tiMEfZxxri r7-Trfsrr"jJ. - ss.fs-jiv-r.-ss 'I MrllK!! VI tutu . t- m Jnlin.son's Melliol f.ir Slnclnsc Ons.1 (im.u ursMoipir i,um) fir Hnl- fhIi'.iIs 1 iinrl.lj ..ir ilistnietl in, aii.I 1 1 ira iuu of 1'liu.in " ri iijv.ulriiiu'i' for i-uitltM Tin l.inirel Wn-atli, ?l.VJiftiii? irn.R. t.,,j f, mi-iru, (, jiii, sl r. .roul hVh'ili al 4.i4iliurls "nrt I. I.lu Uiy r-wt II, ,!, omuutlim, I-urt III, t Muic uit,lu.ll jwU. fuit H.HuroJ Jlul. (J ram mar .Scimol Cliolr. V.J. .!!it Of limns. i iu.sli'u,y ' emt,uvvl ') tn ni. Kin 1 Ussii. 111 (Iran i.ir Sli'.ils. (tho L lk"" "! I ' t-'lu J'lU-u-ur lUi.M ul Hlih Nl lly The Wliipim mil', - 1 it-r tun tl ji.. n-ry b l.-htiollcitlon nf A.Ik, jy)ni 1'r.iikKii. nuy m iiui:uj I pi froe, fgr null pri-. 0MVKKIHTS0.&C0.,nsto Notice of Final Sottlomoiv roril'r: u hor-'iv uivtn that th nml, rtacl, I tir tit tlld ntitd tif .1 II tl,.l.l I T '. ,,, , , .. ' ,, --.--. ... v ... ,,u.'.M.,.,, lVl'iA ninlliitl.oCoiiiityiurtbf iUrlm uiuiity, huto .jfi.il, Us drill n.;xiuu, nl Out saM iour has npi II.D bUi iiy nf Nov.milwr, H7s. nt 10 oVIusk n. 111 j, .v. iwiuf uuji).gus la.rtlo nnu stttleuienl- Ot. It, WiH '., I IIUllllMlIi Ul(.- I V