r 4 fill I I ll J I i:i i i t i ( i ;' l i i i ! I 1 f 1 ( r s it H t i. H II I ll ll ll N c t II V II ll (I e K I l' M t H tl HI 'I II ll tl II ll II 11 tl 0' ll ll tl T tl Ir xt J in ID ll CI th r tl Ji - WILLAMETTE FARMEB iwtrxo irxr tuday bt CLARKE Jto CKAIG, runusimru 4KB morwiTOM. N. A (XAUKK, . W. :UAI. Term or mbarrltloti. OneMirJ.or.cycMttJnomiier).... T'5k liMienpy, six mouths (Sunon-W.) .. ! One copy. t,1", moulie (IS tombm) " KAI.KM, 1'ltJDAY, PKC IH, 1878. Wheat Bt Aitona. i"roin tin- ArturiAn.l f!y way o( tiitiiKlticir.g the following, frnfii tlit Sf.lcin Statesman ol tin- Siitii, it may bo pintier Ami right to i oil the iittc nt'nn of rc.ii cm l tin- fact tlifit Urn S'nti frntiuseii wlie.it mirl.it on Out vtry sanii1 tiny wan stronger ami lughcr. Vc iiitf from iuliliucil retorts in tint ar M follows: "Choice lots wilil for ?l 7.V?.1 "J with but few M'llrri. I'liiisin New Vols, mlvaiicitl to $1 0.'i(''$l I'-'J per luisliel. In Uni'lnn wi tlio n.nto ilay prices tool ft turn iharir. In Tort land, Uicgiiti, lnium win- H ring $1 (i'.'K'O lil."ir natal ln-ing li!J mils n ti ntul less limn wire iilfiiiil at Astoria tlit tniiiii ilny. 3Icro nru the fail in a lint sin II.'- 'Ili. StatiMiinn says- We liav ri pt.'iteilly ..llnl ntttiition to tlni pent, but uiiiinviiialilo ilititroiiielntuiiii the innltit pri' e of lieat .i Sim 1'iniK'iMO anil Astoria, Dri'gnii, and nknl why this slimiM l I'ora roiimlc rahlu biigthof time t In- Astonan kept Mainline in iihin.itl.it iiiKirt that "ttlitat m slurp or vtlteal 1iat Hn worth at moth as ttlitat m toio or win at alloat in San J ratieiscn, Mill, liiiw twr, tlie iii.ii kit priies ilnl not nri e1. Tin iiositonnnw tak.ni by tin- Astunati is that wlunt allont or wliint in store at Aitona si ouM alitays lie at par with u Mat afloat or wl.tnt in ton1 at San I'miti-isco, clinrttr lieiiii; tin? wilil1. Now, if thin last kind incut In1 t nil, tin if i nn Ik.1 mi ii.isoiiaMe nuoii why wlitat slimiM not voinniand thi' latin1 piuu at Astoria that it dm at S'an rrariusoo; but tho (r.,t iiwuiiis that it i!oi not toriiiiianil as kckkI n price. WuiaiiKu no rrasoti for guing any otlnr tlii.ii thu simple facts in tin1 can. If limn uagoiMl and nilln.n.nt ri.won why wliiat lioiild not command m piwl a jimo m Atonu iji in San Kram icn, it m but jut that it be tjifttlo iuMift liut if It lii due to the pud of xlimt rKtulatorv, llit.ii that ought to Ihi known. If win it could 1 mid for u umch in Attori.i m in Sun rranuKu, thin te would Ikj taUrn itor.tcto kin ti all the wbtat to that jioint, winch t fail be dime from l'ortlaml at thu ratr of time ceiiti or let ir l.iflitl, Whin wlnat it worth $1 7ft jtr hundred in San Krantmio, it ought to It) worth the fame Adona, ind $1 71 in l'nrtlaml, luflvail of V 0'J(& I fi.1 Miiowja lil.'i time nl about m itiitu on the bntlnl, Tliiidilliriiiu1, alter juung iinnol ratoiof Ir.ightitu Artona, would bate a margin of Inrototln1 funneni of the Wlllamctto Milliy ii.di jtar of bttwun tlitiu and fonr bundrvd tliouMiml dollarii. Thm Iohh to the farriiun i made by lomi1 one, for the coimnnirii y jut ij iiiuih for wheat lilil from Artonaatfrom Man Kraiicino. ItnuiiH to uii that thu Ion lould bv iatil by the rodiKin by conn titrat ing tliu w hi at at Kiiiiti Kmt within t any reach (.1 Ma-going inaiU, m im to otlt l iii'lui'i incut Id Ililji-owmiR 'to leiiil kimIi to the tiliply It -,t for loading. Thm ililft rrntti would iy the oidinary etHiinii of our Mite goitrmmnt, Mid rvlieiu the tnX-tuNM of the tntire utate of tntt! tai. In two mr it would build a iiaiiow iruau'ti i.tilroad fnm Salitn to Att na Thin Iok m the mine, win titer whiat m higher but, it rtuiauiH n tuiittaut drag. 'Ihe iiiutttr of thippiiig wheat dirt it to AMt'ii.i frnin the interior, and Muring it litre fni pliitiiutut itbioad la not a lit Vt nil .1. One of tn iir) Hut mtii'lvH publuhul in the Aatu I .a iimii tin' kiibjitt, iiiiiiu than liveyenra iig11, iiitit.illiiil .1 btttl (lulu the late Im. I iii.tlauilti, to hm agiiil in Allan), (liegnn, ol mIiiiIi the fnllnuilig l n M ib.itim top. S I'n m im ii, Cu . April '.Vi, InTX M i , Albany, (Mii;i.n ' liisiil.ill'.N: N our biloi ol the 1Mb ilirt. i n' i Mint, nud content tinted. Whmt at Ait I i ' uiitihmi ii the water flout, whtru It -ild U ii1.i,mIiiii Imatd kliui without I'Mtnfc, o ght in Ik worth ..in ri.iuciKCo r,ii', Iim .(.kht mill iiKiiiuine, lu.lliol wntcli ar will t'u tt.ikim ol the ear, the abundance nr catvi' i, t tonniig.i, mid ihaitcr of etrel, Minuier . tight i !?." mi per ton, wiy .'.! 1 1. pr HHI iH.uti.U. Von ,uu tuiiilite in putting your whmt at Atoit.i It i far prefcr-ibfe to Portland. Yoilli tliily, I. r'llH'l'l.lMlMl. In niliMimnt bttin Ml. I'litillmidir aihii- i id toii,ina the pioK'r ilaie for thia bui in r , he llivgniiiaii, under the idltortal man (, ., mint of Mr. Hill, aduMtl tho aiue cntmc : t ti r landid p-op'c leiiuuiimi.lcil it .utile tun Kibe). Tin fact today pivvv the cur i . im nl lhi pint, and it the farimi nf tlm ill.itui tte lallry hail adopted llna cxuiisi1 live i .ii - !.,: they enuld tn day U the tiw m m of n i ' ipl, u Iiiid of r.iiluay Iroiu rsitem to At 'iia. I nit kii.l oienttnl from tho nimiuji of that , .i ii mvr IIh' prveut uorvatanable iiu'tlio.1 : Ii i i-.ntnij; thi biiiiic. Tltw riUtemuuii ' I1 '.. tl) nlit in it eatlliltte tlut till) a- ii . t.i.i vntr "ill Imilil n narrow g'iu(e n.ii ,l,iii In Aatui 14. Hut, oa wi (mil iwr rui.iuiar m the iimrw of ttmugbt uiii tn I.'.' Ut ttcek: " . Infl tlliA' hilM 'i no t!i.' Iwik- of iiitiiiiuji uracil Iwuilil f.up li.li.iu; llin Ulttle l'l the pnlliicl .11 lliu ill inn tte. i"lit) n-elil tn t' ln'itlid and i.l. ii LSid by I'uitloitit inllueiue, and if the) an i .tiutid ik itli from Id tu I'JJ ccnU vi n-uul I ha Htelr wlient, and mv witling tn Iimik b ) p. uUtnr in I cmi riluuHl InmohanU Im i.., u ptbajw Innilil leadil) iipueiti, but ii.l,Muut fatly ujirvt1 with our Mcu, hoi With tin view of any who omijiKt tin1 l.iU'Ur w lb) of hi. line.' If the (loople nf Vaiullltl, 1'nll., Maimn, l.iun. Line, iiml a pitiniuit II utuii ituitita are)ti willing to llMcii tu thu ii nf lean uii I ninst upmi i vpviii iui', we ran jmiiiv tin in tli it Aitt man, m n uui, t,iinl lt.nl) to extilid to tin ill ,k lit Iping hand, nut witlutaudtu,; the :imth) ol the p,it. Wi ute lad t.i re lliother O.lell working iii the traciw, and with that fiUHiuruviutnt winch colitia from K-oienitiie .utitiii on Ihe pait of the I II nog ciiuiniunili, iilm bait l. u iuot mi. tltrcifllll) itiblml the nt Itu i.n. iim1 In BTHONQ DRINK AND HIGH TAXE8. An Address to the Temperance Union of Salem. llV MOV JIIIIS MIMn. I.AIill." ami (il.NTiKMPi. I kIii.I1 not Mme to i.nti'rtain yon with n formidable array of nUktiatic to nhaw you the liiaguitml') of the cviln artfing from the imo utid abuvv of i-trong pfmrty a. ceitainly rui it IcwN an inilividual drink. Nor rhall I tittctniit to tnlit our m-' and without iimotinif the moral nnd mk-IiiI economy, involving by our jinpcnt lawn a mon ptroui waiitc. Kor wu permit, by our laws, when wc can atop, this businiM of retailing a maiiifcat caufe of iunuinirable evila, cultnin.it- Agricultural laborers nro paid in Iro land from la ild to l!s Od per day por munently, nnd from 2s (id to !ls fid In tho busy sens'in. In Scotlnnd, nmonK wg in conditiona that are w one than death tO(,3 Lotllllins, fiirm laborers ret'l'IVi', many (ndinbial, and worn to the community I ,, nvoniKP, i'212 per annum. Ill of which they nro uicmbtra. A thia tvil can lothur portion of til tit country tllf only be temovedfliy tho iletttve franchiae, )oii Wll(;es Vary frotll $211 to JUl. Kltfh- miiat of r.occHi.ity ahow to the totera of tint servant1) earn, besides hoard, 7l! fair land that atrotiL' ilnitk Itada a people to OUT. pathtti for particular Mctiitm, nrmt. toawaktn your horror or tligut by tailing to your atten tion iwirticnlar crimes ureases of ikcp degrada tion ax thu result of its uae. Tho twenty minutca that I rk your atten tion. 1 will endenvnr to uao moath in atith n ,xn,,..r n mnv lliiunat mil-b lublltiolinl lib IllPlitM CAU'1 I Utltltirvaluo tllO lanil'ltlllM llllll truth of Rtrttnittli tn your Union, or, if ottte nlliliattd with which residents of cities ileioto them with it, would add to its Kiwer for good. I "Ives to thia and other good worka. llut ! say addition olemcntu, liecanau I bale moatly cauao thu intercata and appetites of city jKipu. heard temiHtrnueo advocated for in moral and lationa constitute by far tho moat stubborn and pltaac1) of the ipiettiun, but ratlur calling in all their aula to enforce1 the- truth -that the pro ducts of libor consumed aa intoxicating drink is nil wattc.in its worst form. Make your npival to the country rather than to the towns nnd cities. I aay thia not bv social influences, leaving out of sight generally, or rather, not taking in, the fact that tho waste of thu raw material from which atroitg drink is made1, the inonoy paid fur it, the time siient in drinking it, the toat to Munty of the trimus, thatliseaacH and thu Kivertv limiting fnmi drinking it, tnakta the filiation of it iiso or uurtaionableopposition to your objects, What I mean is tn array IxJorc thu minds of tho fanners tit the country in thu most effectual way you cmi thu efTccts which follow thu mak ing of beer from barly, rollow tho beer from thu hand of thu retailer, nnd ace how it minu ter tn rccklessnte, idlutii-s, pourty, irime, abandonment tint moat important iueatioii of , insanity nud diaeaae, n 1 have beforu stated iioliticnl ttonomy of our da). All or moat of you tend, and t ry many of yon have lead, that in illicit nl turns men held, to us, vtry nbatiril views ujion leligioitH sub jeetH; that the iopiilnr mind in the moat civi lized countries lielieitil in nud woralnpjied a multiplicity of finds, nmongat whom was llac thus, thu (iod of Drunkards, We would be apt to think with pity and contempt upon thu matters of faith of thtae simple minded nn cunts, did wo not know that they Mjtnttimcs fed wild beasts with thu bodies of the early 1 lieveta in Chnat as .1 teacher ol ptaee, purity and temperance. I'arthcr down thu ages to wards our own time, wu rmd of In. .try and siiieratition mi talc in.1 hold of tho iopular mind Unit thoae who though themaelvcN follow ers of Cliriat and servants of (!ih1 slaughtered each other by thoiiaands fur a shade, of illlbr- eucu in inattt rs of fsith, nnd burnt, drowned, bung, and otherwiso put to cruel ibnths men and women, from thu sun rstitious Ulitf in witchcraft. Thtsu things of the mst wu read of with curiosity, horror, ibsgnat and indigna tion, and wonder bow frit1 mi it could live and seu such things done, nnd our wonder is not lessened when wu leani that tlnao nbaiiril and hard cruelties wtro elonu in nceoitlnuno with thu laws nf those times. Wu rico from the contemplation of thu his tory of thu past, feeling thankful wu lio in a ir.oru enlightened age, and under u form of gov t rnruent (that government being ill mrt our- stives), that will not permit human life to bo taken in that way. It is a reason for thank fulntss. Hut what think you, gentlemen nnd ladies, will bo tho reflections of thu student of our history ouo buuilrtd years hence, when he reads that onu hundred ears aftir tho brave nnd true founders of our nationality had laid its Inundation fur the purpose of securing to us thu blessings of sclt-gnvcrntn-nt, wo weru n jitoplo making lawful thu annual distribution of :00,(H,K0 woitli of stimig ilrml.i that wu made utnongit ournehiv l'(l.(Ki(I.WXl gnlh us of wlnaky and :iiri,(Ml gallon" of I randy i that e imporleil ",MI.CHHI gnlbiits of jurit, nnd 10, 'ilKMSI gallons of wine, iind made and im kiiIi I for cotiatiiiiption ri.riHi.l.lKibainU of ale, bier and lintel, making a total of 7:l,,'ll.'.,(aKJ galloiir, and ll,WKI,WKI l.u it t -I' i.trntig drink, sold at n tail lutes for glidO.OJO (KM during the year tinting the Mlth if. Inn, IS71. Then are the only statutu-s that I ah i'.I ntlt-r you to- liicht. Theae wile flit tnlie.l IaIIih. II. (ir.it lliuwii, nf Mbsouii by Mr. IMw.ml Young, I'htif of thu Iliiii'.-iu ol Stutintua of ll.uTrtns ury l'i aitnient of the I'uittd Mates. I take the tiguiis fioin a plibluliril sptiili of I ins . lliuwii uihiii this subjctt, nud Kdieiu a Dr. Young ra) in his bttn tn bun. that thutlgims ale Ubiw thu r.ctlial ttutli b) the ulinlv aiuniilit that is kept fioui the kiiiinh-dgi' of the goitni- iiiuit bv liaiiilutuit returns nt iiniiiifactuura and iiuporlirs. Tlusiie lltut tn hainaiith riajHttabilit) M the biw lan $w, tme lu.iidii'il ii'.lisnfttl lie k nun it to Ik a iliaturbinjj ele 'incut in mil lml) mlllu. I'nr wluskey t,1ltd 111 our lutoi as the first ini.ru.tiiii,iiy vb mint, ami it exists to iU m tl.t mw attitude. It is nun, m it lmsliin) bun, ilw nurreuf bauds ami sn unites nintii.li-d against tin gouiiiitniit, n iiuim) nl ptrjiii) amltiiisi1 m nil its forms. iuiImhiIiI) of mtnd ami Uly, in saint), nllivy, Mid Ihe isiiMnii il.e Imrbtai) I .VUMuiuiiHis of pt:li-" iitnl tilnltlu'Ks w hiid liil our prismw, our insane .t tnna. nutl utir imeiilimiws, i antes linnn', ilisviii-ii, tut- I nut ion, puielt) anil iluwlln. a; 'ntmiur hotnrs, c'liiupt unr i Ivctioiw and cmiui . our cUvtvU, i that our Uihs orv su irauuil thai the rrtnu tulu in'inli'ii lu'U rt' hi 1 1 1 r ltd, Uitir IhmimI an. I niorv ii'uifurtabl) ntheil, liiliriaicd for and innrv pi.t)id lor, tluu tie aveiiie liutu't, industrious i.ii-itilwi of n:ct). Our nil llll Mlbjut Ml ll.i'llUI nuts ..1 full) . 'rhmugli tlnuil We inake ilniuLsils, miI punish ttiv druuWaiil unit lo u HUrtyund nM uf tiiiml), loitmiitliu..' him ! ,iul if be be tnu pikir tu kl) u lilit, nei ''.'.tn; l..e v.:!i Ihe llkfllt of der.ll.,41 ill 'III Ii I t! I- t4l!. . W it pi. I) tu I'ihI lilt i-l lilt' U'l o' li- it to ilvliwi' us iivin ti'iupMtn u, in d by nar b cflite law plate1 tclnptatiiu iu I be uu nf tlie utot revl.ltim, lunst thuiithllcs and ini'fteuul) trtuptetl luetnU'ls uf sin-lily, the letults ol whii'b cm Ik tmciil fnuu thu pivsidcnt's bou c tn the1 iHiyt pnnthnuio ill the html, ami wo l kuuii tin) results avo bad, Mid bad niily. What, I ojitiiu ask, is hkily to Im the opinion of inir inuduit, fonutxl by the philosophical st'.'dtnt one biiudrtil years In nee? I i.t 1 1., t I, A k I i Pi ii r lit! l-.v-l ' a- 1 1- lenl.ht, f k MM 14 V VJV kjv UVS ! f.T; ul.t , 1 l J i l i-l ' ' i 'f IM irrif-- '! tlmrf st II I I III 11 '' w 1 1 that .ii 'I.t ra I:) ' '. ! t f ? . I I'rntti tlieso clfeeta, gather thu tangible costs in the rebound of taxation to build and kicp county jnilt, K'iiitcntiarict, uiaanu asylums, orphans' homes, ioorhnosts hi.iI hoipitala Show, na 1 believe you can, that the toat of nil this is to be paid out of ockets of producers mainly. Ho cannot dodgu the nascor ns easily as nnii'produtcrs can do, Kicn if hu be no moro honest, his business is stub that hu can not hidu it from thu sight of mm. Hu is at thu samu time moru isolated and more iude ieudeiit, has moru time favorable, to properly reflect upon truths you picsciit to him, and a closer identity with thu i lb eta which follow table and good government, For these nud other reasons then, I consider that to turn your attention from thesu reanbiits of cities, whose business interests and habits of life mnku your npticals vain, to those of tho coun try, whusu interest it is to hear yuu, would v as wiru as that of tho woman who npica!cd from Philip drunk to l'hllip sober. The time is favorable for such nu apiic.il, Thu bonds of imlitical partisanship were iicwr so weak as now. There is no great question liku that of slav ery, or the question of the nation's life or death, which grew out of slaicry, to occupy men's minds. At this very moment thu farm ers of Oregon, and I believe of the whole coun try aru suffering from Inertia, caused by the emptiness, tho inanity of their lives. Take this question, then, to them through the1 grange, the country schoolhouio and the Christian con gregation. Show theso audiences, as I believe ynu can, that U stop thia waste KO0,004),GO0 devoted to thu increoso of idleness, Ignorance, overty and lawlessness,) thj; Surest way to solve the financial question, 'vlyli poliUcinut tell us is now paramount to all others. Show them, as I believu)ou tan, that this immune sum now df voted to thu uicrensu of prostitutes mid iwvupcr, communists and tramps, it de voted tn thu direct payment of our public debt, would pay every cent of it in four ytars nnd leavu tsu (H'oplu ruber than they now nre, just at certainly n n single iititn of drinking hab its, owing it pniKiit:iniateiltbt, would by sober industry Im tnableil tu pay his del t buiieatl) nud bo better olT on aiiouut uf bis iifnrtn. Slum them, at I U-licio jou cm, that the same priueiplut that lead u family to K'ai'c ninl bmi or will ciny a coiiiiuiiiiit). Statu or nation . the lainii direction, to the same goal. I linlK udiiMil you toapjH'iil (nun tin' town and cities to tho fuuiitr) for help in )mir nb jett. U't lue not be irisiiiidii'Stot'd lure, bit mu not forget that though thu ninjorit) of tho-e iilm live in cities .lie i itlicr iiulillVrinl or nji Htfed tn thisjibject; that thvro is n strong n nouty nctiitly nnd carueittly Uittliug lor it That though it seems hopeless tn uppi.it lonp tu wholtsalo and retail dcalcisniul theirdrun.. en atiyl IsMn-ey follnwirs, yit theiu isnchaii' t and piubability of )otir getting nioiv help, cm . in cities b) n umru close atlllintiuii with n!.; inns, social, and beiicvobiit luioeiatious. be. yuui liiild, then, Uhhi thctui unite, if )ou .an n htflntH ii'liHrvgatn'111, Odd l-'elluus' Asst i.i tiuus, Maioiue and i tin r Iiimlml Hi, I.t. i".i i ou ill the iblepiiinstioli tu sto;1 tl.ts "ilom thi.xiii," this rurr of tb.truclinii that is .1 .III,' Its tilth) gllllt BIIHU'gst IliV t"l llu.lt u i - .sis iiiniitl, stH'ial and islitiiiil lib- as u i.ut . Ami iu imiclusioii. lb' nut think b) til.it I liavo said that I igtii n tho sdiaiutliieiit i a !. in ttw Itftiiiwrancv eaiuw. Ual as is our prs tut iimihtii n, the wlvsnct mrtit inoilu ajnnti-: Slut evil sunt) Lynuui llociUtr picu.he,l bis lit-t ;-iuii'raiice' senuuii, if vnr.v (rrvat. I'm mus i that tirno a Itritis!) putt nlui Ive.iit.e l.m... icliw nf lbs social bsblts cf his day, in .t "I'lti l'ii at druiikcufwyvrs' feasts, tiny, I'te beeu fan' 'uuNitf guIl iirusts, With rucrvuei1 be it spuAin, I'te even juiotil the buOtTvd jon.m U dor u.ighty 's.iurUilM nl II, ,-.. -i . 'I'l.nr li)di-,idreuU did sIo.m.i. We ham m reasnii to U'l'.i v t! at i ) ,tueiuft ui better at that turn 1; an tln - lutv ocuiU'Vs. i tvi.tkii tnat tli,'...i iti.il sn lU-iilier coniniciiitHl the wni at'iiii il e i -i irt'ii;; drink b) picwbiiig the nt In .,t teiuperiwico sermons, ,i iiuvtiuj. . I piwuhn ii.-H held nt his lioute, nud Ins t-il.U1. i-.s Ihe i' toni o llto tune duuaiiilcil, uns blx-rnll) tin iiishcd with It'iuors. Now uoti ,t ii;ht wculd Iki a scandal tu any i:t! now tho ndiiH.itts of teiupe'iaucu niv an imuiiuso "attny with ban ners," generally bl in lbs ubhiuir. by Clui.li iu tevkclicr. Nuw tusec n judge ujuii the U'licli tli link ii".ildK ibeiutil ou risvous. Now drunken law)ursiuv not tiurtutl with im portant vasts, nun a fnmil) i.l,s i.m ubo PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. Thousand of dollars arc due us on luck sub scriptions nud wu must insist on payment of thcc delinquent accounts by the fi sir t of Janu ary. We wish to e'tnblWi n system of ad vance mymcnt, so that wu can carry out our intention to constantly improve taeKAIiMr.lt and make it more acceptable to its patrons, All those who desire to second our efforts at improvement can do so by furnishing us their subscriptions in advance, which will itisuiu our success, Our terms aru $"-.M) in ndvanc, nnd $.'! after three months; nnd we prefer the !.M) in ad- value, for "a turd iu the lianu Is worth two in the bush." APPOINTMENTS. Wm. Ix-c, Veterinary Surgeon, having made n successful trip through thu vnllcy ns an nounced in his communication published else where, his concluded to make nnother tour, nnd sends the following list of npp untitle nta- Album, Dec. . I'eirvaihs. Dee. 10. Salem, I lee. Ii!, at 'bunts I'ishtr's st.iblt. Pnll.i, I'.e III. MtMitimille. Dec If!. Portland, Dec. IH, nt Nationr.l Hotel stable. Oregon I 'ity, Dec. Hi. St. Helens, Dec. 20. Laiitnitci, W. T., Dec. 21. SURE REMEDY FOR GALDNESS. riiiHrH'ti"fi FrrtOia.i.sfirsin wKn will sjarrva to ixr 11. whtn ft .. i,lh of 1 1 air U t.lahara n MUSilriitl IB flilaUir nrn. cwoi J, bndcron ti Co. Clialou riaco, ttvn f orlu PIANOMMriSMs'SKORGAN Miunrh llnind smiire I lam. iil tl, .... ... ...... . ....,. j. Mnnni it'Mk'Ml ri tl stilt) I'lirlclit I'laii fir,. via PROOF i r rut sS"u.i5 eriority VI TIIS PACIFIC RUBBER FAINT. ItfjKirt of thu committee appointed by tho California Stale Agricultural Socitty, Sept. I87H, to examine and retairt usm the merits of mixed paints exhibited. We selected from tach of thu exhibits viz., the "Av trill Chemical Paint," "IiiiKTishablo Paint, " nnd "Pacific KubUr Paiut," n can of their paints, and had same aiplied by a painter under our iicrsonal supervision, Uin measuring tlie surface covered, we find thai the "Pacific Rubber Paint covered 21,276 sq. in. "Aver-ill Chemical" " " 17,834 " " "Iuiierisliable H,4 " " An equal quantity of each ;nint having been used, thu alovc result shows that the Pacific HuliUr Paint coverwl nearly TWENTY I'KK CKNT. MOItB SUKKACK than the "Averill Hiemical Paint," nnd nearly FlYTV PKK CKNT. MOItK SUKKACK tlun tbe "lin- pernhablu Paint." In view of the foreging facts, and consider. ing thu ease of application of th Pacific I lub ber Paint, nnd its superior covering qualities, we find it justly untitled to tb awud tl the First Kre mi i mi. A. C. CHIMAN, W. C. FITCH, U. S. JOXKS, Committer. I Oil Mil j lime 1-u-t smitl. nnlvflfia. lain", till W. Ilrinns MT Or (.inn, IJ stiijis, tT'.Mti. Cliitnli Orpins, 10 ttox, tt sain, Onl) 1115, Chgittt Rff .Mlrmr t"i Ori-aii, onlr Sill tr. ... ..l... . . lf1.n S. T. kl,j tiSid, .t Mfitf M 91UUi MllllllHIOIISNiuimviti s.H"-s.t IM)I iiifiih .... i Illltnpiic New hUiii. Kii.tof nkiii la In' ircftwll Nrfi.tnr with mticli lii!irniati'n nlnmt tint rUntot tViiI UrpiniMHNT t'M'Al I'lt-wudilnm I UAMI.L V HKATrV. noi-thnn Waihltiiftn, J Salem Flouring Mills. BEST FAMILY PLOUH, BAKRira EXTIIA, XXX. 8nrBItFINB AND OnAIIAM, MIDDLINQH, 1111AN, AND BIIOHTB, CoHHtaiitly o Xlmul. IlifcrliOHt Price In CASH Paid for Wheat AT AL1 TZMES. fct't ltf II. 0. KINNEV, Arcnt B. r. M. Co J. W. GILBERT Piiy CumU iVif Hides, Furs. fc Pelts, Cuiiitiierclal nt., SALKM. ly M(-l!l CSTAnLIftHBD 1855. Willamette Nurserv, G. W. WALLING & SON, PIIOI'lllKTOItS, Oswego, OlaokamoB co., Oregon. Buggies, Carriages, Hacks OV lltMl, IMS Jl.VDK TO OltUKlt. A I'll, ill VvIiIcIcn nrpAlrril oil Short .Vol lev. IP YOU WANT TO lll'Y ROMKTIIiNG NICK ami new, or lisvct csrrlsce msilfjii't In yutir un llun, irlveu' a call, sml yuu shall him Just wtiat jrouusnl If Ibn cirrlncu )Ciu htveneicls tt''Alilti;, we can do It In lii.h! rhspe. KNIGHT & LYNCff. Salom, Oct. Sllir SO CUNT riuuH iicsoscore. aitxrtST tn tiu wonin MHtsISM IHI Uhm. bill I, r"H pns-t.nth i Mt f.U.flMlraninU. Ss Sltjsual,ro.trsM, II S.SI. J. BRIDK A OO., SSI SrssSvt, Mw Tsrs. . Wr rilrtrtU4 ttislll W 1JM o. WALLINCS PUnM "Tip ml Administratrix's Notice. TOTIIT. It hrrili) fliin tUt Ssrsli SuilUi lml this 1.1 itiv fllnl htr ntial aitfiiint mi ftiliiilnlttratrls c.f the cstuteul AUalutu itillli, itrtTUMtl, In the Ovitnly (Vurt el Marion munlr, Oriiioit, and SatunUy, Ihr 71li ilay ot liKtmlitr, ls7s, st lOo'tlutk In tlir lurcnonn, has Utn stt lur hrarinc the saint All person Intnt-iititl Insulri esUit arc tlicnturt! roqitlrcil In apii-ar In saliliouil st tlie ilsy sml hour aii.rrnulil, anil sliois i;iuc, il any rxl.U, tt-ii kuu sivtiittii siiuuiu nciiivaitowt'iintiii sain wmtn btrutrtx iIlM.hatvttl. KAItAII HMITII, Ailui x ot l'luU ol Alalvtu Mnltlt, ilis'it, Nut 1, ISTs. 99wiI DO NOT FAIL ' tokrnflfnronp 1 t'slsloiiiii. II Cunisins prlrsin 1 stidilerrfillon ftor tiiat vrjr sirllclsi In sM rrMt i.iinf1 I talsmltlclo AMV I'KIIHON ronlrinnlal. Ins; Ihr purrhnnrur nnynrtlrlsirsirVrr. sousil, raiullr op Asirlrullnritl n. v hsitr danf. nfnrsr frsiitp the puss siin Iu ili rrsuuip ititrls orilifi Trrrllorlr, nil hair, ttllli rrtv rsrrplloli,emrril. nl Ihti rtprriiiiluns of Ihs tmrrhaarr. many rlalmlus; lo liavr inadt, a aavlac o' SV 3V n" P" e. ' W mall thrju- l'Tat.lll,l'lm . ASV A as St SW, fhi:sc. UI'OM Al1n.t?-sr.7 u.rl our Kooils nil niiv-aliliiil al tvhalnift Jirlrr In iiunnilllrr'no null, llrlrrvuvr, 'lil.llinnl llnilt, t'lilrMKu. MONTCOMERV WARD A CO., (IrlslllHl !-illis1 stuiily llnur, T AX1U VljU Avr.,talfao, III. I liiiin ninl t'liurlly is s I" iiuiilul illuuniiilc Slntio. jmt ruMnbfd, r-! M n sjsku B C i i,rniiio.iiwU liittcryJuiutillK sutiMribrri'il.rUliriilliiursutK L A A M Sn7. i , rruii i Vriuf .ilvtr.ttjiuMurtuiitncil IbisXuitu, i3tITiwhrs,aV J sTN ,.., itiirditiltOilColurii ibowunlsie.ilri,Uvciniuf. mlliLslla 1 flirt, lurs-cl'inviivls, LiHlss ol lbs V til y. I'aimrt. Wktal-lieadi si.l lira.-n. lutid-oriflr Jirinli-il In Oil OiVi, ixsluinl niluis In tr.r'rt'-1' t"-ril fi ' ii o i.UHri(.iioiit Ins lc4ufy. 'IKuMitlolswoiiliy lnrouinsnyljrms, i -i . r.i .. .t g , ii" ul'i tut h tiubi hfi,J,U Tints eki.,l7lurrlsyn .w)irk, i. ,- tt t ,... .r ,.ur Itija. .... I ..I.,,-, lli.iir. itflt p ,,, llir.i, i,.iill. Sl!li i ,rl' ' .1 I m a ilytl I. II llaiQ ar Wccil luil Illl utu.ni ,1 srtli Ii t vt I'laccs, Trsn I, I iojrt,hy, Mnrn a.ikiir., iiikiir. untr l.eUuro lliiilK l lliu turnout aiuutlMy Mtsailno in ,i annus vi j iscr, irstii iiillsialiiopilbllliril,uita: il.omsculvrrnitl iitur 1 1,0 r l.i-lsiirii Hours n urc-al ir litres lunnltist jucrnunrri rtn. iioi.i mu Mti cr an In Airrnit, loil.ln larsa jUiifl v.itii iim ni,m timtlrr t.ari Urrnliiortitliioiithti Slrsnli r.ir ttirco luniiiusl lucmlttirr ii tt . Il.ii.in, Orjrtni, I lulil std flit ef Waulici, fcc imrUacuim s, etc., tu tba l,n iivrn ll (rfttni.ycliauifd i"it, IViflry, flc, ll tno ch. ten iTu.uy el niatlrr rsndrrs iiornt 9rlii-aiiiltaiaitiapiiLilitlirij,ittaiiiy sinliiutnlliy nl u.jllir cm- rmuihrr. Autiitssiiilltivrty l.'jcclumni.vulilnn.UnmpcuMrfi-ili liiuf IliaricellcDllllutlrstlrns fniiiMnril visum Hour a ureal uvoriis unit su, rnciiivnr luoutilel Su,tl00 In Icommlftln-iiirDtntilrliitiLtlilU refill. C1.!!! 1BdtllJ1berulutt send A fei.ttettra fur ltsc. hens dealers sell I.KUVKE IIOI'HS, Hals wlicrsyuu saw ILii. iTGiven Away !- m n t 1 ( (!' VALUABLE INVENTION THE WORLD RENOWNED LSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is equal to a Chronomotor Watch, and ns elegantly flnlshod as a first-class Piano. It received tho highest awards at tho Vionna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machlnost Its capacity is unlimited. There aro moro WILSON MACHINES sold In tho United States than tho combined salos of all tho others. Tho WILSON P7.ENDINC ATTACHMENT fordoing all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. 3&l WILSON SEWING Bhmmi GO. 827 & 829 Broaclwny, Now Yorkj Picw Orleans, La.r r - fa'eiV Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and Snn Francisco, Cat. ii FOKSTrtJiJtt buu8m.Ui. ar.onx, -alom. Or. mmmm&Z5$mmmmmWilJaijJllmmW PEACH PLUM. Xliu Xtiillim I'ruuc, And Uic best tsrletles of l'l urn, 1'runc. I'eacli, Apple, I'ear. Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN HULL ABtiOUTMENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. RAILR0AD LANDS. JL.ltorul Tornia! LOW PRICKRl LONO TIKIBI fcOW INTKHKST Tne Oregon and California and Orfcoo Ontral Mllr-4 UosnuanlC OFFER ILtlr Ijinds for isle upon th. follows ,lk. rsl terms: One tenth of th. prlco In rsib: lotcrvst od the baUocett Ih. rata of suven per cent, one trie sfler stle; sni etch following yetr eme.linlh ortbo prtnclptl sod Interest on tbe Ul.nce at the ral. ol ssyen per cent Jiersnnn-n. Both principal and Inter. I, t payable In II. S. Currtnejr. A dl.coont ot ten per cent, trill he allowed fur cash r Letters to be addressed to 1'. bCUULZB, Lan Ascul U. a. C. It. X.. rnrtUod. Urrson. JOHN MINTO, Buiiuzr. or fllAKES pieainro In nlft ring to tho WoolOroiie'is cl JL Ori'gonaml Ibc silJulnlta'Tirrllnrl-s the chance Inpnrchaio TIlUltOUllllllltKII .Mhlll.NOS, and si stirlngptrllcsli.irrcsttdtbat thrr can, st.il will tn diavnr tn. sell M.efpnf therameiinalltraiid t sloe at Ml'Ull I'HCAI'KK IIATKS than sucb ran posiltly bo lmNirtid. hiainlnatltm aud comparlfmi it lilt nth rr bbrt'p ntferi'd la the warkit are runlltllir Intltt'd. AdJrtrs JOHN JUNTO, hnlcm, Oretroa, N, II. Tte Hams and Ham Lambs uf the dock can ten en on the IM.ANII FAItM. adjoining balcm. The Uwescan be sjen at Ibe same place, or at lb. HILL KAltll four and a hall miles south of the city. fcalem, September 1(1. 1MV MARBLE WORKS. WM. STAIGEE, Dttir.il in Head-Stones & Monuments LxrciTtu in Italian and Vermont MARBLE. Itraiicli Miop at Alliaii)'. Addle..- A, .STAKJIIlt, Alt)Ull, Orccoil. Alio t'v rvej.rteiyof caiiervanl othcrstooc work loie Mh.i.i sn,ni,i t t n In iint.r. in.m nil i.sru or in. Mats uml Us'tiiii.'lnt) Territory recelittl iiv ins. t "'ciiii, and 1 ttn-.nily fjriiardert. All Hor. itairtn tu Apr a M lrWlA.,MIIWIlUU t!MHIIWMiaylIWIIMM M SWEET PBrflNA n HiiglTokco F.A.'H-i. j? BRTF. ftaTi SimiXJK CdHe. $$ ?.i tf-a Jim simffiffl-sHLT &$ 'i m -flAaVv HTOXWVOvK Sir is. im. bh "i9, cs cj IN' tA Svl i h&x& IN SOLID COLD A' ki itn 1" lt U N Tl N "TT T ONE DOLLABQfONE DOLLAR Isjaan mmammmmmmmmmmMmmMMmMmmmMmmmjt kl4a - tin I nrn it T, mu imiu Wft CKi t .1 1 U i Istrnrv !. U Hl f MuJs 1. .4 Uv buiH Musi, t Uitvtrv lr lirvp. .. THE ONLY PERFECT FAC-SIMILE OF THE REAL DIAMOND IH THE WORLD. rroncutued b) tio .Vcidemyof I-fiuea I'm! ' ' .tr A.w n f.'. a 4 wrJ atti t.u't My -ne. iwmtf. tiitsiuv r uii,'! ui in nro 11 iw en tu r i e . . Mi . r - m niniii TiiKii: snuwi.s via; unvi:n w.:a oniiM, ImtAr t - (t ' I - llKIH- iM HI' -. ' ll - v i v ' n . " Wrar, llrlUKn m , mn, 'lay I. t ' I 1 r I" til WW tsvhaa.al (Ws J -. ' -., fc, v a .. J ' " ON RECEIPT OF ONE DOLLAR c I lltl I , lllf n'e I'XIMll. I ii- ill. al in l toiUiv' t rvs, ok wiir nimoM-J. i IM l I i! il I en t unit ill-r" e 5 Our In) cKCtcJ tins altcmooa o- to-morrow, - A..rJ6 j,r r,u, ,i lnr.r.lU Ftpulllna for 4 . elf i f u.ij., anil er.Cnr ,i i UILg rAjf. . " tvMi u. ai'l jiniirhg Tbs l.l luUee wtt m4. A. our Hu tirip ir.4.matt I. eloMtr mll.IM ii Int.tk.r inol. m that Jirl.'. IIM U f "J' ln Mli by .11 J,.l., b.n I for tuofir, Irw, tu C. A. J.ctsos A Co., ilfr. , f.UnCorf, T Lai: Weriliilii er. A;!. t.clii.iino OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. heqll-m: line Between Portland and San Francisco. TIIKOIinil TICKKTS Can be purcbaeil at the Drisclpal btatlons of the ii. ,v v. 11 ii , ui nocliicocl Xlatos, Steameis Ivaie bcHb 1'ortUnJ and San FrancUco about Every Five Days, carrying l'aeni,frs and FielgM at the LOWEST HATE' It Is tbe only lint ctri) Icrthel' s. MAILS tml WELLb, FAKUti A; CO 'b ESl'IIEbS. The Steamship, of thi. Curopany sic rstcd J, and SaeoT.l.l,t7?ilt",4 tlBp"'!u '" tTt, '"' n'Jr" State of Oregon, Nv- -1 1 -s rj - George V. Elder, City of Chester, MERINO SHEEP, B fllAKES pira.Qrolnnirt'ringtntho WooLOrowiirscii 1? t