B"MM""M"M,";,MJM?""" "M mrTB-niiiwiriwM iiiiirj'-wa''MTi-Mr,,'a'rwrt ,... ,w ..jfTjL''" i " 'CtWfi JL, T I ADVERTISING BATES. : ' ' i If a illC:! to a w Hwi f jS4 JmL An I M pntor t. n-coln In .ltwcr. SP pig "jprTJ' t Vv V"- SY TK. tweut Inohm. S2,;"50 por Year. Interesting to All. U'o have heavy payment to mako tlio 1st of January, and uc depend upon those in arrears fur tho money. If jou "111 send us what is duo us up to tlio pronoiit time, wo shall lo in dependent, and wo shall never need it more than now. Somo owe, in over it year, ami such ICCOUUts Ill'hT 1m) paid up. FROM A GRANGER. Jlitor Willamette Katmcr. In looking ocr your v.tlu.Ui'.a jwper, ovory numWr of wlilcli tliat liM'ivaclicil inu U cum fully presorvc.1 on llle, I fiu.t in tli.it of Nov. 3, 1378, un Urn fifth Vigo, Cml column, in jour "AJJri'fu to our ltu.ilci" umler tlio Iio.nl- lllj; "i'lIK K.tllMkK A (lllANdl! Ol'.H.N," 0ll .iy, "It iii to 1h) n(,Tetti'd tint ft Society Hut tlumhl li.ivu for iUnlij'-'ct tliorodal, intollrcttuil vul iniiteri.il ailviiiirtiueiit of tlm wliolo fann ing population, raiuiot lo to cuuiluctvtl m to coniinauil tlio nltppult nml reiipect or overy firmer in llui Uud. l'rolmlily tlicro U u jjik.1 .If.'il of human iialuro both ioaiilo ami outnlo of tlio Ordi-r." j. A3 to tlio nbjcttH of tlio (Sranip) efTort, ynu li.ivo stilted them in tlio tlrst vorili ((tinted without your "ivgret," ftnd from tlio very kind and conlml trvntinviit receixed at your invitation, at j-otirown liouno, hy tlio ini-mlicri of tlio Stnto (Jrjnao on two iKC-iiom, liu irien tny iurprio at uoliciin; tlio paragraph quoted coming from yourudf and in your pa- per. Jd. Allow mo to say that thcro id noK?iety organization moro liberal, more tolerunt, nnd that laboni mora clliciently and uioru huccviw fully in accompliliing the ohJecUof it organ' i-.ition. 1 am fully awaro of nil tlio Influence hnm'1 w Ixjur l"ti tlio orgnnlMtiori, an 1 on filly satiifiod that they will cnntimi whilo tbi) indolence and oovoUunoiH of men who are not, nnd by the condition of moinbcnhip cannot or ought not to In) admitted as moinbcn. Tlio fablo of A Jtop about hid undo id applied to tlio ijraiiger by all othr claiii in a country- hi load muit lx) liorno withotit an oQort to unload it. 3d. Tlio conduct of tho tlrango to "com mand nupport and rwikjct." Wo do not com prchsnil this Jiart of the rvmark, unlea it ba arisen in j'our mind from fomo incident con nected with tho chango of tlio plaeo of meet ing of tho Salem (Imngo from tlio (lood Turn plan' Hall to another place, art wo notice in tho Farmer they haves done. Or pnuihly koiuo uiember had been expelled and obtained tho sympathy of, or inflncncul your mind in that direction. Wo will wait for u reply. Kcjpeotfully yours, etc., A OUANdKll. POTATOES. rVUtor Willametto raraert rotat4)M being a crop that i cxtontivcly roUcd in tho lower valley, it id important that wo havo tho boat varletied kindd that will yield tho moot, and will also bring tho highest nnrkct price. A good whito potato will al ways sell for moro tbau a colored one in tho Han Francisco market. It it also well tojiivo a potato that will ripou early. that thay can lie dug beforo tho fall rains set iu. Tho Ilur bank seedling tills tho bill the nearest cf any kind I know of. I jjt j ear I raised thirteen varioties, and they yielded about as follows, tho litirbank most, nud s on in tho order enumerated: llur bank, (iarnet Chile, i'v-erloss, 1'inkeyo, Snow ' Flike, IlrowiisU's ltoauty, Holbrook's Seed ling, Kxcolsior, Now York l'rcir.Imn, Oregon Ulue, riarly lt(e, Kuby and Alpha. The Kuby and Alplia aro certainly not worth railing. Tho Ilurbank yieldul 01 same space alwut three buthili to two of Garnet C'hilo. Otio of my neio'hUirs, from thrvo bushel, plunt mg about ouu-half au acre, harvested ISO bu.ti ob, w huh ho told for $1.00 per bushel when other kinds eru only bringing 73 conti. Mr. Laneo last spring boiight of 1110 twenty pounds, from uhicb ho harvcsteU thirty-bix biiihtls. He raised them mi bottom land u ith oat manure. They grow fast, dry weathor appears to havo tho least effect on them of any kind, an I they ripen early, so they can bo dug by tho miJdlj .( September. A. V. MltLKit. FfT Puktunu, lec. 7th, IS7S. Tlio Agricultural I)cpirtmnt at Vashington has prepared a pamphlet oa the tea plant in America, which is suou to be published. It will show that this country send a value of $20,000,000 of coin to Jan aad China every year for tea. Tho Commissioner discusses tho subject and draws the conclusion that tea can bo produced in this country as woll as in China and Japan, aad that not only this $20,000,000 worth can bo producnl here, bat that tea can bo raised in this country sufficient for our own ami also for exportation. Nawi juul Weather Report for November, 1878. During NovemlKT, 1S78, them were tl days duriiii! which rain fell, and fii'i inches of wutor; .'t clear days, and 1 1 cloudy dajs other thin thoiu on which rain Ml; - days wore fog gy all tho day, tho 'Jd and Sill. Mom tcmpcratuiv for tho mcntli, 4o.C0 Highwit daily moan toniporatiiro for the mouth, SS'tin tlio lOtht lowest dally mean tempera ture for tho mouth, .IS' on tho -M. Moan tcnipcrttuiv for tho month at " o'clock s m., fi-Mtl', Highest thernioimtor for tho month, 01 at '2 1-. m. on tho Ifitli. Urocst thnrinoinntcr, '-' , nt 7 . m. on the '.'.M. 'I.'in pivvniliiig uiids cro from tho north iluriuj; l.l.d iys; Koutii, tuu diys; MUth-vtiHt, 8 days; uorth-wust, 1 (Uy. KwMh (H'currcd on tho 10th, I tit. t'Jth, 'M, tilth, 'JOUi mid '-";th. Duriiij November, 1877, thcro era Si) days during which rain fell, with 1.1.01 inaliwJ of water. I-'our t Itnr, nnd 0 cloudy days. Mesn teaipt raturo for tho muiith, 4.1.71. lUghost ddly merni temwraluro for tho noutli, nTi", iiu the I nth. IWiv.l daily menu temperature for tho month, JIT, 0:1 tho '20th. 101.1, Uoo. 1, 187. T. I'iiamsk. A Few Items from Latham. Kditor Willamette I'anncri Mr. ComiUck las moved his lirgo steam oaw-mill from 1'iuWCreok to Iathiut, on tho 0. ami (.'. 11. It., and Is doing n thriving busincsit iu tho way of furnishing lumber, both drcascU ami undressed. Instead of tho dull, monoto nous station of a few months ago, Lathim nun a dilTerrut appearacco. She has a l'ost OUlce, and somo ten or n dozen homed havo lrfuy gono uuoud iuurJiT, wmIhwILiu Anions ii ivf ..'. uup li'iilt by Mr. MuintmJ., whTcIi Is an oniameafio auy town or city. List Sunday night ,Mr. Wilkin! Martin, of Cottago (Irovo, was Unockcd down by romo un known persons 'Nilh a sand-bag, and almost killed nod robbed, As it happened, ho had but little chanuo with him at tho time. Ho now lies iu rather a critical condition, ui it almost llslocatoJ bU nick. J. II. S. TEA. A few IUltimoro merckants interested in Tea h.wo askud tho Chineso Minister at Wash ington to discourage the ovulation to this country of Teas which aro artificially colored, and to rend only tho leaf iu its natural condi tion as used iu ihina. In reply they wore in formed uU.it they ought to have known before, vis., that Chinese merchants would bo glad to export Teas In the natur il condition, as it cost them lunch less, and that artificially colored Teas would not Iw exported a day longer than there was demand for them. Tho various brauibi of Tea sold in America and Kuropo aro unknown to and unused by Tea consumers in China. They aro specially prepared by Chi nese exporters for the foreign market, colored by chomicals, and this procews, together v ith tho peculiar methods of packing, not only ren dered th jm less palatable and beneficial, but more expensive. There is really but one kind of Tea plant, and from this both Gn.cn and lllack Teas are produced. The wpiivalenta for the two terms, 1 1 ret 11 ami ltlack, do net signify to tao Chincio tho color of Tea, but have refer ence to the period of gathering, tirecn mdicat- ng, not Gr: en color but uiiripencss. 1 ' - Tlio nitinnal debts of Franco and I'ugtand aro now not far ajurt in amount, that of France beingahttlo tho larger. Thu Flinch debt is I11M by -l.SiO.iWO porsons, being an average of aloutJ3 to inch holder, ilugland's debt, on tho other hand, by tho latest returns, is held by about fl'W.IWO persons, lietug an nrimgo cf nliout l.',.ViU to eaih holder. In 1 Vance, the misses of tho peoplu tcim to bo the bond holders; in l-jijlaud the capitalists instead. In Franco theio are about 7,00,)00 land owners, of whom Mime 6,000,000 bavu little plots of about mi a?res as an average. In Hnland the uumbo of kind owners is put down at 1,173, OiW. Iu France one person iu live is a land owner; in laigland ono in thirty, Iu Kngland, liawu er, 8.V),CJi) of these ow ners havo iu thu aggregate bat I SS.OOO acrei, being an average of a tntlu more than one-fifth of an acre each. One leak en nearly every fann may lie found in the neglect of tho agricultural implements. In traveling over the country, it is no unusual sight to seo plows, barrows, wagons, sleds, reapers, and mowers, etc., piled in the fence corners, in tho fields, lanes, barn-yard, and publis highways. Whenever you see things piled around iu this waj, you can setjit dovn that thcro is at least one leak on that fann. An excuse might I) found for somo farmers of limited means, that they are not able to build shelters for their implements; but wo find the same leak on farms where they count their afiJKihiJmiulrl. U".UH. I -! SALEM, OREGON, DECEMBER 13, 1878. CURRENT INOTES. Jennie June writes thirty-threo fashion lot t'ls a week. Haiscr, tho ltoston biflianl prodigy, makm from !t00 to 700 runs c wily. Tho Hungarian violin irtuoo Itomenyl baa net ltoston allamo with Ids cxcolleut playing. Mr. .Stanley is lecturing in St. Jinnee Hall, Lindon, to Lirgo audlcncos, 011 hU expedition "tlimils'i the dark (oiitlnent." Mr. Spurgeon ii to receive .1 gift of fil.OOO from hit congrcgntioti nn tho wmplethm of hm tw. nty-fieo j-ciiri of theological lalor, lKo. HI. lit Uovomor llolfmin, of New York, had Ju it roturiiod l.omn afl r nn oxtondo.1 tour of tho F.uropcan continent, mid rv'mrtt tliat (Icn. (ir.int Uciijojliig himx'lf thoroughly. Kin;,- Alfonso i 1 said to hnvo told Gmi. (Irani: "llunor.il, auiI iviour of jour isiuiifry. Kp&ln Is proud to grnet you oil bur noil, for Spam Is tho country of warrion, and you aro tl.o jpi .it cat of our ago." Mr. W. W. Corcoran, tho jjenoroua Vaah iuitton banker, has pnaeiitcd thu Statu of lxiu ieum with an historio.il p.iilitmg of tho bnttto of New Orkuux, by a celebrateil Fruncli artist, and costing 20,000. I'owdi reI l)nx or alum Is recommended m an inicticido. A pound of alum dissolved In two qu irU of bailing water and applied with n hrtinii whoii quito warm, ill drive away uoar ly all kinds of vciinin. Jonks, hearing tint a certain Bgrioullnral fair association had ctTcrod n largo premium for tho best drillol military company, suggested that it would !mo boon bettor to hivo ofTcred tho priio for thu best drilled field of grain. Nathan AulIoweJ, well known In connection with n leading nifliisrio boarmg b's name, died l.ut suiiniKT and left an caUto valued at 9100,000, over which bU cliildren and grand children aro B-juabbling in tho Now York Courts. Ji'ulo llentou Fremont fit said to bo an at tractive a woman in old ago m she was in her primo. Her abundant hair is white na snow, her complexion is fnt.li, hor futures aro animated, and ber baud i.t ought by sculptors as , model. The numlH'r of horses killed for food iu l'arii luring the first ipjaitir of 1878 was k',311, witli l(Xi ,-vis.n and II mulcH. Tho figures in the corresponding period of 1677 woro'2,'228, I 111, aud six. Tho tint butcher shop for tho pala of boix'-ineat w.ia opened in Lmdon on tho Mi of May last, and by the -tth of July DC horse-s, aoveu vm and one mulo b.wl boon dis posed of, Tlio Churchman editorially discussed the ipuoAtiou, "Are. Atheistic thinkcro to blame for their conclusions" and aiuwem tho question in tho afiirmative. Speaking of I'rof, Huxley and his followers, it remarks, "Their logiomay lie sound enough, and their mot hod vigorous, but thoy aro uuder bondage to physical pheno mena, aud consequently wrong iu premised and eoucluslons." "It is 11 singular fenturo of our timca that the age which tins seen thu comiirsion of tho Sandwich Islands, of the South Sea, of tlio Kavons, ol tho Lloogoo.i; an age wliiih his keen the doors of China and Jajmn thrown open to the In raid of the crou, should bo an ago which encourage despair of tho ultimata victory of Christianity over tho world." It is tho ItaptUt Watchuiau which M sjaking. Mr. Merits Uovwli, who was att.iclied to tho pers-uial htair of liimuih when be w.14 iu France, his published a volume which contains tho following relig.ous ilexlarutiou of tho diplo mititi "I do not uitdnrstaiid bow peoplu can live without 1 belief, ail J without u publio cou fusJion of faith, witho-it Udioviiig 111 Gl as tbo.IuiU'O Superior, in a future life and tho duty of fulfilling onu'i mission on earth. If I weru not a Chnstiin I would not remain at my post a single hour, if 1 did not lliovu in Ood I would do nothing for hiimau masters. Take r. way my faith and j on Uko away my lovoof country " The cost of tho tweUe new bells which bao been placed in the northwestern tower of St. I'aul's Cathedral, London, together with the work of mounting them, liu Iwun about 8100, 000. The largest Ml weighs 0,500 ouiiiU and tho smallest MM, while the weight of all is nearly 40.0IM) pounds. No. 12, thu Urgtwit, was given by tho corporation. Linden has waited more than two huodred years to heir a chime of bells from its Cathedral belfry. Families of farmers engaged iu drying fruits aro reminded that the solar heat is not suffi ciently intense to destroy insect eggs that may havo been deposited 111 the fruit when green or in the pr:ccs of drying. If put in a moderate ly warm oreu for ten minutes all parasites and their ejfgi woul 1 be de-strojed. In countries where fruits aro extensively dried this treat- II t! 1 I v . I Sentenco of Indians for Hurdcr. On WciliiPMlny inomlnc tit 10 o'clock, JiuIko McArllicr jiroccutlcd to pti'H sentenco on QtilMt-tum)w nnd Whlto Owl, the two luil'tni convicted of tho nuirdor of OeorKO Copgnn In July hint, Mr. McUeiin acted us Ititorprctcr, nnd his honor proceeded to p;im Hontenco separntolyni follows; (lult-It-tunip wivs tho first to recolvo sentence: "Prisoner ntnnd up. You luwo Iwen Indclted, tried nnd eonviced of thu crhno of murder In tho llrt (k'rco, nnd IIiImIj tlio tltnonpiolnted for pro nouncing uc?oturn; mid nonloi.co up on you. Tho court will hour nnythlni; you ni'iy Imvc to my why Judnient hIhuiM not he pronounced nunlnnt you. Quit-Il-lump3 hinted iu brief that ho hoped tho JuiIro would ho 11a ler.Ieut in proununcIiiK hudeico nn ionsll)lu. Whilo Owl, when called upon, utld ho thoit'rhl Kentcucu of dentil should not bs pitssod on htm, from thu fuel that ho wan tho llr.1t to (ell of their Implication In the crime. Tlio Juilgu proceeded, wiyliiK I do not deem it noce.ssury to refer In detail to tho faetH which ap peared In tho testimony ngulnstyou; Hufllco to my tlmt tho court conslderti thu verdict rendered n Just and correct one, and tho court ad v!km you to tunlce hiich ubo ot the fowdayarcmlulnnu; un to you as will meet tho approval of Almighty Clod, beforo whom, Hoonor or Inter, .o must overy ono uppenr. Tho Judgement of this court Is that you ho taken hencu and securely confined In tho JfM& counfy of V''uM,li. until Uhiv! day of Jnntmry, 1G70; and that on- tho eiiid 10th day of Jan uary, 187!), bctweon tho haum of 10 o'clock a. m. nnd I) o.clock i. m. of tmld day you ho taken from thonco to tho enclosuroof tho Jail of anid county In which you ilro to he conllnod, and then and tliore, liijho prcHonco of twolvo bona Jltle eh'cfcr.i of Umatilla county you ho Imncedlhy tho neck until your aro dead." John Inrrongha on "Cows." ItloMcel is ho wb(jii youth ni pa.u-tl iijiou tho farm, and if it was .1 dairy farm his mcioo rics will be all tlio more fragraut. The driving ot the cows to aud from the pasturo, evory ikty and every uoiton for yoarn how much of Bum mer and of nature hi cot into him 011 thtso journeyxl Whit ramblei and uieurnious did this errand furnUh the rxouui for I Thu binbi and hints' ncots, tlio berries, tho wpiirruU, tho voodchucks, the beech wooibi with their treasures into which tho cows loved no to wan der aud to brointo, tho fragrant wlutor-grcens and a hundrexl namelcM sdvuntuns all utrung upon that brief journey of half 11 milo to and from the remote pasture, tiometime-s one oow or two will be missing when tho herd is brought homo at night; then to hunt them up is anothur adventure. My grandfather went out one night to look up an abiientco from the yard, when he beard something in the brush and out etcpjicd a lear into thu path beforo him, livery Sunday morning tho cows mint ho salted. The farm-boy takes a rail with threo or four quarts of coarto salt and, followed by the eager herd, goes to tlio field Mid doposit-i thu silt in handful 1 upon smooth stoiuo mid recks and t!uu clem plaai on thu turf. If you want to know how ood leilt is, so 1 cow uit it. She givei the true salms smock. Iluw tho dwells upon it and gnans the award and licks the atones v,iier it hat ton dipowitod I The cow ii tho m'it iluhg'it ul feeder irou iiunuals. Itmakjs oae-'n mei.t!i water to 10 her oat pumpkins, a.il to s-o lr at u pile of apples u dntra-t.ng How iia sweopj nlfthe deleetable fcra-. I 'llio sound of lie-r Gr"'i',,K ' apjntiing; thu gToJ betrays all its kWeotii'M and tirculcuuy m psrtu.g un lor her aicklu, Iu icrilocr. Qiinwtwpwsfiitl il DIED." At the rosidencu of A. H, Hauultmi, en Spcncor Creek, Mrs Klizabeth Ann llamilUin, wife of A. H. Hamilton. Deceased wxi () jears aud '-J days of a-o, ami b-avui a hiubaud, six children and numerous frijnds to uuuru l.er lo.s. I'liKidilM), Dayid ISrowcr will jcacb in Fow ell's Val!ey, at Wblte Sehojl IIoumj, on tho evening of IJccoxUr 21 st to continue oer thu Ksbliath. All are invibxl to atte ml, Wonci it I'ukOiiANirr will be greatly ro beied from naaeea and vomiting by using scull does of the Oregon lilorjd Purifier, Theophib Gauticr, who was a great traveller, said that to tea countries to advantaga you 1 I' 1 ; TrE (VKEJS. Tho Wheat Market. Ttie whe.it uuirknt U wcakor, with down ward tendency. This Is tho roxrt from every quarter, both foreign and doiuontie. Hie finan cial situation In Knglmd Is aifootad by another great bank failure, iuvolvlog 117,000,000, whilo the failuio of thu Ikuik of Ulascow ban previ ously almost p.iralyred tho lluancial Bituatlon, and tho two causo a want of publio coufidouco that coniptLj prudent men to act with Uio great est prudonco aud rucrvu. I'ticca Kiualn ai last woek, but it is fro ly prcdlctod tleiit thcru will lie .i immediate ilochno. It is probably trim thai ilia foiltiros olludod to produoo tho weakne u u)i.ueut, nml timo may nmtoro oui lldonce, Lutaiuh commercial dis.ut.irn aru fcpt to pioduoa lcalinif Directs. Orecn proJcourt hivo thu loweit froightH csrr Known in their lavor, and it ij not cany to sen why there nhoukl bu .my permanent decline, or to oxpect any very higti.il impmveiiK'iit. 'I ho worldl.su a (ood supply of brcidstuOs, kiuI nu deficloncy cau bo apparent beforo another harveol, iiufcu fnmi somo t niponuy hindranoo of traaajiorta lion, and that is not probable. It kxikasa if wh-at growers who hold thulr grain were at lfrtt suru ol u'.l tho viarkot can ofior, if thay act with piudunoo. wmnai.iwi iwwuisjfisrpt:w Tho Onc-Frlco Htoto. What 11 pleasant thing It is to go into a store, and trade whore you can hcu thu price of c.ieh Article you oxamino marked with eloar, plain figured. Such a place as that deserves patron age. Wo now alludo to Mount. Aiken U I'am bam, next door to the Post O'llou, Thoy aro constantly rucpjyjug a new invmoo of goesls, Tholr UolliLy display wilt Mxm come- out, and wo can recommend them to our readers as re liable dealing men. They liko to havo people call and oiamine the goods. Uixiu, 1'om; Co., Deo. 7, 1878. Oiik Point Grange, No. 3, uloctod tho follow ing imsiod meniberd V) lilt tho olfirxtifor the in coming year, to wit: J. W. KirkLiiid, M.;T. II. 1-ucn.i, O.jtJ. Hubbanl, L; Coja Itiggs, H. J. Donunfe, A. RW. Ik (loehlell, C'lmp t I'. A. Pattorv.!!, T 1 II. II. Thielsen, Soo. (1. J. Ikitkett, G. K.i C. M. Kirl.Un.l, (.; H. 11 Lue.11, K; Mary Jlerry, P. Adalinnlloboll, L A. 8. 'lliu install itiou will bu tho first Sutur day in January, whieh will bo public, and good I'atious uru iuvitod to meet with us and bavo a aeuou of rejoicing. T. II. I.U0A.S, Hoo'y. Get Your Holiday Good" At H, l'ritxl irean's. He lias an immeuso atoek of dtsple u.1 well au fancy goods, of idl descrip tions, Friedman m now nulling goods lowor than tlio; lowest, and if you uru an unbeliever, jest read Ids column in this wock'd Farmer and li ciiiiviiiced. We can, after u number of yiarn' ocquaiutAiico, recoinmend Mr. Knvdiuau to our utrous. Roll of Honor. The following pupils of lVinglo School have been placed nn thu Kail of Honor fur the teini ending Nov. '."Jth, I878l Frank llrown, Giro Fini"tin, Clara Cunnuu, Samuel Hlur rt, Wil ion (iirey, i"rank ryivcraew, Frank Hamdd, Harry Severance, Alice Hanoi I, Aumo .Martin, Will llodson, Ada Sii3M4i, George Wolhoni, Kli Wolfe, Miry Wiitl.nni, May Wolfe, Glyssjs Sinqerfin, Koo Wolfe. I.IJ7.IE C. Juiiv, Toaebir. Mixnra. MeCully A GilU'rt, groxiru of this city, re-coivrsl by last stiainur Mai gillon.tNow York Sirup part ef an invoice, nliipiiol direct fri'in tlie itiinery. This syrup is of n suijcnor grid ', and noets any other Kutcrn r.irup in thu uiarko-. The (urn nto tho miwiufactures a cuts, and by making large and direct khip uuuita, they aro muMod to jiloeo t.'iiq hprupt.t pricui as low, and in muiki eihus lower than common San Franeison and itland Hjrujs. 'I In tirup 11 hip;'d in &0 gallon barrel and re ui ked 111 gallon tins. A largo establishment bat Ix-oi openoj in St. Liiim for drjmg egs, and is ojsirktel by bun dreds of tboinandt of dou.-ns. The egs, after being carefully impacted by lulit, mu thrown into an ime-ienso receptoclo, where tiny are breken aud by oentrifugal ojr.itiou tbo wluUi and yolk are m parated from tbo ilollt, very much as huuid honey is taken from Un comb. The liquid is then dried by beat by ft patent proross, and the dried article, which rcsunbles brown sugar, is put in barridt aud la ready for tramr.irtation. 'Ibis dried artielo l.as boun taken twice across itb eepiator in nMjit, and thon tnado into omelet, and coiuptrnl with omelets made from fresh egs 111 tho nair.a man ner. and the best judges ciuld not uVtosiitifHr- unce between the two. Is not UiU eu tgoof 1 I it"- .r r I it Velumo X. Number qtf H -" 1 11 immmm " ATTENTION, FARMERS. The U. H. Ismd Department had noliflcl those inUnvUsl iu and claiming under tho Or ogoii donation law, that idl claims taken nnder that law will soon Im dispfjsed of. It will tao well for all farmer owning Land In Oregon to so that a patent Is Issued to tho tame, for la somo cjuhm thoro Ii n deficiency la proof, Ml such claims aro liable to bo finally rejected aWl tlio land rorert to the Government. This), tlou is publishod by order cf Holoin Graoge, Patroud of Huiluuidry. U. P. Ikuvit, ) Daniki. Ciaiii:, I CommitkM. Joiih Mill ro, 1 Murder About Religion. l'rom tho (ifllccra and pwsenROM of tho Hte.ninor lAbby, which nrrivod hero hint niKht, wo havo partlculnrn of a terlhlo murder committed 011' tho Nooheack river 011 Kunday last. Thu paitlcularHiirotheso: Durlnpthouricr uoon of tho day In iuuntlon it no I Hor named Hamuel Drown called over to i-pcud tho nflornoon with a neighbor named (lallaghor. Tho two men, It appears, wero married, nnd tholr wives wero al proiont. Tlio hour homp propitious to rellf;Ioin rellectiouH, tholr convursatiou iiutur.illy drifted luto it comparison of reliKlous vIowh, llnally proinptlntr tlium on to it honted thoo loKicaldthutiilou. Ah thoy warmed to thu Mihjeot thoy hecamo anury, nnd hitler epithets worn oxchaiiKCd. Thoy wero at length nlNnitoutho point of axchutiKlnsr blown when Oillhifher tlrow.hls.Dlstol und attempted to ahoot llrown. The women however Inter fered, nml holzlii,' (htlliighor by tho right arm hoonHUcccodediu wrenching tho pistol from his grasp. Through tho lufluenco of tho women, who acted as penco-iuakurH, tho two belllgerontit wero Hoou reconciled to each other, com-outlng to nelllo their rellgiouu tllirerouces by agreeing to dixagreo. Hut a fow moments hud elapsed, how ever, lieforo they hud ignln renewed tho discuK.ilnu. In thu course of an hour or moro I hey were 011 tholr foot itgiilu buttering each other In tho face. The women pleaded lit vain. At length Drown uulxu'J a largo moatknlfo Ijlng on tho dresser near by, and plunged it luto Gallagher's abdomen and breast noveral times. A niomont moro nnd poor (Jitllngher lay it bleed ing lifeless corno at bis feet- Iloro Drown, roaliKlug what ho had done, struck out across lots for tlio woods, and has not since been houu or heard from. It i- Hiippoiod ho has gono over to Drltlsh C'olumhlu, und Is going: northward iih fast as possible Tho two wumeii who wero left alone with tho dead man hoon gave tho ularm und summoned the neighbors to thu rescue. Tho greatest oxeltomeut prevails, and Drown, If captured, it is generally believed u I.I bu .summarily dealt with. Tin. .MuuiiKiti'ii Cook. Tho Inland Kuilro sayst On Monday last J nine Cook, charged with tho murder of (Joo. Craig, win brought before Justice) .Mitchell, who committed him to Jail to await the action of tho next grand Jury. .Sheriff Cronon has gone to I'orlland on hunlucsi, leaving John I lay 110 Juciargo of tlio Jail, ('null 'ft iin'iilsiiro liaiided to him ulready cut epaud hois heavily hanileutje!ii, no Unit ho lots to oat with his H.igi'i". It over a human being .ippio.ichfd tlio condition of it wlbi he-ait, tills mm is ono, Tim Daldwlu had tlih fellow In his troop of volun teers last summer, und at (.'u nmlng's ranch ho got luto a iiarrel with tho propiielor, who il row it rlllo on him and ordered lilm to leave. Tor thu piibt threo weel.'i Hherllf Crossea has kept 1111 extra watchman till night at the Jail, ami his jireetao Is still needed. The erlmiuiil-i nrreited hero aro usually of the most deperato stripe, us this place is about midway between Port land aud Wall 1 Wallt, und all tho rascals from cither end of tho lino mauiigo to t'lvo its tt call while at- templing to escapu from thu clutches of me law. v 0 need u strong uiul well built J til, our O.-liiK' represuutullvo to thu loutr.ir't m iwllhitaiidiug, The only LlVlli Aim Kmsitv Ileinedy t'ut . ...1 MV (Ml.! ii" uur d-cu m tallKiriili, ! . .,..1, ,,". 'inl-. unit e llinlftiiuil ..I , Irult el-.li.l t) uw Wuliu JUjir. .1, T M 1 01 T f o ii ir.l till IK.1 ol-l uel J. J il Nil 1 .1.1 I.. us-l lull Ml A I !i n a. IUI Its ail ii IMll UU ice