K 6 fIlSCELUEQlis. "Anionir tho hurous who Imvo wicrl lent tliolr lives to mvii tlio nick nntl Httrurtiig In tlio .South should bor-lif-MMl i)r. Itohort II. Tati', of Cincinnati. Ilu ivm horn u lavo In North (JaroJIim HTVi'd throiiL'h tho warns a -rrvunl in tho Onlrilfniti' army. Cnnilut,' N'H'lli ho liiTiiint' :i wnlt'-r in a prl uli- Im.iiI-InK-h"""'1! "i1'1 "I'd'Tninny tli-iiiirnj,'i" molds bogiin his cducatloii. Ilo nm- lorctl Hit1 fomuioii hr,ineli-,uu'l rapid Iv llttcil hlniMlf ly Ids larut liallll'iil liialHli'atlons to outer upon tlio .stitily of int'ilii'lni'. Ho p;rii(luiit!il with (In tlii-tloii in olio of tlio iiit'dical tIiooI, mid at onto ontorod upon a law prii" .tiff. Tho Clnuliinatl Cummrrrittl, in an liitcroitliiK account, says: "When volunteer physicians woro called Tor ho uiiiiiiw.il In I ho front, am . aim list t ",lri,w ' .---,- . will and fond entreaties of a loving wife, inarelied hruvely down to ihe jriitfs of denth. Ho proved to ho a great Messing to thoMiiroring people of Memphis. I'rolll MlltrlMj to Mlll-nt, lllld Often far Into tho night, lllllilo ... ... i .. ., ...... ..i i. ui..i, .....I hidemiH bylliu groans ol tliu lck und dying, ho went on his roiimis or mercy, ihenlhiL' thu hIc-Ic and cheering the dying. Thus ho lahored through tho (gloomy weeks, with no sun, no moon nor star to drlvu nwuy tho murky clouds. Hut there w.i.snhopo In his heart, it Joyous heuni on lii.s face ho was cheered by tho Immortal hope or Christianity. .lust heforu ho fell, lie wrote his wlloii heautlful letter, couch ed in bravo, gentle and religious .senti ment. In Mivonil jtlace.s hoHald: 'I'ray for nil,' 'Tell tho brethren to pray for me.' Thiswjsu titling adieu to earth and a wilutatlon to I leaven, "I'my for me.' Itcsl from thy labors, thou bravo, nuMoHoul; ourlameiitatioiisNouud vic tory In thy ears." Mow tiiiiv I)n:n. Over six liun drcd nkeletoiM liave already been ex humed from tho ruins of I'ompeil, but fortunately most of tho Inhabitants managed toocapti, having heeded tho warning of tho burning mountain. Only tho I nines remain of the victims, thu lle.sh having mostly perished, but now and then u little tuft of h.ilr has been found clinging to thu skull. Tho InhKIoiis of the bodies In every possihlo form of contortion all Indlcato u violent death, ouu of agony mid smiTe ring. A mlsor was found grasping u lug of gold In his hand. In one room u fam ily group embracing each other In , death, In another thu bonus of danc ing girls mingled with tho broken Instruments of music, can be seen; In another place tlio .skeleton of u cook at his place uo.ir the move In tho kitchen. One house contains bones scat lured about bearing marks of being gnawed, wlillo near by lay the skeleton of a dog, .showing that the brute bad .survived mid eatun his master. Hero it u com pany of young and old lleelug to the Hen; thuro Is the remains of a mother vainly trying to shelter her throe lit tle children from the llery storm. Outside of the gates in his .sentry box tdauds nit oniiin .soldier la complete I armor, with the key of the city gale In bis hand. After standing faithfully at ( his post for seventeen loiiturles, lie was l discovered "clad in a rusty armor, the liulmut on Ids empty skull and the Hpcar In his bony Unguis." In thu city prison, not far distant, were found tho prisoners, some with "their feet ' ...,,,!.. I-.. I I.. II... !..,. I-., II jiiii.iu iii.il iii tin iim.ni( A HiithtsroitY. A iiirur bird story wits related to us yesterday. I.. I'.igo and mm won cutting wood on Al bright's place in the fo it hills, near Han .lose. They h id notice for sover.il d.ty.s that a number of birds remained constantly upon a tree near them, Mime I going and eniilng Inun time to time. Upon cutting down the tree they dis covered a limb wltli a hollow cavity Millie two It1.-! in length and three or four inches in diameter, In which were two full glow n birds of xmio goodly nixed spedes. There uns a small aper ture Ihruujjh which the birds were mipplled with food from their mates, Tho limb was uit ami Ihe birds lib orated. They were neither of them able to tly, having evidently never been out of their iuipiNoiiiiient. How thuv ciiiiio iiiide Is a iuestiou. It is moro than piohable that the mother bird was miiiiII, and though able to make her nest In the hollow of tho tree and rear her young, could not extricate them, ami they did not gain strength enough to help thcui'clve.s mill the hollow had mi closed that escape was Impossible. Tliu.su who have examined tho bhils think they tire two years old. They had been fed from their birth by their bird-fellows through thu aperture in tho limb of tho tree. A nobler In utanco of devotion even tho human 1,amll neer exhibited. Sun Jo,e Jlvrcury, May 'Milt. This Item Is going tho rounds. "It may not bo generally known that com mon cooking soda Is a sure remedy for tho bltoof a rattlesnake, if applied soon enough. An Incision .should ho made to tho depth of tho wound mado by thu fungi of the snake, and Into tho cut thowodu abould bo sprinkled. It will immcuiaiciyuuiiDieuii ami turn groon By Telegraph. EASTERN. Ilttii-lmt l.lrrti'il tn tlir seiintr Miimiiiimmh, Ala., Not. 27 'Him logis- l.ltl O llllt M1X .'lltl'lll llcctl'il liol. Hntlstllll I'. S. .senator. Only two votes 01 tlio ht-ga-Inc. Ilir N. ! II II vnn',N' 27 I i u!..l!. Uri, V. I j . miIi tit iii tin- N. I', li IS. In., din hum-. in i miming pupei tlif iiiUiitii.ii nt til' i mi- i '. ixiriu i-k i wigri mi fur a aubMd), n, nr mis til in nl nsnintnin i'. Mi" rum mux iniMnUr i itmlf able In build thu rnml ' with its own r'siniri i"i mill tliu lam I grant. 1 i(t,i;i',t,;;i'1Iy " ",,"u'1 Uflrn,'tw ax"nl I'rntlili mi- 4 in l.liitlnii I'ritwiihM i, I!. I., Nut. 'J7. Mayor )i.li', lti'iiilihi.iii, wiii re-nlnetcd to-day liy I.oin) majority nii.r futir uimpetitnra. I hlliiilll.in Nilllirulli it ,hu i iii-i., ,Nuv. 'j,. A ( liln.uriaii was i ii.itumlm-.l m tin- lllft III Clllllllinll pleas ho,'"1 ' .seiriliirt slirriiiin spint,,. Nit Vuiu, Nnv. 211. Nn ixtnry Mior In.ili li.n wntti n it lit tor tit tlio editors of Ib-nr) Ward lleechcr's piper, the Christian I'liinii, denying tli.it thuiidiiiluuitralinii fails tn iirnti'it tlio iiitiTii.il roiuiiuu nllicurs mi prisoned in Smith I'muliiii, indiitul for murdLMh killing an nlb-ndcr whn r.-.isteil arrest for complicity with thu nntnrinus lied- ,,, ),,,.,, ite that th niliccrs aru ' under arrest i inline n ! biairm tif tlm 'pies tlun ns tu rmiuval nf tlio action iciuimt tliilii to tlio V. S. circuit mart, mill Hint tin) UoWTiimuiit Inn ilotio nil Unit it can in tlio li'Uitlliinto outuvj nf Hi IcimI lumen tu m-citro tlii'ir III" r.itinn. Tim rvcntnry niMii "Tliu ilillicillty nf iiifinriiiK tlio I.iuh of tin) l.iatiil Males in .Viutli t .irniiiia nan imi.ii ii limtrntvil (Inrinu tlm recent c.uitiininiiil elee lion in tlml State, uliuii org.inloi limlien of men fully uniivil liinki) up pulitio ineutiiii ami IiiiIIihI iinarineil, nnorcj.inicil ami ilc feiiceleH eitlens ulm am uitvatuit '' tliu L'oiintit ii titin uith tliu rnlit to meet ami iliv cihi pnlitie-al iiiiciitiiimi ami otu fur tliu can ilnl.iliM uf tin ir iliiiiic. Winn tlicKo pro (eeilni'Ji u re lint milliuieiit fur iueei'n tlmy eliiateil tlio iir lilaekn of tlieir (r.'inelilKe liy tlio ineainmt triiku of liallot lnx ntullin. .Sncli iiU'eiicei aru nmro ilcur.iiliii ami il.in Uirnim tli.in ri'iuntanru to tlm revenue lawn. Vim inimt hm) tli.it it li ilillicult fur tliu uxinillM' tilliurs of tlm I'niteil Staten, rtlp pliil as tiny are liy lecelit leiil.itloii, to meet tliln fiiriiilil.ilili' oimntioii to the execu tion nf the l.mn. All they can iln n tu try ami cnlorie the I.imi tlirniiijli tlm cnurti, ami if tlio mil Inner) of public jimtice U mi enrruiiteil liy local prcjiiilii-i-s tli.it It cannot puninli micli iilleiiM'K, then tlio only remeily in ill i'iiuililll' tlm pnlltle.ll nmer ut all llline uhn Mill nut tnli rate tlm new fnnn of mliel linn aganut n itlunal autlmritv. In thu ay a remeily nl do fniiml or maile, ami its am plication will lie li.-inti'iioil in prnmttii al tlio trim nt.-itu of allairn tome to In, uiulcr hIihiiI. Tlio ili'raci ful llirlileiiU of tliu late eunwiHH, at Mtrioun poinU in that n-cllon, Ultl but KUO aililitlouil ntrelc.'th tu tlio feel in.; that all tlm rights of all citicin, ;u uaranteul by tlio ennntitutlon, tnutt bo tu uiri'il." imrrlraii ll.li fur r.iimnrnn lrr. Nkw Yiiiik, Nov. Hi). Tliu Titm-ii .ii I'. Mather Ilia just, returneil from llurmiiiy, InvinH wifely ilcllxcreil in Itniuen notuu 'J.VI, IXMI icji nf California Bilinon. In mlilition tn the cl-l-h ent tn (lernnnv 100.000 uern taken liy tlio NelherlimU, the ame nuinlier by I'ranco ami I.'i.IKHI by laiKtaml. Tlii i tlio tliinl Miyacjo Mather ban inailu aliroail Mltll American tUll VZ1, I lio naliunii vn were p.ukeil iii n IriiicratniL- Ihixch ol .Math i r'.-i iiuentlou, ami a Uinh.-raturii nf I'J ilu- IH.--" ' J ...,.. , ,..j.. ir....rf ., .. r.inlil.. mi.il ii,i...l ll, ..,.,,., T li. llrmn, li .u.i.iiiiii.il I'.il.v'rf lint Ilu, . ,... - -.".; .-"! ....j-, ....... .k- imilil line ihvii kipt K'rli'ctly urn lurliilly tun weil.it longer at tliu teiuMniture. I.iillrr s.n- lir Iiik smiir 4 lilnr lllialihi- Cllli ti.ii, Nov. '.'7 Thu .lournil's W.i.li iiiutun ilmcatili k.ii tint miiitliern innrein iiii-ii il.iliu tu liao amtiir.ilu-ti tint llutlcr li n iii.iii) iljillcr ilni.ltihen ne.it li ISi'iillilie.in iiMiiirn in is.ii ni a r .iiuiiiruuiuiiiu ciiir a. t.-r vtliuli he mil la Ufnro th I'ntUr eominlttei. I'linr s.iiuiii) Not olio lii-nuHr.it iirntcil Iuto favorn Til ilen for l.ssO. VI ii nl In I't o. tun Itiliil siilillrr., ISiuhcII, who mil. eeil. W.nlilell lllflli.) Ill .-nrlli i arolini ntalc Hi it lie will not n lliln iiiii eaueui, nut win tole Willi tlio ureen li.U'l.erH. He t iMirs I'.i.mu nil tliu eniittieru vt.inl.ilimi ami liennioiiin relsl the name at union foMicr.. I M-rlrs r Ouilliin- Nl N iiiik, Nnv. .".'. Ihe iro-rei of the MaruuiK of Uirno vi'ttcnli) was a mtu-ji nf maUonn. siiii stnriil In Inul.laliii, A vet) heavy kiihw ulurni prevailisl in l.ouniaiia from ,'l until IS .'HI nelmk vetcr .1.). I'lirili.l.e nr srr. Thi' treaitiry t-ilrnUy puili.iiisl hetween IIOO.OiKI ami llM.000 oiiiuvit uf nh.rata fraction In-low the l.nmlnu iUotatn)ii. l.'irri'luii 1 Initrrinir. Tlio iiiii'itinii of tlu I'tivti'Ui "I liireolim. illcml. in Mnitli, (linenku kerl, nicuwT nor nf Maine In, tliu le;ililur' u.ii nuliilllt tinl to tlio Mnne i iiii.-reiuiii'ual i!elei;itiun, which ilcviilo.l in favor nf Cartvlnu Invaiue lit- la a luril inone) in.ui. trri.leil lur I rnml. .I.ilin M. Mull, r, isiiitraetur for faiuuhiiiji tune fur the l'lncii; ciutmu Imutp, w.n arrcntol je.lcril.n mi tliu lurc;u of mi- liwliillv ami filoiiiiui.K cniuiuriiij with mherstii .I, tratul tlm ij.ix.rumciit. Rul, .tHXI t sli.mi It.illli- Mllli lirmiliii' lar llr- Mill.. t imiwxii, .N.n. '.s.i. Akli.imluttlottwk il.i.i. vi-nt.rlay at tlieiair nmu.ls at .Mount i ilea, I. tllno, in tin. niocnce ot i Iar),'e ism I'uurai' if uli. em ol lli.it pl.u'1' ami Mtitor. Irniu the miii.uiiulity i.iiilitr) lluniii! til.' u ir neural .. rmiii iiijune. Here inllieic.1 iinl much ill I eel in,; cneinlcn.l. Hush Try ol tin- laviriiii; liuuilii wa hot in the f.usj. I he uoiiiiil it con. i. lei nl lUnerou.. llenj. Milmwan Ha triii-kmi Ihclu.wl witlia Uiy. oiu't cultnij to tlm kull tui 1'iilii-r li.irut-.l iilili I'rauil. Nt.w Yni.k, Nov. '.si. Win A. Potter, l.irmerly I'lnef iiK'riui; arclnti-a was ar-n-ati'il tti-tl.1) una warrant imucil by .1 intco lll.Kljjctt, of tin- northern ilntrut nf lllinnu, nn chaw nf iMiKjuraey to iteframl the kov-eriiiiii-nt in connccliou with public luulilini luCliicno. Poller w.u much uririHc.l. Ilia liail ii iKeil at $OiM. t'nm;ri'man I'otter, In hrothiT, I'lvamo Inn tiomliu.iii. Kxain liution h.u wan cit. I IMrn n.r. Ntw YiiKK, Dec. I. In thu unit of tho Uiiiteil Suite a,,Miiut Samuel .1, T'lMvn, JihIro Choate h.u jjranteil a nintioii of plain, till to upon mul lilu certain ilep.iitiou. Wr. Tllluu i:ruiiiiuunlriilr.l rruiu l'l IIIUUlll. Nkw Yuiik, Dev, I. -A reaolotion ex. communicating Mr. Tiltoii from lleuelirr't vlmivli mi llrt ailopU'il lut night after tho pra)criiit-ttie. tun 1. 1 In ('a (kantta. WILLAMETTE FARMER. tato against .Senator Conklliiu; becanno of his Inutility tn Prt'iiilctit ItnyeVatipportera, no stronu uanillilatu in npinition tu hltn is iireiicnteil, nml thuro is bttlu reason to doubt liii iioiiiiiintion by tho legislative caucus ami his ru-olcctloii. 'I hr rrniin.nl I.Mrn e-lnn. Nt: Yum,, liii- I. lleiniH r.-itie iiii-mbers of emiiei iiann here fur Wiviliiiigtuii, illiifnrinly ilu art- th"mii'llenpieii to any fui'tiuiia ullnrts to ioinil the mllingofa pi 1 1 il vmii 1 1 t Man ! 'I li.'V -xprvsn, at pni it, a ,i'-i.iiitiuu tn ivi tlie tiiiml IKL-i-Kr IiiI'h .in. I .In tit tit- i-lse. Milinl. Itmi'l loll. N Hi ! i is-, Ilu. I liuv. Ni.-hoN ha. iiliiriinl ir.itn Ins tnui- through 'IV mis ami Coin oi.lia parishes. Altliouiih ho maile Hireftil nil entiuatloii of tho late trnii. bli-p, ho peremptorily rufuaus to bo iutor view id I'rre ul In. I. No iknllni licru fiom yillou fixer for four lay a, Ilie I Inln-r IINpali ln- Nk.h YuliK, lee. I. -Thu ,Siin urj;es tint one of tlm tlrst ilutic of tho national hoti.o of repro'intatives kIimiiIiI he to jmpuro into the authenticity of tho iplmr tclejjr.uns piiblisliisl on tho oxuof reunit ilections, ami the menu hy which they neru ohtaitmil. 'I Ins ibiu to piibbu morals ami to thu parties implicated, Hho itlioiihl liavo an opportunity tn vilubeato theliiscllus or sillfer tlio cnliro ipiemcs. Tho Mm mills: Whether clplier telegrams wiru procured from cllorta of thu latu Senator Morton or from tho committee, of which ho was uhairmaii, or uer stolen from tho l.ilo president of thu Western Un ion, or Hero surreptitiously obtained from thu telegraph nllbc. ill no way ellcets thu duty of investigation. Tho Democratic coin initteu of the liuiisu eru outwitted by tho falso delicacy to .Mr. Morton, nnd in tint Hay Senator Morton Has enabled to get (kis i'ssiou of nil tulegrnins, and to put out of Hay not only all material evjilenco against his Republican friend . I.ut aln Ids nun operations in Cilifnr m ti u Inch that statu Has cirned bj a fraud iiotorlniisty organiznl when ho Has tin re in person I i nnillilale for l.iirlnini'. I'liirr .Southern napers announce that Congress man Wadilellof North Carolina recently ilc feated for rc-i'lvvtioii, H tu bo iirgedas kecro tary of the l.'lilte.l .States sen.ito lcu (teorgu liorham at the opening of thunoxt com-ren-i. Waddell m personal!) more popular at Wash ington linn at liome. ami is cunsliluruit Hull ipialilled for thu place. Ili-illll nr I mil l.inlrj I'liii.inti cin, Nov. :ii). buns A.Uodoy. founder of l.ndcy s bulies Itonk, died sud denly to-uigiit, aged '' j ears. lie. iiiiiilliiii iiT'in-rlc I'u) nii-nla. Ni.w Yni'h, Dec. I. As thud ly for tho resumption of specie piyuients appro.icheii, thore who best IlllilersUlid thu sillijeet ai pear to have full loiilldeiii-u ill tho gm em inent to luiiutiin a regular ineibiitu on a par with geld. It appears that the loin neces oiticn for resumption purpo-.es are nut so ureat as they hive generally been iiiipHscd. There aru nominally outstanding .:iin,liOO, 000 in greenbacks, nml to meet this tho gov ernment Ins in its vaults of coin, absolutely nvailable, deducting all due tn private par ties, about SI 10,000 000 There are also under control of tho government at its de positaries, which cannot bo preicutcd for redemption, alsiut t 1 1)0, 01 Ml, 000 in green backs, Tin) smallest ultimate of tho amount of grccuhai ks lost, or h ill not ho proai-ntod for redemption, is V-'O.OOO.Oihi, making n total of '.00,0110,1)01). This leases thu total sum to Ik) prni ided for, not already civered by thu goiernment, at H.'i.lMHl.OOO green, backs. There is no probalubty that tlio 81 ID.OOO.OOO coin on baud Hill ho exhausted much less that tlicrewill bo any necestity to iiroviilo for tho $,s0, 000,000 not mm- colored by com in tliu treasury. Tho secretary of thu treat. i ry lasaid tociiiitcniplatua.vep'tiu gr.s'iibicks for ihitivi after n turn to specie pa) incuts. tsiiiM,ni nit lau.e. ir (In- ll.iniiiul. star Con i.ii, Nov Is A Tribune's Wash ington sh'iiiI sata The rcpoit of tin com iiiissiiuii'r of liiib.ui .illurs will cniitiiii all the olhciil i-iirri'spuudi-iu-n regarding tho iiiiiM-snl the Ikiuiiaik outbreak, and the i an il ill at ouci llguri' in tlm loutrotiTsy be tween the aim) nnd inteiior ilepirtiu.'iits. Di.jiatchi-s ahuit that tlio agent lor tlm bin Hacks nolilii-il the military iiuuitlis betur.' it n.-i-urrelici 11111.11111111)1111111 Has iuis'uding. 'I'll sips weni, alter much deity, aeut to the ageu.-i, but they only rciiuntsl a lot of worthless guns and kiiii-, and left thu In dims plelit) nl guod uliea Hhleli the) had Hunted. I'm illy. agmit thu prutests uf the agent and the adi n 0 uf eu-ral nlhceri nf fuiisidcrihlc rank, the troops wire with drawn, win ii-upuii the Indians iiiiiucbitely stalled nn the warpath. Cutting down ap propriations hi congress rendi red it iiiim,.. slide tu feul tlu'a,.. bub his. kliininlli unit llaiinui-ka In lie lull nn Ilir laklma Ite.i-riiilliio. ssi.ln,Noi 27 I'lie coiunui.iiiiier nf liiditii all'airs' lepurt tirgea tho cou.oliilt tion nf tribes as i-t'i'niiimeiiib'il l) his predv-i-i-SKur, ii-ilui'iiig the reervatiuu tn nine 111 nunihcr. ami le.tonng tu the public duiuiiu 17.1112, 1.Vi acres nf laud lie thinks the mo.t ul the hub ins 111 Colorailo, New M.-m-on nml riAuim.) b-reuuncd tu liubiiu ti-rntiT) : the M ninth lndiuiu tu the aki ma reaerialion 111 aahiiigtuu U in tori, wluth.r the Itanuaeka ami Mallieura will lie immediatili ai-nt 'Ihe t'uiuiiiiaamuer uf ivieiiue appeal, lor a permanent tills t In dian I nuts and re. onnm-iid the organisation nl';l,lKNI Indian i-ai.dn. under an. iv ..rtu-ers fur cri ice near ici nation He pubbah.'S a i irniiioudinie 1h-1w.su the ai nt t the Ikitiuocks and the uulitarv. tu show that thu latter Hon- well inform.' I 01 tho actual statu uf all.urs in tune to bo prepared tor Imatibtis. and nln that Ihe liiiliuu recjiuit all the siiluntance the Hindi appropriated by t-uiigreis cnibU-d the Indian oih.-e m pur ilia'e llushuwa that the agent nl tlio Chiyctiiica H.ta lepnn-d b) Im nl e. ngress to withhold supplies Imiu Indiana who would n,,t work, which led tu tho outbreak uf the f ht)cum-j. Ho rccuiuinciiW that thu t'liiatillaa in Oregon U ri-muiedt.i tho Yaki liu ri-aeriatiuu, and that the lauds lw sold tor their bom lit. The Miasiuu an.l Honpa. valley agencica, California, nr to lw iv I'statihshi'il. Their ibiiMiitiuuancc Has i.tiued b) the f.iiluroof congress to nnk appiupri.itiuus. Hie suulhrru hulls. A Tritiutiu's Washington special a tyi thero aro signs uf a dead lock in tho committee ap proprutious oter tlm ptyuient of atiperwsor ol elections, ami for proaeilltllig ctses lion King under tali 11 111 the south by tho de partment of justice. Sumo Democrats, as a nutter of exKsbency, favor moderate appro priations for both these. Tho ltopubbcaus Hill fully oiposo South Carolina ami I)uii aiu election frauds. iBilutlrlons slwaihi-s. Wasiumitun, Nov. 27. A telegram re ceived to-day from Agent Kvant rejurtsthat all Indian teams, comprising 07 wagons, ar rite1 safely (rum the Missouri nrr with supplied for tho agency ot lied Cloud, tho ludiaus t'lus doing tlieir 011 u transportation, Tho result of tho experimcut is very cratifv iug. Tho iluUnco traversed 1 about ii miles. larrt asr r Halt f rtrlce la Orr ta, II I . I .. -W ---T as folloivsi Krnm Tho Dalles to Raker City, increased from semi-weekly to treneeklyj Ihe Dalles tn Pnnrunltc, from Meekly to dally, except Mimhjj Ashland to Lake View, from three tn six times a neck. Also Oakland tn Klktnn, Kair Oaks to Ah1aml. Itosiliurg to l'.ittroli s and Pilot Hock t" l!olilli,l l!le limsllxiilluii nr Die t Ipln-r ll.iiitcli Itii.l. lie--. i ,M-iiriis. Nov. !!7 Tln-re is at last A de'iliite I'Iiiii nrie, iipnii atmttt the cipher iliipiti li, k t" h nm illateil. 'I nn Mi-iks Ign Sjllgh Inn, nl ,Mv-..lipi. I'IIIII- tn tins city ami hud in unu!' ilimi with Spn Hirer, nl lllilliil- Lit' till plllpo-eif oelli-lllg inline plan of pr-nntii g the r, p. iters fiom mak ing in) ninn i i ml nut i f tli di-iit lies, I nrrcspiiinl, tn v, ,w ha I Hith I Inikmn N. Potter n poii tin. siitijiet, and a day ortuo ago .springer nmil t" Ni w nrk lur the pur pose of consulting wtth him ami ntlmr ihun ineiit lleuineratn. The result nf this confer ence is nut kiinHii here. Mr. pringir is ..linn.ntl lllllt tilt, ft.a itilfl ,1. ficLlt.r, nt, ln...&. tigition he iirdi'ied into tho matters charged in l!epuliln.an iietsiiaiers, ami that White- law lie! I lie siimtnoiieil as thu llr. .t witness, tn toll ho and where Im ohtalncd thu ills pati lies that he Ins pithlMicd. This resolu tion is to be olfcred on too tlrst day it can properly mine heforu congress. It Is ar ranged in such a Hay that there can be no opposition. Ilatidiill has been notified, and he will of cntirso rcui;nl thu Democrats llrst. It is siid that Hen llutlcr has a mag. aine of small dispatches damaging to both sides, which he Hill present to the disposal lungrcss. Our iiij WtsntMiTiis, Nov. 2!l. The secretary nf tho navy, in his annual report, siys that since his former reHirt, thu condition of tho navy has Ix-cn considerably impioved. Thuro arutu couimis.ion '.'S cruising ships, one steamboat and live sailing veiscli, all in condition forattite acrvico except tlio I lot- tysburg. Thero aro six vessels, including ouo monitor, which can ho ready for sea in f..... I.. IL..1.1.. !.... n,...... to iv iiiviiiiiii in,.ieivia niviu lliviu UIV It iicuillngiiiore extuiisivu repairs, hut all can bo put in thorough condition Mith present appropriations and thosu asked for the next fiscal year. In ease of necessity, Ul nar ves sels of all classes, Including monitors, can bo put in service I'rom taldes contained in tho report thu secretary sa)s It Hill be seen that thu total estimates of tho list llscal lear.incluiling the amount appropriated for dellciincics of the prt-tious c.ir, were .s ,, iiis,,i-.ij. Alterilo ducting ilotli leiiciua of 1ST" 7S, which Heiu fd. Mil, 17s, tho amount chargeable to ex. pembtiires of the tear Has I.'I.."iOiI,'.I I, which was 70l.l'.rl leu than the actual ex penses of thu previous ear. and gi.igio. i;:o iss than the expenditures of the ) ear end ing .liino .'10th. tn trni) Malt sprak. I'lalnli. Cii-.iio, Nov. 2S. The Tribune a Wash 1t1gtonspec1.il sa)s tiiatlien. IS. II. Marcy, insH-ctor general of the L'lilteil Mate army, Ins prcpired a paper charging tho Indian bureau with being thoroughly impregnated with corruption, and that any chaugo would Is) advantageous. Ho denies that thu Indian bureau tends to civilize, educate and chris tiauizo tho Indians. Thero is no progress toward elf-siipiort. Meanwhile agents hitoamaucil fortunes out of 31, MH) salar iej. On tho contrary, when the Indiaui were under the control of tho nar depart ment, (from ISj1 to ISI7), thero was no corruption. Annuities wore publicly and hS.)')Uly distributed. The army does not de sire tho change, but it would bo an econom ical measure and stop linmenso corruption and extravagance. t'.varts' Lwale Aiillnl In IJir hlnre ur lion. I nn .ton, Nov. 2'.. Theriduno's Wash ington special nays: Tho proposition ot Pa. citio cunt piliticians tn open war upon tho Chinese treaty, brought up a now point in the discussion, namely: how far the posi tions assumed by Secretary KvarU in his letter regirdiug tho conference of tho local laws cf NewimiuilLinil with tho lithtry pro miiiiiis of the treaty, apply to the local laws of California w Inch aro nuttilo to tho Chi iie.se, and in viol ition of tho nhts and pro teitmli conferred b) tho treaty. Pacitie oust urn aro not itartintlarly pleased with the logic 01 Mr. I.tarta' pusitiun as applu-il to their iase. The li'.nl (.riiiral. WiMiiMiTiis, Nut. .'II - 1. en. Iluchaiian, itlm died in Wuilnngton yesterday, coin minded l-'ort Humboldt in Is," I, and was 1 .rant's couiui.tiiibng nlliccr, and through whom his resignation it as tendered. I iiimri'-.iiirn ami Itallrunil sirn ut Hu-li Imilnii Tod 11's trains hate brotn-ht to Waahini;. t hi lirgo nuinhers uf i-ungriusineii fnni all directions, and by to-morrow tl.cr doubtless will bo more thm 1 quorum of b)th houses. N'liitnr llttasth arrived tn-ntght. I.ailroad kings are gathering lu-ie to lay their plans and uiirshal their forces fur tho approaching ampaigu lu congress. Ym President Hunt ington nf tho Central l'acitic, How brown of tho Texas I'acilic, and President Wright of the Nortlu rn I'aciiie. aro already in town, and several 01 the I'niou Pacilio ungiutcs are expected b) Monday. Ilir Indian iii.ililil, Schurx's letter, in answer to lieu. Mieri ila'i, 11 .1 soteru ami eaustie arraignment of the pnMtiur.a talieti by armv ollieers as to the removal of the agency Irom hurt sdl. The Indian bureau nt'u'ers ay that lien. Mieridan, even although he Im-ited tho put there, could not l.uuw ,it lunch about nut ters as an Indian Agent w ho had been con stantly in tho pla.o tor two years, and that tho nniiiiv.ll nt the post was greitly to the a-ltatttige of the Indian sertiee. A letter uas reeeiti-d t--da) by lisdi. .sliermaii Irom Siieridau. The latter alts that as aoon as he can return (mm Nctt N ork. tthere ho has guie tu attend to the unt a -uii.t lam 011 account of tho sn.iru of sugirs 011 planta tions in Lnai vua under tho rvcoustriu'tioii act, he mil anatt crStxri-t try churz'ii letter, calling for spccitnatioua if iiiiatiiaiiicmciit III the Ilidlill sertii-e. t'.illlliiil srM'riilallnii, WtsiiiM.ios, Di, I -The annual report of Census SupennWndeiit Walker states that aiiico thu ce. as nf Is70the inereise nf population in tho iiurthw estt-rn states is enor mous, w Into the south and t tit r main un changed, which stttomeiit suggests that ahuuld tho south loiitinue politically solid, and the ltepulibcaii predominance in tho northwest lw maintained, tho census ot Ism) cannot fill to restore the preponderance which tho north held before the colored vote of tho south gate tho present bun of ap portionment. Aiiuulutuirult bj the I'rrslilrnl. WisiilMiTOV, Nov. 30.- About 0110 hun dred nomination, some ot tthich failed of continuation lost session of congress, but most of thein reevss appointments, will be uot weok sent to the senate for continua tion. FOREIGN. A Hasurnlous QirslUn. rtsTli,Nov.27. The action of the finance committee ot tho Austrian delegation in re fining to discuss a supplementary credit to meet the expenses incurred in the occupa tion of Turkish provinces raises a moment- misniietlon, nnnllftillaUtWl,tUrewal9.attlh "w intention of llussia to lu.J Ilu. .Inn trni) Miiirnirnls. Ilrf 11 must, Nov. 'J7. Kiglit thousand lliiisian troops nf tho advance guard of rein forcements fur tho army in Ilulgiria will ar rive at Oalatz next week. i rn-lim Hie Itnuiilie Ini-.Mi, Nni. 27. I.'iiin.iu mis arc 'inn emssing the Datiuhe into tile D lm l.eha. The snrlalM Isltutlun In Hull 1'iiMi., Nnv. -J7 'I lit r iciabst agitation mittimus III tin- pimii.'i- I in- di puty mayor of Dsiiu i h is li i u i-t to! 1 l.j en is snsii.i. In .li si, n tin Jil"iri'i. town, ri nub liiansiarrMlij! a red II tu. n.ir.ul'-d tin streets. Cardinal Nelmhy, h iii.l.r il li' p"p . in strm ted nuiH-io. to urge in mi t,n goM-rii-meiits the ditty nf p ,.ri --Tiiir social ism and ri-tonng thu prirngitncs nf the church. l.erinam nml Diuiii irl. fiil'l.Mlv is, Nov.'JT. A statement that tho (leruiau legation had withdrawn Irom Detimarl; is untrue. 'I he late Herman min ister lelt here lielnru the arrival nt his -m I ''fssor, but dit.lom.itic itiiitiirti had I '-'"rreu. lllnrlt lur All. ltd ll.Mil.sr, Nov. '-'7. 1'ritico CharltM. of Itoiituaui.ijias issued a proclamation formal ly annexing Dobrmbeha. ami proclaiming liberty and equality for Muli.iitiiiiethus and Christians. IntrsHciilIng Hip it l.iiio.ln tiralr IlKlillv, Nnv. 27. -Thu L'nitud Mates le gallon has reipiested the American consul at t'nlognu tn make further impiiiies concern ing a citieu of Wisconsin arreted under the sociiliit law, and to inform the legation of the result, I Uuruii- tli-iisiiri-s nn ilu-l Ilir Arrlimi I.iii-iii). boMiiiv, Nov. 27.- Vigorous ineasuretaro doing taken for thu elfectiial suppressiuu of tho Mi.tlisvai rebellion, Tho mail steamers of thu Cape nf linnd tlniio lines aro being lltted as transports, Tho llrst reinforcements sail car.. ,, Dccc'inbcr. , ' ... ,.,.. An .Imrrli'itit inun url nl IMrls. Paiii.s. Nov. 27. The American residents hst night given bitiiiiet in honor uf (iov, Itichrrd C. McCormick. x Aniillicr iliiniic In sunn, trrlin I.ONHOV, Nov. 27. -Intelligence Ins been reeeivnl from New Cnbslnni-i of a fresh mas sacre of colonists by tho native-. Ill Alli'inpl In tit"lnulr fits- lliinsiiHiiii I'rlinr lllnl.ler l'rTII. Nov. 27. Iit night wlule Tis.ta, thu Hungarian prime minister, w ,11 entertain ing Count Andr.issy and iiicniberi of the le gation, a bomb exploded in tho alley be twien I'ortress theitcr nnd the minister's palace. The Ismibhail been ch.irgmlwitli dy uatnite. Tho windows nf tho pilau wire battel ed but nobody hurt. Crc.it e. cite incut prevails, Itliiirmn Oieiipleil, I.OMios', Nov. 2.1. Khurtini was occupied by llritish troops this morning. The Afghan garrison lied to I'eytiard at tho northern ex tremity of Kliuruui valley, whero they were expected to oiler resistance to further advance of lieu, Huberts, sliinlrr mill lliitilirrj In Afuliunl.lan A dispatch fiom Dakka says that roadi through the Kliurd Klij her pass aro insecure hecausu of native plunderers. Itobberies aru freiucut mid there have Inch many murders. Thren hundred members of one trilw near Al! Musjid throw up entrenchments and maintained a three hours' musketry engage ment. Tlir I'rni litre r KhnUnnil, Tho question nf tho cession of the province of Khokand to Persia is assuming it threat ening phase and hostilities aro possible. A detachment of Persian troops has Ix-cn sent to tho frontier to dumind evacuation of the province by Turkish olliciaU. Ilir h durum (oliiiun. HoMlivv, Nov. 2'.. Tno Times, of India, states that the Khtiruui column will reaume its advance 011 Friday, with provisions for six days. Iliiasla's i:prn-rs Tho Itutsian budget for 1S77 shuw-a that the reiLiiuei Iniu ben .il'.i.OOO.OOO r..ub!es and expeinlitures 1.01 l.00),00l) n-ublcs, nearly hilf of which was on the arm) In t.eiirilaiire tillti tin-Trrutr. Count Zcichy, Austrian ambassador, lias informed tho porto that Austria will tal.u raru that the province of Ka.teni Itoumiba Is regularly constitutid 111 ac-ortluue with the treaty nf llerllii, nnd tint l'ussitn trnnim ueaemtu Turkey in May Au-tria ami the pnrte bao agretsl in prinnple co:n"n.:ng tne occupation ul r.0.1 iu.ir. I'rut.iiis In tie Lllirrnleil O'Connor, n convicted rem lit tuni'iitd at Spike Ul.ind, has been nnlitie.t that ho mil lu nleui-d immediately on condition that he resides outside of the ipiecn's dominions. Kelly, another IVulau, will probably shortly bo liberated 011 tho s line terms. Another I'miiiiierrlal Miia.lt (iM-.c-.ow, Nov. 2'J. -The failure of Henry Taylor fi Sous, grain and tlour merchants, is announced. Liabilities (li.iOO.OOi). Win. T.t) lur is an imprisoned dimtcr of tho City oflilas-ott Hank and is .1 senior partner uf tho tlrm. Ati.li.ui-llrlll.il I'ollllnil I iirri-.piiiiilcnre. ltMMN. Nov. 2;i. Oilicitl correspond-1 eiico in regard to Afghanistan from ls.i.1 tn tho present timo it puli'.ishul. t cot era 2ui) agc. Tl.o ameer's letter 111 reply to Isinl l.yttuu's request fur too recepiiuu nl Mr Neville Chamberlain's nu.iiion, .onipl una that beioie the ticcro)' letter was nud or his hiesseuger had audieiiic, other l.tttrs had reachoit the aim-ir Irom commiasioiur at Pashauaur to tho iniumatidaut of Ab Mus jid, written threatening nud contaiuni, haul ttords, repugnant tu co'irtes). and 111 ,t t no euntrar) to the ways nf liiend.liip an 1 in tcrctiutse. Cunsidrriug ht I the au.iern) allhitious at the time, pttieiicu an I sdiucu Mould have be.-u i-specull) U'cuming in tho olliculs nt the Hritbh got.-rnuunt. Ihe ollitulsof the ophiito j,oierniiient in.c.u. iug llussia) hate 111 110 reipeit desired to show cnniitv or opposition toward the llri tish gut eminent, nor indeed do thev w tit any otlur potter desire enmity or strife; but w lien any other power, without ctuse or l reason, hows animosity toward tins i-ri.ment, tho matter is left 111 the lauds ol tiod and to His Hill. Milll.ir Moii-iiirnl. lNtto.v, Not. 21). A cornsp.iiideut with tho Khiimin cubiiiiu telegraphs as follows He will probably attack 1'eiwar I'm on Mturday. A rccounuisaiice uu Wednesday shoHisl that the Afghans who abandoned Khuruui 1'asi were so far without success, endeavoring to mount cannon on tho sum. nut of Pel war. llritish troops will conse quently nuke a dash hoping to capture tho cannon and the pass. All sick aud weakly will remain iu Khurjni fort. Russia to the Front. LoMKJS, Nov. 2D. The Times has tho following dispatch from Berlin: A St. Peter, burg correspondent says that llussia his an. uouueed her intention of actively supporting tho ameer iu tho event of Kuglaud occupy, iug any points iu Afghanistan from which the Kussian dominion in Asia might do ef fectually threatened. This announcement is based upon the assertion that Kuglaud has iolated tno alleged Afghan agreement of Uird Clareudou by tho occupation of intervention Indispensable, now that the oc cupation of Quettah has been succeeded by expeditious in thu direction of Candahar and Herat. Mrliment 'Irii.nrei. Heiii.iv, Nov, 2t. An order of the l'nu sian uiiuistr) of state is published that per sons considered dangerous may bo denied tho right of residing bi Iterlin or its sub urbs. Curbing arms is denied, except by persons with special permits, and tlio s.il of expluMtt pmji Uiles is prohibited. The order take eiFV t Not. -'.'tli. ami remains in furco Hie i at (.ruttliiK 11ur-e b Mi "S. m. 211.- The cndltioti nf tho iron ami unil trades 111 the Nmtli Statlonl hire ibstriet is grow iug worse, and tho closing of Hulks and leiluctiun of ttagvs aro noticeable. t Turin' llrininnieniliil. Keiitiih hop growers say the general de-ptes-ums uf iigruultiiro and lummcrce Is Itrgely caused by thu protective t.irills of foreign euiintiics, and the duties on foreign productions should be retited, Ueillll IllU i:u 11. e. I.iiMion, Nov. .'10. A dbpatch from Con stantinople says thatthuimrtcli issupprcssed thu Turkish 'legation nt Washington and miiiv consulates, since the cessation uf hot mines. Inns Tor Torkl.li Troops. Twenty-hihu vessels hive arrived at Con stantinople, mostly from the United States, uith largo cargoes of rifles and cannon. Turkish troops aro now as well furnished with arms as before the war. Ihe sliiiailiiii rar All tin .J hi. Pkoivwi ii, Nov. ni). (liii, brown's com munications have been temporarily cut. Hostile highbinders, estimated nt 1,000 in number, havo collected in thu hills Mow Ali'.Mu-jid. They cut oil stragglers nnd hate lircd on armed parties. The section of tho pass between ilumrnml and Ali Musjid has been closed altogether for thu present. A strongly escottcd convoy failed to force Its way to-d.iv. The situation is serious and strong measures aru inevitable I'nrllmtiriit. boNtiDN, Dec. 2.- It W rumored that nar. li.iu-.ent, after a brief session, will be dis solved and a general election held iu.lanuary. f.lniMiiiii on Ilir tritium Vtnr. IiNiiov, Dee. I. I'ladstone in a speech nt (Ireenwieli, inuighed against personal governments. He reproached tho govern ment for not communicating nnvthingtn par liament relative to Afuhau alfairs and tho question of sending n mission to Cnbitl. War had been (Iceland and an invasion begun he foru parliament w.is convoked. Parliament, formerly tho grand council uf the nation, now resembles tho parliament of France be fore tho great rendu turn. Ho solemnly warns tho llritish people nut to abandon thu priiiiip.es of lihcrtv which made its happi ness. Speaking of the Afghan war, he de clared the money spent thereon is .1 dishonor to Kugliud.ntiil that her responsibilities will but cuiiimeucu w ith her victory. I.uly Mac beth' word 1. "Hero is smell ofblooil," uro still : powciful ieroration, and unjust nan lead to national downfall. The Undeniable Truth. You ilnsnrvo to suller, and if yon load n tnlsorablo, unsatisfactory Ufa In this beauti ful world, It Ih entirely yourowrt fault ami thore Is only 0110 oxctue for you, your mi reasnnabln prejudice and tkoptlcUm, which lus killed thousands. I'ormnal knowlwluo nnu cointiion isonto reavoning will toon show you that Oroon'rt August Flower will cum ynu of Liver Complaint, or Dyspnpsla, with all Its miserable eirectf, such as alck beadaclio Calpllrttlnn of tho heart, Hour utoniach, Im lliial cos'.lveness, dlr.zlnesi of tho brad, nervous prostration, low Hplrlts, .Vc. Iih tales now reach ovory trwn on thn Western Continent nnd nnt a Drugirltt but will tell ynu of His wonderful euros. You cm buy aSam nlo II)ttlo for 10 contn. Three dot.i will re lieve) you. DUSINE33 COLLEOZ, ' lul Mrerl, S.r k.irar, Imparts a thorough Hint practical education In nil commercial nml Kngllsli lirauuhtH, l'rench, licrmsn, SpanNIi, Drawing mid Telegraphy. Thin nchoot hnvlng greslir 1 facilities, nml enjoying n. more exteiislvo 1 patronage than nuy kbnlUr Institution 011 thu l'acllk' Const, continues to base Its claims for recognition nml patronago upon the good ' HHiitio mill uullghtouod Judgment of the pub 1 lie. LIST Of KACl'LTVf K. P. Ileald, If. M. StimriiR, W. II. H. Valentino, Mw.C. Woodbury, Mrs. A. M. Hutch, A. 1. Dullluf, O. 1. Morel, V. O. Woodbury, A. II. C'Hpp, T. It. Southern, Mm. W. J. lUmlllou, K, Sercgnl, (ieo, Jebeiis, A. Vunderualllm. ITS SrKCIAIs ADVANTAOKS. Tho attention to gentltmanly maiiner ami cnrric: tuisinesH hiblta, and tlm fact that Iho lltislno-s Kdueatlmi la not conlli'ed to Hook keeping, IViiiii.iustilp nnd Arilhmetlc', Inn luifarbs siii'li brnad culture s tlm tliius now tit iiianil lor u high poHltion In the Mercaulilo t'oiiimtinltv. The fin ploy mont of enly tlrst-clatu TBch. ors In every Dopurliiieiil, nml Iu si'ttlolent numbers ao u to gno rersonal atteuilou to otery pupil. Its coiiipbtte ayatetu nf ACICAI, Hl'sINIIsS r-UACTIfi:, by which pupils are lltted toenier tho Count-lUK-1 loin-H directly front thn School, l'hu high standing of tin Uruduate In tho lliiKliifss Community, Tho Pains tftkeu to socuro positions for (in liuinsln good Hiialnesu KatablUbuieiitH. Tho mbtilsslon of puplU ol loib text sand nf nnv lli'M wil fliAl villi. 11 l,iYa am rimiluidil ,,10ro manly by the assccialfon ol the puilln of an older 11411, 111 having too largest and pr st ventilated and nrrauged School-rooms, and the largest yearly attendance of any llusluess Tralnini; sclio.l In America, Tho Immediate UQtlflcatlon of parents In case of abseuceot any pupil, and the palna taken to keep them Informed of the progn-fc aud dftporlinsiit of their bona. Tho Fact that each pupil became an ele gant llualness Penman before Graduating. Its departments of Modern Languages ami Drawing, In which each pupil cu receive) Instructions free of charge. Its complete Department of Telegraphy, In which sludentH are fitted to enter at ouo upon their duties as Operators, Does not issue Life Scbolai ships , bu t give thorough Instruction at reasonable rates. Invites examination from all Interested. The "Collegft Journal," giving full partic ular regarding osurse of Instruction, terms, eto , may be bad at the Oulce of the College, 2t Post street, or by stddresslnK K.P. UEALD. Presldont Business Collefe.Ssn Fntuclsco. b. r. tisamxa. 1. a. stsittom. UAROI.fC X STRATTOA, Attorneys at Law, mm vsr- sp- -n