5 By Telegraph. LAUIJ?S OttlHAIIIA. A lornl War In Itrtnllillt I'nniilj, lien Itirltj -llu-Count) JiiiUc KHIkI. I.I'Mmiton, Mcc. 1. Jukson, tliu county hint of Itrrntlutl enutit), distant oliont ninety miles from Mount ""'U'rlinj:, lin lwcii tin fi'i'in f( a serums oiillii'iil ai il Monti kIi d ilnrtini ti 1' ' ,,l,' "ll 1'' 'elms I n I .i I'pTiili ii ! " lil "n-t. in I it I nut a gnat while mi i tl i' tin Su.t ;,ti trd Miesiniiiir I m ri injur T'n pie'aiit trixit'Jo risiilu fr mi u l!i mi Ulvtei ii ii'al ll..l. ll of llllll.ltt , II.H Hid' I t .(tit. Hill Strung uf homo (iiml Cum, ami tin oilier uuiler Jack AI1.in.in. '1 lie Stronj: urtv tool; i isse'fsluti of tins town nn M ind i), commit tun: many nets of lawlessness nwl hcttini; garrison tied to I'icwnrd, at the northern uxtroinity of Khurum valley, where they arc expected to oiler resisliuieo to the further advaneu of Ocu. Huberts. PACIFIC COAST. I'.lLII'OltMA. president falli to make any expression of hii known views concerning I'hinwo immigra tion, and contents himself with tho hack neyed remark that tho istablhhuiciit of dip lomatic relation in Waihlnjttoti with thu Chiiuo rtuhiKsy will doubtless be of advan tage to both nations in promoting friendl) relations and returning tallies of diirerence. Tills ruiiuik was m doiihtedlv approved by the Chllii'mt embioj, whub, "together witli their Ainiriem sierit.ny, mtiipied seali III the diplonmiu gilhr) ol tin. smite jiUr- HAWKEY, BOBD CO., PORTLAND, OREGON, Offer for Sale .it the Lowest Possible Prices. r 101 STEEL t (IYi m llu I'c- ) Thr liirsri-' Vifo ! i 1'i.miim. N"o. .W Thi Siville mu v.;w i tllul to il i, an I I' ! iiiblii tn'i I Uxtmiuiiy t .In n Sivill iuiIiiii. 1 i.ililm, to Ik eonie t luininbl fur t'n purchu'u ot 'J.V.I kIi.ihh nf I'm ii .. id !' va !.i nloil.. He I (li.ildwiii; tool, i in ul t' . tirj,e 1 notui fori J U.iV ilurilig Hie failing of the Inenrnge: lint Ittadi'd to inn I the expei'tatioiii fir whiili tin presi li' it pin.ite ulti nime havi up iiueiitlv t'l iiikd in .in jilp hisi ( llllllltl III) ll Itl'll 11(11 filial, .. ll. .. I Wdl. ........ uti. al -.TJ?. &GB Jiii'J JJ B i h 'iMfkmWLW A GREAT 'CALAMITY. Consistiug iu part of till, siipi.cung it to be for CI.OCO; lost .... ,if Sl.,' n.,' it.n , , ..,,.., M.tHK) by tho stock. Further examin .tiou tettine h, . MUtMH portion of tho mes. po4tl.oue.ltiinuisd. Uig... salditwaiaiioutr.igoof really eriini- lliiiiuin iiihJ Lmnrnr. i nil propoitions. Thete U, he slid, not the iccRIi'sh it itli ilrinlt. I Juruiu me niternoon The cases nl Duncan ami lwarnc, of slightest foundation uihiii which to baiu tli .11.. I J.. ll.l-l.t.l F 1... 1.1 ..I WILLAMETTE FARMER. ?w3Bltel VMS HARRDWS & Seeders. K ' i y nun, tho former bcintfitliot through thu body iiiul thu latter through tho hcvl. They vtero tenimcd latit in thu uviuluj; to their home, Hi'Veral miles up thu river. Daniel l'reunan n recovcrim? but William ii dead. Strong and his follower, retciicil no injuries hut Lin!a'nied tlieiiuelie'S ill cabin about 100 nrds n:J, wlicru tlicy had previously staeltid their amis. AiKuian arid hi jrcrty nought shcUei'm tlioiMiirtlioiivnndatreunlir inter tills chntigi) of shots win l;iit up ilium,; tho wlioli afternoon. Ouu of the I'l-eviii-ins, who foil in thu middle of tho street i.lien shot, win torce-il to lio thcio for twulimiM. lu ftiui'I i fearing to attempt hi4ri.iiiov.il. Daring tho strife, hideous jells Mid sliditU of detiaucu i mild bo heard from lutli pirties. Tho nput morning (Thursday) it win dis- cove red that Ail.maii ami party nal u un drawn from thu court hnuiu and iiuartered tliciniclv-cs nn thu river lank, while Stiuug and his clan held their fort. At about 10 o'clock Strong retired nml soon tliriiiflr a lnud of drunken men well annul lugnii to jkirido thu streets in dcll.incoof law niid order. It was soon whispered that tho guard which had Ih-uii Kent to lfxinuton uuiler thargo of a nlicrilT to bring back Jason Little litrgel with vifo murder, would hkiii r turn, and then an clbirt u mild bo liiadu to rclcuvt tho prisoner. A willing leader was found in n juatico of the ieaeo named J. ('. Allen, supported by I.ittlc, Crawford and other, numbering about forty, who paced about thu streets impatiently waiting for tho guard to appear. Judge llatidall to defeat thu aim of tho mob, had tho deputy slientl' and comity judge detail tlftccii men, who went under thu leadership of tho county judge, .John W. Huruutt. About .1 o'clock r. m they returned w tli tho prisoner safely and coulliied him in jiil. Tlio guard num. bcring aliout twcnty-llvu well armed men, no attempt at release Mas mado, hut iuiincd. lately after thu guard returned from tho jail to tho street and began to disperse, thinking thu danger over, Crawfonl ami Utile began an attack mi the jail and llunmtt, threatening to take hi life. KxciUmicnt began to run high. Veil after yell rent thu Air, and luddeulya Mil ky was poured in ou thu guard, who, taken by surprise-, sought shelter at every quiriur. Daring thu diHchargc of thU volley Judgo Ituruett waniihot through tho heart and in stantly klllod. Constant tiro niu then lw gun, and kept up during thu whole evening. Allen and hit men, being in the court house, yard, nought shelter behind tha clerk' olflcu nml in thu court room) whilu thu guard re treated up street to tho house, when) Strong mid his clau wero barricaded. Thu forcu now iiumbored miiuo 30 or 4U on each tide. Tho men weru all well armed, and bclnrgood leioti could kill their man from 100 to '.MO yards wherever ho might appear. During the picket Khnoting a ikmiu of Allen's el.m attempted to burst open tho jail door and rcscuo tho prisoner. At this point Turn Lit tle, of Comptoii, a brother of Jason Little. r.ppiared upon the xceno tf conlliu ami iiialoancaortto nuell tlia not. 11;. was shot throiuh the budy. wUieh nuW the ja.lbriketodesljt. 1 1... Allen jurty re- truatedtotho court houso last night, ond poise took IsHMOijn. fius,. Nl.w YoiiK, Dec. l.-A 7'WM,I.i.i:istoii T.a,. iron. ....ai u loii.iy. T.i.n.iv kis itiii jnri'ir-?t mi , tu . i.i Unlay are still lucouraa'in.'. A uuu j.i from Jackson re.wrt. that tli'o tm, . Iiji iromuachsou repons iiiai 1110 iow:i 11 iu in the hamls of on armed mob and Ii jlitim. - ne.l uiou and lij utlliues. Tliu g is in iossei:nii i .sTisfAW-JSl .. '--. ami iiie j... is uarnc.K.e.1 10 prevent mo ms 01 tin, prisoners, among w lu ? tin. ...unlcrer I'lLiir rtrtiitt l ctoiilili mil .... 1 invv n ssvHnit sit iiiuitiitvo l I liowtrleji to I v i'llenco anJ anarchy rtigu suprutiu- Toin I.ittlu wl.o was (.hot down whilu tr u i to iiut-ll thu rni'b, h is sine. dii N'otb'i, : n is iKiL'a hi nd as to the piob.iblu netion ; 1 lu Linurtior. tlio hulijtrl et' rrnutlun. iti. hive , tSl ti! 7, 1 1', Tfa'' .", , Uianl of health on tho suhjoet uf iicrmatiiiii n.il. in.. n..i. .i;..'.in . .. " neHi kvioii. t no niiiuiics win navii nuiiiiiii; to do with cremation) Israelite! r. fu tu iixpren nu opiniuui protectants y it nouM only niply a ehauso of diroctin-i in tl llt.irff, and! tho board of bialih r.iioiii mend cruuitlou in the follow intf eni.tm.-.-o-eius- I'irst, aftir Uittluxt roeoi.d, dunuit upnle'Uiicsi third, for the conveyance nil fouilh, w-heio the Sell u .uusaiUolo tor bur- I.U purliu. Ui.enitlei.. near tvl.jl.er la... lanoiu, Nov. .10. - Tho Mnaluu pirty under iUj.i ear.oii waj ottacaeilbj AI-..U ywterday ou ho lull oppuite Kt jl.er. 'I uu jiivii wero killed at.d cue weundu I Kh , ber ius u blocked and several oouw.yahuvo ts rnrnii.l A r,iiniunu nf I m (Ii,. iu.i......i inn mi ii Mi4Mi.il mih ut vuuiiir. aiti. . , A ,11' J', i i . '"" and 10 of the 5th feulu have been sent kt tho scene v. hence linng h-v Uxm h.urd. Continued heavy linug has al,g bwu heard tuUM All VlSSdlSrl alt i.a I nDtnp.l ill .ht.t. ............. -j -iiivv j""i"''i. ...ui.io with tho Afrids is rcriout. Till! 11 (.11 IN WAR. thu r'niri!) and rommiuang ti.u .oar to the Jan. ... .-. urt t , ,;. , il(, , , d l.v; been held, and thu circuit cour: ,. liu , ' this soTiitioni ragjnl.ng ,lver iiiMenlr d.pjared this uiom ug before 7 , ,,, a, of 1Ilfl)r,r Mlml v.,mo tu ',, 0,(, o e hk. leaving no unlcm a, to tho . rt,wn Mu , t , cirrlllft, of tho prisoner .ittle. A guaij wu de ui l , , , bo lllulllK,1) , lunm.' hurSM8 ii.tem.ei.t ol SH , iM v'lti. nowAuvto xl u a lawful d.lhr. ir.ieii. a-id no acUuf bankM ilitcrwlitnij and do- rui.l wounded. TLere isno abite.,nt what. L'hS ; S, I riw tL ," Lf uru iHjv.trie-ji 10 iirun.'rvu onicr. iiium 'iei t n.:.i.rr Ur Ku..la .t r.vplalii. ' ' ''Io fu.r "riaiwatioi.! lu tbu liitiltit of Bai. Nov. .- It is stated th .t I..rd ) ZntlZ '" ""' KhMl ,,U,r"', Auu.tus I.ftus, lintis!. embissador k. M. I ll, v'wL i,i 1 n ,.,.!... .- IVtershur, will ile.and cp.an.tion, tM' vZ?S u" 'V1 L'i -T"1 K-,"n' te4. nitwUr. in the next congrul. who will proSeBtiHg sword to the etvoj ol feWr All Mt m(k.b, .. ,.dv. ,.. 1o11. ",7, M at Tsikiwd ttabau Boucn,N".C7 it .ire,iorUd thu tte ameer, ukiu he-arm 4 vt I'ji 1I1 ui fl. .a Mo jiJ, it; .... 1 t-u. K ,n nkcrnli Kai urili A Jniir". r' ' ' r ,l r -. -If , , 11 I. I f.u.- cl izh' r Lr 1 I ct ra 1 i ! liresetit. lie wast and calm and self possessed. CJuito a tuiin bir of thu unfnrtuiiatu depositor! wero nlso witnessing thu proceedings. Sotcd indiit iiiautsaru now pending against Duncan -llvu for forgery, olio for larceny and onu for fel ony. They aru proceeding with the selec tion (if n jury with but littlu progros. Tlirro jurors wero neccpted, when the trial was brought to n sudden stop by tho dis covery of a Haw in thu indictment. Cue uoiitinueil .Moinliv. Mil rriinrlsrn llriu. A. V Niclulls, charged with shooting Mi.'hael Martin in thu cheek Thuiksgiiing Day, h.n been liuld over so nppi.ir bvfuru thu county court in the sum of tf-000. J). V. Ilichclder, charged with selling tKilicii situatioiis,hai beeiiseut to tho county Jail on appeal. Judge Wright reversed tho ileciiiou of tha lower court because, by thu fault of tka pritaatLij attsraty, he had never bjia irz-'.ioi. stoexi tr rjjiM nr rgat-t, sifrr vada, 3Mi L'nlO.I, It ,1, 3 to U: Ophtr, 4J. For u CrulM-. United btates steamer Tusoamra will leave Monday for a cruise south as far as I'auama to locate the shoals that are in doubt along thu southern cnait. The Aiilln fate III the Klliu Wilton caso the insurance policiea assigned by Austin to her aru claimed as n portion of thu estate, but his right to give her jewelry and tike lirrsonal property is conceded. It has been ilncoicr eil that Amtln borrowed of friends just be foro hititoath, f 12, 000. No traco of thu dis position of this coin has been discovcreil. It may shed some light on his incentive to suicide. The pcreoui who luaued this money make no claim on tho estate. AUrmptri Huldilr. Imis Duvcrgor, 18 yuin old, attempted to commit suicido last night Ly shooting himself in thu head at tho St. David Hemic, cm Howard street. Hu arrited lu San I'ranciico two months ago from Montreal, and hai been subject to tits of despondency ou account of homesickness ever since. A lotUir was found nn thu table addressed to Mrs. Duvcrgcr, 713 Catherine rtrect, Mont real. rkllndrllilii Hearing Haur AMorlallan nu IbuCurrrnr). riiaxmxillM, Dee. 3. Tho clearing Housu association ycstcnlay resolved that tho associated bauki of riiiUdeliihia, alter thu tirst of January, 18'i), will decline re ceiving gold coin as Special dcKwits, hut will accent and treat them only as lawful money, and will discontinue siwcial cold uc- J i counts by notitlcatiou to terminate them ou i the 1st of January Lext. Sicond Will forbid special eYehannes of gold checks at thu cleariug house. Third -Will pay and ivctivu Kil.inctsat thu cleiriiu houto either in gold coin or in 17. ii. k-.Ml tenner notes. . T10 Co,nmitUe ha. giun social attention t(, ruwlutluI1 N-0 4 oU) sU York clear. , ,lul , ,0 1CCC0 , , , ...7., ,.,." ",i ,i ,.,..,. , . nmi;ieumiiexiH.'diei,t to L.ko nn ..... ' i-rmlioi it ell. ti.ulelit it4 nsn ii limit, i lll4. tilmgo Vl.uil t'urnrr. " ,',.,, I). c. . Tlio corner in v. he.it .1.. ------ -.- , '"l"Vi tl.o auvanc, of today i ,..,.. ,,,.. ," ., ,,..,.. i....' , 1 V ". .' V?4 Val' .' "?' .c,n,"tBr,hr t-'?'e- r?sraw Hs? rvt i...-, i. ,,- fnii,..i .. .!..: i i , .. ,,,, ,u,1(,s0,i to iM ntl!ru.,.,i ,',,,., corl , .... tt. ' ,.,, ,llllt , ' v. " ,, , " I . ... . " that uiueh nioru lummy will l.v rvouirml to hold th m.-utmug than w.u at tirst cahu 1 1 ited. The receipts nt to-day weru 'JHO.IXX) buheh mid ihipmuots 70,000. TI svun.-e dly rvCJipls have Uon oier SOO.liO) bush i ids, and 1 1 tliu leceipcs Leup up, wilt i.iuku tli rvcxiptu for IlecuiuLHr O.OJli.nO;) buhels. i luaruwbi vet, liowemr, iik sign of weak I ""8 ,u t!' bul1 le- " Ump4 euld i ' , I - -- -- tsKSM.TIIN UTt t 1'urtr -if titmas nur, W4suiMOTvj., l' ;. -M.mli.fj of tha central extcutiva cuiuuntU-e ot thu K.itioual xirty hui issued an nJJie.s to thu penult. of tlio Uuilr.d States, rounding tl.a r.sv aud piorow oi tne pari,,, una p.-u-iu tmj tin. eon i tt.. nu. ...... ...... ..... ti. ........ i .....! .. . ........ .. ..., i pru.eipu-s, aud expriis cunli leisc. tht tl)0 .r,y Wll U(eut Its inudidato tor the ,,, j,,,, j ,sa0l wth ,UttJ.,rltiM , om. crew m.d in murlv ull the state legislatures, Tj,,, 8J Irerf dcuouuee-s tn.- tetioii uf thu banks, spanking thrush tho eleatiiii houm. aweiatiou of .Vew York, and mi timt the c..i.tet is nut between lti.piibliu.iu anu Dan. .i ..raiie piruissi u i iUu tltuinouev po.i- ,,r and tho oplo-utwuii bauk bills based o i untaxwl ltoud aud a good hg.I tender currvney. aud the tK'oplg hue uo elisnce .Ia. wuaiuver oi ever securing tlmlr tmine-iiii- tion from iinlustrul tliralMom through the money pjcr, tbu lUjwblicau party or Us alia in tha Demoeratie wrtv. An anneal lu catiees, aini tnu numtier, sn tuu ba'.aieu !ul pi ..-. mil iiiMj timn t.. (beiib spcaWui.ijip aud eUnii I'.o e!orkliu t'ltairiiiatiilup uf linp rku.t caoiiuittaes. rlui ttie SI SMlat 1' iLUr.IrJ 11 W t 1 !('' ih IUI4 lirVl i: occiirrene olina. llu s.ijs thu evperietieu uf tins blacks in (leorgia is that they nru better otl under Democratic rule, mid that the strongest sup porters that the IK mocratic policy has aiu colored (iconic. (ieorcia. Hell Hill said, is practically Milut for Deuioeracy for all time tn come. Our people would rather be placed in their (.raves than again be sub jected to or atllh.iteil with radicalism in any shape. Commenting further ou the hostili ty of the south to Heimblicnnisni, Hill said: "Wu like tho president! he lias expressed kindly feediugs towards us and followed them with kindly deeds, and our ieMiplo en tertain towanl him ami his policy nothing hut the most cordial feelings." Ilim.e Measure WvsitiMiros, Dec. 3. Thu house com mitteu on banking and cuircncy to day de termined to npposu the adoption by thu sell at! Cl isbitltuto for housu bill to repeal the rpi:! resumption act. both of w Inch vrsro IjIj ca the speaker's table at thu closo of th Ink 1111011, The military academy and fortilication bills have pined. mil. iMlrixliimt. Waiiimitiin, Dec. 3. I.uttrcll to-day introduced a bill for the improvement of thu Sacramento river: also to adjust claims of landowners within thu Klamath Indian res ervation. Tho committee, of wajs and means held it inciting tr-Jav, but transacted 110 business, lu tho general interchange nf views it ap peared that the committee will coiifluo itself principally to current business without con sidering incisure lur a cluugu of taiitl or kindred legislation. the I'lnt Cmr. The first of the I'acillc railroul cases the Union I'acilic Co. agaiust the United Stat) s wan argued to-day in the supreme court. Among the questions raised is, what legally constitute) thu net earnings of a railway company 1 lllulnr's Ursolullon lu Caucus. Wai-MINUTOS, Doc. 3. -Maine's resolution for inquiry into thu rectnt elections in the southern states was considered lu caucus to. day by both Itrpublicau aud Dcmocratiu senators. Tho Itepublicans decided to press thu resolution for adoption after an amend ment, that the investigation be made by a a special committee, instead of thu judiciary committee. Thu Itepublicans also decided to oiler soon a resolution declaring the en tire validity of tho constitutional amend ments and asserting the pri.pruty of enforc ciug them by appropriate legislation. The Democratic senators decided to take tho po sition that tho lllaiuo resolution should bu amended so as to refer to violations nf elec tion laws or abridgements of tbu njit of suffrage in both iiotliern und southern stiter, and, and, thus am-Midcd, tu vote fur it liilujeil iimIiimIIiiii. Washington, Dec. 3. -Among the nomi nations tint to tho senate Ut-iv llu- fnllow- in.-, John m. .iiusny, consul r.t llong llon-jj Henry S. I'ooto, nf .Mississippi, mi rintiii dent of Ho' New 0(!uiis limit; Harnxou (Ir.iy Otis, of California, eolhctur n' customs at San D.i'go; I-snh Haikir. of On-gim, (olhctui-oi iuto:iiif tl.o southern dutuet of Urevu. " foreicnT" iuini.ii,-ii. Ii'iiMiN, Da-. 3.- A Hchl frun He-itin s.u Heir Most, 11 ineuibiruf tho ie-irhtag. who is now in pruon, hr.i bun onkrwl to put llcrllii when his term sliatl have uxpirwl. He and several ntlmrs siuiiluil ' expelled halo rusuhid to 1 migrate kt America. t Titrl: In DUuiiur. CjMTANTl.soll.r-. Dec. 3. Subiuuii Pa sha has beeu degraded mid sent, need tu.uu- liueiiieut in the lortresj lor his couduet di r nig the war. Tlir KiHeliiiit (lull ; The Husmuis havu evacuitetl voji-iu ' places hi tbu iieightmrhood of DeinatKa ' mm la ii.nl VIIi.uiI.i. ! IlruiK.wir, Dec, ,t .Several skinui-l . . havu taken plieo Imtwtoii Alboniwi and t vim outpiMts, and Mime men ban bveu k li ed ..ml Wuuiided llmtrrn Tr-'tililh. Covsi vsTiNoii.", D... :i Matin )! i.' and Ciri'osi.iiis ie-f.-atvi Ilulguru'i Hiaur guilts III Mebnk lii-tnot il Macvjouiu ii . Uimed Ud more viD we-s. Ituly l.OUu) inli J. itAutseicaped. Iiiuiiit Itubanau bainl' are furiu.ug ail thr. uli Maoiil mu Mid Uiiu dupe, Had ttfuiiw ".'. lie.jvudiu intohurv l.-usditrn t nuJ luin-bring anil rubtnui .s diM.rinilu.iteK. lurni.il troops baiuUin sent to lint aee-uu. Annlirr i'nttars IM1I1 t3iso Ia1IMis, Hit. .!. J ll. l. 0011!. eott u Hl.iutacturi r n; lw nlu-.'. u !nt M..U' Inn tr, wiik ruii C'J Itjus, Las lately su udu.l. HOUSE AND FARM, i'uuit tni.i. TvtogiKtd mix1 pitatuu uratmt raw; peer on nan i ii.ir. 01 oihiiiu v.n;er, inn a up of white siiiftr, te iinonufu) of sallj wbtii riul, iut in half a cup of food yuut; let it rue; wnui iijui, i.ui u 1:1 u ioiii iiuvi ori. ti.'ht. Half n cuplul invkKi two luiven f bread; icwrkobalf n euptul t-tery limn fit.' raisuip-. Hire I'auraLi-i. T'o I ir,;p enpi ricu Well wuhed; but 11 ouuipuit wjteri aIibm th vrtr bujls uT, add one quirt mil!;, one eujjfnl vheat Uavr, me eeg I nri--i:it Rail.. Chop two pwuniL o. iun vy Ije, oi.u uiiiun, parskj, i(uit.r of p-uioi of taut ir salt porkj i i- ia il'i 'iy iiw f"pp-', miU, sweet l.itr, . .111 -i.il th, tn.i. Mu ell t -celhsri snak. lutu s i.ali la!!, ao 1 'ry sj li.-li'. browi. 1'u'. ii.to tho iMip 01'd just Ufura Mi uu? T Htllm '..i' llati.il-. Hit inrv ov low l.otu !. I "! ' I U.tS TII0VAMi lllllir Hl'MUlLD A.SU AOttt Ukv .UU. J kl u firl. it.i itt tau.: Irfi raliievl li IU- FIRST OK MARCH, It tin!, tlari ul It cue li n Um hi ViJ,.,, Tl l I. llu l.n.1,1'. I lliue i-miiIiM s Irk In 1111 l.i nil. (In lib... u uiimtitit or lie w ill In ilnl out t Ms 1 n lit uts slut UtirlliK 11. v Utile he l lint uIIumkI In sill l-iimls.ill inilit, I. Ill Kllllll dr evh 1 In), un.l ln.l ti lle 01 er lift! it SiliHr in mtlt ' r IiIiiik I until tie UKiimtil ili.in tln.iiutiil n.'lil liui.ln I iii.l unit) nll.t ili'llin unJ lirlt-.iii unt.fliJiMiO l lil tnilltnri Is lliiilati.t, nj tiny lime ij... in.tnii l tliilrtlriiintiiirstiiH.il im nmn (.inj ti s I'rlul biaii mill) all lilt set iiniis ui t!uiittil ttl Until THEREFORE, S. FRIEDMAN, MsXts Hie f .lleli..-Ki.:inall'..n lottii i.MI..l wid uoiiilunellriil tlllicln 1 1 Hits (I..1 tvuntr vli.rv no mail lias eitr tivtti known ti st&rn .mi Iui a he Holds lur liiititll mill his filltmintii CARPETS. Now Cut I sri e-tllfvO lorl in in; ! iro Into lliUlilAtlim llli, I oil! fcll in) ti-i Tktr l!ru Ii eVrila st Ito tr lir.l, All Wool l'r. t, nrih II -.' ., i.t t'V Kr JiirJ (lis.l In.-raln t'a.H(nuni.'. n 'y nr )nM lluutlllciiiiCrittlrum 1bh tli triwJ. (Intitl Vliiette Ma.r (.urt Ir.i.nlii m Joe r )anl (louil Kluur (HI n.iUi, werth "re i 41 is, ir jiu.', (roiu CO lii J h: Table 1)11 Cl'ilh I Mill Kll at U; UU.ts Uilia y.tMi tf, whlu U11I iMli.n.l. dr i:- sr)arJ, MIKr Mats ul tl (On ,lur. I MlUnllliiiilllliseliitl Tulle Ui.il.lrou V'U'U Htinli ?.' ut (1 l"JIr larJ. I'litltadiMl 'laLli- LUien Irtiui 3 si l"f. Cne.li Irtmi IU i ioe Nsi'liliK, I lutu 4 jfi.1 at rlturiit. all Ur.ji, fnsn C si Sue. 1'Kl.tt lluulliithltfs, inuen, & nr lilf. " " linen, I nil 11 H lit 81e ' " silk, U f 11 (si Irish I lnfiiS.'ilnWc'r)arJ, nrtli K tinfj On I haiv a Llit idiek 1 1 picture torJ tu umirUal (elurs uertli a Ml, 1 ultl nil fur le s )uril IiCuLnus Hunks and K)ua, I l!l atll at eu Lit u Ima. CI.IMrtn's 2 LulUin kid e-toies i.rtL II M3 a loir, t will Mil st lie. Uullca' t button KIJ tl Co s ulr. UiixU (ruin t'x: to HI W. lluthlneb l" tt reins r )uil. Urts 1 to ), vmrth v to MOr. Kiol.rtililtrlta & tu We worth MV. lu tl on 3.1'V. Mill's lists at J4 to IJ IM. tthi'V Hals sl(l M. !i'i.lovt-ll.ual Wt.l S.1 7W IaJIh lla's auit IVaiura feut,nl, V u 11 W. 1'lutufs aiij I'ltwtrs (rviu 3 to Wje. wurtt iHt Ui ,1. IW Oment- ('..nibs st II to iOc. l,(SO lint' IVmibs at (I to Wu. l.'lyd.liUk irlulfiOclii it On. fi.ouo iutn till tt rlblmii, 2Le U. it M) u)i!eiv l.bs) jiltk s rlblmii 'i.V to l u I'ltev. tso Jaidl mil rlbbnii at dec wmtli 1. I buih.Nltwtlr) to boatilit rtirordlttif ema .u U'c d.ars UiX '' U tit eotli. Tobfii't'o itt r:e:ieoii:;tile 5'lxnres Tei roi! un I Tul lu ("tin lur Vm'Uh um! ltt.it aun.1 liiikslurfi I ill to vr. l. (ImiJ lil-kllu Irur'iw tt' IVti. MjIiS HUclUual S4nr bu. UOIta nereillarn.' Ilkarbi riOl (4.11) t iIUm lu but a Is at 1k S.. 1 1 u.i.rellu at Tut-, loo I'ui.rtl:. til l Uitri ta Tra.i-lliic lU.ki u at Wo tu Cl ltl button terv low. Ml 1tlKV Cl.uW fnuu .' tu (s. 3.VN )Ui:nI inur tit'&W&r""- n. sjiiti M. ,asj)iiAi iimi ei l.S) tanlsCtlhtlt, rim l.vili..' tlrt-at tljik Uitljume; I w-tll mJI let (11. , M mth 1 1 '- ) arJ 'll.u tx-t ISIs. k Oa.l uit-r ami Itnllle Until fjr (I l' yiril llltek Alutalr4ii UrluTk rvanl (o.)anl ji..riil ilu. i -kI In.m lu. vtU r )-unl. S.'.'.l y&rj4 r.anii.l i'c i . We r )rtl TAD yiJ t'lmkeil hhlrt i..- (rum liilu '.Jv Ir ajj. I..iJ)inl-('alli ,-. i!' -rartl InO ailni I'l.lliU' cJI .(. .It Si Hi .vlluiVmll alots, bro. rtel, (run (lid to M CO a l.eLr BOOTS. Inij-a' (loqj I. ai 1 1 ' 11 1 r Vuiiths inwl lk t nt . - in & 01 u.r. lens' Cn-.l 1'iv.fi.i I--1 n W "0 'r. be-rewi.il, ml rt' u.f:i ins pM, Hum' l'4ij.J llr-ajon ji il .' a u UjT. Cbs-i ui U .il. 11 wi I V.iujmt t- V) lr GEaOTBIXa. i -.1 liravy I '.' fr 1 1 iual (urarvjw . iritn i - tn $10 s 4era , 4, i It. in sin ti. Ui i lira U i atllis Muti a el.ill'.i.v I- r.sinom uaainur .ut. Irt iu ti to W a raur. i. uiyr ai .ei. i 1 1 r H.l'i3 alr I'tv i uil4 lan I sir ki. (run fccluKsi Kvsrtblrex i.ln4l a' .h.nj-4 nt iSsvkIs; Wi. t4S,ll WSSWSta tittl Ml. i. .UJ. lu filj !., 1 I'- sHrs Uss 'sslii in 1 1 1 K -4 I trill lu lV Klsr.ioiSS Mfc yjLUteUJ. .V' TUSSPAV AND TliUBOSAV i 1 A. 1i)a'sllf !.' ! ii 1.1 OjhWb.si 14.1- ' tl-ni trip willbsesT r tt h r r. rt. llsu ritflll .ul , I'nhejfiu tulim 1. . 1! aiHii- 10 aiwAu . 1 if S 1 Uit iiiitl.'i' tu iws) my vrUV, !' -. d a i'J tliirleK th. .'i"t. ii ". 1 .. d Mae whJi ul " 'ii 1 lilVeuy.- .( e;e ' t. ..1, I 1 oili sale E- Vi n .'it'll tt Vtii! iS'tli'lilila t)l U tl .' ' ' 1.1.) n i'l PI 1 10' r ii inmiy Uii p tli.. j.l .,'.. A I Furnlfuro Sale Dnv tfaturtlay 'ilroifititUiuui. I If xvi ktu h t'fir t4t MO lrt.ANI " .1)411 1ll St t I, a..il 1 atk. , ten Tjutaij.v. ttil fillr.tivn.M. 1turUruilliturl4 lUIMer.h .l llllfC!l w-tll kJiII uli4 ! iXi'. Su Uit'lra.Hl 1 (uelrv mI unlUl" It OtlnU r Uu 1-iiM w tf s tir.-t iv lur ci-ill en!) . a. IPlTfZrni 13 JeVXiZk-rsT, I 0;'PpSITCTrlS'CANK,8AUKM,OR: dftilf Wc have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save such ns arc really the "neliis tilt i a" of their class, believing the best arc not only the cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be fur nished on application, and wc sell no goods that wc are afraid to guarantee. We would call especial attention to the Deere Sulky Flow, Over 1,000 Sold in Oregon and W. T. in the last 3 years. Thf ieeullsr srrsnirsmciit uf this until itltd ttniilttiuiit litoJl onljr to tn. srtn to U nil re cULil. Ask )0ur licle-hbor what he thinks about It, No roiiiiiattliin ol let era. A boy can tnsiioffo It, and do tllcr work than a, man with a walklnir plow, and twice tlio quamltjr (vr day. Wo hai s vsltl rupeelvl rrirartl In tht nipruiviiictit o( our Implements siul wo only lninort aueh as list d ttis tprv tatrit linnrotti. ments and but st)lcs. As our line Is ton oitetitlml to DELI'S MOLINE PLOWS, Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deere's Sod Plows Xcla,Q Gtaag SMLQwa, sB-aoh.oyo ood Psillsi, DEEIIE'S CULTIVATORS, OnAMPION PANNING MILLS. Farm, Grist and Food Mills, Wood-working Maohinory; Bolting, Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons With tho Now TRULLENOZH Vat. BRAKE, tlio Latest device! No BraVo Bar resoji No shoes to wear ont tiro, will bold u wBgon nuywhoro from hackinp; or (colnn forward. Wo urn also Solo Agents for , STTTiSEB.asEii "nrAGOiTS, With hint Roller Erik Too well known to need uiiuiucnt. q Sviulfor Circular and l'rlce IAatt, r UAll'LEY, DODD C CO. llr. Mlntlc'8 Yi'RClablo Nrplirctlcum. DOKS ITCtllK ALL' NO I ll llnpinlciirr lllsrssi-snr tho Kltlne) suit llladdrr.' Tnl Krest Tonln ruiiliea want liinir f It by a rertaln cls's of suiTi rers, ami Is tsaluitaliluli rank siuouir nmnllsl au-ml. In this rountry. Hirst ll-csiin. It l inniln Cl'KCI LI.V for Kldnrr sml IllntlUer iniuplsluts, tho ilulerrnt lumitlirut'iif uiihli it lurninpomtl otllne- cotjulut. ly tlLnn lbs inOfCilNr aii'l inurous costs of lh.n or escs Hecoml. Uh cienbtiistlon Is lh riMlll if lsiiru rspeil. lire till can f'l lu.ly. Imth of tin. or L'siissiiilttiiilrilUis'es. Tlilnl. 'Iho lierl msirrlsl. (whlcliuto pnii ly vi'trlllili ( am i'lrct-'l sml n.tl (11 Its insiiu'sclure. In atuto IniUiiiiiistlini of the Kldn.ysor ll's'litir, pslu nml hi-tlin In Um hsik sml loin vi llli ilniMflni'" nnl firllnir nt languor, tha Nr.lirrllriini will ulve Itnintillsie tt-llif, anil a ino ut. a puritci euro, iy puiciiy iniioniiitr uiroit. lions, nice, f 1,-ifi Ur. .TIIiKle ItnulUli llitnilelloii I'llls. tut tiikv vtiiK KVKiirriiisur No Thuy am lii'i'iiilnl lor iIiu'sfi that ieull from Mtlsrltl I'iiIhoii sml s llrrsnunl l.tvrr. rtjinpton. of 11 iH'O'ikml Hut Dull piln In tho stile sml liimMir'. h s ol snpo lie. nnii tniie-ini. Cn'llvii lumtU rle's lit-nlsihr, iln.vt.lln.r. wilul.l In ihortoinseli, i tin sr'nnt tilth stlilny iiikI le'rl, lni-ujiiif ttlml, low ,lrtr, lnii ofiiirt-y. uuniii I unit., ami . i.i'iiiit'inM .11 etu 1 llrliy ! il inl'i iiiu Mnnyof Ihf Itsillne-cltlstTis of I'ml'snl, fnun . s perlrnce. vtl.lv. uch it. .Im .np-Hor lrtii- ami ' w!uciiUli.tlnslil;lH l'1et- a.1eiiit.erln - To Lunliljleid I f bll llmeiMs i To Whom it may Concern. Tins 1 1 to ojrti'y tint I I.M.- Um i.Tii-U-I foi tliu li.st tlm ' veir.iw'li eltr.un i-ll. tuitm tion .l tlio ti' I.I r ami tmiii'l Inn. Il.it n ; 1 'iit n :nr.!l Jeirtt"in uitli tin U t inmlie-nl talent I eoulil i.litie.11 in ""'an l'i'.i'.u'.iihi J tint ' ...1 il... UM.I.....I .iimiiii i.i ( ...lif....ii,ft li.i.iinif In (lu.lrvl.uf, ll...:.N.ni m;. I Iioji - ' of Uniig eurtl i n I .Iroj.jusl nil nie In.in. nnil iiuvinrs. u irio ivaii,i njio ei inn naiiy piusri I Bjtv an n.lvi itienniit nf n meilieiiiu imiIih! Nvibiutieuin, iivumttoii j.rei.irtil ly Ui. Min tin K ('"., of Sun I'nuicis . I : lH-rsiiiwtu 1 l.y inj wifi- to tiy it, ami i i i.i I IkiuijIu' a Uiltlii Ilninii; t il.in tint nnu U.ll.o 1 fimui iniieli rnliff, u'l i.iiii i veiisiii nml fit I illi! IIIIK-Ii Is ttT I tool: tuo mure liu'tlm Mid I r.tn ' "i-Ii-etiy itsiunsl l liuullli rim fitrnntrlti tlin.il. (liMl. fur tlm h.l.wirtow Lilt nf rl.-etly itstunsl to liuultli nml Dr. fliiitw , Oo. Any wio tiln, ina .loulit UiU.UWintow, tJI u my ro loi.cu iu., J. 1', Moulin, I a? I'Utli Htnuit, l'ortlnil, Uiefiii Hen)inl..r 1 1, IS7P. llu A. K. '! ! .' '. toe-.' (. . v . !. i , -' Hi Uiil et ,i ii i i i, ' ! i pun (.ui i. .. . I'. Ml,,.! for erf . III. :ii' ii I iiii- ;.u:i Ma tujimli tt'nim ' irtmi ciy y t! ey l.tiu in. ! Xilll.lt) i. i I I!!!', .. . . ie' ant. V..- : l"o!i'.ii. nt. IT, l- Ksinhtttli' ilruM tirf re.rts.nl i.n.1 hUu t'lAi.eii y ) it'inet lr. Mi: t.o u N i 'in tittuia 'ajit IJiKli!l Diulnlini I'iIU We Uv Mid Uu .. mno'iiit (' Dr. Ulnlfsi'si , HwIkiiii'S: Tliu liHlisJi l(U.l.lien IMU, sJo tun i4in.ti isei'iirvuuum u;a tn mi oh--j itigiii; reuMiinicin naodi John A. IWsu.l CUIIi, Druggist,- KeounU dtroet, (! il Votlil A. !3o , Prujtfrii Is, i' rir Kirst mill A sl r str ot. Pnrlini!. M . ,'l.iaius.M ftnul', UlotistJ.. Uu. I iil., Si. ' junl 1 I'iviiiI Ar t, r1. I' I lir. Miuti-i . (!". trout ull Chmi'i' )sxii.-tl UllHOJttU Ull M'i 1 ' iM. I ..r. ."w 1 Stint. Um. .Murruftii. IVliiij.. Oi.u.u:. Anviih'io llti.NTi.Urf. -We Khe Hik iollowlui; ndvlce tu liuulurs: ''Don't of lit your Kim at yourself, U.ni't point your uim at any one iM . Don't '.. ,,ur u.i wi lh.il its nmiro in- 1 1 odes nil your huiitiir; ei.uipifiln'ix. Don't try to Und out whether your (,'" is lot lid or lint hy IiUtHnjr oiU' cje an J iiH.I.'lni; down ile ti.irrul with tin other,' Don't okw joul tfjn f .r u wall. sitl'k. iJim't 'liiuh o(.r Vu urtd " fiil. i-iii .1 - ' - -l . ..jtrtlil 1) n't 1' r ' '. 1 uu ul') ' i.it n .1 I orllmlirle, we would call attention to the folios ln( Hit; Randall's Rolling Cutter Harrow Tin: I-'amiuw Cii'iikk Ti:r,i:(iitAMH. Tlio nmn who (IcrlplKTed (lie fninoiw cipher tcli'riiiiH Is Mr. llns-iinl, one or iho iMlitors of (lie "Trlliuuo," wito In wiIil to lio (ho most vi; run tlio mini con ncctctl with thu Now York prews. '1'licro was a bushel huskut full or tint (INputi'lics ami Mr. Ilassuril worked sl wcck.s on this iiiHi of LMilmtis with out Kottlii"; it pnlntor tiM'fulHtiKKOslloii. Hi thou Ik'jjihi to work on Iho dati', tho ntiinbnr of words In tho hovrml chis-icn of ti'le'Krnmrt, looked up tlio rx e'urroiu'i'S hnpponlin; In tho lonillllcs nl thu ll nit, etc., und utmost liufuru ho know It tho tiuiKli'd threiiils Iiukiiii to uuu luil, and in u fortnight ho was In iovv.sioiMif tliowholo hoi'rot. With Mlulit help, iiidiv of a clerical churucter iIiiiii ntlioru Ui Mr Ilim.inl li'.u ilm.i. ,""" "l,"-ru '" i ' UHSini II. IU 111)1.0 till' Wliolo Willie Oil Wlllfll tllO TrlllllllK '. , , , i Ii iiiiikln Miuli ii sjiroutl, ' A I'liltuii, X. V., nun recently laid ,hli lloyer on Hie (nblii In front ol it Im. mu In.) fi-i I iho momentum of , Hi" "Ii'- The .-aw was colli"; mi fuL i Unit the teeth were not In ho heou. 1 1 in lliijjer was taken oil' Whllo ho I was look at It tho loreimin eamo up I with Iho iiie-.tlou: "How did yiu jdo IIV" "Why, 1 put iy HiiKer down hi," uiwered lie, placing tho other luie!lner, as lie Ihi'iinht, well away from the It eth. To his honor, tho :iw took oil' that one, too. at the hecoml ,,n ' j , , i,,,,,.,. ,.m, .j,,,,,,,,,, So,, ,, , I ,, yMMl UK.,, ,, ,,, ..'n,,,,!,. criisi, iniiiiy years n Mliooliiia-iter III l.njjiiitHi, wu re id: 'Mlrother liinti llilill lilt-. Ii.iltl over !lllti,Ullll,IHK) ol his imtioiial ilclit huetho war, nml (lur i uc tin- lni Iim- .M'.irs over swoo m n, on, while Ui- li..Vf milled ylliiio.out) t' hum, and liicrc.'iM'd mir Iiin iitlou c i m , W.0 " I'Iik miter (riven a sluoiiiv . cnuiit of ('iiiaitiiiii prospeetH, waiaiii ym, ..w , V. irk M lea tot tiab. A 4krS ei. !t)il rb miilens. tveill In ti nufini Svnl .i. , .tlo i.lnl JuUi.K, i till r Im.imn', I'll ', aiu sit'oll slo In. U it l...'Jil o. at i'.. J or further pi.:i . 11. uiro '. Ui' 1 uH .1 ki n, . il. Ill, - i. I.-.. I , t,'. pmm&m wtt iiWiP WHWawm mm im AT TA.NtiKNT. S'"l I I ' I .1 I N . 1,1 l I t;. asxKsnxmiissiiJsaei IMURDER ! iiiiuu i.riir ruin 11-, tt UiiiiK'ahlrsiu Trim u Luuiiit. l-al m, i.kt, lailUIr fur lbs IiMt aiM i...ll.v.,.lli.i,,fia..rlfB.I.... ,. ...., c mi. I r li, 1 ., n,uiv 1'roiMu'ai.i Ju.tii.'t I l.ll.ll, ltl.t-.K4 in (I... ki. i... I ii.... uiif .-wiilljr ! .rteliraul I'iLii I.1.1 A.l In...' :. si. w i ui, i Nfinni I'r.ntop lu-it lloiij.liii, Ui, ki ftdri '.. . u,".' 1, l.i:i, n'lr iM, ft hM..'UrrU'jA(.tvM....Mi..K., i' ....v ji-jgaii'.w.i 'ijwjjsstsasiciisaj L ry At fi'F.'V.G'IBBaT, (win, e.'. UfcJuiu.-v,) louii erclal nt.. - - - Saltiu. SIIM1S Kil ll'l'il I'll I. US sii'rn lip fnturuLOD Ku .' Nil i ' ,'.CCIlL Id hi Co, 'M M . 11 Jl'l j I.M.I. nt our oniro MS rnlllornlu' n, . .1. '!". s'jwii li ". nml Um Inn 11.1 1 IriillilrleU Ii) Hie Wuliei lujer. I M i 1 M (S r N .I s P 3 SI l in Ul in A' fc'l i.i I.- F h Nl ml i, ail IU sill III rnU HI' I ice