WILLAMETTE FARMER. I' CpFESfONDEftCE. . THE PARIS EXHIBITION. Distribution of Awards. HIOH 01 II llfi.t I 1! (OllllMI'ilMil "i".l I'viii, CM SNt, ISTS 'llu "lil Ai.ihb' f n tinny miijj tip lil.e a m kit ami mining ilrivwi like a stick inimt U r ii-u-il hi ipiMMiignf thu Kxlulntifiii if ls" N itlmi; i .ml 1 h ive been mote iitittttor.alilv mis- iM- tli in tin. oMnnitf cutvinonyi imtliuiu; t ..ri sun "Ktul tluiti tlmt vihieli liii luouylit tli riiti rpliii 1 1 dm Pur weeks lifter tin- J in induration tliu juLiuo in the ( liamii li Mam w as to mull nil extent uiicuiulicroil mtli 1 1 1 - o' iii'il in kitu vises tint, c"tccit in tlm l!n- glisli soitioii, tin' Kxluliitli.il was niteliistoii anil it suite, while tliu Troeailcro wns kept riejiill uoseil after the nilil 1 air Iml lieeii iun it full month. At tliii Moment tliu niieu tlmt ivxteniU fiotn tliu Deolu Milltnlro to tlio l'laco du Troculoro contain, iniltiMy, moio treas ures tlinn Imvouvcr hecii lollectcil together In ono iot nunc tliu lii'ituihitii! of tlio world. It is satisfnctur) to hue to rccoril tlmt tlio man agcrs who have workeil ni w lint promised to lio 1 gigintio fiilmo to a liugu succesi, lmu profit cil liy tlio experience of tlio opening day, an I lino avoided at tlio ceremony of tlio distrihu- tiou of prics all the hlundcl that touveitcil tlio inauguration into n colossal fiilure. No praise wmilil lio excesstiofortho really wonder fill way in which tlio enormous nudieiico. assem bled to-day in the I'.alils ilo I'lndustrm weru "oiulucted to tlio seats net apart for tliu dlller cut classes of actors ami spectator, 'llivte vat no acMinuliiig for places, no obstruction it tlio doors, nor wai there at any moineiit Uio slightest confusion in tlio carrviii,; out of tlio ncccssinly elahorite Arrangements. Although some "J,(X)i) iHirsous were prcsint, tlio wide av enue were never allowed to lio lilocknl up, nml tlio guests were induced torouiaiu in tlio phces assigned to tlivni liy olllcials whoso courtesy w is only to Ikj pirallcloil ly tlio ohtuseness of tliu police at tliu inaugural ercinony, Tlio con sequence was tlmt tu-il.i)' fetu m a complete ijuiss, and tlmt uvervliody was dicply im pressed lij tlio tiiijiiitlieiicu of a spectacle liner tl in anv tiling tint Ins ct Iwcii produced im lur a ItcpuMiitn rcgi'iio. A ruproacli often leveled ngvuist a ltcpiilille is that it ilooa noth ing to satisfy tliu lovo of splendor Inherent in the iKipulai in ;ul -tl .it ill fact it st mils at as great il ill advantage coiupircd to n inoii-irc-liy is I'rotestaiitisni does to Citlioliiiini in coun tries v hero tliu luiu of music, an I iii'or, and pomp is liiv.itlicd in with tlio very air. N'o fiucli reproach cm henceforth hu launched at tin) classically modeled head in which nt to dsj'n fetu tliu l'mich ltepulilic was Ideallcd With tlio single exception that tlio famous Cent (larde wero to-diy replaced liy tholiarde Uepulilicainc, thern was no particular in which tlio ceremony dltlered from what it would h in a been If tlio Dniperor had still occupied tlio thrsna of France. And although tlio employ went of tlio military most certainly added to the effect of tlio Hcene, thcro were not wanting rigid puritans who, if they could hao hid their way, would not luvo allowed a lujonct to ho seen in a place which, for tlio tnnu Iming, wasempL .'Kally a temple of peace. Hut, as tho soldiers were very useful in lining tlio av cnuet that surround tliu l'ahls, and in markitig tlio Mocks of ne.its in tliu interior f tliu Imilil tugs, it is iingracious, espc-cially in a military country liko France, toohiect totliclrpreseneo. Thanks to tlio admirable decorations, and to tlio extraordinary anety of uniforms worn lij repn'seiit.itives of eerj country under tho sun, tlio coup !' it was as rich in 10W as tliu most ardent nilmi.cr of ltuliem could desire. To ,uy notliibi; of tliu diptnm itists who formed a d iwling group to tliu iiiimcdi.ito light of the President, theru were c.ittirtd .ilnmt au.oug tliu dch-gitei and c-omnii'sioiicrs of foreign oountrlih teciuicns of military uniforms ami , civil costumes such as rarelj indeed aro drought together. Whllu riaiicukupphed hcnmoUof color in tliu eo.it, toured with pulm leases, of tho members of tho French Aca.leui, and in tho rolws of thu Judjus of tho various courts of Hw, it was only the D.-puties and Siiiaturs who wero conspicuous in their place of honor by tho phln ovening dress which was do rigu eurforall nut m mi? Vin who enteied thu building. As they weru marshalled up to their nlicc of honor w i tli the same st ito w hic-h was shown to thu Mirshil, the words "1'Vi.i lnen diitiuguu" cims to onu's lips, and o ia full tlmt under a Itepublie the representatives of the sovereign )ooplv needed i.o euitun u to add to their dignity. It is unt w.thout reason that a leading lie publican journal, whilo ivgrvttlng thuapproaeh in; end ' '"' L'niveri.il KxNitloii, which now, n on tho openity ilay, is tho object of tho wonder ami admiration of tliu assembled world, v ilecribes It as about to cloy in full aiioce.s. Indeed, eii.eo May 1st, when tho uuiijiiral cer emony was iiiarrtMl, until to-di), when its last grind fcto was eeltbiated with the pomp and dignity Iwlltting such an occasion, the l'xhibi turn, q far fnmi disphj ins a singto sign of de cline, haa graduallj increased m success. Tl.u beginnings of to-day's rejoumss, as far as re gards the general popuhtion of Paris, were i ot sj conspicuous for their enthusiasm as thu) were on Ma) 1st, but it must ls ruuenibered that the field was iiicompaiabl) smaller. Tho inauguration of the Trocadero ami tho Champ de Mars was the welcoma of the French nation to the world. To-day's ceremony at the Palais do riudcitno was, as it were, a private feto m honor of the ofiicevs, jurors and exhibitors, who, by their combined efforts, lme made the t success of tho Kxhibition. last lay of the Fair. Piris, Oct. 23th, 13TS. 1 have often wondered, jiaasing that very 'lashionablo florist's shop close to the 0 rand llotel des Capucmes, who can be the purchaser of the enormous loujuet "bow pots" our grandmothers used to call them which display their rainlow hues In the midst of an envelope of paper large enough, to all seeming, to serve as a tablecloth for a iarty of four. No Udy, I should say, of a stature shorter than that of !m fsrrn.figftiu thoso big bouquets There aro very few fash ionable bills just at present, as society in the noble faubourg is waiting for the provincials mil tho "Kxpoiitioinrds" to go away beforotho rual scisnii begun Ministerial dinners nml re ci'ptiniis iliinnt tike phcu fiery night Frr what purpose, then, are t'mu tremendous lou ipicts nt the !l mst's tiuir tin-(.rand llotel in ti'iiileip I iintiiHil tint tlie- Kiew higher and lngKcr as tli day f r the dt'tnhiition of prices divw iiciier. and I began to fancy tint the pro diuiniis nstinlliiges of Mowers would Ik- pre- 'elite I of i niip bv ymng ladles ill white muliii fo.il jiuiiig la Ins to inih IwHUiurt to Mnilntiii' li Mnn-c-hale tie MaeMabon and her I prilKely md lllimtnous guests on their arnx.il ' nt the Pal lis du I Industrie No, thu big boil- iint leiiiaiiiud it thu tlorist'son thu P. mloeard des I ipuciiios throughout the lejoldiigs of Moinli). On Tuesday I went to the IMnl ition. and entering b) the Porto Hipp ouu of thu llrt objects tint met my eyo was thu biggest of nil the big boiupicti that the Wlll'es of Paris could gither toguther gloingon the axle of nu im mense wheel in tho French machinery depig ment. I nm not iuterusted in machinery, ami am ipiitd ignormt ot thu nttiibutes uf the par ticuhr piecoof methauism uiipiestion I only know that it is very I irge, tli it its odor is not nt all pleasant, ami that w hen in motion it makes a hornblu iioi'c, now reminding )ouof the lamentations of thu hto Mr. nu Am burgh's tawny pupils under hn corrective crow bar, and now siiggestiuof their howls of ux ultatioii iu tho supposititious caso of Mr. Van A in burgh dropping his crowd tr, and thu lions and tigers doing then in a position to fill upon nml dine upon hini. At .all ueents, there was the machine, and there, casting siiushinu iu n shady place, was tho big boitmtut. Theru was something elio. Iluiieath thu prodigious posu) w is n broad plaque, nu which were blaoued tho magic words, "(irand Prix." It is M. Max I'rumuit7, of thu Aeniic il l')lau, tho well-known ihromo-lithographcroii metal, whov hrilliint, enamel-looking trade" mark cartoons oxecutcd for commercial and miiiufictiiriiig llrms, ,iru as well known iu oth erpirtsof Ihiropu.-uin France, who for some tima pist h u been busied iu getting up the g.i) plaooei tearing the stirring inscription, "(irand Prix." Put "Sic os lion vobis" tho pruwib w soiiiuw hit must). M Max Cremnitz, who has a cry meritorious exhibit of his own pro duet i iu thu Pal ice of thu Champ du M irs, nml who has gained haudsoniu distinctions at numerous International Inhibitions in dilforcnt parts of thu world, has only received a hronzu medal in tho coneours of IH7S. .Such is tho irony of fate. Thu shoemaker's childron aro alw.i)s ill-shod, t.et us how that justico will yet be dono to M. Max CremuiU, in tho shape of tho cross and thu red ribbon. Hut his casu is only ono ot many hundreds m which it his liceti found that thu w liiserings of fancy h.iu been listened to with rash credulity, ami that the phantoms of hopo havo been pursued w ith unavailing eagerness. Multitudinous aro thu exhibitors deprived of thu proud (rivilegu of nllixing to tho foro-front of their htalls tho gleaming ensign with "(Irand Prix," or ovon "Mcdaillu il'Or" printed iiiioii it. Fuw and far between are tho triumphal l)Uiicts alioto the maehiues or too glass lases of thosu who weru most fully liersuadod tint they hould hu nblu t" celelmite their victory byanaintice to Flora. Iu general, among tho French exhibitors ilisap- pointuniit has not been met with cheerful, or o en with n-efiil resignation. Tlcre Ins been a goo.! deal of cteiuhiiig of lists, of hu ding of hums, and of muttering of maledictions lot!i loud mid ileap, over tho otlicial jirtxu list; nml Cham, the uiric-.iturist, with hu usual humo rous ox.iggeratiou, luii aptly hinted at thu frame of muni of a nnn-ivcipieut of rewanls, who ad ministers . i ouuding kick to npoaciblo null Milii.il who is looking at his wares. "Puiripio je ii.ii p.11 ilu iiiudaille, ju noioux plus (pi'un regardu d ins mi itrino" No medal, no moru sight-see-ing, onus the inrage-d exhibitor. It is embirriisliig to enter into converge with tluso dis.ippoiuteil ones They button-hole you with terrible tonicity, mid pour feirful tales of wrong into ) our oars "Imagine, my dear sir," si)'s Monsieur Phllcumu, of thu Passage Pus tiche, perfumer, "nothing for my ltoso Dubarry lips impiover; nothing for my Paphian e)c brow -aahon nothing for my Mit) Ionian I. air oil; whllu tint animal, that butor, that imws. itor Coilpechou, of tlio P.iasagu (irosradis, gets two medjlstwo, my dear sir, n gold and a sil ver ono for his miserable cir.pitc-ruil carrot It is an u.fjiii) ' it is a nciudal1 e'est iniu pin r nturc '" Thu mtuipitcrnal carrot is, I mu givi n to understand, a simulation in India-rublwr of the v egeiahlu iu ipiostion, strongl) impregnated with thu juice of carrots, leeks, tiniuns, ami wi foith. On tho tempiU-rnal ean-ot being ttcejied ill hot water. th llivor of julienne soup is, aft 1 1 a few minutes, unpirted to tho heated tluid: and tho oarr-tt can then lie tul.m out, carefully dried, ,u i put aside for future use iu s-vcula s.CvMloniii. a highl) iu,'unnms inven tion. The Reward of Industry and Fidelity. IMitor Wilkvi.uttu Fanner In an nar'y dy two ung iiers.un, a man a.id a woman, crossed the- Ohio ll.Ver at dalll ohs, and applied at ni) brothers tau-)ard for work for the man- mid his wife would assist iu houoork. They wero not needed, and so passed on northward Their wiilth consisted of an extra suit of clothes, and a couplu of hun dred dollars in money. Thuy were of or, but honest, industrious and respectahlu iarc-uts, They had be.u acquainted from childhood, r.iied near each oth.-r. and educated at the same s:hool. They loved each other always, and when v illiam Conover thu )Oung man finished his apprenticeship at the tanner's trade in Botetourt County, Va., he married the lovely, virtuous and well raised Lucy Murray. Their wealth was too small to begin business in Botetourt Count) ,anl so they started for free Ohio, where industry and fidelity could injure its reward. When they arrived at Chilliccthe they made application to a farmer-turner, w ho owned a fine farm within one mile of the Court House in that town Upon this farm Mr. Ter ry, the owxer, had erected a tan)ardof twenty Uying-away vats, and a bark-house, shop. liuneaU leaches bates, and a good bulk house. His oldest apprentice hid just arrived at ago and gone out towards Sandusky, and thu remaining .apprentice was not capable of c.arr)iiig on the tan) an! The owner's time was nialnl) taken up in dming forward the fat in. mid he nuld not well attend to tho t lit ynrd Thus wen-atlurs with Mr Terr) win u Mr I ,ti i,r Mul Ins i xii tb"it ouni wife ar rieidthire lb1 it nnn- himl lt I oiioeel to tnl.i i Inrge irf the t un ard, and bi wile to md Mrs Terry in hniiwhold iml kit.'nen work. l.s i) thing went on well, and t'tosi sti nig- ers lose fast in the citveiu of tin ir eiupli.)eis . and the miplvanniml One jtar passe liwnj. and Mr Terr) doubled the wiijes of Mr. ("on- . 0er and his wifu. Mrs Ti rr In-ciiine m it- tiehvil t her new friend tint she would not heir of n ep.iratloti In twuen them. At tho end of the second )o.ir, Mr. Terr) projoed a joint I pirtnership with Mr Connver, giving him iroillt without Interest for two)eirs on what C. could not thoi-place in the llrm. 'I his was aL'reed to, mid nice buildings for a residence for Mr. Coiiover weru erected on tho taii)nrd ti.ictof six ncres. At the end of tight years C. pitrclnscil the whole interest of his partner, nnd piid for it in two n.oru )ears. Ho carried on live )cirs longer, and sold out tho tan)anl, stock nml six acres of land for SJ.",0O). About this tunc Mr, Terr) sold out his farm, which then joined up to C'hillicotho, for ?.!(, (HU). He was becoming old, and desired to re tire from active life. His eldest son, a gradu ate of one of thu colleges of Ohio, entered into partnership with Mr. Conover In the mercantile business iu I hillicothe, and the llrm soon took tho lead iu business. Mr, Conovcr's honesty mid tidelit) weru unquustionud, nnd his old customers of his tanjard Hocked to him as a merchant. Tho two families rosided near each other in tho city, and a most sincere and nflec tionatu friendship existed lietwein them from first acquaintance. Tho) were temperate, moral and upriglitjKoie, ami though fortuiio smiled iiioii themil thoy weru over plain, friendly ami familiar people. The) became very wealthy, .and llnill) owned very Urge possession iu town, besides n large w holesalu store. Two of Mr. Terry's childiuu his eldest son and third daughtermarried two of Mr. Conovcr's children - a daughter nml sou. Thus "industry ami lidelify" had their reward. Dvvw Nkwsdvik. Nov. :10th. 1S7S Loiter From Tumor. Titnhi, Nov. 21. ISTS. IMitor Willamette Farmer Whcitli living idiipifd from this place at quite a lively rate, alxiut l,XX bushels going away daily. Quito a number of hogs (butch end), also. Now buildings aro still going up, ami work on tho now llouring mill is being pilsbid ahead. Hut active business is not suf fered to interfere with social nutters, nnd be sides tho regular outfits of .Masons, Odd Fed low-f, flrangers, flood Templars, several church organizations and a Hallbath School, Turner alio sports n- Singing Society mid a Debating Club, That essential element of western civi lization, tho "Heathen Chiuoo,"wo havo not yet. Hut w-u aro grow iug. Thu llleakuey ltrothors are fitting up their new storehouse, mid it is expected that a store will !m opened therein before long, Mr. Crom well's store-room, under tho Masonic Hall, is nlso being newly painted nnd fitted up for n like purpose. Turner w ill then havo three stores, Histoid of one, as now H. THE COMINQ CROP. l-Mitor Willamette Farmer From ever) indication, tho ensuing crop in Marion county will be far ahead of any previ ous one. A much larger .uroago is sown this fall than usual, mid thu wheat looks very well. Xeail) all thu grain liuds nut now sown in v. Iu a tare well bmkiu up, drained, and iu lino condition fur n crop next spring. 'I ho Chiuesu are clearing up n largo acreage this winter, which e-nu lio broken up beforu spring, and will bring n full crop. It must lu admitted that this county is ahead of any valley county for wheat. This is owing to so much new, rich lands being brought into cultivation lately, and tho old lands m deeply plowed ami drained. Dec -Uli, ISTh. D. N. jdiE jflD Science. .Sumo ttiilmul-i Mich ns (ho ox, liuvu four stomachs Tlio .iiiiich or llrit sloin.u'h, is ly fur thu lurciM; to tho rlght nnd front of (his vNi-us Is the M'coinl "tuiniu'li or lionny-coml). In tliln (ho food is ilc'jiosilod nftur u linsty m intliMtlon, nnd from tliotico it Is reuov- ort'tl into tlio mouth, wliuro tliu mil- in il ruminates or "oliows (ho iriiil." Tlio thiid ntomu'ii is i-omicitcd with tho ('c-oiiil itom.ic-li :i:.(l tlio Ktillot, nnd, at its lower inrt, with tho fourth itom.K-h or rennet. TJie fojd, on helng a r-conu uiuo swuiiuwou, iMsifd tlirongh n -small section or.'eanul of tho Ktillot, illii'tt Into (ho llilnl itomneli. lliofood uIiIlIiIii (lie llrit iuilnuce i- nunllouod, I- bulky, mid hy prejslti upon tho gullet dilate-, lt- lower aper ture, nnd thus makes a vy for itself Into tho paunch. Mr. Keif of Alexander, I'.i., nwoko tlio other morning to find his well dry and its iottom fillen out. Ho pro cured help and descended 201 feet into nt Iiumonso cavo strdt.'hlni,' In ovory direction. Flowinir streams and sta lactite loot their aid to tho romance, nnd u ureclmcn of nlcklo oro was nroujjht away that proved to bo of ur perior quality. In n sermon, Itov. Dr. Alger on "Tho Chronic Miracles In Human Life," (he human fac-o was particularly fcpeclfled as tlio miracle of miracles. Made up of but few featured, yet tho 1,200,000,00ft faces on the globo wero every ono so different that nny pcr-son could readily distinguish any ono from any other. A miss-take Getting married. -. iTTjrrf YT f r, iPvpw8 f H380' PENCIL NOTES FROM OLD LINN. Kditor Uillvmetto Farmer- As it has been sonni tune since I Inv,' seen mi) tiling ,r""1 "", lnr' of the lountrv, I tho'ipdit I won! I drop )on a few i nt. , I. iiii wiini of jour iiiauermis readers inv ' nitir ested hi whit ij t; Mini on in tins vninilv I'hantv (.raiu'i. N . 103, has just movid in to their new hall, which thov built hit summer at a cost of ul o it 8stX). nnd vvbnh wn tk-ili-cited to the I". of II. last Sitnl la), N'-v '.':l I Wllltl) to give ) mi mi outline of tin- aflan On the Thursday before, noine of the fc-ooil isters mid their friends who were not uionibers met .at tho new h ill fur the purpnsu of deco ratmu' it, ltrother .loseph I'eirl and others hav ing brought them about lulf a ton of ever gtvens from thu forest for that purpose. So, with thu nssist.ancu of some of tho brothers, the sisters erected n scaffold and went to work, placing two wreaths of evergreens all i around the hall, with tho words, "Welcome, Welcome, Chanty Orange, No. 10,1," undo with ever green boughs facing the entrance Helou this was the charter, surrounded by a wreath of evergreens, surmounted b) a bunch of grain, and on the walls wero many pictures of "Fruits an I tl mir. nij rural kviws, Alt urouthcil In e-trrn " Saturday, by l) o'clock, the crowd began to assemble, and by 1 1 res many as two hundred pooplo wero on the ground to enjoy tho festivi ties of the day. At 1 1 o'clock, at thu sound of thu master's gavel, thu homo camu to order. and the exercise opened with pri)er by llev. Mr. Perkins, of tho Methodist Church. Song b) Choir "Though tho Winter be Cheerluss and Cold," when V. M. 1'. II. Wiglo undo i short address of welcome, stating thu object of the meeting. Song by choir, after which llro. S. S, Train, M, of H.arnsburg (Irange, was in troduced and delivered a ver) interesting ad drtss, which w.is listened to with marked at tention by thu crowded audience for three quarters of mi hour, when llro. T. i. Porter, of Halsey, was Introdtiu'd and maduximin very interesting rem irks, wliiih were to thu point. II. II. Allen, of liaise), was then called for, mid allowed the neiessit) of strict temperinee 11 the grange, is well asover)whero elsu. Mri. Train, Ceres of tho State Orange, w.ai introduced nm! undo some very pleasant re in irks to the sisters of thu Order, encouraging them iu their calling, ami admonishing them to never bo ashamed that thu) wire thu wivus and daughters of farmer. Iluv. Paul A. Smith, Uniorsihst, of Salem, was called fur and rescinded iu a few- remarks, Itov. A. I. Wiglo then canto forward with a few well-timed remarks on the sociability that hu saw existing, but not being v granger, did not know whether grangers weru alw.a)n so or not, Hon. W. C, Ikaird, of Hrownsvillu, was then called up and congratulated the grango on thj evidence of prosperity that hu saw existing about the pe'emiscs, After reiliarks by some members of thu grange, tho crowd liegati to look hungry, when rccen was announced, and then cuiiu thu crowning feature of thu day. Thu hall was cleared and tho table prepared, and to see tho stacks of chicken mid ham, and mountains of cake nml pies, fruits, itc, to say nothing of tea and cotf io hot from tho htove. w.u enough to make any man w ish hu "Could boa Ckvn n in. and with tho (iraugors stand." Some made the remark whin wo weru building thu lull that it was like building a house for n dead man, but if they had bien theru list Situnliy they would Invu concluded tint ( lurity draugu No. ID.'I was a pretty lively lorpio. Now, Mr. IMitor, there may lie dead granges, but the great principles of tho grange cm nev er die. Thero is a certain clwii of individuals who think Iuxmuoo they nro dead ns mciiihcr of tbo older, that tho order itsulf is dead. Hut wo would havu be en moru prsierous to-di) if thu gates had never been otiou tosuih Hut, thank Providtiieu, we nro getting rid of such rubbish, nover to bo wiightid down with tlinn again, ami my prediction is (though I am not a prophet nor thu sou of n prophet), that thu grauga will bo iu a moru prosperous condition two years hence than it over was. In conclusion, I would siy that I think tint every one that was nt our imetiugwas well pleased, and win taw a) feeling tli it it w. vs good tint they wire there. '1 lio following resolu tion was got up, hut owing to tho la tenuis of the- hour was not intlodueed Itusiilved. That the thank i of Char.t) Orange bo nni are hcreb) tendered to llro. and Sister Trim and llro. T. I, Portirand othcia foi liv ing present and addressing thu meeting. Also to the choir for the ver) excellent imuiu fur nished for the occasi'ui, and to tlio audience, fur their unifoim good old- rand attention through out thu exercises. 1 could wntu more, but do nut wish to ti a )our leaders and tlio.i, that druad iute baa kef More anou Jtutl' His They All Take it. Whim tno .)!., nm Is inn (lo-vii to that i'.i ttiitthst von in si sloHplHsiiiglitH, nro ncrv outaud irriialile, Inevo uomiy f ikiI)iiiIIiil;, hour t-toinscti, kick iii-ailst'ho nnd eontul tonmin, du not enroll youri us lilxli irliHio In tbo roar rank, uiidor (n.nnral lability, but clieer up nml trv Wiilto' Prlrli I'lnwiir, the (ireat l.tvor 1'anacn, now fur mi'o In every oily ami town on tho ('nniliif in. No iiibdlelno over eniiinonrnlHil Is liaif IimmiuhI for lh euro of DVSl'l.l'.SU anil l,lVj:il CO.Ml'J.AIN'r. It ban a fMcitlu powr over the liver, hiii! by eiirlug tho liver, I)jhjku hU and all other illi,ases Brlslni; from it, vunlsu as If by niHgio. .S.uniilo botllos aro sold at Uio small pche of 'ilconU Hint will convinro )ou nf Iih tuerl'H, I.argo tizs bottles ".' CHiits far mtlo ovnrxwhere. Buggies, Carriages, Hacks O.V IIA.VU, AM) 2HA.ll!: TO OHUER IUO, ill VrMclcH llcpilrcd on Shorl u .olltf. IP VOU WANT TO HUV HOVKTIIINt NICK and tiew.or asrsscsrrlsics msdejmt lo jojr r,o llon, ete u a call, sr.'l yoa shall bars Jst wbst jrou vrsnt. If (tie cmtsjte ion Uave Deeds repalrluK, He caa do It la toi iUsie, KNIGHT & LYNCH. Salem, Oct. Soif t Mni-rtts, .-,.,,,,,, , ,,,,,. M I ADDRESS TO OUR READERS. u now occupy a position in tho field of journalism wheru wu aro ablu to furnish thu fanners of the Northwest a nowspipi r devoted to tin ir interests and Urge enough to allord space for ever) topn whiih the) i m wish to have distussi-d When we purihaid (hi Win vmitii I'viivini, six iml .ahuf )oii igo it w is not ovir one thinl the present sun, ami we have ste.adil) enlirged and improvixl it mi til it I sic md nut)- to the gtvaivst inetropoli tan jotinnl puhlisheil north of San Friiiieiseo rm " v vi n nif I'Knri t, s im un i Thep ipl-of tli s region ileserve to h ivi a newspapir of thur own, and this is tin mil) one tint can lw i ailed so All others an1 ii ti ii in or iKiiiiis.ui iu i iic-iirco in it l niveius 11 1 ir " ' beinj nceetited as evnonents of lliu iiiiueiiilis wu should all hold il. common, or advocates of I the interests of the people collective!) It is J notorio'ls tint the piJK'rs that monopolio the I ii.m iii.l s.i in,,, t ,mmit,.t..k ,u , mu H, ii.l news ami so most lomplotel) on up) tlm lie'il of joiinilllsin, are controlled and directed iu the interest of Portland capitalists, wheit speculatori ami politic! ins, while thogrispiiig avarice of the most intolerable monopoly tli it is known to tho Pacitlu Northwest, out) iu ccives from it words of commendation. on: KM.viiurvii.NT. With the space at our command nt the present time wu shall hu able to cover a mot o extended tleld than heretofore. Wo shall give the most tniportaut news of each week, ntati. national .and foreign, so that v reader of tho F.viimhi i,in havo no excuse for being ignorint of all important events tint transpire at homo orahroa! It shall Im a newspaper, and n peoples piper in ever) important sense. Thu Fvioimi is not only enlarged but it wears a new dress, our t) polling now, m that tho print is pi nu to the oldest eyes Wo hope to m iko tho matter published iu its columns i-iirtespiiudwitli itssiu and gcnurit appearance urn rosiTio Our editor; il columns will discuss populir iiucstiuns on th.'ir intromit- merits, standing on the bpnd plitform of right and morality, where, unfuituiiitely, political ami sectarian journalism i an i-eldom Is) found, pvrlmps be cause it is so wnlo ami their idcu, ho Hellish and narrow, the) would be lost Ilium it. lll'.llll'sl'OMU'M K HKMIII1.II. Our corresp itideucu from the Hoplo Ins nl ways been interesting, and with more room ut comm md and the greiter circiitition wo aro acipiiriug with the growth of tho Statu popul i tion, we can reisonably expectthat its interest will increase. Wu invite all Interested In the uolilo occupitmn of agriculture and stock r us ing to send us thu results of their evK'ru mo. or to make known their wants or .lend iinpuries or suggestions to our columns, ho to draw out ths enperienco of others for tho public good TIIK "rVllVll'.lt" A IIUVMIi:' lllldVN, Wo hopi- to maku thu l'.Uilil.ll accejiUihlo to thu gran -o by furnishing news of thu progress if that great onler in our iiwii region mid elsu where, and wu sli ill Itu gliul to receive commu nications show ing thu progruss of its principles and thu goo I accomplished by its working members. Wo encounter, even among farmers, considerable opposition to thu grange, mid fro ipiultt objection to the publication of grange matter, but wu intend to havu room in the FviiMKli for all, and all the good objects of tho Orderof Pi'.rousof Husluiidry hivo oureiru est s) nip ith) and desenu all tho mipport wu can give them. It is to ho regriid tint I society th it slwuld hue for its object tin suciil, inttlluctuil and initen.il advaiuemeiit of thu whulu firming iiopuLitiou, i iiinot be mi conducted is to comm iml tliu nupport and sjwet of uvury f.armr in tho l.itnl. Piolnbly tlieio is a gre.lt ilo.ll of hum ill nitiiio Ikj'.Ii hi ulilo and uutsiduof the onler. the viviiKirr. We hive facilities, thioilgh the mint roll idle private sources, for giving the rxai t news of tho wheat in lrkctn in Sin l'i un nm and l.iver hxi! recvivud up to thu hour of going to pros., Wucm stiti thu amount of touiuge at 10111 iu iml for jour use, ami shall w itch all m ttteis th it relate to thu pneo of pro-lino mid the pros K-cts of thu markets in advance in the inti rod of our readers While wo hi sitato to give en couragement to too llattirilig lii,K no uuWT hiwitatu to give all reli iblo facts lo the people, from whom our support comfi mid whose prut purity i the ine.ciuro of our own wnvr wuhiiiu. i-iitn.isii. In idditiou to essajs, original mil cmitrilnit od, relating to agriculture awl stiK k raising n thu 1'ieill: Northwest, wet slmll mall ixln tiuns fruit tlio agricultural journals nnd rim . public itious we rocaivu from all tectums of I1 Union, with tin oueUavur lei cover nil gio i . Iieamur) for thu information of home 1 1 ilucurs aud thu adv.iticmuiit of Lime a( n turn. A certain amount of iiilseullaiii oils in i scientific rwadiug w ill ho found in uvii) issu , with toinlii'S of thu humopius ncca,ioii.ill and soiiietimos a story of internst, suited loom i obi nut Our Homo ( 'irclu is oinlui til by a lady wh'MJuxporiuiicu and liUriry tastu buuius to ipiahf) her especially fur that dupartiiicnt. wbdu tinny )ars uxpericnuu is a farmer a wife mike it pswiiMu for her to iuiiiiruhiiil .tud minuter to thu social wants ejf a faimera fa-uil) tlOIIVblUNK. Itislnrdl) in (ess try to my to our rujuUr realers tint thu Fvi.Mtn will alw is pruterve thu Imst moral touu and unit av or to carry thu bust .and oure.t iiilluences to thu family circle We have r.o bitti rucss to vent, no angry words t) bandy w I tli any, no rsoiul tuts rust to ad vanco at the oxjunse ol thu general g'XI, and if we havu any em mies wo do not earu to know It, and cannot atfbrd to publish it wu pro'iose to have none, at lc.at among the peopb , and wu cars to havo no friends, at their uxpinsD, among their oppressors. Peoplo of Oregonl this is )0ur newspaper, and w e uoud only )our supjiort to make it all you can desire Can wo havu it? ill i 11 h ono endeavor to fcecuru us one moru t.wh nub hcrilx-r' If )ou will, wo can go on prosinrous l)anddo)ou gixj.1 service Dun with theo "hard tunes" to cont. ml against wu ought to loubloour list, and we hope to du it with your good help, TZH3 Sritntifrc ,mmcm. TltlllTY-l'OUItril YUAH. The Most Popular Scientific Paper in lliir World. only SM.'JO n Your, indudlnjr l'o3tnjro. Wookly. o2 Ntiiubers a yonr. I,U0D hook IMKC. Tiisnisstini rsi, is Is i Urn llrstttiw weakly iiuh r of -fix, ti l'i lirlnt. il In llu-liiixt livillll at I ifillh hiiIihiIiiI tnijrat- I tile lirnl hi i" il Mv in is in tin VrNitlitl iiiiiis Im IlliUlllX Now r if IMi II i 1 1 li r stlnx I t is In Wrli nil up. llortliiiUiiro. tho M , Id iltli VI, li 1 l'nvvriss, -, Inl Mili-m-e, .Sntur.il , Ih-t r, lleilu Vstmiii no lho mint wilillbtu j tri tl ,tti.iH he , nuii'int v rfti rs In nit iloeirtinonts ii - iiMii-. , ultMn fotiii I iii the Si li nlllli Aim lli in. . , ,:, ., . : ';." ..," -- iisl,4, IMsMiinl to A, nt Mlnlo eaplK, ten cents, -sitl'i nil Nrs.i,.il.r. Iluiilt liv isLi onlor to firms i ,, i ,r i wir l inl liitf Viir, whUli hitliiilos m ri XTfity V In" MHttS! "'Xu l.io J M IplTZZl I'ltonts, lm hit II vunrsisiicrieiiep, ami now liatotlio HMsidiaiiiisiini(.illTi tlioworlil P1tlis.it terms A snwlil n i truest i'siiiiiiisiiuii!u iu inn Moriii rniriiis nre oniainou un ills lust terms A sin III notice Is iiiaJu In the Hukvtihc Awksi vsut all Imenilmis ntmtnl thrauxh this Ariiei, with the untie iml n-lili nco of tho lntenteo. liy ma liniiH'ii-u . irriilitlmi thus iihcn, nilillo nttentlim Is illrevteil to the tnerils of the iilw ti its nl. mill iLit.vs or iiitrislii. tlon nfli-ii i-aslli iffnts-il Any w rwiii wlio his initio i nif illsemery or Inven tion, ran iis-ertaln. frou of iIiukp, Mhithor ii intent can iiruliihly tn oliLilnnl, hv writing to tho umlorstitiinl. weutsospiilm'niir II iml llisik atiouttlio l'ate-nt Iaws, iiunis, i.ik-ics, rri in iiirss, tiifir costs, mm now pro. iiriil. with hints fur itrtvnrliii, niltam nn ln..nlliin. AilJri-ss for tlio l'uier or nine, nilnir I'sts ills. Ml S.N I'D , 7 I'urk Hum, New York. llran-liOill-e, Cur p", 7th K'j. , VViwhlnuUin, I) O. Administrator's Sale. Nell Is ln-rolir iflven tint hy ilrtueolnn cnlorol tlm (Nniiity Court of Mstlun (Viiiiitjr, Ntata uf On-iron, Only iickIij im Dm lutli iliy nf NiivciiiIht, A II, 1H7H. authortiln ami tli i-iislnidimaathe sola a.linlnUtntor of llm esUto of 1.11m rty HnooV, ilrcmseil, to ssl. In the minin-r iroil hil lij law, a tsiri or the wImiIo of tlm Itmls liireliitftsrilis.rlU.I, loohliln fiunli vtlth whlrhtoiuy llm ilrtils uf mI I estate ami the cvvnsrs of Oilmlnlstsrln thesaiiio, I u III, ics iu, h nilnilnlstmtar, at thu court hiiiiso il sir In tlio . It) of Hi'cni, In anlil Marlon county, onSiturtir thoSMIi ilay of llcis nitwr, A. I)., 1878, nt tho lunirtif Uiin'nl.n.s p in of snhl ilsy, srll, at liuhtlu aii-tlun, to Ihs hltflmt til IJor, for II. H. mil.l coin, to tw oil. I on il or nf Kile, the foltox Imr ilescrllsvl taints liulotijt ln to ml ii sLiln ur iiiikIi thon-iif, oil the north end Ihcrev', as in ly Isi lumissiiry In otilaln fumls with m hlcli tupiv the ilsMs an I latins niln.l nlJ I'stito, an J tho 0XKiis(ssnf sihtihilstprlu Ihsiuinis. to wit A wrt of Ihs.l.miUiiii lin I .Unit uf II J Zimo. ill n J wlfo, In tiwnshlp iilns ( 1) Ninth, ringo nno (I) mitof thnVVII-tiiin-tto iiinrlilLin, In M irlmi iininty, HUto of Onifon, ami Isitin le.1 ns follows In vtlt IIi-kIiiiiIiik nt ths N. I'l. 1'nfiirrnf Kilil'lvhii mil rimiiln Ihrniv south 11107 rhilns, lli'ti ss west aiillj rhvliis, thi'iiie north nj 07 i ihilns, thvmv ea.t IJOIi lialus lo tho iauiul Ix-kIii-iitn, u)iitaliiliif 'Juliirus ninronr less I1K.SJAMIN NTANTON, Nocmlwr "M, ls7s I Ailiuliilslntor. WOODBURN NURSERY, VV iXIDIIl UN, VIMtltlN CO, Olth'UON. .1.11. Si:TlXi:.'TlH:il, Proprietor. :: o , o o o Fruit, Shado. Ornamontal, and Nut Troos, and Vinos nnd Surubbory, In ths ntwi ii Nuivs r, tor silo, nt VI.UV U) I'lllllltRH. Choice True-, !I5 ctN. cacti; f.3.'r, tiamt lll'MiltKI). Oitllin'i J II HKTTI.r.Mllill. TAINTIIVO. J. M. FOR8YTHE. CTATK HTItmtT. OIM'OHITI! HACK DlUr tJ '' ' Huhte, Halkm (in rf I'lrst-elna work done, on abort ""tleoj stsyll-lf Ciwa Kucwttt. I fLMIHiUrt - I't TOS IM iril. foi dm trnl n1 BTurAjitrnlfliripcr nt IM prlrr, liriiiniirolliir !( ircMinoUlor im kali lnm't Imi hiijiII tir irriaMihit itiiittiffirlurrr f Infrlnitlnic iiiri irtvii'ii pur !). rli (tiltltt It mil li moru HruifHi tin Mini n m' il tr nr wi.rihlt-Mnin, Allnw l'i il liKrdn; A t (.AItiur,N V J. II. 1ILMN(JT0N, M, l) Ijtu !'r if'ssor of Dlspjsrs of Hit Ky0 and Ksr In tho rsli-ni lOric-on, .Medlml College (llllle, Cleknni. Illoilc, I'orllltlul, or., A.! Hurulrsl l),eratton rorlllseans ol tho NOSE, AND THROAT ".'ISmil J'r,,'.,'J"""!.,,. ATAItAn' elrsclel, ul CltOSS MC4 urslitlitiiieii Artificial Kits a rif" a.surliiH lit of tto hert I'rinth isanur.ctute, ou ,,).'.ni''.'' "'"' "" dlchs'irs rrom the Ksr, sn.l Ni. Ilstsrili, .sitlnilirl-iruli-.l foly "THE EAQLE CLAW." Th.ls-nTriplsOj.Wu, l htciuile 'PISH, ANIMALS A OAME. OHtitfllutth Twsatj j-isa. jKv, irof liiunrlJiliitf.tmillesiiM, Icisr. Hi tttnlirtt bi. (umk. ,iiuk f .lw ac fs n-ic,,.l, J. BRIDe A CO.. Mtn . It) UrosdMSy. Ntw.Yiiik. f.,s4 Ut l.ulrr .fiwM MtIUtJiMaUat'4 ((,, llll'IIO. I!l 'riKiitiiiii.il iiHi-.it I attTHwmijs "J' !Z117?! J ir - rs-i m ii iq nouns" -v im- ai, jrm fsV PjHsAt-MrminiUw Tsy.srte. i tos in atam. m m w mm mwl r- I m i I ' n- I'll M'K 1 I r K r tUn i t I h r whi i tIuU t ! t , r fl ' Is frf fKstt I M h I ui - l rs l -c ' ' !. lUil t ir.(, . i I ! lti,Mi, I - l llilnl! I , IrfUUH, FOR SIt7GIN 0LASSE3. ONWARD! '.' ..?..;;? WtTS.' il. if ia Ut un I m ru ws its t jniiilijti m (ur Miulnj VltMlll I (It IIH r . a 'l III Ullt VW-ImIN. Ulltr'l U .' at, i 4 kMi t(Jltlit Ut ha rn iliui Johnson's Metliml l,ir .Iniilii (' iism'.s. UItA tr h kl m r 1 .a . I it -inflfi.f H Urfd.Ul r uutkAl I r iih''! ti lit t 4 U; 'u I'tllltity uf iit.iii.,j -i siiJAs uUr uiuiu. d)i jinutitu Tlm l.ttun-1 lVreaib. VWAaAFS jmnl U,1 lor .J.r,:m li In Htvh lil , .N ,rm..l H. h .U un I s inin trios I'irt I, LI. nwi l.,ry IVtit, II V.iv i ultl.atii'i F.n III HVlut Mu.li. In I. i ml I ia I 'a t IV, &kis-l 5liulu. lirammar Srnoul I'liolr, g"r & ,,; ."jj.1 Tiuss l,ou i i-liM( y soil oii'trm-tol h.ik'for tho t-wiliy i U.-.. i liru. lur Mi 1. llho I llmr oU-ui,) su 1 1 ir Ua j i vr..u( llljhhihsi!. The Whlppo rwll', ft M'-,r JMZ.?n U9n- un 1 rr, br lil lV t i of h.ii rvr , n Utnk i..Ul -t fw, i rtUil prlai OLIVKIM)ITSON&ro Huston. (', II llllsnii A. Co , BDIIrntUsr S . J. V. Illlsou AS'.i,, Wl rutnu M . I'liiU Notice of Final Settlement. "VTijTH'K i In n j k'lvu i Ihit the umlinlnvJ, tsecu. 1.1 l.,r uf the enUtD of J II JluUirii, OiisamsI, hss tllpil hi Uis L'uuuty Court uf Mar tun count), butnef Or vuri, hu tlnal n gunt, and tlul suU isurt lias a jlnUil llm Vlh ila uf N a mur ls i ,nmixW a. I. of. day, f ir huuln ci'ijr tljn, thersto uiJ Mtllciiunt thor i( , l ucli 11 .III', Oct 11, U7swl tlseieUr, o V ' jc: "l lU 0 1 ' ,C1"nVvXil,l,.ti,, ,ll.nil,, -. .