Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 06, 1878, Page 2, Image 2

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J il J - - Mil I V WW
roausiisRs ixd rnornt emits.
R. A. CliAltKK. II. W. CIMIO.
Terms nf Nuliarrlptloii.
fine tnnv. oiic vtar(&3 numbers).
Odo copy, six months (8. ntnrbcrs)
Onn copy, three months (1.1 nnrn tiers)
SAl.KM, ntJIlAY, UKV. 0, 187S.
The Fntnro Farmor.
Tlio ikin.-uiil (i i njiriciiltnrnl iiifnrmntioii in
constantly iiiucamii, Tlic fnrtnir of lo-dnyis
fnr nlund nf tin-Inst vnirAtioti in everything
Hint cnmirt'K flares!! mul tiimmrtuii happiness,
yet only the first ltion lin ln-i-n li-nrnctl the
initial U p t.ikc n Ami the futuro is licfnro uh
vit!i all its uinliiiintreil uinlth of iiiformntinn
nml its rciulting inisciity. Wo liavo only to
toil nml tinly, ri.nl nml c, mi incut, reflect
nmliiniiit tu wrnif,' from tliu bosom of tlio
earth mw licnstncs nml greater nhoiiilnniuiif
tliu olil, 'Hum-will mill to tliu wealth, pins-jK-rity
mid lniiiini'm of tliu uliulu uorlil uiitl
Jll.lCU IIS III Oil I ilnlier I'IPMtll'll in tlic, social
Tliu tmii! ik ri'.t fnr ilistimt it ii uvi n now
clow nt li.iml, when mi ignorant f.inmr will lw
u rar.i ini. He "ill lu fiirhihiiul tlio times
Hint lio will low e.vte tinning Ins ftlliiWH- liu
willliviihl.uk hIimi in tlio Hock nml will
(fiiulunlly ili'iiHTuti1 to n Lomlition of M'ltnul
b i Mom.
Tin-ft);rii'iilttii iit in now r.iin.lly cominjj to
tliu fiont nml diking iimk with tliu inlclligt lit
ami nlitcatiil of otlo I itiftsiijnK. Huwill
m ion liv yes, I'M'ii mm, lie in a xiwcr in the,
hunt, lie IhiIiIk the tial.ilicc of political xiwcr
nml the icpilhlic will H'jiMie when hi rif-hlH
niu nuM'iti'iK Tin' iloilhnin r of tliu past lias
heciniic tliu hoiiorul mul rcspn'tnl clticn of to
il.iy. Tim fntuie, if tiuhtly inipimcil, will
hnnj; nothing hut t'uiitiiiiml piosicrity and
happiness. Tin' fin liu I 'h ilntics are well lie
fiuiil liu has only to rsiiuc in tliu attain
inent of that i k rial knowlulp' uhii-li liis pin
fctsioii iniiiiiM nml his iimr.il, .octal, xilittc.il
r.ml pn'iinfary noieiity i iistnm).
Alligators nro uml to make comport with in
Twdvo hushils jur aero is mid to liu tho nv
rnge of oiciliaril (.'rnts mil in Kentucky this
yinr. ,
Ilarrey, tho "last survivor ' of Napoleon s
ixpeihticiu to Kpyi'ti 'ia" just ilml at Inv.-ilnlts
in Paris.
Ahoul 1,'JOO wirntiisof grnvn (.row within
tin- limitH of the United Statis. Vo .,iys I'rol.
(Villyer, of the Agricultural lippnrtmint at
DuriiiK tho pasl year ni.VKI lasts of salmon,
wilticil at ?!,. 100,000, wire, uxiiorttil from Or
egon. 'I'his is n ilccriasu of WI,(KK) casts from
the year previous.
The Caro of Horsci.
flow rpnek n horse httomi! dilapidated Mul
dirnoralin d after it comes inU the sjriission
of somu inople. It makis no dilf'-rt net how
young nor how nice they an wlun tiny pt
them, tin all look alike in less than twoyiai".
and alwa have that iliscnurnye I difi'il
npi)'arance. Ihaeieen initi ulm i ImiiinI t"
nave erent jnilgtni'tit, uiictn we h oki i u on as
wise, prudent, and shrewd in lni'im , that
did not mem to have miy idea of what tri at
rncnt mid care n horsp requited. If I had a l.y
ten years old, that was not mote tapahlu and
rensonahln about such things than iniitiy ieople,
J should think ho was a hopeless idiot.
KiiiioiiiiiI CJIiurllT ! licautitul illtimlnalrd Mono, just riiMihl,
sa M IsB D n"iii tw!lrii lu every J muiilfas uUcritisrtoL.pUurn lluuriiai
CAI T LO "j cViil" '"nJ ilr. f lmp or currency). 1 liu Mono. Ho CM7 l.ichr..
" I P lsi.rnttJnnIOllColsitherdreflMiill,vsiitwincJwflhC
' i,f iij,iirnMtiiiiols, UUcjoI tlic Valfy. Tanner. Whest-lindi
f .. , V V.l. f.i.lA.Ux ...iniArt in fill i:Wt. tiv&llini niturii In
TliU.Vollo It worthy tu sJun sny librae,
Olid ttl lb icttiMiie
drfclrlrif In tnlrn.1
fcnbcrlKo Motto 1 I.I I!
... ..... -..-.... --- ..-..--. . .
rruciu KIl,Jruv, t iiiiit;i"iuii'ii',,",,n' -" - ";,"' I " ,. ....
.Iuci.ib.lr new lfanilne, Li'lstiro Hours, ,pler en r Itrco mi r.Uis' (ub
mi iv toi.iirn iimiF. i tin. i.nmonl n moi.lh v Mscailnf (rrcriiity cliawred
(rem a lorani' paper) Uilwl w till llluilruteil srllclei ol ) lore", Tr el, l.ioirrqpliy. r-totle", foetry, clc.,
by thelIetri(. r, Ihlalathac Jmapt-at Masailno rmbiii-i.eu, tiiiaiiiy ann nuaniiij oi uiamr c.ii
tfjered, It Lavlnirlrt columns, lihLnd.nnic cover eih lnue. 1hericlleDllllutratlnn crnihlned
KIlhthacholCFOualltyot mailer renders I.elsuro Hours n (treat lavorllo with all, . rnc. 119 per
yeariMecnulors.tme.nlliviSlcenUfnrlhreeincintUMliccntjpernumbtr. AenlswtilitlliirTf
Hare. 'iano. uriran". fluid and Silver n atcbcf. oc niu jiacumes, cic, id uis aiuuum t ja,u .
pr;nfivenlree to sent. bofldes InfRO
nJa ubier hirt tuu t rend I ftnti rslra L"t By
cws rjeairM s. II l.i.iaunt. Blf
I (ate wLcre y(.u raw tbis.
Many stem to think a horse inn tndure
Knglish farm laborers mi ive as fy from ttl Mcrytiilng, go without feed all day Mid half
to ?:i ikt week, including beer. Wage, have the night, mid bo off on u journey in bad
adviunud 10 percent, within tin last tlc years, jweathir, traveling, timo nltir time. When
nnd living mid clothing 'J.r. to .10 jr cent. they git borne they imt them intoftn old. dark,
LniKn ;.. nnmn i i
r .uiYBii HWcnm
Toi'iiih! i
LONfJ Tl.TlIi!
,. lOff
Tnc Oregon and California and Orccon
Central Kallroiid Companies
OFKEItthalr Lands for rsleppon the ollowlnit llhc
ml terme: One tenth of Ihu (irlco In caeb: Interest ol
the balance at tho rata of ruven per cent one tear
ftfler maIi.. nm! f-eli ri.llnulr.. wa ....!
principal and Interest on tint balance at the rale e! I
-.ivujci vruiiiurauuun, jiuiii principal and inter
t payablo In u. S. I'nrrer.cy.
iitiscuiim or ten per cent will ic allowed far rarti
VtT Litters to be nddreescd In 1, M'HL'LZE. Lan
AcenlO o. Jt.lt.. I'ortland. Ortvnn "" ""
Tliu wbinl irop of the Northwist, as it is
being threshi d, in turning out iMtttrtban was
reported, both in miality and ounutity. Tliu
dirty pen, throw in n forkful of bay, the first
they come to, mid let tbcm "rip." They
nevir rub or clean them, and hi-ur tnku any
Ix'ars will not got iniieh (ouoolation from this ' pains to protect them from rold or dampness,
item. i They overload them repeatedly, cominl them
t)imi Stanley is raid to 1"' the r rigmal Arthur
who won the heart of Tom Hniwnnt Itugby by
to lalior under "ilifRcultiis," whin in mi con
dition to labor. Jlow many sound, stylish
Tin' punlity of thr 1'iiileil Mates ii so
ilisily bnmiil up by rnniini reial ties with tho
pio'inty of tiiiat Hrit.iin that tho isciiki of
the l.ittt r iniiiilry from a pame, growing out of
the late dls.ittiotis failiuis, mtistbi- reganletlus
npiieuof yruit good fortune for ourselves.
Ti.ere isivny ii.viui to U'lieve tli.it tho il.ing.r
is now pat and that the liars of bittini'ss imn
will stum wiar nway. A late Knglisli hums-
tr, niewiug the ntu.itii.it, iln lares that
lii-re arc mail V lauiei whiili r ndtr tliu uda
)"t fin next year iiiiiiii iheirfiil. The b.irvcnt
hn- lit ii good the llitt good yiar m ri veil.
''u pritfs of luiiiiniHllties aie low, I making
i .vy tmii foi I'l'ii-iintera ntul (iiinWiing strung
inliiii lilints fin Jsoplo who li;ii' money to
i 'U r iih'ii or exti ml new i nterpriMS. It ulsu
nlliidis to the tigoiuiis siciisuf iiiiunrt-ial ro-
ty in tins ti.iititry ns it clurrifig iiidn-atioii.
'I in only imfdMirnblii fCiU'iitijttniirt'R nru tho
i"i'iitaiiity of Kiiropumi 'jsilifics mid the prix
1 1 1 f wnr with Afghanistan,
' ' w lavu nuy t'imix'ptioii of the magtiittnlo
' t'le trade btlwii'ii ('11111.1 and this niuntrj.
'1 1 1' yiar lefoif Intt that ir.Kle at .'un prn-
1 10 unbilled e I mils nf meti haildiae ulutli' to
t value uf llentlv $:i,000,00il, InshIum tliu
1 . 11 ; nml last year the total expoits t,i Chum,
' 1 .1 ott, wc-ie mine than jl0,(s')0i). Thi
tiu'U has iiliiioat wliolly gniiin up 111 thv lost
tint.tr. It includes Imt only iporUof
l 1 ami siig.tr, but of many pruiluiti uf nuvh
1 '1 sin. Till) i'Hiits uf liicu'liaudise and six-vie
In 11 S.in I'miii-itiii tn CI1111.1 last jear weir
1 11 half fiiatu than tlinsu tn all other firt-i(,ti
. .. .utrirs eiitiibiiiiil. 'I he uusirts buns m n
b..i duty, nml out of n total of ti;,i1tl.,l$
luiil 111 CiiMniii lioiieo duties ait year nt S.in
I r.iiii-isi'ii, tho Clniii'su ininliants nltiuo paid
.l,T."ii,nO.", or irter oup-fiiilttli.
Major Charles Malum, of tlio I'niliil Statra
I'tiiuiiirf, has Iitii iiiterestisl with tliu artiw
lamigt llieut f the auney of the bum pioji-vteHl
inland wuter-wn aloiij tlio (iulf enast, Iruiu
N. w tlrltmua tu 1'toridi. It is ltrllf'l that a
lnpi.iii.il fc'iwa 1 lurnw, 111 t'OlintHlii'ii Willi
11. Ii a iiiiito, wniilil liinit tho diliveiy if
..itnii crum 011 tlu Alhintii' iiwat without
I i.al.mn bulk. 'Iliu niiit uf Major Msbmi,
i li.i . .n MHUting liu laUini imder Hie sii r-
'-i f tinural litllinim'. will Ik-iiwiiittit
iv . 1 int. lvt. This una .1 part uf I he ifrtuid
I Tell.'.kiil i In tile if trauiunrUtii'll Wlt'i
. 'i. Ii the htad of I'ns'di'iit liinul lil'nl,
Im Imb he miiiiiiiiniilcd o tiie h-iim I. ra
t m ;.'. l'ulj,ti III idle i.f IlisailUUal en i-.ij,iw
I'ln'a. Itemrtl.
! 14; the Imt twenty years tliu praclu of
I 111n. u ndliiiduljliuo liu crrit uu iv
,.:. 11. 1. 1 ami sjiidiii(j are still the inbr irf lh
li, uii'l liuuv(iuuliti vie with vaeli utlivr iu
t ' 1 no ut mtvntatHMi. Kxtminjiaiue, iut
. n.eiiy, i the itatitianl ui ilmueatic liappiuwu
.,t in i ut 111 tasmoii. it u nut a girl iiImm,
in n ln iiiarrim, (Imt slie sJiuiiM stay at
lii.in. ; Imt, ..11 the coiitrar), that alio ilmuUI
I ate it pi-rpitiially. lu a wunl, if yuu fvl at
tin limit ot agu'itt litany eiiU. yuu ilmvtvi
thi.t tin 11 nlisil of lite i that it ihoul.l ! mil
luiitiiiiial "pue."
( t sunt Ui 1 r.iri. The total ni-vipts for the
tliim inniitbs ending September TK wUiish tvr
luiii.itiil tho lin-al ipiaitcr, wcro $71,Sl.&'Ult
lnvh h an inciv-n nf about SI, CQ0,tX)t omii'
piuil with th iDrrmpntidiuti ipaarti r uf last
y . .11 . The riMtuni leeoipta alti'W an mtroaa uf
,' 'it ..'. 1 103,000 ovir ilrat i(uarter uf Lut var,
a id tit. ivioipt' fro.11 itfttimal nieuue auniu
SliKiii'Ul. Th. 1 -n'Liiiii ii. ii-mpt. till 1 1 i
.1' in - KXU1H1
kneelini' iIohii nt liis little bed in the uresence '"'-' hnsv wc tun nil draA-u out of sliaiw and
of n crowd of rough ls.ys and hijii g his prny- ' n" ""f-W' down, their back six unties too low
ers beforo n tiring. '" ,'""t "' ""' '''I'" '" n font mid a half too
During the last four y.ms the tanning inter- '"n8;- ' ""' M.I e,nilnrl ami oltin,
est has oxtembd itself mer JMUim .ut... ,.t "" ",U" M 0,,c0 '" " """ ,lt kft't- l rteT"-
land in the. Dint, d Stat.s. Here a solid fnet ! 'ir I'",,rMn "'" ilW """' can"ut r flu,ti"K
and n rolid nssuianii, of fntuie nrosM ritv that I '" wt" w ""niwHing m.l.i.als; but they should
"Z". Wo Distributed a Circular on the Pair Grounds and offorod
n Howard or Prize of $5 OO Gold Coin to tho norson who would
first prosont it at our storo, out into throo piocos in such a man
nor that tho throo piecos could bo placod topothor and form a
porfoct Squaro. A groat many pooplo woro skoptical as to
tho possibility of Jts-boing done. To convinco tho Public that
it. in ncrnfnnr ' '
OoIaivi Vlniim'nn TWill- '
JoiiHtantl ou Hnnd.
lUerliUMt Prloo In OA.8ML,
Paid for Wheat
Wept IStf
n. C. K1NNKY,
Accnt B. T. M. Co
MtUTl ! IWl
iiiiumvi. uit m
no amount of growling can oiiiitu wul or lottn-
It is said that in acute is the simp's sense of
hearing that she tan distinguish the cry of bir
own lamb among as many lis a thousand othets
nil Minting ntthu same timet and the lamb, too.
is alilu tn recognize tho mot hi is oicc elm
tboi.gh it bo in the inidit of .1 taie e el,.
Tho Nuw York II Tnld of tlic I'Jtb ant.
gives its renders n large mnji of the wonderful
I.uiay caverns, so far ni xploied, nccompinii d 1 useliss "l.tirsu-lluh.
with n pagu of ill siriiit.Hi. This palace nf
beauty is loiated in l'a uuiity, Vn , ami In tn
nil niioiiiitri far siirpassiM t e Ni.tural t'ateof
Novor Too Lato to Do Something.
Soi'intes, nt tin extieme old are, Iwiriinl to
play 011 musical instriimints.
t'dtn, ntiighty years of age, lir.11 to study
tho lireek language.
rititmvli, when between nvnity nml tighty,
eomnii ncnl tliu utility of Litin.
Itoecuein w.n tbirty-livu years of ngowlun
ie I'ommeiieed his studitn 111 light llleiaturej
yet liu tiienmo onu of the great tl niaVtvrn of
thoTuse.iti dialitt- lUntu mid I'lutncli In ing
tho other two. , j
Sir Henry Spa I111111 neglei ted the ifiuifis in
bis youth, but comim nic-il the rtuilywd liietii
when bownn IkIwuii fifty and sixty ymisof
ngo. Alter this bo U'l-mnu n imiit lcarniilnn
tiipinrian and liwyir.
DiKtor.lnliiison npplled bimti'lf tutho Dutch
language but 11 few ye.ir befom his death.
l.inlovico Mnnahleseo, at the jrn'at ogu of 115
years, wrote tho liu-muirs of his uwn timra.
Vilby, tho trausLitor ol Homer nml Viipl,
nan itnanpiainlKl with Latin nml liirek until
In- wai iut II (ly.
franklin did not fully minium e his phi
loaupii.nal pursuits till he im.1 na.m.l his tifti-i-tli
I'rj'lin, in lua sixty eighth yt.ir, 1 "mini nceil
tin iraiislntiuii uf the Hind, Ins una) pleasing
Chaiih'oa in tbo Catholic Church.
never be ctatnincd full of bay, espn'ially after
n long drive whin they have bun without all
day, nor just before a bard days work or n
long journey.
1 bale M'i'ii n good many horn sin.ii!ysKilnl
by farting nml cramming. It will mon n.ii
their digestive organs, and if long continued it
will weaken them mid destroy their itahty so
that they will never taku on tlish at all, mn
11111I1 r good treatment. And rn they nlnys re
main a cisked. shapeless mass of uiisigbtliist.
Hut ttraugu as it may
npn'ar, jK'ople never know the ditTerence as
long as the miimn! has n tk.iitich, hair and
It is not nil work that lifts biought thdiit.
this. There are tboiisamlti nf born s that look
as will ns they eer did. It is not the ti.im
horses nor tliu livery horse mi much as the far
nu r s horre, that shows Kid tieatim nt. Some
pretend that the horse has n or euustitution,
orissiek. Otlurs cull it n lick of vitality. 1
shuiibl e.ill it a lail: of common seine in the
cranium of his owner. -Maine runner.
That what we Promise we Fulfill,
we here give you the Circular, and the Dotted lines
show the manner in which it is cut. and the receipt
o( Mr. Ceo. F. Meacham shows that the money has
been paid. He was the first person that presented
theCircuiajLproperly cut.
: W
I'uyN CiimH for
MAUo, ia, w ariX8.v
Shonldcri, Soro irom Woik.
liuriug the hard work of sjritgon tin fan.-:,
tbo hursts nto ill "l,ic scatun. u.ori than it
others (111 wet mid wnr m iian.tnj subject tn
galled sbimblirs, mid l.ks, w hich, whui not
nttcm'.td tu, .11 apt X; .' "K trouhlisonu
sons. Thu skin is ioP :.f rliradi-d by tl.t
uillar nml saihlli, but tin ilosh irritated mid
iuflmnitl, mid if tho .rrit&ticui is kept up nn
iclinnius ilinliaryi t..kts place, uliiih dilli
cult tu biiil without giving tin hot so res;,
When n swliili-gall is ubservml, tho harnets
sbntild Ki lisiUid tu, awl tho uvsiiug tui:it
which lifts cansrit th B'rv, sltnuhl he rehnvvil.
If the slietiKU'M are gnlled, it may lw neetssary
t ue iiads, 10 arrniigtxl as to prevent Imariiy
on the Mire places 1 or inmi of tin st it (Ting may
In- rcmouid at tho tiUvc where, the cnltar
hurts. It will Iki neeesroiy tu keep tlm iart
of the hit new. t Imt come in 1 011 tact with the
hurae. as well 0 the skin of the linnte, free
fruni unwt mid dirt, wasluiiy them eveiy
eieiuitg with warm tm suds, mid drying with
,1 sufl i-luth; after whii-h n purtion of the fol
hiwing mixturv may In npidiwl tu the mn
puts. To about two iKiumls of nnslakul lime
cold water, and after the
u...r ..ir l... I 1 1
innii ( iiiv tiisitisi
therctii live w.iti-
A 1 hangout the government uf the Human
I 'at In die t 'hutch in this country will en into cf-
feit on tho llrst day of tho i-ouiiiiu yni. Alih I a,' two jnntt nt
bishop Vtt, tugither with tho other Hishupk l''lve intimately combined,
of the luuultv, has icccim-iI from tho I'oisi n i '"t" Iish or pot. Add
briuf whii-h onlains that aftur that iLitu panturs j k'-1"''"' 'f bu'ccd oil, nnd two ounces uf
uf (wnsbes shall 1 11 known a rtt'tuis .1 cliango I'OWilcicit sugar of lend (w Inch latter should U
whuh wilt iindow them with tho canonical pruviuinly disulul in n little water.) Stir
riifhta now ex.ninil by the iiiish plic.ts in tbeiiijtogither, mid cork up fi.r uo. - l'rainc
Irvlauil and the head iirnwU 111 Kin-laud and 1 rnnuer.
Aiken A. i arnhani $.", gold coin, re
ward oflcrul fur cutting their circular
into three pieces in such ft maimer that
the tlnvo i.t'cos when projicrly placid
togitber forms a perfect ripiaru without
loss of tr.nterinl.
pi'2t CommorclHl nt., SALi:.M.
JK0. P.
Jons I'. K.iiiKMi.
Willamette Nurserv,
Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon.
-WtUlul. The lien law mmulea foi tho ill
stilulmu nf a t'uurt uf t'ausia, kutnHwl uf tv
priests si Uvtisl from atliiiiitf the uldiwt iu th
Mitui, uhieh ilutll si'ttle ilispiits U'tivtcn the
lit tors Bllil the Huh.ili. 'I he dit I4IU11 of this
I 'unit will lint Ik- linal, tin 111.11 il apuval ti
lii.ini Ikiii-allnwul, Hi tin- u.tnr lias the
pn villi,-, of l.tkinx; II i4i- lu the Holy rather
witliui t tl. iiitireiiti"ii ut tli.t t'uurt if he I
.!. 1 11.4 1.1. lii.t.'i. . aii'i..; w 10111, ,..l hv tin-'
lli-h. ti williuut the oniMiit it tin uew 1'iHirt.
T e I !!: Will I.' sw.'lil t.' le.ir lllld ilitet
mini t.iMaii iil.-ig ! th. !..i. - :.-. t iinuilis of
th. t Inn ii, an I th.y lull lu 'i 1 Hi e tur l
livid ii,l. A i..py it tie I., ui i tu l
li.i.ibil to.iiv ptiwt in t.' 1,11). cm'.
A Neuti h ur is ic,.iuiU.. ur tho follim
i"- ami deft A S...I. Innaii wl.u was lading
wil 1 11 in mber 1 f bain' in a tnt - uutuiliii
his wife, her ait.r, her iimtlur. and hi mother
au.l t'.e lkt hatuirf Ui'ii uuituniiMl mar
tlm shoiw by a Miiali, aliuiitcd out to tho
ciat'iier t save uue old lady in iwirtieular, who
oas aftairwanl found tu he his moihvr. Ou ho-tu,-
ukkml why lw did not punit uui lua nif a-t
thi iluf ubjucl to U n-ncumt, lu- laltnly n
duxl: "n'o'Ljs ar, n,nittiilaii git n woiiy
im a hv mills! hut bv cut uetvr get anither
U)lthr. '
It is with dii',1 rrgnt that e announcu the
duath of Mr. II. II. llnb-, late iditor uf the ('.
liiinbia I'hi.mti'lc. llaylnn, V T:, which Hint
uciuiie.) almar.l tlm Jt. S. N. (Va itvam.r
J nh 11 dates early oil tl 1 inriiiiUjuf the '.'Mh
tilt. Mr. (lato, who ha.) Imij,- bveiiauKun
from tunu iliauais) imiiibia il wth asthma, w ..
1 his way to California ulu-n tho fatal atta. W l" "
i-aiiiuiin. inn lino. 1; iinvu, niixinaiiM.
w liu lu;nioiie,l tu b" a ;v.'.i,.' r alioanl the
Iswt, ttiwcaUwl in, uiir'i'.Uln.ij inhwatten
tiuits tu Ihu dyiUjf man, It. iw-u, with the
aa'iatMHvv ol deeiai'l's lntl.ir, J, M. I'alo,
linipurnl tho oorjue t-r iiituimt at 'the
Mill.-, WhcW till) fillKU-. I tut k i)aoa Uw ful
lew if,- (Uti-rtiuu. Ct. K. W. Uaughman,
funair R A. Koyea, M. I'. Ksiilo, Mr. V. 11.
llanliujr awl uthnni on Loan! the b-wt, nudcr
nl wry material al i t Ihc untuviar 1 event.
Mr. l.alu as burn in l.uunis, and .t a v.l tin
pU'nawilh hia mri'Uta wbiu a btt.i toy .11
Tlmrvtirv nwny farowra who Iiiv utra
jgHHlbutttr rows aial do not know- it. 'I ley
hau poor pasttiiw. iu r.uimiur, and no slultei
ami indittvrciit fcc.1 in winter. In tho house
they b.io no conn niciicc for nuktug biit'n
the milk is set whem thcru urv no uri.inge
uit'iita for ku'piiig it cool 111 summer, and in the
living room, espitee.1 to the odors of th
kitchen 111 winter; and neither tbo quantity
And when we announce to the public that we have
a well selected siock 01
'.rim? Itnllan Px-tiiie,
1 And tko best rorlctlir uf
Nut and Shade TreeFisc-
Sond for Doccriptivo Catalogue.
I'listt Imve lii-i'ti niri-liii"l for t'.i-l) nt lovi-t prlcfx In San l-'nmelc(i, anil that
wcan-M.i.i.i.Mi liiHiiiM ..s iaiw an niii i'a.n 'ultiu
Wc luivo
III-. SlILP, t IIIVMII whin wo NIV.
.1. Il .11 r
11x1111 sunQuwrr awls i I'pri-tfcit (.data
Ut, i-lcar ami da voiles, ml, the demand for
iiuuii ui i.uni.1 is inr l-iivie. il . ..i.irii.i t ...
0. ... , , . nnr the iitulity im any ii,iio ui wliata ow
fiina ht. lVtenburg at about W p.r gn ton, I ( j.
mul i said to lw estetntwly useJ, llkfwtton-j ' ' .
Mini ml, .ater purity iu, for mtultMiu;; olin- or , A Remarkable Result.
aaladuil. AuimiibsrabU' unautity Mgruttiuui ,, , ..... ,
is..-i .i.:.. i 1 . s. 1 . It uiaVi'H no dlileriiii-ubow iiuny t hy
Uusala for ml pruaiui,! the jvlaat Unm largely ,..,. or ,10 ,,.,, wa ,,..., . ol, , Vl, .'.,,,
.1 I1
it.ui- 1
T, .1 -T.
Ik,l II 1
t . I ,11
Il l.tl.l 1 JH.t
-)4.. t luiir
AlKurS''i Hi Ii .... . I I . '.' I 'I
V.1 ir! . fr 1U.-.1.', tn Vi 1 it ,iiiir, 1 1 ; I ulUnt. ri ,!il U ihC At tbJ lo itt
nU.'i- Ni Uouit, aulUuit jm
untetitii or ,
f IIAKES plrmore inonVrlni; to tb Wool tlruwers o
a. Ori-iToiian.l ttn-mlJotnlntfTcrrllorl's the clianci
tn I'urcham TIIDIIULllllllllKI) .MS'.IIINOS. and if.
snrlm: parties Intirtnliil It a! Hie can. sin will ic.
demur tn. rell Slieip of Ihe ramo quality and isltit ai
Ml'Cll CIIKAI'KIt IIATRb ibaq such can pis.!!.'?
be lmiortil. hxnmluallon ami toininriteii with 01b.
er Mirrj. dlktiU lu tbv tuaiktt ar.'roidlally Inillid.
Auarv juii.n .MI.NIU,
Halein, (Irri-oa,
N. II. Ths llama nml Ham TjimhA .if thn fli.rlr ran
he situ on tt.e INLAND fAltM. adjoining talem.
Thu Kwi ta.i bo "feu at tbe samu plare, or at tt(
1111.1. -tfi.i.-ii learaim a nan cniissouia oitueciiy,
bulfin, Hrpttmber 10. 1".1
nranii ik k
Head-Stones & Monuments
Italian and Vermont
Itrnutli shop at lllinny.
Addrrss: .1. .VIAI(;z;it, Vltnuij, orey
Aailirlii' n a nit
Ktiia In wrM ..
iWat lit 11.1ml th it v I.41 r 1 n.etiu n 1 - 1 - 1 1
M aiuit. luT UWlur l vi.ir U'l II 1 I v
.a 'I
v I.
il. In
III 1.1.
in.i a 1 ii.i ..k
: I- iiit
Alio, iriryiarle-vi.fcet. e . r ai .' 1 hrr.ionr
dum. -p.iLI it'.Miii' . i, ,,, , ., r, (D
arts nl ttivhUl. ji.l Uirh ,.!.., r. .".. 1 i
mall or i.tLirwIa., ai.a 1 .1 1. ,, , : .iarain,
work wambled. .i,r '1 ,
Iwpift l'ull, ,
Sa.3.Il:1S.c?3Gi. f5D vlSS.3C2.'B.l2.a203.
ticnruMt LINK
Between Portlainl au. San
Main Mvt : (
" vvu;u,ouj;iiON,
11 Ki-i-N nnd
I .in U.
ilSil l-tM.llil
I- III... II-..I
UK now 1111 oUbihiiiit tsci ibat iiernisi)
S.vrnp i 1 1.0 only remrdy which has (jlveu
cotniilett) satisfaction In irtiiiaseof I.iiik
luseaaos, It In truo'lien ar yet thcujiii l,
of in-rtons whoiciirti'K-s ImTliroatai it
l.i.iiKiit'fllcns.l.'iH "tut - .:ilft 1 rrl,-.i;r
Asiliiuj,Sovcrt')"ie m ( 1' - ,
rnc rt' ills, lier - i ,t ,
Imv ri Misouai
I ;rit an Sprup, X
01 -j i!r"n wi-rat
iri rfl
1 w . 1 1 iy i"
U 'V ''II' 1
In workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and
as ologantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received
tho highost awards at tho Vienna and Centennial Expo
sitlons. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other
machines. Its capacity is unlimited. Thoro aro moro
WILSON MACHINES sold In tho United Statos than
tho combined salos of all tho others. Tho WILSON
MENDING ATTACHMENT for doinsrall klndsof repairing.
WITHOUT PATCHING, givon FREE with each machlno.
027 & 829 Broadway, Now York; Now Orleans, La.?
C- :e fit Mar san S's., Chicago, His.: and San Francisco. Cal.
T!iitorc;ii Ttrttirrs
I'an b kmiLKil at Ihe urls.Uial stat.uu. 11 tt
A I' It It. at
3FIoc1txcocI Xintoej.
btismcr. lean-bcihl-onlaiiil and han rrauclc jSjoucI
I Every Five Days, 1
I rrryjnc 'mtuit rs ar.il rVlrht at the I.ii'fl''
, HATE-. lilt Ihiionljr llnsrsnilnj ihu I 8- MAIU
I ami VLL. FAItaU CO.'s EXl-ltE&S.
Tbe Steamihlpt of ttils IViroinny aie rated A I, am'
, are tew, mean, acu COUflele in oily lattlcu
aLUcuoditcf the
State of Oregon,
iN'vw.) J.eXI) Iols barilco,
George W. Elder,
00 ton,
City of Chester,
(1430 toa.;
"15J0 ton
For Jrelfbt or i'iia-i- ar?' ' 'oel
Cce rorLtr K acd t"ri"t ui -c p. rT.s
o-."f iiEi W Ufcll'i.r
a t . vi
mdd Tobacco
1 ; - i , r f -
t t-- - -3 r j f -r
1 a 1 -,.
' iaJ
jr f 1
9 thai lui. . -.
I im onccMa mil aitwnooa o.
X dl - h IM, M.