Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 06, 1878, Image 1

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? J
, rnnts
vi" om tut
V'ti n raid In " 1 vt- a lr I i 1 1
!?a,SO :.' 0.nr.rvn.
IB iSfWI'Jl till u M Ml OT-kr if ln r
' H ' ir5Tit ! if o runnel aTo-I I i i i
Ml Ui9.it pru ,) II II it lew U lUI
t-J SQ.CO.
liftxifur oir lur-irtablj iluv
$2.50 in advnce, or
$3,00 after Sin months,
Sn ee preifcr t-, twelve ps in u'unr-i.
$2,50 per Year.
Trnint, Or., Nov .lOtli, '7S
Starting (rum thu thriving village of Turin r
(tlrst Itailroul station south nf Salem), I took
tbo "Minto 1W mail up tlio Mill Crock hot
torn. This ro id Ii ads in a iliiiotloti south of
cut, nn J four miles from the railroad inwi
through tliu village of Aumsvlllc, otherwise
known by tlm somewhat uxpiistivu nppcll ttlou
of "Hog'tiu." IIito U lioti'l, two stores,
blacksmith shop, shou shop, schoolhouvi', Ilonr
ing mill, ami a few f milium, Tlio mill ii a
good Qui', limn;,' three ntn of burrs, nml mi un
rivalled watir power. It in doing n licly bus
iness, and thu hum ot machinery m in ition per
vaded tlio building Hut thu citins tulil mo
tli it "butincss was (juict," au 1 tliu apK.iar.ai.ce
of thu whole place conoboriU-d thu statcinrnt
. lite railroml lm boon iu banc', and it 11 thu
only illustration of thu pophecy of thu roak
era of nix Jtars ago tint "thu r.nlro.id wotili!
ruin tlio country," to ! fmiuil 111 all tliii tec
tlon. Too fir from thu rnilroul to uDJnj itn
t-i'lc, and Ico near it to huiU up iv lwal trodn
of its own, "llojj'fltu" iirjjtiiU but it moulder
j nmnry of iU former prunjK rity.
Olio milo iioith-taxt l tbu Njivciiuen of n-iul
ipntudo I croiol lliwir Crck lindjc, and
jf"U climbing tho p.ntlo ok of tliu W.iMu
I'.IIj Uiiih) "I11IU" aru nlmply v m-otioii of
I ollinj; country ixtindin (mm Sakni nnJ
Jm-vil I'rairicii on tliu north to thu b'ant .1:11
Ji.cron thu feiuth, 1 dmtnnuo of about tin
uilfj, ami from thu Mill Crctk I'm (tliu routo
of U10O. nml C. U. 11.), 011 the went, to tho
Taacadu Mount linn, where they intrtfu iuto thu
foot-IiilU on tho eint, for twvlvotinlo, and ly-
uiKomonhit in tho aharxj of a V, wiilot
to vhl the uiotintaliu. This region h mostly
rprairiv, with nimotimlxirando4kfcT"ba llsiu
ii to bu nciii in iti imrity "thu red soil of the
hilU," which thu uulgranta of '.1.1 confldontly
.t-tM-rted "uouldn't apTiut whitu licaiM," but
nhuhbiiiow recngmusi jut "th beit wlunt
I mil 111 Oregon."
htoppiu for tbo night it the houw of an old
(icrmaii fanner, n repa-sntatio man of hia
section, I found him buy "butcheruiB i-ome
hookj," -wliii.il, toguthcr ntli i-hcepand gTain,
voRktitutu tho product "hicli he 1, with ihar
ictcriitio tUor nud pcrtiuacity, nitiiig end
making profit ble. Jleivwa vxtinded to no
tbit goiiuino and heartily ociil huapiUlity
which iiro maikedly n part of tho Oregon
character, nr.d in thu morning 1 admired hi
good hore and !ucp, and hit cleanly rulti
vitid field, wlimu) tl 0 f ict km illuntrated
tint gool f 11m1u Iy btt
Coutmuing my rimbla otir the hill, I
croiaeil a tuld toobtaiu a "nuir cut," .uul inmo
upon a firmer plowing ntubblo ground, lkru
the weiin of the morning win changed Hroad
tleldaof cultivated land extended iround, but
tbo farmer comphiurd that hin crop uai nbort,
ud Uut tbo "wild oat-V Iwl "taken" huland.
Here won tint anomaly among farmers, a man
that win "land poor." Working vigorously
mth a utrong tiani, tning to cultivate twice
too nuuy acres, with ths wild 011U taiiig
nth him like a brother, and doing their best
to learn him how to farm.
What a bloung in dwguiio to the Oregon
firmer hau betn tbciu x 11110 California mid
-U, and tho norrvl And !ut li-nm farm
'"iment hae Uen Itarnetl from t!ioebamo
'' tedwcuW! "Farm richt or tmu" ii the
jmato linguau hi whiib they prcsont their
tmntiim to mm who iiiih me oii ci tirron,
' i hi IP IUrin. Ulth 111,, lull, it timiifrm I
tUie, is igorouly enfonxd. Tho mongn.1
(Irat Mttleri in tho "French 1'raine," hiio-
'cumbed in the strife, rifuiug to aocert thu tut-
uatiou, irli ips incapable of interpnting tho
lasguVf ' maiiiinJtu things, und wire fci.c
iicJid i a moru indi.)tnou.i nud inttlligint
rice, who Uurau minti rs of the nituition, tub
dued the luid, and ti.rcid the tiurgiu of tho
cxiwing Miedi to tho Miberrmic) of their
own mtertsU Iut theie l-oni are jtt tol
lanied bj many, and many xtill abu tbio
industrioiM and pcrienng fritmU of tho far
mer, which iiirthe!cs j u-auo tbo even tenr
of their wa), working mhnt!) and ttealil fur
tho farmer' good, rrgardlttj of tbo anithtniaa
Injured out over their diMted l.ia.U
But to puruu tlm courc. to rejict the un
varnuhed kmdnei of frienib, atd acctpt the
gilded ad iinces of deiiguing eiiemie, aproars
V be one of the p.niti( of human nature
iu j tar ao, in this saii. locality, the raiboad
monopoly," which would ilraii th countr) of
money, rtduce the price of horse to nothing,
juul anous other eiils wire to follow in lU
train, until the "country was ruined." Now,
although the a erage farmer u not preparwl to
loob complacently upon the kind othcii in hu
buhalf of tho wild oaU, jet he is eager to a.
cept a httlo more railroad ruination. o like
wue, although hu bitterl; lwiU the "Chi
uesc nuianie," he is willing to defer the extir
pation of John until he "gets hu grubbing
done. ou salb
I riir.ble on.
Kwdencea of improvement arc
l,lifi to js. V- ?,,&, , ...,-4- ffM' MfeiU !
111 I f idsMmsmm w n
banit, firim and buildtngi, "bitter lixwl tip, 'J.
cer where allmt the improved condition of
the H.-ople; and iiuidu their dwellings, tables
uul dulio luiul.nl with iicwjpin'rs ind liooks,
giKxl furniture, Mwmg nncbiiiis, org ins, etc.,
hi ir uininp'.ai.lialilo vxiduiiM to thu growing
intelligonco mil iutiillcctuilaihinccnuutflf tho
fariuir ami his f uiuly. Orogoniatis nro fast be
coming an intellectual, reading mid musical
pi-ojile, who aru protio to indiilgo in tho rifine
mints of civilind life, and thosu who do not
w int to lie left behind mutt not only procure
books, jMpers, itu., but must read uul study,
ind me brilm .11 will 11 iimsile
Siilillnit", on tho lulls four miles i.utcf
Airusville, lm, 111 local parliuio, 1.mi "t-Cicn
by tho Dutili." Thu lomu b u alwi bcin raid
of Holl.vi I Hub thosu industrious Vattcr
hnliiM Iuik tniinfiinntd tho oucu ile-id and
iln lying illap, and givui it in appinranco
igi.n of life and 1 uslnosi auimatiou Hut tho
locitinii 11 "nix goot" for 1 trailing xmit, and
uiiIimUm SUciton and New Km Itailmul
shall toiiili it, tlm vJllap of iSullinuty is not
m irked for hnllbnt career.
Tho building of thualiovu-iiientionivl nilro.ul
t tin- talk, thu boij un 1 thu inspirilnn of tliii
i.ition of inuiitry. Hiving tastud, pomcwhit
tinTilhngl, of thu sweut (.ouNetuinoo of rail
roul trinsportatiou, tbo ncrago On'goniin
limls it ilmppointingly pleaunt and i3 mix
iuu 1 to imlu!SM in nntthirilrink. A rind alosg
tho foot-hill i, or branched from the line now
built, would greatly htimulito biitiiuss, whim
it is now ompantlvcly staiaut for lick of
facilities of transportation. v
Hut this couimunlcatioii is uln-udy too long,
mid a w holcsoiio fetr of tbo editorial waste
biskit odtr.ouUhcs 1110 to close. . S.
r 1
Fiendish Murder.
Liit Ru a.l ij ovcrlng, about half jvwt five
o'clock, James Cool. murJjrtil (Jeirgo Craig in
tho corridor of thu jiil ut Dalles City, lloth
hail Uen coiiviiUd at tho hto trm of tho Cir
cuit Court of tlio crimu of robbery, and iwch
sentenced M thu KniUntiiry for seven jeirs,
and wire to start for Silcm the next morning
in cbargu of tho shenlT At thu time of tho
rohbury, Craig, on bis arrest, gavu tlio olllccn
liifurnntioii tint lul to thu appixhiusiou of
Cook, aud it H supposed ho harbored 11 gnidgu
ag uu it him on that account. Konr pnoin.nt
wurumtho corridor, .uul ShentrCrosAcn wm
in an outer room, i-uildiiily, without any
warning, dol. siued Craig, and, with ft razor,
cut his thro it from uir to tar, the iiufortuivatu
man djing in fnu minutes 'I he murderer wa
immediately lo-kod up iu .1 cell, and threats
wero mule by on angry crowd outside thu Jail
of lynching tiiui. Thu uiurdired man was a
son of the Uto l)r. 1. Craig, of Dalit City,
and was near tweuty-two tars of age. He
bad become idlo and dissolato of latujearn.
lleing about to leave for the wuikntmry on
Moml ij 's boat, his aged mother went to the
Jail to kptml tho night with him, but arrived
there to hear of his tragic death, and her cries
our ber murdered bo weru beart-riudvnng in
the extreme. All the prisoners w ere searched
on Friday night, but .is no visitors came iu on
Saturday the precaution uu duimed unnicis
ary. '1 ho above is comUusul from thu ac
count in ths Oregoman.
Snor A mm namid John V Moira wa-s
hut, in l'ortlaud, last Saturday evimng, by
Jainei llac'.tiutoj. Mooro n duigerously
wound"-!. Ho iwrsistod iu going to lSacYeustos'
house, li'imit tho ripi.itiil requests of thu
Utter an 1 n wife, with thu aliovo risult.
Mooro saj he we,nt to coll.-ct 1 rill of fifticn
dollars wheh l'icLir.tos ownl him Tbo
Utter was 1 1 1 to i.nait the action of tliu grand
jury, mi gie bill 111 the sum of ?VX)
Fi.ntT.isnMiM.oi Howhi I'r.tn.ii: - Mr.
H. McCallitUr, of Howill I'mrif, has juut
completed n custom lad gcmral jobbing grut
null It has two run of burs, and is one of the
huest ever put up iu tho State It has a power
equal to 80 hons-power, aud is under the
cbargj of a rew 1 irojicrtuJ miller from the
States. 1 ho mill .tartel up Ut Thurwlaj.
This will be 1 jreat accommodation to tho p o
pie in that action.
Tuo Fast 11 increasing bir ana of wheat.
According to the Maino Fanner, onefarirerin
Somerset county, Maine, will hare this) ear
nearly IO)busb(U of wheat where two jiars
ago he hod bat thirty, end in his neighboi hood
ire J (X) acres of wheat. In one neighborhood
111 South Tbotnaston, 1,000 tuihtU of whut
were harvesteil this beason, where, only six
ears ago, scarcely an wheat niu raised
The wool trade Utween Colorado and
Chicago has increased wonderfully, Tho re
cipts of ielt at Chicago toiuteras from Colo
rado points during the past season were four
times greater than for suy provioasjea" The
wool is receive I hu-e in tbo rough, m to ipeak,
bein still on the (wits. It Is either pulled, cut
nirVIU I.PWfejbiw , uraciles, uaies, IUIU a
fir nVii.skil r.iT nr..l iVah el.,r.rj .1 r VajIah ..!
Salem, Oregon, deoembek ?, m8.
Tho-aJjiQUhmont of Criminals.
Kr (he New ork Werl )
Tho paper contributed by Kx-Ooinior Sey
mour to Harper's Maguiuo on "Crimo," do
sen es tho serious attention of thu public. Tliu
I'x Governor's proportion is tlm simple nud
obiiour ouu tint "crimo should bu punishcil
with certainty ami in 11 way tbit will mike
men shrink from its commission, that will da
grado them as little as Hissihh', nml that will
ti'lid to nnkii tlicnt" Hut when n m 111
w ho h is thrico bciHrvenior of tho Kmplro
Statu dee'l ires that ""our practice iolitcs loch
ono nf tliesu rules," our District Attorney ,
,lud,us, prison nfliciils nml legislitors may lm
sure tint Midi a eh irgo 11 not 0110 to 1 10 lightly
rnide by Horitiu Seymour. Hsiecially not
when heemphisiiirt it by Having ilcliU-rkli'ly
tint whilo thero "is no perfect wnyof deiliug
withcrlne, there u no wors-i, way thin tho
system of this State.' Tin llx (ioienior or
rdgni ill onr jails as "coinmcn schools of vice,"
and pronounces it "a grmtiriinutoNcud inuth
fill ofTinders to thosu peit hoiuis of vice our
jiils " It would to hard to Htata thoc.isu moiu
The lent diiM whicli tha (oeiiior projiose-s
aru (1) "a o-inful study nf tho causes of thu
loner grades of otremcsj" ('J) thu working out
of "some syitein which shall chvek the rnurso
of thiVMi who tire aiitenng uMti lives of disor
derly and crimiui! aspeets;" (3) pcrmiuiuti to
"our JuJi;i'i to iuipow punishmi nts other than
sending the o (Tenders to tliesu common hcIiooIi
of vice;'
wronir or "ilirectin their clivJiMineiit. or "a
to that
minds-," (.) "police supervision of hnbitual of
fenders," and (0) thu abolition "of toeluiical
rules and ideas to which wo cliuj ouly because
ciiitom Ins mile them valuablo aul blinded us
to tho fact that thuy inaku rather than check
vice," As Utween tho jail and tho Ush, Kx
Covcrnor Seymour inclines to thu Utter for
rirstotrencei, wherein he agrees with miny re
cent authorities in (ireit Hrit-iiu. On thoques
tiou of "suiTeriug for crimes," thu F.x-(!ov-ernor'a
exjieneneo leals him to fiarthit.ua
rule it falls, under oxistiug systems, not upon
thu oilciider, but upuu his family . "This feet,"
Iumvh, "I leirned whilu Oovcmor, and when
I look over our penil lawn, to my mind their
titles n id between their lines as iu U to piiuiih
thowivnaud children of thmo who vioiatu
A llaptut iiievting-hoiiiH-, the third of that
iliuomiiution, will soon lu built iu Home.
Tliu I'rotostants of America and Great
Ilntain contnbuto (3,000,000 annually to for
eign missions.
Thomas Carlyle-, hi his old age, say ho rornL.
thu Lord's l'rayer with increasing pleasure, and
adds! "What else can wo sayj"
lUstow Cliurcb, where John Hun) an attend
ed in his yeuth, and whosu bolls bu used to
ring, his fallen into so much decaj that .1 niovu
mont is on foot to restore it.
A capital of fc.'O.OOO has been raised for tho
l'rotestant newspaper soon to bu ostabluhed in
Frame, l'ublicatioti w ill bu delayed until thu
sccurid cap.tal shall reach $10,000.
Harvard las a frushiuan elass of about !?J0
memUrs, O1.0 hundred and tmrtj ninee-ourses
of K-cturei are given in thu college this year,
the most popjlar one being probably i'rofussor
Xorton'ii on Fii.a Art.
Magainui and nvsspapen havn been for
s.venl jears liseil vnth excellent rflut III the
reading elnsiis of thu I'ljmoutli (Ind school.
Tliu co:npo.tioni and couverteatiun of thu
pupilihivo Uen unproved 111 a. reniarkablu
dtgrte, and tho lovu of goo.1 reading and de
s.ru for further iiiitruction have Ucu itiiuu
lateel Nebraska University has now two thorough
ly oraiiMel tolltges that of I.itentuiu,
Science and Art, and the Industrial College
Tho former bis five courses of stud) of foui
) tars each, Usidts a preparatory courso -two
agricultural varying in length, aud one 111 civil
eng neenng
f'artiei w i.Jung to set fruit or shade trees
this season will tind a fine csiortment at the
Wcodbum Nur'trj. Snd to the proprietor,
J If. Settlfmicr, for his catalogue and price
list; ha keeps pA healthy Uw, raised with
out manure. I'artits wanting largo quantities
of plum and prunes can get them very cheap of
The Wim-wikttb FaKsmi, published at
Salem, Oregon, haj Uen recently enlarged and
vtry much unproved. It now occupies a front
pUca in thu ranks of agricultural new spapsrs,
and is replete with goo-1 reading matter tuite-el
to any family. May the Famine mtet with
tho success it ileerves. 11 our win), !).-;vl,n
gooai w ujiwuiiie uuitnisriuurmru.
(1) "binding out, .n!nors" who ilo
wardship for disordered inoriU nkui
for tliow "ntllicti-d with d sonlernl
IVigns hilf dollirs am in lirciilitiou in J w'e
sou count).
About n huiiilred fuallioe Invo wtthsl on tho
Siuslaw this jrmr.
Mr. I. H. D'Arey has Ikmi ippninUil ckirk
of tho supreme court.
A Jackson ronnty man his fftna iuto tho
business of making brandy
Ono hundred and llfty-six jounq; ivtsouh at
tend tho Ashland Aioilemy
1). A. Malonc, of Wrtsio county, hxi riiwd
a Si) jwuiul tuniipof the White Uirnu.'i van
W. Walker, of Panther Creek. Yamhill
county, recently ought 1 lirgo black bar in 1
steel trap.
Tho peoplo itRwect Honie'.'m I.mn tonuty,
think they Invo found a gold cut!-, an I tro
greatly uxcti d In ouse-qLenie
FarqHirii ..jti irint at llomiburg was robbed
of $ in com list wrek. A former employev
iiame'd llrovrii, is ii'ippotesl to U thu thief.
A nuuibiT of lxvy, ringing from 10 to I fi
jivarn of nge, wor.i iu .1 st ttu of holplcsa intovi
cation on t'.i j str-i'ts of Jack mvillu last Sun
diy. Tl.o total v Uno of Uxihlu projnrty in IjiIio
county) 1 CW5S0.4IU fi?t toUl uiimUr of Kills,
,-UX); lands tvcvoj.v.-d, S-1,0H7 acn, valued at
Ilnocli Isvpr has Ix-ru .ipjnnnUsl postmaster
at Nuw 1'iuo Cix-e Iiku county. Iho ofliio
at Iowa MciugliOjsi county, li.vi beotr dkcoii-
Tho intorio j'.t tho Yamhill courthemso is
undergoing quitu a cbatigo, A massive vault
for the reception nf the county records is Hear
ing completion.
The liabystesmlHiit I.urkiaiiiuto Chief makos
regular trips up the T.uoki imuto as fir as Low-
isvillu. Fivn hundred biiaheU of grim is a
cargo for tho littlu craft,
J. M AeLuiis and l'.itnck Cnrdilf, of Cooa
Hay, havn applied for n patent on 1 guid for .1
pLuitr, which ii Mid to Im 1 gn- it Improvement
on tho nw'v ' now useil.
Mr. Ii. Walker was nibbed of 31i whilu
nsle'epat thu Overl mil Hotel in Cauyonvilto
Ut wick Willuni tlilh tin ami John ( aiil
well weru arrested on suspicion and Uund
ov er.
We havii re-ccivt"! thu first ntimlwrof 1 pa
jktciIIimI the Statu Lino Herald, which will
hereafter bo published at I.k'toviuw eicb Mon
iliy. Watson ltros ure tho editors and pro
prietors, Like county is I'.l) mih-s 111 length from co.it
to west, by III J miles in width, loiitaining
13,3-SO squire miles. From thu best infurnu
tion wu can gather, its population is about
The steamer Siikane has Ihhjii drawn otTtbo
upjier Columbia, ami from tho looks nf thu
woatherit will not be lung before all wstor
cnnimunicitiou abovu Cvblo will bo shut off
Fanners along Coyote creek in Ijiuo county,
am doing a great deal of ditching, thereby
turning a great deal of laud into wheat fioldi,
which bofnru was considered worthiest on ac
count of being nvenlowed.
Coot Hay Nowsi I'.itnuk Cardiff plan.vl a
stuk for the kill of a vestel 011 the plmer it
Mcrchint's mill last week Tho stick wasGJ
feet lung, probibly tho Urge it stick of tiuibo'
pUuid by machinery on the 1:0 it.
Thu survey of Mirmler, Owon A. ( o 's
ditch Ins proceeded a-t fir at Henry York's, en
Apple gite. It itiitimatud tint it willbnng
up netr tho bndgu .i.rms tint hire tin Tho
liugth of thu ditch appro t im ites IS mill's.
Ihefirnnd Aqileit ditch company aru
punhing thuir work with co'iimundible tntig
I heir pijMi and giant aru 011 thu grouri 1, 111 1 at
soon as tlilco miles of ditch ant ooinplet" I they
will be prt pared to go tu sluicing
I.att week Judge McArthur, it Thu Dallus,
imposed Htntonce iipm tlio fullowing p-rsous,
James Cook and (leorgi Craig, for burgliry,
sevtn vcara each in stitu prison, A. A 'lhirp,
for horse stealing, the vtan at thu samo place
Mr. I'cck, tho contractor for carrying tlm
II ail Utwein Kugeno City and Long Tom, and
ueirly all the western Jiart of Lane county, hxt
thrown up the contract, and thus the people of
that section are deprived of their mail facili
ties. On last Tuesday a blickfrnith of The Dalles
nametl Tillotson w as welding a broken plow,
and put soino Wax on the hot iron 1 hu very
first blow of the hsminer sent thu melted borax
intobii cjos, and inflicted injuries tlut may
jet impair hit eicvujdit.
Kugene Ouard) On a recent trip to Junction
City we were surprised to soo tuih Urge area
dunn thn pivt month his b-cn uteJ to advui
tigu bj tin- faniitn
ltiHlenlHrger, Cntevcr it Itvit'.i ditch from
Tom Rut envk to thoir daunt in tho (Invu
creek district, three miles ilist-iut, UcoinplcUvl
and 1 f.iir bold of water 11 w running through
it. Tliu company is putting un I, HON) feet of
pip' ami a little giant.
Liwr"iiCi,) flrob A. (.'o , who hi"j extensive
pkveer iniu-vt on lv'lliott creek, on WoelnenLiy
seutout 1 hud of supplies in chorgu of "Jim
my" Leslie-, altu inturestcil Thu company will
reuuw prospecting thuir ground 1111I iniy do
soinu sult.i:itiil work this vvintor.
l-Mr J 1 I'atU'rsou, spijkun of liulow, n tho
Muiogeiitl 1111 who twei yeart aj,-i furnished
the Fvkvii' 1 with soniu it.tcrettiug articlnnn
plum and p-nue culture
Aeisi'ilmg to iiUtitnic'iits 111 thu C-alifnrnU
pajwrn, tl . I i-st praiio t rehire) in thu world in
that of J. Al I'atU rson of S in Jmj, C-nlifonun
It roiiLuni about S.OOJ trees set in rich alluvial
soil, I J fecit apart, remarkably thrifty, mil
produces enpt of ve'ry nuwnor fruit. Tlio
(Uliforni 1 Agriculturi.it My a:
I,at si.woii COO flitii I'nino d'Agui tre-ea pro
duced koiih twenty flvo tiim of fruit, worth at
wholesal'i, not less than four cetita per jxmnd,
or 5i,tHW Tho frciili fniit brought, in twnnly
pound b-xus, iu Niw York, ten nty llvu Ciinta
pur pound, aud in Km Francisco wis Morth,
nicely (kicked in sunll buns, from six to eight
tvn'a pe-r M)'iiid 'llio simo v.iticty of prunes,
pittM vnd dried by thu Aldun procesi, weru
soliiVierc, wholeicile, to 1111 oulem firm fur
thiitfy cents por p-mml, and thrjo pounds of
grueii would maku oue of dried fruit.
Thiiro weru produced in tint samo oridnrd
over tlvo toai of the l'ctit Fruno d'Agiii, a
sunll, very nwect prune, and one In doniaud
for it.i uxetdleiicu. These nro pnvd 0.1 drying
pnniHi, and will lexs-i only nno-half by uv.iimr.i-
tion Thu dilfervnce in llivor botween thit
prune and thu Urge) (!nt I'niuu el'Aginitcou
s ilurable, tho siuvll prune being iwi-et, whilu
tho Urge is quite tirt for 11 prow Theru wero
aevcril tout of Damwui plumt and 1 quiuitity of
(treen (iagetand other pluint produced iu this
orelnrd, all of very fmo quihty. Kvury 1011
tho fnnt it tluujicd nut nearly one half when
from onn quarter to ouu half grown, to keep
tln trws from ovurUuring Thu udvuntau ui
this is, Uiu tre'ct are prevented from lipilimj,
hiwI whit fruit it left grows to .1 very largu an 1
uniform hiii
Mr. I'attorton w, theru is 1 i)iffrenco of
two yoirt in tlio U-iring aguof plum trees Iw
twuru thd budded and grafted tre-es, tliu grafted
treet Uianni( twoytart sooner tliui thu budded
onus Thit u (ut tixpenence 1 1 rafted trewx
four yeirs in orckarel, set whin one year old,
liore Un pouuiLt e.ich When tliu tret s am
eight to ten years old they will bear ouu hun
dred pounds to thu tree on on avenge Ten
acres in plums and prunes, 011 suitable boil, are
all that oue family would want or need. It
would bring a liberal inenmu every year.
He is oOered -',000 a year for thu fruit bis
orelnrd tontaius without further u.vq iuu to
himself thai cultivating and ctr.ng for the
trees This, or about six acres of orchard,
many of tbu trees of which aru too )ung to
bcir much
iMitisirv ov tiim Noitriiw&tr Cutur In
Oregon thu intriatu of int-iuity und Uiscoiimi
uuat inrrei uf tans to support thoto r.Qhct
ad, is dru'ving mrioiis atUntinu theru amoii
philaiithrn ists, and tax piyvrs A fata w.'iWr
m the "0 e.;omari ' fuins'iut thu fu.lowin
'1 hen r 1 in thu asylum 111 1SC-J, ai reKi't
ud by tbu oor.tri'.lor, ninety ouu patiuutt
llKsy.ir Jnit ten jean thu 11u111l.urhn.1u
rra l to '.'-)A, an u.creitsu of bboutJ70pr
ecnt Ou. property valuation on whioa tales
aru pi.l ami money ra,sed fur thu nud nth "
statu cpeiiditurws hit inly i.uri no 1 111 Ui
samu tiin 7" r tent, whllit thu pupiLtiou
of the in'.' ha.i not incrian.il rnuohuioru rnpi J
ly thin the eajutal Wl ithi r aru wu drifting?
'Die otitu p.iys fur keeping ami otl tr ozjkiisch
incident of tliew '.'t.l iiiu.atet of the 0iyluu, ui
rojnd nuuiUrt, l?i,tfi r auiiui.i; ruiuunij(
tholu. 01 . tax of nearly twj uulLton thu
dolhr on all taxable proj-erty f the ttr.to.
'Ibis showing is iqual M moru thin two per
cent, id tl. j wbolu s,pulat ou
Hovtisu oi. Ili'i Wiiiuh io Nuwliurv-
port Herabl says that s nco Joaquin ililler ir
going to Kuril) to stay, they havo a littlu in-
tnltnt to rehte- A fi-v jean &o Mr. Miller
came into tae lit raid otheo tnd nsked thu
meaning of the word "Cyeladcs," pronoiiucii.g
it ill two FjlUbles. He aiiel It was a hleh
sounding word, and hu wanted to uui it Ilia
I'xrn he was about to publish Wo (ivu htm
the meaning and tbu pronunciation, which be
did not faucy, whereupon wo suggested "ey
ilom," and suru enough, k oii afUr camu out
ono of bis strikinif im. wherein a cyc'oao
I ) uur good help,
m nan
jS2.3f) Por 3lDnth
Vjr i it'i o! i.lfO'U'lojiNtr, for ths 0a4,
t;:a oo '?ct RZoath
r. ,00 Jcr SSonth
I tr L. rr ncSftc, r 1 tcatinvu1) l-millo
tjjh ,'l.ajtiKiii luvhi3 lon;i luuo ti rtui.
fj-i: il Ailverilscnicuts
fiiMUVel on KuvoniUo Tertnt.
lllfvtM'.SH PIICN
IKvilrlicr lltoriil rjtuanlllliiro special tarmt,
not Iw i Uun fa wr intintu fur . column oj
t tanl Inclitt
Volnmo X, Numbor 43.
A General Description of tho Abovtv
Namcd Countlcs-Fino FnrmJ, Etc.
A short tuna ago jemr reporter took a busi
neit trip through Folk to lkntou county.
Till! WMTtlllll
Wis untisinlly ple.ivint, and wo hud only
one iLiy't ram during tho entire toil di)s that
wu w tj trivehng. After leaving Salem, V.-tm
vvat the- (Irit ptacn vitited. Near thatptaco wo
found an old friend, James AnderiiOn, Uu bait
rented thu U illin pi ice-, mil is fanning it.
Upon tho farri tnS'o I fniit dryer, cillcd tbo
(Vitifoitui dryer Mr. Andi rson does uxcellent
work with it, nud mikes tgood profit ont nf
nn cxtitudvo orcbird on the pktcu. Ho alio
hat n jjiiod ntock of hogs, pruicipalty Hcrlc
lluthel, I'errj dale and Dillas wcrn visited,
and all along the way wo weru p.iinoel to rro
large, IIiiii orchards hoivy with fniit going to
vvasb1. Tlio fniit crop of our Stitu is nully
negl 'ctcel, nml tho day it not fir distant when
nil tlio fruit will bn utilized, und thu export.) (if
our Stato incrcuoil theruby.
I). II. (ictii.ik.'m rMtrl.
Whilu uair Dillis wo camu to Mr. fiuthriu'n
firm. Our readers will n member that Mr. (I.
is olio nf our I -ading shocp win. Wo wcto
shown over 11 portion of thu place by Mr.
(luthri 1. Iln has iiomii'.'.OOOaciot, mostly put
turut, but nearly all Auseoptiblo of grain rain
ing. Tho strain uf sheep Mr (I. deals in am
Spanish Merinos, Fieucb Merinos and Now 0
fordsbircs. His Fruiiab Merinos itru tbo fiuost
wo 1 avn over torn, rend aro nn om.i'raeut to our
oung Htito Tho HpanWi Merinos and Naw
Oxfo'dshirea am alto e'xcollout. Mr. O. takes
great palm in breediiig, mul one thing wt) no
ticed mm the way his pastures u cimu to hit
bims From 0110 b ini ho is enabled to feed
stock in five different pastures without having
to carry the feud any distaucu at all. Tho ar
raugeinuut is compluto and perfect. Not oily
it hero to lxi found linn dhcrp, but over) thing
ou thu pi ion ti licit to 1 higher onler anil grade.
Thero arei high-breel hogt, lidrnos, chickens, etc.
Mr. (1 h 11 .1 rmall haiiil of -ntt of eicvlli.t
brceil Wu s iw iu his b irn
K1VK TlllllMVNIl l-IIUKIsl tiV WOOl,
Wbiub bo Ii id on h ind awaiting tbo complo
tioii of thu I) S U: R It to Dalits. Who
1 vir Kuti his wool will gut an i-xcellent gnulu
of wool, and wo Ii ivo no doubt but lint Mr.
(lutnu sv ill t'ommiiiil tlm highest market prico.
This crop of wool win tho product of about
bW) sheep. Ho hu on hit pkici about 1,000
Onj night wo stopjKtl with Mr. Hnnkloy,
south of Luwisvillii, mid u.t his account of fann
life in Oregnn w is a gixn one, wu will givu it.
Ho cimu to bis prrm ut pbco somn eight yeant
ago, with storr nly any means llought nonio
I ind, and now he lias 'JDO aarus, most of wluoh
is in cultivation, un I I ut year hu raised L',000)
bushels of wheat 'Ilu.t ycir ho hail a yiuM of
l,:il). Uu hit alwi .igiesl bind of shtop,
mostly gri Iu Mi-mikm Ho it now, a pcrvou
might nay, independeiit This It but on uiaui
plu of thu it,any who comu he ru without meann
uul in ,1 few ye trs iru inibqs .uljiit in lircuni
st incut
Wu aliio vi.iit.il the
Of Mr W. M DiviiLwii, n.nr Uikim Vtata.
Uu has tan i.ire:, of hu owu, an I hit runted fivn
ucri s, in iking t ft-- n .ktcs Hu bus enicttsl
1 dry hoiisi afUr .1 plan luadn by bimsulf. It
has a likeii, furn.i-, uud is wvry nei.tbulldiiig.
Tho arm igeinuu'. 1 eociplcli', ind Urns his hops;
well Tlm y.ar .;" had 8,10') pouiuli of dried
hopi, moat of win .li hit Ir.t ilnjKne-. of. Tliit
is .4 the th rd 3 ar hn y ml Isiro, uid it js 1 x
jxrctiid thit it wiil yield 1 inru he.tv ly b ureal U r.
1 hu hoji-ipMwiim ititcreut of our i-ilito it au
IBII'iriMtt OU'
III! .mill. IT1MII
(Ji- n 'e ai. V r J I. .V.iimp, ueir Ihieu 1
iu, w'.ili) p-iyuig iitl tui.1.0 lm ilt, laid down
on tliu nn r link 11 u fio coi.tt.mug (700, uud
ltd not ui, is it for siivortihourt Ujon guiiq;
bick for it hu f i'iii 1 it jus, wtnru hu had U ft
it, all 0 K Uu sik.1 look in Unduly- it again.
'Ihu l.uclliui.iiitu I hi-f iiialii .1 tup np thn
lucl.iiuuut'i I.1I.1 j, i.ul brought down a full
Mr. J T Fb'-chir ialH..iiirfu-isiiie.r liueii.c
Vista, and lisi;i..,Lioinp!iitid nsiion Mr I N.
Davidson's pluj Ilo tuks llueua utt tihu.r
IU thu well V J t.
mm mm n f mm ttm sisjw
'InxHJ.n..iif Kv.iyv.hire, breast pock,
eti, brtxii I10.1 pis k ts, Uits, ljii'., vet lock
ctt, aro tin hiding p'a -is of riivolvert of dirks,
howi-sl,ivut, cla.p l.iu.i'i ui.il dir'in;. rt, Clio
gnu sIiop, bar I nam stoiu., vn.nty sturci',
bjok au t juweliy iitort, slid rutall shops il
p'..y j. I. '.taring I Ulns and iu?niiiusly.wrou-,ht,
u.unliroui rm ileoii i,c.t. 1 t buinij abln tu
sujyly t ii do. 11 1, t' juiiU.n! thoexprais
di aiu lualej with wji .mih oiiurul from dii
taut mirtt wnl nauufniturj!
I Ovt tl, U7ssr
1 H
' our 1
. "in
Irull il