N WILLAMETTE FARMER. PVPWN3 f HJsaDfY. To the Iwon of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. I ii Itio.rniiliN: In n fuw ilaj I extent tn .t , 1.ut tu attriul llio iiiwitinKif tin' National , , .till IinMl tO I l lllr. I , . n I , i tii'i iiuut I'M mi!'. II '.li'i. ii l''or tlio boy' mid K'flt' Intorest licro nro some toplcn (hat would bo pood: On'lit tlio clilMrcn on u farm to liuvo ellll'ICCIH, t'.llVtH, pl', 1 f'l'ix, I'OltM, cti. to bo (Mpcolully their own Individual proi orly V If ho why, mid at what ntf"? If not, why? Hi! frc.h rolU 'IW.Vte, ;M :joc r dorcn, ami iioarcc. I'ot.itoui, TSo wr luislt. Ajiplcn, iTtcCn .Wo pir ninli ( lutw, I'if' ltd pvr Hi. liny, ?ll)iur ton. Oatu, .TJjr JO.J pur liush acrnrdiiig to ili'iiiinil. I'ork. ."o per Hi FRUIT-PACXIKQ MACHINES. Railroad Nursery. Agricultural OTcemf&s vo . W. PRETTYillAN, F !' b"-- f r firm i;UU '' d ' t vill Is t'll v .' II ll --II ') ii iy out !i i.lrlv- ii 1 1 ;.; U.15 a83iftiT EilOUSK I Wi ,v. r. for i if .la iTipTTi'v." ' ( my 'Kii i t i Ji . i, Cr ii ''imniy. Onpri. i tu call tuu tt at. on .f n'i ' "' n .i.-r lo a nwojiitlon m' i' i-' ', S. it.- tnilonifng tho Wnn'inir I'M-Mrn, "'i thii organ nf nnr Ortli i utnl ill nv ii'- ' I'rruni tu jflvo it a linnrty nr.'l ..mini w nt. Ilrulliruu, wo in ill it pip'r iVwt'il In f .-ititiVfclii (if lliu fiirim r. II .ili.niM nt oi fiinildl iin mi iirrniuit nf III" tirr lit I'vntKiif iiixirlniici', llio ntiitf if tliu ru, tiin'tii'tK, Af.ivu tin a niLilium tlirniijjli uhii'li ti "i lintijpi nir lili'iu ami I'ViKTii'tifci, nml fiimiKli cmr InillicM n Middy rrp-uit nt mir-li pun mill lmoinn mlnwltnliifiiii llttratuiii .".'C1 tlitt-1 tu their m.uiK Kucli ii mT ru- iiiiiiHit la'rjjo outlay of int. in, l.ilior, ami tnlt lit, nml cannot Im funiiiliril im Mitliuut Bili'imtu KiipiKirt. I-ut urn urp.' you, tlimfort;, to f.'ivu our nun iupiracorili.il upirts nub- writ' for it, itiitu for it, work fur it, so tli.it Mi' may liavu a fanni'i-'n pi'r worthy of tlm iijlmi' mill xiiconil to iioni). IVaturnally jours, A. It. SlIll'IKV, Miwitvr OruKiii Statu (Jraiifjc. Maivcpi, Sept. IM, W.S. Stato Orango Deputlaa far 1878 OMHI, litnr.it ("n. Thnnua HmlUi, Daiae City. Iii-imi A. Ilnl'lrr, I'orraJlla, IYK- I J. N. Wit, Oanliy. ll.Mir W. II. Urn), Yiiuiij'b llln-r luii.l.ia II. H. II, llulck, Mrllo lr.-.k Ji. K.'.l J. N. T. JlllliT, .ll.k.lllll.l tmiiiiiMt .Iiinki.Ii IVillok, la-liml Ijvh ll.rKiw liiim, Cmiwi'II, Allan Itonl, Kurtou l,1li ihni'iv .I M. ItMlirllT, IIiiIUiIIIj. W M. Illlluir)', Tlilll r. M mnmu IMjtuptoii ki'lly uvl linili JuViiqii, t.wt )'lltJ4'l'l. TUMMim .!.('. liqwll), TllUlll'I'Il. IWi'ii Jiilui Co liiliiiin, Piil in Wain .li.hn llml.lvitii illo). Wt.iiiMiHii J. A. Ilkhiril.Ni, Tuttitln, J W Cap l) it Lei, lll.tiill. Vaviuu. IS. It. Uniihllii, N.irtti Y inihllt. wiaiiiiiiroa rnirtriurit n.uMUt Tti'"iiT(iri-tl, IH)lon f'l irthtt IHil.l Miltip, Uhi'iirrr ''iiuin JiiIiiiH. Ik. mill, llVln. WUI Vll W. II. IIiiiiim, Willi Willi Wiiikiii Hllllliil Khu, I'al.rtiwl'il) IVriMH III lllllll Ullllltlol III wtllill III lklll- IlKK U.ii a'l.jiilil hiiiiII ni'nli iilill.ii mi ) iliwliiiiitlni! llni'lii ri aiiluUu In in t In tint i-iiim II) A It. Niiiru-t, MnU-rOr M Ortne , , ill r. I III"!' IK I i ! v, i I'll Wurlliy IIkti , l . ftr . I). N H lit i " DIIU30T0HY. OI'I'ltlKUNnfdlo .NATIONAL OH.lMJi:. .lur-Jiihn T. Jninw, lUrtiin, l'hllllif. Ark. Oirfr J. J. Woudnuu, I'm I'aw, u llurci., Mich UilurirK. II. Hmctlley ,('rfrn, llimnn!, l. tf.'Knin-A. J. Vnuulin. Mi'iiiiiliU.Tuuii. An't Miiuri(-Murllini'r Wlilttlifnil, .Mliliftch'i'b, Hvinorrt, N.J. . ... CmiiMn-H. II KHI. lprlnIllnfouh. Mrrrn, O. 7'irinurtr f. M. Mrllowrll, W'njrno. Hluibcii.N. V. .s.;(iiV-0. II. Kvllcir. Luulmlilu. Kr. Dal4-A'wit-0. liliiwfil.lUi, rf hnl (Inivp, Imt. rviii-Mre. Joint T, .limi'ii. llitlim, I'Mllllx. Ark. Vmi-Mrii. Hnmi'l It. AiUmr, Mniitlrillii, Minn lYimimu Mm lUryry HihIiUM, Nnltli lriiby. (t. U'ty .Uilttant .SUicarJ - iUir CaruUuu A. 1111, (.OQltillle, Ky IKCUTITI CIIHMITTHII. H, Wlt Aiken. Clilrmii.lt:iiki'biirjr,. U. H II, mniik'ml.llttti'itin I"". ln.lU'T. ClUMi.VUnitnunt.N II. A,.inu II l.l.r. llotU Kll. Wtilti'l.li'. 111. W II. ChralxT, llinmlirt, ICili- 1). AU, OUANQE AIEETINGST iiv iinitati'in, Marion County I'.imnm irn'ii will it ll"!l Toi'it im" mi Trull) tW iNtilay ( Novi'iulnT iirU. .it IOiiVIih'I. i. in nml Mill liuM i" fuurtli iliriM' Wo Impo to a full attt-ii.l uii'i). Al, by vi.il in vilntimi, n (tli !' l of Marion ' I Mill in -t with Itouii'l I'nurio lii.uimi nt IIukA"' Stiiiou mi tlm till il.t) of IKh-uiiiIkt imt .it H ii lui'k a. in., tu ikirtii'ipito in . Kr.nnl ri'k'bra tnj'iof tlm nii:uriry of nnr Onlrr U't ! i mi'inli'-T tlut imii. b pM'i'iit Dvn'i. Ci.iik, M.utor Manon Co. I1. Ii. How Klorlmis will U llio tliim whi'n tlio comlnn funiUT will imlit linlriv lnj; llio nir of Kovorninoiit. 'Tlio roliii liavo mi lout; hfoii hold by iiion of ! toroHts oppoiod to tlio f.trmor, (hat llioy liuvo arrlvod at tlio ooiii'liislou that I hoy only know how to drlvo, mid thoy nro ilroadfully alr.ild tno-o moil who "dl, and ib'lvo hi tlio dirt" will loam how. and thou thoy iil bo ln.k-lii;- nut lur oinpliiyini'nt. Of ooiir-o tl v jiroilMnti'iottoil, f.ir in unskillful It iuN tlio to mi nilk'lit bii'omo iiiininn iiKonlilo, run away with lhoo poor !," in nut faniior.-. who don't know tlio ro'uK mul (iiiU"h ovorythliiK to ploiv 'Ifin fanuoriwho now l, l mr U H'lMp;tif in nor than thuiututof our m .r" in I roproxon! itlvot I'or It In mi ili'iililud .lopliiviuimt i;i"kt pj, i i .ttiT and oi , mUu iiliumluiit oroi- id duo ulivk Hi in to mako bad , .'ft'KIH;'' i Somo (Joo.l Toplrs. Tlio town tanner MiP'iti tho fob lowlnirMilJoflN for cs-ny, talks or ill oiHlons In llio Krniik'O during tlio win tor innuthi; Oui;lit tho woiiioii folks on a farm todothoiiillklni,'''' lfo, why? Hunt why not'.' What parks or how inuoh of tho pir lei milking nml oulllv.itlnj; ought to In) couslilorod woinoii'.s work? Or Is that properly iiionM work'.' What ootivonlonro.soaii inon put up thonisolvos about tho houso to mako tho women' work easier, such us cup. boinld, holvo8l clothtM reels, nalix, pegi, boxes, dniwors, towels bar or lliioH, ote. , , i.i Sviuit Mil womon do to mako llio liomo mqro nttnietlvo, pleusint, cheer- till, comiirlrtblo, t'lovrttlng, beautlfuT.' Ought ho womon to bo ox pet' tod to 8 '.' I". .1 r .J ilr 'd v, mi -Ii !ii Wllltfilip; i I cljl i '. .flliliR, oil! rliillii" mi; V. l-'ll S ill I ii-, H'otiritit; the kiilvcc, It-nU- ll b'lby, it .' V 1 1 ri t ko'xI rt'itioiii 'an you kIvo idtluT In favor of or nfc'Mlii9t th" pr.ictlri'V What can tti' do to provide mora of hfiiltliful paillmi"!, more fun, frolic, amiHi'inont, rciTcalioti, whult'Miiitu pli-iiiiititry or mH.i! onjoym 'lit for tho p Miti of farm fniiillli-t'.' Tho Wheat lUarkot. Siiiriilmt wuvk mIumI Inn njj-tiu gradually .tihautcil from SO ci-iiti to S.'i cviiti ior Ii'kIu'I lii'lii nt Snli'ln, uliioli lluro it rraclitil oil 'I'lifn ihy. Tliiiiiou tlm liiiinuf $1.7 mt ii'iital at Tortl.unl,iiJcki'il fornliipmi'iit. Tho Afghan iitim r ritm to c.-ino liitntnt mnl perhapi tlm ri'ti ii iluu in part to that, hut thv aJviiDuu iln.ii nut ni'i'iti to nll'i'Lt wheat on tlio pot at l.ivrrpuol, hut ii rihnuii ill hl;h(.r pricon naiucil for orilurii for nhipim'iit on tliit coant. TImto li-M l-i'ii great ililfurrncu lutwurn "Kit" Hlicat nml onlum, all thu tall, mnl it in mrluti only natural that iinlcni nlmiihl appruximatu to naiin) jiriir ai njiot wheat, for theru h.ivo liui'li jcin mIicii nnliTii went Iiii;lii'r than wheat in ntoriiat l,itrrniol. Vn ilo n. it nttacli inutli iiiiHirliiiicii to war runiurn, no far im they tliri'.ttrn thu hwu of l!uroH'. .SKlt Mllf.tt ill l.liTWM, lllKIM llttlll cll.inU fur , i month pait. Onliii li.n.t .iilianc'il n ihlllinj mi tho .MX) l within .1 wrck. Tonua;,M iii nliiinilaut, with little iloiug in I'hartiirn. Tntli;lilii "till nil.! low, ami hiiavy thipini'iitii nru Ih'Iiik iimiIii to Califonin. The I'urll.iiiit in irl.it ii not raiily uutUritmiil, ami Salniii liuytT claim that tln-y aru at tin) tup liurt1. Trright tr.iim on ail tin' mail) am hi'tvily lunli'il with f'rain, ami tlm nv.r tr.illloi.i liriik. It in priilulilii that iwh can lw I'anly Inailctl if tlmy will pay thu rnliiii; llijuru. A to tho fnttirt' of tlio market, it u nut ..iy to nay nny Ihiinjnliuut it with I'onll.lrnco. It in prolulilo the pricu will I hi iiiaintaineil. Wo hear it mtiuiateil by i,'nnui enjja') I ill tratHortatiiiii, that theruwill Im a fallin-olf of 'J.'i.OlM) tuiiit in thu wheat nii-,n:ii of tlio Willamctto ami Uinii.t Vallloy, oqual to i"iO,. (XM) lumhi'lii. Marion noeini to lm tho only eoiiutyth.it hiw prinliiceil morn, than in IS" 7, due, no ilouht, tu tho amount of dry laud in the county, nml thu clearing up of thmnundii of nt'ri'it of iiruli land, which in nlwayi dry, and uniinually pruiliietie. Hn inurli of thU clear- iii); ii koiii", on in tho hilU oi tlm county, m well mon the prairieii, that it 11 pruiliUud Marion will mini Ixi tho 'rt'atinCwIiuat-pnhluc- f" county in tho Stato. Salem w.ireliouiui hat ii Klored umrii wluat than over before. Tho ilelU'ieney H raid tncxnit iininly in thu tipjHr illey iiHiutiej, and cgpoci.illy in l.inn iMiiiily, who)' prainui lait year wcru unfor tunate, owity tu tlm dry npnnjr. Aj a o.aw- iiini'i, (vn wheat thin usual w.im ntoinl at Allitnyi nli.u on in;; to Ihv f.n-t that tlio rail- hud uiliiiy i.i to ili.vriniin.it" .iiiiut river hiiL, iiintiviil of in tluir f.iMir, ai formerly. Tho prenent year promUoi to bo firoraldo to Kram pnaliittiiiu, .uid wo uny i'eet tho liar .jt of '7l tu Ihi tlio largest ever gttlieriil in Oregon. N. Ten lluiieli Co , of San Kr.tnii.ieo, ouni tuiMiiiii tlealcr.1 ami wheat luiyeri, who had iiiiuieiout M'xO'U cliirterv.1 at Ihl-'i lli;urv.i, failed the other dty in eoniUeoeu of the low frei',htn, Seer.il of their tccl are in the Coluiiiliia Itoer, audlheir rhartem aro thrown up. It nviniithit.l. M. Teiil'n o'i, of Tortland, I'u'ir nseut, mn.it impheated in the failure, hut Inii, fur risiinjitilo dealer on liiniwiiaecnunt. lie r.feiivd m tn iom:uiliU' Tortland bmker.i in pioof of lu ability to ineet Ilia iMafinent. .lad thoy iiifnriii u that lie haa l.eity deivmita with them tu piirhuu .'ar;,K'j (or iv.-ioiiiilile huu'iii th, tho Inn tlieir tni!deiie i. a pru d.mt and careful '..uaineaa nan. As Mi. Ten ImvIi isiIiMiel ti pureluMi at gooil llyurea ilireol fr.ua interior wri'h'iu, uo niako till o.vti nient fur him. 'llio ifcu; leinert tu w lnmi lie fjnei mfwremv, an uf the niuat upc.tili!n ! irvter. Unli aie worth me j.t a ' n.t fur tlnp 'ii.mt, u I cl. .eu mil' ui , Mit'i an U-t tu!uy of rtiirHWi' "'.. u l i 1) Ii' ne 4.V- per liuahel . i a'l., im i ' .ii VI i. .ii ' .i V.M. lU'luaud. '. .i.it .i.iv ii i la i ' ' u, ! i t,f tlieae i. tin Silua M.lb ti.at iteiglirtl lo poiin.U to 11(0 l.ualiel. It look ui it it inislit I, xeiy pro''taliU to i.i e them. '.Vuu't a. iiiwUkly w ho haa ImiI cup. runeu renal it tu the pulilii! Mill feeil la $I'J fur bran and f.M.,'0 lor hui1a. Uny ta in ileiiiaiid, rutailuii; at l.'.Vi pi'r cut,, and worth ft!0 a tun. A laro dealer wli.i was pun liaiui; at Tortland lait week fur hlpiiieut lo Salem, lud to .iy 917 - ten fur Kiliil hay llierw. I'uiliiulit.illy hay will U aeareound lash, and if tho winter u aotero, M'l) lii nil. I'urk inekiiy bruU at thu iimviii, and lu.nli of Initial o hnmht tu town. The crj biat lirin .'iji. (vr kihiuI, ordinary, So. No new cured uuMta aro in inarktt jut, aud old nieata aro aeareo and in g.Hkl ilemaiid, at a let ter I Ik" re than tome time ao. linl brin 1 1c. and a trillo moiv, K-rli.iw, Iwny aearee, but that may K' c.illeil tlio tyure. Ilutter, :UV- ( vjyi, ;HW. : U'Aiu, lo. j t'liiom, .'to j applea, 'JO tu .tV. ht Inuheli lUtoo, 7.V. Local llarkets. Stim, Thursday. Nov '.'J, '78. Fanner can git following price for their Nil. I i I . 'Mi. i r i i.i. i i i "ii IT I -ll. I' ll." fr it i i tv IP i. in 1 jut. ,. i,jc , 'ii j.,ii.-r liiivi, an fast ami n to i a, i m Milily wi yli it out, and f.ic'ei' lli.i', t1 iniu i'orii' i-.ui in- k th - ie fruit in flfij j niiiil Ihhok, nml at h m r mi , a i llio weiplil of th" pipiT IwixiMgoca in with tlie weight of tie fruit. Thew p.iKir l)oi'8, Imnilnoini'p' laliel"! 'mul piiliti'd, can Im onlen'il from tho it. -dun at the Kiatnt a trilliui' coit. Iliery liinn who , Inn. i I'luiiuni'r di yiT or nny other Kood dryer, ahoiild li.iMiuini of tlie t'olh-cr inaeliinci. !lr. i A. II. Collier ti.u ell with one of hii nudum . ami jjiten a pnu.tic.il oiio.itioii of its working. 1 All who puruliaou tin in can also onler luiof Mr. Collver. The machinei are mado nnd nnld I ut tho fiimituru inaniifnetory of K. .1. H.ilicock, i Salem. SiM'eiinrna of ll... ,irL'.,.l fn.if a.. I.., floeli nt thu otlien of tlm witl.itimHn t'.lr,nn. At preneut .Mr. Collver in iaiivaniii tho rant mini ni win rivor, iiotwecii jmjoiii ami I'ortlaml. .oi'."J.7H.tf I ho Farmer nnd Dealer, H. P., aaym Tlia UK.'riurity of tho "Onlmruo" liarvcKtiii) ir.a Lhinery overall otliern linn often lweii demon, tinted, but pcrlnpi nuver muro tliurouchly than thii yoar. IS'iivor Imvo no many machinei liicn Mild in a inlu year, nnd tho TacihV Coa.it, where, until withu a fuw yean, they Meru comrativt'ly iiiiknoMii, Ii.m proven to Ihi otic of their lio.it nurkutiii and overyjcur witnei"ii Homo new imprivcinenU. Tho "Oiliorno" niachini.1 nri nlwayi ahead, and the year I h7U will ikii audi i.hinj;i'i aiwillcoi tiuiiu to keep them whero thoy nru now ahead of all comM'titori, and acknowledged by nil farmer.i who bavo Uie.1 them to bit tho bent iii.achiue.1 in tho w orld. Tartloul.irly in thin tlm camj with tho now f.imoui "Oabunio" Self lliii'ler; which h.ki irovuil iU tinny MinU of superiority, nml which promiioi to bo tho tniMt popuLir hartiiting ni.iehino over dovied, even in tliij wonderful .iiu. Tlin fVnfniir I.lnlnirnla ato of to kind. Tho tVlilln t for tbolinmin firatlr; tho Yellow ! fur horoii, lioep, nn.l other anlmilt, Tcttlmix iihln of lbs rirnctt proOncul hjr Iheio remirkahlo I'fi'p.inllonf aro wrapped around evrrjr bottle, anil may hii proeiinil of any ilruirsl-l, or by mill from Km omeonfTiiiCiNTArul'oHiMNr, 14 Htrtel, New Vork Clljr. PROOF or tii . j, It. f ' i i mi3onori-tyy PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT. lb-port of tin commitb'o appointed by tho California State AKncultur.il Soeioty, Spt. s7S, tovxaniitiii and rejairt ujion tlm mertta of lulled piinti exliiliitcd. Wo helioti'd from cieli of tho elubtta'ii., thu "AvfnlICIieniic.il Taint," "IiiiKriah.iblo Taint," and "Taeilie KubUr T.ilnt," a cm of their paiutn, and had Mm.' applied by a punter under our enoii il nup'rvition, Ujioii ine.uurin the mirfik'u corcrml, wo tind that tho "Tiilio IIuIiIkt Taint covered JJ,'.7U mp i'. "AmtiII Ch.Miuc.il I7.S.1I " "liupcrUlMlilo Il.ll.i " An iipial ipiantit) of each paint luiini; lioen tiaed, tho abovo remit ahowa th it tho Pacific liuliber Taint covcnil insirly TWIJXTY PKU CI'.NT. MtlltK SL'Hl'ACK thin tlm .Uorill Clii'iniral Taint," and nearly TITTY TKH CT.NT. MOItK Sl.'KPACT. tlun tho "Im H'rili.itle l'aint." In iow of tlio fon'nij; fu'tii, apd ooninler iiij; tho i'.imi of application of tin Pacific lub ber Taint, and its aup.-rior covcrim: nualitioj, we Unit it juntly tiatitlcd tu tho i.w.ir.1 of tho Piret Trumiura. A. C. CUISMAN, W. I'. PITCH. K. i. JONK. Co'm-'ittiv SPtCIAL PREMIUM! tV 1..0, i l-N tviuibu j::;oum:d dsimhsm: Solf-tliudinc: Hnrvostor. (Ii.Ki'.on Sr VI r Ai.'i S.i.nn, j ' Silkii, llcUibi-r, 17, l-7S. ( mii tlm lvlow ioiort of the apecial com mitto appomtnl to examine vcial n.unt with retfinl to SolMlindin llan'Mtarv, it will Im ecu tint tho world ivnowued Oslwrn Self Hinder, for which Mcaiw, N'cwliur) A. Chip nun aroasent'. m.u awanled a ajve.il prenu uni nt tho Orcein State Pair, for bTs. We, jour aiK-ci.il coininitto-, calhd tooxair iu. K'CiaI pointa with rejjanl tu e!Mliuding llarteateia, find M followa, and would recom iiieml a H-cial premium m aoeonl nice, w ith thu facta net forth : There new two midline cutered, Wood' and Oalhirn'. Ptrt With tv.n tu durabili. tyi OaUim, iJ otcaj Wood', none. Si'iMiid Simplicity of conttructumt Oiborn, i otfi Id ink onoi ; WiHvTatioue. Third Cud of draft i DiUirn, tivo otei blank I; Wood's none. Pouith Kle atint,- Oalmrn, t'n 11 otea; blank, one; WixhT, none. Fifth Uneven ground i Oiliorn, tivoi blank, cue; WckhT none. IUnkv Allkx, Wm 0 Joncs Jons Cuaici, Wm. Watit-s Wt. T. Vacuus, J. K. Holt. I'j Applo, Pear, Per.cli, in i , ' . ; ' ' V 11 .'Il'.ltV 'U-'i I'll. iov I tr. M .f ll ii sixxa-irmirt. xrjrL-cnsrus. '' linll i'- 'r-X I ll." 'f flllt h; nl.'ill tho Sllur I'ruii" .MIT I'na ilaiirnn. i 5H.RM, UrtoUr lllh lTi i W.., tin' im 1. filjnil, lii'irli toll tint o Imr rx inilnnj llinfru.t.rf iliv Cllur I'rimo In a tmiti "ll.'i iili, ilrhil I.) tho riiininiir .rui en. W tuin aim ex iinliml thnmtuhl) tin- l''i'' Oi.Min Prop Plum, and u Hn.l the Mlitr I'ruii I iriinrlor Mil In elen rciwrt, .in.l ititlrtli a nuw urlctv. anil mo re.i.mnHn.1 It tu the fruit KroMtnof o-egin m a miwrlur prune, hoth In u ifnvn an.l ilf) utile AI.I'IIKIi II. t'OI.I.VKIl, IMnilllLl I, i !. iitllllii, .ir.'K'm. W.H. I'l.lMMKII. Krult tirjer. . I', ItrillKllTMl.V, Wheitlin.l, Viimhlll count), Oh-n. WM. I-Kitrv, l'-)'.-ilinil Prunor on I on-hirill-t, SaVm, Ou iiyfrni lor fatal vjiw n.l I"rln: UifftS H. W. PRETTYMA.N, l'Mjirltor of Ittllnwl N'imry, lvt PortlinJ, Ou, hoi lt( Short Horns, AYJtSHlRES, WriiBiino:, os s.m.i:, or tiik aiiovk, tliwi.'ri lt. at.r lirol nr lmirtil, all truimn mol l Hi" nlin- Intimrtntl'tn litre xlniii'fi In l!al If.irnl t anil Or. k'Mi jt tlw rmtiit tain. IUI, ami fr-t.t our . yr, jm vnur ;u Lin 'i', in.l hur jl rnivintMi' prl.w Al Kbit, r a Jury M.l.le, SAI.K.M. I'BTEtt SAXE A SON. Oct. SI, isri. LUTHER MYERS 150 CHOICE CHICKENS, itf i Must bo Sold within 30 days. ".loni IVt. 13, iull. To the Wool - Growers OF OREGON And the adjoining Territories. TOW H TIIK TIMK TO UKIK ArTF.Il VOlll IS 1.1 teret In tho Improirment ut your heep, and m 1 till' Nun in tint hiulne for tho uit tweut) )wni. anil huef.irailt XOO JRLgvms oktiikkiiy inwr nit um kii iiiiKKiior tiiok ot 0:111:0:11 French, ami .Spanish, and High Grades, linimrinl IuMthliruti tijr J P. ralwrwKi in. I J Itnh ru, nt thtf f inio ii triii-h biii.t .if )lm. Illuiiw, of fall If rnl, vlii.li I uiIImII mprii-Mtii ult lhi tlri, un.t f.ir .wi Ihui h.vp f lliv tinif ijiulli) unJ 4itm tun MM.ibli be inmt-l itit.i tht, Mali- 1011 .mi .u in) l.r lion ti7 tinn f ill- Millt.aiiiith of ItilUl. t aill tittf t ! h-t-p I M-ll t.i tlw iiturvl p..int ul liJ-u.-nl frv. of lur; .WJr.il, II Will St. OlTIir.lK. o.-tl.'! I'.IU.. folk to., lirrsuu. B00TKB7 & STAPLETON, CONTIiACTOBS. AUo Jlanjftrluri'K aud DiaKr. in SaMi, Doors, minds. Mcu'dlngs, Etc. Aim iniko a pecUlt)r of HKST IMTOUri:o TINK HOOH.S. Y. F. ItOOrilllV, Arflillort. All Otilera from ibo Country prnicptly lilted. OFKICK AND MANUFAClOltV, Oornor Front ani Utnto Ctroots, sn.jinva, osroorj. aprti tl C A Ilao Notify Tublic. T H. Cor. KS'al'aB) & COX, Real Estate and lnsuran.ee AGKNTH. Lor.ns negotiated on Favornblo , Torme. Buy and Cell Gold end Silver. State. County. Slid Ci'y Warrjnti. j Atautt icr !JctA' Opciu irooe. ;iorrc. t tti corner of lt.iii open Houi .cw jjzr.v. on. Tii JOIIX (iKAY, ; utl unpKtv hhUo Carpets, Oi!c!o;lis, Mattings, i 1MI ' Houso - FurnishinR Goods, j Nxt to Dalrymple ,V llrown, vr.VUICI.YVS llLlK K, SALE.TI. Oil. 1 wllieu wiil ac old at ! Lowest Cash Rates! , RUPTURE ! Vu no more nKTAL TIUISSEy. iu wore aniTirloc from iron ncopacr aitei tpiuirii a'lrrvr'a I'ntrui .tlasurltc Klmallv Trua It worn with rat anil coaifort NlillIT ac.l DAY. and Mill oer- ftirm radical cuttt when all omtra u. tttaotr, u rnMowJ. tryon."anJ)iuMltlnitrrrt H- t""1 Br IllaTliSteil Uliokan Prlc Lltt.. MAGSBTIO ELASTIC TKUSs COMl'ANY. 60S HttnmrstotU Qjt3aJeaJfr IAN rKAXKlV&i. Stu .. Et j73io r mprovcel WHITHW ATKfl FA HM WAGONrfy (h'QVJMXMl.Xt' S1V.XDADD,) Embraofus vxuuy now aud valuable Tmprovoinonts uover boforo aoou ou tin J'aciilc ('o-it. Thoy aro fully warrautod. xamiuo, and bo convinced, I .... i a The Whitewater 3-spmig: Express and Platform JERSEY AND COjNCOIID BUGGIES, All llrst eliUH, and at rensoiiablo prlccn. Wo nlo littvo OPlio XiVliirXl "Wtsoxi.-C3l--ULiaLo That ean be usod on Wmroiis. UoaporM. Threshers, .Seeilers, nnd all farm ma chinery TIIK FAUMKH'S KIMI'.NI), and tho Irlend of his team, tit-) It relieves the tongue of all strain, mnkliiK tho wngon pull by the tixlcf, and Invaluable to nil tcaiuHters. 9) Tho Morrison Bros.' Walking 'Plows, wood and stool boamB, and thoir Bossomor-steol boam Sulky Flows. Theio Steol-henm i'lows nro ono third llphter than any In uso, nnd aro eailly adjusted ttnd operated. Tho MWT I'J.OWS IN AMKUIOA, and mi entirely now thing on tills coiust. The Esterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator, Tho U3ot of it Olarss, Somethlnp; entirely now In Orot'on; nbiolulely foree-feed; no chanjioablo genr Ing; Mib'tuntlnl mid de.sirable. Took premium nt tho Centennial. CHAMPION RAILROAD AND GARDEN BARROWS; Unlike anythltiK over t-een In this market, and far wtiporlor. , A I'till IJno )ISTUi;i CiOOUS, cmbracliiFr Railroad and Mining Shovels and Picks. N1I AM, OT1IKK I AltiT Mi UAIIDUN TiXllA Oo23.toxxxa.ia-1 Buggy TL7o)S; ntw ditl tlruMo iirtiite. utu h iim lw put on uny wicn BELLE Oi:- THE WEST Sixlicy- ana Fotato-IDiggor: A 1rt--Li., wt-i'uht Inn Milkv, to nhlrli nn j,, aiuuhl a I'oUtiJUncr, fcto. k nkj, or I'lmv A full line of Wood-handles. Xi I-jri dwlrln.' Johhiri' x will plcao a'lilrfi NKWBUKY, CHAP3IAX. & CO., OdlccM. '2Ui S. rm:i rrunt Nt., rOHTI.A.l; opera IIouno ni'K. NAL.E9I I). McCULLV. McCULLT ft Wlioloale and Commoroial Stroot, : : : : : : : Salom, Orogon, rnekorel, Tea, Lard, Tobacco, Cod FMi. ('oiree, Ulce, Mujfiir, Salt, Flour. IlaiiH, White Fish, .Salmon, Lobster, Oyster., Sardines, Ilncon, Wo call particular attention to nxro-vc- "S'orls. Stone-irvare, THK IIKST V TIIK WORLD' Al-oour X. Y. .SYUL'P, direct from tho lactory, and suporlor tonnythinj oyer Introdticetl In tho market, nnd our V TICA none better. tV Particular Iniliiernit ut iilirn rarllia puirfcatlnfthrfe tro.' ty tho cl-Kf ort tit.iH. (i."roC E. J. NORTHUUP & CO., AVtuiltxulo unit ICrlull Ilfiilcr In Coach. Carriage, and Wagon Material HARDWOOD LUMBER, SARVEN WHEELS, ETC, Cor. .llalii anil riiM Mn , t'ortliiiMl, Orcguu. N 11 Hiving nr.rl cj .viMixlun uiUilhotatvflruii't .Sosriuii'r & Tlioyioi, onirra aliouJ.I h vl.lre.a al twilliuai K J. MlimillLT. CTxxmt rtoooivine, raa w)ftrir. uf MAOu.V an I llAltUIAIi;: IIAQHW AUK. ALKM, hl'UI.VOI, VALLKAIlt.K IHONH, etc GARDEN SEEDS, iisuix xitiaio;. gkass ske'ds, i an TIIK lllT KAlin .lt.tJ, Mill' AMI oi.ii i wiiin ut uinlitntli init! w my Utvu anil uril utwtntttol. .i(i,ili ..f Hi" .nolo -arltllo, I Im Una yir itupmnl iium Knint. 'lilt I'rUi cl Unl. I r liMitlnwn IVw, all ll. ain un.J nit r irta lur ti.lo , I iu,.u n i i.!n.vn ttrMU-a, whlili I mil til r m.Mui t In an. h in ui'ilka at tf.rv 114. t it tor Unlr ou.lonurt. Al )iln la in I .wur, sr mila ae rairiw, or, 11 th- i.h kiLil.-ii awji, an-lmst iu on imi.v.idm, j tll aci.il ai . u aurp., . i .11 imi .-' mi. uui I trill ui miMranu) n.iM.attUHiiaoiuvr hiki.-iij m.m , .. iSn. 01 kIiiI I hr u.io-t. I mi) nkr t.i uuo ct ni -ii.tjiiu-.rt in ilne..i rin, f'.ir thu Ul etjhl .ii he haa n-iul to -ll mwji tir ijij ..rum tuniw mh la ..l a.vaa fir n.v Til iult iv, Intrv mrunitUut as. u, iiai-n vr ulth tl-, ;"-vl, tu turn auiii hit t.-itjr nun he d ij.mii paaia. hulh 11K an 1 1 k-ui Oie . n.lu . f it' Nu nurli ihv will, Tin- iimt ia, a, I rln.l lnmi mj .., h nA .ml. 411 i nli m.J., Ui mar I.I. lrJ.i Ii l i,-r."tibi SltH.'ttiti il.l. , . ttmi, aii.l ihi t.t in Ui. ti-ui . HuptiUmii Kith ..rel.-lil ..t..or n..r, in ih.- clti.all 'liu I'aiif.'niu a.xl. Ilitf aiMHiif Una i.Hni'ii.t I vnll hiiL 1 1 ai.. taia li.'i )' . t .nl) IhCTW.Ut. nu.iu. II) wl. wv now ruU). i,i 1,1. In .tit, 1'ii.ti -'b Intv, .uiJm.-n-riAntitait.l H iiiHinlamae.iw.iIl) ..ul.l ,1 ; null tu M ,, r lv., .ruulia.arjrni.it in . M km Uiu rive- m-raLa . ..-r, .ulj have th 1 1 ! .r .trt.l iriu iMr'.Uii.l vitth tluir (a.i 11. k vt t,-Aa.i. KIU:iT TRKKa. I i.iniataoacwlit'vk.rf mum in.,tli i.-nii4 tr.va, an.l tl'nilu ct a.l tun api'nivcl iHri.tija, tir iiiv.-mj, ui.uh 1 , , wii a. .nt t mn ony hu il.u an hauiral.le.truivhHJra-inlhii.inea.. 1 um.M ai fi vinljnnta ln are ornln. Itnm thti)o-jrn.ii4tinw(.r -. or blithe m.ti-(iik i.iriillta tt rpli tr nt-u.Olniui iuUl.vuc.nrrrilKI,l.y, I'M M. PKI'M lKAl'lll. rffcltANTS. i;iHtM'.Mt:Hltl. Ill KIIKKIIItJ-, ltAil'li;:unn. .ml MllAMlKltllll. and ouhi.lluirthi-mati.rioei.ilil.har luby Jjii U lunl tlim, aril uhich can n 't fall t i-i ault -n rt4ithle mm. I .un aetl ap.v trKwl)ri.ldat . ! iwr too; hiih are nlv Kell rmtl tnvt. Thei are o to nun fe.t M.-hj j. I trn. S pui ol 1 3 Ui 5 leit hlrfh, at .00 ir lvt Anoothr lurictle 1u.1u.lut .M'riioiil rtU-a. The luyvat t ixttie jiuo tjr ailiinj! tha ai luiuol aeola or tjwa. AiUrvti O. UICKINSO, ESVOLVES FEES ,rJ,ii5ffi!KS Alnu J. U01I.N bO.S, Ut a LB WKl tu, fuuitm. Pi. Eitray Notice. 0J NKOREYMaKS SIXTEEN AHD ONKIIALF handa hl.-h. 11 vtara old. half dollar (colM lu rlsht ahonMer, placed ther tu cur tweeny; left tho prtmlaea of the ccaeriljntJ. two mile froa th. 8alem f.rr), in Poll: county, on tho lit day of July, I'a-lllttXT., tr.wtaia. orwy totwaultaa A. N. OILIlKnT. GILBERT, llclnll Clears. H.vrup, Nails, Table Cutlery, Woodonware, Miicciironl, Vermicelli, I'earl IJarley, Tapioca, UnixWare, ftajro. our direct Importation of vauiktiies MJom, Onvi.-i. str ai $10 HEW1UD, I HAVE LOST A BROWN FlIXY. STRAYKD PROM Turner toail.l Salarn Uv Wh ot Avziut. KSo U sood alz. 3)i viol J, hlaufaoe, hlnj fttl hcth uhju a So. a illerai. ha trark. nor branda. ilaiJ.w. mmMih t riven for Jcliiartny her at tny plaj.. hn alia a. w. i I tlm li Bum ' 7 ifA mm 1 1 ) Bil 1 IK I & V An (fl th U ' tl k O' I i: r r t i I . nhMrn ?U'' WiMPttftcu'ttn autnloua ).-'T;uftw