THHE HtE Circle. otidnctid by Mm, IIaiimot T. CLAniir.. The Years aro Passing By. 1 lie cnrs nrc lnstiiii: liy I ntclt. nx from nil oik.ii doer Kmngt tiirougn timo a corriuor J Ininilovv, In itn fullinc, i the ernves of lmruil boncsi ulf of bung slower beats ch viintci suous, tliroitL'li stunnicr bents. rith nml hopo nml love grow cold gmw old, ns wo grow olil I mo years nro passing ny i Tho jcars nrc pissing b ' record hath such initcs blurred. I hasty ikcil, with hitter viord, lnj lal nlifiH tnnwp nil Ii... .. a . N... nils winvo iiiiiiv mi iiiua jiuib arco ran lead, beaiuso of tears, a drael faces on the vudl. ar dead voices in tho halls, ich some nanus on bcinkil knee. is somo lips c cannot see Tho years aro passing by, Tho ears nro passim: by 1 seal of silence on our lips loser press, inno umhrn dips clier darkness down tho hno uh which wo walk to liiilu our Haiti. innlo nml smile ns tuiii Mho bears untouclieil by grief or inns, lieu in solituilu wo wait kiw our head nt sorrow's gate, ri i ...... . :.... I... I ' niu jeaia uiu iii-siiijj ujr . The yenrs nro passing by 1 carry with them ns they no rnin, tho sunshine nml the snow : Icnvo It hind tho drift of tlavs rein each soul sotuu iiennnco navs: ic hopes uo h io, but not our own) : loves We elierun, not mono I thcro nro lencs and faded llowers tell sad tiles In memory s hours. t Ilia. i. ,n nrn iiiinri l.L I y 'J ho j ears nro passing by 1 Otner joins tiio passing inntii I Is there not sumo other land cro touipcus-ition for nil ills I wrasiiro of life's beiuir tills? fe wait the answer, but in vain: shadow falls) n senso of pain ta on im whiresoo'er wo iro id whispers of tho sod and mow. 'I ho j tars nro parsing by ! W. i:. I'abor. THREE THUNDERBOLTS. 11V LI77IB W. HIAMI'.StY. ."Kibbir seed a horse-raio, madam? My g ob Moses! whnr you done raised!'' U'-you have always Ken such n pious, respect-j Ale man unco you vo nccii our coaciinian, inn. , ftdiould never havo supiKjsed that you knew I nymoro nbout tho tuif than I. hv is It hat you always call any homo you havo chargu C Thunderbolt? "Dat am n fac madam. I nlluf calls miy bit if hossilisli I has any ting to do wid Tinnier- olt. I names i in for three Tliuu el bolts dat happened to comu toguldcr onu day Thun'er bolt, do ltttlo town nigh to Savannah, where 1 dona got religion; Thun'crbolt, Maswi I'roml- jJifHliosiilatwoii do races; an' a right ""-rt crack ol tnuiicrcini shook w -.-nm-. mcccm, , audiiiadousnlltmkitwarOabr'cl bom Mom' tforsho." 'Why,, what doyoumc-JJ. Not. 1 hope, that it u Christian duty to raco linri,." "Itwariiiy C'hnstiaii duty on dat 'casion, maila!",, dough I inn t nebUr felt no call to it seiicc'' And then Marccllino told mo of tho little Milage of ThunderlK)ltovcrlMiking tho.'-avaii-nnh Hivcr, nnd itself ovcrl(Hd.eil nml ovir- shado'veil by n grove of Dniid-liko live oaks. lleMateil, too, that tliero wcro iwo cccamons win tv the Mil ige put nsido its lolcs of n.k- . cloth mid wokotbo harp to strains of gayer measure. Tho first was at tho tim of tho spring laces (for tho homy men of Savannah had established n trotting luk nt 'I bolt), and tho second wan whenever tho colored Haptuts iipl.inte.l a camp-meeting in ineir vi- cinity. Uno year, noi cry long m it r uw rn var, both of these festivities chaneeil to fall iiK)ii tho same time, nud the Dnnds of 'Iliun derbolt shook their withered limbs mid toro their hnir in ditapprobation of tho icvclry go ing on bcmatl. them. Marccllino was ono of tho iicltocs who had seen fit to remain with his master after tho KissaL'o of tho Civil Kights Hill, sith no per- ccptiblo change of condition excct tint hi niastei now gavo himmoney with which to pur- chase his clothes, instead of taking tho trouble to buy them for him. I'ho war had made n far greater cliango in tlio circumstance of Marcel- -"-lino's former master, Walter Pioudtlt '1 hough too young to tako jrt in it personally, hi fuller had fallen in ono of itscarlur battles, and on Walter had devolved tho caro of hi mother BlIU iiiocsiau-, which laniiauuniiiuiuu . ...!.tl. ...,tl I m if ih1.1l .M.tTVHiUilin lapiiiij, ' " j - ....... 1 l,.n. t... milv of tim fam. :r------ - - ,'. ii in... . - ily mansion on t.misuecv . iimi. ....v...ku-..uu. - Thill,' mie'ht Havo uecn woio man inn, wr a great deal of money might bo made by a shrewd, uiicnipuloui man racing the spUu - did animal, which ho had named T luinderbolt, fiom tho httlo town with it trotting course near liy. it.r had no taste fur betting, but it was tlf- of canimg a ,vc,,n,rm. I j.-i.r, ami irom uiuvii..6 V6y.v 1 hogrewtohavoa raki.h air a well a, ,1 Itioii. Hut there wa, ono little girl who in 0 I .0t 1-ear to seo waiter goto tne oa.1, mm thi MoJ' Caru,- Jl"1'''0 C''xr,,, ,m'1 iwj fl " 'lmB'lltr for t,1(J 'k,"r,1 of lli HuJ. Mate, and her voice had justified tho, !trn1 mil . ., . "? .-. t 11.. !... Wilier rrouiltit Jovoti "r uiiicie-iiei.y. .iui w hen Iw told her , Mock had rcpliotl that sho wake a living; ,-.,..-. Wiilevellll yoorao, 1 wm-. . , 1 rv'!l'".u,WtedMoek. "an.1 you tswld p mdit wte hi. prau.oe j "" 7. .. '. ...... . , "Vcs. if I hil a wd-W JcHou, wnw t would Lihevu him in oarncit just as soon as be h..,!..!,,!,.,. umittl n ie gr guci, a , tho pi intln of tin o trees. They are - old and gave up hore-racina'. , nje j(mng wy oU Mm ft.,JWW,m. a I Krt.nt fUVcritei Ith tho pcoplo of Call- "Hut. Mock," pleaded tho young roan, not , wmor.Ue ilunoy.mollth.l km ob jeligioni ' fornla, nnd thoiuuml are yearly plant- avithout rao t-how of rcon. How am I to Uoyed ba wouUnt 1, ry tlng j(W j , that S(ilt4 T,,oIr nnUj, jH N,,ry I his father's study. Hut it was uphill work. If ho could only go to l'nri", and take a medi cal course I One ecning. when this desiro was strongei than ever within him, a stranger called a gentleman who wished to purchase n racer. The- Msitcd the stable together, and discused 'Iliunderbolt. The stranger oirereil a pneo which made Walttl s heart leap for jo) It was enough to ttke Mock and his mother and himself to l'uropo and back, mid he remem bered that some our had offered to rent their home ready furnished for i Jtai nt a sullnieut sum to support them inodcstlv in l'aris. He could cram nt the medical school, and Mock could hio her wish Hut the strangers oiler was only conditional j be would pay that price for Thunderbolt provided he won tho races for which ho had been entered at the town of the same name. Walter mentally rcicvvcd tho list of Thunderbolt's competitors. He had been confident before of success; now nvaguo feel ing came over him that ho should fail. The stnkes wire too great. Nono of this hesitation betrayed itself in his bearing, however. He appointed an interview for tho day after the races, ami bowed his visitor jolitely to the door. Ike rest of the story I cannot help giving in Marcidlino's own words, unrefined as they werei "I didn't see no 'casion for Masia l'roufit to I worntt: I wns deadly tho in my mine dat 'a-rnlin' up to de Judge's stand on nil dem hos Ihuii'eibolt would pick up dc stakes, mi' I tole c it tells 'bout in de ltcvolutions of St. John; him so. Darwn'n't but one udder hosintcrcd Dell, on his pale hots, n-Iendiu' do procession; dat had any chance ob bcatin', an' dat was dc sinncr-mnti on do little, one-eyed, knock llucl.iMii. Hcli'longeil to a Mr. Lashitnnger, i kneed mule ob do-nulhu; an' du saints a-pr.auc- from uii in do Samllnllcr country- Buckskin ho do uglieit-Iookin bruto ebber you see, dirty y nller color dat 's what gib him de name wnl a little red ijeao' LobUil, an' a heap ob ini anness 'bout kiekin' an' bitin'. Hut dat boss could run. Kf olo Phnro'd 'a hail Huckikiii hitched to his chariot, he'd a h'istcd it obcr de lied Sen 'fo do waves ud n had timo to tako dc blackiu' utr his boots. Thun'erbolt was a light do prettiest boss, black nud shiny. Ho had style, sho enough; but Buckskin had speed, an' a heap bettirpedigrie dan 'Ihun'erbolt, though you wouldn't 'a tought it to 'a looked nt him. lloinsoincblicr, it war a ruiinin' race, an' dat 'pi lids 'bout ns much on do rider ns do boss. I weighed powerful httlo dim days, an' I was strong in do arms, an' knew how to hi' Thun' erbolt obt r do track. Mnssa l'roudflt rent me out wnl him do day fo' do races, to look tip nil ' do iKrlimiinrits. Mr. L-ashstingtr ho was dar ,()(1( n.j,,. Huckskin obcr do track. He ia,l(. , ()(, llCi . uu , ia Um Av . , Mn(lnlll lu, unlltld moto sell it out ..,.. savsh 'Mr. Ijish.tmeer. HuLkskm's n lKfttt lM11 ,(1M , vl t Mt)huWt xhont ll0 sctildiiKgerv in do husituss; an' ns for makin' uggery in uo liusmiss; 'Ihtili'erliolt Insu it, I'nhuv dat sort ob business. Kf I inks a boss', says I, I rides to will, or to do my Ircss fur it.' Mr, Lathstingcr ho didn't seem do let a bit outcd. Ho jus' laughed free nn' easy, an' says he, 'Wid such high nn' mighty honor lilies as dat, I wonder how you I n(.,)m,ic, t to your conscicmo to run nho t nl. aJll ,lt. ,, ni1.t n mtmKr i, ,0 c,ltlrc . j ,,)at , .KUt )m) llno ,iay an' win ii I is. I slices to L-ib tin ills vcro liusl- UiM. .j, ( lall,1IIutl. hero now,' savs .. --..i.,,...,.,,. .-. ,,i rebe- ion now? Nn timo like de pient,'ay he. Wid dat a notion 'H.ind to tako, an' he cotcheit mo by du arm nli' walked mo oil a picio. 'Kf you will git religion tn-mglit,' say he, 'niisuarofl from )iis-racm,' I II givoynu fifty dollars,' kijs he. 'It shan't bo no niton vtuieiicu to -Ir. l'roudlit, uuddir, for 111 see dat hu's Miwidid wid nuudder jockty. He ..,,,. ., .. ,,i ,,i ... , .nlli .i... . i i ,.. (Ut Mta .tlllliht Ull 11V) ,0 ,ai(., ,lllt de 81rtiii' gciuiniii astiuMn t huy lua li. m' tlat j, tCm,iM-t ,.tt ,.,itiii1 an" go to Kurojw cf I t,mK u,, wid his oiler. Hut dm I was tiiikiu' f b.lttm-nmiKl IN),Uf, mi' cf Mnssa l'roud- fit Ulllt to Kiirojie, I shouldn't hab no Maisa VrMl,m l0r 110 tI(tJ ,0w MUdder. I atutlb bout it nu I stud ed bout it; an whilo I was '., .,,,,, ii. .ii a-stiiddvin, du dcbbil siiokv right out bcluno , ' ,, ,,,,,, ,. me. I ntbUr shall beliclio it wns myowu , , . . . i woice, it sounded so strange nn oniiatcral. i. . ii i i ! i j'ouc. suys.ur. suiiciiicr, uji iiv ciupa mu on tie lack mi tike out lu pocket-tooK. 'Half in) in advance' says he. 'No,' ta) I, 'unit till l's amid it. I's gwiuototuko'lliuu' erbolt back to Savannah fust, an' tell Mass i'ltm,ifit l's comin' back to de campinectin' fur ,-0 ,RvxCU , ,ie tbeniu'.' .. .v,at! gwino to do uainp-mcctui', Maue? MJg y I'rouilllt, Umtler s-ruetl like, .vim' eotuo obcr u all? I ret-kon 'sjwctnbil- lty must bt e-atehin' ef you' gwine to turn ,jRH.ta,i too ltuttlon'mt m uliciul ob me, j(irco- I don't eoli how mhui you go back on j ra.trael, soyou ride for rnedi ono tuiwi.' "Wid lUt I ItUlIwl a Ions IK, 'i IJCn A' . , . n i. a.. M - . . tiucivui ooui til ere inancr mr suiiie time, . ....... -..i.t . - 1.-.1 ). p-.-,- "-."" " - uetier oct q-uivosiii nil uw. iwvh wt tuijr nt n.givasiir up our beola ! wt any 1 lotl(l i, ct)trit' fur du raeo ob saUatiou.' 'Why, Mnrvo, you'd make a gootljiroaclwr,' 1 MJ.g j(aiia lllvu,imi .JO0j better t uj fur ono wllcn x loaD fur :urone ' .,I)jr WM 8s,,lt ob jj,, 0 je ximn'tr- I Iwlt camp-mcctin grouti s tiut vienin . it win I .tri,i hot . an' I looked up at tho cloud tot' UtI , obcr u llb ,,, , to r. 0b libc-oaks n-notlitur tleir heads to coco uatltr, ,.,. ,,clr aimi ,, . B.ul,IljIln' Uw ,ingt hko a, dough dcy meant mihU m. 1 - B f. nJl 'ivar hk wo gwimi to hah a jtonii. Hut I dono forgot all out it tmtck' I got In side du tent. Dey wa singiii', ..fcti.kawihyhinrf'aliV in' T nulls A 111 pl(Ufcft tft tho lift. "' - - -" -- --- ..t...,.,.. HariKir. miHioimn-fartlo Raradox , . . . n , . W8y fur jlnllIller , (K. Tnunjwt bWbbuu, SixJuMutw from w Jj-v.WtoiLUtht.rrU.. inuv,h.!. rauaer -ouu-at . jf -M--m . aUlBeJ1.. 0llt , -, u,ly tl y from me, kc." a-cbppin' her lum an' j ' ti an '-) tn 1 ' - n 1 WILBAMETTE "I knowed dc woicci it war Mr. Lashstlnger; but I durstn't look roun' fur fear I'd laugh. Putty soon Un.ddcr-lllow de-Trumpet Stebbir.s 'gaii his sermon Dc text war: 'So run dntji tiny obtain.' Tmks 1, dat would 'a lilt me, sho enuir, cf I'd greed to ride 'Ihun'erbolt nil' pull him in all do time; but I don't know s lie's got me when I don t 'low to run nt nil. "Den du preacher spoko 'bout do nee-couise I mar by, nil' rend 'em M l'aul s word", 'I m tin- ' ished ny eoursc ' 'You tieednt tmk, my j Christian freii, jtu' 'eauc yout names is en tered fur de rnccs, you s n gwine sho and icr- I tain to hab tint red riblon hid up furyouj yoil's ' got to walk de whole track obex. Walk itl , yen's got to run itl '!o run dat ye may ob-1 tain' so read the chapter. For iiiysitr, brud dcrcn, I's botin' to run nil night I's boun' to run nil day.' (Til bet my money,' says Mr. Lashtingcr, kin'er soft an' tasy, bchine me.) 'llmdderen,' says tic preacher, 'dar'll coma a day, nftcr ills y ere human race is runncd, when e'll all bo d rawed up fo' dc Judge's stand, An' r.lijah'll bo dar, kitin' roun' in his chariot ob fire, Aid thoroiigh-brcds ob fire 'tached to it) nn' Elijah he'll hab a whole basketful ob red ribbons an' spatigliu' stars to pin 'em into de button-holes ob do winners. An' do I.ord'll siy, 'lllow, (inbr'cl! call do dead!1 An' finbr'cl blow, firave-ynrdl grnvc-janl!) grave-yard!11' An' de grave-yards'll open, mi' do diail'll come in' on de piebald nu' speckled race-horses ob righteousness, Siniicr-mnn, now 's j o' timo to choose jo' mount. Kf yo' want n hots dat will go 'roun' de circle ob eternity, choose him in do blue grass pasture ob rcpcntciicc. llmdderen, while do conflagration ama-singiu', whilo linid dcr Williams rises do tune, nil diy who wants to be pcrwnlcd wid ob do bosses oh Revolution, pleaio walk forward nn' kneel roun' tlomo'ntrs' biuch.' "'Xow'syour time, sinner,' says Mr. Lash tingcr, an' as I got up to go forward I caught his lyu an' he wiukid. I felt cur'us cniilf kiieclm' dar by do alter, wid old FaddcrNutid de-Jubileo Harper a-kncelin' liesldu me nn prnyin' dar como a sheet ob lightciiin' lit up all out-do's; nn' nftcr it n rumble mi' n grumble of thun'er far off, but cemin' man r an' uinrer. Dm iley Van to shout, do sisters walkin' up ona aislo an' do bnddircnupilo ud ,dcr, an' all takin' bold dcir hands an pumpm water, while dcy sang ono wcrso an' den dey each lass on to do ucx'. It thuu'trcd louder nn' it lightened more libely; but tley kip' on, mid ill time dey rang, "oliout an' nMn r tire, V e l tub a cnoi.l ramp mutlti VV Ihii dt rlils on tire " "Jus' den dar lamon awful crnck ob thun'er nu' n bust ob lighttnin' all du same time, I 'lowed de worl' was on tiro sho en till". Do camp-mectin' broko up, nn' wo nil run ebber wldchcrway. I stmck out fro do woods for .Savannah. Do rain was jus' n-vtathiii' down, do lilie-oaks 'jieared to bu dniiciu' mi' tearin' dcir bar, mi' do pino-trtes rockid mid seri-schid 1'ko an dough iluy wiu idioc. I-utt 1 knew I was right in do midit ob Honnvciituio Cem etery . " '(irnve-stonc bustin', thinks I, mi I run like nnd, jumpm'ohti de iiionuiiiinco liko ns dough dey wtiu iebblc. Dennllobn sudden (abr'el dono blow hi horn right side ob di ytnr, nud I ncbWr hns henrd niilliu wid it since, (irnve-yard! ginvo-yanl"' it said; nn' I stem to stu do words ob do tvx'wnt wid a ie n ob lire on do cloud, 'so I tin that ye tuny obtain' I knew what dat mt.iut. Kf I took up my croan' run 'Ihuiielbolt to the Us' ob my ability, I might lino one ob tie bosses ob dc ltevolutioii wnitin fur mu mi dat day . I mi lit down on my knus in the wet nus; do rain't niilliu; do lifty dollars want iiuthii I'd found dar what 1 hadn't found when I went .,. II ....'.,.,.'., I.. .,,!.. 1M f,......l ..I....,,.. 1 , ,...,, . . , . ,, didnt llnil my way home to Niaminli till . , , , . , ,. ,, .,,. inoriiiu, nn whtn I got in, Missus l'roudfit . ,. ... " . . . , , , . I "aid young Massi Walter bad got sheered bout . ,, , . . , , . ., . . ine, an had rodo out on Hum erbolt to hunt me. I got out ob my soaked clothes an' into my jockey suit, white, wid fmiciu's ob water million red, 911' tit 11 1 hurry out to do track Massa 1'ioudiit ho looktd terrible anxious 'Whar you dono been, Marco?' ho say, 'lit ro s Mr. I.aslutiugcr been tillin' me soino nounciisv 'lxjilt you'ro not gwnitt to rule to-day 'cause you'sgot religion.' "T got religion, sho inulf, Mr'isting cr,' say I. "'(lood Imy. say Mr. ljnhtingcT- i-ood bov. Wwll, Mr I'routltit, I luiovvs anmliltr U-rry uit jockty who II run tlat hoi ob yours. rwidid yo don t rulo it yo self. I big yi pahdou, Mr. Laslistiugcr, says '. ... , . , I. 'but tic fust fust Uoii I lioiiu leaiiictl from my - ... e-.,cu la.' night was, M run tint 1 . , ye m ohta.n, an Isaguiueto put dat les sun 111 piactiee, Naii ' Wnl dat I iiumIu bun a very low bow,' mi scrambled up into du saddle pretty llUly Harjicrs Magazine roam 4 mmvwmk is mwm s Tin: Ki t vi I'lix. Dr. Holt, of Si Iciii, 1ms Kufiilyiittis or Muc-jiiiin, treo, inlil,vnnl, tint t yours old, from . , V ... , , ,. , .. . t.. 1 i . . 1 1 leot IiIrIi A, It Iw -.unht-.l tlio t . ! of wlntern Uiih fur, II N now prubiMy tillli'Hintly iictlliimlL'd to bocomo u lieultliy tree. This kind of troo lm- roioluI coiiililcr.ililo attention In tho iiuwsiuiiors of Into years us ImvliiK naiiltury liiiportnncp. HoIons wltiili . . ....... t 1 httVO Ik oil linillliiiiilluuio iroill miil.iri olH Jiilluem . lmo (icon l.tirlileil by rH.), IUMj tiu. ,rP0 U jKtullur in huv- jn; two kind-, of llMVt. Tile OUIlgt r IeitvtllJ aru ,unjf Mul 0Ulli ,, ., ,,,it rnifs art. ht.rt mill iroad. iii.i" nrc utterly utttiko in Mi ij 'J 111' 111 111 vv 'i 1 In 11 mu wln! 1 1 ' FARMER: PoJlty- T " " CHICKENS AKD EGGS. The remarks of our correpondent, A. F Miller, or Kitst Portland, who Is n poultry-mNor, and who showed some somo very lino fowls at tho State Kulr, lirltiB" sotno stik'gostlons to mind; llrst, that l'OWL AUK I'AVINU I'HOIT.HTV, If pioperly attended to, and it is n mat ter of surprise that farmers do not de vote moro attention to tills branch of industry. A farmer's wife told us, not longngo, thnt iter husband said chick ens wcro more bother tlinn they were worth, nnd discouraged In every way attempts to raiso them; yet, after all, tho few that did Burvlvo neglect and brickbats laid cnougli eggs to buy many grocorlc?. Secondly, breeds of chickens thnt lay LAiiriK 1:00s mustTKo -ecurcd, and non-sitters, for eggs .tro like Interest on capital every is worth tho price of tho lion herself, nnd young hens will lay six or clirht doicii a year. Wo havo had, by actual count, as many ns ten dozen eggs from ono hen. A few common barnyard fowls must be hud to raise chickens. Culture nnd high-breeding seem to destcoy maternal Instinct. Such hens nro apt to desert tho eggs before hutching, or neglect tho littio ones If onco they nro out of tho shell. Tho nl?o of eggs Is a mntter worthy of thought. Wo got eight dozen not long since, nt n country store, becnuso they were a fow cents cheaper than In town, but they proved to bo much dearer, for ono dozen of them wo found on un packing wore about ns largo ns pheas ant's eggs, nnd ono dozen wore old and bad; nil wcro Inferior otto egg from r. lllack Spanish hen would weigh nearly ns much ns two of them. Wo mention this only to show tho ndvnu tago of a mixture of fancy breeds. In deed, wo prefer n mixture for common tifao-t. It Is (imiuult to retain u pure strain of fouls on n farm. In many largo cities eggs nro sold by weight. Wo read of their being marketed by weight In Parts and other cities of J.u rope, Mills giving customers tho worth of t r money. To got good returns, CHIt'lvHNb Ml'ST III! ITI) nt Ieat twice a day, and havo good shelter. Don't ht them depend upon what they can get by foraging around. Kxperienco lias demonstrated that they imp by proper treatment, bo made to Iry well In winter, when eggs com in , ' orty con .. doron, nnd some ' ee. KI!! :!-o hens after they nro two j ears old. They aro not prolllle layers after that, nnd are still young cnougli to be good eating. I Watch tho licn-houscs, nud keep them riinr. ruoM i.u r, which will soon Infest, oven with enre. Whitewash the walls nnd put kerosene on tho perches oceniionally. Keep ashes on the door; tliey love to wallow lu them, while the ashes nro u great ali-orbcut of tho droppings, that In turn make tho very best of fertilizers. If tho chickens begin to look ragged and show 11 dlspo-ltion to desert the roo-t, you may bo sure they aro lousy, ' which soon kills them or Interferes with prolltablo keeping. It Is not well to havo the heu-liotiso too clo-e to tho ' barn, or to allow liens to roost In tho barn or cattle-shed-, for tho reason that these insects will get on horses and cat-' tie. We saw a disgusted young man hero lu town ono day, who suddenly dl-covoied his lior-o and saddle to be alivo witli these pest", the chicken toop happening to Join the shed wiiero the horo stood. Calves will stiller from thorn too. lu a mild tllm.ite, this pest Is wor-o than where the winters freeo them out. I-'ariners who do not c.iro to market eggs and chickens would find tiieo ui Helen of food more palatable nud more easily piniluccil than beef, pork, or mutton. To bo producers, chickens inu-t bu fud. A smalMloek well eared fur will keep an ordinary family lu all the l.UCJI Mill..-- nounry tho year louiid, eggs ulwny-. commanding a-h price s, (not ono to bo had in .Silcm to-day.) Provide clean neuts, that the eggs willh.iNO 11 nice tippcuriiiu'c; a dirty, slick-looking egg is te bo noldod. We frequently see such in tho nrirket. .Such littio things tell of thrift and prosperity, oi of hiftlessne-i and pov city. There are people who do not caro to havo tho common decenclc- of life, who allow and eiuomngo their fiul-. to run in tho hru-li and gather tlieir living from Illth and any dead 1 .1 reus- that lies about uuburleil. JU MW.TI10 lltlltor of the Homo lulu liu tuk'ii up tin iiiilbi in Iter garden, and u the has u nurplus, would likt tu give stum' to -ub-erilMrs. Any Inly wishing -on will get them upon our receipt of stamp-, to pay the post nge. FIfiteu or twenty ccul will t-nrr 111 ii'ktirtiritHit. Tin if nro JouqulU, I 'il- 1 u 1 -1 I l I' w 1 I Cljll.DrEl's CoLlllMN. A Long Journey. "We sail to-day," said tho captain gay, As he stiipul on Imud the boat tint lay So high ami drv. "(.Vine now, bo siiry We llhiiil nt . t .lerinalcm by and by! Aw av they sailed and taeh craft they hailed; Uhllctlouii 111 ll.i t.abiu they balled and hailed; For the sc 1 was rough, and they bad to lutr And tack, tilt the captain crud out "Kuoiigh ' 'I hey stoiiiod at rem, this lolly crew, And went to l'aris and 'limbuetooi And after a while they found the Nile, And watched the starts of the crocodile. They called on tho 81iah, and the mighty Czar, Ami on all the crowned heads near and far; Phoo'x hands with the Cut they really illtt! And lunched on the top of the pyramid 1 To Afriu's strand, or northern land, 'J hey steer as tho captain gives command; And Ily so fast that tho slender must (loci quivering, shivering in tho blast! Then on to the ground with a sudden bound, Leaps Jack 'twas a mercy ho wasn't drowned! Tho sail is furled, the anchor hiirltd, "Wo'vo been," cry the children, "all louml tho world!" Hy billows tosxed, bv temiots croril, Yet never 11 soul on lioird was lost! '1 hough the boat bo 11 sieve, 1 do not grieve, t lit mill 011 too octal! 01 ".MaKc-liclti'ic. .loM'phiuo Pollard in Jit Nicholas. ani:ci)oti: op Fkanki.i.v. While quite a youth Franklin went to Lou don, entered 11 printing olllco and in quired If ho (ould get employment. "Where are you from'."' Inquired tho foreman. "America", was the answer. "Ah," said tho foreman, "from Ameri cut a lad from America seeking em ployment as n printer! We!!, tlo you really understand tho art of printing? Can you set typo?" Franklin stopped to onu of tho eases, and in a brief spaco set up tho following pa-sago from tiio llrst chapter of John: "Nathaniel -ulth unto him, can any good tiling come out of Nazareth? Philip alth unto him, como nnd see." It wns dono o quick ly, so accun.tely, nud administered a delicate reproof -0 appropriate and pow erful, that it nt onco gavo him iuiltt onco nud standing with nil lu tho olllco. What Is tho dlll'ercnco between 1. spendthrift nud n pillow? Ono is hard up, and tho other is soft down. DorvtEsjic EcojJorMy. Ari'i.i: DuMi'i.i.N'tis. Procure some good, Juey, tart apples; core and pare them, and 1111 up their cores with sugar and 11 little powdered cinnamon. Then rub two tahlespoonfuts of lard or butter into ono quart of Hour; add 11 pinch of salt, and mix to 11 dough Just stllf enough to roll out very soft, with a ten cupful ol sour milk, in which half a toaspoonful cf saloratus has been tils- solved, lloll out tho dough as for soda biscuit and, spread Hover with butter; fold it on tho sides, roll it out thin again, and let it stand on the moulding board half an hour, covered from the air. Then cut It lu larger pieces which will entirely cover one apple. I'ut tho dumplings Into a well-buttered biscuit pan; when it is tilled up, put a small piece of butter 011 the top of each dumpling, scatter a handful of sugar over tho whole of them, nud lake in a moderately heated oven for nearly an hour. .Servo with cream nud sugar, or it pudding satico made of ono teacupful ol sugar, the grating peal and Juice of ono lemon, the beaten white of an egg, and three tablespooiiifuls of boiling wa ter; boil for three minutes. It Is a delicious pudding, and It will also make a nice sltlo dish for supper. S.M'li: I OR DbMI'blMirt. . Put u piece of butter as huge as an egg Into a small tin basin, and dust over it a lit tle flour, stirring It In with a spoon j then add a niniJI Uacupful of cold wa tir, liy ilegni , until you have a thin batter; -tir into it a -.mall cupful of sugar, and a t.ibli'-poonlul of raspberry shrub, uiiiant wine m -ium l;lni ol spirit-.; let it boil !ur Ii 11 minutes or Icis, Just enough to iiiako the miuco like a syrup; grate n nutmeg into it, pour it into a sauce-boat and servo hot. I'si.s or mwi.i: lini.AD. 1. .Make dressing for meat: Ciumb it lino, turn hioth over It, ne.ison, add buttei and a woll-hci'oii egg, or more, ac cording to tiio 'inauli.j. 'J. .Make bread padding: So.ik two hours In sweet milk, ihen beat egg-, siigaraud -plecsaud bake. I sometimes add fruit. it. Make hNcult: ho.ik over night in sour milk, mash lino with tho Hand, mix lu youi biscuit for breakfast, add ing Milt, lard and soda. '1 hoy arc bet ter than without the -tulo bread. I. Make pauuiUcs and gems: Sink over night lU'Oiirmllk, add well-beaten eggscormnoi1 or gr ilium flour to mako a iMitttr, and soda and sail, and b.tko on 11 griddle or lu gum pans. '1. Crumb duo nnd put Hum lu tho next omelet you make. (i. To4t your brtud. Sot a pan of mill; 011 tbo Ntove, but do not remove tiio cri'iiin from it, mid butter atid -alt, dip tho bread In tins und send to the tulilo fir H-jpper or break fust. 7. Crumb tine and put lu your touu to s wbeii i u uio Mti wing Hit ui. - i''i II I ll , 1 1 1 i'n ,11 (,3 O . 11 1 1 In l 1 1 ill U i .Pi 1 your gewu neiji NORTH SALEM STOBE. A T THE BIHCK STOHE, HAS Jtm-NKCrV' (V cd a fttll assortment of ij General Merchandise, Dry GoodBj G-roconos, ? Boots &l Shoes, Hardware, Clothing Cslcnlated for the C!t snd Conntry I'ride. Doneht a low, anil will no sulci st ss sw.v u A ruuri.-.H sold st ss SM. Jiose wbo SKLL AT COST I IT fir e 001 s aonrercu w uir psrtol tnc cltT free ot fhsre Nortr Ague MixturA Chills nnd Fever nro rcrmrj cured by Iir. Jajrnc'M AnnMl tare. With n Httlo caro 01110 part of the patient to nvolit exposjp, nnd tho occasional uso of's San; Tivi:I'tL.LH,tlils remedy vv 111 bo found to te certain In Its operation, nnd rad ical J11 Its cfTocts. In tunny section' of tho country suljcct to Aguo nnd other iiinlnrinl illscnses, It hits nn es tablished ehnrnctcr ns n poptllnr spe cific for thco linrrnsultifi complaints, nud the number of testimonials re ceived show thnt Its reputation In constantly Increasing. Intermittent and Remittent Fevers nrocfToctunlly cured by Hr.Jnjrac'M Affile Mixture. In tbeso com plaints euro should bo tnken to follow tho directions closely, nnd especial attention frlven to tho liver, which should bo assisted In performing Its functions by l)n. J aynu'hSanativi. 1'ili.s. Iiontn. IIAVIS .t CO.. Wholosslo Agents, l'ort. land, (lrt-.'ii. '"-Unit T. C. SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... X'litYX-xn.fiol.Bts. l'stton's lllock, Htato rtrrit, Hslcm, OrcRon. 1HTICt'I.AIt ATTENTION (1IVKN TO 1'IUt scrlutlinis, snd nil nidi rs tijr null or csorcss Ollnt irtun 11 and nrriusttly. l'lirslclnns suit I'nui.lry llcalrrs will ssvn money by cininliiliii; our rln-k, or oroturlnK our prices, In fttro nrtliviiii: ilsowlicru. noil-lf. S3 ''f.A.'ri.ttWATciii'.M.ckrtr.i In Ilia V low 11 wurll. .ViimiK HHMr I) lilintl. AdilrcM,A.(.uULTBlUi.,LUlcsu. THE FARMERS' Account Book. COMPLETE SYSTERf Of BOOK-KEEPING run KiirmiTN, Planters, ami (Jarilener.1, iiv a !.. cami'i'ikm). 1,m:ii oni: mioi mi ukv a htiiict ao- J J roiuit uf all l.ii.lni,. iisn.sctliins, ami lluicby rut o Hit iiii Ins, ami Hit Ir ihlljri-n sfur Hit 111, much Iriiulilii ll,l iiiiiiis n( inflict Tills Is a iilaln, 1'iso llriilsy'liiu nf lloul, I.iiiii, is'lly iiiultrslsutl, sml tt-rltllysilainl iiiilm Msnlsnl II10 Ksriiur. Knll In isrh hiHik. L'uii lio csrrlrtl In an orill I'lnsry H-kt 1 isi m jt ., IhiuihI In sbtt i .kin, l'n 75 t tuu. ftiiilslliinlers to Ibis osiicr. mtii'iir For Sale. mwr.NTV iiBMior iikmiin(is.tiiiikk and I. Ii.ur tr ii'il, at slily tlollsrs .ir hisil. Also liny Aiiiiriciii riiiiiNi iitsris 'I lie lit 1.1 1 An.- ID XkV . . I'oiici:. LUOIUa BBI.X,, Hucct's.iirloJ 11. Kssetn A Co., OS I.llicrl ! - - MV VOIIK, OOlllllllNHloit VtrOllt IOIl liniNH AM) r'OItUAimiNil HIIOM Nbw turn n l.ilimu. I'uclflo lullrmil, ana Lsps lloni all kli il i.r M itlisndl.i', sml fur I lie lu of rrotlucls frum tin I'siiflc cns.l, lur tliu collKllon nf money At octtlf THE WALTER FRUIT DRYER M.M t nill NO ami THAI.' NO to CArir-ati stock,, .re no.? "n-piifil lo Vurn. Ii tiio WALTERIDKYEft .t:trj low prlii., from i'JZO to $700. , FRUIT GROWERS, TAKE NOTICE 'lliuilv, i.u.u ,Woiiiiiiii nml i.iiiui (I, Siurtlili , (liiniinii) , o Mm I'mii. M lt 11, pro t 11 nt "Che VAZi'JUJ:'. tho bo-st dryer now la use.1' ftlRsuiBsinac'e m ftrly-'eMnr. AliplOillrifiiii . d d . 11 r, t-VI.Ii lit our ollitt lis 1 11 i.rni m. .VsiWaeVWu'r." v-.;;:..:.;: ; u- J. H MAYNARD, Secrotaiy. I Uvt II, U.swl ts-nnor. 1'. J) I SS' Jiaven't ' V. . j . at 'lr L J " l" c, 'X w 'U. rl'jht I'll I ir-6 r-i AtU W I " i 11 it r tv i hi 1. , .1 v I 1 I ll u 1 r-i'ilp e f uij lr rpncl ylmncs ill , in I a a . t n ATtouwi-tcs-hfcrf'jr'1 wltlfUf ir ' 1,,0M- rsur, ice-u' "t lua.nvu. I -? rn-ff r I 1 1 i 1 ! '''' "I'-nlSrii, ,! " ,F 'i''n.l , 1 'W 11