Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 29, 1878, Image 6

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Wo uotv occupy .1 iKiiition in lh field of
Journalism ulieru mo nro nblu to furnish the
farmers (if tlio Northwct n ncttspapcr devoted
to their Interests mnl largo enough to nllon!
upacc for every topic tthich they can m ish to
hate disellssud. Whuii Me purc-hlsed tlio
Wii.i.t.tlirnr. KtiitiKli, six mnl ahalf jonrsngo,
It tens not over oiie-third tin- pr"iit sire, and
iw li.iu steadily enlarged hiiiI iinpioiei. it i.ii
il it ia second only to tin i i it imtriili
' ml published imitli of in 1'inti' iru.
I MB "I tllVKIi' TIIK I'Wil'l.h'- llll IIN tl.
rlie H'Oplc of thi legion 'lci"ite to hate n
iuisiaior of tlmir own, ami tin i tliu only
on' ftjiat ran liu oullod no. All other mu scctit-
u.in 01 1'lrtiH.nn to n ili-ytx-o tlmt pivteuts tin II
being iicolpted ni oxponuhU of the principle
tic nli'itiMlill liolil in ooiiitnon, or udvointu of
tlio intcrcsl of tlio luoplc unllectivoly. It i
iwtoiious tVit tliu paieri tli.it liionoioliu tlm
netmniul wtiumt completely uii'iipi tliu li-M
By Telegraph.
of jotirni 'tn, nru controlled mid directed in
tlio into I of I'urtt.iiiit cipitalistis, it ho.it
teeillntol V'lil (ailitlclain, tihilo thugtnspuig
ntaricu of tlu most intolerable mcnnioly that
Is known K tlm I'.ieiliu Northwest, only to
eetvea from il words of commend ition.
With tlio Wu at our tommatul nt tint
present tltno Mi shall bo nblo to lover a moro
exti iiitt.il liolil tmn heretofore. Wo nli-ill give
tho most tniMirtint nuttis of each week, state,
national nml fovlgu. mi that a reader of tlio
Kaiimku can havt no ixeimo for being ignorant
of all itniortnnt event that transpire nt hnniu
ornliroait, It nl'tll I n no(ipiH.r, mnl n
people KiM.r In 'Vi'ry impirtniit m iivj.
Tlio Kaiimkii not mil; enlarged but it
wear a nutf ilr, our typoli-hig new, mi that
tho print in plan to tlio olvest cjon. Wo Iiki
to niaku Hiu iavr jivMIhIh!,! in it column
cOrrcdpontKutli iUnio nml general npN,irniicu.
ouit rminov
Our editorial column Mill discus popular
question on tliuir inttciisio merits, standing on
tho hro.ul platform of right ainl moriility,
whew, iilifortunati'ly, lolitii.'.il mnl nvut.iri.iu
journalism can mMoiii lm found, (icihap bo
ratiMi it i mi iilu nml their idea mi selfish
nml narrow, they woiihl lu ht upon it.
rnliliwrii.NiiDNi r. iir.siiil.li.
Uur uorii'HHiiiileiii'o from the hmiu lm nl
w.i)a Ik i'ii Interesting, mnl ttilh menu room at
coniin.iml nml tho greater riii'iil.ition uunru
Acquiring with tho growth of tliu State popnU
tion, no cm reasonably it'ct tint it intcio-t
will increase. Wointito all ihtcrvstud in tho
nolilo ncciipitiou of ajjrkiiltiuu mnl ntiH'k-r.u-ing
to kuiiiI ii tho ri"oilt of their ei'ni'iu'i',
or to m.iko kiioun tliuir wnnU or hoiiiI impiiue
or UKgeHtion to our cnlnnim, mi to ilruw nut
tho i)XH.'rii'iicuiif otliirn for tliu puhlio giMHl.
Wu hopo to inikii tho I'.MtMIU m.'1'i'ptalilu to
tho gr.iiigo hy furniliiiig now of tho pnyren
of that great onlur in our nun ri'gion ami i lw
where, nml u nhall I hi glail to reteiu loininu
iiication nhnuing tlm progren of it principle
nml tliu khI iievouipliiiheil hy it iorking
liKinliem. Wu encounter, uwiimmuig f.iriueri,
i-oimiilcnili!" opHiition to tlio graup. ami fre
quent (ihjectinn to tliu publication of grange
nutter, lint mo iiiteml to hiu room in the
I'.UIMKII for nil, nml all tho gmhl ol.ji-.tM il the
Onlerof I'.itrou of llinihamliy h.ie our earn
ct iiikithy nml ile.urM' nil the mi'1i t Me
fan give tlieiu. It I to Ih ivgretteil that n
rocietyth.it nhoulil hlM for It olijeitthe
rocul, intellei.tu.il nml 1111ter1.1l nilvniieeuieiit
of Iho mIioIu f.iniiilig Itopulttioii, vnuimt lie hi
romlutteil ii to eommiml the mipHirt ami iv
H'ct of eu'iy f.innir ill tho l.uul. I'r-'Kilily
there i n guil ileal of hum in nature Uitli in
eiilu ami outunlo of Iho onler.
Thirty llorir ltnlril (llr.
1'foiiK, Nov. t!l Thntnlili'iof tlio Cen
tral City oro llalluav Co. Moro hiirnuil
lal night. Thirty home wcro roastcil
alic. Ijnn, S."i,OiX.
Ilic Ilinlli IVniillt
lloi'iins, Tixn, Nov. '.'l.-.linn Antonio
llcrnamlc Ma hiiiiu at mum .it Itiftigia,
Smith Ti n-, tnr tlm iminler of WnMcr iiml
I Matllll. Ill pl'lt' le,l i.l IIIIIIK I II' I.
"ii rlllilllon III ((lilnl
N'im Yni.ii, Nov. 'i Tin1 ru'nor t'mt
.lim ki" if I- in iiiipulntiiik' n I'l'iiiluiiiitiiiti lor
n lii'ny Mlieiit ah tiilatnxi in ' Im'.iX'i tnihi
J i r.'ili nee. Tin' partn an "I to lm- tin ir
, opiniiiii on n enl' iilatmn th it ptir:hne lor
utoraiie nt present priee em l,o rnrrii-'l tin -til
pnug nt hiii'Ii ittlintthe whn.it an
then hu milil m ith u pmtit nt ill) edit in In
uiigu or a SI III Iii'iu, mIiilIi i '.'."i tent lit.
loM tin1 aveiae for tho pait ten year.
I.llrr III. null Ii mi Hip hlinsto Mlirnl '
Clin Mio, Nov. ill. The Mheat conur hi
filiiiuii cry uioihrnto inilieiitiou to iluviliip
tii'ilay, nml price on inn miioio Ii.ivij ml
vaiRc'il hut n tnllo. 'llieru nro nalil to he
xtroiig hear tutiruit hcru V( huh tuny cause
tliu Nuw York operator to mjII out much
ihort of tho liguru thoy have llxeil. 'Ilu
utory tclcgraiihcil you yetnlay from hero I
pcciilator on 'chatigu. At omi timu to-ilay
Mhent Ma quite weak nml took n cniniilcr
nhloilrop, Mhilu tho nilvanco iluring tlio
Meek ha only liccn thrcu vent. Sprciila.
tiuii mnl trmmaction to-uay nru not 11111111.11
ly licay, though iicrvomnnilexcitcil. 'I'liu
condition of tho market m-ouM ordinarily
liavu cnatcil liendiy Imsnicn.
W.vlllMii.v,Nm 'Jl. Tho estimate for
Mhu upiort of tliu navy for tho next liul
year nro nlioiit tho namu a tliu kiiiii appropri
ated during tlm lad ncMion hy emigre, iz:
nhoiit $1 1.IXXI.IXK). Tho ruiMirt of tliu due
rotary Mill idioiv that npppipriatiomi hnvo
not only hecn conlincil Mitliin their proier
limit, mil llieru I a muaii naiaucu to tliu
credit of the naval academy nml mariuu
corn, mnl unlc emigre nhnll onler tho
huililliig of nuw (eel, tho M'cretary, (itli
tliu menu nuked for, can render thou mo
now hnvo morn ellieient. nml keen them in
good lettair. Our navy i in mm.li hetter
condition than n ear ago, mid iMullndapt
eil to puaiu entalilltliuictit. Kvill ill C.T.D
of war M ith a foreign turner, !K) (eel for
hoitllo piiriKie I'ould nt oneo Ik) nilpilied.
Thetu iiichnlu l" monitor nml (i frigate for
ro.mt ilefeti!', together Mitll tuo elllciellt
lorH'ilo iMi.it.
Hrtrri' rlllrl.lin of Hip (lexlriiii limrrll.
on-ill li.t Hip I . (llllMrrllie I'iiIiiI.
Ili-iili il In 11 Mexican,
Clin M 11 1, Nov. 'J'.'. A letter from .tolin W.
loiter. IT. S. mluitprnt Mexico, (in null.
Iidnd hern thi morning, in (ihlih lie ntntcs
that thero m.i littlu eiicounigement for
American merchant to tr.nlu in Mexico;
that tho ruiuoii rate of oxehaugo theru na
.1 tax on fonijn I'uiuiuercei that tliu pnanihil-
ity 01 protltniiiu iipeeiii.iiii.ii in Mtiir (ia
very tin, ill; that railroad communication
m.i willy Mantiugi tint ud'ii nhcr lmi
lie i ground 1I01111 hy lAceralvo taxation;
that half tliu imputation 1 eoiuKmeil of to
tally ignorant Indian; that thrru i no no.
curtly for lifo or property in any part of tho
nine, mm mat oven tiu gnverumeni out
I hi will mnko 9!K),0U0,U(X) called for re
demption thi (ear Mith the proceeds of
sale of tho 1 pur cent.
Tcrrllilr (line l.ilOnii In IVnn)lianln
Nu.ui (s. Nov. 22. A tcrnlilo coal mine
explosion occurred at tho siillimu coal mine
to-dnj, cntued l.y tho ignition of lamp llatne
uitligi. A terrific (nlley (n added hy
the fict of there lieing S l.og of powilir
heloii, 'riieiuM-iriMiioreth.iiir.no mr-ii in
Cradl) In nn In vine (niliini.
St I'(iL, Nov. 21. Tho committee in.
vcnlgating charge of cruelty in ht, 1'etcr'
in.mo nlum Iiml tho charges mutaitied,
nml that cruel treatment ha caused the
death of tun patient, 0110 man hoing stran
gled hy forcing food iIdmii hi throat Mith a
M'H.d.'ii fpoon. ntnl n Momaii hcing no (scald
ed l.i I . liu lilt c'irek-li 111 n hath that
di it'. 1 i.ined .lohii lMti and Mm. M"(cr.
tho mine at tlio time Thirteen iro killed j a"iiti.'m the hopital, nru held ropousi
1 hi fkiit -1 or in in omi. 'i. ntnl niaiiv.oi Hie 010 i"r ii.pw mi.
Ilic otiam mu mil. rtng 10 tiom mitloeatloii ' lln llrttlli f.nllaniinl.
innt ineir live linng lij n thnn.I. Iliuinn
I nod Suiiiui I llmiillord,' tuo of the piiit.rn-
t"T- (ir- kiiiiuii to le killnl A great
t 1 roil I nt iilntiu-, iie.tl moiiu'Ii liniugutl.
1 ill. 1111.I tin ill fated luiiii', ami their latituiitn
I tionn nn jutlful.
iiiui-ii 111 me llnnili ni Hie I illicit .mi
Nm Vol k, .N iv. 211. A Lomloii njiccial
in the lt'iiili piiii.iin. nt dill Iw summon.
id mi t!. 1 .".tl. ot i. . iiul.i 1. 'I'lii ilecinioii
1-1I.1 n -nit .1 ni out coiiin il. Tin Mai-.i.l-ot
Sih-letii, ..ii!. r-1 Niitlieoti, mid
('..- iii-iti.l in tin- I.i't cahimt niectina
that the condition 1 1 nlliiiiK in tliu cat Mas
Itimln nml KtiKlnnil.
IllifjHF.L, Nov. 22. Tho Itussian organ,
I.e Nord, in .111 article on tliu Afghan (inr,
ay that report, iihicli nill dotilitlc.M he
prup.i,iteilrel.itivu toconipliciitlonslictMeeii
llnglatiil and Ituwia, may hu characterized
liefoiiliatul as faUe. Alfpropect of such
exeiituality may ho put out of question uitli
pcrtei t nssur.Uice,
-lurr (II -limliltllnilr,
I. dloiii, Nix. 22. Tho proilainatiiin of
the (i.'i ri'V "f Indii t' u.nnt the hi-tor) of
crs refused to tell wlicro they had hidden
tho stolen treasure. Tlio canturing party
f. S. May, W. .1. Slay, Jcsso J llrown,
West Travis mid (leo. Corners will ho en
titled to any rounnl (illicit may ho paid.
The gold dust stolen amounted to nhnut
SIO.OUU, hesides seven horses. Tito (luvcruor
ha put the parties making tho capturo into
communication withShcriffMnrgau of Oneida,
mid the persons oll'cring tho rcunrd.
A di-patcli to tho Avoiiated I'icm from
('it I-'iramie, Nov. 'lil, utate that on tlio
W i-iiiM.r..v, Nov. 2J At n cal.lntt ' !'.' imtlj giai.' to lintifi nn extia xvuiou.
ineutinu thi nfteni.Min, ne. ret iry Ilvnrt an. IieicimMiihl titnou-lj ohjecteil. liu (in
noiim ed that tho I'ortugesu iiuthoritio hivi' finally 1I1 f. nted, a innjoiity muting their
pini'ii 1 linrli u. Angill, tl.u ilotanlting ("' in lai'r ' f n"eiuliliiig tho Mrliaineiit.
lailiur of tho I'ullmati Car Co.. in ctutodj ' It 1 thought the Mumu (i.II lat nhoiit n
of tho I" S. (.ommel nt l.ishoii. nml tlmt I fortt.Lht.
nun iiun ilo extiailition treiitv oxit
tin en tlio L'ntted Stite and I'oitugal,
cany reiiirn 10 1111 country I nssurcl.
(li) Hip llnlirux A 11 aril mi I'alil.
W dill viiiiin, Nov. 2 Minister Welch.
Ill hunting I-onl S.ilihury tho fl(o ntnl n
I tiliKlillulilHiili-.
Herald'." e.il.le: Minister Marsh liadngr
pruvnteil rrcsiilent llaje congratulatioin
to King lliiiiiln.rt on lm e-i-.-ipe, the prime
minister (iritej to'the foitigu scrutary i
ill," .Majesty, tliu Mug. Mlsliisyou to in
I, ,tr ...ni..?... .t.i... i r.:...i r :. . . ". .j.--v ",u : ""'
"'""" "","', .iio, ii.ui'-eii ni-o a 1 torni .(lar-n iioivngieeaiiio nml in
eoiiimiiiieniiou in (Uilcli iimier Instructions him i this frch iniiiifcstation of fricndsliiti
ironi (laiiuiiL'ton lie stateil that tho iiav.
inent wasmadu hecauso tho L'nitcd States
desire to maititaiii tho valuo mid good faith
of arbitration ami treaties lietiieru nations,
nml nhovo all dith (ircat llritain. With
thi molivo our government reserves the
ptestiou of obligation to pay tho
recious In
tlie M.'iroy 01 iiiuii 1. L...11..K ;ol- no.-.,., . - - ,,,,;. 1 i .
the relation Utii'en India and Afgliaiiintm I '' Mnnsllcld and Slel.iiiifliliu, M lieu 011 the
during the last Mi .(Mil". It m: "In , "'" "'" ' ". "!"1, ", '",, """"' ,",'",,
...i,.r.T f.., th. l..ii.ln..s..t oiii-mtioinnnd ' t"dyo.l. I). Mai nml . I. . I llioiin Mete lor
int. ntioii-n- Mitm .l hv the mii.ir I.- uldj taken from tin ti,'e hy ti(e maik.il
u11tif.11 t CiiiUilh. l'( mntcrnl aid nthuil-I "ien nml hanged. Ilinliee.l oplaii.itioii
ul to him 11..111 nun to time, nml h( the tree 1 a the two men (ilien . iptured Mere placed
.oin.i.er. ., ii.tli I11.I1.1 .i.i.rd.il to tho Af. 1 in ti.lat H'M'ltt'M-l. -"im lalo III ill
(illicit has united Italy to tliu tiohlo
can coiifederatiou.
I lie Kc.iiiiuillnn rrnsriuiip.
Nr.w Yiu.k, Noi. 2.1. The Trihuno'
ghanistaiii., ue gained only ill Mill and di
courtesy. The nun-er openly nml nidiiiiiis
ly ntletiiptid hy (lord ami deed to tir up
r-ligiou hitrc'd mid to lning nhout a Mar
upon tho llrittsh empire in India; and. nl
thouglihi hadreliclleiliill cll'iilt for ninie.ihle
intercourse hv tliu Indian government, he
formally recelsid tliu l!ml.in cmh.isy, nml
fit-ally, (i lulu thu lEus-iau mis-ion (ia stilt
at Ciihul, lie forcihly repulsed fho Knglish
envoy, (1 hose coming had le-cn duly iiotilled
to hiiu, ntnl met our attempt to promote
friendly relation (i ith open indignity mid
ileliaucu. Tho nmcer mistaking for (leak-
uess tliu long forhcarancu of tliu llritish
eovernment, thusilcliheratcly incurred its
just resentment. With tho chiefs nml pco.
Tile of Afghanistan, tlio Indian government
has no ouarrel, mid they have given no of
fence. Tliu independence of Afgatiistau dill
At tin
Himg of the luoiii I'-. it .toes not sioni likely
that the iciinrd dill I.- claimed, (,r tliu lost
ptop. itv r. 1 oiered hy the lllillersnt t'.irihoo,
1,1.,' , WWI.I.
Wahiugtiui correstioudeiit thinks that ho rcvicctcil, hut tho government of India
friiiitnllth.it can ho learned from 01 ere cannot tolerate tint r.uv other liouor should
Tin: MMiM.r.
Wo line facilities, lllliillh the ltn.it ivltahle
prK.itoMiurci', for giving the exact liens ol
the (ihe.it maiket in Sin Kraueiwo nml l.iwr
HHit ivceiied up to the hour of going Id pi.-u.
Wu can ktato the nmouiil of tonnage nt coin
inaiiil for (our ue, nml nhall natch nil matter
that n lite to the puce of pni.lu.it mid the pun
H'ct of tho maiket in .idi.iuco 111 the intei.t
of our re.idei. While no lieiiCitu t guv ill-
Ciuiragi'iniiit to tixi ll.ittcrilig hope (10 iieier
lli'Mt.lte to gill' nil rell.lhle fact In the pt-nple.
from mIioiii our mipport 01111,'s mid nho-e pr.u
vril( 1 the iiu.Hui'u of our ou 11.
(Ill (I' (It. KlKLI. ffllLI-ll.
In nldilnm toeaj, original and c.uitriluit
d, 1. 1.iting t agri.ulturo and tiH-k-rnumg 111
the I'.eillo Xtirttitixt, mo hall make ul.c
t ton. 1 nun the agricultural Journal ami tHU
piihiic.itiou ue le.ell.i from all MH'tiolia ot the
I'liioii. n Ith the indemor tu inter all ground
tut -.iiy (or the uitormatiiuj f home pin-
iliuvmaiid tliu a l( aiu'inmit of home agricul-
A ei tain amount of mii'ell nu-oiu and
iiotiv reail'Ug U'ill U found 111 I'icrj iiie,
toiiihcg uf the huuioruu mvoii4uII mnl
niiiNnitory ot mtrt, nuiti.l tu our
i. Our Haimi CirvU) i ctunlucteil l a
ion OKpcrituije and literary t.ite -m
y Uor Mpuvially fur that iU'iiuunt,
my y$ax txiwnenei a lartuer' . ite
otaibl fur her tu cuniprehi'iid nml
to tliu nucktl iiaut uf a i.iiiu.i.'
-. MoiwL wsr.
.ardly ncery to jy to our ivular
1 that t!io 1'akuh Mill nluai. pc ivi
vt inornl telle an I endeaior to can the
at and plire.t lutlminit to the fauilll iult
1 e li.iio no hittertu.s to icnt, 110 angry ior'
handy (iitti .1111, 110 ivrnounl mtiicit tu ad-
anco nt the cxh'iim' o( tlio general good, and
" if'V.1' Imvc nil) I'licmii' mo do iikt care to knou
it, mid cannot nlloid to puhluli it no propose-
to ha(o noue, at liAt among the l-euple, mid
mo tare to h.iio no friend, at thur vhiiw,
among their oppreor.
l'eoplu of Uivgon' tin i (our new ji.ii vr.
and m e n-X'd only our miport to inaku it nil
you can de.iro. Can mu Ii.ko It ill each
one endeavor to t-ccuru 11 one more i.ult ul
criUr? If ou Mill, mu can go on proiji'rouii
lv and do you good vr(fce Uicu uitli thc.o
M'li.nl times" tu contend nizalutt (10 ought to
ir list, mm mo hopo to do 11 (i ith
cur engngu in murder mid rohhery. In con
cluding hi letter, Mr. I'mtcr .1) Mexico is
our mtural market mid tho two countries
should haiu mom iiitimato commercial rela
tions; hut our merchants Mill cimliiiuu to
Hud other markets hcynml tho cquatoror on
tho other si'l" of tho gloho Hides, Ural,
Mexico is Milling to hlicr.ilio it leginlaliou
mid run up it credit mi n to maku a direct
railroad comuiunicatioii Hi.ihtu; second,
modify it taiill' nml intciior trade regula
tion; third, present' a statu government
nml in force order nml protection In life mid
property. When theau nru nciouiphtheil mi
uxainplcd era of prnipcrity mnl del clop
ment Mill dan n upon tlm fair laud, nml the
tit 11 repiihtua (till ho bound log.ther hy tliu
indis'iolulilu IhiiiiU of foiiiiucn.ial ami ho.-i.iI
rcii r Kity ithiili Mill not ulloit ndiaturh
anco of their kmco or tin ir national integ-
Itv. A meinlier of tliu McM.ail lollglem,
Jii Maria Marline Negrette, lieiug 111 Chi
cog 1, m.i lutertltltid oil tilt litter IimI.i.
Ilu made mi I'luphatie nunial that this
gloom) piituro (ta ilcudedly on I'lr.iiin:
in it Rome statement mciu untruthful, some
ux.iggei.itiil nml in other tliu oxicption
(teio gileli .1 heilig Iho rill", lie denies
that time I a total (lautol eoiuiuiimeitloii
for ti.it el, and dc. Lire that Mexico h.i hecn
lihcral tilth niihsidif and h.m.ii.i rule grant
ed fiio ciiti-.iiu'o to all ai Helen uitli hut a foit
not.ililo ecc.tinii; h.n alii.ij piotiiptly and
1 ll.'ctii illy puuiihed muriler. r, ami .'.ill at
tention to Mi'.ikuesaiu American got fruuii-iit
.11 an iill..ct to the hrilk'ry and corruption
.illej.i-1 to t Ut in Mexico. In short, the
Mexican make a general lchi.il ol the prill
cipil xiiitM ot Minuter roster' letter.
t Hi raullcr." ( 1 11II11 r'-.lnlli c
lliillHii it tin:, Ma., Nov. 22. lie". It.
Mttsiui, .1 formir ireidcnt ot the llinlgo-
ttater Iron Co ,1 rcMrte.l 1 ilel.iullir lo the
aiuouut of 2.'MMM. Hi tatliir. Mho 1 lieu
liter of tho loiiiitiii), ha m-itrc.1 the con
cern agaiunt hu Ii) attat'hing hu ton's prop
er!). Tin- "I 11.-" Ill lllllliil
i'liu u.n, Nut. 22. A t-atili-gram ha
l.ccli leoeiled I loin the Aiueriean eomul
at l.ulkiii, I'ortiigil, tt.iling that Charles
W. Aiigull, dtfaulling .c.-retary of the
I'ulliiiau Palace Car I'oinpiii), ha Ixvu
nrrotnl there, mid that ?-.tl,(K)ll ot tin
iituucy taken h( linn has Ken tuuti.l ou ho
pe nun.
I lllg Juli In Hie I lili-iigu Nett 1 11-1 inn
Citti'di.t, Not. 22. I'll.' grand jurx 111 the
Cnitcil States limit I itu tin- allern.m lan-,.
into con it 11 ith imlictiiii'iiU ug.iiin.1 Iho (ol
lutt ing persons for cou.pirnc) to .Kir.uid the
i.n eminent 111 coiuuvtioii null the cuiuture
lion ot the I 'hli.lgo custom ho'.ue, hy llleaiu
f irau.UK'iil louclurxoiit ot eiMKUiU: .).
I., lull, supcrt i.ing .irttnt-it ol the Ilea.
urt ; lei llurliiij,
strut iitmi ((in. i. r-'rier, cx'iupvm.iug
arvl.lte.tl John M. Mulhr, tiiie eonti actor
ol Cincinnati; A. li. Mills, Muller aut
nut; lieu.. I Heed; Alexander C. Whtutuu,
ex-stone inspector, nml lieoroC. I 'riming.
ruin canuoi no un.icrsiix.il as lurulslilug a
precedent or lixiug tho valuu of heticllts nc
cruiiig to her llshcrmcn on tho hanks of
Nettfoiindlaml. It protes'. against tliu act
ual piyment hemg eonsidered hy her inajca.
t' govemuieiitin iifuiesociicu'iii nny such
11 ensure.
.tmiHirr linlrrue In M1111I1 ramlliin,
W.ntiiMiios. Nov. 22. Thu following
telegram M.11 leceivud hy tho commissioner
ni iinernai revetimj tms morutng irom tol
lecior lira) lun:
('OLI'MIIM, S. l, Nov. 21.
Captain llollmau's detatcliuicnt of the
reteuiio foreu tva surrouuded ou tho night
of the 20th in n houso (theru they itcru
stopping, in Ahhuvillu county, near tho
ieoigi.t line, hy 11 hind of armed men, nt
lent fort) 111 iiumher, and ordered to leave
the county. Their live tiero thruiteued
nml se(vral shot worn fired. Tho otlicer
Into ti ith. Ira till to Ahlmtilh) courtlioilm
M'nitiug leiuforcemclits (thiuli I h.no or
dered. ( ommuisioucr I'aum replied n Minus:
I hid entertained high liotw that the otli-
cemif the internal rutenuu Mould luiet ttith
no further armed re!itaueu in your district
hut in thi I have l.ccli disanticiuted. liein-
force ("apt. Ilollintii sutllcivntly to enahlo
him to overcount nit ic-istancc easily mid
thoroughly. Thu police r.f Alihoiillu nro
making all proper seiture nml nrrests. I
ti iih it distinctly understiMhl I (till nnioo
nny further amnesty iu your state. Ollcml
er must expect to liu prosecuted to thu full
ii to nav tho amount. ,..., . ., ,. ',...:;'' i.... ... .1 - .... i..p.i-.' .........
iiltln.imli Ii il,.. ,. ui.l.l ..1T1 i. ti. if I urce 111- .l.icvcl iiiviouoiiing Mill not iu iiueri-jru 111 mu iinernai nii.iirn 01 itigiiaiu.
s ' 2, , r..'"iV"ilu'" .l.S.'i'...1 '0..l;:le"'nti.il Kjiuts 111 the resumption .iro-'tan." Tl.u proclamation concludes as fol-
't '. 1 oimi.ii(. ) to 1 1 urt 11, UIIMVIi1i.irt.ril iliat
tho amount nuatded hy tlio Halifax coinmij.
. . r . . . r. . .
tlio friemlsiitp tor tliu Hostility 01 tliu cm
1'irst t'uited States note (tillhu redeem
til at the Nutt York silh treasury iu gold or
.;!..... ....:.. .. 1...1 .!.. .1... ..i.t...", ,1. .1
nii.v. 1 hv IIO.IIVI a OOUUII, ttltHUUb I1UU-
tatiou at to amount.
Second -l,cg it tender notes of snceial Is
sue of large denominations will he deliver
ed in plaeoof gold ccrtillcates, ami there (rill
ho no further issuo of gold ccrtillcates.
Third Holders of note Mho prefer gold
instead of silver (till ol.taln cold, and tho
treasury (till not force ui-.u tlio holder of
notes n kind of legal tender com that is not
I'otirtli Tnat legal tender even (tithout
enactment of any law allinnatitely authoriz
ing it, will ho oiur)tiln:re received for cus
tom duties
fifth --That silver doll irs (till lie exchang
ed for legil tender or national hank notes 111
multiple of SI.IMN) nt any auh tre.iury or
national hitik (ihicli is a United State dc-
Ions: "t'Min tho ameer, Shcru All, alone
, rests tho rseiHinsimiity 01 having excliaugeit
press of India."
Irlll-li Army (liiiriiirnls.
Losiiox. Nov. 22. A corresnondent tele
graphs from the camp of Ixhyhcr column
0M......1... .. .1... i. .1- .. r.it.... .. a-i... it...
Tlmt Ali.iinl Trnil).
W.(niNiiros,Nov.2:i. Dr. Scott, United
Stites consul to Honolulu, (iho i hero of
a leave of nhsence. ha suhmittcd to tho
secretary of state mi ollicial coiumiinicatiou
iu which hu argues that tho existing treaty
of reciprocity hutiicun tho United States
ami tho llnn.1ii.111 kingdom, should hu
nuienili'd, lie aaya thu valuo of nrticlca im
ported into this country from thu S.imlit ich
Island 1 six time that of our export to
them, nml that (tu rcccito no adequate
retuius for our relinquishment of custom
diitua 011 lliattaiiaii sugar and nco pro
duct. A Tiihuiic's Washington special say that
Secretary Sherman lm caued to he prepar
ed for hi forth' inning reuirt a full state-
in 'lit on Hi.' Hoiking ot thu u.iprocity
treaty Mith thu Sniulttich Islands. When
the treaty m.i dleiised in executive ses
sion hu made a cccli ngaiiitt it ratttic.i
tioti on the ground that Me catiuot atl'ord
tho los to our ret emus mIiicIi thu propocd
reciprocity ttould eause. Ilu iu.it lind.
iiHiii iiiteatigating the siihjett, that hu (in
light 111 predicting that, 111 a ieciii'i.ir)
scliae, tho l'nitcd State Mould Intu licit lit
hvthetre.it). 'Iho seeretar) has cillecte-l
all Ict.iil of our loiiimerto tilth the
Saiiditich I. lamb nml (till present tlieiu at
Ilar-' Hf".ui- 011 i-uiillitrii liiilr.iii--.
WtsillMiluN, Nov. 21. Ill hi torthcoiu
ing mcaaagu tho president will make a ru
(Hirt 011 thu outrage ami (iulat ions of tau
nt tho south during the lite congivniona!
election, it prominent topic of comment.
Thc tiolatnuis Mill lie toudeiuucd as no
tieealily dtprittug a largo uuuiher of ntuciia
111 Kcillcd localities ot tho right cuiitcrr.d
hy hotli uatiouil nml statu nutliont),
thu pivtcutiiig icsiilta cprcisne ot
their (till 111 the administration uf puti.
lie iill.ur. Such pioeetdliig (till U
further deprecated liecnu-e they imlnato
that tho pu'itie.iti'Ui of tho south is not
)et coiiiplctc, and l-veauso they castiepna !i
iimii mid endanger tliu iiitegnty of our lu-e
institutions The suhtect ttill ho c.iriustl)
presented to the tousidtratluu ol c-'iigre.a,
lor audi nettouaa the ciicuinitaiieej demand,
Mith 11 (ten to preduting thu loeurreiue of
audi tt rung, and to secitru nhsolutu c(.r
cue ot the right ol .iitlrtge.
t.i. ir mnl i ..In In in-1111 i:111l I'.iinlta
Inn In i.utcriioii 111 liau-ai'lluii-.
W4iiii.in, N.( 2M Tho M-ciet.tr ot
lit" trc.mtr) in reply t. the Haltimore J-.-lo.
gallon sumuiid up a tollotta "Mt L,n.
etal aii-it.-r, theret.ire, 1- that the I'lutcd
stdtea ttill iiiniiitain not. a at par in . 111 111
ull pirta l the I'mti.l States I y tho red.inp.
tl.u ot aiith nates a lire presented to ti.. as
sutant tit.i-iircr at N.-ii York, mid I.) the
SX aUH.:ii,teii.Ulit of toil- ! 'v',:l't '' V"' "',','1 '''t.-a l..roiat..1,..lU.
till In tit change uf last The tre.uunr will
tnat I'. . notes and ."in a, auexact . - nv-
aleiit in all transaction, tuth the g.-trrn
ment, mid then lutiie eicrt iilurc 11, the
I'iiUmI states ttitl adapt It.tll to toe tame
I lie liciitanil- tor Hit- I111I 1. 111 -i-rtlic
W (iiii-iii,Nsi(.2-'I. Tlievuiniiuasioner
t ludtiii ntlaira 111 his annual lvp-rt asks
i.r nie Hnniu .tituvtturiiig liu- iu-t iur
'H,WK), it Inch ia S.W,l more than ap
p.iri.ite.l for the current )ear. Tliu in
erc.nu u princijull) for thu puive et ex
tending t'.lucati.iual facilities to icrtiin
trihes and to aulotst a nuiuher tilu are tin
.ihlo to help 1 1. cm. cite.
Ullllurt sir.lrr..
Aaiistant Surgeon lUvid O'U'tt is lut been
onlored to tho rccciung ship Independence'
at Maro I. lind. Passed AmiUut surgeon
Win I. 1 itv ell has loen ordered to resume
duties at the naval luupitalj at Mare Island.
Illalr uu I tie ll.iuocraHc ISuul.
Nt.11 Yokk, Nov 21. -Montgomery lllair
it rites a column letter 10 tuo Mm toiu
ilory, tho expeino of traiisiKirUtion to
tu imI'I hy the mint. Thi is tho nl.iu
tthich mm inaugurated 111 Septeinhcr, hut
tta so suddenly ducoiitiiiiicd on the ground
that there ivas 110 nuthoritv of late tu ev.
chiiigu silver for legal tender notes until af
ter.la1111.1re I. 1ST!!
Sixth 'i'hnt i'i hap arrangement ttill hu
iii.iuii ni sun tteasune oilier tliau nt New
York to redeem legil tetuler notes in coin
Mithiuonliuary limits, ami .1 tho interests
of the placu ileii.auil, hut not iu largo sums.
lliirllllj's e.vas.i.taut and ntternanls stone I
iupcctnr. riie cudenco in tliu custom
In uo ca-o is tcrt d imaging, mid has hetn 1
taken t'litin'ly h) the j,rand jur, assisted '
h( l'. s. Ihstiut Attorne) lluigs. No
other got ciuiiiciit olhccrs Into heeii con-.
ccrucd 111 tlio matter. It i wid tint tliu
et ide'iicu goes further thin that 111 tlm pre
liminary examination lu.idu hero l.i.t tpriug
Ii) tho coltevtor of the port, mid slum con
Hutu d shameful management 111 auh-evu-tracts
hy SuK'riiiug Architect Hill, (there
h) the goicriiiiieut is King tucxcusihl)
lllllrlitls .Urol.. I.
('HUtO-iioN, S. C, Nov. 22. Tho shtriil'
and deputy sheritf ot Sumter county (tero
arrested to day on a charge of restating a
pnvesa of the I' S. court m arresting sain
l.ce, tthoit 1 alleged, 11 a a! read) in thu
custody of the I' S, Marshal as it Hues iu a
L S, court.
lii'lalliix, tut s llunil
Nkw Yohk, Nov, 22. -A Washington
dispatch sai that another call for thu re
ilemption of ,IHXi,IX)0 .1 SO tl inr ceut may
bo cxiH'Clctl tins ultemooa o. lo.iuorrotf
shoit mg that Tildcn is the only available
presidential candidate for tho IVmocmey,
and attrihutcs the recent rout of the party
in tho north to au attempt to overthrow Til.
Kriirnri' lli'ri'iilliiii.
Siv I'ltiMi-ni, Nov. 20. Wanl prcsi-
deuts of thu Workingmeu's party held a
meeting this evening ami decided to receive
Kearney on his nrrit.il. 111th n nroeesaiou
and speeches nt thu sand lots.
Outran' nml lliil.lirrj.
Ou thu night of the Kith, a burglar tutor,
ed tho residiueoofJame llrice, TlOtiurrnru
street, heat htm iusensihlo tilth a sand club,
stabbed him iu thu leg mid gut otf ttith a
Match, Jewelry, money and Hearing apparel.
To-day tliu imhco nrrested l'eter Carr, nn
old coin let, on suspicion, and found llricu's
watch ou his jierion,
;u.irill.in (Inulcil r.ir ItuLlim. It Mint.
SIN I'll (M'liiu. Nov. 21. A.. I. Iialston.
I. I. Fry nml J. C. L Wi.lsitortli have
brought suit in the pn.batu court to hate n
gu.udiiii aiiiioiiiti'.l lur Mrs. W. C. lialstuu.
ithom it iselaitui-il 1 iiie.iuhlo of taking
e-.ite uf her proix'tti or her children. It 1
cli'.mcl that she t under tho iutlueiico of
per.ou having no cliini upon her, and upon
it mini sue uas ape in oier a imniireil thou
aaml ilollarr, mnl it is to s.110 the remnant
of her estate that the application i made.
Mile illltuii'a ii-r.
Thee.nuof Mrs. Ik 111. kiioiiuas Mis
I'.lliu Wilton, 11,1s called 111 thu prubr.tu court
this morning, hut was continued until Men
d.i). Mia Wilton 11 a summoned t appear
in court to-day for rumination tilth icfer
dice to the poscioii 01 certain life insur
ance policies and other propel ty Ulongui'j
to the late Aluxmiilir Austin.
Ilunr.iii'- Cu-r.
.1. C. 1'uuc.iu na brought into tho nuir.i
ciit.il criminal court for trial. 11h.11 resistant
ihstriet attorney 1'oysd 111, said he could not
proceed tilth the trials oitn g to the r.hsence
of Ilugenu C.isserly, iiln claims exemption
from eourt proem a .1 uiembcr of the con
stitutional concut' ju. Tho cues wero then
continued iiiile'-.atcly tilth tho underataud
tug that Uiki.i thrcu diy' lutico either aide
can 1 all them up. Pun. m is .pnto pale, but
is looking tvr) ttell othcrv.ite.
li.li'r- nl ( lllco,
Karus, Siteetser, Colmir and AiUUile
were at I'luco testorday. Siteetser trotted
against time tolic.it I iillertuu's ixivsirtl, 2:20t.
'Iliu tlrat heat uai uuide in 2 I7i tresuid,
2: lit. Adelildo mid Colmar contested the
SILK) purse, the latter winuiug in 2:ooJ and
Durilrriil Ii) Ilrr llii-l'iiuil
This aftcruoun, about l:."0 u'.lwk, tieorge
W. Smith, a i.x.per, ttent tu a liklgiug h..n.u
,it No. UU Sacramento street to get Ills tttte.
ttlio lias twit I'lurat.-.l from him tor a
mouth au.l had instituted proceedings for a
dltoicu uu the grouuds of inteuipeitince nml
cruelti.tu return t him. She rvt'uet,itlu-rv-up"U
he shot l.er 111 tl.u breast, killing her
iiutautly, and then turned the weapon upon
him. tit, but the hall did not take c-itcct upon
tutu, lie mining himselt.
Salkii, Nov. 2o, 1S78.
Thb association 11 a called to order nt l:0
p. M. by the president, Mr. S. A. Handle.
Hull called; Mrs. Curl absent mid Slim
Wntriner tardy.
Slimitts of previous meeting read and ap
Under tho head of irregular business, Sir.
Kaiser moved that tho regular business uf
tho association be postponed, and that tho
teachers occupy the timo In drafting resolu
tions of condolence to l'rof. Clrcgg. Thu
motion was carried. On motion of Sir.
Kaier, a committee of three, consisting of
Mr. Kaiser, Mis Lnvrcnco and Sir. .Sell
wood, itero appointed to ilrntr up resolu
tions. The committee reported thu fol
lowing! Since Almighty God. iu His inflnlto wis
dom, ha seen tit totisit l'rof. (Ircggiiith
tho ureat allliction of taking from him hi
helmed wifo and only child, therefore bo it
Itcsolved, That we, tho tcachcra of tho
.Salem public schools, tender to our superin
tendent our heartfelt sympathy iu this his
sad bereavement.
Itcsolved, That tho secretary present a
copy of these resolutions to l'rof. l.regg.
llesnlved, That the Salem papers be iu
quested to publish these) resolutions.
M. I'. L.KVIlKM'K,
.1. A. SKI.I.M'OOII,
W. AI. Kahkii,
Ou motion of .Miss Ta) lor, the resolutions
Mere adopted.
Thu president stated, by request of thu
board, that the teacher nro required, at tho
roll call, in tho morning sessions of their re
spective schools, to ascertain if there is any
diphtheria iu tho families of thu pupils at
tending school.
On motion, the association adjourned to
meet December l', IS78.
W. SI. Kahkii, Secretary.
Liver is King.
The I.lvnr Is tho Imperial organ of Iho
(vlinlo human svRtoin.n It control tlm Ilia.
lioallli nnd happluos ol mat). WIiou It U
disturbed In Iw propor action, all kind of
ailments are tho naiuaal result. Tho ill go.
Hon of food, tho movomontu oftho hoart mid
blood, Hie action of tlio brain anil ncrvmiH
system, are all I in mediatory connected with
Hie workings of Iho Liver, It has been hiio
coshfully proved that Groon's August Flower
Is umqtialled In curing all porxons utlllctod
with UyMiPpsU or I.Ivor Complaint, nml all
tho iiuinoroiihpmptonH that result from nn
unhealthy condition of the Idver anil Stom
ach. Sainplo bottleit to try, 10 cents. Ion.
lively sold in all towns nn iho Wostern Con
tinent. Tlireo doses will prove that It Is Just
what you want.
-lore-fir Hie in-rr.in irtii).
laisttis, Nov. 21 - AneiiUr ha- been uu
expectitlli it celled at Wuuluien lor iiivuly
100 tns of camp eiuisigo fur the army m
South Airiea. store are unit bitugeni
lurked tor iu.n.eliale itispatch. They con
sist of .1 j.reat miinlier ot tints, blankets,
Uuriek'a tiiriutiire, uteiisiU and ether l.ce
n.arui ot the kind.
(..untie 11.1 I Ulit 11 Hurl.
I'akk Nov. 21 -Uainbetta and Pefour
ton Mere aiiuouiiced to tight with pistols to
day at Haute ltruyctcs. Tho parties met
and had one exeluugu of shots at Si paces;
neither hurt.
Auullirr Kauili
l'i(, Nov 21 -Huttng a celebration be
studvut and citizens last evemug of Queen
Slarganta's birthday a lotnb was throiin
into the croud, but without serious result,
The person sui)eetetl of throning tho miutle
was arrested,
Ibr llall.-ax ttsar.1 I'sld.
tews, Nov. 21. U. S. Sliuister Welch
to-day paid over to her majesty's (overuient
this anto'lt of the I'.drt- -t.m 1... .1f
l'liursdav at day break as folloitst Tho first
ami tccouil iirlg.nio J1.110 long since starteil.
The first iutciiils to turn Knrt Ali Mtisjid by
tho mountain road, n hilst tho second at
tacks thu fort ou m Inch tlm Afghans have
placed a battery. The third ami fourth
brigades aru just about to start by the main
mad up the pass, but this latter movement
is only intended i.s n demonstration, a it is
thought that the movement ttill compel tho
.(Igu.ilil to nniluloli tlicir ilelences.
A ilisnatch from l.ihnre, Thursday. ivs:
"If the attack ou Kurt All .Mtisjid is success
ful, tlio advanced brigade ttill press forward
mid encamp outside the pass. It is only in.
tended to push tho ndvauco of thu column to
Dakku, near the Igilpura this (ear. Thu
(uett.ili column Milt halt nt l'lilicn until
it is joined hy lieueral Stewirt, Thu Khar
situ column ha occupied Knrt Alimcdishams.
Ui to S o'clock last evening no liens had
been received concerning the attack on Kort
Itii-.la Dnroiiniii- llir An e r
IIi.iii.IN, Nov. 22. Den. Kaufman, iihcn
delivering n sit ord to be transmitted to the
ameer, sanli
"My illustrious sovereign, in ithoio im
plro the sun never sets, and it huso raised
linger causes millions ot soldiers to tuko up
arms, send this pledge of friendship and uu
changing ntlectioii to his friend and ally,
tho noble ami chivalrous rulerof tho Afghans
and llelnochcrs. History teaches that lilts
si.i over esnoiiscs n just cause: that she has
alttays kiioun how to protect her allies from
attacks of any enemy, hotvovcr powerful.
ii hoover snies witti ttussia uceil not fear
that a hair of his head will ho injured. The
power of tho Russian sword is great. This
is n i.icc Know n to tno enemies ot Kussi.i as
itell as to her allies. Slay (iod protect and
preseriu the titu poucrful sovereigns, the
czir mid thu ameer. Slay Ood promote tliu
it elfaro of tho ttto. tilled countries to tho
lieuttit of the Afghans, Itiissi.iusaml human.
ity at large. Miy tho echo of these nord
uitakeu consul ition mid hope it hero oppres
sion mid tiranny is piramount." The blade
of tho aitord has thu follotiing inscription iu
thu Persian tongue: "May lio.1 give the
victory over the intidel."
lirll.iln nml (njli.ml. tan -rrnrtlr.il lie
iliiiiilloii nl l or.
IiM.ov, Nov. 21. This uu.rning'a Stind
anl announces thu leply to tl.u ltriti-h ulti
iiiatuni received irom thu mneer to Afghan,
is: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; .1 I according!) hat o been
sent to India for the troop to adimieu. Tho
gote.'umi'iit hai published a lng dispatch
irom Lord Cr.inbrook, secretary uf state for
India, to I.or.1 l.ytton, (icer.iy of India,
rccapitul ttlli.' the negntiatiou with Af
glianift.in. The i!:iatih traces the l!rst
eugagemeiit be tu cell Knliml and the
ameer ol Afghanistan to thu rvfiia.it ut thu
(iladstoiiu gut eminent in In7.1 to give i dull-
nitu miaiier in 1 1 limv tar they Mould help
him if hu Mas threatened by lluisi.i. Tho
dispatch -lint out that ou the nc.-e,st.in of
tho present goterumeiit, relation of Kug.
land null .Ugh mi. tan had to be considered
nilli reference to the rapid tuireh of eteut
in turkittan. Cousmpieutly itheti bml
out.) aoluiteil. .Namely, suli.tanti.il i
lary md, teeogiiitioii ot hi dtnisti and a
pledge of iiuteri.il support agim.t impro- ITS SPECIAL ADVANTAGES.
.""' ,urc,i ' .'S-resjion. cum inunaii) u,.,;, ( Tu0 attention to gentliuianly manners and
the mneer nllouing the Itriti.h government , rorrect bUHlne.s habits, aud tho fact thai the
to haiu neeeifion to ptiattioiu in hi termor) lluslne EJucatlon li not tontlned to llook-
except Cbul. nhero they eoiild aeoiiiro keeping, l'eninunsblp nnd Arillimotle, but
trustiiorthy intelligetice of utents likelv to Impart -ucli bro?it culluro as tho iIiiich how
tlitvau-ii the trnuqutlit) nnd mdciK'ndenceof ilcmauil lur a high position Iu the Mercantile
Afghanistan. Mich accus tta nece-mri ,i . Cominuultv.
a substantial proof of the unit) ' of ' al."1 -'mployment of only llrst-class Toscli-
thu niiieeia interest ttith those of r Hi ovory Department, and In ti'P.loieiit
tin-at llritain. The dispatch then n urate """'r"hn aMo K,vo rewoual attemtoii to
.u. -t. i .i .. . ovory iuipII,
HIV it.nl..e xu.lllle; ui me lllltaiull so c ui. I ,,j ';,,,,",. i , fc,. .
sir Lents 1'elli mnl lien. Sir Neiille I ham- ' ll2 ' .,e S-T8.tem of
berlaiii. itiueh weru undertaken in imr.ii-' Ai.ll At. ULsINii-cl fUACTICl
a ue of these inatrm
the latter nn su:
mssl f li-if rt!f(s tUtt .t.iiif -iri.nid f. e . ti
st4B tSI,V BliV Vflbtll.l Sj'ss) r ivws-l'tlKII i ft - - -
the Itnsjiin iiii.si.in the lk.hev of inaction I'll!.Co'""'ily
was no longer tenable, and that the retu.il r',!1' .! iUh l0. '"""i? I,.0lll1'". for
of the niuee-r tu reeeivu the l'-ntish miss,.,,, I GrTl, i, SX?n V.'.T" ft" "'l""-"-Mas
unprubablo and ituuld bo excusable. ofL ''' "i'f'S I nol loth mmjuuiI
TtoJwUh coneludes U- aUt.ng the term, SloKW
or nn older nge,
In IwvIhb the largest and beat vcntilateil
ami arrausedscbuolroom's. and tLo Urgt-nt
vearly attttnUnce of any Ilualnes Traaiinv
!-eho 1 a Amwrlc, e
The luuursllato uotlQcatlrn of par nt In
iMHofU,meoot any pupil, ami iho p-ns
taken to ktep them Infnrmeil of the urtctna
aud ilxponmAut or their sous. '
Th Vci that each pupil becomes en fie
gam lluslues Penman before Graduating.
It ilepsrtuientsof Modem Lauguaocsand
Dr.iMiiiB,ln (vhtcb tacu pupil cau ucelvo
In-tructlons free of charge.
Its complete Department of Telegraphy.
In which studeuts are UtteU to eutcr at ouco
upon their duties as Operators,
Does uot UsueUfebchoIaublps.butBivea
thorough Instruction at reasonable rates.
Invites examination from nil lnianuu,i
The "Collegsi Journal," Riving full partlo
ilfa Pitrsor.llnii nntsiauA Atfl..a, . s
.' J(u Mrrtt,
.It.r K.sr r
S4H V-a.-. .. I j.
Iiiipartx h HtorougU and practical oducatlon
iu mi eijiiiiuorciai nun Jinginn urnnchtH,
l-retich, Germant SpuiUh, Drawing and
lelegrallliv. 'Jlila uehnnl l.uvm.. .ri,-i
facllltlei, mid enjoying n moro extciistvo
patrnnngo than any similar Institution otube
1 ncltlc Coast, eoullnupa to bao Ita vlaluiH for
reooKiililoii utul patronage upon tbo good
Heiifco mid enlightened Judgmout of tho pub
E. l Heald.
II. M, Stearns,
W. M.ll. Valentine,
ira, j, tiooiinury,
L)tton na sent to In. hi hu uas instructed Mr?; A; iclit
o oiler the ituieer tho Jiroteetio:, hu preu- ! ,.',,''
jiiiI) soluited. Namely, sub.tanti.il peeuu- I " ' 3)reli
F. n. Woodbury,
A. It, Capp,
T. It.Houibent,
Mra. V. J. Hamilton,
T, Seregnl,
Ueo. Jeli.ns,
A. Vauderualllen.
tro undertaluti iu pur.ii-' v..e.s. L3i.iia ruAUTICl;,
tructioui, and ahoit that by which pupil are titled loonier tlieC'vuut
ggeeted hv I...M I.vttou liiB-Ilouh directly from iho School,
"ostentatious re.ipti'ou ..f l I'lgh standing ot iu Oraduutti. in the
of tho ultimatum, namely: A full mid suit
abb apology ititluu .1 given time, it ith the
reception ot a jivrmauent llnti.h mi.....n,
ami nuinesty to the tribes who escorted the
British army.
A Lahore dispatch sais that the govern.
i.ient na preparing a jiroclmuti n tthich
(i aa to Iv isaiicil Wvilnesd ly (testcrdail
shotting that ngoroas nieasure ' were u.i
.Koidille. Tlio Cariboo Hobbery.
All will recollect the robbery of the Canbevt
millers at Iowa liar, Oneida county, ou
the uight of August :il, by a Kind of robbers,
ii ho captured th place and earned ott
tho entire stock of gold accumulated, Wstdes
autmals and other property. Although a re-
want ot sow mm uttered ny me mtuers, uo
turtles at DcadttCA-1, Dakota, luformtug
that tuo of the thieves. Hilly Slaustield
aud Archie McLaughlin had been caught,
aud it ho confessed the Cariboo rubl-cry and
the killing of tuo Chinamen at the time.
Subaccjucntly 1'rice, another of tho gang,
uho made stubborn resistance and was shot,
muj captured. Another, iuune.1 Dave
ace of the plunderers was found until i u,ar regarding course of Instruction, terms,
ntly. liov brat man receh esl a letter from I S'0.; nl.y ba bti ?l ,he offlce r ll)e Collene,
irties at Deadwoe-d. Dakota, mformtug him . - ost ,ree,i or bT durelnK
E. P. iinirn
President nualneajColIes.SanKrancIico.
a. r. niBDisa.
t . B. ....
siustirn . c-n .-:.::"'
imwa.iu s asMAllU.'l,
Attorneys at Law.