Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 29, 1878, Image 5

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A Clever Inrgrn.
Nrw York, Nnv. l!fi. It is Uliotcd tli.it
Hmllcv, alias Sackvllle, now nwnititin; n
icqtiisltlon from thu governor of California,
m foiqer to tliu extent of .? 1 00,000. 'll.o
foritory was cleverly done on piper onivhieh
it letttr nf iilontiticntioii was uritltn. i.ml
cvui bore tho uatcr-mirk used on regular
limit paptr.
Aiinlher rit-ctrli- llitiit.
(iov. lAlhatn liavts lure for California on
Krfdny next. Mo brttn-lit Irom l!urn i-tin-evcluuve
patents for tho United Mate i f
tho JnbloihoQ'nnd Werdermumi tli-clrlcein-lli
.1 mid grnniino machine for "eratnm
iloctncity, covering all sjstcms nf elettnc.il
liiiht now used in Kuropc. IMiion'siirnmia..
id inventions, however, have induced Lath
am not to attempt thiir introduction for the
present, though solicited by many large es
tablishments here.
TUr Minnesota Itrrnnnt.
Sr. Vm'U Nov. 1!j. -Tho canvass of tlio
votes for congressmen in the third district is
going on hero to-day, and is still unfinished.
Washburn, ltep., Ins a majority of 3,000 on
full returns. Donnelly, Dem., objects to sev
eral counties ou account of technical irregu
lantics. It is understood to furnish the basis
for contest.
Filial Arrlitrnl
I'ottsvillk, l'.i., Nov.iM.--While a part)
of men wro tunnelling under a street in
Jv'nn.iho City this afternoon, tho earth fell in
ou them, killing Jolin and Anthony Hiclior
nnd Christopher l'ost and sinously injuring
Mithncl Ycmphcr.
Itnllroail C'oiistillilntlini Scheme.
Cillc'Auo, Nov. 'Jtl. Tliu Tunes has what
it Wlicus to bo trustworthy information
that Jay (lould has originated, and the
stockholders of tho Central l'aciflc railroad
have seconded, a lilm to consjlidita the
Union and Central l'acilic railroads uudtr
one mauagemiut, with .Sidney Dillon as
president, nnd with one board of ditectors.
it is stated that the particulars aio nearly
arranged, conferences liming liken pl.ieu:
and it is further staled that the priucipil
owners of thu Central I'acilio aro anxious to
re tiro in order to tako part in the couitni'
tiou of the Southern l'acilic railroad.
An Allrmiit nt Unlilirr).
CillcAtio, Nov. ''!. -A Tribuno gpvciil
nays n scheme liiw been discuverid fur rob
bing.i Union I'ailllc p.ij master. Five men
Mini engaged in the plot, onii of them, Hen
ry Hue, being an ctnjdoyo nf tho railro.ul
toinpany. An intircclu.il ntU-mpt was made
but the robbers were unable to open the
safe, nlthough they thought they kmw the
combination. Had they succeeded they
Mould hnvu taken out $7.", 000. I loo has
confessed and thu otlicri have bccnnmsltd.
Komi Mortis from it sontlirrn .Inilsr
Ni.vy Oklkanm, Nov. SO. This morning
Juilgo Wliiteaker, in tho superior criinliinl
court, charged the grand jury to inuuiru in
to fr.miln hit li h.io belli perpetrated at
the last election. Ilu kivs that that body
mas composed of nil polillr.il parties, luiil
tin y could, as gcod chums, irnu.u a ililigi nt
and Impartial inquiry nsto thu fraud, mid
pledged tho suppurt of tho court and it
otlicers to nssui man.
Nrw Yoiik. Nov. t!C Win. Milkr.
champion athlete, publishes a eli.illen' o t
Mclaughlin of Detroit, McMulion of San
'rniiciscu, nnd Owen of Vermont, town-tlu
for $T00 a side.
It is stated that Weston is going to Kan
traucisco to walk ;i.. miles in hi Hours.
Tho Harvard boat ilub and friends an
ruthml.-utio In tho diteimination to dial-
lengo oarsmen nf thu two Kuglisli itulvcm
tits for tho uaht oand raco next nunniir,
tlirio ipiarb rs of tlie sum to bo subscribed
in Ilcstou nod vicinity snd tho leinaindtr to
lie raiscil laru by n strus ot fashionable in
ttrtainmtnts. "foreign.-"
Ibr.iruliiin War.
Lohpom, Nav.'JG. A fpoci.il fiom D.'l.kn,
datid7 A. l., sajsi I..uing All Mu.ji 1 in
charge nf tho llntndi regiment, flen. llmim
puslum on, tlao lirad wen nt mo Hill tiui
curling on to congratulate him and u.
their resin eta lo l.undiknna, 111 mill or.
whero tho udvauco force bivourcktd. M ijor
uavanari rouu mi to u.iUkn.ulneli lie n-.u li
ed at 7 Saturday uviuiug, the kuliu of 1..I
poor melting linn to oHir submission. At
dawn .Sunday morning the Utitiili troop re
sumed their maun, arriving in Dakkr. r.t
noon nnd liudiiig that the diM.-rt(d fort bad
Ikcii plundered by ueiuhboriug tribes, 'i In
llntiut ndvanco lins now reached the front n r
of Afghanistan proper, dcctro)iu-, by its
BlltctasiB, lull Milled a uiiiiti'iitji in Mil iiniu
itendent territory thirty miles in width -from
Jainrood U Dakka. Tho tlying Afghan
army, in its iflbrts to escape, Lbs bem plun
dcrtd of crj tbiug, tho country liaiug m
in against Stand refusing it shelter. The
nous is toiilirintd that Jallalabad has been
evacuated ami tho gnrriron is in headlong
(light tnuaids Cabul. Villagers go r.lioi.t
tlitir daily woik with tho utmoat iiikoii
corn wlnlo our nrm is iatiug.
I'ollMun In tlie llimllili Iriiiiirlstiumir
isul( mill nanj 1.1 t lot.
IjOMiom, Nov. JO -TI:o ste.im-bip 1'nm
craiiU, Captain Schwer.iou, w'lith Kit Ni
York Noviiubir Uth, for Hanibur,'. o- l
armed at l'Jj mouth at nmli.iyl.ton tli'.'J4''
was gunk by u collision with a Wvlili l-.ik
off lolktatono last ui.bt. I'lftV-cihl pc:
son ure ni,injf, lli'2 Miro n.vtd.
Tho t i.llmou i tt urrci lost inlt during u
log ei.'1't miles from Folkcmt'iiu. The Wci.li
lisrk i rtjiorUd to bo Ni 1 Kiiiau nt Cmuis
von, lioin Jiotterdun to CnuliU. 'Hie 1'i'iu
ciani.i wu 'i niito fiom I'ljiuoutb to Haiii
burg and fioudertil in ttlout tun iuim.it .
Th jmii scrow iU-Rcitr tiltupsry w.i'l ITi
nf her pauigeis aud tr.w. and Ui.dt I thotu
at Dover. Tho mis vl uilli wlutli the i'.uii
tranb uaa iu colllUu is aneborej aV K.dkv
stono with her lions tUa mid litr Kinv.ird
cmoptirtiiieuU full i.f water. A tug liiw
gonu to litr wUtance.
Livt-Moou Nov. CO During a duue fog
to-day a crowded fur) bout, tiojung tli
Mvnev. como into uiliision with a kliiilin
Btauclior. A pamo occurred on the f 1 1 r
loat nud several persons jumped overboard.
Two to six wtro diownul.
Kosilunsd ItJiimaiila
nccii.iRi9r, Nov. 20. It is oicblI on
nounccd that Kusiia and Houmania haw ar
rived at an understanding by whic'n a n .il
lation of the treity of lk.rlui relative tn thu
pajjgo of llussi ui troops through Honinaiu i
is extended to tho Dobrudscha. The ni.it
ter is thus settled in accordance with H'U
mania's who.
l'rloncrKi leased.
Ijvnor.it, Nov. 25. A majority of tbo
iins-iners taken at All Musjid h.ivo been re
n.thf IMrmnt nt r!U!ube7lc4 Lift.
l'Atls, Kov 'Jet 'I he M nitur reports
that J mvii us to tlidriivalof ICu.fIIuiub-rt
nt lteinu v.stnr !sv l! c i"1k weu i. ienU '
thrMteiuug ileuth to fcll .. ji..ui! in the
oVKf'tm t I'ltn A i " t' i ' i.rit.riii
htl r n
I r
I I r -1 r i
II V 4 ', i
Sa;t .
I'ehkumii. 1'crfutuo Id ns old ns
creullon. It Is to (lowers what tho soul
Is to thu body. Wo can picture Evo as
she pulled down tho rich bloom of tho
creamy magnolia in the Garden of
Kden, or went guthorlnj; capo Jasmine,
or ticllotropo and mignonette. Chil
dren instinctively reach for odorous
HoweM even as the gras does for the
lilii-h of light (hat the dawning fends
thrilling over hills and valleys. Lot
ns glvo tho little ones beds of mignon
ette, and sweet plnU, mid deep-hearted
There is one variety of the beautiful
golden pansy which is very fragrant
am! it whito verbena that has caught
the woodland breath of tho trailing
Nature 1b the truest chemist, nnd
from her laboratory nro distilled per
fumes dreamy and sweet us u breath
of parndlhe. From tho first dewy
breath of spring, through all tliocvnno
neentof npplo'blossoms, swcetbrlar, or
wind-tossed anemones, antl sweet ferns
and trailing vines, through ail tho ilont
lug shndows and golden lights of tho
summer time, till tho purple air of
autumn causes the asters a d golden
rod to como out on the dreamy days, It
is nil one succession of entrancing
beauty and perfumo.
Tho fragrant breath of n (lower is llko
tho beauty of goodncs and purity In
life. It is consecrating, rcllulng.
When the poet tells us ol
"Life iiwict as a .rfiune, pnro ns a prayer,"'
the comparison is one truly exquisite,
expressing till pure aims and lofty pur
poses and sweet aspirations of life, over
tending upward, even gladdening all
around, even like the frngr.tnt perfumo
of n thousand llowors when borno upon
the wing's of tho morning. SY. ImuU
1 1 KM. KlKK. Tho Manchester Ex
aminer Kiys that the Itov. William Im
pey has resigned ills olllco ns General
Superintendent of tho Wcsloynii Mis
Mou iu Southeastern Africa. Some
time ago Mr. Itnpy wrote to tho Mis
blon Secretaries in London expressing
ills inability any 'ongor to enforce on
his biethren, or on tho Kalllr convcits
of tho Mission, the "plain grammatical
sonso" of the words in tho Methodiit
standard?, which lcqulrelt tobo (aught
that "hell Wn dark bottomless pit, full
of llro and brimstone, Iu which the
wicked will bo punished forever and
over, by having their bodies tormented
by tho llro and their souls by a sense
of tho wrath of God." At tho request
of tho Secretaries ho camo to Loudon
and conferred with thorn, ami tho re-
Htllt lias beoil that ho WHS compelled to
resign his pomion. Ills connection
With tho Wo-dcynn ministry has thus I
ceased after fccrving an a missionary j
for forty years.
Tho Inconsistent ntyloof gentlemen's
dro-i) Is hIiowii In clothing (ho wliolo
body with thick woolen goods, leaving
(he most vital portion of thu body with
tho slight protection of shlrt-boiom
anil uudcriiiir. Many cues of bad
colds and other sickness might bo
avoided by wearing a protector. It
nhould be iii.tdo of i-overul thicknesses
of llauucl or other suitable material
cut ten or twelve inches square, then
round tho corners, hollow out tho neck
a little, and tow u piece of elastic or
tape ou to fasten around tho neck. It
should bo worn next tho skin. Lot ev
ery wife nnd mother mako for her litis
bind and oiis to wear during our
damp cold weather, such tin article of
clothing, und wo will venture to hiy
that health and comfort will result.
Ono frettor can destroy tho peace of
u family, can disturb tho hiriiiouy of a
neighborhood, can un-cttlo tho councils
ofcitliH, uml hinder tho lcgMntion of
nations. Ho who frets Is novorthoone
who mends, who heiili, who repairs
evil; more, hu euintirages, ciiloflilen,
und too otteu UK-nhles thoio around
hi in, who, but fur thu gloom mid ilo
priMiion of his idiiipaiiy, would do
ift.irtl work and kcip up bruvu iheer.
Tito fffiit ui on u heni-ltive jn-rson In
thu inert ntigliborhood nf a 1'rettir In
indescrlbiibk'. It is, to the soul, what
a told iry mNt Ih to thu body moro
flillllnR than U10 blttortut Morni. And ,
when tho frottur .i ono who in lieloved,
tltl'll the llllal-rv uf it hlCUIIlC illlitiltl'
i. . , ,i,i
., , ,,n . " . 11 r.i I
I nu .-t-i'lliiiii- -fUiicriLMii IV1I1UI llirc-o
national fairs In iirosiiect.
A IllCUlIn
w.n nuincrounly attended In Now York
city on 11 call from iirnminunt citUens,
to coii.iulor tho pronrioty nf holtllng nn
oxlilbltion of tho Industry of ull in-
tiom III that city In 1S33. 1
TIlO Mexican Jllllhtcr of Public Jits-
tlco hai announced that hii (,'ovorn-
inent is about to noinluiito n coininl-.-
nlon to orv.iii-se a special exhibition in
that city ut an early date, tho exhibi
tion to ho htrii-lly confined to Mexican
and American production.
Australia, too, inn mi vised our vice
consul L'tiKT.il that an Inturnatloimi
i.'-iibiiioii Is to d held at Millmurno
Iu O. t )Iht, 1cS0. I'arliuinont bus voteil
8i"',000 Air bulldliiK. j
rn it ' 1
nrll " I 1
critt ewl ... J Ji- -JyJ
MMJUslll T f i -- 1
Canadian Immigration,
It is a significant fact that during the enr
ending Juuo .IS, 1878, no less thatiMl.GlO Cana
dian immigrants to tlie I'nited Maton iased
through Port S.iniio. They were ihiellv well-to-do
fanni'ir, thus difliriiig altogether from
the American immigrant to Canada, The
latter ued btforethu war to be, for the inot
put, mgro luuuiiiger by the n.jsterious mi
deiground lailuay. Now the inajcmt) con
Bints of fug.tives Irom the Stated, who enliliot
piy tin ir ilit P.p. nud who havi committed omu
criine tu whii.li extradititn laws do notnppl),
and who leave the ecuntrv foi thur own Mifety
and their iiiuutrj's good, lint the Caiiiulmus
whom wc weliome litre are of afar more do
sinablo clas. The grow ing fi fling iu Canada
iu favor of the immediate advantages of pro
tection had led many Canadians to exile them
selves to the States, where the ilimate is less
severe and the soil is mora fertile. One result
of the victory of the Protectionists at thu m-
cent election in Canada will lie to quicken this
immigration. The higher price for various arti
cles which tho Canadian lias to buy, and thu
lower price for those which lie wants to sill,
will combine to drive him ncros the hunter.
Tho x-oplo ou the two sides of tho iuvitibtt
line that separates the Dominion from the
Union arc issentially one ptople. It is absurd
to maintain ono system of taritls en one side
of thu line nud n different one ou thu other.
Moieovir, the greater activities of Anicric.iu
life naturally attract and absorb the moro slug-
gisli Canadian life. Two fluids may lie kept
icriiianently apart by a thin membrane if IhjIIi
aru at nuts but if one is set in motion the
other willp.iM through the iutin cuing wall
Mid join in tho movemint.
DirimiKiilA. As this dUcice sometimes ap
pears iu the spring, wo copy the follow ing from
the New York Tribune!
Wo have just received n rcc-.ipt for tho cure
of diphtheria from a iih)sici.m, who says thnt,
out of one thousand niiio hundred coses in
which it had been used, not a ringle patient
had been lost. Tho treatluiut consists in tho
roughly swabbing the back of the mouth and
throat with n wash made thus i Of table alt,
two draebmst black l'pltr, golden seal, ni
trate of potash, idum, one dinehni each. Mix
and pulverize, put into n teacup half full of
water, stir well and then till up with goud vin
egar. Use every half hour, one, two and four
hours, as rccoviry progresces. The jiaticiit
in ly swallow n littfo of the mixture each time.
Apply ono ounce each of spirit of turiciitiuo,
(uict oil and nipui ammonia, mixed, uvcry
hour to the wliolo of thu throat, nud to thu
breast bonu every fiurhuurs, l.npitig tlannel
on thu put.
Tho Olympii Courier sayst All cxthango rej
orts tli.it Harry Sutton, whoiscaped from tho
Port Townsend Jail vvlulo under fivo ycara' son
tcnio (or Lilling u man, is now in an interior
Mcxicrji toi.n. It is to bu linjied ho will stay
there. Ho was n deiperado nf uioio than ordi
nary iiilclligimu us well as blood-thirstiuiM.
Hh mother was wealthy nnd rtciit many thou
rand dollars in trying to get him to lead nil
honest, useful life. In lh71 tho gave him
$10,000, ul one time, Willi ninth to buy print
ing prcti's und material. Ho sjKut nlxmt
S-VWOof it for that parjiDsn and nearly nil ll.p
send, where it was purehmed by tho Courier
I'ubli!nng Compauy uml brought to Ulympw.
I'l. i:iicws KentiMti.. Mr. Ceorgo Ikilihaw
writes us that n m stake v.ui mado in not er.-d-iling
him properly vitli primui:is leccived nt
tho State I'uir, us he took first ou all clauei ho
showed, fur lint bushel of whuat nud thu best
display. Also, that ho liai received his diplc-
' ma nnd nmd.l fiom tho Centennial for bc.it
wlie.it ol all nations. With Ins put hucco.ii
iuiiI t'xperiinco nf our soils and climate, ho
focts lontidcnt tint bo ivui successfully eoin
peto at r.ny interaitionol exoiitiu:i, und in
tends to do o in I u ture.
Tins Oiimion llioon 1'ciukii.h is n purely
Vegetablu Utmedy. It is manufactured truiu
Oregon Hoots, Htrlm and liaiks.
YKriHtNAl;v.l'. P. Castlcman, will known
through Origon, ha-s reuioviil to Portland to
ciifigo in thu practice of his profession ns vit
eriuarf surgtou. Ho has had large uApenenco
in this li.'o, nud will fill a placu much nt-uded.
Hu may ls .Vand at the Doxtur .Stablui, Port
land. Tho onlv f.ivxis Arn Km.vcY Houiody tout
will have a good effect in thUmalariuuacliniatu
is Pfuudcr's Oregon lllood ."nnfior.
Tho drug storu of Dr. W. A ISuoll.
Turner, was destroyed by fln on tbo 1.10m- Crt o j r 1 up. in UAc,i-i l i.nv- a iwo .
Ua of tbo S7tb. Iss ?l,W0 partly iasuiJ teht It will pay yimtobuy HANUKKIl-
V I .llflVIJkJ I f'l.lUIJI U .. . ... I... .1... .1. ...
Worn in l'Ru.hAhcy will be grdstly
litvtd from nnusea und voi.iitinjr 1. lk
tunall iojut of the Orogon Ultod Pur.Uu.
A Plauant Party.
To Mr. and Mm. W.ll.nni KnjjlanJ u the
social Vic-moat 01 tlio oity under uUl.eitKuu,
fox ouj of tbo pleaiiiitest partius ever irin 1
in tlio iMtt uf iimti!Mi. f.nik 1 tin tn i-tti Is't!.;
0lungi m ,hu t.veotof .w of the.,
now and el (-ant home.
IV deooiutmn rf tM thru Jiail.,l win
tasteful w.'.hout piofusion. und tb- I. ;eiid,
"welcomo," ovu uuv of tU doors mij-arUd
that feeling of oco to tliuio present, whuh
oaiv t,at wonl tan confer. Nearly tun Imn.
drod guetta lurtook of tho bojj.itality of the
iiouae. piuaioii wiin iiiui.iiie.njil appoiutmiuts
it nri'ilIl( (is fffitri llln 4 tl II it l.satltl anil at li.tt.... I
iattin mtli their luudamno furnuliinus. t.. the
diniuj, - room wbitb piovud the boit'ias to Iu 1.
"'v ol turu, taJun iuitiiu4 bouo.
jlr. aud Mrs. IIiiL-lanl hare cnUrt.vmol
their friendi imiy tunc, and Una o-m may
bo roriil-d o, a n-nd.il suocuss wi b-ss th ui
tho othe-ri, mid wlu-n thu "fj-rid in 'bus '
were said tbo In', ol wiiud for ijuy lilt- uinl
bappiuus.1 (or tl.o bait aud Lcotiaa in tlu.r
beautiful homo. A tioriT.
l.'lfbt, lb ntf litarary awl or.t'ual jomnsl,
hmrdi th.' opinion thai, caring to th AfI an
war and tbu cr.sotl.i) sV.o vl t.rj in Turi j,
Ixird Destcniuuld udl, befv.o imov viols
lisiv oUpwd, Im Uie most tuipopuii. won in
s 111 1 1 m 1 1 iipwww.
At the Ltbanoii city election, held Nov. Kith,
tho following officers were ilccttdi Mayor, C.
11. Montague! ltetordtr, tl. W. Smith) Mnr
shah V. M. l'ietoni Trensmer, .1 W Cii'lck;
Couuciluieii, C II Itntstoti, A. Kivin, H. Mi
Callct nud W. II. Douiin. These otficers weic
swum in bv S. H. Ciaughton. Notary Public,
last Monday ev i iiing, nnd the Cit Council held
its first Meeting thnt wuiunnt D. Krviu's slim
s'lop. Alluliv Delnocnit.
Itliil Cittli:. W. C. Mvir. of Aslilind,
s'niti'd to HoKiburg last wiik to deliver live
bend of puie-blood young .teisijs. Tiny are
nil eolnl fawn tolor, nnd No. 1 animal of tin-.
stock. One heifer and calf go to A. (!. Cull- I
liingbam, of Poitlaud. Two heifers and one I
joiiug mill to tiooilelnlil & .Mnmi.ill, r.ugiiie
Citj Jnik'onvillo Titnis.
Scmkmmi io in: Hi'Mi. John 1), Whit
nvv, eoiivicted of thu muidcr of Oliver Hibcrt,
was sentenced last Saturday by Judge Harding,
to bo hung ou 1'riday, Jan. 17, 1871'.
AicjcnTKU. I hu jury in the tase ol Mis.
IliU'rt, tried for the murder of )nr busbaud,
returned it verdict of not guilty.
The intiie number (nvcn) comprising the
Mimphis "Sistethood of Meicy, have dud of
yellow fever.
It was ArtetnUB Ward who said of the Mor
mons; "'I heir religion is singular, but their
wives nro pluml,"
Mr. IMison has taken outline bundled and
fifty mteuts. He only etiisideis tvvnit) of
them of much importance.
why! Why!
Do the people of Ongou pnfer the Oiikiios
IIlooh l'ciuni.ii. l.ivm v.sn Kiiinky Iluai v-
Ton, to all thu"llitters'' "Klowi ri 'nnd "Cures
advertised in this country" ltiinuo the On
uioN Ituioli PlltlllKI. u mamifacturtd isjieci
ally for this climate, uml theihoiiist of Ongou
roots nun Heron arc until in us preparation,
which have bem found to lie most Unelicml m
discavs picvulcnt to this cbme. lluudivds of
tliehu commonly stvlccl "l.iteni imlcnt .vleili-
ernes" aie- thu iiiihikt riiwint uvir irintrated
liiwn tho American H.od"5 they claim to cure I
the Ague in the- north and Yellow fever in the
South, and are a mere decoction of Alt or
Ouassia i.ud nro not as inueh heiuiit to the
s)stem ns a dunk of (,'ikhI water.
Tlie vilii-iioi iiumiii rLiiiKieit js no-. n intent
medicine although vvo have our tojiinyit to
nrotcct lis.
Tlio iireiwiration is n purely vejjctnhto Patni
ly lCimeily, n medicine iiidiK.'iniallo to the
lnjusihold, in tin- only Liver mid Kidney iim
ody suitable for tlni elim.itu. Yuu may throw
nuuy lu.idieds nf dulhrs mcUiiik n euro fiom
them' Muteiii jiicnarations, hut they will do
you no good in this malarious Ontfoii climate.
Jl.iny ol our host pliytieians aru pii'sciiliing
thu new Oregon vepctahlo nmeily for diiuwis
of tho Uvernnd Kidneys, with the most haji
jiy results, nnd vvu evm furthir mid that vro
will shortly puhlinh testimonials from Mime of
tho Ut fitUiin of I'ortl.uid.
Wo will have the OuiioN lll)oi IVuiinrn
on exliihition nt the Orison St.i'.u i'.iir, mid nro
nuking irearatious torn tluuitisjiuy ami oig
l'nco $1 per lio'.tle. Kor telle tvirjvvbcte.
W.M. I'FUNDKIt&a)..
Miuiufr.cturiin;vJioluMloiuid retail dru(-j;its,
l'ortl.iuil, Uiegou.
Work MiiIps for Salo.
A pair uf excellent work inulo, noil lirokcn
to wnou and plow, gentle u-d joung, with
their harness. i'iie nro small tt!w hut tho
best klr.il of :i toam. Y r further inrticul&r
ininilru nt this oftico r.ooti.
Sdcin, iiov. 15. 1H78, if.
for Iho I'ull '1
rt:ci:n.i! i.v.
All K.rsons are invited to oomo and sou what
clejtAiit I)i:iSS (U)OD.S 1 i.ll for ono bit n
yard, Como and too my 'JUient I)"1S
(JOOI)S, my bit a j ard V0IWTi:i) CHIXJKS,
and my lino 8-1 1.A('K CA'JIMKIlliS for
Udies, my 1'ANCY I'lCUIlKI) (iOODSnt one
bit a yard in assorted colors! my W M lll.AC'-K
UKAVKIt, nv 10 cent I.INSCV; my l.nutiful
.evKirtmciit of SIIAWfi the chtaait ladies
imd jjeiiU' UNDr.RWKAK uvor bruii;lit to
Halomimy lino lino of HATS und (:AI8,
JiUOi'S and SIIOIW. liimo mjo mj fiuo SASH
milllONH. :i7 eoutsnynrdimy CIU IS (IIIAIN
1UI1IU1NS at fro-a 0 eci ts to M etnU s yard.
KMllUUIUKIUKH, all lianl-mvlo, from S
atllKKH and TOWKU ol no by tho din
1 IaTAIIIsK LI.NKSS I ibfy eriiipe-ii.tin,
rtrtoO.(JUTU.s .. I CARl'KT.ijiioqca)
leokatmyruwTv.c I'M .l I'MirtJU
yard, my eauu IKS .- ' ' M I'Klh at tl
T hvo f, linu hit of but f'-i 'UA K?. -bp
,tso VEi.VKTH and VK. V n IN'IM nnd all
aurtu of Tk I MM I MIS aJ SiflOSM. A
good line- of KID "JlsOV'y . .H HKKU 1
JIAJU'.l utl your ne.wu.l i niin.i u..
hNITTINt! Clin ON of n. .M no w tbo
.-l.uiiM.it lib c to buy LMCKKSAUKS.
1 i.tjij 1 ,ihiiifu 1 11 ii.-i -i.j jii iliu
alUSWNK and UtWll I.INK.'.S unit TAHII
I'S. liuvvour IIAOLK I'I.Nmh I'l'.U.UMAN.
All you smokers, if ou vwi t .n (i 1 1 A( 'CO.
CII1A1W or i'll'US, k- t- Mlll'.DMAN'.S.
(icntlome-11, your boa-l-tovernii; intu-t '"i ic- from
I''ltIKDMA.N".S, for ho lion the bet tM k of
haU in tho city) yiA'.r uudurst.iud.iii; ln uld lie
got of him for bii ott-.k I.M all, fiom Cnu
OI'HiA W)()TS tu a itiirof IIAUV Mitll.-..
I lavu nuw a etOv-b of CI.OI'lll.M! i'ir Lipi
pufanns i.i well ss s-nsll, 111 CA. i.Ml.'.i..
It paysyoi tibuy all k.udi of SI'IITilof
I'WIIUMAN, for I bavo r'IN.'J Ulliri!
.SHitiT-S at (n.m CO tor.t to 5 J '-.I apu-. , an !
a otceltc-it a jrt.i 'iti.fi -i bhi''
I wkli Wttiie- ut a I it of Vi i'.DUW 1,1'"
TAIMS, J'AK'-..(liu,!nl.l .iry.l p.
It will jriiy yon U- in par I to I i,y, ft- I
"fS"- li I iaut
fo '!'
M. jM:li.'u.ttii.v ji-
lOMfl U (nritl)''(lnlc
Offer for Sale at tho Lowest Possible Prices.
AlBlBlWJ'iIEiMBAJi 'JjMiPiljlBfllilH'J!
Wc have been particularly careful to recommend no implenienti save such
as arc really the "tie flu: ultra" of their class, believing the best arc not only the
cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lids will be fur
nished on application, antl wc sell no goods that we ore afraid to ginrantcc. We
wouiu can especial attention tonic
Deere Sulky Plow.
Over 1,000 Sold in Oregon and
W. T. In tho last 3 years.
T)i cullar srruinmcnt ol this untlnlnl
Implement ncous only to Us seen to he SMre-
em ncous onij 10 ue seen 10 ve amre
Atk your neighbor lt lie thinks
about It. No conti'tlcatloii ol levers. A W
can inansjro It, sn J do better work than a man
olth a walking plow, anJ twice tho quauUtir
l.ruy. VVohart paMcH'cIal recant to tin
iniproi ement ol our Implements anil wo only
ltn.wrl ani-h li.vn IliA trv l.lft hm.rrtir.
mcaUanJUitstjIcs. As our line Is too eatenJeJ lo rtlcvilatlEO, woculJ taitlsf' " to Oir following Ileit
DEERE'S MOLINE PLOWS, Randall's RA Cutter Harrow,
Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deore's Sod Plows
Farm, Grist nnd Feed MiHu,
Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
With tho New TUULLENGEK Pat. BRAKE, thn Lntost dovieot No Bmlto
Bar used! No shoos to wear out tiros, will hold a ws - x unjrwhrra from
linoUlun; or roIiik forward. Wo nro nlso Solo Aj-outs for
Too well known to need comment, fo Haul 'or Circulars ami 1'rlcc Hutu.
jiawluy, nom i0 ca
Ilr. Jlliillr'n t't'(:ible Nopliretlciini.
iioks irvtiiK i.il
JO! HU Itiloiiti-I r ir i'snrnr llio Klitnr)
11 ami lllujilrr Ti.l Knui Tonlo fupplli'r- n
vvsni InhLT'l' h iirrrtslin n-s of inflrtrn, nnd la
Isklni-nliUli rn i. nnimi f riinii.nl n.-ihl- In ihls
muiilr). I lir H.rnu.f It I. mull- HI'I.CIiI.I.Y for
Kliliii'V ninl Itlmlii i-i- rnupUlntr, the illlK-ruit
liiCfiUiilit.i f wild I) it I i iiiii. el sr tint cnhjulnt
1 uoti lln imi.i.it.ral.l inu. iiiik inals ul lain- or
Killm beciml. Ill- c I'lililiiiltun l the limit if
lail'O ell o !l en mil uir.M rtiuly, Imtli nf Um or
cniinuml iliflr itl.ei.i' liilnl. 'llm lnt uitlirliU
(uliichaii' iunly vi-ntsMi) an- K-ctl ami ni
(u Its til inn lutiire. In ncinn tiiiliiii.iiiiluii or tho
Klelm y cir HUiti'i-r. ilu anil I Im In thu luck
atilliiin utih limn tm un I TiiMiij ul lincuur.
the ."- iIi I t If ii in will Clin iinnmlliiio nillrf. mil
sire iin'i iivili ci rnrc, liy rliktljr follow liu illrerv
lion, i-ile. Jl.'JS
III-. .IIHitli'. HiiuIIkIi llHiiilrtlmi I'll!..
no tiisv vi iif KvyiiYiiiisuf
No Tin v liu- liiu'inli il lnr ili.i ir- u.ul roolt from
l klai ft al l'i il.lil. siiiil I fl. iitinuil I Icui
I.'aMts inr'Mi h net im i insui a t
Hjrinptiiiii'f n ili i .1 r it IIvit-IIjII pslu In Ih"
rlilu anil siioiiiiur. i r ul notMi i-e, fian Ii.n n--rutlie
IiiimiI-, .Ic4 In.i itu 'i. , tin Hlin.s. wiikhi
In the liiu arn, ii leu in liu wlih nri!i! ftii-l bi i U
In:-up of wlml. In. r, III . loi ufilnrt), u.ric.l
biilti.ui.il r n' ")...: i.rciii
Ikliy I'lliiitf'tojs
.v.niv i.f ire le ul ii i lliucii" of 1'nrt'' ii I. fren i
pcrlenci- vnil v Ii a- Ii snpi rl.ir vtrtne iui
vs'ilooltlii-ei'ln - nalili. I' leu UScriits pubus
To lis eblali.vl ef all dMt.'.'l-!.
To Vho:u it may Concern.
Thbistu cirtify th it 1 hau li u nO'c-lMl
for the last thniu yean with rhromi' iu.' 'uin.i
tion of tlin bkidm r nnd turtml liv.r. lining
sjient n suuill furtuno vtitli tlu tu st luuliivii
talent I could obtain in .Sin rrancincoiuid init
ial the various rtprtnM in California, liopmi- lo
find relief. 1 laving found nmiu 1 uavo up nil
hope of b.'iii! cun d nud droiKil nli iiiedicnius
nnd doctors. Wli In Hiding 'iw tf tliu dailj
jciia-rs I saw nu ulvertivmiunt nf ii medic iuu
cAlled Niphictieum, n iicpiinl.o!i j nxp.it fit by
Dr. MmtioA. ('ii., of San l'liiiiiiKu I m
iierauiuled by mj wifu to tiy it, and I wintnud
iKiught a bottlo. Having taken that one Imltlu
I found lunch loin f. ail uuus ni-sini- m.d feol-
lii ninth better I Uht. two more buttles and I
am i.ow iHirfntly iiloie.d to hurdth nnd
htreni'tlt, tiiituk (iial, fur thu suju-riur skill of
Dr. Mintiu A. (Jo. Any ono who limy di.bl
this statement etui uill to my losideuce r.nd
SCO mo.
J. I Mooni!, VSl Fifth Stnot,
I'urtliuul, Orogon.
Beptomlr 11, IS78.
Un. A. P. Mif A (V (Iniitm I volun
tfvt it ; 1 r r" 1 ''ili IkunHion I'llls uiuals
isuid vv. tin i.i ,.ll yon olium "from my us-
js-rnnut r
o-jusd lur j
uv." riuiry (liny iiavu no
1 1 nu I I.'mt lrul).'.i.
I. f ii-nwiiniiKi,
I. i'lir Uijrctimit
Po.ljid .ii.it.
IT. 1
Kev nht tliu ilmjer. -t-' tf I' .t'l-d and flan
Kfa .1 ij my ulmut lif, Mmt.i "i" Jv (iliroticutn
tuid Knglitb Dandu.teu 1'dU.
Wo have sold a bu-o amount of Or. Mtntiu's
nwlieiuem Ilia lOnyl. Ii JUudtl ou I'llls, also
the (allied Nepbratittim and m nil oswv highly
I John A. ChiMs,
Dniiaiist, Buooud strut t,
1 C. H W,dw. I Ou,. Urugtfuita, comer
( j,-jfll aBj Abler Ht. i t, rortlalUl.
Wucsr.. Al.ram t Cuiiull, Wlmlewlii Drurf
4et-. -N'" ' ' '""" nti. . t. K I'.
Ui-n-aa d ' Nilihr t. in. as tin- Im I hnl
(J ,,. i .
In . . ' ' hnmio and
1 l- j'1 "
1 tr""t
Clllli. 11 irli.l r I ilni 1 at - .. . l nt -
I J nj l.'o 1111-.. I al m Jv.Tvluill y I r il 1 t ton J j
H'lfiM- ,11. ii . I '..k ut I 1 f I r l.ut.i
M I I I 1 M, III.ANhS 11 li,- Mil, I III 1 J H1
Ijj'.rf.i I , -i. I hi, , J f 1 1 , J 1 . ',
W "wii. ni.ll.rt' .wVru.1 iii. I a Al n .
il 1: 11. imii:. (
Dl fltiitni I'rlnli-p nr.l iiooblilntli-iij
Jf;rj't II A.,h-alia f 1, t vl Ml. iil'di 'iN.
Id, H
am mw.
W?- sl
.tt -
id to
in part of
Wood-workuin; PiaiUugry; Boltinu,
la Prrparcrt in Liquid I'orm,
xcrxras xT-irxTaEi,
A:s or anv .Mi.vtn: ou coi.ou.
It It I'omposrd of
Known In the Trade,
Xvr-o XjIiisvoocI OH,
xTjrri3i: ; nsiisro.
ami tiii:
I'roi'iir.tldo for TJntlliK.
Ilciieo it will nuver chalk, crock, or kjc-I olT)
ilww nut run from hoam, or nail boles;
uinl fur llmuAM.'r uK Count and
Ubvct ur iiniiii, ir in
I'UT 01' IN , i, I AHD t, (IAI.I.O.N C'ANH.
-!)i AUUUIN-
Brugs, Patiats, OilsV,
GlaBa, Brushes, Eto.
0v01 mid uoo fBtvrxxi
Salem Flcoirinir
ME3T VAKUA VWVtt, 360 lo f 700. ,
JlAKKli'ri l..TUA. XXX.
MIUNMNIiri, llltA .
'oiiHl mil ly on
LZltfiiutrt. I'rloo 1)
fnv " ?J """ '"",0 "'
it. (. KINNin
Men'''if Acnt h. k dryer
" A. T. & P. W.liLBl
(Willi O. IJAfcmifj,)
comjism rial st -
i;oimi ninl l.niiiMtiir I'iro
'. tm,iMtiti . J':t
C1MI CAll-fAL,
iusjrrs k
lTiimmt-i!! Trtitfitiilailon ti l.ndm (o;
' ' J un 1 1 c xr.
. t
'tjf -ItM. nt
ni',""r.' .'"" mm
I Xrs.U u irVCJM,W Vt SSWrSfriiS ""'" -i
l."'.'". '"llllal
lliirnln n(
col ! Ius ';
2 t
J '.
V tv