Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 29, 1878, Image 2

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OTUM.M r. -...".
. ktiharrlnttOll
TCrni" n.."-'--.
ne copy, on. jtF "5"'rh'; . ...
no coi.y, ? """'"ri'.ViV.mi.Mil
B eony, mree '""""""" .
HAU'.-M, I'lllHAV, NUV. as, nn.
,n il, Mountain lliiiliamlmaii, im'n-
Llicd at llclunn, Monliuw, i noticing Hov. I'.
, KniKlifi kctuic on llio jorinwi.-si,v
I''! .... .. i. ..i.i l(..v. I'. H.
Tliric millions ui ipiv,
Kulglit in Ins luro n snort inno smeu .
Halcm (Oregon) nmliciico, ni will lio sun liy
reference to nnotlier column, nru ,....
pcot.lo tlio region f the great iiorllictw
ftrring to a Ult of country ncral liuwlml
miles in extent, lying along ner ..i..j., n
minion from tfao eastern Ho of tlio Itncky
Motiiitaina to tlio western ocean, einliracing tli
State of Oregon anil tlio -j crmorim 01 '"'.
Wellington mil Montaim. Montana, tlio
i.rnlo anil gem of our Territories, l,.n lev.urces
foriiialntniimift a nniiulatioii giwUr t hail ul
tlicso. Our valleys aru lirnml, liiauliliil ami
fertile, anil in actual production aru nnexcelleil
in tho gram-growing regions nf tlio worlil. Our
iiaitornl lawl air.uil tlie best rangu tlio ear
roimil tliat earth tan iirinlucu, wlilluour goM
and silver mines .-roii out unlivery mountain
slow-, eclijising tlio world in richness and ex
tent. In addition to theso our Jwiutifiil l.uli
Ming streams which gush down from snow
covered heights In rolicksomo gleo to i-ithur
ocean would furnish wcr to set in motion tlio
machinery of our entire nation. In tho full-
,.l i....n (I.kmi nlli-VH will Imj farmid, Huso
Isiuti'llcss tiroirits grazed, tlio gold and silver
treasuries of our mountains itiiinruiiu, "
hum of maihiiitry will minglo with tho ronr of
tho waterfalls on our hundred of rivulets iind
ricnJ, manufacture. l.o hy 1111 means a secondary
interest. Today wo look with iirido tn our
agriculture, yet there is only hero ami there a
farm scattered ovtr many miles of country,
viuw with satisfaction our herds and llochs,
yd can Kcaicely Iind where the grass upon nur
..ii.l,,li 1, ii W n crniiiK'di txiiulir with won
der over the yield of our mines, though (hey
ranicarcely he said to have l.ecii liegim to lo
duselopcd. Ten long Years it his luiii so -ten
long years wo have possessed and enjoyul the
country. All the advantages that nrini from
II,... Imr., H,aL m-erues to a few lilH In-ill III-
disimtahly ours, hut that day is drawing slow
gaiiieii 0111 urn CIir"7rTlTK7ly
- - - -..
the top of tho map, are learning fiom our ship
ments of ore and bullion, our b ef and w (ml,
that it Is something uimv than a coloied pl.u-o
on our laud charts, and they me mining to
share it with us. It was more convtmeiit
when every stock-gmwir had a valhy to I11111
Mlfaudhis slock never sttnyi.l 01 iniughd
with Ini neighbors', and thero was one t.iiiuir
on ilileek tiiumi tho water: but now the tnm
isiouillig when we must begin to divide nur
ikutures. water nuili;'s. etc.: it there will
Ihi iimiiii for Ltl years (or all who may nunc, and
tin 10 is not 11 man in tho Territory who would
not vveh omo the immigrant. I'roui wr
ipiarter I'omeHiiueriis of our i-nuntiy, wlutbir
or not In t'ouie, and what they cm do In re.
lo hy do as we who have preitded ymi
havi douei do as our f.itlnis did III ourold
hoiiies. I'.ngago ill the mdustiic of the coun
try, add to its commerce and piM-isr if jiai
can. Thero is no end to the loom, and scant
1) a limit to nur ii'soiirif and indttttric.
Oiirsuavait intirior country, hut we have
n watt rthoroughf.il 0 to the sea, whuli pl.ncs
iison a U-tter footing than many otlur coun
tries nearer the coast, as it insnies 11 ehi.ip
rates 011 our iuiorts and eHirts. Mnut.111.1
i.is hud nunc daik d.ijs. Thcio has Urn
ttuiis when 'iur hi.ivcst g.ivi ii) to doubts nnd
depniidilHies, but It was nothing touli.it nur
fathirs 1 xpi-rieiict-d who lu-wcil down the
(oust and pluileil the genu of prospiTit.v and
wt.ilth .ib'iu the lich alliivi.1l Uiuks ol the
Mistinin and Mtinuippi valleys in the long
n,;. I'll, il.ivvu of giHHl times is not mil)
lii.al. iii; .-vir our easteni pUilis, but the suit
hi ,..tiitv n all It brillialiei is bursting
fo'I iiik-ii u iiul tho da) is nut far distant
wli'ii-iii i"i.it niirtliwesterii Ttrntoi) will U
u,u .1, ,. Ii .1 vut einpin of in ult Ii.
Does Machinery Hob tlio Ltlorcr.
'I'ht - uoi-l.uiil that iiiailuiiery ntlwtlii' l.tbt-r-tr.illi
-.nlv ..ipitul is tntirvly imloiiii.U-.l
M 11 li-ie i) iK'ii'i len-d t'le .iiiituint 01 work
to U tl-.ii. . tliotigli it hu t-iitantl) . I'.ini.l
tin tin a It r of tho M.iiL. I'lio Ul"l av uiK
lUatluii. tiiipli'.vi-il HI Uj.'iltlllliilt' i .ilieost
tlitil.l il i-i.hl.ut of tli-' liivi-iitit.iis . I the
cot tliuiv v iii. Ill ii" I'.ut ol the tti'il.l liu
ili ntr niitiiii of Mull iii-ulniiory U111 niorv
gcucnil 01 more rapid thou in the irraiu-uruw
ing kt.itis of tho Wot. Tlu result u shuwii in
1lu iiiisus iciKirts. I luring thi ten yours 1 ltd
iug in ISIUI, the farm hands of thtuv states in
iTcised in imiiiUr muiv than fifty pcnint.
During the next ten. in spite of the Iomm ul
the war, the uw'tv.we was alwit thiity pir
tout Dining tho muiv twenty year, the
pupul.itiuu of the country as n vvhulo imu'AMd
only sixty sevin pt'r cent.
Whin Walter limit inwutctl his w-wiug
niachiueiii 1S.1S, his wife prutestnl that it
Mould throw all tlio nvvnig iiuiueu out oJ em
1U ymciit. wnl inrsuatU'il linn to suppress it.
IIqwo a and Mngvr's and 110 cud of other ma-
I'.IMIL-jll.llO COIHC !" I'"" -Hid Vt tll.l. i
Mi'ik fcr w.-ii tu ti
t'lOlia" 1 ct U' ir'- i !
1 r ( f r ::" n ir.un;, . 1
. In i
Will! !'- ' W ir
ill iii th ii "i'tr wt'Mliyi
- -in. ti (' I sit
befell mankind. In noting itiinfluiritc-urK.il
lnhor, wc must not forget tho 'JO.000 or more
mechanics employed in our sewing-machine
factories, and tho thousands of others engnged
in mining and making tho iron, cutting and
sawing tlio lumher, nnd in transporting and
preparing these raw materials for the ma
cliiuo anil their cans) nor the men cmplojtd
hi making the machinery imd in tin toiietmc
tioii of sowing inacliincs, and in transporting
und selling the finished product. Counting
these, tlio invention appears in its true light as
ii gieat creator of I.1W1 and tho tin nigo wages
..til mmm iliiectlv or indirectly employed
hy thu sowing itiacliinu is dimlitliss four or lic
times that of tho old-time sewers.
His hut .1 little while since a metropolitan
paper of high rank pointed to tho shoo busi
ness as furnishing a forcible illustration of the
disastrous coinintltion of machinery with men
I The truth is that while within twenty years,
....1 !...,. H, m, iulitv.lio ner cent, of tho work
done on factory hoots and shoes has been turn
ed over to machinery, there are to-day more
men at work in shoo factories than then, and
more than would now bo employed except for
machinery. It is but another illustration o.
the old industrial paradox. liiiriiiR these years
of rapid progress in in union, u.e " -tcnals
has advanced, wagis luuo nearly
douhled, and the- .piality of faciei y boots and
shoes has been improved twenty-live lr lent.;
yettheeoitof manufacture has ben so much
....I 11.. u nml liiinruvtd machinery that
American shos h.ive not only ixcludedtho
foreign-made from our market, but have suc
cessfully invaded tho niaiketsof tho whole
world. Asanat11l.1l loiisMiiiinn, many more
shops am iKpiiie'l not only in New Kngland,
hut throughout tho middle statis and tho
Wcslimoio woikmeli are employed in shoo
factories! higher wages are paid; and a great
multitude of other men are furnishid with em
ployment in tinning the additional leather
used, in packing and transortii.g nml silling
the additional product, and in lining !. 1
makers' machinery an I impli mints. -Ian is
Itlchardsont Siribticr for Novimbir.
Tho Llttlo Shoes Did it.
A youiiK nmti who liml liuun re
vliilmeil from tho vlco of Iiiti'iiiponiiico
win eullud upon to lull how ho was led
to kIvo up drink. Hoaro-f, hut looked
for it moment, eonfii'-eil. All ho could
hiiv wih. "Tho Utile (times did It."
Willi n (hlidt volee. us If hl- heart w
In his throat, he kept ropealliiK nn
'I'linm was 11 Htiiro or iierpiexiiyj
every faee, und tit leiiKth mjiuu tlioiiRli
i.,jj viiiiiii' niwitiii! iicL'iiii to i tier. 1
., , rf ...... r, , , -- r.
.mi. iii nil IiIm tmlKirntismuii(. he
thu Muiiul nnd rallied at mice.
11. .1.1 oniiiit Kiln hlsevi's with ll.ith-i
..h... .....- ----- . -
1 drew limi"eir up mm mmrexseu
voleo tliat fin 114 way, eiear as a tieep
toned hell, "whatever you may think
or It, I'vo told you the truth tlio Utile
(times did It! 1 was a lirtitu iind a foul,
Mroiitf drink made mo hoth; anil
starved ine Into the ImrKiiln. I 'ufU,r
ed; I deserved to Miller. Hut I didn't
Miller alone no man does who has a
wife and eliilil, fur the woman Kelt the
worM on that; I'll Mick to the little
hhoet. It was one iilidit when I was
nil lint ilium fur, lliu Milium-keeper's
..i. ii. i i. ..i. i ..mi i... r....i r... i riii. ,,i-1
nun Ml III .'in lit! i .i. .... ...,,,.. ,'
look uI.Iht lint) new -lioe. II is a
.-. ..... ,... .., , . .
suiipir i ii iiiKi inii ini'iiii", ii "ii I'vcr
striu-U mo sui'li Mow us tlio-o llttlo
f. Ut
now hiioi'.-i. rnoy kivkoii ro.iMiii imu " m ""ui "vin in.i
inc. Wlmt liuMtu'-s Imvc 1 to ilothohciiiitlfiilniiil liolprul IiIhN aro huntcil
others with llnorli", ami inovlilc not , nml Ui'Mroyoil liy tho rockier Jports-
oven inarMt elothln' for my own, hut
let llioin (,'n li.ircV m.vs 1; anil there',
(tutxiilit was my hlilvcrlmr wife mill
i,i,u..iiiiii-il i.iifi.i. mi u iiiiinr i-iilil '
nluht. I look hohl of one of tho llttlo '
V !. ' - .-.... ,,-..,
ouo's feet with a j;rlp, anil siw hor i
chilled feet. Men, t.ithcr.-! If the llttlo ,'
hoes Minute me, what niu-t little feet
tin'.' 1 put them, eohl u lee, to my
lirciitt, they pierced me Hu'oiikIi. Yes,
the little feet will Led rl;,')it Into my
heart, und away walked Miy "clllsh-
iic.s. 1 hud a trillc of money left; 1
lie-."., i iiiiii ii nine m iiuuicy icii; i
hoiiuht ii h.af of liicad, and then a pair
..... . . . .....
or little hlioc-i. i never iificuuuytnniK i
hut a hit of hroml all tlio rMl..itli day, ,
, ... . ,, i
mid went to work llko m.ul on Moil..
AiitatuAX llMuur Ai.tiicix
Ti n.M. MAtiiiM:tt. A report of tho
lliireiiu ol MaiUtic lin thu In the
year endluj; June o, l, tho oxports
ol niowtr- und u-apec .iiiinuiitcd to
10, lini, valued ul I,im,'ik Kfplow-.
uiul iiilllviitori there wen- exported
'11.7111. valued jl.M.ti;7. Of nil other
agricultural Implement'' and toots there
was exported l,-l,,',l'( worth. Iak
Inn all ovportx jriouped under the head
of niriicultuml implement, the unlit
was neaily liliy per cent, as compared
with tho-ame lor isTT,
IJl'IMM: AMI Alltl'Mi' Uirlll 1110 t'Akll of
iiuiiy Akuo mucin'-. In umrkot, Hint nro llio
lust r.'sorl of cliysli'i.uis nml p.opto who
Uiiow nn t'ottiT nii'ilii-uintocuiiiloy for tills
illstri'iUK i-ouilniiu. 'llimllioi of oltluT
ol thto tiring nro iloairiu-aMi to tlio systutii,
iiriuliii'lni: liviiulu'liK, uilfsliiiiil eltsOiiltirK,
w'rtltfo.iluzliu. riUKUii; of I lio tnrs nml
iloprossiou ot i ho .-uii-ttuiillomit health.
Am.u'h Ai'i'i. t'l i-i i a m ntolo illsixivtiry,
(xmi.imuii; uoitlit-i .uitiliu., iir.ouliMiormij'
.(.Inter .u iiikiclit'ii'. iv4 i nn Infill t'ln
ami rnpiil i-tiri- i icr nriu of KtfVpr au.l
Aj!io iiNctu -un'o jiriviist'iituiulccr ftin
HI.-.I iiJ ii ry 'i r mi t frjni I iso
r inlcs Ciili'Bn rU'ni "ro I r lover evl
U sulnull Is f .- i. V i J 1 i wiih.- nr
Ir-nrlyfr Mir l.ii .oils. U n
.fx"uiItiitt'nio iui'1 iroi"ii'Ve, fts well .s
day, and (him that day I li.iv.. -pent no J mu.,, flwu ,imi
money ut the public lumw. I hut's nil .,-lu fMovtnil ,u,-, uim from -i iiw.fi
I'VO ot to say. It Wil- the litllo nllOOS ..Mt.rallf tlu wi.U-r trwtMi.l tiarcN
tlmt iliil IL" Albiinii ','.. nml almut furl v wurltslioiu in aiul alaiui I'.ins.
YajU ie ad Science.
Destructive Insects.
Success In vegetable, culture requires
protection of thu growing crops from
destructive Insects. Hut the farmer
lms friends us well as foes in tho Insect
world, and ho should bo acquainted
with both. 1 will llrst speak kindly
of two or three classes of Insects which
are tho farmer's farmers.
All nro familiar with nn ugly-looking,
dark-colored, last-running bug which
lives under looso stones and pieces of
boards. It Is hatched from nn egg
which the old hug had deposited in
tho ground, hut is soon auio to enter
upon tho destruction of cut worms nnd
slnto-colorod grubs, which lay wasto
our gnrdons. Lot this ugly crcaturo
live there; for ho is tho gnrdener's
Tho tlgcr-beotlo which wo sco In n
fair summer day, running mid Hying
in the trodden paths, la another frlond
of tho farmer. This la a spotted nnd
Htrlned.wlnL'cd Insect, nnd Is carniv
orous to tho last degree. No enter of
leaf or tree, or stalk of corn, will repeat
such depredations If onto It cornea In
tho way of tho tiger beetle.
Tim masomwasnls another pitiless in
sect murderer. It lays Its eggs at tho
bottom of llttlu cliiv coIIh. and thero
commences laying up provision for tho
future young or splclcra, cnierpmnrs
nnd canker-worms, filling up this cell
to Us top with succocslvo layers of fresh
meat, that thoy may ent and grow un
til they aro fitted for tho upper air.
Dr. Leonard found no less than seven-ty-nlno
spiders In six or eight of the
cells belonging to ono of theso wasps.
Tho lady bug Is also very useful to
tho farmer. Tho larvuof this beautiful
Insect, HWiillow In great numbers
plant-llco which exhaust the lulces
from tho tender apple tree and tho
young leaves of tho peach tree.
Tho dragon-lly should bo honored In
history for Its war upon other annoying
lnsecjs. It consumes Immense num-
rs of that llttlo pest, the mosquito,
summer. Aim more is a ny ru
mbling tho wasp, which destroys
In-iwt In tho cL'tr. T his liy is u
Ible enemy of tho maggot, weevil
Jieat-lly, and especially tlio ap
ro caterpillar, in whoso bark thoy
ilr eggs.
av Kivonk- tun nnil.-cs 01 1110 moie
the toad as allies of tho farmer In
iur nuniiiHt tho destructive- Insects;
fill flMriT3TPgI(nir---rrvrii.utliaLai'i0.-been
known, In 11 slnglu hour, to carrv
to their, nests forty caterpillars! Tho
swallow, while on tho wing, destroys
more apple moths and millers than
i.finlil In, oiiiiiittifl. Tint f-fiiiiiiwin mliln
hlnughteis more grubs in the month- of
May ami .lime, wlillo reeding its young,
than David "lew I'hIIMIiie.s In his
whole life. And even the hated erow
destroys every year tlvo hundred
grubs to one kernel of corn. Not one
of tlio hliiKiiiK lilnls In our Hold-, wooil-
r. 0 ------- - .---
r Kiinlfii-, wlik'lnloes not ln'ii"IU tho
I r.i.in.ii. .Iiikiiii'i .Hi,, iit-,iriiiim1..fe.t'-iifl.
"" "i-""""" .....u........ h -
j l"l "ml protection of tho IuMmikI
men, anil .soinctlincs liotiutlos aro
ollercil hy tiiphl li'KMutor-. for tho
ilclriii'llon of theso iiicful anil harm.
le.-s blriN. liultumi I'urmrr.
Electrlo Light.
"fHiiliwr" lias an nrticlo ahout tin- iltvtrio
light with wliicli many of the struts in I'.iris
.ur liKhtt'il, f uhith mo po u iHirtii'ii. It
uoiihl si'viii at if this will in tinu iKralo
gas nml nil; n. if our e'tiolniiii we'll pvc out,
n- shall not kiviki in il.irkuox. Wc havo at
t urn's Mi'iiiliTnl what tin wxilil would tlo for
n,t"u,,1 ,,',w foiwU, tbmU W "
la-f.in- tin- linlli intuitu out nc uueM iIilth
,,, . . ,," .
"'" ';","; i;-l- 1"-" ' ' 1
l,y Ii. tm il . Ulisuii, tin- woutli rtul. is now
',.., .
art-now ivyulaily lialitcl h) ilvt'trictU Tlio
mciiiii- Kmliiii! Iiviii tin- Uiiunl O.Kra lli'iuto i
.. .... i ., v....... .. ........ I.......I. . i ..
UUU...I liiniuiii'ui ( ii, ..ir ..f,, i.i.ii i.(v-
. iitt n i;i"l cvsiiii.li' of strvi-t lihtiii.' I'liu
lamiu arv iLv.-l on HNts, en- isrl I ko tho
us liint. ..t'it that tit.' Kuts mv t.ill, i- ami
wi.U-r ait. 'Iiu lai.i aiv nidi-oil iii Urv
onl i,'l.is yl.iUs, and ucyoii.t this U. n : .htln
cvl.inall fr.nu III.' gix lane's. , i',. ,t.iy
lijit Imtcs tiwuj, th.'iv oniii.s, Willi, i ' ii.iui
Hij.'. a tnlili'U tlash, nui .-.-r lil.t .n tin
ti.'t i-i luinmiii with mi iiii.-iim' uli t l.uv
'llu- .-tl.vt is lib.' iUt)li!rit, t'!..t ii, ii Mi(it,
l'.irrj Mit of tht' stm-t, tlu- iiiiiiuii, ti.iitu in
tho roadway ami thu ih-vI.' on in, w,iU,
i'M-1) mvlntwtural iktail ol tlio l.un,linpt t
tin- toji of tho mots, vm-ij ohji.t l.'rtii
llllllllll' 111 tll. WlllltllWS, till- llnMl till tin
kihomi, luv jiluuh ltiliK' ainl m thur
inturul ivlors. I'liu a.'tiiiK' .il.-it i tin- sarni'
us liy daj, ninl all .olors, Ivtli n.il an.! .irtili
i ial. t.iki-tlu-ir tnii) sliaili-s. 1'iin Mpi n
wall oi oniiiilius, th liimut.st Mttn.i- m (ah
ms ami the lin.-st I'rmt can ..nn!
I'voplc ..at.it boforv tho -ii u
lv.iixi-51 l llio ai.l of Iiihta mi tin ,'i .
ot the way, ami rt the in. -t .! I
iilikioiK ami softest tint- in ul i
. I thin
-itc nli
it. i-!u
t-i u.a
..n.l tin
iirl.i in tin) m Into ifUrv i'l tlu 1
-.t.-ii.- in tho rmnl is pU.ml
! , . , mi ilt! . !. i.
Ii '! .-
I wi.n I rllit oy win , d his
uy kvory
sssst . MssssiiiiiiiiilssslfssssssssWisteaMWs'"1 si' . ...1...I IB
I l I M isj ''., " Wiim-niciiol". ."". ,t,,1 li'nii n.lj-i n-' " nstv" '"
I " Vl.rt.M. l.sii.lM,mlrfrlnlfJ InOUw
Wo Distributed a Circular nfn tho Dorson who would
itBoward or Prizo of $5.00 Gold Coin to tho PorBonwu man
first proBont it at our store, out into ffireo pieces msu &
ner that tno inroo ,pbi;uh "je" M" Cr rof o skoptical as to
perfect Square. A groat many Pr0n0Pj0nXcrohoPFublio that
tho pOSBlDllUy OI iio uviuh wmws
it is againat-
.t TvivTiTfiTBTTQ
That what we Promise we uuui,
we here cive you the Circular, and the Dotted lines
the Circular properly cut.
And when we announce to the public that we have
a well selected stock of
That have been purchased lor cii-Ji nt lowest prices In San. Kmin-1-cn, and that
voareSlo.l.IN(i(i001)SASLOW AS T1IKY CAN l'OSSIWA"
111-: .sold, wc moan what wo eiiv. Wo have
n. th.t fri
tel III iki ' W
ll .i r -
I 4rk. I ''
fc hU tT- ml if
Ahl,t . ill Ul.r.Ur iru i i
ghtu tn ir'i(
Ikur in mli l tii-it lil iktiuiii ' 'I. i
hi. tn .l-. iiituli iur a tUtUr l t tir ttTv t .
(t. 1 hi mIi
. i-i i U I
DEUEilLVr 33
iil-.i.t !. I
UHlMMt fllll.1 .
in workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and
as ologantly flnlshod as a first-class Piano. It rocolvcd
tho hlchost awards at tho Vienna and Centennial Expo
sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other
machines. Its capacity is uniimitod. There aro moro
WILSON MACHINES sold in tho United States than
tho combinocl snlos of all tho others. Tho WILSON
MENDING ATTACHMENT for doinpr ail kinds of repairing.
WITHOUT PATCHING, givon FREE with oach machine.
- ww m " si si m w mm s i s -
327 & 820 Drondway, New York; Hew Orleans, La.
r .,'e h Mad kt Sts.. Chicago. Ills.; and Son Francisco, Cnl.
MMgfijssssysPsPsgjgfys MtiwmwmMnimmvmMDmimmiVmtmammmmmMH
ltiei.iVF.ii nr
Aikt-n .1 rarnli-im 8.", M coin. re-
iu.l oircre.1 for euttiiig tlu-ir circular
Into thru' i.iicM in well niaumr that
tliotlino :'if lwn I'rojK-rly lilacul
toBctliiT forms n jK-rfctt si.iro without
loss of uiati'iial.
(iko. r,
Jous T. Fauiwu.
ul. ' 1" tit '1I r mii iwit
rfi t. 4tul iptvt
i J tur)at lni) i r
t tt
ar T'i'(tl aMit)'ii. mi Ik I IU
Kh tU a il
i n I art
r u i .'in
..tanth tvtxittn N iAl, ami that yu
it. u nh w ! i .1. ti.i.rx.1 mitil mul fur
rrt J sh-u'1
i t sM:ivoiiKiioxv
jltornl Term!
Tnc Orecon and California nnd Oregon
Central Hullroad Companies
"'. Wm L'D..,u.,-?,.i.y 1 ; will l.o llot.l for rush
VT rtiiwi' I . rS.' 'iiiilrViscU in 1-. fcCIIUWK. Lan .
Trnst Investment Company
An'tMTY PjlOl'EHfY srd FAllM LANU8. for
nxM perlcsls of ytsis. or rcpsjrso'e Dy nu;esrir m
Ullmwlf. Fortcm.. apt'Jyu. .,
II First Ktnrt I'orUsn
Piiyn CunIi for
Hides, Turs, & Pelts,
se21 Commorclal Bt., SALICM. ly
Willamette Nursery
(J, W. WALLIflG & SUN,
Oawofjo, OlackamaB oo., Oregon.
Tlio Xtnllnu Prune,
Anil tbo best varieties cf
and Shade
TV piTT.r. ommiTiirvT
Sond for Doscriptivo Oatalogtio.
nniEutii or
TIIAKHS plrasurv In oiri-rtni; to tho Wnol-'lrowtn oi
L Or.-i:i.unnil-ilies'IJliilmrTtrrltorl-i lint cticte
In imnhi.u TII011UL till IlKKIt MKltlNOS, snd
lirilnl lilMl.id Inlosn.lu.t M ! tl.uu t.l trill rD
r'-mm imM ! Illl.iril IUHI IUVI !'( U s
ili-svor to. sell Mm n of llio ssrao niisllty ni TSlne t
MITII CIIKM'KIUtATKS llun such can ronlblj
In Impurliil. Kisroliistloii anil coiii.arlsn wltnotti
ir Mirt-i olU-ri'ii lu tlio market sro runllsllv intlltJ.
., . Calrra, orcwa.
. N. II. The Hams ami Ham Lambs of tbo flock can
bo kui on tbo ISLAND FAllM, adjoining a!tl.
Tbo Hmiiiii H, ,fvn . iho samo jilsco, or at Ibe
iiii.w r.iii.u lour anaa nan miles souin oiioochj.
Salem, Unite inner 10. is;i
utaicn in
Head-Stones & Monuments
KXtll'TtH IV
Italian and Vermont
Ilrancli Sliop at Allutn)'.
A'Mriws: A. STAlfiltll, Allimi), OrfBOli.
Between Portland anil San Francisco.
Tllltdt (ill II (:; its
Can b pur.Uaeil at the tirlcl.l stations of tho
l V. It It , si
j XlodxXCOCl HfttOHI.
steamers leave both 1'onlanaana r ?rancloaboa
t Every rive n?-oo
, rarrylnj l'at.engcr ard Fnl-li-.. ,k tr,ui
H-Vfe, !' the only Un, mln ."he r M
. ana WELLh. FAKiiJ CO s'evi.m'eL'1, M
The sti-am.hlp. i tl,,. Companj aie rated 1
aTdCcon;,:'1?fL9u1 " &Unl
State of Oregon,
(New -Mm ton. bSden.
I George W. Elder,
(UiU tont.i
City of Chester,
I ilSW tonj,,
A lay. lJ tor.
I i "& w-m.ni.ui! Acent.
the Mlsnci '"Vinr, 'Vcsr one-M nth of tho
In. ? Slf J?nl "r m nut.. Hull. .f ImI.1 nd Inter-
k .'Jflfb .M
Alio, ttty variety of remcicry ami other none woii
iloto. t.ii.cl.1 siiintlon t-ini tu orders from all
ar or tho suit ami Ws.hiii.'t.in Tn'iory n-celviil
by mall r oilurul., ai.a .roniinl :., uirded. AU
noikmrrjnieil. ur
. . " ifjar-a
.Tjtt-i .t ,ui) -r . :TtfSlir
" w stf s