Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 29, 1878, Image 1

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a orn.it tni
?PZ,50 cr Annua.
d3JjABf O J3Sf- 6 kTS, advertising rates.
KinS? V'.'P J li W I S fK W St CTI ' S2.50 or Mouth
sthttf VJ- i1 if- ttY W 17 rai s? I ' -W ..' JitS-. V4 ft M h KSM (WZSs-i 2 . ' .If fr r.rlxotnafisj; KB
PlVM. Uk ndiliil I'xponn of .
Iw I l.jno j cannus al7'M Ow
wi -i pre uyin. ntiktla thw
jt 533,00.
I(rftcr our limrUU'o .lisrw l'l
$2,50 in advnce, or
$3,00 after Six months,
An I wo prvftr (n reel u In whancr
$2.50 por Year.
An Important Decision.
I'liicf Justiru Waito jvntrntay ri'iiiloroi tho
uii.iiilinoiii decision of tlio Supreme Court of
Mm Unitcil States in tlio eaxo of Harlow llarnoy,
.iplicllant, v. J. N. Dolpli, rcupomk'nt, ftp-ix-.iloil
from tliu Supremo Court of tliu St,to of
Tho federal quotion presctiU'il liy the ftppi-al
m whether upon the ilcalh nf a wifo of a
nurrieil settler, under section 4 of tho dona
tion law, lto Iim completed tho residence and
cultivation reipiired liy tho net and made proof
thereof, tho entato and interent of tlto wife
ceaacx, and tho name ii vested liy nald xection
in tho iiurviving hunliand mid children in eriu.il
pirts, im.iirected hy n conveyance of tliu i.uno
duly executed liy her after tlie completion of
rcKidrnco and cultivation and llual proif made,
or wlretlier after such completion of roidvneo
.lad cultivation and making of liii.il proof, uho
: innot, by a duly executed ileed convey in fen
Mimplo her portion of the donation', although
lie might die Mora tho iuin of the patent.
Tho Stato Circuit anil Supremo Court held that
!io could so convey the feo aimple titio before
patent iwucil, and tho Supremo Court of tho
Vmtiil State nllirm. this decition. So the
Mention may bo couiidered finally and nutlior-it-itively
dotcnnincil, and a largo elau of laud
owner, of Oregon holding under nucli convey
juces may consider their titlcn ijuicted.
Tho cue wa argued in the Supremo Court
of tlio United State, by Hon. (ieorge II. Wil
lianiB forthuapiHilIant and Hon. J. H. Mitchell
for tlw respondent. Oregonian.
, Tillamook Newt.
I'rom the Aitorian.)
Th Tillamook farmer, tow but little jjrain,
while they liavo u good .oil and climato for
railing and maturing grain a. need W, and
Iileuty yf tliu to harveit. Oat. and barley are
rind tu conaiJoralito lUAjititi
ISoth achoonen went out loaded down with
freight. Wu have a new veuel on tho route
tha Alpha built lat .umnieron tho Columbia
llivcr exprvHIy forthu trade.
Tlio fulling eaion it virtually out, and
none of tho proceed .hipped. It i iropoiiMo
to tell how uiany fih liavo Ik-cii taken. Tlie
principal i.ickcr, with the limited prepara
tion for curinijitAlinoii, had all they could luu
die. Another year w ill find them better pre
pared, and the harvet will ifoulitlv lJ
IhitterfleM, of "Angora goat" cdebrity, ha
purchaed the Kdwaril'H farm and brought hi
f ir.nly in. Hode.ign manufacturing choose,
with which liUHine he i thoioughly ac
Huamfed, judging from the article jirnluitil by
hnn last .uinnwr on (.'latop l'lain. Ho i full
of energy and enterprise, and i well ilcaeil
with tho projiect of Tillamook.
When tho reaping machine, that In-to noir of
tlto tramp who it in tho rhado and listen to
tho nun who tell him that he ought to lido in
In carriage, wa introduced to tho country in
ISIN), tho number of farmer and agricultural
lalwrer in the twelve StnU in which it U uow
cluclly mid wa l,:i0.Sli:i, aud in 1870, '.'.Oil.
S), Tho ilitfereuoo in w a,,'es wa ttill gruutcr.
In IS50, farm land weie p.iid?S , nmnth. und
lurvi't band fro-n SO cent, tu $l..'i o Jay,
vlule in 1ST!) the wag-- of the former were !(
a month, and.tho Utter from $-.' tu ftl.W) a la .
Thujear fari.ur willingly ly harvest luniU
from 81.50 to jf-'XiO per day, wlulo tliu mauu-
iifaeturo of rtMpiug macliinej i giving employ.
mei.t to tlimn.ind of killed wu.-kmtn. Tho
Mint rviaarl; i applieab'.e tu ell kiliH of ma-
m 'iiier,thu bind imploywl during tho Ut
tweitj yoar having i-iuro tl-tu iluublwi, and
tho ungoa ipiadriipUnl, vlnto the Kipulation in-
r-a-vl nly 07 per tint. Comment on such a
l.a:.(,'-of things Ufcipuliluoui.N'. Y. Shlp-
v j -..
Ihe greml mnyan of tlio YeHow-tor.e, whic'i
ij-irm,' tho pAtt jwr liai leii .ueco.jfully ex
pn r 1 by I'rofoMor Havdm, i the rmat ro
marl. ildo of th great tatural eunoiti of it
-lwi.m tho country. Tho gorgo f 3,W0 feet
djop, and in emo place the wall are a!ir.ot
iwrpendicular. At tho Iwttom it i ilark
that the '-ar aro platni ti.iiho uuriu me
dajtime. Tho rnrr U alout ix hundrud fitt
wide, and plunge over four precipices in grand
waterfalls. One cf the fall u a .hcer loipof
four hundred fett. The forthcoming report of
tlieceoloicalurey of tin wonderful region
-""mil l tho met interit.ng contnbution to our
know ledge of interior America .men the explo
ration of Fremont.
Advices from Salvador tate that the volca
roe of Ixaloo and Santa Anna are in a .tote of
tVemenJoui actiuty. On the, latter, four tr
He dutmct ojiening emu "--, ....- -
a.he. in volume from what i uppacd to
,,rture.intheold crater of an old volcano
w hick ha ltn "lent for ear. For mile.
aroundMl.c-.rc falling mJ the air i. tilled
with .moko, darkening the day and making the
IceuofilooinV'lttrr'f'''?- Th mbab.UnU
-v Kl MM V;- Jl rB ' p
i r- V .ty J " i 9JW XliLi;6cSr -573 VZ. I '" lU''irairinonia for column l KJ
A little ste.unlmat i, to Ihi built for tho job
bing trade- between Tho PaKoa and tho Cm
cade. Theru i almut 150,000 biuhcl nf wlieat
.torcJ at lluena Vinta, and not mora than II.IXX)
A littlo Hon nf Mr. Cliarle Howe, of Com
county, cllpjied tho toe. from ouo of hi feet a
few day. ago.
Mii Kill D.ivi fell from a wagnu white rid
ing recently in Dougl.u county, and unstained
loi'jro and painful injurie.
It i citimati'd that 1,000 children are naw
engaged in prenerving fnlit by tho I'liimuier
proem, in the KUtu of Oregon.
Wo teani th.it up to tho present time aliout
02,000 bukliul of wheat liavo lifen .tored at
Irving. Of thi amount, aliout U5.0X) bnheU
have hkcli Hhipped. (.aurd.
, Six Indian h.io been found guilty nf murder
in tiio first dearco nt lVudleten. Al. Hunker
idrntiiied I'ne, the one who .hot him, and
White Owl, ono nf tho tuurdcrcrf of Coggan,
Tlio farmer) of Folic eountv liavo 1vii very
buy p'oniugnud .owing grain for tint Last nix
weeks. Tlio nronect for a larLM cmn in IST'.l
are far better than they have been for iwvcral I
Tho Statu Journal tell, of a confidence man
in that iciu'ty who talk, big aliout buying
farm, get attorneys to took up title, for valu
able couaidorationa, borrow, a littlo monoy, aud
then oWpia'.ulatci.
Mr. Leonard, of John IVivV ltlv.-r irnolml
about a year aKo for tho murder of her hu.-'
i-.i ..:...!.. t,.- i,.h... ... . ... . , I
..-,., n.,,,.. iuu .ai,c .v re ami
acipntleil, tno ovlilenco against her being tlim.y
and very disjointed.- Mr. Ix-ouanl had been
.I..T.I ;. :.:.
" " ;" one year. i
Tho remiu or mos Oixon'.-tii., -. ..ig-
gittson, who wero killed by Indian. last spring,
arrived last Saturday. Mr. Dixon wa. buried
mi 1iU fntliprV farm on tlio N'ortb Ulnmina.
The remain of Frauk Huuiiisnii wero taken to !
JclIVnton, Marion eounty.-ll'Iaindealer.
The Canyon road ult, which ha licen beforo
tho court in Southern Oregon for tho lat flvo
ye.ir. is on tho Ixwird again. It lit. len
tnuitferrcl from tho second to tho llrt district.
It I now in tho hapo of nn injunction to pro-'
vont collection of toll on tho road. inntliw, who alwny citr.e.
Hiker DemiH-rati The telegraph lino U-lwwn ' Milk is found to lo an antidote .to Km. I poi-IMi-e.lkikera,,..
Union ..defunct and will - C
scarce be revived units it should pa into tho c0Vt., n ,jUart a ,i4y M coj0 0r harm tu health
html of Government for military purpo . (of occurred.
whkh thero ii.t faint probability). .r tomo-j fho St. F.ml l'reiayj tlieroaro'JS.OOOacre
1111111.' t .lane bv citiwn of thi aud Union of amber mijir cine planted in Minnesota,
coui.ty toward it maintenance.
Tho house of Mr. li O. Martin, situated
aliout ono mile lielow Crewell, wa burned
Friday evening, Nov. ISth, with all it con-
tent. His granary, with gram navcd for seed
mid feed, wa burned nt tho aaino time. Tho
family had left in tho morning and had not ro
turned when tho lire wa ducovered nbout
dark. Thero wa uo insurance on tho property.
Mail service in Oregon will bo increased' a
folluuii. to tako ellett ooni From Tho Dalle
to 1'rim.vilte from onutobix time wciklys Ah -
laud to Uko View from throe to six ti-ne
.. ... .... ... r. . .
uetiuyi Mie uaim in I4kir my iiro tie.-11y in tlttir l..nd in xiiMcam net uvea
three time weekly. Also the following new tludcr Kurojioan u rvinui.
rsice: Oakland to Flkton, Oakland to Fairj M (jnciIltut, (IttZutto iiroteut agai.itt tha
Oak, lioanbiirjt tn I'rttteron' Mill, I'llot Itocl; teaihing o! (iirmari in the luwar grade of pub
to Itoliiuouvillv, onio ti wtek well. ! be nlwuU, nerting that th Ciucitnati hol
, ,, ;,.... ...... ... t children ipoik a inuujiel tongue, l.either good
T!i5Corv.tllil.attesny that tho loly of ,;cr,u t.orguud Knglwh.
Dr. J. C. i5rnW . foun I Nov tM, near the , u thi bmnmfmAttl ,
forry landing, among somu drift wood. A!- j.ioy pj,,C0, aiut $-.-.M, I33.6W fur the Kiir.u
thuugli tho lnidj w as much decomposed, it was' period lat jear. and the total import this
MeutifleJ by hi clothing end content, of pock-' yr havo lon :J,NI.7S0. ji:uJ (fS7U.OQ9,
,t. Ho was iniuiisR oxn-tly ..x ta. Our ' W for th time lst yoar.
reader will remember that ho went out cun- In !73 Hi value of the carp.it produ.ition in
,, n iu.ut i-ii, I, u,. nir. rwr.RU irtiiui
. . ,. , e .
empty. Thu ibg of Kngino Co No. I was low-
,., . .w..., n.).w.. m.w- . ..w ,,.,-,
.red to lulf-rr.akt in resjct, a
bad beeii.i,;t,0M.
mumlvrof that oomjiaiiy. I
Jatk.-nville Tiniest Tlio Squaw Lal;o Ditch ;
Cmiii aromakmg l.rgo tak ,nto tlirir
gravel ucis. iiuconceiuii ny an uo navo nvo ifW.ii nnirtwl wis wcrra.
hUly waited tho mine tliat they arc waging i nj ,omM have Wn aaritli tbo state do
more ciblo yard of gravel jir day than hi jmtment of publio iiutnutiou of llhnois, In
Ueii washed in tho same numlcr of year any- diau.i, Ohio, Wueoiuin. Pennsylvania. Kanrna,
ul.r m thi s.ttioi. of countrv Ufnto. Kv. ! Milwaukee and St. l-ui public ajhooli, at thu
ei) thing work, lilu clock-work. Their lino
water privilege, with 250 fixt prrsure, aud
handfbiue dump are all preed into full :r
vice. A female searcher ircployed by the Custom,
house, New York, say that in the smuggling
businesswomen are born cheat. They store
jewelry in their coreti, hang wolina, which
luavy duties, to their
are subiect to c-ry
skirt on the inside; sew up diamond and pre
ciou stones in their under garment, and con
ceal thtin in their heavy hair wigs. Kvcry
woman who is 'rus;aUl is taken into a room,
stripped to the skin, aud if then so goods are
found u non them, their ckUim?.iiriaitfi'
In 1872Miuncsota hod ten mile of railroalsj
in lh77, S.'-'-AV
Our commerce with Franco is now worth
aliout $100,000,000 annually.
It I cfltimatcil that l,rO0,(HX) ho wing ma
chine liavo been made in the United State.
America take, eight of tho eleven priio In
tho agricultural department at tho l'ari rlx
position. Tlio first invoice of iierfumery ever ithippo.!
from thi country to Kngland wan .cut from
l'tiiladelphia a few days ago.
The despised Chinese of San Francisco have
contributed l,200 for tlio relief of tho yellow
A Nebraska farmer rettort l!00 pound of
bright xugar and I .".'! gallon of nice .yrup
from two aerei of early wirghum.
Out of thirty-eight printer employed hi, i
tho .Memphi. Apanl only two exo.iped tho ye.
low fover.
An Knt;ltsh Agricultund paper rcinrt n
farmer a liming planted six hundred varieties
of piitiUiv. the past so.uon.
Tho Railway Now, of London, give n list
of 203 railway, of Orcat Britain which jwy no
dnidend on tlnir ordinary htock.
A Westmoreland (I'cnn.) fanner ha. discov
ered a pntce of utakiuu aitcar from com
oUlk'1 at " ca,t of UlIV0 cc,lU w I'01""1-
In 187.1 we cxnnrtnd twelve million vanl nf
cotton grxxbi, but 1 ut ear tint tide tnniml and
wo exported one hundred and eleven million
A .inglo woolen mill in tho city of Lawrence,
Ma., produce every week a million yanUof
dyed or printed cloth. It paya ? 1 00,000 n
month a wage to O.IKK) porous.
K-Vfi"?. lM10 fd.:(r '7 woliniwrtcafrom
f .r,.,nc ".'."f anJ .'lK90'li to tho amount of
.sir.'.TiKur.r.', on which tho duty
ity was, at an av-
crago of 03 jier cent., 97,371,703,
Of tho nrouulwx.OW.l)OTaro'liuld abroad.
1 6AramaTitder. about $l.5.-0,000,000. i.held in
tin country.
Mr.. Chartc Morse, nf Chirdon, Ohio, on
tho Ibth iiut., wliilo temjioranly insane, killed
her littlo daughter, aged 7, and then cut her
own throat, both dying in a few minute
Tho plaintiff and defendant in an KuglUli
rhtneery .utt, nftir being reduced to jKivcrty
by paying cost, committed mticldo recently
while tho case wa still on trial.
Tho cuanlian of the cenu1cr in l'ari. where
executed crimnuU nm interrtd, tj rel.iti.'ui
of tho dead seldom visit tho graves, except
: ..,.. a,. .. . .....v. ... ....m.r . mil uti, .., bvr.i.i
tVHIVl. ll. .1I.,V ..w.l. iu ... .." ... .-
. ..... ..
to tho acre. Ktt year tlio groM yield of .yrup
Thi xear tho Statu of Nebraska robed
20,000,000 bmhob of wheat, 111,000,000 bushel
()f corn, 0,000,(100 bushels of mt. .J.Uixyxxj
bushel each of rye, Utrloy and potato., iiml
tOO.000 cattlu and 700,000 hog.
A priest of llrahma, in Medina, India, hu
prophesied that tho cud of thu world will no
cur on duly II, 1870. On that day, according
to tin. nrnnlielie cvnUifiian. the MUli will rise III
' the West instead of the Kast.
; Over CW.OO) per.oui are employed on Hwt
' India-railrnds. n.o sr eater number aro na-
Use. In fact, the workingof the linos i prnc
I'nitod 'Utt-. was .tt,370.1CS. l-i IS7
ntnrJj. .ooo.ooo, in 1677 tW were only
uiinortatious of canictiu nniuunUu to
A fssltt SuLiutv :n ILockvd'e. Kuno ruunty.
Utah, own. in lot, aud luu pltntud mulberry
; j"S ,, f, 7, , J
Fans KxTKMiticn.
The I'nited t-tatos Uu year exported 107.
.TU.eCO (wuml of chcuto to i'jigland. If thi
wero loaded on dray, cvli carrying oi.o ton
and occuping eight ards, tl.o Uno would ex
tend 211 luiln.i
Tho lumber dealers of Chicago, on thufint
instant, had on hand and for alo :I71, 120,172
fictof lumber, Alu,'jOM fi-ct nf picket, Xifi'Ji,
40(1 niece of lath. Wtt.'i'i'- iiiec' of cedar
! . anJ .W.)0 piectsof aawe.lshir.gle.
Thu tirk naekers of the West and Kast ex
pect to produce .'t.'SO.OOO.OOO pound of lard
thi rar. Twice ui much is tlupied abroail a
is used in thi. country, tho export for the tiat
six months averaging 2:,0v0,0C0 pound, a
.- MHM- WS
V !
--i M
l-irr-r T.
county, Pennsylvania, originally nettled by
Meniionitm. Moravian and Hunker, whollcl
from (lermanynnd Holland to avoid persecu
tion during tho eighteenth century.
Tho amount of capital invested in tho pro
duction of petroleum is estimated at fully
?IOO,000,000. The first well w.i IkhtiI in
I8.V.I, wliilo now there are fully ten thousand
welb. producing a greater value of oil per an
num than tliu total valuu of gold and silver in
tho United State.
At a schsfcil district election at New Haven,
(Jonn., tho issue being tho re-establishment of
dorotional exercise in the publlo school, tho
ticket favoring ro-ratablialiiueiit wa elected by
2.000 majority. Tho Catholic united with tho
Protestant, to briug alwut tho .uccc.s of tho
bible ticket.
Tho Ship of tho Duert.
No ono over did tlio camel full justice ex
cept Charle Dudley Wamar. Hero i tho
No royal family dare bo uglier than tho cam
el. Hu i a mas of lrnnc, f mIimI tufU, hump,
lumps, Kplay-joint and callositiei. His tailis
a ridiculous wisp, aud a failurn a., an ornament
or ily-bru.li. HU feet nro simply big sponge.
For akin covering ho has utchc of old bulTalo
robe, faded and with skin worn off. HI,
voioo i more ilisagrccahlo than hi appearance.
With n reputation for patience, hu U snappish
and vindictive, Hi endurance i ovcr-rateU;
tint i to say, ho die lil;o a sheep if ho L no
iiell fed. Hi. gait raoks muscle liko the.lg'
And yet thi ungainly creature carrie. ht
in tho air and regard tho world out b.
great brown eye. with disdain. Tlio
poise of hi. head uy.i "I have como ou.
tbo dim put) tho deluge did not touch me'
helped Shootoo buitd the great pyramld.-Hmii
,.,.-....... .,,!
mw Kicvpt when It ttdn't an id,
ibig oUAi
. r -
..w,-imn-inyTiir Kvcry Mi
Go to."
A man named Julius Miller, who reside,
somo distance back of K.ut Portland, on Dry
creek, met with a terrible death but Friday.
Miller and hi son wero cmp!oed in clearing a
pieco of land. A largo fir tree, which hail Wn
set on firo, foil hi tho direction where Miller
and hi boy wero working. Tlio on looked up
and saw the true coming down. Hu lied, and
jiiit succeeded in getting out nf the way. Th
father, bowover, did not eeape. Tho trio
ennui down with a .Irividful crash, and utrikiur;
Miller, crushed hi body into nshtwIojts miss.
The liy ran hone in a drwi Iful fright and in
formed hi mother .if tlieanful affair. Friend
wero notified and tho liody of Miller, crushed
po.it all recognition, was cuivuyiil to hw homo.
In an artlclo on tho "drift of immigration,"
the San Frnncbco bulletin iy that nearly ev
ery day largo companies of immigrant nro
landed by tho overland trains at that city; and
it iy that tho "drift of tho present immigra
tion I strongly toward Oregon. Oregon I u
moist country, and tho crojw nirely or never
fail. Laud i reasonably cheap, anil title arn
generally good. Tho purchaser at wcond hand
usually get a warranty deed, a form rarely
mod in California, even whuru title nro well
settled. Tlio purchtsor who hasalway.i been
accustomed to Imo hit title warranted, raiinii.
ipjite understand w by tho warranty is withheld
in California, and ho ntturally look.i upon a
title with fcomokuspicicn from wb.ch tho wai
rauty i withheld."
A New Gnus. A m;w grtin, rossmbliiig
re aomewltat, only twice as largo, with straw
and beardkw bead resembling wheat, i tha
subject of comment in ntm uf the California
oxobangca. Wbon tut .w it u pawing into
milk it is Nid to make bay aupKor to wheat
hay. Tlio iliseoveiy of this grain i clam o I
Sy a fanner in ,Su-p-tsu VJI ;-. m tin north. r-i
ur: of thu (-tat., who took it from the rop uf
u wild gooso whu h hoi! Ies-u fchut Sow nig C
smmI immediately, hu Im the sitis'acticii in
due time of nulling mor t!.iu a hundred fold
Ho coiiaidcM it in uvwy rujiii.t auparior to
ryo. - World.
Frank McCully wont un to Uaytuu. W. 'I.,
a few iron tin ago, and we ee has bad thu good
fortuno to la electwl Rchool SujieriiiUndejit of
Columbia county. lWdes attending to tl.u
duties of hi now office, ho t-ahfi a large
kIiooI in Dayton, I half owiur and editor of
the Columbia Chroniolu, and has an interesting
clas.i in tho M. K. Sabbath School. How is
that for a young man that went theru a stronger
only four or fivu month ago?
Ths other night, at Detroit, tho Rev. JosUh
Henten occupied a box at Whitney Opera
House to Willie, for the first time in his lilo
the presentation of thu play of Uncle, Tom
Cabin." Ho attracted universal attention, as
hot. the original of "Uncle Tom." Il.utt)
yiar.old, but will lecture thu fall and winter
lUuovru, - Salem Orange has changed itaj
he old UgUUtivo Hall in the Holn.an Ulock.
i -t . " " r 7. ... .
Tho recent illfToronce of opinion In
(ho councils of tho Hoformeil Kplsco
pill Church concerning tho duration of
tlio punishment Inflicted upon Hlnful
mortnls beyond tho Krnve, Is of excocd
inp Intcre.Mt In that tho discussion re
vealed a significant state of thought
ninoiifr the members of the Synod.
When General Stownrt L. Woodford
announced his unwillingness to coutln
uo In tho olllco of Vleo-rrcBldent or
tho Synod, becnuso or tho conflict or
opinion between hltnscir and his n.so
elates, u largo number, if not a major
ity, or the members wero urgont in re
Muestlng him not to sever his olllciul
relations with tho Synod, tho logic of
this being that n radical divergence in
opinion Is not to bo regarded an it sulll
dent bar to membership or oven (n tho
holding of an Important ofllce In tho
Church. It has to bo asked, then,
wliothor the Protestant creed Is not In
danger or losing its dlHtlnctlvo feature,
namely, a linn heller In tho eternity or
punishment ror win. Judged by tho Il
lustration referred to, It would Koom
that tho Church Is gradually liecomlng
'mply ithoclal Institution of high mor
dnjs, whoso members wou.d bo on-
.yunwllllng to Buffer porseoutionH
noeakeof their convictions, or to
"o even eucn rldlculo as woa
. ....... .i
yt upon a represontntivo l'rotcstant
uznuon wnoti in tu tnruncy loss
u nun ii cuiiiury ngo.
j, j . -!
fiiiinBCcrrwnich is probably hatched from
'j'eggs adhering to tho skin. Thero Is
no way or curing it, or preventing its
spreading, except by killing tho in
sects and their eggs not only on tho
pigs thcmticlvc.s, but also on tho sides
or tho pens, postH or anything that the
diseased pigs rub against. To destroy
them on thu woodwork, nothing is
probably m good us petroleum, anil
though wo havo not tried it, wo liuvi
littlo doubt but that It would also euro
tho pig", especially ir applied liofbro
tho dlteiiM) had made much headway.
Thodh-o.iHt ii.Mially manifests ilselfou
thotdcin under tho armpits and thighs
anil Inside tlio forelegs. At llrsthiuall
red blotches or pimples appear, und
these gradually s-preud us the iu-ects
multiply anil burrow under the hkln.
It i.s well to give Hiilpluir and other
cooling inodlclno in tho food, lint tlio
real aim must Imi to kill tho Insect by
the prompt und continued use of car
bolic aeid.'petroleum or u strong de
coction of tobacco. Solutions of umonlc
and corrosive sublimate nro used in
severe ciisch, but nro dangerous iirtlclos
to place In the hands of Inexperienced
persons. "Uiigueiituin," or inerrtirinl
ointment, is Hllcnclnus, but Is not
tuslly applied. llttni.i un I ha t'nj.
Vai.ui: or. I'oim.tuv .Manuui:. -From
aetii.il experliuont, it was found
that droppings from four 1 trail iiiih,
for ouo night, in n 'ii-o weighed
exactly one pound; and in another,
more than three-iuarters, an average
or nearly four ounces to eadi bird. Ily
drili.g, this w.is reduced to not (iilte
I ounces. Other breeds mako lens; but
allowing one oiiui'o per bin! dully oi
dry miinuro, llfly fnwU will make, In
their r.M.stlug hoiiie alone, ubnut !0
e.vt. H'-r iiiintim of the best immure in
the world. Hence, liny gmd lowls
will umke more thnn enough n. n.nie
fur uu m-rn nf laud, 7 ewl. being the
usual ipiiiiitit; upplii'd per m-re, .ii.d
potil'ry inanure being even iIiIht than
guano In luiimoiii.i und fcrtilllug
Mils. 'Ihe other htock will give nn
actual leturn In this way, and lliwi
tlKiires demand carefu! atteuti'in from
the large f.irmer. The manure, lieforo
using, should be mixed with twlco Its
hulk f i-urtli. mill then allowed to Maud
in u he.ip, covered with a feiv inches of
earth, till dceoiniMised throiigliout,
when it makes tho very best manure
that can bo had.
iorny.)in,l(.,l Mm of , hod-l'lirrlnr
.W,r1 1 tliU mcilH-y equally,
' .,,., f ....
''" W '" J K " ' J,'
"And philt would yodd Will .NOIir
I . .. . i , v,i. I. .......... ....ft, Hit ,1.1,1
mare, jsiicnaei wrMiiiiiiiunsvj "i
Itllko it brick. o ould fool." "And
1 plmt.WOUW iCk.Vu
jL'jitmn.. ;,
Volume X. Number 42.
IjAND. Tho promlnenco which tho
trado or tlio United Klntes has assumed
wllhln tho past row ycar.s has awak
ened tho altontlon or our English couh
tns, who havo discovered that thin
country has suddenly appearod in va
rious parts or tho world as an active
competitor In branches or trndo which
wero Tormorly held exclusively by
Kngllsh merchants. In a rovlow f
tho present condition of tho trade of
tho United Suites, tho London JSoon
mlii calls attention to the fact that
political economists liavo often pointed,
out thai tho inability or Amorica to
compete with Kuropo in tho manufac
ture of various articles ol merchandise
havo been due lo tho fact that capital
mid labor liavo hcrotoforo commanded
n higher remuneration In this country
than in Kiifland, wliilo tho co?t or raw
material has, In somo cases, boon ovon
less In this country. Tho JiconomUt
admits, however, that wages In this
country nro now nbout ns low us in
Kngland. Capital lias accumulated
blnco tho war to an extont previously
unknown hero, tho oflbctof which was
ror n time couconled by n speculative
expansion of trado, and tho goneral In
flation of prices caused by paper cur
rency. Iniivltablo contnustlonn have.
howovor. roltowed. and thero Is at
nrosont littlo dlrrcronce In tho rata of.
I I tt t knii lsrvt t.tfiA' sdmasv aVai
I -.w-vno yonrn aU, mw. s. iine,
I """'HUin.'" -...' ir t- tr..--
now or uolso city, run a No. 10 noodlo
In tho palm of lior hand toward tho
fleshy part or lior tliumb, ranging up
wards and broke It off, leaving about
half tho needle In her hand, which
could nnvor be extracted. Kvor slnco
that time sho lias been suffering at
Intervals hovercly from tlio ellcct of
this needle, tho most suffering occur
ring when it had worked up Into tho
wrist, then when It was n littlo above
the elbow, mid again when It was In
the shoulder. Finally It got down Into
the side, mill has recently given her a
great deal iff suffering. On Saturday
night, tho 17th or August, utter going
to bed, Mrs. Knox put her hand on
her hide where tho pain scorned to
rest, und felt tometliliig prick her An
ger. Sho soon put her hand back to
tho place und took hold or tho end of
the needle und pulled It out. It wits as
bright us new, mid appeared somewhat
worn in Its slowjotirnoy from tho rVund
to tho side where It had workod to tho
surface. A purple pot Is left on the
side where it came out, but Mm. Knox
Is relieved from nil pain und suffering,
.u (ritiitu (luzette.
In u letter from the Paris Exhibition,
Col. loriiey, of the I'lilladeljihla J'rrit
lent irks thai while American progress
h.iMistonished ICuropo, yet "Germany,
.'iwli..'rl.iud, and Franco lutvi-jmuthodH
and i-ynte lie. that deserve 1 1 hobtudled,
Kvcn HiiMslit may be u model Tor nil of
u. Yesterday I wtw kiiiiii Uussiiiii
in.ii hlimry nt the Exhibition; and my
.nliiilr.iliou InereuMid as I was told that
nun Ii of this exipilslte work was iiinda
ny tlieyoiilh, many of them souiof tho
I. -t Iniu'ilis, Kent lulu the iriach.iio
.imps to lo irn tr.id"s in a part t ol' their
.in iilH.ii. i Here was no alternative;
ili.-y wer- unupelb l tu tuiss this or
! I. 'Hi)- government Is tho muster
i id young Ilu-sla utu-t obey; and uow
iiMiMeitce hi-foiiies a delight; and It is
,i-i n. ii It the fishloii to llnlsh it practi
id eiluctUou In this way, ns formerly
It was the fashion to piss through a
ii-iio l or .in academy, or college, Air
tin' e.i.v wiuMiluu nf suiiurllcinl iu
Hati! Iusi7fatT"
.'nldn'UI t'l i.obdij 0 will till nur HU
I... mu st-.tli nf tiMnmu I tutt and bonnets ai
.ii.'iiiely Ion pniu. Call mtd bu coiivii.col
ln.,t .ii.ii what 'o My. icv No.io it
.. el II I'l'l.trj o-'i Is ids., u'.giutt lediictionc at
Win M.ILvui'h, "I'M door to llruyiiiwi Hn.,
l'i, ,.iii. i.ialt.tf.ui. lo.lan, Int IH70.
ii. s,ipr.-iLe Court ol Ubuo:a hu decidid
i . a c.tv cviuot by (.rJnniKucoinpclacitiicn
i.. , !...). nivw fio;i tlio Milvvalk in front of
l ,i .s-e .'iix ii i' e ll an lo remove iimirnr-
1 . . , . a ., ii ....
, r-n., tv, pj, b,,l;jlj;J.Xjii jtr.-et
H,. I IlK-sl III tbt I!-"-" ll" V
UU i.v.gl-
J 1,11.1, nt our ii leu IIS iillloriilii si .
V si.,1 t'riiiula.o. anil a ilio tituuil ,i
I j t;r ivw.
i inn. u,.t-u uj in v t ii lis-1 ufjrr.