Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 15, 1878, Page 8, Image 8

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    To the Patrons of Oregon, Washington,
and Idaho.
J)i au Illil.TllKKVi In a few iliys 1 expict to
rU-t Kal to nttcml tlio mooting of tlm Nitional
(Irimge, nml iniMin to lx) ulwiit from the
jnr. lt tion about ton- toVk QuontiotH of
I v i usage iri-Hig during pi y ah ' i iy 1"
r, to i.iy i!.nit"i -n t'ic il i" i i t ""in
( , mi r i 'I ' ' ''' '' 'V P I ' r ri
, t'l. V li,
( ,,ltn l .s It Hut '. MiUoOo h,
v. ' i' enttrly, Orei;ioi
i to call the iit niton of 'l hh'ihIh n '
4. i, r to l liivilnl'il f tl n last . t At
( . indorsing Hi WliI.AM' i-iR F'tiVI-.H,
l .1, i is it the organ ! oi.r Ordtr and calling
.. Patron to give it a h. arty ..ml i.nitud
.i 'it. Ilnilitcn, wr need a iwpor th voted
li I . mli.iuita of the farmer. It ahoutil at
on (iiriiiuli tin an uctiutiiit of t1ie ciirrtnt
c t of lmHirtnnco, tli- state of tlm crop,
it .' .t, ,U., givu tun midium through wl.irh
t hangc our idena ami uxp'jrioi.ri, and
fiirn h our fntnilii n weekly upastof u li
pin nml wholcunmo miscellaneous literature in
ik t -t Hiitnl to thur want. Hueh a paper ru
iiiu.n largo outl.iy of iniiuiH, I ilior, ami
tal nt, mill cannot b fiiniihid us without
mti'liintu miiioit. Iit mo urge you, tlmrofore,
touootir own imper a eordial atipport) aiih
nerd font, writti for it, work for it, mi that
we iny hnvun fannnr' p.i-r worthy of tho
liailH. nml HTOIIll to noun.
Fraternally join,
A. It. Smw.rv,
Maator Oregon .Statu liringo
Otwcgn, Sept. SKi, IfiTs.
State Oranrjo Dopmtlei for 1078
Iil.rx IV. Tlinint Cinlth, taker C.tf.
I.rsms A, llnMir, I'lirrallls.
Ii.iikist" t. N. Wair, I.Wiy
iV.im.i- W'. II. tlnty, iKititt lllvor
I1...M.M. II H. II. Ilulik, Myitis l.'rs U
.1 t nui J. N. T. Miller, J v k.nlll.
jixrrmsK Jiuriih hillmk, Mind .
l.isr llow-o" Knox, lYoflirll. I'i'i II in t. Hina
titki.e. J NV. IUiirllr, llullKllh, W M lllll-ury,
t. ii'simm I1)initnn Kfllyiiil J"!! J"linn. lint
Tii.tvK .1.1 lkil7, TUIiiM
i -mix JiiliiirriljIiUm, fill in
i -mix J.ilni I TiIjIiIjhi, I'niiii
tl ixii .li lm IM, Trli VIIm;
W'-iiixiiriix .1. A. lllibxrili.il
in, Tuititln, J W Sip
l-lii, ''.ri, K,tll.
ttaiiiu, It. It. lauitlilln, North Yimhll!
I imt Thnin Throwtl, rt)t"ii
IliUlM MUmp, l,r,illlt.P
I till JnllIlN llMltlll, IVUll
w.HtMis wiiiuin hiiu, r.t.,.1-) i'u
. fnilKlllllnralmlllilllil III "liWl IVji-rtLH lure
U. ., u..iliil.-.l iill imiiiIi ulillic nw b .1 uniting
Hi- uinaiiiulilu t.i.i.'thi tlut.-nuu'lt)
A It MiniLrr, Ilior Or ml HniuM
(ll'I'KliniSol tlm NVIIO.NAI, UltA.Nfllw
,W.ir-Jiilin T. Jono. lUrlon I'lillllpn. Ark.
Oki.i.i J..I. WiMHlnian, 1'am I'aw, n lliiri'L,
.i(rrr--A. li. hinriiivy. rnro. iiimiini, i.
Mtnint A J. Vuiihn..Mpinitilii.TfiiB.
,li' Wmiii-Miiftlmr WlilUhaail, Jllilint'tinib,
Huiurrvet, N.J. v ... ..
(Vniin-H. It Kill. HprtniJhiiriiiiun.. arrvn. ().
Vtnuuirr V. M. Mrltowrll, Wajrii. Mulwn,N..
ttnlarv-u, II. Ki'iKjf. i.iiuiiiir. ni,
t,it-Kir-lt. IlluwflUt, ilrthanHlrriTr, I111I
(.iM-.Mtn.JuliuT .lonw. lUMiin, I'hl lix.Atk.
tfoid-Mr. Huinurl K. AiUmt. Miiiillflto. Minn.
.WM.. Mr UmvujrUiKtil'iril, North ilrmniiy, ( I.
IahIu Auhtant AUujrtl Ml t'amlliiii A. 1UII,
I, Wjralt Alknn,H,hilrnnn.t('ihiiry,M C,
K II. Hhaiikianil. lliilmqui inw;
Iii!lcyT.l'U,t'lriiii;int.N II.
Mvnm II jMrr. Ilnck KjI1. W hllwI.K III
W. II. Chambr, IUwbccIu'H. It ntll. Al.
Tho Oranije in Canada.
I iiiinn miinll.ni'l nut wry proinnniK luui
i.i htwlhaiilho jn ix", husnittn in or
Kim Mlinti wtiinil In mi "thi r itMtitntiiiii m
ri., nml inlliii'iiiu in tlm r mntry, Rruluilly
u. . inu iti ny li p. iro'"i" I'1" ttvin of
,1 iuIh.iv mitt the Iip1' h-i.i, iiiimU'nnK
i..t ril,"i oilhiriliiMUi ar.itij-i. Ill ilnixt'iii
j:i ii;m iiiiiiimiiI of llv or more mil irillli.(ti'i
u n lii.liilun.liip of over '.Vi.lklil Th.ue
!'. . acliM' iii.TBy anil l m tlw c.mw lml
tl. . l.i l.il.o a proinm.'iit put in tho it.iMili
m nt ami mpp.iit of tl. unler. mm lml tth
Kit Hi.i t ton .in.l prl.lu iip.ni tin' li'iiill- nl their
cTnin, nml allh.iiiKh we luo nut jet ruche.!
til. height of iiiiri,Mut.tl.ini nor iuviitiiphlie.l
nil tlm lefiirmn IiiUiI fur . the rt-tiilt l tin
itiii.iinent, ttt nullah h. U-en ilone to fnll
pr.t. tlm utility nf tho urmie. 'Iliruiish tho
lm 'nun of tho r.in;i' an' K-eiimnu '
iiaiuleil with iiiirliMther (.inner in nil jvhU
in tlm ll.iiiiini.iii, at tlm orilur i t-t.ililiheil
nt milt in Oiit.iiin. hut Otieltv, Nina Pctitia,
New lliiinttiel. ami M.imtoUi. a gtHiewl tor
rinmli'ntii i Kiiiiifj "" an.iiii4 u. wi are
lin-iiiinx iMfh lit!" "' w.intu ntnl wnjies aii'l
pi.iiillnj; li) the Mi.'.ilttlijti th Katiietl. I'rini
ttry ipiailertif th" llepiimwi tJw tj H r.'in
'!.. ..r iiifunimtiiMi uinlnij the grni)Ki aii'l
v. uiliw (arnioiM r eiil.tii'i( uii'ler it
I. mi. r tun mi' '' '( 'l,t,r "in--t
luminal jirtwr atiin. ICaiwtlwn r.iruui.
'iw i (lm. MMi. Tu tiran' i tl
.e.lv m-aaiiixaliiMi fur lli farawr. uithtnal ii.
uttharatter. tluit ewrnUW th mnti
n. . In tlm (.lrincia fur duo tnoment tluwltt
II...'. tliniusli a tulnl iwtimul i rg im4ti',ti. the)
in. if they iUkiivi nmtrtil the attain ti thi
nu. in? 'limy etiultl wmtml the priiv of fnu
pr .Imtm the) tmuW targnly liette the ine
t.i wrythtuthf) lm). An.l )et uth f.H tho
.ru t. p.utlillitt of a i'I'""' iTtjanialtiMi n
(u ti.ii, the l.irtnera are II l...vt uf all
,vm of men t.mrKiiii'i f"i ' f" ,n '"''i' '
,-pint uf K.invt
Ukmkh'i i'm Ki k-.ii Woimk
.Soolni,' ronuHlv tho Kaumiii, iii
loti tijti, for euro of loot or other l:uv
ulioro null w.i-i rim lulu tho lU-h, I
Will SOIIll yoil lllllll?! Tal.o t cow's
horn anil tvnw or r.i-ii lino anl mix
with Itinl and oiply to tht wouml, it
will heat tho Doctor's I'hn of biiioklnt;
with wool.
It U iiucitloiKHl whether Hill Lour
ley, tho Toxttii tlosiH-nido, who was
liiiiiBOil last week, hiw joined tho
throiib' of nngello munleror, in .ho
wont on tho ticatfold Hiuoklnir a cliiur,
iind apparently irldeil hlmttilf ul-on
'i'i mi UjAILM " " ' mil ' '-
Iho Plague as a Peacemaker.
From tho Miinphl Apjiral.
Wliiln all t)i it i oniil in trtio of tho pluck ami
cntliiMnen of tho .'iMtliern leople titnkr tho
ppi ocatioiM of w.ir, H,tilcticu ami (ninitm,
tlirtpii aomutliiii',' to he ran! for our hr. threu
of the North, whoiw eoiMtnnry, ntfiidinuia ami
ilinii'mn t.i tlmr Mi"', lira try .1 ti'iv.it
Miii ti Intl.' .mi t.i i -wit i.i a iiii!.!Up-i'
i '. ''i..L t . .1 o.l ! i r t i r . t it I .v "' '
.. 1 , I I 'f I ' l". ' 'I '
f I
I ' llIM ' " 'I I P . ' i
. I ! I ' , ly o.M. t-.', "i J' . t i I '
of liti.nl li"p .'..(, th-y Imn 'ii. t ,
, i' April, 1-. . t . i :i ! .i in "n ryht I .1
'if felIownl ip, lull up .tntl ll'wuig itr v ith
R-o.l Klft'. It ii'Vreil with manly Hpirit tlm'
l,h! the mnnrouN tender of the humiliation.!
.if :li..ily. The i nine inui who loJ thu armi.
nt tlm Not th, the aamo jounnlintB nhoiiupire'l
thumi arinim, nntl thu name religious teachers,
.tint thu aamo nohle, heroi.! women who origi-
n.itdl iiml MinLtlnw!, atniil thu licit of tnttlit
ami the uKcltamant of MOini'tnnuapiriloiH pojiu
lur tiiininoliniii), th i .e.uiili't lwiipflcuMo er '
e..noeiv..il of for tin) LiHef of ttoliliein in tlm
llt'M, li ivo hern fori.nifHt in the henxeiiwiil
work of our rtliuf in wexka th.it ate the .Iru.in
trt in oiircalomlar l-nwtaiicil in their tanks
anili'l JrMuph with hii hrithrtn, tl ey h.e
lllli. lour Miki to oMrllowin in.uiy, many
timeit, nml yet they are not il'iwt. IVom l.nr
Oregon ami Moiitin.i to Vermont; from till.it;.,
toHtitan.l titiei of all thu liuy Northern
Stattnj from tlm miner.' camp, tho newslKiyH'
home; from the Kinkir anil the farmer, tho
prof. tmir ami tho inecluniu; from all cIm of
that nection of our country wlnn Aincrio.in in
Kcnuily hiw foiiii'l it-t lawitt tieM of cottipiett
anil whom imltiMtriei uliilluiiK" the worhl iti
vain for a ioinp.irion from thia teat of a xre.it
ituliMtriil Kipulation, timiiaUhcil liy any other
on thetarth, thegiftHof aninteln;i'iitlii:li ami
a touehiti ymjthy have come, MitiRm.iuy
thorn. imli of our utricken onu from tle.ith ami
lij;htinotirilii.iiy pathw i th the liht of
an emlumiu hrolherly love. "lltiHel 11 thicker
than uati r." til thu mine r.i.e, av.ikiiir tlm
nainu tongue, tho t.eirn of th i mine lilnTtienainl
t .tlem of the Mtf.e ulnnoiit lotintry, no tnetnn.
rie of H'Ctionil ilivininni. of jk.Ii ttc.il iitiini'J.'i
tie or ol civil w.u huve lien .illniviil to utny
thu iitu uly !lnw of the UiUiitoitM Htre.iin that
h i lirmiKht mi. with ill ln, tU itrtiirince
tint we ate on 'Oplu in fa.'t ni will a in
n-iino, ntnl tli.it U'yuml lie froth ami fin uf
ihtm, un.l thu ilnvita ami il uiip'iM of ilein i
gi.nei, thu iiiulu heirt .. n.'e, yieMinj,' only
of it ftillnt'M win n l.all. : ; I .n tho caii of
hllinimty, ai:.l linith"' I... ir, at t.T.' .
Bob Ingcrsoll on Intbtion.
lliiKermli'i S "h at Malm , N V.. Fair.)
Wuh ire hul in our e,.m,tr.' a iiiannScont
nillitioti. Vthave limit willuti twvnty-lltu
yinn Kiitno T.'.om) nillen of railnu.l, nml in
onler to lmDil that wu nieiit aUmt "fo,000,000,'
(VH). Well, there w.w work for uverylnxly.
Wo ha.l eerjtliin(5 Kniwmt;, nml tlierowa
nrtMiiLritv Ml hmt tho ltn.l. l.erylly
work ill for ferylKH'y BvcryliMy wante.1 ti
etnplny oomelxHly iliti. In tho ineantlnin thu
war r.imo uiui our hamln, mid in tint wo ntn'iit
710,0 NI,IXlO,IXH). What lor! To l.tliM up'
Nu; In teanlaw.i ,uil ilenttuy. h.er) .uttKle,
.toltt iry thillir tint w.w njient w.vi unititl liy
tut. Hut, a a matter of (a.'t, wo tli.lu't inn-mi
the money we only iiirei.l to. Wu ir.ittun.l
all oer the country certain imte which wu
aijreetl In .iy. ami we haie nut (,'ot them jvitil
yet In in) juile,uit'Ul it tli.l not t.tku at much
Hitri'itum to put ilown the nlnllmn a it will
take to pi) the tleht. A nun can he lira u for
a few minute when he it ri.iht in the line .if
Kittle, ami when ho lil. ail' I keea that imlHxly
tine num. It imMmiuritivoly n.ty t.nluthat,
nml lw hot thmiiat tho it of gl'.'y. It in
iiiliittr.itivelv v ) toilinfur.i pnnciplo. Hut
it ia mighty hint l lt fr it. It t liar.l
work to L'ct mint I .it look in thu murium:
ami work until the tun ctKnlt) n, itn.l lu that
for a life.
I-'uiji Ai i in tin, W'Uvn a fanner, at the
en.l of a year, wtllti hi atom aceouiit, p.i)t
hi mnitli lull, with that of hit teaihcr, iloctor
ami prci-'hcr, which ta i generally in tho
rear, ami if an) tiling it left from thu .inuiuut
iialuetl 1 1) tho aalu of liii priHlure, that
amount intallol tho prolit. hut il it fall tlmrt,
tlu ii ho lut maila iiothtuj;. Tint ui nut a cor-
reel rtiniatuof roitilt. for thu lull li.o nu
eimnevtiim with the tent uf planting', except
tie. mimtli lull. A in. nhaiit ..,iny lititin. on
a tapiti' of $ll),U)0, vatt'.niu t ehtani thu re
ult of the ).ar' i.jtrjr"Mi. taken oil itivciitury
f tho uutol.l tin k, the aniout.t .f ntnilililo no
cunt, with the nt.iiit) u lunil. after payinj;
lu t..i itiut. hi tl. ik hie, mUret pud on
Uirn.n'utl lutrii), anil otlur iit. ineidcu
tat tu l.i I.Utine.M, lut it.-e net inclado thu ov
ptitte of u.ujrlint; hi f.u uly, which nuhht, il
i traaatit, alwurh Ml the prel'.U, ihuuj;h it
miyht lie thiily or furty per ciiit. tin tho capi
tal rtmtv i a Urep numW of tatiucm, buo
c j . -tate. with all tho working titk and
larni.nji in.phuitiit", catiiiut le valn.J at moi't
thin kOHO, yet ) their imitiU ruiltMil ha-..-riiM'-l
ikithotl ami educated from I'.vvUt ten
t hd-livn, w hit h, tu tin lhi. uiuat m.iko a prerit
.I .so tu .'ill ir ivut en th-' capital, tit.
We luiv n rtaaun tu fvl pleased at the
hutiueM dtMWtvra of l.hat llritain. The) t t:
nt l-oiutit tu, lltr eoph are our U't eu
tmur, nut mil) (ut Im-aiUtull mI.kIi, at we
ha alrvnily poir.tnl nut, they ir.ut wntiuuo
tt. purrlia. hut I'ttii tor man) if our in.iuii
fj. tine-.. If her people .tiv .li.tlCMO.I the)
limit rccewaril) .let rwie then urch.vo, and
we thall huu h) that. Kutthcriuoro her work
nu u will atcept luwtr wa'ot ami make a clecr
coiupttltien with our.
Ilio I.t (iranile ISiittto Bie tlu premium
hut of tho Uiium tViunt) Fair, held at that
pltw, and from It- ltnth and tV)o we should
judfiotlutth.ro w.-vt a ucccful how nig of
Union county agricultural product. Thco
fair do ttuiih to ad aj.ee thu farming icttreU
hii.I .t.t. nu mil ill t mil mtiitiii ii. )!) Vuitr ttii
(mil timiii ttMi itiiuioiiwii iwiat nvinivf aia
1 Uiuliclal tu all ciwecrtwd. They (otcra
prido and diuwitiun to uwn tiuo utiv and to
. . . .. . .
Work of tho neason.
In tho field cwry hour of Miitahlo weather
ahoulil ho used if ioihlo, to fininh np.tho
seeiliti)! that it revdved upon for thi fall. It
i tnte thU w Inat may lie now n in Deremher or
January and inakn a good crop, hut I would
prefer waiting until I'ehrmiry to now what cm
nothoxot in in Novotnht r. After m-liii"; i
linished, plowing for prttiK crop may ! done
ith ailvni.ta.' t n ii-i.tt frt-iti. cappcf illy it '
'od to plow land now that i i to I... u-t. 1 t'
. t . n p i! nl li I''
!.i in i,t 1 to hf pliLtel to ht. im'il t1,
. iii ir, r. ii itolliiuit hotter . -ui lied' f"" !
'. lut iK'cn i-et one or l.i '
lliii (.'t.il N .vtlnher dow.iig.
I tie iviturci the you 113 aloek 1 tv.'
'1 iiil.l he fivnrod with tho moit Hhoiten.l
-i...'.e mid tho hest Into of graM..
In th shcup-fold If inoamrot hate not al
ready lioon taken for hromling, no time nhnuld
now bo I'Mt. Whore it can ho ilono the ew e
intendud for thii purifito aliould lm twjiaiated
fnnn th wcthent mid hinht of l.iftt srau.i and
all a welt cared for ni tho mean nt command
will allow. A good ram if a lino wool or lona
wiHilcl hrced (tho liner it in tho lietter) ohould
Ik) tlt.1'1; ho nlmul.l ho kept lip in .1 L'01Helli"llt
phee iiuir or in tho hheep rhcil, fl n httlo
grain and turte'il with thu lloek at night ami
taken out in the morning. 1 am aware tint
pirticit who claim to know all alniut ahcep are
now recoiuiiicjidiiirf tho mio of incdiiim woolcd
1 1111 like thu Shropshire, (the last now thing
in that lino) hut I think thu medium nheep it
whit wu already h.ivu in plenty, mid if iu any
uno it it itenirahlo to lino a medium woolcd
ram, a go.l grado of tho Merino I'iccstcr or
OxforthJiiro can lw hid without tho cot of im
orting mnliuni w tmled ramt. It I, however,
mm too late thin m i hi 'or raueh couiiilcration
r aeiiding loiu dul.ine. to Mipply want of
thit kind, th" iiiteipi n v ol neghet or omi.
ion in prox tiling for a propjr courto of lined'
ing sheep will hivu to liu emlurcd for thi yeir,
Iti alto too late to Mit tho great pile of
straw tint have Ik en uxhmci1 to the (nil rants,
which if limned lit thrdhillg tilui) would IllVU
minittere.l to tho siihttanco mid comfort of
firm utoek thi coming winter. For the con
sideration of such of your roidcrs a aro nhnot
"H-rauadiid ' in their own mind that it would
Im gol etonuiny to httild a straw h.irn for tho
winter f.-eding of their stoeh itittvad of con
tinning tho syttem of an annual hurnt oirtring
to tho god of waito mid starvation, (if there
Ik. tu. li duty) I will tin Mi thu artlclo h) giv
ing a st iteuunt of thu result uf the hiiildiu, of
a 1 irgc and suhtt 111tt.1I h.irn hy I ivti. John Y.
Miller, on Mill criek linttnm, two miles south
east of Salem. Tho harn i 100 fiet long hy 70
feet wide, tho lowur story 0 f.tt high, tho
spu'o alsive that lit ing dcsignnl fur storing the
straw, which 1 lifted mid placed hy a ihc.111
use of horse ioer. Mr. Miller iuf.iniicl mc
tint ho lilli'l tho harn from the rojf to tho
ground with hi straw empof Iti77 nml kahsl
and sold out of tho lower story at ?l cr Kxle,
enough to my for tho litiihliug entire. In oth
er wordr, one-thild of tho straw saxed tho lirst
year iahl for a huihling amply suflicicnt Ut
storo feed for and givu shelter t 50 head of
horuu or 100 head of . cattle, CiMM head of
sheep during mi nxumgo Oregon winter for 2.1
year nt least. Now, Mr. Ktlitur, I !cn. Miller
i near enough to a town to hu ahlo to sell hi
luled straw at 3.S p r ton and thus pay for hi
hiiililing, hut I suhinit thi ipiestloii for your
interested nadei-s. It there a dm in Western
Oregon iimiii which good straw liuumd, hnght
irom the nnchiiio, would nt Im vrurtli 91 vr
tun for feeding to stock nud 1. nit citing into
11. hmamiru fur that farm? 1 he lung night
are iisin u nml this itusti.in it jsrtinent to
vsvry I inner. On, t osreinrTuv
tcTthe absent wive.
Iltet Imiely it the huiiaehuld, lime dreary
The home (mm which the Ii.vmIi.i.o hasgaue;
Mow Kid t our h. ut, and huw . In erics.1,
A wo think of her .ill thu da) long.
In our hr.u t hc 1 imw, though utill abicnt;
In .nil' .Ire im wo nv her a wtlh
Our thoughts lly onw.1nl.1nd towanl her;
How we trait, li ih and pra), uuiiu can tell.
Wu inuuru a though f..t ha.1 In-rcft in.
And all .ipp..ir Milne and gloom;
Like Mar), wu li-ol alt fors.tktn.
Till her Son came forth Irom tho tomb.
She' our tn-vure, our twilace and rumfurt;
When gone wu nut her dear faoe;
'Tit th.ii we liiirn more how to lot u her,
As we wait fur tho Kindly emhricc.
At homo, soon agtm. we shill see her;
Oh! thu transport mid joy wo refrain;
With ktiulnc mttl lovo will we ,rect her
A she troet tho thivshold agiiu.
lliMvenly Kithcr! na nothing betido her;
(iit.irdi.iu angel, wu priy 111 v attend;
Sho'.t our all, md ivir heart's f. n.llotl trcaturot
litHsl spin; wu pray ls her friend.
May an escort of atigil eonio with her,
And shield her from harni on the vrav;
llol) Mother ol OikI. x.o inxok" tht;
'lo ihte, we ever wui.ld pra).
1:. 1). Kkut.
OiS'S'tn lily, Ottolier 27th. lh7S.
Washington special: lVuttiustjr tlcr.cral
Key timk adxaittago of hntr.puitho l'jwllo
cunt to (rol the Jtipular pulie, aud l.o say hv
was gruatly astoniilwd to ilnd the ltcpuhl cam
an jjjiisiuII) in f aver of nomiuati.ig (liii. flraut.
lie Udiox c tho r.dt ovatea of a tixvo; govern
iiieut tt ill rally under tlrout, and that if nomi
nated ho Lortaiuly will lc el.tl
Thcru is iMHitinual catitc fur att'ifiihiucnt in
tlie titittca uf our exsirt trade. Since July
1 tho shipment uf whtat and llutir from our
p.irtr, tiit'luding thine on the l'aciie, liaxolxvn
O'ltial to 0!k'Ht,'J,"i,.l huhcl' of wheat, agamt
i,;t!'.,tVt7 huthcUdir the corn poiitlinj; pcrttx.1
in l77- It cannot ls surpruuig that ther
h.u li.vn 1 decline 111 thu Fjighh pr.ee; tho
market ahiuad mint Ihi heat ily tupplicd.
Stiutk With Pauai.ysis, J. H.
llellliiger, living uettr Jefluraon, in
this county, Krand father of Hon. CD.
HellinKor, while on his way to Salem
Wednesday, was stricken with par-ulysi-i,
and wiw found In an uncon.clous
state In hU luigKy near tho Odd Fel
lows' comotory. Ho was brought to
tho city, convoyed to the Cotmnorcial
hotol and medlcil aid culled, but thoro
' "" ' .
St: mi, Nov llth, 1ST
s we went to pre Inst xt.ck we told of
tl e adtanre in r-ln-it to h'J'e p"- hmhel at
Sal !. n.iil SI fli pi t . tl it 1 ortltttfi, ihowtng
t'1' '..nditiuiH ..f the market in Ltverool, Sau
1 i"o and IVitlninl.iii i tailing attention to
ii . ii.i'soi tin wlitairmgat I'ortland.xvhowere
d. ' ''.! 1 -is .i tml 1 1, l.avit.g tin rhim
1.1 tli r on 11 . i ,.ly vitli cargo, r, mid pn
ilitirt' -t I' ; w nil'l th.-i. withdraw from
i-i 1 ' i.' P 1 . til pi 1 t diupl""'
Onr-..ii -. t ,n fult'l' .1 to th I-11. r On
I'rdiiy wl i.it nd'i ml at IV-rtl.it.-l In HI. 70
s-r ell, and our cargo fas s ild at a trifln aliot t
th'tt. Hi'.' at . tl'jiu whuat advanced to S.I
rt hus'iol, as xvj predit-ted it tvutil I hofon
th" eettemnt nii1ii.hil; and a wo then mti
niited, it has sgatn lrojiicil to .SJJo hero tlii.i
moniiiig, and 1 1 ?l.l!"wSl.li7 fer ctl at Port
land yt-steTiln). with tho.mirket ludly demur
alied and tho regular wheat buyer out of
miuketnt any highor ligure, they li ivitic;, no
doubt, got n.l of their stock, nml waiting for
another chnnn- to speculate. A largo lot of
wheat chingcd hand lmt Friday or Saturday
at JcfTerrou, lining needid to complete a cargo,
netting the producer S."hj to H-: in wnrchotioi
thire. Tli.) did a gisul thing to sell at that.
The news howt a slightly weaker market
at I.iteriool and San Francisco, with 81.1m per
cental ottered for '.',1)00 ton on tho market
Wednesday and $1.70 asked. One tlioutantl
ton of thi large tot of w heat 1 held for
Doughs county producer.
F.tnneri aru apt to ruh to sell when wheat
tlrops a little, and that i dangerous to their
own intere.it 1, bvcuiso they aro misters of tho
Mttiatiou to a cert tin degree. They should net
with caution not toot erdo matters and place
too much wheat suddenly iiwn tho nnrkut,
which xtill gtto shiip"r tho itdvant.tgo. Wo
inclitie to think that ?I.tl7V I.TOjwr otl can be
had at Porthnd if f tnneri u dlserction in
making sales. Thoro am now twenty xc.cl
in the river, with 2.1,001) ton capacity, and
cargoes provided for probably half of them.
At lent lf),l)i) bushel. of wheat i needed to
hud them; freight aru said to bo tinner, but
shiisrs aud rTitoraro very mum.
I.atott ipmUtiun ret-eived from Liturp"ol, at
!. IS this morning, rejsirt tho whoa' market
eviry way et.iei List Thursdiy order ftT
shipment on tin ro.nt were His 1 .piirter, and
Fridiy adtnii'Vil to Hit Ikl, time wh n they
h.ito rc"'dd to 1.1s lid, a iKcliue of l!tl since
last Thursday. Tho war exiilomeiit, as we con.
jidored tvrtain, piu.-d away, Theru will be
no ir, mid tir nader w ill sou th it we plaoed
facts In foru them last Week ill a very reliable
shipo, mote nhablo than any other uownpaper
in tho .ttato fiiruiiO-.id them
Oit ir i.nprnting, that ordinary ar
tt'urth In ri .'1-lu fur shiiimciit, while uioicc
inilling oiti aru worth still morj ind in active
demand in S in Francisco, price range, accord
lug to quality, in S.iti Francisco, fMtn $1 IW to
SI M per cental. Tho local trade lien. pajs
'Mc to lOo x-T bushel, according tu need..
Local Markets.
St: km, Thundiy, Nov. It, '7.S.
Fanner ran get following price for their
produce : Huttor, gl packed, '.IX'..Alo wr
Ihi freth roll '.'J'."t0.; Kgg ,'IOo ier dozen,
and scire J. Potato, 7."o jwr hmh. Apple,
2.H.l'l:llK jt huah. (!iectt, I'.WIK Hr 11).
Hay. tflO per toi Oat, .f.'JdrlOo pr buh.
aecotdltig to .lemind. Fork, fo .r lb.
T:it t'entniir l.lnl.linils sio of two klmli.
Tbd While l for the hurnin fain'.lj, tbo Yelloif
t (at hortri, sht-cp, ami uther inltntl. Teitlmo-
nts! of tan ctUs;t pnidncei lne4 romntkible
I'rcptritlons nro wrtppnt roana vir buttle, ar.it
any be prociire.t of any lnwi;lt, or by mill from
tbo O'JlcoofTiiBi'tMTtcuCtiii'isr, t Utj ittiet,
N orlt t'ltjr.
It- invitation. Marion County l'omoin
llr.ingo xtill visit Htvk Point (Spinjv on Kridiy
tho lt day of riovvnilier n:, at 10 o clock a.
m and will hold in fourth degv. 1W liope
to hs a full attendance. Al, by nivrnl m- I
xitation, we (the 1'. It. of Marion Co.) will 1
rieetwith Komi I I'nine firango at P.rook' 1
'tatlon on tho tth day of Pcevmlwr luxt at 10
o'clock .1. 111., to pirtiv'uxite in a grand oclohra-
tion of tho .iitnirrr.irv tu our Order, lit
orvry nsBtaber that can, bo pivscut.
lM!f bt'LlKX,
Mjuter M irion C. P. 11
wh y! Why! '
Do the poople of lrin prefer tho Oi;ei.n .
IIiihjd Pcwnxii, I.iKit ixn Ki:..snv lli.ni.t-'
tou. toidl tho"lktter" "Flower" imd-Cttiva' .
iidTertimtt 111 this country? Uooamo the ()
i-.itiN I'.LOon rrmriRti 11 nwnuiactuivti eHci
ally for thu elnnato, and thvcliuivvat of (iNjjoti
root nud herb aro im d in it nrojxiratwn.
wh'oh bate been louud to Im rni-t Wneth'it! iu
du .i 1 pre alcti. to tin t lime. Hundred ut
thtciummuiilytUd 14uUni patent Mtth
cme"ajo the iiiiitijar n trtw exer jrp.itratxsa
upi'ii tho Am- rvan tsipli t'-.ev tkum to cun
tho Ague in the north and Yulu.v lexer 111 tho
south, and ar. a nuru deflation of AltK-s or
Oiaouand aro not a much bti.etit to the
a'.in a a ilnnU of fiol water.
Tho Oi.tftioN Itunin l'rnirii.r. 1 sot a (utent
medicine .iltliaiijli wo have our i.M) right to
pmtx.t it. .
'Hi j preparation 1 a puny xcgetahlo I ami
ly Itri.te.1) , a mctliciue iniapiiuilli to the
ho-.u. hold, a the oxit I.ixcrnud Kidney nm
e.lt H.utihh' fur tin chuiato. You nay throw
away huudn-d of dollar Peking .1 cun from
tkco F.utom jiroiwratwn, b'lt tluy will tlo
xou nogootl in this iiulariou Oregon climate.
Many 01 our let phyicun are pret.;nb:ng
thi new On gun vegetable rvinnlv for diwajtc
of the Uver and Kidney, with thu most hap
py rxunlt. and xce can further add tint wo
wilUhortly publUh tetiinouial from rome of
the best cttiteni of Portland
Wo will havo tho Oiuv.ov ltuxin Pcmiuii
on exhibition at the Oregon State Fair, and aro
making preparation for a fiaoduplay and "big
buaine." ,
Fnca 31 per Iwttle. For bale overywhero.
Manufacturing whokl and retail druggiU,
HMPIjEMiBIVT iiovsk.
Iffir Ua I Jul 1 1
TZio lDprovocl
an) vi. ny m: r st.ixdaed,)
Eiubrftoiuc many now and valuable Tmurovomonts nover
beforo soon, on tlrs Facilic Coast. Tlioy aro fully
warrautod. :caniiuo, and bo convinced,
The Whitewater 3-spring
All fir.t tin?.-", and nt rcasonnblo prices. Wo alio havo
TH. "Wlaii3ilo -W.sorL-C3rXi.ii
Tlintcnn bo used on Waizons, IteaperH, Threshers, Seedors, and all farm machineryTill-:
FAUMKIt'S PJtIKNI), and tho friend of hid team,
as It relieves tho tongue of nil strain, making tho wagon
pull by the axles, and Invaluttblo to all teamsters.
Tho Morrison Bros.' Walking Plows, wood and stool beams,
and thoir Bossomor-stool boam Sulky Flows.
Theo Stool-beam riows nro ono third llfjhter than any In use, nnd aro easily
adjusted und operated. The BEST I'LOWS IN AMEltICA,
and an entirely new thlnfr on this coast.
The Esterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator,
l-tio Host or itm Olmw,
Hotnethliifr entirely new In Oregon; absolutely force-Teed; no chnnjreablo gear
lnir; sulMtanttnl and tleslrable. Took premium at the Centennial.
L'nllko anything over seen In this market, aud fur superior. ,
A full I.I110 oi'STlJUL, GOODS, embracing
Railroad and Mining Shovels and Picks,
023.tXL13LiCtl B-uLs;s3r Tops?
w und ili'.lnil.lo artKto, lu a tui bv it on ii jjmi.
iS-LillsLy- civxxd Fotato-IDlssers
X s.r.1 -Ijm., wt n.4 t-lron Sulky, to wlikn im itt-b h-t .1 iVtito-JUir-'r, Sto It roio, or T'-rv
A full line of Wood-handles.
OfllccN. Ul k J3 Front M.. fOKTI-AXO; Opera IIouno III'H, NAILCM
Commorcial Stroot,
Mackerel, Tea, Lard, Tobacco,
CodFIsh. Coffee, Ilnmi, Cigars,
WhltoFhh, Itlce, .Syrup, MaccaronI,
Salmon, Sugar, IN til s, Verm eel I,
Lobsters, Salt, Table Cutlery, Pearl Barley,
Ovsters, I'lour, Wooden ware, Tapioca,
Sardines, Bncon, Glas-JWare, Sago.
Wo call particular attention to onr direct Importation of
THT&-W -jtoyIs. Stone-ware,
aK wear x Tin: world'
Also our N. Y. SYHl'l', direct from the factory, and superior to anything ever
Introduced In tho market, and oar ' TI'A nono better.
;tr rrtlcnlar Ir..".iiinii ( si-n rrtl purctlagt'jfeceoiilby theacltBeortrtnii leaoxC
" E. xs). XOilTIIIttTP & coT
tlhnltkulo nml lletull Drulera In
Coach, Carriage and Wagon Material,
Cor. .ilalii aI Flr.St Mt , k'ortlanil, Oregon.
V IV lli.iij.rJa, .-n-.'m iUitli UtBllnnol J'oj.rJVtriTm.Hrjvs, crJtn uliiull to llnvlM
jho,. tMtiJuiai k. J hoirmitui'.
xr'ttTJIX TliiaiC;!-", GltASH SEKDS,
Till! lir.T IMII.n (.UA1.NS, M'.V AND
Ilio attcntt wi ol merohxn'j ' ln.lt.sl to my ltn,i imJ uc'I urtJ - tl .!
el thal'nriil4. Ihi.s ..t .v- ti.irii.l Ian l.n.-liu I. thu prtnsi ot
Uwljfor lU-hilrwa l'v. itlths UfaranJ Ktr mis jii (r lb. uu : Uj e
novt ..xttsntjifilM. whK-tx 1 lll " w ir.irer-Jitt In mrh 'lUiiititl.- tfw n .
-int tr thrlr u.miucm. t ymmit J our. -r ..iicls.i'.s ihi -uj, or, II ttit) "t.:.
to tine my vi, i. ixx al-os on cc)iiiios, I tll wid uvu b.i, 1 . ti
isrh, that I tlUaitixrii!tan) 'i"xiiut;i..iiiix7 luuistso TaiaiL St i
.trni-ecl whtt I hnvoirt, I uuy nforvo on ol di ei.taitr la u..o f.r
Pur ih Iwt alibi .ar h. h rrfunsl tJ m11 .! lor inj oruii. Itnit.- l.ll. h
a.iUIt.Jsf.rin" Thr.-nlt v, th rtn.cr.-noUJti., utiun rr u:i On .-1,
t turn hi lm !v. W ln hs -I I wxb -pi tx.Ui nil an'l I x 1 th . ro.'.l ... I
S init On r'i!t. TTi. ni t.t. i I ftn4fnini 111) U.i!u, K II .uiy sl'.xi
.tli .il twl,. Uo iui I.U Im lo ha-l gron u tsls.vx In 0u o-.v li.t-i ul tit 1
twin tin It. of .sm'.i;h till 11 tt'tli lx i' c-l.t otbr xtwvslu ib city, ui' .'.linj
I'allloinia tut!. Tits sav u thlt ntrr.int I will cito tu My cm ui tu. (
ttrl'j Umm lUUnwRt. Jl twJ ra nu-v rwaJy. put up b iikit, i-A.tr u..v
taxi, aa.lir.Cv bint l o( U t-iounuJij lapjciatly xnui'l At mil ut m ii I r
Tan, ir mV orJir i er.s, Usfur dim rivur fitat. u., m.a. Ijii. t . 1
nan!.-.! I:li.. IVrtUaJ .t!. tl.. ''. atut Ol ujtia.
I b.eA"fvvlit.vVr' twsoty niviirTit.tn; t3..Kil ihrjhf cl ail I
ain.ve.l ir,-iM, (.rtl-sctii. HMi'h I ttin aeil a tu 4 auy ofi ..bo c ei
lumenttlc atri'ahl ' rrt luin. I v.iutt t) i.i eml.'rxnu wlio .;nini
firm thtt yi..iunn.lt.iiwlo'ry.ir nlllli. ..ti. iiiki 1n1tWt.1l snJi-ts
lumntlii n.. .-aUlvi'.cr'iM'HKlir.V, PI.I M. 1'UI M IKAt'HKi. i'I ItUVSTs.
C.tit)F.llKHl',IV.s, BL.vrKI'ltl(IIa, l.SlIIKMll5 anJ TltUxl!KUI!l ani
jululhxeihintrKati.b It art) lully Oow-i Iu Utrl tlrnt. an J hkii oiui
tivt ttl tu to ftl't -xiiy mt.mtMt. tain.
I rntl apl tr.w I jrxMst tm p'r l: h!tli v rlou !! riUsl trts
Th.y in out to riur l.rt likth, ul trs, i yr wl 1 3 lo i .s.t hltl, at if) j.r
V ) AJl th j uthar t art. tie n.t.ix-1 at rratwrllenal rtu.
Ttn !art,"vt iwr ixnuc 1,110 tjr xVL tb lwv tutted w,,!, or trv.
A Una
O. DICKIM50N, ai!vm,lY.-,-"a
aUl4nt J. SOWN ON, U aUI W uuJ kt,llllaaurx. F-
Eitray Notice.
h.n... t-lh 11 vraranUl. half dollar rcoLtl la
rlebt bonlJer, pUctd tberx to tor weny; lett Ibo
rrmt o( tu nndertlcaet!, two mile from th
Slm ferry. In Polk eoooty. oa tbo Ut tiay ol July,
ISTi, and ha not btn beard or tlace. A IftKrat re
ward wlU b glen br h retare, or any JaiformaUoa
rreardlBabtrwhtrtaihouU. JANS BECKIT.
l".3 ta
II hltiii.n3 !
Express and Platform'
A. N. OILltKltT.
and Keta.ll
Salom, Oregon,
. Hull.
as t r sl
Turner tirairJ &Um the 9th el Autrual. sh I rowl
wu. t yean oil, blau bts, kind ImI boUi vblte ahova
ra.-t.-mi, No trjtrk cor bnada. The abno nvanl 1U
M irtvni tot deilTsrln; lur at tnj plare, Uinta mil a, w.
ol Tumr, or ball ot 11 tor Inlanaation.
Turner, Oet. Iwli-l UEES8 PAVQUSKTr.
wmMM J