WILLAMETTE FARMER. t PROOF or THE Superiority or tira PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT, Itcport t'f tic totnmitU'o nnpointxiil liy the California Str.tc Agricultural Society, Sept. 1878, to I'xamitio and rtjKitt unou tho merits of mixed k-iints eilutiikil. We selected from laili of tlio exhibits vi., tliu "Am rill Chemical 1'iuiit,'' "InirishabIo l'nint,"ftnd "Pacific llnhlier Taint," ft ran of their tiaints, and had name applied hy n painter under our personal utcrifioi. Upon measuring the surface covered, we find that the "Pacific llubbor Taint covered 21,270 (. in. "Aerill Cliornlc.il" ' " 17,834 " " "Inipvruhiibla" " " 14,445 " " An eiinal quantity of cncli paint having been lined, the abovu result shows that tho l'acilic Hubber Paint covtrtd nearly TWKNTY 1'Klt CKNT. MOKB SUm'ACK than tho "Averill Chemical Paint," and nearly I'lrTY TKIt CKNT. MOUK SUUFACK than tho "Im perishable Paint." In M'ew of the foreging fact, and coniiticr ing the c.vw of application of tho Pacific Hub be r Paint, and its superior covering qualitks, wo find it justly entitled to thu .ward of tho l'init Premium. A. 0. CHLSMAK, W. C. FITCH, 11. S. JONKS, Committee. Palace LODGING -HOUSE, (Ali.Vj h lltytk'n Hew HulUInf,) rOUNIllt Of MOIUUSON ANI TlllltH HTFlKKW, roiiT&ANn, ... our.uoN, I'urnl'linl Ilonma, In Milts, or alucle. by the liny, Wt-tk, or .TIoulli. ocl nix II. mUNIU'IIK, Lesser. Sia T AND CO TO F I aki oi:t Tim FIRST SELESTId From his Fine stock of J)RY GOODS, REDMAN Rr.nmntloii Arrangrnirnts. New York, Nor. 12. Tho clearing honse to-day decided upon tho following plan of action after January 1. lbUs First, to de cline rerci'vlng gold coin as special deposits, but accept and treat them only ax lawful money, bucond.to abolish special exchanges of gold checks at the clearing house. Third, to pay and receive balances between bauki at clearing house Uthcrin gold or 17. S. leg al tenders, Fourth, to receivo nher dollar utinu ileitvxlt olilv iimler stiecinl contract tn I withdraw the same in hind. Fifth, allowiui! payments of bilanee vi silvi r certificate or in silver ilnltars onlv in small sums. .iv un. ilerSIO. Sixth ill oiitmur gold spciial ac- ' count by initio fr dealers on the 1st nf Jan uary licit, t ttrimntti thuii. , Tin-iiitllnini I'ltiit. I CllICMuo, Nov. 12. The InterO.iaii 1ms I a jccml giving a ronvemtinn with the piv-' ot in Indiana politics, be Li Mstyr, who sa a ha will certainly vote with tho Demo crats in the event the houxo ties on the elec tion of president, provided always, that the Democratic! candidate is a soft money man. In tho contrary event, which is hanlfv a tios- siblo contingency, ho will vote for the Re publican iiomiuce if he bo a greenbacker. "rami unit Neglect, JACKHONVltxr, Fla., Nov, 12. Judge Wcthcrspoon, of tho canvassing board of Madison county, was arrested last night by a deputy U. 8. marshal on a chargo of re el iving and destroying one of tho precinct returns which gave llisbce o majority. He is Held in ?.(,WU nail. Tnininatiy Olllrlal In br ImrUlmiteil. Nbw Yoiik, Nov. 12.- A dispatch from Albany a)si Governor Hobinsou will fol low un tho defeat at the noils in this citv on Tuesday last by positive action against every Tammany otllcial whom he has legal power to investigate. The.vlUuinrl lsl.laturr. Kr. I-otJIH. Nov. 12. About 100 counties in this state give the following result! Sen ate umiocrals, in; Republicans, I; Urcen backers. 2. House Democrats. I17i Hcnub- licaus,14OritnbackcrsandIndcpeudrnts,lU. A llullerKsailBstlsB. IIohton, Nov. 12. The Butler faction of tho Democratic utrtr dm nominated 1'ri-d- erick O. Priuce for myor. IsHika Like I'raait. A special to the Fun and Press from Ala chua county says the canvassing board to day threw out three prcciuctr, one becauto tho immo of n candidate is wrong on tho tickets, and two because duplicate precinct returns did not agree. This actlon.if sustain ed, reduce 1Ii1h'u's (Hep.) majority in tho country from dMI to U7. and elect Hull, Dein. It ulsn elects a Democrat to tho leg Mature in the place of U (J. Dennis. A deputy marshal arrested tho canvassing board this evening, nud they arc to bu taken lcforo the U. .S. couiinissioiieni to-morrow. A petition is being circulated ill Jacksonville by Republicans, asking the supremo court to com cno in rpcciol svssiou for tho purpose of obtaining n mandamus to compel a recta vans. Tlic (iraml Ann j. I'llll-AM i.iiiia, Nov, 12. Tho twelfth an niversary of tho organization of thud rand Army of tho l'epublio was celebrated to-day by a strict jarado. a review by (!ov. Hart r.iuft, aditrcsais by prominent members, and ugraud concert, Jtimliinl. Ifc-I.lfrted. Hiilkna, Moot., Nov. 12. Maginnis, D.-in., present dclrgai., Is re-elected by a largo majority over tho Independent camli dite. Tho Hepublicaiis bad no candi date. The Committee on Indiana. Omaha, Nov. 12. Tho Joint congressional eoininitteu to invcstigiite tliu t rainier of tho Indian bureau to tbo war department having returned from thu Pacitto coast, adjouruid heru tu-day to meet in Wviuiniftoii on tho .'.'.III lust. They will submit thuir report to congress in January. .linrrlr.iu Yus l'lnl I17 t'uu.idfan OCJ cljl. Dl'l.rni, Nov. I'.'.- It is rumored hero that an American tug was itm.il at Hault by tho dominion oll'.clals fur wreckinir 111 Cana dian watcn. Thu tug was trying to get olf I llio Mcamer guibco. ngruuud lor sninu iJays I' in tho Magnctiu ulioals. 7lic l'lllcrjf (urillail. Nfcw Yomk, Nov. Pi -ThoTisies Wash ' Hilton Fpecial n that halikbury's leply to , I.irU an the lul.iry nuentiou was receivvd tliero 1 7 califn yiatenlay. toutents un know 11. It is hclicwd in diplomatic circles that tho utaid will bo roinptly paid. Hllliiir mill llie I tlirr ,turJ Wakiiimiion, Nov. 1'.'. - It is said hiro that Iird .S.ilnlmry tu his reply to .Secretary Kvartu is ns earnest iu liis position that thu Canadian fishery award was mado in accord ance with tho treaty of Washington ai Kvarts is in maintaining tho onpoiito viow. Iliu corresnoiiilincu is not liKdv to bo con I eluded by tho ":id, when the award is duo ; and it will probably bo paid under protest a fiiiiuKe r roller Cinruso. Nov. P.'.-ThoTribuuo's Wash' inztou niiecial kaysi Kx-8enator Chandler had a friendly intirviuw with thu Prciidiut to-dav, aud insisted 011 a thorough orgaiiirv tiou lor tho campaign of IbSO. 1I biliuvod thu Kepublicau ji.irty stronger thau over. Keceut tlcetlous have eoiiviuctd tho adiiiiu i.tratluu of the gvmral iiit'tliiieucy of fid r.d Cllluers uf tho touth. Il..iili9lnli'd rteiuoeraK WAmilMiios, Nuv. 7. -A apjcial &j .', DoOioirat aro tern lily d:sapMintod, a tiny were cuntideitt that the avetttge nsultwuuid sbulV solim pains iu their fivor. Their 1 mi grewicnal Ii.su in New Humpshiru, C n iiectU-ut and Ntw Ynrk caused tin m cmei i orobl'i ulurni, ai'il for A tuii) Ihsy wur- m.t wruiu wlKJur tin. ti jinrty would bo nbl l" Uisatitiui loiii'ul ui thu l.ou.e of iopr..u t.i tivos. 'I lie Itejiublic'tii him fully .ti- 1 '1 with thu rosuit.j liunmis ua'lo are im.atui I than who exjijcU I, and more than euup 11 I sato fertho l.s-is sustained iu O.tolitr Had thu IU iiibiiiiu sol til suutlibs'! giveu a fair and full nppurtuuity tu can their la) ' lut, them (.an bu littlu doubt that a sufii- iieut nuiulier uf llepublicaiiJ would h..te Ken hunuttly ehtneu to oonjross fiom tliat scutiuii to change tho inhtical OAimiilcxion u! the lower IhjU.o and givo tticui a working majority in tho forty-t.xth congrus. Tl.o domiuatioii of tho Ujtnocrats in tho lower branch of umgrui is attributed to tho dis franchisement of Hepublicaiis in southern states by tho peculiar inethoU of violence and laukssniis adopted by Democrats to make that section solid for their party. Diuuli, ('sine llulur. Ssr KtuM'incu, Nov. 12. Carl Iiruwn, secretary to DlUIUi Kearney, stutei that on behalf of ward presidents ami others of tho WorkiugmenV p krt of this tity, a telegram lias been smt Kearney rcjue.ting his iimno diato return to California, an acunuut of dm seusioni hiuh havo arisen in tho party here, which It is lieliovod he alo:.o cin uariuouu- foil, Wrslnln Vwlue ont. A Viuuiil'ity disi itoh R'.y that djr' Sunday and Monday lt,6 n.r.e-1 wero ill ehaig'd from the Con Yirnnii l.-i.no uf wftivn IVibaJ lRn tiii..n)cil on iiu l.ji) foot Isvol, ind f.S frmii lie inflO-lii'it lovel Th i 1 . ' 1 ' . .. 1 i n. l 1' ' i f 15- M t t PRIZE AWARDED " Wo Distributed a Circular on tho Pair GroundB and oiTorod a Howard or Prizo of $5 00 Gold Coin to tho porson who would firat prosout it at our store, cut into throo piocos in such a man nor that tho throo piccos could bo placod tof other and form a porfoct Square A groat many pooplo woro skeptical as to tho posslbilitv of its boinc done. To convinco tho Public that it is against OUR PRINCIPLES TO ATTEMPT TO ! DECEIVE OR MISLEAD ANY PERSON, AND. That what we Promise we Fulfill, we here give you the Circular, and the Dotted lines i show the manner in which it is cut, and the receipt, ot Mr. Ceo. F. Meacham shows that the money has been naid. He was the first oerson that oresented! the Circular properly cut. .m - ." And when we announce to the public that we have a well selected stock of .Xl SL "W m IS9 CD 30 IS ? CLOTHiWG, FURIMSSHIWG HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES Thnt liavo bt(n purrlinuP(l lor cali itt eon purr SKIiM wo arc IMI tiUUDH AH UV 15KSOLI), wt nioaii wluit wo biiy. JTts7ic5Tfcasr i33ta.fl Ait4 t'kiU l rifC ifvfk'l 4irvty uu ftU cl rlTcrr! for tuU twDUiO It UpOI) uf t!.t r . ytMQ UtC uuri-l JUUU (( All our VxxsvUaio niw anJci Utc Utl t1cj ami IVttcnn, tKcUJktoA In opr tvrc. CONSULT YOUR OWN INTEREST Am elie iu a cull. All rnlirs from U'x countrt lll mtliv flun In rm. IWir Inn.lnJIlLit we lave innanently ImUl In Sal in. oluln tu uikIi tor u ilolUr at our kturo iu it U IUg lor iu Anil ilo nut uA lar crotit, lor no ifuod, to U.g ur.otilit of Very TtoniMXJtiiilly, (;ikir,it Ui t'mnw.Udt llyt. t. tii.t J HiLix, (kt.Ur 11. Wn. ti l4fc I wx WM 1 P A VALUABLE INVENTION. OS a l-il-Vs" 1 H flrlT t" sstssfsttVsvWWtsSsi sn , 4W4WsWW s.sO Js i,m THE Msl)s.li UasVSIO &? f?. ft!! fl mtk ykVim i- BSQduiJvfJ'&H "u fctefl k J.ittSVM SlmHIIsSl ss.fc. in vorkmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, unci us oicvntVj finished as a flrst-claas Piano. It received tho highest awards at tho Vienna and Contonn.'nl Expositions- ST SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER fran other machines, itt; capacity ic unlimited. Thcro aro more WILSON rJACHIWES sold In tho United States than tho combined salos of all tho othorn. Tho WILSON WIEHDINC ATTiiCHMBKY fordolnRall kinds of ropnlrlntJ. VriTHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. ..SX, WILSON SIMM MACHINE 60. 827 & 829 Broadway, Now Vork; Now Orleans, La.r Cor State & Maditon Sts Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal. sssBssjWawgssJWaUsjsWsjajssjasi m i ibsj mmm0m0mmfammmmmmmtmmamiUmwmmmiMtft Mmmmml B. J&'OKBTJNEH, Gunsmith, Agent, Salom, Or. FAITH To m.keVn'-un Ibialf.v - - . I'u h , J I. I'.TIir-l Al'j .J . ,1" Lel.urH llrinrs 1. Ibe name of an lditrltd Mifaiim t) chtitf An crotbrr II liat.iu I vtn ctal il 1 ceull) Ifuia a 10 (i-nrn aj.' i a HOPE 1 S Yj L Her t ro li'Diff 1 I r 4. t-- ' '- 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 , ( 1 1 I.. uncf. lint. -. 11 ' r rrci lba II a 1 H t. . r 1. I ) .'V Ii ke'ilr " t , C 17 i-kI. , 1 1. 1 1 1. 1 in I '.....; f!.. i- 1 till.. ill. .Ik i j I lr.. ir. i. IU 'icieli . Valkr, I'anfltf, lisat-liad.sai lira jut y imnt d ina'l Ii If ll.'ufal (it n tu r '' ntl'MII' .'I I. r . 1 ' y u 1 1 'i 'i 1 1 , a ni, I' - ' ., , C ,1 I , f 1 l r , J 3 1 "I ; c liu ri. I tttKKTz&zr .ria.r: I lUcttVLD OK Ail.cn & Fandam $i, gold coin,- re ward offered for cutting their circnUr Into three piicts in suih a manner that t):e three piu.11 whin properly placid together forms n perfect sipuaio without loss of matirial. (Pigneil) GEO. P. MKACHAM. Witness! JoilM 1'. K.IKIUII. GOODS, AND NOTIONS, San Fnuicl-i'd, ami thai CAN I'OSSIHIjY lowest prlcoi In AS TllliY Wo Imvo iSarAcstes Wc ilo not cfer joti a I Alt on ono nrtli h aiul rt.'t lisHUII I1U kOUsH UVvl Willi Ul 1usn.IUIM uaru IjUIT. our imniit atUutiou, asil Ui 011J at M Io riiua. u II sikI are o.nrtAiitlv rt.inli.K New lloo.. wel tliatrcu to jlvu you. ttentjr live imli' woitli, ttl 1m iUIIkiii.1 until ul fur. -.r r). ,f tbu !VU fir. S MM!, OltlUiON. WOF:-D HENOWKSD 3 'W Hi li-fl .c-'alfi' A'IuImkI Mae. r r l .i( 1 V SM' I .ni 1.. 1 1 1 .1 i' 11 , la . ) 1. ..JtruJi U, aft.. CHAR8TY 11 , ,1 I (J l I mtm 0.2- W IB U U VI nsn u 1 H B ti wO N 8 h K MX zyz.i!ZJr33z:isi- rssfcexsaEi" HAWLEY, DODB CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. Offer for Sale at tho Lowest Possible Prices. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL OTIOTJIBAfc R Consisting in pnrt of ms HARROWS Seeders. We have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save such as arc really the " ultra" of their class, believing the best arc not only the cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be fur nished on application, and wc sell no goods that we are afraid to guarantee. We would call especial attention to the Deere Sulky Flow, t7i;er 7,000 Sold In Oregon and W. T. In the last 3 years. Ttie peculiar uTancemrnt of this unrlrsled Inipltmtnt needs only to be teen to bo sppra cliled. Atk jour nelclibor Hint lio thinks about It. No complication ot levers A toy can imnui It, ami do belter work than a man ng plow, slid titlco tho quintlty o lisrs iuIJ crpeclsl rrpirj to Ui trdr. Wo I Improvement of our Implement! and ws only lmiwrtiuch at liars tha verv late.t Imerotr- menu and bcit itjlcs As our 11ns Is too otcndnJ to DEERE'S MOLINE PLOWS, Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deere's Sod Plows DEERE'S CULTIVATORS, CHAMPION PANNING MILLS. Farm, Orist and Food Mills, Wood-working Maohinory; Bolting, Schutter Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons With tho Now TRULLENQER Vnt. BRAKE, tho Lntent iUvIcoi No Brake. Bar njsodi No sliooo to uroni- out tiros, will hold a whrou anywhere from haohlnix or Rolrur forwnnl. Wo nro nlsa Solo Amenta fop STTT3DBJBJLKER WAGONS, With 1M RfllkP ftlfi. Too well known to need comment, g, Send 'or Circulars and Price Lltttn. r IlAWLliY, 101D tC ca Ilr. Mlnllc's Yi'gctatilo .Vcplirctlciini. D0K3 irt'lllK M.LI NO I It U Intended for lllrrs.en nf tho Klilney und llllltliler. ThU eriat Tm.tn .niiiillt.a a want Umj llt by n certain c! nf ulfrer, ni.d Is taklni; a liluli rink iiiuuin; rrmeillnl nee hi- In thin rnnniry. Klrnt ll.-enit It I msd M'KCMl.l.Y lr KKIiicr si.il llliiililer cU'4pUlntr. tbo illlftrent I'lirmlleliU nf lilitehlt In riiniiii.i.l Mrllin. ...Llnint ly n.oii th murcalnrriul iiiumu" colli- nf Hit o t.r in. Hcennd. 1 ho comlilnstlim Is tho remit f Ulna eilwilu.coniKl r'fM nialv. I.nlli nf tl.o or csnssud their tllrrsnir, Thlul. The bert ir.lerli.l Iwhltli nro purely M-feUlil.) nro n l.x1... I ami u-ul In Its Minn HCinre, In scum Imltiiimullnn of the Kldnrjnur lllsililrr, psln nud henv lues. In Iliu haik and liin ulih ilriiwln. nu I fuilim uf liinimr, thoN-iliri'll'lllii ulllulte linii.iill.it.) rellit. ami ft freo uu h pern ci ikre, by rtnitl) lullontiu 0lre Hour, nice fl.as Dr. I'll ii Me'- Itncll.li Untiilr-llnii I'lll.. DO ntKY VVttK KVFUYTIII.S'ar fo Ther am Inn ndul for ill.e-" IU; rei-ulllroni M.lnrUI I'dlmn slid a nrsrireil l.tver. fyrapuini nf it illMiidenil llier- Dull piln In tho ride and l.onldir. h . of snpn He, nutni loneue, Cd.llvu linnrl.. .let hesilaihe, ilii.H,ltiir, urluht In thu rliiumch, n tun nciluj with scldlly mid belch It if l of wlml. Io ivlil , lut. of inniur, uaioils Mill), und f'Holi'K-hi; nf evil llihy I ilai.iii runs Mnnv uf I lie leadlnc rU''..'n- uf I'nrt'mi. fnmi is. ixrlenco will v.nirh un In iliu uerlur vlriuo ami vulaouitlHoolte rp'clil'le.. I Iru Uficcntt iile. -To bo ubislr.ud i f nil ilm -i:i-ii. To Whom it nuiy Concern. Tlii.H is t-i certify that I Imvo bum ntrivti.t for tlio liit llirci yu-im with clirunli- inll.imicm tion nf tint IiLmIiIit unil torpid liver. I laving r'iit a kiiuII fintiimi uitli tlio liestniolK.il t-ilint I cuiilil i ih tail i in San I'ri.nciHConnil iit 1 tlto Mtrifiiis nprings in dlifnuii.i, luiinj; to liml nllef. H.IVIIIlf foiiml Hum I LUW tl nil Iiiiii of Ikiiiu; enroll ami iliiiiifut nil niilie imt uinl iluclnrM. Whilii n.ilini; him' nf tlio ibnly liUx-rH 1 M.iw nil rulviTtiwinint (if n mliein cnilul Neiilni'tieiiin, n pieikirntHni mi-u.nxl l Dr. Mnitio A. (!., of Kin fri'iciM-ii. I win ix.rHiiftlcil hy my uifu tu try it, uinl I tveiit mvl iKiulit u Imttln. Having til.in that one lo.ttlo 1 fiminl innili ii'lief, .ill iniiw i(;iinn nml Ui 1- inK muili iM'tter 1 lxK two inuro !'.:'. . umI I run iviw a'ifi.tly iistoml to l.nlili ami strenxtli, tlnuik (11, (or thu xiiiunor xkill uf Dr. Mintio iV Co. Any oi.u ulut nwiy ilunlit this statement cm uall to my nuiiluuic nml M0 mo. J. K. Mooiip, 127 I'lllliKtntt, 1'ortliiil, On iron, S.-J.I- mU-r II, IS78. Dit. A. II. MifrriK k Ci. (Icnlm I voImii tcor UiKty your Knnliih Dui.liliun 1'illn iiuil. mil (mn i.ciumi Ml yoo cliiltu "Iinin my o 1 1. I'linoy thoy lino no i . ! I ivtr truulilos. .i A HriUiWhiuisiK. v''i 't, Ijuatliur MunJjnut. W. lh7H ni'iioo in thuir i J . ii i ' j V l'u:t's . .l . Ui il r.ri'-md Mi.ISi.li ' H N'o'itl.l'tliWUI Kl..l . ii i.iy uIm ttlill I'j'jllell iljl.lt. II..U 1 Wo luvi ui it l&ro ftiiiuiiLt 4 llr. MuitU's I'ludioiii.is' 1'tio Knlmli IMuilaliou 1'illu, kJko the fiiiu) il N"ilirutiouro ud ia nil cut a highly riu-iiiMir.iloil: Jolm A. Chillis, DrugijUt, tluooiui Ui t, 1'nrU.M 'J. (' II. WiyxJw-tl & Co., ihuggisU, conui Kir t ami A I'l 1 nlre' t, I'ortluinl Mum.m Ahrmu & Carroll, Vholilo lr.i;- iut i, ..', .1 nml G I'miit struct, H. I'. Ui i- .j.l II.. Nijili i fn tun m tho li t Kill le y ai il I'.! '... 1 1 ii 1 ! I .iru tliu 1 uhli. Ml il .u"i '4. . . tl, 11 lr Mu. I A. Co t-iv', ml (itniiiii 1. in I Snti.il l)i. 1 iv. wit.. i. i.e.. Nu I i immj .1 street. Cor MoriMiii I'-.m ami, Oi.kuo'. Korall klrU(if I.titi lit . uu .... S. .... I . . m, ir.-ni, iibrirssifk ll-niJ. tifr . ai.il ti ' Ki S"Jl II l.V BB'-'itJII IWI IS'. 'KJVi SB'S S fTrit.d S, i .1. 1 .1 I . I iil.li an I l...sl.... iiunv ifcsrk. ut iiivri4 u un rnmif.if it i tiii rn htiiiii tt tv MADE .iriiir 1 Hi-. -f.j i" u n CV UK Kii .,i lliL aril nil rrnti r at H . rti) r MU 'Ftt, h if, in i'i lA7ciirizixtitimxz Mii'itm 1. 11 fii'iiini .iiiti,r:ii 2 - x - oujes. IWWn's block. ni"i.llr lYiurar? W .. . fl mm mm .A-wro- ,?-Tl'iBRSssSsmasWV ssssm jartlcululie, o ould rail atlentlon to the following list: Randall's Rollins Culler Harrow. ThE AVER1L PAINT Is Trcpwcil in Liquid 1'orni, KWADY FOR USE. M IU OK - - AXII OP A.W SIlAHi: OH COLOll. It IH CDIlipoHCd of JM2RT MATERIALS Known to flic Tnitly. Xxxx-o Xjliiriioocl Oil, GTUIOTLY 1'DHEl WII1TE LEAD, 2r-crxrjQ j sixxoro, - AND TIIK cifiKsT or.onr.t matt nit Procurable fur 'I'lntlii,'. THEY CANNOT SEPARATE, llnuu it Mill never ilulk, 1 link, or js-cl oflf ilit'4 not mn from Mains, or null holes; UUll fur lllllUANUV OK t'olilll Will IlklUII OF H.NI.1II, IT IH wri'iuiuT nivAi. I'UT III' IN i, i, I AKII & (IAI.IajN OANH. VVEATHERFORD & CO. XXT110LKi.m.U AM) IllVS'.llI, oi:si Kim in -. Brug-s, P.'tints, Oils . GlasH, Uruslicn, Eto. AGENTS, HALEM, OKEQON. 0vU. zia-jci uoo JuillfSiUl'l Saloin Flouring Mills. :imr k.mii.y ywvit, lUKKIt'H EJCT1IA. XXX. Htfl'RUKlNK AND llltAUAM, MIIIWJN.IH, 1IIIAN, AMI HIIOHTU, CoiiHtnntly 011 XIuiKl. IXitr'iOHt Prloo lu OANH Paid for Wheat ataui Txrara. II. KINNKY fen trtf ACH, u v w A, T. & F. N,"GILBERTr (WIUiU llr.ilomv,) 'iiuiiicTi-lal .f Mii.in, a OMTs H14 f.ji.l '';i-c'j'lilrj vt.v ti.nuM.iro iinrnnle-, I iiuIhi 11; A.II PIT4t. . .. Wt.T a. U, 4lliMitii Trkiiaruiu i J lock -o. (i M v 1 " i,rfi i tl 1 . .' it.- ?vSSSSSBJBSBBBBBltjtr .-7." I fllrtl In th fiJ,uir(-'J' 1 8. IS'I, lakii ofl 1 10 c C1 tn MM u t " ,,; . t- ..w... M lll-lim-. 'I'jn r-t.-' ' 1 T" f ., Il If I u,ri!j:;'ij;;ra;'M