WHJLAMETTE FARMER ar BY TELEGRAPH. Kow York, Nov. 7. l'olico headquarters wis informed to-ilay that tho body of A. T. Stewart was stolen from tho family vault at Stint Mark's Church early this morning. The casket was broken len. The discovery of tho outrage was made at eight this morning. Tho robbers hid removed uno stone from tho onen ing to tlio vault, liiukoti open three colllns in which tho body was enclosed nml carried tiny tho contents, It is sniiposoil, in a sack. The rolitcry has oreateil j;ieat excitement in tho neighborhood of thu graveyard. Wilmington, Nov. ". There rectus no doubt now thu congressional delegation in this state will stand (i Democrats to '.' lteiublicaii. Ho iittlillcaiis gain one. San Praiieiscn, Nov. T. A ilntiatih just re- havo' taken. Not a single cent will bo paid in Franco the rivers aro very high. Tho Scino order to compromise this case. threatens Inundation. New York, Nov. S. Tho case of tho U. S. St. IVterslmrg, Nov. 8. -Tho health of tho vs. S. J. Tilden was up to-day, Mr. Sikes, vice czar is becoming inoro and more unsatisfactory president of the C. & N. It. It., appeared, nml causes great anxiety. Count SchouvatofT but failed to produce tho books'of tlic company, has left Lavida for London, tho state of tho He swore they Mere not under hit control, but were in tho head olllce in Chicago. Adjourned till Monday emperor's health not permitting decision upon pending political issues. London, Nov. S. Of tho tlshcry question colvitl from Virginia City says D.mguit, (Itep.), is elected, congiessman. Ho is sine of iiOO or of the l'nin Pacific liailhiad directors yester Chleaio. Nov. 7. l'ollnuiug aro estimates of the Daily News s.isi We await with interest impels on the eompleloii of thu next house ' the publication of Lord Salisbury's dispatch Tribune: Deitini-rnts, I ttj lteptiblicniis. I.'lli nud statement dtawn up by tho Canadian gov Independent, 2. Titiio: leinociTtts. 1M; l!o- ernment. but there is no use to deny tho fact publienii. I'JSi Crceliltackers, 7. Inter-Ocean: that Secretary i;ail' case has some force in it. l!eniMie,iu. I-I2s Democrats, It'll. All these A riglit has been bought and in tho natural estimates leave out the four to be elected from roitrse of things will be paid for by the Culled California, and nil must be modified in tome t States. The question is one of legal obligation degree, e en on thu basis uon which they ale ami it cannot be too calmly disciiscd on both figured by to-day's developments. sides. New York, Nov. 7. At a special inciting Vienna, Nov. 1). Count Seliotivnloti's mis- ion to Pesth to propose another congress to COO majority. j day, tho directors unanimously, it is stated, amplify the treaty of licrlin, has liceli counter- Philadelphia, Nov. 7. It Is estimated that j expressed a willingness to settle thu debt due , manded on account of uncertainty of tho rel.v tho Itepubllcans will havo 10 majority In tho the government in full. The plan proposed Is tions letwecn Kugland and ltussla, which for legislature on joint ballot. , for tho Union Pacific to Issue new bonds for , the present prevents ltussla from entering upon Chicago, Nov. 7. Tho Illinois delegation in ' the entire debt, and interest, lionds to bear I full explanations with Austria, congress will stand with a ltepublican gain of : Icr cent, interest with a provision for a sinking Constantinople, Nov. '.). Russia Is establish two and possibly three. The statu legislature fund, and to be secured by existing govern- Inga second lino of defense at Adrianople. will, according to latest llgures and estimates, , "lent mortgage. It is alio stated that tlicro Several prominent Turks, believing that tho stand as follows! Senate, 2il Itepubllcans! 2.- nro to bo several changes in tho directory and attitude of tho Russians in itonmella will lead to a war with Kncland and Tut key, aro anxi- mittco will be held alternately in this city and mi tn mhvIm. ti,,i.t,.r r....,,nt tl,i tl, l.,..f i .. . - - " ' " i.osiou, House, 81 lttpublicans, 72 oppo- that tho future meetings of tho executive com- opKsition, jition Nashville, Nov. 7. Tho Democrats have tho -entire congressional delegation savo one, Uouch), Hep., in the 1st. Charleston, Nov. (!. Tho congressional dele gation from this statu is solidly Democratic, livery county in thu statu has gouo Democratic except one, ami only three Republican mem bers are so far known to bo elected to tho legislature, Santa Fe, Nov. 7. ltcturoa up to 0 to-night iudicato thu election of Otero, Republican -delegate to congress, by a small majority. Cheyenne, Nov. 7. Downey, Republican delegate to congress, Is elected by about DOO majority. New Orleans, Nov. 7. Oalveston letuius show almost universal majorities for the Demo Critic state ticket. Chicago, Nov. 7. Private dispatches from Democratic sources to Morrison's friends, an nounce his defeat III the 17th distliet by Uaker, Republican. The news produced a Mcnsation, ns Morrison has hitherto hail a heavy majority in that district. A Iloston special s.tyst Butler arrived in the city yesterday and was greeted by n largo gathering of warm supporters. I lu soon closed Ills private olllce to all except a fuw Immediate friends, with whom lie remained during n great part of tho forenoon. He leceived Dennis Kearney, with whom lie had quite a .conversation, llutler talked freely with his friends on thu result of the election, ami said that 110,000 votis (.bowed how thoroughly thu people wcru aroused to thu necessity or re trenchment in our government and reform in itlio llnanci.il condition of thu country. He said he had reason to fee proud of tho work of his friends, who believe with him in Stato re tform. He intimated -that he would keep up thu light in thu future on thu i.tnio issue, until it is carried out, lie said be would have HOiui'thiug to say on these questions within a few days. Washington, 'Nov. 7. Secretary Sherman has addressed Secretary Kvnrt an otlicial com munication setting forth thu injustice of Cairn slian authorities in debarring American teamen from receiving thu reward which is given to captains and crews of vessels coming to re New York, Nov. 10, A searching examina tion was made to-day of tho vaults in St. Mark's graveyard, and tho pollco to-day found traces of decomposed llesli on tho iron fcuco which bound thu Tenth street siilo of thu ahurch yard, and marks. of thu bag which had probably contained tho lody, were found near tho fence. This discovery it is claimed proves that tho body was taken from tho chunh yard. Tho police believe that they havo dis covered tho way taken by tho thieves to get out of thu cemetery. It is through the balcony of 1211 Kast Tinth street, n house occupided by Miss Newton as a hoarding house, whither thuy draggeil the body, From some suspicious circumstances, it seems quite probable that thu body was taken into New Jersey at about 2 o'olot Thursday night. Tho tiolieo havo some other clew as to tho identity of thu robber, and aro now after him. New-York, Nov. 10. Thu famous colt, Duku of Magenta, left fureuglaml fu thu steamship Kgypt this afternoon, in charge of W. Ilrown Pierre (.orilard'H trainer. moilo of lighting Afghanistan would be to eu gagu Russia in Kuropo. licrlin, Nov. 0 Two hundred and eighteen thousand recruits wilt lu raised by Russia this year instead of thu peace contingent of ISO, 000. London, Nov, 10? A dispatch from St. Petersburg says thu reports of tho ill health of tho czar are again positively contradicted. It is considered, in otlicial circles, that Itus iu must adhere solely to tho treaty of licrlin whatever events may arise in Turkey. It is certain that Russia earnestly desires an under standing with Kugland, both in Kuropo and Asia, to lix tho limits of their respective in licence. A telegram from Constantinople says it is as serted that tho Russians havu occupied tho district of Malgara near tho gulf of Saros. Young Pooplo'a Soclaulo Socloty. and Literary Thu Young IVopIe'M Hoclnl nut! Lit- With Mr liiown ' wary Soeloty met nt tlio Christian church and uhu Duku of Magenta were tho well known I '"'''ny "iBh t Inst, in accordance with Jockeys Hughes, Kvans, I'ld.er and llarntt, previous announcement. Tito house wan and also midgely, trainer for Mr. Uowiu of comfortably lillutl. Maryland. Tho meeting was called to order by Washington, Nov. 0. -Tho Cabinet had an KMer S. C. Adam, anil tho programme unusually leng session to-day, during which , gone through with as follows: theru was eonsideaablo interchange of views j Instrumental music by Mrs. Ollio Eng-con.-cmiiig the scope aud charactu of thu re-, liuitl niltlresx, by Killer H. C. Adams; commendations to bo made in various annual ! reading, "An allegory on Woman's reports of thu heads of departments and in tho president's message. Secretary McCrary sub mitted reports showin that peace and quite prevail on thu Rio (Iramle, wit fair prospects of coutiuueticu. This in formation wa a sub ject of much gratification to thu president and cabinet. Catw May, Nov. 10. Tito lire was sulxlueil lllglits," by Mr. Olllu Kugland; nolo, by MImi Mull Id Key noble; remark, by C. A. Sehlbrede; essay, by Miss May ll'arrlucr; duetto, by Misses IN'olllo Riley ami May Wnrrlner; society paper, by Kugcuo ll'tllls mid Miss Emilia H'liueler, was read by MIm Wheeler. Tho exercises wero excellent, especially at II p. tit. Tho entire burned district covers the essay by Miss Warrlnor, and thu pa an area of nltout 40 acres, and is lioiinilctl by Congress street on tho west. Washington street on thu north, Ocean street on tho cast and Deceit on the South. Thu total loss is estima ted at alwut SMXI.OOO, of which more than ouu per. After reading tlio paper tho chair man announced that .10 minutes Inter mlrslou was In order and that u supper had been prepared, of which all were exs pected to partake, n half hour was then spent very pleasantly In social conventa hal is covered by insurance. The lire burned stub'.omly from 7 in thu morning until be- ton. and nartuklmrof tho innnv coml lievu vessels in distress and towing them to a twieu.l and II p. nt. Thu water supply was I thing prepared by tho ladles of the place of safety. ko-m ami iiirntsiieu iy artesian wells. --o j cliurcli. The meeting was then called to New York, Nov. 7--Th discovery was 'J',' "tf,' lost n'"1 i no wriou.ly injured. ; or,,.r nm ,0 programmo for tho next made at the buiMii of elections to-d.ty that T",li-,,t u'lm "'S"" l'!:1Jul1 " i '-1 meeting wri iiiinouiiced, and tho society Inmks containing the result of tho election so I" liA) aU'Mt xhu Mluu wcti"" WIM Wl'I't adjourned, to meet uguln In two weeks tit far a. tho general ticket is concerned ru miss-! ''' " ,iro w'mi'I' 1 destructive than that of , tilc tanu, ,,,.ej iugand cannot 1m) found. Tho matter lias i '' re,atcd iniieh exeitemei.t in politiwl circles. Maishalltowti, Iowa, Nov. 10. -A curious eaiv ii.ii iiiisvu in wiu cnimiia icouri wniiu Providence, It. 1., Nov. S.-Prof. II. W. Acquitted. Captain Haughmau, who killed Pat Itacho, of thu L S. coust urvey. died in liris-, Pro""u lu P'wueu some inieresiing cuiupnca-; wiiuiun, iilii wits iiutieii'ii lor mtiruer III tol last nMit. ' ' j tius in law. A jury last night found n man tho econd degree, was tried at IVlidlu- New York, Nov. S. Mrs. A. T. Stewart has I ,ll'",c', ''"'i" guilt of tho murder of John K. , ton lnt Tliuibilny afturnoon, and thojury ofTered a rowanl of i.0t for the recovery of M"US"' h,i MnrcI'' '" puiiislmient being I retlirued ft velillct of not guilty. I fs.a!. ..... 1.. 1 ..:.....Al... t Hi . !.. s sumssiiBiBiissiBB thu Imdy of her late husUaml, stolen front thu ' r"-""'"" ' liti..r, ior me, io- Tho Just and tho Unjust. family vault in St, Mark' church graveyard, and tho conviction of thu thieves. Columbia, S. (.'., Nov. 0. While Coventor Hampton was hunting yesterday his mule lie came frightcno 1, and thu bridle breaking, thu governor le.aed from tho saddle. Ily thu fall his right leg was broken in two places, tho bones protruding. )Ii ankle was alio badly hurt. New York, Nov. S. Tcero were soveral collius in thu vault, but tho robber do nut ap pear to havo hesittted in ihooiing tho right Tho good mau slamuieth tho gate and bang lay, Irani; Ross an Italian, who formerly .......!-. ..I f. 1 .1.1.. ....- .1... l . .1 . i..!. I ....I.. .tin,..i. ,i.,i 1, 1 ni 1 ci 1 ,' cth thu door, oud makcth a iielse.for is heart ina'lo athiUvit that ho, Ross, killed Slough, It ,. . .:,i ... .,, , . , ., . , , . . 1 11 1 1 .,1 , .1 1 . 1 is without guile and lie feareth not the gruvious ! nut, vfc m-viutii m ii4i iiiu cviimu ui mu stales . ., ,,, .. , . ., ,. , , attorney w ,11 bo. I "i U' w,f? ,mt ,c ,,u" lt' "la" I"1"'t' tutn tint iritis urftl ninl ct.i-illli ntk a..!u I.. " b-" "I Hivrtivtii j oittiia in Xr Orleans, piituil l,.(h) raw of yvllow V'.... in in. ..,:..: i...... .. sM. l".-lilWIUUHIIHUIl'. :,,.,., ,. .... ,,. ., . . . . i ' ' Vl itvi, iUi4 VUlMlilVlll IIHT IHV FUCK fever treated by ,.,...,.. ,,., .. .1, l,l 1 l.l.l 1 I ,..!..,.. '" .,.. lUHumu,, u, UliUlliail i ...V... -..,,..A ...W VJ...V,V, t.ttT. ,,Ub llVtViWIUIV worao than thu lirst. ri'lKirtcd. MaJ. II. W. Ilraiiham, of the How ur.l Aisociattoit, who is now assisting in innk-, Eon Ilcit.ss. .Strong, fro.sh, clear iugaiejwttof the work of tho Howaids during imo witter inlxctl with ns much tho ei Hemic of lt.7.-.. ixpivscs the opinion nsccil oil ns It will cut: sliuko tho .... . . tl't til SltS. Iltlst llll,ll lltlfltlfSl till. . A ... . - one. I lie outer cuing of elar was easily i ",v " " "" "" r'" '""' ' DOtllO Dfluro lippiylllg; wrap tlio burn broken open, and thu seuond and leaden collin. n,0"l' f'"" ' "! fever in New Orleans t.ot wildilill Mltllllltoil wllh tho which was also broken .. . . ntl.l I'ifMtiltl' I'll.. Ili.itnil .i.f ..... i.l. x.. open. Tin body was '" .." ' .-., ., ,,,.,- then taken out and placed in some sort of sack. . c:au ,u" uot nl'n :" ," "oanl ,' ,,tta" lifted up toward tho opening where there were ill'"". 'N'oV- l'--A heavy fro.t fill last jwbably other handi to rweire it. mid carried nl8htl Vnm " "'cIuc!; la,t "v''o' 'il to the iron railings around the cliurcli yard. ; "00,l twby' "Ilu deat" "otutr,', (ro1" 'tll"' Tho weight of tha liody was not very great, '6Vcr' bat it Is (till in question how It was iaiicd I over tho railing. The wink was psrformcd I F0REIQU. rancliovr. for all the gates were lockcl and tho jj,,,,. T.T1l0Manel,WUr;..ar.liau' Italy was then prol-ably jmt into a wagon nml , ,,., . , ,. . ,. . . -i1i-K-f.il n"ll' It I. U'nrtliv i.f ...ttio.. !.. ... ' . . . t I foot marks were lotion; wet an often as ItuppeiiM dry, without romovlng cotton from burn for niiio slay.--, when new tkln will probably Iiavo foriuod. Don't Forget tt. If you ate troubled wliii nervouinc, aro dUUt-arletiHl, llrtilol .Ho, leuriltaili or I re I out of (.oris as IIih saying Is, you may solely ooiicIihIh iliHtyou Iiavo tlio Dyt.iitpt.ia or Liver Coiiiplalnt, Tha llvnr li vury apt to bo- nnii. inrt.ii I I I. 1 liia.mi rfit... . . .. . s i, worthy ..f notice that ..".Tri'vr-'rr;. "'v r .ri. .o :.,.;, "".n:r: found in the church yanl, , ..,,,. ,,,., . ,. ....., ,..,, . t'Ki-iuiloii ar.. inor.s iiiimorous and ere althouuh the surfaco was soft after the fall of , ,' , , ' ' "... inrougn iniiamtl. n lahen lino lllu hood- ai nuutii u ui.uiu a. o.i iiiur wii iaii oj , Kuttu ,)loullt ,.,iuayur t lenwl ., Turkish I ulost. tho liver IsNtrougantl actlvo.Biiii fur rain Mid snow la.t ennitig. It is tlisrtfuru . ,rri,. ,,.... M... lk. .....,...., ... , ... nUhtsa .nnnlv ol lro.li anil niirn iitnmi in i territory after May, Is7l'. Kugland an! Au. ilrlvo out Hits ImpiirlikH, tho above iiieiilion- " ' "'''". "u" .""". tria will insist on her complete withdrawal. If Z ,; n 1. . Jr: " "" sonotosraiosione. a.m uiui maao t icirexlt ,.1MIJ! ,,,,,, t(at Tm.j. ltXiuMu ,o ,,,',,',;, Vnori iiihhliaiiZ and deail,. -eltliw on Atuytresuit tttvui or hUvcnth street. toct tllri4tiilI., olvj, ,0 t ,uto o White' Prairie I'lower iruvt Itself tho ureal They w nnched the platu off tho casket and ' .' i...,,.u. i. .... . .?.., ..... . ,. V.,V.er Panacea. It" au.on on iho llvrr Is carriil it away with them. On the whole, in- .T . , ,"'? ' """"" '".""i'IL8" ,",.VAi,n? ,Vr.c"'I-unI inrrtBiii.t fra rsltci-A Ifiiujir-tts Tim ., .-... , t iml . . . . . . -.-- - . .iaTi.liial siu I1U1ISJIL SJI -.-! dications Hut to a remarkal.Iy lM execution thu tMl tta ,.OIllrauilicatt(, to Ku Prlco twenty flvo cent fa carefully conceived plan, r-spccial care 15eliin Kov. ,;.Uuia lM X contl- "'""' must hive k-in taken to avoid thu police, for rtdentially the previous as.uranees that she is " '",v " "' vi-' " , "H"V; b",,;","' "y wlveJ to carry out the treaty of ISerlin for concealment. Tho lsts of two olicemen faithfully terminate close to the churchyard radiugs. and' j X(JV. s,t ,Mmj certaw h , tho two omcers ought to meet there constantly . .......i tl10UiiIlli for,er ll,,..i,,. .i.n.... ..t throughout the night. They neither of them j 0,ricerj havB , MnnItteil . vo,P .., - - Its cures are truly wonderltil, Try It. and buventy-llve anything to excite their suspicions. Mr. I ,tor for Afghanirtau. The wiiny, oi wiu nrm oi a. i. win 1,0.. sai.i j tntlng 40000 weu be,W;t.n xo-iiay mil mo esie -in -a, J. oiean win Kosteudil not offer a reward for .the recovery of his body. It w ill give Sl00,000,.if:need be, for the dctec tion and punishment of the outlaws, bat not one centto 4 hem .far Uhe j-ctum of what they Porte isconccn Metravttza and londou, Nov. 8. Telegrams from northern and eastern Kurope announce heavy snowfalls. The Apjienines and Black Forest are covered and the Swiss asses blocked with anow. In Buggies, Carriages, Hacks OX IIA.VD, AXU M,.Dli: TO ORDER. ALIO, 411 VelilcltN ncpAlrcd on Short Xotlce. IF VOU WANT TO BUY SOMETHING NfCE nd new, or Bsrus csrrUire mvleimt to roar do llon. alve a a call. nd job shsU lure Jail wnst you want. If tbe orrises joa br oetds itpililuit. we eta do it to good sbstie. . KLVZGHT & LYKOH. Salem, Oct, 2dtf A OREAT DISCOVERY Fotroloum to bo Utlltzcrt na Fuol-A Discov ery or Dnparalolod Iniportanco to tho Arts, Manufactures and Navigation. f nisvateh to tlio Clfclnnatl Krqulr". New York, Octobers. Mr. S. C. Salisbury, a mechanic, has been at work for twenty years on a plan to utiliro petroleum for fuel in pro ducing steam. Ho lias hit it, and is in a fair way to make a fortune. It was tinted in the Brooklyn Navy jatd on .Saturday, and a found to work to the utmost satisfaction of the ollicers who inspected it. Tho furnaces were in full blast, but no smoke was visible Croat volumesof white steam rolled away from the pipe, but no coal was thrown iikiii the lire bulow. It had tlic look of anelleet without a cause. "The most wonderful sight I over saw" the veteran engineer Sherwood said. "It revolu tionizes thu iron and steel manufacture the world over," "It opens a new era in glass manufacture. Wo shall soon havo glass toofs on our houses, nml French plato will Ik! as cheap as common window-glass," said a largo glass maker. Tho results were so extraordinary .In tho perfect combustion, in tho intensity of heat so quickly produced, in tho enormous pressure of tho siiperheatcdsteam, inthoastonisldng evapo ration of water, lit tho freedom from dust, cin der, sulphur und nil impurities, that these ex perts nt onco real i red that a revolution in all departments where steam is used must occur Inimediatly. Tho fuel is mado of tho residue of petroleum and coabtar, which is mixed to about thu con sistency of molasses. It Is conductod from tlio barrel to tho furnace by means of a small gas pipe. At the end of this pipe as it enters into the door of thu furnace is a funnel-shaped ap paratus. As tho fuel enters this fuunclitcomcs in contact with a current of highly super-heated steam, which atomizes thu liquid so that it leaves the machine. It induces tho required amount of oxygen to enter and mix at tho point of ignition. Thtisthuatomlzedfuelshoots, in a tierce but delicate spray, into the blazing furnace. The brick arches of thogreatfurnaces are kept at a whitu heat, and a pure whito tlamo llashes along tho wholo length, register ing a heat of f,lXX) degrees, inciting pig iron in ten minutes, and making liquid glass in two hours instead of sixteen, All that tlicro is to maintain this oxtraonlauary heat is the slight spray darting in from tho little furnace, just outsidu tho door. "I can send this intense whito llama from tho Battery to (iraco Church if I havo a furnace arch that long," said the In ventor. Tho amazing scope of this new discovery may bo estimated from its ctlect on tho nil trado alone. Mr. Salisbury saya ho is nlxnit to make a projiositioii to theproducurs and the United Pipu I.lues for a permanent contract to tako from them at Pittsburg all their surplus and all their distillate tar uapthas at a price that will givu tho producers fully llfty percent prollt, and also pay the pipe lines for piping It to Pittsburg. Tho ocean steamship business will also feel tho effect of this revolution In steam-producing fuel. Kxptritucnts already ntado show that in a single trip across tha At lantic a saving of about 8,000 will be effected in freight room alone, as the ipaco now taken up for S00 tons of coal will bo used for freight But tho greatest achievements of tho now system will bo in iron-making. Said the leading representatives of this interests "This is tho grandest achievement of science in this age, and this inventors income, even on very small royalties, will bu greater than of any living capitalist. With thu mechanism invented by Mr. Salisbury, a blasting furnace of thirty tons Per day will convert its liquid Iron intoblooms or ingots of wrought iron ot steel, at a cost so trilling that it enhances the value of pig iron 100 percent. Sulphur and carlxti, tho two detoriorativo elements that nru present in nil thu wrought iron now nmitu aru utterly east out by this now process. In tho Salisbury furnaces tho pic iron is melted to a thin liquid in liftueu minutes. It is then drawn off into a second furnace, ono foot lower than tho llrst. Tho sou ond furnace is immediately charged with a con tiuuous sheet of hot air, and superheated steam of 1,000 degrees and immenso pressure, which keeps oviry particle of liquid metalinagitatioii. and burns out thocarUm utterly in from eight to ten miuutoJ.whiu it is ready for tho puddlcr. At no timo in this operation can any cold air come in contact with tho liquid, nml conse quently every particle becomes united. In tho two inciting plocosses every tr.n-u of sulphur is taken up. Tho instant the metal is run oil' into tho second furnace thu tint it tilled with Pigs. When number two is taken out by tho puddlcr tho nuw lot is ready to run into thofur nace, and so on in ciaselcs alteration Noto fcomu ioiiitsiii contnut with the meth od where coal is used as fuol. I. It has always teen iiumpossihlu to free tlio iron from carlnm and ttilphur with the old methods. '.'. Ten charges are run of) in n day and night with tho preiuut process. The Mine nuttilier will bo run off in ten bouts with the new. One puddlcr will tnin out in ten hour the amount that four puddleis nud helpers iiuwr turn out in twenty fourhuurs. .'I. The furnaces will I e kept hut fur three months continuously, as tho Hre-briek, In-coming iiitetisiliod by the intense heat, will last that long. Und-r the present method -owing to thu action of the sulphur and the tii-cossity of scraping off tho duo cinders nnd ashes, w hich form clinkers on thu brick -the latter muit In returned every da, and a nuw hearth made, during which time tho fu mace is allowed to cool. 4. Nat only is tho quality of tho iron improv ed by tho new process, but thu quantity is in creased 100 pounds to the ton of material. 5. One-half tho labor in finishing is saved. 0. Tho heavy labor of moving coal and hand ling ashes is disjiensed with, 7. Tho cost of fuel is only one. half, reckon, ing coal atonly $3 per ton. All tho theology In tho world has novor ducceeded In answering the child's quostlon: "Why doesn't God kill tho devil?" And let us tako ourselves tho moral les sons which theso creatures preach to all who have studied and learned to love what I ven ture to call the moral in brutes. Look at that faithful servant, tho ox. What an em blem in nil generations of patient, ploddiui.', meek endurance and serviceable toil. Of the horse and tho dog, what countless anec dotes doc-tare the generous loyalty, tho tire less zeal, thu iualietiablo love. No human deiotion has ever surpased the recorded ev nmples of brutes in that line. The story is told of nu Aral) horu which, when his mis-t.-r was taken captive and bound hand and loot, sought 1 1 i in out in thu datk amidst I I other u tuns, seized hint by tliecitdle with Ins teeth, ran with him all night at the top I of his speed, i'invc)d him t his homo, and ! then, exhausted with the t-llnrt. fell dwn and died I tl ever man evince mure deot I ed nllectioli? j .Sittely. something of a moral nature is i present nio in too lirut" creation. If no- where else, we may llud it in the brute mother's care for her young. Thnuifh uni versal nature throbs the divide pulse of mil -1 vcrs.il love, and binds all beings to tin-Kather-heart of tho author and lover of all. I Therefore Is sympathy with animated nature j a holy affection, an extended humanity, projection of tho human heart by which wi 1 live.bevolid tho nreeinctsof thehuman house into all the wards of the many-creatured city of (loci, as ho with his wisdom and lovo is co-present to all, Sympathy with nature is a part of the good mans teligiou. ltcv. l)r. Hodge. During tho closing ceremonies of tho Paris Kxpositlun, honor 'eto conferred on tho following American citizens: Thu Minister of Agriculture ami Commerce replied to the Marshal In a long speech, which was Imperfectly heard throughout tho hall. M, llcrger then proclaimed thu names of thu foreign oxhibitors admitted to the different grades of tho Legion of Honor. Among Americans decorated were the fol lowing! Hicnard C. McCormick, commissioner gen eral, commander; Frederick A, P. Barnard, president of Columbia College, olllcer; An drew I), White, president of Cornell Uni versity, nllicerj Prof. Wm. P. Blake, chova tier; 'Mr, 1-Mwanl II. Knight, chevalier; Win, W. Story, chevalier, A number of exhibitors wcru also decorat ed. Of theso weret Charles Tiffany, silverware! Thomas A. l'disoii, photograph; Klishattray, telephone; Brewster k Co., carriages; J, A. Bridgmau, artist. Cyrus II. McCormick, of Chicago, and Walter A. Wood, who wore decorated ns chevaliers in ISO, were made "officers" to day. The following, attached to the American Commission, were also mado chuvalicrsi A. II. (iirard, foreign secretary; Henry Pettit, architect; Homer Pickering, superin tendent of machinery ; John 1), Philbrick, superintendent of tho educational section) I). M. Armstrong, superintendent of thu Art gallery; Lieut l. 11. Buckingham, Naval attache. (icncr.d McCormick had been asked if ho had any recommendations to make in tho matter of decorations, and ho replied that ho had none, as ho knew of no rule by which ho could discriminate between his assist ant commissioners ami the exhibitors and jurors. From tho Itcmizer wo tako tho following in reference to the election held at Dallas last Moudayi Tho trustees chosen were L. livens, J, M, Campbell, Judge Truitt and Dr. .Sites. Messrs. J. M. Scott and A. Brown received the aamo iiiitnber of votes, and will probably pull straws to decldo who shall bo a "town dad" for tho ensuing year. W. U. Wills was re-elected l'.econlcr and I). Cosper, Marshal, was re-elected, .litdgo Truitt and Dr. Sites aru thu only new members of tho beard. Tho choice gives general satisfac tion, and it is expected that much will bo done for the prosperity of Dalits by tho present Board of Trustees. MlXriNlH AT SOITU S.UKM. ItCV. .1. C. Baker has Ueu conducting a series of meet ings in South Salem for three weeks past, which havu been well attended and produc tive of much good in that part of tho city. Christians havu lieuu encouraged and strengthened, and many others caused to n licit seriously upon their condition. ltuH. T.W. .Spans wick, of tho Baptist Church, It. W. Hill, of the Presbyterian Church, H.W. Bower and . Crissmau, of thu Kvangohcal Church, have rendered aid in thu meetings, Tho Sunday School, under direction of ('. W. Scriber, meets every Sabbath at .'I o'eloih. To-day there w ill be a general Sunday School meeting at that hour, addressed by Ituvs. Hill, Bower nml Baker, A full housu is ait- ieipated. An liosr.sr Bov. Mr. If. C. Myres, alxtat a month ago, lost two gold notes, ouu a .V) and thu other a S'.'O note. Ho adver tised thu loss in thu Sr.iTKsM.is, which was observed by thu lioy who found thu money. Chailus Mumpers, a lid nearly H years old it thu hero ill this case. Whiln on thu pla, grounds at thu school ho was attending, near Brooks Station, thu lad found thu roll of notes, Tho money was brought by thu Imy's father to this olllce, nud Mr. Myres imme diately untitled. By Mr. Myres tequest tflO was given thu boy for his honesty. ( Imluy Mumpers, thouyh scarcely old enough to ti-akxu thu objects ami thu aims of life, has h) this ono honest act donu that which will redound to his credit throughout lusaJluttcd yiufj. They had been engaged alxml liftueu milt ntiM in,. I she uostleil her head a little tlmor tttid':r tnu shadow of his moiiuiuuntal shirt collar, und whisiietcil, "-And tiotv what ore yuu Kuiiig t call me, Algernon ! ' "Birdto!" lie wluipured rapturously, whiln his voice tremblul with tender emottun, "always nml over, liotiuiig hut llinliu! Ami sou faitly cooed with duliidit. He Kept his woul, although with thu tiiowiiix preeisiuii of mid- dlu age, he has become spciiliu and doos not dual in sweeping generalities any more, and mi it was that day before yesterday u neigh bor going in Die liael; way to lioriow tnu nx, a cup ol sufar and tho cistern pole, hcilil lists call her "an old sagu lieu." Ntw I'i.m k. Mr. Sctiber is engaged in surrounding thu Cumberland Pruihyteriau hutih with a neat plank an I palling fence. The fence when liuishi-d and painted will bu quite an ornament to that part of thu city as willasabeuelitto thuchurcliasthu hoodlums huo somewhat damaged it. The demand for Oregon farms is vastly in creasing and capitalists from thu Kast and California aru beginning to invest quitu free ly. Yesterday a new comer bought tlin o fine farms near Junction City, paying tliure for?.W,000 cash down. Bee, Our schools are all progressing finely, with full attendance. MUSIC BOOKS For tlio 3Pvll TParecasB. 221 he Harmonia. rol'H-l'AHT SONOS KOIl HALE VOICES. Tills Is itn entirely new book, lmisld w-oll-sclecteJ, anil llli Urriii.vi nml lltijill-h wonl, tho Utter transUtnl lor I., (I Mixis. A inln.it.tc ipUlitlott to tlio list of Male csiiarti-t lHik. rotnplclc t-2,fi()l Vocnl ports, encli 00 cU, Together t'i.OO. Ti.h'uts A.-, nre lioltol to semi for Cutalojfiics oml I 'in ul it ., iiwitalnln I live ll-ts of tlio lKUt, tnosl uscnu an. I n,.v.t ln' r.,r tlu-lr tup tho coinlnsf season. IMT.NON A CO". niir.MC.M, UKCOUO' X.u Wifl'.ii Vi.i lir, roimncnees Sept. 7. l.li in.il..- ir f..r Mush Tisulieis ami their I'liplN. (iinoii-t-. I'lii-r nml Jlu-lcloicrs ircncrally. i Kiifi- rr-i'liiiK iniiHiT. II puo; selicteil inmli', (312 lujti t war,) j r ,nr In atlrancf, Ton lion ill Niihiliu l'!nws nlll tiloftso csainlno I O. I'.-irstiix's "ti.NM Aim. (-;.rl ier iloteit,) sltulhr ti tho "i:Xi'OHF.." so ttMtti kiuTOii. tlr A. X. Jousos's ".Mirntoii 11)11 HIN'tilMi CI. SXK--I," 1(1.00 r il.iion) or INi .i-kix'k "HAl.t TATMN," (;12 ItT ilo.) for Choirs uml .SiiutiirfSihoi'N, OLIVER UITS0N& CO,, Boston. o. miaou ,v Co., Sl.Hlroinlwov. N. V. J. K. Dttson kCo. 111! L'hestuui Bt.. rails WOOD BURN NURSERY, WOOIllllltN, JIAHIO.V CO., OHKtIO.V, .1. II. SETTLE MI Bit, Proprietor. 3 0 O , O 0 O Fruit, Sliado. Ornamental, and Nut Troos, and Vines and Shrubbery In the r.l.0.0 Nursor)-, for silo, at VEIlV LOW FIOUItl-M. Choice TrccN. '-25 ctN. cncli; Ba.llr, SKI I'KIt lir.S'liltEl). OitllniJ J. II. HETTMUIIKIl. rriaare PAINTING. J. M. FOR8YTHE, STATB HTIIEKT. OPPOSITE IIACK A DRAY ro.'s Htalile, Hai nis On. W Flrat-rlns svorli done, an abort notice. Majrll-lf QftTWrrZ2sJt sovsss rv. cmculah m GSANTJ juuALisrsftiiaeii Boidan trial sml msmntceil chrspcr.nl Its pries, llisnnnr filler llnn'msssnclftiT no ssle. Hen I On ixliiilli'il hjr lrrr,rniillit) rnaniifscturrrs of iDfrlnsIm nnrhlnrs, rs tlio oun tisirr Is lul.lo. It mils no luoru torn bouJ pn, tlisri n inTr-rliir nr wnriniess one. Adilrvss. v V. li. liKii:itli:itACO..AIt)Snr,N.y. PIONEER OIL MILLS. G. W. GRAY As CO. HAVINO rt'ltCIIAHBII Tnn AIIOVE NAMED Mills, will coiitlinio thu msnnfsctura of llaw sml llollml Unseeil Oil, Tow slid Meal. All oils usrrsnlctl strictly iuru, Halxh, Oreeon, Am;, IA, tST8.-mn J. I). WLKINOTON, m, d., Lato rrefessor of Diseases of the Kto and Ear In tho cistern (Orriron) Medical Oollrice. Olllce. Dekuni'a lllork, ortland, or,. All rlurclcsl Oirratl0Bs for Diseases of tho NOSE, AND THROAT HuLi.rt't-i.r rcnroiiMiD. CATAHACT cxlrsclcil, snd CltOHrt KYEs slralulilenrd, Arllflclsl K)es a. Isrite sssortment of ILe furl 1'rcnch msusrsctute, on Usnd. DrsfniM, snd all discharges from the Ear, and Ns, ssl C'slnnli, luiJtlrnlsrly treated, fcly "THE CAOLE CLAW." TksltitTriplolbsWoillfjrcsktW FISH, ANIMALS & OAME. -i-" s0sbltlllcsch """'I'sfi '- - Twsnty JTIsti. Ka.1. C.wiM-lla.raSililnir. unllama. Ar. .-. K'aa,rji-iiv sib. lulal. ratuksu. Ac. lie rs..ttrMn. j. sjrioi a co Mil,.. ia; Drosdwsy. Nsw-Yoik. $4A4 tot l'Ulr f WM iMfUllM AA4 BlSlW tkU ff. Oitniloii. Ill tlic I'u'iiit.t Cinnt ul larlu:i Oinily; riUto of Oregon. In lliu nullvrul thu IStnte ot UlH'ity Hiio)k, ihcuaJki,l, rito MllN. I. J. Sliiss. niluuliter ami lielr-at Uw or J UlN-rt.i huoiik, IIk Ml-I diK-vili'iit : Win" eu., lu-iiJiiiiliiM.iiiO.il, ,,) ailiiiliil.tratoruf ths I'.t.ituolxil'liliilt'iil.lJlH'tty hiKhik, Med Its nil itiutt ..ii the M il.i) 1 1 hriitriulirr, A. I. I7s, his iMitllliHi iray lii( to Is' llii iimiI and i-iM)iri-. ly unli-r ol said iijuiily iiurt to ull, n mi li iidiiiliil.ti.tujr. fur r-i.li nr on a t rtsf. It, us iiiiuli Ml lliu iiut iiul n( thu follow liiiftltm'rtlMxl I ui.li, U-I.iiiliiv to the ilceedt'lit at lliu tlma of Ids doatli, nsnuiy U miiwr) loi.l.tiiln fumls ullii h IiIOi tit uy all tliuilillsnt uldiMiti-. im Imllii lliu iiutsond esin'iisos nf u.liiiliil.tmtliiii, loult. A iirt ol tlio domtloii Und ililmol II. .1. .iiiiotjlt uml Kilo, In T. UH, II, I K. of tins IMIIiimttiiiiii-ililliii, In .Million .unity. HUU of llnvni, und Uiflnnliu nt lliu X. II iiirimr of luld l Ulin, and mil iiln.' tlii-iii'u miiiIIi i.(i; iliilna; tlmnoH ui-.t 32.011 i h. ilm; tluiiiv norlli l.j.071 tlulns; thence vast Jioll iliiln. In lliu l,u of UIiiiiln; rnnUlnliitf $t acres of I mil, muii. or li, und lnruts, ly ordur of said court, lia.li Hit. I.'lli. !;, thu Hull liunrili of slid iwtltlou la. I,n Ml ..r NhuiiiImt IHIIi, ls"s, ut lliu hour of onu o'i lis k o. in. nl udd d.iy , nt tiie rniinty euiirt room In Kill in, In k.il.1 1 mmtj ; ii.m, tlurvfuru, In tin, nimc ol tint Main of Onsjoii, snitarv l.imSj iliidund rtilrvi tolm nud ii. ii ut .ild linn' mi I .U. i., un al)W tuusif. If any isl.t., hIii tin- irrr of kild 'tltluiir as nrininild shuiild nut l- 1.1 inti.l ii. uiillii.- ti, U, In twilmoiiy mliiinl I Iiiu- Inniiiil.i k.il in) ulMilij sljfinturu and i .i-hI Hi, utl ul .Od iinirt t . Ik. klllsml at my oitl.-o In il.l r.uul.v, thl.tliu 1 Mil ill) u lli-tailwr 1), Is;d J J. MIAW, Ununty JmUo. Att,t lie... A. l:n., (Ii-il.. oitt Administratrix' Notico. VTllIKi: I. Ii-r.-li.i lili.-u tint IMlzalratll IlllllUr. Oil. li iiili.l-tni'rli ul tin, .i.tituol Kian lliiiitcr, liis niul lu-ru uiiiit lur lln.il nillJuinei.t ol ml. I ii.tutu, ami thu lii-i'liiii ul .ildiuiii Uit lurhitiirdi), Niiu-iiiluir Dili ls, u' tliu liuur i.f IHuiIkI. u. in., ul lliu Cuiinty Court r-mi In rtiluin, SI .tl hi iMjinil) , Dru.'uu, Iwfuru Hun, J, j rihi, I'uniit.i Jud.i'. ,,,,. , HUZAIIirril IIU.NTKU, tut 7. l-.il AiliuliiUtratrU. Notice IM lwr4i kIis.ii tl.r.t I. IV. Wrlklit Ins II, i. diy llliil Ids fin .1 u. iMi.it u . u'liuliiUt.ntiir of thu wtiu uf l'u. lor (' is, Ui. i u.irlniiKniiiit), iI.hmu.uiI, und Mturdai luU.li .1... M ...inlK-r, Is7s, at In imI.,.,. n. in., his Ikon ti.i 1 1 .r liiMrlnutli.i .-iiiit. All K'roiH liiUn-lil lu ..id -IjU. an r. ui.. i l.j a-id bi.iHKir Iwfuro t, i u.i ,i t .iiitr.it titui uitij ,r u iri.u, fit.ii.. ij .iru... s' th. . uuri iiiiii.i- in Kit. -n In aild iiHil.ty, at, tlii iUy and n .ui u , - I. tin ii .mil ihuru to oliuiv litis If any ml.i, ulii .. I n . mar ..imlil nut Ijunlluwial. I. V. VilllllliT, ,";'"' l2" ' Ailin'rof sal I e.Ut'. GuartUaa's Halo. 'iitii : h iii:rtt.iiv iivi:n that, I'cmuw.vr i.1 luunurdirut lliu t 'ounti linirl of lli.... .M,.. . o. t;n, nioilu nt It. r..itiiiitur. isis, tr,. I wiii utt'l r ili- ui ii li. u'l-l.un un hATL'tlliAV. tiiw ... d., ul.MiM.'M 111.11, ,T,. ut U.un.iiU-kl,, ihurete li. ui nt said ill), ut tlwiuort liumj i.ir In U,., city uf hiluui, JUrl'M i-i.u-K.., (iruun, tin iindlvldsl oim.f.nirtli ln's-rnt ol J'mjili htinc, a minor, lu mj lu tha ,il.,wiu d...-r.l.il r. Ii';atu, to wit. A uirt of tho d inatlo'i Uiidultlin ut laliii'ii Mai ln awl nil, in T. 5 M It f nf Hie Wil'siiutiv luurllUu, l,m,.l.l ,j Iwvlnuln SI ilalii.ii.iii.I is ,t ,,f ,hu s-.elli.s wnwr "l ViU ilmitiuii Und il-ilui. und running thuneo N 7ir v 0.1.7'. i-li4.na. tlwiiuii V 5 Ut . ijsja t-Ia,. UmuZ l tin. 4.u ul Uitflln.lm, un I tnnUliilnv 'JIKsi j rua uf Notice of Final Settlement TVTirril l. u lienh) iflnii llrtt tha un lerUnud, 11 torol llwrtUtaiuf J. II. llubUi-d. JU-ii usecu- eud, hai li .i""' " "' '"' m:y, btiitoof tlr- -i"i "i -' "limn,, u-iii M44i a.ii,i eo.ut bs aunolntml thu eth ds) ol .. tuiUr. ISIS, at ID iA.Uk s. uL of auld lay, lor hiarln otjaitbns lhrtii ond M-tileiuant thsre. ,. . ,. ,i.,c . '" " HUUUAHD, Oct. II, 1Mb I Khutor. 's1 irsjs . - x itar. werwn's oliv.V. art stalra. HV. I flW In t.'u. liomf-Tlii"' V Ml M 1 'r ' - ..urn 4inii,,,).. I' l,it I , ' (tr-1 .- t- 7 -, f -li- ....!." '.su ... i,,:riZeT'.::r:"'.'.jh' I- P -..- i iiiii.uruu In' Ilm 11 ......"- ' I - .-"iiuiiirr.