2 wiLJiWiETTE farmer turn iTinr miDAT, nr OtiA.RKli2 .to CRAIG, rcnUMizna and MorniiTons. 8. A. CLAHKIS. I. W. CUAIO. Term or Subscription. One copy, ono year (SJnnmbcra) 2.r0 One copy, f li month (10 nnir)crt) 1.25 One copy, three month (13 numbers) 7 A SALIIM, Fill DAY, NOV. I.', 1878. PROCLAMATION. By tho Governor of tho Stato of Orcnon. Through n scnac of grntitmlo for llio many benefits find lilcssinga enjnyeil ly tho people of this atato during tho pant ymr, mid in eotnpli unco willi n ventcrnted cuatom, I Iicrcliy ap point Tliursdny, tlio 'JStli day of tho present mouth, m n day of TliAiikdgiviti. !-- 1 In testimony whereof, 1 havo t o ( hereunto act my hnnd mid cattacil ' ( tho great scnl of thu atnto of Ore --- .) nn to Ihj nllixcil, Done at tho City of Salem, this the Mil ilny f November, A. 1). 1878. W. V. TIIAYKII, ly the Oovenion (lovcrnor of Oregon. It. 1'. K.wiiiaut, Secretary of Ktntii. DEEP PX.OW1NO AND MANUIUNO. Some persons nro nt ft loss to liiideratnml ivliy deep plowing is so Ijciielidul to our limits hero. There ia n reason for nil tliinjjH in nn tn re, if wo can Itnil It. And aomo nro puzzled to hnow why mauurea on our lauda nro no Ihjiio ficiol. It iniujit Kccin to aomo very rcnsonnlilo that audi rich Jniiila mi uo havo hern would lint ho much lieuellttcil hy inmiiina. 1 will discuss each of theao (piuationa separately. .Inst in proportion na ground ia phmed deeply mid well pulverized, ao will it admit of tho fructifying iullueiico of the ntinvsplicro mid Int. cut hcatai and in like manner will tho vnor nrise from heueath mid Imvu ita iullueiico on thu little rootleta liciie.ith thu aurfnev. l.onse, deeply plowed and pulverized toils, retain con. ntnnt Miniature, wliilo almllotv ploneil I.iiiiIh soon dry out, gener.dly having hard pan he. lieath, which ia impervious to writer alnking down through it or iiioistmo romiug up through it. Owing loan much of "inn Im" hero tho in. dillidniit water ahould have n chnnco to pcrco. la'.u friely helow tho surface anil. Kspcciul Jy ahould lamia ho plow til deeply in thu fall) either for fcciling or for n apring crop. In ev ery mcli eiuo deep ilitclic sliotiM ho lift to drain oil" thu redundant water. Shallow plow. Ing ia considered heat ill the idling. And, aa to mauurea, theau ahould liu hauled eut early In tho fall or winter, and twnly cpicm! oier thu landa, and ly plowing or li:irroiiig thu mida well they will lusiinlliito mid mix up with them. Theao gio a gnat stimulus to tho lauds, retain moisture mid rcstoio inuiuotiin nud other aalta to tho earth, which grain eio a Imvu extracted from them. Kvcry cord of good ham yard eiioiH.kt. hog, hill, mid lotlen tr;iw mnuiliu ia north, in thu next three cue- eeeding riopa, .'I, ', mid I ilull.ir nr ncrc in tlio mcic.vo of the crop. And on meadoua nud gardena plentiful niitiiiiie put on in the fall la of the givateat l in lit. hull., KASTEItN CLOUDS. Thu proverb "that foola and children ahould never ace half done work," lias n great ileal of truth in it if applied to tho present condition of political and international affairs in Kastern Huropc and Asia. After tho aignature of the lieaty of lltilin it was at once concluded hy an overwhelming majority of the people compos ing vnrioiia rmtiona of the earth, that trouble was over and place insured for an indefinite period, lireetingi and ovations of tho most enthusiastic character awaited the successful diplomatitta; presentations nn I tutunor.i.ils weru showered upon thtm.and the highest hon ors that their sovereign could u.nfer were also bestowed. Of all these they were, no doubt, well worthy m recognization of the acrvicea they had rendered nud tho success attending them, We suspect, however, that nono knew an well as Jtcaconllcld and his colleague did, that their arduous work was only beginning and that tho terms of the general treaty ns well as those of tho apeci.il one with Turkey, conceding the protectorate of Cyprus and Aaia Minor to Jlritaiu, wero but a atep to guard their country's interests and to secure from at tack their invaluablu Hast India jioaseiiiuii, threatened ns they have alwnys been by the Ilussian (loyemment. ' It now turns out that the very eventa which rcnilerid thu control and occupition of Cyprua n neceaaity for llritain are almut to bo develop. od,nud that backed by llnssia, Afghanistan will shortly be involved in war with thu former country. Austria, (Iriccu mid Italy appear to bu preparing for the fray, and even lethari'ic Spain is giving s'gns of joining in thu contest. Tho same headlong way of jumping nt hasty conclusions ia again indulged in, and many who wuru loudest in applauding the success of thu policy puraued by thu llritish lepresenativea at llcrliii, have rushed away in thu opposite direc tion, condeining now tho ncta w hHi they pre viously indorsed so unreservedly. One popu lar journal declares thu treaty of Hellion failure and that it is now imiKissilile to arrive at a pacific solution. It further n. that eacu must bu secured by co nm.'iliding thu arrot of a reckless jHiuer (meaning I'ussm) which has kept Kurnpu in commotion for yearn p.nt and threat) ua to hnak nw.iy from nil law and re straint. Im. led n young man kson Stella, on the las Huntington, it Fin hitched Ida horse Took a Constable Spraguo a from tho country named complaint of Mr. Tli seems that Mr. Hunting to an iron post near the corner of Morrison and Front atrects, and went nway. Pretty aoon Stella came along and seeing a horse standing there attached to a carriage, unhitched the an imal and jumping into the vehicle drove otT. Stella drove all about the city at n furious rate, covering tho horse and buggy with mud, Hunt. ington soon missed his horsu mid huggy,nod be came very much excited on learning that sotno stranger had taken them away, JIo made com plaint forthwith, and Constable Sprngue start eil out annul with a warrant. After a lively chase Sprngue succeeded in overhauling Stella near thu corner of Second mid Morrison streets. Tho animal was in a lather of sweat from hnrd driving nnd covered with mini. Stella was conducted nt once to Justice Ilybce's court and ia being tried, He must have been drunk, for no sensible (icrson, had ho intended to steal tho horso and buggy, would havo acted in such a foolish manner. Standard. THE RAILUOAD MEETING. Hy 8 o'clock Wednesday night a goodly num ber of tho citizens of Salem had assembled at the Opera House, in answer to the call made fur ft railroad meeting to consider the question of building a narrow guago railroad from this city to Silverton, The meeting was called tn order by Col. C, A. Itccd, who nominated W.K. Hcrrcn for President, who on motion, was elect ed. W. II. Odell was then elected Secretary. Remarks were made by Mctrr. Ilccd, (Iris- wold, T. U. Wnite, Hush and others. On motion of Mr. (iriswold, a aiilncriptinti paper was prepared and subscriptions taken to make n survey nnd estimate of thu cost of the road. On motion of Captain L. S. Scott Messrs, Hush, (iriswold, Wright, Waite, Oray, llrey- man, Kinney nud Hoothby were appointed com mittee to attend the meeting to bu held at Sil verton on next Saturday evening, for the pur pose of obtaining such information regarding the construction of the road as will lc neces sity to give tho peoplo of Salem an intelligent J understanding ns to what will be expected of them to secure ita being brought here. Tho . subscription paper for tho purpose of raiting funds to make the preliminary survey, was then passed around among tho audience and the , sum of $130 was subscribed. The meeting was then adjourned to Thursday Nov 14, when thu cornmittcctomakcn report and after which wu shall expect to see suuiu real earnest work done in the interests of Salem and vicinity. Too Alleged C. D. HuRhca. or "Chicago Kid", Makos III Escape At the Inst term of the Circuit Court many dodges weru resorted to, to clear the man Sol Levy, charged with having stolen $210 from McCully k Oilliert's safe. They finally, after trial and conviction, succeeded in having sen tencc suspended, claiming that tho wrong man had been caught, and proposed to produce the right man if granted time. A requisition was issued for tho "right man" who, it was alleged, was in San Francisco, and now that tho time to make good the promises m.idu is here, it ' turns out that he lias rondo Ida cscaiie, and as court meets Monday wu ahnll expect to hear a ,''''" San Josu Isctwccn the medicos ami the motion to again suspend thu scntencountill next i druggists. In the past the majority of the term. drug dealers mid prescription-coinpoundcrs ! have been in tho habit of ottering physicians A Now Comer. various inducements for their patronage, nnd Mr. I!. A, Wilson, brother of Mrs. M. A- the system was continued until it grew to lie a hlinu, ol tins city, lias just arrive.! from c regular auction sale, where the physician's in- lirnska, and intend remaining in thu W iliam- i iluencu nnd patronage- fell to the highest bidder etle volley. JIo pioiscs to purcliaco n (arm This was n line thing for doctors, hut it was ami make tins fits future home. Wo witli The Lahoehtof Lakd Animals. In the American .Tournnl of Sclenco untl Arts, Professor Marsh describes the largest lnnd nnimnt yet known lo have existed on tho globe. Its nnmo Is Altnntosnurti3 Immanh. Tho thigh bone of this creature is over eight feot long with a thicknes nt tho larger end of twenty live inched, though tho bono lias no trtto head. A comparison of tills bono with tho femur of it crocodile, would indicate that the fo-sil saurian, if of similar proportions, had a total length of ll5feo; that tho reptileiwas 100 feet long when alive, is at least probable. Tho other bones of this ani mal that havo been found arc propor tionally gigantic; caudal vertebra has a transverse diameter of moro than 10 inches. All tho bones of this reptile yet discovered, aro In tho Yale College Museum. They are from tho Upper Jurassic of Colorado. EAILR0AD LANDS. Xjlnornl Tonus! low riticKM LOMl TlMEt LOW INTRKKST Tno Oregon nnd California nnd Oregon Central Knllrond Companies OrFEU their Lands for (slonpon the following libe ral terras: One tenth of tho price In cash; Interest on the balanco at the rate of seven per cent, una year ailcr sale; anil each following yent one-tenth of tho principal and Interest on the balance nt tho rato ol sarcn percent tier snnim. lloih principal and Inter. t payablo In U. S. Currency. A discounter ten ixtcoM. will he allowed for cash Tr Letters to bo addressed to p. fcCHULZE, Lan Alien! O. .t C. It, It.. Portland. Ore iron. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 0KEC0.V AXD WASHINGTON Company Trust Investment OF SCOTLAND. THIS Company Is prcptred to ccgotlato loans 1b snmalrom tMlltot'M.UOOsccnreii over IMI'IiO VKll CITY ritOPKUTY and FA KM LANDS, for Mntlnrao Lltvinow is a Russian lady $" Vor,tVrlSac'tpcpW1iobl b' hM'7w In who lias Just received tho degree of . ' William kkid. Mamccr. Doctor of Philosophy from tho I'hilo novl9r I) First Street I'ortlan Doctori nnd Druggist. A San Jose corrcsHmlcnt of the San Fran cisco Chronicle sends tho following statement to that iiapcri "There is at present n war raj; sophlcal faculty of the University ofi Bern. Slio passed her examination with such brilliancy especially in the mathematical branch, that tho faculty unanimously agreed to attach tho TriA-. "F,,,,, Jir. "Plc tO, -"- - -? - 5., J. W. GILBERT l?uyN CiihIi ior highest mark (cum suinuia lautle) her diploma. Garrard's Creek. Oir.wi.i.i, ( linen Cliehalia Co.. V. T (MiW. .'.Id. I.S73. Mi: Knmui: I thought that n few mijdit li of Muni inteie-t to yum- many n-nd-fin luaatuueh a I haw had many imiuirica nlamt thist'iveli on wluih I live, nud I will try to fcive a brief nmnuit of it nud ita iuIviiii tnca above ino.t il.uv. I'lint, wo h.ive pHid laud nud taay clcarinj; ami plenty ol pl water, nud unjoin1 ean get iigoodsiini(limiiih tn build on. Thiul, w havo plenty of good cellar to utal.o rail of, and Uianla and shinglt nud l.iths. I ivui split latin thirty feet lung. Wo have had n good clop this M'asoii, This iiiiU has got to threshing maehiiiea on it. I h.ii got ono and .lirph llaher and O. P. Ilieuer has got ouo nud e haie got n blacksmith shop and ungon hoii and plow making, all right at huttie nnd on short Motor. make stiiuip plows nil com plete for liltii u dollar. Thi idiuoii is hcgiuiiiug to run umv in the i nek We Ion i had lolimilemlile Urv ill the M'omia. I ut it did im ilimugi' whatever, it only tn.il.i liiiiidu.U of nen-a 'l gtHhl mtature land mot to ,d d.iivu to timotliy or ileau up and Hill !.. nil. il mill hut little notk. 'I Ilia im Ik Is e.lionl I i oiilva from the i.ulroad, Imt lie liat etn. n, i.ilk of Ustt on thu I'lolmlis iiv.i.iiili i ii a Uuit on the niir we wont ha lilt I'-m nt (totmille, mi the X. P. It. It. and f i mn their lo I u ' harhur, whero the Inrgot CKtiiii kteaiuei an emiivin Miy time witloiut lulliy allai.i (.f i,tieUlli Oil tile Iwr, Mr. Iluu.e rame tit tlieie iiitli his ihiiiur nnd loaded it With sain on mi a lult time and link them to f-iiu 1 laiuiMo and grne the Columbia riiir the fie at of tin iii, ns I mull island thut he laU'U tin in Colmiiliia river aalmoii. He ahould be limited o that he cannot totally destroy the Kilmon in tlii. nieri it iioidd le nothing Iwt ii-ht that Ins cargo should v tautl o that he would Kale lomnof hi money in the eouiitry Mheiv he iu.il.es m uiueh. So mi more at promt, 1 will try to write moro the next time. Im ('. (j.iiiu.l:i. Hiisiu i MiiiMt-NT nwn thu W'ut n lit'liul'L. - A wcl mi the UUli of tliis mouth left Chicago for tilaagow, Scotlam), via the Willaud Canal, with over IT.lfO bushels of Mhe.it Tim i an iniporlaut movement, and mIicii tho eiilaigiiiieiit of the canal It fully com pleted n fciv.it highway will he o in l fm i In linxluctJ ol tile Wiit When hr.i.o . .it. I. liindetlat Clr ago iiiuH i-.di I ' ivt i . Juan pnrt', (ii".t ;; ( .odli. flliited, ' A jvpular elirgynuii m l'hil.ideli'i a dc! i I iKilfth' tUli'Uil "lool? I lit tleketa l:.u HowtiTr iW!.t.-iit. Puck tells ua how n train etarta in (icrmaiiy: f heat eermoiiies nre necessary to get a train oil In (ierm.iuy. When all is teady a hell rings. Then another lll lings. Then the i ugiiio whistle, or rntliei toot-tiait loots gmtly. Tlieu tho eoudiictoi-lella the station maatir that all is teady. Then thu station-master looli placidly nioiiml and saya "SoV Tlieu the conductor ihoiita "I'lrtli" inter nyatlvely. Then tho statiou-masttr shouts "I'eitig!" pisitivily. Then thu conductor blows ;i hnriii thu tngiiio whistle; the bell lings; thu other hell rings; the station. in. uli i' says "SoV'tho jussciigers incur in vaiious tongues -nnd the train starts Tlmt is, inilrM Ihrrv is it belateil fat man In whiuli ease they do it nil over again. I Weeding druggist to ileum, as they nre very more such men would come anion;; us, ao that numorniu hcre.a fair division of natronaw he- the many thousand ncrcaof lich land that now inB (,y sutliciviit to place tho business of each anpportsonlyuiiderbriish, might ho turned to on a paying bails. So the druggists concluded golden Hilda, and thus add much to tho mate- they would form n league for mtituial protection rial wealth of this part of tho atate Tlio Chincio Question. A Wellington dispatch tviya tho Cnhiuitwill soon take up the Chinese treaty ijuestioii, and it ia intimated that Secretary of Statu Hearts is diaioscd to pleas the modilieation of thu tiaty in accord with theaciitimcntaniid wiihes of tho people of the Pacilio Coatt. Tho Stnte de.iitiiieiit and the Chinese I-'mbissy will con fer upon the auhject. ' It really gives ua very little satisfaction," says the New York Herald, "to kimir that the liiKiinpidy of hank defalcations is not eonllned t America, and jet tho lilasgow eierienee will loh the llritish mind of one very iuihiitaut tnpli-ol iMllleraatioit, vii the nvlileuiieas ot Ainiiiiaii niomlity. i'or n little uhile nt loat we "hull hum that auorvilioti tone nith whieh Kiighuid speakaof her atiierior ineii.iiitile in tegrity it h vihiili she draws up hei white rolie an alio p.nea ua: 'Mini .Mnerii'aiM, yoll ktiuw, m on the whole ,i luiimimig young peo. pie, hut their morals me an detestahly Kid that they itiily can't he truatcil:" this has lien the Kipiil.iriidict. After this it will hardly I hi necessary for the nation to take in a wah ing, since the laundry is full of its own soiled limn A M. Umis young ui.iu'a e'l.iuce of marrying an heireaa, to wliiun ho aa engaged was iil iil by tho iim of Ids diaiy ns tuidcuce in n law suit. The mord allowed that he frequently called miother girls, that he had lietn lejeetid hy two of them Miiw his U'tMth.il to her, and that he had lmrrowed money, to he irpud when he g.it hold of her purse. The latest novelty is "Uiroiiieter handker ihlel. I he deaigii prill tli I on represents u man with an unilirella. In line weather the iimbervllii is Mile, in eliaugeaMe w. .it her gray. and hi rainy neat lor white TlicMvret lu- m printing this design in iloride of lohaltl hut the liit v.ishmg reiiioiea this snuitiie ihiioi- lii.ui A llillia loui to 111.11 kit itli.l I eal ami ill -troys tile Kirollletle pr.ilif rile". ii make eoiiiu-. lum mth the saili -.il ARrlculurnl WorUs to bo Moved. Wu were informed by Mr. 0. 1". Iiini, that ho had leased the Paeilie Threshing .Machine company's building near the Penitentiary, for four years, and that the arraiieemeuta are all living made to iltnoie his m.iclilnel-o.. to will start n now drug store." that place alxmt the l.iit of tliis month. and they did so. The result of this leaguo was that every druggist in the city went before n notary pu blic and took n roll mn oath that he would not oircr auy nhysician, in any way di rect or indirect, whether in money, goods or services, any inducement to accord him the enmihs from his table (dissecting table, nnd, in short, that he would ipiit all the hundrid. nnd-oiiu tricks resorted tn by the dealers in the pat to cllcct this cud. The doctors when they heard of this, were wroth, and swore they would lix the druggists, hut the druggists are wary, and whui they fall sick send out of town for a physician. Well, the druggists aro glad and the doctors are mail, nud the general health of the community is excellent and getting hit ter cvtry day, Tho doctors aw ear that they svoniclHHly pnnta a IwoH showing bu- to g t "J5-cfutdiiU)vr for familir." Xow Ut some body print a book show ing bow tu get thu 8 ceiiU, Tho mlmliiUtnUion of tho lbtvnriau Statf rnllwtiyu has begun to light tho cars with gas. A ouug mau who is given to athletic iHirts would like to know uhi'ii tho much-talked-of Anglo- Saxon raev is tu eunip iuT. It would In- uell if we had lets medicine nud uurc cur, le taut and more pily, leu law and more justice. rxune men ore lib pet irv bicli med and will hear a stmug light i others look best in a ibrk corner. liivy no ooo who knows mere than yourself, nud pity all thoie who know less. A dog's hatk may to wowo than hi bitr, but vie iwrfer the hatk, ' liov. W. V. Ttiayer Ikis Ii ucil bij pnvlam .it. ii -ettm.- .limit the J-'th.iW a day of thanks .'.'in, . . tin- i k. I i in i i ( - i i thel jhti tlur: una n In i '! w i'i r.jtjyunkt wiu'"p, iiui tne li n ,iru . r ' piR-it" to Uaue Is'aud, n r Tliiigri,uti"t iiiinllty of paper U used III tile 1'nlU'il flutes mill thu aiuiillest iiiautlly In Scaiidiiiavlu. Italy's con Hiiuiptbiii IhhiiiiiII, but that of Kiisslii Ih very iiitieb linn, :ih might Imvu licen ex-, poiteil fiointhi' ciiiiilltlini of her people, form of goveiiiiiiciit, ami Mtito of iiuin-iifiicttiri-N Tluiipiutitillfx iiMiI per head of popiihitlnn In tho piliii'lp.il iMiintrles aro given In tho i.hlbltloii.catalogiii an follows: I'litlfil Statcn, .".O.S II,-.; (iw iiiiiiiv, M.J llis.; Ktiglniitl, II lbi.; Fiance, 7.0- lb". AuMrli-lIiiiignry, ' " llw.; Huh. hIii, I. us iih.i Italy, :i.ns ins; sr.iiniiiiii via, 1.1 I In.; Uelglimi, 1 1. '."J lb-.; Swlt .erbinil, IW lb. Thi ipmntlty used by tliuSpaiibiriN 1h not given, but us ltnly'H I'ousiiuiptlon Is MiMiiull, the InlltieiK'i'Kiit work in each count ty probably rciluco tluicoiiMiiuptlnu In tho former country to an uiiiiotli'i'iiblc tiaiitlty. Chlmi In not nu'litloiu'tl, but It Ik htattil that fMH) (KiO.tHlO peoplo iimi Chinese paper, .1!I",(hI0,h (H)i) iim Kiiropenn in per, ami l:i,uiO,lHK Arabian, JI,tKH),(HM) write on loaves, etc., , mid 'J.Mi.otxi.ooo nn happy without any piipcriir writing material. In tho 1'iiltid Stntex ilopartiiiiMit of the 1'iirls IvNlilliltliMi Is mi liigenloiix iiunliiiie for registering Mini- of motley rweiveil, mill giving a printed riridit, as welt im maintaining a printed record, In columns ready fur lublitiou. I'huro art ai'vi'iittH'ti tipys, i-ai-h bearing a llgiiri'. ami whieh, on he ng nrer-iHl, can imprint upon a card thu tun rnvlvcil, wbilu thu amu iharaotors, are tiNo hn priiitiil on n roll of paper out of the control of the i'Uhltr, in ls eoliiinnj for adititlon. Hie prluteil riiolnt eanlniso bear tho date, thoslgnntureof the house ami any other legem I ile-lrtsl, Bftlftrlos of County Judges. The new act regulating thu salaries of county jildM llxes them aa follows) I taker $ COO llinton tiOO Clackamas Columbi.i Clatsop Coos Curry I lollgllS (iinut .lacksou .huepliino Liko Line Maiion 1,000 Multnomah I,o00 Polk .100 Tillamook 100 Umatilla MO Wasco "(HI Washington Vatuliill SOU 7(HI HAILKOAD TO SILVEUTO.V. One of the mut iniiort.ut publio enterprises for the i coplo of Salem to undertake Is the building of a narrow guage railroad to Silver, tun. tt is ono in whicli every iltircu of Salem is interested; particttkirly tlnxo who nro own era of real estate. If it u dosiraldo to draw trade to our town, and make it one of tho cum. nicrcial ccntrea of our Mate, then it is belt to cultivate that spirit of enthusiasm on this siilv. jtvt. w hicti seema to prevail at prtseiit, ami get it in tho course of t uustructiou. Once fair ly sturteil, it would Ihj a certainty! people along the route .would build it, rather than live without the means of easy transportation. If the people of Silvertmi thiuk it U-st to hiiild ano t hi r roail in an. .tlur ilireetion. it uettl in t hinder our eit in us from doing what is plainlv a matter of vuniary iutirist tn them. The New Yirb Kuu estimates that thi. year's Town Elections. w heat crop will reach at least 00,OOO.ueo lnul. , -pa, ebMtJon held at MeMinuvilla) tin tho tth els. wiui. tne corn crop will uot tall Urh..t, U inS. resulted in the election of J. Cowli; any. t 1,SLH1,IA!0,000 bushels. et meu and W. Campbsll. II. F. llaitmant C. I. Johuson uoiiieiinUI go hungry thu winter m New and L 11. Cook, as oottncilmen, with Henry York and in smaller eittesi some of them will Warren. P.ceoriUr. and Andrew Shuck. Mar- starve tu death in spite of the big crops. It is ut ts plc.i.ant thing tu think of that this should be poatulo tn n country overtloMing with pwii. ty. Some day, irhaps, it will nut bo po.si ble. A new purse is said to line hem invented in shal. The election at tltrwls w.n also held on the Ith lint at which the following oificers were elected. Civuiu'ilincii 11. A. Nithm.in, James 11. Civley, Win. Kricsel, S. V. Fuller and li Stguni. l!ecllrde-J. 1. Taylor: Mar. I I Inlc.deli !r ,. In ISIS it uicsurv 1 sit feet Uudoa. When you open . it npiears .implv "- -s- '"J'""-, ircastircr-unvcr i iiit-a-tu be an ordinary iwrtmonuaie. but hv touch. '. 'bn. We aro informed that tho tcmpirince ing a tpruig at the aide the trigger ef a small 1'pto of (iervaii wero at the polls m full force rovulverdruiaiittoyoorbaihliaiHirtion of tho .aU-laim tho clivtiw of a majority of their eatuiiil.ucs ri'garuiett oi eiiucr oi ino isumcai I attics. The vtbt r i tin Walla Wali. statuman lias unlcrcd a l-urglar l'Mvf safe and the newi. jiapr lrateuuty are wenilcrmg what he i go. i;i;; t i"o w.tli it, Nv utilise, thata pbim tin ;i(,h he intends t lule in it when the Utf ma'i cointa rju-iil, and have t'io "devil c-.r be a id of the purse oihiij out, discharjini: th and v. u siil.Uidi tiinl xourseli with a ia i u i :.o i,ti. i ! .if; uivi ,t v :ir .. t .s alien ntimes iiln v . i.. - It :: any till t ilig'S' iUlil e a-piri' a f j i.t- t y re . - lion i ) -.ve ti e ."-id r nt thi r f-.iimr amI, III t iir n I s:, t ,i' I tt wis in imagin- Mrs. Jano Gray Swlsslielm, in a re cently published letter says: "I begun to work when I was two anil a half yenrs old, nnd when I was three, had won n reputation for needlework nnd rocking tho cradle. From that tlmo until this I havo been nt work some times twenty hours out of tho twenty- four, and seldom less than twelve." A carelessly-kept eoflco pot will Im part' a rank ilavor to tho strongest in fusion of tho best Java. M'nsh tho cotreo-pot thoroughly ovory day, nud twice n week boll borax nnd water in It for fifteen minutes. Captain Bngardtis lins rccoivod a gold medal from tho International Gun nnd I'olo Club of London, commemo rating ills victory over Mr. Aubrey Coventry In England. Tho common ltog is tho only animal invulnerable to tho bite of tho rattle snake, nnd ho wages war on nil snakes, Innocent and poisonous, and destroys them with great eagoruoss. Tho Bight Itov. Br. Lynch, of South Carolina, lias presented tho Smith sonian Instituto a fossil tooth found 1,000 feet below tho surface of the ground ut Charleston. Sir Garnet Wolseloy lias boon round ly censured hy English church peoplo for having tho Grnek pro 1st, perform tho ceremonies at tho cession or Cyprus. Washington, Nov. I. Tho puhlie debt state ment for October shows a decrease in the debt i c month of Sl.TOS.Kr.', Indians Iiuiwm:h. -A party of Indians iXmi consisting of four women, ouo man, ouo infant, :iiM)a lmy aliout ten years old, and a gill alioiit six oOillyvaii old while attempting to cross the Co ,;(k) liuiihi.1 river three miles nlo town in n canoe, ;(K) wero swamped hy the waves caiicil hy the COO high wind. Two women and one KiIhi uere IK) drowned: one woman and Iwy siinm ashore, Msi and ono woman and a little girl held to the ;tuti cniioo until they weru lesciied hy another party ;104) irom tne snore, llio woman mth the child 7110 who was ilruu ucd, was the daughter of Tuau. nil .John, the old stone fence builder, who oilers to reliant handsomely nny one who may find the liodics nnd will give information so that he may recover them. Information to bo sent to Mr. S. M. tiihnore, Kockland, W. T. Mountaineer. Deaths Doings Many of onr citizens will remember Mr. K. I. Toivle, who was long a resident of Salem. He icceutly died of typhoid fever in ono of the western States, and his widow has returned to Oregon with her two children. Mr. Towle had studied medicine at Chicago and had a lucrative practice at the time of his death. We also learn from a relinhle source that Mr. and Mrs. Ik F. M. Cailiu, who were aim old time residents of this place, are Uith dead. They wero living near Xnshvillo Temi, He went tu visit a brother in Franklin Indiana and while there, was suddenly stricken and found dead in his bed, suppose J to lie from heart de. seaie. Hi wife came up to the funeral, Iriu ' ing the children, and one month from that day died, alter one hour's siokuess, of a congestive chill. The children remain with the uncle w ho administers on the estate. Wo remember bu'li of them as kind plcawut neighbors. sasrlifa Salo ShcruT PakiT yesterday sold at public sale nt ths Paeilie Threshing Machine Cpmpnny's buildings a lot of machinery to satisfy judg. ments tuken nt tho last term of the Circuit Court. The sale was continued to-day. John Patterson was the main purchaser of stove ptttcrns and tlatks, ns he intends continuing the manufacture of stove. It is thought that sutiiciriit will 1h realized out of the sale to sat. isfy all ef the indebtedness of the company. Liver Is King. The Mvor is Hie Imperial organ of lha whole htiintii system , us it controls tho life, health and lintipiues ot man. When It Is dUturlisd In liu proper action, all kinds of ntlmenu are thenatunal tosult. Tho tilers- lion or food, tho movements of tlio boart nnd blood, tho action of tho bruin am nervous system,, ire ml immediately ooontK-'ed w.th th workings of tho Liver. Jt ha been sua- eesriiiy pre vet thatuteen's August Flower Is iinf-,iilbd In carinsall perous ardietcd with liyt.li' pila or Llvtr ( niplalnt. and all tho iuiiiierciusurp!eiia thatreatiH from an unhealthy conditlencf lha Liver and Btom. anli. Samplo totslis to try, 10 rents, Fcs tlvly held in all t?wn on the Weatem Con tinent. Three done wbl prove that it Jutt e!M Commercial at., HALIOM. iy ESTABLISHED 18SS. Willamette Nursery, G. W, WALLING & SON, PKOl'KICTOItS, Oswego, Olackamaa co., Oregon. VALL1NGS HJL , JjBJL ,jl PEACH PL.U3I. Xho Ititliim Prune, And tbo best varieties of I'llllll, t'ruuc, 1'cncli, .ipitlc. 1'cnr, Cltcrry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSORTMENT. Sond for Dosoriptivo Catalogue JOHN MINTO. nnctuen or MERINO SHEEP, fllAKES iilessiiro In orrlns to the Voo.(lrowcrs ol 1. OrosonanillhaailJolnliitfTerrltorWB the tlianco tolmrclu.o TIIOIIOl'dllllllKIl MCIIINOH, ami o surlni;rtirliiicrestriiiBt the ran, end will en 'ii'K".r. lV.Vl.l,!!'.''.'.ofJ.ho ""no iual)ty ami value at Ml Oil C'llKAPUIt IIATIIS il.an aueh can pclblr be ImiHirtcil. Kiomlr.atloii and fotnmri.i.!i lib otli er Xnei'ii elTercd in the niaiktt arn ronllally Invited. .Address JOHN MINTO. ., . ,. falem, On coo. N. II. The llanis and Kara Lsnbs of tlio flock can bo mil on tbe IsLANI) FAItM. adjoining halera. HILL KAItM four and a ball nillcs renin of the city, halera, SeoirmbcrlU. lam. li)ALlr MARBLE WORKS, WM. STAIGEE, nnmi in Head-Stones & Monuments IXICVTEIl IS Italian and Vermont MARBLE. Ilrancli Simp at Allinny. Aildres: A. STAlliKU, .Ul.any, Oregon. Alio, evsrr variety of remrlery ard other itonc work done, xpecltl aiienll.n L;n lo orders from all Parts of tbe Mala and WasliiiiBton Territory received y.'2. '.:'. .V.,'l.c"", '""1 l"0"-l"ly rivanlcd. All OEEGON STEAMSHIP 00. Iieui'LAR LINE Between Portland and San Francisco. Tiutoriiii Tificivrs Can bo puntusnl at the ortnclpal Stltlons of tho Xloclixcocl nntos. Steamers lesvu both I'oriUnd anj San FrancWco about Every Plvo DayB, carrvltn; ra sender and Vri.-hi .t ,,. riiu-rvn "V.P.t. !,u.,,h".onllr 1,n cln; the I' b. MAILS and WELLS. FAUUli CO.'s EXl'ltEsS. The Sleamthlps of this Company aie rated A 1. and, ard new. clt-caut. and romnliiM in ...., ..iAo.. ndcocilstof the r ' r "'" State of Oregon. iNew.) S.0K1 tons bjrden, George W. Elder, d'Od tOL.) City of Chester. ilif.0 loni.i AjaX, liM tons.. For frelifht or psnase. apply at tne Company's of rice, corcvr I and Front suette. roiiTUvn, wt.un.bK, Acest. coitf 11 EO W. SWEET RSfBHAyi UiTokcD AuW l.jlul pi, M CtroBlil Espailiton for y.,"M,?l':!Jta"l'. Th u.t ttUfro -: "-r-- .- " .i .inn irsonsik 1. rhMlr sluil in IsfMor roo.lt ojm J.ilu.-. jua h A. Jscasoji Co, Jllrs., riunl(, VL J SftfTPlttf. uw, Vi w.