TUAulw,! iti v t -Y T V ' irf.' V i-'V ,r MECHANICS' FA1H. PORTLAND. Mr. C. Itoop, a pioneer la Oregon In this titwinrm, riiowH romo liiitnlionio tpcclinvna of liinls, Ix-nKls, inlnutftl-, fo.'slU bic. Mr. Wnrlicr of No. 2'a ut-rino house lini in-amcntoil tlio building with two etuEVvI hi-iiN, n kingly tilt awl .1 iioljlo t.tiffrtlo, ti Ulcli ntto- 111 ekill ns n Usldcrmit. Tho children d ' V t in v. indar aL tlioio 11115,0 tliapco and v .' 1"! ,, .ir-.t-.iJ:''. o.-c.r-niii'g Ifc-Jr t ! j a l.irj,-! ciu) of .iO r. mi' let .. c'i "i i, jiUin, gilidi'l, a'.njiw. nouuonnu wi.h r. . , ,1 diiiv. r -r:ieoa tlina !y hand. Tlio ' K' ,i (jxiiilst.". Mr. J. hwi fatso t!i fnio.i; en '.I ry i" uKu.-.A table o soil out with Mr. .ti lnv. ! china Mill nhi.iin,'? n.lvor wcvild Ito t'.'. fri I ' '-i.-icil ly a kiflj. Mm'. Cir-nolim a pair 1 flirgo china vasci. ';'. -i- in gilding nnil lufiil-painte"! flower, val-imlrtSIMl. f (!. Ilenriclmon hm n j-ranil dinnloy of s.lvi r nnd Jum Iry fjiiirded lieliiuil platu class. Tho stjlu ami liniiili of lhco (irtiolri is wiprrli. Hp tifil ntU-ntimi wn ultra-tul liy ft lovely Mlvir tnlilu service sot out upon ,1 silver jilatUr. .(. K. Sill litn two cases filled with elegant rk, ntntioiiiry, noti'im 1 1 Tho Ixydci fi'iipriwi rMTy siry .ind itvlo mm tlio hi'fio "IJordHallery" lioutnl in Turhy nionx-ro, lo the "stnnlk'st Iiild'i in tin world" liomid in ivory n'ld tlt. Mr. 'Sill' oo'.Uction of Mtin and kIMlmI piipotrici, jjlovo uutl li,iinl!orclil.f Iiom-i In 'xqu-iilc. Tho dimty writing pipir nnd nil tint harming Ulkkiiaciti for luxurious writing, riot repcrtoiiil, uri clinrmins. Ho'tniindCii. hook hindcr.i Ii.ivn n display of their own work which .wfmidici many peo ple -vim wero ignorant that micli t'mo work w.w iliiiwi mrtii nf San Kr-iucimn. A.'O. Walling hi Homo cry fine n-ocimoti.i d Is-ok liindlng, label Jirinting ut i. V. I'itlook iixliiliits wjmo neat npoclmcm id I tinting, among otliern, ft fan-simile nf tlie lir.t nuinhvr of tho Now York HomM. "IliriKN tlio Printer" rvmkrs.i neilion of the wall resplendent witli n collodion of nro:im:iis nf hi art, ivin priut'T. The CUekMimi Vaptr exhibit a fine vnriitviif wnuioiii nnd printing tuiicM inuli! nl tho Cla-katu 1 mills mid tint .iro ni g"-xl h ran Ikj fdiiii I miywlii.ro. A. I". I'.iih.ill ixhibit.1 upvinwns of 11 r.c iodintry, tint m.iimfa.'tiiri) of "I.i'l'lid 8iliuito Mating," crjymn obi. Tlio l.ttiiig when nji pliod to any ein diirfai U mnootli and of mil funn lil.ii kiii-nf mid 1 1 w.irrantud for iwvcr.il yiatM. Ilirt irni'iw hringl bl.iekbo.irdii williin tl.e rrneli nf nil. Tliuyouht toluvo a pl.ici in i.vi'ry niirtry 111 valuable adjiinetii in tho A'nuM'inriit nnd i-bicitiou of tho young mid Kiting generation." Mr. I"h rr.iyond nnt n nnvi Ity. Tlmy niu ma'iufacliirnl from n MixcifH nfrl.iy fouml liMr Portland and initio no ilii't in tiling n ihici tlio trouhhxomu clnlk riayon in eouinioii me. thin .lw kMiti hiw 11 very neat pmco of ulaling I11110 on planter, framed. V. U White, Ihu well known penman, Ion on chibilioii kwritl fe.'imenii of his nkill, compriiihig nil tjlen of j-H:nin.inhlp lieaides eti-ilrnuii piitures. Tho mont noticvablu f tho latter is his fuinotn copy of "A .-ttlo-ini'iit in Afrirn." Tho work bean wniww blineo to thaehoieist stoiil cngriving .md tlio wtoiinding iiiimbrr of '.,(),() jxtn-strokes. Mr. Snl liapinsky lui .a li.iii'lwimo m.avniie hart uiiittil upon glm in hU"k .iml gtlt. Mr. (iloviTuhoMs 11 bird's oyo viuw nf Vic. torin, II. (!., lithographed from 11 pencil drawing, ibmo 1 cry laltorioindy ami faithfully with great uttiiitioii tn ih tail. M. IH Kant rxlnliitn u uuiipu silhouelto cut from blaek piper and dopictiag tho tnrion.i "national types." Itt deNwV-) mtoII.i, leaves, vines nnd tiguies niaV it in.irvolom hen tho iii.anne? nf it i.ouitniction is taken into an- Otlllt. Wo h.avo on re con I the hintory nf n iimarkahiii arti, a wtniar, yrln) uUi tuanv l.artni niitiiivj. inclndini: nnitriktt .and battln-pieceii, tutting tlum w-ilh infinlto jvilns irotn 1 11.11 k or wnuo raper inn ni.iunx inein (ivorn inntiiii'tilig biekgrouiid. T))eirivt ,n Mdelfcnto n tlio linrt I'ligr.iving. It wns lO'tglit after by l.iii nnd piin.i. Ib'iors i'Aii tniti'fnriu tlio iiiit ordinary nnt-njs and iivi'ifO'im tho grontest iliilieultie.i. Mrs. Win. ItirloM rhourd nomu pe.irs and api les drii il by tl.e new MulTord proeeui that wore very whito ami nioi lioking anil t'lteil wtll tisi. It hwina tit it tli j flint is tirnt tn-.it f d to .1 .ijr bath of dutiiit hind that prOtiuei.a jjowo cliouiicnl (hungu which il is promised j;!v' the fru t this iiIm .ipjioaraniv, nud i wa" r dried thin by tho way.i now in u. V ...! ivriiii 0 vill toll Miiotlier thl- hu'li.kl n-i!l li tho nioritJ tlio iment.r eli.iii'. Mes ruil.w eipaotj to Uivoashuw- in-rof fri.il and 11 dr. tr at tho wut fair. She h'jttjil u:':' .1 uud i'am dried nlmUan.lin quarters, ithui groruM, that woro ery m.o t pprnuni. Dick9ii3ou'a Seed Gardens. Ooffcf the iiitlunti'iM of Hklem thstthrv in apite of Ml wmpotitioo, is thn w)d biuiae t tl Mr. O. Uiikeuum, U.ch it &r ratine ' to know haa MaiioJ pjo itions sati actr1 tl that gciitla.nnn, nd tha natural i worl t.' jiciwvoring clt'ort, otract otplieat;oo to bu -ucm, and hoiuat iHjr.'or.r.aiKO of what he 11 u dertntii'S. Mr. HiukeMon i4 n mj d.'Jr ... of th fullest e iu!Maes ami twnlvo )i.irau jwli.'lieo (jualify him to 1k - u bat ho h.i.s In-oomo- the grout n.ini.vi of tho northwwt Wo ehall taku ple.nuire in jjiving tho fut.'. tv Wiomll.V, n to thi growth of hla ganh'in Hvci'uks, iijvi.illy, t.io trade of n.ervhiiut thrunli tho miimtry. Norn v.- IMder lUid Itrower started t tho I'jlnuso etnintry, W. T., this morning by nwi.'il leiiuitt, mid wuhes iu to say through tho Kaumi'U that nil his appointments for .Million iiiuuty during November and IHv cvtuUir, mv rvi-alh-d, except tho M Siiniltv of NoMinU-r. A. 11. llaltimorv, of Albany, will till k.iid appointment at tho New IjUtIv SehiHil lIuiiiK'. Tins Khler is goiug up to W. T. on a pro.wh'ng tour, and oxpecU to ntuni tho lost of DeeeiiiU-r or tirst of January, .md thou expects to till hu regular apioiiitmeuU iu January iu Marion couuty as usual, TljE dsrKET8. SALEM MABKET3. Hi.K!, Nov. 7th, 18T8. STicat haa reached 8'JJc Jier buihrl hero nt Pnlem, unweked, nnd Hacked whe.-.t nt 1'ort i 1 njioUd nt n con-enponding advance. To-day oargooa roaly forlmmoJalo uhlpment aro (ji;ol od At L;rorpr d at 4lV t!io quarter, of S bu- mih, wh'oll is nu ...ii idc, th) (igiiroi vrcM 4's(idc ... 1 . - , it . ' - r. ,, .,,'! . . 1. Hi .h .1 ' . iii ' 1 :'i hnjior ft,, 0 Ic.'o 1 .fui'iary, ard .o ' i.i lUilt to wani then that irilhoil rumoth'it;; nf ; mi moinont occurs to disturb tho harmony ol (urine, ui i:ii;i.it.i 1', nso uIhivo tho prnccnt piico oaii bo o.p.elud, and tho posibilty o' .vK-aoco In freight Wii,il nuy appreciation iu pv - . f fill, it may In safo to watch tho Ion iltuicio.i of tint Live. rp'Kil op-jrat'm nnd the demand for cargoes on t' in coast, nrd If ton nago remains abundant until January tho pro ducer cjiii wfoly nnticipato that priixs will bo nnintnined. It ii of oounw pojiiblo tint ho may renllzo nn nJi.mce. At tho pro;nt liguro many aro twlling n jiortion of their surplus to renlizo meant to pay olf presriing ilaiuis mid meet prettcnt noeessitie.), ami they net well in no doing. Viry many have intended to sell when tho pres ent figure 11I1011I1I Ihj reached, and will do so, and unlets they can hold until spring it may hu tho unfest thing they can do. Freights arw nln ndvanoing, having gono up Oi to Ts fid per ton from lowuit pricea known this season at I'ortlnnd. Tun days ago tho cabto telegraphed an iul vnncoof 01111 shilliug 11 (piartcr on orders, nnd thu news ninco is that tlio market is firmer. A well posted wheat buyer expresses tho opinion that thu prion will advance to H.'n; hero atK.ilem. Sound inlvices reiKirt tho market ns iinsafo to ojiurato upon. h'.'J cts a bushel, is on tho haii of SI.W or 31.00 jier cental at 1'ortl.ind, sacked nnd ready for shipmi'iit. Oats sell for ;i7Jo per bunhel, when some aro required for toeal dim md, but thoro is no demand for shipment, or at least no one can allbrd to ship at present figurc.i iu San Kran tisco. They aro quoted at?l.ir to 3l.'i"i jx-r eent.il at I'ortliud, nml $I..'R) for common at Hti I'niniiMo, K.ii-ked of course, while our Sakm figuros are for wheat from wagons uns.ie.kiil, HutttT and I'jjyi ara quoted at HOc; p'ltfttoei OJlt'i.Tfio Jier buhcl onioni li'JlfiWic per hnslii apples nru .ibui.daut, Nay worth 'JTio per busli) hay is beln; brought from Oobimbia riler to supply .Salem 'until, mid recm to bo morn scarce thrniigii the country than oab, which nru very iibuud.-.nt. TJiumday morning jtnt.is n go to press, wo learn that tho I.iMrs.o! market stays lirm for nnlim for shipimnt. Tho buyirs at I'ort land weni rather deinor.ahAxI yestereday, sonm living reported out of tho market and others not nnxioui to buy, ruling mU-.i Mid to lw ?I.(m per rental, frvight-1 stitTeuing. Mnrkculn California. l-'rom tho Km Kmnciseo Commercial llendd, of Oct. nut, wo githur nomo intcrohting faots. .Money is aliuudaut there, nnd plenty to bo luul for all lommercial purjiosts. Wheat was moving slowly towards tho seaboard and many producers wero jtoring their grain In tho riier warehouses, within easy reach of market, ospocting improvement in price. That im pruicment hiul aldreaily commenced to bo felt and thero was n luoru active demand with limited .aupplioi. l'retghU ueio nlvaucing, a fact that wns lunlly tn Ikj itxpuoted in vlow of tho facts, but wcro Mill lwlowiJIOa ton to I.ivoriCK)l, The f ruight biiiiniMs had boon morn deprened than uvcr btfore, .md proluldy n alight nJvanco w.w natund under tho circuni.itancK.t. Tub Wool Market. Mivtrs. I'trrar P.roi. h.nj ilionn tn their aiMciit, recch.hl from (5co. W. llond A Co., wool factor.! .at lkiston, on renipt of lots i.f wisd and miihili shipinil them, 111 which they say that .11-01 turn tut of extr.i (hoieo wool should bring thero iao r.nd another lot 'JiVj jht iiiiid. The tirst wain very superior lot and tho hvtfoml such aa mild huro reailily nt 'Jlc, and at tho nut of shipment and charge on Mleu m .ro a hiiiiii our readers can wo that wool ii cry ilepresiod. They nay all Oregon wool buyirs ill ntt ,1 heaiy loss 011 pureh.ascM 111 i.ld la.it eumiuor. Mohair aUi, 11 lowir. Tin eauyo is owr prmlurtion uud rujiply of all wikiIuii f ibriw. Tbo outloal. tj not good for tho iwxt yiar'a clip. ror!:-?,ickInir. Tho svason for rk-paeklns ha.i anivtsl nnd ot.r markets rhow that tho busineiu hx iniiii. r.Kncid. Only two buun wo Ijiow of nt Salsm. and thiy pay Ns iwr lb., nnd claim Hut tins is all IhatutKud by l'urtlatid pa.d.urH. I. A. MrCiitlr, of thii city, hu liro, wntia il"ai trwn tliauaJii Ibuuls valley that p$rh is very low thorn, pa.-kon only paviug i) per lb. 'tho fact lhaiuiir t'.uifio 1n.11i.ots uro nil id with KaUro eonvfej mc.iti, eoM at u lnu ttiMio, of coin mi oi-'itroli the a'uliiy of hu. rs. Ni noly m-is I in iw t.re )et m murk. f. Wo slull watth Uiw hm-iJi ui irodo iu tho iutr.-..; of our .en-tor. TlllJ (OM1IINICU 1I.I:VI.TK1!. A miiililtio mIiuii Is now Ih'Ih' oroutotl, ut iKirm'riifMtiito nml Krunt Mts,, rialcin, for tho InilltJinjr t 1I10 cotnliliwil Imr vi'slor itiNonlotl mill njiuf.Ui'd for .(MTitl i-i-ars iiMt ly Mr. l'.irrish of Yiitnlilll, Ho irnx)ort to btitlil a llinl liul numbor of ii)!ii-hlno.H tliN winter to juit to work in tlm ui'.xt ImrvoM. It will Im romuiiiliortvl Unit tliln mil. chlno lioinl.i nml throsliiH thu wheat in It inovo.s iilonjr.almnlirvinjr opom- uuiin 11 k "fin. inr. I'arritiii bus worked ills maelilno hovoml vc.-irsnmi Niya ho knows it In 11 micce. Tho streits of Lima, in South America, are lighted with cutor oil. Young eople will ro joico to know that at hut a ginnl practical use hu Ut 11 found for this uaustvating drug other than sickening tho stoinachi of pMlow bunian. iy. .is ( wool ,..0 worst enso roui any wounu &&Zai&2& WILsLAMETTE TIm tvntnnr I.lnl.-iif nls aro o( two kinds The U'hltn Is lor tbu bimin (amllj; tbo Yelloav Is for borfts. sheep, and olbcr anlmsl. Toillrao nlal of the effects prodnced by tlifM fenarksbki I'rei.srnUonf are wrapped aronti-t every bottle, scil nmjr be procured of nnr drjlft, rr I17 raU from thu Ott1eof'rni:L'aKTACnCoiirAM,M J7 Btrti . Kvw York City. Uii'lMfj U ,ftti Uy itn r'at'on, JKi oij (Joi-ly I'oro-. (liant;o will visit Heck Point (Iraago oa I-'riii 1 1 tiio lot day of NovomVr next, ftt 10 o'clock r tn. cad will hold In fourth dogrM. Wo Ik tonooafull attondanoo. ALvj, by npo)ial r vitatioa, wo (tho I', fi. of Marion (Jo.) w i meet with Itound I'rairm (Irango at lt'. Station 011 tho tilt day of December neat nt I" o'clock n. m., to participate in n grand ttb-'na-tion of tho anniversary of our Order. I '. every member tluit can, Ikj present. Din'i. Cutnx, Master Marion Co. 1'. tr Special Premium AWAJimiTD ON WORLD RENOWNED OSBORNE Self-Binding Harvester. Ohkcoh State AriHircLTDtiti. Socinr. ) Halkm, Octolwr 17, 1678. 1 From tho lielow report of tho sjiocial com. niittrc appolnbil ! ai11111e oci.al point with regard to Self blinling llurters, it will lie seen that the world renowned Osboni Hclf llindcr, for wlilch Misiirs. Newbury A Chap man aro ageiits.wus nwardid it rtci.al priini umat thoOr-j.ti Stitu l'alr, fur IB7H. We, your Jpecial committee, called to exam ine sjiecial poinU witli regard to SclMlintling Harrosti'rs, find as follows, nml would recom mend n special premium, in ocoonlanco with the facts set fort lis Thero wcro two machines entered, Woods' mid O.iborn's. First- With regard to durabili ty: Oslwrnc, (5 votosi Wood's, none. Second Simplicity of ooniitructioni Oslorn, six voUsj blank onut W(K).l'jiune. Third -Cnseof draft' Oslxini, tivo xotctij blank. 1) Wood's none. Fourth - I'luvatingt Oslmrn, flvo votes) blank, nncj WwmI's, none. Fifth Uiievon gronndi Ojlxirn, llroi blank, onus Wood's non. IIKNUY Ald.KN, WM. 0. .IONIW, .JOHN UllAIO, WM. WATKILS, W.M.T. VAUnillf, J. K. HOII'. (I. W. IIo.nt, Su.ierintendcnt. PROOF or itrs Superiority or Till PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT, tcs)rt of tho committee apjKiinted by the California Statu Agricultural Society, Sept. 1H7K, to evaminu nnd rvport tron thu merits of mixed paints vxhihitv(. Wo Hvleck.il fron,t each jd tbo o.ahibiU viz., 10 "Averili Chemical l'alnt," "Iinerlshahle Faint," ami "1'ac.ilio Kubbcr Faint," n can of their aints, and had miuo xpplkil by a painter under our s rsoiml supvrri'icn. Uioii mea-uiring tho aurf.ico coverod, wo find that tho "F.iofic ItuhUr l'alnt cint-ml SI,'J70 . tr.. "Averili Choinical" " " 17,Wt " " "ImjsTishablo" " " 11,115 " An uual (pmntity of each piint having bven used, the abovu Iwtdt ahowj that tho Facitic llublntr l'alnt coverod iiuarly TWK.NTY I'KIt CK.NT. MOUB SUUFACK "tlum tho "Awrill Chemicil I'aint,"and nearly I'lm' FF.R CK.VT. MOIIK SUIiFACK tlun tho "Im porisliabhi Faint." In view of tho foreging facts, and consider ing tho e.iao of npphcatiou of tin l'acific Kub ber Faint, and its btiperior covering ipulitie, wollnditjustlycutitk.il to tho award of tho First I'rvmiuiu. A. C. CHISMAN, W. C. F1ICII, It. S. JOXi-y. COMT.i'.tCO. Why! Why! I. tho paiplo of (K'fri prefer the Oisbt.ui llivm li ismfn, l.tvra ami Kjonrv Hivi. ion, to all th:"llittor ' "FIui.irt"a3d "Cur.-a adiertiM'd iu thu coimt-y? Ktt-.assj thu On 1 110.1 Uusii) l't'i'it-u is iiuantifaoturl wrtcci idly fur thin elur.atu.cnd thochoi.t.it of Oregon rootd njd l.erbu nru us.il in ibs pMaartitiun, wht.ih ho Uju found to lw uit U-oationl in (I .rod pi 01 al. ni, 1 1 tbia ehii'.o. llu'idrv'ds nf tb vi-oonimaiily tyb.l "rUitoni jajout Medi vinos'' aro tho wr.iiKvr Mli'Muv.-r rKnotMted ui-oti tho American l.opl.i thuy 1 Isfni to euro tho Ague in tlu uortli ;uid Yellow fcr in the South, and aro a i.uro iiev-oetioi of Alw or (u.is.i.i nud am not r.j murh U-uclit to ths cjsieui in a drink of ,iil M-itor. Tho OiirnoN HlAKiii I'rvn-iKii u .ot a p.itent mi dicinv although wo have our o.tiyrijfht to protect w. The prvp.iratio:i is a jvirely veg-.tablo Faun ly lb innls. a medicino iuiliiHiu.ili. to the ho-iiehoid, in tho osl Liter and Kidney n-:.-11 1 v n.iit.ablo for thu climate. You may thro away huudieiU of dollars seekui a euro from these F.utern preparations, but they will do you 110 good in this malarious Oregou climate, M.uiy of our K-st physicians ars prescribing this now Ortvui vegetable rvincjy for duvases of tbo Uvor and Kidneys, with the most hajy py results, and wo can further mid that we will shortly publish testimonials from aomo of tho Unt citiiviu of 1'ortkond. We will have th Oiu-ajox Hioou Prr.iruR on exhibition at tl.e Oregon State Fair, and aro making preporaticni for a tiuoduplay and "big buaineos." IVico $1 per l-ottle. For -ihi e-er-ahcro. WM. FFUNDKlt A 00., Manufactnring whvUnolo and retail druggists, IVrtlaod, Orv'oa. S- L--dtta--J FARMEK MUSIC iiooKSr 3Bor tlxo IT'za.ll TlTSTKiO. I SS5I he Harmonia. rOint-rAIIT HONOd JT)R MAIX Xrm. Tbl Is n tr.Un-lr n-JM, fa-He n-rll 'lio.l, nn.l Ith 0 nam and Iill4h ir-t, thi lt r truirlib-l b I..' LbKiS. A-luiol.- jtilil'7n t tli list of tfib' ' 'i nt lowX.1 complete. CJ.r.di Voenl pints, eneli 00 cIn. Touetacr J.U). ", lr nn i . ! 1 far ChV'ts; ! ae ! 1 . Iv-ifc, no. t tt .1 1 . D- - ... H f ll A ; I . ft.'r '1 nn iw t-J""- 1 Al i . . r . 1 t'lnf' "Mwiii n fid Is"' P11, .' , O. " .1 t , I.. 1 il '!. il rs a niiilK. 0 (- -m t u.l!if -.kt ,1 p- ' I-' otl i"i-1.-, ( II ro.-.i' . ji.i.li 1 ,ei itiltllUUk. - f .-, nr ' - ' , ' v t Tt4iit 1 uiln I. (I. ". , n.'i;.'1 t ' 1' 1 !,) .1.1" Ttillw "l.r i .' ." 1 iil '' !' " ('r A. N. 'fHilj1's "MhMIOJJ Kl" MM11.WI l'l,AK"i," (''CO :f ilosnn) -. Kjiiti-h 1 "M Ivri'iVlf ,r 1 rtirUh'lis OLlVKnDITSOX& CO,, Boston, 4', 71 mtonii v Co., sniiioi-iusr. J(. v. j. ir. iittoiiii v Co.. Vll Lhettntil nt . I'alla WOOD BURN NURSERY, wtonnnw. makk-n co , oniOM. J. II. HKTTLtl.MIUU, Proprietor. n 0 0 . o 0 o Fruit, Shade o'rnnmontal, and Nut 'Jroos, and Vinos and Shrubbory. In tin sbo-ii X'ir.-r, f f uir, tt VEIIV W.V I'lUUUy, C'ltolcc TrcrN, 'J'" ctx. each; C Zl . ''':" Hf.NtHtEII. otiims J. 11. BsrriJ-atiKn. CarriaiS'e PAINTING. J. M. FOR8YTHF, STATB HTHKKT. OPPOHITB lIAt'U'A DItAY Po.'s Ntsble, Vai km On. , ' rsr Flrst-elnss wort-; done, on abort notice. Msyll-tf M 9AliiiTAi'titMUnu& 4Mf?;'(l TO-i, ll'Vrtl. witrzvi.?n sj Bflblnn trlil ml raarmatcr'l cheaper, nt Its Pflee. tlnnstiirotbrr ll-rpniissaRlllnr nn sslr. Iwint 00 ulmllol br IrrrspnnslLls tnii.uHrturrr, of lafrlturtrif rucSlnrs, tltioP-irchi""'rH llMi. It rots ivi uioru f"rn icooj prcv" ihin n n lafrrlnr or worthljj one. AJ.tr?MrF r It. lihliKUlCIC . CO..AI6anr,M. T PIONEER OIL rJJBLLS. G. AV. GRAY & CO. H AVISO rUUCIUSEI) TIIK A.I10VR NAMED Mill', will contlnns tho cninuUcmro of Its-, anil llnllnl Untecil Oil, Tow sna Meal. All oils warrual.-l sttlcll pntti tAl.XM, Oreznn, Auc. II", lst,-m.1 J.I).PILKIN(JTi)N, M.D., Lato Profofsor of Dlreates of tht Era and Ear lo the ttalrui (Orriron) Mtiltcal Oollrev. Ofllee. Dckum'i Hindi, Portland, or., AU Harglcsl Opetatlcns forI)!,ii ol the NOSE, AND THROAT Huiuullv runroimtD. CATARACT eilraeted, sn.l CKUitH KYKs rtralchtennl. Attlflclsl Eji a Isrte a-iortmrnt of th bert Kttrch manafsctore, on btnd. Ileafnrss, ml all hajrr from the Ear, and Ns. nl CaUrth. laitlnilurtr tniliil. fel-r "THE CAOLE CjLAW." Tkhca7nrlsUMWKli(MulctlKr VfSlt, ANIMALS & OAMH. OlMUItUlUtCl . Twn7 Tlsa. I Vvf. SwAKllA.rfl-)i'n(r.-Bultpm.A'e.,. tit,ht lr-g aXnwt.niuk.nu-.AiU ; Snlkr-u.'k J, GRIDS A CO., Mfn ar Qotdv, fltw.Yoiii, 4 tn Cil-f-K nf um4 -m,-IiUs -04 mil m tlt wj-pc. CUtiitlou. la tin) Co-ai-y Orurt of l trl n OjuuI: hta'o of Cireon. In tlioinitt.r l( tlm I'..tito of Utntl tuyi'i, dve.io. flltl Jil'M I J. ll'i', adiuS'.-r t-- l.ilratbn of j IJUrty .'"ivxm, t-ioKjIiK.lj.t: IVViiu,, llniml-i N'anton. .li- -timlilrtiatirof thi i-i-vlo ol S..IJ d-rt'iit,UUit) sruok, tU.-J In s.J.1 cutut ihi tin '.'. iUy .1 Ki-ptnaU'r. A. I', ttc-s. 1.1, v.tUloni'my Inif to Ni lli-i-irtod ami . innovcii-il by wltr ol ul 1 ciint vuuit to sell, ni s'loh ailndnbtritit.-. l.r mih if oil a crnl It, ai mui'ti dl the cut ml of th (alla-ni; ljnl I lut.U, t lontfhu to th. .lO'.lfn'. at Um Ujm 01 hU diaUi, us na Ix nivxur to ubUln fiimU 1l)i nlilcli to y n)l Uw ilrbti 01 nld cUle. Inrlu llnf lh rU end rxcii-, i.f .vlminl.tr.'.lon, to A ut of tbo d Miction land claim ef II. J. Twnwalt nnd lf, InT. 9.S. It. I li of tbs MII-.n.tl-)to-ri.l'aii. In Marion oi'jntjr. ttatof O-troii, ami l-t-irlnnlni; at tho H. K renter of hu 1 cUlnt, and run nln tlK-iir Kwtn e-iOJl Unln; thnm Mt 3i0ll rhala-i tlvatv ln.rth tV.OTJ rlialat, throoi nut r.'.0ll clulix to llw 1 buM ef l-clnLln,, evntilnlivr SiO aciv, ol luid, iik'W or k-s; and olitrvaa, by onKr of aM court, in.la(ct. lith, Ws, lh llnal liiirlng ef atd ivtitlmi h.w Utii n.t far Nmnlr IfUi, 1V7K, si tlio tour of ons uMixk p. m. if Mtl i)j, at tlio riim'y routt rtxsa Iu Cikn. In Ud count) ; now, thv-vferr, 1.1 tbo iimiis of tho Hut of l)AMn. 1011 are htrb rllnl ml rv-'ilrvd M b and A.i-ir at -.UJ Uitw a.i I jl-.v, aid i.havv ta tic. If u-y caliti, why the '.a)cr ol mikI jvi.'lua. , tu a.-.,-!.! !iall nottM ittiiti-l aocnrdinj to law la I.Vbiioay vfwf lhatv liiit-unti mi 1 -7 coM-1 rln-niturs und mjvd thnilof -.mlrwrt tabdattioj t my orijln uJd cvuuty, IM, tlw U'-a Jjy vf iK-o'..- ,. n. isTd. J. .1. SUM. iiiy Ju-V. AHMt. ObO. A. liw, dirt,. iK.tl-r.i " Adxulniatt:atrijirMotico. VTin:ili(rvb sn that KliiM'i lluattr, ad lS mlulUHirli .( Uie mliti ol hinn llualcr, hu t)k-d Icr aecouut for Soil ivtU-u t wl s.ild eU.. aad tin U-irlni;-.! said iuj li wi (jr tuirdir, .Sor-tmUr Oth, l-ffs, at IU' hour c! 10 u'djes . ia., at tbj U-iuty &wrt rortn, l.a .''.Jirj. ,'4.-Ui couuly, OrogiM, bi4!e lltxu . J. btaw, Coui ty Juift, KuzxDxm HUirrsn, tv t. T, Wi Arf-nl lU.rutria. I-Jolico J 8 "-vtay -rtA-n toot 1. W. WrUfct ! 'tit day P'sd Ids X Dnda.-uin:rj uduiiiirwr of tln vi!o of IV tirtv, ltj' M-ii-ai.'.'it, dii.l, (J nU.int.y. fijii duy I N KixaWr, 17., at 10 -.'clock a. m., Ia I'i-kiM fNUHaJMixiulrvl ti lw t-ad a-rawr lw(or tNi tii '; C. 1 1 1 w t!u iwunty vl tlrien, maw (f Ox's, M i V- ir ofan-cild, tb.M rwi 1 t-iu-o ta rho faio, If any u..L, -.by uid .vuun. t'w-ilJ not U alkui-d. 1. t. it muu,. IVL. 11, 1-T-m I A bc'r i,f kilt MUt . Guardian's Halo. vroTieK i iiKitcnr iiiviln that. rriwrAvr i.a Man jcd.n-l tlw iVunty LXjurt ef Uarlra rouniy, Oa-jon, mulatltlns-.iabcr, 1ST. Una, I will Oder Mr U. nt nub)!o au-'ion on SAIT'litiAV, THU -So dij .if XOVliMUKK, Is', it cbnno'tlorkfa ths lor--11 mi of N.I.I ill) . st tl.e loiirt hourt d.-or lo tho t-ltyvf -ul-ri, Url.tn c--Hitity, Orta, tb und,id-l one-fourth i:itrvt of J.w-.h Mon?, mlror. I.i aad U lbs f.llia i diwribol rrul nWc, to xit! A lt of tlx doiuUi) land claim of rabirn Usloln and oth). In T. & fi. U. 3 W. of Ib-i WIlUaKtt unnJun, lJun.U-J by N-tfinnln; 31 rluini north V JJ nut of till routhoatt romtr f J I d.swtlon lnd flslm. aad manlni thrnre N. 7 cur K. DJ.7i rlnliu: DunooN, hi' W H, is.tt ctuln,; tbtniv 8. p (V W. W.H chains; thenw . 6i" OX K. S&.S0 ilulns totb4i4wvcf rwiKodos, and cooulalnz ilico .-rxiof Ivid, toon or W . V. 8. UI'.KiKHIU; UiurdUn. tyj!m. Ott. is. ISTSvit Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE l twrt-by srtn Uut th undrrsloi-J, t.iu. tor of thrUUof J. a HubUrd. ditt-wrd. hu rtW Ul th (Xwnty Court ol Marion couaty. bUUof Or. v-on, his llnal avunt, and that said court Ha appoint?.) tits Wh day of t'ovmbr, IMS, at 10 o'ebxk a. m. ol said di), for b-urias; obi-Ntloos Uwro and -wtik-aw-it tbcrv of. T. H. HIBBARD, Oct. 11, W7St Exseiitor. 1- "' $ff v CSSIND uMltllNCfstiisuL !.!; v.f("rifi 11 ., v if ff TVl-nr- HOOD ricultural BBIPIiEittBMT HOUSSE. WmOPEWATSiH ilAKM WAGONS, (GO nx,ri;iVn STANDARD Euibi'QOlRf; many new ia valuable Improvomonta uover boforo soon on tho fujiic coat. TUoy aro fully warraated. fzimi,8 and bo oonvinced, , The Whitewater S-spring W iiLtrOWrTS. JERSEY AND COjSCOhD BUGGIES All Ilrst chis", nnil nt rensonnblo prices. 'q also havo 3723. 'Wla.ii3ilo "7V"ag;c33L-c3r-LiaL Thnt enn bo u-ictl on Wiikohh, Ucnpern, Threshora, 8eetl.r, nnd nil fnrni mn- chlncry-THK FAItMKR'H KllIISNI), nixl the frlorVi 0f lila team, 113 It relluvc-t the Iohkuo of all strain, maklnp tlioovngon pull by the axles, nnd invaluable to nil tuatuBtcr. Tho MorrlBon Bros.' Walking Flows, wood and Btool beams, and tholr BoBSomor-steol boam Sulky Flows. Theo Stcc-1-bonm I'lowa nro ono third llghtor tlinn nny In use, nnd nro enslly adjusted und operated. Tlio II EST PLOW'S IN AMEUIUA, und nn entirely new tiling on thin const. The Esterly broadcast Seeder and Cultivator. -?2o XXosat or m OIrbh, Sometliini entirely niv In OrecoD; nb.-nilutely forco-feedi no clmnReablo gear In;;; stibttntitlnl nnd desiruble. Took pro in I u in nt tlio Centennial. CHAMPION RAILROAD AND GARDEN BARROWS; Unlike nnytlilii'j uverEeon In tlii-i market, und fur wuporior. A Full I.I110 orsTlilil7OODS, cmbrnciup; Railroad and Mining Shovels and Picks. AND AM. OTIIKU FAIlSANl) HAIIUES TOOIA A n-w and drlnll artii Ic, ' lilch ran lw put on any v-ajem. BELLE OP THE WEST JSii:i3Ly -ELiacaL 3Eotato-3Ziirs A Qn.Uus, v-rorsfht-lrun KUky, to1ikh ran In attarbJ n -otato-dlxr, Hto-x-nli--, or l1o, A full line of Wood-handles. IV Wcalfrs dlrlns Jobl-n' priws will ikai aJdms NEWBUJIY, C11AP31AN. & CO., OMccn, '2Ui &. riO.J I'ront Nt., I-ORTLASri)- Oporn IIoiino Itl'K. HAI.KW t). MrCOtLY. McCITLLV Wholesale Commoroial Stroot, It,i Mackerel, Ten, Lard, Tobneco, Coil Fish. Coll'eo, Ilnin?, CIjnr.H. Whito Fish, nice, H.vrup, Jluccaronl, S.ilint)ii, Huirnr, Nulls, Vermicelli, liolwtew, Suit, Tnblo Cutlery, Pearl Hurley, Oy-ttcM, Flour, Woodonware, Taploeu, Stirdlne.H, Huron, Gin.s-twnre, Sago. Wo cull particular nttanllon to our direct Importation of tux jJKtrr .v Tim would i Also our IN". Y. SYIIU1-, direct from the factory, nnd superior to nnythltip over Introduced in tho market, und our XV TEA none hotter. v W" lMitlculir lndncmn t clirn rrtls rntthatlni; tbco srod by tl t sckif-eor t r,lsl, IdSmfl M. J. NORTHRDP & CO., WboWsnlo uni! Ilclull IlrHli-rn In Coacli, Carriago, and Wagon Material, HARDWOOD LUMBER, SARVEN WHEELS, ETC, Cor. .italn nml l'ir.St Mm., lortlniul, Oregon. V 11. -Illrf niriivJmi .-uuii'rtH.iitiltlithnLu.lrmof Nosrttair JLTuiNrtoN, crl-rt slmu:i adlr--tlM uVo-1. iwl.m.ll II J. :.Oi'.TIIHUV GARDEN SEEDS, X-'JITJI'X' TltBK, GKAHW MKEUS, asa -'I'llli l!i:vr I'AIt.tl CHAIN, flKW .VfJD OLD V.tltlKTll'.S Tie V.b ntl.m if rnhT.i 1, 1'utfc.d t, mj hrj aid will )rtd Kit of r"!' of t!o ibo.-rtnlos. lb iv Uili yiir lm;irt'.l from Rajtud, Hut prlinw of .! 1, far 1'J'h 11.-.1.1 1'Ji", a'l tb. iixkv and i.air wiwijrw for UM-i uu. I haw 1. .wstatvciarioilw, hiJii -l I :i tl 1 v imta In aui "i iiuntltle a, tlwy ruy wit tor tb.lr -m-i-iii -, -.) i.U ui or. ar wu.i'.suis 1 noas, or, if t.Vy v1,-i :u Kir.yiili, aadMix.isLoiao.iousuiii.ioN, I tnNn! svciisiii!", fiuoca sa rrss, Out I will oi'iaiyriiu w any uiMsakUtitsioiuNT k.x.iisi tsuir. As i1 .ti.Mi( what 1 burn a-uv-rt, I tu f nt it to m of my mljtmm lo lUwox Ott. I.ir lhoUtekUlitulwr'rlj'.ltisg:iiii, for uny oniaii Iiii -.tills bo sold M.di tor ins. Tlw rwuli wh, th r.i ivere ni bu! ..d., hiisd ft --itli the irr!, t tarn a-j h' tr-W. l h?n h-. U coon rrw Utli iik and I sot tha ril t u lr .Vo'v nur'i lbs rrilt, Tbi nur Js, 1., I find from m booW, hi .si I only tft.'-.l worJiof i.d; lu year Ills trJsli.l tro'-ti totJls.MIn Oils mm IUm. nd 'V. toi li tlw fios id cw.-i.'i tl mi 1Wi sl or i'l;bt br -.Vur-i- In tbs ilti , ail ik-Ui. rf CtMiKnUsivU Tb-isssaof tbl, laui-livjt, I -.111 gixs 10 any or. wl. kU.-,!-) w, I i tfeoiw .'-.Via -nts. Uy ft-oat arj no ruiy. ikk K..H, ti.l .n-tuint m.L fjf ,hd lcolnlJnl LvlX. iut thoicoui'ilniwixUUy ' Tsi.o, tr ia lod.rsatonw, be.'orsthj ri frwiwj u ard.J .roni rU-iiu 1M uiu.- uii .!. 11 fwji FRUIT T RISKS. I b-va ab 1 (-rod stick of vtsiiTH smili sro.lac t t. an-l sbrubs rf all 'so A',."' .! ii.rkti,,, (or Or--j-ii, .blii I owl soil ,1 1.. t any c Mho ia-i ci bo'-raMtrA'sjlitftr-''llu.la'i. 1 oukI Ui tin its '. 1 oro otnn tm lt jiminuJt-)Ki-f-raiy.i- llUwKv-rr.maviltlo! aioCo tru-s r.iaif I In inJ wU-r.w. or tot CIIBUUV, .'LIU. I'UI'NK, l'1'..vril M. CUKKA.NTil. cN.i:bKr.mw, nLM:uifn'.i'.i.s u.v-,bi:iikiw, ani xrKAvmir.ii:i, and y.Mi bo.hiitli.-!n at -iri-vs which ar, fully djn to lord IIims, aad hKli iun. iwt (il t-i 10 suit any r.M-:a.r n-tn. I .-.w ..Ui'pUj tm-t I -Toiut "a,0);vr 100; -hkli an rla iU roott.) trtM-i. TlHyarjos 1 j raiks f vt bUh; and troM,"yirsil'lSU liithl-h, at ta.M-nir IU'. AlllbcoOirr la-lilleiiiiurisla'.i'ro-v.ruon.il rtf.ii. TbU.-v- JxrivoU.'.rflira'ursalUn.'tlwal-aroutno.lMtdior trws. r.Jrtiul .J.IAV. O, OICKl.VSO.N, fcaJra, Or-v. SEVOLVER FEEE nt box i-u-tuux-ix a-u.j.uow.tto.s,'jsaLBWooj,ritwifji,ii- Estray Notice. ONKOItRY MARE SIX TKKN AND ONE IU LP bands blifh, tl vara old, half dollar (col-) la riKbt tboalder. plsctd tbrm to core wnyj Iff! lbs prrmlt's of lb onderrtuntd, two mils, from tbe alm frrry, tn I'olk cnauiy, on tbo Ut day of July, ltTTKandhasiuM txen haid of sluce. A liberal re wiri will tw Ktrsa for ber retiru. or sot infonnttloa KfardlnirtMr-sbsRaboiiU. JAME BECKKT. 8aua,AB. l(,l$n ti y "V. Express and Hatforin A. N. OII.nKltT. & GILBERT, and Ilrtall Salem, Orogon, fir Halo uj hi tot, rir-nTiuau u - l il U ord - r, uut ivo Uia ' ; tio iiBWAno. I HAVE UKT A lir.OW.V KILLT. KTBAYRn nWllf Turnrr tnuaxd NUrm the Oth of August. K-io is rood Uf.-j ran oM, blax (ace, hind fret both -rbrte aboia K.trrus. No marlj nor brands. Ths sbon reward wiU savtn tt drlirtrinz her at my plat, tbros inUes a. w, of Tunwr, or halt of It for Informaaioo. Turorr, Xv tojjd. BEBIE DAfOHHtTT. j? I. Ti'Hw & Vjfflff I