Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 08, 1878, Page 6, Image 6

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Mrs. If. Weed 1ms a very claborato "Agri
cultural wrcatli," maile entirely of seeds nml
grains, tho collecting ami arranging of which
have cost infinite pains.
Mrs. llcll has a largo cage o! sweet-singing,
lively canaries, not "stuffed."
Cook Pros, make a display of appetizing
canned salmon from their f'oliiinlil.i Hiver
I.istmau iV Midler show a wooden inonunienl
of linu workmanship to "ittc.l their kul in
working with Oregon l.
Tlio Oswego Iron Co. Iinvo on exhibition
specimens of iron oru from their mines.
Win. Mnguire exhibits n carved font cut in
Workman like manner from Clackamas stone,
showing ItM excellent ipialltiet.
llVm. Vomig has a lns-relief which U greatly
admired. It is copleil from Thorwalsdcu's
i-flibratid ".Morning." The- central piece is
carved in American statuary marhlc, the frames
of veintil ami hhek Italian ami Tennessee
limbic, tiiiuuicil willi gilt. It is a new thing
to find nit work of this kiml in Oregon.
It, W, Jackson, of San Francisco, Im
every w hern captured the eyo of tho public
with his collection of articles manufactured ly
himself from Ahalouo shells ! no description
will give an iilca of this iridescent mosaic
work. It is vxhihited In clocks, crosses,
picture and mirror frames, hriish hacks, Jewel
ry, etc.
II. I). Kanliom has a caso of ram and ex-
(iiin'tc corals of all shapes and sires, imported
from tho South .Sea Islands. Such a fitiry
show has neer licforu heeu seen hero. The
huts of those corals exhibit every ahadu of red
from garnets to thu palest plush rosot in sha'ics
Intricate as tho most intricate seaweeds. Then
tln.ro is thu curious "brain coral" in skull
nharcd masses of a dark color, polished branch
ing black corals and all thu varieties of white.
A look at this collection transports tho bo
holder in imagination to the far olT coral islands
that lie In the blue IViilio under thu tropical
I'. I'fuudtr has earned thu gratitude and ad
miration of all by his immeuso contribution
fiom his griciihousc, lie has filled most of
thucuitru spacu of thu ground lloor with n
mats of greenery compiisiug many rare and
beautiful plants from thu tallest acacia treu to
the tiniest dwarf fuchsia, Thu plants tro not
In green moss with a border of pretty ttones.
In thu centre is an imitation fountain fringed
with fuliagu plants and ornamented witli a
large vase containing n lino secimens of thu
century plant. The "tout ensemble," was
(harming in thu uxtremu. Mr. Plunder has
nlo a nl'Al carct spice railed o!V for tho exhi
bition of fancy work mado by himself. Hiiro
aiu houipict of cut How its in thu latest styles,
disigns in immortelles, beautiful ferneries,
wanlian cases, hanging baskets, and tho loveli
est t raw work imaginable, shown in baskets,
cornucopias, Hotter stands, table decorations,
tiny pavilions and uiuu baby carriages and
cradle, all ornamented with line dried grasses.
Many wure not aware that such articles could
lyi obtained in Portland..
Mrs. Major Hell has some charming hanging
baskets entered with lung festoons of ground
pine crystalircd.
Mallies llroa. exhibit a large show-case of
(icrfectly preserved h!CIIiiciis of bugs, butter
Uii s, birds, animals, mineral and coins. This
display Is one of thu great centres of attraction.
The children never weary of watching thu
wpiirrcls and thu gentlu Hlu-cats, which a
gentleman, who is acquainted with thu subject,
awuieM us ate vei. tanu, friendly, and oven
"kittenish," if yon will only " keep still mid
not worry them." I'or our own n.infoit let us
nltias "keep still " then in thu eoiupauy of
the playful skunk. Tin) .Mallies' lullcctiou
ought to Ihi placed KTiii.inintly in a posilion
whiro tho public tun admire it and icceim lu
st ruction from it.
Manuel lleiut.i has a jieneil portrait of
I'lisident Juarez.
Wm. Vuiiiig has thivn gishl js-neil sketihes
from u.ituu', dr.ittu Uhiii brown iimti imu of
tlnni representing a scene ilia Clackamas stone
ipiarry. They show a natural aptitude for
artistic ttoik.
Mrs. .lohu I lone nun exhibits a graceful
drawing representing an English scene. Very
daintily linished,
Mrs, Saunders, lite of thu South Kensington
ltoj.il Art School, l.mi.iii, exhibits exipiisite
Irawiugj in K'iicil uudcr.ijoii exemplifying the
H.vuliar method of the English k-IidoI of
nitlts, irbably tho best sclusd in the
uuild. Mm. S. ntni tilubits geometrical
drawing-), aolulioiis of piohlvms in pvi-pcitiic,
Tti display of oil ptiutiugs was ucccss t ri I
limited, lining to tho wall being iccupied in
such a manner that tiu proper light or spice
was rworted fur anything of the kind Othei -wise
many lluu punting would havo Ucu
shown to mi appreciative public which mm
ilws the pirlora of IVntUnd's , vtialthj ami
art-loving citizen. Notwithstanding tlnwe
drawbacks It. 1'. Thompdfun mid other public
piritcd citiwus hate contributed such picture
a tho kuutifill and uutt familiar "Chailoti.-
Cm day In I'ltson," lluttman's "Mount IIihxI, '
Mid others. It w n matter uf pride that suili
luetuio" niii in on exhibition.
The talented aitist, Mr. Willhm I'.irrutt.
inhibits micnd large punting, which slum tho
particilhr Untof his genius, lie is exceed
ll'Jily li ipj'i in ilclmiating distant iiioiint.iius,
cloud itud reflections in water. Ilu drawing
it'id pcrK'icitiie are ali exceptionally good.
Oit'gou hi icvum to lx pniml of this joiiiu
man who Is cutirilv self-taught and who his
alix'.idy laid broad fuiiudatious for inline fame
Ilu is even now Idling orders for patron in
Ixuidou, l.ivorpiol and other l)urocan cities.
The iu-complithed artist, Mr. Petrov its, ex
hibits the only portrait m oil. They icceive
ry marked attention from tho admiring
crowd, We li.it e never had Mich an oppr-
tunity as Mr. IVtrut it's stay in Oregon affords
if transferring to canvas with unerring lidchty
the lineaments of our brae men and fair wo.
men, A collection of ortrait jointed by Mr,
I'., to represent some of our splendid wvhfoot
ccimcus of tho genus homo, would astonish
thu world,
Mrs. W. 11. Virgil has thrco very pretty
small landscajies in nil.
Mrs. tlcn. Spragno has moss pictures witli
water and sky painted in oil. Tho effect is
very good and lifo-likc.
Mrs, Saunders has a little gem In tho way of
n small oil painting of birds nests' and (lowers.
Mrs. Saunders hrn alto a largo collection of
real Kuglish water-color landscape, paintings,
ilono by herself from nature. Too much cm.
not bo taid in their favor. Tiny nro decided
novelties hero and are good enamploa of tho
soil i f ttoih wJik li our l.iilinii cousins ndnd u
Wo are in hopes that tlitso beautiful pictures
will inculcate n desiro to go and do likowiso.
That i.t, cultivate an nc-iiiaintance with sketch
ing from natnru in w ater-eolors, a method
peculiarly adapted to Oregon on account of its
expedition, brilliancy and delicacy.
rMrs. .1. DeVoio Johnson exhibits tho nino
largo water color picture. which took thu bhio
ribbon at the State Pair. 'I hoy nro sketches
from nature of Doners, ferns and berries indig
enous to Oregon, watin witli autumn tints. An
escaped canary bird essayed for half an hour to
alight njion ono of the painted branches,
Thursday, causing considerable merriment for
the crowd.
Mrs. Addio I.. Itallou hat a pretty sot of
(icarl sleeve buttons of jiearl, painted daintily
witli min a '.nro rnsu-lnids in oil.
Mr. Aboil exhibits a superb collection of
photographs, plain, enameled, retouched, cray
on and painted in the highest stylu of tho art.
His work has received lioth at homo and
abroad the highest encomiums possible to bo-
stow. Ills pictures havo been greatly admired
by the elite of lloston and New York. Tliny
cannot bo excelled in pose, light or details.
They will bear tliil closest scrutiny of tlio in
quisitive microscope. Mr. Aboll's plain photo
graphs are a wonder In thomselvcs. Witness
thu unhjtio portraits of tlm Clmttin sisters.
Wu havo never seen anything liko them any
where else. Their softness, delicacy and clear
ness would cheat ono Into lelioving that tlioy
had been carefully retouched, which Is not the
caso. Tho collection is crowned by a splendid
retouched photograph of his honor Mayor
Vow bury, In an elegant frame. Mr. Abell
assures us that ho shows his uvery-day work,
not gotten up for the occasion,
lluchtel & Stolto havo n rival collection of
photographs in all styles and llnishos. Mr.
HuchUd's long and favorable connection with
his business Is a guarantee for good work, He
has long held pre-eminence in hii profession in
Oregon. He has some beautiful pictures, m-
Jiecially his statuary pictures, and panels. His
display wins universal admiration and adds
new laurels to his famu as mi artist.
A Ploaaant Time at Tualatin Grange.
Tho above mentioned grange ii situated In
Tualatin precinct, Clackamas county, six miles
west of Oregon City, with H. K, Hayes Master
and Win. Sharp Overseer. It was organized
about llvo years since. Uko man other simi
lar organizations it ha3 teen its dsrk hours,
and at tunes its prosperity has seemed unccr
ttiii, hut owing to the jierseveranco of its
members they have outridden the storm.
At dltlcrciit times valinblo accessions have
been made until tltir mT-d
double its original number.
At their September meeting they debated
tho expediency of a ('range Fair, at which all
tho members could exhibit a sample of tho pro
ductions of their farms and different articles of
their own manufactures, ami decided
their noxt regular meeting, on the list Satur
day of October, at ten o'elojk they would hold
their lint fair, extending a cordial invitation
to a (joining grangers to unite witli them in an
ctlort to advanco tho cause of agriculture by
this, their now enterprise.
Ileiug ono of those invited, I felt a desire to
participate in the experiment, for knotting
well thu character of Its originators, ami the
grain, vegetables and fruit-producing elements
of the community, I felt strong ho'ics of its
IlMNi) HoitriiM. Ail Kii;lhli writer
think.-! ono ciiti.su of tho (jrenter fro
iiuunvy of lillmlnusi In horncH than in
utlicrdotiiMtlnilod imhnul.s Is tho In
convenient ikmIUoii of tho hayracks
from which ninny or them havo to
feed, i'liiued its thiuo frei'uontly are,
hlirh up on tho Ntahlu wall, tho horo
must seek his rodtlor with raised head
and outstretched neck, and Ito removal
Is accompanied hya (shower of dust
and muall, hnripoin(cd particles of
chair and heed which naturally fall In
lo his eyes. Further vnuioi of this
very common allllctiou may ho found
in the pungent ammonia kiimcsso freely
ly dlll'iiNcd In Ill-ventilated Htalls, In
tho trying cron lli;hti common in
Htaliliup;, and in tho Indiscriminate
employment of hllnder.i, which divert
tho lino of vision from (ho natural
It has licet) well Haid that (ho musical
(uack's sole ambition Is to not his
pupil m that ho or hIio can iwcculo
Mimo oomIni;ly illlllcnlt piece In Mich I
a manner (hat tlio untutored ear will I
IiiiiikIiiu It correctly done. Ho then has '
a living atlverli'-emunt, which ho ucs
for tho Mile purpose of (akine; In fresh '
vlctimw, and so e;ois on from month I
to mouth and year to year, leavlnu
destruction at every Mop. Tho pupils
thoii'tii'lvos, or (ho-o actlne; In their
iK'halr, do not exorcise n Milllolont
amount of care In (heir selection of a
lakliiK' as a text (ho uulortuimto
history of KiikIMi and (Jeriuan iron
finds, which havo heen either uiisea
worthy or mi unwieldy (hat (hey have
run ono another down when under
motion, the OlaK'W llmthl conies to
the conclusion that (he maritime world
IsapproachiiiL; an era In which navies
for IlKhtlnL; purpo-.es will ho uholMicd.
and an International ocean police miI
stltuted. ItiMxniis why we shall draw irhl
from laii'ope, taken from (he reports of
our department of UKricculture, us to
the crops we have Id market: KlrM, a
com crop of ll:uulooo,0()ii htisheN. Sec
ond, a wheal crop of litO.OiHi.tiOO luh
vU. Third, a cotton crop of A,:).M),lK)ii
hales. Wo could add to this llM, hut it
will do as It is.
In the.-e days of ImiiI; fall.tres it It
afc.s( for the farmers to make his
deposits in hanks ol rich .-oil and
more manure; buy improved stock In
stead of luuk stock, and (he only
shires ho should Indulge lu sliou.il he
to share with his wife and family the
comforts of a good home.
Here Is a reined for wounds made
hy rusty nails, which frequently ter
minate lu look-Jaw, that ought to be
cut out and preserved. Smoke tho
wound, or nny wound or bruise with
bunlnc wool or woolen cloth. Twenty
minutes lu tho fmoko of wool will
take tho pain out of tho worst caso of
liillamatlon arising from any wound
we over saw.
success, which were inoro than realised as
gaeil iion tho extensive tablo which literally
gmaned lieueath its burden of homo produc
tions. A few hours wcio spent pleasantly in oxanii
nation and comparison, when judges were ap
Hjintcd by tho Worthy Master, xiz.i llrothcr
Marcus Ilarstow, and Mister. Iantha Sharp
and Auno Kruse, to decide iiimn the morits of
tlio articles on exhibition, Thinking tho result
might be of interest to soma of your readers, I
made a notn of their du'idoii a follows!
Mr... II.ir.itoM, Itcd I'lnff wheat, 1st pre
mium. Mr. T. Iliiekman, Chili ( lub whoat, 1st
J. Kruse, Hoix'tou oats, 1st prumiimi,
T. liuckmaii, Hullcss oits, 1st premium.
.f. llirstow, llhck oats, lit premium,
T. Iluckmati, Millet oats, 1st premium.
It. V. .Short, Centennial Austrian corn, 1st
Mr j. A. M. lUruct, heat collection beans,
1st pm.
Mr. C. Ilucknnn, 'Jd best collection beaut,
'-M pm.
Mrs. C. Iliiekman, best pels, 1st pm.
S, II. Carter, boit w inter sipiash, 1st pm.
I'. Kruse, .Scotch kale, 1st tun.
J. Knise, liest cabbage, 1st pm.
T. Iliiekman, best blooil Is-et and white
turnip, 1st pm.
(1. K. Hayes, licit white carrot and red
strap turnip, Istpm.
It. V. .Short, largest hill potatoes, Irish cup,
lit pm.
II. I.'. Hayes, largest hill (larnet Chili, 1st
T. L. Turner, best pink eye potato?., 1st
If. !;. Hayes, best rice potatoc. 1st pm,
.1. Ixriuu, host pound kus, 1st pm.
II. li. Hoycs, Imst vicar of Wa1ceflM,'Ut
Marcu IUritow, thiest collection apples, 1st
J. Kruse, 'Jd beat collection applet, '.M pm.
It. I'hafer, fino.it collection grapui, 1st pin.
Mrs. C, Iliiekman, llnott louiuet, 1st pm.
Mrs. T. I,. Turner, lest bread, 1st pm.
Mrs. II. M. Hayes, host rusk, 1st pm.
Miss Anno Kruse, Marbta cake, 1st pm.
Miss Molllu Turner, (.old cake, 1st pm.
Mrs. T. L. Turner, lwst strained honey, 1st
Mrs. J. Kruse, bwt canned pears, 1st pm.
Miss Melia Haes, ln-st camiisl prunes, lit
Mrs. II. II. Hayixt, liett jar explains prets
ed in alcohol in IS77, 1st pm.
Mrs. T. I.. Turner, let plcklw, 1st pm.
Mrs. C. Iliiekman, lust butter, 1st pm.
Mrs. II. li. H.ijcs, bvit preserves and jelly,
1st pm.
' Mm. A. M. Ikiruvi, best IaiI ipillt, iptilted
I by hand, 1st pm.
Mrs. A. N. ILiruti, best fancy lied spread,
' 1st pm.
Mrs. L. K. Carter, best Iwd quilt, nuchine
quitted, 1st pm.
Miss Melia Hayes, lluest fancy work, lit
Mrs. Mary Mliurt, 1st premium for thu licit
and moit oxtctisjvu assortment of dried fruit,
(by the l'luuiiuer process) a portlun of thu samu
uxhibittsl at the latu State Pair which recuvcd
thu 1st preimuiu there. Much oiro and tasto
wire exhibited 111 the arrangement and packing
of this fruit, which accord credit toitsdisiguur.
Several vsricties of dried fruit were alu ex
hibited by Mr. T. lluekmtu for vthicli he re
ivrtisltM premium, and a!th:ui,-h dried in a
drier of Im oh 11 maimf.uturo, tlio eiitirj cist
of ttluchdid not tixeivd twenty dollars, con.
virvil favorabl (a:de from pickinglwith thosj
dneil by the I'lummcr prixest.
This was an huiiett I 'air, solely the prmluc
tiun of the farmers of (his grange without ny
uiinsml i-durt and with thu biief notice of one
inoiith. Tho owner of each aiticleexpUuvsl
thu vanoty of sod and tho manner of cultiva
tion employed which iimiIo tho cxhibitam not
only interesting hut iuttiuctite.
hcvcral of the iiu'iuUro prwont had attended
tiiu Statu Pair and repurtcMl many olthearti
cluj exhibit.' I sujicrior 10 thow of tho s.imu
variety there.
After tho excitement had aUitcd, a siunptu.
iu feast w.uprepaielby the kind nuter, to
which all did ample jiutice.
Tim grange wai then called to order, and .1
very interctiug time was had m the discussion
of various to'ies, and all manifeited by cheer-
lui cMUUtenance ami cxprcasiou of satisfao
tion, that they were well pleased with their
united ctlort a lajing tho fuuudation for a,
grand mcco in future time. At the usual
hour the meeting adjourned, saul werepaireil
to our home feeling that tho day had been
pleasantly and profitably speut.
S. L. H.
fi The Coniamptlon of Timber.
Wo havo now nbout 90,000 miles of
illroadj tho nnntml consumption for
ten or sleepers alono Is -10,000,000, or
flirty years' jjrowUi of 7.1,000 ncrps.
rp fence (hose roads would requlro nt
last 1SO,000 miles of fence, which
wild cost $13,01)0,000 to build, and
tko at least 611,000,000 annually to
1-op In repair. A'o have 73,000 miles
P is more tin 1 ir wm'' wm'lt requires 111 its jhiiiiitk
it) hOO.ooo trees while the annual re
ilr-J must take :JOO,ooo more. Tho llt
10 luslKiilllcant lucifer niatchvonsutnes
tnuually In its manufacture 800,000
utile feet of the llnest nine. Tho
that it jirlcks that are annually baked require
0,U0o,imo cords of wood, whlcli would
nveep the timber clean from m,wu
icrcs. Shoo ets nro quite as impor
tant an article as malches or bricks,
and to make tho required annual sup
ply consumes 100,000 cords of fine
timber, while tho manufacture of lasts
and hoot trees takes C0O.000 cords ol
maple, beech and birch, and about tho
same amount Is required lor pinno
stocks and the handles of toots. Tho
nxcklnc-boxos mndo It. tho
A Snlom Mlnlstor to tho RoscuoCt)
but Dnftlod,
Tho Buccess of tho great Vlonnoso
tenor, over whom tho Austrian aro
wild, Is based upon a singular Incident
Two years ago ho was n barber, and
attetnntcd sulcldo on account of unro-
Oa tho down train tho otlif-r day, an in-1 quiled love, by cutting his throat. IIo
toroiting adventure occurred. A Chinaman j bungled tho Job, howover, and a clover
whoso probosis Iwlng ratlicr r-ensitivo took .SUr?eon mondnd his larvnx accident.
.1 ,..i.., ... .. , ......
exceptions 10 iiiu cioun 01 smoKu mat arose
from tho rigar of his fellow traveler
Picking up his baggage ho muttered some
thing outlandish, and started for tho 1 idles"
ear; all interesting dialogue ensued between
himclf and thu brakesman. Tlio Chinaman
being 11 "little off" didn't waiittotalk.su
he attempted to fnrco his way into the icar
nlly changing his voice, from a coarse,
disagrocnblo baritone, to the sweetest
of tenors. JIo now commands his own
price, being able (o go (wo notes higher
(han the renowned Tamberllk. Suc'a
is tho luck of folly.
StiKes In 1871 amounted to $12,000,000,
while tho timber manufactured Into
Professor Jlans Hoofer, who wns a
car, but the breake-man gave him a shove member of tho Austrian Commission to
that mado him carom on tho opposite door, n10 Centennial Exhibition, has pub-
llshcd n report on (he rotrnloum In
dustry of this country. lie reccts
Losquoreux's theory of the origin of
petroleum from marine plants, and
says that In tho present state of t-clenco
tho nil deposits must bo ascribed to
' ...
tho smugglings of kindred emotions in his " remains only. 111 tlio eastern
Asiatic breast, and smiled a. he gathered up lH,rt of North America tlieso (lojiosits
his pack and stepped acros to join his phi-' nr n11 pronounced to belong to tho
lauthoropio friend. Conductor Uellinger ago of oldest life.
appearing on tho scene at this moment, a n.nnilnMTn"n ii, n.n A,t,' ., ,,
United Srabbcd the patriutlo mongrel by tho nape .... fo (.,, nmr ,.r .
when ho tallied one for tho brakisiunii. and
well, nt that momenta Ihiv. .'..-nl! -111311 if
this place saw the commotion nod opening
the door began an ulopiuut discourse
on tho equality of races, Mr. Chinaman
t'luugli tlio ties of consanguinity, were
somewhat dulled by tlio lapse of ages, felt
tW tllvB Sins.! SSSl.l nltt.lllllt.s .kAlaaA ...& . f..
b .",,. ".:':' "T nounco with BrM, tho death of Uncle
inn n.r 'ri,,. i,mL, i,,,t ...x ,i ,.,.. James. Cofiio (luicklv to rend will. T
agricultural implement, wagons, etc., f ,,,, cxiltcnce ,mt tll0 novcrilc, scnti0. . bollovo wo aro tho heirs. JohnDlack."
iHiuore than $100,000,000. Tho farm ,,,,, fot that a thousand years had slipped I The clork, having counted tho words.
back into tho barbarous ages of tho past as said: "Thoro aro two words too many,
ho sadly turned away to muso on tho do-'SIr." "All right; cut out 'with grlof.' "
pravlty of man.
and rural fences of tho country eon
sumo nn Immense amount of lumber
and tlmbor annually, but as wo grow
older as a nation this consumption may
and probably will bo reduced hy tho
more general use of livo fences and
hedges. Our consumption of timber Is
not only dally on tho Increase, but our
exportation of timber Is also rapidly
Increasing. Our staves go by tho mil
lion to Franco annually, walnut, oak,
maple and pluo to England, and spars
and docking tlmbor to China and
Japan. Lumberman's Gazette.
A Good IIoiuk. Wind, says an old
horseman, Is tho great secret of a fast
horse. Good lungs will cover a multi
tude of faults, while, on the other
hand, perfection of shape and form aro
useless when the wind li out. The
chest, therefore, lu all cases, should bo
large and spacious. It may vary some
what In shape, according to tho service
to which tho horso is to bo put. If ho
is apt to lie kopt for slow work and
heavy drawing, the chest may bo near
ly circular In form, because this shape
Is ono for strength and bulk to receive
and bear up against tho pressure of tho
collar, while at the same tlmo sutllclent
room Is secured for tho ex pa slon of
tho lungs caused by slow, reuular work.
Hut If tho chest Is circular let It bo at
the samo tlmo deep, or elso tho lunirs
may ho emuped. A horso with a shal
low cho.it Is worthless for any purpose.
Tlio rule, then Is: 1'or a draft horso, a
circular but deep cheat; but as you pass
through the dilleront degrees of f-pced
up to tho racer and trotter, tho chest
will Increase In depth, compared tolls
roundness, until fur thu highest rate
of speed you must take a chest as deep
as a grayhound, and at tho. samo tlmo
not lacking in strength. Kjccfianye.
There Is catiso for unusual rejoicing
In thu marked success of the Ameri
can exhibitors at the 1'arls Exposition.
In spite of the fact that the prepara
tions of tho Government were greatly
delayed mid that the number and
character of American exhibitors were
not so leiiresontatlve as could havo
been desired, thu aggregate ot awards
to exhibitors from the United States is
larger proportionally than to any other
nation represented nt thu Exposition.
Tno credit for these grattlylng results
is mainly duo to the tireles ingenuity
of American Inventive genius. Tho
continued concentration of this coun
try's Intellectual energy In wonder
working machinery seems destined to
uvoutuatu Inn revolution in tho world's
Ttir Iron Ortlrrrtl this Time, sure.
At a barbecuo in Kentucky to nion
quarreled, and Immediately began
tiring upon each other. Tlio friends
and followers Immediately drow pis-
IKrorn tho Cc.rvllis Dcmocrt. ! tola, lltld SOtllO 3T shots WOrO fired bo-
On Wednesday the directors of tho W. V. foro tho termination of the niralr.
A Coast railroad company met and mado an ! Several mon wero WOUtldcd, and ono
order authorizing their agent. Col. Hogg, to will probably die.
order tlio iron ami rolling stocfctmtnciliatcry.
This Col. Hugg did yesterday. Tho pur-
Capital Lodgo No. 11, I. O. (1. T., on last
chaso of iron ami rollimr stock ,,ei ,)0 lllttllo n'y mgni insia.ic.i omcers lor tno pros
In Pennsylvania, to w hich place tho order
was sent. This Is news to tho pcoplonf this I
cut term, as follows:
T. Salllo (lesner, W
Hugh Harrison, W. C.
V. T.s Soth it. Ham-
section of thu state, that will be hailed with ' me,f; W' Mf"'.. Jr W,.. A'A J?.nw
Joy, as tho prospects aro now inoro favorable
than over to havo thu "outlet to tho sea"
pushed forward to an early completion.
A contract has been mado with Messrs.
Oilmoru and Ixilgour for getting out a lot of
ties to Ihi used on tho road. They havo not
taken the contract to get all the tics neces
sary, but they will bo in readiness as soon as
tho grading is completed.
Col. Kinney Is our authority for tho above,
which wo havo every reason to believe. As
we are just going to press, tlmo forbids furth
er mention.
Colfey, W. T. C. W. Scribor, W. I'. S. Mrs.
li A. O'Donald, W. Chap. James Itlggs, W.
M.I lMna Cartwright, W. I). M.jAmiio .Strang,
W. I. (l. John (Ircon, W. O. (I. Dora Starklc,
W. It. S.j Klvina Johnson, W. I. S.j Ira Krb,
P. W. C. T. Entertainment committco for
tho samo term: Seth It. Hammer, Sallie Itlggs
and A, Wilson.
Walter C. Lyman is said to 1k nn inqiostor.
All Masons aro warned of him by Mr. ltoss of
Oregon City.
Tho Undonlablo Truth-
You tlesorvo tosullor, nml if you load a
miserable, unsatisfactory life In this tioautl
fill world, It Is entirely your own fault unci
tlioro Is only one excuse for you, your uu
rossonsblo prejudlco ami sko tiol-m, which
liss killed thousands. Personal knowledge
and common sensoreasouing will soon show
you that Green's Aujtust l-'Jower will cure
you of Llvor Complaint, or Dynpnla, with
all It miserable eUecln, sucli as kick headache
palpitation or tbebearc, sour Mouiscu. ha
bitual costlvonoss, dizziness of tho bead.
Icncy, f!ov. Thayer, has just made tho fol
lowing appointments Christian beinenvrcber
of Astoria, I'iih Commissioner of the Co
lumbia Hiver ami Its tributaries under an
Act passed by tho last Legislative Assembly,
whoso salary shall consist of fees for Issuing
licenser, etc to lishermen controlline: boats.
nets, seines, weirs or traps; to tsko effect on I nnri prostration, low aplrlta, Ao
i ,u ,-., , j , , . i sales' now roseh every trwn nn tho W
ir tiiMiui wiu itnu ui .January, ins upjioiui
ment was urged by most of the leading bus
iness linns of Portland. Augustus Kinney,
Health Otliccr at Astoria, vico Dr. Dodd, re
lieved; appointment to taku effect Dec. lit.
Dr. C. II. Itallerty, of Hast Portland, Visit
ing Phvticiau at tho Intano Asvhini! to tako
ctloct Dec. Int. J. P. fialbraith, of Ilrowns-'
ville, and W. J. Campbell, of Ivast Port
laud, Notaries Public. -V. Hush, I'g-p,
-Superintendent, and W. P. Miller, Warden
of the Oregon Penitentiary, having lilcd
every trwn on tho Western
Contlnont and nota Drupirlst but will toll you
of Ita xvonderlul euros. You cm tiuy a Ha in-
ile llottlo for 10 cents, Three dose will re-lovoyou.
Edmund Yates, uovellst, says tho
Americans aro tho most hospitable
people In the world.
Elkhant EsTATi:.Chatsworth,;t!io
estate of tho Duke of Devonshire, con
tains 2,000 acres, which ho retains for
his private park and flower garden bo
sides thousands more that uro rented for
farming. His park Is hounded on nil
sides by hills, which cut It oil from tho
rest of tho world, and no other hou?o
than his own can be seen from tho
windows of his grand mansion. Ills
tlower garden alone comprises 102
acres, wherein sixty laborers ate con
stantly employed to keep It lu order.
Tho remainder of the I'.iHX) acres is all
In gras and woodland, mid stocked
with deer. This Is f.iiil to be the llnest
private residence In Europe.
To find out wliuther n garden has
heeu planted or not, a paper gives tho
following rule: "If one forgets wheth
er beds are planted or not, n good way
to tell is to turn a stray cat into tho
gaiden. If the beds are planted, the
cat will proceed and race around mid
dig into them, and act as if it had rela
tives in China It was anxious to gut at;
while, if they aro not, it will sit down
calmly in tho path mid seem to be
meditating on the progress of mission
ay work in Africa. A cut's Instinct
seldom doceivos In this matter.
A rosldont of Cook county, Texas,
boasts of asetot furniture mado from
a treo upon which his father was
i'l '. Mrrrt,
f.Vf Kirs.
Illin.irtit ft thorouch nml nrnnllfnl oilm-mlnn
their bonds in the office of tho .Secretary of In nil commercial null KnglUli lirancuett.
State, took charge of that institution yester- r,m,oh ,0eni1"" 8Pn,lt1 DrawluB and
.i. ti . ...:iii i . T Telegraphy. This school having grenler
day. Micro will be no immediate changes fnolhlloH. and enlovlmr a mora estenslvo
tho suWdinato ollices nt tlio present iwlronsgo than any similar Institution on the
Taenia Coast, continues to bat ItHclalma for
recognition anil patronage uixm thu good
aenso aud enlightened Judgtuent of the pub
u tlio siilxinlmato ollices nt tlio present
time, llliss D. Itickoy and Hudd Hell, of
Satem, are prominent candidates for the po
sition of Turnkey under thu new regime.
1). I'. Harding, Knp, has already assumed
the duties of Circuit Judge of the Third
Judicial District. T. J. Stiles has-been ap
pointed Private Secretary to Cuvcruur
i:. P. Ilea Id,
II. M.Htearus,
W. H. II. Valentine,
Mrs.O. Woodbury,
Mrs. A. M. Hatch,
A. P. UuHlel,
(J, F, Morel,
F. U. Wordbury,
A. it, C'spp,
T. R. Southern,
Mm. W.J. Hamilton,
F, Seresnf,
Ueo, Jt-bt-us,
A, Yandemalllen,
.in allrmpl luMrll llrltl.liNnltJrclinsKlnvrs
H.vvvna, Oct. 31, The report of the sell
iugof coolies, broughtby Dr.Sccchifrom Trini
dad, is contiruic.l with thu addition that
Siechi had engaged to bring from Trinidad
and Dcmcrera 1,000 coolies a year, they be
ing contracted for live veils ut one shitinc it .
day, and that of forty coolies whom Jecchi i U"
had already brought, he had sold three at n'i.
Sautia-.M do Cuba for $M each. Tlio fraud r .
in contracts which weru made out in Kn
lull and .Spanish, consisted in the KnjlMli
not Wing a translation of tho Spanish, as
thu latter gtvo full power of transfer whilst
the former did not mention this condition.
Sinio of tlio contracts were for one year ami
signed by coolies who can not read. Tne
remainder weru fur live jears and signed
with their marks by those who could nut
ru.ul or did nut understand the contracts,
nun alter coiisnieraiilu trouble ami rc.i.tance The admission of pupils ol loth exts and
on the rt of hecchi who brought an action ofiiny e, bo that young boy aro rendered
against the ctKilies for a breach of contract more manly by tho amclaltou olsho pupila
and n criimuul action against the consul of an older axe.
himself, the latter succvciled in shipping In having the largest and best ventilated
thu coolies back to Trinidad. Seme mis. and nrrnugedSchool-roomo. mid tho largest
understandiUp. was reported to have arbuu varly attendance of any Husluiss Tralulng
between tlio ltriHli .iibii1 -.,,,1 (I,.. ,.,..... School In AllleriM.
ment here, and it via reported that the lat- The limuedlata notlflc3tion rf parents In
ter had threatened to withdraw the consul's PVB ea,:e.,nt auy, v"' "'V? ",e I"iln
eveouatur. The au.lacitv of the uh.,l " "F' "" ui ' t""Ke
Tho attention to gentlemanly maimers anil
correct business Imblts, and Ibn tset that the
Huslnoss Education Is not contlnul to Hook
kenplng, Penmansliip and Arnliliiellc, but
ImnurtH such broad culture as tho Units now
demand for a high position In thu Mercautilo
b eilllilovniont of rnlr Urst-rUvH Tench-
ers In every Department, and In kKtlleient
numbers kt an tu ulvo rertobil attt-mioii to
ovury pupil.
Its complete system of
by which pupils aro titled to eninr the Count
lug'IIousti directly from the Set- ol.
The high uamling of Its Oraili.att-M In the
Iliislneks Community,
Thu Pains takf-n to soeur positions for
Graduutoi In good Ituslnetcs EsthtilUhiuentH.
schemo will bo appreciated when the fact is
known that these coolies were, without ex
ceptiun, Hntish subjects.
Wheat, "H cents.
Horn, to the wife of Mr. W, O, Cressy, on
the SMli ult., a son
Improvoment aro still tho onlerof the
day. Nearly all the new houses are in a
finishing stage.
Thejoungmen and ladies ot this place
hare made the church a preseut of a tine
civauddisr, worth about 315.
Now watchmskor in town.
Dullest week of the year.
The Good Templars have rented the upper
story of Mr. Stoper's uew store, where they
will meet every jjaturuay night.
aud deportment of their tons.
The Fact that esch pupil bf-muies an ele
' gain Iliislnes Penman before Ornluallug,
Its itepartuienuof Modern I.sntiuges and
Drrtwlpg.ln which each pupil csu receive
1 Instructions free of charge.
Its complete Department of T-legrpby,
In which students are fitted to euur at onca
upon their dutlea aa Operators,
noeanoi issue i.uo scuoisisnips, umgivea
thorough Instruction at reasonable rates.
Invltea examination from all Interested.
The "Collego Journal," Riving full partic
ulars regarding course of Instruction, terms,
e'o., may be had at the Ottlce of tbe College,
St Post street, or by addressing
President Duslneas ColIrze.San Franclaco.
a. T. H lantKa. . a. STiirroK,
Attorneys at Law.
.Cfflcs oo SUU Stnst, opposlM UcBauttUBotM
fJ-HJt- Vis--'
- V