Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 08, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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t " fl
Railroad Nursery.
T4KW n.r.A.uiu: iMiNronMiNdinscfs-rovt
en that lie lai u lirtfu ntuck of
on h-nd for thl Winter's li-idc, ITS, conibtini; tf
Apple, Pear, Peach,
And a. Urge quantity of RllltUUtlUUV.
A fe thousand tret o( Uie new
SZXjNTXiri. XXl.XT3Nra3.
T HEAD hat the Lnt Judge of Prult my about the
eUttr Prune:
Sauj, Octolwr Hth, lriS. )
We, the undrniurned, hereby testify that o hve es
nmlned Uit fruit u the HUver Pruna In a irreen state;
also, dried by the Pluraincr procii. Wc have aim e
amlncd thoroughly the Cue's Ooldt-n Drop 1'lura, and e
find Ih Hllrer Prun fu superior to It In every respect,
uij entirely a new variety; and we recommend It to the
fruit grower of Oregon ua superior prune, liotii In a
green and ilry state. Al.f llr.l) 11. COJ.LVK1I,
JUnJiMJ, Coos count; , On-iron.
Fruit Ilrjer.
a. r. nmiKHTso.v,
WluaUand, Yamhill county, Oju.
rrofewfonal Pruner and Onlurdlst, (oltin, Ogn.
XiTSend for Catalogue and Price Mut'lis
Pruiili'tj of Itallroail Nursery, Pvt Portland, Orn.
nov 1-tf
Short Horns,
Uietiry tioit,eerbmt or imported; all iruimn
lee-mo-tof Uie entire Importation lllte-a-inncrs In Cul
IforoU and Orrcoti at Uit recent Pal re.
Cull, and fnut your ec, use. your Judgment, and buy
at reasonable price. At Iwier IJrery hLible, hALKM,
Oct. So, IMS,
Must bo Sold within 30 days.
Kalrm Oct. to, mlpd.
To the Wool - Growers
And llio adjoining Territories.
tcnt In the Improvement ol your sheep, and a 1
have been In tlut Luim-. for the uit tutnty yows, bit-1
Ave fur Nile
op tiik vkuv vnrr impkovi:i iikkkd op tiiop.
French, and Spanish, and High firades,
Imported Ipti this Mate by J 1), luttcrson and J. ltd
art, ef the fuiiout French Land of Ml. lllioow, el Cul.
UomlA, uli.ch I wuikollatprlaoito suit tlui limes, at, I
lor leu tl-ui lU-ep cf lit nine quality and value om
u!bly l-o Impc-ricd Into thU hoito. Yoi ran too uy
!tp on luy furoi four ralle toulli of DalUt.
I will tako tlia h.p I acll to the rrc4t ivlut cf W"
Dtentfrioof iliutf.
octlli. 1 b:Uf, lVU n., lirtjOD.
A1J Mannficturcre auj Dealer! In
Sash, Doors, Minds, Moulding.', Etc.
AlfO tntko ft eni-cUlly of
IV. V. nOOTIIHV, Architect.
All Order from tlia Country prunplly filled.
Corner Tront and gtato Stroots,
prtC tl
P- A. ltrcD. Noury lnlhe.
T. II. Cox.
Real Estate and Insurance
Iionii3 nogotiatod on Pavorablo
Guy and 3oll Gold and silver, State, Ccunty.
Wj Ci'jf WtirrafltJ.
Ar.CClt Jr ntlfi' llrn Ilooar,
,W(XUe, c tVo o:Er of Iltio'b Ofcia ee.
,i I.ILFU. Oft Mrl
Perm I ih to JlBrbln'e BIocV. h Jmt orened Irfrc
&nt) cumvletu block ol
Carpels, Oilcloths, Mailings,
Houbo - FurniBhing GoodB.
Next to Dilrymplo t Brown,
wlllCU lVrtl. BE (OLD IT
Lowest Cash Rates!
Van no more 7IKTAI.
.TK jSHsi. o room fuCirlrt
jrromlnn n pp riieei epn gri
'I'Urcp'e I'alrut lasuctlc
i:iullc Tru
la worn with anj c nfort
K - .xJa
t. 1 MOHT aril I AY. auu wi.i p
form radical cure, when all there ' 1. p.bacr, i
Tulanj try on oel jmi wl'lrrrrirn It S n
far iSiiiltWd Uook IM Price I lt MAtiM.Tl'
L'U.taT10 TkUM OciMPANY. (108 cri' . -lo
hlfJlACJCX OiL. VT tt by B ail !
twu efts u.lm c -'
To tho Patrons of Oregon, Washington,
and Idaho.
Dram HiiETiiKEHt In a few tlnyi I txpect to
aUrt Vast to Attend tho iiuttng of tho National
Otnngc, oiul proixjoc to l absrnt from tto
juriiwlictiou nliuut ten ncck. Quwtions of
law cr usage nring during my i.ntonco rany lo
refenod to toy dcutioj In the ditrctcnt cottii
tloaj or, in ca) thetr id no deputy in tho conn
ty, to tho Worthy Ovcrmer of tho SUU
CraitKP, Hro. 1). y. II. IJulck. X!rtlo Ciwl..
Utuglw county, Onjuii.
I U-r to cnll tho nttuntion of all mcmlx in of
tho Order to n resolution of tho hurt Stito
flr.tngo endorsing tho Wir.LAMJ.-nB 1'AnitEJi,
making it tho organ of our Order fjid calling
uiion I'atroim to give it a hearty and unittil
HupjKirt. Iiretlircn, wo need n jiapcr devoted
to tho intcicjita of tho fanner. ltMhouldat
once furnish us an account of tho current
events of Importance, the rtatc of tho crops,
markets, A.c, give us n, medium through which
to exchange our ideas nnd experienced, and
fumUh our families a weekly rejiatt of such
pure and uholcsomo mitcellancouR literature as
Is hunt nuitc'd to their wonts. Such a paiKT re
quires a largo outlay of means, labor, and
talent, and cannot bo furnished us without
adecitiato support. Let mc urgu you, therefore,
togioour own patter a cordial support; sub
itcrilw for it, writo for it, work for it, so that
we may have n fanoir's paper worthy of the
name and second to none.
Fraternally yours,
A. It. SnrPLET,
Master Oregon Stato Orange.
(fjasigo, Sept. 25, 1878.
State Grange DepatiM for 1878
II una Co. -TliomM Hialth, Haiti CUT.
Itrjrto"! A. Holder, ComdMa.
iVu-kajcaji-C. N. Wait, CWtly.
Cutwir -W. II. (Iray, Younc'a llleef.
I KiOiUii U. H. U. iiidii, M j rtie Cn It.
Jckii -J. N, T. KlUcr, JckioDUle,
JimillKa -JotM-ph I'oll'rk, Utand.
I .vH How Kiwi, Cruwill; Allen Hood, Kocene
fit. k
Uuot J. W. UaJiiUcr, IlBtUiUe; W. M. IllU.u-y,
Turin r.
.Mi'U0Vlil-l1yuiptoa KiUy and Ja.i4i Jutiiwon, P.ttt
TiU.moo- J. C. IWwIry, TUhtLOok.
Onios Jolin CtcUhU.li, Union.
Wco -John Ku J, Typh Valley.
WAiiiiirvi J. A. iUUurdwn, TucUln; J. W. t-an-plnirton,
YAMItlu. U. It. laiihlirl, North YamldU.
WAJtiiikuTON Tiaairoar.
tlrvrtt -Thoinu Thrown, Da) ton.
t'um DitiidriLuLp, Vancomer.
(Viouts John K. H.itrUi, I'tkln.
Waim Wmj. W. II. "nwiuM, WidU WalU.
H iiiimam WlllUm Mnj, Palouwi City,
PiOrorui In Uom- tuntlee In hHi no Deputlre ItAre
in aipolntel wouW much oltlkni luo by dmuVtiaUni;
l:itln .ultAl.W to act hi tint rapully.
A. It. hiurur, MaalerOr. bt. CraBi.
MivUr JohnT. .Topee, Ilirton, l'hllllpn. Allc.
Unrrmri.J, Woodman, Pit? Paw, Van Hurra,
Uttunr. II Hmedley. Cree to, Howard, la.
We-iftinf A, J, Vaughn, MetnphU.Trno.
Au't Uttwant-iloiilwer Whitehead, Middlebub,
Mtmerect. N.J.
t najitaln-H. II Kllla. Hp'lotlrfirouKb. Warreiu O.
7Vioiirrr V. M. McDowell, Wayne, Htctitxm.N, Y,
."iCTWtiry-O. II, Ktlley. Uulitvlilr. Ky.
)aU-Jrir-i), Dlnwfddlc, Orchard (Inive, Ind.
(Vnn-Mc. JohnT. .Ioue. II irlon, Phillip.. Ark.
7ora-Mr. rtamuel K, Adams. MontlerlK UUm.
lmtovi Mrs Harvey Ooddard, North Urtuby. Ct.
t.i'ly AuUUint oYeuMrif-MIr Cnrollno A. Hull,
Lo.iUvUlv, Ky
mici'TivK coumtTitr.
I). Wyatt Mken, (Chairman.) Ckeibury, H. C.
K II. Hltaiik .ind. llillaiuu Inwa.
Dnillcy T. CIumo, CUmnmnt N. II,
Alonro (J ddrr. I lock Fall. WUt-.ttV. HI.
W. II. Chambers, oTrtclu. ltucxll. AU,
Announcement for iho Tall 'lYado
t'lto.M s. riiiumi.tA'.
All ptrsous aro Invitd to coma and uu what
ilegunt DltKSH GOODS I hell for one bit a
yard, Cumo and hoo my SO-cvnt UHOJS
(XX)18, my bit n yard WOHSTKD CHKCKS,
nnilinyfino H-4 IIMCK CAKIMKIIUS for
lulie. my KANOV KlttUKKD (1001)3 at ono
bit ft yard in asnorte.1 rolomj my $2 CO 1ILACK
1IKAVKK, my 10-ceiit U.NSKV; my beautiful
rwMirtmunt of HHAWLS; Uio chuittott l.uiicw
iui.lg.JitV UNUKUWIUH cer brought to
Sak'ini my lino lino cf HATS and CAI'8,
liOOTS and KHOKH. Conio o ray fino SASH
ItlllllON.S, .ITJocnUtayardimy OH03 (1RAIN
lEJUl'tONS at from 6 cenU to CO ctuUayard,
li.MllltOIDKUIK.M, all hnnd-mado, froi.i C
cent a yard up. In LACK.-) I htvo a lino ft
Hjrtinoiit. It will jvty you to buy KANllKKU
CHIKKSwuITOWKLS of mo by tho dor-o.
In 'I'AIILH UNKNS I defy cotBisjtitlon.
1 hva Oil. CL0T1I.S einl CAKl'tfrN; u mo
Lx.k ct my flno TS 0 I'l.V CARl'KTS at ?! a
yarJ, my cxtro UllliJWKLS CAM'UIO at (1 a
I havo a Giw lot of UJio'it CLOAKS, chocj.j
ulw VKLVi-rt ascl VJ:LVKTINKS andnU
good lino of Kill (JIjOVKS, and IIEHL1N
UUJVES. Oot jtsir W00I.KN YAHNS Mt4
HNHTINO OOTTOK of iiw. ilino i the
ehoapoat rl'.so to buy KNICKKNACKS,
IX Iluyyour KAOl.K i'lNHof I'ltlKDMAN.
All you Binokere, if yo j w ant god TOHACCO,
CKSA11S or I'll'KS, (f ntlKDMANV.
Uf utlemen, your head -covering mti.t como from
KIUKDMAX1, fw ha ha tho U.t t:k of
hat in tho city; your underataiidini: houll Ira
jrrt of him for hi ktock hoA all, from tine
Ol'KHA HOOTS to a iir of 1IAHY SFIOKa.
I havo now a ktxk of CLOTHINO ior largo
poroiH m ncll ut Bmall, in C.VSIMKHK,
It juya you to buy &11 kmd.1 of .HIIIKT.S of
SHIHTS at from 00 conta to ?-.' JJ5 apiece, and
an excellent oMortmont of cwsimeru ithirti.
I Uk to do, out u lot of WINDOW CUR
TAINS, TASfiKLa nnd CORD vry ohip.
It will pay yeu to tune prepare! to Ixty, ut I
am a rtow lok-kefer, and it m oJi I want
tor my goi4ii.
fM'StaM the abort, wt writtexi, toy bit
oU have all bexi aoltl.
Every tiling In obr conntry now i c
Rents cnrournrmR prospot'tH. When Is
now nt n living rnte, nnd proppects In 10
old world liullcnto that there will b u
heavy tlemmut on American prodtu n
forevery thing neccwary for men to it
umi wenr In most of IhoeoBectlotiM wli ro
wnra nnd minora of warn now prodoi l
tiiite. Our own belowtl Oregon 1 is
p'iK.seil it healthy penon; no pi'itlle 'o
upon iw. lVrMim frnin abroad tuo Hi 1
IngouttliHt wo liuve tho host conn y
here, tlmt.'tht'ru U In North Amer'.J,
nntl they nro nrrlvlng noimtntitly het,
mill nro looklngntit for honu-. Altlioudi
tho rahiN during tho Into Htuto Fair dl
conrnged n, great many people, yet in .
it drop of too much rain fell. Never tli 1
full grain look belter hero than nt pre
cut. Tho pastures nro green and good
and tho country lookH liko April. Tli
farmer are plowing up their lands for
Kprlngcrop, nnd many Hwallg nro bowi
to timothy. Hundred of acres nro bolni
clenrtl up of grubs, and a great ileal o
land Is being broken up for spring grain
Truly wo uro In n goodly land.
Tho Achievements of Stanley.
Tho now book entitled tho "Achieve
ments of Stanley nnd Other African Ex
plorers." comprising nil tho Into nnd
renlly great achlevmcnts won in tho ex
plorntlonsof thevtutt unknown region of
equatorlnl Africa; chief among which
nro tho finding of tho lost Livingstone
by Stanley; tlia exploration of tho great
lakes, tho wonderful experiences of Sir
Samuel w. Maker In his recent Central
Ijiko iteglon, by way of the Mile; and
tho crowning triumph of all, wou by the
daring nnd Intrepid Stanley in facing a
thousand perils, and by great heroism In
forcing his way 2,500 mllcsdown tho dark
river Congo nnd orovlnir Livingstone's
Lunlaba the headwaters of tho mighty
Congo. In order to know nil of thoexpo"
rienccs of illfl'uront trnvclcrs In their
travels through Afileu, nnd what has
been accomplished, It Is not necessary to
buy thodlllereiit books published by dif
ferent nuthnrs, but by purchasing this
work olio can, at n moderate expense, nc
quaint himself wllh the whole history
and linblts of tho Inhabitants of that
continent. Tho whole having been en re
fully prepared by Hon. J. T. Hcadley,
and richly Illustrated. Fold only by sub
Ncrlptlon. Is. Urownson, of Turner, is
agent, nnd will cuuvnss Marion county,
Cllve him your name, or uddress hlni nt
During last year tho number of strikes
in the United Kingdom of England,
Scotland nnd Ireland, ot sulllclcnt Im
portance to bo classed Independently, ux
ceed 00. More than 0,000 days of skilled
labor were lot which at alow estimate
Ixcciualtn 1,000,000 sterling In wages,
but counting derangement of buslucrs,
tho ctleutoti trade, tho excesses, and oth
er ovll results duo to Idleness and III feel
ing, more than '-',000,000,000 In nntuul
losi may bo charged tostrlkes during the
yotr 1677.
Tho Sidney eoplo begin to fenr that
they noted very precipitately In announc
ing nn Exhibition for 1870. Ills proposed
to hold an International Industrial Ex
hibition in Glasgow In 1S&0, tho matter
being In tho hands of it number of lnllr
ontlal citizens headed by tho Lord Pro
Tho largest Hour mill In tho world Is
now, according to an American pajicr,
being built at Niagara Kails. Itseopue-
Ity will be about 1,200 barrels a day. The
structure 1h placed on tho hydraulic canal
which has u crpcndicular fall of about
100 feet.
A Japanese paper states thcro aro al
ready thirty-eight banks In tho country,
nntl that sixty-four others aro being
established, whileothcrnnaucccompii'.iltiri
aro applicants for ofllelal license.
Zlailrcad Meeting To-Morrovsr Nl.ht.
Tho railroad meeting at tho Opera IIouco to
morrow night, uill occupy a placu ou tin pncs
ol t'u!cm' history, and by tho action Ukcn nt
that time Salem thro.ish herhuiinetvi i.ion, will
tay whether tho State ('apitil chall ha a thriv
ing, growin, huiinesi city, controlling tho
businevi of tho ntott pro.luctlvo iurt of tho
Will irrK-Uo valley, or merely a liltlo country
tuttn, tho onuoty r.-;t ot Marion coun
ty, where) tho State Uouno 1io;j;);ihhI to Lo tit
tuted. Vt'o tliiuk that tho Itading inonof
(kt'.ou havo too much pride to tllow tho lattor
to Ix. tho CJio. Kvgry thins koald li mupeu Jed
for tbi ono oTsoiuf,', utl ynuiigand ohl bu .u
attiatlanco at ihi moctiu and let it hekvra'd
od over tho wiro.j before thoeloMof themii.t-
in that t!iu St'.'jui Qui 1-ilvcrton railroad will
without doubt lo bt-ilt. 'J'hUwill in thoouur.o
of a few j caw leal to tho building of thubn Igu
aura. tho river when ooau oonnKt with tho
IhvlU road, thus giv'D8 ni au outlet in four
directions, bnngiug buslncs and cntcrpriao to
Salem that uould never couu here ithuut
those advantages.
Prof, rimnmcr yi-aterday appointed J. J.
Cooper ol this city hi agent to i.ll, in this val
loy, his celebrated frt.it drier. Wo think this
it a good appoiatment, as Mr. Couior u well
known all through tLo alloy.
Tho editor of the W.illa Walla HUtctmaa
hii onlcreil a tnrglar proof rofe and tho news.
reaper fraternity ar wondering v. hat he ia .
tug to do with it. Noiucnac that plain Botijh
ha intends to hkla in it vban tim las ftaa
come round, and have ',h "dovil" lwut h'a
"oat eoUoetinj;."
Orcrf.AQQOOOoanscf torn are) prick! ,
BJly In Maine, giving wnjloymwjt to 10340
rtOM 4riu tea packrair swM, Tho.r'
A Terrlblo Shipwreck.
lVi'ton, October St. Aiming the csscls
n recked in tho storm of tho l'Jth Inst., was the
schooner KttnT. Stiiuson, which went to pieces
on tho dread Nantucket shoals. Tho mate,
Mr. Charles Kilcen, alono turrivid, stid the
following story Is from hh own llpst At eight
P, M tho vessel, having struck and rolled over,
tho second sea which swept over us tarried two
men aw av. Tho rest hung on until about live
o'clock in tho morning when they began to p.
Tho man on my right became a raving ti.rtiii.te
and Bonn aitcoumboilj the ret fellowd soon
after, leaving Captain Hurt and wf.. and ii
rolf still clinging. Tho sea was washing over
us to the height of tutor llfteen feet continually,
and as it iK.lied agiinst us, it seemed as thouch
it would dash us to puiees. ICnrly on Sunday
morning wo saw tho steamers Marthas ino-
jard and Dexter como out, but when wo per
ceived wc were nut to be rescued by tho steam
ers, Mrs. Hart becamo dlscouravod, and soon
after gavo up, slipping from our grasp about 'J
r. ., at which time she was about drawing
her lost breath.
Tho sea was washing by us at tho time
waist deep. The loss of his wife completely
unnerved Captain Hart, who turned to mo and
shook my hand, saying, after 1 had tried to
contolo hlmand gethiut to holdon lunger, "I
can't do it; you may; you're a tough man, I
tlont caro now whether I live or die." Ho gave
mo his ring and soma money, w ith tho reipicst
that if I was saved I wnuldseiiditto his parents,
and then handed mo his watch asking mo to
keep it as a ruotnento. At 0 P. M. ou Sunday
evening he was wandering in his mind, and I
was obliged to task him to keep hint from go
lug overboard. About" o'clock on Monday
morning ho died, with his head resting on my
knee. My feeling throughout all this trying or
deal were far from pleasant, but something
seemed to Impreiutmu that I was to bo saved,
and throughout I did nut dlspair in thu least.
My signal was seen by n party in a boat from
Ddgartowu, and I was taken ofT.
Tlia bott was too small to tako tho Captain's
body, but we returned in a whale boat and took
it from tho vessel, I was transferred to tho
Ittver Queen, and arrived homo on Monday,
Tho many little events of my cxpcrlcnco aro
too numerous to mention in detail, nnd the
state of my mind during tho whole timo I can
not find words to express. I was badly bruis
ed about tho arms by tho straps about them,
aivl foci as if I was raw internally. It is iin
powibld as yot fur ma to cat or drink without
A tarmor Hues a Younc Man for Klro oto,
WhJlo CourtloR.
A suit that is Itound to creato conslilerabbi
nnsatiou, whatever tho dual verdict may Ik,
has lieen commenced In tho town of Olive, tho
partiestto the action being Henry IasIip.', a
prominent farmer, who during the summer sea
son has a number of hoarder at his place, nnd
a yttting man named William James Davis.
tlriti)! tho pavtyearaglrl named Kuunallush
his liccu in tho employ of Laalirr as maiJol-all.
work, and as is generally tho rase in country
villages, had her "stoody cuinpviy," wh'oh. in
tld i iimtaiioo was tho young man aforesaid,
livening nftor evening ho cimo to while away
tho hoiin with his adored one, littlo thinking
of tho fato i t store for hlin. Time pvstcd by
with littlo or nothing said aitout the wooing
until recently, when fur soma e.iuso tiukiioun,
Lavhvr brought suit ngaiiut D.tvi, i IjiuilngfUO
for fir.- hhtand usu of hii room while cnaed
in courting H:nm.i Until. IVtvi immudtatly
procured tho sorvice of D. C. Orilfni, a lawyer
at West Hualcy, to attend to hi cava which U
set down for ttial at thu hotel of buvi Cudney,
In tho town ot Ollvo, beforuJustieoJ. Mathew,
on Woduietlay next. Mr. Iashur has procur
er! thourvico of onaof the (Irniof NuhrKtfaml
lltshde, atUirney anil ceniuulora nt law of
New York, who hi .Summering at Ohvo. Tho
trial promise tu bo on amusing one,and thu do
clslon 1 looked forward to vtith consLierablo
To make this more remarkable, another unit
ho been brought, in which thoplaintuTi Km
ma Hush, abovu mentioned, and tho defendant
tho pUIutiu aforosaid. ThU suit i brought for
wages. Tho plalntiir, who as stated abovu hut
been in tho employ of Ijuhcr for altout n yivir,
on Huinl.'iy evi niug about threo weeks a;;o wc nt
to church and on returning fouud thu house
closed against her. Slionipjs.il ami ha-nmen-d
for .vhnittinre, but to nu purmsi.', and was
obliged to s'ii:l the inhtin an out house'. In
tho i.'ioniiug sho dumaiidol tho nmnoy duo her,
stating hsr intention to loavc, which was rufut-
od, l.euexi fin suit. 'Iho attorneys, were tho
came m nlovo, end triala sot down for tho
aamudaya.- -Kingston (N. V ) I'rccman.
Casf-ol Wxte to fiouk30nt.
t'ingcjr.Markj. -Kor washing flngrr inarba
from Jookiuj-gl-uaea or wind.ms. put a faw
ilropa of auiouii on a moist rag and siaka abort
work of it.
To T.tL-.SUlnsOutof S1iito Oootli. -Oao
tsasjioonlul of ohlondj of limn in about threo i
cputrts of water will tike any kind of btaln nut
of white good) put the )rt with tho ttain no
it in tho water, and Ht it rum.iui until out. it
will not injure tho cloth if prepare) in this
way; only pcU on whito good wia bo tiken
out thus.
Itemovlug Ink HtH. Apply spirit of tur
pentine madu into a solution with llvu time
its weight of vaterj then wash It off ma tnin
ntu or two with clear water. A solution of
eltric acid or oinlio mhI will omwtr thu i
satr.u iiiiriso, and neithc rof them will efface thu i
printing, lt thty will tot tho pair if j.ot '
waehd inj.uro water. !
(lovernmcut' Whitewash.--?l.iik Inlf a'
bushel of limu with boiling water, Loipln,' it
ooverfcd during tho process; ctn.ui it and aId a
a reel, of salt dieiolvecl in u-'.riii wt.ter, tt.reo
pouula of rim bcibsl until it is a thin U,
half a pouud of tjoaniah rvhttiu and a toundof
oiear r;!u ciiolvuliu warm water. Mix the
wtil to .sUlvf ocii It t stau 1 several days.
A ap who waHtoUl b.elarrvnian to "te-
HM'sUr Ijjv'i v. ,f -," rttliul Urn b hu Ire ub-
HApvich with t.itoMo, without rcwairU-iM
Offer for Sale at tho Lowest Possible PricoB.
M Consifltinr; in part of
LOWS HMOWS S. Seeders.
Wc have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save such
as arc really the "ntplus ultra" of their class, believing the best are not only the
cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be fur
nished on application, and wc sell no goods that wc arc afraid to guarantee. We
would call especial attention to the
Deere Sulky Flow,
Ouer 1,000 Sold In Oregon and,.
W. T. In tho last 3 years. v
The peculiar arrangement 01 uiie uittmcu
Implement need only to be seen to be rir
elated. Aik your neighbor what he thinks
Th peculiar arrangement ot thl unrlr-Jr-l
about It. No complication ot levers. A boy
can manar It, ana uo Deucr wortc man a man
with i
. an.l ttcd the nuantltv
per day. Wo have jvald ccelAi regaru lo in
Improrenicnt ol our Implements and two only
Import such as havo the very latest Improve-
Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders. Deere' s Sod Plows
&Colia Q&4g 3P1qvt, J3mo1c7 ad .Drill,,
Form, Grist and Food Mills, "Wood-worklng Maohinory; Bolting,
Schutiler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
With tho New TRULIXNGER Pat. BRAKE, tho Latest davlcel No Brisks
Bar used! No shoes to waor ont tlrot, will bold n. wnrjon anywltero firom
bavoklBa or Rolnic forward. Wo ra also Solo Auanta for
Too well known to need commout. Saul 'or Circular ami l'rlec LMf.
( iiAii'Lur, noni) it! ca
Dr. Mlnllo's Vegetable Xrphrctlrum.
NOI Illslnttt'idedrir Dlseasisnr Ihu ICItlne)'
and llladilrr This ureal Tenia supplier
want lone Ml by certain da. nf sufferers, and Is
takings hUh rsnlc kdidhk remedial sir nt- In this
enuntry. First llrcaueoll l irtldo Ml'rXMI.LY fur
Kltlitey and lllnddrr cnr.plalnl., the illnVrrnt
lunriHlii-nts nf wiilt h it Is rtiruposed actlnit riiiiVilnt
ly upuu ibsrnurcuUrsnit tnuc4iti cuts of tin o or
irans Second. Ill comltluatlnn I tlu rr.nlt of
UtKo eijicilinco i ilcjin.ru study, ltl of the or
cans and their tllnn.es. Third. Thu best inslerlal
(Hhletisro purely vejt'tsbW) am selrctt-d Mid t
in It mtnti'sciuru, lo scute lnllsinnistlon of tin"
Kldueys or lllaider, pain aifl Itttsvlnes. In I lie bark
and bilns. wllh (Ini.lnf snl UtVne of Ismrnor.
tho Mrphretli'lini will vivo linmdlatn rullif, and
a free use perit-ct rnro, by strictly follow lu,x uliur.
tions. Price. fl.25.
Dr. ffllntlo's lEnsllsli Hunlellon I'llls.
tio riiKr criiK uvKiirriiMur
No-They srslu'eiuliit Mr aires.. IIiul m-ult from
.M'lnrlal Polsuu and s DrMiu-eil Liter.
Symptom uf a tlUorilereil liter Dull pain In the
sbldS'id shtmltkr'. less nf anpo lie, rnatiil tolii'im.
ro.ltvu himels. sick ltclnehr. tin lmrs. wt-lcht
Inthuslnmach.o ti-narilin.-Kith srltllly tntl tioiclt
Ingupof wind, kivplrl's. .t nfinir.-y, unnielo
hllltr, nr.il ftreli.Kiui;4tf ivll
tlcliy Isilshirermi
.Munvof IhnliAdliii; Cltlrensnf I'oit.nnl, frniafX
l-crl'lice will vturh n. in ,hi sopfilir vlrlnn aim
va'noiiitht'Siiiw fi-(lllli'. I'lco. '.'5 ceuu pcrLui
To be nhulce'l f all iliuiut't.
To Whom it may Concern.
Thee iii to ceitify thu I havo Uvu MlVetid
for tho lait llnvtt yuan with el ironic inllamina
tion of tho blvlik rand torpid liver. Having
siMittnrmall fortuuo with thu 1o.t medu-sl
tideiit I citdd obtain nt Man Krwnchwu .ut.1 vi.it
ii Iho vanuiisitpringc in (ithlnrnhi, hojiin tu
liml relief. Having found mmo 1 g.ivo up all
hovi of lining cureil nnd dropicd all iiitliciiuw
ami doctors. While nwling ono nf tho daily
paium 1 mw an .'ulvertis,ment of il iiiihIiciiih
called Nvphretioum, a pit t.imtinn j.ivpiutl by
Dr. Mintio.t Va of Hun I'ram tco. i was
iHTsiiadod by my wild to try it, and I went ami
itoiight n Initio. Having t'ikeii tint ono Istttln
I founit much relief, nil jt'ilnn euwitijr n't'l fud
iug much butter 1 took two morn l' 'I - unl I
am i.ow perfectly iveiorxd to bu.iltn umi
stioiigth, tliauk Oial, for tho MiK-rinr skill of
Dr .Mintlo tV (Ni. Any ono who nuy doubt
this statement cm oil I to my lotideiico and
sea mo,
J. K. MiKtm:, li!7 Fifth fitiwt,
l'ortlaiitl, Otogoa.
S.ptembcrll, 1 87S. '
Pit. A. K. Mimtiii A; Ott. -Oent'i I volun
teer to Kty your ljzli!i Dandelion J'ltl.s trials
and oven Mirirnn nil you cJaiai "f rum my nx-
i.. ...... a.. I.. '. I . ' I'ln.u IIimv lin.l Iin
V , ("-T-- ' I . ... ,-,(V 1 .l,H
have no
l-.ll .1 I . " I
1 IJver trcmbin.
j. A. Stiwwbiiiwjk.
l-'.:r r, (either MorcbAot.
Portlat.! . .:. '7, W.
rt o wh it ti . t '. rtirtli.-nl an-1 Pea
Krme a i it v . ' .;'", V '.. i Mu .lirticuia
and (vi;;lia UaauV Isuit i'du.
tVu h vj uohl a Uro amount of Dr. Miuttu'a
mo Hi nuai 'I lis Rn;'lih Dw Iclioo i'llht, aluo
thu unicul Ntjtlirotlcum au4 in all otwoj logrtiy
rucxuioot titled!
John A. Cliilia, Draggui, Messootl aCreel,
('. II. Wuidwapl A. Vj., DruiK!t, conwr
Vint a n! Abb r tr t, I'orthu !.
M,-h.h. "I . n.ti'arr.11, U I' ' !' l'i-!'-ti
1 1, S . ' "itf- tu i- i , t '
W. . d Utf ' ,' ' -' ' ih I- t Kit-
II y M I 1.1 i . " . 'y I I l'1'll- .VI.
..ti , , I it..
Dr. l it l (- r ..'! ( ..r ... lilK1
r-fn-ctal I't.u ji'.. vi'Ki sr i -J l.,.'i N vji -J
htreet Cor Mornnou i'ciiiruVNii (Intuit-.
lcrsllkllvl.tr l.uiieu
III iLU hill II Sri I J A V
m, I "--lis, M.rl;ie,'ttl
ll'injit. i.lr . siil a ifi
iritK lor i i it., in-Un-, iltuuiy ul Ji
KiiiiriB,orfr llV'k anlJeliPunilii, iimIU
InuiiK l.mW.,c.rniliii I" On ITiin ni"
Hit... tin llr.a. .-nt (i. L II 14 A! SL FT
I ri-Lli( IVtutily itl jii.t'e'kf
IMIt.llll'l PU-VIII IK". '1
l7t,.t. 1'rlo.u I IL.Ll.lt.iL .
J4WU .. I v.. .-.. .-.,
ST JratA .-...I W.l.u. II. ,(lk
I.IU'UOVI'.O TllllltlM t.lltEICI.I)
-i ltoj 'et 6tie t -1 pli-n. t-'-.'u I ill ft
f U IK ji" ..l I've v.l" ny ' 'I. ' ' !
wk sm
eli'Xi-. toll UA.U5, 0.tw't '
k3 J'- Y i-msiT (Jl
I ill-tUliil i 1 bVULiMPrr ii -it - , .
-esWpia J:y. 'VBw5eJw5it
larllcuUrlse, shU rail attention to tho .oilovdmr IMl
Randall's Role Culler Harrow.
wagons, m wkA Roller Bute,
Kvanitollcnl Bunclny tloliool Concert l.a
Sundny Hvcnlnr.
Tin llvatigi'linilt'luirch last Sunday ivinliig
was tilled to its utmmt eataclty, thu ee-'Aslun
bi-in thu iiti.l.. lu-liitol eniinrt. Cio Jim.
grniiiinr v.a-1 i iitid hi follows.
'1 lti ii'uiug son fullowiil by pruyi r by tho
i.uitiir,altur wldchthu set out sang niiotlicrr.oiig.
Hugh Harrisnn la a plotsant address, gavo a
word of wi'lcoiiin and opened tho widii Held of
ufiiliirs iii wbleh thu .Sunday school I nj cr
ating. Master Henry Iliir in a few words of
wisdom, surfeited that all should listen cheer
ily and with cumKstiro to tho exercises.
Mi Kuiui.'t llirlnger in a most graceful mid
delightful way gave- a itihi and recitation, whiWi
was well received. ,
A chin fcrcio by twelve girls, eousUtiugof
using illustrated With scriptuw verse nnd
ipiestiuns, wnseielilly pirfurnicil.
The piiiicinl feature of thu nutcrlnlument
wa.i a runcert rcrlptiiru recitation on hc.ivtn, In
four prt.t, Int-npcriol with nppniprlnta solor,
duetto, choruse mnl i'unj(. Thu entire ox.
ereliti was very intsnsitini;.
Miex Oratio Merluer nnd iiniina Crawford
gavo recitations.
IVunlcio Diirbui r.ui "I'vo Oathero.1 them
in "
Misc4 I.ydu llelty find Mlniitu l'r!ekic,Miig
a duett, "Near tho Cra," t.hlj!i pnidued a
pleavnnt cirict.
Tlipcvenlnjr ixorciutt i,'niod muo'ithly ami
plfotiaiitly Icwtlng nilewirutu witness ajjalu a
service no priilitahlo ami inspiring,
OlCoons Installed.
Tho olficc r of l4huway lslge, No. II'JI, 1.
O. 0. 'P. wiro iiistalhd on Monday night by
Stttu lk'puty, John iJul, for tho term end.
In; Jnutiiiry Illrt, Ih'i1, as follow! (Sen,'.
UtcliiIiM, V. C. T.i Katlu llunu, W. V. T.
1'n.ukOiopcr, W. S.; If. Diamond, W. I'. 8.;
11IU I'ow'ell, W. T.; T.lla Wnght, W. M.; IM.
Ilerren, W. D. M.; Mis. U 8. Fiaher, W. I.
().; Saui. larrar, W. O. .; Ituby Unci), W.
H. tl.; N.muio Ilium, W. 1 H.; (i A. Schl.
Iii die-, I'. W. C. T. An oiiteitainmriit tout
liilttitu compiuied of II. Diamond, C A. fc'ehl.
Iirodu, lUa I'owell, H. W. Oarter and Ituby
Ijik'u, waj appoiuUd lo eur-o-for tho itrm,
Thu Imlgfi is in a tl-mrishiinr condition, ai was
shown by the bu. . n u of six new rauuler,
at thu meeting Monday uigbt.
Mai Kiu LuJuu Nu. 104. I. O. U. T. at 'furiior
sUtiuu lant is'isluriUy mgl.t lustallml ollleoni for
tlia cuauiag term a follow i U. B. 1'latta, 7.
a. r. i Aims Kuoh.K, w. tt. at v. a MvKtu,
say, W. V. T. A. a HalsVad, W. ft; ttA
ftsbo, W. A. A; i-lin Iti'ciba. W. It ,;
Klhs l'o-Uir. W. F.i W. . UoUron, V. 9.;
I!. K. Mehiuuey, W. M. Fere ilia Uitelioa, D,
VV.j Matin, li'eukii.y, . 1. (I i W. li. I'ortgf,
W. l !.; W. t! h:.,.:.ii y, F W. C T. Tho
lUtt.dl.Vwtui ii rviiiiiiiift uio hi li ltdliylt)W.
ii 1.1. ii'.n. ;, I, I) Ti '''' ii-jsirU 20
' Irt 1-4 i ' ml l-f it dill,'
(AlUsy A llivd 'a h'ew II t'l' rur.V
I'lllt'l'I.AM. ... iiaiii.nh',
I'lirul-linl lliioni.. In mills, or .Inyle,
It) trio tin), Weill, nc .ttuiiili
uti ain.. it ,uuki i;n, i.iH.i-i-, vi
A. T. & F. v. (UBER
(WIAU. Ilrluv,)
rtiiiiiiuirt lai I., - - - .Siilt'in,
soaxTj re
Kit and I. me- i re lli Intiirulun
Uittpdt.i--, t-ssal nl
f -II CS.NTAI., . - - Ht.ftcXOOO,
Aim tea
tVlltnni'ttit Tr.i. u . H u ' It tld u.
i.rftMltl. MIWMI bi III K IM'I,
1 ' .!! I- lis ISIIt tt
tti TO LOW.
lets i4 ti - i'.-i a Hapt r liunif ut. u&nl
Satem, 8p. , 1J,
M4 h T1A teWt llfJLN,
aiy otkar imh' if d. ' .