.1 ' N -.' j- "' H '' r 4 IPkPp IMCKD ITVBT PntOAT, UT CLARKE As CltAIG, rvsLiKiiKKS ikb rnorniiToiu!. S. A. CI.tltKE. I. W. OIIAIIi. Trrtno or NtihrtrrlpHon. One ropy, on year (M nnmtn.'rs) One copy, fix months (Jftnarrbi-rs)..... Ooi copy, throe month (IS nnmlK-rs J ....o . .7 MALUM, MUllAY, HOV. 8, 187ft. ADDRESS TO OUR READERS. V now iimiiiiv a noiition in tlic licM ol jiMrnsllm wlioru wo arc alio to furnish tin' farmers of tliu Northwest ft nrwujurxT ilovotcil to their inltrtsti ami lnrj0 enough to afford rp.vc for every topio wliicli they can wish to liavo ilisctissttl. When wo piircliaw.il the Wii.lamkttj: Kaiimkii, six anil a half years ayo, it wa.i not over ono-thinl the jiirscnt Kiw, ami wo liavo irteatlily cnlargnl mid improved it un til it in cecond only to tho gnftrrst metroioli tan journal published north of Kan rrancixco. tub "fAKMRU" Tin: rrori.r.' jouhnai.. The ieoplo of ttiis legion dtrervc to havua jicwsuit.r of their owti, and thin in tho only one that can lw called so. All othen aro scct.v rian or partisan to a degren that prevent their Mug Mrrptcil at rjjiotienls of tho principle m wu should nil liokl in common, or ndvocnten of tho interests of tho iH'OpIo uill cUvcly. It is nutcrioim that tho tapum that rnbimjtoliM) the jitmn and mi most completely cccupy tho field nf journalism, aio controlltd and ihriittil in the iutcri-nt of 1'urtland capitalmU, wliont ffx culaUint and ptditiciani, wjulo thograipin; araritc of tho moit intolrrahlo monopoly that is. Known to tho IVifio Northwest, only le icivti frem it worih of lounnciid.ition, OUR I'NI.WKIKMI'.NT, With tho pp.19 nt otir command at the rrtcent tlmo wo filinlT l! ntlc to cover n more pleaded fkJtl tJW K-ieloforc. Wo tliall give Hid inol Irrtporlaiit newn of e.ith wwh, slrttr, national and foreign, so that a reader nf the Varmfk can liavo no t aniso for Iwing ignorant of all important event that transriiro nt home orahrwul. It ahull l ft ncwBtmtcr, and n popli lajHT in tviry important wnw. 'llio Failuku it not only enlarged hut it wear n nuw ilrritr, our tyNt Iwiiifj new, so that tho print ui plain to tho oldest rye. Wo hnjo to make tho matter puhliihed in lt columuH rniomlwitli itunii and general nppeariUKO, ouu VOMTION. Our editorial lolutiiiH Mill tlnruss TiOtmUr epilations on thuir intreuiic merits, rtanding 11 tho hrovl pUtdinn o( right and morality, white, unfiirtiinab ly, olitical and M-ct.-iri.tu journalimii can achliiin Ikj found, jh tliaM In;. Ulimi it U so witlu and their idia so ifc-ltMi and narrow, they would ho lost upon it, COKIIKHrONljUKCK llMillUI. IK-clilo Ion al iniirti rontn at I'Dldtiiili no aro ncntiirini; with trio ritatIIi oi iiio rwmi jopuia tion, wo 0.111 ro.nonaUy expect that it inU rl will iiicroi. Wo invito all inUrmttd in tho imhlo (Acnpj'.Kin of iirtuilluru uimI i-tock i.n ing to Hind u tho nmlti t their ei:riiwo, ur to in iVn l.miwn tin ir wanU or h nil nupiiruM or Hiiiijitdioiii In our iiiliimiin, ihi to draw out tliirxM'riiiiMiof othtr.i for tho pnhlio gnxl. TIIK "MIlMKIl'' A IIIIANIIi: OIlllAN. Wo hopl to m.iLo tho KAlllir.it arccptnhk- to thiigranji hy fiiniifhin now.1 nf tho prpgrnw of th.it girot unlir in nur am region tun! In' whure, and wu nhall Ui gUd to receivo cnimmi niu'itiniiii khuwini; tlm imgnn if 1U rincipl and tho good aecoipHliiil hy iti iteiKing iniidit!rn. Wo rneiunter. I'Veiinmoiig f.uiinn, cotini.lir.ilplo npjxiiitKMi to tho giango, and fre ipielit nlijvrtiou to thi pnliliultioii of grange inattir, Imt we intend to liavo room in the i'aiimkk for nil, and all tho gol lIiJih-'Ih of tho Ordirof I'atroiitof llindiandry lava nur rani t fympathy anil ilrM-rvn all tho nupptirt wi wi givo Ihi'in. It li to Im regretted that ,i rxk'irty tlut hotihl hao fur it" oliject the initial, inU'lloctuul .ind imterial ndvaneenu nt id tho whole farming population, cannot 1 m I'liiiducttHl at to eomin.itid tho biipjiort and re rpt'ct o( every farmr in the I mil. IVoluMy th to it a gre.it diul id liuui.vi inline l-ulh in 'ulii and imUUlo of tho order. m MrKttis. Wo In.O f.t:illlie, thrwigti tin nuit relinMe prirabiiMurtKMa iur giving tin i ..'. n.' I U.o hat markoU la CViti FWtomio m d diver pl reaaived up to tbo buir of gon ; to pn n W eau itato tho amouiil of tnui,;.i t loin nu id tar your uv, ul rhall waUh a'l in. Itt i ht rjtUJto th p'ito oi inviluj..' and t!- (ij.'t.i of lb) marKuU vt .nlviu-o in tli imU i ot our roadtir. ho we be iUto y.w u f jurAg.iatoat to too :!tlrin; hnjmi e neu" ho4iUit4 to Ri alt mli .''to fiitti In th. : eoi '. from who n par tuppa-t 1 4ii and l pr r 4r.ty is ths mekflu-v 't "ur own. TUAT Wa U'lALL It'bUJIll. In addition to cay, ongiual anJ nm.-i.. ii l, rchting to agrieitltum and til .i n,- n tlm I'ueiQii Nurtbwoit, wo i''-ill m.i.' ' l tion from tho mtrioultunil jmru..l and (. li'ihlioationi wo receive fni.n all kcIiiiiu ! Ib Union, ttiOi tlm uutivtior to iniu .ill rimml iKK-en.iry for tho iiirntiuation ! home pro ducrni and till uhaiuuieut f l.oinu agneul ture. A rvrtaiu ninonnl o' mi.'i lUneou and rolcntilliJ rvadiiiK will I found in e ry n.uc witii lo'lihe.i of the huinoiou m'ekKiu.ill ami hOliotiine.k utory of mU-ruit, nuted M ro toluiunt. Our Homo Ciicle i tun liutid l n lily wlnueiperaico and littrary tatenn. to qualify )ior'pomally fot that dupu urn ut whlhmviy j oar oxporiiuiso j a liiimr'n w.'. ma it rwible for ber to rotuprvh. iul in. m:nferWr to tho nooutf wwil nf n Urines faaily. MCKA4.TCNI. Uinhanlly notMnwry to isy lo wr reguU rank that t"- PahKM will alJ Krv tho taut numl totitf m i fodoavor to carry U lieot aud pnrot iafltieai to tbv f-ually virck. Our torripnidciiiifion tho waY iKien intoreliBsanl with command and tho 'nM'ater cir We bavo no liitternciw to Tent, no angry word to landy with any, no personal interest to al Tiinco nt tho cxpcnuo of the general good, and if wo have any encmien wo do not tare to know it, and cannot afford to publish it wo propose to have none, at least among the Jieople, and wo care to have no friendn, nt their exjiense, among their oppreiworn. l'eoplc of Oregon I thin is your ntwnpaiicr, and wo nwd only your support to make it all you can desire. Can wu havo itJ Will each oiiq endeavor to fctnru tin one mote cash mile ucnlxrf If you will, wu can go on prosperouj ly and do yen good Mrvicc, Kmu with these "haul tirai" to contend ng.iiust we ( tight to double our litt, and we Iictjk' lo do it with your good biJp. Canvaucrs Wanted. 'Jlic Wluimktte Farmik wll m liberally to have every county in thu Stnte thoroughly canvawed in its Ijchalf, and to hat u nceoantn collected. lUliablu and competent vanvasrani will rcctive good pay in our emplox. We wish to have the Fajimkk introduced to iviry man's bonne in Oregon who is able to ay for a news pajicr. Concluded to Go On. Wo loam that tlio 1'cnple'n l'mtottive Trans portation Ounpany, of .McMinuville, bekl a meeting at 1'ortlnnd, lately, and roiirulered the proiKwiticn to disband, rejecting the Mime, and iustuuj got thu rcittiisito nmount of stock rnb. scnbcJ to tnablu thu company to eoiitii.ue in busimfm and will do so. Donation Land Claims. Tho following notice recently puUedird in thuOrigon (My KnUrprisc in of considerable importance to thoso of our rnader who own land, tho title of which wan dented from the (iovcnimcnt, under tlio Donttion L.iw of lWOi U. H. hANii Omcr, Onwcix Cm, Ok., October 0, 1878. j In accordance with Inntnictiotin iiccivcd fom tho Hon. Commisiioncr of the (kneral ljuid OO'iec, dated Aug i '.llth, iTu. a'l in r- tmi claiming laadn in thi J-nud Ihilrm, un. dtr Ihc provistonn ot tboVit (t OongtM Ap proved .September !27tb, lSrl, commonly known an thu Oregon Doiiatiou Act, ami the amend ment thereto, whoso ch m utrc lo-nir.1 in id vance of tho ptiblio i irv. it h '. iil .Stales and havo not bn dtlniti ly located ui connection with such surveyc, are hen by noti fied to emtio forward within tbirtj dayn from tho dato hereof and furnish pue!i udiscriptiou f tho pirtk'til.'ir traetx ilairned by them an will enablu their definite location on the plat if thinoiruc. The attiiitiou of cl.iimanltt i piuiieulaily dirweted to the fuel that in iM.iult ul sach notioo their ilaimn aro liable tofurl. ituro utxlcr thu provisions of tboflrdiKietionof the AmtmlA- tory Donation Act of Ibftl, which pr.vidis that all roiin claiming duuationi under thin Act orthoAvU b( which it in umcndatoi), shall givo noticn to tbo i rjeyor Oeneral or other duly authorized ii2M.rj ii torticul.tr landn t'.oiiiied as fui li ilii-..iw within thirty iLiyi after Is'ing rcu. tVd to do hi by such (illicer; and fjiling ih nolioo in cither iami, t tin (Uiniant or claiir.itilx sb.tll for feit all right and claim I). n to " Donation claiiiwinti iil tborv In W. ng tinib'r fn in will lt miliDcrvo tlmr otrn inleri't by giving prompt attention to Hum m.t.cn, thtrvby itviudin;; tbo stKiibility of buii.g t'.eir rlaimn djvl.tri'il forfeited iindi r tbo prut .1 .t of the An', iiliovo ipiotcd ClaitnantH who have not rr.il" thurruta! proof and uhtainil piti nt eerli.'i ..!- fur their oUiinsnro ii'ijuested to fnriiiiii Knih pnuf, iuhI titu tho moeiisary htew tn obtain their ivrtifi- caton without further delay. K T. IImiis, llegister. T. It. ll.iiilltMiN, Heciver. Aiken K rarnham, wbiwv tor- m ui lnrt otheo bliKl., iipiKwito Chemelitt.i l."l. I, Salem, oiler n splendid stool, ef ueu g". ' invito i.-uli trade. '11m induct unnti they ofbr Ht-iu to wniiv thim man) futoinw from thu country. AdmlniBtrntrix's Notice. VJOTICI. I lirnli) ctifti ehit Kki-(i h.-uit la- IbU iBt.iiui AImUhi Hu.IUi, ik.i.lt ut l.fi ivunl Ouri 11 v.viuii'guni, onujii, u.jn.1 .mijr, 11 Jin oiot liKTinUr, IstlCut lOoikk I'l t'.i' I l . 11. I 111 Ml lot iH-krwii; tlu s.ui A'l i ..1 mt ir.nl In Htld iU euro thntf) r,u.nl I. n .? 1 .Jexirtkl tl.c .U au I li ur .Jprtttl 1, iu. I h. . 1 r .n.y Uu, ti) au.I u iutr -Ul i.4 Ul iI . I fell McxJa ulrutm a-.J..-1-.l r- .Ml sVIIII, Am., .1 ivruia r At.,... ... .-.mm. im.i Sj , lllh 3l.J m V. &XKAS02TS, I t PiANOA It. n ,r;,'ORGAN .. JI.UIHt rti Hi iu I "l,lOv'l 11 t'u, Inf.l. . -UNI'II, . If.1 1 j-ti t m-i ill. 111 ii'.. Kl. ttr 1 ! .,... 1 . : i . 1 I . i ' r ' I ' i n y ! It 1 . r i.m'I lil I t . I if. . I 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 .t. iun 41.4 t t 1 . 0 1 . iiimi t. I' rci;'rrv. hu..l ii ,N J Itllll li aa CENT riiuiit Micuosc'ori:. eilUI'OTINTIIKWPRUl ttn. U if 4.1, IU, II cw J.BRIOKAOO., Ill Irinf, tw !. n IUuVM PMb M .4'bla. , NOT FAIL taruil roronr tntrttucuts K iVLtA.i. trlcr ttu ttrrililoti ur iuil rr arililn Iu rii i'imI m.miii I .ti.i.m. 10 ahv i'l: (SUN r4illri(il.tl liii I It iiiiirluifttiof itii Mi'llrl ln IVr Mtinl. I- uiH or Ari Iritllmul um, It r tlti'io a 1 Z' ir.il lltr V il nron in Hit rm i(t r( of ilin 'in rlttirtf, Mutl likr, t Uru rci-illoinrrriMl-r4 Uf riir ittUfii uf Ihr iiirrliuri' tH. tl.timlu. l'r uihiU t .ttuw A? 4i iu 14 ici' 1 rut mill ihr. t'WAIOmtfxi TO V IIIHIINH, VMI.IC, I ilfl.M'1 IIIN, cnrU tiH fl'4H 10 nil llinilKlllll ut wliulaitt fiU IM fM'inittlt' ! WMK lMk4Ali, '41 Mwiut4tl Hunk, 4'titraao, M9N1JMMY WAHQ & CS., ClrlalHal 4Jcwia Nuppl llmi tr & UdMh Ar,,"WUiijrt, III "WILLAMETTE FARMtlh PRIZE AWARDED. " Wo Distributed a Circular onthe Pair Grounds and offered a Reward or Prizo of $5.00 Gold 3oin to the porson who would first prosont it at our storo, out into throe pieces in Buch a. man nor that tho throo pioces could )o placed top other and form a perfoct Square A great many pooplo woro skoptical aa to tho poBBibility of its Doing done. To convinco tho Public that it 1b against OUE PRINCIPLES TO ATTEMPT TO DECEIVE OR MISLEAI ANY PERSON, AND That what we Promise we Fulfill, we here give you the Circular, and the Dotted lines show the manner in which it is cut, and the receipt of Mr. Ceo. F. Meacham shows that the money has been paid. He was the first person that presented the Circular properly cut. ..' K M And when we announce a well selected stocK oi ft CLOTHING, FURNISHINC GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES AND NOTIONS, That lnivo lifon nurchiiNPil for caih at liwcnt prlci-n in Pan Frtnclsro, anil tlint woari-HKIililNCHJOOOSAHLOW AS Til BY IAN I'O.SSIHUY UK BOLD, w- inonu what wo nay. Vi havt AJ liairlf luJViJlUlnl; UioiJlrlto3irixllorsw We Jo rAufl.r )fu a NJtoo it utltl anj l(xrt UiiokioltupoauiuUHr. W y Un u)nt JwlI (4 rul en the m Wvfl srlUt Ux .iOMit a . I t tujrtr. Ail iiiu rcwla ms irw wij vf Ui UUwt stjl.a uj IVJtru, nU ikxl L'l our tUtt CONSULT YOUR OWN INTEREST And rlr ua nA All vron trvtn li tvuntr will imlc our rvui4 ntUiDti.io, unj U C'.kd ut m k ftict u II irlvti In ,n rvun. ILw la uJikI UkU whenrJMtnUy IvaWd In KJrm, ut-Uii m uiucd lor a ilvlUl M uur Uirr tu It U (kvmIiU Iul u n.E53Vi:TTvr:E;n. And do ht trwltt, lor iu fouis ' Mt.l l lwnljr Ave tntW wvrt'i, VJ WiIiIIickJ until pUd far. Vry ItNiTJli'nlly, J9t JJlLXl. 5t& (1MJtjthcl,hiiiKkvU Ik-M, CntawrKHjUttJ the iVwtoBWv, SVLIHI, IICi:C20N. wm A VALOABIf INVEr-lIIOM, liHiWIIiMXWIMr THE 1 mZmj wsisei mm Mhmim in workmanshljo Ic equal to a Chronomotej1 Watch, and au olo?nntlv limsStcd ns a first-class Piano. St received tho highest awards nt tlto Vienna and Conturm?al Kxpo altlotis. IT 3KWS OrME-FOURTH PA8TF.R than other niacltinoii. ilts capacity is unlimited. There aro more WIL30JV! WACiJJMES sold M tho UnhoJ Stjter. than Cho combined sales of i.ll tin others. Tho WILSON illESUDtlMCi ATTACHWHKTN'ordolnKall kindaof lOpalring:, WITHOUT PATCMINC, pivon FREK with each rnsichlno. Si WILSON SEWING eflAGHINE U, 827 ft 82D Oroadway, How Vork; Now Orloans, La.? Cjr statu & Madison Sis., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cat. tf,i!3.Wi aumTitttim FAITH Tl FOHSTflJBH, Gunsmith, Agent, Salom, Or. I.i'Uiirf IliiiiruUlhftumool n . 1imrr.raJ ffMfr. (Ith i.j, tirut.s! ctutly ircinlitu -c AtiRCtirn T.1 mile known Ihll Mi?, I iln.. I'a I'uLt'kh.ffl. J 1. h'imt ACo.cnu-tliyM, New oi,tifcrt tiimi 1 I in t.to B ic 1 ilu tr Luciueut, iht tiO tftttyfrt trnt f c- i ilhrr. crlp It I;oUiiri Hour, a it.m ut hfi' r I I ' lUiil H ll rt .ill.-1 "iau -- A 'liwwi fiLiii li ub 4'M'a I itl.t. Trtrv. .1 '4rU." 1 .fvlll'i,!. Mill, am HIM it! - tuli .'li V4t'tv r..ti-t .lirtlh ui aii l.ra1-'. ' U '( P'i t i In ll thf r r(brat i-o . At y lui r r 1 tv'iI-.iM nurtti.U' ttiltiv U iMriialt ticliui 1 ibt'xuy a iiu iit4i:i rrtallxitt tft.1. l..tt. i- trn.U.. A rt. A l.( V Iluiyt.1. II . II inv.lftf.imL t 111 . Mi . lOlb.t ,. .. . ik lktA.itutVKEAil con tMsons. lVmil ouim.I4rtit , itiiiiis, " m ur", r l " ijvdSv vi".. miiu i i.otHurofluurvt&t' KrcMTKn or AiVen A. 1'arnbam f5, gold coin,- re ward offered for cutting tbeir circular into Uiree pieces In imtb a manner that thethreo piece when projierly pbwed together forms a jicifMt Kpiaro without loss of material, (Higmd) GEO. I'. MKACHAAJ. Witntssi John F, Fakuau. to the public that we have o!:ia:3 utd are cunatvtUy n.xlvli.t N- CKsxl., lad tLal 70U U five jvu, 3Ev3K?3C&S3LOLrX3a.9 mUMVMWNM'VIM mMiMnwu M MMftfU M " WORLD KLAiOWWEE) rFree ! I'ktirt .u.f. turvr u x t) riun7vd re. - -'...i......... UfV f la) ruawi.lollllui'rilM ArllclMot rucr. Ttjtc ,. 1 10 r r-liY.r- ie.t'itt-jr.ct.' ,1 v if i l'.'itwrit(r,cti:i ampirijuroiu-nnj.wirie.iu. SKlJOl i.l 1 KbC coxtr; pj1' i' In Wtcr. II C pmr.viwccnuror.ixrinriniiwcjrm urt'irvom nri',iic i re p lb Hll iraJijjviti y ii lh r. cm t rii w .11 iwiwiJcrU UaUorj avuUaiJ. p-.no! . CHARITY o,., , ..,.. i AH Ailll iii nr i ItW BtLlaBftOl ( -) rwicr.. n "i mctb rri"- "T . UIMHtkl Of Sa.fliH) ium ' v - if 14 C-ftl U Jj. Mwitfreyvw' . t. il JOHN- W. n.s OK THK- BOSTON RUBBER COMPANY'S GOODS CANPIELiyg FINS HAND SEWED T. ExIBRSONS SONS' CELEBRATED HERSOME GAITERS, Nt- Holbrook & Ludlow's Superior Grade of Ladies,' Misses,' and Children's Shoes. All ol which will bo Noltl nt prices which clcly competition Trout any NOtirco whatever. USB JN THE not See that our Trade Mark is on eachlPaekage! o S 4 jnt Co. 3 PURE AVHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jot Blaok ; and ALL COLORS. IRdCirszeta. Ready roar "Dso, AND EASILY APPLIED. B-'oi- (iiilc l I ho AcciUh: JOHN AW) SBOWGE, DAVIS & CO., vriioIi-NUli DrucKliitM, uiul DetilerN In I'nlntN, OIIh, unit Ulavit, KO. IM'ItOKT STUUKT , . XCIlTKEjuaUKrX, Or. Upon the above tc:Mni, Mesmrsi. ys;r: iai:il,Y A' CO. recelviul the (II the umiiius M'ATK AHICIUl'IriFllAi, SOCIETY, lor Hie Best 3JIl3Cecl Tn.1nt. Further relerenccsi enn be Riven touny part ol the Sftile, by I OWN Cklir II, W78. :B:o.i vista POTTERY. Aftkii k rwunn or idlene-, tubsk wu knr.ar.inav fiirstirnl ii.ipOI1ih tnn In full orrMiou m.tr!tificlurlni; a rmurlor and Impr.Hi-il arllclu, vtilcli I m blc lo oflor to tho lfelt a of M? pro-f List. WrupvrUr fount tlitM nitiuf4f lur.il attl.l. I'oitcry fur Ao )i.ir. r."t. anil U tqtuil tu Wf (dr'.ttvtiw.trt for atri!iit.tli At ft dnrabUHi S Kuiiriisiton SntUfattloii. Criti-rt, ii- r.ni-l far lEforUiit ios ttUl) rlM Hit, shi.iikl Uc Midi jciJ to A. M. DM IT 13, rniii.t Vlu Au- !t If rrntrtrlir. Fh in&l Guns! v&i SENJ. FORSTWER. Hillu, OiM-jfiii, A 1 AHO!I brtit'U t.f (.'HE-Mi Military Brc'cMadMRiflfj. s.u-h a. lU M'INlKU MIUU'K. l.EHt)XlJs a--..l INi'lllXTCK A. 4fu'l lw..mlit v.1 Xli.oool-locllxxc SHOT UI'NS ttnj Mtil.TIMl UlfUSt, ft all taaiml miVm Mull I iw it I'oiKct Cutlcrv, i;nlvo, Knzort, avil R'lvMtlUt.ditut from tjtusj. A!h I'lslttlllt TuLi Will fell nu low as au) 1miU k m nnwfDo !. imUJJlbi TAKE NOTICE I rgJrTHK VM.TEh COMPANY MAKECASU JL uJict iioii.l frail cond tr tttir ni-u. J. tl VA.YXAKP SECW.TAUY OHICC ItS IMliUrtllA St. ti, K. Au.3al4 UI.VKI.Nl: KHTOKU. nM lrtwou. by u, wi.a iu imt k t rawt. t 4 U!i fur txr (kiunt. fiutr liMr, lA, B.x cO. Jladlwa, lM.Ua aa: GILBERT, Tim T HEJ WORLD! Deceived! e P I O o 3 05 KUGHES, Salom, HUGHES, RAJX1I, on. Tho HighsatCach PrJcc Paid at A!! Times for Oats, or Otorcd, If Dcsirea, by onlctr Willamette University. fJMiK JiEXT TKUM OK 71112 UTKRAHY PE a l'tiiitLl, will hi(In M.uaay, hiL8, ins. vttlh U.. iniiomD.. iinructiir- T. u. Onni, rrntltn; Ui ji.uk II 1'uikti.i.. Vatlcmaticsaitihat fricucr; l.i its I nuacttuuv., l'rt-c.-itri.; -u, Joiitrn II0LHA.S. Aialtinkil I)i-iiiUUknl; 6c4ki.lA M. At lei. Jru.lc Tor full Lfiriaatltiiai:itna tbo Frrrtilmt. ct J A STItAtTON, JBn 4. 1TS tf Aytut, bi't-u, l)ron. SALEKT PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. W. P. JOHNSON. Artist. OTt-r Wiiiis Hook Uro, STATE ST HALEH. IJlCTimES TAKBM IN LATH8T hTYLES. trod Mlnlalnro tilcitira ti I. IV site. CCriES KNl.AHUhll t.iltDy.llo JlrluU. Marcb 15. 167U Kotlcts. ON.tlrt Uli diy cf July lart, T. Curu.lnihain made t aMrVttawnt to u for tho UnfCt of Mi CTvUitcrs, iMttrt,; In our torskmt at rarlotu vjm in thli viUly, .t qtvuttty cf IlEAltEII.-t, IIKILLU. fcrEDEKJt, CTI.1I VATtIl, rUlWH, uiJ otl.er a.-rU.iHurtJ lmpJcrtrfnU. bttlihuiiut l sola, anJ are c&trid at tcr law pilv. All itncru I at la; cliliiii avaiib4 tl BilJ AVcor u1U i'msko ivrvut tlw sum, July i.vrtiikl, at tltk oiic. and all iiarfjM lttdatfiiU toUau ttbclwr ly rtt cr rw twutt, arc rtsiulfod to rria IwnwdutUi pajnaatof tU iiau W tbo uuJiitJfo!, aal sax the ofl of tvilxtlvu JACOB HOLE, uao. iur. . WM. OIINHlKOKAtt, AadfnsM tl T. Umliiirpi a CV. a!, Sft. , ). aal OATS DAT