53 WLLLAME1 i' FARMER ( s iiscid iTinr rniDiT, bt OLABKE & CRAIG, ruBLtsmns iXD rnorniiTons. 8. A. CLAIIKK. 1). W. C'UAKl. Tfrmi or Hnbscrlpllon. One copy, one yesr (3? numbers) f2,J0 une copy, fix moninn'i'ninincrf) nn One copy, threo months (13 homhcrs) .7 SAI.K.M, Kit I DAY, NOV. s, IA78. rroclnmntlon of Truinksglvlnc The J'icaiilcnt lias issueil the follow iii( lroc lamation, tcttfuc niuirt Tliurnlny, Nuumbcr 28tli, ns a il.ty oftlmnl.pjivinj:. Tlio recurrence of that season nt which it is tlie ImMt of our jnojilc to maku devout nml imlillc confission of their ilipeiitlenio ujon di vine favor for nil thcgooil gifts of lift ami li.ippi. mss, nnd of fjiiblic jicncc and prosperity, exhib its in tlio record of the year nlmnilant reasons for our gratittulo nml thanksgiving, Almntl nut harvests, jirotluctivo mines, amnio crops of (tuples of trade and maiitifoctiirtshavu enriched the country. The resourcts thus furnished to our reviving industry nnd expanding commerce nro hastening the day win u the ilisconlo and ilistrcssis through the length nnd hrendth of the land will, under thu continued favor of IWidcnce, have given woy to confidenco nml energy nnd nssured prosperity, l'mco with nil nations has remained itnlirnkcn; domestio tranijiiidty has prevailed, and the institutions of liberty nnd justice which tli wisdom ami virtue m our miners istalilitlicil remain n l(lory nnd ilefimu to their children, Thu gen eral prevnlcni'0 of thuhlcssingof health through out our wide land has made more lonspicuous the suirerings nml sorrows which the dark hadow of pistilcnce has cast over n isirtiiiii of our people. This heavy allliction imii thu di vine ruler has tcmticrcil to the aiiflering com muuities in the universal sympathy and succor which have Mowed to their relief, and the "whole nation may rcjoico in tlio unity of spirit In our people hy which they cheerfully share another's dunlins. Now, thcicforc, I, Itutli erfonl II. Ilnjs, President of the Unitnl Htntts, ilo nppoint Tlimnl.iy tliu'JMli day of JN'nviiii her next, as n d.ly of national thnuksgiviiigaml prnycrj nnd I onrmstly ricomuitnd that, with drawing thcmtclvc from secular cares nml lalsirs, thuieoph)of the United .States do meet together on that day in tluir rcpcitiu plae.-s of worship, there to give thanks nml pr.ilse to Almighty tiisl for llisnnrciis, and to devout ly Ih siech their continuance, In witueis uhtreof I have hreutn set my hind nml cniisul the sinl of thu United .Statis tol... nlllxiil. It. II. IIAYIvS. Individual iMUsBy i ''H pH i&rtB nnHBJ.vi.1 tliatBKi .. I,... ..TMT iiisauc linn, (In here, where If with Mr It, SUICIDE AT WOODBUltN. Wn.i.iiriis, No I, 1S7H. Kliinui Itiioi.h We have a genJuiu cake of uicile m our midst. The l'loile of S'.vKnt Will !'. i,l!cct nil jrnui llurrows who. Inst in thii streets nt id nml Vmnoiinctil thr Ak- ,1'caun Ki k llcllllC llMllg I' ll.lll. On the .'Will of l.l.t inoutli he took n gun, .iing he was going hunting (wiih h ho fieiuutly did), hut f.iiliI to eoiiiuhumi'i sterdn the neighlHirs tumid nut In look him up, whin he wan ton nil !y Mr. C.tcyi he hailslmt hiuiMlf tluoiigh tlio head; lentil had itoiiht lest hi en instantaneous. I'ttir li .Mathoit, Justice of the IV air, was notllliil who iuiuii'dintely i inp.inclcil a jury, the following is tin ir vmlict: We, the iiiiiUrtlgiicil jurors, t iiip-iuclctl to in iulrn Into tho entino of the dc.it li of I drain Itiirrnwu, docc.mci!, do Hud niter lAiiuiiiiatloii of witnesH'snud physicians, that tlio tlivennl ftllnu to hi death hy a guuthot wound hy his own hand. (Slguwli .Ions A. I.ni'iiiitiiu.r.u, .1. II. Si rum i:, II. ItlNMIIIIt. I'lIANK MlllUIS, llMMt'lM.V, I. II. IVI. "We Wont a Grre-board tor Ma." A hoy, not over eleven years old, whoio pinched face betrayed hunger and whoso cloth lug could hardly lie called hy the name, drop, ped into a carpenter shop on Oram! Itivcr Av enue, the other day, and after much hesitation explained to the foreman! "Wo want to get a grave-lioard for ma. Slio died last Winter, and tho graves arc so thick that wo can't hardly find hers no more. W went up Inst Sunday, and wo enmo awful near not finding it. o thought wed get n gravo hoard, so we wouldn't lose tho grave. When wa thought we'd lost it, .lack ho cried, nnd my chin trimhled so 1 could hardly talk!" 'Where is vmr father)" asked the mricn- ter. "Oh, he's home, hut ho never poi s up thcru with us, nml wo ihnn't tell him about tho hoard. I guess ho hated ma, for he wasn't homo when she died, and ho wouldn't buy any coffin nor nothing. Sometimes, when we are sittin' on tho door-step talking nliout hir, and lack nn' Itiid nro cryin', and I'm reincmbcrin' how sho kissed us aforo sho died, ho says we'd better ijuit that, or we'll get what's bad for us. Hut we sleep up stairs, nnd we talk and cry in the dark nil we want to. How much will the board hot" The cnrjientir selected something fit for the purpose, nnd asked i "Who will put it up nt tlio grnc'' "We'll take It upon our cart," replied the boy, "and I guess thu gravc-jard men will help its put it up." "You wan't the name painted on it, don't you!" "Yts sir, we want tho hoard white, and then wo want you to paint on that she was our ma, nnd that she died tho -d of Novi mbcr, and that she's gone gono to heaven, ami that she was one of thu liest mothers ecr was, nml that wo nru going to lie good nil our livn nnd go up wheru she is win li we die. How much will it cost sir!" "How much have you got" "mil, saiii tiiu liny, ns lie lri miit out a littlo enlieo bag nnd emptied its emit mis on thu bench, "Hud d rawed the baby (or tho woman next dixir ami earned twenty.Iiio cents) Jack ho wieded in tho garden and larucd forty cents; I run o( errands nnd made kites and fix ed n boy'n inrt nnd liclisil rnrry some npplps into a store, nnd I earmd ixty-tivo rents. All thatmakis n hundred nnd thirty cents, sir, nml jn don't know wu'ogot it, chum wokrptithid ill tho ground under a stone." The carpi ntir meant to Im liberal, but he said i "A grau-hoard will tint nt least three dol l.irr." Tho lad looked from his littlo store of metals to thu carpenter nml Imrk, rcnlltil how many weary weeks had iased since tho first jieiiiiy was earned nml saved, nml sudiUuly wnileil out I "Then wo can't iiecr, never, buy one, and ma's grave will get lout." Hut hu lift thu shop with tears of gladness in hiseyis, ami when hu returned yesterday littlo Hud and daekweru with him, and they had a enrt. 'I hero was not only In ad. board, but ono fur tho fool of thu flrau- well, and t.Aintrr and carx liter had dniio tliOashnik with full hearts, nnd done it will. "Ain't it nw fill inn.' nicer than rich folks Ium '' wlilnpirrd the rlilldnu, iih the Imard weie lung plnreil on the carti "won't the grave look uiie, though, ami wont In.i Iw awful glad!" WJCATBEB REPORT. Lt Oirl bo Taught to Swim. Battlo at Oregon City. Last Saturday quito nn excitement was raised In the othcrw ise ijuiet littlo city of tho Willam ette fall) by ten or a dorcn men armed with knives, pistols and clubs, forming themselves into committca to put a stop to tho Chinese la bor in tho woolen mills. Tlujy met the Chinese KOLA, "Xov. 1, 1670. Tho London Standard says: Among the During October, 1878, there wero nine fw survivors from tho terrible wreck of the days during which rain fell, nnd nggrc- l'rinccss Alice arc three members of the same gnto of 3.30 inches of water; eleven clear family Mr. Thorpe of tho Old Kent road, 17 and eleven cloudv davo. 'cnr of aW his sister, .Miss Thorpe, who is n Tho mean tcinnernturo for tho month Vcar 0-l'cr tnn I'l'istlff "' " brother, nft stiley cnmo from their work , nnd mnde nn nt wns-i!).32deg. Highest dnlly mean tcinpe',nerel'y of " Allthese owe their lives to the tack on them, which wns resisted. The fight rature for tho month, 60 degrees, on tho fact t,"vt tntv wcro n''' to ,,v'ln "l0 ljoy8' i wnxed warm, assistance cnmo to both sides nnd 6th. Lowest dally mean temperature 12 " wm'm ,ccm' wero B01nehow scratca from degrees, on the 21th. Mean temperaturo 'er istcr. They were lmth picket up by the for tho month nt 2 p.m., 69.61. amc ,'0lt, nml wcrc' v,llt" xt "C,I,C" t,iem Highest thermo'meter for the month 72 .from. .t,lcir ',crilo,ls I'0,!tion' M. ':"'"'." ,i:1? 1,y lleL-reei.. nt 2 t. .. mi II, n .lib. MM, "' l'ie. Jf.osister, wl.uwas otuertlian inner, Notice to Stock-men. thermometer, 31 degree1), nt 7 o'clock A. M., on tho 21th. Frosts occurred on tho 16, 1(1, 21,2.3 20,27,28,20 and SQtli. Tho provnllinf winds for tho month wero from tin Southwest during eight days. Jforti, nineteen day, fjouth, four days. During October 1877, there wero tot days in which rain fell, and 2.47 inchis of wnter; ten clear, and eleven clouuy Hays, Mean temperature for tho month 6f,0 degrees. Highest dally mean tcmpeia. lure for thu month, CO degrees, on tio Kith. Lowest dnlly mean temperntiro lor tlio month, 10 degrees, on the 31st. F. Pkaiici: Tbo Contrast. Umkr the administration of the laws of Kig land, thoso iersons who defraud tho jiuhlio for largo amounts nro ipiito ns apt to receive tun ishmentns jutty ofJendcm. In this resict, Kngliihmen may justly bo proud of their ccun try, for it affords n great contrast with the way alfairs oru managed In thu United States. Tho Directors of tho city of Glasgow Hank have all liein arrested nnd Imprisoned, nnd they nro not permitted to confer together, in order to lay blamu on somo ontsido person so they may e caic. In San Krnnclsco, hod such nn event ocenred, tho whole city would havo bem sur prised. Tlio way wo do business Is, whin n man defrauds tho public for n largo amount, If even imprisoned nt nil for n short time, his rooms aro sumptuously furnished, and his table has thu best tho markets nflord. Wo presume in tho end, however, nlfnini will change in San Kranciico.- Call. PLANTINO FlTuiTTltKk8.- 1'iom tlio fact that there was n greatdestruc tion of fruit trees here, in the winter of 18(11 nml I Ml'.', many lieeamo discauragod nut ccg leeted their orchanls. In fact, the irico and demand hardly justillcd very much attention to thu old orchanls, or in planting out now nrvhards. Thu farmers attention in western Oregon Imvu been mainly turned, for twenty years past, to raising wheat ns n standard mar ket. Tho cnuicipicnco has Ihjcii that our wheat lands nru much exhausted, nml thu annual pro duct is decreasing. It is, therefore necessary that wo turn our attention to several other sorts of production that will return a good profit. And of these, none will bo morn sure mid remunerativu thin fruits. Old orchards tan Ihi rovivmt ami hitmght tn n IFCstJ col.. union, iny nigu eiuirn-u nun YuvrrwrWTmiif. Hut. prhap. this process will cot more than to plant out new orchards. And. on lauds wheru old orchanls havo bcei) ttandin. for many years, thu ilcments which go to make wihmI nnd fruit nru pretty much eXliaii.teil. To achieved her own safety. She struck boldly out, ami, in spito of tho incumbrance of her garments, the force ol the tide, the darkness of the night, ami the danger to which sho cannot but have been subjected by the frantic efforts of those who wcrc struggling in the water to catch and cling to any object within their crasp, succeeded in reaching the bank. Tho exploit she accomplished is, if wo consider it, almost marvelous. The tide was rushing swiftly down; tho water must havo been cold nnd be numbing; tho night, ns we know, was dark and foggy! there round about her all tnc horrors of the scene; the "last farwell " wns rising from river to sky; in the water tho stragglers wero grappling, in their last agony; each with each, and yet through all tlie.ee horrors she fought her wny with a cairn, quiet lonfldenco which men who havo stood under flro nnd confronted death In other and even more sudden shapes might well envy her. Thu incident serves onco ngain haw important, nnd, indeed, good it would bo If girls as well ns Iwys were taught to swim. lil.llit out mini!' fruit lrr.M wliir.i ..1,1 a.i.m Kin this the mother's grave Im.hcrn marked, ,, ,,,,. ,,,,, j, f, Y ,1IV,mriU nnd wh.i. night .omts the time molherl,. si, ,,,,, n,HnVl ,, ,,,,, frt.,,, , ones will eiidillo rlinv together and whislur .i.i. i.. , .1 i .. , . ..,,. .,. ....... .,, in.., ,.' ,, ,,v iii.iiuin. .... ... . .... . worKeil into the sou ltoro planting. Tho cheap fruit driers, now attainable here, their gratitude that it cannot be !mt to tlivin, oven in thu stnmis nnd drifts of Winter, Mrs. Still Lingering. NQtwitlutaiiding the fact that the Statu I'air anil lA'gislr.tiini hast'l(ieil fur this j,ar, and tlint tlio people gcncnilly liar iitiirmd to their huint-g, tunttrud t tlicti own Imtinrsj, tliert' still lill)0'r in our iniiltt n few upicii'ii Imik- ili cturtAtrrs. nml we wtmhl sugj;et thai thr IttHipIu of Kili'iii i xeicnir a tittle tan about Imvitiu tlmlr lnuiim, hu I Ustemog their lUmi and windows at nijjlit. Uicil. Mrs. Jost'phiac Helm, wife of D-. .1. r.Holui iUuj(htr of Mr. U. IViyton, or this nty, dint at tier home nt the lllr on the .11 ult. (Ur s Huurt illm-M. Mrs. I trim had hwiijs fiien Is in KIriu u ho rgn't to hear of tier death - Indies, you can nuke o vi-ry irctty win. luw uniaiiicnt dy taking n Uiwlof water end pnttingin it two swut potatocf. In sevrml wcoks they will sprout nud throw out their jjiien IcnM's. Itwillbrn K'.uitifnl iue, nnd Mil lu traiiuil in nuv manner whicli the tatr 'f the pirsuu may desiie, ThetJuvcnor of Cilliforuia lias ifMiul l iliargisfur tliiitj-umn prixmers nowconliiicd in tho State Prison at S.m Queiitin, who will Kililcr.itid during XmeiuUr. Of this niitii- ikt twuity-fuur leceivo u.tor.ition to citirui. thip. The stage Kim, nt Itattltmake Station, on tile lallcs and lultoii unite, with tut horses, xmcli nml othcrpropi rty.wai uccntly tUttroy i A by tire. You cnu save '.l r icnt bj buying your dry (ftNiUorilutliiiij! nt Aiken .V I'miiltmu's new store.uext to the oit-i)lliii', Soiiip men ore like pu tiirw w hieli n iil and will bcarattiuiijf light; otliein U-ok best in a dark outlier. Tlio Administration of ttio'lliwnrlnn fitnto nillwuya hu hi'ijuii toll;lit thocntu with h''. beott-Slilitous nt tlio Opera IIouso Last MKht. Mrs, Seott-Sidilons' entcitainmeiit, at the 0elii llome latt night was witnessed hy a wry fair Iioiic, though nut large ns we should hkeil to have si en. At s o'clock Mrs, Scott Siddoiis made hrr nppe.irnueo on thu tage, nnd was grictcd with loiiil applause. Mis. S. h.is.i splendid tmee nud mm elocution nry Kiweis, as was cwdinciil by the line man nil hi w hull nil of tlio pliers wiu lead, iin- eially "sleip-widkiug-Seiiie, ' "Mnibeth," nml CrrviU of the Iklls. ' Tliu nitiiu H'rform aucr was lutiiird to with uiaikiil nttcu- tion, and was appicci.itnl as much as any hi tcrtaiument ould under the einumt.incii the luiiiie hung as told ns a lam, ivndiitiig il iy imrimiftirtablti to the liearers, ns will ns t'te itaitvr; and bail nt the r n tertmnmeut lit n extiaortiinaiv giHul, llio autlitiitv would nut har ivniAlUtil in o uiiiomfortubli' . housr to lnr hir tlirt.iij:li. Mrs. i. will npHitr ttgain to.iiij.hi, m ulnili time wt trust thr Imnstt will Ih oai!r ttuiiftirUlik, .mil that li. will In git t ltl ! a Urge audit nev. Umiiao itaattns Club. Ai a n-guuu' met tin,' f the I'liduir Itnating t tub Im'W bit ei iiiii i in this city, tlir lotluw iiijl o'ti 'i r utrc tlittt.l: lirn, 1'. liray Presi ding i.'t.'. Hi nt ii, Vieti I rrsi.lrtitt W. J. Clarke, fcevrtUry and Twnsurvri V. 1). Meruit l. Ut csptaini J. W. I'orsjtlie, '.'ml Ciijitalni Ihivutivu eomiiiitlrr, James I'orthc, lluley Pcrrine, and K. I. .Mrfully. It was nlu tie. teriniucil to gio n siln-t jiaity in the near future. One of the hotilc tint .i-ittsl in tho iniir iler of ( ieorgi'i'iygjii ami then turnitl St.itesi i. dciiu', has gone unry nml stands in thu Pondle. tun jail janl cliamnl by one font, Millicicnt ruduico h.ii U tn obtaiutil to justify the hang, mg up of trwr.il ol them. can lo nui on our fruits to any nmoiiut. and to pmlit to the fruit r.ii'ers nml dryers. Tho de liiiml fur our dried npplrs, nars, plums and corn is unlimited, nud the price ouite encour aging. Tim exierirnei of our K'oplo hum in raising fmit, will Ihi iv good guide to them in selecting trees for new orchard". I set out a largo orchanl, some twenty years ago, and planted some tmeuty-four varieties of apples, ndoeii varieties of poars. If I wiro now to plant out nn orchard. I should plant not more than nlioiit tight varieties of npples and thrco of pears nml plums, I should plant out of thu (KMehrs, thu Icllcrsou nud (Ws tiohlrn ilnp -mainly the pencil plum. Our old lands Mil be cultivated success fully in fruit trees, which do not exhaust the soil from raitingvege talili in the siuccs Kturcii the trees, or grain after the fourth year of planting. Tlicre should lie n million of fnnt tuts planted in Western Oregon vvithiii IS mouths to come. IJotatton in rn'ps is just tut iieoenaiy hem as in nny other ol the Mates. Corn, imtatoe. Iwaus. (was. i lover, Uetstor stork, and ouioiis and several other species of vtvetablr should bo rusvtl iu abumuuiiM- hen-. i th nursery nungivv literal ilirrctiuiii. as to how to plant and cultivate fruit lit ., it is not urttssary tlutt I rit on that matter. I- X. IMoher .11, lh7K BulclUo. This afternoon nliout .1 o'clock a man by tho namo of Joseph Click went to the llcnnctt IIouso and asked for a room, ho was shown one, and left alone. A few minutes alter thu rcjiort of two shots fired, in ipiick succession, was heard in tho room; upon going to tho room it wns found tlint ho hail shot himself twico with n pistol, tho first ball going in at thomouth nml coming out nt tho back of thu head; tho second shot entered the heart. Thu Coroner was no tified ami nt this writing was holding nil in iuist, a full report ol which will bo given to morrrow evening. Coroner's Jury Itoport. Tho following report of tho Coroner's .Jury summoned to Inquire into tho death of Jacob Klcch, whosu suicidu was announced yesterday evening! Thu undersigned, Coroner' Jury, summoned to inquire into the death of Jacob Klcch, find that hu was a native of Switzerland, lwru in Thryngen, Canton U'liafDianrcn, aged 28 years, ami that hu came to his death by a pistol shot tired by his own hand, at Salem, Oiegon, on tho .'list day of October, 187(1. (Sigmd) W. P. Kkai.y, .1. ll..i, I). P. Luoniim, llLI-H I). ItlCKI.V. J. A. ClIAI'MAK, J. II. Hciuur.'i. Offlccm Elect of Dashnwny Lodeo, No. 301. i. o. a. t. At thu regular meeting ofDashaway l.udgu No. :M)I, I. O. 11. T., held t Hood Templar's hall, in this city last night, tho following olli cers wero electetl to scrvu tho term ending Jan. .'list, ISTtli 0. P. I.ltchllel.l, W. C. T.; Kntiu Iliinu, W. V. T.; Kr.mk Cooper, W. S.; II. Hiainoiid, W. K. .; Kiln Powell, W. T.j Klla Wright, W. M.;S. W. Carter, W. Chap.; .Mrs. I. V. Ki.hir, W. 1. (I.; S. Knrrnr, W. O. (I. This lolgo In now rim almost one year, nml hns held its own well, the rejiorts makoagiMHl showing, nud the members feel wry iiiucli iiicournged nt the work dnnu during the short time thu lodge has Ken in exittence. The olhcers will bu iiist.dled next .Monday evening. Open Tcraucranco Mcotlnc. I ho Opculcmpcrauco meeting was held in thu lecture roam of thu Methodist church last night, but nn account of the ali.ence of one of tho leaders, Dr. W, II. Itow land, the discussion that wns to Imvu taken place, wns not had; short speeches were made by several of the inemlierv. On motion l .. Schlhrede, Miss Kloreiico Adair and Mrs. Hatch w em npimiuttd m a committee to arrange a programme for the noxt inciting nlsn to nr ango for tho uiusio on that ncuassiuu. Tho audience was then enter- talnetl by a short but ery iuterotiug speech by uncle David .NeWMMiie, alter which thulnc-'t ing ndjourueel until Wednesday evening nt , o'clock. in n few minutes there wero some twenty or twenty-five whites nnd fifty or sixty Chinese engaged In tho battle, which made it real inter esting. The authorities finally succecdid in stopping the dilliculty, but it is thought that thu trouble is not yet over, Several of thoie engaged were sevenly hint, onu Chinaman re- ccivid n pistol shot which may prove f"tal. The Chincsu havo been cutting dow u wages, iu their mills until they arc two low for any white man to make his board, to say nothing of his necessary expenio of living, and we may expect any day, to hear of even more serious difficul ties than those experienced on Saturday. An Iowa girl giltcd shamefully by a young farmcr,rcccntly took her little pistol and sallied forth. She didn't shoot the the farmer, but merely tumbled over one of his horses,nnd he'll hnnlly get in crops enough to begin house keep ing with any other girl this fall. ilessle Turner has been cciipscil by a Kansas woman, who claims to have been carried four miles and married to a man she hates, while in her sleep. A Remarkable Beiult. It mnko no difference how many Physic ians, or bow much modlclno you have tried, It Is now nn established fact that German Syrup la tbo only remedy which has ulvon comploto satisfaction In sovcro cases of Lung Diseases, It Is true tbnro aro yet thousands of persons who aro predisposed to Throat and Lung alTectlons, Consumption, Hemorrhages Asthma, Hovoro Colds settlo on tho Ilroast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Ac, who havo no personal knowledge of llosehfo's Gorman Snrun. To such wo would sav Uiat oO.OOO dor.en wero sold last year without ono complaint. Consumptives try Just ono hot- no. Koguiariizeio' corns sola by nil Drug. gists In America. HAXIOM MARBLE WORKS. WM, STAIGEE, MALtn IN Head-Stones & Monuments tXCCl'Ttll IX Italian and Vermont MARBLE. II ran tli Shop at Albany. Autlrctsi A. STAI(ii:it, Albanjr, Orruoii, Alto, v try vsriety of rekctr ry and othf r stone work done. Kiirclsl atti-nlloa irlvcn lo ordrs from sll Carta of itio Htsi. ami U'sihlnittoii Territory rrceWtx! y msll or otherwise, and promptly fnrwsrdrd. AU work wsrrsnitd. Apr u TS THE UNDEHSIONKD WOULD nKSPECTPUL ly announce to all whom I' may concern thai ho IsmaKlnc tho (IKLUIN'U ol riorsrs, and esue-cialry that of 1IID(1ELIN0, nnd 8lAYINU '1ATTLB, a sptclalty In the Veterinary practice. He olTirs to pay any man now 11 Ing on the 1'aclrlc slope (SOU io meet him and do the rfhovo work ns well, any llnio In lbTS. lie puataitccs tatlffactlon In all caves, or makes no charge, the owner of the stack to be tho Judceof tho work. He his nut luit n tingle Itldge llojr Horse from the operation Tor near three years, 'ino following nro my appointments up to Oct. 31ft, after whlrri any patties wlihtng my services will pleato aditre'S IV .11. LIU;, V. &., The Itallea, Or. Ashlanil, Jnckson Co.,Sept.l!o to 23. Jacksonville, Hept. S'J to Oct. 2. Cnnyonvllle, Uouglas Co., Oct, 3 to 4. Itosoburg, Oct. 6, Oakland, Oct. 0. Kugeno City, Oct. 7. Junction, Oct. 8. Albany, Oct. 10. Salem, Oct. 11 to 20. Corvallls, Oct. 21. f Dallas, Oct. 23. Lafayotte, Oct. 2.5. IIlIlBboro, Oct. 2d. Portland. Oct. 2d. Oregon Oily, Oct. 20. Vancouver, W. T , Oct. 30. St. Ilolons, Columbia Co., Oct. 31. DnrlDi Bute Fair week I will In at (lalncs Vlih cr's rlsble on Commercial street, HALBM. At l'OKTI.AND (Oct. W), 1 can bd found at tho National Hotel, Circulars, wiving tcrtlnonlsls from well-known stock-men fcr whom I havo operated, throuih Or egon and Washington, will bo rent tree on applica tion. snl)um2 EAILE0AD LANDS. Hiltcrnl TorniNl LOW VHICKM Z.0.-VO TinRt LOW INTKItK.1T Tno Oregon and 1'alirornln nnd Oregon Central Kallroad Companies OFFER thslr Lands for Mlenpon the fnllowtnc; libe ral terms: One tenth of tho price In cath; Interest on tiie balance at tho rate of seven per cent, ono year after sals; and each following year one-tenth of tho prlnclpsl and Interest on the balance at tlio rate ol tsven per cent per annum, lloth principal and Inter ft pajrablo In U. 8. Currsncy. A discount often percent, will ho allowed for fafh SW Letters to bo sddrosscd to P. K'UULZK. Lan Agent O. A C. It. II.. l'ortland. Oregon. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 0IIKG0N A.D WABniXGTO.V Company Trnst Investment OF HCOTLAND. mills Company Is preptred lo necoilale loans In JL sumslrom tMO ti) Uxi f e run J ocr IMl'ilO VKI CITV ritOI'EHfV and FAHM LA.NOD. for nietl periods jf yesis.or repayable by half-yearly In stallments. For terms, spply to WILLIAM IIEID. Msnager, nolr HFtrflBlrtet portlan THE WALTER FRUIT DRYER JIANUFACTUIIINO and THADINO CO. oArzrAiJ sToou, 3100,000, Aro now Prepared to Furnish the WALTER DRYER At very low price., Irom g3JU to $7UO. FRUIT GHOWERS, TAKE NOTICE Tlint;., l.usu ,v ('oiiiiany nnd I.uhe (2. .'eorleli .V Compiiny, ol .Snn I'riin lto, pronouiit e "Tho WALTER, tho boct dryer now in use." J.W. GILBERT PayN CttMli for Hides, Furs. fc Pelts, s21 Commercial at., SAI.K.M, iy RVTAULISJIKD 185. . --six Willamette Nurserv G.W. WALLING & SON, rilOI'ItlETOIIS. Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. waiXTng's Tlie W'.ilU Wnll.tf.ui slinusa KiUuco im the -onj mle of tin- lol. 'I u fairnf l77 M all eviir, nn I left n lul.inco of $."tH) iu tlio treasur) lliu fair of l7S nluontctl tlie Kit-nm-e of the previous jixtrnml Kit tlie society Soil) iu tUM. It Is now olulnii'il tlint tlio Vnltiil Stuti's iiroiluco inoro i-nriit'tit thnu liny oiIut country In tlio world. In ImToiIio vuIiio of tlio uroilui't win $9J,;:cti,(XHi. 1 u Mi fur IniiHirtutlonx of I'urin'tlnic iiiiiuuiitetl to nearly ;rii,W.000: In 1S77 Uipy wvro only f070,iW. ljut week n tlie locomotive on tin. West 'lile, at i'uitlaiul, w muting ttoari tho tmvk a (ieriuan ty the luniivof (ieorge 1'urus atteinit- ihi to ennui insiii the i.ilut but imssi-il his foot- iugauil fell umtrnirtUh the vturme u liieli Jro.val ium stuiie tlistnuce atitl killesl him aliixut in- tantly. No Iil.iuio is att.icluxl to tlie euj.'iiicer. , fellow t-onlliicil in tho Itou'lmrg jail .it temiitcil to commit miciJo by tflkuig n lot of liieiliciiie I'rtriill'nl by ,1 rli.NHei.iii.in one tloe. Tlieiluctor taiil it was iiiuughto kill n mule, luit lie still bus. Mtilicii.e will never kill llim. ltJiebiiO! rUiiuleaUr. Jtrih IWrry ainultotl ami severity lnMt .1 man at Kniiia last wwk. Iterry elmletl iurnlt ami went to iValctlo, t which il.u-e he pit into an alienation with the "wruiie! feller" nml IVtry esuio.H.t secenJ Kit with a fatal rut in the aUlwiun. The t.o Hay .W-ws says the l S. MIial urrvstvtlseveraltitlirng'tluniiythcwevk.i'harjriil w ith trivial iiifriiijrwtiits ol the renm- hw of the Umtiil Mstes. A lit I sou ..! taut. J. II. 1. ,, if As. toon, abjut four iw old wa dn-eil ui tw bav.at that eit a fiw uai . Daatructtvo Flro nt Wootltmrn. 1'roiii n lusiciih'cr who tame no on the train Ut i-vciiiiij,, wo learn that tho little town if WiHkliiiiru sustained inute 11 lossi on yesterday aftirniHiii, nbotit I o'eloek, lire was dicovered ill the store of Mr V. I). Morrii the alarm was (ouiutcd which brought the eilirciis out in full force, who did exerj thini; it was iMiMilile to do to stay the invades of tho llre-lleudi but thev wero ton late, the tlanies had gainitl such hsAihrny before ditcovt rod that it wiis out of the tiutstion to tl nnjilun, but tee thu l.inl.l lug and contents bin ue-1 to ashes. Tho total lo i entiiiiated at iiUmt tJ,"0O, which is lar tidily eovcretl by s,.V)i) iiituraticv. LaUlth LoitGO I. O. G, T. At a uvular meeting of tahish I.olge, No. Iih!, held lat Moiiday uiht, at !.ibih school hoiue, nlHiiit four miles ncith of this city, tho follow in,; ollicers were elevtisl for tho term eiiiliuj; January HI, Ib7!. William Coctlrich, W. C. T.i Um lliiblartl, W. V. T.; JUiabricl. W. S.j Kmma Fisher, W. A. S. (.'luis-ir (lood rich, W. Y. S.; A. .1. Kishtr. W. T.; Nina McNary, W. l A. .1. Spon-. W. M.i Klira McNary.W. D. M.i I. i Ki.lur. W. I. (l.j W. 1). fl-VKctt, W. O. (I.i II. T. llruce, l'. v. f. r.t .Mattio .Mcary, V. It. M,! -Jennie (irvslino, W, K S.j Trustee, I. t'. Fisher, II. I. McNary and W. I. Clagtt. A ji'ddler, oveitakuij; another of the frater nity on the road, eclainutl: "Halloo! What do jou oarri" "IViteJit medioiuv," was the njily. "(loo.!!" You go ahead, I earn j,"ne-stoue," was tlw ivjuiinler. , Unf and brilliant meteor lij;htotl 1111 the iufcrtiiwtetrll ltasvvus lut tik-lit. nlnwit half. ivivt nifc'eit o'clock. I Raisins made in foriy-Disol tours. Applos dried in three and one-half honrs. C1AJ.L ut our olllre MR ('iilUornln St.. Mm I'rniuUi o. uiu! ro (lie Ijtuiitlliil Iroll tlrletl ly Hit, U'uller Irer. J. H. MAYNARD, secretary. mK ULy sk nujin.' OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. Frantlco. ItGtirUlt LINE Between I'orllariil and San TlllWIi'lill IICKKTS Can I.i pimkaitd nt ihe urlnclpal buttons 01 the t . v. 11 II . si Xloclnoocl Xlntcu, Stesmtrs Uave)othroiiJandsndSaqFrsnelcoalout Every Five Days, carrjlni; l'aisenrs and Fiel.-ht at tbo LOWET ItATK' Il If the only llns Ctrl) In; the l', b. MAILb and WELLS'. F.MtliO lUVKXritCbS. The blearr.ihlps of Dils L'omiiany are rsttd A 1, snd are new. elecant. and eornnl.iH in ?wrv mnirHi., and contUt of the State of Oregon, Ncw.. -.'.CtYitoc burden, George W. Elder, City of Chester. (liW tons.i AjaX, (ISM tons. i For (releht or paMi:i. apply at tne Company's ot flee, corner F and Front suet ie, 1'oktiumi, noilf CEO. W. WEIllLElt. At'tnt. PEACH PLU3K Xlio Itiilliut lJriui?, And in- be.t lanittti of l'llllll. I'riitio, I'tsicli. -ipplt'. Icar. Clicrry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FfLL ASMJHTJinNV. Sond for Descriptive Oataloguo, JOHN KZtNTO. BRKEUtll ur 3IKRINO SHEEP, rilAKES plea.ure inorrerlinr io tbe Wool-Orowerf ol .-.... v tivi.ukiiiiiMiiJii ji&iiirturt. aua as ttrloiriitrtlrs Interested tbti they fan. and will iu- iJ.lo(;I.LC.".Ay:U ',(AT,S lsu .ntli ctu pof.lbly lw Imporled. Examination ai d eornparlfon vilih olh- r hhnp ollered la tlio maiktl art- ruMially linlttd. AUJ'c" JOHN MJNTO. m ii ... t. .... Saltfia, Oreoa, N. U, The lianif ar-d Ham Urabs of the Bock can be seen on ifco IsLANO FAHU. ailjolnlns ba:em.- HILL FAHM foar and a hall milts sosih of the city. balera. September 10. lh7S, nit. k. v. niANt', orilf , Unrbin's hinek. uu lUlrs. wtt SWEET PPrMH ATI CiiewMKkiTotao AsarJc Avt ytiu a IVnitnnitl Eitotillfo lit .t tXtuUj tl4liM &n4 tflUrt om-I IoIiaj rAur. -! c tMHUntnj at.l Jttroring Tht ltl Ivl4rc Sr Bift.lr l. our blu ulp irftJ,ork It rich nluirj on lrrlof uttl,. M ibtl Jvlm', m U J csny rlw SoU by :l dol.n. hro4 Kr mkJ, frw, w Ci A. Jcuo.i 1 iv, llfn, ftUntmr, - t, V M'ertlieliner. Acts, SanFraccisco Humphrey's Ferrv. milt WELl KNOWN FEIIRV HAS NOT BKEN .. ,,T .. . 'u,,'i" ""mi ueiwcen rairm ant; Conalljj.amllestoalh of balem and 4 miles from llueua lla Aper sainnly,.Spt. 7. 1 thai Uve It Inreirularoperailon.Hltlstbuclcleand new and rlril cla frry-boji rasde by tno of Ihe bt bolid ers In Folk county. There are c.od roids on bolli liles of ihe rivrr. ()h-tro.ta tall, llnmphrey's Ferry. Au.aOmJ i:, C IllintV.V, Notice of Final Settlement. ATiiTICK it berth) u-,tcii thit the tm.lr Td, nn. 1 ttrcl lheruttef J, il, Ilublonl, dens.-Hd. lias med In K County lourt o( Marion tounty, M-.tctl Or lifwi, Ms tiiul awaunt, and that wld co-irt has ai-r Inted the mh tU of SouuiUr, J.is', at 10 o'tLnk a. u 1 1 J tU), tDfUtUilurcl.lttttOBi tkrttd a,.a ttln-nt then el T. II 111 uim;i). Oil. Jt, UTsttl tx tor ! :a .,. e, '72 x